Summer 2014
The Sussex County A Quarterly Educational Resource for the Women of Sussex, Wicomico and Worcester Counties Dr. Michelle Parsons discusses CoolSculpting & Ultherapy
Dr. Vincent J. Perrotta reveals an effective treatment for stretch marks
Dr. Steven Berlin on osteoporosis, the silent killer
page 8
page 7 & 11
pages 4 & 68
Photo By Mike Baker at Heritage Shores, Bridgeville, Delaware
Standing L-R, Drew Laroche, Claudia Alesi, Jack Berberian, Arlene Littleton, Fabricio Alarcon, Susan Lloyd Seated L-R, Terri Pippin, Phil Anderson Recycle - Share with a Friend!
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Health & Medicine health&medicine
educate. enrich. empower.
What is the Delaware Eye Institute?
surgeon in Delaware. two of only a few hundred surgeons in the country who Glaucoma is a disease Our Rehoboth Beach have dedicated their practice RIĂ€FH LV KRPH WR WKH to the specialty of eye plastic of the optic nerve. The RSWLF QHUYH Ă€EHUV FDUU\ Retina Center. Doctors surgery. These doctors the images we see to the Joseph Schwartz and offer patients specialized brain. Many of our doctors Jim Rial are both Boardcare and procedures such diagnose and medically treat &HUWLĂ€HG IHOORZVKLS WUDLQHG Overatone people Eye patient‘s face and eye will be patients will be asked to wash offered the million Delaware blepharoplasty physician’s as pre-op instructions. (droopy outcomes. their face and hands. It are is not prepped and draped for surgery¡ glaucoma. Often times, Patients generally infeel any discomfort. closed-circuit system Modern cataractCenter surgery Surgery ishas more efficient television surgeons specializing in undergo cataract surgery eyelid surgery), removal The anesthetist administers I.V. sedation and Patient comfort is an important goal at the necessary to disrobe for most and the This surgery, most patients disease. every yearonin the United Following surgery, patients patients are prescribed to refrain eating connected to theretinal surgeon’s undergone a gentle revolution in theeye. ofDuring skin cancers and tear the eyefrom is anesthetized to guarantee patient surgery center. Certified anesthetists arestructed on These procedures, but shoes will be efficiency leads to more patient remain aware of their surroundmedicated eye drops that diseases typically include States. the Delaware are moved to our recovery ˜› Â?›’—”’—Â? ŠĞŽ› –’Â?—’Â?‘Â? operating microscope. past decade. Today,At cataract duct obstructions, repair comfort. When the time for surgery arrives, staff for each case. Our nurses are experts in lesskeeping inflammation, more removed. Dentures, ings. They canoperating hear voices and help control potential diabetic eye disease, Eye it is also one area where, once again, their before aprosthetics, procedure. surgery comfort, is lessInstitute invasive than Upon arrival, patients will orbital and patients comfortable and safe during patientsHowareofwheeled totrauma the room. rapid recovery and better visual and hearing aids forblood the music, butsigns don’t feel dis degeneration, of the mosttheir common eye Patient family members are invited to and will beany monitored. ever,(except heart pressure many dental procedures. Thevisit. check-in with ourmacular receptionist. There is no need (orvital patients to transfer to an- damage to the optic nerve. craniofacial abnormalities. outcomes. surgical side ear) in. comfort. If, after medical therapy, retinal detachments, and conditions that we treat. We theduring remain with their stay in may pre- remain other Once in theaesthetic operating room By David Robinson, M.D. ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ  ’•• ‹Ž ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? “ž’ŒŽ At the that patient time, receptionmedications shouldstretcher. usually newest-generation equipment Webealso offer Vital signs willwith be monitored and will again Patient an Following surgery,and patients are the potential for optic nerve vision-threatening ocular fourcomfort cataract surgeons op andis recovery. Familyand members may, the vital signs be monitored the paprocedures such as Botox —ŒŽ Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•Žǰ taken. All patients must make ˜›  ŠÂ?Ž›ǯ ist will review help the ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? ŠÂ?have Â?‘Ž Ž•Š Š›Ž ¢Ž the operative eye dilated. Onceface and important goal at the surgery moved to our recoveryand area patient’s permission, observe the procedure tient‘s eye will be prepped draped damage still exists, patients infections. Our on staff. Besides me there IRU ZULQNOHV Ă€OOHU IRU IDFLDO he goal of the DelawareSurgerycenter. aonce family member mayvitals join sureretina they understand their patient complete theirpatient admisCenter isCertified more ef- anesthetists the is comfortably settled, are where, again, their through a c1osed-circuit television system for surgery¡ doctors are equipped with are Drs. Fred Cook, Charles creases and cosmetic eyelid Eye Institute has always them. Post-op instructions are may be referred to our pre-op instructions. paperwork. Patients are havephysician’s ꌒŽ—Â? Š—Â? ˜— Â?‘Ž Ž¢Žǯcase. sion they may a family member on Â?Ž—Â?•Ž staff for each Our nurses signs most will be monitored. Patients connected to the surgeon’s operating microsurgery, patients remain aware glaucoma specialist, Dr. the latest diagnostic andDuring Curry•ŽŠÂ?Âœ andÂ?˜ Arthur Belson. and eyebrow surgery. been to bring world-class ‘’œ ÂŽÄœÂŒÂ’ÂŽÂ—ÂŒÂ˘ reviewed and copy given to The anesthetist administhen invited to our pre-op –˜›Ž join them. are experts in keeping patients will be offered juicehear or water. scope. of their surroundings. They can voices and Anand Mantravadi. Dr. surgical devices. Many Each of surgeons eye care to our region. the patient forause at home. areaisforpatients the administration of ters I.V. sedation thedon’t eye ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Ç° •Žœœour ’—ĚŠ––ŠPatients are generally in- andbut comfortable and safearrival, during their Once comfortable family Upon will check-in with our music, feel any discomfort. retinal conditions can now Dr. John Wahl is a Board%RDUG &HUWLĂ€HG DQG KLJKO\ Previously, patients with tion, more structed to refrain or visit. Patient family aretime, member may join are them. Post-op Patients must be released into Mantravadi is a member is anesthetized toFollowing guarantee anyAt necessary medications. rapid recovery and members receptionist. that the receptionist willfrom eating surgery, patients moved to of the Glaucoma Service EH WUHDWHG LQ WKH RIĂ€FH &HUWLĂ€HG RSKWKDOPRORJLVW experienced, together having complex eye disease had ‹ŽĴŽ› Â&#x;’œžŠ• drinking midnight before a the area invited to remain the patient instructions are and the care of areviewed responsible adult. patient comfort. When time where, entering pre-op pa- after ˜žÂ?ÂŒÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂœÇŻ our recovery once again, their vitals reviewwith andWhile help the patient complete their David Robinson, M.D. at Wills Eye Institute in using lasers, cryotherapy, specializing inthe LASIK performed over 35,000 to By: travel to Philadelphia procedure. However, heart and during their stay in pre-op and copy given to patient for use PleasePatients do not plan surgery arrives, patients impor- tients will be asked to wash signs will be monitored. will on bedrivoffered paperwork. Patients are then for invited David Robinson, M.D. Patient comfort is anadmission Philadelphia. Prior to Wills gas infusion, and a host of refractive surgery. LASIK cataract operations. All of blood medications Family members may, atOnce home. Patients must be reor Baltimore to receive tant goalrecovery. juice water. comfortable a family memto our pre-op for the administration of any ing yourself home. Generally, are wheeled to theoroperating at the surgery center. theirarea face and hands. It ispressure not With the experience of 16,000 surgical proceEye, he was the Director of new ocular medications. is a form of laser our surgeons are members should usually be taken. All with the patient’s permission, leased into the care of a responsiadvanced medical and ber may join instructions are renecessary medications. Whileforentering ŃŽŃŁŃ–Ń‘ ÇŻ ÇŻ of 16,000 With ŃœŃ?Ń–Ń›Ń ŃœŃ›Ç° the experience patients will wear an eye patch room. is no need for them. Post-op Ž›Â?’ęŽÂ? Š›Ž ˜— Eyenecessary to disrobe most pre-op dures, Delaware Eye Surgery Center combines Glaucoma Service at Loyola Delaware Eye There Surgery that is capable ofŠ—ŽœÂ?‘ŽÂ?Â’ÂœÂ?Âœ the Delaware Surgery patients must make sureviewed they and surgery observe the procedure through a to The ble adult. Please do notfor plan on surgical treatments. Today, copy given to the patient use at patients will be asked wash their face and cataract surgeries, Delaware Eye for a short following the University in Chicago. Dr. patients toon transferpreto another procedures, but shoes willis be the ÂœÂ?Šě Â?˜› c1osed-circuit ŽŠŒ‘and ÂŒÂŠÂœÂŽÇŻlocated ž› —ž›œŽœ the mostofmodern eye surgery technology Center leader ofdriving correcting fortime a wide Center at Itour understand their physician’s television system home. much this combines care is provided home. Patients must yourself be released into Generally, the care of hands. is not necessary to disrobe for most Surgery Center the are experts ™›˜ŒŽÂ?ž›Žǯ —ŒŽ ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽ ÂœÂ?›ŽÂ?ÂŒÂ‘ÂŽÂ›ÇŻ —ŒŽ ’— Â?‘Ž ˜™Ž›ŠÂ?removed. Dentures, prosthetin keeping patients he Delaware Eye Surtechnique with a warm and friendly atmosthe Delmarva Peninsula range nearsightedness, Rehoboth campus. opbe instructions. connected toBeach the surgeon’s patients will wear anplan eye on patch in our Rehoboth Beach and a responsible adult.ofPlease do not driv- Mantravadi practices in our procedures, but shoes will removed. Denmost modern eye surgery technolphere. This combination promises patients an recovered and received their ing room vital signs will again ics, and hearing aids (except comfortable and safe durgery Center combines The anesthetist administers operating microscope. for a short time following the pro- 5HKRERWK RIĂ€FH DQG RIIHUV in providing outpatient and The surgerytures, center combines ing yourselffarsightedness, home. Generally, patients will wear prosthetics, and hearing aids (except for 0LOOVERUR RIĂ€FHV ogy and technique with a warm unparalleled surgical experience. post-op instructions, they for the surgical side ear) may be monitored and the patient’s ing their visit. Patient family the most modern I.V. sedation and the eye is cedure. Once patients have Upon arrival, patients will patients the latest diagnostic vitreoretinal surgery. astigmatism. A computer the most modern eye surgery an eye patch for a short time following the prothe surgical side ear) may remain in. Vital signs and friendly atmosphere. This cataract surgery hasmembers undergone a with arehave wheeled to their car and remain in.and Vital signs will be eyeto face and eyecedure. will be prepped are invited towill remain anesthetized guarantee patient check-in our receptionist. At the recovered and received their post- and treatment options. eyeModern surgery and controlled excimer laser technology and Once patients recovered and reWe aretechnology often asked if we betechniques monitored operative dilated. combination promises patients an revolution in the past decade. Today, cataract comfort. Whenthey thedraped time for time, theOnce receptionist willis comfortably op instructions, they are wheeled Thesettled, Aesthetic Center released. most patients, the and for sursurgery. monitored and the operative patient their technique withsurgical a routine warm and ceived theirreshapes post-op instructions, they are the patient yourFor cornea to with aduring warm and friendly also provide eye with thethat unparalleled experience. surgery is less invasive than many dental procegery arrives, are wheeled to their car released. and released. For review and help the patient As mentioned earlier, we Restorative Surgery is most experience at the center During surgery, Ž¢Ž Â?’•ŠÂ?ÂŽÂ?ÇŻ —ŒŽfor Â?‘Žjoin ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? Â’Âœ patients stay in pre-op and recovery. wheeled to patheir carentire and For most pamayPatient have a family member them. friendly atmosphere. This ishas correct your vision. Dr. atmosphere. comfort exams. The answer yes. Modern cataract surgery dures. The newest-generation equipment offeredtheir admission paperto the operating room. There isthe notheir most patients the entire expericomplete staffed with two Boardtients entire experience at the center takes provide care for the entire Patients are generally instructed to refrain only takes about 90 minutes. tients remain aware of Family members may, with the Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•¢ œŽĴ•ŽÂ?Ç° Â?‘Ž¢ –Š¢ Wahl uses the latest is an important goal at the undergone a revolution 1n the combination promises patients While some of our doctors at the Delaware Eye Surgery Center iswork. more Patients are then invited to need (or patients toatransfer to90 ence at the center takes about 90 family. Dr. Jay Taylor is about from eating or drinking after midnight before &HUWLĂ€HG IHOORZVKLS WUDLQHG past decade. cataract For an appoinment otr more surroundings. They canminutes. hear permission, observe a family member join wavefront diagnostic and surgery center. Ourhave staff VSHFLDOL]H LQ D VSHFLĂ€F H\H an unparalleled surgical expeefficient and Today, gentle on the eye.patient’s This efficiency another stretcher. Once inDrs. the minutes. technology our pre-op area for the adminisForbut andon’t appointment or morecall information call an optometrist providing procedure. However, heart and blood pressure oculoplastic surgeons. surgery is less invasive than treatment and is members are experts at voices and music, the procedure through a them. information 302-645-2300. disease, most of us provide rience. leads to more patient comfort, less inflammaoperating room vital will tration of anymedications necessary medicaan appointment or more all aspects of primary eye 302-645-2300. should be taken. All paBryan Seiff and Arisigns Abel are many dental procedures. The better visual the For most experienced LASIK keeping patients relaxed andusually comprehensive eye care. tion, more rapid recovery and again be monitored tions. While entering pre-op information call 302-645-2300. care to patients of all ages. tients must make sure they understand their and the newest-generation equipment Along with providing primary pediatric eye care and routine care for adults, he is also expertly trained in the medical treatment of ocular infections and glaucoma, as well as diagnosing diabetic eye problems. Our patient’s ages stretch from newborns to seniors. Vision Centre optical is immediately adjacent to both RIĂ€FHV WR SURYLGH JODVVHV DQG contact lenses.
safe during their visit.
18791 john j. williams hwy. rehoboth beach, de 19971
phone 302.645.2300
232 mitchell street millsboro, de 19966
web D e l aw a r e E y e . c o m
December 2011/January 2012
Summer 2014
Should a child require an ophthalmologist, Dr. Ralph Milner, Delmarva’s most experienced pediatric ophthalmologist, is a member of our medical staff. Dr. Milner trained in pediatrics, ophthalmology and performed a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship. He is recognized by his peers throughout our region for both his compassionate approach to his patients and their families, and his outstanding clinical and surgical skills.
New patients are always welcome at the Delaware Eye Institute. To make an appointment, please call (302)645-2300. For more information visit
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Sunglass Optics
By: Glenn Courtney, A.B.o.C. of DelAwAre eye optiCAl
better vision, protection, and ease of wear in sunglass lenses. The digital revolution has been a key to enabling these compensation factors, broadening the availability in many frames and prescriptions, as well as treatments and materials. The fitting of sunglasses still requires prescription analysis to steer the patient to frames more suitable to their prescription but the choices have increased dramatically over the last five years. Currently Delaware Eye Optical is fitting many sunglasses with very few rejections due to the inability of transitions from every day to higher base curve sunglasses. These personalized progressive or single vision lenses designed for wrap frames come in many materials, can be treated with polarization, tinted, backside anti-glare (keeps reflections off back side of lens), transitions; just about any treatments that are available. These personalized designs take into account they fit closer to the face and the extreme panoramic angle most sunglasses have when wrapped. These lenses allow a wider field of vision with less peripheral distortion and fewer errors across the lens due to the high curve. Lenses are decentered as well which allows people with a small P.D. (pupillary distance) to wear larger frames than were available in the past. Back surfaced free form lenses adding the aspheric design provide the highest level of optical resolution available in a larger wrapped frames.
Having been in the industry for over 35 years, I have witnessed the evolution of lens designs to enable
We have been fitting these lenses very successfully and
frame dimensions and the person’s prescription as the computer drives the ultimate customized prescription for the wearer. It is an exciting time in eyewear design both from available lens choices as well as frame selection. If you ride a bicycle, play golf or just go to the beach, we can help design a lens for you and select the frame that best suits your personalized needs.
For more information or an appointment call
302-645-1800 in Rehoboth, 302-934-6620 in Millsboro and 302-678-3200 in Dover.
no adverts, just buy our glasses
With sunglass season upon us, eyeglass wearers have more options than ever when choosing sunglasses for protection and visual comfort. Over the years we have had many requests for prescription sunglasses as well as contact lens wearers choosing Plano (nonprescription) sunglasses to wear over their contacts. Our inventory of sunglasses reflects those requests ranging from sport lines such as Kaenon, Maui Jim, Costa Del Mar and Oakley to fashion lines such as Tiffany, Tom Ford, Kate Spade, Barton Perreira, Porsche, Ray Ban and many others inventoried in most of our three locations. For the most part the fashion lines can carry a prescription digital polarized lens without any need for compensation due to curve. Sport, active and even some high fashion lines require compensation for the prescription to enable wearer’s easy transition from their everyday eyewear to the larger higher base curves found today in many sunglass lines. Those larger lenses with higher base curves or steeper curves of the lens enables the wraparound effect of fashion but more importantly protection from harmful UV and infrared light.
are pleased with the reaction and outcomes many of our clients have experienced. Currently we are using traditional fitting techniques by using a pupilometer and taking vertical heights with a P.D. ruler allowing the personalization lenses to be designed based on averages. As-worn technology measurements are the next evolution in fitting eyewear and we will be implementing this procedure soon. This takes into account vertex distance, pantoscopic tilt and panoramic angle along with
‚Maira Becke is model, photographer, writer, photoeditor and housewife. Born and raised in Brazil, her german great-grandfather from Potsdam,might have influenced her to move to Berlin. She loves listening her boyfriend singing opera and literally fell in love with this brand...guess why!?‘ R.A.
The County Woman Newspaper
‘lundi’ worn by Maira Becke - Hausfrau 233
18791 John J. Williams Highway Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Phone: 302 .645.2300
Summer 2014
health&medicine Health & Medicine
educate. enric
The Body Lift
Call now to make y our Botox Event, We 7th . Enjoy complim AND $10 Bot
Finally! An effective treatment for Stretch Marks the cream to penetrate the skin, we treat the area with the laser. We apply a specialized moisturizing cream and a comfortable dressing. Healing is quite uncomplicated.
process takes approximately 10-14 days, By: Vincent J. and usually there is no “down time.� Perrotta, MD
Gor a lot less
Spring INTO Summer
While at home, the patient gently cleanses the area and then applies the Vaseline or any people aredaily. seeking simple, Aquaphor We advise the patient not affordable ways of enhancing to ever scrub, scratch or â&#x20AC;&#x153;pickâ&#x20AC;? at the area. their appearance having we have the BY: JULIE PARRISH, P.A. Two weekswithout after the treatment, order to remove stubborn bulges For these more mature to undergo a prolonged, painful patient apply Hydroquinone, a bleaching of fat, we oftentimes perform individuals, the only truly effective recovery time. Christopher cream Drs. that prevents the development some simultaneous sculpting via wayofto correct skin laxity is to Pellegrinopigment and Vincent Perrotta areinsist upon irregularity. We also liposuction. remove the excess skin via a lifting 90% of women, teens and men suffer from WZR ERDUG FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG SODVWLF VXUJHRQV the use of sunscreen. procedure, which means surgery. unwanted stretch marks. The long list of at Peninsula Plastic Surgery As you might imagine, a body Lasers or other non-invasive causes includes weight gains, childbirth, Following healing, the patient should offering such treatments. OLIW FRQVLVWV RI D VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW DPRXQW might be able to produce puberty and even body building. Many expect gradual improvement, asdevices the of surgery. Therefore, following a some skin tightening but not affected individuals have spent time andtheďŹ broblasts, With advent of bariatric a cell type in the skin, produce full body lift, we keep patients in enough to satisfy any patient that money on creams, lotions and medicine massage and surgery, more and deposit collagen, theand protein of wound the hospital for several days. For KDV HYHU HQWHUHG RXU RIĂ&#x20AC;FH therapy, only to experience frustration. more Americans losing healing. are Since this massive collagen formation Nothing seems to work. However, we patients who prefer to be treated amounts of weight. While losingshould expect occurs over time, patients now believe there is an effective solution. The body lift consists of surgical the fat is a great achievement, maximum beneďŹ t from eachittreatment in 4 all inclusive*on an outpatient basis, we perform parts of the body lift at separate removal of excess skin from the FUHDWHV D SUREOHP ZKLFK LV GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW to 6 months. The most common protocol The Smartxide CO2 laser, traditionally sessions, with sessions separated lower part of the body, including to treat, skin these three to four calls laxity. for four For treatments, used for treating facial wrinkles individuals, and acne months in time by at least three to four the belly, medial thighs, lateral 9,1&(17 - 3(55277$ 0' excess hangs scarring, appears to be effectivefrom against This incremental approach thighs and buttocks. As we *All procedures must beweeks. booked by August 31st, 2011 the lower belly and produces &+5,6723+(5 - 3(//(*5,12 0' Areas we treated include breasts, upper stretch marks. This laser produces many affords the patient the luxury of reposition the skin higher on unsightly waviness or rippling on arms, abdomen, buttock, love handles, hips narrow columns of wounding that allows undergoing surgery in the private, the body, the belly and thighs the thighs, and the buttocks slides /LSRVXFWLRQ LV D SURFHGXUH WKDW FDQ KHOS VFXOSW WKH ERG\ E\ UHPRYLQJ XQZDQWHG IDW IURP VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F DUHDV LQFOXGLQJ WKH DEGRPHQ and thighs. Patients usually requireappear three tighter and smoother. for skin tightening and the formation of convenient, warm setting of our GRZQZDUG DQG ORVHV LWV GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWLRQ KLSV EXWWRFNV WKLJKV NQHHV XSSHU DUPV FKLQ FKHHNV DQG QHFN 'XULQJ WKH SDVW GHFDGH OLSRVXFWLRQ KDV EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WHG IURP VHYHUDO to four treatments spaced three to four new collagen, both of which substantially As we elevate the buttocks, we FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RSHUDWLQJ URRP ORFDWHG For children or young adults, the QHZ UHĂ&#x20AC;QHPHQWV $ QXPEHU RI QHZ WHFKQLTXHV LQFOXGLQJ SRZHU DVVLVWHG OLSRVXFWLRQ ODVHU OLSRO\VLV DQG WKH V\ULQJH WHFKQLTXH months apart. reduce the appearance of the stretch LQVLGH RXU 6DOLVEXU\ RIĂ&#x20AC;FH FRPSOH[ reestablish its shape, and it too looseKHOS 'UV 3HOOHJULQR DQG 3HUURWWD SURYLGH PRUH SUHFLVH UHVXOWV DQG TXLFNHU UHFRYHU\ WLPHV $OWKRXJK OLSRVXFWLRQ LV QRW D VXEVWLWXWH skin tightens spontaneously marks. a healthy diet and regular exercise, it can remove stubborn areas The of fatoverall that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respond to traditional weight-loss methods. appears smoother. to a for great degree. Unfortunately, ,I \RX¡UH FRQVLGHULQJ OLSRVXFWLRQ SOHDVH VFKHGXOH D FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK RQH RI RXU %RDUG &HUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG 6XUJHRQV ZKR FDQ DQVZHU We are very excited that we have ďŹ contour nally and harmony of the Full recovery from the body lift this is not the case for middle-aged for is greatly enhanced. In We perform this minor procedure in \RXU TXHVWLRQV DQG JLYH D SURIHVVLRQDO UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ EDVHG RQ \RXU LQGLYLGXDO FLUFXPVWDQFHV the found an effective nonsurgical method body usually takes approximately 4 or older adults. ofďŹ ce setting. Our technicians ďŹ rst apply treating stretch marks. Please, allow us to a numbing cream to the area of concern. help you reach your goals. Call our ofďŹ ce After waiting approximately 45 minutes for today to schedule your appointment.
