July Newsletter

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HEARTHSTONE July & August 2011

Summer 2011, Volume 99

Reeves Pa nca ke B r eak f a st Join us at the Henry Breeding Farm on Saturday, July 23rd for the 3rd Annual Reeves Pancake Breakfast. Guaranteed to have something for everyone, you can try for the winning bid in a silent auction, take a tour of the Breeding home, tap your toes to Dishpan Pie and the L.A.R. Band featuring Roger Banister, try your hand at a craft, listen to the rumble of the steam engine and of course, eat a tasty breakfast. The event begins at 8:00 am with activities concluding at 1:00pm. The appetizing menu includes pancakes, sausage,

scrambled eggs, fruit and a beverage. Tickets for the breakfast can be purchased at the Museum Center or from any board member. Advanced tickets cost $10 for ages 10 and up. Tickets purchased on the day of the event cost $12. All tickets for children 9 and under $5. We look forward to seeing you there! If you would like to donate an item for the auction please call BCHS at 812.372.3541 or email info@bartholomewhistory.org. All donations are greatly appreciated!

S p ecia l T hanks ...

Martha Smock

The Bartholomew County Historical Society would like to say a special “Thank You” to the wonderful volunteers who help us in our mission to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Bartholomew County.

Martha Smock, Virgina Johnson, Daniel Noel, Stephanie Michael, Shirley Todd and Toni Frenzer are faithful volunteers whose contribution to BCHS is invaluable! Thank you to our wonderful team of volunteers!

In this issue: Chamber of Commerce: Meet me at 5:00


Kidscommons 3 & BCHS Spring on the 3 Farm Collector’s Corner


Reader’s Corner


BCHS’s new mission,


vision, values & logo Corporate Donors


President’s Message



Chamber of Commerce: Meet me at 5:00 The Bartholomew County Historical Society was pleased to host the “ Meet me at 5:00” Chamber of Commerce gettogether on Tuesday, July 7th. To highlight the Ken Maynard museum exhibit, BCHS invited Richard and Donna Best Productions to wow Chamber members with a grand performance that included rope tricks and numerous single-tail whip stunts! Holding targets in her hand, mouth, and around her waist, Daring Donna stood unflinching as Cowboy Richard snapped his whip and shredded each target! In addition to a great Wild West Show, Chamber members were treated to some real Cowboy Cookin’ from Auntie Aimee’s Tea Room in Hope. The tasty spread included Bison Burgers, Rattlesnake Bites (aka chicken!), Cactus Juice, Cowboy Cavier, Open Range Black Bean Wraps, Chuck Wagon Muffins and Cowboy Cookies! Thank you to Cowboy Richard and Daring Donna all of the Chamber members who were able to wander over and see us!

Churning Up Fun! Saturday, June 25th, BCHS taught children and parents the art of making ice-cream and butter 19th century style! Participants had some old fashioned dairy fun as they mixed ingredients and took turns cranking and churning up the yummy treats. Parents pitched in and soon everyone was eating bread and butter, crackers and butter, and delicious vanilla ice-cream! In addition to ice-cream and butter, most of the guests were pleasantly surprised by the yummy taste of fresh buttermilk! Churning Up Fun is just one of our Saturday Sampler Programs! Be sure and visit our events page at www.bartholomewhistory.org for more exciting

Newsflash 

Drive by the museum at 524 Third Street to see our new “Open” flag and our new American flag.

Watch for BCHS in the Ethnic Expo Parade.


Sp ring o n t he Fa rm 2011 BCHS and Central Middle School teamed up to host the 2011 Spring on the Farm. Amid the backdrop of a roaring Reeves steam tractor, visitors experienced 19th century tasks of farm life. Stations included blacksmithing, woodworking, small animals, engine, gardening, corn-shelling, rope making, ice-cream and butter churning, weaving, candle-making, black-powder rifles, crafts, cooking, home tours, music and baskets.

