13 minute read
Association Committees
SCOV Library - Michelle Mooney www.suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities/library Online catalog: https://evolveopac.infovisionsoftware.com/suncityorovalley mmooney@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8083
The Library will host two author events this month. Chris Enss, Bill Markley and Phil Mills will discuss their numerous books on the legendary West on Wednesday, March 9, 10 AM, and JA Jance will speak about her newly-released book, Nothing to Lose on Thursday, March 10, 1 PM. Authors will sign books after both events. These are ticketed events. Tickets will be available in the Library.
The Tucson Festival of Books returns this year. This incredible event takes place on the University of Arizona campus March 12 and 13. The Friends of the Library (FOL) plans to run a bus from SCOV to the campus on Sunday, March 13. See Coming Events, March 1 and 2, on page 12 for ticket information.
A huge thank you to the Sun City Vistoso Foundation for providing a grant to the Library for large-print books. We are receiving many requests from patrons for this collection. This grant will fund almost 100 new large-print books from best-selling authors over the next year.
FOL members, mark your calendar for the annual FOL Great Views event, scheduled for Monday, April 4. Garry Buck will offer insight on, and play trailers for over 20 movies, all available in our Library or through online streaming services. “This Week in SCOV” will have more information and ticket availability.
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis ldavis@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8073
Stretching helps maintain flexibility. It is often overlooked in youth, when muscles are healthier. But aging leads to a loss of flexibility in the muscles and tendons. Muscles shorten and don’t function properly. That increases the risk for muscle cramps and pain, muscle damage, strains, joint pain and falling, making it tough to get through daily activities, such as bending down to tie your shoes. Likewise, stretching the muscles routinely makes them longer and more flexible, which increases your range of motion and reduces pain and the risk for injury. Aim for a program of stretching every day or at least three or four times per week. Warm up your muscles first, with a few minutes of dynamic stretches–repetitive motion such as marching in place or arm circles. That gets blood and oxygen to muscles and makes them amenable to change. Then perform static stretches (holding a stretch position for up to 60 seconds) for the calves, the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps and the muscles of the shoulders, neck and lower back. However, don’t push a stretch into the painful range. That tightens the muscle and is counterproductive. Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC)
Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or concerns with the AFC. Hours of operation for the AFC and Desert Oasis are on page 2.
Tuesday, March 8, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Wednesday, March 9, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Republic Services scov@republicservices.com www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/trash
All SCOV trash and recycle pickups take place on Monday. Don’t forget: Republic Services picks up between 6 AM and 6 PM on Mondays. You must have your trash and recycle bins out at 6 AM or you risk a missed pickup.
SCOV has a dedicated customer service representative with Republic Services. Many of you are aware of the labor challenges the country is currently experiencing, and Republic Services highly encourages residents to email any service issues, rather than telephone, in order to receive the best service. Our representative can be reached at scov@ republicservices.com. This email is listed on the Republic magnet you received in your annual dues mailing.
Visit our web page where you can find the following information: 1) Recycling: View a video and web page on what Republic accepts in their recycling bins. Glass is accepted for recycling. 2) Holiday schedule: Check when you need to shift setting your bins out due to a holiday. 3) Report a problem: Missed pickup? Bin damaged? Click the Report Missed Pickup tab, fill out our form and Republic will receive a copy.
Help Needed
This Help Needed section seeks volunteer help for various Association Committees. You must be an owner/resident to serve. To apply, go to the SCOV homepage www.suncityorovalley.com > Members > Committees > Volunteer Application and fill out the online form. The Posse is looking for new members. The commitment is only six hours a year to help provide this worthwhile service to our community. Call Linda Simōn for more information 520-789-7169. The Tipster Editorial Committee is looking for new members with previous editorial experience. If you have questions, call the committee chair or one of the members listed on page 2 of any Tipster.
Active Health Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com Next meeting Mon., Mar. 14, 3 PM, WC1
Due to the unpredictability of Covid, the Active Health presentations are canceled for the rest of the winter season. We hope to come back strong next winter season. Until then please join our community walking project, SCOV Walks! Come join other walkers any weekday, all year-round. Start walking promptly at 9 AM from Desert Oasis, Catalina Vista or in front of AFC. Come with friends, or meet new ones. Walk at your own pace. Suggested routes are two miles, but you can turn around at any point. See the following link for more information: https://suncityorovalley.com/members/ services/health-and-fitness, then search MAPS.
Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory Cliff Miller 5cliff15@gmail.com First Wed., 11:30 AM, WC1
We encourage residents with ideas for the AFC committee to fill out an AFC agenda submission form. Email Cliff Miller to request the form. Complete and return the form ten days prior to the next meeting and we will put you on the agenda.
Architectural Review Kris Ahlstrand 510-693-5502 ARC@suncityorovalley.com Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) needs you. The ARC is responsible for ensuring that all changes, alterations and improvements to the exterior of our homes and landscaping conform and harmonize with the existing surroundings, residences and landscaping. Our meetings are twice a month to consider homeowner submittals for exterior improvements to their residence or lot.
If interested, we would like to visit with you. Contact us at arc@suncityorovalley.com or submit an application at www.suncityorovalley.com > Members > Committees > Volunteer application.
Artisan Center Renovation Task Force Chair Tim Kelley tkelleyscov@gmail.com See SCOV calendar for meeting dates, time and location
The Artisan Center Renovation Task Force (ACRTF) may meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month as needed. The SCOV website will have current meeting notices. The current ACRTF practice is for vaccinated ACRTF members to attend in person. Non-vaccinated committee members and all others may attend via Zoom.
An updated version of “A Discussion of the Existing and Future Facility Requirements for the Artisan Clubs of SCOV” is now available on the SCOV website.
The SCOV website (go to Members > Committees > ACRTF) provides the ACRTF Charter and other information for the task force.
Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory
Are you a new resident or have you moved within SCOV? I use the monthly SCOV Resale Report to update the directory database. Those who have sold their homes are removed from the database, and the new owners are unlisted by default. This includes those who move within SCOV.
Why? Many people own more than one house here. Some of these multiples are temporary while the owner buys a new house and sells the old one. Others are permanent and used as rentals. And others are bought to rehab and flip. Thus, all new owners are unlisted by default.
To add or update your information, the preferred method is to complete the online form “Change your directory listing.” Otherwise, you can fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center. You can choose to have certain information unlisted in the paper phone book and/or online.
Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com
The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.
The Vendor List may also be viewed at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista during business hours (during Activity Center renovation). Please check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.
Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.
Election Visit www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/vote-2022/ for information
On Tuesday, March 22, at 8:30 AM, the Election Committee will retrieve the results from Vote-Now, which is an independent, secure electronic voting service. The results will be reported to the Board, distributed throughout the community, and posted on the website and in “This Week In SCOV.”
Finance-Budget Chair Tim Kelley tkelleyscov@gmail.com Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.
The Finance-Budget Committee (FBC) meetings are typically held quarterly. The current FBC practice is for vaccinated FBC members to attend in person. Non-vaccinated committee members and all others can attend via Zoom.
When necessary, the FBC will meet more frequently (e.g., budget preparation, audit results, and when information is requested by the Board of Directors). Find meeting dates, times, location and other information on the SCOV website. Current financial information is also available on the website.
The FBC will meet Monday, March 14, 2 PM, for the second review of the proposed 2022-2023 SCOV budget. If necessary, the third review of the budget will occur March 28.
Food and Beverage Chair Wendy Hughes whughes851@hotmail.com First Thu., 2-3 PM, WC1
Spring is here. Now is the time to get out and enjoy our wonderful weather. Make plans to meet friends at The Views Restaurant for happy hour held daily from 3-6 PM, or on Fridays and Saturdays for some great entertainment. Of course, the restaurant is always ready to serve you breakfast, lunch and dinner. When making plans to visit, please remember we do not take reservations; seating is on a firstcome basis. Now is the time to make sure you have a table on the terrace, in the lounge or in the dining room with a view of the beautiful Catalina Mountains.
Friends of the Library Lynne Davis lynnedavis100@gmail.com Andrea Houston ahoust2@lsu.edu
A huge thank you for a very successful Friends of the Library (FOL) membership drive. We had 205 people either renew or join for the first time. Kate Cusumano’s Tucson Festival of Books Great Reads was also a smashing success with 85 eager readers in attendance. Thank you, Kate, for once again giving us a taste of what the festival will be about. If you want to go to the festival on Sunday, March 13, consider letting us drive. Check Coming Events on page 12 for bus ticket information. We appreciate anyone who designates FOL as their Club Sponsor when they purchase a Legacy Brick. Every bit helps.
