Sussex County Woman - Fall 2015

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FALL 2015

The Sussex County


A Quarterly Educational Resource for the Women of Sussex County

Annette Nero Stellhorn

Dr. Philip Cho

Dr.Vincent B. Killeen

It’s Time to Book Your River Cruise!

Explains New Techniques In MRI

The Importance Breast Cancer Awareness

Page 10

Page 47


Page 3

Photo by Mike Baker at Good Earth Market, Clarksville, DE Survivors! Recycle - Share with a Friend!

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Publisher’s Note THE SUSSEX THE SUSSEX COUNTY WICOMICO-WORCESTER WOMAN’S NEWSPAPER COUNTY WOMAN’S NEWSPAPERS P. O. Box 1267 Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 email: Call Us At: 1-800-993-3822 or 302-539-2612 302-539-2722 FAX

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Publisher’s Note


With every industry feeling the strain, my colleagues in pubic relations,

marketing, advertising, andsubject design all toand feeling pinch from of this Our fall issue profiles the ofadmit cancer thethe survivorship clients who think these services are the easiest to cut. terrible disease. On pages 30, 31 and 32, see the interesting stories of the women who did just that. Afterevery all, they have tofeeling pay their they don’t pay for With industry theelectric strain,bill, mybut colleagues in have pubictorelations, marketing. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is all too common, and marketing, advertising, and design all admit to feeling the pinch from according to the experts, just the opposite is true. clients who think these services are the easiest to cut. After all, they payselective their electric bill,when but deciding they don’t have tohow pay Customers arehave beingto more than ever where and forto marketing. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is all too common, and spend their money. So it’s imperative that business owners are putting according to the experts, just theare opposite isbiggest, true. greenest, most the message out about why they the best, Customers are being more selective than ever when deciding where and affordable, most experienced, or whatever the niche in their industry. how to spend their money. So it’s imperative that business owners are So take tip from the and think cut biggest, off the marketing putting thea message outexperts, about why they before are theyou best, greenest, lifeline. Hopefully, we’ll all soon see a change and will not need make these most affordable, most experienced, or whatever the niche to in their industry. tough decisions at all. So take a tip from the experts, and think before you cut off the marketing lifeline. Hopefully, we’ll all soon see a change and will not need to Remember, when the going gets tough the tough get going. Be selective make tough decisions all. withthese your marketing dollars,at EDUCATE THE PUBLIC. Remember; when the going gets the tough, the tough get going. Be selective with your advertising dollars. Be sure to educate the public. Read what our contributors say about the Women’s newspaper ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL FALL. Elizabeth Kapke, Publisher

Eventually I lost interest in trying to control my life, to make things happen in TIME SALES HELP a way thatPART I thought I wanted them to be. EASTERN SUSSEX COUNTY I began to practice surrendering to the Fenwick, Bethany, Dewey, Rehoboth universe and We findtrain out what “it” wanted me • Work from Home to do. Must Be Bright • Million Dollar Personality • Great Work Ethic Shakti Gawain Make Your Own Hours

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The2015 County Woman Newspaper Fall

Survivors! The Professionals of MedTix See profiles of these amazing women on pages 30 - 32. To learn more, see pages 16 & 17 Photo by Mike Good Earth Market The front cover Baker, photo bytaken Mikeat: Baker at Kings Creek County Club, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


The County Woman Newspaper Winter 2013/2014

Health & Medicine

Breast Cancer Awareness cancer over their lifetime. Talk to your doctor about these tests. Another gene that is being tested is the HER2 gene, a relative of human growth hormone. It is felt that “amplification or over- expression” of this gene occurs in approximately 30% of breast cancers, and is strongly associated with recurrence and or a worse prognosis.. Menstrual history is an important consideration when looking at the individual patients risk From left to right Dr. Leo H. Eschbach, DO, Dr. Angela Caswell-Monack, DO, Dr. Stephen Berlin, MD, for breast cancer. Most studies show a 1.5 to 2 fold increased risk associated Dr. Vincent B. Killeen, MD with early menarche as opposed to late menarche (start of periods). By Dr. Vincent B. Killeen M.D. F.A.C.O.G. By the same token, later onset of menopause Nearly 10% of American women will develop (after the age of 55) has been associated with breast cancer in their lifetime. This is staggering, an increased risk of breast cancer. Conversely, and should present pause for each woman, no early menopause, whether naturally (premature matter her age, race, body type or history to have ovarian failure) or surgically by removing the a heightened index of suspicion for any and all ovaries, decreases the risk by about 40% to 50%. Childbearing and lactation have both breast tissue changes. consistently been observed to play a role in We as healthcare providers at Bayside Health impart to our patients risk factors each and every the risk ratio of breast cancer. Nulliparity (no woman should be aware of in their lifetime. children) and late age at time of first birth both Patients and provider knowledge of risk factors are related to an increased risk of breast cancer. may aid in the search for causes and treatment Similarly, multiple full term pregnancies are clues. Using these markers of “substantial related to a lower risk ratio. The mechanism for excess risk” we are able to direct attention to this is unclear, but thought to be related to the fact that during pregnancy, breast cells grow women at high risk for breast cancer. Identification of alterable risk factors such and reach full maturation quickly which renders as elective of long term hormone use, smoking, them less sensitive to carcinogens. A longer excess alcohol consumption, physical activity period between first period and first pregnancy and dietary composition that leads to many increase the time the breast mature, possibly diseases including obesity promises the potential providing an extended period of sensitivity to carcinogens. Breast feeing also shows a decrease for prevention. Coupled with the alterable risk factors, are in the risk of breast cancer. Hormonal exposure while controversial the non-alterable risk factors. These are the risk factors we have no control over such as age, must be considered a relative risk factor in the family history, menarche (start of menses), age occurrence of breast cancer. This is based in the of menopause (hormonal based change of life), mere fact that first, breast cancer is primarily personal history of breast cancer, no full term a disease of women, and secondly, its’ age pregnancies, late age at first full term birth (>32), pattern reflects hormonal events (menarche, pregnancy, menopause). Hormonal exposure never breastfed. Within the United States, the incidence of is noted to be produced one of two ways, breast cancer is higher for whites than for blacks. endogenous (produced by the body in the body) It is also higher for Jews in the United States. and exogenous (produced outside the In general the incidence and the mortality (death body but used by the body. The two prime from disease) from breast cancer are higher in the examples of these exposures are obesity Western world than in the developing countries. and hormone therapy. Obesity increases the circulating The lowest rates are seen in Asia and Africa. estrogen of a woman, in that estrogen is As with all diseases, age plays significant role. Most breast cancers occur in women over the stored and to some degree produced in fat tissue. The more the fat tissue composition, age of 50. A consistent observation is that women who the greater the circulating estrogen. Other have a first degree relative (mother or sister) with examples would be tumors that produce breast cancer, experience a twofold to threefold estrogens. Hormone therapy whether in the form increase in their breast cancer risk. This also of the birth control pill or menopausal holds true for the women with first degree relatives with other gynecological cancers as hormone replacement therapy are it relates to personal breast cancer risks. Those examples of exogenous. We have all read with mothers or sisters who have had uterine, the statement and subsequent retraction ovarian or colon cancer have a 25% increased of the Women’s Health Initiative Study put out by the N.I.H. 4-5 years ago. risk for breast cancer. Recently there has been quite a bit of attention Most studies suggest that any increase in paid to a genetic component, and gene testing risk is slight and it declines rapidly after in the high risk groups. This gene testing looks cessation of use. at the protective effect the BRCA1 and BRCA Now that we have identified many 2 genes provide. Should a woman inherit a of the risk factors, what are the types of defective BRCA1 or BRCA 2 gene, the may breast cancer? While there are many, the have up to an 80% chance of getting breast two major types of breast cancer are ductal

The County Woman Newspaper


and lobular. Ductal cancer begins in the ducts of the breast. It is through these ducts that milk is carried to the nipples in breast feeding mothers. Mammograms resulted in the dramatically increased early detection of Ductal Cancer. This early detection of ductal cancer usually before a palpable mass is discovered is called DCIS for Ductal Cancer In Situ. This cancer is confined to the ducts and has not yet invaded the surrounding breast tissue. DCIS can invade into surrounding tissue if left untreated. Treatment is usually surgery. Lobular cancer begins in the lobules of the breast. It is in these lobules that milk is produced before transported to the ducts. This cancer is less common than ductal or DCIS. As with ductal cancer, there is a lobular cancer in situ, LCIS, the non-invasive arm of lobular cancer. It should be made clear that this in situ cancer is far more aggressive and has a much higher chance for invasion in the same or in both breasts than ductal cancers. So how do we at Bayside Health instruct our patients to increase their breast health awareness? First and foremost, self-breast exam. This should be done at the same time every month. If our patient is still having her menses, we tell them to only check their breasts after their menses, not before or during. It is during this check they should compare their exam to the previous exam noting any changes in discomfort, texture, skin color, discharge, temperature, and difference in size or shape. For those women on the birth control pill, the first row is the best time to do the exam, with day 7-9 being the optimal days. This is when you are hormonally at the lowest point and the breasts are the easiest to examine. For those women without menses, pick a date, your birthday for instance, If you birthday is March 17, then try to do your exam the 17th of each month, It is this way that the comparison from month to month will have merit. Most importantly, do a breast exam 6-8 times a year. Every day, every shower etc. is of no worth since your breasts are glands and change day to day. This is why we have you do the exam on a schedule. Don’t sweat it if you miss a couple of months; just try to get in 6 a year.

Yearly breast exams by your gynecologist or primary care physician is an absolute, if they do not examine your breast, demand it or ask for a referral to a specialist. Mammograms done at age 40 – 65 yearly are noted to reduce breast cancer mortality by 25%. Women 65 and older whose life expectancy is not compromised by comorbid disease should continue to be screened and the benefits of regular mammography may increase with age. Your physician may want to use other modes to accent the mammogram, they may come in the form of CT, MRI, PET scans, ultrasound guided biopsies, stereotactic biopsies, open biopsies or sentinel node biopsies. Should your provider discover a cancer, many different treatment options are available and this field is growing rapidly. In general, the treatments include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery or combination of these. Surgery is usually in the form of lumpectomy or modified mastectomy or mastectomy. Hormone therapy offers three arms of therapy. The first is chemotherapy to block the effects of estrogen. The mainstay of this arm is tamoxifen, which is for women with estrogen sensitive breast cancers. The second are the aromatase inhibitors. These therapies block estrogen from being made. Third are the biologic therapies for the HER2 positive patients. The chemotherapy used here is Herceptin. The numbers of factors that are associated with the risk of breast cancer are indeed large. While none of these risk factor alone or together will absolutely tell who will have breast cancer r and who will not. They serve as a reminder that this is a disease process that you DO have some control over through diet, life style choices, yearly checkups, low index of suspicion. Never take a chance with your breasts. We at Bayside Health always stress to our patients that any breast change no matter how inconsequential should be seen by a qualified healthcare provider within a short period of time. Remember that the potential for prevention of breast cancer remains great, but it takes the willingness of the patient to not ignore changes to her breast, no matter how small.

BaysideHealth HealthAssociation Associationisiscommitted committedtotobringing bringingquality quality Bayside Women’s Women’sHealth HealthCare Caretotothe theEastern EasternShore. Shore. We Wehave havetwo twoconveniently convenientlylocated locatedfacilities facilitiesininLewes Lewesand and Georgetown. Georgetown.Our OurBoard BoardCertified Certifiedstaff staffofofPhysicians Physiciansand and our ourCertified CertifiedNurse NurseMidwives Midwivesare areready readytotolisten listentotoall allyour your health concerns. WeWe offer Dexa (bone density) and health concerns. offer Gynecological andscreening Obstetrical Gynecological and Obstetrical ultrasounds by appointment. ultrasounds by appointment. Our ultrasound department has Our ultrasound department has just recently received it just recently received it reaccreditation, meeting the AIUM reaccreditation, meeting the AIUM Standards. Standards. Our Lewes location offersday same day Our Lewes location offers same mammogramsand andlab labservices. services. mammograms For more information about our practice please visit or call Melissa Warren at 302-645-4700 ext. 313

Fall 2015

Health & & Medicine Medicine Health educate. enrich. empower.


Routine Eye Exams Detect‌. Routine Eye Exams Detect‌. Delaware Eye Surgery Center Celebrates DELAWARE EYE SURGERY CENTER OFFERS DELAWARE EYE SURGERY CENTER OFFERS Macular Degeneration HIGH TECH CARE WITH PATIENTS COMFORT 15,000 Surgical Procedures HIGH TECH CARE WITH PATIENT COMFORT

others are easily picked clearly, hit and field ages 65 and 74. Early manageable disease if start with One better out of and ing and treatment of of many ocular and caught sive process that has no symptoms until up duringLet’s a routine eyethe children. a baseball detection macular early. examination. improve lacrosse degeneration allows your only 10% of the nerve is functional and every four children has a visualtheir impairsystemic diseases including: game.that If no doctor to council you on ment. When you consider 80%signs of thekDiabetes: patient has permanent vision loss. Let’s start with the or symptoms exist, I preventative measures Diabetic retinopathy is of delivered recommend through a child’s Treated predominately with eye drops; children. learning One out a routine eye and create awareness is responsible for 8% it is imperative that they startage off of The glaucoma is a very manageable disease blindness in the of every foureyes, children has exam at the four,leading of cause visionofchanges that legal blindness and with a foundation of clear vision so if caught early. aoffered visual impairment. another before school need to be the leading cause of Eye asked to washis a result patient‘s faceaddressed and eye will beof patients will bethey at the Delaware U.S. of the deterioration physician’s pre-op instructions. outcomes. their face and hands. is not prepped for surgery¡ new cases of blindness Patients are generally infeeland any draped discomfort. closed-circuit television system Modern cataractCenter surgery has Surgery isconcentrate more efficient the When you consider then immediately. Research can material they are Ittwo The anesthetist administers I.V. sedation and Patient comforton is an starts, important goal atevery the certain cells in the macula, which is the necessary to disrobe for most from eating and the eye. connected This During surgery, most patients Following surgery, patients in adults ages 20-74. structed to refrain undergone a gentle revolution in the to the surgeon’s that 80%on of learning years thereafter. has shown that a diet the eye is anesthetized to guarantee patient surgery center. Certified anesthetists are on learning, not wasting energy struggling portion of the retina located in the back procedures, but shoes will efficiency tofor more patient remain aware oftotheir surround- Diabetes are moved our recovery ˜› Â?›’—”’—Â? ŠĞŽ›be –’Â?—’Â?‘Â? operating past decade. Today, leads cataract comfort. When thein time for surgery arrives, staff each case. microscope. Our nurses are experts in is delivered through rich green leafy Each year 12,000 to to see clearly. Some children’s eye comfort, less inflammation, more removed. Dentures, prosthetics, ings. They can hear voices and ofpatients the Howeye necessary for sharp vision. Diabetic people retinopathy responsible for area where, once again, their arrival, patients will before procedure. surgery is invasiveeyes, than itpatients keeping comfortable and safe during arevegetables, wheeled to the operating room. a less child’s is Upon Of course, asa we no smoking 24,000 lose is sight rapid recovery and better visual and hearing aids (except for the music, but don’t feel any dis diseases, suchstart as amblyopia and infantheir Patient family members are invited to vital signs willtransfer be monitored. ever, heart and blood pressure check-in with ourage, receptionist. many dental procedures. Thevisit. There is no need (or patients to to an- because This disease affects 11% of Caucasians 8% of legal blindness and the leadimperative that they the chance for and taking vitamin of uncontrolled outcomes. remain with the patient during surgical side ear) may in. comfort. their stay in as pre- remain other Once in the Â’•• operating room ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‹Ž ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? “ž’ŒŽ At that time, receptionmedications shouldstretcher. usually be65 newest-generation tile glaucoma, needtheto bedisease picked up offPatient withequipment a foundation eye increases. supplements tailored for blood sugar. Annual eye between ages and 74. Early detecing cause of new cases of blindness in Vital signs will be monitored and comfort is an Following surgery, patients are op and recovery. Familyand members with the vital signs again˜›be monitored and the pa ÂŠÂ?Ž›ǯ taken. Allispatients mustwill make ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? ŠÂ?of Â?‘Žclear Ž•Š ÂŠÂ›ÂŽ ¢ÂŽ ist will review help themay, —ŒŽ inhibit Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•Žǰ the operative dilated. Once important goal at the surgery moved to our recovery area vision sopermission, they Routine eyeeye care the disease can exams are used to Each detect early as possible toobserve prevent permanent tion of macular degeneration allows adults ages 20-74. year 12,000 patient’s the procedure tient‘s face and eye will be prepped and draped sure they understand theirwhere,aonce patient complete theirpatient admis- is comfortably Surgerycenter. Center isCertified more ef- anesthetists familyagain, member mayvitals join By: Jay Taylor, O.D. the are their can concentrate instrumental progression. leaking blood vessels, throughloss. aon c1osed-circuit television system in the forsettled, surgery¡ vision Amblyopia, in particular, By: Jay Taylor, M.D.ꌒŽ—Â? Š—Â? your doctor to council you on preventato 24,000 people lose sight because of sion paperwork. Patients are physician’s pre-op instructions. Â?Ž—Â?•Ž ˜— Â?‘Ž ÂŽ¢ÂŽÇŻ them. Post-op instructions are they may have a family member on for each case. Our nurses signs most will be monitored. Patients thestaff material they are detection, monitoring connected to the surgeon’s operating microDuring surgery, patients remain aware retinal swelling (macular is much more diffi cult to treat after the The anesthetist administhen invited to our pre-op ‘’œ ŽĜŒ’Ž—Œ¢ •ŽŠÂ?Âœ Â?˜in –˜›Ž reviewed and copy given to join them. are experts keeping patients will be offered juice or water. tive measures and create awareness of uncontrolled blood sugar. Annual eye scope. of their surroundings. They can hearThe voices and edema) and lipid learning, not wasting and treatment of many kGlaucoma: If mportance I could emphasize one™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? singular idea of routine, ters I.V. sedation thedon’t eye area for the administration of Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Ç° •Žœœ ’—ĚŠ––Šthe patient for at home. Patients are generally in- andbut comfortable and safe during their Once comfortable ause family age of 6-9. Often a will detailed refraction music, feel any discomfort. Upon arrival, patients check-in with our vision changes that need to be addressed exams are used to detect leaking blood energy struggling to see ocular and systemic second leading cause comprehensive to my patients it would be imporstructed to refrain from eating or visit. Patient family aretime, member may join are them. Post-op is anesthetized toFollowing guarantee tion,the more rapid recovery and members anyAt necessary medications. Patients must be released into deposits in the retina – surgery, patients moved to receptionist. that the receptionist willa for glasses can be found to improve clearly. Some children’s diseases including: of blindness in the U.S. all of which signs of immediately. Research has shown that a vessels, retinalare swelling (macular ededrinking midnight before a the area invited to remain the patient eye exams. Too comprehensive often‹ŽĴŽ› Â&#x;’œžŠ• instructions are and patient comfort. When time where, entering pre-op pa- after ˜žÂ?ÂŒÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂœÇŻ the care of areviewed responsible adult. our recovery once again, their vitals reviewwith andWhile help the patient complete their tance of routine, eye David Robinson, M.D. eye diseases, such as is found mostly in the damaged blood vessels. child’s vision so they see the board at procedure. However, heart and during their stay in pre-op and copy given to the patient for use I have seenRobinson, patients in monitored. greenPlease leafy no ma) and lipid deposits in the retina – all surgerydiet arrives, patients will be asked to wash Patientpatients comfort is anadmission impor- tients do vegetables, not plan signsrich will be Patients will on bedrivoffered paperwork. Patients are then for invited By: David M.D. seen exams. Too often I vision have blood medications Family members may, atOnce home. Patients must be reamblyopia and infantile kMacular over 40 crowd. Itfamily issupplesuffer permanent juice water. comfortable a mem- of which are signs of damaged blood to our pre-op for the administration of any smoking school clearly, hit and fi Iteld a baseball are wheeled to theoroperating theirarea face and hands. ispressure not tant goalrecovery. at the surgery center. ing yourself home. Generally, and taking vitamin With the experience of 16,000 surgical proceshould usually be taken. Allmay join with the patient’s permission, leased into theinstructions care of a responsisuffer permanent vision loss that could glaucoma, need to be to disrobe Degeneration: Theber characterized by high kCataracts: If you them. Post-op are renecessary medications. While entering ŃŽŃŁŃ–Ń‘ ÇŻ ÇŻhave loss that could With ŃœŃ?Ń–Ń›Ń ŃœŃ›Ç° the experience of 16,000 necessary for most pre-op room. There is no need for Ž›Â?’ęŽÂ? Š—ŽœÂ?‘ŽÂ?Â’ÂœÂ?Âœ Š›Ž ˜— and will wear an eye patch better improve their lacrosse game. dures, Delaware Eye Surgery Center combines ments forpatients the disease can invessels. patients must make they tailored observe the procedure through a to ble adult. Please doeye notfor plan on viewed and copy given to the patient use at live patients will be asked wash their face patients andof sure cataract surgeries, Delaware Eye picked up as early as leading cause pressure in the that long enough you been prevented if the have been prevented if the problem had to transfer to another ÂœÂ?Šě Â?˜› ŽŠŒ‘ ÂŒÂŠÂœÂŽÇŻ ž› —ž›œŽœ procedures, but shoes will be for a short time following the the most modern eye surgery technology and understand their physician’s prec1osed-circuit television system driving home. Generally, Ifhands. no signs or necessary symptoms exist, Ifor recomhome. Patients must yourself be the released intonerve. the care of will have cataracts. It is not toprosthetdisrobe most hibit progression. Surgery Center combines the are experts possible to prevent problem had only been blindness in the U.S. damages optic ÂœÂ?›ŽÂ?ÂŒÂ‘ÂŽÂ›ÇŻ —ŒŽ ’— Â?‘Ž ˜™Ž›ŠÂ?removed. Dentures, in keeping patients ™›˜ŒŽÂ?ž›Žǯ —ŒŽ ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽ he Delaware Eye Surtechnique with a warm and friendly atmosonly been detected earlier. Accurate op instructions. toprocedures, the surgeon’s will wear anplan eye on patch a responsiblepatients adult. Please do not drivbut shoes removed. Den-of most modernearlier. eye surgery technol- connected mend a routine eye will exam at anesthetist the age detected Accurate permanent vision loss. isbe aThe result of isatypically afollowing slow, cataract is any phere. This combination promises patients ansafemicroscope. ics, and hearing aids (except ingthe room vital signs will It again comfortable and durrecovered receivedthe their Cataracts gery prescriptions Center combines operating for short timeand pro- A spectacle are commonly a ing yourself home. Generally, patients will wear tures, prosthetics, and hearing aids (except foradministers ogy and technique with a warm spectacle prescriptions unparalleled surgical experience. Amblyopia, in particular, deterioration of certain progressive process that four, another before school starts, then opacification orenough clouding be monitored and the patient’s ing their visit. Patient family for the surgical side ear) may post-op instructions, they the most modern I.V. sedation and the eye is cedure. Once patients have Upon arrival, patients will you will have an eye patch for a short time following the pro- If you live long the surgical side ear) may remain in. Vital signs Glaucoma and friendly atmosphere. simple solution for 40This somethings with Modern cataract surgery hasmembers undergone a with are commonly aand isaremuch more difficult face and eyecedure. will be prepped remain in.and Vital signs will invited to remain wheeled to their car and cells inbethe macula, has noaresymptoms until anesthetized guarantee patient check-in our At the recovered and recovered received their post- of the lens in the eye. eye surgery technology every two years thereafter. Once patients have and rewill bereceptionist. monitored operative eyeto dilated. combination promises patients an cataracts. A cataract is any opacifi caThe second leading cause of blindness revolution in the past decade. Today, cataract chronic headaches and40fatigue at work simple with solution for comfort. the time for time, the receptionist op instructions, are wheeled monitored and the operative and draped forofsursurgery. with thethat patient during their released. Forthey most patients, the Typically cataracts do to treat after the agewill ofis comfortably which isWhen thethey portion 10% of the nerve technique a warm and ceived theironly post-op instructions, they are Once the patient settled, unparalleled surgical experience. surgery is less invasive than many dental procetion or clouding of the lens in the eye. in the U.S. is found mostly in the over gery arrives, patients are wheeled to their car and released. For somethings with chronic review and help the patient During surgery, most pastay in pre-op and recovery. ÂŽ¢ÂŽ Â?’•ŠÂ?ÂŽÂ?ÇŻ —ŒŽ Â?‘Ž ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? Â’Âœ entire experience at the center wheeled to their car and released. For most pamay a family member join them. located in the friendly atmosphere. This poorly Often a have detailed the retina is functional and the not pose a health risk and children doing in 6-9. school. Modern cataract surgery has equipment dures. The newest-generation offeredtheir Of course, aspaperwe age, the chance eye to the operating room. There isthe notheir most patients the entire expericomplete admission headaches andpatients fatigue at members tients entire experience at the center takes but Patients are generally instructed to for refrain tients remain aware of Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•¢ œŽĴ•ŽÂ?Ç° Â?‘Ž¢ –Š¢ Family may, with the only takes about 90 minutes. Typically cataracts do not pose a health 40 crowd. It is characterized by high undergone a revolution 1n the combination promises refraction for glasses back of the eye necessary patient has permanent can seriously impair These problems and doing many others at the Delaware Eye Surgery Center iswork. moreare need (oreye patients to to90 ence at the takes about 90 Patients areeating then invited to member about minutes. from or drinking after midnight before work and children disease increases. Routine care isatransfer past decade. Today, cataract have a family join surroundings. They can hear patient’s permission, observe For center an appoinment otropmore an unparalleled surgical expecan be found to improve for sharp vision. This vision loss. Treated your vision. Many efficient and gentle on the eye. This efficiency risk but can seriously impair your vipressure in the eye that damages the another stretcher. in the minutes. or more information call easily picked up during a routine eye our pre-op area adminisForbut andon’t appointment procedure. However, heart and blood pressure poorly in These surgery lessschool. invasive than voicesOnce and music, them. the through a for the information call 302-645-2300. rience. instrumental in the detection, monitorleads toismore patient comfort, lessprocedure inflammaa child’s vision so they disease affects 11% of predominately with eye people will struggle operating room vital signs will tration of any necessary medicaFor an appointment or more sion. Many people will struggle to get tic nerve. It is typically a slow, progres302-645-2300. medications should usually be taken. All pamany dental procedures. The better visual examination. problems and many tion, more rapid recovery and see the board school Caucasians between drops; glaucoma is a very to get enough light to again be monitored and the tions. While entering pre-op information call 302-645-2300. tients at must make sure they understand their newest-generation equipment enough light to read and stop driving at read and stop driving at night because night becauseofoftheir theircataracts. The visual symptoms progressively worsen cataracts. The visual symptoms progressively and are sometimes accompanied by a worsen and are prescription. shift in the glasses sometimes accompanied by a shift in the glasses Fortunately, many ocular diseases are prescription.



