Gilwell gazette mid course (w4 51 17)

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Gilwell Gazette All the News We had Time to Print. Volume X.XXX.XVII,

Monday, October 30, 2017

Thought for the day:

“Vigorous Scout games are the best form of physical education because most of them bring in moral education.” ~Robert BadenPowell

Patrols Prepare for the Outdoor Experience and Patrol Project Our weary Wood Badgers headed home on Sunday, Day 3 of the course, excited about making preparations for the Wood Badge Outdoor Experience and their patrol project. The Outdoor Experience begins at 7:30 a.m. Friday Morning, November 10th at Camp Josepho. The patrols will hike to the out-camp, and each set up their own patrol campsites.

In this issue:

Patrols Prepare 1 for the Outdoor Experience and Patrol Project Wood Badge Online


Patrol Photos


Weekend 1 in Photos


Just for Fun


Issue 4

Knowing that they need to carefully manage their time, the patrols make the best use of the days between weekend one and weekend two. The patrols are making great progress with meal and equipment planning for their Wood Badge Outdoor experience. They are also well on their way with planning their

patrol projects and beginning to execute on their plans. The patrols are communicating via email, phone and face to face to accomplish everything that needs to be completed before heading back up the hill for weekend number 2. The Staff is looking forward to sharing some delicious meals prepared by the patrols! Remember to plan for two additional people for each meal!

Josepho Reminders The gate code is 1895. Please remember that we may not use the road before 7:00 a.m., and that the speed limit is 10 MPH. Remember to share the road to Camp Josepho with the pedestrians and bike riders.

Wood Badge Online You can see some photos Don’t forget to like the of weekend one and page and add some of more at the our your own photos!! Facebook Page: WLACC Wood Badge 2017

Reminders: 

For week 2 don’t forget to bring your: hat, stave, song book, and patrol projects along with your camping gear!!

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