Liposuction $1,999.00 ABDOMINAL
Beauty comes in all sizes. Imagine the possibilities ...
6DOLVEXU\ 0' OfďŹ ces located in Georgetown and Seaford, DE
Christopher J. Pellegrino, MD
302 628 3118 â&#x20AC;˘ December 2011/January 2012
Summer 2014
Vincent J. Perrotta, MD
Christopher J. Pellegrino, MD Before
Also in Salisbury, MD 410 546 0464
Vincent J. Perrotta, MD After
Photos by Dr. Anthony Caglia
The County Woman Newspaper
weeks, althou are able to pe of daily living of surgery. W to taper off th PHGLFDWLRQ E patients are in two to thre limitations.
Our patien lost 75 poun and taking a The bulges o bothered her concerned ab skin. She d continued to more and mo â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;caught betw place,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she be frustrated an she heard th lifts.
After visitin and touring o facility, she d full body lift â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;before and a demonstrate her scars ins
If you or a interested in VNLQ FDOO RXU appointment in, you are w surgical suite LQVLGH RXU 6D DQG FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG accredited by
Publisher’s Note THE SUSSEX WICOMICO-WORCESTER COUNTY WOMAN’S NEWSPAPERS P. O. Box 1267 Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 email: Call Us At: 1-800-993-3822 or 302-539-2612 302-539-2722 FAX
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READERSHIP 185,000 +
The County Woman Newspaper
Standing L-R, Drew Laroche, Claudia Alesi, Jack Berberian, Arlene Littleton, Fabricio Alarcon, Susan Lloyd Seated L-R, Terri Pippin, Phil Anderson
The front cover photo by Mike Baker at Heritage Shores, Bridgeville, Delaware
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine Keep Your Teeth Safe This Summer: Avoid Dental Injuries When Playing Sports upping the odds for mouth and face injuries. Softball, basketball and pick-up games of touch football involve similar risks. In addition to causing injuries during contact, these sports also may be costly for people who have had extensive dental work, especially people who wear braces.
Diving Scuba diving, a sport enjoyed by more than 4 million people in the U.S., can lead to jaw joint pain, gum tissue problems or “tooth squeeze” – pain in the center of the tooth.
Presented by richard J. Mccann, d.M.d., P.a. Summer is the time for enjoying the great outdoors. However, some popular summer sports – such as swimming and softball – can expose your teeth to danger. Here are several seasonal activities that could lead to dental injuries and ways to keep your smile safe: Swimming Frequent swimmers may be at risk for developing yellowish-brown or dark brown stains on their teeth. Those who swim more than six hours a week continually expose their teeth to chemically treated water. Pool water contains chemical additives, which give the water a higher pH than saliva. As a result, salivary proteins break down quickly and form organic deposits on teeth. These hard, brown deposits, known as “swimmers’ calculus,” appear most frequently on the front teeth. Swimmers’ calculus can normally be removed by a professional dental cleaning.
All of these symptoms add up to what’s called “diver’s mouth syndrome” (also called barodontalgia), a condition caused by the air pressure change involved in scuba diving and by divers biting too hard on their scuba air regulators. Tooth squeeze is caused by the change in air pressure, particularly if a diver has a big cavity, a temporary filling, gum disease, periodontal abscess or incomplete root canal therapy.
When participating in such sports, a mouthguard is your best ally. The AGD estimates that mouthguards prevent more than 200,000 injuries each year. Using a mouthguard can prevent damage to braces or other orthodontic work, as well as prevent mouth cuts, jaw injuries and tooth damage.
The best way to avoid these problems is to visit your dentist before scuba diving and make sure your dental health is tip-top. Ask your dentist’s advice about fitting the mouthpiece of an air regulator. Sometimes dentures can be inadvertently swallowed during a dive, so denture-wearers should consult with dentists before diving to discuss any potential problems.
There are several types of mouthguards. Ask your dentist for advice about which mouthguard solution is best for you. • Stock mouthguard: The lowest cost option is an item that can be bought “off the shelf” from a drug or sporting goods store. This type of mouthguard offers the least protection because the fit adjustment is limited. While better than nothing, a stock mouthguard is not considered acceptable as a facial protective device. • Mouth-formed protectors: These mouthguards come as a shell-liner and
Contact sports (soccer, softball, basketball, etc.) According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), soccer players are more likely than football players to sustain a dental-related injury – and these statistics do not include people playing pick-up games with friends. Soccer is a sport where mouthguards and face masks are not mandatory,
“boil-and-bite” product from sporting goods stores. The shell is lined with acrylic or rubber. When placed in an athlete’s mouth, the protector’s lining material molds to the teeth and is allowed to set. • Custom-made mouth protectors: The best choice is a customized mouthguard made by your dentist. This is the most expensive option (and may not be covered by your dental plan – check your Evidence of Coverage booklet), but a custom mouthguard offers the best protection, fit and comfort level because it is made from a cast to fit your teeth.
Richard J. McCann, D.M.D. 31413 Winterplace Parkway Salisbury, MD 21804
410-546-9940 Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
CoolSculpting Non-Surgical Fat Removal fat. This non-invasive procedure represents an alternative to surgical liposuction by using a novel cooling technology that permanently removes fat cells from treated areas.
Michelle Parsons, MD
is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. The biggest trend in cosmetic surgery for 2013 is the expansion of non-invasive body countouring technology, the best of which is CoolSculpting, which is now available at ReNove Medical in Rehoboth Beach. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-surgical device that uses precisely controlled cooling to destroy fat cells, thereby eliminating unwanted love handles, bra rolls, and stomach fat. Arms and legs can be treated as well. Unlike some other non-surgical technologies that release fat from fat cells, such as Vasershape and I-Lipo, Coolsculpting destroys the fat cells thereby eliminating treated fat permanently, as our body does not make new fat cells. Coolsculpting is a unique non-surgical treatment for removal of fat from localized pockets of excess
How does CoolSculpting Work? The technology behind CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard scientists who noted that fat was destroyed by cold under certain conditions. CoolSculpting is a result of their efforts to harness and refine this application of cold to selectively remove unwanted fat deposits in a safe manner. During a treatment, your unwanted fatty area will be pressed and chilled to a temperature 12 degrees above freezing. At this temperature the fat within fat cells crystallizes. When the fat within the cells crystallizes, it damages and kills the fat cell. Skin and other tissue is not damaged as the water in other cells is not crystallized, only fat. The body will then eliminate the killed fat cells over time. The best news is that we do not make new fat cells. Fat cells merely get bigger or smaller as they store more fat or lose fat. So in essence the fat removal from CoolSculpting is permanent. And we have seen instances of patients who if they gain weight, the weight will not return to the treated areas. What are the most common areas to be treated? Many people on a weight loss program continue to have stubborn hard to lose areas, no matter how much dieting, sit ups or weight they lose. Such stubborn areas are typically around the abdomen, the love handles and inner thighs. Once you are over forty, losing fat in these areas is extremely difficult. These are the areas that CoolSculpt can address. Basically if there is an area you can pinch several inches, that area can be treated and eliminated
by CoolSculpt. Most of our patients are interested in losing fatty areas in the upper and lower abdomen, the muffin top, waist, brat fat, back fat, love handles, and “mommy pooches.” We can also treat arms, thighs and saddle bags.
Are there any side effects from CoolSculpting? The side effects from a CoolSculpting treatment are minimal. It is possible Before to have bruising after the treatment, which resolves in a week. It is common to have numbness or decreased sensitivity in the treated area lasting 1 to 2 weeks. In some instances patients will develop a burning tingling sensation 5 days after the treatment which can be controlled with a Lidoderm patch. There are virtually no long term negative side effects. What does CoolSculpting feel like? Our treatment room is very comfortable where you will relax on a padded recliner. When the CoolSculpting is applied to the fatty area to be treated there is a sensation of pulling that feels slightly uncomfortable for the first 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually this sensation lessens to the point during the treatment any uncomfortable sensation is minimal. There seems to be a natural endorphin release during the treatment so patients are very relaxed during the treatment, which takes an hour. Some people have fallen asleep during the treatment! A typical treatment session lasts between 1 and 3 hours, depending on how many areas are treated. During the treatment, we have Netflix available so you can watch a movie or catch
After up on your favorite television program. Busy moms find this time to themselves a real treat! We also have Wi-Fi.
How quickly do people see results? After a CoolSculpting treatment, the fat cells are actually killed and will be eliminated by the body over time. Many report seeing changes in as little as 3 to 4 weeks. The full benefit will take as long as 60 to 90 days. How long to results last? Once the fat cells are frozen, killed and naturally eliminated by your body, the results are permanent. You can still gain weight in other areas if you over eat and don’t continue to try to remain fit. If you are interested in learning more about CoolSculpting and would like to see if you are a good candidate for this effective treatment to lose unwanted fatty areas, please call us today to set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Michelle Parsons at ReNove Medical, Health Rejuvenating Spa, in Rehoboth Beach, 302227-1079. We will be offering an introductory Special this season, so please inquire.
Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call
Spring 2013 Woman Newspaper The County
The County WomanSummer Newspaper 2014
Health & Medicine
The Silent Killer gastrointestinal diseases. There is a specialized test called a bone mineral density (BMD) available at Bayside Health that is performed by a central DXA machine which stands for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. This test can tell if a person is losing or staying the same when the test is repeated at intervals of one year There are multiple risk factors or more. It helps to provide the associated with osteoporosis to patient and the health care provider include female gender, family to decide if treatment is needed. history, small and thin body frame, Currently there is no cure for and certain ethnicities such as osteoporosis, but treatment is Caucasian, Asian and Hispanics. available. There are several drugs Also included are if you have that have been approved by the a history of broken bones, low FDA. Besides getting your daily sex hormones and diet (low recommended dose of calcium calcium and vitamin D levels and vitamin D one can engage in or increased intake of protein, regular weight-bearing and musclesodium and caffeine). An inactive strengthening exercises. Avoid lifestyle can be a factor, smoking, smoking and excessive alcohol and excessive alcohol intake, certain talk to your health care provider medications and certain diseases about a bone density test, taking such as rheumatoid arthritis and medication when it is necessary.
daily dose of calcium in a person less than 50 years old is 1000 mg a day. In people age 50 and older, 1200 mg a day is advised. Vitamin D daily recommended dosages in adults less than age 50 is 400-800 IU per day and 800-1000 IU for anyone age 50 and older.
From Left to Right in the back is Dr. Leo H. Eschbach, DO, Dr. Steven Berlin, MD seated, Dr Vincent B.Killeen, MD, F.A.C.O.G. and Dr. Tabitha F. Perry seated
By Dr. Steven Berlin, MD
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones can become weak and break. It is a silent disease meaning there are no signs or symptoms until the bone actually breaks and causes a fall. Osteoporosis is a major public health risk for an estimated 55 percent of the population age 50 and older. One out of every two women and one out of every four men will suffer an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime.
Getting the daily recommended amount of calcium and vitamin D can help slow the disease. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency is widespread throughout the world, as well as in the United States, particularly in adults age 50 and older. The recommended
Calcium, whether through diet such as dairy products, broccoli and some leafy green vegetables, supplements or a combination is essential in maintaining bone strength and can play a vital role in preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin D plays a major role in the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin after direct sunlight exposure; however, there are many different factors that affect a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to make adequate amounts of vitamin D.
Summer 2014
Bayside Health Association is committed to bringing quality Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Care to the Eastern Shore. We have two conveniently located facilities in Lewes and Georgetown. Our Board Certified staff of Physicians and our Certified Nurse Midwives are ready to listen to all your health concerns. We offer Dexa (bone density) screening and Gynecological and Obstetrical ultrasounds by appointment. Our ultrasound department has just recently received it reaccreditation, meeting the AIUM Standards. Our Lewes location offers same day mammograms and lab services. For more information about our practice please visit or call Melissa Warren at 302-645-4700 ext. 313
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
By R. Alberto Rosa, M.D., FACC
Dr. Ramon Alberto Rosa is a graduate of the University of Santo Domingo in his native Dominican Republic. He completed his post-graduate medical education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia with a residency in internal medicine (1991-1994), Chief Medical Resident (1994-1995), and cardiology fellowship (1995-1998). Dr. Rosa has practiced cardiology in Sussex County since July 1998. He has served as Medical Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and as Chief of the Department of Cardiology at Beebe Medical Center in Lewes, DE. Dr. Rosa is trained in non-invasive cardiology, Nuclear Transesopageal Echocardiograms, as well as invasive diagnostic procedures and pacemaker implantations. Dr. Rosa is board certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine and Cardiology. He is also a Certified Aviation Medical Examiner and is Board Certified in Nuclear Medicine.
Is a “broken heart” a true medical condition or is it just a figure of speech to describe someone’s emotional state after some great personal loss or stressful situation? It may come as a surprise to many people but the answer is both. This condition is also known as “stressinduced cardiomyopathy”, a rapid and severe heart muscle weakness, typically as a consequence of sudden emotional or physical stress: unexpected illness, injury or loss of a loved one. It can also be from a severe medical condition, surgery, an accident, intense fear, domestic violence, severe pain, financial loss, even public speaking or a surprise party.
The exact cause is unknown, but it is clear that most of the affected individuals are postmenopausal women between the ages of 58 and 75 years, in about 90 percent of cases. The symptoms are very similar to those of a heart attack, with chest pain or pressure and shortness of breath being the most frequent ones. It is not completely understood why this condition affects mainly women, but most investigators believe that after menopause the decline in estrogen levels renders patients more susceptible.
patients, the coronary vessels are open and the blood flow is usually normal. It is the “stunning” of the heart muscle cells by adrenaline and other hormones that creates the muscle weakness and this process is, for the most part reversible. Another interesting finding in this broken heart syndrome is that it does not tend to recur in the same patient. In other words, once somebody experiences this syndrome, even if other stressful events come along in their lives, the same phenomenon doesn’t tend to happen again. Learning to cope better with life stresses can prevent it in the first place.
It was first observed in Japanese women in the early 1990’s and the name of takotsubo cardiomyopathy was used originally. This name describes the characteristic appearance of the left ventricle (heart’s main pumping chamber) as seen in cardiac studies that resembles the traditional Japanese octopus trap. There is ample evidence to suggest that the massive release of certain hormones in the bloodstream, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, as a natural response to stress, under certain conditions causes the heart muscle cells to stop working properly, especially in the lower part and the “tip” of the left ventricle.
The management of this medical condition is similar to the treatment of congestive heart failure with medications
such as diuretics, beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors as well as aspirin and in some cases blood thinners on a temporary basis. So yes, it is quite possible to have a “broken heart” literally, as a true medical illness that is brought about by a heightened physiological response to stress, especially in women. The good news is that in almost every case it is a temporary condition and full recovery is the expected outcome. There is no way to differentiate this situation from a heart attack, before hand. Therefore, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention for symptoms of sudden chest pain or pressure and shortness of breath. It might be the case that your heart doctor could tell you, in the end: “Just a broken heart, already on the mend”.
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy can be serious medical condition because it involves the sudden onset of congestive heart failure due to the heart muscle weakness, low blood pressure and potential shock or life threatening heart rhythm problems; it is, however, rarely a fatal illness. Furthermore, it is almost always reversible with most patients recovering completely within 2 to 4 weeks. The main differences between a heart attack and “broken heart syndrome” is that heart attacks occur as a consequence of blockages or blood clots in the coronary vessels (heart vessels that supply blood flow and oxygen/ nutrients) to the heart muscle cells that cause those cells to die or to suffer permanent damage. In the stress cardiomyopathy
The County Woman Newspaper
302-645-1233 • Offices in Lewes and Millville
Summer 2014
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educate. enrich. em
The Right Time for an Orthodontic Dental Implants T
he American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children get a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no have later Patients than age 7.
t GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW\ LQ FKHZLQJ RU ELWLQJ t mouth breathing t jaws that shift or make sounds t VSHHFK GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV t biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth t facial imbalance t grinding or clenching of the teeth
Final treatment decisions should b made among the parent, childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s den orthodontist.
One Team â&#x20AC;Ś One Cost â&#x20AC;Ś One Location
Dr. Stewart Perim of PENINSUL PERIODONTICS AND ORTHODONT member of the American Associat Orthod implants Patients May Receive well a that look, feel Teeth in a very short of the and function like time span HEREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WHY: Acade (1 day possible in most cases) l Orthodontists natural teeth Period can spot subtle Our all-on-four procedure, He has Once you have recovered from your problems with and dedicated team trainin implant procedure, you canMalocclusions start close labs, (â&#x20AC;&#x153;bad bitesâ&#x20AC;?) like those illustrated below, may benefit from jaw growth and of specialists makes it possible Orthod enjoying the foods you love again and early diagnosis and referral to an orthodontic specialist for a full evaluation. emerging return to a teeth healthy diet. Your implants for patients to leave with fully (childr Dr. Stewart Perim, while some will look likebaby natural teeth, and you functioning teeth on the day and ad D.M.D, M.S. teeth are still will even brush, ďŹ&#x201A;oss and care for of their procedure. After 6-8 Period present. months, patients return and them like natural teeth. Dental receive their ďŹ nal, permanent Dental implants have given thousands Implan One Team. One Location. set of teeth. l While your chance childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;stoteeth appear to be of people a second enjoymay TMJ T the foods they love, to smile straight, there could be a with problem that only OneanCost. Togeth CROSSBITE OF FRONT TEETH CROSSBITE OF BACK TEETH CROWDING conďŹ dence and tocan get their lives back orthodontist detect. Traditionally, dental implants require Dr. Ma after tooth loss. Peninsula Total Dental Top teeth are to the inside of bottom teeth Top teeth are behind bottom teeth multiple visits to multiple locations Mera, Carelhas leadingmay the way with athat your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A been check-up reveal and doctors, each with their own and PE system that reduces recovery time and ELWH LV Ă&#x20AC;QH 2U WKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PD\ LGHQWLI\ D fees for their portion of your dental simpliďŹ es the entire process of getting PERIO developing problem but recommend monitoring implant treatment. At Peninsula Total dental implants. AND the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth and development, and Dental Care our experienced team ORTHO then, if indicated, begin treatment at the A permanent solution & works together under the same roof to appropriate time for the child. In other cases, is able provide treatment for one ďŹ xed cost. Hope for patients O PEN B ITE P ROTRUSION D EEP B ITE WKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PLJKW Ă&#x20AC;QG D SUREOHP WKDW FDQ compl Front teeth do not meet when back teeth struggling with missing EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W IURP HDUO\ WUHDWPHQW dentis Treatments are are closed as com and failing teeth performed with sedation l Early treatment may prevent or intercept specia Bridges, crowns, and dentures Many dental implant more serious problems from developing and may procedures are all the typically only last 5-10 Dental performed make treatment at years. a later age shorter andwith less local anesthesia. Please implants are the only lifetime solution At Peninsula Total Dental Care, we complicated. In some cases, the orthodontist 742-86 to failing or missing teeth and are provide our patients with a range of will be able to achieve results that may not be an app the only solution has been shown to sedation options to make the entire SRVVLEOH RQFH WKH IDFH DQG MDZV KDYH Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG at the U NDERBITE S PACING O RAL H ABITS prevent bone loss. experience as comfortable as possible. growing. Salisb Sucking on thumb, fingers The lower teeth sit in front of upper teeth when back teeth are closed locatio l Early may give your orthodontist Notreatment Insurance? NO PROBLEM! In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist: the chance to: Try QDP - Our Quality Dental Plan! e ak M e W y Guide jaw growth t early or late loss of baby teeth t speech difficulties Dentistry lityLower Quay the risk of trauma to protruded M em t difficulty in chewing or biting t biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth be rs ! hi le p Includes Affordab Complete Eva front teeth t luatmouth breathing t facial imbalance ion $ with X-Rtays,jaws that shift or make sounds y Correct harmful oral habits t grinding or clenching of the teeth 2 Cleanings Pe for 1 year r Year, y Improve appearance M MAG.CO PLUS MOFinal LSTYLE ASTA ($71500 Value) childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dentist and RE! treatment decisions should be made among the parent, INE â&#x20AC;˘ CO OF orthodontist. O y Guide permanent teeth into a more R R MAGAZ P LA â&#x20AC;˘ PU F OST PO PROO OREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S M STERN SH ROOF â&#x20AC;˘ of the Visit the â&#x20AC;&#x153;About Orthodonticsâ&#x20AC;? THE EA favorable position OF â&#x20AC;˘ Psection O R P â&#x20AC;˘ Call NOW for additional benefits ROOF American Association of POrthodontists Web site at y Create a more pleasing arrangement of and membership information. teeth, lips and face
Problems to Watch for in Growing Children
410.742.8686 //
Dr. Stewart I. Perim, D.D.S., M.S. l Through an early orthodontic evaluation, 1505 S. Salisbury Blvd. s Salisbury, MD youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy, beautiful smile.
If your child is older than 7, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainly not Summer 2014 too late for a check-up. Because patients differ in both physiological development and treatment needs, the orthodontistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal is to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment at the most appropriate time.
1505 S. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801
1505 S. Salisbury â&#x20AC;˘ Salisbury, MD
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
What is Ultherapy? is a face and neck treatment that improves skin laxity in a meaningful way but completelynon–surgically.
more awake, rested and more youthful. This may be subtle change but this small difference can have a significant effect! Our clients really love this part of the Ultherapy results.
Michelle Parsons, MD
is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. Here at ReNove Medical, Dr. Parsons offers Ultherapy, a state of the art medical procedure utilizing focused ultrasound energy to lift and tighten sagging skin. No scalpel or anesthesia is needed. Ultherapy is great for people who would like tightening and lifting of facial skin without have a surigcal facelift. The Ulthera sound energy passes right through the skin and targets the areas you want lifted. During a typical 30-60 minute Ultherapy treatment session, an ultrasound applicator is passed over each region of the face. The sound waves emitted deliver small, controlled amounts of energy into the deep layers of skin and soft tissue. The beauty of Ultherapy ‘uplifting ultrasound’ is that it
Ultherapy works great for sagging jowls, where the skin is fatty, heavy and drooping. Ultherapy is able to reduce this fatty heaviness, tapering the jaw line, for a more youthful look. Ultherapy can restore a more youthful shape to the face from a square to the inverted triangle.
