Western Region Area 4 Venturing Yearbook 2020

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Western Region Area 4 Venturing

As the Boy Scouts of America response to the Coronavirus pandemic continue in our country, the Western Region Area 4 Venturing has decided for the health and safety of all Venturers and Venturing Advisors in our area to canceled our Annual Western Region Area 4 Venturing Banquet celebration. Venturing and other scouting programs must move forward. Instead of our regular annual celebration, we would like to present to you the summary of what has happened this year in the Area 4 Venturing.




Message from our Advisor


Message from our President


2019-2020 Area 4 VOA


President's Report


Happening in Area 4


Journey to Excellence


Hall of Fame/Leader of the Year


Venturing Leadership Awards


2020-2021 Area 4 VOA

Words from our Advisor Chrissandra sparks It is difficult to believe that the 2019-2020 term is rapidly coming to an end. As I reflect back on the term, I think of the positive impact that the youth and adults all across Area 4 had on Venturing. Adventures were planned and executed while memories and laughter were created and shared. Everyone willing to support one another which strengthened their own leadership. Individuals established personal goals, rallied around each other to support their fellow Venturers to navigate a journey, and ultimately obtain their personal goals. Along the way they met new people who, over time, developed a friendship that they will cherish for years to come. Learning to think outside of the box when times became challenging to continue to bring a quality program to those involved. A new side of service was established; not only helping our local communities, but reaching all across America in a united project. Servant leadership at its finest! I would like to thank all of the Council VOA members, Council Advisors, Area Vice Presidents, Area Associate Advisors, Area Venturing Committee, and our Area Venturing President for all of their dedication, support, and leadership to the Venturing program so that we could all “Lead the Adventure.” Without everyone’s support and participation, we would not have had the success that we experienced. Remember, the area VOA is not just the officers and the associate advisors; but each and every one of us. We are all in this program together! As the 2019-2020 term comes to a close, I would like to encourage you to reflect on all of your accomplishments. Being a member of this great program, we spend so much time sharing our adventures with our friends both new and old. It reminds me of what an anonymous poet once wrote, “May you always find new roads to travel; new horizons to explore; new dreams to call your own.” This is my wish for you. Have a wonderful summer and continue with the creative ways to keep delivering the Venturing program. It is my hope that you have the best year in Venturing yet to come! I can’t wait to see just where the 2020-2021 term will take us.

Yours in Venturing, Chrissandra Sparks Western Region Area 4 Venturing Advisor


Words from our President Steven soto This past term has been truly unforgettable and I am so honored to have been the president of our VOA! It is so sad to think that year is coming to an end so soon. I wish we could all meet in person one final time for this year at the annual Area Venturing banquet. I know these are some tough times for people and I hope you all are all staying safe and healthy. I know that each of us as individuals will come out as stronger leaders. Over this past term, we have all left a mark on the Area 4 Venturing community, I would personally like to thank all those who have made it happen. We have shared many amazing memories and share some very funny puns or “punny” puns I should say. I want to thank all of the Area VOA Vice Presidents, Area VOA Associate Advisors, Council VOA Presidents, and Council VOA Advisors for all that they have done to make such an exceptional year. It is because of you all that Western Region Area 4 Venturing strives to “Lead the Adventure”. I would especially like to thank my Area VOA Advisor Mrs. Chrissandra Sparks and Area Venturing Chairman Mr. Chuck Williams for all that they have done to support me and support our Venturing program. For now this is not goodbye but until next time, I will continue to be here and support Area 4. I am also looking forward to serving you all along with the rest of the region as the Western Region VOA Vice President of Communication. Next year, when we are all inperson at the area banquet I hope we all get to share the adventures we have had over the past couple of years. I know that Tara and her VOA for the next term are well prepared and I can’t wait to see what they do and the adventures they have. As I conclude, I want to leave you all with a quote from Robin Sharma, a writer from Canada. “Anyone can lead when the plan is working. The best lead when the plan falls apart.” Thank you all again for everything over this past year. Yours in Venturing, Steven Soto Western Region Area 4 2019-2020 Venturing President


WR AREA 4 VOA 2019-2020


It has been a fun year for everyone! Western Region Area 4 is a team of area officers who were selected by their peers whose supported by a team of volunteer area advisors and the Council Venturing Officers Association Presidents and their Advisors from each councils. Despite of all the craziness in the world today. As a team Area 4 Venturing Officers Association manage to pull off a successful year. Thanks to all the supports from our Area Committee, the Area Venturing Officers Association Alumni Committee, and all the Councils in our area.


