Sun City Oro Valley Tipster January 2023

Page 10

Tipster It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle! January 2023Tipster Tipster Activity Center Grand Reopening Saturday, January 14

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711

Board of Directors

Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant General Manager:

Ronna Heinig, President

Mike LaBarbera, Vice President

Rocky Gedrose, Treasurer

Elaine Deeter, Secretary

Tim Kelley, Director

Allan Mashburn, Director

Terry McFadden, Director

Management Team

Mark Wade, ...................... General Manager, 520-917-8080

Robin Coulter, ...Assistant General Manager, 520-917-8070

Janet Blackwell, ....... Restaurant Manager, 520-825-3277

Mary Cunningham, .. Com. Area Maint. Supt., 520-917-8059

Michael Kropf, . Director of Golf Maintenance, 520-917-8063

Rick Price, ........................... Director of Golf, 520-917-8086

Ken Sandrock, .................. Facilities Supt., 520-917-8078

Randy Trenary, Controller, 520-917-8060

Support Team

Aimee Bennett, .................................. Covenants Coordinator, 520-917-8079

Monica Clark, .................... Administrative Coordinator, 520-917-8082

Lonnie Davis, ..................................... Fitness Supervisor, 520-917-8073

Marsha Dean, ................. Communications Coordinator, 520-917-8069

Julie Foerster, Human Resources, 520-917-8061

Angela Hong, Accounting Assistant, 520-917-8062

Jack Mooney, .................................. Conveyance Coordinator, 520-917-8087

Michelle Mooney, .......................................Librarian, 520-917-8083

Katy Mosier, .................................. Architectural Coordinator, 520-917-8058

Lisa Orach, ........................ Administrative Coordinator, 520-917-8065

Kathy Peabody, .......... Marketing & Tech. Coordinator, 520-917-8068

Brenda Puzzele-Stoltz, .....Lifestyle Coordinator, 520-917-8077

Monitor - Activity Center (closed for renovation) ........................................................... 520-917-8066

Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center ................................................................................. 520-917-8067

Tipster Editorial Committee

Karla Erdahl Co-Chair

Karen Koopmans Co-Chair

Suzanne Stiles Secretary

Peggy Gardner Member

Deena Harris Member

Sandra Hallenbeck Member

Wanda Johnson Member

Mary Beth Livingston Member

Drew Ludwig Member Barbara McNeill Member Jane Moody Member Nancy O’Hara Member Lisa Schulz Member

Editor, Layout and Design: Marsha Dean

Advertising: Lisa Orach; Printing: Sundance Press

To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, call 520-917-8065 for information.

Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Hours of Operation

Activity Center


Closed for renovation Administration (In Welcome Center) ........... 520-825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center ..........................520-917-8067 Daily. 5 AM-9 PM Pool Daily

5 AM-8:30 PM

Children’s Hours, daily 11 AM-1 PM Catalina Vista .......................................... 520-825-8613 Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-9 PM Sat. 9 AM-9 PM Sun 9 AM-6 PM

Community Services ................................ 520-917-8065 Desert Oasis 520-825-0495 Mon.-Fri. . 7 AM-9 PM Sat. 9 AM-8 PM Sun. . 9 AM-5 PM Pool Daily.. ........................................................................................ 9 AM-4:30 PM Children’s Hours, daily except during water volleyball Noon-4 PM Water volleyball .................. Sun., Mon., Thu., 12:45-3 PM; Wed., 9:45 AM-Noon Gift Shop of Sun City ................................ 520-917-8051 Mon.-Fri. 10 AM-4 PM, Sat. 10 AM-1 PM

Golf Course Walking .......................... See website for current times Library 520-917-8064 Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat. 9 AM-Noon

Loan Room - Community Assistance Loan Room at Cart Barn Hours: Tue. and Thu. only. 8-9 AM

Pro Shop.................................................... 520-825-3110

Golf Info Line ....................................... 520-825-0322 Daily. ............................................................................................... 6 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours 7:30 AM-5 PM; Thu., 7:30 AM-3 PM Restaurant and Lounge 520-825-3277 Daily 7 AM-8 PM Happy Hour Daily, 3-6 PM Daily restaurant specials See website Trash/Recycling Republic Services

Pickup Mondays 6 AM-6 PM. Visit SCOV website Member Services > Trash Info for holiday schedule, recycling info and submittal form to report all issues.

After-Hours Emergencies ......................... 520-825-1161

If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Want to Submit a Photo for the Tipster?

Go to the website:

Login >Member Services >This n That >Photo Release. Fill out the form and submit photos (two per form). Submit as many as you like.

Abbreviation Legend

Aquatic & Fitness Center AFC

Sun City Oro Valley SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1 WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2 WC2 Welcome Center Conference Room 3 WC3

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January
Page 2

Association News

From The Board of Directors

Our mission as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community.

All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.

Board of Directors

How Do You Stuff 10 Pounds of Potatoes in a 5-Pound Bag?

This is a question that your Board of Directors has been struggling with for more years than I have been on the Board. Our residents’ wants and needs continue to evolve and change, making it a challenge to find space within our limited geographic confines to accommodate our changing demographic.

SCOV wants to remain relevant in the marketplace by keeping up with amenities that attract new home buyers to our community, thereby keeping our home prices competitive.

Buyers pay about $100/sq.ft. more for a home here in SCOV than for a similar property outside our HOA. Why, you ask? They are not only purchasing the house, but a slice of our HOA amenities that enriches our lives.

The renovation of our Activity Center after 30 years represents the type of upgrades that we will all enjoy going forward, but it is not the end of what can be achieved to enhance our community.

SCOV needs more hard courts for our growing racket sports, a larger space for our artisan studios, an enhanced Welcome Center and an additional pool. How can we fit all 10 pounds of these amenities and upgrades into our 5 pounds of space?

Today we are faced with a choice, a choice to move forward to provide for our future and find a way to accommodate those extra 5 pounds of amenities, or to close our eyes and wish these resident wants and needs would simply go away. We now find ourselves at a crossroad which may never come our way again.

If I may paraphrase Mr. Stan Shopa, who so succinctly pointed out the analogy between our purchase of the Copper Health facility and the church that he attends. He acknowledged that prior to his attending that church, some forward-thinking parishioners took action to build the new church that he and his wife enjoy today.

It is now our turn to look forward for our SCOV community. We Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to our Association to assure that it will be a viable entity in future

years. We feel that the Copper Health opportunity is a huge step toward providing a beautiful and needed solution to our space challenges that have plagued us in past years. Now, the choice is in the hands of our residents. View the presentations on the website, ask the questions, be an informed voter and it is our hope that you will see the possibilities that we see with this opportunity.

How do you fit 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5-pound bag? You could mash the potatoes, but I’d prefer to grab the bigger bag that is being offered to us.

General Manager - Mark Wade 520-917-8080

Much to Celebrate

We just finished celebrating one of the best times of the year, and I thought I’d just keep celebrating. In a short time we will be having the grand opening of the Activity Center. I’d like to celebrate the dedication and hundreds of hours of devotion to this project. So many people for so long have spent so many hours that it is simply unbelievable.

Let’s take just a minute to reflect on a few: the Activity Center Committee met and planned for years; Jim Mitchell has been sending out the weekly update on the facility for over a year; nearly every day since the ground breaking, Larry Webster has inspected the work and its progress; Sharon Kennedy has devoted hours upon hours of her talent and knowledge to be our SCOV project manager, and so many others I can’t even begin to cover everyone.

So when you get a chance to experience the results of all these many wonderful dedicated resident volunteers, let’s not only celebrate what a stunningly beautiful facility it is, let’s also celebrate the many volunteers who unselfishly gave of their time and talents to make this all possible. Let’s celebrate this wonderful community who voted to continue to invest by allowing this renovation. Let’s celebrate this lifestyle that you’ve all created over the years. Let’s celebrate each other.

January Board of Directors Meetings

Study Session: Thursday, January 12, 9 AM

Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 24, 9 AM

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023, Page 3
Association News ........................... 3 Association Committees ................ 7
the Cover 8 Golf ............................................... 10 Workshops and Classes 11 Coming Events ............................. 13 Memoriam .................................... 14 Clubs 14 Arts,
.............. 14 Continuing Education ................ 18 Cultural & Social 19 Dance ........................................ 24 Exercise 24 Games ....................................... 25 What’s Inside Music 27 Sports ........................................ 28 Travel ......................................... 30 Partnered Organizations 31 Extended Community .................. 32 Classifieds 32
Crafts & Hobbies
Photo Scrapbook
meetings in Activity Center/Kiva Room and on Zoom

It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle!

Time to Celebrate!

Activity Center ready to open for business and pleasure by Jim Mitchell

After four years of planning and development, SCOV’s largest construction project ever, the Activity Center, is coming to completion. A grand opening is scheduled for 10 AM, Saturday, January 14. In addition to SCOV Board members and those who’ve worked on the project, the ribbon-cutting will include Town of Oro Valley Mayor, Joe Winfield, Acting Town Manager, Chris Cornelison, representatives from the general contractor, W. E. O’Neil, and the architects, Highton Associates. Various SCOV clubs will provide entertainment, including singers, musicians, and dancers. There will be cake, coffee, and wine to top off the celebration.

Highlights of the new design include a larger lobby, an improved Auditorium, a new Kiva meeting room, Kiva Patio, the new Bistro Coffee/Wine Bar and additional restrooms.

The lobby has been expanded to more than 1,000 square feet including a foyer with seating. As you enter, your eyes will be drawn to the large, multimedia art to the right. Commissioned and created by SCOV artists, the piece includes glass, metal and wood.

lobby, the redesigned ladies’ room has added two new stalls and new lavatories. There are also two family restrooms off the Kiva Room and one by the Green Room.

Sharon Kennedy, who had 40 years of construction management experience in the Seattle area, has guided the construction over the past year. She was supported by lead team members Mark Wade, Robin Coulter, Ken Sandrock, Howard Schulz and Jim Mitchell. Other support included the inspection team of Larry Webster, Meade Davis and John Gausman, who completed daily inspections to make sure the project followed the plan and codes. The finishing team of Dan Stasi and Judee Wickersham worked with Highton Architects and Robin Coulter on colors, fabrics and furniture. Judee Wickersham, Mary Sherwood, Sue Paluska and Eldon Ward comprised the art team that raised funds, hired the commissioned artists, and oversaw the art project throughout.

The lovely new entry will greet you at the renovated Activity Center. Larry Webster photo

The Auditorium floor is all parquet, adding to the usable dance space. The stage has been enlarged and raised for better sight lines. A hearing loop under the flooring will provide hearing assistance to those who need it. A new automated backstage lift will aid in getting heavy objects onstage. The Green Room to the side is larger and has improved lighting and mirrors. A new storage room at the rear is large enough for the tables and chairs that used to be stored along auditorium walls.

To the east of the Auditorium, a new 1,400 squarefoot Kiva Room will seat around 100 people classroomstyle. Just outside of the Kiva Room, the Kiva Patio will feature a fire pit and an overhead shade system.

The new Bistro Coffee & Wine Bar will offer coffee, espresso, lattes, and other coffee beverages, along with pastries in the mornings. In the afternoon, it will offer wine, beer, sodas, and various bar snacks. It will be open mornings, afternoons and evenings (see hours on page 5) and hours will be adjusted to accommodate the business plan or special evening events. It will be managed by The Views Restaurant.

There are more restrooms serving the building. Off the

The original Activity Center Renovation Committee began their planning in March 2018. Those members included Ed Zwerling, Ted Hood, Richard Babin, Don Teiser, Al Johnson, Hal Linton, Barbara Ross, Jim Mitchell and Meade Davis. They interviewed more than 50 clubs and committees who use the building, along with staff, to assess needs and wants for the new design. After prioritizing those, they interviewed architects and general contractors and chose Highton Associates and W. E. O’Neil. They also organized three community meetings to explain details of the project, which required a 60-percent approval of resident households due to the $4.5 million budget that will be met.

Come join your SCOV friends and help us celebrate the grand opening on January 14. We hope to see you there.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 4 4 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
The renovated Kiva patio will offer shade and a fire pit for gathering with friends. Larry Webster photo

Asst. General Manager - Robin Coulter 520-917-8070

Court and Lap Lane Reservation System Update

The transition to the new reservation system for lap lanes and courts is complete. As you may remember, during Covid we moved to SignUpGenius for our pool lap lanes. However, lap lane sign-ups increased, and the limits of the software created more work for the staff.

New software, Court Reserve, was purchased and staff learned how to use it and set up our different systems. SCOV is using it for lap lane reservations, and added court reservation as well. Once staff felt the system was set up properly, several resident swimmers were asked to test the system and provide feedback. After adapting to their feedback, staff met with the hard court and bocce clubs to introduce the software to them, blocking out club use time and establishing when the courts are available for open play by SCOV residents.

Kat Peabody is the key staff member for this software. She has spent hours learning, listening and adapting the software to meet the wants and needs of SCOV. Kat reports that with the old system she had to recreate a calendar for lap lane usage every two weeks. Now, she makes changes only twice a year. When asked about the new system she replied, “It’s cake compared to the old system.”

Lonnie Davis, Fitness Coordinator, is another back-end user of this software. He assists pool users in getting signed up and checked in for their lap lane reservation. He tracks when there are “no shows,” since there’s a penalty for having three due to the demand for lap lanes. Lonnie reports that since October, there have been around 32 “no shows,” and no one has received the penalty for not checking in for their lap lane. It’s easy to check in. Just walk into the AFC lobby, find your reservation on the iPad and check in. Violà! Lonnie reports that most users find the system easy to use and are happy with it. His workload has been reduced and his ability to report on “no shows” has been made easier.

Our governing documents provide for club use of our facilities, but it also provides for use by all residents of most of our amenities. So, if you’d like to reserve a bocce court, pickleball court or a lap lane, sign up now with the new reservation system. You don’t have to guess if these spaces are available, you can check the website and even reserve it online. From click Fitness > Reserve a Court/Lap Lane and get out there and have fun!

Lifestyle Coordinator - Brenda Puzzele-Stoltz 520-917-8077

We have two activities planned this month. The first event is Thursday, January 19, 6 PM. Come enjoy an evening of fire dancing and spectacle from Tucson’s local circus fire troupe, Cirque Roots, at the putting green area. For over 10 years they’ve lit up the night for families across the United Stated from fire juggling to LED hula hoops. They bring fire dance, humor, acrobatics, stilts and more for this community event.

The second, you can go to Crazy Hearts Ranch near Moore and La Cañada and audit a session presented by Lanny Leach, world’s leading horse trainer, Saturday, January 28, 9 AM. There are several different methods and philosophies about the best way to train a horse. When it comes to overall horse training, Lanny has based his program on key principles to building a calm, willing horse for any discipline. You may have already seen some of Lanny’s work if you viewed


ARC Submittal On-Site Reviews Reminder

Our governing documents are very specific about what is needed for the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to review an exterior project followed by a vote to grant or deny approval. The ARC is made up of volunteers who have devoted numerous hours each month.

When a submittal is received, it is necessary to meet with an ARC representative at your home to go over the project. You may judge this to be ridiculous, but over the years this process has made the difference between approvals and denials. Prior to a vote, the ARC member comes to the ARC meeting fully prepared to answer any questions of other members who have not been to the site. Please be aware there are several small projects that can be addressed with an In-House Submittal that do not require the more involved process.

Development Standards Section 4.4 states: “Decision Making Process and Appeal. The ARC shall review submittals based on the information contained within the submittal, any other information required in Section 4.3, and the site visit with the Resident or Designated Representative by one or more committee members.”

The ARC Submittal Directions and Form clearly state “…There will be a physical review of the property prior to an approval approximately one week prior to a meeting. An ARC member will contact you for an appointment. If you do not respond to the ARC member’s phone call for an appointment, then your submittal will be tabled until you communicate agreement to an appointment time with the ARC representative.”