Overall Ultherapy works wonders to taper, redefine your facial contours, while eliminating fatty, droopy areas, and lift and tightening skin around the eyes and underneath the chin, for a more youthful sculpted look. The stars in Hollywood do this treatment, and now you have access to this age defying procedure right here in Delaware at the beach. Dr. Parsons is pleased to bring this cutting edge highly sought after technology to you to help you look your best. If you think you may be candidate for Ultherapy, please give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation with Dr. Michelle Parsons. 302227-1079.
Nasolabial Folds
Ultherapy also works well to minimize the drooping of excess skin that we get along each side of the nose, or lower cheeks. You may think that you need to fill in these areas with a filler, but the real problem may be that fat and loose skin is just falling down due to the effects of gravity. With ultherapy we can target this area and minimize the fattiness and tighten up that skin. Again this will restore the more youthful balance of the face with the center of gravity higher in the cheek areas.
Ultherapy can tighten up that loose skin underneath our necks as well. The area that Ultherapy works the best is that area just underneath the chin and extending into that curve of the neck. Ultherapy won’t duplicate the results of a surgical neck lift. But if you have somewhat loose and fatty skin in your upper neck, hanging just beneath your chin, Ultherapy can improve this area, and improve your profile.
What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Ultherapy?
Eyelids and Brow Lift
Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call
After just one treatment with no downtime, your skin will gradually shift back into a more youthful position. Improvements include a sleeker, more defined jawline and tighter skin on the neck under the chin. Sagging skin on the cheeks can be tightened and lifted, which in turn can
Perhaps one the most dramatic areas that Ultherapy can improve on without surgery is the eye area and creating a brow lift, helping to lift heavy drooping eyelids. Ultherapy can make the eyes appear more open,
improve folds from the nose to mouth, folds from the mouth to jaw, and drooping corners of the mouth. Tightening of skin on the forehead can reduce the sagging skin on the eyelids and promote a more open, refreshed look in general. The results of Ultherapy are permanent, just as the results of a face-lift are permanent, 0f course, your skin will continue its natural aging process. While Ultherapy is not a replacement for surgery, it is an inviting alternative for those who are not ready for surgery but looking for meaningful results.
TESTIMONIAL One week after my Ultherapy Treatment, my husband, after being out of town for a couple of days asked me “what’s different about you,” he was staring at my face! Not having told him about my treatment I innocently said “what do you mean?” His response was “I am not sure but your face looks different.” I asked “different good or different bad?” He replied “different good, looks stretched.” I was surprised that the results were noticed that quickly. I found the treatment to be bearable, certainly wasn’t pain free, but tolerable. I was very happy when it was over! For the past 2 weeks following the treatment my face has been tender which is a reminder that the treatment is continuing to work! I would highly recommend it to all! K.M. – Ocean City, MD.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
educate. HQULFK empower.
Health & Medicine
health&medicine Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Let That Urge To Go Rule Your Life. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Let That Urge To Go Rule Your Life. Your Urogynecologist Can Help.Your Life. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Let That Urge Go Rule Your Urogynecologist CanTo Help. educate. HQULFK empower.
Your Urogynecologist Can Help.
For starters, your doctor bother. In fact, some women properly. There are factors hat strong, sudden need Avoid caffeine, spicy foods to dash to the bathroom hesitate to leave their ZLOO DVN \RX WR Ă&#x20AC;OO LQ D FKDUW that make it more likely A asimple That need to dash fact, some women hesitate to leave woman will develop an overactive keeping diary. way to improve always seems to strong, happensudden at homes because they worry of the times you go to the that a woman will develop the situation is a change bladder: multiple on pregnancies, the bathroom always seems to an their homes because they worry patterns will appear in the the most to inconvenient time. about having accident. as Soon, an overactive bladder: in diet. For starters, bother. In fact, some women properly. There are factors bathroom hat strong, sudden need For starters,your yourown, doctor Avoid caffeine, spicy foods happen attothe most inconvenient about having an multiple accident. being and having a chart.DYRLG FDIIHLQH DUWLĂ&#x20AC;FLDO That is helpful because if well as the times you leak pregnancies, beingoverweight dash theof bathroom hesitate tohave leave to their that make it more likely ZLOO DVN \RX WR Ă&#x20AC;OO LQ D FKDUW You are intothe middle A simple way to improve But you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sweeteners, citrus, and always seems to happen at before you can get to a overweight and having But you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to let an family history of the condition. time. you know when you have the urge homes because they worry that a woman will develop of the times you go to the the supermarket, shopping the situation is a change let an overactive bladder the most inconvenient time. spicy foods that can irritate bathroom. Essentially, you a family history of the about having an accident. an overactive bladder: bathroom on your own, as to go for a family You dinner. in diet. Forbathroom starters, you can go overactive bladder rule your life! areYou in are the middle of the to the Mind Over Bladder rule your life! Your the bladder. Many women are keeping a diary. condition. heading to an important DYRLG FDIIHLQH DUWLĂ&#x20AC;FLDO multiple pregnancies, being well as the times you leak supermarket, shopping forButayouYour urogynecologist can help avoid accidents. You are in the middle of urogynecologist can help Many women are successful in sooner donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to areand pleasantly sweeteners, citrus,surprised and meeting at work. You are shopping overweight and having before you can get to a the supermarket, with a let number of strategies an overactive bladder family dinner. 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the bathroom farther apart.
continued on the next page
Bladder problems shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep you from theproblems things you enjoy most in life. Bladder shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep you from the things you enjoy most in life.
Howard B. Goldstein, Babak Vakili, M.D., is Emily K. Saks, M.D., MSCE, is a urogynecologist the director of the Center D.O., MPH, is a fellow of Howard B. Goldstein, Babak Vakili, M.D., is Emily K. Saks, M.D., with the Christiana Care College of for Urogynecology and MSCE, is a urogynecologistthe American the director of the Center D.O., MPH, is a fellow of Center for Urogynecology Obstetrics and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Vakili with the Christiana Care for Urogynecology and the AmericanGynecology. College of and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Saks He completed is a fellow of the American a fellowship Center for Urogynecology Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Vakili Obstetrics and Gynecology. completed residency inDr. Saks and a Pelvic Surgery. College ofisObstetrics in Female Pelvic a Medicine a fellow of and the American He completed fellowship Obstetrics and Gynecology completed a residency in andin Gynecology. He completed Reconstructive Surgery College of Obstetrics and Female Pelvic Medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cooper University a fellowship in Female Gynecology. He completed and Reconstructive Surgery in Philadelphia and has at Pennsylvania Hospital Pelvic Medicine and in Female completed a fellowship in Hospital in Camden, NJ. a fellowship at Cooper University in Philadelphia and has Pelvic Medicine Hospital inserves Camden, as NJ. the Reconstructive Surgery and Femalecompleted Pelvic Medicine a fellowship in He currently Reconstructive He currently serves as the Director of Research and at the Louisiana State Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery Female Pelvic Medicine the Louisiana Directorfor of Research and UniversityatHealth ScienceState at the Hospital the Division and Reconstructive SurgeryEducation of the Health Science Education for the Division at the of the University ofHospital Pennsylvania. of Urogynecology. Center in University New Orleans, LA. Center in New Orleans, LA.
University of Pennsylvania.
Let us help
Let us help you get back you get back to what really to what really matters. matters.
of Urogynecology.
Christiana Hospital Hospital MedicalChristiana Arts Pavilion 2 Medical Arts Pavilion 2 4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1208 4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1208 Newark, DE 19713 Newark, DE 19713
302-623-4055 302-623-4055
Christiana Care Center of Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Christiana Care Center of Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health 3706 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807 3706 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807 Smyrna HealthHealth & Wellness Center Smyrna & Wellness Center 100 South Main Street, Suite 215, Smyrna, DE 19977 100 South Main Street, Suite 215, Smyrna, DE 19977 302-623-4055 302-623-4055
Summer 2014
Life.Healing. Healing.Caring. Caring. Life. 13WHS85 13WHS85
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine continued from preceding page
Many women are pleasantly surprised at how much their lives improve after they give up diet sodas and artificial sweeteners. Some women drink fewer fluids in an attempt to control leaking. In fact, that can make the situation worse because their urine becomes more concentrated and that can irritate the bladder. Instead, drink water in smaller amounts during the day to make sure you are getting enough water and your urine is diluted. Cut back on fluids a few hours before bedtime to minimize trips to the bathroom during the night. Another alternative is physical therapy. Essentially, you will work with a therapist who acts as a personal trainer and will teach you exercises to strengthen the muscles under the uterus, bladder, and bowel so that you are less likely to leak.
There are also a number of medications that relax the bladder and reduce involuntary leaking. In the past, some of these medications had unpleasant side effects, including dry eyes, dry mouth and constipation. Happily, there are now drugs on the market that work just as well and are much easier to tolerate.
A Pacemaker For The Bladder
In a small percentage of cases, overactive bladder persists despite medications, physical therapy, and changes in behavior. Another option is a pacemaker of sorts for the bladder. It was approved by the Federal Drug Administration to treat urge incontinence in 1997. Still, many people haven’t yet heard of it. The treatment is called sacral neuromodulation and involves a tiny device that is implanted just above the buttocks in an outpatient procedure that takes less than 30
The County Woman Newspaper
minutes. It works by sending mild electrical stimulation to the nerves of the bladder. This procedure results in improved control over urge incontinence. It’s important to evaluate both your options and your lifestyle to make the best choices for yourself. It’s perfectly okay for a woman who doesn’t have the time or inclination to work with a physical therapist to opt for medication. A woman who wants to avoid medication might decide to give up spicy foods and diet sodas and to lose weight. The process starts with a visit to your urogynecologist. Together, we can come up with a solution for your overactive bladder. You should always consult with your doctor before making important medical decisions. For an appointment call the Christiana Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery 302-623-4055. Howard Goldstein,
D.O., Babak Vakili, M.D., and Emily Saks, M.D. are the only urogynecologists in Delaware who are board-certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine
Routine Gynecological and Obstetrical Care
As a leading provider of health care services in Sussex County, Delaware, La Red Health Center, (LRHC) offers comprehensive Women’s Health Services. Our services include, Routine Gynecological and Obstetrical Care, Reproductive Health Services, Prenatal & Perinatal Services, Post-Partum Services, Breast Feeding Support & Education, and Nutrition Counseling.
LRHC’s gynecological services include:
“We are committed to making sure you have all the resources you need. Many of our women’s health services are provided at LRHC while others such as deliveries and gynecological procedures are performed by contracted physicians at Nanticoke Hospital and other medical facilities,” said Fabricio Alarcon, MD, FACP and LRHC’s Chief Medical Officer since its inception 13 years ago.
Prenatal & Perinatal Services
For women, an important part of maintaining good health is getting regular gynecological care, and the women who choose LRHC can count on our staff to provide personalized patient-centered health care in a friendly, and supportive environment
• Annual gynecologic exams • Pap smears • Well-woman care • Adolescent gynecology • Family planning and contraception • Breast exams • Gynecological cancer screening • Evaluation and management of menstrual irregularities • Evaluation and treatment of PMS/PMDD • Preconception counseling • Management of symptoms of menopause
thousands of women for many years. Each woman is cared for as an individual, and care is tailored to her and her family. Before pregnancy and well after childbearing, LRHC provides the comprehensive care that each woman and her family need to be well.”
Reproductive Health Services
LRHC is an approved State Title X Family Planning Program participant, and offers oral and intramuscular contraception methods, Paragard and Mirena intrauterine device placement and removal, as well as Nexplanon insertions.
At LRHC, we also care for a full range of conditions including pelvic and vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and pelvic pain. According to Coleen Brogan, LRHC’s Certified Nurse Midwife, “LRHC has been providing comprehensive pregnancy and postpartum care to
Anna Vargas, RN explained LRHC’s approach this way, “LRHC strives to improve access to quality family planning and other reproductive health services.” At LRHC, we ensure our patients have access to: • Reproductive health education • Gynecological exams • Sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment • HIV counseling and testing • Pap screening • Breast examinations and mammogram referrals • Pregnancy testing
LRHC’s Prenatal and Perinatal program provides vital services and strives to increase the rate of care offered to pregnant women in their first trimester of pregnancy. This approach helps lower the rate of gestational diabetes, low birth weight infants, and infant mortality. Our services include on-site nutrition counseling, parenting classes, and gestational diabetes education and management. As LRHC’s CEO Brian Olson explained, “La Red Health Center’s prenatal program contracts with Nanticoke Memorial Hospital for two hospital-employed physicians to provide onsite prenatal care as well as labor and delivery services. Our nurse midwife conducts routine prenatal visits through a collaborative agreement with the contracted OB/GYNs.” LRHC also enjoys numerous partnerships and collaborations that contribute to the success of the Prenatal & Perinatal Care Program. Specifically, LRHC is active in the Delaware Healthy Mothers and Infants Consortium, and partners with Nanticoke continued on next page
La Red Health Center is conveniently located at:
Seaford 300 High Street Seaford, DE 19973
Georgetown 21444 Carmean Way Georgetown, DE 19947
La Red Health Center is open Monday-Thursday 8AM - 7PM, Friday 8AM - 5PM and Saturday 8AM - 12 Noon. Call today to make an appointment:
Visit us at Follow us on Facebook at
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine Postpartum Services
Bringing a new baby home is one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, but it can also present both physical and emotional challenges.
from preceding page Health Services, Beebe Medical Center, La Esperanza, and the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence to effectively deliver prenatal & perinatal services. Most importantly, LRHC’s Prenatal Program is affordable. We have a sliding fee scale based on income and family size for uninsured women, and accept Medicaid and most insurance plans. LRHC accepts all plans available through the Delaware Marketplace and even though the open enrollment period has ended, anyone who experiences a life changing event such as marriage, change in income, birth of a child or divorce can still obtain coverage. At LRHC, patients can receive help to fill out Medicaid applications, obtain free or discounted prescription drugs, and under certain circumstances obtain transportation assistance if it is available. We also partner with a program called “Cribs for Kids” that provides cribs for families in need to ensure that every child has a safe and secure place to sleep.
At LRHC, we offer: • A support group for new mothers and their partners • Infant and child safety • Adverse childhood experience screening • Postpartum informational presentations • Information on postpartum mood disorders • Postpartum depression counseling
According to Annie Caswell, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, “It is important to get as much rest as possible. You may find that all you can do is eat, sleep, and care for your baby. And that is perfectly okay. You need to take care of the caregiver!”
Breast Feeding Support & Education
Breastfeeding is a learned skill with proven benefits to the mother and baby. Some of the benefits include: • Helps prevent excessive bleeding after delivery • Helps restore the uterus to prepregnancy size • Reduces incidence of breast cancer, uterine cancer and osteoporosis • Helps in protecting the infant against bacteria and viruses • Helps in the development of tooth and jaw alignment
The County Woman Newspaper
• Helps with digestion and reduces the incidence of constipation • Decreases allergic reactions • Reduces frequency of respiratory illness, and gastrointestinal related disease and ear infections in infants
At LRHC, we partner with Beebe Healthcare to promote and advocate breastfeeding, and help families who choose to breastfeed enjoy a satisfying and successful experience. Breastfeeding Support & Education includes: • On-site patient lactation services • Breastfeeding mother’s support group
in Sussex County, Delaware, LRHC has been recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance as a Patient-Centered Medical Home.
Nutrition Counseling
Our service delivery model ensures that each patient has a direct relationship with a medical provider who coordinates a cooperative team of healthcare professionals. The team takes collective responsibility for patient’s care and arranges for additional medical services with other qualified providers as needed. This model leads to improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Many of our patients are adults with prediabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes who want to learn diabetes management skills to improve blood glucose levels.
So whether you have lived in Sussex County your whole life, recently moved here, or are just visiting the area, LRHC with convenient locations in Georgetown and Seaford can help meet your medical needs, and become a network of quality care centered around you and your family.
LRHC’s Nutrition Counseling program helps patients make healthy choices for an improved lifestyle. At LRHC, a certified nutritionist offers sound medical nutrition therapy to address patients’ personal goals as they relate to all stages of life and various medical conditions. Also, a diabetes educator provides counseling for women who have gestational diabetes.
Some patients have weight management goals, desiring to gain or lose weight. Other patients want advice on fatcontrolled, low-cholesterol meal plans to reduce their risk of heart disease. Medical nutrition therapies are also available for cancer, kidney disease as well as stomach and intestinal disorders.
LRHC’s medical services are available to all individuals regardless of gender, age, race, ethnic origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, or ability to pay.
At LRHC, our patients seek nutritional counseling for a variety of reasons, yet each patient has the same goal: to learn to make healthy food choices that will help enrich his/her lives. As a leading provider of medical, dental and mental health services
Summer 2014
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition is making an Impact in Sussex County BY BETH KRALLIS, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR
To help ease anxiety for those starting out on their breast cancer journey, DBCC organizes “Beginning Your Pink Ribbon Journey” classes at Nanticoke Hospital on the third Thursday of each month. We also provide support to those being treated at Tunnell Cancer Center. We offer resources, answer questions, help with transportation issues, and provide council.
In Sussex County, the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition is helping men and women by offering support and programs to those who are facing breast cancer. We are also helping ensure folks in need receive breast health screenings and receive proper treatment. Our vision is to create a community where every person diagnosed with breast cancer becomes a survivor, If you or someone you know is and fear and doubt are replaced diagnosed with breast cancer, we hope you will contact us for with knowledge and hope. support. If you would like to get Just this April, twelve ladies involved and join our cause, we joined DBCC for a “Nurture with hope to see you at an upcoming Nature” photography excursion at community event. Prime Hook in Milton. “Nurture with Nature” is a program that We have an office located in Sussex allows breast cancer survivors County at 16529 Coastal Highway, to come together and experience Suite 116, in Lewes. Please give nature by hiking, kayaking, biking, us a call at 302-644-6844 or learn horseback riding or simply walking more by visiting our website, www. through a forest or alongside a beach. The nature photography session featured a tutorial and opportunity to take photographs in the outdoors. All the attendees had a great time!
Please contact the DBCC location nearest you to find out more: New Castle County – 302.778.1102; Kent County – 302.672-6435; Sussex County - 302.644-6844 Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
10 Reasons Parents Take Healthy Children To Chiropractors Some adults may wonder why more and more children are starting to see chiropractors. That’s a good question and the answer is simple: whether we have a large spine or a tiny little spine, if that spine is creating nerve distress then our magnificent bodies may not operate smoothly…
The nervous system is the ‘Master Controller’
Dr. Tracy Hudson Dr. Hudson is a ’95 Cape Henlopen High School graduate and continued her educational career at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. While attending UNCW, Dr. Hudson suffered an injury playing softball and she sought treatment with a local chiropractor. After a few adjustments, Dr. Hudson was back on the field. Now being a true believer, she decided to further her education in the natural healing art. She attended Life University in Atlanta, GA for 3 years, and then transferred to Texas Chiropractic College in Houston. After graduating in 2004, she moved to Clearwater, FL, where she was in private practice for 8 years. During that time, she also became a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. She has now moved back to her home town to share her love of chiropractic with our community.
The nervous system is the master controller of our body and if its communication channels become fuzzy, distorted or damaged then we experience all sorts of communication errors. For babies and children, this ineffective communication may play out as colic or irritability, an inability to suckle and breastfeed, poor sleep, developmental delays, digestion issues, asthma, behavioral problems, low energy, inability to concentrate, headaches, etc – the list is endless. In fact, regardless of what the end result or symptom may be, all roads to ‘optimal health’ lead back to the body’s ability to self-regulate and function at a peak level. While chiropractic may be able to help with a number of health issues, our focus is not treating or curing ailments; our focus is ensuring the nervous system has every opportunity to work efficiently and effectively.
Can you cook at night with the lights out?
For example, imagine your nervous system is like the lighting system in your
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home. If the lights start to dim, you might not be able to cook dinner very well, you may start banging into furniture, you may trip and hurt yourself, you may feel frightened. How the dim lights influence you precisely will vary but the issue is still the same – there is a communication problem between the wiring and the light bulb which needs detecting and fixing. In the same way, chiropractors spend years studying the nervous system to be able to detect and correct these ‘communication errors’ in the body.
has been shown to be gentle, safe and effective. Babies can be checked by chiropractors very soon after birth and special techniques have been developed to carefully correct any subluxated areas. When we appreciate how the nervous system may be hindered and impaired it makes sense why more parents are having their child’s spine and nervous system assessed.
Another question you may ask is…
1. To encourage good neural plasticity (brain and nerve development). 2. To support their child’s overall health and wellbeing. 3. To help strengthen their child’s immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of colds, earaches and general illness. 4. To assist with colic and Irritable Baby Syndrome. 5. To help with asthma, breathing difficulties and allergies. 6. To encourage good spinal posture. 7. To help improve their child’s ability to concentrate. 8. To assist with behavioral disorders. 9. To help alleviate digestive problems. 10. To assist with bed-wetting and sleep issues. Your child’s health is their greatest asset. I urge you to explore all possibilities you have to improve it.
“How do little kids get nerve irritation?”
Nerve irritations (or vertebral subluxations) occur as a part of normal daily life. They may result from physical, chemical and emotional stressors or ‘insults’ to our health, such as bad posture, prolonged postures, sleeping on our stomachs, knocks and falls, poor food choices, dehydration, exposure to chemicals and toxins, and stress and anxiety. Some research suggests that even before these lifestyle stressors have an impact, nerve irritation may occur in the uterus from awkward positioning, restriction of movement, and exposure to toxins. Subluxations or nerve irritation may also occur from birth complications such as long labors, very fast labors, or forceps or caesarean delivery. While more research into the benefits of chiropractic for babies and children is needed, chiropractic for little people
10 Reasons Parents Take Their Children To See a Chiropractor:
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Viscosupplements for OA of the Knee: What You Need to Know
cases, the cartilage can disappear entirely. This results in a very painful form of OA that typically can only be treated with total knee replacement.