2019-2020 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association Steven Soto Western Region Area 4 Venturing President

Zane Pert

Justin Sparks Western Region Area 4 VOA Vice President of Administration

John Aaron Bozanic

Western Region Area 4 VOA Vice President of Program Support

Western Region Area 4 Venturing Advisor

Elizabeth Morgan

Western Region Area 4 VOA Associate Advisor of Administration

Rick Kagawa Western Region Area 4 VOA Associate Advisor of Program

John Vineyard

California Inland Empire Council VOA President

Jacob Walker Orange County Council VOA President

Western Region Area 4 VOA Vice President of Communications Support

Deja Munn

Tara Izadi

Western Region Area 4 VOA Associate Advisor of Communications

Western Region Area 4 VOA Vice President of Program

Liam Hallinan

Western Region Area 4 VOA Vice President of Communications

Chrissandra Sparks

Piper Levine

Tom Sales Orange County Council VOA Advisor

Steve Vincent Western Los Angeles County Council VOA Advisor


Califonia Inland Empire Council VOA Advisor

Ian Goldenberg Western Los Angeles County Council VOA President

President's Report

Seven Soto Western Region Area 4 2019-2020 Venturing President

growth and leadership. Along with the possibility of starting another Council VOA within the Long Beach Area Council.

What a year it has been for us all?! We all began our term June 1st, 2019 and sadly will be ending May 31st, 2020. Over this past year, we have been busy and hard at work altogether.

Our administration team is proud to announce that Western Region Area 4 once again was able to achieve 100% Council Venturing Journey to Excellence completion and submission for the fourth year in a row! We are the only area across the entire Western Region to accomplish this impressive feat over four years. Without

This past year administration has been hard at work maintaining our contact with the councils. Each of our councils were contacted over this past year to see if there were any youth or adults forming, guiding, and/or leading Venturing Officers’ Associations (VOA) across the area. Three of our councils were leading the charge this year: California Inland Empire, Orange County Council, and Western Los Angeles County Council. California Inland Empire and Orange County lead strong VOAs this past year. Western Los Angeles County worked this past year to rebuild their VOA and we are currently working to help foster their


continuous support from each and every council, we would not have been able to achieve this! For 2020, each of the 2019 CVJTEs helped guide and illuminate the path for councils to improve their Venturing program. We are sad that we could not have any in person activities with one another this year but the program team has been well at work to help prepare the next VOA. As a VOA we have attended the 100th Anniversary of Wood Badge. As a VOA we attended the Western Los Angeles County Council Wood Badge course this past November. The youth and Ms. Elizabeth Morgan serving as Crew Staff, Ms. Deja Munn and Mrs. Chrissandra Sparks serving as troop guides, and one of our very own Justin Sparks going through along with Area 4 Alumni Natalie MacEwen.

over this term and plans to release one final newsletter later this May. All of our publications can be read online on Issuu.com where other Council and Crew publications can be found as well. Area 4 has established and maintained a presence on Instagram and Facebook. We have utilized these platforms to showcase the work of the area. Throughout this past year, we had plans to create content to keep and gain a larger audience towards us. Our Facebook has its own Facebook group which is Western Region Area 4 Venturing, this is one initiative that we have to connect all Venturers in the area to reach out to resources at a couple taps of the fingers. If you aren’t already, go and follow us on Facebook at @WRA4Venturing to join the 425 followers and 375 group members. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram with the same @WRA4Venturing with the 315 followers to get all of our latest updates.

At the beginning of February, I joined Tyler Grey and Juliana Murillo, two of the region venturing officers, to attend a Vietnamese Gathering of various crews from across our area. Down in San Diego at Camp Fiesta Island the crews gathered for inter-crew competition in preparation for a national camporee between the Vietnamese scouting community. While the three of us were there we had the chance to speak to Dihn Tran about the relationship between the Vietnamese community in scouting and learning about the diversity within scouting.

This concludes all that the 2019-2020 Western Region Area 4 VOA has been up to this past term and we look forward to seeing what the next VOA does. Thank you!

Finally, our communications team was hard at work this past year as well. Our VOA has published three newsletters


R hosted W 4 a e r A ientation r O s r e i ng Off Venturi

Nicole Stee le Chief Ed itor for National V enturing N ewsletter

24th Wor ld S cout Jam bore e

g Placement at la F y a D l ia or Mem y Los Angeles er et em C l a on ti a N

e o th t t epor R s ' s wan Angele E c Ma Los e i l a of Nat City

WLACC g n i f f a t OA S Area 4 V adge Wood B

Liam Hallinan wen t to Antractica!!!!