The committee members lend an immensely valuable contribution to SCOV for the continued maintenance and enhancement of property values. If you are unable to physically meet because you are out of town, etc., please make arrangements with the Architectural Coordinator to name a Designated Representative in writing, who can speak and make decisions on your behalf. These ARC volunteers deserve the respect of you being available for an appointment or else making other arrangements.

5 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
the 2015 documentary Unbranded. Tickets for both events are available on SCOV’s website under Members > Member Services > Tickets. Community Services - Katy Mosier Architectural Coordinator, Katy Mosier
Welcome New Neighbors – November Unit # Name From 3 Paul & Laurie Jendre Medina, OH 3 Suzanne Jacques 8 Stephen Rogowsky & Valerie Salwen Scarsdale, NY 9 Henry & Nancy Beausoleil Sioux Falls, SD 10 Lynn Nadeau Oro Valley, AZ 15 Linda Petersen 18 Susan & Richard Champany Farmington, NM Hours of Operation Opening date will be announced in “This Week in SCOV” 6-6:30 AM Window only 6:30-11 AM and 2-9 PM



Statement of Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations

Statement of Revenues & Expenses and the Results of Operations

5 Months 2022-2023 Nov ActualBudget


Annual H.O. Fees 364,213 $ 1,821,069 $ 1,821,069 $

Asset Reserve Revenue 195,443 $ 632,083 $ 632,000 $

Capital Fund Revenue 221,865 $ 1,037,708 $ 1,038,000 $

Golf Revenues 262,116 $ 843,352 $ 748,512 $

Activities Revenues 56,640 $ 81,217 $ 71,069 $

Restaurant Revenues 164,370 $ 718,376 $ 718,100 $

Interest Income 27,599 $ 97,201 $ 5,000 $

Other Income 147,751 $ 394,527 $ 134,115 $ Gross Revenues 1,439,997 $ 5,625,533 $ 5,167,865 $

Asset Reserve (195,443) $ (632,083) $ (632,000) $ Capital Fund (221,865) $ (1,037,708) $ (1,038,000) $

Contingency Fund (18,992) $ (117,176) $ - $

Wash Fund Contribution - $ - $ - $

New Capital Acquisitions (12,775) $ (48,687) $ (20,700) $ Restricted Use Revenues (126,791) $ (225,695) $ (17,950) $

Net Operating Revenues 864,131 $ 3,564,184 $ 3,459,215 $ Expenses:

Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first five months of the 2022-2023 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website Log in after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.

If you are interested in more information regarding the community’s finances, we encourage you to attend the Finance-Budget Committee meeting which will be held Monday, January 23, 1 PM, in Conference Room WC1 in the Welcome Center and via Zoom.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 520917-8060, or email me at

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 6 6 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
& Benefits
Cost of Sales
356,169 $ 1,839,539 $ 1,966,036 $
140,933 $ 446,067 $ 407,709 $
80,515 $ 569,512 $ 562,059 $
& Maint. 6,129 $ 59,695 $ 55,432 $
& Expenses 117,175 $ 708,631 $ 701,879 $
115,000 $ 575,000 $ 575,000 $ Total Expenses 815,921 $ 4,198,444 $ 4,268,115 $ Restricted Fund Expenses (130,835) $ (630,491) $ (575,000) $ Net Operating Expenses 685,086 $ 3,567,953 $ 3,693,115 $ Results of Operations 179,045 $ (3,769) $ (233,900) $

November Housing Resale Information

Resales For the Month YTD

2022 7 159 2021 13 190

2021 Total Sold - 208

2022: Active Listings as of 11/30/2022 12

2021: Active Listings as of 11/30/2021 10

Source: MLSSAZ®

November 2022 Average Age of New Owners: 69.9

SCOV Library - Michelle Mooney Online catalog: 520-917-8083

The Library welcomes author Anne Hillerman, who is scheduled to present on Thursday, January 19, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Anne is an American journalist and a New York Times best-selling author. Anne’s new book, The Way of the Bear, is scheduled to be released in April of this year. Her books, as well as her father’s, Tony Hillerman, are beloved by our community. The television series “Dark Winds” is based on characters from both Tony’s and Anne’s books and has been renewed for the 2023 season. I hope you will join us for insight into Anne’s new book.

The Library will be closed on Monday, January 2, in observance of New Year’s Day and on Monday, January 16, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The book drop will remain open for your convenience over the holiday closures.

Recreation and Fitness - 520-917-8073

New Year, New Exercise

It’s a new year, and maybe you’ve resolved to start an exercise program. If so, good for you. Getting regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do, and it’s one of the most common New Year’s resolutions among Americans each year. Just make sure you start off on the right foot with these helpful tips. Take it slow and set small goals: after all, you’re in this for a lifetime. Talk to your doctor before getting started, especially if it’s been 8-12 months or longer since you’ve last exercised, you’ve had a large weight gain, or you’ve had a noticeable change in health. Evaluate your personality. Do you like to exercise alone, in a large group or with a partner? The answer to this question will help you decide what type of exercise will keep you motivated to stick with your new routine. Be safe. If you’re exercising outside, make safety a priority. Dress for the weather, wear reflectors and light colors if you’ll be out when it’s dark, and carry a cell phone with you.

Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC)

Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or concerns with the AFC. Hours of operation for the AFC and Desert Oasis are on page 2.

Tuesday, January 10, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.

Wednesday, January 11, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.

Tuesday, January 24, the AFC spa will be closed for cleaning until 1 PM.

Association Committees

Active Health

Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428

Next meeting Mon., Jan. 9, 3 PM, WC1

Dr. T. Carmine VanDeven will speak to us this month on the topic of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and demonstrate a powerful hands-on approach to maximize healing from a wide variety of conditions. Join us on Friday, January 13, 1 PM, Catalina Vista, to witness this interactive healing modality. We also start the Alzheimer’s Science of Prevention series with new information about Dr. Dale Bredesen’s ReCode Program to prevent and even reverse cognitive loss. Join us starting Friday, January 6, 3 PM, Catalina Vista, for 10 weeks. See the flyer inserted in the middle of this Tipster for more information.


and Fitness Center Advisory

Cliff Miller

First Wed., 11 AM, WC1

The Aquatic & Fitness Center will host an open house Monday, January 9, 12:30-2:30 PM, to familiarize residents with the gym and pool. This will include instructions on all equipment, sign-up for the pool lanes, etc. If you have wanted to use these areas and would like to learn more about our gym and pool, this would be an excellent time to do so. We hope to have a good turnout and will give away some prizes to residents who attend the event.

AFC Open House

Monday, January 9 • 12:30-2:30 PM

Stop by and learn about class and pool lane sign-up, use of equipment and more.

If you haven’t used this fabulous amenity, this is a perfect time to start a New Year’s exercise plan.

Architectural Inspection Group

Conveyance Coordinator, Jack Mooney, 520-917-8087,

You have decided to make a change to the exterior of your home without getting your plans approved by the Association ahead of time. Who is ever going to know? Your neighbors are great; they won’t say anything. All is fine until you decide to sell your home; then comes the exterior inspection of the home which is required before the close of escrow. The resulting report lists all violations present and is sent to you, the title company, the involved realtors and the prospective buyer.

The prospective buyer might begin to get nervous. Trying to find someone at the last minute to correct the work could be difficult, and several questions will likely be raised about who will be responsible for and pay for the correction. It’s possible that something your buyer liked when they made their offer may have to be removed. This is an inconvenient time to have to deal with a modification/addition that should have been approved before now.

Please, before you do anything substantial to the exterior of your home, check the SCOV Development Standards and Master Declaration which are on our web page or call the Administration office and ask about any required approvals. The time, money and frustration saved will be worth your effort.

7 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
Lonnie Davis

Architectural Review

Jim Cherry 612-805-5637

Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM

We begin a new year and for many, a new set of property maintenance and upgrades are in the works. Hopefully, materials and workers will be more accessible than we have seen recently.

As a reminder, most everything you do outside is likely to require some level of review. Changing a light bulb, replacing a dead plant with a similar plant, or doing some touchup painting on the outside are simple exceptions to review requirements.

Beyond those very basic examples, you will likely need either the Architectural Coordinator or the Architectural Review Committee to be involved for actions like replacing an outdoor light fixture, putting up a new garage door or even wanting to plant a bush or tree. They all have Development Standards surrounding your plans. So, be sure to do your research and if you are unsure, give us a call.

Community Directory

Chair Blythe Campbell 907-717-7546

To update your listing in the directory, the preferred method is to complete the online form “Change your directory listing.” Otherwise, you can fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center.

Consumer Referral - Vendor List

Susanna Moran

The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.

During Activity Center renovation, the Vendor List also may be viewed at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista during business hours. Please check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.

Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.

Election Meet Your Candidates

The Meet the Candidate Video Interview link will be emailed to the “This Week In SCOV” list and posted on the website on Friday, January 27. This is an informal interview of each of the candidates, so you can get to know them better and begin gathering information about each one of them.

Board Candidate Forums are planned for Monday, February 6, 9 AM and 6 PM, Auditorium (pending post-remodeling occupancy) and Zoom. Video recordings will be posted on the website. You will receive an email with a link for easy access. Mark your calendar now.

You will be voting to fill two three-year positions on the Board of Directors. At the time this article was submitted, there will be at least one initiative on which you will be voting.


Chair Meade Davis

Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.

The Finance and Budget Committee meetings are typically held quarterly. The meetings may also be attended via Zoom. The SCOV website provides the Zoom link. Additional meeting times are posted on the SCOV website as needed.

Food and Beverage

Chair Bob Landis First Thu., 3 PM, WC1

The committee’s mission is to support The Views Restaurant and provide an opportunity to hear what the community wants and desires for food and beverage service.

Friends of the Library

Co-Pres. Kari Dufur Co-Pres. Carol Tombre Treas. and Membership Andrea Houston

We wish everyone a very happy New Year. Aside from having to postpone our fabulous Home Tour fundraiser until next year, we are excited about the line up of authors Librarian Michelle Mooney will bring to the SCOV community including Anne Hillerman and Deborah Royce.

The membership drive is January 10 and 11, 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM, in the Library lobby. If you are not yet a member, please consider becoming one now. The funding to purchase all the wonderful materials in the Library comes solely from Friends of the Library (FOL) and donations. Association dues are not put towards these costs. Membership is $15/ year for an individual or $20 for a family. If you are a current member, thank you. Renewals may be paid this month.

We have a second Great Reads for FOL members on tap, slated for Monday, January 23, and the monthly Book Bingo on Wednesday, January 18. See For Your Information and Coming Events for details.


Remodeled entry of the Activity Center taken before construction was completed.

Gift Shop

Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990 Gift Shop 520-917-8051

Shop Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 AM-4 PM, Sat. 10 AM-1 PM

Featured consignors are Kris Ahlstrand and Robin Schmidt.

Kris loves textiles after working in the garment industry and collecting clothing and fabrics while traveling. She repurposes these fabrics as pillows and runners. Huipils pillows are made from garments worn by the indigenous people of Latin American countries. Ikat is an Indonesian dyeing technique to color yarns prior to weaving the fabric. Kris uses Ikats from Guatemala and Africa in her pillows and runners.

Robin’s grandma and aunt sewed on black Singer Feath-

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 8 8 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Photo by Larry Webster Kris Ahlstrand (left) and Robin Schmidt

erweight machines when she was young. In college she minored in Home Economics, then began sewing clothes for her kids on her own Featherweight. Every Christmas she sewed something for every family member. She also began quilting, buying more fabric than needed, creating a fabric stash. Robin held “Grammy’s Sewing Camp” with four of her granddaughters. Out of the stash each one made a pillow and pillowcases for their bedrooms.

Government Affairs

Chair Earl Vittitoe

Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1

Did you attend the Oro Valley Mayoral Debate, Coffee with a Cop or the Oro Valley Police Chief Forum?

These are some of the past events that were sponsored by the Government Affairs Committee. Were these events of value to you? Would you like additional events? We are here to serve the interests of the community and would appreciate your input as we build the schedule of events for 2023. You can contact us via email at In addition, everyone is welcome to attend our regular meetings on the second Wednesday of the month or via Zoom.

Holiday Lights

Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219

The holiday lights get tucked away the first week of January. We felt fortunate to be able to decorate so many areas this year, though we hoped to light up the Activity Center. We need to raise more funds, likely through another Holiday House Tour, to expand the display to that area for the 2023 holiday season. If you are interested in being on the tour, please inform to and don’t forget to check our website

Loan Room - Community Assistance

Chair Gay Russell

Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1 (currently not meeting)

Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM

As we begin the new year, the volunteers of Community Assistance Committee and the Loan Room would like to thank all of you for your support of this service to our community. We try to provide many items that are helpful to SCOV, and thank you for your understanding when we can’t provide what you want or need. Please feel free to visit us when we are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 AM, to see what we have available. For the next few months, we recommend that you make reservations up to two months in advance, as we are usually busy until spring.

Long Range Planning

Chair Sharon Kennedy

Second Wed., 10 AM, WC2 and Zoom; and Fourth Wed., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room and Zoom

The purpose of our committee is to develop and recommend to the Board a rolling 5- to 10-year plan to maintain and further enhance the quality of life for current residents, while ensuring SCOV remains competitive in attracting additional active, involved people to our community. Committee documents are on the SCOV website. Our meetings are open to all residents.

Neighborhood Pride

Chair Bill Bable 248-231-2829,

First Wed., 9 AM, Catalina Vista


Chair Lou Gard Mon., 1 PM, WC2


Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169

First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis

We would like to remind SCOV residents that the speed limit on Rancho Vistoso from Del Webb Blvd. to Sun City Blvd. is 35 MPH. Residents currently receive the most speeding citations in our area. Remember, we all need to slow down and enjoy our beautiful and safe community. Prevent a potential crash or injury by slowing down. Another way to keep us safe is to join the Posse. Call Linda Simōn at 520-789-7169 for more information. Happy 2023.


Chair Rich Oaks

Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1 and via Zoom

The Properties Committee had an active year in 2022. The committee conducted a number of inspections including SCOV-owned buildings and grounds inspections during April and October and golf course cart paths in September. The Chalk Creek Wash was also inspected in April and October. We continued to monitor the performance of the eight solar systems at HOA buildings. In addition, the committee worked on two major tasks during the year including a proposal to install solar generated electricity at the AFC. The committee also coordinated the refurbishment of the large SCOV signs located throughout the community. The committee looks forward to continuing our efforts in 2023. Our recent meetings have been in person and via Zoom. Please see the calendar on the SCOV website for scheduled meeting dates, times and meeting format.

January 2023
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster,
Paul Livingston photo
Time to Start Saving Aluminum Cans Again
The Community Assistance Committee (CAC) would like to remind you to save your aluminum cans. The Activity Center is nearing completion and soon aluminum can collection can begin again.

Tipster Editorial

Co-chair Karla Erdahl 480-205-1931

Co-chair Karen Koopmans 520-818-6337

Oh, no, I submitted my Tipster article by the deadline, but I made a mistake. We get it. It happens. If you realize there’s an error in the article that you submitted by the 8th of the month deadline, go ahead and make a new Tipster article submission. We’ll use the most recent submission. We are unable to guarantee that corrections and new submissions received after the 8th of the month will be in the final Tipster

course that we don’t get to spend a lot of time on during the rest of the year.

Several years ago, we started root pruning around tee complexes with our trencher. The turf on some of the tees struggles with transition in the early summer due to heavy golfer traffic, limited sun from trees and tree roots growing under the turf which compete with the grass roots for water and nutrients. The branches are continually trimmed over, but the roots aren’t removed very often. The trencher cuts the tree roots outside the turf edge and all the roots under the tee are no longer able to compete with the grass.

The chronic wet areas around the new greens will be an ongoing project that will continue in the winter months. Since the new greens have extensive drainpipes leaving the greens, we are able to tie into these pipes to move water out of the wet areas. Some of the wet spots are areas that settled above the greens’ drains. In those areas the pipe is exposed, and a French drain of pea gravel and sand is used to replace the non-draining native soil.