Reeves Tractor




Bartholomew County student Danaysha Simpson won Zaharako’s Grand Prize. Danaysha and a group of her friends will be treated to a celebration in the party room at Zaharako’s that includes a meal and ice-cream. Congratulations Danaysha! BCHS volunteer mentors and station operators were invaluable to our annual Spring on the Farm program and we want to thank them. Hats off to Jack Schmeckebier, Orwic Johnson, Anna Barnett, Chuck Baker, Jim Sprague, Jenni Whipple, Bill Stahl, Bud Burkett, Barbara Betz, Jim Huntington, Tim Metz, Charlie Shaw, Jim Jessee, Jim Dudley, Denise Kocur, and Jim Loesch!

Cow Milking

Corn grindin



eM aki


Kidscommons and BCHS are collaborating throughout the summer to help campers learn more about Columbus. Kidscommons campers are taking fieldtrips to the history center to learn about famous Columbus citizens, archeology, architecture and traditional arts. Nick went to the children’s museum to teach budding engineers about the history and mechanics of catapults. We look forward to working with Kidscommons and other county partners in the future.


C o l l e c t o r ’s C o r n e r Haviland China With almost 50,000 patterns from which to choose from, Haviland China is a very popular brand of collectible porcelain pottery. In 1840, David Haviland, a New York businessman, made his first trip to Limoges, France to find a European porcelain manufacturer who would create pieces for the US market. The Limoges region was known to have unique white clay, called kaolin, that was used to make beautiful porcelain pieces. When Haviland saw the city’s wares, he knew he had found his manufacturer. The first Haviland pieces reached US soil in approximately 1842. From its beginnings, Fruit bowl in the these dishes were known as “company china”, to be used when Delaware pattern. guests came and for other special occasions. It has also been the china of choice by several US Presidents. The company has gone through many configurations of ownership, though is still operating under the name Haviland. If you are new to collecting and wish to start with Haviland, it is crucial to start by picking a pattern. It is estimated that since 1842, between 30,000- 50,000 different patterns of Haviland China have been created and many are not named or numbered. The oldest patterns of Haviland have a mark, usually in green, on the underside of the piece which looks like the image below:

By the mid-1890s the mark had changed to: In all, there are over 30 variations of manufacturer’s marks, not to mention different artist marks. It is always best to consult a reference book to specifically identify your piece or pattern. Haviland pieces vary widely in price, based on the popularity of the pattern. A single, unique oyster plate recently sold at auction for over $800, while some common full sets may sell for half that amount. Regardless of which pattern you choose and with which pieces you start, you should be able to add to your set through garage sale finds, auctions, antique stores and online sites such as E-bay and www.replacements.com. Here are a few suggestions on how to care for your Haviland China: always thoroughly wash the dishes soon after using, avoid using acidic foods such as citrus or vinegar on gilded trims as they will etch into the gold, avoid stacking the dishes, or if you must, place felt between the pieces. As you enlarge your Haviland collection, you might enjoy talking to other collectors. There are many Haviland collecting clubs as well as an International Collectors Forum. Check your local library or the internet for more information, but remember, Haviland has made it into thousands of households and the Whitehouse. If you look, you are bound to find a pattern that interests you!


Reader’s Corner BCHS News is proud to feature “Reader’s Corner” which will offer a brief review of a recently published book, or of an older book we think is a great read for book lovers. The sesquicentennial of the Civil War will be commemorated and celebrated in various ways during 2011-2015. 150 years later historians are again examining the fundamental and lasting changes brought to American society at the onset of war. In 2008, nationally recognized historian and president of Harvard University, Drew Gilpin Faust, published, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War. Her compelling book explores the ways Americans transformed the rituals and traditions of death in order to understand and deal with the massive number of casualties caused by the Civil War. Faust clearly states her book is “a book about the work of death in the American Civil War…[and how] beginning with individuals’ confrontation with dying and killing, the book explores how those experiences transformed society, culture, and politics in what became a broader republic of shared suffering” created by the “ harvest of death.” Faust wrote the book in language accessible to the lay reader and included photographs, newspaper woodcuts, broadsides, poetry, and songs published and circulated throughout the war. Today, as the nation remembers key battles and courageous soldiers, Faust’s book provides a look into how the entire country grieved.