21 Tyler Grey 2020-20 esident National Venturing Pr

John Aaron Bozanic's Hornaday Service Project

Alexandra Giese's article in Boys Life for 2019 Gymnasic Championchip


Caitlin Kagawa After many years away to college and start a career in costume design. Caitlin Kagawa design to give back to scouting community and start a Venturing Crew focusing on cosplay. Caitlin is a cosplayer and professional costume designer. After earning a degree from UC Berkeley and making costumes for Disneyland in California, she began working full-time in film and television. Her credits include HBO’s Westworld and the upcoming Marvel film Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. She encourages other Scouting volunteers with unusual interests to consider channeling those passions into Scouting.

“I had a great time in Scouting as a youth and have been thinking about coming back as an adult volunteer for years,” 14


Liam Hallinan One of our Area Vice Presient, Liam Hallinan decided that his would like to explore the world last year and the detination was Antractica. Jeffrey Bozanic who work take him around the world as a researcher. Liam decided that this is one of his journey he must take!

"we all sat down and enjoyed five minutes of complete silence, just taking in our beautiful surroundings. It was the most magical moment of my life"


Tyler Grey On May 23, 2020 National Venturing Committee presented National Venturing Leadership Award during the virtual Venturing Reception to Tyler Grey. National Venturing Leadership Award are given to those who make exceptional contribution to Venturing program at the National Level. Beside he is one of the 12 recipients this year, Tyler will become next term National Venturing President for the year 2020-2021 as well.


1,000,000 PIECES OF TRASH John Aaron Bozanic During the pandemic John Aaron want to bring the world together and encourage everyone to help each other. He decide to

luanch a campaign "1,000,000 Pieces of Trash". The campaign was simple, he ask everyone to help by picking up trash while they are out and about. Of course with the local safety safety guide in mind. Start off as a local campaign, now became global initiative.

Pollution and ecological health is a continuing challenge facing mankind

COUNCIL VENTURING JOURNEY TO EXCELLENCE Scouting’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) is the BSA’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of our units, districts and councils. It is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA. The council-level Venturing version of this award, previously known as the Council Standards of Venturing Excellence (CSVE) Award, is presented by the BSA National Council to councils that complete the requirements during the previous calendar year. It is designed to measure a council’s Venturing program through analyzing various aspects of their growth in categories such as membership, trainings, events, and awards. Western Region Area 4 was one of the first areas in the country to have all councils completed Council Venturing Journey to Exellence. We are proud to announce that two of our council has been recognized with Venturing Journey to Excellence this year. We would like to congratulation all of our counils for again, completed and submitted Council Venturing Journey to Excellence.

Silver Level: California Inland Empire Council Bronze Level: Greater Los Angeles Area Council


VENTURING HALL OF FAME Meagan Gaydos Liam Hallinan David Januzik

Summit Award Eagle Scout Rank Eagle Scout Rank

Orange County Council Orange County Council Verdugo Hills Council

VENTURING LEADER OF THE YEAR 2020 Council VOA President Tara Izadi Ian Goldenberg Jacob Walker

California Inland Council Western Los Angeles County Council Orange County Council

Crew President Graham Carrigan Meagan Gaydos Case Lasater Allison Steele

California Inland Empire Council Orange County Council Orange County Council Orange County Council

Crew Vice President Taleah Bozanic Layvin Manghane Emily Reed Jordan Robbins

Orange County Council California Inland Empire Council Orange County Council Orange County Council

Crew Tresurer Tyler Izadi

California Inland Council

Crew Advisor Jerry Clark Steven Engstrom Aaron Houston Carolyn Wertheim

Oragne County Council Western Los Angeles County Council Los Padre Council Orange County Council

Crew Associate Advisor Tom Ferguson Rick Rodgers Brigitte Schwing Bob Sparks

Orange County Council Orange County Council Verdugo Hills Council Verdugo Hills Council

Crew Committee Chair Jeffrey Bozanic

Orange County Council

Crew Committee Member Jim Dodds Orange County Council


Council Venturing Chair Tom Sales Steve Vincent John Vineyard

Orange County Council Western Los Angeles County Council California Inland Council