Golf Advisory

Chair Kevin Devaney 708-732-2943

Sep.-May, first Wed., 2 PM, WC3

It will be another exciting season this year, and we look forward to serving your golfing needs. We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year.

This month we host the Oro Valley Senior Championship on January 7 and 8. The event will draw some of the finest players around the southwest. There are two divisions to the tournament, with the championship division playing gross only and the regular division playing gross and net with a maximum handicap of 10.

On Saturday, January 21, from 10 AM-3 PM, we will conduct our annual Helicopter Ball Drop along with a demo club fitting day. We will provide a great barbeque with music and fun. The following golf club companies will be in attendance for you to try out their new equipment: Titleist, Taylor Made, Cobra, Srixon, Cleveland, and XXIO.

The Helicopter Ball Drop is a 50/50 fundraiser for the men’s and women’s golf associations. To participate, you purchase a golf ball(s). The cost is $10 per ball/3 balls for $25, 7 balls for $50, and 15 balls for $100. The golf balls will be dropped from the helicopter at approximately 1 PM during the event on Saturday, January 21, at The Views Golf Club Driving Range.

You can purchase a golf ball(s) anytime up until 5 PM Friday, January 20, in the Pro Shop or online. The three balls closest to the hole win. After distribution of the 50/50 split, first place receives 50% of the prize fund, second place 30% and third 20%. The total number of balls sold will determine the prize fund distribution.

If we can assist you with any of your golfing needs, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for enjoying all the activities at the club, and we look forward to having you play soon. 520-917-8063

Happy New Year! January is the time of year when the normal activities in the golf course maintenance department really slow down. The cooler temperatures decrease the growth rate of the grass, so the amount of turf maintenance is reduced. Less fertilizer, water and mowing are required for maintaining good turf health. This allows our department to catch up on other areas of the golf

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club

Pres. Rocky Gedrose 770-331-8281

Membership Dean Silverlock

Play Wed. AM

Happy New Year fellow golfers. It’s January, and The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club is going full speed into the new year. Members who have not done so, renew your AGA GHIN and Views Golf Club memberships for the year. For all of you sitting on the fence, now is a great time to jump over to our side and join the Men’s 18-Hole Golf Club. Every week offers fun and friendly competition on our beautiful golf course. If you are interested, contact our membership chairman, Dean Silverlock, and he’ll take care of you. This month’s helpful tip: “There are two things you do with your head down–golf and pray.” –Lee Trevino

Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club

Pres. Tod Milton 520-256-0962 Play Thu. morning

Wowzers it is 2023… when did that happen? Another year has flown by and we’re anxiously awaiting a whole bunch of new fun golf and grand memories. As you may have noticed, the course is in great shape and pretty as ever. Believe it or not, upwards of 70,000 rounds of golf were played here last year. With that in mind, it’s even more important that we all use the gates and stay off the resting Bermuda grass on the sides of the fairways. Additionally, it is important that when driving down fairways, #2 as an example, we stay away from driving down the middle of the fairway. When we use the same area of the fairway repeatedly, it compacts the grass and dirt beneath. Following this practice will keep our luscious fairways from dying off prematurely.

At our annual opening day Burger Bash, we awarded two members their hole-in-one awards. Congratulations to Jack Leonard, two holesin-one, and Darwin Priebe, one holein-one. Obviously, the rest of us are quite jealous.

Opening day Burger Bash

We are always looking for new members to join a fun and friendly bunch of guys. Please

10 10 January
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Golfing experience that provides professional and friendly service, mountain views and excellent conditions. Director of Golf - Rick Price 520-917-8086 Director of Golf Maintenance - Michael Kropf

contact Larry Hafner, our membership chair, solring1949@, if you’re interested or have questions. Hit ’em straight.

The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Rob Ranson

VP/Membership Pattie Horning League play Tue. mornings

The President’s Cup is our annual match play tournament, with Pro Shop credit payout for the top four players. The event begins in January and wraps up around the first of March. Brackets are posted at the Pro Shop, and players are responsible for scheduling their own matches. There is no fee to enter this tournament.

2021-2022 season President’s Cup Champion, Susan Olson (right) is pictured with 2021-2022 season president, Beckie Harkey (left).


Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Marilyn Tyreman 520-548-4483

Membership Carol Johnson 425-343-7138 Play Thu. mornings

The Lady Niner’s golf season is in full swing. Our schedule of games has been established for the season, and it promises to be both challenging and fun. Some of the games are designed for teams and others for individuals. In addition, we are getting ready for the Cure for Cancer Tournament on March 12, and our invitational tournament scheduled for March 30. It’s never too late to get your golf game going with the Lady Niner’s. For information, contact our Membership Chair, Carol Johnson.

Food & Beverage Management Team

Janet Blackwell, Restaurant Manager 520-825-3277

Skeeter Reynolds, Kitchen Manager 520-825-3277

Happy New Year! We welcome Jeannine Robinson as our new assistant restaurant manager. Jeannine has managed several restaurants in Nevada and has a reputation for excellent customer service and productivity. We look forward to Jeannine bringing that same enthusiasm and professionalism to The

Views Restaurant. She will join us in helping to create the best team environment for all of us.

As always, our residents and customers come first. We will continue to strive to provide excellent service and are thankful for your support.

Workshops and Classes

Association-Sponsored Fitness

Online advance registration is required for all classes at www. Check www. for current information.

There is a $2 fee per class. Currently, punch passes must be purchased online: $20 for 10 classes or an annual pass for $300. You can register for classes and purchase passes at Class descriptions may be found at www.suncityorovalley. com/amenities-facilities. Questions, call Lonnie 520-917-8073.

Aqua Zumba®: Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool Balance Class: Mon.,10:30-11:30 AM, AFC Chair Balance Class: Fri., 10:30-11:30, DO

Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Sat., 9-10 AM, CV Cardio Core Fusion Tue, Thu, 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC

Core Conditioning: Wed. 3 PM, AFC Slow Flow Yoga Tue, Thu., 6:45-7:45 PM, AFC Sweat Stretch: Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC Water Aerobics: Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11 AM, AFC Pool Zumba® : Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 4-5 PM, AFC

Personal trainer one-on-one training. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 for an appointment.

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes

Learn to use this life-saving machine at a class offered Wednesday, January 25, 1:30 PM, WC1. Contact Lonnie Davis to make a reservation for this class 520-917-8073

iPhone Classes

SCOV Technology Club will present classes for iPhone users in January and February. SCOV residents may attend without a fee. Please register individually. Class is size limited to 20-25. Sign up on SCOV Technology Club website Classes are held in the Technology Lab in the Welcome Center.

Wed. Jan. 4, 1-3 PM

iPhone: Photos Revisited & Exploring the Calendar App. Exploration of photo app, editing, sharing, etc.; using the calendar app.

Thu., Jan. 26, 1-3 PM

iPhone: Book Apps and Podcasts. Connecting to books and other audio apps including podcasts.

Wed. Feb. 8., 1-3 PM

iPhone: Protecting Your Privacy & Digital Information. Protecting yourself with passwords. Avoid spam, scams, fake messages and email. Your questions answered.

Thu., Feb. 23, 1-3 PM

iPhone: Your Personal Assistant, Siri. What Siri can do for you. Your questions answered.

Parkinson’s Exercise Club

Classes are Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 to make an appointment. Classes are held in the Welcome Center, WC3.

City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023 The Lady Niner’s holiday celebration Convenient community restaurant, lounge and terrace offering an enjoyable experience in food, drinks and entertainment. Janet Blackwell

Community Foundation

You’ll be able to try a sample coffee or wine in The Bistro Coffee & Wine Bar at the grand opening of the Activity Center on Saturday, January 14, from 10 AM -1 PM. Mark your calendars.

The generosity of Gunther and Irmgard Mueller’s estate gift to the Foundation supported the funding for The Bistro. SCOV residents and guests now will have a casual setting to gather and relax. With both indoor and patio seating, The Bistro will be your “home away from home.”

Your Foundation wants to thank everyone who donated to our annual year-end fundraising campaign. We are grateful for the outpouring of generosity from our community. Though 2022 has ended, it’s not too late to make a gift. Visit the Foundation’s website.

Lastly, the Foundation-sponsored Dispose-A-Med event will be held on Saturday, January 28. See details in Coming Events.

For Your Information

Costume Closet

The Costume Closet, operated by the SCOV Variety Theatre Club, is available to all residents. This month it will be open on Wednesday, January 11, 9-10 AM, and Monday, January 16, 3-4 PM. This is a free service, but donations are welcome to help with repair and cleaning. Enter the Costume Closet by going through the Loan Room. For questions, call or text Kate Cusumano 520-437-2074.

Great Reads 2

Friends of the Library (FOL) presents our second Great Reads for FOL members Monday, January 23, Catalina Vista. This presentation will partly showcase additional new titles published in the past year. We will also have Kate Cusumano, our former Librarian, step in to give us a tour of The Tucson Festival of Books website. The festival is March 4 and 5 at the University of Arizona.

Institute of Learning in Retirement (ILR) Samplers

In-person Samplers are back. Our new winter season will be February and March, Thursdays, 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista. Samplers are one-hour lectures on a wide variety of subjects, open to all SCOV residents and guests. You don’t need to be a member of ILR to attend. Winter session Sampler subjects include improving your recycling efforts, immigration, Ukraine and French art, history and music. See the weekly announcement in “This Week In SCOV” and the full schedule in the Tipster and the ILR website under Samplers.

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation (SCVCF) mission statement reads: “To enhance the quality of life of residents and the surrounding community through support for health, cultural, recreational, educational and charitable needs.” In keeping with that mission statement, the Foundation honors Irmgard and Gunther Mueller for their generous estate gift to the Foundation that supported funding for The Bistro Coffee & Wine Bar in the newly renovated Activity Center. This is to be a gathering place where kindness is sown and friendships bloom over a cup of coffee or glass of wine.

Cecilia Pfeiffer, their dear friend, offered this tribute: “Irmgard and Gunther came to America from Germany in the late fifties. After WWII, they both worked for Siemens in Germany. When they were sponsored to come to America, they secured jobs as engineers in the aerospace industry.

Their jobs took them to the eastern and southern shores of America, but their favorite was the west. They discovered Del Webb’s Sun City on a road trip, and it was love at first sight. The Mueller’s home on Copperstone Drive had windows facing the Santa Catalina Mountains with no houses to obstruct the sunsets. They would always say, “When the mountains turn pink, it’s time for a drink” when friends and neighbors stopped by to toast the mountains and beautiful sunsets. They passed away in nursing homes, first Gunther, then Irmgard. Since they never had children, Irmgard and Gunther thought of Sun City as ‘their local family’ and loved being here.”

Planned gifts: If you are interested in discussing the possibility of making a planned gift to Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, please contact Carol Johnson, SCVCF President 425-343-7138.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 12 12 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Irmgard and Gunther Mueller’s Legacy Gift Gunther and Irmgard Mueller


During December, a small group of artists met to restart the Printmakers Club. The group is meeting Saturdays, 9 AM-1 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio. This club does not have an instructor, but artists may observe and learn from the experienced printmakers. You will need to bring your own supplies. Contact Jane Leonard

Silent Book Club

Would you be interested in a book club without having to read specific books? Come to The Views Restaurant Wednesday, January 11, 2:30-3:30 PM, for SCOV’s monthly gathering of a Silent Book Club, a club about having a rollicking good time discussing books. Join us to chat, read silently and have some coffee or tea. After about 15 minutes we will introduce ourselves. If you want, start a conversation about what you love or hate about what you are reading. Feel free to join in. Take notes about what you might like reading next. To sign up, contact Peggy Smith at

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community. Check the website and “This Week in SCOV” for current information.

Every Day, 3-6 PM

The Views Restaurant Happy Hour

Join us for happy hour food and drink specials.

Every Wednesday, 8 AM-Noon Open Air Market

Don’t forget to drop by the market behind the Welcome Center between 8 AM and Noon. There may be new vendors each week. Shop in the convenience of our own community. Let’s keep this market going with your purchases.

Monday, January 9, 10 AM - Noon

Gift Shop Monday Madness Sale

Mark your calendars for bargains galore at our first Monday Madness sale of the New Year including jewelry, wood, fused glass, pottery, fabrics, cards and much more. We set up in front of the Gift Shop. This is an easy and convenient way to shop while supporting your resident artists and local charities. While there, check out all of the new items in the Gift Shop. Thank you for shopping with us.

Friday, January 13, 1 PM

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

The Active Health Committee presents T. Carmine VanDeven, D.O., who will demonstrate and speak about the healing modalities of osteopathy at Catalina Vista.

Wednesday, January 18, 3 PM

Book Bingo

Join the Friends of The Library (FOL) in WC3 for our monthly Book B-I-N-G-O. Open to the whole community, this is regular bingo with books as prizes. No literary knowledge needed. Your cash donation of $5 pp at the door supports the SCOV Library. Bring a beverage and snacks. Use

SignUpGenius on the FOL or Library page to reserve your spot or call Sherry Small 520-308-5735.

Thursday, January 19, 1:30 PM

Library Author Event

Anne Hillerman, a New York Times bestselling author, will talk about her new book, The Way of the Bear, scheduled for release in April. Join us at Catalina Vista.

Thursday, January 19, 6 PM

Cirque Roots – Aerial & Fire

Come enjoy an evening of fire dancing and spectacle from Tucson’s local circus fire troupe, Cirque Roots. For over 10 years they’ve lit up the night for families across the United States from fire eating to fire juggling to LED hula hoops. Cirque Roots brings their fire dance, humor, acrobatics, stilts and more for a community event you won’t want to miss. This outdoor event is at the driving range, so dress warmly. Bring your own snacks. Tickets are $13 and may be purchased from Members > Member Services > Tickets > Cirque Roots. Seating begins at 5:30 PM.

Tuesday, January 24, 1 PM

Tucson Museum of Art Talk

The next TMA Art Talk will be given by popular docent Susie Heintz, “Thoroughly Modern Mary Cassatt?” in WC3. Meet this Impressionist artist and experience her powerful personality and analyze her struggles as a premier female artist to see if she is truly modern. Contact Helen or Bob Jennette 520-818-6332 for further information.

Saturday, January 28, 9-11AM


The SCOV Community Foundation in cooperation with the Oro Valley Police Department will be holding another Dispose-a-Med event at the Vistoso Community Church, 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Please bring your unused and/or expired medications to this event. Only pills will be accepted. A special thanks to the Vistoso Community Church for allowing us to use their facility for this event.

Saturday & Sunday, January 28 & 29, 8 AM-4 PM

Mata Ortiz Pottery and Zapotec Rug Show and Sale

Visit this popular show sponsored by the Spanish Cultural Club. Location TBD due to Activity Center renovation.

Tuesday, January 31, 9 AM

Tipster Collation

If you enjoy reading your community magazine, consider helping with inserting flyers into the Tipster. This volunteer effort helps cover the cost of printing. Join the fun and get a little bit of exercise at the Auditorium. To sign up, email Thank you in advance.

Friday, February 3, 9 AM

Library Author Event

Deborah Royce will talk about her newly released book Reef Road, a page turning, haunting mystery inspired by true crime. Join us at Catalina Vista.

13 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023


Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Art League

Pres. Lee Sopwith 208-447-8282

In anticipation of the reopening of the Activity Center, the Art League leadership toured the building to evaluate the spaces that will be available for placing art created by our residents. We invite all residents regardless of club affiliation to offer their work to be displayed during this initial event planned for mid-January. Please contact Art League leaders to understand hanging parameters if you have not worked with us before. Watch for more information in “This Week In SCOV” as the opening date approaches. There will be a hanging system for two-dimensional work as well as niches to display sculpture, models, carvings, wood, glass and clay. Our community is full of life-long artists and those who have discovered hidden talent in retirement. Let’s have a great show.