In Your Own Words... Snippets of BCHS Oral History Interviews, Stories and Documents In honor of the summer season and having fun, BCHS is highlighting a story about former swimming spots located in and around Columbus. The snippet below is from the personal memories of William E. Marsh and published in his 1956 book, I Discover Columbus. We had four swimming holes in those days. One was below the junction, back of the tannery and was used mostly by young men, as it was deep. The other favorite spot was at the Flatrock railroad bridge. We kids usually patronized a place between the Eighth street bridge and the junction, on Flatrock, which we called by the name of “Slippery---“. Girls did not swim in those days and no boy was allowed to go till he had learned how, which paradox caused us to take out lessons privately while taking a walk after Sunday school. No one ever heard of a bathing suit and about once a year when the boys would forget to duck as the trains crossed the bridges, a crowd would land in police court. Oral histories are stories that living individuals tell about their past; or about the past of other people. Be sure and take a little time today to sit down with your family and friends to record some stories. Special Thanks for a Special Donation Recently Jim and Susie Huntington celebrated their 50th anniversary. In honor of their special day Sam Pentzer made a donation. BCHS wants to say thank you to Sam Pentzer and Happy Anniversary to Jim and Susie Huntington!


N e w M i s s i o n - Vi s i o n - Va l u e s & L o g o ! BCHS is rolling out some new ideas as we have ended the strategic planning process begun last fall. The end product is a 3 year strategic plan and a new mission, a vision for the future and a set of value statements that provide a roadmap for where and what we want to be to the members and guests. Additionally, the board approved a new logo, which reaffirms the position that we want to be the center for history in Bartholomew County. We hope you enjoy the changes and we are sure you will benefit from both the short term decisions and long term implications of the plan. Mission The mission of the Bartholomew County Historical Society is to discover, collect, preserve and share the history of Bartholomew County for the enrichment of present and future generations. Vision BCHS will be an integral part of the community that inspires a passion for history, and is the premier local history center in the region. Value Statements Stewardship We accept the responsibility of being good stewards of collections, facilities and finances. With quality and professionalism in mind, we will preserve and maintain the past so we can share with generations to come. Storytelling We value the stories of our past. Storytelling will bring life to the past, enhance the present and influence the future of our community. Displaying and documenting the stories and utilizing our artifacts to enhance the stories through exhibits and programs, both on site and off, will present many educational opportunities for all ages. Community We are welcoming and open to all. We strive to connect to a diverse group of people, organizations and businesses and actively develop partnerships with organizations in Bartholomew County and elsewhere to achieve goals of mutual interest. Accessibility We strive to provide services, resources and tools that promote accessibility of information to all, through physical and programmatic access, extension and outreach activities and accommodation. Service We are committed to providing service in a manner that is safe, helpful and efficient. The foundation for all service we provide is respect. Fun We know that enjoyment is essential for the visitors and staff of BCHS. We constantly strive to present information in a variety of innovative formats and methods and through activities that are entertaining, relevant and interesting to audiences of all ages.


M eet t he Staf f Nick Speth,

Jami Graham,

Education Coordinator

Office Manager

Nick is responsible for creating and implementing the educational programs that guests participate in when they visit the Nick Speth Bartholomew County History Center. Nick processes new collection items, creates and installs exhibits, sets up for events, and answers research and reference questions.

As office manager, Jami’s responsibilities include welcoming guests to the Museum Center, assisting with Jami Graham research questions, updating and maintaining online technology and executing everyday operations of the office.

We Appreciate our Corporate Donors! BCHS wishes to express a hearty “THANK YOU!” for recent donations from Bartholomew County Corporations.    

Premier Agriculture Bartholomew County REMC CLAAS Kroot the Corp

Corporate donors are a very important source of funding for BCHS and we appreciate their continued support!

President’s Message The members of the Bartholomew County Historical Society are our most precious assets. We want to keep you well informed of all the wonderful programs and exhibits we have. To this end, we are continually expanding our communication to include more technical methods, such as e-mail blasts, Facebook and Twitter. New opportunities to learn about Bartholomew County History are happening all the time and we don't want you, our members, to miss out on a single event. I hope you enjoy the new newsletter format and encourage you to check our website at www.bartholomewhistory.org, join us on Facebook or even drop by and see us for the most current information.