Venturing Commissioner Bob Einem Frank Casias Marcus O'Rourke

Verdugo Hills Council Western Los Angeles County Council Orange County Council



Zane Pert is from Crew 774 in the Orange County Council and has been active in Venturing for two years. This past year Zane has served as the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Program Support. He has worked this past year to plan Passport to Venturing and has assisted with articles for the area newsletters; along with recently creating fun and engaging activities with the “Safer at Home” restrictions. Zane is an Eagle Scout and Venturing Award Recipient, currently working towards his Discovery Award. He has attended the 2017 National Jamboree, Northern Tier, and Philmont Scout Ranch. While at Philmont, serving as an Assistant Crew Leader and then Crew Leader when they became ill. Outside of Scouting Zane is a Sophomore at San Clemente High School serving the Associated Student Body, a tennis team player, National

Zane Pert

Honors Society (one of three Sophomores to be inducted this year), and actively participates in a community service organization called Lions Heart. This next year Zane will continue to serve the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers’ Association as the incoming Area 4 VOA Vice President of Program.

Jonathan started his scouting career 33 years ago in San Gabriel Valley Council with Pack 136 in Monrovia earning the Arrow of Light and his Duty to God Awardand earned his Eagle Scout from Troop 169 in Temple City. He was a member of Ta Tanka Lodge #488 and received the Vigil Honor and Founder’s Award as a youth. He received the Venturing Silver Award in 2001 from Crew 91 sponsored by Arcadia Elks Lodge #2025 where he currently served as Associate Advisor. Jonathan has been working behind the scene helping Area 4 organized the Area Banquet for the past 4 years. He help coordinating the food preparations, work on logistic of all materials and equipment, make the Area 4 Banquet success on an annually basis. Beside the Annual Area 4 Banquet,

Jonathan Mo

Jonathan also help with all of the equipment needs when the VOA provide training at Area 4 Commissioner College and University of Scouting in different council. Jonathan has received his Doctorate and Masters at Commissioner College, Arrowhead and Commission Key. Jonathan has been awarded District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, and Council Venturing Leadership Award. Jonathan is a member of the Masons, Lexington Lodge #104 in El Monte and a Shiner with the Awesome A’s Shrine Club. He is active helping to raise money for the Masonic Children’s Home and the LA Shrine Hospital.



2020 Justin Sparks is an Eagle Scout from Venturing Crew 288 in La Crescenta and is currently serving as the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Administration and reponsible for 100% Council Venturing Journey to Excellence submission for 2020. He has recieved the Council Venturing Leadership Award from Verdugo Hills Council where he was the first Council VOA President. Justin has had the opportunity to lead treks to Summit Bechtel Reserve, Florida Sea Base, and Northern Tier. As a Council VOA President, Justin supported the Area 4 Venturing Officer’s Orientation and was active in the Area 4 West Quest contingent. Outside of Venturing, Justin has earned the Presidential Service Award Gold level for the past 5 years with over 1400 hours

Justin Sparks

of service, founded the Helping Hands Club which is an elementary school service club, loves to travel, go scuba diving, and has been on the Dean’s List for 4 semesters. His focus and career goal are to earn his teaching credential and become a High School Teacher.

Steve was a Council Associate Advisor for Western Los Angeles County Council. He often ask to help in various projects. This was including training, become unit commissioner for a crew, and help out at different events. Steve is a Professional Photographer by trade, and often asked to take scouting pictures at different events. He has provide a high quality photograph for the youths and adults in Area 4 for the past 6 years. The end results of his generosity is the great photos for youths and adults to use for social media, networking, applications, and resumes in scouting. In Venturing, Steve has served Councilor, Council Venturing Associate Advisor and is the founding and current Advisor for Venturing Crew 1956. He has been awarded with Scouter Training Award for

Steven Engstrom

Venturing, District Award of Merit, St. George and Bronze Pelican Adult Religious Awards, Scouter Key for Venturing, Silver Beaver, Council Venturing Leadership Award, and James E. West Award. Steve has completed his Wood Badge, Seabadge and Powderhorn. He is an Order of the Arrow Vigil Member. He is a membership in Professional Photographers of America, participation in the Our Lady of Lourdes Men's Club, Masonic Lodge 866 member and is an elected Neighborhood Council member with the North Hills East council.




John Vineyard currently serves as the California Inland Empire Council Venturing Chair. In addition to this position he is a Council Commissioner and the Venturing Crew Advisor for Crew 5330. John is a Vigil Honor member in the Order of the Arrow, the Associate Chapter Advisor for the Cahuilla Lodge, Wanakik Chapter, and an Eagle Scout. Through his dedication to the programs of the Boys Scouts of America, he has earned the Silver Beaver Award, District Award of Merit, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, and the Council Venturing Leadership Award from California Inland Empire Council. John has had the pleasure of staffing the 2013 and 2017 National Jamboree, the 2018 National Order of the Arrow Conference, and the 2019 World Scout Jamboree.