What are Viscosupplements? Jack Byrd, PA-C is a certified Physician Assistant who graduated from SUNY Stony Brook. He has extensive experience in both orthopedic and emergency medicine and has assisted in multiple orthopedic procedures and surgical interventions. He has an excellent success rate in performing joint injections, including ORTHOVISC, under ultrasound guidance. Jack is introducing a new form of therapy called PRP (platelet rich plasma) in which excess growth factors are injected into the joint to stimulate healing of longterm injuries that may contribute to chronic pain conditions. He is a Maryland native who values an active lifestyle and is a member of three competitive men’s softball teams.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It affects more than 27 million people in the United States. (2) OA is sometimes called degenerative joint disease because it is caused by the wear-and-tear of a joint’s cartilage, the tissue that covers the ends of bones and provides a cushion over many years of use. OA can also be caused by an injury to the joint, obesity, or genetics. Healthy cartilage acts as a “shock absorber” and prevents your bones from taking the full impact of everyday walking, running, twists, and falls. A healthy knee also contains sufficient synovial fluid, a thick, gel-like liquid that reduces friction in the joint. A substance in the synovial fluid called hyaluronic acid acts as the joint’s “grease” and provides lubrication between bones and cartilage. (1) As cartilage begins to wear away and the amount of synovial fluid in the joint decreases, you may begin experiencing symptoms of OA. Common signs of OA of the knee include pain at the joint, tenderness, stiffness, and loss of flexibility. Over time and without treatment, the symptoms can become more severe, and the OA may cause loss of motion and bone spurs (bone growths around the affected joint). In the most severe
OA of the knee has no cure, but several treatment options may ease the symptoms and possibly slow down the condition’s progression. Doctors may begin treatment with a very conservative approach, asking patients to first try exercise, physical therapy, and even weight loss to reduce the pain and inflammation. If these treatments prove ineffective or are no longer effective in the face of worsening OA, doctors may need to consider more aggressive treatments. In the search for less-invasive treatments that provide greater relief, doctors and researchers discovered the benefits of lubrication injections, or viscosupplementation. Viscosupplements are doses of hyaluronic acid that are injected into the knee and into the synovial fluid. This is a relatively new form of treatment for knee OA. In recent years, it has become more popular and more widely accepted, and is being used to treat symptoms of mild to moderate OA of the knee. (Fig. 1) The different brand names of hyaluranoic joint injections available are Euflexxa, Hyalgan, Orthovisc, Supartz, and Synvisc.
How Viscosupplements Work
For each dose of a viscosupplement, a doctor injects hyaluronic acid into the knee joint’s synovial fluid. Patients with OA of the knee have lower levels of hyaluronic acid in their synovial fluid which is often thinner and less effective than fluid in healthy joints. It is not able to protect the cartilage and bone from grinding and damage as well as it once
could. The additional hyaluronic acid fills the joint area and increases lubrication in the joint, making joint movement much easier. Research indicates that these injections may stimulate the body to produce more of its own hyaluronic acid. (2)
Who Benefits from Viscosupplementation?
It is ideal for patients with mild to moderate OA of the knee. It may be especially useful for patients who have not responded to other OA treatments, such as physical therapy, weight loss, pain relievers (NSAIDs), and corticosteroid injections. The benefits of viscosupplementation injections are not immediate. Because the injections are given over time, you may begin to feel some benefit after the first injection, but the greatest benefit may not be felt until several weeks after your first injection.
We perform our knee injections under ultrasound guidance which confers considerable benefits to the patient. It is a safe and painless procedure which does not use radiation and so has none of the associated risks. (Fig.1) Additionally, it is much more accurate because it provides real-time imaging rather than performing an injection blindly.
What Sussex Pain Relief Center (SPRC) can offer you? Patients who experience the At SPRC, we offer ORTHOVISC as our following should consult preferred viscosupplementation injection. SPRC about Orthovisc: To qualify for ORTHOVISC, a patient must have imaging studies verifying the presence of OA of the knee. The patient will have already tried quad strengthening exercises, use of NSAIDs when not contraindicated and have failed to achieve satisfactory relief and longevity from intra-articular steroid injections. Once approved as a candidate, the patient will be scheduled for one injection per week for three consecutive weeks. During each visit, one injection will be performed using aseptic technique where 2 ml of ORTHOVISC is injected intra-articularly. Patients may experience pain and swelling at the injection site which usually resolves itself with rest and the application of ice. Most patients report the greatest decrease in discomfort occurs 6 to 12 weeks after the initial injection. Results vary from patient to patient, however ORTHOVISC has been shown to provide significant relief over a six month period. The injections should be repeated every six months for greatest relief.
• If you have X-ray or MRI findings confirming osteoarthritis • Osteoarthritis was visualized during a procedure under arthroscopy • If physical therapy did not provide pain relief • If NSAIDS did not relieve knee pain • If heat or ice did not help • If steroid injections failed to give the desired benefit Arthritic knee pain is one of the most common conditions successfully treated at SPRC. Members of the SPRC team are extensively trained to diagnose and treat patients in a comprehensive manner. We use an integrative approach closely coordinated with the latest advancements in medical technology and techniques so that our patients can resume their lives once again. Article Sources: 1. Treatments & Procedures: Viscosupplementation. 30 Nov 2009. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved February 17, 2014. 2. Osteoarthritis. Feb 2012. American College of Rheumatology. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from http://www. conditions/osteoarthritis.asp
18229 DuPont Blvd. Georgetown, DE 19973
Front: Dr. Manonmani Antony, Dr. Alan Gonzalez Cota. Back: Jennifer Rahn PA-C, Dr. Ajit Shrestha, Jack Byrd PA-C
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
White Manor Farm and Inn Retreat Relax Recharge Inn ~ Conference ~ Retreats Coming Soon: Inn and Native Plant Store
• Corporate • Non-Profit • Social • Reunions Overnight Stays• Girlfriend Getaways ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿
Treasures Along the Roadside - Native Plants to Know “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Leslie Umstetter
OWNER, WHITE MANOR FARM Leslie Lynn Umstetter is owner of White Manor Farm located in Greenwood, Delaware. The property was purchased with her husband, Frank in 2010 through the foreclosure process. From the very beginning, Leslie saw the vision of this unique house to become a place to share with others. The house and land, after being vacant for 3 years, definitely needed some TLC. This has been an ongoing process for Leslie with her end-vision of sharing this beautiful space as well as the planned gardens with others. Leslie is a native of South Jersey who moved with her husband and two daughters to Greenwood, Delaware in 1992, after her parents retired to Seaford from New Jersey. This new business is Leslie’s “Encore Career” having been a stay-at-home mom and business owner with her husband in the HVAC field. Leslie is genuinely grateful that all of her passions are now coming together in her new venture of White Manor Farm. Leslie is a graduate of Wilmington University and the Western School of Feng Shui, as well as a Sussex County Master Gardener, and a member of the Seaford Spade and Trowel Garden Club. Leslie and her husband Frank have been married for 40 years. She is the mother of two daughters, grandmother of three grandchildren.
Delaware has many country roads to travel and enjoy. The brush and tumble of plants on the side may look like weeds to the untrained eye, but, trust me, there are jewels in those ditches, native species…just waiting for you and me to care enough to look twice and learn. This time of year one can see a very special plant in bloom NOW! Kalmia or ‘Mountain Laurel’ grows so prolifically in our area that it inspired the name of a town in Sussex County. This is one or our superb native species and is worth getting to know, maybe even transplanting a few to a home garden. Kalmia Latifolia is a showy shrub found in wooded areas on the east coast from Maine to Northern Florida and as far west as Indiana or Louisiana. Right now and thru some of June, you will be able to see the pink and white show of blossoms bursting in large clumps. When the blooms are gone, the shrub is an evergreen that bears dark shiny leaves all year. It’s closely related to rhododendrons yet is much more drought tolerant and worth a little study to see if it should be cultivated in your garden. Native Kalmia might be perfect for your needs. It will attract butterflies, bees, and songbirds and is great for partially shaded sites. You can learn about Laurel in a great book by Richard Jaynes: Kalmia-Mountain Laurel and Related Species. To learn more about Native Plants and upcoming workshops, please visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.
Please call or email with all your questions and for information and events
W h it e M a n o r F a r m
11339 Sussex Highway • Greenwood DE 19950
302-542-3778 • Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Walgreens Loves the Skin You’re In BY ERIN THOMPSON, WALGREENS COMMUNITY LEADER Finally, after months of bitter cold, the never ending polar vortex of winter is behind us, welcome to summer. As you prepare for some long deserved fun in the sun, it is important to take the appropriate precautions. While the sun is a good source of Vitamin D, it can also lead to burnt and irritated skin. “People often ask for advice after they have already been in the sun looking for relief with sunburn and skin irritation,” said Elizabeth Dattoli, Walgreens pharmacist in Bethany Beach, DE. The key is to protect your skin before prolonged exposure.” When protecting your skin select a sunscreen that relates to your skin type. For someone who typically starts to burn within 30 minutes of sun exposure they would want to choose a factor that puts them close to an hour of protection. An SPF 30 would be a good starting point (30 minutes plus SPF 30 = 60 minutes). If you start to burn in 15 minutes then you would choose an SPF 45 to get to the 60 minute mark (15 minutes plus SPF 45 = 60 minutes).
Once you have your SPF number be sure and apply it once every 1 to 2 hours especially if you are going in and out of the water. With locations on street corners around the country, Walgreens has all the sun care and other products you need for a safe and happy summer. “Part of being a pharmacist is providing counsel, we are happy to help you find the right sunscreen for you and your family,” Dattoli said. “Our pharmacists play on important role on your health care team, as we are accessible in every neighborhood to answer your questions. If you do have too much fun in the sun Walgreens beauty advisors are on hand to help you find a cosmetic solution that with input from the pharmacist can ensure it will not cause added irritation.
the Bethany Beach Walgreens in DE. Dickerson and other members of the Walgreens team work to keep beauty sections well stocked with products to help you look good. “When you look good, you feel good,” Dickerson added. Walgreens is also fortunate enough to have dedicated cosmetic coverage. This allows the patients the ability to seek not only over the counter solutions to sunburn but also assistance in locating the right product to protect their skin from the sun.
“Zinc Oxide is a popular product for my customers in the summer months. I’ve found that kids like the colored zinc we carry and parents like the fact that we offer products that protect and appeal to keep skin safe,” said Heather Dickerson, senior Beauty Advisor at
So the next time you’re in the store and aren’t quite sure what to get remember that there are several different team members to assist you in finding the right product to help you get, stay and live well.
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Elizabeth Dattoli, Pharm.D.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine
Zumbathon To Fight Ovarian Cancer Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Coastal Dance Academy 33323-41 E. Chesapeake St. Village of Five Points Lewes, DE 19958 Tickets $20 See Henri Belcher-Stack, 302-354-4102 or Kelly Serpico, 302-420-5127 for Tickets
Kelly Serpico • Henrietta Belcher-Stack Kelly has a passion for living healthy and helping others do the same. She is a licensed Zumba instructor and teaches at the Coastal Dance Academy. Kelly gives back to the local community and promotes health by offering complimentary classes at the Children’s Learning Garden and Canalfront Park in Lewes, DE. Henrietta Belcher-Stack is a leader and visionary who works to positively impact women facing obstacles from domestic violence to cancer. She is currently president of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Delaware State Federation of Women’s Clubs (DSFWC), a statewide federation of 23 community women’s clubs. In 2011 Henrietta was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and after 19 weeks of chemotherapy and two surgeries, decided it was her second chance to be fit AND have fun. She started taking Zumba classes in 2012 and realized what fun it was to jump and shake. She lost over 70 lbs! Henrietta is now a Licensed Zumba Fitness, Step, Core and Gluts Instructor and has completed the Zumba Fitness Pro-Skill and B2 Advances Rhythm training. Henri’s motto is Live, Love, Laugh and Always Dance
Two Locations! Milford & Georgetown
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Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Don and Jessie Brown Found Their Journey Easier With Help From Delaware Hospiceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Transitions Program
Dr. Donald Brown was an extraordinary person, and he and his wife, Jessie Brown, had an extraordinary love for each other. Sometimes you wonder at the fate that works to bring two souls together. Donald was living in Washington DC and Jessie in Virginia Beach when a mutual friend introduced them. Jessie thought she had never met a man who had so muchâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;looks, personality, intelligence and manners. They ended up sharing the next 36 years of their lives. Donald served on the faculty of several universities and was a lifelong practitioner of theatre arts. Jessie said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Delaware State University offered a faculty position to Donald in 1997. Jessie and Donald adjusted well to the Dover area, raised their son, and enjoyed their Church and the community around them. Donald became a very popular professor. Jessie said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Young people know when a professor really cares about them, and he did.â&#x20AC;? Eleven years ago, Jessie decided that they both needed to schedule physical exams. Jessieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nagging ďŹ nally forced Donald to have a routine colonoscopy. Results revealed cancerous polyps, which marked the beginning of a long journey. During the ensuing years, Donald received various treatments; went in and out of remission and in and out of the hospitals. As Donald became weaker, Jessieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anxieties grew, as did her need for help. Fate acted again in their favor, Jessie believes, when a friend told her to call Delaware Hospice for help from their Transitions Program. Neither Donald nor Jessie were prepared to forego curative treatments, and therefore were not ready for hospice care.
Transitions Program was established by Delaware Hospice to be supportive to patients and family members who were coping with a serious illness through visits, advice on where to ďŹ nd practical assistance, volunteer help, and phone calls. Kristy Handley, Transitions Program Coordinator, remembers her ďŹ rst visit to the Browns. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I met with the family and talked to them for quite a while. They thought about it and called a few days later and asked me to sign them up.â&#x20AC;? Jessie said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kristy somehow brought light into our lives. She would check on us regularly, and Donald always seemed stronger after talking with her. She gave us hope for tomorrow and helped ďŹ nd solutions to practical things. She arranged for a volunteer to help transport him to the doctor. I remember one day Don left his appointment saying he also needed to get to a lab for blood work. That wonderful volunteer offered to come back the same day, after another engagement, to take him!â&#x20AC;? No longer able to get himself around, Donald expressed a wish for an electric wheelchair. Jessie said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kristy not only managed to ďŹ nd someone who was selling one, she and her entire family went to pick it up and deliver it to Don. To see his face, you might have thought he had won a million dollars!â&#x20AC;? Eventually, the Browns realized it was time for hospice care and chose Delaware Hospice. Jessie said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;They took good care of both of us, prepared me well, and have kept in touch and offered help dealing with my loss.â&#x20AC;? Above all, Jessie says she couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have survived without Kristyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After Don passed, I was still calling Kristy to talk, and she always made me feel that she was glad to hear from me. I got lucky when I found out about the Transitions Program. We managed so much better with her to lean on. I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have done it without this wonderful support.â&#x20AC;?
Delaware Hospiceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique programs such as Transitions and New Hope for grieving children are offered at no charge to the community thanks to the generosity and faithful support of donors and volunteers. Learn more about how Delaware Hospice can help you cope with a serious illness or how you can support its programs by calling 800-838-9800 or visiting
About Delaware Hospice
Since 1982, Delaware Hospice has provided exceptional care and support to 44,000 patients and their families. Its mission is to help each patient, each day, live the fullest, most comfortable life possible. Delaware Hospice is the largest and only licensed, nonproďŹ t, community-based hospice serving Delaware and Chester and Delaware counties in Pennsylvania. Delaware Hospice is honored to be accredited by the Joint Commission, the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading health care standards-setting and accrediting organization. For more information about Delaware Hospiceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programs and services, upcoming events, or employment opportunities, call 800-838-9800 or visit our website at
The County Woman Newspaper
#FDBVTF IF T OPU KVTU B QBUJFOU IF T UIF NBO XIP OFWFS MFU HP For a quality of care that improves your quality of living, call us at (800) 838-9800.
Summer 2014
Home Health Care
When Memories Are Measured in Moments, CHEER’s Adult Day Program Makes Every Minute Count BY KENNETH S. BOCK, DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dementia, in its many forms, is the disease that keeps on taking. For those who suffer from dementia each day brings a loss of another precious memory. For those who care for an individual with dementia, each day brings the realization that another part of the person you care for is gone forever. There is no reversing the process you can never recover the lost moment. You can’t even discuss the feelings because by the time the memory loss occurs, the ability to reason or even understand is gone. As difficult as this is for those left behind, there is one opportunity for you the caregiver and the person you care for. Live in the moment and make every one of them as special as you can. The person you care about may not remember your kindness 10 minutes from now, but in that moment, they will know happiness, they will smile and feel good and you can remember for the both of you. That’s the best you
can hope for and you need to treasure each of those moments because as time goes on, they become fewer and fewer. CHEER’s Sand Hill Adult Day Program is all about those happy moments. Offering as many opportunities in as many forms as possible for the person you care about to experience happiness. Each day the dedicated Sand Hill Adult Day Program staff battles the memory thief and creates those moments for joy out of the fog of dementia. They bring moments of happiness to people who will not remember them by the time lunch is served, but who will smile in the moment and have a good day. Each day, participants in the Sand Hill Adult Day Program get to play games, draw pictures, build puzzles, exercise and have fun. They will not be able to tell you what they did that day, but they do know they had fun and they had a good day. For the day they spent in the Sand Hill Adult Day program they were safe and they had fun. For a person suffering from dementia and for the families that care for them, that is the very best that can be done.
From left to right: Amparo Baker, Health Aide Technician, George Tribitt, Program Assistant, (standing) and Cindy Mitchell,CDP, AP-BC Board Certified –Acting Director
Summer 2014
dementia and genuinely care about them. They create happiness and make a difference. Their goal is to insure that each day care participant finds fulfillment in each moment they spend each day in the program whether the person comes one day a week or every day through the week. Each moment is important to each participant and member of the staff. For the caregiver, each moment their friend or family member spends in the Sand Hill Adult Day program is a
moment when the caregiver can relax, knowing that the person they care for is being well cared for, stimulated and having a good day also. While it is true that you cannot reverse the effects of dementia, with physical exercise and mental stimulation you can slow the progression of the disease. With CHEER’s Sand Hill Adult Day Program we create those happy moments for our participants and their care givers.
Care giving for someone with dementia does place a burden on the caregiver and family, no matter how much the person means to you. The constant attention and need to protect and interact is an unending demand. Having a resource like the Sand Hill Adult Day Program provides opportunities for the your loved one to experience a different environment and activities with people who are trained to serve people with
The County Woman Newspaper
and respecting old friends, old services and especially old clients. We will be offering different types of massage that will LQFUHDVH Ă H[LELOLW\ UHOLHYH PXVFOH pain and body tension while relieving stress. Choose from Therapeutic Deep Tissue, Swedish and Prenatal massage. What will be coming in the future are Thai and Hot Stone. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.
and repairing your chakras and cleaning out and cleansing your $XUD :H ZLOO GR UHĂ H[RORJ\ WR help move the energy to promote healing in different areas of the body. Healing done on your mind, body and spirit, either at our new location or a distant healing when you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get to us. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.
Health & Medicine
We Have Grown and Gotten Bigger
to give you something forward to in the fall o
The Medicine W 33800 Dreamwea Lewes, Delaware 302-220-11 www.TerriPip TheMedicineWom Shamanic Hea Workshop Energy Wo Massage Body Wraps and
As always, our Shamanic Healing is done on a very deep and very different level. Full 7KH 0HGLFLQH :RPDQ LV QRZ Spectrum Healing is energy offering fantastic therapies. work done within Shamanic Take that hour or two and let boundaries and with the power yourself drift away to your private RI WKH 0HGLFLQH :KHHO $ 6RXO sanctuary, where the person that Mention this New Board foris Therapeutic Massage to teach a course in The Medicine woman has had a lot of growth in the last and yeargets and the attention Retrieval will and helpBodywork you recapture needs and get 10% off an what wasnow physically, Our prices at $80.00 a chakra balancing. We are offering emotionally a course in The Medicine because of this we out grew our old location. Weyou. are excited to start and/or spiritually lost thru service. Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s methodtraumas of Chakra Balancing - 12 CEUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. This course until 8/1/1 announce that we now have a new and larger location to work out in your life. Take that
Come See Our New Location and Enroll in Our New Class!
will be offered at the Plantations Clubhouse, Lewes, Delaware and also at The Institute of Massage and Healing Arts, 222 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, Delaware 19809. No matter what state your practice is in this Continuing Education Class is for you.
of and we now offer a Continuing Education Course for Massage Therapist and Energy Healers.
The Medicine Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Location:
The Medicine Woman, LLC educate. enrich. empower. health&medicine Plantations Clubhouse ~ 2nd Floor 18464 Plantations Blvd. 3DVW /LIH -RXUQH\ VR \RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG Testimonials: With all that is new going on we are also offering our out why you like or dislike certain been a healer for 20 years â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have Lewes, Delaware. 19958 people, places and things. Prices as a Massage Therapist and an tried and true services that are start at $125.00 a service. WKH EDFNERQH RI 7KH 0HGLFLQH Herbologist. My dear friend gave his is an exciting time for The Woman. We will never leave 0HGLFLQH :RPDQ DV ZH PRYHG T PH D JLIW FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWH DQG WROG PH We will also be doing The our Holistic roots and The to our new location in Historic Terri was very impressive. I went Shamanic Healing Circles and our 0HGLFLQH :RPDQ ZLOO DOZD\V RIIHU Lewes, De. Our doors are open and was blown away with the Three Step Prosperity Workshop. Shamanic and Energy Healing and we ready for business. work and the valuable information There will also be a few new services. This is a time for new beginnings, she provided. I have seen Terri workshops added and meditation new friends, new services and for several treatments; just as circles available. Just wanted We will keep on balancing 302-220-1146 new clients while also honoring my friends have had multiple to give you something to look and repairing your chakras and
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fun Being The New Kid On The Blockâ&#x20AC;Ś By: Terri Pippin, The Medicine Woman
forward to in the fall of 2012!! cleaning out and cleansing your $XUD :H ZLOO GR UHĂ H[RORJ\ WR move the energy to promote We will be offering Astypes healers we different have a help responsibility to share The Medicine Woman healing in different areas of the of massage that will and respecting old friends, old services and especially old clients.
sessions. Terri is truly gifted in all that she does. I hope after reading this, you call and make an appointment!â&#x20AC;? ~Sue M., Lewes, DE
Dreamweaver Lane LQFUHDVH Ă H[LELOLW\ UHOLHYH PXVFOH body. Healing done on your healing knowledge withmind, others in the healing33800 body and spirit, either at pain and body tension while Lewes, Delaware 19958 our new location or a distant relieving stress. Choose from 302-220-1146 ďŹ eld. ForDeepmy fellow Therapist and healing when you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get to Therapeutic Tissue, Swedish Massage www.TerriPippinand Prenatal massage. What will us. Our prices start at $50.00 a Energy The service. Medicine Woman has be comingHealers in the future â&#x20AC;Ś are Thai and Hot Stone. Our prices start Shamanic Healing & As always, ourteach. Shamanic In the added a new type class to what we at $50.00 a service. Workshops Healing is done on a very deep and very different level. Fullby the 7KH 0HGLFLQH :RPDQ LV QRZ Energy Work lastoffering several months we have been approved Spectrum Healing is energy fantastic therapies. Massage work done within Shamanic Take that hour or two and and let State of Delaware the National CertiďŹ cation Body Wraps and Scrubs boundaries and with the power yourself drift away to your private RI WKH 0HGLFLQH :KHHO $ 6RXO Retrieval will help you recapture what was physically, emotionally and/or spiritually lost thru traumas in your life. Take that
sanctuary, where the person that needs and gets the attention is you. Our prices start at $80.00 a service.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Terri is an exceptionally gifted, spiritual and loving individual. I highly recommend Terriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s services to anyone who wishes to embark on the spiritual path, or to those who simply want to feel better about life.â&#x20AC;? ~Marty T.
Mention this Newspaper and get 10% off any Service until 8/1/12
As Publisher of the Country Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspapers, I can say it is the best deep tissue massage I have ever had. ~ Elizabeth K.