Bark Carving

Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Tue., 1-4 PM, Thu., 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Lapidary

The Bark Carvers have resumed our winter carving sessions, so come to the Artisan Center/Lapidary Room on Tuesday afternoon and/or Thursday morning and see what the cottonwood bark carvers are doing. If you think you might want to try cottonwood bark carving, the club has bark, tools and some instruction to get you started. If you are already doing bark carving, come by and carve with us and join the conversation.


Pres., Bob Arms 907-290-0287

We welcome our 2023 officers: Pres., Bob Arms; VP, Robert Dufur; Sec., Mary Murk; Treas., Renee Ford; Advisor, Jill Varley. We thank John Grandner, Barb Peterson, Joan Kelley, Renee Ford and Jill Varley for their leadership this past year.

Those wishing to join Clay Club should sign the interest list in the Clay Studio. Orientation is mandatory to participate. Our next monthly meeting is Thursday, February 2, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Clay Studio.

Colored Pencil Plus

Bette McGrath 815-347-4282, Cathy Harrison 303-968-5545 Fri., 9 AM-1 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

If you appreciate fine detail in art, our club may be just the right group for you. We have colored pencil and scratchboard artists who will be happy to help you get started. Sometimes we have demos like this one on airbrushing that you may find very helpful. We hope you will join us.

L-r: Cathy Harrison, Pat Casner, Carol Fouch and Maryfaith Fox watching Faith Beckert.

Gourd Art

Kaaren Drent 520-818-2343, Mon., 1-4 PM, Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Lapidary Room

Newcomers are always welcome. Stop in and we will help you get started to create your own gourd art.

We are transitioning from holiday decor to many other gourd art ideas

Gourd artists will be attending our annual meeting on Monday, January 9, so the studio will be closed.

It is time to mark your calendars for the Wuertz Farm Annual Gourd Festival February 3-5, Pinal County Fairgrounds, 512 Eleven Mile Corner, Casa Grande, AZ. It’s an incredible annual event. Check it out at

Japanese Flower Arranging

Donald Marier 520-825-4878 Nov.-May, Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Japanese flower arranging, Ikebana, is the art of arranging flowers, branch materials, grasses and leaves. At its core is the beauty resulting from a combination of color, shapes and graceful lines. More than simple floral decoration, it is a form of sculpture with plant materials. Learn from certified instructors at your own pace and make creative arrangements for your home.

Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 14 14 January
2023, Sun City
Oro Valley Tipster
Resident Deborah Hutchens 1 November 24 Mary Lou Roy 1 December 8 New officers, l-r: Jill Varley, Robert Dufur, Renee Ford, Mary Murck and Bob Arms

Knit and Crochet

Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069

Tue., 2:30-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

If you have a knit or crochet project, or would like to learn, come join us. An ongoing group project is making crocheted mats out of plastic shopping bags. You can participate in this project by cutting the bags into strips, stringing the strips into plastic yarn (plarn) and/or crocheting them into mats.

If you wish to donate bags, flatten clean Fry’s, Safeway or Walmart bags and stack them by color. You can then fold all the stacks over into one, no need to fasten them together. This effort on your part greatly streamlines the cutting and crochet process. Do not include newspaper bags as they do not work for this project.

Bags can be dropped into a basket on Jane Fairchild’s front porch any time at 1750 E. Crown Ridge Way. odelers


Pres. Fred Faust 520-907-3469

Second Fri., 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Always entrepreneurial, modeler Don Holbrook has imagined a new business opportunity. With all the space vehicles in orbit, there must be a demand for a septic system cleaning service for them. So, he has designed an appropriate vehicle for his business, a model of which you see in the adjacent photo. Don’s creativity includes the ability both to imagine interesting subjects for his model building and to construct them from everyday components. The model you see here, and in the window of the club’s workroom in the Artisan Center, incorporates parts of a plastic model airplane, a cosmetic compact and a BBQ skewer.

Open Studio Artists

Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097

Tues., Wed., Thu. and Sat. 9 AM-1 PM, Catalina

Vistoso Photo

Pres. Ed Caine 425-760-7662

Club information

Photographers of all levels, from beginner to pro, are welcome to attend our meetings as our guest. At our program meeting Wednesday, January 11, Pete Trexler will talk about how the understanding and appreciation of other art mediums, artists and cultures can help a photographer make more compelling images. On Wednesday, January 25, we will have a judged photo competition. We meet at Catalina Vista at 6 PM. Come and join us.


Pres. Laurie Lichaa 520-991-9953 Mon., 9 AM-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The Sculpture Club meets on Mondays, Catalina Vista/ Art Studio. If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about what we do, please stop in on Monday mornings or contact Laurie Lichaa, president. You can view some of our work in the glass case and window in Catalina Vista or in the SCOV Library.

Vista/Art Studio

This group is open to artists working in any medium and with any skill level. If you are a new resident, visit the Art Studio on the days listed above to find a day and group of artists that best fits your artistic talent. While you are in Catalina Vista, check out the paintings in the hallway. SCOV has many talented residents.

The Sculpture Club will offer a class taught by club member, Trace Getz, on Monday, January 16, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista. The class will focus on “Sculptures outside of the display case.” Anyone interested in participating in this class is welcome. The class cost is $10 for club membership fee, plus materials. If you are interested, contact Laurie Lichaa, president. The picture is an illustration of what Trace will focus on in class. This is a recent in-process and completed sculpture by Trace. In the second picture, you can see that he has installed the sculpture on the brick wall in his backyard.

Not receiving the weekly email newsletter, “This Week in SCOV”? Go to > About Us > Join Email List, and complete the form. Then you’ll be in the know about all the happenings in SCOV.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
Donna Peterson helps new member with crochet project. Photo by Tom Prall Peace, Always in Fashion by Bill Laing

Seniors for Kids

Co-Pres. Jean Sax 651-436-4243

Co-Pres. Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Sewing/Crafting, Mon., 1-3 PM and Wed., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Wooden toy making, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop First Thu., 8-9 AM, Catalina Vista; no meetings May-Sep. SFK is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization

Happy New Year to you all. What a year 2022 was. New members have been added to our roster. We have supplied many children with love through our toy distribution and adopta-family program at Tri-Community Food Bank in Mammoth and the many charitable organizations in Southern Arizona. It is really joyful to think that a small group can affect so many lives.

Now we are focusing on what we can accomplish in 2023. The Sewing Room shelves are already filling with new toys, quilts and all kinds of creations. Karen Curry from the Wood Shop will be again planning for work days in the shop, to make the cherished wooden toys. She encourages the woodworkers to make and supply to our stash for next holiday season. A special shout-out to Wheels for Kids, who supplied nine bicycles and helmets to children at Tri-Community Food Bank. They not only supplied the bikes and helmets, but they also assisted in delivery. Living is giving and giving is living. Thank you from us all.

rarely sew sleeves and zippers. If you would like to be oriented to the serging machine, we can do that too. Everyone in Casa Amigas is more than willing to help anyone who needs help. We are a fun group and sewing for charity is such a fulfilling experience. Come and see what we’re all about on Monday and Thursday mornings.

Cheer Bears

Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Wed., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing Happy New Year. May you all be blessed for the kindness you shared in 2022, and may you continue to care for others in the year ahead.

Toy distribution day on December 1



Pres., Sue Karstad 503-531-0622 (text or email preferred)

Co-Treas. Miriam Holleman 386-320-7116 and Sue Lane 520-971-8755

Welcome to 2023. We are beginning the year with our new board members selected at the December 8 annual meeting: Pres., Sue Karstad; VP, Carrie Wiley; Sec., Suzanne Stiles; Co-Treas., Miriam Holleman and Sue Lane; Membership Chair, Phyllis Austin; Monitor Chair, Chris Ludwig and member at large, Carol Myers.

Board meetings are held on the third Friday of the month, 8:30 AM, Sewing Room. The next meeting is January 20. All Thimbelenas members are invited to attend these meetings.

Casa Amigas

Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689

Sewing machine orientation, Carol Myers 715-754-2824 Mon. and Thu., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing

If it’s been awhile since you have used a sewing machine, and you think it’s been too long, we’ve got you covered. You don’t even need to own a machine anymore. Carol Myers will get you quickly up to speed orienting you to the sewing machines in the Sewing Room. We sew basic patterns and

A sampling of our bears

Our little band of cutters, embroiderers, sewers, stuffers, bottom closers and bow tie-ers have had a busy year. We have made over 450 Cheer Bears this year and sent them on their way to new homes of young and old alike. We put several in the Gift Shop, since many of you requested to be able to purchase them for your grandchildren. This income helps us to purchase supplies we need to keep the supply chain full and keeps our ladies busy and satisfied that their time is never wasted. Along with this funding, donations from the Tennis Club and residents keep our materials flowing. Thank you for all the community support.

Machine Embroidery

Co-Leader Mary Jo Miller 701-641-3141, Co-Leader Sue Devaney 847-997-3989 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 Third Tue., 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo.

Pet Beds

Jan Bohe 520-825-9725 Tue., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

If you are looking for a “feel good” project, why not join us Tuesday afternoons for cutting up fabric to make those cute beds for animals at the Humane Society? The time goes by faster when there are more of us working together. Some fabrics are wild, but the dogs and cats won’t know the difference.


Carol Guibert 520-404-1462

Second and Fourth Tue., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Our January 10 meeting will feature Peg Bushong giving us machine quilting hints and techniques using our own sewing machines. At the January 24 meeting, there will be sign-ups for our quilt show which is coming up quickly. It is scheduled for Sunday, February 19, Catalina Vista. Registration will be held at our regular meeting and again on Saturday, January 28, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis. This will be the 21st year of our show. We are also looking for volunteers to help set up the show, Saturday, February 18. Contact Carol Guibert, 520-404-1462.

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Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts

Coni Arseneau 217-398-1416

Carrie Wiley 360-734-5952

Tue., 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Sewing

The Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts group meets Tuesdays, 9-11 AM, Sewing Room. If you are interested in our group, stop by. The group provides materials and instruction for those interested in learning hooking. People involved in other arts using fiber are invited and encouraged to join our group.

If you read the past articles about our club, you know that we primarily use either wool material strips or wool yarn for hooking. Although some people might use other materials like synthetic yarn, we prefer 100% wool. Wool is durable and will last so that your hooked pieces can be passed to your children and grandchildren. Wool is naturally stain-resistant and cleanable. Wool is water resistant, holds color so it is easy to dye, and it is naturally flame-resistant. Most of all, wool is environmentally friendly, a renewable and biodegradable product.

Show ‘n Share

Leader Deb Wehrung 267-377-6760

Every Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista Show ’n Share is a club designed to encourage creativity. Come show us what you love to do and share your interests, ideas and techniques. Our club provides the opportunity to set aside time each week to devote to our crafts, to inspire one another and to explore, invent and express ourselves.

Silversmith and Lapidary

Pres. Rich Rozehnal 520-638-6368

Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-4 PM, Thu., Fri., 9 AM-Noon

Next member meeting, Mon., Jan. 9, 3:30 PM, Artisan Center/Lapidary Room

Featured artist of the month, Robin Khan, explains enameling. Enameling is a process by which powdered glass is sifted onto a metal surface, such as copper or fine silver, then torch or kiln fired at high heat. The powdered glass can be applied either wet or dry to the metal. The enamel melts, turns glossy, and fuses to the surface in a smooth coating when heat is applied. Firing temperatures using a torch or a kiln generally range between 1,400 and 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit. Both torch or kiln firing are effective. Techniques vary in complexity such as cloisonné, where small wires are shaped and filled with wetted enamel, then fired. Glass decals can be applied, then dried, fired and fused. We hope to be offering a demonstration class this winter in the Silversmith Studio. Please take a look at the

Silversmith Studio display. All items are made by amazing SCOV artists. Stop by the shop if you are interested in joining our club.

Stained/Fused Glass

Daniel Stasi 815-762-3636 Studio Manager Ellen Jordano 763-807-0184 Open to members 8 AM-9 PM

Just like many other members, Joy previously had never worked in the glass art medium. Joy joined our SCOV glass club a year ago, because it sounded interesting to her. So interesting, that she decided to sign up for a class. A variety of classes are frequently offered in the studio. After the class, Joy was hooked. She loves the opportunity to allow her creative juices to flow and sincerely appreciates the encouragement and inspiration she receives from her fellow club members. Joy likes experimenting with glass and is still seeking to find her niche. Apart from glass, Joy loves knitting and creating many beautiful pieces of silver jewelry. She is on the Government Affairs Committee and participates in Prepare and Share. She remains amazed at all of the talent within SCOV. Please visit us soon and enjoy the possibilities that we have to offer.

Joy Newton enjoys the beauty and simplicity of Asian artwork. She calls her trio “Cherry Blossoms”

Wood Carving

Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Sat., 9-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary

Come to the Artisan Center/Lapidary Room on Saturday morning and meet some wood carvers and see what projects we are creating. If you think you might be interested in wood carving we can help you get started with some basswood, a few tools, a project and basic instruction. If you are already a wood carver, bring your tools and a project and join the conversation.


Pres. Gary Casner 303-880-4120

VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057

The Woodworking Club welcomes both old and new SCOV residents to experience the joy of creating beautiful items with wood. Our many newly installed pieces of equipment and helpful, knowledgeable woodworkers

Next meeting Thu., Jan. 26, 9 AM, Wood Shop Members check out

17 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
Project completed by Carol Sallmann
the new SawStop tablesaw

make our shop one of the finest community woodworking shops in Arizona.

The SCOV Wood Shop is unique to our community, because it contains thousands of dollars of woodworking equipment free for use by SCOV residents who are Woodworking Club members. In order to make sure that each piece of equipment is used to its maximum potential consistent with the highest safety protocols, special after-hours hands-on training sessions are provided on a regular basis to the over three dozen monitors.

A new member orientation is the first Wednesday of each month at 4 PM. Call Bill Norton at 480-980-5493 for further instructions. Please visit the website. A $30 membership fee is required to take the class.

Continuing Education


Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 Third Wed., 7 PM, Catalina Vista, Oct.-Apr.

class starting on Wednesday, January 18. New faces are welcome. Call Elaine Farmer if you have any questions.


Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 General meetings Oct.-May, Third Mon., 1 PM, Catalina Vista

Margie Kersey, a holder of a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS), will share her expertise and cases she has solved at the meeting Monday, January 16, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. Some interesting examples include her determining the connection between names on an old quilt, finding lost family members and finding a family’s nanny from the 1950s. Her PLCGS specialization is in American records.

Have you wondered why your ancestors immigrated to the U.S.? Did they make any stops along the way? Why did they settle where they did? To help with finding answers to such questions, Genealogy Club members can register for a beginning class in genealogical research. The six-week class will be held on Fridays from January 13 to February 17, 1-3 PM, WC Technology Lab. Contact Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 or to register. Class materials will be emailed.

Great Books

Pres. Barbara Gates 302-354-6615 VP Maryfaith Fox 612-414-7789 Oct.-Apr., First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

The Astronomy Club’s next meeting is Wednesday, January 18, 7-9 PM, Catalina Vista. Star parties will begin in January, so watch your email inbox for the specific date and time. The club’s new digital camera telescope will be operational for the parties. This year Chuck Dugan, principal of Adventure Astronomy Arizona, will be our guest host for three of the parties. Our future meetings will be the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM, Catalina Vista.

The club’s guest speaker in January will be Dr. William Hubbard, Professor Emeritus at Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at UArizona. Dr. Hubbard’s research focuses on studies of the structure and evolution of Jupiter, Saturn and extrasolar giant planets. His presentation is titled “Fast Moving Titan and Its Role in Making Saturn’s Rings.”

Guests and new members are welcome at every meeting.

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586

Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Guests are welcome at our Tuesday morning meetings. Many of the group meet for breakfast and fellowship immediately following at The Views Restaurant.

Women’s Bible Study

Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018

Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886

Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 AM, WC3

Ladies of SCOV, here is praying for a blessed New Year 2023. We hope you were able to enjoy good times with family and friends during the holidays. We are excited to announce our new study for the winter/spring. It will be an in-depth study of Elijah and Elisha in the books of 1st and 2nd Kings, “Holding Onto Faith in Hostile Times.” This will be a 10-week

Members of the Great Books Club find that the twicemonthly meetings are an opportunity to widen our horizons and exercise our brains. We read a variety of essays, fiction, poetry or excerpts from longer works, from the anthologies published by the Great Books Foundation. The readings stimulate discussions about challenging ideas.

