Gilwell gazette day 2 (w4 51 17)

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Gilwell Gazette Fighting Ignorance since 1919 (It’s taking longer than we thought). Volume XX.XVIII.XXVII, Issue 2

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Thought for the day: Please remember to bus your own dishes after meals. We don’t want our kitchen staff to get cranky and vengeful. In this issue:

Cub Scouts Bridge to Troop 1 Scoutmaster Marty Price and Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Mr. T welcomed the new Scouts to Troop 1 as they bridged out of Pack 1. “We are thrilled to have such a great group of Scouts join Troop 1”, said the SPL, adding “their time in Pack 1 has really helped them to grow and be ready to move to the next phase of their Scouting career.”

patrols and senior Scouts were assigned to be the patrol guides.

Mr. T SPL, Troop 1

Cub Scouts Bridge to Troop 1


Patrol Scribe Daily Assignment


Patrol Updates


Patrol Scribe Daily Assignment

Meet Your Wood Badge Staff


Yesterday at a Glance


Each day the patrol scribe must submit information to the Gilwell Gazette by the end of dinner.

Day 1 Photo Highlights


Your Wood Badge Ticket


Mission and Vision


Just for Fun


“The essence of Boy Scouts is that Scouts are led by other Scouts, not the adults,” stated Scoutmaster Marty Price, “the adults provide supervision, but the teaching and leading is done by experienced Scouts.”

Welcome to all the new Troop 1 Scouts!

The new Scouts were assigned to

Let everyone know what your patrol learned from the day’s activities.

Submit your stories to the Troop 1 Scribe by Let everyone know who dropping off your story you are, where you came in the Gilwell Gazette from, or what makes inbox. your patrol tick. Remember! If you don’t What makes your patrol submit something, the special? scribe, ornery critter that he is, will write a story

for you. Only the Eagles and Bobwhites were able to avoid that fate today, by turning in their patrol update on time.

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