The Medicine Woman June/July 2012
Founded by Terri Pippin
Massage, Energy Work, The Medicine Woman Healing Shamanic founded by Terri Pippin
Classes & Workshops
Massage, Energy Work, Body Therapies & Shamanic Healing
Plantations Clubhouse ~ 2nd Floor Delaware 19958
18464 Plantations Blvd â&#x20AC;˘ Lewes, 33800 Dreamweaver Lane, Lewes, Delaware 19958
302-645-8369 (w) 302-220-1146 (c)
June/July 2012 18
The County Woman Newspaper
Our Energy Grid Healing, Prosperity Workshop, Shamanic Core Class, Introduction To Your Chakra System, and The Shamanic Healing Circles will founded by Terri Pippin be offered at Plantations Clubhouse, Lewes, Delaware.
The Medicine Woman
Massage, Energy Work, Body Therapies
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exciting when opportunity brings & Shamanic Healing growth and changes bring new friends and clients. Always remember change 33800 Dreamweaver Lane, Lewes, Delaware 199 is good, change is needed and change is necessary for true lasting prosperity! (w) 302-645-8369 302-220-1146 (c)
See you at the Plantation!
18 CMT, Terri Pippin Reiki Master & Shaman, is founder of The Medicine Woman. Terri started her spiritual journey of healing in 1986 when she was ďŹ rst introduced to meditation. She has been a CertiďŹ ed Massage Technician since 1996. Her journey has included the development of Reiki skills, culminating in the achievements of the Master Reiki Level in 2007 and the development of several energy healing techniques. The Medicine Woman is trained in both Celtic and Native American Shamanism and has been a shamanic healer since 1998.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine
Healing Touch
CLAUDIA ALESI, HTPA Reiki Master/Instructor Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice
Our immune system is the cornerstone to keeping us fit and healthy. If it is not functioning properly, we can easily become infected with viruses and bacteria; which, can lead to chronic illness, infections, and colds. Pollution, drug overload, toxins, parasites, poor eating habits, fatigue, and continued emotional or physical stress can compromise the immune system. Prolonged stress can wear down the body’s defense, leading to changes in our immune function. This causes delays to the way the body heals and increases our risk of illness.
Healing Touch techniques provide a solid energetic foundation to maintain a healthy and effective immune system. The following illustrates the body’s reaction to energy medicine: 1. The relaxation response releases endorphins in the brain. 2. The endorphins relax the muscles. 3. Relaxed muscles create more space between cells providing increased circulation. 4. The increased blood flow elevates oxygen levels throughout the body. 5. Accelerated blood flow allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently. 6. Enzymes build for proper digestion. 7. Hormones regulate to strengthen the body’s constitution.
8. Toxins release from the body. 9. Healthy cells begin to regenerate. 10. A sense of well-being is established, which promotes healing. 11. When the body has a stable physiology, the immune system is regulated. The resulting stability within the immune system affects the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual facets of the body’s energy field supporting self-healing.
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, placing the client in a position to selfheal. Healing Touch is a complementary, integrative energy therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional medicine; and, is safe for all ages and conditions.
5. Young Living Mineral Essence:
This is a precisely balanced organic ionic mineral complex that contains over 60 ionic minerals. Nutritionists consider ionic
minerals vital because vitamins cannot be used by the body without the aid of minerals. Minerals are crucial to the electrolyte balance of our cells. 6. Young Living Super B: A powerful antioxidant blend of B vitamins, which are crucial for supporting normal immune function. The above is only a sample of essential oils that are important for an effective and healthy immune system—arguable the most important body system.
What do the experts say about Melissa, Bethany Beach, DE When I started with Claudia Alesi and her healHealing Touch? ing touch work, I had severe joint pain in my neck and shoulders, lymphatic drain“In a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as energy fields in and around the human body to an absolute certainty that they exist.” -James Oschman Ph.D. Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, 2000. Essential Oils can also support the immune system. Research shows that microbes and pathogens have a hard time developing resistance to essential oils. According to Dr. Terry Friedman, M.D., 40% of the immune system function is found in the intestinal tract. Another 40% is accounted for by the thymus gland--a gland that produces immune-stimulating cells.
age issues, sleep problems and extremely low energy. I was also dealing with liver, kidney and thyroid problems, among other things. Healing touch not only increased my sense of well being and energy levels, but decreased my neck pain, my liver and kidneys are functioning normally, my lymphatic system is well on its way to being fully recovered and I feel like a new person. I was skeptical at first, but after my first treatment, the mental clarity and more restful sleep were enough to keep me going back again. But it’s helped me heal from the inside. Claudia Alesi is a healer and I would recommend anyone with acute or chronic health issues to give healing touch a try. It played a big part in turning my health completely around.
415 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
(302) 227-6260
Regular use of essential oils can support the immune system, aid digestion, help fight infections, increase oxygen levels in the brain, and reduce stress.
The following are several essential oils that we carry to support the immune system:
1. Young Living’s AlkaLime: AlkaLime
safely reduces the acidity of your digestive system. An acidic environment allows yeast and fungus to thrive. A balanced pH allows the body to maintain vigor and health. 2. Frankincense: High in sesquiterpenes, it is stimulating and elevating to the mind and helps in overcoming stress and despair, as well as, supporting the immune system.
Book a Healing Touch session,
20% off
get any essential oil Summer 2014
This is specifically blended for building, strengthening, and protecting the body. 4. Young Living JuvaTone: This powerful herbal complex is designed to support the liver. The liver performs over 5,000 complex chemical functions. It purifies the blood and is key in converting carbohydrates to energy. An overtaxed liver can negatively affect our energy, digestion and skin.
The Oasis Wellness Spa is located conveniently in the heart of Rehoboth Beach - just a few blocks from the beach with FREE parking!
Services • Massages • Reiki • Ionic Foot Detox • Healing Touch Manicures & Pedicures • Facials • Sunless Tanning Retail Store Dead Sea Bath Salts • Essential Oils • Pendulums Smudges • Healing Aromatherapy • Crystals • Accessories 26
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Join BBD for the 12th Annual Summer Blood Challenge With a healthy uneventful pregnancy, Kelly expected the birth of her second child to be free of complications. But after 24 hours of labor, Kelly began to hemorrhage and lost 40 percent of her blood volume. She was rushed to the operating room and received four blood transfusions.
a vacation during the summer Last year, a record 241 companies months, a time when blood participated in the Summer Blood donations are typically slower. Challenge. This resulted in 14,308 blood donations. This summer, Blood Bank of Delmarva will hold the 12th “We had another record-breaking Annual Summer Blood Challenge year last year,” Roper said. “We from now to September 13. It anticipate tremendous support from was created to help sustain the our dedicated donors who help blood supply during the summer save local lives and have been vital “The blood transfusions saved months. to ensuring a stable blood supply my life,” said Kelly. “Thanks to in our community for 60 years. We the blood donors and Blood Bank “The Summer Blood Challenge are grateful to everyone who takes of Delmarva, my two beautiful is a friendly, competition among the time to give of themselves.” children still have their mom!” employers and community organizations,” said Roy Roper, Blood Bank of Delmarva is a Unfortunately, stories like Kelly’s Blood Bank of Delmarva President non-profit community service are not uncommon and don’t take & CEO. “The summer months organization that provides blood are typically slower for blood and blood products to 16 hospitals donations and the competitive in the Delmarva region. More spirit and prizes help motivate than 83,000 blood donations were existing donors as well as attract needed last year for about 20,000 first-time donors.” patients across the Delmarva Peninsula. Registered organizations will earn points based on blood donations, For more information or to first-time donors and more. This schedule an appointment, visit year’s grand prize is a $5,000 or call TD Bank Visa Gift Card, along 1 888 8-BLOOD-8. with $2,000 and $1,000 TD Bank Visa Gift Cards as second and third prizes. Two $50 gift cards will also be awarded to lucky participants each week throughout the Challenge. All donors must fill out a Hero Card when donating to ensure accumulation of points and eligibility for prizes.
Kelly, a blood recipient, is pictured with her two children, Sybil and Leo.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Health & Medicine
Yes, You Can Improve Your Memory! 3. Adopt Healthy Habits
Drinking too much alcohol can cause short-term and long-term issues with memory. Limiting drinking to educate. HQULFK empower. one glass of wine with dinner can help avoid this damage. Smoking causes numerous health problems, including increasing the risk of developing memory disorders. Quitting smoking occurring antioxidants from is one of the healthy best things you including can do for sources, blueberries, strawberries your body and your memory.
9. Limit Harmful Medications
learn more about how we can help or to make an appointment. You do not need a referral from your primary care physician.
Some commonly prescribed medicines have potential side effects of confusion or memory problems. Discuss your current medication list You should always consult with with your primary care doctor. Be sure your doctor before making important to review both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines. Sleep medical decisions. aids that contain diphenhydramine also and limiting caffeine late in over-the-counter medicines. we can help or to make an have been known to cause confusion appointment. You do not Sleep aids that contain the day. need a referral from your diphenhydramine also in older adults.
Yes, You Can Improve Your Memory! and avocados, also may be helpful in preventing memory loss.
4. Control Your Blood Pressure 3. Adopt healthy habits
toocan much High bloodDrinking pressure increase alcohol can cause shortyour risk term of developing memory and long-term issues BY JEFFREY M. GUARINO, M.D. disorders. Limiting your Limiting use of salt, with memory. drinking one maintaining glass of eating a healthy diettoand wine with dinner can How do you know if you or an active lifestyle can help lower help avoid this damage. Keepcauses a check on your Smoking numerous someone you love is simply a blood pressure. health problems, including blood pressure readings and see your bit forgetful or experiencing increasing the risk of primary care doctor if your numbers By Jeffrey M. Guarino, M.D. developing memory a serious memory problem? are elevated.disorders. Quitting smoking
is one of the best things you
can do for your body and With age, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural toor wonder someone you 5. love Interactyour With Others memory. is simply if forgetfulness is an early signa bit of forgetful Avoiding isolation and socializing experiencing serious 4. Control your blood a memory disorder. At orthe Swank awith others may help preserve memory. memory problem? pressure Memory Care Center, we are focused Get out of the house andpressure interact with High blood With age, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural to on caring for individuals with cango increase your risk other ispeople: to church; join in wonder if forgetfulness of developing memory diagnosed memory disorders, as well asof aactivities an early sign memory at the senior center; dine out disorders. Limiting your disorder. At the Swank their families. This includes education with friends. use of salt, eating a healthy Care and tips on memory care. Memory Here are 10 Center, we diet and maintaining an are focused on caring for active lifestyle can help simple ways you can maximize your individuals with diagnosed 6. Stimulate Your lower bloodBrain pressure. Keep disorders, as memory without the use ofmemory medicine. Keep yourabrain engaging checkactive on yourby blood ow do you know if you
8. Keep your spirits up
primary care physician. have been known to cause Mood disorders such as confusion in older adults. You should always Jeffrey M. Guarino, M.D., completed depression or anxiety can consult with your doctor negatively impact your 10. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wastehis money on family before medicine residency making important at memory. Keep an eye out supplements medical decisions.. for symptoms of depression, Care and completed a There are of Theredecreased are a lot of unproven anda lotChristiana including unproven and unregulated M. Guarino, in Jeffrey geriatrics at Thomas unregulated supplements on the onfellowship appetite, insomnia, low supplements the M.D., completed his family energy and chronic pain. market that claim to improve memory. market that claim to Jefferson University. Dr. Guarino medicine residency at If you think you are memory. But Christiana Care and But there is help no from evidenceimprove that they depressed seek has that presentedcompleted at geriatric medicine there is no evidence a fellowship Take a vitamin supplement awork. licensed counselor or they work. if Take a vitamin in geriatrics at Thomas conferences and has been published in medical professional. supplement doctor your doctor has recommended it forif your Jefferson University. Dr. has recommended it for Guarino has presented the Journal of the American Geriatric a nutritional deďŹ ciency, but save your 9. Limit harmful D QXWULWLRQDO GHĂ&#x20AC;FLHQF\ at geriatric medicine money on supplements that claim to medications Society. is activeand in has the been local but save your money on He also conferences Some your commonly claim to boost memory - use itsupplements towards a that published in the Journal community, and volunteering. prescribed medicines boost your memory - use it teaching of the American Geriatric gympotential membership. have side effects towards a gym membership. Society. He also active To make an appointment oris to learn of confusion or memory in the local community, If memory lapses are problems. Discuss your Swank Memory Care If memory lapses are interfering more about the teaching and volunteering. interfering with daily life current medication list To make an appointment with daily life for you or a loved one, Center call 302-320-2637. for you or a loved one, call with your primary care or to learn more about the Swankto Memory Center call The Swank MemoryThe Center doctor. Be sure to review Swank Memory Care Center both prescription drugs and to learn more about how call 302-320-2637.
10. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Waste Money On Supplements
well as their families. pressure readings and see in activities that promote function such This includes education your primary care doctor if and tips on memory care. as reading, doing puzzlesareorelevated. playing your numbers Keeping your body active one Hereisare 10of simple ways bingo. Avoid extended periods of you can maximize your the best ways to protect against memory 5. Interact with others memory without watching the use of television. Avoiding isolation and disorders. Brisk walking, riding a bike, medicine. socializing with others may
1. Get Regular Exercise
and swimming or exercising in a pool help preserve 7. Get Quality Sleep memory. Get exercise are all low-impact ways 1.toKeeping getregular your Get out of the house your body Restorative sleep is crucial for and interact with other body moving. active is one of the best people: go toSet church; join up healthy brain function. yourself ways to protect against in activities at the senior memory disorders. Brisk for a good nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sleep by not watching 2. Maintain A Healthy Diet center; dine out with walking, riding a television bike, and in bed, keeping bright or friends. A balanced diet of wholeswimming grains, lean or exercising in a LED ways lights 6. outStimulate of the your bedroom and meats, lots of fruits andpool vegetables are all low-impact brain to get your body moving. caffeine late in brain the day. Keep your active and healthy fats, such as fats found in limiting by engaging in activities ďŹ sh or nuts, is associated2.with lower Maintain a healthy diet that promote function 8. Keep Your Spirits Up balanced diet of whole rates of memory disorders. AUnhealthy such as reading, doing grains, lean meats, Mood lots disorders as depression puzzles such or playing bingo. saturated or trans fats, such as fats of fruits and vegetables Avoid extended impact periods your of or anxiety can negatively in fried foods and processed foods, and healthy fats, such as watching television. may increase your risk ofIDWV IRXQG LQ Ă&#x20AC;VK RU QXWV developing memory. Keep an eye out for symptoms is associated withoflower 7. Getincluding quality sleep depression, decreased memory problems. Naturally occurring rates of memory disorders. Restorative sleep is appetite, insomnia, energy antioxidants from healthy sources, Unhealthy saturated or crucial forlow healthy brain and fats, such as fats in pain. chronic If youSetthink you function. yourself up are including blueberries, trans strawberries fried foods and processed for ahelp good from nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sasleep by depressed seek licensed and avocados, also may be helpful in foods, may increase your not watching television in medical professional. memory or bed, preventing memory loss. risk of developingcounselor keeping bright or LED problems. Naturally
Summer 2014
Swank Memory Care Center at Christiana Care 205 W. 14th St. Suite 100A Wilmington, DE 19801 To make an appointment, call 302-320-2637
lights out of the bedroom
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Barbara Morales Associates Your Realtors at the Delaware Beaches
Joan E. Wallace
The County Woman Newspaper
Barbara Morales
Marie Dispoto
Summer 2014
Business & Finance
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Business & Finance
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Warm Weather
is here
By Chris Dispoto for It is ďŹ nally warm out again! Though the winters here are mild,
a Jersey boy, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still great to see them go. Besides my seasonal al worse every
lergies, which do seem to be getting year, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a much
happier person when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s warm and stays light out later. Everyone
seems to have more energy. Something else that seems to get worse !
each year is the amount of bugs we see on the cars we wash. They show up earlier and earlier, and in greater quantity. The snowbirds ! returning from Florida and other warm places bring extra bugs, of all species, even big giant ones.
If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a snowbird, you know what I mean. When a car comes in that is not regularly washed, " we see damage from the bugâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;remainsâ&#x20AC;? on front bumpers and grilles. Even plastic headlamps and side view mirrors can be dam aged from whatever the bugs leave behind. If you are concerned about your carâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ nish, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s critical that you remove the â&#x20AC;&#x153;remainsâ&#x20AC;? regularly.At Rehoboth Car Wash we pre-treat the vehicles that are # riddled with bugs by soaking them with soap and water
and scrub$ bing them before the car is washed. It takes a bit longer than a wintertime wash, but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what % it takes.Another warm weather & '
woe for the car is the sand that comes home from!
the beach with us
and infests the rugs and seats, and letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not also forget the dog who
really leave a Our 15 loves the beach too! He/She/They trail behind. crew do a great job removing horsepower vacuum and our attentive "
sand, hair, and whatever else we encounter.Something we recently Armour added to our menu is a product made by All, called Body Shield. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a spray on polymer sealant
wax that does an amazing ) job! The car actually feels( as though it was waxed by hand. The
shine is apparent on the paint, the chrome; even the black plastic surfaces are blacker. It is available in a new full service wash pack or If you age called â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Whole Enchiladaâ&#x20AC;?, as an a la carte item.
havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tried it yet, you should treat yourself. Another new item installed only a week ago is a new foaming wheel and tire cleaner
that is applied before the car enters our tire brushes. It does a much more thorough job than the previous system.I want to say thank * you to all who have patronized our business since weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve opened.
We just celebrated our 6th year in business and we obviously could not have done any of it without$ the support of the community and those who visit the resort area. Again, thank you very you $ much.If + have any questions at all, please give us a call 227-6177. We are
at$ located on the Route One Service Road at Rehoboth Ave. Hours of )
operation are Monday-Saturday from and from 8-5 on Sunday. , 8-6 - Hours are always weather permitting.Please see our * coupons in
Clipper Magazine this summer.We sincerely hope you a safe have ./0 fun-ďŹ lled summer!Chris Dispoto Owner/Operator 001 2+11
Spring 2013
Summer 2013
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
People in Profile Fabricio Alarcon, MD, FACP
Susan D. Lloyd, MSN, RN,
Chief Medical Officer
President and CEO of Delaware Hospice
Dr. Alarcon holds his Doctor of Medicine degree from Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. He completed his residency at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the Primary Care/Internal Medicine Program. Dr. Alarcon is Board certified in Internal Medicine, a Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor and Provider and a member of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. Dr. Alarcon is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine and serves on numerous committees. He has authored, published and presented over a dozen research papers. Dr. Alarcon has been La Red Health Center’s Chief Medical Officer since its inception. Hobbies include Tennis and Skydiving.
For over two decades, Susan Lloyd has provided national and regional leadership and support within the hospice community. As President and CEO of Delaware Hospice, she has upheld the organization’s mission and expanded its services, including establishing the Delaware Hospice Center, which offers patients 24-hour specialized care in an alternative setting to a hospital facility. Lloyd also serves on the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Board of Directors as the Northeast Geographic Area Director, and is a member of the NHPCO Hospice Action Network. Susan is an advocate to ensure that all Americans have access to high-quality care at the end-of-life. Lloyd secured her undergraduate Nursing Degree from Bloomsburg University, holds her Master’s Degree in Nursing from Villanova University.
Arlene S. Littleton
Phil Anderson
Arlene’s career in non-profit management has spanned almost 30 years beginning in 1985 when she was hired as Controller of Sussex County Senior Services which later changed to CHEER, Inc. She has served as Executive Director since 1986. Under her leadership, CHEER has grown from an annual budget of about $800,000 to $6.8M and assets of over $10M.
Phil Anderson graduated from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts with a degree in Pharmacy. He moved to Delaware in 1989 and started his career as a Pharmacist with Happy Harry’s Pharmacy. In 1994 he became the Pharmacy Supervisor for the Happy Harry’s Institutional Pharmacy where he managed 4000 Nursing Home beds in Delaware. After 5 years he returned to Retail as Pharmacy Manager of the Happy Harrys in Hockessin and Milltown. Mr. Anderson became a Pharmacy Supervisor for Walgreens in 2007 and in June will celebrate his 25th year with Walgreens/Happy Harrys. He is currently the Pharmacy Supervisor for the 33 Walgreens stores from Smyrna to Salisbury, MD. He has been a member of the Delaware Drug Utilization Review Board for 10 years; Immunization Coalition of Delaware for 7 years; and an active member of the Delaware Pharmaceutical Society. He is married with 2 daughters living in Wilmington.
CHEER employs approximately 150 employees, has over 500 volunteers and serves thousands of senior citizens throughout Sussex County through a wide array of programs and services. Over the last 15 years, successful capital campaigns have raised money for new centers in Georgetown, Lewes, Long Neck, Ocean View, Greenwood, and currently in Milton. CHEER also has a Community Center and two senior apartment complexes. In 1996, she received the “Who’s Who Among Top Executives” from Salisbury University and in 2000 was inducted into the “Alumni Walk of Success” at DT&CC. Arlene is one of only two Nationally Certified Community Transit Managers in Delaware. Arlene is married and resides in Laurel, Delaware. She has two children, four grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Her family, friends and CHEER are her passion.
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
People in Profile Jack N. Berberian
Terri Pippin
Jack Berberian’s background, talent and training share a common theme: an entrepreneurial propensity coupled with the vision to identify opportunities to establish and grow companies over the last 20 years.
Terri was introduced to Holistic Healing 28 years ago, but it took another 10 years for her to step into the role of healer. Through Shamanic Healing, Energy Work and Massage she has helped people heal their mind, body and soul.
Jack Co-Founded SecureNetMD, the first 100% Healthcare Information Technology Company in the region to offer HIPAA compliant services with good friend Drew Laroche. Current clients include hospitals, medical facilities, MRI centers, hospice, and all medical specialties servicing DE, MD, PA and NJ. Please visit us at to learn more and request a free evaluation.
As a Shaman, Energy Healer and Teacher she offers many classes on self-healing. The newest addition to her teaching is Continuing Education Studies for other Massage Practitioners, allowing them to learn new services while earning CEU certification. Terri’s business, The Medicine Woman, LLC, is located in The Plantations Clubhouse, 18464 Plantations Blvd., Lewes, Delaware.
Claudia Alesi
Drew Laroche
Claudia Alesi, the owner of Oasis Wellness Spa, is happily married to her husband, Carl; and, has 2 beautiful, grown children who have made them very proud parents. She is a Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice and a Reiki Master/Teacher. She is very passionate about energy therapy because it treats the entire person--physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally—and supports selfhealing.
Co-founder of SecureNetMD, LLC, Drew Laroche’s entrepreneurial talent was evident from an early age. He attended the University of Delaware, and his post college work experience included Aberdeen Proving Grounds and Northrop Grumman Corporation where he specialized in radar and software engineering. SecureNetMD, LLC was started as a full service Information Technology company focused exclusively on healthcare. Over the years SecureNetMD has developed HIPAA compliant services that meet the demanding and changing requirements of the medical industry. Drew’s ongoing passion, drive and dedication have helped catapult his career and business to the next level. These characteristics coupled with his diverse computer and software engineering background give him the tools to tackle any project methodically and succeed beyond expectations.