In January, we will continue reading selections from Great Conversations 3, with a play by Pirandello and Stephen Crane’s story “The Open Boat.”

Newcomers are welcome. Contact Barbara or Maryfaith for more information.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Mary Lee Fitzgerald

ILR’s winter term begins February 1 with classes in the renovated Activity Center. Course descriptions are posted on our website. Official registration ended December 31, but it is possible you can register with a $5 late fee; check the web page to see what remains open. The first Learning on the Move event, Asarco/Duval Mine, is Wednesday, January 18; check to see if space is still available.

Samplers return Thursday, February 9, 2 PM, Catalina Vista. Samplers are open to all residents of SCOV; you do not have to be an ILR member to attend. No ticket is required, just show up at 2 PM.

For upcoming Letterboxing class

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Note the seasonal changes to the color of Saturn’s polar cap.

Natural Health and Wellness

Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279

Third Wed., 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista

Join us for a sharing session. We will facilitate a conversation discussing health issues, suggestions, resources, your favorite local practitioners and more. Bring your favorite articles, websites, recommendations and questions for a lively practical discussion. Bring your annual membership fee of $3 to the meeting in an envelope with your name, email, phone number and address.

Poets Corner

Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 Mon., 10 AM-Noon, Zoom

This month’s poem by Sharyn Rafieyan confronts a familiar problem: What to do if your get-up-and-go is leaving.

“Sitting in the kitchen sipping a cup of tea / sunlight shawling my shoulders I contemplate my day check to-do list in the bedroom / open laptop on my desk bare the window / flex my fingers and begin.

Words emerge from scattered thoughts / form in ranks on a blank white page, Why has my muse been shirking when I need her to be working?

Aging is my new excuse for plodding / but I’ve always needed deadlines as a prod.

I know I can slow this growing old / before it settles in my bones–kick-start the climb of life’s thick vine while there’s time.”

Suggestion: Resolve to visit our well-equipped fitness center and/or Zoom along with our group. Newcomers are always welcome. Have a happy and healthy new year.

SCOV Technology Club

Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314

Technology Club help desk 520-989-9314

The newly renovated Activity Center will open soon, and the Technology Club will start holding our monthly meetings again, once rooms can be confirmed. Check out the new Technology Club meeting schedule on our website for all the new classes and general discussions planned for the future.

Cultural & Social

SCOV Charity Works

Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443

VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415

Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927

Sec. Debbie Francis 402-216-4227

Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477

Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3

Our club benefits Emerge of Tucson and IMPACT of Southern Arizona Food Bank. Emerge provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. They also educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse.

Founded in 2000, IMPACT of Southern Arizona is a nonprofit organization providing assistance to residents in

Northwest Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, Catalina and Southeast Pinal County, including the Copper Corridor. They help feed the hungry, care for seniors, provide clothing to those in need and offer educational programs for youth and literacy/ ESL classes for adults.

Donations for Emerge and IMPACT Food Bank are taken at our monthly meetings. You may go to the Emerge website for information regarding what they need. All donations must be new items.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 9 AM.


Democratic Club

Richard Kopp 520-342-6633

First Sat., 1 PM, Catalina Vista

We will kick off the new year with an in-person meeting Saturday, January 7, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. The new 2023 officers and board members will be introduced, and the outgoing officers and board members will be recognized. We will provide an opportunity for members to introduce themselves, if they choose. We will conduct a discussion and survey the members about things they would like to accomplish in the coming year. Bring your suggestions and ideas.

If you have not yet paid your $10 annual dues, please bring a check.

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Mary Murck 612-205-0084

Membership Marion Olson 520-839-2273

Club email:

Next meeting Thu., Jan. 19, 1 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Fido’s Friends’ November 17 meeting welcomed about 50 club members. We provided gift bags, door prizes, introduced and thanked current and past board members, and had an excellent program. Guest speaker Tom Crowley gave a presentation on the World of Therapy Dogs. We look forward to our January meeting.

The nominations committee is seeking board members for the positions of vice president, treasurer and secretary. We encourage members to ask officers above about board responsibilities.

Cooler days in the dog park make our pups very active, both in the small dog and large dog areas. We often comment that they are more entertaining than television. Come join us for socializing dogs and their people.

19 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
Joyce Shaw flanked by little Chewie and big Mavros.
Join Us
with Residents Tuesday, January 17 2 PM, WC3
for Board of Director & General

Garden Club

Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425

Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664

VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289

also have several other catered and/or potluck events during the year. Visit our website for photos of some of our events and dinners. Contact a club officer for more information or if you would like to join the club.

Republican Club

Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689

Pollinator garden in Miami, AZ

Join us for our monthly meeting Saturday, January 14, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. Kathleen Roberts of Pima County Master Gardeners will present information on growing a pollinator garden. Pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, bats and numerous other insect species are vital to the functioning of natural and agricultural ecosystems. It is estimated that managed and wild pollinators help pollinate over 75% of both our flowering plants and cultivated crops. This presentation will touch on the basic elements required to create a successful pollinator habitat in the arid Southwest.


David/Marilyn Smoler 520-818-7880

Best wishes for a healthy and peaceful 2023. Havurah is thrilled to announce our annual members-only gala, “An Evening of Art and Magic,” will be held Saturday, January 28, 5 PM, Catalina Vista. Artistic creations by Havurah members will be showcased, and entertainment will be provided by a local magician. A cocktail/appetizer hour with live music and dinner provided by the Persian Room will round out the evening. This spectacular event is $25 pp and open to members only, so join us now for a year of fun. You don’t have to be Jewish to belong to our group. Check out our website for more details about our club and membership.

Mindfulness Meditation Club

Sec. Sue Harrington

Pres. Linda Bold Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista patio

Mindfulness Meditation Club continues to meet in person weekly at 3 PM. The format is 15 minutes discussion of a mindful reading, 25 minutes silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation and 25 minutes sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of their experience or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at any time. This is an opportunity to steep yourself in the insights that come from the stillness of silent meditation. Other mindfulness practices are offered by the group occasionally including qi gong, poetry sharing, book study and more. For more information email, Sue or Linda.

Prepare & Share - Dining

Pres. Dorothy Leonard 781-929-5067 VP Charlene Meyers 808-937-2178

We provide an enjoyable social evening to meet some of your SCOV neighbors who enjoy cooking and eating interesting food. From December through March, themed dinners take place in members’ homes. Since everyone brings part of the meal, it is not a huge effort for the hosts. The four themes for this year are “Around the World Sampler,” “All Wrapped Up,” “Southern Cooking,” and “Skewered.” We

Saturday, February 25, 5:30 PM, Activity Center, is the date for our potluck dinner. Save the date; more information will be available in the February Tipster about ticket sales and dish signup. Anyone who has a Scandinavian connection, no matter how small, is invited to come and have a super fun time.

Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club Club leader Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258

It’s 2023, and our New Year’s resolutions include happy hours, dinners, guided tours, lunches, music events and friends. Thank you, Active Solos Club members, for making this past year a success. The coming year brings more fun. Unpartnered singles, don’t miss our monthly gathering at The Views Restaurant, Tuesday, January 24, 4 PM. Contact Leslie for more information or to join the club.

Sun City Singles

Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480

Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM

We welcome guests. First-time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. Thursday, January 12, The Views Restaurant will provide dinner for us at Desert Oasis. We will be served a pork cutlet, potatoes, vegetable and dessert. Social hour is at 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 PM. Bring your own favorite beverage. Entertainment will be jazz by Christine Vivona, harp, and Rob Boone, piano and trombone.

Friday, January 27, we will celebrate happy hour at Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour is at 5:30 PM, followed by a light dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Raymond Santoro, pianist and vocalist. For further information, please contact Eleanor Mishur at 520-818-3374.

Ticket sales Fri., Jan. 6, 10-11 AM, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets, $20 pp and happy hour tickets, $10 pp Checks only please, payable to Sun City Singles

Spanish Cultural Club (SCC)

Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-241-1215 Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta)

Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Stuart Scott will give a presentation Monday, January 23, about Mata Ortiz, including the history and cultural context, as well as what makes the pottery so special. Stuart worked closely with John Bezy for years on books and tours. Oralia Lopez, as a superior potter, and her husband, Alex, will assist in the presentation. Dues are $10 pp. Mata Ortiz Pottery

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20 20 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

and Zapotec Rug show and sale is Saturday and Sunday, January 28 and 29. Because of the Activity Center renovation, the sale location will be announced later.

States Minnesota Club

Michelle DeMarais 612-840-5718

Mark your calendar for our annual party on Sunday, March 26, 1-3:30 PM, Activity Center. This year’s theme is “Remembering and Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Twins Win in the 1987 World Series!” Come for some fun, share memories, play trivia, enjoy your favorite ball park foods and win some great prizes. Residents, renters, anyone with a connection to Minnesota and guests from outside SCOV are welcome to attend.

New England Club

Pres., Walt Swap 520-262-1500

Hold the date, March 31, 4-7 PM, Catalina Vista. Details will follow in subsequent Tipsters for our annual Pizza Party. All SCOV residents with geographical or emotional ties to any of the six New England states are most welcome.

New Jersey/Pennsylvania Club

Peggy Smith 520-344-0991

Our club is having its annual meeting with drinks and snacks in Desert Oasis, Friday, January 20, 5 PM. We are a group of east coasters eager to meet more east coast friends. Your east coast friends are also welcome. Do you have an interesting snack common to the area you lived in, such as a pretzel, bratwurst, New Jersey pizza (tomato pie), a great sub, or whatever. Have a favorite dessert? Bring it along. This will be a BYOB event. Plates, napkins and plasticware provided. We are limited to 44 people; RSVP to Peggy.

Wisconsin Club

Anne Rusch 920-202-0008 Pat Norkooli 719-650-9787

The Wisconsin Club has plans to hit it out of the park with a spring-themed annual party, “Let’s Play Ball!” Residents and renters with Wisconsin ties are invited to join us on Saturday, March 11, 5-8 PM, Activity Center Auditorium. The evening will include a catered meal, raffle, door prizes and entertainment by Chuck Moses. Reservations will be accepted on Wednesday, February 22, 10 AM-1 PM, Catalina Vista lobby.

Wyoming Club

John Beckman 307-638-7226

Please mark your calendars for our club’s annual party, March 23, 4-7 PM, at Beckman’s residence. Make reservations by March 9 by leaving a voicemail or email for John Beckman. Anyone who has lived or worked in Wyoming is cordially invited to the party. Go Wyo!

Sun City Variety Theatre

Membership contact: Karen Alexander 909-379-8167

Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

We are on track to produce a play this spring. Auditions are Thursday, January 19, Desert Oasis, 10 AM-Noon. If you are interested in auditioning for a part or would like to help with backstage, sound, lights, props or costumes, join us. If you are not already a member, dues are $5. Also, the Costume Closet is under the umbrella of the Theatre Club, so if you missed their article, please be sure to check For Your Information on page 12 for Costume Closet hours this month.

Be sure to join us at the Activity Center grand reopening, Saturday, January 14, 11 AM, as we entertain you in the Auditorium with some past acts and even a smidge of what you can expect in the upcoming play.



Unit 7

Laurie Jarrett 913-940-1443 Meets the last Sat. of Feb.

Attention Unit 7 friends and neighbors, our party is February 25 at 5 PM. More details are coming soon. Stay tuned.

Veterans Club of SCOV

Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427

First Mon., 1 PM, Oct.-May, Catalina Vista, Happy hour meet and greet, first Wed., 3:30 PM, The Views Restaurant

If you are a veteran, please join us at a meeting for camaraderie and information. Club meetings are monthly from October to May. Guest speakers cover a range of topics to inform club members of veteran organizations, VA compensation and more. January’s guest speaker is Linus Hinton, Buffalo Soldier historian. Join us Wednesday, January 4, at The Views Restaurant for a meet-and-greet happy hour, 3:304:30 PM.

Our current membership is over 325 veterans. Club activities and relevant issues are sent by email. If you have an unserviceable U.S. flag, leave it wrapped inconspicuously in a newspaper or brown bag at 2145 E. Bighorn Mountain Dr.

Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG OV)

Facilitator Anne Munoz 253-905-7747

Communications Kris Sigford 612-747-0487

First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families.

SCOV Name Tags

Doris Resident

Name tags with our logo are $10 each. The order form is available at Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.

21 Sun City Oro
, January 2023
Valley Tipster
Veterans Club members put holiday wreaths on gravesites at Marana Veteran Cemetery in December
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 22 Errand Service $30/hr Accessible Transport for medical visits, shopping, pharmacy, other transport needs Reliable Help for checking on seniors, pet care, house sitting, other reliable help Other Errands groceries, prescriptions, personal shopping, auto repair, other errands Now Providing Home Notary Services and Home Watches (520) 873-7848 Licensed, Insured and Bonded Fran the Gopher Airport Transport Transport to Tucson or Phoenix airports from your home or office. Tucson Airport $60 Phoenix Sky Harbor $150 Phoenix Mesa Gateway $150 Fast Response•No Service Charge 520-820-4493 ROC #214674 Call for a FREE Estimate! We Fix ANY Electrical Problem Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Family Owned & Operated ServicingSunCity Since2006 Senior Discount Maricarmen Salazar PRO, SRES, MRP 520-861-1321 An Oro Valley Resident For a limited time, receive a $3,000 credit on properties of $400,000 and up. This amount will be credited at closing upon successful close of escrow to Seller or Buyer. Credit is limited to the extent a lender allows, if financing is used.
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Ballroom - SC Starlight

Sara Harney 717-977-1963

Ballroom dancing is a great way to socialize, exercise and stretch your memory, so don’t hesitate to join us. Some of us haven’t danced since our sock-hop days, but we’re enjoying ourselves on the dance floor.

We welcomed in the New Year with a Masquerade Dance to the music of Chuck Moses. New members have been taking beginner classes, and both new and current members practiced their dance skills. Ongoing practice sessions are scheduled for Wednesdays in January, 5-6 PM, AFC 1 & 2. We often have drinks and dinner afterwards at The Views Restaurant.

Our next dance is scheduled for Saturday, January 14, and will feature a dinner catered by Carrabba’s and the music of the Duane Reilley Trio. Tickets are $85/cpl. Reserve your space soon, because it promises to be a popular event. Call Sara Harney for more information.

Folk Dance

Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 Fri., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studios 1 & 2

All dances are modeled by our two instructors, Raven and Shirley. Valle e Dardhes is one of a number of dances our club will be demonstrating at Noon, Saturday, January 14, at the grand opening of the Activity Center. Join us.

Line - Sunliners

Pres. Judy Widener 760-687-6377

Membership Karen Reich 520-403-2764;

January dance sessions are in AFC Studio 1 & 2 as follows (no hard soled shoes):

Wednesday Classes

11:30 AM-12: 30 PM Intermediate

12:45 PM-1: 45 PM Beginner

1:45 PM-2: 30 PM Introduction to Line Dancing (January 11-February 1)

Saturday Practices

9-10 AM Intermediate

10:15 AM-11: 15 AM Beginner

11:30 AM-12: 30 PM Basic

Sunday Practice

4-5 PM

Rock ‘N Roll

Pres. Renee Steinmetz

Membership Chair Jon Russell

Happy New Year, Rock ‘n’ Rollers. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to boogie, but be of good cheer. The opening of our Activity Center draws nigh, and that means we’ll soon be dancing again. Are you excited?

Our membership dance is Sunday, February 26. More information will be available soon, and volunteer assistance will be needed and appreciated. Board positions will also be coming up, so please consider taking part. Our club exists for you, and it can’t exist without you.