18791 john j. williams hwy. rehoboth beach, de 19971

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treatable and vision loss can be preventmany ed ifFortunately, caught in a timely manner. We rely ocular diseases are on our vision for so many things, eye treatable and vision to overlook. I health is too important loss can be prevented strongly adding a compreif caughtrecommend in a timely hensive, dilated eye exam to your regumanner. We rely on lar health care our vision forregimen. so many things, eye health is too important to overlook. I strongly recommend adding a comprehensive, dilated eye exam to your regular health careat Dr. Jay Taylor, regimen.

The Delaware Eye Institute, has serving at the eye care Dr.been Jay Taylor, The needs Delaware Eye of patients in Institute, has been Sussex the County 16 years. serving eye for care To make an appointment needs of patients in Sussex County for 14 call (302) 645-2300.

phone 302.645.2300 April/May 2012

Fall 2014 Fall 2015

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years. To make an appointment call (302) 645-2300.

The County Woman Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Meet Nform (our new fitting system) Change has become the norm at Delaware Eye Optical! Nform dispensing system is an application that makes frame and lens selection easier for our patients and assists in education as By: Glenn Courtney, A.B.O.C. well as measurement accuracy; it’s of Delaware Eye Optical a big hit at Delaware Eye Optical. The system is currently available in our Rehoboth Beach location with rollout at our other locations later this year; it has created a buzz on our fitting floor. The application installed on an i ad takes up to four pictures or short videos of our patients and can be enlarged to enhance styles, shapes and colors, enabling our patients to narrow their choice quickly with side by side comparisons and different view angles. This is very important for those whose vision is compromised when they Our New Fitting System remove their prescription glasses and assistance is needed typically with a magnifying mirror. No more magnifying mirrors, just put your measurements we collect, frame parameters and your prescription in old prescription back on and view the pictures. their computes to create individual lens’s that are the most accurately The Nform application also has fully interactive augmented reality available in today’s eyewear. When we combine the accuracy of our orientations for a variety of lens treatments and prescription lenses with the frame selection available at our locations, our patients alternatives. atient education topics include refractive vision disorder, are the most satisfied in the region. anti-glare lenses, anti-fog coatings, polarized lenses, edge and thickness To experience the latest technology available in lens designs and calculations, transition lenses, digital / freeform lenses, multifocal accuracy as well as the best frame selections, visit one of our three comparisons, and a progressive tutorial. These various demonstrations locations. This emerging technology will lead to your ultimate aid us in our patient engagement through the decision process and satisfaction. ultimately provide our patients total satisfaction. erhaps the most important aspect of the application is its measurement feature. The smart centration technology serves as an easy accurate measuring tool, that can assess height, bridge, panto and monocular visual axis’s, BDB, wrap, near and far visual axis’s and reading distance. If you have ever heard the line ‘pictures don’t lie’ this is a perfect example of that slogan. Measurements through the photographic system portray the frame and individual layout of one’s visual axis’s (where light actually enters the eye and onto the retina) so our opticians collect highly accurate data. This type of measuring application is critical to maximi ing the digital lenses we fit on a majority of our patients. Our lab inputs the

For more information or an appointment call 302-645-1800 in Rehoboth, 302-934-6620 in Millsboro and 302-678-3200 in Dover. The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

hen o


or those severely overweight or o ese losing weight is iffi lt. t enefits of losing weight are signifi ant ranging from re e oint pain an in rease mo ilit to lowering loo press re holesterol an loo s gar an e reasing ris for heart isease. ther hroni on itions li e asthma sleep apnea an s mptoms of stress rinar in ontinen e ma also impro e. Obesity is a common problem in the United States. Research suggests one in three Americans is obese with about 300,000 deaths each year blamed on obesity. Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting genetics may play a role. However, family members also tend to share the same diet and lifestyle, including how often a person eats, level of physical activity and other behavioral health factors. Obesity can also be the result of treatable medical conditions. Obesity is a chronic condition and a lifelong battle. It requires lifelong commitment to lifestyle changes.

AM I OBESE? Patients are considered to morbidly obese if they weigh more than 100 pounds over their ideal body weight or have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35. BMI uses a mathematical formula along with a person’s height and weight to determine obesity. Sometimes, making lifestyle changes may be enough to lose weight. Sometimes bariatric or weight loss surgery is recommended. Your doctor will help you understand the types of medical and surgical options available and what is right for you. At Nanticoke Bariatric & General Surgery, physicians work with a multispecialty team dedicated to supporting patients throughout the weight loss journey



AM I A CANDIDATE FOR WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY? Weight loss surgery is for patients who remain severely obese after trying conventional treatments for weight loss – like diet and exercise – or for patients that have an obesity-related medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or heart disease. Answering the following questions may help you decide if surgery is right for you. o o ha e a of 0 or greater o o ha e a greater than 3 with one or more o esit relate health on itions li e high loo press re ia etes sleep apnea or heart isease a e o trie to lose weight ieting or e er ise t annot maintain weight loss re o ommitte to lifelong lifest le hanges an follow p are re o etween an ears ol Through a medically supervised weight loss program, patients have access to specialty areas including: eight oss S rger ariatri e i ine an eha ioral herap ar iolog an eart ealth h si ians lmonar an espirator h si ians n o rinolog an ia etes anagement tritional S pport egistere ietitians h si al herap an er ise S pport motional S pport Patients having weight loss surgery at Nanticoke have access to: esignate health are professionals oor inate are an e ation. rganize an s per ise s pport gro ps. ong-term are thro gh follow p isits to s pport a lifetime of s ess.


General Surgery is located in Seaford Delaware and is part of the Nanticoke Physician Network. To learn more go to or call 302-536-5395.

Fall 2015

eight oss

S SS S at anti o e ariatri eneral S rger performs weight loss s rger in l ing Slee e astre tom astri pass S rger an iliar - an reati i ersion o enal Swit h. S S his pro e re remo es a o t of the stoma h lea ing a narrow gastri slee e or t e thro gh whi h o r foo passes. o intestines are remo e or passe . re ing the size of the stoma h foo portions ta en in signifi antl e rease. Slee e gastre tom res lts in signifi ant appetite s ppression for the first few ears after s rger . S SS S his s rger reates a small stoma h po h to restri t foo inta e. re-ro ting a segment of o r intestine the a sorption of foo is e rease a o t 20 . ring gastri pass a ire t onne tion is ma e from the stoma h to the lower segment of the small intestine passing the the first part of the small intestine an some of the se on part of the small intestine. his ela s the mi ing of ingeste foo an igesti e enz mes. S S his operation is onl offere to patients with a greater than 0. t is a om ination of slee e gastre tom an rero ting of intestines. he slee e gastre tom res lts in a re tion of the portion size a patient an ta e in. ero ting intestines e reases the a sorption of foo . his pro e re is offere in er few enters in the nite States.

Nanticoke Bariatric &

are a e ariatri S rgeon


San ra ala e ino nternal e i ine


There are many hospitals to choose from on Delmarva, but only one was rated highest on the Delmarva Peninsula by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for patient experience: Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. Just one more reason you can feel good about choosing Nanticoke.

The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine


By R. Alberto Rosa, ACC

. .,

The exact cause is unknown, but it is clear that most of the affected individuals are postmenopausal women between the ages of 5 and 5 years, in about 0 percent of cases. The symptoms are very similar to those of a heart attack, with chest pain or pressure and shortness of breath being the most frequent ones. It is not completely understood why this condition affects mainly women, but most investigators believe that after menopause the decline in estrogen levels renders patients more susceptible.

r. Ramon Alberto Rosa is a graduate of the niversity of Santo omingo in his native ominican Republic. He completed his post-graduate medical education at the niversity of ennsylvania raduate Hospital in hiladelphia with a residency in internal medicine (1 1-1 ), Chief edical Resident (1 -1 5), and cardiology It was first observed in apanese women in the early 1 0 s and the name of fellowship (1 5-1 ). takotsubo cardiomyopathy was used r. Rosa has practiced cardiology in originally. This name describes the Sussex County since uly 1 . He characteristic appearance of the left has served as edical irector of ventricle (heart s main pumping chamthe Cardiac Catheteri ation abora- ber) as seen in cardiac studies that retory and as Chief of the epartment sembles the traditional apanese octoof Cardiology at Beebe edical Cen- pus trap. There is ample evidence to ter in ewes, E. r. Rosa is trained suggest that the massive release of cerin non-invasive cardiology, Nuclear tain hormones in the bloodstream, such Transesopageal Echocardiograms, as as adrenaline and noradrenaline, as a well as invasive diagnostic procedures natural response to stress, under certain and pacemaker implantations. r. conditions causes the heart muscle cells Rosa is board certified by the Ameri- to stop working properly, especially in can Boards of Internal edicine and the lower part and the “tip” of the left Cardiology. He is also a Certified Avi- ventricle. ation edical Examiner and is Board Certified in Nuclear edicine. Stress-induced cardiomyopathy can be serious medical condition because it involves the sudden onset of congestive Is a “broken heart” a true medical con- heart failure due to the heart muscle dition or is it ust a figure of speech to weakness, low blood pressure and podescribe someone s emotional state af- tential shock or life threatening heart ter some great personal loss or stressful rhythm problems it is, however, rarely situation It may come as a surprise to a fatal illness. urthermore, it is almost always reversible with most patients many people but the answer is both. recovering completely within 2 to This condition is also known as “stress- weeks. induced cardiomyopathy”, a rapid and severe heart muscle weakness, typically The main differences between a heart as a consequence of sudden emotional attack and “broken heart syndrome” or physical stress unexpected illness, is that heart attacks occur as a consein ury or loss of a loved one. It can also quence of blockages or blood clots in be from a severe medical condition, the coronary vessels (heart vessels that surgery, an accident, intense fear, do- supply blood flow and oxygen nutrimestic violence, severe pain, financial ents) to the heart muscle cells that cause loss, even public speaking or a surprise those cells to die or to suffer permanent damage. In the stress cardiomyopathy party.

The County Woman Newspaper The


patients, the coronary vessels are open and the blood flow is usually normal. It is the “stunning” of the heart muscle cells by adrenaline and other hormones that creates the muscle weakness and this process is, for the most part reversible. Another interesting finding in this broken heart syndrome is that it does not tend to recur in the same patient. In other words, once somebody experiences this syndrome, even if other stressful events come along in their lives, the same phenomenon doesn t tend to happen again. earning to cope better with life stresses can prevent it in the first place. The management of this medical condition is similar to the treatment of congestive heart failure with medications

such as diuretics, beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors as well as aspirin and in some cases blood thinners on a temporary basis. So yes, it is quite possible to have a “broken heart” literally, as a true medical illness that is brought about by a heightened physiological response to stress, especially in women. The good news is that in almost every case it is a temporary condition and full recovery is the expected outcome. There is no way to differentiate this situation from a heart attack, before hand. Therefore, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention for symptoms of sudden chest pain or pressure and shortness of breath. It might be the case that your heart doctor could tell you, in the end “ ust a broken heart, already on the mend”.

302-645-1233 • Offices in Lewes and Millville

Winter 2014/2015 Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

Periodontal Disease and Diabetes disease progresses, symptoms might include tooth loosening or shifting, bad breath or bleeding gums. Periodontal disease can worsen blood glucose control and vice versa. If your blood glucose is high or fluctuates, you are at risk of developing severe periodontal disease.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease PRESENTED BY RICHARD J. MCCANN, D.M.D., P.A.

• Red and swollen gums. • Gums that bleed are not healthy. Even if your gums bleed only when you brush too hard, ANY sign of bleeding is not normal. • White or yellow pus around gums. • Teeth that are longer and gums that have pulled away from teeth.

Did you know diabetes can help contribute to dental health issues? If you are an adult with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and your blood sugar control is sometimes not as good as Consider the following questions: your doctor wants it to be, you could ave you ever noticed lood red on your be at greater risk for developing tooth rush, on your food, or in your saliva oral health problems. One of these o you have any loose teeth or teeth that potential threats includes a serious have shifted on their own type of gum infection called ave you ever een told you had gum periodontal disease that can lead to disease or had a tooth ulled ecause of gum disease the loss teeth. Diabetes may lower o you use any to acco roducts your ability to fight the germs that as it een over two years since you last saw cause periodontal disease, also a dentist known as gum disease. Periodontal Disease and Blood Glucose Periodontal or gum disease is a serious gum infection that can lead to tooth loss and might prevent you from achieving the nutritional goals set by your doctor or diabetes educator. If not detected by a dentist or hygienist or if left untreated, periodontal disease can cause an infection that destroys the bone supporting your teeth. As the gum

Is your hemoglo in A c level greater than . One or more responses of “yes” warrants a dental examination for periodontal disease.

o harge for treatment ons ltation o harge for re or s 0.00 al e in l es..... impressions an ra iograph omplimentar whitening with n isalign treatment

If you have diabetes, be sure to pay special attention to your oral care routine, because periodontal disease is preventable with proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits.

Richard J. McCann, D.M.D. 31413 Winterplace Parkway Salisbury, MD 21804

410-546-9940 Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Mid-Urethral Slings For Urinary Incontinence A Successful Alternative A

bout half of all women experience stress incontinence -- losing urine when they cough, laugh, sneeze or exercise -- at some point in life. It’s a common problem in women of all ages, starting in their 20s. Many women tell us stress incontinence limits their ability to work out or enjoy an active social life. Fortunately, there are many treatment options to consider. You owe it to yourself to talk to a urogynecologist, a doctor who is specially trained to treat pel ic oor disorders and bladder problems, who can partner with you to explain the various nonsurgical and surgical treatment options to find the right choice for you. any omen find relief by simply adopting a few healthy habits, such giving up caffeine or artificial

sweeteners that can irritate the bladder. Losing weight can help, too. Exercises that strengthen the pelvic oor can alle iate the problem for many women.

Minimally invasive sling

However, behavior modification doesn t resol e the issue for everyone. For those patients, surgical intervention is a highly successful alternative. For more than 15 years the mid-urethral sling has revolutionized the treatment of stress incontinence. In a minimally invasive procedure a mesh sling is fashioned to support the urethra, (the tube that allows urine to pass out of the body). The mesh sling has an impressive success rate and good long-term outcomes. It is usually performed at an outpatient surgery center.

At the turn of the century, my colleagues and I began performing mid-urethral slings for stress incontinence. We have done many of these the procedures, which are generally highly successful and low risk, depending on the individual patient circumstances. Patients can take a few days or a couple of weeks off depending on the nature of their work. Further, the risk of developing a mesh-related complication is low. Only about 1 or 2 percent of currently used slings have to be removed due to some form of complication. That means 98-99 percent of patients who have slings end up having no significant complications Up to 95 percent of women get great results from their sling, and they are able to resume sports and exercise

You will meet highly skilled and caring physicians who are the only urogynecologists in Delaware who have completed fellowships and are board-certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.

Babak Vakili, M.D., is the director of the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Vakili completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive Surgery at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center.

Emily K. Saks, M.D., MSCE, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Saks completed her fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Howard B. Goldstein, D.O., MPH, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Goldstein completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey.

In contrast, alternative surgeries for stress incontinence are either less successful in the long term or more invasive. To sum it up, the midurethral mesh sling is minimally invasive and generally highly successful and low risk. That’s why the American Urogynecologic Society has adopted a clear position statement confirming that mid-urethral mesh slings are the procedure of choice for uncomplicated stress urinary incontinence. (If you would like to read the statement, you can find it online at http://www.augs. org p cm ld fid This position statement applies to the mid-urethral mesh sling that is used

for incontinence. This statement does not apply to mesh used to treat pelvic organ prolapse, which involves higher risks, warranting a warning issued by the Food and Drug Administration. Unfortunately, fear of those risks has led many women to avoid mesh altogether, including the sling procedure, which can alleviate many of their symptoms. Our advice to women who suffer from incontinence is to discuss all your options with your doctor. At the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery, we will discuss a broad range of nonsurgical and surgical treatments with you in order to make the decision that is best for you. Together, we can explore whether the mesh sling is the right choice.

Bladder problems shouldn’t keep you from the things you enjoy most in life.

Matthew Fagan, M.D., MS, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Fagan completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Greater Baltimore Medical Center/University of Maryland.

Christiana Hospital Medical Arts Pavilion 2 302-623-4055 4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1208, Newark, DE 19713 Smyrna Health & Wellness Center 302-623-4055 100 S. Main Street, Suite 215, Smyrna, DE 19977 Christiana Care Concord Health Center 610-361-1030 161 Wilmington-West Chester Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317

The County Woman Newspaper

or enjoy a good laugh without worrying about incontinence.

Let us help you get back to what really matters.