In addition to private sessions, Claudia is expanding her practice by offering professional and personal enrichment workshops. She also offers organic airbrush spray tans and ionic foot detox sessions as part of her holistic health practice. Additionally, she is a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, Juice Plus and Nerium.AD. Claudia is consistently expanding her knowledge and looks forward to helping her clients with their healing journey--while empowering and educating them.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
Spring 2013
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Green Your Home, Literally & Figuratively
By Regan Roberts Deck, CMI
You may associate that lemony or piney scent with a clean kitchen or clean clothes. But synthetic fragrances in laundry products and air fresheners emit dozens of different chemicals into the air. Conventional laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets and air fresheners in solid, spray and oil form may all emit such gasses. Many of these toxins may be trapped inside your home and could lead to health problems. Luckily,
there are a few approaches you can take towards cleaner air in your home, including using household plants as air purifiers. Plants that act as air purifiers: • Spider plants remove poisonous gases, as well as formaldehyde and xylene. These are best in the kitchen or near fireplaces where carbon monoxide can accumulate. • Boston ferns are natural humidifiers. By releasing moisture into the air, they act as air purifiers, removing pollutants. • English ivy makes a great houseplant for people with asthma and allergies. Along with benzene and formaldehyde, they also remove various chemicals released by synthetics. • Areca palm is a humidifying plant that removes formaldehyde and xylene. • Golden pothos remove gases but are also toxic to small animals and children. • Aloe vera works as a natural air purifier, while it’s gel is used to help treat burns.
The County Woman Newspaper
• Chinese evergreen remove benzene and formaldehyde. • Snake plants have the ability to absorb nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde and a variety of other airborne chemicals from the air, as discovered by NASA scientists. • Marginata removes formaldehyde, benzene and other toxins from the air. They can also be poisonous to dogs. • Peace lilies reduce harmful indoor pollutants that may cause cancer. This great pollution fighter and air purifier also absorbs excess carbon dioxide. As always, at Custom Mechanical we are happy to answer any questions you may have about indoor air quality, electrical, heating, cooling carpentry, plumbing and home performance related issues - on the phone, in person, via e-mail … even on Facebook! Our Retail Store offers parts and supplies as well as answers to your product or pricing queries. Our Comfort Advisors are available for free estimates and information about financing and manufacturer
rebates. Finally, our brand-new, redesigned for 2014 website offers more homeowner tips like these as well as on-line scheduling and more detailed information about Custom Mechanical, the people that make us great and the services we offer.
Contact us anytime! Locally, 302-539-5177. Toll free, 800-233-5177. Or on the web,
So, keep in touch and take comfort, CUSTOM is here to help!
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
Deeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cleaning Service & Window Cleaning Everyone needs a little help! Residential, Construction Clean up & Commercial Cleaning
h Family Owned & Operated h Free Estimates h In business for over 30 Years h Licensed & Insured
302-856-7989 The County Woman Newspaper
June/July 2012
Boat For Sale 17 ft Sea Pro Bay 90hp 4 stroke Yamaha outboard Complete set up, anchor, life jackets, paddle, extinguisher, Bimini top console cover and boat cover. Hummingbird DF/GPS. Load Rite trailer with spare tire. Must be picked up locally. Motor tuned up 2013, new water pump 2013, all new gas lines 2013. Trailer bearings, leaf springs, wiring and lights all replaced 2012. All new seating and back rest 2014. Entire outďŹ t has been well cared for. Excellent condition. Valued at $ 11,000. in Boat Trader
$9,000 ďŹ rm. Contact Rob 302-287-7040
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
Bath, Kitchen and Tile Center
Home & Garden The Best in Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Since 1963
Quartz Countertops, the Next Big Thing? By: Mark Gandy
of a to quartz is made using a mixWelcome Bath,countertop Kitchen & Tile Center
ture of polymer resins. Whether you’re interested in redecorating, remodeling or Quartz countertops are not a new prodnew construction, it pays to rely on experienced professionuct, the manufacturing process has existed als who can meet all of your needs, from start to finish. Bath, for over half a century. Their popularity Kitchen andlimited Tile Center has past been fulfi lling those needs was in the domestically how-for close to half a century for customers throughout Delaware, ever, mostly due to high pricing and an unPennsylvania, Jersey, of Maryland Virginia. aWelack back popularNew offering colors.andDespite everything we do with the knowledge and reliability that can of domestic success, quartz was a trending only come with time and experience. Yet we remain on the cutting edge in our industry, procountertop material overseas and incredviding you with the latest selection of ibly high quality products andastheearly best ideas in 1960’s. design and popular in Italy as the functionality. Other European nations followed quickly, but we didn’t see too much popularity in America homeowners away Visit one of our showrooms in Wilmington, Newarkuntil or Harbeson, Delawaretrended and see for yourfrom the solid-color fad As of the past. installed self why we’re known as the region’s premier remodeling company. you browse One of and the complete most important benefi ts tosee bathroom vanities and showers, custom countertops kitchens, you’ll quickly STEPHANIE SNYDER quartz is the uniform and controlled apthat we have everything you need to create the home of your dreams – including expert designBATH, KITCHEN & T ILE CENTER pearance. Due to it being manufactured ers and professional installers. compared to being entirely natural, the production of quartz countertops is very For how popular granite has become in Our Remodeling Services kitchen and bathroom remodeling it is controlled. While I don’t want to give the As a full service design build company, our in-house staff provides everything you need for a hard to remember that in 1994, just 20 impression that quartz is patterned like tile, remodel, addition or commercial project from start to finish, including installation, electrical, years ago; the idea of using a natural stone the manufacturing process gives the control lighting, dry wall, painting and more. for your kitchen or bathroom countertop of having the same variety of colors over was foreign to consumers. Granite was thousands of feet of stone, where there’s a Our services include:at the time, variety of color tint within a couple of feet not only incredibly expensive • Design Services on someProduct graniteSales slabs. Texture can also be but you would be lucky to find any real • Wholesale • Kitchen Remodeling • Custom Cabinetry satisfying variation of colors available, as controlled using quartz to create a distincRemodeling tive feel over a large surface area. The most locations• Bathroom only offered 2 or 3 differ- • Flooring • Countertop Fabrication & Electrical imperfections of granite become highly ent colors. The granite that you could pur- • Plumbing • Commercial Remodeling noticeable on large projects, as parts of a chase was based upon where you lived as • Lighting importing/exporting anything outside of a kitchen countertop can look drastically diflocal region was Ournon-existent Showrooms at the time. ferent despite being from the same color of granite. uniformredesigning appearance At the turn of the century however,in you Whether you are interested remodeling your kitchenThe or bathroom, youralso office leads to seams being easier to hide a couldn’t countor constructing how many homeowners an entirely new addition, our showrooms will make it easier for you toon decide countertop requiring more than one slab of were replacing the solid-color laminate what you want to include in your new room. Many homeowners come to us with a general idea material, as the uniform appearance makes and acrylic countertops of the of what they want, but past do notwith know exactly what features to include in their room, especially it easier to match up two similar looking stunning and since unique granite countertops, they are not aware of all the options currently available. completely revolutionizing the remodel- sections of the slab and the seam blends in ing market. Companies simply couldn’t a lot better. Our beautifully appointed showrooms, theThe largest of their kindofin atheman-made area, include prodan everuniformity provide enough granite to meet demands changing, wide array of kitchen and bathroom displays. These displays help you discover only months after granite was relatively ir- uct over a natural product isn’t the only design preferences give you the ideas that will bringt your They appearance benefi in imagination quartz. Ato life. quartz relevant in the your remodeling industry.andPrices also feature the fi nest quality products by top-of-the-line manufacturers to give you the best also became more affordable over time, countertop has the benefit of actually beselection available. You’ll fi nd everything you need, including cabinetry, countertops, vanities, and granite was the standard for counter- ing a stronger countertop than granite. plumbing fixtures, whirlpool tubs, appliances, accessories and more. we is feaWhiletile, granite is a very hardFurthermore, material (it tops within a decade. ture customized furniture for the home and offi ce to add a one-of-a-kind feel to every room. While it’s nearly impossible to argue a rock after all), quartz countertops have a that granite will not remain popular for higher hardness rating in comparison. This doesn’t only or dings over Unlikeina catalog, a showroom allows you to stand in amean kitchenless withchips the cabinets you’ve had years upon years the future, alternatime, but quartz countertops are also more your eye one, to touch feel the countertops, to walk into a shower and to truly experience tives remain prevalent within theand industry. resistant than other One alternative that continues to grow in scratch different product options. Our showroom helps you pick and choose all countertops. the little details you Quartz also has the huge of pulls being popularity domestically quartz. a nutwill want toisinclude yourInroom, from towel bars and toilet paper holders toperk drawer and non-porous, which truly means it is shell, quartz countertops are cut out of a spice racks. Even if you’re set on the ideas in your head, our showrooms have sucha a“no large maintenance” While the natuman-made stone, butofbetween 93%-95% selection products that you might even find something countertop. that you like more than your original ral granite stone needs to be sealed twice of the contentschoice! are natural quartz which is So call us TODAY and make an appointment for one of our award winning designers a year, a quartz countertop never requires the second most abundant material under- process! to walk you through the remodeling ground on planet earth. The other 5%-7% any sealing or such maintenance. Granite
also requires polishing or reconditioning Testimonials Stephanie Snyder attended Moore College of years after installation as the shine of a “We recently had our bathroom remodeled by your Harbeson office.Design The management of the PA majoring Art and in Philadelphia, new granite countertop wears over time, Interior Design. She graduated from project by Mark Gandy was excellent, as was the quality ofinwork by all your subcontactors. all quartz manufactures advertise that the University in the Kutztown, Mark was always present when a subcontractor arrived forKutztown the first time to ensure scope PA in 2011 only cleaning material you will ever need with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. She work was welland understood. theup, workers always showed up when they were isofwarm water soap. Subsequently To back this began her career in the electrical and lighting supposed to and left thecountertops work area neat cleanatclean when they were finished. We would some of the quartz weand offer division of design. Since moving to the area be happy to use Bath, Kitchen and Tile Center South for our nextMaryland, project.” - she Robert andaVicki Bath Kitchen and Tile Center are sold with from held Retail Marketing H., Lewes, DE and Space Planning Position, and was then a limited lifetime warranty. brought on board the sales and design team Our Bath Kitchen and Tile Center showat Bath,upon Kitchen Tile as the “My wife and I own a residence in Lewes, Delaware and decided a major& renovation of Retail Sales rooms are always well stocked with all of Design Assistant. She is now our master bedroom. After inquiries with and proposals from several companies, we decided to the Retail the latest offering from multiple quartz Sales/Designer at the company’s contract with Bath,and Kitchen and is Tilemore due inaffordlarge part to the professional manner in which we Harbeson manufactures, quartz location. Stephanie plans to continue her able before! expert were than handledever by Mark Gandy Our and the sense ofsales knowledge that he projected. Throughout the career as a Kitchen & Bath Designer and to staff always prepared to better familiarentireisproject, Mark kept us well informed and consistently demonstrated honesty. Of course receive her certifi cations in both divisions. ize quartz countertops. his yourself professionalwith opinion and expertise were invaluable...Based on our experience, we will not
hesitate to recommend your company and your valued employee to our friends and neighbors.” - Joseph C., Lewes, DE
Whether considering our products or services,
Top Ten Reasons to use Bath Kitchen and Tile Center
for your next Kitchen or Bath project: 1. Special-Exclusive Deals 2. Distinctive-Cutting Edge Products 3. Superior-Exceptional Service 4. Exquisite-Elegant Designs 5. Brilliant-Charming Designers 6. Considered-Thought Through Procedures 7. Thorough-Careful Project Planning 8. Measured-Planned Project Management 9. Accurate-Precise Installation Teams 10. Meticulous-Perfect Installations Contact one of our Award-Winning Certified Designers today and mention this ad to receive a FREE GRANITE COUNTERTOP with the purchase of a complete kitchen or bathroom remodel package! Prior Sales Excluded. Choice of Royal Gold, Mediterra Sun, Crema Terra
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN 2013! Harbeson - 302-684-5691 · Newark - 302-737-4968 · Wilmington - 302-992-9210
26836 Lewes Georgetown Highway • Harbeson, DE 19951 • 302-684-5691 • 103 Greenbank Rd. • Wilmington, DE 19805 • 302-992-9210 • 375 Bellevue Rd. • Newark, DE 19713 • 302-737-4968 • Summer 20142013 Spring
40 38
The County Woman Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Welcome to the largest appliance selection in the shore area.
Featuring over 50 brands from all over the world all here nestled into our quaint country location. We have just relocated in the recent months from the busy Highway one location that we started and operated at since 1969. The move was so bitter sweet for the staff and I but sweet from the aspect that we are out in the country just three miles west of Route one in the Coolspring area. The new location features a bright well stocked showroom that is just charming most consumers say when they come in to shop for their new appliances. The showroom features hundreds of pieces of the markets best appliances under a well lit copper colored ceiling and is further complimented by old country plank pine flooring that is marveled at constantly and remarked upon by many.
Why should you consider shopping at Millman’s Appliances is the question we like to answer above all others. When shopping locally for your appliances we ask for you to consider our appliance store as we support over two dozen local charities each year. Shopping locally means that your money stays local in our community and is spent within the community according to our local bank over six times before it finds its way out of our community. When dollars are spent at box stores the money is picked by amoured truck and goes directly to a location far away from here doing absolutely nothing for our local citizens. We also hire and employ local associates for our business and I am proud to say our associates and their family members are integral part of our business, all 53 of them rely on us each day for employment and their financial well being.
We service what we sell with factory trained service technicians and also offer you our consumer a free ten year major component warranty on every new unit that we sell to you and your family. Our prices are very competitive and often are lower than the National competition with all the value added services and rebates that we have to offer which are exclusive to our business. We also have a used appliance donation program that we proudly started about twelve years ago which helps truly deserving members of community with a free used appliance delivered and installed in their homes. Such members who have received them in the past have been, but not limited to: Deployed military families, Disabled Veterans, Hospice and Cancer patients, Widows on very limited income, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Easter Seals, Burned out families, Single mother homes, Rehabilitation centers, Shelters, and the list goes on and on. We care about our community at Millman’s Appliances! Our showroom never closes at Millman’s Appliances with what is classified as a state of the art showroom on line @ featuring 92,000 different items that updates to market trends every nineteen minutes. This site is so progressive it offers you dimensions, owners manuals, and even rebates all at your fingertips while you are in the leisure of your home. Come and shop for your families new appliances at Millman’s Appliances, we appreciate your business and we will work hard to meet or exceed your needs everyday. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and closed on Sunday.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
Solar Energy in the News
Global warming, rising energy bills, and energy dependence. Who among us is not concerned about these things? Who does not want to become part of the solution? We know Delawarians are--it has been named a top state for solar energy by Environment America Research & Policy Center (7th in nation for solar power and 5th for solar installations 2012). Why Solar? It benefits you, it benefits the environment, and it builds a sustainable future! But solar is still new for a lot of people. To address that, we’re offering answers to the most frequent and important questions we get as a Delaware solar provider. Solar energy is still one of the best ways to make a real contribution to sustainability. How does solar work? PV “modules,” the smallest PV component sold commercially, are made up of solar PV cells. PV modules are combined to build a PV system that converts sunlight directly to electricity. The cells produce electricity any time the sun is shining, but produce more electricity when the sunlight is more intense and strikes the PV modules directly. This is not a byproduct of heat as is the case with solar thermal systems for heating water. Instead, electrons freed by the interaction of sunlight with semiconductor materials in PV cells are captured in an electric current. PV allows you to produce electricity
— without noise or air pollution— from a clean, renewable resource. Who wouldn’t love a system that never runs out of fuel, and it won’t increase U.S. oil imports! PV system components (connected or “tied” to the utility grid): • PV Modules-- One or more, connected to an inverter • Inverter--converts direct-current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) • Batteries--(optional) to provide energy storage or backup power in case of a power interruption or outage on the grid.
is less than half of what it was in 2008, with significant drops in solar equipment prices in the past year. 3. State grants are still extremely generous! Delaware’s Green Energy Fund rebates offset the initial cost of a new solar electric system, in many cases up to 25% of the total price of the system. 4. Federal incentives at all-time highs! A generous Federal incen-
This conversion produces AC electricity, the kind that powers our lights, appliances, computers, and televisions, and is compatible with the utility grid. Incentives? Subsidies and rebate programs available to Delaware residents make solar the smart choice – financially as well as environmentally. Here are the five key incentives for homeowners and businesses right now! 1. Income from Solar Renewable Energy Credits. Delaware legislation allows owners of solar electric systems to receive guaranteed checks in the mail (in addition to electrical savings) from sale of these credits. 2. Dramatic price decreases! The cost of a new solar electric system
tive provides tax credits for solar electric system homeowners. This translates into the federal government paying for 30% of the total price of the system! For business owners, 2013 allows 60% depreciation for the price of your system in one year! 5. Energy prices continue to climb! With oil prices climbing, it does not take a crystal ball to see large jumps in our electricity rates in the near future. The more solar energy they produce, the less solar system owners are
affected by power rate increases. The 25-year warranty on panels effectively protects owners against rate increases. So, why are Clean Energy USA (CEUSA) customers purchasing solar electric systems? 1. To save money on their electric bills. 2. As an “insurance” policy against rising electricity rates. 3. To add an asset to their house while there are great incentives in place. 4. To make additional revenue from the Delaware program that gives money to people on an ongoing basis just for having solar. 5. To limit the environmental footprint they have on their area. Are you considering solar for home or business? Let CEUSA show you how solar will save you money for years to come. CEUSA is based in Rehoboth Beach and has installed over 400 solar electric systems in Sussex County alone. We take pride in having an expert staff of solar professionals to ensure excellence in assessment of your power needs, system design and perfection in installation. Our professional staff will take care of all of the grant applications, local and state paperwork, permits and utility company requirements. In addition to all that, we provide exemplary customer service after your system installation.
20184 Phillips Street • Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Office: 302.227.1337 • Call or email to arrange a solar evaluation. Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden educate. enrich.
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High Crawlspace Humidity? By Mike Benson
Humidity problems in the Crawlspace?
Excess moisture, introduced by way of unsealed, vented crawlspaces, contributes to wood rot, mold growth and increased SHVW DFWLYLW\ 0RLVWXUH ,Q crawlspaces often migrates to the upper levels of the home through a â&#x20AC;&#x153;stack effect.â&#x20AC;? In essence, whatever air is below the house is also in the house, As warm air rises and escapes through the upper OHYHOV RI WKH KRPH QHZ DLU Ă&#x20AC;QGV its way Into the home to replace whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been lost. Intake air comes In at the lower levels through unsealed crawlspaces. This may lead to costly problems such as FXSSLQJ RI KDUGZRRG Ă RRUV PROG growth, increased air conditioner loads, and swelling of millwork/ FDELQHWU\ $LU LQĂ&#x20AC;OWUDWLRQ IURP WKH crawlspace often carries odors and may contribute to poor indoor air quality and uncomfortable humidity levels. Excess moisture in crawlspaces has also been associated with contributing to increased energy consumption. Wintertime ventilation cools the crawlspace contributing to heat loss from the home. In the summer, introducing warm outside air under the home contributes to heat gains, increasing cooling loads. Ventilation of a crawlspace to control relative humidity only works consistently in an arid climate. In most climates, ventilation can actually add VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW TXDQWLWLHV RI PRLVWXUH during humid times.
Why Vented Crawlspaces Can Make Humidity Worse.
Venting a crawlspace will either add moisture to, or remove moisture from, a crawlspace depending on the moisture content of the ventilation air compared to the desired conditions of the crawlspace. Venting with dry air reduces moisture levels in the space, while venting with moist air contributes moisture. It is false to assume that venting will
June/July 2012
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level in a vented crawlspace.
. ( / ! It is important to note the areas of concern when taking steps to
Call Mike Benson at Accurate Termite and Pest Control for any questions or an evaluation at 302-226-1156. Testimonial:
responsibly convert your vented
article in the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspaper had extremely high humidity I readâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Ithe Newspaper crawlspace to a sealed and The solution to this dilemma is )- ) )# 3 crawl space humidity. I had Accurate and mold in my crawlspace. Within about Accurate space. Those include, Pest Control come and inspect our problem. to close the crawlspace. of the conditioned One problem. three days relative humidity
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A Better Solution.
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The County Woman Newspaper Winter 2013 Spring 2013
45 # 34
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Summer 2014 The County Woman Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Christina’s Corner By Christina Lessard
Christina began working with Lessard Builders at a young age helping clean the office and run errands as well as other receptionist duties. As she grew older and more familiar with the business, she took on more responsibility and worked with her father, Brian on the day to day activities. Upon graduating from Wilmington University with a BS in Finance, she assumed the role of Comptroller and gained a more comprehensive understanding of the industry from the financial aspect. Today, you can find her working in the office with the administrative team, with clients at the model home or on the construction site. In addition to her father, Christina works alongside her mother Kathy, sister Michelle and brother Brian. Since the 1940’s, the Lessard family has built custom homes with a passion for quality craftsmanship and superior design. As the fourth generation, Christina looks forwards to carrying on the business with the same values and dedication.
Home Design: Thinking “Inside the Box” At some point in our lives, we have all been told that the best way to creatively solve a challenge or craft a successful plan is to think “outside the box”. In most cases, this is true but when it comes to building a new home, the most valuable way to plan ahead is to use a method that helps you think “inside the box”. Take a look at the different floor plans pictured below. What most people do not realize is that every floor plan you view is fundamentally “a box”.
The amount of space you need within that box will vary based on your family’s current and future needs. The goal is to really think about the function and purpose of each room. To help you do this, I’ve put together a list of items to think about when planning for your next home. You can use it as a quick reference guide or as an in-depth worksheet to understand how the way you live defines the ideal home design for you and your family.
