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Different Drummers Women’s Circle Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Meetings suspended until fall

Our meetings are discontinued for the summer season. Looking forward to seeing you in the fall.

The SCOV Different Drummers were invited by All Season Oro Valley to join them in an evening of drumming around their great fire pit. It was a fun evening spent drumming, laughing and meeting new friends.

The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for any woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests.

Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life.

Early Music Recorder Ensemble Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 minkster42@comcast.net Mon., 3 PM, Mike and Kathy Moyer’s home, 1637 E. Crown Ridge Way

Have a recorder (the instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor, bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. All ability levels welcome. Music is provided and instruments are available. Just one hour every Monday. Let’s make beautiful music together.

Sun City Singers Director Don Hess ddhess@yahoo.com Pres. Bob Westendorf rwestendorf@live.com On hiatus until Sep.

Ukulele - Sun City Strummers Pres. John Sand 520-308-5883 jocher_sand@hotmail.com Musical Director Don Bong Tue., 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro www.scovaz.com/clubs/ukulele

Our club meets Tuesdays, 10 AM, Desert Oasis. Beginners classes begin October 11, 9:15 AM. Shake off the dust, tune up the strings and be ready to sing and strum.

Doris Resident

SCOV Name Tags

Name tags with our logo are $10 each.The order form is available at scovaz.com. Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.

Bike - Vistoso Cyclists Pres. Ron Wheeler 801-791-2903 ourwildplaces@gmail.com VP Scott Schlapkohl 970-846-1951 sschlapkohl@msn.com Membership Fred Finney 520-297-2485 fvfinney@comcast.net www.vistosocyclists.wildapricot.org

Vistoso Cyclists membership is only $15/year, hard to believe, given we are one of the best cycling clubs for seniors in the nation. Aside from the rides, our members enjoy our very useful website, including a searchable member directory, club classifieds, online ride schedule, cycling resources and more.

We offer several hundred scheduled rides year-round, among four different ride subgroups, from 20 to 60+ miles, to cafe destinations within Tucson and nearby towns, utilizing both pathways and roadways. Occasional away rides are offered as well. Our cafe stops offer coffee and conversation, greatly enjoyed by our members.

The club has e-bike, mountain biking, and Women on Wheels subgroups. There’s also our monthly club newsletter email.

All schedules can be found within the excellent member area of our website. We also host social events and support both the Interfaith Community Services Food Bank and Wheels for Kids. For more information or to join, visit our website.

Miles, smiles and tailwinds.

Billiards Pres. Robert Dufur 503-312-0809 robertdufur@outlook.com Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

New members are always welcome. The club dues are only $5.

Our weekly activities include two round robin tournaments on Mondays, 2-4 PM, and Thursdays, 10 AM-Noon. All members at all levels are welcome. These round robins are for fun only (not for money). Based on the number of players that show up, we will have a rotation set up, so everyone plays every round. Wednesdays from 10 AM-Noon are reserved for the women’s division. The Billiards Room is reserved for members only, Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM.

We have a traveling team that plays six other communities on the second Saturday of each month. On Saturday, March 12, SCOV Billiard Club hosted Voyager Resort Pool Club at Catalina Vista. We played to a tie (24 to 24), but we lost in the playoff.

Enter the Community Phone Directory Cover Photo Contest

Do you have a gorgeous photo of a SCOV setting that would be perfect for the cover of our Community Directory? Submit your best SCOV photo(s) by Sunday, June 19.

Log in at scovaz.com > members > services > miscellaneous and click on SCOV Photo Contest Form.

Birders Group Peggy Smith 520-344-0991 pdsaz@aol.com www.scovbirding.wix.com/birdersgroup

Steve Holmes photo

The little nondescript Bell’s Vireo is often heard, but rarely seen. Its cheery song is loud and, here in SCOV, it lasts most of the summer. Listen for it: the Bell’s song is a jumble that usually ends with “meet cha.” There are eight species of vireos in Arizona, but this is the only one likely to hang in SCOV. All vireos are gleaners and eat insects off the tree leaves.