Details of upcoming dances will be sent via email and are always available on our website,

Western - Kactus Kickers

Co-Pres. Bob and Sue Newman 989-859-8408 cell/text

Membership Marci Gutierrez 520-204-7039 cell/text

Dance Classes: Nancy Klucking 360-961-6963 cell/text


This will be a busy month for Kactus Kickers. Our annual dance classes start Monday, January 16, and Thursday, January 19. We will have dance class registration Thursday, January 5, 10-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista.

This month’s dance is Friday, January 13, Catalina Vista. The band will be Wild Ride.

We have been invited to demonstrate Country-Western dancing during the Activity Center grand reopening. Kactus Kickers will be dancing from 12:30-1 PM, Navajo Room.

One of our favorite bands, Clear Country, is playing every Tuesday night at the Outlaw Saloon, 6-10 PM. It’s a good chance to go and practice your two-step dancing. Also, they are now booking Country Western bands at Whiskey Roads on Sundays, 5-8:30 PM. Another chance to get out and dance.

Kactus Kickers members, also continue to check your email for information about upcoming dances and the winter/spring dance schedule. Look for updates and send any questions to

Jan. dance ticket sales, Thu. Jan. 5 and Tue., Jan. 10, 10-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista lobby



Future Events: Fun Friday, January 6, 6:30-8:30 PM, AFC Studio 1 & 2. Members and guests are welcome.

Next board meeting is Wednesday, January 4, 3 PM, via Zoom. All members are welcome.

Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.

There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Participants should be able to do a basic swim stroke. Items used in the class are buoys, boards, noodles, balls and a fitness band. Most items are available at the pool. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help learn the various movements. We enjoy a great workout in a fun class.

24 24 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Wheeler 520-334-0957
Aqua Tone Irmel
Marcia Polley
Tue., Thu., Sat., 10 AM,

Arthritis Water

Pres. Jane Krabbeler

VP Norma Waters

Mon., Wed., Fri., 1 PM, AFC/Pool

When the air temperature is 77 degrees or higher, we meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, AFC pool, 1 PM.

Our club performs gentle water exercises approved by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion. If you are a paid member and unable to join us, you may contact the club officers for modified copies of our exercises that can be performed safely at home.

We send our love out to MaryAnn, our beloved instructor and friend as she continues healing.

At this time, we are still in desperate need of part-time instructors. We are all volunteers, and happy to train you for this fun and easy position.

New members are always welcome. Due to our cooler weather this time of year, we are not always able to meet. We wish you all health and happiness for this new year.

Energetic Exercise

Pres. Anne Palmer 520-289-9140

Mon. and Wed., 8-9 AM, AFC Studio

Fri., 7:45-8:45 AM, Catalina Vista

Resolve to work on your strength, balance and heart health in our amazing Energetic Exercise classes. Expert instructor, Sally Martinez, leads the sessions set to a background of happy, classic pop tunes. Exercisers are encouraged to move at their own pace with suggestions to accommodate individual needs. SCOV residents may join the club for $3/ year, then purchase a 12-class punch card for $30. Dress is exercise casual with sport shoes required. Since class size is limited, exercisers make reservations through SignUpGenius. Email or call for further information on how to sign up. Hope to see you soon.

Fitness Swim

Contact: Dave Goodman 520-812-1056

Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-8 AM, AFC pool

While most members are motivated recreational swimmers, we also include nationally-ranked master swimmers, triathletes and former club and university swimmers. The group generally swims about 2,400 yards, though some do more and a few do less.

New members are welcome. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in a vigorous workout. Swimmers are reminded to socialize quietly after a workout so as not to disrupt the next group of pool users.


Mary Ayers 520-638-7916

Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio

Happy New Year. It’s a brand-new year and time to commit to a new exercise routine. Why not try mat Pilates? The exercises will strengthen your core muscles (abdomen and back muscles). You will also notice you have better balance, more muscle tone and increased stamina. People ask, “Can the benefits from the strengthening and stretching exercises we do really develop the body’s core, increase spine mobility and build flexibility?” The answer is yes. We have two experienced instructors, and the cost is $8/class, with annual club dues of $20 pp. Join us or stop by and watch. Call Mary for information.

Sunrisers Exercise

Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425

Shirley Dubansky 520-975-4100 Mon., Wed., Fri., 6:45-7:45 AM, AFC/Studio 1 & 2

Are you awake early and want to improve your stamina and strength? Come join us for an hour of aerobic and weight exercise, all while standing. There is no fee to join the club or the class. Bring your weights and drinking water. We hope to see you there.

Tai Chi

Co-Chairs Alice Hutchison 520-329-8090 Jill Frederiksen 650-274-7224 Thu., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1

Want to improve your overall wellbeing and vitality? Come join us for the winter session of tai chi taught by Shihan Jose Hernandez-Rivera and Sensei Donna Drazenovich. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that involves slow, focused movements designed to improve your posture, breathing, balance and core strength. The 10-week course starts Thursday January 5, 10-11:30 AM, AFC Studio 1. Beginners are always welcome. Please call Alice Hutchison for details about the 10 hour-and-a-half classes.


Pres. Jan Wholey 520-638-7088

The Yoga Club has exciting news. We have added Strength Training Yoga every Friday at 8:15 AM. This class is taught by Stephanie Howard in AFC/Studios 1 & 2. Bring your mat, weights, elastic bands and $10. We now offer four classes each week: Tuesdays, 10:45 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2 (Torrey) Thursdays, 9 AM, Desert Oasis (Torrey) Thursdays, 10:45 AM, Desert Oasis, chair yoga (Torrey) Fridays, 8:15 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2 (Stephanie)



Duplicate Bridge

Pres. Dave Hablewitz 520-989-0486 Wed., 6 PM; Fri., 12:30 PM, Desert Oasis

During Activity Center construction, we are using different sites and days. These changes are for the foreseeable future. We will try to keep you informed of any changes. Please arrive 15 minutes early to register.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge Anita Gayheart 360-949-3452 Mon., 12:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Come for a friendly game of bridge. Renew those old friendships and meet new friends.

25 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
Sensei Donna Drazenovich


Mixed Social Bridge

Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed and fun environment. We want everyone who comes to sit at a table and play bridge. If needed, we will make a table of three or have a player float from table to table. We start promptly at 8:30 AM; come a few minutes early to socialize and find a partner. We have coffee, and members often bring goodies. We also have online games using We welcome new players to join us.

Partners Tuesday Night Bridge

Pres. Larry Parks, VP Janelle Parks, Sec. Louise Fraser 520-825-9592/520-241-6932 Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Start the New Year off with a slam. Join us to play friendly bridge on Tuesday evenings. Our group is very pleasant and helpful. Bring a partner and $1 each to put into the pot. There are winners every time we play. Arrive by 5:45 PM, and we promise you an enjoyable evening. We finish at about 8:30 PM. Call Louise if you have any questions.

Practice Bridge

Pres. Robert Carlson 612-850-9005, Barbara Fransdal 520-310-7549

Mon. and Wed., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play for fun, to refresh old skills and develop new ones. Sometimes we even keep score. We learn from each other.


Fern Strandskov 520-825-8127

Fourth Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Please join us. There is a $2 entrance fee, which is divided among the winners. We promise you a fun afternoon. Mark your calendar and give it a try. Hope to see you there.


VP John Bechard

Mon., 4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

The Chess Club’s fall ‘22 tournament came to an exciting conclusion in December. Ten players vied for cash prizes in a full roundrobin format. Congratulations to our winners, Peter Grant, first place; John Bechard, second place and Bill Scherrei, third place.

In January, we will offer chess lessons for beginners. If you are interested in learning the game for the first time, or are just rusty, stop by one of our regular Monday meetings and we will get you started. Casual game play will be in progress throughout the winter.


Pres. Salvador Hernandez 281-883-2986

First and Third Thu., 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

We look forward to seeing you. New members are welcome. Come join the fun.

Chris Auclair 585-309-9065

Mon., 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis

If you would enjoy playing this friendly card game, bring $1 to Desert Oasis on Mondays at 5:30 PM.

Five Crowns

Pat Hansen or Fern Strandskov Sat., 4:30 and 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Five Crowns is a fun and easy game to play. See our website for a short video. Players usually play one-to-three games, depending on what time they arrive. Players are randomly assigned to tables, and each game normally takes one hour. For each game you play, you need to bring 12 dimes and one quarter. So if you plan to play three games, bring 36 dimes and three quarters. New players are always welcome.

Gin Rummy

Bob Segebrecht or Sue Lilja 802-236-0150 Sat., 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Please feel free to call Sue if you have any questions or suggestions.

Mah Jongg

Casual Mah Jongg

Judee Wickersham, 520-989-3254 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis

Come and play on Tuesdays for a casual, fun game.

Thursday Mah Jongg

Myrna Ramsey 847-217-9757 Thu., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis

New Year’s resolution: Play more Mah Jongg. Join us every Thursday, 1-4 PM. The club supplies Maj sets and unlimited ice water. Players supply the fun.

Our mini Tournaments with a Twist will be played on the second Thursday of January, February and March. Entrance fee is $1 for each entry. Exact change is appreciated. If you don’t wish to enter the tournament, regular play will be available as usual. New players are always welcome.

Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Claudia Case 206-579-6500 Mon., Fri., 12:30-4 PM, Wed., 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

If you enjoy a challenge, come and observe our game of Pan (Panguingue). It’s a fun and interesting game. We would love to have you join us.


Dave Flatness 425-443-3708

Wed., 5:45 PM, Desert


We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring $1 for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we can get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues $5 pp.

Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation

26 26
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster L-r: John Bechard, Peter Grant, Bill Scherrei


Dealer’s Choice Poker

Steve Dirks 520-429-3303

Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Our game is open to all SCOV residents. Games: Texas hold’em, crazy pineapple, Omaha, seven-card stud, criss cross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em and crazy pineapple, which are high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early round of bets and 50¢ for the last two rounds.

Contact Steve Dirks for a Word document with the full club rules and a detailed description of the games.

Men’s Friday Poker

David Dellinger 480-620-5519

Fri., 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Friday Poker plays every Friday evening at Desert Oasis. We play easygoing poker with low stakes. Games are high only, five-card draw, five-card stud, seven-card stud, Texas holdʼem, Omaha and criss cross. No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards are provided. Dealer antes 5¢ per player and chooses the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the door and enjoy three hours of no-hassle, understandable poker. We welcome new players. Bring nickels, dimes and quarters.

Call David if you would like to review rules of play before your first game. Please show up at 5:30 PM, so we can start playing by 5:45 PM.


Jan Fischer 520-825-2401

Fri., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis

Time passes so fast. A year has passed, then two, and now it’s 2023. Happy New Year to all. For all who are looking for a new adventure, consider trying Scrabble. The SCOV Scrabble group is part of the 33 million leisure Scrabble players in the U.S. and Canada. Among those are more than 10,000 enthusiasts who belong to the over 200 sanctioned Scrabble clubs. Our club is a fun group who enjoys a challenge, meeting new people and socializing for an afternoon.

Sheepshead - Schafkopf

Jeff Rusch 920-202-0007

Tue., 10 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

Schafkopf, better known as Sheepshead, is a card game most commonly played in Wisconsin and surrounding midwest states. If you are interested in joining us, contact Jeff.



Mike Moyer 520-308-8881

Mon., 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Love those barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear and feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others–barbershop style? Join this fun mixed (men and women) a cappella chorus in song, for just 1½ hours every Monday morning. Great way to start each week. Music is provided and visitors are welcome. There is strength in numbers, the more the merrier.

Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Zona Boss 520-638-6644, Colleen Hoffman 520-825-8393

Wed., 2-3:30 PM, 2338 E. Montrose Canyon Dr.

Looking forward to seeing everyone and drumming in the New Year. Mark this date; our annual party will be Wednesday, February 8, 3-5 PM, Desert Oasis.

Our sessions start with some hands-on individual instruction, a virtual program and drum-along There will be some drums available for newcomers’ use. Come join us at 2 PM at Colleen’s home, 2338 E. Montrose Canyon Dr.

The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for anyone wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests.

Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life.

Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 Mon., 3 PM, Mike and Kathy Moyer’s home, 1637 E. Crown Ridge Way

Have a recorder (the instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a fun group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided and instruments are available, every Monday for one hour. Learners and visitors are welcome. We’re back in action again. Let’s make beautiful music together.

Sun City Singers

Director Don Hess

Pres. Bob Westendorf Tue., 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista

Ukulele - Sun City Strummers

Pres. John Sand 520-308-5883

Musical Director Don Bong Tue., 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Come and sing and play with us. Beginner class is from 9:15-9:45 AM. Regular group from 10-11:30 AM at Desert Oasis. Loaner ukes are available. We need a big group for the Activity Center opening in January; come help us get ready.

Join the Posse

The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch

Keep our neighborhood safe

Call Linda Simon 520-789-7169

27 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners


Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Pres. Scott Schlapkohl 970-846-1951 VP Lisa Lawless 401-239-6758

Vistoso Cyclists membership is only $15/year, which is hard to believe, given we are one of the best cycling clubs for seniors in the nation. Aside from the rides, our members enjoy our very useful website, including a searchable member directory, club classifieds, online ride schedule, cycling resources and more.

We offer several hundred scheduled rides year-round, among four different ride subgroups, from 20 to 60-plus miles, to cafe destinations within Tucson and nearby towns, utilizing both pathways and roadways. Occasional away rides are offered as well. Our cafe stops offer coffee and conversation, which are greatly enjoyed by our members.

The club has e-bike, mountain biking and Women on Wheels subgroups. There’s also our monthly club newsletter email.

All schedules can be found within the excellent member area of our website. We also host social events and support both the Interfaith Community Services Food Bank and Wheels for Kids. For more information or to join, visit our website.

Miles, smiles and tailwinds.


Pres. Robert Dufur 503-312-0809 Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

New members are always welcome. The club dues are only $5 pp.

Our weekly activities include two round-robin tournaments Mondays, 2-4 PM, and Thursdays, 10 AM-Noon. All members at all levels are welcome. These round robins are for fun only (not for money). Based on the number of players that show up, we will have a rotation set up, so everyone plays every round. Wednesdays from 10 AM-Noon are reserved for the women’s division. The Billiards Room is reserved for members only, Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM.

We have a traveling team that plays six other communities on the second Saturday of each month.

A new weekly 1-15 eight-ball round robin activity has started on Tuesdays. Just show up before 1:30 PM.

Birders Group

Peggy Smith 520-344-0991 Fri., Jan 27, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Normally, we only show SCOV birds here, but we were gifted this November by a rare visitor from Mexico and Central America. Just up the road in Catalina Regional Park, the Fan-tailed Warbler was seen by many of our members as well as loads of visitors from other states. It was a happening. Dozens of birders took photos and just enjoyed the comradery.

We are a 100-plus member, activity-oriented group and all SCOV residents are invited to join us on our field trips. We carpool and learn more about the birds in Arizona. Below is a list of upcoming field trips. If you are interested in going on any of these, be sure to contact the trip coordinator for details at least three days in advance and ask Peggy (above)

to be added to our mailing list. Tue, Jan. 3 Whitewater Draw Barbara Gates, Tue, Jan. 10 Catalina State Park Nancy Bern, Thu., Jan. 19 Tubac/Anza/Canoa Max Haegele, Thu., Jan. 26 Willcox/Benson Ponds Peggy Smith,


Pres. Gail Parson VP Jim Steinmetz Mon., Wed., Fri., 2-4 PM and 4-6 PM, Bocce Courts

Bocce is a fun, easy-to-learn activity. No experience is required, but you do need to be able to pick up the ball and roll it. Annual dues are just $5, and a membership form is on the club website under Club Info. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the starting time, and pick up a wooden stick from the starter. Space limits each session to the first 32 players, with members given priority.

Courts are open to Bocce Club league play only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-6 PM. To see what times are open for general play and reserve a court, please check the court reservation system on SCOV’s website at

Gun Club

Bill Snead 425-246-8100

Our Gun Club is dedicated to safety and proficiency in handling firearms. Next meeting is Friday, January 13, 9-11 AM, WC3.