John Vineyard

Over the past few years, John has supported the Area 4 VOA by being an active leader in the Area 4 Commissioner College and by promoting Venturing in the Order of the Arrow. Outside of Venturing, he continues to live by his moral compass and is a Judge for the Riverside County Superior Court.

Liam Hallinan is from Crew 774 in the Orange County Council and has been active in Venturing for two years. This past year Liam has served as the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Communication, Support. He has helped to write, design, develop, and create content for the area newsletters. Liam is an Eagle Scout and Venturing Award recipient, currently working towards his Discovery Award. He has attended the 2017 National Jamboree, Northern Tier, and Philmont Scout Ranch. Outside of scouting, Liam is a Sophomore at San Clemente High School where he is a member of various clubs, National Honors Society (one of three Sophomores to be inducted this year), International Thespian Society, Comedy Sportz, Inspire 2 Be and Cappies

Liam Hallinan

Critic. As a member of the Madrigals, he has starred in four different musicals. Something notable about Liam, outside of scouting he sprang into action when a classmate became unresponsive at the bottom of a pool, utilizing scout skills that Liam had learned helped him in this situation to get the classmate out of the water. This next year Zane will continue to serve the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers’ Association as the incoming Area 4 VOA Vice President of Administration.



2020 Tara Izadi is from Venturing Crew 5330 in Apple Valley and is currently serving as the California Inland Empire Council Venturing President. In June she will be serving in her new position as the Western Region Area 4 Venturing President. She is passionate and supportive of the Venturing Program and has held various leadership positions, including Senior Patrol Leader for National Youth Leadership Training, Wood Badge Venturing Crew President, and has led classes for the University of Scouting. Tara is a member of Troop 21 and is working toward earning the rank of Eagle Scout. She has also recieved the Council Venturing Leadership Award from California Inland Empire Council.Â

Tara Izadi

As a member of the Area 4 VOA, she has participated in, and encouraged others from various Council VOAs to attend training and program events. Outside of Venturing, Tara has been an honor roll student all 4 years of high school and will be attending the University of California, Los Angeles in the fall and aspires to be a pediatric surgeon.

Steven has been involved in Crew 1956 from the Western Los Angeles County Council for two and half years. He promotes Venturing to his crew as well as at the area and region level. This term Steven has supported his cabinet, created agendas, led the monthly area conference calls, and represent Area 4 on Region Venturing Officers Association, all while balancing his time with his involvement in the Order of the Arrow. Steven has a positive attitude and is approachable demonstrating the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Steven volunteered to help support Western Region in the area of communication when their Vice President of Communication had to step down from the position. He enthusiastically joined the team that would be creating the region’s newsletter

Steven Soto

since he truly enjoys this content. His experience in the Order or the Arrow has taught him many skills, especially with digital literacy. He had the fortunate opportunity to be the digital editor on the issue and will be the new Western Region Vice President of Communications.






Piper Levine

Western Los Angeles County

Andrew Zimmermann

Orange County

Willow Munn Oberg

Western Los Angeles County

John Aaron Bozanic Orange County


Chrissandra Sparks *

Verdugo Hills

Anh Vu

Orange County

Deja Munn *

Western Los Angeles County

Jillian Infusino

Los Angeles Area

Chalize Ngo

Orange County

Christopher Moncrief

San Gabriel Valley

Elizabeth Morgan *

Orange County

2018 Nicole Steele

Orange County

Andrei Niemczyk

Western Los Angeles County

Anthony Bui

Orange County

Tyler Grey

Western Los Angeles County

Jo Mo *

Greater Los Angeles Area

Rick Dees *

Western Los Angeles County

Wesley E. Romberger III *

Greater Los Angeles Area

2017 Sarah Chen

Orange County

Soham Patel

Orange County

Natalie MacEwan

Western Los Angeles County

Rick Kagawa *

Orange County

Michael Henderson *

Western Los Angeles County

2016 Meghan Clark

Orange County

Derek Long

California Inland Empire

Madeleine Part

Western Los Angeles County

Chuck Williams *

Orange County

Jerry Clark *

Orange County

Michael Trouillon *#

Ventura County

2015 Tyler Deacy

California Inland Empire

Denise Cabral

Long Beach Area

Matt Talag Long Beach Area Tanadet Itsarapakdetam *

Western Los Angeles County

Dinh Tran *

Orange County

Renee Infusino *

Los Angeles Area

Melisa Barron *

Long Beach Area

Jacques Behar *

Western Los Angeles County

2014 Madison Shapiro #

Long Beach Area

Gavin Vlietstra

California Inland Empire

Travis Burks

Long Beach Area

Asterisks (*) are used to denote those who received their Venturing Leadership Award as adult.