1. Calculate How Much Space You’ll Need. Take a look at your current home and think about the size of each room. Does the amount of space work comfortably for your family’s needs? Do you need more or less space? It is important to consider if you will actually utilize every room in your new home. For instance, do you use a formal dining room, finished basement or those additional bedrooms? What purpose do they serve? 2. The key is to maximize the space within “the box”. Once you understand how you live and the approximate amount of space you would need, keep in mind that there are practical ways to re-design a floor plan. For instance, floor plans designed and built in the 1990’s to early 2000’s focused primarily on room count. By eliminating hallways and having a more open floor plan design, you can save up to 200 square foot in an average home. 3. Prioritizing the shapes within the box. It is essential to determine which areas are most important to you in your new home. Rank each location by order of importance and evaluate ways to make the best use out of the space. • Bedroom Count. Think about the amount of people that permanently live in your home now. Is there potential to add or reduce that amount in the future? • The Master Bedroom. The idea of a sitting area in the master bedroom is a cozy one, but if watching TV or reading in your bedroom is not a current habit, you might want to utilize the space somewhere else in your plan. • The Kitchen. If you truly enjoy the art of cooking, you’ll want everything in working distance and might consider a galley kitchen for convenience. If you like to entertain, you may prefer an angled island that can accommodate for more seating. • The Garage is one of the most underutilized rooms in a home and tends to be a place where people overbuild. Make the most out of your plan by thinking about the current size of your garage and the amount of cars you have. What function does your garage serve and how frequent do you use it? If you have a hobby or profession that requires extra space like a woodworker or mechanic, you might want an oversized garage. Otherwise, if you are just looking for storage space, you might want to save by utilizing the crawl space for storage. • Outside Living. When you sit outside, do you prefer to bask in the direct sunlight or enjoy the warmth indirectly with a nice breeze? Keep in mind that a deck is going to be significantly hotter than a screened in porch. • The Sunroom carries a variety of different meanings. The best way to define your version is to ask yourself why you want a sunroom. Functionally, do you just want a room with extra sunlight year round? If this is the case, then you would require a regular room with larger or additional windows. If the purpose of your sunroom is sit inside but enjoy the outside weather then you might be looking for a three season room which can have the option to be temperature controlled. • The Bathrooms: How many times a year do you use the soaking tub? If you only take a few baths per year, you might want to place the soaking tub in the secondary bathroom instead of the master bathroom. This set up allows for more space in your master suite to put towards a larger shower or walk in closet. In most cases, you will also save cost because a soaking tub is a standard feature in a secondary full bathroom. • Closets. The key is to understand how much closet space you actually need. If you are a minimalist, then you can redistribute the space from the big closet somewhere else like the living area, bedroom or kitchen. If you’re like me and have a ton of shoes, clothes & accessories, you might want the dream closet that borrows some space from the size of the bedroom. • Porches. Front porches on homes are beautiful and can influence the look of your home dramatically. However, a porch can considerably increase the price of the home. So, if you are not going to use it often, you can re-consider the porch option and save significantly on your bottom line. Thank you so much for reading today! I hope this article has helped you understand the importance to thinking “inside the box” while planning for your next home. If you have any questions or comments about this article, please stop by our model home in Lewes, Delaware or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Lewis Painting No jobs too big or too small! Lewis Painting is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us.
Power Wash • Wall Papering Popcorn Ceilings • Dry Wall Paint Interior and Exterior • Staining Wall Paper Removal • Carpentry Work And much more
Lewis Painting Company 302-359-6311
Sheldon Lewis Owner Call for Estimates References Available The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Home & Garden
SEASONAL SEASONAL SOLUTIONS: SOLUTIONS: Benefits to hydrotherapy relief: Cost analysis and energy efficiency
The idea of a relaxing soak in hot water is by no means a new one. Throughout history people from many cultures have enjoyed this practice. From naturally occurring thermal springs to elaborately constructed bath houses, the benefits of hydrotherapy are well established. Once you experience Jacuzzi Hot Tubs brand of hydrotherapy, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. When you slip into the hot massaging waters, your muscles will relax, and your mind will clear. Jacuzzi, truly water that moves you. Energy efficient hot tubs are the standard today for the hot tub industry and much research goes into improving the energy consumption rates for hot tubs. Jacuzzi Hot Tubs are the most efficient available with monthly
Summer 2014
electric usage rates below $11.00 per month for a hot tub holding 350 gallons. Larger models usage rates are below $20.00 per month. Full foamed maintenance free cabinets and energy efficient motors all contribute to a hot tubs energy usage. This is less than your typical water heater for your house. Maintenance of a hot tub is easier than most people think. There have been vast improvements in filtration and chemical care as well as other means of sanitation. Jacuuzzi Hot Tubs utilize an ultra violet system that improves and simplifies the maintenance process. This treats 99.9% of waterborne pathogens and up to 50% reduction in sanitizing chemical usage. And most of all no harmful odors or by products
produced. This makes hot tub care easy and hassle free. Affordability and financing have also become commonplace in the hot tub industry with consumer financing companies like GE Capital and Wells Fargo. All offer special deals and rate plans based on the consumers needs. This line of unsecured credit is readily available to customers. Monthly payments are as low as $65.00 per month with unlimited payoff time periods. Bank financing and credit card purchases are the most common forms of financing a Jacuzzi Hot Tub purchase. Warranty and service are Seasonal Solutions main priority after the sale. All technical service is provided by our factory trained technicians in a fast and courte-
ous method. The dependability has been improved with warranty coverage out to 14 years on the electronics and 5 year minimum labor and parts coverage on the entire hot tub. This makes your first five years of ownership a secure investment. Jacuzzi has become the world’s most recognized and largest selling brand of Hot Tubs. Always looking to improve the Jacuzzi experience, the addition of waterfalls, stereos, and easy care synthetics keep Jacuzzi on the cutting edge. This ongoing commitment to innovative product development ensures Jacuzzi’s and Seasonal Solutions leadership position in the industry, and sets standards the world over.
The County Woman Newspaper
The Earning Power Of Education By Nora riehl Zelluk aNd Tara WhiTe kee ProfessioNal aNd CoNTiNuiNg sTudies, uNiversiTy of delaWare The value of education in the workplace is well documented. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that earnings consistently increase with the level of education. On average, workers over 25 years old with bachelor’s degrees earn an astonishing 70% more than their counterparts with high school diplomas. Education beyond a bachelor’s degree increases earnings even further. Presidential initiatives underscore the importance of higher education for individuals to succeed and compete. As emphasized in White House statements on education, “Earning a post-secondary degree or credential is no longer just a pathway to opportunity for a talented few; rather, it is a prerequisite for the growing jobs of the new economy.” For many individuals, completing a college degree they may have started earlier in life is an option well worth pursuing, and researchers project dramatic growth in the number of individuals enrolling in college after the age of 25. In addition, people are turning to certificate programs to boost their earnings, add competencies to their professional toolboxes and improve their career prospects. Certificates are nondegree programs that offer practical, concentrated study in a particular professional area. They provide a way to earn a credential in a relatively short time—generally between four months and a year. A recent study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce called certificate programs a gateway to gainful employment and college degrees. “In the context of concerns about rising college costs and student loan debt, certificates,
which are cheaper and take less time to complete than college degrees, have become of increasing interest to researchers, institutions, and other stakeholders in higher education,” explained the researchers. “Certificates are a homegrown American invention and are expanding rapidly in response to a wide range of educational and labor market demands,” reported the Georgetown researchers. A major finding of the study is that the postsecondary certificate has become a cost-effective tool for increasing educational attainment and gainful employment . The University of Delaware’s Division of Professional and Continuing Studies offers a range of certificates in the health care, legal and business fields: Analytics--Optimizing Big Data, Business Analyst, Clinical Trials Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Paralegal, Advanced Paralegal, Project Management and Social Media Marketing Strategy. Certificates meet at the UD Downtown Center at 8th and King Streets in Wilmington starting in September, and are scheduled to suit people who are already working. An information session is scheduled for July 17 at the Doubletree Hotel in Wilmington. For more information, call 302-831-7600, visit or write to For those considering a return to college, whether for a degree or certificate program, the University of Delaware ACCESS Center provides free academic advisement. Advisors can help identify career and educational goals, develop educational plans, implement decisions and build learning skills. The ACCESS Center can be reached at 302-831-7600.
Learn how a UD certificate can build your career! INFORMATION SESSION
Thursday, July 17, 2014 • 6 p.m. Doubletree Hotel • 700 N. King Street, Wilmington Call 302-831-7600 (reservations requested) CERTIFICATES OFFERED IN FALL 2014... Analytics: Optimizing Big Data | Business Analyst Clinical Trials Management | Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Paralegal | Advanced Paralegal | Project Management Social Media Marketing Strategy
UD is for you! Upgrade your credentials • Change careers 302-831-7600 • 866-820-0238 (toll-free) •
Acquire practical new skills
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Number one in sales. Number one in reliability. Number one in fuel economy among full-size personal watercraft. Number one in resale value. Introducing the new VX Series WaveRunners from Yamaha, engineered with lightweight NanoXcel® technology shaving 65 pounds off the total weight for faster top end speeds, better acceleration, a more agile ride and greater range with fewer fill-ups. 10595 Worchester Hwy • Berlin, MD 21811 106 52nd Street • Ocean City MD 21842 (On water repair/Service)
410-723-9773 410-641-3040 “Uncommonly Devoted to Servicing Jet Driven Watercraft” BUILT FOR A LIFETIME. DESIGNED FOR THE MOMENT.™
©2014 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Follow instructional materials and obey all laws. Ride responsibly, wearing protective apparel. Always ride within your capabilities, allowing time and distance for maneuvers, and respect others around you. Don’t drink and ride. WaveRunner® is a Yamaha brand personal watercraft and not a generic term. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT YAMAHAWAVERUNNERS.COM OR CALL 1.800.88.YAMAHA
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer Styles at Pineapple Princess!
ich. empower.
resort wear
NOT FOR THE SUMMER ANYMORE service is huge, especially when you are dealing with such the sensitive issue as a women’s body being exposed to the general population, not fully clothed. This past Thanksgiving I had received a card in the mail. I would like to share it with you all because it sums up why I love what I do and why I love my all my royal customers and truly appreciate each and everyone of them. I know Miss Carol won’t mind me sharing...
EAR to all...
Dear Donna, This note is extremely belated, but since this is the season for giving thanks I really wanted to write you. Thank you so much for the time you took with Susan and me back in the beginning oft the summer. Buying a bathing suit was almost impossible for both of us, and for the first time, you made it both productive and fun. Then you added alterations and door-to-door delivery, we couldn’t have asked for more. In addition to the service, it was so nice to have such a selection of suits. We have recommended your shop to a number of people from this area who vacation at the Delaware beaches. Thanks again for your help, Happy Thanksgiving! -Carol
d weather us, heavy coats, s are the main wardrobe this swimwear is minds of many is because d to warmer th, physical y their doctor ter exercise ape over the erefore, here ess Swim and open seven ghout the year an opportunity esortwear months. we reduce the collections left ious summer nventory is ercent off. Our re now arriving xt few months. xciting time filling the s with all the d patterns. We g able to offer size one of the of swimwear at ver twenty-three e fitting women ry to give our y, comfortable d that perfect tensive bring in.
Our goal at Pineapple Princess is to make every customer feel the way Carol and her daughter did when they left our store that day. So, if you haven’t visited our store, pleas1it’ so and spread the word. With winter vacations upon us and summer just around the corner, come in a view all the beautiful swimwear and accessories pieces the industry has to offer. We carry over thirty different brands and
designers, from Tommy Bahama, Gottex, Betsy Johnson, Roxanne, Anne Cole, Tara Grinna , Kenneth Cole, Lucky Brand and many more. As you can see we carry a wide variety of lines to cater to a wide variety of age groups and personal styles. Please call us at 302-2278705 for more information and store hours.
The winter weather seems to have finally come to an end! Yay! Now it is time to get excited for summer meaning fun in the sun, beaches and pools. Come visit Pineapple Princess Swimwear in downtown Rehoboth to prepare you for the warm months ahead. Pineapple Princess is a full service swimwear boutique located under the Cultured Pearl restaurant on Rehoboth Avenue. We are a one stop shop for women, missy, and introducing little girl swim by Cabana Life for our “pineapple princesses”. We have an extensive inventory of swimwear, clothing, and coverups to fit all shapes and sizes from 4-24 and offer “cup” sizing and alterations right in store. Our staff values ourselves on customer service and we will make help for any gal to make their shopping trip enjoyable since swimwear we all know can be a daunting task... Arriving daily are collections from Tommy Bahama, Sea Folly, Lucky, Sunsets, Swim Systems, Miracle Suit, Kenneth Cole, Anne Cole, Alison Sheri and many more... So when you are ready to look and feel amazing in a swimsuit come visit us and let us find the perfect one. We are open 7 days a week 9am-8pm. Hope everyone had a fun and got summer!!:)
us decades n retail, I never h women and enge of making of them feel . I have always as set us apart on with the big stores. Personal
The County Woman Newspaper
February/March 2011
Summer 2014
Photography Weddings
We continue to make our wedding couples’ special day through our images to last a lifetime of love. Each wedding is captured, catering to their suggestions, desires and personalities. C.M.Baker Photography is still one of the few that print 8x10’s at the reception for all to view and for the couple to take home with them. Check us out and ask us about our “photobooth” style pictures. Full weddings, from start to finish, available to view.
Events One of our favorites have been Event Photography for at least 15 years. We print immediately! We can do many different sizes with photo folders. Many backdrops to select from. One of the popular methods is Greenscreen Photography. Select a backdrop, stand in front of the green backdrop and the photo puts you there in your selected backdrop. Gala Events, Father-Daughter Dances, Prom/Spring Dances, Charity Events, Conventions, Conferences, Military Events, Holiday Events, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Family Reunions, and the list goes on.
Portraits/ Headshots
We do Residential and Commercial Aerials on the Delmarva Peninsula. Progressive construction sights starting from the bare property and ending with the building finished and in use. Or even someone’s home, farm or estate to make a nice Christmas gift ! We will get your aerial done. With the selection digital images on a disc - to a framed 30x40 print. You choose !
Make an appointment with us to update your portrait or promo headshots for the web site. Setting up to do a company shoot is getting popular. Whether it is a radio station or a hospital, it is always needed for promo purposes.
C.M.Baker Photography • 674-8118 • Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Using Trusts In Estate Planning
Amber B. Woodland, Esquire Michele Procino-Wells, Esquire Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC By: Michele Procino-Wells, esquire
Trusts, like Wills, are tools used in estate planning. Trusts are typically used in addition to Wills and provide many features Wills do not. Trusts, unlike Wills, may be effective during a person’s lifetime. Such a Trust is generally called a “Living Trust.” If a Trust doesn’t become effective until after a person’s death, it is called a “Testamentary Trust.” A Living Trust may be compared to a relationship, created during the lifetime of a grantor (the person creating the Trust), in which one party (the trustee) holds property for the benefit of another (the beneficiary). A Trust is usually created by a written Trust agreement setting forth all the terms of the Trust and identifying the trustee and the Trust beneficiaries. A Trust is made up of four basic elements. First, the Trust is created by a “grantor.” The grantor generally owns some type of property that he wishes to transfer to a Trust. The grantor is also sometimes referred to as “trustor” or “settlor.” The second element is the “trustee.” The trustee may be anyone the grantor chooses, including herself in most situations. The trustee manages the
Trust property and distributes the property as the Trust agreement directs. The duties and powers of the trustee are defined by the Trust agreement and state law. When the grantor is the trustee of the Trust, the grantor generally retains all control over the Trust assets. The third element is the Trust “beneficiary.” The beneficiary is the party for whose benefit the Trust is created and who will receive the benefit of the Trust income and/or principal. The beneficiary or beneficiaries may be anyone the grantor chooses, including herself. The forth Trust element is the “property” to be transferred to the Trust. Any type of property may be placed in Trust. The grantor may not only transfer property to the Trust during her lifetime, but may also direct in her Will that property pass to the Trust following her death.
value of a person’s net probate assets. Assets transferred to Trust during a person’s lifetime avoid probate and, accordingly, the probate fees and the time and paperwork required by probate. Another advantage Trusts provide is to be used as a beneficiary for assets like life insurance without subjecting those assets to probate. Designating a Trust as beneficiary allows such funds to come into the Trust after the grantor’s death and be available for payment of debts and expenses; then, what remains can be distributed back out of the Trust to the Trust’s named beneficiaries. In order for a person to determine whether a Trust is right for her, she should meet with a knowledgeable estate planning professional who can analyze her assets and property, help her refine her planning goals, and explain how a Trust would achieve or complement those specific goals.
Because every individual’s assets and goals are different, a qualified planner can also identify and explain any potential pitfalls or disadvantages that a Trust may pose.
TEsTIMonIALs “Your firm is awesome. Felt very comfortable about everything. Almost like family. Thank you much.” “I have to commend you on the way you talk to your clients and discuss legal matters. I know from other meetings that clients can be overwhelmed by attorneys which can make the decisions they need to make even more stressful.”
Living Trusts can assure continuity of management and income flow for a grantor in the event the grantor becomes disabled or for the grantor’s family after the grantor’s death. Unlike a Will, neither a Trust nor any inventory of Trust assets is required to be filed in public records after the grantor’s death, thereby offering privacy unavailable with just a Will.
Probably the most important benefit of a Trust is the avoidance of probate costs. The Sussex County Register of Wills Office currently charges filing fees and a 1.25% closing fee on the
The County Woman Newspaper
♦ ♦
Summer 2014
Financial Jeffrey Puglia, CFP ÂŽ, AIFÂŽ Member of Financial Planners Association Black Diamond Financial Solutions
223A S. Rehoboth Blvd. Milford, Delaware 302-265-2236
The Major Retirement Planning Mistakes Why are they made again and again?
Presented by Jeffrey Puglia, CfPÂŽ, aifÂŽ
Jeffrey Puglia, CFPÂŽ , AIFÂŽ Member of Financial Planners Association Jeff has spent his entire career helping individuals with their financial planning needs since graduating from Susquehanna University in 1994 with a BS in Finance. He is a Certified Financial Plannerâ&#x201E;˘ practitioner as well as an Accredited Investment FiduciaryÂŽ, helping retirement plan fiduciaries mitigate risks by instructing them in practices that cover pertinent legislation and best practices. He is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Jeff works with non-profits, business owners, professionals, retirees and pre-retirees to develop comprehensive financial plans that include retirement and estate planning strategies, portfolio construction and risk management. Jeff currently resides in Milford, DE with his wife Andrea and two children, Laci and Roman. He is an avid baseball memorabilia collector. His philanthropic works include being the Founder and President of Salute Our Soldiers, Inc., a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide relief for wounded soldiers and their families. Recently he co-founded the Southern DE Base Ball Club, a non-profit formed to bring a 1900s era stadium to the Milford area to stimulate commerce and remember baseballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s originâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
Summer 2014
Much has been written about the classic financial mistakes that plague start-ups, family businesses, corporations and charities. Aside from these blunders, there are also some classic financial missteps that plague retirees. Calling them â&#x20AC;&#x153;mistakesâ&#x20AC;? may be a bit harsh, as not all of them represent errors in judgment. Yet whether they result from ignorance or fate, we need to be aware of them as we plan for and enter retirement. Leaving work too early. The full retirement age for many baby boomers is 66. As Social Security benefits rise about 8% for every year you delay receiving them, waiting a few years to apply for benefits can position you for greater retirement income.1 Some of us are forced to make this â&#x20AC;&#x153;mistakeâ&#x20AC;?. Roughly 40% of us retire earlier than we want to; about half of us apply for Social Security before full retirement age. Still, any way that you can postpone applying for benefits will leave you with more SSI.1 Underestimating medical expenses. Fidelity Investments says that the typical couple retiring at 65 today will need $240,000 to pay for their future health care costs (assuming one spouse lives to 82 and the other to 85). The Employee Benefit Research Institute says $231,000 might suffice for 75% of retirements, $287,000 for 90% of retirements. Prudent retirees explore ways to cover these costs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they do exist.2 Taking the potential for longevity too lightly. Are you 65? If you are a man, you have a 40% chance of living to age 85; if you are a woman, a 53% chance. Those numbers are from the Social Security Administration. Planning for a 20- or 30year retirement isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t absurd; it may be wise. The Society of Actuaries recently published a report in which about half of the 1,600 respondents (aged 45-
60) underestimated their projected life expectancy. We still have a lingering cultural assumption that our retirements might duplicate the relatively brief ones of our parents.3 Withdrawing too much each year. You may have heard of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;4% ruleâ&#x20AC;?, a popular guideline stating that you should withdraw only about 4% of your retirement savings annually. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;4% ruleâ&#x20AC;? isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a rule, but many cautious retirees do try to abide by it. So why do some retirees withdraw 7% or 8% a year? In the first phase of retirement, people tend to live it up; more free time naturally promotes new ventures and adventures, and an inclination to live a bit more lavishly. Ignoring tax efficiency & fees. It can be a good idea to have both taxable and tax-advantaged accounts in retirement. Assuming that your retirement will be long, you may want to assign that or that investment to it â&#x20AC;&#x153;preferred domainâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that is, the taxable or tax-advantaged account that may be most appropriate for that investment in pursuit of the entire portfolioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s optimal after-tax return. Many younger investors chase the return. Some retirees, however, find a shortfall when they try to live on portfolio income. In response, they move money into stocks offering significant dividends or high-yield bonds â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which may be bad moves in the long run. Taking retirement income off both the principal and interest of a portfolio may give you a way to reduce ordinary income and income taxes. Account fees must also be watched. The Department of Labor notes that a 401(k) plan with a 1.5% annual account fee would leave a plan participant with 28% less money than a 401(k) with a 0.5% annual fee.4 Avoiding market risk. The return on many fixedrate investments might seem pitiful in comparison to other options these days. Equity investment does invite risk, but the reward may be worth it. Retiring with big debts. It is pretty hard to
preserve (or accumulate) wealth when you are handing chunks of it to assorted creditors. Putting college costs before retirement costs. There is no â&#x20AC;&#x153;financial aidâ&#x20AC;? program for retirement. There are no â&#x20AC;&#x153;retirement loansâ&#x20AC;?. Your children have their whole financial lives ahead of them. Try to refrain from touching your home equity or your IRA to pay for their education expenses. Retiring with no plan or investment strategy. Some people do this â&#x20AC;&#x201C; too many. An unplanned retirement may bring terrible financial surprises; retiring without an investment strategy leaves some people prone to market timing and day trading.4 These are some of the classic retirement planning mistakes. Why not plan to avoid them? Take a little time to review and refine your retirement strategy in the company of the financial professional you know and trust. Jeffrey Puglia, CFPÂŽ, AIFÂŽ may be reached at (302) 265-2236 or or High yield/junk bonds (grade BB or below) are not investment grade securities, and are subject to higher interest rate, credit, and liquidity risks than those graded BBB and above. They generally should be part of a diversified portfolio for sophisticated investors. The payment of stick dividends is not guaranteed. Companies may reduce or eliminate the payment of dividends at any given time. Citations. [4/17/12] [5/10/12] americans-clueless-about-life-expectancy-bunglingretirement-planning/ [8/10/12] shop-smart-avoid-seven-common-errors-in-retirementplans-635633/ [5/13/12]
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Business Supporting Women
May 14 - September 24 Want to be a vendor? Callâ&#x20AC;Ś
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Let us help you design a custom gift for any occasion. We ship and offer local courier service.
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Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Behavioral Health for Your Whole Family Dr. Katherine Elder is happy to announce the opening of Delaware Psychological Services in Lewes!
DPS knows that family members have a profound impact on one another. When the family is out of sync, it feels awful. Our team of licensed mental health professionals, social workers, addictions specialists and psychiatric staff understand your feelings and view them as a reflection of how much your family matters to you. We hope you will come to value our team of professionals as a useful resource for your family’s unique challenges. A few of the many ways we can help include:
• Treatment, education and support for families impacted by addiction • Assessment and psychotherapy for children and adolescents • Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT) and Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT)
If you have any questions about how we can help you, please contact us:
(609) 517-1529 17021 Old Orchard Road, Suite 4 Lewes, DE 19958
• School based counseling and support • Medication supported therapies • Trauma-informed therapy
We accept referrals from physicians, schools and self-referral.Our services are reimbursable through many insurance health plans or you can self-pay.