Pres. Georgene Porter

Scheduled hikes are posted on the website

This is the perfect time of year weather-wise in Tucson, to enjoy hiking in our beautiful area. Nature can improve your mental health. Studies show that within just the first five minutes of being outside, people experience a better mood. Spending twenty minutes in nature doing an activity, like hiking, or walking, helps reduce stress. A quick walk outside is a great way to soak in extra Vitamin D from the sun, which improves your sleep at night. As an extra bonus, by joining the Hiking Club you develop friendships, enjoy the company of fellow hikers from many walks of life, and you get to take in breathtaking scenery. There are many hikes scheduled at all levels of difficulty. Renew or join now.

The annual membership is $10, due at the end of January.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 28 28 January 2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Nancy Bern photo Photo by Susan Sedlacek


Ron Knudson 520-825-9307, cell 520-250-4183 for info

Tue., Thu., Oct.-Apr., 2 PM; May-Sep, 8 AM

The Pits at Catalina Vista

How about a fun time in the great outdoors? Join us Tuesdays and Thursdays at the horseshoe pits. Horseshoes are available or bring your own. No fees or membership required. Just come and have fun. Everyone is welcome, first timers or old timers.

Mini Golf

Cindy Silverlock 707-537-5911

Tue., 3:30 PM, Oct.-Apr. (except 2nd Tue., Jan.-Apr.)

Objective: To promote the use and enjoyment of the minigolf course for socialization, with an emphasis on providing an outdoor activity for those unable to play more active sports.

Game days: We meet on Tuesday, October-April, 3:30-5 PM. (We do not meet the second Tuesday of the month, January-April.)

Annual dues: Your $5 dues pay for an end-of-season party and prize for the most holes-in-one.

Tournaments/Competition: We are a club that promotes fun and socialization. We do not keep score, but we do offer a prize for the most holes-in-one at the end of the season.


Pres. Tony Masterjohn

VP Training Doug Brown

Sun.-Sat., 8 AM-9 PM

It’s perfect pickleball weather and we welcome all players. Check out the schedule posted at the courts or online.

POP Tennis

Pres. Brian Goff 518-577-2022

VP Warren Burda 520-308-1118

Treas. Jim Steinmetz 440-552-6173

Tue., Thu., Sat., 8:30-10:30 AM, Desert Oasis

An Arizona winter is upon us, requiring extra clothes to keep us insulated in the early mornings until we warm up. The game of POP Tennis is loaded with exercise and strategy, guaranteed to get your pulse rate up and burn those excess calories. If you play, you won’t need those extra clothes for long. Stop over Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to check it out and get the benefit of fun, relaxed, outdoor exercise. You’ll be glad you did.

End of a hard-fought game


Pres. Jerry Moss 360-772-0780 Mon.-Fri., 8-11 AM, AFC/Racquetball Court

Welcome back, returning players. There are two social events happening soon: Thursday, January 26, is our cookout, and our general meeting is March 23. As always, we look forward to socializing.

Table Tennis

Dinking Buddies team

Recently, a group of the women players registered a team with the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL). This is a first at SCOV. The team’s name is Dinking Buddies and will compete at level 3 starting in January. The group is practicing two-to-three times each week. APPL is a non-profit which started in 2019. Instead of tournaments, APPL’s team concept provides another enjoyable way to experience the social, mental, and physical benefits of pickleball.

Any female can register with APPL. Players may register their own team (of at least 6 players) or individuals may register and be assigned to a team. Typically, there are 8-12 matches per season. Zero Zero Play.

Co-Pres. Dorothy Filip and John Smith

Tue., women 1:30 PM; men, 3 PM Thu., all play 5:30 PM; Sat., all play 9 AM

Holiday lunch

Holiday Hours

Sunday, January 1

Resolve to put more fun in your life with table tennis (aka ping pong). Table tennis is a gentle sport that yields a surprisingly vigorous workout. As you play, you may even boost your eye-hand coordination, speed and concentration. All interested players are welcome, ranging from never-everplayed to super-skilled. Anyone who shows up can use a club paddle and give it a try. Note that because of room scheduling complications, there will be no table tennis on Tuesday, January 3, and Saturday, January 21. Join us on all the other scheduled days.

Monday, January 2

Staff observed holiday

The Welcome Center and Library will be closed Normal hours for other facilities

Monday, January 16

The Welcome Center and Library will be closed Normal hours for other facilities

29 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023
AFC/Pool open 8 AM-5 PM Restaurant open 7 AM-8 PM Pro Shop open 6 AM-2 PM
All other facilities closed


Pres. Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918

Open Group Tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30-10:30 AM

Chris Gerber 763-360-8393 Jan Dunbar 815-766-0819

Open Group Tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 8-10 AM Bill Pitts 317-308-8155

Open Group Tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 10 AM-Noon Jen Garvin 520-400-4368

The SCOV Tennis Club is starting off the 2023 New Year with structured tennis clinics. These offer a generalized approach to learning and practicing tennis strokes, through a variety of drills. This helps build consistency, reinforce proper skills and develop playing strategies within a group setting. Clinics will be held at the Mountain Vista tennis courts:

Wed. Jan. 11 Forehand Wed. Jan. 25 Backhand Wed. Feb. 8 Serve Wed. Feb. 22 Return of Serve Wed. Mar. 8 Forehand Approach and Forehand Volley Wed. Mar. 22 Backhand Approach and Backhand Volley Wed. Apr. 5 Lob Wed. Apr. 12 Overhead

Player appreciation and recognition is April 19. All are welcome to join in the learning and fun. Contact Glenn Morse at

If you are interested in the great sport of tennis and joining the SCOV Tennis Club, contact Jim Benshoof jabenshoof@


Pres. Chris Baird 520-272-7089

VP Don Kahl 605-310-3270

Treas. Janell Raty 530-401-2477

Game days, Tue., Fri., setup 12:45 PM, play 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Ct.

Wallyball is volleyball played on a racquetball court with three to five players on each side. It is fast, fun, and a great workout that tones muscles and improves coordination. Players use the walls to create angles on shots but cannot use the ceiling or back wall of the opposing team. We welcome new members, both men and women. Come see if the game is for you.

Water Volleyball

Pres. Pete Coy 360-739-4100

VP Rich WInter 520-900-7542

Treas. John Lesko 248-231-0546

Recreational play Sun., Thu., 1-3 PM

Advanced play Mon., Wed., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis pool

Residents living near the Desert Oasis pool often come around when they hear all of the laughter coming from the pool area. This is what happens when we play water volleyball. The game is fun, but laughing at each other for bad plays is what makes it so compelling. Nobody takes it seriously, so if you muff a play, everybody gets a laugh. We all make mistakes, but getting outside for some physical activity and laughter with friends while playing a game is what makes this game so special. If you are curious or just want to laugh while watching, come by.

Travel Day Trippers

Co-Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226

Co-Chair Lynn Krivitz 520-825-7689

Membership Nancy and Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957

Third Sun., 1 PM, Catalina Vista

There are many exciting events planned for this new year. Always bring your checkbook to the meeting.

Tue., Jan. 17: Free casino trip to Desert Diamond Casino on Valencia. Limited to 40 people. Cutoff date Jan. 3.Shuttle bus leaves 10:30 AM. Monitor: Nancy O’Hara 847-207-7115.

Thu., Feb. 9: Tubac Festival of the Arts. $40 pp for the bus, lunch on your own. Bus leaves 8:30 AM. Cutoff date Jan. 30. Monitor: Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226.

Wed., Mar. 8: Arizona Opry dinner and show. Cost $92 pp. Bus leaves 9:30 AM in front of the tennis courts and returns at 5:30 PM. Sign up now. Cutoff date Feb. 17. Monitor: Lynn Krivitz 520-825-7689.

Thu., Mar. 23: Arizona Railway Museum in Chandler. Cost $85 pp. Bus leaves 7 AM. Lunch at Can’t Stop Smokin’ BBQ followed by visit to art gallery. Sign up now. Cut off date Mar. 13. Monitor: Charlene Meyers 808-937-2178.

Sat., Apr. 22: Blessing of the Sonoita Vineyards. $70 pp. Sign up now. Cutoff date Apr. 12. Monitor: Pam Divis 630-339-6864.

RV Club - Sundowners

Pres. Eric Wiley 360-510-1641 VP Bob Whipple 608-469-7690

Website: Meetings second Mon., 9 AM, WC3

Our next meeting is Monday, January 9, 9 AM, Catalina Vista. If you are a newcomer to SCOV and have an RV, join us as a guest at our next meeting.

Three formal trips have been posted on the website: Sedona/Flagstaff; Very Large Array, NM; Kartchner Caverns, Benson. If interested, sign up online.

Some important dates are the St. Patrick’s Day celebration Sunday, March 19, and our Catalina cookout and overnight is set for Tuesday, April 11.

November 4-14, 2022, seven RV’s traveled to Death Valley to experience the National Park’s natural beauty, Rhyolite Ghost Town, and the Pahrump Historical Museum. The visit was scheduled to coincide with Death Valley ‘49ers Encampment Days. A trip highlight was the reenactment of the settlers’ wagon train arriving in Death Valley, consisting of seven horse- and mule-drawn covered wagons.

Sun City Vistoso
Febraury 2011 30 30 January
2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
The SCOV Tennis Club enjoys an evening of fun, music, great company and terrific food at the holiday party held in December Left: Wildrose Charcoal Kilns in Death Valley National Park. Yes, that is snow, as the kilns are at 8,100 feet elevation versus the valley floor at -282 feet and 80 degrees. Right: Members were educated by the displays at the Pahrump Museum about Nevada’s nuclear test site located in the same county.

Partnered Organizations

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.


Kevin D. 708-732-2943, Meetings suspended until further notice

Brain Health Action Group

Joan Partridge 505-920-7005

Second and fourth Wed., 4 PM, Catalina Vista, starting Jan. 11

This action group will follow the work and recommendations of Dr. Dale Bredesen, “The End of Alzheimer’s Program.” These diet and lifestyle recommendations plus careful medical evaluation have prevented, and many times reversed, cognitive decline even in individuals with a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s Disease. The action group will focus on the “Bredesen 7”: Nutrition, Exercise/Movement, Sleep, Stress, Stimulation, and Supplements, as outlined in the book by Dr. Bredesen. The purpose of this action group is to help one another make lasting changes that will positively influence cognitive health.

Cancer Support

Contact: Rita Menet

Meetings suspended until further notice

We are currently looking for a person to facilitate this group. If interested, please email Rita.

Caregiver Support Group

Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016

Contact Ester Leutenberg for date and time of meeting

The Caregiver Support Group can benefit anyone caring for a parent, partner, child, sibling, friend or any other lovedone. Allowing those to share with other open-minded people in a safe environment is key for this group.

Cognitive Loss & Memory Support Group

Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639

First and Third Wed., 4:15 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Room

Whether you are a caregiver, a person with subjective or mild cognitive loss, or at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, our mission is to support one another by sharing new ideas through the advancement of research and personal experience. We will discuss the many challenges associated with cognitive loss with open hearts and open dialog. This support group will provide a safe and confidential space to share ideas and personal experiences.

Diabetes Support Circle

Contact: Bill Bable 520-639-8845

First Mon., 3:30 PM, Catalina Vista

of grief and loss, support by a group can be a key to recovery and resolution. Questions or concerns, please call Jane Krabbeler

Parkinson’s Support

Payton Davies 520-401-7275

Third Wed., 10:30 AM-Noon, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Katie’s Korner 11575 N. 1st Ave., Oro Valley

People with Parkinson’s Disease as well as caregivers and/or family are welcome.

Support Group for the Visually Impaired

Judi Peterson 815-222-4754

Raven 505-469-7505,

Fourth Thu., 3:30-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Our mission is to provide mutual support and resource sharing in a positive environment. Participants share a wide variety of resources and strategies that help them continue living independently despite diminishing vision. We welcome people who are blind and/or visually impaired. Interested, supportive persons are also welcome.

Please join us. Come or call Judi or Raven for more information.

Survivors of a Loved-One Who Died by Suicide

Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016

Individual encounters offered

There is nothing as helpful as talking to another person who has lost a close loved one by suicide. If you wish to share the experience and feelings of your loss, please contact Ester Leutenberg, who lost her son to suicide when he was 30 years old.

Vistoso Helpful Hands

For assistance call 520-447-0077

Chair Barb McNeill

Vistoso Helpful Hands is an all-volunteer organization assisting SCOV residents who find themselves needing temporary help. Guideline: three weeks in a row or 12 visits in a year. We assist with caregiver relief, transportation, animal care, handyman services, light housekeeping/yard care, paperwork organization, errands and picking up take-out meals from The Views Restaurant. We also have a referral file for longer term paid and volunteer assistance.

Winter resident or summer-only volunteers are always welcome. After filling out an application at the Welcome Center, you will be contacted to answer any questions. In-person training is provided for cell dispatchers.

Wheels for Kids

Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243

Grief Support

Jane Krabbeler 520-500-3352,

Fri., Jan. 27, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Grief comes from many reasons. It may be from the loss of a loved-one, a pet, a career, etc. No matter what the cause

Do you remember your first bike? Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles to children and families in need in the Tucson area. To date, we have donated 4,500 bikes to local nonprofits, who then distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations include Refugee Focus, Boys and Girls Club of Tucson, Children’s Advocacy Center, Casa de los Niños, Ronald McDonald House and Youth On Their Own. Wheels for Kids is an all-volunteer effort, and we are always happy to welcome new people to our team. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website or call Tom Terfehr. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike.

31 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, January 2023

Extended Community


Al-Anon helps friends and families of problem drinkers. 520-323-2229.

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132

We are local veterans making a difference in the lives of veterans and service members in need. Help us to help them by joining our friendly Post. You, too, can make a difference. Contact Steve Didio 520-219-9997 or We meet the third Thursday, 6:30 PM, September-June, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley.

Catalina State Park

Enjoy Music in the Mountains at Catalina State Park on the first and third Saturday of the month, 3 PM. January 7, enjoy the McCain Sisters violin duo. January 21 is Brian Berggoetz with a mix of rock and Americana. All-day admission to the park is $7 per vehicle, and the concert is included with park admission.

Daughters of the American Revolution

The January meeting of El Presidio Chapter will feature Prof. Darryl Graham with a program on Japanese Internment Camps in Arizona. Any woman with an ancestor who supported the American Revolution is welcome to attend, Thursday, January 12, 1 PM, The Western National Parks Store, 12880 N. Vistoso Village Dr., Oro Valley. Contact Holly Gibson for information 303-548-1299.

Oro Valley Historical Society Speaker Series

The Oro Valley Historical Society will present Allen Denoyer of Archaeology Southwest at the Oro Valley Library Wednesday, January 11, 2 PM. He will discuss “Early Agriculture Along the Santa Cruz.” The event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited so arrive early.

Santa Catalina Mental Health Ministry

Join us for our January mental health focus, “Opioids and Senior Pain Management–Benefits and Dangers.” Mary Lou Monahan, FPN, BC, will be presenting. The session will be at Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 14380 N, Oracle Rd., Sunday, January 15, 1-3 PM, in the Parish Hall.

Square Dance

SaddleBrooke Squares is offering a free introduction to square dancing, Thursday, January 5, 7 PM, SaddleBrooke Mountain View Ballroom, 38759 S. Mountain View Blvd. Couples and singles are welcome, dress is casual. Contact Mary, SCOV resident, 402-415-7347 for information.


The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; S/S=Stainless Steel; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month.


HOUSING NEEDED: Looking for either an opportunity to house and/or pet sit or to rent a room during the months of Jan.-Apr. 2023. Can be flexible about timing, short term or the entire time. Responsible SCOV homeowner whose home is rented out Jan-Apr. I am single, fun, fastidious, nonsmoker, not a pet owner currently, but a lover of animals. References upon request. Contact Shannon at 651-439-9986.