Life. Healing. Caring. 13WHS85


Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

New Techniques In MRI

By Dr. Philip Chao


RI is constantly changing and new techniques and knowledge is shared at the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). At the last meeting, there were examples of coronary artery imaging completed within 15 minutes, brain trauma highresolution imaging at 3T, MR neurography at 3T, functional MR imaging of brain trauma and PTSD. Each one of these topics could fill this article, ut ill use an example that hits close to home. I recently saw a college student who had sports-related head trauma he had difficulty in concentration and a decline in grades. The student and physicians knew there was a problem but all the MRI scans were negative. A 3T MRI performed with susceptibility weighted (SWI) revealed the problem. Even though the previous studies were negative, a better study showed microscopic bleeding in the brain. This is only possible using the higher resolution of 3T (or 7T—not easily available). Over the past few years, we have found these microbleeds are related to a host of brain diseases including: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,

head trauma, brain atrophy and stroke. In all of these diseases, the connections in the brain are disorganized and lead to various brain and psychiatric disorders. I mention this because surprisingly few neurologists or neurosurgeons seem to have much interest in studying these microbleeds which are so vital to the understanding of brain diseases. Sadly, it appears one has to go to university hospitals to have a reasonable discussion of this concept. There are so many brain diseases that require SWI at 3T, however, patients tell us that when they ask their doctors about this, they are met with a blank stare. Do your own web search. Inform yourself. Feel free to give Dr. Chao a call to discuss. This is just ONE of literally hundreds of enefits of imaging These reasons, amongst others, are why MRI Consultants, with two 3T MRI scanners, was created. We have more than eight years of experience and continue to explore the enefits e ha e an office in New Castle County and one in Sussex County. MR neurography should be used for most patients who have a peripheral neuropathy which is not explained by MR scans of the spine. To date, I have not had a single request for MR Neurography. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) shows the connections in the brain and can show evidence of microscopic trauma – only doctors have asked about this very important technique. If you have head trauma and ha e difficulty thinking, you need a DTI study and a SWI study done at 3T.

benefits of MRI at its best, we also offer patients the possibility of IV sedation. We scan patients that simply cannot be scanned elsewhere. We offer IV valium sedation (which usually lasts for one 15-minute study) for $50. This allows patients who are extremely claustrophobic or are in great pain to be comfortable while they are successfully scanned. Sadly, not all doctors offices are aware that we offer this service and many patients fail to get good studies multiple times before discovering us. As an aside, you are probably aware that most insurance companies now require prior authorization before agreeing to pay for Advanced Imaging. What many people do not know is that in order to prevent self-referral and inappropriate imaging, this request for authorization must come from the doctor who knows why you need the study. Increasingly, the insurance companies ask questions to determine why a study is being ordered. We understand that this added procedural hurdle is cumbersome for the referring physicians but until Highmark BCBS (and others) change the rules, we are obligated to follow them. This authorization can be acquired online in a relatively short period of time and is required in order for the patient to receive the coverage guaranteed by their premiums. We provide state-of-the-art MRI imaging and continue to offer incredible new techniques to help patients. We have many

studies that other offices don t provide. Just call and ask. About Dr. Chao

Dr. Philip Chao graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University and was Scholar of the House. He continued his studies at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, receiving his medical degree in 1983. After a transitional internship year at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, NY, Dr. Chao did his residency in Radiology at Brooklyn’s SUNY Health Science Center (19841987), where he became Chief Resident. He stayed on to complete a fellowship in Neuroradiology (19871988). Dr. Chao has been interested in MRI technology since its very beginning – the first MRI scan took place in 1981 while he was pursuing his medical studies. The University of Pennsylvania, where Dr. Chao was both a Body MRI Fellow (19881990) and a Neuroradiology Fellow (1989-1990), was at the heart of the development of this technology and Dr. Chao was able to work with pioneers in MRI on the first GE Signa 1.5T (tesla) scanner. His advanced research and specializations complete, Dr. Chao left the University of Pennsylvania for a position as Director of MRI in Wilmington, DE – a position he held for 14 years. Dr. Chao eventually left that position to create the best MRI Center in Delaware which uses the very latest technology: 3T MRI. While 3T (tesla) scanners have been used for scanning research patients since 2002, these advanced, more powerful MRI scanners only became available for clinical use in 2004. Dr. Chao worked hard to bring 3T technology to Delaware and in February 2007, MRI Consultants, LLC began operating the first 3T scanner in the State. 3T is the newest horizon for MRI.

Two Locations Best Open MRI

In addition to our years of experience and exploration of the

1 Centurian Drive, Suite 107

Newark, DE

302 838 7800

MRI Consultants

Athlete with several concussions with hemorrhage in the brain stem bilaterally.

Fall 2015

One patient with severe dizziness - has hemorrhage in the mid left pons. It is the dark black area in the middle of the image. All the other black areas are veins at the edge of the brainstem.


This is an MRA done at 3T 3T MRA of the brain is always better than MRA obtained at a lower field strength. It is also twice as fast. This high resolution MRA was obtained in about four minutes and is more detailed than any MRA done at 1.5T. This is the power of 3T - more resolution and speed.

17252-9 N. Village Main Blvd

Lewes, DE

302 827 4251

The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine health&medicine

educate. enrich. empower.

Health & Medicine The Right Time for an Orthodontic Check-Up TTop 10 Most Common Dental Problems

he American t GLIĂ€FXOW\ LQ FKHZLQJ RU ELWLQJ Final treatment decisions should be Association t mouth breathing made among the parent, child’s dentist and of Orthodontists t jaws that shift or make sounds orthodontist. recommends all t VSHHFK GLIĂ€FXOWLHV children get a t biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth Dr. Stewart Perim of PENINSULA term the teeth AND could ORTHODONTICS completely dissolve is a typically involves skin t lesions around check-up with facial imbalanceporous and can allow fl uids and air to PERIODONTICS all the the gum line.Association of indirectly the nerve in the member the mouth and lips and t small blisters or andclenching an orthodontic grinding of stimulate the teeth ofway thetoAmerican 9. Yellow teeth are usually center of the tooth. Other possible while there is no cure, oral herpes can be specialist no later Orthodontics as caused causes include exposure to heat and cold, cosmetic and generallywell thantreated age 7.with antiviral creams and pills. as a member by foods and beveragesofwe cracked teeth, or sensitivity to acidic 3- Cavities. Caused by bacteria in the the American consume. However, some Academy teeth just of foods mouthWHY: being left alone and given time HERE’S to cause damage. Bacteria feast on 6. Teeth grinding can be disastrous come in with a yellowish undertone lwill Orthodontists Periodontology. them, naturally. The good news is that sugar subtle and starch remnants left on and for your oral health. Teeth grinding, can spot He has specialty there are plenty of prescription and over-in between our teeth and secrete an acid or Bruxism, is common in adults and is problems with training Malocclusions (“bad liketothose illustrated below, the-counter may benefit from from laser options, whitening waste product the tooth very bitesâ€?) destructive the teeth — causing jaw growth and that dissolves Orthodontics early diagnosis referral to anshort orthodontic fortoadrugstore full evaluation. emerging whitening strips to specially enamel.teeth The key to prevention? Good and them to become and blunt,specialist and (children Dr. Stewart Perim, whileoral some baby blended toothpastes, all of which you can hygiene is your best bet. sometimes resulting in jaw problems. and adults), D.M.D, M.S. teeth4-are stilldisease is typically talk to your dentist about. The most common causes are misaligned Gum Periodontics, present. teeth and stress. Orthodontics, restorative 10. Toothaches are kind of the caused by three factors: bad oral Dental catch-all for oral health problems, dentistry, or fabrication of a custom hygiene, smoking, and genetic Implants, and While your child’s teeth may appear to be Periodontitis is the and can be caused by just about a plastic guard can correct alignment. susceptibility. For alrelatively small space, TMJ Therapy. straight, belot a problem more that severe only an everything mentioned here — Physical therapy and daily relaxation form of gum disease and your mouththere has acould whole Together with CROSSBITE OF FRONT TEETH BACK TEETH CROWDING orthodontist can detect. cavities, impacted wisdom teeth, techniques C toROSSBITE reduce OF stress and to train can put you at greater risk for diabetes, going on, health-wise. Your Dr. Maria PerezTop of teeththe are to the inside bottomto teeth Top teeth are behind bottom teeth gum disease‌ the muscles face andofjaw stay certain cancers, heart attack or stroke. kisserlisAteeming with bacteria, Mera, check-up may reveal that your child’s Some things, like a split tooth fromDr. an Perim relaxed are also important. Symptoms of gum disease include things mostly harmless, but left alone and PENINSULA ELWH LV Ă€QH 2U WKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PD\ LGHQWLI\ D accident, you may not be able to prevent, 7. Ever wonder why some people like constant bad breath, swollen or they are capable of causing developing problem but recommend monitoring but in general, your best shotPERIODONTICS is practicing have to get their wisdom teeth bleeding gums, and loose or sensitive real in your overall theproblems child’s growth and development, and to your removed, while others don’t? If you good oral hygiene and goingAND teeth. Treatment often includes a deep then, if indicated, begin treatment cleaning at the or scraping tartar from below oral well-being. dentist as soon as you suspectORTHODONTICS a problem have enough space in your jaw for them, appropriate time child. In other cases, Below is a list of 10 offor thethe most to avoid letting it go too able to offer they’ll come in nicely and you can keep the gum line, prescription antibiotics, OPEN BITE PROTRUSION DEEP BITE WKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PLJKW Ă€QG D SUREOHP WKDW FDQ complete general common dental problems and (when The dentists and staff at Peninsula them forever. But for some people, there mouthwashes or gels, and surgery. Front teeth do not meet when back teeth EHQHĂ€W IURP HDUO\ WUHDWPHQW possible) how to avoid them. Drs. Perim Total Dental Care would likedentistry to help you as well isn’t enough room, which means they’ll Diligent at-home care is essentialare closed as comprehensive and Perez-Mera at Peninsula Total Dental thereafter. take care of your mouth. Don’t ignore only come in, or “eruptâ€? only partially. l Early treatment may prevent 5or Tooth intercept specialty care for Care place prevention as a high priority. This is problematic because it can lead to something simply because you hope sensitivity can be a real moreusserious problems from developing and may Contact so that we can help you tackle all their patients. it will go away on its own. Ignoring a infection. problem and there can be many makethese treatment at a later age shorter and less or avoid dental challenges: Pleasethe call 410dental problem will only exacerbate 8. Tooth erosion isn’t particularly causes. Chief among them are exposed In main somesource cases, the orthodontist 1- complicated. Bad breath. The of bad 742-8686 problem, resulting in rot and, most likely, for popular, but it does happen. root surfaces. If the gums recede just a will(or behalitosis) able to isachieve results that may not be breath the tongue. Layers appointment surgery. If you enjoy contactan sports or Particularly in people with bulimia, in little bit — 1 or 2 millimeters — the root SRVVLEOH RQFH WKH IDFH DQG MDZV KDYH Ă€QLVKHG of bacteria can get embedded on it, at the UNDERBITE SPACING ORAL else HABITS that may result in head South which case the stomach acids cause tooth anything of the tooth can become permanently growing. resulting in foul-smelling Volatile Sulfur Blvd Sucking mouth on thumb, fingers The lower teeth sit in front of upperenamel teeth injury, guards are yourSalisbury friends. to dissolve. If this happens longexposed. The root surface is extremely when back teeth are closed Compounds. Dry mouth occurs naturally location. Early duringl sleep, buttreatment can also be may causedgive by your orthodontist In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist: the chance to: or medications. a glandular condition, y Guide jaw growth t early or late loss of baby teeth t speech difficulties Call for Information About Our Another potential source is a post nasal Lower the riskbecause of trauma to protruded Periodontology t difficulty in chewing or biting t biting the cheek or the roof of theDental mouth Plan! Affordable drip, whichycauses bad breath Implantology front teeth t mouth breathing t facial imbalance bacteria are attracted to the resulting y Correct harmful oral habits Orthodontics t jaws that shift or make sounds t grinding or clenching of the teeth Teen & Adult mucus . y Improve appearance T.M.J. Therapy 2- Mouth sores (usually two types of Final treatment decisions should be made among the parent, child’s dentist and orthodontist. y Guide permanent teeth into a more these: Canker sores and herpes). Visit the “About Orthodonticsâ€? section of the favorable position Canker sores are non-virus based and American Association of Orthodontists Web site at y Create a more pleasing arrangement of caused by everything from stress to a teeth, lips and face plain old hereditary predilection. Most peoplelletThrough them run their course, which an early orthodontic evaluation, typically takes around 12 days, but the best opportunity you’ll be giving your child (410) 742-8686 chronic sufferers can have them treated for a healthy, beautiful smile. 1505 S. Salisbury Blvd. • Salisbury, Md. with a laser, which is still a relatively new Expert Care for ALL Your 1505 S. Salisbury • Salisbury, MD treatment, and takes 15 minutes. Dental Needs in One Place If your childabout is older than 7, it’s certainly not Another treatment for such sores is a too late for a check-up. Because patients differ $ 200 twice-daily of L-Lysine development when there $ 200 Exam in both dose physiological and treatment e lu a areneeds, sores present and reducing it to onceV Value for the orthodontist’s goal is to provide each daily when they are dormant. patient with the most appropriate treatment at Perio Screening for Probing The type of sore, herpes, the second most appropriate Oral Cancer Screening virus-based and contagious (through Includes Treatment Recommendations direct In contact, like kissing sharingany of the following addition, if youornotice With Coupon • Must Schedule Treatment by 9/13/15 With Coupon • Must Schedule Treatment by 9/13/15 With Coupon • New Patients Only • Must Schedule Treatment by 9/13/15 things like drinking glasses). 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August/September The County Woman2012 Newspaper



The County Woman Newspaper Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

What is Ultherapy? is a face and neck treatment that improves skin laxity in a meaningful way but completelynon–surgically.


Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. Here at ReNove Medical, Dr. Parsons offers Ultherapy, a state of the art medical procedure utilizing focused ultrasound energy to lift and tighten sagging skin. No scalpel or anesthesia is needed. Ultherapy is great for people who would like tightening and lifting of facial skin without have a surigcal facelift. The Ulthera sound energy passes right through the skin and targets the areas you want lifted. During a typical 30-60 minute Ultherapy treatment session, an ultrasound applicator is passed over each region of the face. The sound waves emitted deliver small, controlled amounts of energy into the deep layers of skin and soft tissue. The beauty of Ultherapy ‘uplifting ultrasound’ is that it

Ultherapy works great for sagging jowls, where the skin is fatty, heavy and drooping. Ultherapy is able to reduce this fatty heaviness, tapering the jaw line, for a more youthful look. Ultherapy can restore a more youthful shape to the face from a square to the inverted triangle.



Overall Ultherapy works wonders to taper, redefine your facial contours, while eliminating fatty, droopy areas, and Nasolabial Folds lift and tightening skin Ultherapy also works well to minimize the around the eyes and undrooping of excess skin that we get along derneath the chin, for a each side of the nose, or lower cheeks. more youthful sculpted ou may think that you need to fill in look. The stars in Hollythese areas with a filler, but the real prob- wood do this treatment, lem may be that fat and loose skin is just and now you have acfalling down due to the effects of gravity. cess to this age defying With ultherapy we can target this area procedure right here in and minimize the fattiness and tighten up Delaware at the beach. that skin. Again this will restore the more Dr. Parsons is pleased to youthful balance of the face with the cen- bring this cutting edge ter of gravity higher in the cheek areas. highly sought after technology to you to help Neck you look your best. If Ultherapy can tighten up that loose skin you think you may be underneath our necks as well. The area candidate for Ultherapy, that Ultherapy works the best is that area please give us a call to just underneath the chin and extending set up a complimentary into that curve of the neck. Ultherapy consultation with Dr. won’t duplicate the results of a surgical Michelle Parsons. 302neck lift. But if you have somewhat loose 227-1079. and fatty skin in your upper neck, hanging just beneath your chin, Ultherapy can improve this area, and improve your profile. What Kind of Results Can I Expect

Eyelids and Brow Lift

Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call


Fall 2015

more awake, rested and more youthful. This may be subtle change but this small difference can have a significant effect! Our clients really love this part of the Ultherapy results.

Perhaps one the most dramatic areas that Ultherapy can improve on without surgery is the eye area and creating a brow lift, helping to lift heavy drooping eyelids. Ultherapy can make the eyes appear more open,

improve folds from the nose to mouth, folds from the mouth to jaw, and drooping corners of the mouth. Tightening of skin on the forehead can reduce the sagging skin on the eyelids and promote a more open, refreshed look in general. The refrom Ultherapy? sults of Ultherapy are permanent, just as After just one treatment with no down- the results of a face-lift are permanent, 0f time, your skin will gradually shift back course, your skin will continue its natural into a more youthful position. Improve- aging process. While Ultherapy is not a ments include a sleeker, more defined replacement for surgery, it is an inviting jawline and tighter skin on the neck under alternative for those who are not ready the chin. Sagging skin on the cheeks can for surgery but looking for meaningful be tightened and lifted, which in turn can results.

TESTIMONIAL One week after my Ultherapy Treatment, my husband, after being out of town for a couple of days asked me “what’s different about you,” he was staring at my face! Not having told him about my treatment I innocently said “what do you mean?” His response was “I am not sure but your face looks different.” I asked “different good or different bad?” He replied “different good, looks stretched.” I was surprised that the results were noticed that quickly. I found the treatment to be bearable, certainly wasn’t pain free, but tolerable. I was very happy when it was over! For the past 2 weeks following the treatment my face has been tender which is a reminder that the treatment is continuing to work! I would highly recommend it to all! K.M. – Ocean City, MD.


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine Want to… LOSE


At Healthy Outcomes we specialize in weight loss. Each patient meets in a one-on-one setting with a Board Certified Weight Loss Physician as well as a Weight Loss Educator.

We offer:

• Metabolic and hormonal testing • Customized diet & nutrition plans • Behavioral modification and therapy • Fat burning injections • Appetite suppressants • i-lipo (non-invasive lipo suction) FDA Approved Our center has all the necessary tools to provide patients with a complete weight loss intervention

making our success rate over 95%.

Fabricio Alarcon, MD Jennifer Morelli, Weight Loss Director

We Now Offer i-lipo (a laser alternative to liposuction)

reduce fat smooth cellulite • tighten skin shape your body instant results fda approved

2 Lee Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19947 I 302.856.4022 I

Are You Looking For A Way To Enhance Your Appearance With Little Effort?

By Elena Sullivan

Are You Spending Too Much Time To Get The Ultimate Look Every Morning? Do You Have Allergies To Traditional Cosmetics? Permanent makeup or cosmetic tattoo can provide a way to simplify every day makeup routine and enhance natural beauty. Even when you don’t

use cosmetics you will be able to benefi t with the procedures. The most common procedures are eyebrows that are perfectly shaped and in place all the time eyeliners for defi nition of the eyes that stays morning to night smudge free; lip liner or lip color for shape enhancement and color that stays in place. Among other considerations permanent cosmetics can be benefi cial for nipple areolas restoration for enhancement or following breast reconstruction after cancer.

physical limitations, professionals , moms on the go, athletic women, and the aging with short sight. The results are amazing and very natural. When you are choosing a professional for your procedure, look for membership in the Society of Permanent Cosmetics Professionals; documents that refl ects training and current O.S.H.A. Blooborne athogens Class Certifi cate, red sharp container and business license

Consider permanent cosmetics to restore color, add defi nition, accent features and achieve a fi nished appearance every time. The procedures are safely applied in the quest of beauty and are smudge free alternative to topical makeup products. Permanent cosmetics is for people of all life styles; men and women who wish to look their best, busy people, those with allergies, those with

The County Woman Newspaper


for the location where work will be performed in compliance with the local laws that may be specifi c for licensing permitting, registration and others requirements. Receive the care you deserve in a clinical setting, done by a certifi ed Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professional. Call for a consultation. Get an $80.00 gift when you receive an eyebrows procedure or double liners procedure.

2 Lee Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19947

Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

The Women’s Mobile Health Screening Van is currently Serving Your Community! Are you interested in having the van at your next community event? Call 1-888-672-9647 to register and for more information on low cost Mammograms for those who qualify.

MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED A prescription from a medical professional is required

Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. 165 Commerce Way, Suite #4 Dover, DE 19904

DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Program

Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Ovarian Cancer...What All Women (and Those Who Love Them) Need to Know! September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Each year more than 21,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the United States, resulting in over 15,500 deaths. It is the deadliest of the gynecologic cancers, affecting approximately 1 in 70 women. Because there is no reliable diagnostic screening, it often goes undetected or is misdiagnosed until it has advanced to the later stages. Less than 20% of cases are discovered in the early stage. Due to late diagnoses and a very high recurrence rate (70-90%), less than 50% of women make it to the 5 year milestone. Ovarian cancer does not discriminate and can affect females of any age and ethnic background. It continues to be one of the most underfunded cancers and the lack of public awareness and education is of critical concern. Although the symptoms of ovarian cancer often are not intense in the early stages, they are NOT silent. Once thought to be a ‘silent disease’, research indicates that 95% of women DO have vague but persistent symptoms. These symptoms are not always useful for diagnosis since they may be indicative of other less serious conditions. If any of the following single or combination of symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, consult your physician and insist that a manual exam and transvaginal ultrasound be performed. If any abnormalities are detected, a referral to a gynecologic oncologist may be in order. loating el i or a ominal pain iffi lt eating or feeling f ll rinar s mptoms (frequency or urgency)


Did You Know…


Other symptoms may include: treme fatig e n igestion heart rn or pset stomach Shortness of reath ower a an or leg pain hange in owel ha its (constipation, diarrhea) ne plaine weight gain or loss enstr al irreg larities in l ing post menopausal bleeding) ain ring inter o rse

A PAP Test does NOT detect ovarian cancer!

Even if your ovaries have been removed, it is possible to develop Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC), a rare form of cancer, which is closely related to ovarian cancer. The peritoneum is a thin sheet of tissue that protects and supports the abdominal organs. When certain cells transform into cancerous cells, the result is PPC. The cause is not known. Symptoms are more gastrointestinal in nature and may include: · abdominal bloating · changes in bowel habits · an early feeling of fullness after eating Nausea and vomiting may occur when bloating is severe. Medical evaluation and treatment is the same as for ovarian cancer and recurrences are common. There is no screening for PPC.

UPCOMING EVENTS... On the Wings of Hope Teal Ribbon Luncheon and Silent Auction Sunday, September 20 Ed Oliver Banquet Center Wilmington, Delaware

7th Teal Ribbon 5K to Fight Ovarian Cancer

The County Woman Newspaper

Sunday, May 1, 2016 Wilmington Riverfront


Dorianne Short, an ovarian

cancer survivor diagnosed in 2003, founded the Delaware Ovarian Cancer Foundation in 2009 as the only local premier all- ol nteer non-profit ovarian cancer organization. She currently serves as President and is a recipient of the 2013 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Award. Previously she served as Delaware Chapter President of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. As one ovarian cancer survivor stated...”Dorianne’s passion has converted her personal illness of ovarian cancer into a healthy, vital, supportive and expanding volunteer organization promoting ‘Hope for the Present and a Cure for the Future”.

About the Delaware Ovarian Cancer Foundation (DOCF) The mission of the Delaware Ovarian Cancer Foundation is to increase awareness and education about ovarian cancer among women and healthcare professionals in Delaware and the surrounding vicinity. The Foundation is committed to research and provides support for women affected by ovarian cancer. DOCF is proud to be a Partner in Science with the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF). DOCF holds 2 major fundraisers per year...the Teal Ribbon 5K to Fight arian an er the first S n a in a an the eal Ribbon Luncheon and Silent Auction, held in September, which is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. A portion of all proceeds are donated to OCRF. In September, look for teal bows in various locations in Delaware as we participate in Turn the Towns Teal, a national campaign to promote ovarian cancer awareness. Check your local salon for DOCF awareness items which are in many salons throughout Delaware. For more information on other projects and activities as well as sponsorship and volunteer opportunities visit and our Face Book page.

Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

La Red Health Center Opens A New of accessible quality health care services. LRHC is the only ambulatory care, sliding fee safety net provider serving Sussex County, Delaware. The opening of the 6534 squarefoot-facility in ilford will fi ll a health care void in northern Sussex County and ensure access to high quality healthcare for the residents of Milford, Lincoln, Slaughter Beach, Ellendale, Milton and the surrounding areas where the health care provider supply has been very limited and health care needs abundant.


La Red Health Center, (LRHC) expanded its primary care services including family practice and behavioral health care to individuals, families and businesses in northern Sussex County and the surrounding area by officially opening a new site located at 1 Sussex Avenue, Milford DE 19963 on August 12, 2015. The opening of the health center was made possible via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, which awarded a 2015 New Access Point Grant Award to LRHC to address the signifi cant amount of unmet health care needs that currently exist in the area. The offi cial opening coincided with National Health Center Week, a time to recognize the contributions of community, migrant, homeless and public housing health centers in providing access to affordable, high quality, cost-effective health care to medically vulnerable and under-

Fall 2015

served people in the United States The Milford location is the third clinical site, that LRHC has opened since 2012, and further demonstrates the organizations commitment to continuously expand and integrate its programs and services to meet the diverse health care needs of the growing Sussex County population. Sussex County experiences a signifi cant percentage of its population being uninsured, low income, unemployed and/or seasonally employed, and having worse health outcomes for major chronic diseases than other parts of the state or nation. The County contains the fastest growing Latino and African American populations in the state, and continues to experience a growing infl ux of retirees. Sussex Countians have higher rates of mortality and higher rates of disparity from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, coronary heart disease, infant mortality and HIV/AIDS than those living in other areas of Delaware and in the nation. Sussex County, Delaware has also been federally designated as a Medically Underserved Area (MUA), a low-income Health Professional Shortage Area, (HPSA), a Dental HPSA, and a Mental Health HPSA – all of which underscore the fact that Sussex County is in dire need

According to Brian Olson, LRHC’s CEO, “The new Milford site is expected to serve an estimated 1400 unduplicated patients. To do that, the Milford site will leverage our established health service delivery expertise, infrastructure, and collaborative relationships, and also be fully integrated with our other two health care centers in Georgetown and Seaford.” LRHC will initially staff the center with an internal medicine physician, a women’s health nurse practitioner, a licensed practical nurse, a behavioral health consultant, and a receptionist. A pediatrician will be added later this year. The clinical staff leading the effort to expand family practice services in northern Sussex County includes:

Seema Tayal, MD, MBA Dr. Tayal holds a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, (M.B.B.S.) from the Government Medical College in Amritsar,


India and a MBA in Health Care Management & Finance from the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Tayal completed her residency in Family Medicine at the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City. r Tayal is board-certifi ed by the American Board of Family Medicine and her professional affi liations include the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Tayal takes a holistic approach to care and her special interests range from pediatrics, geriatrics and women’s health to preventive medicine and dermatology. Dr. Tayal has extensive hands on experience in patient care both in an in-patient and outpatient setting, and has signifi cant experience in implementing and managing health care quality improvement initiatives. Dr Tayal has authored and published numerous research papers. She has also been the recipient of multiple accolades including the best resident award for all three years of residency. She was also awarded the best research poster in The Brooklyn Hospital Center during her residency. Dr. Tayal is an accomplished presenter and has spoken at the American Academy of Family Physicians conference on numerous occasions on subjects such as: ultidisciplinary Team Approach to Improve Immunization Rate in a Family Medicine Health Care Center ress to Impress oes our Patient Care What You Look Like? Per Dr. Tayal, “It would be a great honor and my pleasure to serve the medical needs of the underserved population of Milford. My team and I hope to make a signifi cant impact in improving the health of the Sussex County residents.”

The County Woman Newspaper

S c b c S h E i s f

S h G m V w C y

P y s s

A f H M

L E p m P S M


• • • • •


Health & Medicine

Site In Northern Sussex County! • School and S orts Ph sicals • ision Screenings • Childhood utrition Counseling • accines for Children

integrated behavioral health. The team takes collective responsibility for patient s care and arranges for additional medical services with other qualifi ed providers as needed. This model leads to improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Adult & Senior Services

Stacey A. Kemp, RNC, WHCNP Stacey has over twenty years of clinical experience and has been board-certifi ed as a women s health care nurse practitioner since 1997. Stacey holds a diploma as a women s health care nurse practitioner from Emory niversity and a aster in Science in Nursing with a speciali ation in community health from esley College. Stacey has worked with women s health patients at RHC s eorgetown Health Center. RHC manages the Sussex Technical ocational School ellness Center where Stacey was employed as the Coordinator for the 2015 academic year.

• Acute Illness Treatment • Chronic Disease Management • lu and Pneumonia accines • Tetanus and ther Immunizations • m lo ment Screenings • Annual Ph sicals

RHC offers a sliding fee scale based on income and family si e for uninsured patients, and accepts edicare and edicaid, most commercial insurance plans, and most plans available through the elaware arketplace.

Women’s Health Services

• outine necological Care • e roducti e ealth Ser ices and Pregnanc Testing

At RHC, patients can also receive assistance to fi ll out edicaid applications, obtain free or discounted prescription drugs, and under certain circumstances obtain transportation assistance if it is available.

Screening Services for Chronic Diseases

• eart Disease including ertension • Dia etes • Cer ical reast Colorectal and Prostate Cancer • Se uall Transmitted Diseases • esit

Customized Services for Small Businesses

RHC s medical services are available to all individuals regardless of gender, age, race, ethnic origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, or ability to pay.

So whether you have lived in Sussex County your whole life, recently moved here, or are ust visiting the area, RHC now with convenient locations in eorgetown, ilford and Seaford can help meet your medical needs, and become a network of quality care centered around you and your family.

The Milford Health Center will initially be open Monday-Thursday from 8AM - 5PM (with plans to expand hours in the near future). The Milford Health Center is now accepting new patients. For more information or to make an appointment call 302-855-1233 or visit us at

• Pre em lo ment Screening rior to that, Stacey worked for many • outine or Customized Annual years in the ilford area where she Ph sicals speciali ed in women s health care services. As a leading provider of medical, dental and mental health services in As Stacey says, “I am looking Sussex County, elaware, RHC forward to being part of La Red has been recognized by the National Health Center s growth with the new Committee for uality Assurance, ilford location ” (NC A) as a evel III atientCentered edical Home at both RHC s mission is to be a Center of its Georgetown and Seaford Sites Excellence, which provides quality and is currently seeking NC A patient centered care to the diverse specialty recognition as a C H for members of our community. The its renatal and Behavioral Health rimary Care and Behavioral Health programs, which are being integrated Services that will be provided at the into the overall C H model. ilford Site include RHC will be pursuing NC A recognition for its new ilford site Pediatric & Adolescent in 201 .


• Infant Care • Childhood Immunizations • Chronic Disease Management • Acute Illness Treatment • Lead Poisoning Screenings

RHC s service delivery model ensures that each patient has a direct relationship with a medical provider who coordinates a cooperative team of healthcare professionals including

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Home Health Care

Direct Care Workers are Lifelines for Senior Citizens


Oh what a beautiful morning, I think to myself as the warm sun peeps through the curtain to awaken me to another day. There was a time when I would leap out of bed, throw on some clothes, and bounce down the stairs so I could start my day of chores. Unfortunately, those days are in the past. These old bones don’t move like they used to. I groan as I struggle to lift myself up in bed. My shaking hands reach for my robe as I slide my feet into a pair of slippers. I grab the walker that is always left within my reach and slowly pull myself up onto my feet. My bed is now in the room my dear late husband, Jason, used as an offi ce. y how I miss that man my rock. He was the one who took care of all those things like the dripping faucet in the bathroom that just won’t stop.

As I scuffl e past the stairs, my mind sees all the times I went up and down. But no more. I don’t remember when I was last in my “real” bedroom. Such a beautiful room that dear Jason and I shared for 54 years. I can see my three children sliding down the banister. The thought of their innocent laughter warms my heart. I pray they are enjoying their children’s laughter as much as I did theirs. I am brought back to reality by the sight of thick dust on my antique lamp. I feel ashamed that my house is no longer the picture of perfection, but the vacuum is too heavy for me to push and if I try to bend over and pick up the clothes on the fl oor, I might fall. I shuffl e on into the kitchen and open the refrigerator door. I would love to have a cup of coffee to begin my day, but the burn scar on my wrist reminds me that my hands are too unsteady to carry hot drinks. Instead I pick up the glass of orange juice that Dottie poured for me before she left for the evening. ear ottie. She is offi cially called my Direct Care Worker. I call her my housekeeper, my companion, my chef, my chauffeur, my friend my lifeline. I sip the orange juice as I sit by the window and look down the road watching for Dottie’s car to appear. “Dottie’s days” are special for me. These are the days I can get rid of that nasty dust on my precious antiques. These are the days I have someone to help bathe me and help dress

me with a fresh set of clothes. These are the days I get a delicious cup of hot coffee in the morning. As Dottie sets about picking up the dirty clothing on the fl oor and putting them in the washing machine, we chat about how beautiful the daffodils are that are coming up in the yard. Sometimes I can hear her humming an old-fashioned hymn as she is doing the dusting. The sound of someone else in this big house with me is music to my ears. On especially warm days, after I’ve had my bath and dressed in my good clothes, Dottie will pull my old Buick out of the garage. She will help me go down the sidewalk and get me and my walker into the car. She has the patience of a saint. Dottie is never in a hurry with me. She will drive us to town and we will eat lunch at the local café. I love the apple pie there. It has been a long time since I made an apple pie, so it is nice to be able to eat a homemade slice once in a while. It feels so refreshing to be out of the house for a little while and catch up on what’s happening in the world. It also feels good to talk to friends I see along the way. On the way home, if I still have some energy, Dottie will stop at the variety store where I can pick up a few things. When we arrive home, Dottie helps me back into the house and settles me down in the recliner. She begins cleaning the kitchen while I watch a little television. I slowly close my eyes and begin to

Short or Long Term Services

The Leader in Home Health Care Services


7 4/


e ar

Call Today ~ 302-856-5187

(great for rentals and special events)

Get All The In-Home Services You Need With One Agency Fall 2015


For more information, call 302-854-9500. is a non-profit agen funded in part by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities and United Way, along with community support.

CHEER HOME HEALTH CARE Home Health Care Nursing Oversight Personal Care Housekeeping Companionship Respite Care Meals On Wheels Medical Transportation Grocery Mini Mini--Mart 7 Senior Activity Centers Community Center

dream of my younger days frolicking in the park with my children and grandkids. I am so looking forward to their visit next month. When I awaken, Dottie has all the clean clothes folded and put back in their place. She has prepared a light supper for me to eat later in the evening. Our last activity of the day together is to put my bed clothes on so that I am ready for a good night’s rest. When she leaves for the evening, I can always depend on her turning around, shaking her fi nger at me, and fussing for me to be sure to lock the door. As I sit at the kitchen table staring out the window into the darkness while nibbling on my evening supper, I wonder how much longer the good Lord will allow me to stay in my home. I know the day is coming when my children will insist I either go to an assisted living facility or move in with one of them. However, with Dottie’s help I can delay that move as long as possible. CHEER’s Personal Assistance Services Program has Direct Care Workers just like Dottie who can help keep a senior citizen in their home. They are prescreened and have had background checks. CHEER Direct Care Workers offer dependable and compassionate service for a few hours, a whole day, a night, or a weekend.

It is CHEER’s mission to promote and maintain the highest quality of life and independence by developing and providing services that meet the continuing needs of people 50 and over. CHEER is a licensed, bonded, and insured Home Health Care agency. For more information call either 302-856-5187 or 302-854-9555, or go to our website at CHEER is a non-profit senior services agency funded in part by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities, United Way of Delaware, and private donations.

The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Volunteers Come in All Shapes and Sizes During our 33 years of service to the community, Delaware Hospice has been touched by the tremendous support of thousands of volunteers. These fun-loving, individuals have donated their time and talents throughout the years in a variety of ways. Within the past year alone, volunteers have donated over 15,200 hours! The quality of life for patients and their families are dramatically improved through the services and visits our volunteers provide. Many of our volunteers come to us and offer up their skills for very unusual projects. While others are able to meet o r spe ifi ail nee s. “I don’t have any skills to be a good volunteer with Delaware Hospice,” replied Lisa Cantwell of Milford to a family member. “Don’t worry, we will fi nd something for you,” commented Lisa’s family member. That was 14 years ago, when isa fi rst oined elaware Hospice as a Festival of Trees volunteer. After some encouragement and asking for a position that coincided with her strengths, she has found her place at Delaware Hospice as a greeter at the Delaware Hospice Center. Based on skills and wishes, volunteers help in a variety of areas throughout Delaware Hospice. Running errands with or for patients is always a needed service and is a wonderful experience for the volunteer and patient. Visiting with patients in one of our programs, Transitions, Palliative Care, or Hospice

Care, is another rewarding volunteer opportunity. Many volunteers choose to talk, read, and play cards with a patient and their family. Other volunteers en oy helping in the elaware Hospice offi ce and contribute administratively by updating the database, completing informational packets, or even taking pictures at our events. Volunteers are always able to see how their dedication positively impacts our patients’ lives. A few of our volunteers have even altered their life’s work

his six years with Delaware Hospice as a volunteer chaplain, Mr. Robbins has developed a Volunteer Chaplain Training Program. He works with interested chaplain volunteers. Each day, requests come into the Volunteer Department for volunteers and each day those needs are met. Here are just some of the ways volunteers have saved the day:

need any help. Part of his responsibilities also include going to patients’ homes to visit with them or provide respite care for their caregivers. Staff members from Nickle Electrical Companies spent an afternoon at the Milford Center washing windows, cleaning chairs, and picking up trash.

The eade family of ilford, ay, Amanda, and Andrew, has volunteered a total of 54 years for Camp New Hope since 1993. Bridgeville resident, Ron riedl makes phone calls to current patients to ensure they are doing well or learn if they

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Delaware Hospice volunteer, please email There are no time commitments; however any amount of time you are able to give is greatly appreciated.

“After every visit with Mom, a volunteer calls me with updates regarding her emotional, mental, as well as physical state. I can feel their love and care for my mother through the phone.” A family member who lives in San Francisco, CA and benefits from the generosity of volunteers who donate their time to visit with his mom and provide him updates. based on their volunteer experience. As a professional Christian clown in the Milford area, Bill Robbins would visit nursing homes to entertain the residents. He loved making people laugh. One day, he walked into a room and saw that a patient was dying. She had no family or friends with her and that troubled him. During this experience, he realized that people die alone every day and he wanted to do what he could to not let this happen in his community. Mr. Robbins learned about the Delaware Hospice Center and wanted to be a part of the mission by becoming a volunteer. Based on his day of shadowing the Center Chaplain, Mr. Robbins decided to become a chaplain. During

playing the

Tooth Fairy

It’s more than coins under a pillow. It’s about Grandpa and Max and a firm belief in tooth fairies. At Delaware Hospice, we believe it’s about living fully. That’s why we work to make each day the best it can be. So little boys and grandpas can still believe. Call us for a quality of care that improves the quality of living at (855) 335-4677.

Volunteer artisans and designers help decorate the Delaware Hospice Milford Center during the holiday season.

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Health & Medicine


When it comes to protecting yourself and your family from the fl u, sooner really is better than later. The fl u can be a miserable experience and have implications far beyond ust feeling crummy. It can cause kids to miss school, adults to miss work and families to cancel vacations. Most of us do not think about the fl u until someone we know gets sick – a co-worker, family member, neighbor, or kids at school. By then it may be too late and underscores why early prevention is so important. The one thing health care professionals know about the fl u season is that it is always unpredictable. They never know when the fl u season will peak or how severe it may be. That s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a fl u shot each year for everyone older than 6 months as soon as vaccine becomes available. ast year, elaware was among the top 10 states that saw a gain with fl u activity, compared to other parts of the country, according to the Walgreens Flu Index, which provides weekly reports showing state and marketspecifi c information regarding fl u activity.

country last year, we do not know where it will spike this year.” The fl u shot is available in all Walgreens pharmacies with no appointment necessary and is covered under most insurance plans including Medicare Part B. In fact, more than 0 percent of patients receiving fl u shots at Walgreens now have them covered under some form of insurance. By offering fl u shots and other immunizations when it is most convenient for customers, algreens has found about onethird of its customers get their fl u shots during off hours- evenings, weekends and holidays, when most doctors offi ces are closed.

Beyond getting a fl u shot, there are some simple tips that can help protect against the fl u including – washing your hands frequently and using hand saniti er, covering your mouth and nose when coughing and snee ing, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy and getting a good night s sleep.

In elaware, algreens “The fl u shot is the best protection pharmacists can provide infl uen a you can get to avoid the fl u,” says vaccines to anyone over 7 years Eric Brauch Walgreens district of age, and can administer any manager in Sussex, elaware. of the other CDC-recommended “Although the fl u was more immunizations to patients 18 severe in other parts of the years of age or older.

Fall 2015

Come in and get your Vaccine at

“We make it easy to protect yourself and broader coverage by insurers and health plans means that most people are now able to get fl u shots with either no out-ofpocket cost or a minimal co-pay” Brauch added.



Flu Shots

Hepatitis A & B Vaccine

Pneumonia vaccine

Blood Pressure Measuring

Shingles vaccine

Tdap Vaccine

Most Insurances accepted

prescription savings club 5-20% discount on all immunizations including flu and Tdap shots

$avings on ALL Generics, many Brand medications, and even Pet meds. Plus, earn 10% rebate on Walgreens-brand products & Photos. Comprehensive benefits for diabetics, including insulin, glucose monitors, test strips and supplies

The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine


Look at any stock photo of a pharmacist and she’ll probably be counting pills a pharmacist, dispensing medications accurately and safely is as important as people do not know how much more a pharmacist Good pharmacists will make themselves available to answer your questions and dispense advice as well as medicine. Here are a few ways a simple conversation with your pharmacist can make your life easier, your health better and your mind more at ease. And remember, a growing number of Walgreens pharmacies now have private consultation rooms so you can have that talk in private. One pill can have multiple effects, depending on the patient. If you’re feeling an unexpected side-effect, such as a rash, nausea or depression, ask your pharmacist. There may be alternate medications, different

dosage levels, dietary changes or other solutions. Additionally, other medications you may be taking may interact in ways not anticipated. Your pharmacist can review with you your entire regimen of prescription and non-prescription drugs and identify possible problems. In consultation with your physician, we can fi nd alternatives. The drug you are taking may have a less-expensive generic equivalent. Your pharmacist can fi nd out. They can also talk to you about your insurance coverage, Medicare Part D and programs such as the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club.

patients managing existing medication therapies and those new to therapy. Other services designed to improve medication adherence include online and mobile prescription management tools, automated prescription refi ll reminders, follow up calls and transition of care programs.

and affordable way to get a fl u shot or other immunizations. They can also get your blood pressure checked and do other screenings. Many pharmacists specialize in certain chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and can provide an advanced level of consultation.

In addition to services like these, you may be surprised by the widening range of services your community pharmacist now provides, some of them thanks to changes in laws governing the role of the pharmacist in health care. For example, pharmacists are an easy

close to a much wider range of health care services than they may

Non-adherence to medications is one of the most signifi cant and costly barriers in treating illness in the U.S. today, estimated at approximately $300 billion per year. Non-adherence is a key contributor to repeat physician visits, hospitalizations and adverse patient outcomes. Your pharmacists can play a critical role in helping you or a loved one improve adherence through a number of programs and services available in store, online and through our mobile platforms. Some Walgreens services include in-pharmacy, phone and online chatbased pharmacist counseling for both

Come in and get your Vaccine at

Elizabeth Dattoli, Pharm.D. (Veith) was born and raised in Sussex County, Delaware. Elizabeth grew up in Bethany Beach with her seven siblings. She attended and is a graduate of the Indian River School District. After completing Indian River High School in 2000, Elizabeth received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2006 from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Elizabeth has worked for Walgreens Pharmacy in various roles for the past 10 years. She is currently the pharmacy manager of the Walgreens in Bethany Beach and specializes in immunizations, diabetic education and medication therapy management. She lives locally with her husband Jordan and daughter Giovanna.

The County Woman Newspaper

Flu Shots

Hepatitis A & B Vaccine

Pneumonia vaccine

Blood Pressure Measuring

Shingles vaccine

Tdap Vaccine

Most Insurances accepted

prescription savings club 5-20% discount on all immunizations including flu and Tdap shots



$avings on ALL Generics, many Brand medications, and even Pet meds. Plus, earn 10% rebate on Walgreens-brand products & Photos. Comprehensive benefits for diabetics, including insulin, glucose monitors, test strips and supplies

Fall 2015

Health & Medicine

Say Goodbye to Hemorrhoids! New, Pain-Free Method Takes Only 30 to 60 seconds! It’s now easier than ever to stop living with the discomfort and irritation of hemorrhoids. The board-certified male and female gastroenterologists at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates (HGA) use a new, nonsurgical, virtually painless treatment to make hemorrhoids disappear — with an in-office procedure that takes only 30 to 60 seconds! Since this new method earned FDA approval, our gastroenterologists have used it to resolve hemorrhoids for more than 400 Hunterdon and Somerset County residents. Like them, you’ll benefit from: 3 Treatment same day as the exam 3 Covered by most insurance 3 No at-home prep 3 No pain meds needed… before, during or after

3 No hospital, surgery, sedation or anesthesia 3 No down time – immediate return to activities 3 Driving yourself home… or even back to work!

This new procedure represents a dramatic improvement in speed, ease, comfort and overall patient experience in the relief of hemorrhoids. Specially trained and highly experienced in this procedure, our doctors treat you in the privacy, comfort and convenience of our offices in Flemington and Somerville. Don’t suffer needlessly with the misery of hemorrhoids. Call HGA today to speak to one of our nurses about how this fast, easy, pain-free and minimally invasive procedure can lead you to a hemorrhoid-free life.