Board of Directors

BCHS Staff


Julie Hughes: Executive Director


Board Members

Amy Kaiser

Orwic Johnson

Vice President

Bob Schwartzkopf

David Dailey

John Wischmeir


Tamara Iorio

Michael McIver Secretary

John Roberts

Laura Thayer Harry McCawley-County Historian

Nick Speth: Education Coordinator Jami Graham: Office Manager

The Bartholomew County Historical Society is a non-profit corporation chartered in 1921. Located at 524 Third Street in downtown Columbus, Indiana, the museum features local history exhibits, is the host site for educational programs and has a research library open to the public during normal business hours. Appointments are available for visits outside of regular business hours. For more information: Phone: 812.372.3541 Email: info@bartholomewhistory.org Website: www.bartholomewhistory.org


C a l e n d a r o f E ve n t s 

Reeves Pancake Breakfast 7/23/11, 8:00am-1:00pm. BCHS is hosting the 3rd annual Reeves Pancake Breakfast at the Henry Breeding Farm complete with Reeves Engines, music, crafts and a silent auction. Tickets can be purchased at the History Center or at the Farm on the day of the event. Ticket Cost: $10 in advance, $12 at door, $5 for children 9 & under. Games your Grandparents Played 7/30/11, 11:00am. July is the time for summer fun! Try your hand at hoop and stick, graces, ring toss and more! Registration required. FREE Heritage Arts: Early American Folk Dolls 8/11/11, 6:00pm. A workshop on early American dolls. From handkerchiefs, yarn, sawdust, cornhusks, and fabric scraps, participants bring to life several dolls representative of early American folk styles. Program is for ages 12 and up, cost is $10. Registration required. Pioneer Crafts-Natural Dyes 8/13/11, 11:00am. Find out how the pioneers made colored fabric. Everyone gets to craft and dye an object to take home. Registration required. FREE

Awesome Apples! 9/10/11, 11:00am. Join us at the Museum Center as we learn how apples arrived on the frontier and became a favorite snack. Participants will make apple crafts, sample heirloom varieties and take home some apple seeds to plant. Registration required.FREE

Heritage Arts: Knitting 9/22/11, 6:00pm-9:00pm. Join us for a “first-timer” knitting class. All materials included and everyone leaves with a set of needles and a skein of yarn so knitting projects can be finished at home. Registration required, cost is $15. Ages 14 and up.

Pumpkin Palooza! 10/15/11, 11:00am. BCHS is celebrating the pumpkin. Join us to carve pumpkins, sample tasty pumpkin treats, and celebrate the history of the jack-olantern. Registration required. Cost is $2.

Vintage Spirits: History and Hooch 11/4/2011, 6:30pm. Arranged from the 1820s through 1940s, lively costumed characters will share the history (and samples) of drinks like Flaming Bishop, Lamb’s Wool, Bosom Caresser, Morning Glory Fizz and more as you learn the importance alcohol played in Bartholomew Count y History. Registration required. Cost is $25.00. Ages 21 and up only.

To register for a class call 812.372.3541. Visit our website at www.bartholomewhistory.org for more information and be sure to check us out on Facebook.


Comfort Food Local resident Christena Welmer was to have celebrated her 100th birthday later this summer. Sadly, Mrs. Welmer passed away on June 13, 2011. Before her death, BCHS conducted several oral history interviews with Mrs. Welmer. Recollecting some of her favorite memories about food, Mrs. Welmer mentioned several times that she was very fond of Sugar Cream Pie. In honor of Mrs. Welmer, BCHS decided to share a long-time favorite Sugar Cream Pie recipe.

Sugar Cream Pie This recipe is from The Hoosier Cookbook (1976) and is said to be almost 160 years old . Prep time: 5 min, plus time to make pie shell Cook time: 45 min. Total time: 50 min. Ingredients:1 1/2 c. sugar, 1/3 c. flour,1/2 tsp. salt, 2 1/2 c. cream (heavy whipping cream), 2 tsp. vanilla, 1 T. butter, melted, 1 unbaked pie shell Directions: Blend together sugar, flour and salt. Stir in cream, vanilla and butter. Pour thoroughly beaten mixture into unbaked pie shell. Bake for 10 minutes at 450 degrees F. and then at 325 degrees F. for 35 minutes.

P ictur e fr om th e Pas t...

Can you help BCHS identify the event in this image of Donner Pool? If you think you know please email nspeth@bartholomewhistory.org.

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