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Association News

volunteers to step forward and lead the club. If you’d like to volunteer, please email Glenda Tonkin gt99673@gmail. com. I look forward to hearing from you. Stay well and keep reading.

Genealogy Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com General meetings Oct.-May, Mon., 1 PM www.scvgs.org

A family genealogy is a great gift to give your family for the holidays. Check out this template available for free from Microsoft to help you organize your family history: https://templates.office.com/en-us/Family-history-bookTM10103059. Use the Genealogy Club’s computer lab to research your family (we have all of the top pay-per-view websites available) and add your family stories and photos. The template has suggestions for a family tree, family story, father and mother’s story, courtship and marriage. It also includes ideas about writing information on family traditions, military service and heirlooms. You may complete the gift with reminisces of vacations, weddings, family gatherings and reunions and all those wonderful photographs in your collection.

The Genealogy Club will be meeting again starting in October on Mondays to accommodate the remodeling scheduled in the Activity Center. Check the club calendar and mark your calendars for the new schedule.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Lei Lane Bammel via Constant Contact or 520-818-0017 VP Gene Bammel ebammel@earthlink.net Curriculum Randy Myerson rcmyerson@gmail.com Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans skkoops@gmail.com Samplers Sally Evert sallyevert@gmail.com www.suncityilr.com

The Institute of Learning in Retirement (ILR) will be presenting six new classes this fall. All classes will be on Zoom and registration is now open. Registrations made after August incur a $5 late fee. Course descriptions, registration information and short video previews can be found on the club website. There you can register either online or download a printable form to submit via the U.S. Mail. Courses are $10 each and fees are nonrefundable. For a listing and complete description of course offerings, please go to the club website.

While there are no Samplers in September, they will resume most Thursdays beginning October 7, 2 PM, on Zoom. You must be an ILR member to access the Samplers. Information on joining the club is available on the website. Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com Third Wed., Oct.-May, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista. That may change during Activity Center renovation.

Even when we are not meeting, we want to keep you upto-date. Check out our website that is full of healthy wellness tips, websites, resources, local practitioners and more, www.scovwellness.com. Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 srafieyan@comcast.net Mon., 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, WC1

With a virus variant causing renewed concern, even among the fully vaccinated, Zooming remains our best option for September. Newcomers are welcome to join in.

Meanwhile, club poet Steve Lloyd reminds us to care for each other in this beautiful, inspirational poem called “Raincloud or Blue.”

Life is a temple, Baudelaire says. / We are its pillars. / Our unending task: to carry the sky.

Select then your section / of raincloud or blue / of peach dawn, noonday or night.

Gather your strength / from mountain or vale / from ocean or stream, dewdrop or lake.

Gather your tribe / from close by or far. / Care for each other: a balm of this life.

Form a forest of pillars. / Move together as one / Rise to the task. Shoulder our sky.

SCOV Technology Club Pres. Paul Sherwood 520-329-7661 paulgsherwood@gmail.com Computer club help desk 520-329-7661, email scovtech@gmail.com www.scovcomputer.com

Regular Apple help sessions have resumed, every other Monday, 2 PM, in the Lab. No appointment necessary.

Also, the club is presenting a series of technology updates intended to brief users on coming changes in Apple. These briefings will explore some of the changes we can expect during the fall.

Membership is only $10/ household per year.

Democratic Club Richard Kopp 520-342-6633 richardkopp@mac.com Next meeting, Sat., Sep. 11, 1 PM, Zoom

Essential to our democracy are fair elections with procedures in which our citizens have confidence, and thus, accept the outcome.

To help us better understand the recent changes in Arizona’s voting laws, we’ve asked Ret. Col. Hollace Lyon to tell us the impact these changes may have on voter turnout. Many of us admire Holly for her determined campaigning for a seat in the Legislature here in LD 11. She has been active in building energy among the Democratic clubs in our area.

To expand voter participation, we will invite you to participate in our ongoing project to reach out to first-time voters. By writing post cards to potential voters during the year as part of the nationwide PostCards project, we hope to encourage them to stay involved and look toward the next election.

Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley

Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Debbie Kotlarek 262-899-5810 dlkotlarek@gmail.com VP Charlene Meyers www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com

The club will have a preseason appetizer potluck Saturday, September 18, 4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Room. If you would like to attend, please contact Debbie Kotlarek, and she will email you details about the event. Newcomers who are interested in joining the club and participating in our regular season (November through March) events, please contact Debbie. As our name implies, our members usually prepare dishes and share meals in the home of a host, but we also have a couple of catered or restaurant meals during the season. Take a look at our website to learn more. We are excited to resume our activities after a pandemic-induced hiatus.

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Membership Chairs: Peggy Perkins 650-279-0347 peggyandpups@comcast.net or Carol Tombre 208-961-1133 mctombre@yahoo.com Membership meetings and lectures will resume in the fall www.scovff.weebly.com

Just chillin’

Summer is coming to an end and soon many SCOV residents and their dogs will be returning (including me). As the heat and monsoons start to subside and, with the increased membership, we anticipate higher usage of the K-9 Korral. With the new addition, we should be able to easily accommodate everyone. With the Delta variant surging, please maintain social distancing. We are all excited to reconnect with our friends and meet the new members and their dogs.

For new residents or recent dog parents, please contact our membership chairpersons with questions about joining our club.

Garden Club Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664 pegnap@gmail.com VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289 charlotte.h12@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home

We are getting excited to see everyone and hold meetings and presentations again after such a long Covid hiatus. Due to the Auditorium remodel, we will be meeting at a different location and time. The general meeting will happen on most second Saturdays of the month, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. We will not be having a light lunch due to the time of day we meet and space restriction. However, there will be refreshments. Our first meeting is Saturday, October 9. At this meeting, we will have our annual membership sign up, so be sure to bring your checkbook. Annual dues are $10 pp, $15/cpl. Dues will cover 2022 calendar year, January-December. Check our club webpage for future meeting dates and speakers. We look forward to seeing all our old friends and some new faces.

Garage Doors

If you have a new garage door, remember it must be painted either the main body color or one of the trim colors of your house. Havurah Pres. Barbara Hamm 928-210-4735 www.havurahscov.org

Shana Tova! Havurah joins together, whether you are Jewish or not, to wish you a new year of joy, peace, health and happiness. We are welcoming in the year of 5782 with the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, starting the evening of Monday, September 6. At the end of Yom Kippur on Thursday, September 16, we will be holding a Break the Fast dairy meal at The Views Restaurant terrace, beginning at 6 PM. Information on obtaining tickets is available on our website www.havurahscov.org, and the deadline for purchase is September 9. Our book club will be starting our new season by discussing Washing the Dead by Michelle Bratman, Tuesday, October 12, on Zoom. Information is also on the website. Come join us.

Mindfulness Meditation Club Bonnie Grant Baird, bjgrantb77@gmail.com Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista

Mindfulness Meditation Club will start again in person weekly in September on Tuesday, September 7, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio or patio (weather permitting). The regular format is 15 minutes of discussion of a reading followed by 25 minutes silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation, 25 minutes silent sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of their experience or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at anytime, especially during the walking meditation as it has little to no interruption to the group. We welcome all to come and steep themselves in the insights that come from the stillness of meditation. For more information you may arrive a few minutes early to ask those who regularly attend or contact Bonnie.

Republican Club Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista Scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com

Our meeting will be held on Monday, October 11, 3 PM, Catalina Vista. Please join us.

Our very own precinct committeeman, SCOV resident, Raf Polo, will be our speaker. Many of you know his parents got him out of Castro’s Cuba when he was 11 years old. He arrived here not speaking a word of English, went on to graduate from college, was commissioned an officer in the Navy and rose through the ranks to Commander. After the Navy, Raf served as a Central Intelligence Agency officer. Raf has authored two books about his life experiences.

St. Philip’s Social Club Abby Marier 520-825-4878 absma@comcast.net

Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425 213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com

Mark your calendars. Due to the closing of the Activity Center, our annual dinner will be held Sunday, January 30, 1-4 PM, Catalina Vista. We’ll use of all three meeting rooms and the patio.

Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club

Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com or Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069, janemail11@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com

The Active Solos Club is growing quickly. If you are an active, non-partnered single and would like to make new friends, we welcome you. Our planning committee is creating a schedule of events for the coming year. Our first happy hour at The Views was a huge success with close to 50 members attending. Become a member to join our mailing list, stay informed and be invited to upcoming events.

Sun City Singles

Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM

First time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities without becoming a member. After attending one time, you must become a member to attend any of our activities. On Thursday, September 9, dinner will be catered by the Olive Garden. Social hour, 5:30 PM, seating 6 PM. Location: Desert Oasis. Menu: Caesar salad, lasagna and dessert. Bring your own favorite beverage. Entertainment: David Rychener. Happy hour, Friday, September 24. Social hour 5:30 PM; seating 6 PM. Location: Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Entertainment: the McCann Sisters. Ticket sales, Thu., Sep. 2, 10 AM-Noon,. Desert Oasis Dinner tickets, $20 pp; happy hour appetizers, $10 pp. Checks only, payable to Sun City Singles. Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista

It is our hope that Alex Martinez and his sister Nancy will be able to join us for our first club meeting on Monday, October 25, 7 PM, Catalina Vista, . We hope to hear how Mexico, Oaxaca and specifically Teotitlan del Valle have managed during the pandemic. See the October Tipster to learn if masks may be required and attendees are asked to bring their own munchies and drinks. We look forward to getting together again.


New England Club

Pres: Walt Swap, 520-623-3847, wswap@tufts.edu Claude Janus, ahj0523@aol.com, Allie Angeloni, alrogangeloni@hotmail.com Marjorie Gerdes, gerdesm14@gmail.com

Do you have a geographic or sentimental attachment to one or more of the six New England states? Congratulations, you automatically qualify as a proud member of the SCOV New England Club. And we have a fall event to bring you together with fellow New Englanders. On Wednesday, October 6, 4 PM, we are holding a free social at the home of Marjorie Gerdes, 14722 N. Alamo Canyon Dr. Wine, beer and water will be provided, any other drinks, BYO, please. Fruit and appetizers will also be on hand. This event will be capped at 25 attendees, so RSVP by calling Marjorie Gerdes 520-825-5750 or emailing Walt Swap wswap@tufts.edu.

Mark your calendars for April 8, when we will be holding our annual pizza party from 5-7 PM, Desert Oasis.

Save the date: Sunday, April 3, Catalina Vista, for the Wisconsin Club annual party. Note that this will be an afternoon event with exact times to be determined. Hope to see you there.

Sun City Variety Theatre Summer membership contact: Ada Shopa 260-349-5468 Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Desert Oasis

Come join us. We will perform Big Guns in the spring of 2022. Watch this space for more details in the near future.

Veterans Club of SCOV Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427 mclabarb@aol.com No meeting in Sep. www.vbscov.weebly.com

There is no meeting in September due to Labor Day falling on the first Monday of the month. The next club meeting will be on Monday, October 4, 1 PM, Catalina Vista.

We are looking for volunteers to assist in tree trimming at the Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery at Marana, Wednesday, September 22.

At our meetings, we have guest speakers who cover a range of topics and inform members of Veteran organizations, VA compensation and entitlements. Our current membership is 225 veterans.

If you have an unserviceable U.S. flag, leave it by Mike LaBarbera’s front door wrapped inconspicuously. Guy Peabody, left, and Alan Sperling, right, from the

Purchase your Scottish American Military Society with Mike LaBarberaLegacy Brick and support SCOV, your favorite SCOV club and local veterans. Over 170 bricks have been sold. Order cutoff date is November 15. Email Mike LaBarbera for a Legacy Brick order form.

Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG OV) Facilitator Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 queenanne9@yahoo.com Communications Kris Sigford 612-747-0487 raykris@aribo.com First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families.

SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 1969kal@comcast.net VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 jwshaw29@gmail.com Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927 kauaikath@yahoo.com Sec. Lynn Parker 936-293-0304 Lynnquilts@outlook.com Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-825-4723 jkhrd2@aol.com Meetings second Tue., 9-10:30 AM, WC3

Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse and IMPACT of Southern Arizona Food Bank. Thank you to all who donated at the special collection last month for the Fall Accessories Boutique which benefits Emerge! The 19

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