Most Insurances Accepted

Call Now: 908-483-2053 Flemington Office

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Medical Experts in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases

135 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

HD_HGA_Hemorrhoids_HCW_10x12.indd 1

Fall 2015


Somerville Office

© HS 2015

Hunterdon Doctors Office Building 1100 Wescott Drive, Suite 206 / 207 Flemington, NJ 08822

8/6/15 9:57 AM


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine Dr. Andrea Goldstein

r. Goldstein is a board ertified spe ialist in gastroenterology hepatology who re ei ed her medi al degree from Georgetown University. She enjoys being on the leading edge of new treatments for diseases that in the past had no cure. Dr. Goldstein is one of the physicians who perform the CRH O’Regan System at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, for internal hemorrhoids. In most cases if the CRH O’Regan system is deemed appropriate, it can be performed at your initial consultation. Dr. Goldstein is an involved mother, helping her children with piano lessons and volunteering with Girl Scouts. She was trained in opera and sings in the community choir. She is also active with her synagogue, including delivering food to a local shelter through the Jewish Relief Agency. “As a doctor, I strive to give my patients the best possible medical care they can receive, in an environment where they can feel comfortable. This starts with talking and listening closely to ensure that I get a complete picture of the patient’s medical history and symptoms, and also that my patient understands what she needs to know to follow her treatment plan and return for the follow-up testing she needs to protect her health. Giving my time, compassion and full attention is as important as any test or procedure I perform.”

HEMORRHOIDAL TREATMENT Over half the population will experience some type of hemorrhoidal problem in their lifetime. You may be suffering in silence because you are too embarrassed to discuss the problem, or worry that the cure will be more painful than the problem itself. Now, advances in medicine have made hemorrhoid treatment fast and virtually painless. our only challenge is fi nding a doctor who offers the right treatment and makes you feel comfortable receiving it. How do hemorrhoids develop? Hemorrhoids are simply swollen and engorged veins in the anal and rectal region. They are most commonly caused by changes in frequency of bowel movements, pressure of straining and hormonal changes or pressure during pregnancy. The veins swell and stretch and gradually lose the support of surrounding connective tissue. Hemorrhoids can cause the following symptoms: Itching/Burning Bleeding Protrusion during Bowel Movements Pain Hygiene Concerns Are all hemorrhoids the same? Hemorrhoids are actually classifi ed into four stages based upon severity. This helps determine which treatment is most appropriate for you. 1) Stage I: The hemorrhoids remain inside at all times. They do not protrude from the anus. 2) Stage II: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but reduce spontaneously. 3) Stage III: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but require manual insertion. 4) Stage IV: Fourth degree hemorrhoids: The most severe hemorrhoids always protrude and cannot be pushed back inside. What are the treatment options for removing hemorrhoids? Effective hemorrhoid treatment depends on your specifi c medical condition. No doctor should recommend a solution without fi rst doing an exam

to rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding. Once you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, you will have different options to choose from, depending on the severity of your case. You may get adequate relief from increasing fi ber in your diet, taking warm sitz baths and using topical creams. Treatment options include a variety of minimally invasive procedures that cut off blood fl ow to the hemorrhoid and cause it to shrink. In some cases your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove excess tissue. What is the most painless method for treatment? An even less invasive and pain-free solution has recently been approved for internal hemorrhoids. This new banding option, the CRH O’Regan System ™ is considered the “gold standard” in treatment and almost eliminates the discomfort and recovery time associated with other hemorrhoid removal options. During the 60 SECOND procedure, the physician uses a gentle suction device to place a small rubber band around the tissue, just above the hemorrhoid. There are very few nerve endings in this area to cause any pain. The hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off within a day or two. Research has shown that 99.8% of patients treated with the CRH O’Regan System ™ have no post-procedure pain and require no pain medication before, during, or after the procedure. There is no bowel prep, and you can drive yourself home afterwards. Another advantage, external hemorrhoids may also improve with this option. Make an appointment with a specialist If you or a family member is ready to get permanent relief from hemorrhoids, you should make an appointment with a digest specialist for an accurate diagnosis and the

The County Woman Newspaper


most appropriate treatments available. Only doctors who have been specially trained by CRH O’Regan System ™ trainers/doctors are licensed to provide this state-of-the-art banding treatment. Locally, it is performed at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates (HGA).

Please call 908-483-2047 to make an appointment. HEMORRHOID

“ can’t believe

suffered needlessly with hemorrhoid pain for over 3 years!” – S e on t

nt o to

er in ilence

At Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, you’ll find a physician who is easy to talk to without embarrassment. ou’ll have an e am to check for hemorrhoids and rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding. f we do detect hemorrhoids, you’ll get all the information you need to understand your condition and treatment options.

v il

o er t e mo t e ective emorr oi tre tment le or imme i te n long l ting relie

• The newest non-surgical and painless band ligation procedure that lasts under 60 seconds, called the O eg n S tem. HGA doctors have been specially trained to offer this virtually pain-free, drug-free solution for internal hemorrhoids. • Infrared coagulation • HET bipolar coagulation our HGA specialist will provide the treatment that’s right for your individual needs so you can en oy life free from the pain and irritation of hemorrhoids.

Call today for an appointment.


Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Medical Experts in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Flemington Office Hunterdon Doctors Office Building 1100 Wescott Drive Suite 206 / 207 Flemington, NJ 08822

Somerville Office 135 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876

Name & photo have been changed to protect the privacy of the patient.


Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

HCW_HGA_Hemorrhoid.Final.indd 1


Fall 2015 2/5/15 2:55 PM


educate. enrich. em

p o w er.

It’s Fun Being The New Kid On The Block… By: Terri Pippin, The Medicine Woman

With all that is new going on we are also offering our tried and true services that are the ac one of he edicine Woman. We will never leave our Holistic roots and The edicine oman ill al ays offer Shamanic and Energy Healing services.


his is an exciting time for The edicine oman as e mo ed to our new location in Historic Lewes, De. Our doors are open and we are ready for business. This is a time for new beginnings, new friends, new services and new clients while also honoring and respecting old friends, old services and especially old clients.

ast ife ourney so you can find out why you like or dislike certain people, places and things. Prices start at $125.00 a service. We will also be doing The Shamanic Healing Circles and our Three Step Prosperity Workshop. There will also be a few new workshops added and meditation circles available. Just wanted to give you something to look forward to in the fall of 2012!!

Health & Medicine

We will keep on balancing and repairing your chakras and cleaning out and cleansing your ura e ill do re e ology to help move the energy to promote healing in different areas of the body. Healing done on your mind, body and spirit, either at our new location or a distant healing when you can’t get to us. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.

We will be offering different types of massage that will increase e i ility, relie e muscle pain and body tension while relieving stress. Choose from Therapeutic Deep Tissue, Swedish and Prenatal massage. What will be coming in the future are Thai and Hot Stone. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.

The Medicine Woman 33800 Dreamweaver Lane Lewes, Delaware 19958 302-220-1146 Shamanic Healing & Workshops Energy Work Massage Body Wraps and Scrubs

Testimonials: “I have been a healer for 20 years as a Massage Therapist and an Herbologist. My dear friend gave me a gi t certificate and told me Terri was very impressive. I went and was blown away with the work and the valuable information she provided. I have seen Terri for several treatments; just as my friends have had multiple sessions. Terri is truly gifted in all that she does. I hope after reading this, you call and make an appointment!” ~Sue M., Lewes, DE

Healing With Moon Energies As always, our Shamanic Healing is done on a very deep and very different level. Full Spectrum Healing is energy work done within Shamanic boundaries and with the power of the edicine heel oul Retrieval will help you recapture what was physically, emotionally and/or spiritually lost thru traumas in your life. Take that

he edicine oman is no offering fantastic therapies. Take that hour or two and let yourself drift away to your private sanctuary, where the person that needs and gets the attention is you. Our prices start at $80.00 a service.

“Terri is an exceptionally gifted, spiritual and loving individual. I highly recommend Terri’s services to anyone who wishes to embark on the spiritual path, or to those who simply want to feel better about life.” ~Marty T.

As you continue your Holistic Path of self healing, it is good to know that Mother Nature provides us with many systems to help balance our life journey.

! !













June/July 2012

Mention this Newspaper and get 10% off any Service until 8/1/12

As Publisher of the Country Woman’s Newspapers, I can say it is the best deep tissue massage I have ever had. ~ Elizabeth K.

Even in modern times, our ancient souls and spirits call us to act in different ways according to the vibrations of Moon energies. Because the lunar cycles are more frequent and more closely related to our daily lives these energies can be used to strengthen The Medicine our holistic goals.Woman founded by Terri Pippin

Massage, EnergyMoon Work, Body Therapies The New is a time for beginning new projects; & Shamanic Healing try burning slips of paper with your desires, goals or projects 33800 Dreamweaver Lane, Lewes, Delaware 19958 written on them for manifestation. Start to renew relationships 302-645-8369 (w) and projects already in your life, starting with time allowed for 302-220-1146 (c) personal initiations and self-affi rmations. or your Alter try newly budding plants and place a programmed Lodestone next to it. This is the best time to implement an Energy or Shamanic Healing Plan.


The County Woman Newspaper

The Waxing Moon is a time of energizing, adjusting, updating and changing the

pro ects you already have and the new ones that you want in your life. A good time for healing, building your strength, protecting yourself, the environment and sharing that protection with the world. or you Alter pick any blooming fl ower and choose minerals that are darker and richer shades of orange and red. A good time for more structured and formal spiritual rituals that are used in Shamanic Healing.

Terri Pippin CMT, Reiki Master & Shaman, is founder of The Medicine Woman. Terri started her spiritual journey of healing in 1986 when she was first introduced to meditation. She has been a Certified Massage Technician since 1996. Her journey has included the development of Reiki skills, culminating in the achievements of the Master Reiki Level in 2007 and the development of several energy healing techniques. The Medicine Woman is trained in both Celtic and Native American Shamanism and has been a shamanic healer since 1998.

The Medicine Woman Founded by Terri Pippin

Massage, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing Classes & Workshops

Plantations Clubhouse ~ 2nd Floor 18464 Plantations Blvd • Lewes, Delaware 19958


The Full Moon is a time to honor and celebrate the energies of your life, those you have and those you want in your life. This is a time to pull yourself together, celebrate your power and accept, graciously, where you are on your path. Enjoy celebrations, ceremonies and rituals that are solidarity or shared. or your Alter pick a fl ower with a full white blossom and any clear crystal. ull Spectrum Healing, Chakra Balancing, Reiki or Refl exology is extra powerful during this period. The full moon time is a time of releasing, banishing and purging things in your life that are obstacles for you.

Still keeping the old classes:

The Waning Moon is also time for purifying yourself, your activities and your

NCBTMB Approved

environment. An excellent time to personali e rituals that are not to be shared with anyone. or your Alter any blooming night fl ower. bsidian and Apache tears help absorb the energies you are trying to banish. This is a great time for Shamanic ork such as ast ife ourneys and Soul Retrievals because earth ourneys are powerful at this time.

The Dark of the Moon is when the moon has no energy in relation to the earth.

This occurs several hours before the start of the New oon. Traditionally, this is a tricky time. Energies are literally void and you can’t be sure what your energies will do. This is a very good time to surround yourself with your personal protective totems and do deep level release work on yourself. hat you begin during the waning moon you can complete at the dark of the moon.

Although all styles of healing may be used at any time, different types of healing are more powerful at certain times when connected with healing vibrations of Mother Nature.

Fall 2015


Polarity Chakra Balance – 12 CEU Shamanic Core Class Energy Grid Healing Shamanic Healing Circles Introduction to Healing the Chakras. Prosperity Workshop

Please go on line at for dates and tuition fee for all classes. The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine


Healing Touch And Essential Oils

n the Old Testament there are hundreds of references to the use of essential oils. There are over one thousand references in some accounts. These essential oils were used for celebrating, healing, anointing, and blessing; people used these healing oils in their everyday lives to honor God.

Jesus was God’s anointed one. Jesus taught his disciples how to heal and anoint, and then sent them out into the villages to impart his wisdom on the suffering. The early Christians practiced healing through prayer, anointing with oil and the laying-on of hands. As time passed, the Christian Church used blessed oil to anoint penitents as part of their reconciliation procedure. Frankincense and Myrrh are the oldest Biblical oils used by the Church for anointing. Then, during the 5th century, we saw evidence that the laity were no longer anointing the sick, but rather the priests. By the early Middle Ages, priests had the sole responsibility of anointing, which was only for the seriously ill and for absolution of sin. Pure essential oils were no longer used, but rather olive oil combined with a fragrance. This was more of a symbolic act, and anointing was no longer practiced as the early Christians did. During the last 50 years, there has been a renewed attention to the healing power of anointing with oil, especially for those that are sick. An emphasis has been placed on strengthening and healing rather than just waiting until someone dies. Here are a few examples of energy healing and using biblical essential oils: 1. Anointing of the Hands and Feet. This method is a compassionate way to help a client feel cared for, and is especially helpful for clients recovering from an illness, those hospitalized, and for those grieving or in hospice. 2. A Sign of the Cross Blessing. This method comes from the practice of Linda

Smith and is derived from the gesture of blessing in faith. Even if the client is not a Christian, this technique can fi t within any spiritual path. During this method the brow, throat and heart energy centers are opened to God’s healing presence. An oil is chosen specifi cally for the client. Essential oils can affect all layers of our energy body which is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This technique can be extremely relaxing; therefore, it can assist in pain reduction.

Bruce Tainio found that negative thoughts lower the frequency of essential oils by 12 MHz. On the other hand, positive thoughts raise them by 10 MHz while prayer raises the vibration even higher at 15 MHz. Thus, prayer can change energy and intensify the effectiveness of Healing Touch. The heart is considered to be the center

3. Chakra Connection. This is a balancing technique that comes from Dr. Brugh Joy, M.D., that facilitates movement of energy from one energy center to another throughout the entire body, connecting all the major and minor chakras. It can also be spiritually balancing for the client and the practitioner. It comes from the centered heart, and communicates the same loving compassion as seen in the Gospels. This technique is part of the Healing Touch curriculum.

Mon., Sept. 21, 2015 • 7:00 p.m., H e al i ng D ru m C i rcl e ( F re e ) Tue., Sept. 22, 2015 • 12:30 – 3:30 p.m, H e al i ng T ou ch C l i ni c ( F re e ) Wed., Sept. 23, 2015 • 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m, E ne rg y / R e i k i S h are ( F re e ) Tues., Oct. 27, 2015 • 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., H e al i ng T ou ch C l i ni c ( F re e ) Wed.., Oct. 28, 2015 • 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., E ne rg y / R e i k i S h are ( F re e )

4. Blessing of the Senses. This technique is based on the anointing of the brow, eyes, ears, throat, hands, feet and heart. It is done with oil for anointing and with prayers of blessing for the physical body, mind and spirit (the early Church was holistic and understood that the whole person needed healing). For over 500 years this anointing was only for those who were dying and transitioning to the next life. It has fi nally changed in the last 0 years to refl ect again the purpose of anointing for the healing of the whole person. Using pure essential oils for healing – as they were originally intended – during a Healing Touch session adds to the energetic healing by clearing the energy fi eld of congested energy and rebalancing it. As a Healing Touch Practitioner, my goal is to restore harmony and balance in the human energy system, placing you in a position to self-heal. I must fi rst fi nd out what you need at that specifi c time before I chose oils that suit those needs. To achieve our mutual goal is the key in selecting the right techniques and essential oils. This mutual goal can range from a greater connection to God to relief from physical discomfort and pain, and everything in between. Prayer also enhances the power of energetic healing. During an experiment,

* * T he H ealing T ouch Clinics are a g reat way to ex perience H ealing T ouch. A ll sessions are 30 m inutes long and are m ade by appointm ent. * * Join us f or an E nerg y/ Reiki Share f or practitioners of all lev els and m odalities.

of our being in scriptures. In the Bible, there are hundreds of references to the heart, as it is how we communicate with God. By combining the power of anointing with essential oils with Healing Touch and prayer, this powerful healing tool will enhance traditional healthcare.


I f you are interested or hav e any q uestions, please call Claudia at 302-227 -6260. Space is lim ited.


415 Rehoboth A v enue Rehoboth B each, DE 1997 1

( 302) 227 -6260

T he O asis Wellness Spa is located conv eniently in the heart of Rehoboth B each j ust a f ew blocks f rom the beach with F RE E parking !

Services • •

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Retail Store •

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B y appointm ent only. I f you would like to schedule an appointm ent or browse our retail store, please call 302-227 -6260

www.O The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Home & Garden


perts in ome


re o fin ing that getting in an o t of the t isn t as eas as is se to e re o worr ing a o t or aring for aging famil mem ers o o want to remain in the home an omm nit that o lo e thro gh o r retirement ears o are not alone or ing to an poll o er of a lts want to sta in their rrent home an omm nit as the age. Sin e so man in ries happen in the athroom it s the est pla e to start. emo e ripping azar s n rease ighting The easiest and least expensive things you can do to reduce falls are: remove area rugs and increase lighting levels. As we age, we require more light to see well. Consider adding motion-sensor lighting in the bathroom. nstall ra ars 80% of senior falls occur in the bathroom and the highest percentage of these are related to the tub/ shower or toilet. Installing grab bars is the simplest and most economical way to prevent injury. A towel bar is not a grab bar! Grab bars need to be rated for the weight of the users, properly positioned for the individual and properly installed. It is recommended that a Certifi ed Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS)

essi ilit

be consulted. People often think that grab bars look sterile or institutional but this is not true! Beautiful styles and fi nishes are available to complement the look of your home. Simple ath Safet Sol tions Tub rails, non-slip mats, bath benches or seats and hand-held shower wands are all low-cost products that make bathing easier and safer. Simply adding a bath seat can make bathing much safer. There are many sizes and styles available. It is important to make sure that the bath seat fi ts into your tub or shower properly and that it is able to hold the weight of the user. al - n s an ts A walk-in tub installs quickly and fi ts in the space of a standard tub. Best Bath Systems offers a selection of standard and custom sizes and styles that are guaranteed not to leak. A tub cut is an economical alternative. This system cuts a section out of the side of a standard tub to allow the user easy access. The tub can still be used for showering. arrier- ree Showers A barrier-free shower is the ultimate in function and style. Tile and molded surround systems are both are customizable with limitless design options. A true barrier-free design means that there is no curb so there is nothing to step over and a shower wheelchair-user can easily roll in. Options include shower seats, grab bars, hand held shower wands and designer looks.

estimonial “I am writing to acknowledge and thank you for the exceptional guidance and service your and your team have provided us.... Your shop, from the front desk to the exceptional service team cannot be spo en o in anything but superlati is re reshing to find ompas sionate and caring individuals whose patience is able to help the family make the right choices for their needs....Your crew is excellent you are a leader who earns and shows respe t and it shows in the attitude of your employees and in your communications with your customers. A heart felt Thank You to your and your staff.� - Christine, Greenville, DE


Fall 2015

www. en e e i al. om 00302-0 0 26

The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Things Most People Don’t Know About Chiropractic Dr. Tracy Hudson

Dr. Sheila Burek

Dr. Hudson is a ’95 Cape Henlopen High School graduate and continued her educational career at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. While attending UNCW, Dr. Hudson suffered an injury playing softball and she sought treatment with a local chiropractor. After a few adjustments, Dr. Hudson was back on the field. Now being a true believer, she decided to further her education in the natural healing art. She attended Life University in Atlanta, GA for 3 years, and then transferred to Texas Chiropractic College in Houston. After graduating in 2004, she moved to Clearwater, FL, where she was in private practice for 8 years. During that time, she also became a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. She has now moved back to her home town to share her love of chiropractic with our community.

Even though chiropractic care has become much more mainstream in the recent past, there are many misconceptions regarding our profession. We have come a long way in our 120 years, but the fact remains that most folks do not understand what chiropractors do. Here is a short list of some facts regarding chiropractic.

• dysfunction. A patient’s back is often restricted or unstable for months or years before it presents as a problem and they show up in a chiropractor s offi ce. In addition, the absence of pain is not health. While medication may be needed, if you take a pill and the pain goes away, the dysfunction that caused it still persists. Muscle, ligament and joint injuries often occur as a result of long-term biomechanical dysfunction, sometimes from past injuries, making the area more susceptible to future in ury. • well and perform better, not just for the occasional injury. Athletes choose chiropractors because chiropractic removes nerve interference allowing optimal nerve function giving muscles and oints full power from the brain. Every team in the NFL has a chiropractor keeping their players in the game. Chiropractors were also on the medical team in London at the 2012 Summer lympic ames. Top athletes such as Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, Tom Brady, Evander Holyfi eld, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have all been proud patients of chiropractors and still receive regular chiropractic care. These days it’s far more common than not for major athletes and sports teams to keep chiropractors on staff to help prevent injuries, speed injury recovery, improve balance and coordination, and give them a greater competitive edge.

Henlopen Chiropractic Center is pleased to welcome Dr. Sheila Burek to our practice. Dr. Burek is a Buffalo, NY native, who received her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology at D’youville College. She then worked as a medical research assistant in Cardiology at the University Of Buffalo School Of Medicine. It was at that time that Dr. Burek suffered an injury at the gym, for which she sought chiropractic care. It was through this experience that Dr. Burek became interested in furthering her healthcare career in alternative medicine. She attended Palmer College of Chiropractic, graduating in 1995. After 18 years of private practice in Pennsylvania, working in a multi-disciplinary setting, including orthopedic surgeons and physiatrists, she relocated to our beautiful beach town.

