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Partnered Organizations
The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information. Due to Covid-19, many groups are not currently meeting. See website for up-to-date information and confirm with the organization’s leader.
AA Kevin D. 708-732-2943 kjd728@aol.com, Meetings suspended until further notice
Alzheimer’s Education and Support Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639 Last Tue., 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo (suspended until futher notice)
Whether you are a caregiver, a person with mild cognitive loss, or at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, our mission is to support one another by sharing new ideas through the advancement of research, to provide support for all affected by sharing ideas and concerns and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
Cancer Support Facilitator: Laura Held 520-447-5170 lmheld@comcast.net First Wed., 4:15-5:15 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio No meeting Jul. and Aug.
Our Cancer Support Group encourages and welcomes all SCOV members who have been affected by cancer. This group includes everyone from those newly diagnosed, currently in treatment, cancer survivors or those who are caring for someone with cancer. Our meetings include a valuable exchange of information and discussion from those who have had cancer and undergone chemotherapy, radiation and other treatment. We learn from each other. Laura Held, a retired oncology nurse, cancer survivor and SCOV resident, facilitates the group.
Caregivers’ Support Facilitator: Ester Leutenberg ester36@gmail.com First and Third Tue., 10:30 AM, call Ester for meeting place 520-818-0016
If you are caring for a partner, child, parent, sibling, friend or any other loved one, this support group will allow you to share with other like-minded people in a safe environment.
Diabetes Support Facilitator: Bill Bable 520-639-8845 Wcbcfp33@gmail.com First Mon., 3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
Diabetes Support Group has restarted in-person meetings. If you are concerned about yourself or someone you care about with diabetes or pre-diabetes, we welcome your presence. Please come if you are interested, or for more information, contact Bill Bable.
Grief Recovery and Support Rita Menet, Chairperson of the Active Health Committee 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com Meetings suspended until further notice
Grief has many causes. It may be from the loss of a loved one, a pet, a career, etc. No matter what the cause of grief and loss, support by a group can be a key to recovery. This support group is suspended at this time. We are looking for a new facilitator for this group. No professional credentials Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 520-401-7275 bpwdavies@gmail.com Third Wed., 10:30 AM-Noon, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Katie’s Korner 11575 N. 1st Ave., Oro Valley
People with Parkinson’s Disease as well as caregivers and/or family are welcome.
We have guest speakers and discuss topics of interest.
Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 ester36@gmail.com
Survivors of a loved one who died by suicide have unique grief issues and struggles. It is helpful to talk with others who understand.
Vistoso Helpful Hands
Dispatcher 520-447-0077 Barb McNeill bjmac68@gmail.com
Vistoso Helpful Hands volunteers have been quite busy the past few months in several help categories: Our handyman installed key lock boxes for fire department access to homes. Other volunteers provided transportation to doctor offices and meal pick-up from The Views Restaurant. Dispatchers provided paid referrals for in-home personal care and patient advocate services; assisted client relatives with advice and referrals for house cleaning; provided assisted living referral services for downsizing, packing and moving and were on call for dog walking.
We provide short-term, year-round help (approximately three weeks or 12 visits). Call our dispatcher and if we do not answer immediately, leave your name and number for a call back.
Wheels for Kids Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243 www.azwfk.org
Do you remember your first bike? Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles to children and families in need in the Tucson area. To date, we have donated 3,000 bikes to local nonprofits who distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations include Refugee Focus, Boys and Girls Club of Tucson, Children’s Advocacy Center, Casa de los Niños, Ronald McDonald House and Youth On Their Own. Wheels for Kids is an all-volunteer effort, and we are always happy to welcome new people to our team. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website or call Tom Terfehr. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike. YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary Kris Cohen 520-818-2582 krisandearl@msn.com
Sharing a Youth On Their Own (YOTO) student story: In high school and on her own, Rashel frequently found herself without the resources she needed to succeed. She dreamed of going to college, but struggled daily to get by. One day, a teacher told her about YOTO. Rashel could receive free food, toiletries and more, as well as a monthly stipend. Moreover, YOTO staff were able to help her not only graduate from high school, but apply for post-secondary financial aid. Today Rashel is a junior at UArizona; she hopes to someday become the CEO of Youth On Their Own!