If you can dream it, we can design it!
For Businesses:
Logo Design • Advertisements Letterhead • Business Cards Postcards • Mailers • Brochures Restaurant Menus • Coupons and many more.
For Individuals:
Invitations • Thank Yous Birth Announcements Save-the-Dates • Wedding Invitations All Occasion Cards • Calendars and many more.
August/September 2013
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Bucks County Women’s Journal
s County
ng the Women of Buck ational Newspaper Servi
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Ask the Professional ~ Sue Jones on Real Estate
What Makes YOU Happy? By Gayle Crist, Life Coach, Healthy Life Planning
By Sue Jones, Owner/Partner, KELLER WILLIAMS Real Estate page 13
page 7
The County Woman Newspaper
By: Nickey Hollenbach, Owner, Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC page 26
We are
Expecting a Baby ! Date, Time Location RSVP to my email or phone number
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In a Land Far Away
A Baby Shower Was Planned For A Very Special Day Guests Were Invited To Cele brate And Be Merry
House, ng of the Pearl S. Buck From the Grand Reopeni : 520 Dublin Rd, Perkasie t of Programs Teri Mandic, Vice Presiden Director Pam Carroll, Marketing Curator Donna Carcaci Rhodes, tt, Heart & Soul Portraits
Photography by Amy McDermo
& 23 in Profile ... See Pages 22 Bucks County Business www.Buckscountywomensjo
Wishing Well Please bring your favorite children’s book for baby’s new library. A book tag is enclosed.
Summer 2014
Community June 13 - 15, 2014 Free Festival @ Epworth Church Saturday June 14 11am - 5pm
Celebrating Healthy, Sustainable and Compassionate Living Saturday, June 14th Events Include:
From film screening to free festival, celebration dinner to celebrity brunch, art and music tp 5K run, and tons of amazing food, VegFest has something for everyone!
• FREE Festival at Epworth Church 11 am to 5 pm • After Festival Happy Hour at Cilantro • Art Exhibition, John Schlimm “COMPASSION” at Philip Morton Gallery 7pm -9pm
Friday, June 13th Events Include:
Thank you to our VegFest Event Sponsors!
Sunday, June 15th Events Include:
• Eating Rehoboth Restaurant Tour • Celebration Dinner at Hobos • Documentary Film Screening of “The Ghosts In Our Machine” at Atlantic Sands Hotel
• 5K Run with Team Rehoboth VegFest • Celebrity Speakers Brunch at Nage • Walk/Stroll for the Farm Animals • The Humane League Benefit Happy Hour at Hobos
See all the detaiils and find out how YOU can participate.
Jenn Harpel
Get ready for our 20th Nanticoke Riverfest in Seaford, DE. Friday, July 11th and Saturday, July 12th throughout Downtown Seaford
Featuring: Live Entertainment, Miss & Little Miss Riverfest Pageant, Float In on Saturday, Duck Dash, Canoe & Kayak Races, Car Show, Nanticoke Indian Dancers, and much more For more information: Log onto For more fun on the river, mark your calendars for the upcoming
“Recycled Cardboard Boat Regatta” at the
Blades Marina, in Blades, DE – Saturday, August 12th - Click on Reclaim Our River Sponsored by the Delaware Watershed Alliance, Nanticoke River Yacht Club, Delaware Nature Society, and the Naticoke Power Squadron
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
G&E Supermarket and Hocker’s Super Center G & E Hardware 302-539-1448 We are a full service grocery supermarket featuring Fresh Cut Meats, USDA Choice and Certified Angus Beef, Full Service Delicatessen featuring Boars Head Brand, Fresh Seafood, Fresh Baked Goods Daily, Full Line of Gourmet Foods and Cheeses, Natural and Organic Foods, and Fresh Produce. We purchase locally grown produce when in season. Also, we offer a Hardware Store and Gas Pumps at both locations.
G&E Supermarket 30244 Cedar Neck Road Ocean View, DE 19970 302-539-9662 302-539-5255 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day
Hocker’s Super Center 34960 Atlantic Avenue Clarksville, DE 19970 302-537-1788 302-537-1877 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day
Visit us at and subscribe to our weekly mailer Debit and all major credit cards accepted. ATM in stores
EARN FREE GAS WITH “GAS CASH REWARDS” G&ESupermarket Supermarket and Hocker’s Super Center have been family owned operated for 50 over 50 years. G&E and Hocker’s Super Center have been family owned and and operated for over years. GeraldGerald HockHocker, president of G&E and Hocker’s, purchased the business from his Uncle Jake in 1971. We are committed to providing er, president of G&E and Hocker’s, purchased the business from his Uncle Jake in 1971. We are committed to providour ing loyal customers with the highest level oflevel customer serviceservice and the quality of products. We have continued our loyal customers with the highest of customer andhighest the highest quality of products. We have con- to tinued to grow to meet the growing of our customers, we still amaintain a “Country-Store atmosphere.” grow to meet the growing demands ofdemands our customers, but we stillbut maintain “Country-Store atmosphere.” Our meats Ourare meats are unsurpassed!!! weekly specials---weekly Buys! unsurpassed!!! GreatGreat weekly specials---weekly BestBest Buys!
Be sure to stop in and try some of our f newly added smoked specialty meats.
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Our smoked meat facility makes store-made products that the National chain can not do, and never will do! Try the following products and see the difference. Once you try them you will be a customer forever!
FRESH. FRIENDLY. LOCAL. • store-made Hotdogs (100% Beef, 100% Pork, and 100% Pork with Jalapeno & cheese) • store-made Smoked Kielbasa • Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork • Hickory Smoked BBQ Ribs • Smoked Beef Brisket (when avail. or by special order) • Apple Smoked Pit Beef (when avail. or by special order) • Maple Cured Ham (sliced to order in the deli) • Brown Sugar Turkey Breast (sliced to order in the deli) • Maple Cured Bacon (sliced to order in the deli) All of our specialty meat items contain no fillers and are made with our unsurpassed meats!!!
Be sure to visit the Hocker’s Kwik Chef Restaurant, located behind G&E Supermarket for many of our specialty meat items on our menu....not to mention the largest ice cream cones you will ever see.
August/September 2012 The County Woman Newspaper
73 4437
April/May 2011 The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
Reopening Open for Open This the 2013 the 2014 Spring! Season Season Serving Dinner starting at 6pm Lunch and Sunday Brunch 11 to 3 Après Surf menu is served 3:00 to 5:30
(302) 227-3674 • 59 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Celebrating Our •Rudy 40th Anniversary Summer 53 Spring 2013 59 Rehoboth Avenue • 55 Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Food
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
Traditional Fine Dining • Steaks, Crabcakes & Seafood • Full Bar • Childrens’ Menu • Lite Fare Menu • Catering • In-House Private Parties Perfect dining room for: • Rehearsal
Dinners • Birthday Celebrations • Family Reunions * Anniversaries • Wedding Receptions
Voted Best Fine Dining in Bethany
Call for Hours and Reservations 302.537.7500 • 114 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE The County Woman Newspaper Summer 2014
55 62
Spring 2013 The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Food â&#x20AC;&#x153; Give us one try, and you will keep coming A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius â&#x20AC;&#x153; Give us one try, and you will keepRestaurant coming back â&#x20AC;? A conversation with Shawn Xiong orofâ&#x20AC;&#x153;palaceâ&#x20AC;?, Confucius Chinese Restaurant yet I want people
Confucius Chinese know it is Chinese. Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows who Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I prior to relocating to the educate. enrich. empower. beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine Cumin Beef o or â&#x20AC;&#x153;palaceâ&#x20AC;?, yet I want people with him, time with his favorably mentioned in variConfucius Chinese Restaurant was Q: What was your biggest Q: What aremore your most Q: What are your hours and ilmington Avenue inknow downtown :LOPLQJWRQ 0\ ZLIH DQG , FDPH WR Confucius Chinese Kung Pao it is Chinese. education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magaopened in the spring of 2004 in downchallenge coming Rehoboth? Specials? Rehoboth Beach has longto been Rehoboth because popular we want to dishes? have who Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows food loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;swere destination. Popular a restaurant areitis excited town, allows me to take zines.We hadplenty a chance to talk that town Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Xiong, aeateries X: There of challenges X: we This a hard question to answer. X: Confucius is open year round. 7 Shrimp. If yo have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown fish, yo fast afood COMsome time away from work courage with Shawn XIong andofthe the owner, had previously owned a Ave. I have faced. all folwas different popular dishes to days weekrestaurant in season and currently like their home for The a longbiggest time. food for peopleThere who areare looking for a Rehoboth Beach. Shawn with Located on is the the second block of the of good Wefeeling only put guilty about it. ). While has made without or what yo lowing our Chinese restaurant in Wilmington not knowing thesummary market when I dining ďŹ rst experience. different customers depending on their isBINED open for dinner this everyday except Salmon avenue is a small building housing on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q: What made you to Xiong, the owner, had previBlack Bean Chinese food popular in this and we wil conversation. love or we think our personal customers will prior to relocating to the beach area. &RQIXFLXV 5HVWDXUDQW WKH RQO\ Ă&#x20AC;QH opened. The other challenge was (and own taste. If you like spicy Wednesday beginning at 5:00pm. We relocate to Rehoboth? ously a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.â&#x20AC;? country, it has Chinese ommendat Q: What was your Since then, Confucius hasowned been named continues to be especially during the food, we offer dishes such as Hot Pep- open for lunch and made dinner every Sun- Sauce, Rehoboth â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lewes area. X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington Steamed Hal food a stereotype Why do youpeople callthat your biggest Shawnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is bestchallenge the best Chinese restaurant in the Del- Q: summer) to convince Chi- philosophy per Chicken, Cumin Beef or comKung Pao day starting at 11:00am( â&#x20AC;&#x201C;think 2:30pm, din- lieve every Chinese food has been one of H[HPSOLĂ&#x20AC;HG LQ KLV PHQX VHOHFWLRQV restaurant inthan Wilmington, Iyou like ďŹ sh, Salmon with ner prior to relocating restaurant to the ibut or Crisp â&#x20AC;&#x153;$5.99 eat all you can eatâ&#x20AC;?, special att ing toseafood Rehoboth? aware Today magazine and favorably the nese restaurant ISâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Confuciusâ&#x20AC;?? INDEED more Shrimp. at 5:00pm. most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good If was working 360 days a year, beach area. Sincein then, ConWhole Black â&#x20AC;&#x153;free deliveriesâ&#x20AC;? for example). I restaurant X: When I started Confucius, X: There were plenty of chalAmerica, as evidenced in the PHDO FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG VXFK SRSXODU LWHPV mentioned in various newspaper and numerous just Fried Rice andbuffet Eggrolls. There are Black Bean Sauce, Steamed Halibut take-out and12 as Salt & Pepper Shrimp, Halibut hours athat day. After I had fucius has been named the Bass are something Imore wanted to offer aevery menu faced. TheBass are have to explain to people whatSea in pretty much with Ginger Scallions, Panmagazines. We had a chance to talk restaurants than 40000 Chinese eateries in &lenges or CrispyIorhave Whole Black Sea my son, I decided that I best Chinese restaurant in the all excellent center or stripChinese seared Salmon with blackof bean once people give us like, they a most â&#x20AC;&#x153;genericâ&#x20AC;? biggest all was Ifnot with Shawn XIong and the following shopping this country (moremall. thanButMcDonaldsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, all excellent choices. youknowing are a ďŹ rst we do, Forbut more information, unfortunatelyand for real Chinese sauce. Anyone who loves hot & wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. it back Iffor restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first food lovers, placesfast food spicy resfood willtime be very happy to we encourage you to is the summary of our Pizza Hutmost andof these all other customer, you can with more time with his favorably mentioned in variyou are a Ifirs offer more oryou less the same kindhim, Ă&#x20AC;QG HQWUHHV VXFK DV +RW 3HSSHU COST. wa you go, probably will find opened. The other challenge conversation. taurant COMBINED). While Chicken, this hasCumin tellBeef ourorserver of menus. In order to enjoy a good Five- or what you do or do not call are Confucius atmost time education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magacusQ: What your have a plea a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esChinese you will have to take spiced Duck. Growing up in made meal, Chinese food popular in this like, and we will offer the right rectown, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk tomer, en a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? ence we at my shopping center that during the summer 302-227-3848 Q: Why do you call your country, foodhasa a particular ommendation your has made ChineseXiong affection for you. I believe every fast food restaurant COMsome time away from work with Shawn XIongpretty and the fol- the courage you to tell our server X:effort This is a hard question much same items )to convince people that Therefore, he Chihas made every for and spicy food. Asdeserves a restaurant â&#x20AC;&#x153;Confuciusâ&#x20AC;?? stereotype (think â&#x20AC;&#x153;$5.99 eat allhotyou customer special attention at kitchen visit usor online atyouto to ensure that Confucius Established seven years ago, Confucius Restaurant isdo or Q: result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has or made without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of our what do not like answer. There are different such as lo meins & chow nese restaurant IS INDEED What staff be assomething accommodating as designed to provide for X: When I started Confucius, I wanted Confucius can eat,â&#x20AC;?wasâ&#x20AC;&#x153;free deliveriesâ&#x20AC;? examorder located at 57 Wilmington happy to learnmy thatrestaurant. Confucius isIf they Confuciusrehobothbeach. com. Chinese food popular in this conversation. and we will offer the right re possible. You want to request gluten popular dishes to different an alternative to a take-out oris more meins. Our menu fomore than just Fried Rice and and Spec regularly stocked all kinds Avenue on the second block to offer a menu that most â&#x20AC;&#x153;genericâ&#x20AC;? buffet ple).style I have toAccording explain toto people what theywith donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite like,IUHH PHDO" 1RW D SUREOHP <RX DUH they are welcome menu. of hot ingredients ranging from country, it has made Chinese ommendation for you. I beQ: What was your from the beach. It is now depending on their X: Confuci cused on items you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t usuEggrolls. There moreAT than D YHJDQ RU YHJHWDULDQ" :H DUH JRLQJ Xiong, Confucius, Chinese restaurants offer. Wherever Shawn we do, butowner onceofpeople give us a try, Jalapeno, to sendto itSzechaun back for are exchange NO customers Habernera, open forlieve Summer day food (own think every customer deserve Q: Why do youhis call your biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. ally in those places. So 40000 Chinese eateries in this 7d dry redI peppers. at 5pm for dinner. For other you go, you probably will ďŹ nd a Chi- and they keepservice. coming back. COST. I want customer to have a pleas\RX RUGHUHG" :H FDQ UHSODFH LW 1R quality â&#x20AC;&#x153; I used to all you can eatâ&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;$5.99 eat special attention at my restaurant â&#x20AC;&#x153;Confuciusâ&#x20AC;?? ing to Rehoboth? spicy food, we offer dishes reservations/information, call decided that I will not name country ( more than McDonson and cu reasonable request is ever denied at Shawn Xiong fully aware that nese eatery in every shopping center own a restaurant in a typical antisdining experience at my place. 302-227-3848. â&#x20AC;&#x153;free deliveriesâ&#x20AC;? forsuch example). I Pepper restaurant. If theydinner order eve X: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taste is different. as Hot Chicken, my place â&#x20AC;&#x153; wokâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;great wallâ&#x20AC;? aldsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Pizza Hut and all other that offers pretty much the same items have to explain to people what something they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginn such as lo meins & chow meins. Our to most â&#x20AC;&#x153;genericâ&#x20AC;? Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome open forsen lu menu is more focused on items you a try, they keep coming back. it back for exchange AT Sund NO restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first every donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t usually ďŹ nd in those places. So I Voted by the National Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspaper COST. I want customer to E you go, you probably will find opened. The other challenge 11:00am. decided that I will not name my place Q: What are your most have a pleasant dining exper a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esFISH entre â&#x20AC;&#x153; wokâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;great wallâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;palaceâ&#x20AC;?, yet popular dishes? ence at my place. while supp shopping center that offers pecially during the summer I want people know it is Chinese. And X: This is a hard question to pretty much the same items )to convince people that Chiruary arou everybody knowssuch who Confucius is. & chow answer. There are different as lo meins nese restaurant IS INDEED Q: What are your hours we will hol meins. Our menu is more fomore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different and Specials? NESE NEW Q: What made you decide cused ontoitems you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed relocate to Rehoboth? ally find in those places. So I 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week haveinaseacha X: When I had mydecided previousthat restaurant spicy food, we offer dishes I will not name country ( more than McDonson and currently 30 is open for differen in Wilmington, Imy was working 360or â&#x20AC;&#x153;great wallâ&#x20AC;? aldsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Pizza Hut and all other such as Hot Pepper Chicken, place â&#x20AC;&#x153; wokâ&#x20AC;? dinner everyday except Tues which are days a year, 12 hours a day. After I day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreW i had my son, I decided that I wanted to open for lunch andcall dinner Confuc spend more time with him, more time every Sunday starting 3848ator vis with his education. Coming to a resort Voted by the National Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL fuciusreho town, it allows me to take some time FISH entrees are on special Confucius away from work without feeling guilty while supplies last. Next Feb Wilmington about it. ruary around Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Beach. Da we will hold our annual CHIYEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County NESE Woman NEW Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance The County Woman Newspaper 63 Summer 2014to enjoy abou 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you ca call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Co
â&#x20AC;&#x153; Give us one try, and you will keep coming back â&#x20AC;? A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese fabulousfoods Restaurant
Confucius 8 Season At The Beach W
A 5-Star Restaurant
A 5-Star Restaurant
Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
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Dr. Manonmani Antony Sussex Pain Relief
“This is our second year advertising with them after a one year gap, and we can immediately see the difference. What we appreciate most is not the fact that we personally see our articles in waiting rooms and hospitals all over the county, but the feedback we get from the patients themselves. Patients who read our articles are better informed on services available to them and understand more about the science behind the medicine itself. Education is an important tool in our profession and the Women’s Journal lets us reach a wide audience which we would be incapable of otherwise.”
“Black Diamond Financial Solutions is extremely happy with our investment in the Sussex County Women’s Journal. The awareness that SCWJ has created for our firm has been far more than we expected and we look forward to continued success with our return on investment.”
Regan Roberts Deck
Custom Mechanical, Inc. “We’ve had the pleasure of working with the Sussex County Woman and Delmarva Parent since 1994 and love the response we get from their papers. Month after month, we consistently received feedback from existing clients and new customers who read our articles and appreciate the tips we pass along courtesy of the magazine.”
Terri Pippen
The Medicine Woman “I have advertised with the Sussex County Woman for several years. I am always being told by my clients that they see my advertisement and it reminds them to call my business And make an appointment for a service or to enroll in one of my classes. This has been a wise business decision I made that has helped my business become the success it is”
Fred Winward
President Resort Landscaping “We have built our business on the readership of the Women’s Journal. I cannot believe the amount of business we receive from our articles.”
Luanne Holland and Barbie McDaniel Delaware Hospice
“The County Women’s Journals have been a great tool for Delaware Hospice to reach and educate the community on Delaware Hospice’s programs and services. Directed to female readers who are caregivers and decision makers, the Journal provides health information for all types of symptoms and illnesses. It has increased community awareness on how to live a better life and provides options of care for our community members.”
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Don’t you think it’s time you test theWomen’s Journal TM?
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The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Business Women Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted Pamela J. Rizzo
Lynn K. Wolf
Thirteen years ago I had never even heard of the Women’s Journal, and today I can honestly say the Women’s Journal most definitely changed my life. I had always made good money with my different business ventures, but the Women’s Journal has given me the freedom to control my own financial life, and also have the freedom to enjoy my family. I took a concept and gave it my own touch, and with hard work and consistently following the concept that I was trained in I have built an extremely successful paper.
Robin Coppinger I have been the owner of the Bucks County Women’s Journal for 7 years. It has been a pleasure to be part of the National Women’s Journal family. I have enjoyed publishing the paper, and have had a rewarding and successful career. I also appreciate the continued help and support I have received from both Bob Kapke and other owners over the years. I look forward to working with Bob for many years to come.
With the experience of publishing nine different County Woman publications, I can confidently inform you that this is one of the most exciting, rewarding, and successful business ventures for women entrepreneurs in any part of the nation. I originally born and raised in Minnesota and I have lived on the West Coast and the East Coast and many states in between. Some of my past careers include being a National Insurance Account Executive, Retail Operations Manager, Certified New Jersey Teacher and Teacher of the Year, but of these, I have being a County Woman Publisher to be the most gratifying on many levels. I guarantee that you will meet many incredible business owners and community leaders. Your publication will be the critical component in helping to launch a new business and/or successfully grown an existing business. The personal rewards are endless.
Linda Hunsicker Publishing three Women’s Journals is very rewarding and fits with my high energy lifestyle. It allows me to be my own boss, be creative and work with the public. Recently, I opened the Finger Lakes Woman and it has been very well received. Now, I can go to my vacation home in upstate NY, make money and be respected and recognized as a local business woman with a great educational publication.
Celeste Kline Purchasing the Women’s Journal has been the best decision I have ever made. Not only giving me financial freedom, but allowing me to make my own schedule and my own business decisions. I only wish I had done it sooner.
Christie Cook The Women’s Journal has been an incredibly rewarding business venture for me. As the publisher for the Chesterfield Women’s Journal, I contribute to the growth of my Contributor’s businesses, and help women, in my Journal community, make wiser choices. I have found a new love in the Women’s Journal, building something that will both impact businesses and educate women, while creating a legacy for my daughter. The support and mentoring, that I have been blessed to have, from some of the most successful publishers in the Journal syndicate, has helped me grow and develop my business. The support and guidance has been consistent from the moment I made the decision to become a publisher. I love what I do, and I will continue to build and grow my business as a publisher of the Women’s Journal.
Dorri C. Scott Becoming a Publisher has been a dream come true for me. Always a writer, I am an educator and continue teaching as a college Professor. Every two months, I “Give birth and deliver a new child” – my magazines in 2 counties. YES! I love what I do and am growing. The opportunity has been lucrative though the learning curve has been keen, the support from Bob Kapke has been priceless. Passionate about what I do, over the past 18 months I have met, connected and helped so many people. The powerful resource is one that I highly recommend if you want to work hard, stay focused and make money too. Have the heart and work ethic to do something for both you and others? I highly recommend that you take the step and join a phenomenal group of publisher/owners who are happy going to work every day. Do it and don’t look back!
Tara Pannell Being a part of the Women’s newspaper business has changed my life. I’ve always wanted to own a magazine and The Women’s Journal helped my dream come to life.
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Summer 2014
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Introduction Peninsula Skin Cancer Center (PSCC) was founded in 2008 in response to the long waits patients were experiencing in having suspicious skin lesions evaluated by a qualified specialist. Since then, serving the Eastern Shores of Maryland and Virginia and Southern Delaware, surgeons of PSCC have removed over 1,000 skin cancers. PSCC provides:
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