• cluster of separate mechanisms, but rather a cascade of events that all starts with proper control by the nervous system. The nerves that travel through and control every function of your body originate at the spinal cord and their transmission may be disrupted if the joints of the surrounding spinal column are not moving properly. This disruption in biomechanical integrity combined with altered physiological function is what chiropractors call a subluxation. This is why it is not uncommon for a chiropractor to treat a patient with mid-back pain who also suffers from irritable bowel system, a patient with a subluxated sacrum who has been unsuccessfully trying to become pregnant, or a patient with an upper back fi xation and acid refl ux. • Sorry to disappoint you, but a chiropractor will never “fi x” your back. hat we are able to do is restore proper motion in the joints, which relieves tension on the nerves and muscles and allows your body to do the healing that it is inherently made to do. As chiropractors, we believe that the body is a perfect organism in its natural state, and all disease comes from a disruption in the body’s proper transmission of signals by the nerves which affects its ability to heal and to defend against disease-causing agents. e never treat disease. e assess to fi nd which spinal levels are causing the dysfunction, and we adjust it to restore proper nerve fl ow so the nervous system may work as effi ciently and effectively as possible. • Many seniors aren t aware of the benefi ts of chiropractic care which can help them not only with pain relief, but also increase range of motion, balance and coordination, and decrease joint degeneration. There s no patient too young for chiropractic either! Chiropractors check infants’ spines

The County Woman Newspaper

moments after birth for misalignments of the upper vertebrae that may occur as a result of the birth process. In addition to supporting overall health and wellbeing, parents also take their children to chiropractors to encourage healthy brain and nervous system development, to assist with colic, asthma, allergies, bed-wetting and sleeping problems, and to assist with behavioral disorders. • There is no bone snapping or warrior-style pulling heads off spinal columns The neck adjustment some chiropractors use causes anticipation for many new patients, but is actually much gentler than they imagined, and involves a quick, direct thrust to a specifi c spinal bone. The sound an adjustment makes is called a cavitation


and is only space being created within the joint causing gasses to be released from the joint capsule, which creates the popping or cracking noise. Also, chiropractic adjustments will not wear out your joints, as some imagine because they have been warned not to “crack their knuckles” for this reason in the past. Ad ustments, unlike “knuckle cracking” or having your friend stomp on you while you lay on the carpet, are applied specifi cally to improve the motion of your joints and limit the small dysfunctions that over time can lead to arthritis. ost people after an adjustment describe the feeling as being “lighter”, having greater ease in moving the body, and being able to stand up taller.

Testimonial “After several months of back and side pain and multiple trips to doctors, surgeons and pain management, I decided to visit Dr. Tracy Hudson at Henlopen Chiropractic. Since this was my first experience with this type of treatment I was very apprehensive. I am thrilled that after a few visits I felt relief!! She was able to diagnose and treat my condition allowing me to return to work and also enjoy my Summer!” L. Holland

Fall 2015


Easter Seals Community Outreach Program Supports Family Caregivers


aring for an aging parent can be daunting, especially if you are taking on the task alone, like Hope. She is caring for her 74-year-old mother who is no longer able to leave the house. Ever since Hope found the many programs within the Easter Seals Community Outreach Program (COP) she no longer feels she is facing the challenges alone. “Easter Seals is my ‘go to’ place for help, like Amazon is for shopping,” Hope says. “I get more help from Easter Seals than any other agency I’ve called.” Caregiving can be an exhausting job, especially when the caregiver does not get time to themselves to recharge. Respite is an option through the COP’s Delaware Lifespan Respite Care Network, which provides funds to support family caregivers providing care to a person of any age or disability. Hope says, “The respite funds free me up to be able to have time by myself to go to the library or movies. It gives me ‘me’ time.” Like many others, Hope takes advantage of the Caregiver and Assistive Technology Resource Center. Partially funded through the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities, Easter Seals has a Case Manager on site every day to provide information, resources and support to family caregivers. “Easter Seals helps all the way around. They’ve gone beyond respite.” Hope says. “They go out of their way to help. They are there for me.” One of the more unique aspects about Easter Seals Resource Center is the focus on Assistive Technology, or “tools for independence”. There are hundreds of pieces of assistive technology on display, like pill reminders and large print calculators, which promote independence and quality of life. This gives individuals the opportunity to try out products prior to purchasing. A virtual tour of the Technology Demonstration Center can be found at: “I wish more people knew Easter Seals is available for older people,” Hope shares. “I wish more people would realize you could just walk in. Sometimes I just drop by to see everything in the Resource Center that might be of help to me or my mother.” Through the FYI: Finance Your Independence Assistive Technology Loan program, Easter Seals assists Delawareans in securing lower-interest loans to purchase assistive technology or make modifications for accessibility. The program is made possible through lending partners Del-One Federal Credit Union and DEXSTA Federal Credit nion. Along with home modifications loans can be used for work equipment such as a computer that accommodates for visual limitations and much more. Even lower cost items, such as hearing aids, can be funded through this program. For more information about any of the services provided through the Community Outreach Program, please contact Joyce Medkeff at 302-221-2076 or Visit our site:

Easter Seals Tunnell Center is located at 22317 DuPont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947. Please visit our website and see all of our services for people of all ages and abilities: 22317 DuPont Highway, Georgetown

Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

Health & & Medicine Medicine Health

CoolSculpting Non-Surgical Fat Removal fat. This non-invasive procedure represents an alternative to surgical liposuction by using a novel cooling technology that permanently removes fat cells from treated areas.

Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. The biggest trend in cosmetic surgery for 2013 is the expansion of non-invasive body countouring technology, the best of which is CoolSculpting, which is now available at ReNove Medical in Rehoboth Beach. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-surgical device that uses precisely controlled cooling to destroy fat cells, thereby eliminating unwanted love handles, bra rolls, and stomach fat. Arms and legs can be treated as well. Unlike some other non-surgical technologies that release fat from fat cells, such as Vasershape and I-Lipo, Coolsculpting destroys the fat cells thereby eliminating treated fat permanently, as our body does not make new fat cells. Coolsculpting is a unique non-surgical treatment for removal of fat from localized pockets of excess

How does CoolSculpting Work? The technology behind CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard scientists who noted that fat was destroyed by cold under certain conditions. CoolSculpting is a result of their efforts to harness and refine this application of cold to selectively remove unwanted fat deposits in a safe manner. During a treatment, your unwanted fatty area will be pressed and chilled to a temperature 12 degrees above freezing. At this temperature the fat within fat cells crystallizes. When the fat within the cells crystallizes, it damages and kills the fat cell. Skin and other tissue is not damaged as the water in other cells is not crystallized, only fat. The body will then eliminate the killed fat cells over time. The best news is that we do not make new fat cells. Fat cells merely get bigger or smaller as they store more fat or lose fat. So in essence the fat removal from CoolSculpting is permanent. And we have seen instances of patients who if they gain weight, the weight will not return to the treated areas.

by CoolSculpt. Most of our patients are interested in losing fatty areas in the upper and lower abdomen, the muffin top, waist, brat fat, back fat, love handles, and “mommy pooches.” We can also treat arms, thighs and saddle bags.

Are there any side effects from CoolSculpting? The side effects from a CoolSculpting treatment are minimal. It is possible Before to have bruising after the treatment, which resolves in a week. It is common to have numbness or decreased sensitivity in the treated area lasting 1 to 2 weeks. In some instances patients will develop a burning tingling sensation 5 days after the treatment which can be controlled with a Lidoderm patch. There are virtually no long term negative side effects.

What does CoolSculpting feel like? Our treatment room is very comfortable where you will relax on a padded recliner. When the CoolSculpting is applied to the fatty area to be treated there is a sensation of pulling that What are the most common areas feels slightly uncomfortable for the first 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually this sensation lessens to be treated? Many people on a weight loss program con- to the point during the treatment any uncomtinue to have stubborn hard to lose areas, no fortable sensation is minimal. There seems matter how much dieting, sit ups or weight to be a natural endorphin release during the they lose. Such stubborn areas are typically treatment so patients are very relaxed during around the abdomen, the love handles and in- the treatment, which takes an hour. Some peoner thighs. Once you are over forty, losing fat ple have fallen asleep during the treatment! A in these areas is extremely difficult. These are typical treatment session lasts between 1 and the areas that CoolSculpt can address. Basi- 3 hours, depending on how many areas are cally if there is an area you can pinch several treated. uring the treatment, we have Netflix inches, that area can be treated and eliminated available so you can watch a movie or catch

After up on your favorite television program. Busy moms find this time to themselves a real treat We also have Wi-Fi.

How quickly do people see results? After a CoolSculpting treatment, the fat cells are actually killed and will be eliminated by the body over time. Many report seeing changes in as little as 3 to 4 weeks. The full benefit will take as long as 0 to 0 days. How long to results last? Once the fat cells are frozen, killed and naturally eliminated by your body, the results are permanent. You can still gain weight in other areas if you over eat and don’t continue to try to remain fit. If you are interested in learning more about CoolSculpting and would like to see if you are a good candidate for this effective treatment to lose unwanted fatty areas, please call us today to set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Michelle Parsons at ReNove Medical, Health Rejuvenating Spa, in Rehoboth Beach, 30222 -10 . e will be offering an introductory Special this season, so please inquire.

Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call


Spring 2013 The County Spring 2014Woman Newspaper

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The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanNewspaper Newspaper Fall 2015

omen in rofi e Antionette Wright-Johnson I m a retired teacher from Highland tah and couldn’t wait to move to the beach where I could play golf, make pottery, and enjoy bird watching.

I am a 10 year Breast Cancer Survivor and Founder /CEO of All About Pink, Inc. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my life changed. I learned not to “sweat the small stuff”. My Faith grew stronger and my trial became my triumph. I felt compelled to give back to other Breast Cancer Survivors, so I started my own non-profi t in an effort to ove Beyond Cancer to Wellness.

On Oct 22, 2014 I had severe pains on my right side I decided that I should go to the ER to check for an appendicitis. I received a CAT scan and a CA 125 blood test and it was concluded I had a tumor size softball and I was in Stage 3c Ovarian Cancer and needed to make some very important decisions.

As a Certifi ed Health Coach, my focus is on providing nutritional education and counseling, exercise programs, support groups and retreat services. My programs are designed to encourage Survivors to live and think positively. I strive to support them in achieving wholeness. I believe wholeness is a healthy balance of our minds, bodies and spirits. I encourage Survivors to “Celebrate Life”!

The fi rst of November I had a complete hysterectomy and debulking of the malignant growths in my abdomen before starting chemo therapy in December. So, I had 6 cycles of chemo consisting of 18 treatments which ended on March 23rd 2015. Each day I’m getting stronger. I’ve returned to my monitoring position at the Rehoboth Art League, started playing golf again, teaching the kids pottery class and walking my two dogs.

One of my proudest accomplishments is the partnership I have with the elaware ivision of otor ehicles. I launched the fi rst ever Breast Cancer Awareness license plate for the State of Delaware. If anyone is interested in obtaining the license plate, contact me at 302-947-0309 or email me at:

Dianne Marion Diagnosed in 2009 with DCIS Breast cancer from a routine mammogram at the age of 40, the cancer was caught early and stage 1. With three young children I was hopeful that there was little reason to believe chemo/radiation was necessary… until after surgery- the biopsy report noted the cancer was a fast growing cancer HER-2 positive which meant chemotherapy was a necessity. I cried for the fi rst time since my diagnosis. Like most woman, I work full time in a busy career, carpool, homework with the kids -I didn’t have time for Chemo. But, I was blessed since day 1 if you can say that when diagnosed with cancer. Gods intervention, I had no complications with surgery, and my chemo was kinder to my body than expected. I was not debilitated by the extreme nauseous and fatigue- like so many woman. For me, I was able to continue with my real estate career while going through it all. After the 4 hours of chemo, my husband would drop me off at my offi ce, scarf on my bald head, face fl ushed from the chemo but work occupied me and keeping up my daily routine was important. Determined not to be disappointed with how I looked after surgery, my husband, friends, family and myself decided we would just laugh when possible through the process. Those who have or are going through it can appreciate the bizarre transformations your body takes after mastectomy. Reconstructive surgery is a process with drain tubes, tissue expanders, tattooed areolas and pigs skin nipples. (see even reading it can be amusing) Its been over 5 years since my chemo is fi nished and when I have the honor to mentor through the BCC newly diagnosed woman I always hope that while diffi cult they can keep a good attitude and remember that a giggle goes a long way…

Fall 2015

To celebrate their wedding anniversary, Dianne and Jim Marion came to South Bethany in 1994 on a mini vacation and fell in love with the beauty and small-town atmosphere of the area...So in 2004 when they retired from their jobs in northern New ersey with the .S. ostal Service, they moved her permanently. Today, Dianne, now 64, is a two-year breast cancer survivor...In spring 2013, after her annual mammogram revealed a suspicious mass, a biopsy confi rmed she had Stage One breast cancer.. Fortunately, her lumpectomy was successful and her lymph nodes were clear...She also had no side effects from her radiation treatment--35 over six and a half weeks.. During her diagnosis and treatment, Dianne found The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC). “DBCC was critical to my recovery” she says.


The County Woman Newspaper

omen in rofi e Henrietta Belcher-Stack

Joyce Rickards

Henrietta Belcher-Stack is a leader and visionary who works to positively impact women facing obstacles from domestic violence to cancer.

Joyce Rickards, of Millsboro, Delaware speaks scripture at the beginning of each day. “Niecey” is a native Sussex Countian. On August 2006, she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Gastric cancer, and in January 2008, with Stage 2 breast cancer. Her treatments included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Belcher-Stack is a vice president for WSFS. She has held a variety of positions in the banking industry and in business. She is also a Certifi ed Reverse ortgage rofessional and a Certifi ed Senior Advisor. She also has a passion for Zumba Fitness promoting healthy lifestyles.

In 2006, she lost her father to lung cancer, and her mother to breast cancer in 200 . Because fi ve different types of cancer have infi ltrated her family, she participates in genetic testing to assist in locating the gene with hopes that one day, cancer will exist no more.

She has been active many organizations, including volunteering at her children’s schools and serving on the University of Delaware Parents Board of Directors. She is currently president of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Delaware State ederation of omen s Clubs ( S C), a nonprofi t statewide federation of 23 community women’s clubs, and has held leadership roles in GFWC clubs in Sussex County.

She is an active member of Friendship United Methodist church. Her love for God and her healing is radiated through the songs that she sings. Sharing her story is so rewarding! There is life after cancer! Early detection, diet, spirituality, treatment, exercise all work together! It’s a spiritual transformation to a new you! Her outreach as a ay Navigator with Tunnell Cancer Center, Susan . omen “Sharing ur Stories, Saving Our Sisters 2012 award, , Sisters On A Mission Organization, and 2015 Community Service from Millsboro Seventh Day Adventist Church keep her busy. In 2013, she was a Award recipient and in 201 was “ elmarvalous omen” recipient. She mentors other cancer patients. Her desire is to become a mediator for patients receiving treatment and helping them to understand the medical terminology and challenges that many cancer patients face.

In 2011 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and after 19 weekly chemotherapy treatments and two surgeries had decided it was her second chance to be fi t AN have fun. She started taking Zumba Fitness classes in May 2012 and realized what fun it was to jump and shake. Then saw additional weight loss results totaling over 70 lbs! Henri spoke to a friend about becoming an instructor and she said why not and did! She is a Licensed Zumba Fitness, Zumba Step, Zumba Core and Zumba Gluts Instructor and has completed the Zumba Fitness Pro-Skill and B2 Advances Rhythm training.

An annual gospel concert is held to raise scholarship money for students of cancer patients who want to attend Delaware Tech’s Owens Campus. It’s the Sylvester and Joyce E. Rickards Scholarship und 210 and who desire to go into the medical fi eld.

Henri’s motto is Live, Love, Laugh and Always Dance.

Giving back is what she loves to do because God gave her a second chance to get it RIGHT!

Mildred Polk

Margaret Saul

Mildred Polk of Harbeson, DE is a retired Social Worker with Division of Social Services State of Delaware. She is a breast cancer survivor who has 3 children and 3 grandchildren. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 5 in April, 2003 which left her scared and unsure how she would get through because she had lost a sister to breast cancer. Mildred, now a 3 time breast cancer survivor, had lumpectomy, mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries is living her life to the fullest. She completed chemotherapy and radiation while caring for her ill mother and husband. Even in the midst of her recovery while still caring for her loved ones, through God she kept her faith which gave her peace of mind, strength to endure and courage to get through pain suffered and challenges faced daily. Through this faith and strength she realized it was life after breast cancer.

I am a wife to my all-time supporter John, Mom to Alison, Meredith and J.P., Mimi to our randchildren, Registered Nurse, family member and hopefully friend too many. anuary 201 added a new dimension to our busy life. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage III c. Supported by family, friends, our community and a terrifi c surgical/oncology team, a plan was put into place to help me become a survivor. Chemotherapy to reduce ovarian tumors followed by surgery and more chemo was the plan for the next nine months. What a gift survivorship is! I have returned to our busy life of family, friends, exploring interests, art, starting yoga at the Y, volunteering at ‘The Historic Lewes Farm Market’ and orienting at Beebe with a plan to volunteer in the fall.

She is a member of Millsboro 7th Day Adventist Church where she is active with community pro ects, events and holds several offi ces. She also is the President of the SDA DelMar Community Services Federation. She loves her morning prayer line, bowling, softball and quarterly outings with friends.

As a cancer survivor, RN with years of operating room and clinical education experience I would like to mentor women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer as well as educate women to know the symptoms.

She encourages all to get yearly check-ups as a preventive measure and seek a higher power to get through when faced with challenges.

September 22nd will mark one year since ringing the bell! I am grateful for each day as an ovarian cancer survivor. Our motto – Always Forward!

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Health & Medicine Meet Dr. Anik Patel Dr. Anik Patel is a fellowship-trained gastroenterology specialist providing state-of-the-art care at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates. He completed his internal medicine residency and fellowship in Gastroenterology at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, NY, where his mentors and the institution’s strong nutrition department led him to a focus on nutrition. In addition, Dr. Patel is the only Hunterdon physician trained in endoscopic mucosal resection, which involves using an endoscopic technique to remove large polypoid growths and early cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Patel is a member of the American College of Gastroenterology, the American Gastroenterological Association and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. “I emphasize preventive care, particularly with diet and proper screenings. Unfortunately, American lifestyles have incorporated unhealthy eating habits over the years. Through my interaction with patients, I hope to reinforce proper nutrition and better eating habits for optimal health.”

Nutrition: The Key Ingredient of Good Health Nutrition plays a strong role in our overall health an et it is often the first thing we neglect. In addition to affecting everybody’s weight and energy levels, a variety of medical conditions (such as Celiac disease) are both caused and relieved by the composition of your diet. Following just a few simple guidelines can make a big difference in your health. Tip #1: The Nutritional Landscape If you’d like to drop a few pounds, start eating foods that offer fewer calories for their volume. Some examples of low-caloric-density foods are oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, fi sh and nonfat milk. High-caloric-density foods, like nuts, butter, chips and cookies, offer high energy for their small volume, but often lead to fat storage. The benefi t of this strategy is to curb your hunger by eating the same (or even greater) weight of food while consuming fewer calories, resulting in weight loss. In addition to following this type of diet, make sure you balance your food groups (proteins, minimal fats, carbohydrates, and water), never skip meals, and don’t use diet pills. To keep yourself on track, monitor your consumption with pen and paper or by using a mealtracking app on your smartphone or website, like: y itness al (https www.myfi ) Inlivo (http ) ose It (http )

Tip #2: Raising Healthy Children While you may have a lot of control over your own diet, it can be diffi cult to regulate your toddler and teen s habits. You need to be a good role model. Adopting good eating habits yourself is important for your own health as well as your children’s, who will likely mimic your behavior. Also remember that tastes change as children grow up. While they may not adore broccoli on the fi rst offering, it s important to keep serving these nutrient-dense foods while keeping the sugary treats to a minimum.

Tip #3: A (mostly) Female Problem Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, affecting women twice as often as men. arked by abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea and constipation, the exact cause

Fall 2015

of IBS continues to elude researchers. If you’ve been saddled with this uncomfortable condition — which affects 10 to 20 percent of the adult population — it’s important to track your foods to determine any connections between specifi c input and painful output, as well as increase your soluble fi ber foods, like fruits (such as apples, oranges and grapefruit), vegetables, legumes (such as dry beans, lentils and peas), barley, oats and oat bran. While IBS affects a large number of people, most don’t seek treatment. If you’ve noticed similar symptoms to those described here, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor to determine if you require treatment for IBS.

Tip #4: What’s Up With Gluten? “Gluten” or “gluten-free” are terms you can’t avoid, and have probably wondered about. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, and those with Celiac disease cannot tolerate ingesting it. Affecting 1% of the population, the immune systems of Celiac sufferers attack the small intestine when gluten is present, damaging the lining and hampering nutrient absorption. If left untreated, Celiac disease can lead to more serious conditions, such as intestinal cancer. Only adherence to a strict gluten-free diet can treat Celiac disease symptoms. Aside from Celiac disease, you may have also heard the term “gluten sensitivity” thrown around. This is a medically controversial condition that, if verifi ed, would suggest many more people who don’t have Celiac disease would benefi t from a gluten-free diet. Until results are conclusive, medical advice dictates that if something makes you feel better, keep doing it as long as no other harm is being done. Tip #5: Educate Yourself!

If you have further questions or suspect you may have a gastrointestinal condition, call Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates at 908.483.2047 to schedule an appointment.


Is your diet to blame for your digestive misery? Do you have • Gas • loating • Diarrhea • onstipation How we eat is an important part of our overall health. So it should come as no surprise that our nutritional intake also plays a key role in our digestive health. n fact, dietary habits can be central to specific digestive conditions, including: • Lactose intolerance • Irritable bowel syndrome • Gastroenteritis • In ammatory bowel disease rohn s disease colitis • eliac disease • Others At Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, we understand the interconnected nature of food and digestion troubles. That’s why we focus on nutrition and diet — in diagnosing your problem and in treating it to minimize its impact on your life. ill eating differently make a difference in your health and uality of life Call for a consultation with one of our board certified male or female gastroenterologists.

Call today for an appointment.

908-483-2047 Most Insurances Accepted

Our understanding of nutrition and the human body continues to evolve, so it’s important to keep yourself up-to-date on the latest nutritional information. Websites such as offer great nutritional tips, all backed by the latest research.

32 HCW_HGA_new.indd 1

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Medical Experts in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases

Flemington Office Hunterdon Doctors Office Building 1100 Wescott Drive Suite 206 / 207 Flemington, NJ 08822

Somerville Office 135 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates The County Woman COLON CANCER PREVENTION & EARLY DETECTION PROGRAM

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Newspaper 8/21/15 11:44 AM

Home & Garden

The Little Things Add Up Brighten things up by dusting (cool, turned off) exposed bulbs regularly with a clean, dry cloth. According to the .S. epartment of Energy ( E), dirty bulbs emit 30% less light than clean ones. Ten is the magic number for ceiling fans, too. Running ceiling fans clockwise in winter pushes heated air down, allowing you to turn down the thermostat by up to 5°F without feeling it. You can also save up to 10% on heating bills this way. And save even more by replacing a decade-old fixture.