RENTAL WANTED: Iowa couple looking for an SCOV rental for 4 months, Jan. through Apr. 2024. We are non smokers and have no pets and will take good care of your home. Have rented in Sun City for four winters and can provide references in the community. Judy at 319-360-6453 or

FOR RENT: N/S, N/P, 2 BR/2 BA fully furnished. Available from Jan. 2023 through all of 2023. For pricing and pictures, call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email

FOR RENT: Popular expanded 1,573 sq. ft. Silvercreek model, 2 BR/2 BA. Open floor plan with tile and carpet, ceiling fan in every room. Fully furnished, king in master, queen in guest, reclining couch in living room, smart TV. Includes all utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D, BBQ on covered patio with ceiling fan. Fully enclosed back yard. N/S, N/P. Email or call 636-544-1706 for availability starting May 2023.

FOR RENT: Available immediately for seasonal or long term, casita in Vistoso Trails next to Stone Canyon. 2 split bedrooms (one king and one queen) with 2 full baths, den or office, attached garage, fully furnished, all utilities including internet, corner unit, pool, hot tub and exercise facility. Pictures available. Gene 720-935-5521.

HOUSE WATCH: Jay’s Home Watch with TLC, “I’ll watch your home when you’re not.” I will check on your home regularly, water indoor plants, bring in mail, newspapers and packages, contact your handy person, landscaper, irrigation person, etc., if needed and take care of any emergencies that arise. I will email you with an update each time I visit your home. Jay Leutenberg, all-year resident. Call 520-444-8529, email

PET CARE: When you’re not home, I will make sure your pets are cared for and well loved. My services include dog walking, boarding of dogs and cat care. I am able to administer medications if needed. Suzanne Batten, 253-310-2693, email:


Do you have a trip or cruise planned next summer? Want to have your pet in its own home? I am a full time SCOV resident willing to house/pet sit at your Montana, Washington or Oregon home during the summer months. I will care for your home, love your dog, perform chores, send reports if desired, etc. I have a small, well behaved, poodle mix that plays well with other dogs. Lets meet. Sammie Toms 406-546-4992 or elkluve@

PICK UP AND DRIVER AVAILABLE for local hauling. Reasonable rates. Call Roger at 503-473-1611.

BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 520-529-2984.

32 32
Sun City
Vistoso Tipster, Febraury
2023, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Linda S. Tucker, Attorney Wills • Probate • Trusts Free Half Hour Consultation Phone or Office 520-257-1166 1846 E. Innovation Park Drive Oro Valley, AZ 85755

Sun City Oro Valley Scrapbook

Resident-submitted photos.

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 33
Joanne Larman enjoys photographing clouds “Sunset after the storm” by Blythe Campbell Residents donated lots of toys to The Views Golf Club holiday toy drive. Golder Ranch Fire Department picked up the toys to distribute to needy kids Vice mayor Melanie Barrett, second from right, and council member Joyce Jones-Ivey, far right, joined the fun by donning “Thing” wigs to ride in Betty and Roger Benasutti’s “Thing” in the annual holiday golf cart parade. Thank you Oro Valley Police and Golder Ranch Fire for escorting parade entrants
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 34 HOME PROJECTS Remodeling Experts HOMEPROJECTSAZ.COM 520-609-7136 email: • TV Media Rooms • Home Offices • Custom Kitchens • Libraries • Custom Floating Shelves • Custom Cabinetry • Quality Garages The Original Off the Wall Bedtm F urniture Solutions TM 3636 E. Ft. Lowell (Fort Lowell & Dodge) (520) 745-1186 Serving Tucson Since 1979 CENTER OF HEALING ARTS, LLC “A Graceful Goodbye” End of life coaching program for people with elderly loved ones who are facing end of life. Distance Reiki and Life Coaching Megan Grace RN BSN 720-668-2894 All of my services are provided on Zoom. Expert Installation & Repair Drip Systems • Outdoor Lighting (520) 256-0516 ROC314982 FreeEstimates Serving Oro Valley since 2007 AZ Outdoor Solutions LLC (520) 395-0359 • Licensed and Insured January Special: 10% off your first service for new customers •Outdoor Kitchens (New Installations and Repairs) •Install Pavers •Landscape Lighting •Irrigation Installation and Repair •Yard Maintenance (520) 365-5413 • Local • Long Distance • 5-Star Ratings on Google and 5% off on labor with this ad. Free Quotes
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 35 I Make House Calls. Senior Real Estate Specialist Carol Kershaw, ABR, e-Pro, SRES REALTOR® Direct (520) 906-9023 Fax (520) 297-1005 8540 N. Oracle Rd., Bldg #2 Tucson, AZ 85704 Kevin...does it all Your Sun City Neighbor All Repairs & Remodeling 35 years Remodeling Experience Call us, we’ll get it done! Kevin Frosch 520-490-5951 Join Us for Live Entertainment on FRIDAYS & Saturdays, 5-8 PM
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 36 Taking Care of You 24/7 Heating • Cooling • Refrigeration 520-326-9672 Money Saving Coupons at Financing Available Licensed, Bonded, Insured • Heating and Cooling Repair and New Systems • Conventional and Ductless Systems • Air Purification Specialists • Locally Owned & Operated since 1970 ROC 105179/104645 RO 31760 CR-34 Commercial Specializin l Toda (520)792-9669 FREEESTIMATE YEAR S I N BUSINESS Licensed Bonded Insured Licensed Bonded Insured Call Today (520) 792-9669 FREE ESTIMATE 22 YEARS IN BUSINESS Specializing in Cabinets Under New Ownership Seasons of Beauty Salon 1734 E. Innovation Park, Oro Valley Full Service Hair  Nails  Waxing located nearby inside All Seasons Retirement Community Appointments Monday-Saturday (520) 423-3720 10% off first visit for new clients SIZE: 2 x 7.5 SUN CITY TIPSTER January / 2023  F Tree Trimming F Landscape Design F Citrus Pruning F Bucket Truck Service F Yard Cleanups F Irrigation Installation and Repair All About Trees All About Trees Professional Tree Trimming & Removal Fully Insured 520-292-4645 Trees Trees Trees Trees Professional Arborist 520-292-4645 formerly Arizona Tree Techs
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 37 Living Trusts • Wills Estate Planning Estates Settled Contracts-Leases Personal Injury Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs Serving Northwest Tucson Since 1976 No Charge For Initial Consultation • House Calls Welcome 297-6800 1846 E. Innovation Park Dr. Oro Valley, AZ 85755 7400 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #175 Tucson, AZ 85704 BUTIEREZ PAINTING LLC Mr. Butierez is a professional painter who has been painting homes in Sun City since 1994. He has specialized in new custom homes along with interior and exterior repaints since 1985. Call us today for a free estimate! Licensed, Bonded and Insured ROC 317608 CR-34 (520) 682-5349 Refresh Your Kitchen –Have Us Paint Your Cabinets ◆ Standard Cleaning Services: Interior/Exterior Windows, Tracks, Bug Screens ◆ Additional Cleaning Services: Sun Screens, Ceiling Fans, Mirrors, Dryer Vents ◆ On the SCOV Consumer Referral Vendor List ◆ Free Estimates, Sun City Discounts ◆ Family Owned & Operated Since 1997 Call or Text Shenandoah and Rachel Neumann: RENEW RESTORE RELIEVE Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Relief Back Pain Sciatica Fibromyalgia Arthritis Plantar Fasciitis Autoimmune Disorders Scar Restoration Digestive Disorders Acupuncture Has Been Proven to Help Open Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm 15615 N. Oracle Rd. Suite 135 Tucson, AZ 85639 Suncity Tipster Ad 7.5 x 2.qxp_SC tipster Ad 10/26/22 3:38 PM Page 1
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 38 1846 E. Innovation Park Rd. Main Number 520-742-2500 Estate Planning Wills, Trusts Probate & Trust Administration 3 office locations: Tucson, Oro Valley & SaddleBrooke Hillman Law, Ltd. Sun City Oro Valley Office Free Consultation F&S Home Services Frank Soto Master Craftsman Home Repair • Remodeling • Restoration • Painting • Plumbing • Electrical • Concrete • Tile • Roofing • AC & Heating (520) 861-2657 Not a licensed contractor L M Painting Complete Interior Painting Discounts Ask for an estimate 5 year Warranty Premium Paint ROC #324740 Licensed Bonded Insured Exterior Painting Special $2,200 (up to 1,600 sq. ft.) Offer good through January 31, 2023 869-9229 Victor Martinez On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List 991-9933 Leo Martinez
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 39 Call 520-888-3667 Always Complimentary Estimates! Visit our showroom at 1870 W. Prince Rd. #5 ROC 284119 • High efficiency windows and doors offered in vinyl, aluminum, and fiberglass in a variety of colors • Entry and patio doors • Friendly financing options now available Expert installation is our specialty! Up to $500 in energy credit available! BUY NOW PAY LATER (OAC) Ask your representative for details When you were kids, your sister pulled your hair and stole your lunch money Would you let her arrange your funeral? Preplanning. It’s even smarter than you think. 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Oro Valley (520) 544-2285 HEATING COOLING 520.629.9676 RUSSETTSOUTHWEST.COM ROC#032524 KATHY enior Real Estate Solutions REALTOR TORVICK Realty Executives Arizona Territory Cell/Text: 520-337-0123 CALL TODAY A Dedicated Professional
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 40 Inspired by your life CUSTOM CABINETS | DESIGN | REMODEL | REFACING LOOK FOR OUR FLYER IN THE TIPSTER 7780 N. Oracle Rd. 150 | 520.531.9187 24/7 Non-medical Caregiver Staffing Member, Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Licensed, Bonded and Insured Loving Angels Among Us, LLC Sylvia Briones (520) 351-9055 Paul J. Sandelin Attorney at Law 520.989.0074 - 1171 East Rancho Vistoso Blvd Suite117 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Estate Planning - Elder Law - Wills Trusts - Trust Administration Powers of Attorney - Probate HealthCare Directives - Living Wills Real Estate - Business - Corporations - LLC’s Convenient Location - Personal Service Complimentary Estate Planning Consultation Licensed in Arizona and Minnesota Golden Goose Thrift Shop Ever consider volunteering at the Goose? Where Good Things Happen Every Day! 100% of Profits go to Local Charities Call for a pickup. A 501(c)3 not-for-profit Call 8 82 5- 9101 Visit 15970 N. Oracle Rd. Catalina, AZ 85739 – Phone 825-9101 Susan Couture, LMT, CLT Lymph Studio 6700 N. Oracle Rd., Ste. 239, Tucson, AZ 85704 (520) 999-0447 Call or Text • Lymphedema Therapy (not covered by Medicare) Pre- & Post-Surgery Manual Lymph Drainage • Boost Immunity • Reduce Edema • Activate Stem Cells
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 41 Tucson 7883 N. Oracle Rd. Oro Valley, AZ 85704 M-F 9am-5pm, Sa 9:30am-4:30pm 520.790.6180 ROC #306543 Free In-Home Estimates Free Installation We Do Repairs website: 11165 N. La Canada Dr. #175•Oro Valley, AZ 85737 520-850-2439 Fred Swiderski REALTOR® Epoxy Coating & Cement Staining for your Garage, Driveway, Patio, or Walkway Brett Monroe • 520-603-7789 • Licensed • Bonded • Insured 5599 N. Oracle Rd. Between Orange Grove and River Rd. 10425 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 135 Oracle Rd. and Pusch View Lane Call for appointments. 520-293-6740 It Matters Who You See... JENNIFER & MATT TEAM Your Sun City Realtors Please Call Us Today! Your Sun City Realtors Please Call Us Today! Buying or Selling in Sun City? Expert Help Is Right Here! Jennifer Shuffelbottom Matt Shuffelbottom REALTOR® REALTOR® (520) 262-1785 Classic work ethic. Modern Technology. Call us for yearly tankless and tank water heater flushes. Water Heater Installation & Repair Water Filtration Systems Drain Cleaning & Video Inspection Re-pipe Specialists 881-6000 ROC#: C37R 143822 L37 146669 24/7 Emergency Service $ 149 Special $ 25 OFF Any plumbing/drain cleaning service over $300* 24-7 Emergency Service 881-6000 • Helps prevent costly plumbing repairs or damage to your home • Making sure all emergency shut off valves are working properly $189 for Tankless water heater flush Water Heater Flush & Home Plumbing Inspection* Classic work ethic. Modern Technology. Classic work ethic. Modern Technology. *Cannot be combined with any other offers or specials. Excludes 3rd party vendors, commercial properties, rentals and realty properties. Discount cannot be applied to trip or diagnostic fees. *Cannot be combined with any other offers or specials. Excludes 3rd party vendors, commercial properties, rentals and realty properties. Discount cannot be applied to trip or diagnostic fees.
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 42 Dawn Caffall (Agent/Owner) 520-825-7003 15920 N. Oracle Road — Suite 130 Local Agent Specializing in Sun City Auto • Home Umbrella • Life Golf Carts Annuities • IRAs Insurance Specialized for Your Retirement! Farmers Insurance of Catalina ABLE-BODY PAINTING, INC. JEFF JARVIS Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed, Bonded, Insured. a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted. (520)400-1591 ROC 160023 Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Oro Valley Janine Denning, SRS, SRES Broker Associate | Lic# BR624663000 520.907.9757 11165 N. La Canada Dr. #175 Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated REALTOR You deserve the best in real estate and I am here to provide it!

Place your advertising message where it will reach the exclusive community of Sun City Oro Valley with an ad in the Tipster.

The Tipster is the official Sun City Oro Valley newsletter with month-long listings of activities within the community. This insures that the Tipster has a long shelf life within the home, giving your advertising month-long exposure.

Call Lisa at 520-917-8065 for details on advertising in the Tipster.

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 43 HARDIN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE “PROVIDING QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE & REPAIR FOR 22 YEARS” (520) 818-3200 16255 N. Oracle Road • Catalina, AZ 85739 Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm (520) 818-3200 16255 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, AZ 85739 Open Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm HARDIN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE Quality Service & Repair ttle f rea! BESTOF 2022 “Back to Doing Business the FAIR WAY” 520-328-8424 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. #161 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Air Conditioners l Air Purifiers l Heat Pumps Package Units l Ductless Mini-Splits ROC #316583 To Our Customers! Your excellent reviews placed us the #1 Rated cooling & heating company in the State of Arizona for back-to-back years! UP TO $1700* REBATES *When you purchase a qualifying Lennox Home Comfort System Purchase between 1/9/23 - 2/3/23 AND Special Financing Options Sun City Resident Knowledgeable Honest Experienced Hard Working Trustworthy Schedule your free home evaluation today. Roger Angeloni Associate Broker Cell (520) 989-1583 For Buying or Selling It’sMoreThanLiving...It’s Lifestyle! April2018 Tipster Tipster BOD Study Session, Thursday, April 12, AM, WC3 BOD Meeting, Tuesday, April 24, AM, WC3 It’s More Than Lifestyle! BOD Meeting, Thursday, 14, 9 AM, WC3
More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle! March Tipster BOD Study Session, Thursday, March 8, 9 AM, WC3 BOD Meeting, Tuesday, March 27, 9 AM, WC3 Photo by Sheryl Hester
Tipster Tipster
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster , January 2023, Page 44 email: Barbara . Kittelson@azmoves . com 520-907-3393 Barbara & Avery Sun City RESIDENT Your Mother/Daughter Real Estate Team We Go the Extra Mile for You Call Us Today! Red Arrow Roofing Oro Valley-based roofer specializing in tile roof replacement and repairs, roof coatings and fascia. Owner/operator. Licensed, bonded, insured. 520-307-8134 ROC #323543 Janet Sirbeck (520) 256-0757 Sun City residents working together to bring you the best real estate experience. Linda Blessing (520) 591-5232 Cell: (520) 333-8787 Office: (520) 352-2700 Rocco Miller 35+ Years of Real Estate Experience 11165 N. La Canada Dr., # 175 • Oro Valley, AZ 85737 Coldwell Banker Realty Award Winner

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