Bored? Looking for a fun get together with friends? Be on the lookout for Book B-I-N-G-O starting in April. This will be the third Wednesday of every month, open to the whole community. BYOB and appetizers, and win books. What a wonderful way to support your Library.
Gift Shop Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 10 AM-4 PM, Sat., 10 AM-1 PM www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop
Jo Wickberg (left) and Joan Kelley
Spring is fast approaching, and offerings in the shop are reflecting new beginnings and colorful items for your viewing and buying pleasure. Featured artists this month are Jo Wickberg and Joan Kelley. Jo loves art. After taking classes in various media, she decided to get back into making cards for sale. “I’m now concentrating on pop-up cards. They’re fun to make. On opening the card, flowers may pop up or maybe a big birthday cake, or a large “Thanks.” Another choice for her was making smaller cards with coordinating subject matter and putting three together to make one packet for sale.
Photographer and potter, Joan, makes decorative and functional clay items as well as photographic greeting and note cards. Although photography has been second nature her whole life, a love of pottery has taken over for the past 20 years, balancing mud play with clean digital imaging.
Government Affairs Chair Earl Vittitoe earlvv@gmail.com Second Wed., 1 PM, on Zoom
The nonpartisan Government Affairs Committee conducts political forums and secures speakers on issues that are of special interest to our community.
Holiday Lights Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com www.SCOVLites.com
Our third year decorating SCOV with holiday lights has come and gone. The focus now is finalizing the lightshow by making one last bunch of flowers.
Workshops will be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. Residents will make these for SCOV. Pre-registration requirements are on www.SCOVLites.com. Attendees must be vaccinated and boosted.
Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1 (currently not meeting) Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/
The Loan Room is a free service to all SCOV residents. We are located at the end of the Cart Barn and are open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 AM. You may make reservations up to two months in advance of a need, either on the website or in the Loan Room. If using the website, you may look at what is available and make a request for a reservation. We will confirm this by email within a week of your request. The Loan Room stocks most medical equipment, tables and chairs, a variety of beds and some children’s Long Range Planning Chair Sharon Kennedy kennesk@comcast.net Second and Fourth Wed., 10 AM, on Zoom
The purpose of our committee is to develop and recommend to the Board a rolling 5 to 10-year plan to maintain and further enhance the quality of life for current residents, while ensuring SCOV remains competitive in attracting additional active, involved people to our community. Committee documents, past agendas, minutes and our Request Project Consideration form are available on the SCOV website. Our meetings are open to all residents.
Neighborhood Pride Co-chairs Janette Simister, Anita Nisonger Questions, Jack Mooney 520-917-8079 scoroval@ciramail.com Third Tue., 2 PM, WC3
What’s Right Around the Corner?
Spring is right around the corner, and here are spring cleaning reminders concerning personal yards: • Trees must be trimmed up at least seven feet over sidewalks and not block visibility of stop signs. • Plants should not extend out over sidewalks, and frost damaged parts of shrubs and trees should be cut off and removed. • Cracks in driveways, sidewalks, and where the cement meets the asphalt in the street are the responsibility of homeowners to keep weed-free. • Maximum height of hedges, is three feet, six inches (3’6”) in the front yard area within twenty feet (20’) of the front property line or six feet (6’) in the side or rear yard areas. • Shrubs near the entrance of a driveway should be cut to less than 42” in height so as not to block visibility of vehicles and walkers. • Make sure your house number is visible from the street and that all lights in the fixture are lit, so it can be seen at night. • Outside light bulbs are not to exceed 250 lumens per
Oro Valley regulations.
Thank you for heeding the above and for continuing to take pride in your property.
Posse Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 posse@5LP.com First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis (no Mar. board meeting) www.scovaz.com/committees/posse/ (must be logged in first)
We’re back! The Posse will resume patrols the week of March 7. I want to thank the Posse board members for their willingness to continue to serve. Pat and Rich DiLallo are stepping down from the board; we wish them well and send out a big thank you to them (they have been with the Posse for 10 years). Thanks to the new members who have joined the Posse over the last few months. For many reasons, membership has declined over the last two years. New members are needed. The commitment is a minimum of six hours a year, which is two 3-hour patrols. Please consider this worthwhile service to our community. We need you. Call Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 for more information.