Sharp (#) are used to denote those who received their Venturing Leadership Award for their service to the Sea Scouting program. Starting in 2017, the new Sea Scout Leadership Award will instead be used to recognize outstanding individuals in that program.


i d a z I a Tar

2020-2021 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association President Tara Izadi is from Crew 5330 in the California Inland Empire Council and has been active in Venturing since she completed eighth grade in 2016. Tara is a recipient of the Summit Award and will be completing her Eagle Scout rank before she heads off to attend University of California, Los Angeles in the fall. Tara has most recently served as the California Inland Empire Council's VOA President. Tara is actively involved in training courses, has served as the Senior Patrol Leader for two National Youth Leadership Training courses, and has staffed Wood Badge as the Youth Venturing President four times. On top of Venturing, she has been involved in school activities such as Mock Trial, Air Force Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and Health Occupation Students of Anerica - Future Health Professionals, and has held high ranking positions in each of these organizations. Tara is an active volunteer at a local hospital and enjoys spending her time helping those in need. Tara is goal-oriented, hard-working, and dedicated to everything she works on. She is looking forward to interacting with council VOAs, planning area events, and supporting all of Area 4's Venturers!


n a n i l l a Liam H 2020-2021 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association Vice President of Administration Liam Hallinan is currently a junior at San Clemente High School. He is from Crew 774 in Orange County Council, located in Laguna Hills, CA. Liam is not new to the Area 4, has served as the Vice President of Communications Support the last term and he will be serving as the Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association Vice President of Administration for 2020-2021. Liam has been involved in Scouting for the past 5 years, he has obtained the rank of Eagle Scout and a Venturing Award recipient. Some of his highlight in scouting was when Liam went on an expedition in Antarctica with one of his crew leader and the expedition team. When not camping or hiking, he spends his time at his high school theater program or studying. Liam is looking forward to the new experiences this year's VOA will bring and he cannot wait to continue his journey in Scouting!


t r e P e Zan

2020-2021 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association Vice President of Program Zane Pert will be serving as the 2020-2021 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Program. Currently, he is a sophomore at San Clemente High School. He has been involved with scouting for about five and a half years and truly enjoyed his experience. Zane is a member of Troop 872 and Crew 774 serving as crew vice president in Orange County Council. He is an Eagle Scout and a member of Order of the Arrow serving the Woja chapter as the executive vice chief. Zane had the opportunity to attend National Youth Leadership Training and be able to utilize the leadership skills he learned within all his leadership positions. Having served previously on the Area 4 Venturing Officers Association as the Vice President of Program Support, he is looking forward to planning fun events throughout the upcoming term and he is excited for future opportunities and adventures to come within scouting.


n e y u g Jenny N 2020-2021 Western Region Area 4 Venturing Officers Association Vice President of Communications Jenny Nguyen is currently a junior at Fountain Valley High School. She started Scouting in 8th grade and since that moment she fell in love with every aspect of it. She is from Crew 279 based in Santa Ana, California, currently serving as Crew President. In the past years, she has been privileged to serve as my Crew’s Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Program, and Crew Guide. At the council level, Jenny is currently served as the Vice President of Communications for the Orange County Council’s Venturing Officers Association. She has been involved with Venturing for 2 years and some notable events in her time have been being the head coordinator of her crew’s Memorial Day Camp and staffing a merit badge camp last summer at Emerald Bay on Catalina Island. She is working on the rank of Eagle Scout and hopes to earn her Summit Award in the near future! In school, she is a part of the school’s digital video production class, Association Student Body, Vietnamese Student Association, and she has held a position in all of them. Next fall, she is planning to start a Venturing Club where she will be able to share her love and passion for Scouting with others around her. Jenny is enthusiastic, diligent, creative, and thoughtful. She is ecstatic and grateful to be serving as the 2020-2021 Vice President Communication for the Western Region Area 4 VOA. Jenny ready for all the fun and new opportunities she will be given.


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