We are a 90-plus member, activity-oriented group and all SCOV residents are invited to join us on our field trips to learn more about the birds here in Arizona. Below is a list of upcoming bird outings. If you are interested in going on any of these, be sure to contact the trip coordinator for details at least three days in advance and ask to be added to our mailing list. • Tuesday, May 3, Mt. Lemmon, Peggy Smith, pdsaz@aol.com • Wednesday, May 11, Patagonia, Steve Holmes, steve.holmes45@comcast.net • Tuesday, May 17, Madera Canyon, Elsie Roehm, roefish2014@gmail.com Bocce Pres. Gail Parson gailscov@comcast.net VP Jim Steinmetz vintner731@gmail.com www.scovbocce.weebly.com Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-9 PM, Bocce Courts

Bocce is a fun, easy-to-learn activity that people of all ages and abilities enjoy. No experience is required, and anyone who can pick up and roll a ball can play. Newcomers are always welcome and may play once without joining the club. Annual dues are just $5 and a membership form is on the club website under club info. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the starting time and pick up a wooden stick from the starter. Space limits each session to the first 32 players, with members given priority. Reminder, effective May 1, play moved to summer hours.

Gun Club Bill Snead 425-246-8100 wgsnead@gmail.com Meetings suspended until further notice

Hiking Pres. Georgene Porter gvporter@live.com Scheduled hikes are posted on the website www.scovhiking.org

April showers bring May flowers. Really? Join us for a hike and find out.

While we offered an average of 50 hikes per month during our winter season, the month of May starts our summer season of fewer, shorter and earlier hikes. We need more sunscreen, more water and more electrolytes, but we’re still hiking.

Our newly elected 2022-2023 SCOV Hiking Club officers started April 1: Pres., Georgene Porter; VP, Jake O’Neill; Treas., Claude Janus; Sec., Jane Budden and Chief Guide, Laurie Payne.

The picture was taken from the trail of our Bear Canyon/Sycamore Canyon key exchange hike, where one group hiked uphill 1,000 ft. and 3,000 ft. downhill, while another group hiked uphill 3,000 ft. and downhill 1,000 ft. We met halfway on the 11-mile trail and literally exchanged car keys. Photo by Chris Held

Horseshoes Ron Knudson 520-825-9307, cell 520-250-4183 for info Tue., Thu., Oct.-Apr., 2 PM; May-Sep, 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista

How about a fun time in the great outdoors? Join us Tuesdays and Thursdays at the horseshoe pits, just bring yourself; horseshoes are available or bring your own. No fees or membership required, just come and have fun. Everyone is welcome, first timers or old timers. Mini Golf Cindy Silverlock 707-537-5911 scovminigolf@gmail.com Tue., 3:30 PM (except 2nd Tue., Jan.-Apr.) www.scovminigolfclub.com

We play on Tuesdays at 3:30 PM. (We do not play the second Tuesday of the month, January-April.) $5 annual dues. For more details: www.scominigolfclub.com, scovminigolf@ gmail.com.

Pickleball Pres. Tony Masterjohn tmasterjohn15@gmail.com VP Training Doug Brown wizisland@comcast.net Sun.-Sat., 8 AM-9 PM www.scovpb.org

On March 25 and 26, the Pickleball Club competed in their annual pickleball tournament. It was a great time for all who participated. The object of the game was if you win the game, you get two cards, and if you lose, you get one card. At the end of five games, you pick the best hand of cards received. The three winners received prizes and gift certificates. Entry fee was nonperishable food which was donated to IMPACT of Southern AZ Food Bank. The club has already made a monetary donation to the food bank.

Left: competitive players and helpers, right: casual players and helpers

The group unanimously voted to rename the tournament the Suze Foster Pickleball Poker Food Drive Tournament in honor of the late Suze Foster.

Thank you, Phil and Suzy Rose, for directing the tournament and the slick dealers who helped. Over 140 pounds of food were donated.

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