By Regan Roberts Deck, CMI Whether you’re making lifestyle changes to eat healthy and lose weight or making changes to save energy: it’s not about what you do every once in a while, it’s about what you do every day that really makes a difference. Here are a few things you can do (daily, or seasonally) that will help add up to significant energy savings Save 10% or more on your heating bill by taking care of your windows. Make sure there are no drafts and close the curtains at night and use Velcro tape on the edges of drapes to seal outer edges to the wall.

Hair strainers are a plumber s best friend. Ok, not really – but they could help you from becoming the plumber’s best friend. Pop one of these inexpensive covers on your shower drain to fend off clogs. Cut refrigerator energy costs by getting in and out quickly. When your doors are open for more than 30 seconds, the energy losses add up as warm, moist air flows in and makes the compressor work harder. You can also try to reduce the number of times you open your fridge the average is 33 times a day! ryer lint is a leading cause of 3,000 residential dryer fires and 35 million in property damage each year. Luckily,

The County Woman Newspaper

prevention is easy: remove lint from the screen after each use. Then, twice a year, grab a bendable dryer-vent brush, run it down the inside of the lint trap, and then vacuum up any remaining lint and dirt. Finally, detach and vacuum out the dryer duct.

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Contact us anytime! Locally, 302-539-5177. Toll free, 800-233-5177. Or on the web, This year, we are proud and grateful that your voted us BEST H AC C AN through Coastal Style aga ine Thank you And remember that, as always, at Custom Mechanical we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Fall 2015

Home & Garden


Fall 2015


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Home & Garden

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Fall 2015

Home & Garden

Fall 2015


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Home & Garden

Say Goodbye To Household Pests

inside your home and ants coexist ust fi ne, but Delmarva region. Termites can You don’t have to put oo en eams or oar s live unnoticed in your house occasionally ants can become a up with these uninvited roduced breaking under minimal or yard for a long time quietly problem. nted guests. At Accurate pressure es to wood Termite & Pest Control, causing irreparable damage. • ants in your oo that so n s hollow ncreased we will help you backyard can become a t nnels n nuisance when they start biting pile of termite wings that evaluate the problem ates to the me through aand come up with the barefoot individuals, getting fell off after swarming ce, whatever

( * + These termites prefer into picnic food or invading solutions to get rid of If you discover any of these is also your cookout station. to inhibit dark moist places - %

ants and prevent future signs, call Accurate Termite air rises they access to • many

ants are where have he upper infestations. & Pest Control right away. ( ( +

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air lspace dehumidifier Active conditioning automatically bring in, “good� We will help you determine We and recommend trusting - building timbers. This foodIfsources, which theyspace often may of the be necessary tomakes push out the “bad� air.

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Aside from inviting your Geographic, you might have If you disturb the colony


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crawlspace to a sealed and The solution to this dilemma is )- ) )# 3 the following signs of trouble: true, there are many different our professionals handle about space humidity. I hadthis Accurate andcrawl mold in my crawlspace. Within species that populate our One conditioned space. Those winge include, to close the crawlspace. of of the Swarming termites Pest Control come and inspect our problem. species termites, some of for you! three days relative humidity of Most the people rawlspaces planet. but are not limited to: yard, assuring objectives of time closing crawlspaces went over cause of our problem and in your next to or They y in the dropped to the 60% from 86%-taking out which fi nd it very co ! ed with proper water drainage, installing is to reduce sources of moisture

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Call Mike Benson at Accurate Termite and Pest Control for any questions or an evaluation at 302-226-1156.

) gave an estimate solve it. 1 usgallons o to water in the first when vapor barriers, consideration for entering the space. Even I can only After say how satisfied we are the hours! two weeks thewith relative 4 combustion " # $ # closing and carbon monoxide done meticulously, a outcome. Problem solvedto by50-53%.� great people. They humidity is down % % # $ and sealing outside vents and cra lspace ill significantly were on have time and on the money! for the last ( “We used accurate #

controlling moisture with a Santa ( reduce the moisture but not Phyllis R., Ocean View ' ( .0 1 ( +/

Call Mike Benson At Accure Termite And Pest Control For Any Questions Or Evaluation At 302-226-1156

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34 The County Woman Newspaper

# 34


The County Woman Newspaper

Fall 2015

The County Woman Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper

Home & Garden Über Pantry – A Timesaver for the Holidays! As summer comes to an end and the slower pace of the fall and winter settles in; before the holiday entertaining season arrives, it is a great time to consider organizing a key room in your home where you can save time and money – your pantry. Whether you have a large walk-in pantry, a small reach-in closet, or a cabinet pantry following some simple design principles can save you time and avoid wasted food that is lost in the deep dark corners. Hopefully this brief discussion gets your creative juices flowing. The pantry is a place where the adage “a place for everything and everything in its place” applies most emphatically. Whether preparing dinner for your family after a long day of work or getting ready to entertain guests, an organized pantry can simplify your life and make preparation more fun. Here are some simple ideas that can apply no matter your situation. Keep frequently used items front and center. The staples that form the backbone of your meals and are used every day should be kept where they are easily found and retrieved. Put them on shelves that are instantly visible. Use see-through containers. Simple plastic containers for cereals, pastas, and other bulk items make it easier to find and their regular shape make it easier to store. Use baskets or slide-out shelves to store pre-packaged snacks and other grab-and-go items. Label everything and include cooking instructions. This is one of the more clever ideas I’ve found. If you are running late and need to call ahead to get the rice started, having the cooking instructions on the container make it easy for the less-able cook at home to get dinner preparation started.

Bill and Janis Nickerson opened Tailored Living Serving Rehoboth Beach in early 2014. Janis is a Georgetown native and this completes a commitment Bill made 20 years ago to “retire” to Sussex County. The Tailored Living franchise allows Bill to pursue two of his passions of woodworking and entrepreneurship. It has been an exciting second year completing many pantries, garages, home offices, Murphy beds, and closets in and around DelMarVa. Let us design a solution for you!

Lighting. Consider adding task lighting in the pantry. A little bit can go a long way to making your search for that spice you need less frustrating. Lazy Susans and sliding shelves. Don’t let the corners of your pantry go to waste or things hide deep in the back of a shelf where they may never be seen again. Corner shelves are a great use of space, but items that find their way to the corner are very difficult to find and get. Spice racks and alphabetize. There are some phenomenal spice racks available to mount on doors, in drawers, or on shelves. Lazy Susans come to the rescue again as well. Alphabetizing spices may seem silly until you are looking for the cumin but keep finding the cinnamon! Tailored Living Serving Rehoboth Beach works with you to design your pantry. We can provide just the shelves and accessories or a complete turn-key solution. We provide and install unmatched products and quality to make your dream a reality. We can help throughout your home – garages, closets, laundry, pantry, Murphy beds, and home offices.

Call us today for a free in-home consultation!

Fall 2015

I THAnk yoU. We love our more functional kitchen, especially the pantry and of course the closets... Violette C


The County Woman Newspaper

Open or Closed and When?

Home & Garden

Whether you look forward to fall and winter or lament the spring and summer, the seasons are changing. Teachers and pupils are heading back to classrooms and before we know it, we will be getting ready for tricks, treats, turkeys, and sleigh bells. The cool nights are great for sleeping but the cold mornings followed by warm sunny days means jackets left at work and sweaters left at school. With all the transition, hustle and bustle, it’s easy to let little things get through your wickets. Setting your window coverings so that they help make your home as energy efficient as possible is one of those little things. Even with today s windows getting more energy efficient all the time, you still lose the ma ority of your heating and cooling through the glass in your windows. Some coverings can reduce that loss by as much as 50%. Honeycomb shades and plantation shutters are some of the best when it comes to that. The type of treatment is important but as with many things, how you use them is just as important.

Here is a handy chart that shows you how to set your window coverings so that they will do their best to save you energy and keep your home comfortable.

Adhering to the chart while throwing in a little common sense to handle the unusually hot or cold days is best but many of us can’t be near our windows during some of those times for a whole host of reasons. My advice is not to sweat it. Just try your best. The closer you come to following the chart the more energy efficient your home will be. Our goal is to make your home more beautiful, practical and energy efficient. Stop by our showroom on Lewes Georgetown Hwy, check out our website, or call to set an appointment for your complimentary in-home consultation. We would love an opportunity to serve you.

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Home & Garden



Water may enter the crawl space through penetrations in the foundation wall or through a normal foundation wall due to hydrostatic pressure. Moisture may enter the crawl space through open foundation vents and condense on cool surfaces in the crawl space. Water may leak from faulty plumbing or HVAC systems. oisture may evaporate from the cool soil fl oor into the relatively warmer crawl space air.

“This is the one question I am most commonly asked.” says Austin who is certifi ed in ater amage Restoration and Applied icrobial Remediation. The crawl space vents should be kept closed throughout the year in the Mid Atlantic and Southeastern regions of the United States. The traditional idea of decreasing the moisture in the crawl space by ventilating the space with outside air through wall vents has not shown to decrease the moisture in the crawl space. DO I NEED A SUMP PUMP IN MY CRAWL SPACE? In fact, Advanced Energy in Raleigh, NC has research The amount of standing water will determine the need for a sump pump. showing that during warm seasons, the outside air contains more moisture than However, the relatively low cost of a sump pump installation is outweighed by the crawl space. Therefore, the outside air contributes more water vapor, passing the benefi t of preventing or lessening the potential water damage to a crawl space through the vents and into the crawlspace, leaving no potential to dry the crawl HVAC system or other crawl space mechanical system. space. This humid air entering crawl space vents is responsible for moisture related problems such as condensation, high wood moisture content, mold growth, and wood rot. DO I NEED A DEHUMIDIFIER? Dry-Tek attempts to prevent excessive crawl space humidity and moisture without the use of mechanical or electrical equipment. A dehumidifi er may be IS THE MOLD IN MY CRAWL SPACE UNHEALTHY FOR ME? IS deemed necessary at the time of initial system installation. However, we may IT BAD FOR MY FAMILY? recommend a trial period without a dehumidifi er to determine if one is required. Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause adverse health issues in Many of our CHAMP® (Crawlspace Humidity And Moisture Prevention) some people. Molds growing in buildings may cause odors, and symptoms such systems function without a dehumidifi er. f course, a system that functions as headaches, irritation of the skin, eyes, nose and throat, as well as, diffi culty without the need of a dehumidifi er, will also function with a dehumidifi er. breathing and allergic reactions. However, each of these symptoms may be caused by conditions and exposures unrelated to mold. Therefore, mold may or IS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE PLASTIC ON THE GROUND IN MY may not be the cause of these symptoms.


es. A signifi cant amount of the air moisture content in a crawl space is secondary to evaporation of water from the crawl space dirt fl oor. The fl oor may appear “dry”, but, the cool and moist dirt will release vapor into the warmer crawl space air, which in turn will condense on other cool surfaces such as wooden frame members.


“The job they did on my crawl space is fantastic. The difference it made was instantly noticeable. I cannot wait to see how it effects my utility bills. Austin is very professional and great to work with. You can tell that he is passionate about his job and is very true to is wo d. i l ecommend em fo fi in o c awl s ace. — Paul S. Bethany Beach, DE

Serving the Eastern Shore of MD, DE and VA

410-443-4848 Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Home & Garden Keep the elements out– Enclose your screen porch! With the return of the fall/ winter season, you may be battening down the hatches of your screen porch. Many homeowners are familiar with the popular sunroom additions on the market today, and those who have purchased one enjoy the extra living space available for family gatherings or evening relaxation as well as high return on investment value. However did you know that existing screen porches can be enclosed as well? Fall is the right time to think about this project. Many of today’s homes have decks or are now often being built with screen porches as a standard feature. Exposed to the elements, decks and patios are often simply too hot or too cold to use much of the year. Screen porches offer shade and some bug protection; but, summer heat, dirt, rain, and winter cold with snow and ice again restrict comfortable usage to a short while out of the year. Studies and testimonials indicate that a sunroom addition, or conversion of an existing porch, is very likely to become the most enjoyed and well used room in the house. They offer protection from bugs, dirt, pollen and bad weather while preserving the outdoor feel of a deck or patio. Sunrooms maximize the seasons you can enjoy your back yard and your view and are today can be more sophisticated in terms of thermal efficiency and ultraviolet protection.

The building industry is strongly committed toward pre-fabricated, panelized, or modular enclosure systems. This is due to the many advantages of making the product indoors in a controlled environment, to close tolerances, using modern equipment and techniques. The jobsite work is greatly reduced for a quick installation to eliminate the stress and mess of a stick framed construction project at your home. While all factory made sunroom additions offer a degree of standardized quality control, there are so many variations of the old 60’s Florida room, that it must be extremely confusing to a homeowner to select the best product for your money. Inexpensive aluminum screen or glass enclosures may install quicker and have less maintenance than a stick built addition, but they conduct heat and cold, the finish can scratch or the kickpanels can dent easily. Better rooms with aluminum structure are now being built by many fabricators using vinyl clad insulated panels and powder coat finishes (like a car) for added durability. The best have thermally broken wall mullions, insulated foam core walls and can be purchased with insulated UV blocking glass. Over the past few decades, many products formerly made of wood or metal are now made of vinyl. Look at what happened to aluminum siding, cast iron drain pipes, and alls sorts of car parts,

and today you see vinyl everywhere. While there are some vinyl clad sunroom products on the market, they tend to be expensive with bulky frames since the vinyl is not structural and must have aluminum internal support. These rooms are similar to “stick building” and must be assembled from parts one piece at a time on site. This places the quality control in the hands of the installer and workmanship can vary. Some of the more popular vinyl clad systems available locally use window technology that dates back to the 80’s in which the frames of the windows and sashes are screwed together with corner gussets. These outdated window systems were used before welded frames became the norm and are still being used since it is a daunting task to totally retool their factories components and production systems. North America’s fastest growing sunroom and window company, Sunspace sunrooms of Toronto, Canada, has made it easy to select from their state COME SEE US AT OUR SHOWROOM of the art product line. Patio AT 16083 NEW ROAD AND SAVE Leisure Systems can offer residential Rooms hybrid enclosures with By aluminum and vinyl products. “Thanks for your You can chose a custom glass attention to detail” slider system, with screen, – Joseph R. Choose Our Custom Tailored Vinyl Dove Knoll or a folding horizontal glass or Glass Enclosures: enclosure with retractable Convert Your Screen Porch screen. Sunspace has a Build From The Ground Up Ron Simmons has helped superior 4-track vinyl-pane your neighbors improve their 3 Or 4 Season enclosure system, available as homes for the last 34 years a vertical pane, or horizontal Locally Owned and Operated SUMMER SPECIAL folding system. They also 00 offer a screen only room, UP TO $ Exp. and manufacture traditional ON SUNROOMS 8/25/14 aluminum or glass railings, patio covers and a new acrylic Lewes, DE • 302-644-6540 • TOLL FREE 866-644-6540 • roof system. Open: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 • Saturday 10 - 4 • Sunday - By appointment only

Bring The Outdoors Indoors...Year-Round!

5000 OFF

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With many models to choose from, these projects are priced to offer so much more for your money than other brands, with three or four season designs. All systems are produced at Sunspace Modular Enclosures expanded 100,000 square foot facility, using state of the art equipment and production processes. As the exclusive Sunspace dealer in this area, we at Patio Systems are proud to offer this line of vinyl and aluminum sunrooms with great warranties and all factory panelized window-wall systems for quality control and quick installation. They can be built from the ground up, on an existing deck or installed into your existing porch. As a remodeling specialist for 36 years, Ron Simmons’ mission is to offer top quality products that can be quickly installed, at competitive prices. Free in-home consolation and estimates are without obligation or high pressure tactics. You may also visit our new showroom in Lewes to look at all the sunroom and window options. We also are one of the largest awning and related shade product dealers in the nation and display many of these products as well. Every year more and more folks like you are choosing our factory made sunrooms or patio awnings for their leisure-time enjoyment.

Testimonials “We are extremely happy with our sunroom!” Carl & Connie B. – Rehoboth Beach “We love our sunroom! It turned out even better than we expected.” Rick F. & Michael W. - Lewes

Fall 2015

Home & Garden

The “HOT

In recent years, gorgeous retractable awnings, and solar shades, for porches and windows, have become a very popular addition to homes. They add value!

Patio Systems offers both retractable drop arm awnings and solar shades. The look of these shade products is wonderful, and they cut down on air conditioning costs, and protect furnishing inside. We are the local dealer for Craftbilt Manufacturing Co. Patio Systems has serviced residents and businesses in Lewes, Delaware and surrounding areas including Coastal Southern Delaware, Sussex County and the Maryland Shore, since 2001. Patio Systems has become the largest Aristocrat Awnings dealer in the nation. Our commitment to offering the finest shade, sunroom, and deck products, at reasonable pricing, can only be matched by our commitment to customer satisfaction. So join the rest of our satisfied customers and make your house the home you dreamed of. Craftbilt Manufacturing Co. is a leading manufacturer of shade products in the industry. Now awnings and solar shades are very affordable here in the United states, partly due to the promotional efforts of the

Porch” Solution!

Somfy motor company, the French based leader in tubular, internal, awning motors and electronic controls. Awnings and shades are custom made for you when we work together on this project. Fabric drop- arm awnings reduce glare and solar heat gain by up to 15%, while blocking up to 97% of the sun’s harmful UV rays. However, fixed awnings do not permit the desired wintertime solar gain unless the canopy is removed from the support structure which leaves unsightly galvanized pipes hanging overhead. Retractable awnings give you the best of both worlds - sun when you want it and shade when you need it. Exterior solar shades are another solution to shade the interior of your home, prevent glare, and protect your furnishings from harmful UV rays that may cause fading. Similar to a solar screen, they can block the sun’s heat while still providing visibility to the outside. Available in a variety of colors, weaves, and styles. Did you know that 50% of the solar heat entering a room comes through the glass in your windows? This accounts for approximately 20% of the load on your air conditioner. Blocking your windows from the outside with solar shades just makes sense... and cents! Add to this monthly saving the fact that you are reducing the wear on your air conditioner... cutting down the need for costly repairs and maintenance... and getting solar shades becomes an economical must. The patio awning industry is growing tremendously each year. Craftbilt has recently increased their factory’s production capacity pledging two week delivery time to patio systems, and adding

more options to choose from with their line. As the authorized local distributor, Patio Systems offers a helpful consultation to decide which model, mounting method, dimensions, style, and fabric selections are best for your needs. We will demonstrate a working sample of our top quality Doral Classic model, describe our economy unit, and show you pictures along with a brief video. The information provided to you, in your home, will show you how easy it is to get the most benefit from the enjoyment of your outdoor living space. When selecting a shade product in this coastal area, you should be aware that unpredictable high winds and storms, as well as the deteriorating effect of salt air are factors to keep in mind. While automatic wind sensor control systems are available, the best protection for your investment is to remember to use it sensibly. If you are comfortable under the awning, then it will usually be alright, as they are rated for up to 20 mph winds and light rain usage. When everyone leaves your home, simply push the remote to the retract position and the awning will safely roll in to the house wall and stop.

What could be simpler? As a remodeling specialist for 35 years, our goal is to offer only top quality products that can be quickly installed, at competitive prices. Estimates are without obligation or high pressure tactics. Everyday, more and more folks like you are choosing our awnings and factory made sunrooms for their leisuretime enjoyment.

To schedule a meeting please call Patio Systems, Inc. in Rehoboth Beach at 302-644-6540 or toll free at 1-866-644-6540.

Testimonials “We absolutely love our solar shades & awning s! T hey mak e a hug e dif f erence with temps in our home!” - S tep hen & Renee W. - Rehoboth Beach “A wonderful experience from the sales call to the installation. Thank you Ron and staff for a ‘five star’ experience!!” - David and Patty S. • Berlin, MD. “G reat j ob, g reat product. O ne of our easiest purchases f or our new home.” - Albert & Earlene D. • Bethany Beach, DE 19930

THE Ron Simmons

P resid ent & Fou nd er P atio systems, Inc. was f ounded in 2 0 0 1 by R on S immons and is based in L ewes, D elaware. R on has had an extensive back g round in all phases of home improvements f or over 3 5 years. R on’ s sunroom experience dates back to 1 9 8 1 when he beg an to sell and install custom modular sunrooms. R on has seen the enclosure industry evolve and improve over time to of f er the q uality products now available. S ixteen years ag o R on beg an selling awning s f or a manuf acturing company owned by the man who was most instrumental in creating the U S mark et f or retractable awnings as it is today. Personally trained by the first US president of the leading tubular motor manuf acturer, S omf y, R on soon became a dealer f or the awning company as P atio S ystems. R on S immons’ expertise in desig n, estimating , and construction manag ement permit turn- k ey personaliz ed service to homeowners in the local communities. A ll sales calls are handled by R on, or his sales representative. R on handles all of the measuring , ordering and manag ing of your proj ect. With over 2500 satisfied local customers, Patio Systems, Inc. is a BBB accredited business with an A + rating . We receive hundreds of hand written testimonials f rom our happy homeowners every year.

Fall 2015




formed “You Per mised” As Pro Exactly John B. – Laura

& D Berlin, M

Retractable Drop Arms

Patio Awnings OPEN: MON. - FRI. 9 - 5 SAT. 10 - 4 SUN. Appt. only


*with the purchase of a Retractable Patio Awning Value up to $650. Ask about FREE Installation. Expires 8/25/14


Ron Simmons has helped your neighbors improve their homes for the last 34 years


• Block the Sun, not the View • Reduce Energy Costs * MOTOR *with the purchase of a Retractable *with Awning the purchase Retractable Patio Valueofupa to $650 • European Designs Patio Awning Value up to $650 about FREE installation • Lifetime Ask Warranty • Blocks 97% of Harmful UV Rays Must present coupon by Final Presentation. Offer expires 6/30/11. COME SEE US RETRACTABLE AWNINGS AT OUR SHOWROOM



Solar Shades


302-644-6540 TOLL FREE

near the Food Court Lewes, DE 644-6540 Feb. 866-644-6540 17-Feb. 20 Toll Free


The County Woman Newspaper




Home & Garden

e se e id afe een od c s • s n o s o a s • e O ien al ols e leanin • s o O a an eed e Odo ea men

Ward Culv er, O wner PU B L I SH E R T E ST I MO N I A L I f you would like the m ost com plete prof essional rug cleaning , m ay I strong ly sug g est you call SU SSE X CH E M DRY SU PE RI O R CA RPE T A N D U PH O L ST E RY CL E A N I N G ? T he owner, Ward Culv er, is a true honest prof essional. H e g iv es you a com plete sum m ery of what he is g oing to need to do, how he is g oing to do it and how to m aintain t en e s n s ed. e o e s e u c e n n and stain rem ov al, specially f orm ulated products to rem ov e pet stains and powerf ul stubborn ex traction eq uipm ent to elim inate all stubborn stains out of your f abric upholstery or rug s.


e ified

I n t h e mont h of O ct ob e r, W ard mak e s a p ort i onab l e donat i on t o t h e S u s an G . K ome n F ou ndat i on. I use Ward’ s serv ices with trust and peace of m ind, to com e in m y hom e and clean m y rug s and sof as. G iv e Ward a call at 302-449-9119, and you too come t u s t s ed.



Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning



Pet Odor


Area Rugs

Sussex Chem-Dry 302-449-9119

Superior Carpet & U pholstery Cleaning . Serv ing Sussex County

The County Woman Newspaper

I ndependently O wned &


O perated

Fall 2015

Home & Garden


Richard Harris



Eco friendly, non toxic, environmentally sustainable solid wood bunk beds custom made by local cra smen perfect for your beach house, your children or grandchildren, college dorms, re houses and much more! Our beds come with a life me warranty.

Like our Facebook page: h ps:// sŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ĨŽƌ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂů ďĞĚ ŽƉƟŽŶƐ / Call to speak to a local representa ve / Email Please use zip code for the area you are calling from Salisbury/Wicomico: 21801 * OC/Worcester: 21842 Rehoboth/Sussex: 19971 * Dover/Kent, DE: 19904 * Kent Island/QA County 21666 * Easton/Talbot 21601 Cambridge/Dorchester 21613 * Chestertown/Kent, MD: 21620 * Denton/Caroline: 21629

Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper


Can You Really Trust Your Trust?: The Importance of Proper Trust Funding

Amber B. Woodland, Esquire Michele Procino-Wells, Esquire Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC BY: MICHELE PROCINO-WELLS, ESQUIRE


tilizing a trust in your estate planning portfolio can reap inn mera le enefits for your family when it comes time to transfer your assets. At a minimum, a trust can help avoid probate, maintain family privacy, and potentially reduce the surviving spouse’s exposure to estate taxes and unnecessary expenses. Beyond that, certain trusts can help protect assets, ensure special needs family members are cared for, and help families prepare for the staggering costs of long-term care. A properly funded trust can be described as a reliable, protective, preventative, precautionary, prudent, and responsible financial tool. By contrast, an unfunded trust can be described in just one word: useless – and a major waste of valuable resources. To avoid this unintended result, properly funding an irrevocable or revocable trust should be the number one priority of your estate plan, and the following article explains the how’s and why’s of this fundamental and mandatory step in arranging for the future.

What goes in the trust? Think of your trust as a big pot, with room enough for (just about) anything within the purview of

unnecessary taxes. nder current IRS rules, a transfer of a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA will be treated as an outright withdrawal of the funds – prompting a major income tax assessment in the year of the transfer.

your portfolio. Deciding what to put in the trust often hinges on your reasons for executing the document in the first place, so it helps to break down this discussion according to common estate planning goals: For those who are simply seeking to avoid probate and inject convenience in the estate administration process, the trust should be funded with any assets that are to be passed down to future generations upon death. This includes real estate, vehicles, boats, certain – but not all – investment accounts (more on that later), and any valuable personal property that is to be included in the estate (e.g., artwork, fine china, furs, or ewelry). It may be wise to leave property out of the trust if the trustors have imminent (as in, within the next year or so) plans to sell a certain asset, as transferring into the trust and then back out again creates an unnecessary step in most situations. For those with more complex asset protection goals, such as arranging for long-term care, avoiding tax liability, or planning for a special needs family member, more strategic planning will be necessary when deciding which assets should be transferred to trust, gifted outright to family members, or sold as soon as possible. For these clients, counsel from a trusted estate planning attorney is an essential component to ensuring maximum protection and a seamless transition for beneficiaries upon the death of one or both trustors.

What happens if a trust is not funded? Very little actually, in that your trust becomes a beautifully-formatted and extremely overpriced pile of papers with virtually no purpose or benefit to the trustor. This sounds harsh, but the only way for the terms of a trust to properly apply to the distribution of assets is for those assets to actually belong to the trust in the first place. Many people mistakenly believe that once a trust is signed and executed, it will take care of the transfer of wealth and property upon death.

If you have a trust in place, or are considering executing a revocable or irrevocable trust as part of your estate planning portfolio, be sure to meet with an experienced and knowledgeable estate planning attorney at Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC right away. We can help you craft a plan to meet your goals, as well as ensure all assets are properly titled and placed in trust as appropriate. To set up a consultation, call 302-628-4140 today!

Client Testimonial “Amber exceeded my expectations She immediately understood my issues and concerns and rapidly and thoroughly resolved them. Both Amber and Erin are to commended for their performance I have and will continue to recommend your office. Thank you ” -Asset Protection Client

“I was scared about my financial future. My life was changed when I learned the care I needed could be provided at home without exhausting my life savings.”

While it is often a good idea to retitle financial accounts in the name of the trust, be aware that qualified retirement accounts should not be titled in the name of the trust – unless you enjoy paying extra

With asset protection planning you can maintain your independence and receive the care you deserve while preserving your legacy. Contact our office at 302.628.4140 to schedule a consultation. Planning today to protect your family’s tomorrow. www. pww l aw .c om

The County Woman Newspaper

However, assets that are left outside of the trust will be treated as subject to the probate process, thereby increasing the value of the gross estate, prolonging the administration process, and causing unnecessary stress on surviving family members.


Offices in Seaford and Lewes

Fall 2015


Social Media’s Impact On Your Personal Injury Claim By Susan D’Alonzo Ament, Esquire Susan D’Alonzo Ament is a partner with Morris James LLP and has practiced for 32 years representing personal injury victims. Over the years, Mrs. Ament has found that some women don’t understand the crucial need to have adequate automobile insurance coverage in the event of a serious accident. Susan Ament educates women on these needs every day in her practice and in seminars that she presents throughout the year.


ver use social media? Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter? Most likely, the answer is “yes”. Social media has become ingrained into our daily lives. And while these

Download our phone app, available for iPhone and Android users, that provides access to the tools and information you will need in the event of an accident. The app features a Live Chat component, allowing you immediate contact with a live person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Locate our app by searching “Morris James” in iTunes or Google Play.

Fall 2015

social sites provide many with a personal platform to connect with friends and provide personal details of our lives, what many do not realize is that this personal information may adversely affect your personal injury case. Just imagine the distress of being involved in an automobile or work accident that was not your fault, where you suffered pain and physical limitations, and loss of income, forcing you to file a la suit for compensation. After the la suit has een filed, the “discovery” period begins. This is the time when the parties are compelled to produce or turn over relevant documents for the other party to review. Now imagine, as part of the discovery process, having to provide the attorneys for the insurance company all of your social media login information and

passwords. This allows them to meticulously go through all of your personal social media postings and pictures for information they deem to be “relevant” and to use against you at trial.

injury claims, the value of your case may suffer.

This relevant evidence includes anything that will draw into question your personal injury claims. It may include postings and pictures highlighting the fact that you were “feeling good” and having a “great day” at any point after your accident. Pictures showing you and your family traveling on vacation, your participation in a sporting event, or even you holding your young niece or nephew at their birthday party may be highlighted. Then imagine the attorney for the insurance company showing a jury all of these personal postings and pictures and arguing that you clearly are not as hurt as you claim to be. Once a jury begins to doubt your

posting any information regarding an accident you were involved in. This includes information about the accident itself, your injuries, as well as pictures of you engaging in physical activities. All of that information could be used by the insurance company to distort the truth of the impact of the injuries on your life.

And while you may think your posts on social media are private and should not be shown to the jury – guess again. Regardless of the privacy settings you use on your social media sites, according to recent Delaware case law, “where a proponent seeks to introduce social media evidence, he or she may use any form of erification available under Rule 901 – including witness testimony, corroborative circumstances, distinctive characteristics, or descriptions and explanations of the technical process or system that generated the evidence in question – to authenticate a social media post.” Parker v. State, 85 A.3d 682, 682 (Del. 2014)

The Personal Injury Group Attorneys of Morris James LLP combined have over 150 years of experience in personal injury litigation and stay current on Delaware legislation affecting individuals involved in automobile accidents and injuries sustained on the job. If you or a loved one suffers the unfortunate event of an automobile accident or work accident, the Personal Injury Group Attorneys at Morris James LLP can guide you through a process that can be confusing and complicated.

In light of this case law, it is important you protect yourself by not

803 N. Broom Street “Feel Confident in Choosing One of the Wilmington, DE 19806 Most Experienced Law302.655.2599 Firms in Delaware Since 1931”

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Taken at Hotel duPont

Five Convenient Locations in Delaware to Serve You: WILMINGTON 803 N. Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806 302.655.2599


Susan D’Alonzo Ament, Esq. Kevin Healy, Esq. 16 Polly Drummond Hill Rd. Pete Jones, Esq. Newark, DE 19711 302.368.4200 Michael G. Owen, Esq.



Keith Donovan, Esq. 29 N. State Street, Suite 100 Dover, DE 19901 302.678.8815


402 Rehoboth Avenue Clayton Bunting, Esq. Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 107 W. Market Street 302.260.7290 Georgetown, DE 19947 302.856.0015

Se habla Español 302.651.3589


The County Woman Newspaper


River Cruising - A Great Way To Travel A cruise ship is more than a method of transportation to see the world. It is your home for a period of time. Each cruise line offers the best vacation option for a particular style of traveler so making sure it fi ts your style of travel is crucial. Now river cruises have become as varied as ocean cruises making the decision of adding ‘who’ to where and when. Calling the cruise lines is little help with each one having a full sales team but all with the same goal, reserve ‘their’ line quickly.

Annette Nero Stellhorn, President & Cruise/Travel Designer with legendary Master Chef Jacques Pépin, Oceania Cruises Executive Culinary Director

The big players in the US market start with Viking River Cruises with their mass marketing efforts dominating most mail boxes. Tauck River Cruises leading the way for their previous Tauck Tour clients to cruise, Uniworld Boutique River Cruises competing with Tauck for top in luxury year after year, and a little known new comer that is slicing out their own piece of the river cruise market, AmaWaterways. AMA offers two style of ships and now three distinct onboard cultural experiences: traditional, ‘family style’ with collaborative efforts of Disney, and ‘biking river cruises’ for bicyclists of varying abilities.


Is river cruising for you? If you enjoy visiting new destinations for 4 – 12 hours and then moving on - yes. If you like to enjoy local cruising and cultural shows/events while traveling – yes. If you like to avoid ‘formal dress’ while traveling – yes. And, if you like to watch the world go by rather than reading a map/negotiating roads to get to your next destination – yes. But, please don’t wait to reserve your river cruise. Unlike an ocean cruise, a typical river cruise has between 60 – 90 staterooms per ship and they can sell out even 18 months in advance.

Dear Annette, As a result of our meeting with you…your staff succeeded in getting us a credit, which we are already using toward our next cruise! We really value your help. And today, thanks to your good suggestion about filing a health are laim against the tra el insuran e am in happy receipt of the check for $677 to reimburse me for the charges paid to the ship s do tor. am a happy girl wish had tal ed to you a ter our first ruise when also in urred huge medi al bills aboard that ship…you are worth your weight in gold. Leanne J., Rehoboth Beach, DE

All of our team are passionate about helping you choose the right style of vacation based on your personal preferences. If you would like one of our staff help you choose and reserve the right style of travel for your next vacation, please give us a call to set up a consultation in person or by phone. For about the price of a lunch out with friends, our travel advisors are trained to listen to your concerns, needs and thoughts and give you professional advice and advocacy before, during, and after your vacation. Give us a call when thinking of your next vacation.

Starting at $2499* $300 onboard stateroom credit. Travel with five couples or more and enjoy group savings! Solo Travelers – Travel on Amawaterways and pay no additional single surcharge◉ on select staterooms!

Annette Nero Stellhorn

President & Group Cruise/Travel Designer ffi e 302- 03mail ons lting a entontra el. s e site www. ent n ra el. S 3 2 0 eho oth e eho oth ea h

Cruise Itinerary Options Include

After attending Delaware Technical & Community College in eorgetown nnette mo e to owson in an starte Accent On Travel, one of the largest women owned businesses in altimore. s resi ent nnette manages a staff of se en f ll time tra el professionals. hen not wor ing from the new eho oth ea h offi e nnette ontin es to in rease her tra ele o ntries o er the 00 mar with her h s an i . nnette also fa ilitates tra el consultant trainings on a national level for the prestigious Signature ra el etwor a ooperati e of st 200 elite tra el ompanies of which Accent On Travel belongs and advises as a board member on ario s national an international tra el in str orporations.

The County Woman Newspaper


• The Blue Danube • Bordeaux - Paris & Normandy - Provence • Rhine River Cruising • Portugal’s Douro River • Vietnam & Cambodia or Myranmar

*Rate is per person and subject to change based on itinerary and season selected. Other river cruise itineraries ranging from 7 – 20 days available through your local certified river cruise expert. ◉Certain restrictions apply – call Accent On Travel for details.


(302) 703-6154

Fall 2015

Business & Finance

Is your phone safe?

TOP 12 WAYS TO SECURE YOUR MOBILE DEVICE PROVIDED BY DELMARVA REPAIR™ You need your device repaired but who can you trust? Would you hand your device over to anyone? Do you really want the repair guy down the street having access to your personal data?

What’s new with DelmarvaRepair™ Check out our NEW website! We’ve redesigned our website with you in mind! Here are just a few of the new features you’ll love on our website: • Get a FREE instant repair estimate in seconds! Too far away to visit one of our stores? No worries, we provide extended service coverage with our new Mail-in-Service! Having problems setting up email on your phone or tablet? Need assistance with removing adware/ spyware from your desktop computer? Our remote agents are standing by to deliver quick and efficient remote assistance to any device, small or large.

Visit our new website at Meet our new Director of Marketing, Development & Design Keri Boyer joins Troy Ventures™ as Director of Maketing, Development & Design bringing with her over a decade of experience within the marketing and design industry. Keri’s wealth of experience in the marketing industry, working as a Senior Creative Designer and Creative Director, she has delivered and built quality relationships for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Keri is known for bringing fresh ideas and design experience to both B2C and B2B clients.

At DelmarvaRepair™ you never have to worry about your device getting into the wrong hands. Troy Ventures™ employees go through a vigorous multilevel background check. You can be confident that your private data remains where it should—locked safely within your device. Not only can the experts at DelmarvaRepair™ get your device up and running with our Same Day Repair Service, they can perform risk analysis, encryption services and network security to viruses, malware and cyber-attacks at bay. Technology is ever-changing and progressing, making our lives more convenient, bringing knowledge and power to our fingertips. However, that convenience comes with risks. Doing something as simple as checking your email at a local coffee shop can expose you to these risks. It’s important to educate yourself on some best practices when using your device in order to keep you and your data safe. DelmarvaRepair™ device safety recommendations:

3. Verify that “https” is in the URL instead of “http” when shopping online and before giving any credit card information. 4. Get your device and network encrypted. 5. Pay attention to warning messages about businesses or websites that can be harmful to your device. 6. Install up-to-date antivirus protection (DelmarvaRepair™ can recommend which ones will work best for your device). 7. Keep your operating system up to date. 8. Review and research apps before downloading. 9. Disable Bluetooth capability. This can prevent unwanted users from accessing your device. 10. Make sure the “ask to join network” capability is enabled on your device and only join networks you know and trust. 11. Do not open any links coming from an unsolicited SMS text. 12. Back up your data regularly.

1. Setup strong passwords to prevent unwanted users from accessing your device if lost or stolen. 2. Use a “find my device” tool- These Geo Location apps are helpful if you ever lose or misplace your device. Some programs even provide the ability to wipe data remotely.

Article written by Katelyn Ayers Part of the Troy Ventures™ team is Client Communication Specialist, Katelyn Ayers. She assists VOIP clients with call flow, voice recordings, phone system setup, training and more. With a background in customer service and communications, Katelyn offers a fresh approach to the business. In her spare time she enjoys practicing yoga.



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Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Medicine

5 Reasons To Rethink Your Vigorous Vinyasa Practice but the direction and guidance from the teacher really challenged me because I couldn’t just go through the motions. I had to stay fully present and engage e ery fi er of my being.

4. Rote Practices Are Boring

By Nate Metz The Green Shaman


n our body image obsessed culture, America has largely turned yoga into a fitness cra e ith cursory namastes and the requisite buddha statue. Every day I see students ho pursue a igorous practice that is not serving their greatest good. It’s time to reevaluate your ideal life and see ho your current yoga practice fits into that image, making adjustments as needed. e ect on the follo ing items, comparing each satya truth ith your current point of ie

1. Check Your Asana Ego

omple t ists, alances and in ersions are beautiful, but they are not right for everyone. The ultimate goal of yoga is to understand the body and the mind, using your practice as a tool to e plore consciousness s yourself hy you are pursuing those difficult poses and for hom you are doing them he enefit of a pose does not ha e a direct relationship ith its s ill or e perience le el

2. Balance = Health

f you life a face paced life, uggling career, relationship, children and a sle of other obligations, you may be better suited to a Yin or Restorative style class. Adding a fastpaced, high energy practice to an already stressed life risks burnout and dis-ease. No one is immune to the dynamic la s of spirit that seek to create a state of equilibrium.

3. Yoga Without Spirit Is Just Calisthenics

Chanting OM, setting intentions and adding meditation are ital to a eneficial yoga practice he most difficult yoga class e er too as a series of ery asic asana,

We may be creatures of habit, but doing the same asanas in the same sequence gets boring. You can only do so many primary se uences efore you ill get bored. Although adding themes is a Western addition to class, finding the right teacher and studio that offer themes that e cite and inspire you ill ta e your yoga to the ne t le el t s li e ha ing a part time guru that ill direct you to the spiritual a a enings and enlightenment that ma e yoga so re arding a e class ith multiple teachers. Why limit yourself to one?

5. Proper Breathing Essential To Heart Benefit

ranayama is an essential part of your yoga practice rying to eep up the pace y defaulting into a rapid reath pattern diminishes the cardio ascular enefits of yoga eep and full reathing, li e that of the ujjayi, ensures you are getting to most from your practice o e ith your reath, fitting each asana into the reath e en if it feels slo to you right no

Kaya Wellness & Yoga 43A Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach For Appointments: 302-227-3450 or email For Information: Enter Kaya to open your practice & still your mind...

f any of these resonate ith you, encourage you to e plore other options to deepen and enrich your yoga practice aya offers oth oor and aerial classes that meet a ariety of ellness goals e also speciali e in pri ate training of pranayama so that you can learn proper reathing techniques to take into your regular practice ach of our teachers infuse classes ith these techni ues, spiritual teachings and dynamic o s that pro ide supports your greatest good f you are not totally satisfied ith your results from your current yoga, you should e plore a different style of yoga efore gi ing up all together o often, see students fer ently chasing a igorous practice hen a softer approach ith an intuiti e o or the support of an aerial hammoc is the etter choice for them here is a type of yoga suita le for e eryone, and m a proponent of finding a personal practice that is consistent, frequent and transformational. o, challenge you to try one of our classes to see the difference for yourself. There is a special coupon on this page for you to try some classes at aya this fall all me at to get started today and find yourself at aya

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

v h n i c o • r s b b u • n • n e n g i m g i s t s e n e d a n Graphic Design d r a o r u o g a u g t a o s l t o l s e • r e • r t • t u • u s t o t s o u y t n y a o n e l a y l e a m & l & m e s e & i n s t e i r g n t i r e m s g i v e e e s s v d i d e t a d r d e a e g e • v n a g d g s i p a a e s p • n e • i • z d s es a s e e g e n g i t a z s a a a e m p d n g • i • a e z s s h a m t d e g t • a e a v s s d m a d e s r t e • a a h • s c t d s d s t r e e s a v h e c t a n s i s s e s s d • v r u e a s a n b t s i c s n • • s u e s s b t e m t n • n e i n e c s s e n u d m u m no terhea ounce ds • b unce s o a t n d ’s en om n W e e a n l n h a e r • a h e • r s t • t e s t s e • n t l n o s e i l • o t i n t s • a o i t a e t t s r i vi a e u v t r i h n u i v c h h n c • o i c r o s o • r b r u b s • n • t men ign • b menu n g i m s n t s t a e n e n r d a a d u r r a o u o u g a a g t t o o s o l l s l e e • • r r Call Today! • t t t • • u u s s o o t t ou y y n 856.217.6965 n a a e l l e t n m m & & e e e or email s n n s i m i t g g i i e r rt s s s e i e e t v r d d d e a v e e • d g g a a s pa p e • n • s i z e s a n e i t g z a a a d g m a e In a Land

Far Away A Baby S hower Was Planned F Guests W or A Very ere Invited Special D To Celebra ay te And Be Merry We are


ting a B aby!

Date, Time Location

RSVP to my emai l or phone number


“The custom baby shower invitations, book tags and ‘well wishes’ were one of a kind and so adorable! They added the perfect touches of cuteness and class. I just had to tell them the idea and they let their artistic talent do the rest. They are also very responsive, easy to work with and priced reasonably. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate them and their work, we got so many compliments on the pieces they did.” - Michelle, New Jersey Northern Pima County

We are re gistered at these loca tions.

You’re Invited

Date & Time

y, State Name of Venue • Address, Cit

and a Gift for a Wishing Well Bring Your Favorite Recipe Phone Number RSVP Information, Name • d at These Stores stere Regi are m Bride and Groo

FALL 2015

How Different Types of Bankruptcy Might Help People You Know

Dr. Judy Gianni teaches you how to reduce inflammation and live a healthier lifestyle.


Lee Horner helps you get rid of the financial stress and get a fresh start in life.

The Sussex County


Bucks Cou Women’snty Journal

See Page 31

See Page 18

A Quarterly Educational Resource for the Women of Sussex County

Annette Nero Stellhorn

Dr. Philip Cho

Dr.Vincent B. Killeen

It’s Time to Book Your River Cruise!

Explains New Techniques In MRI

The Importance Breast Cancer Awareness

Fall 2015

Page 10

Page 47

ournal omen’s J


The Only


Page 3

ty range Coun The West O



in honor of

Complimentary Copy

Fight Inflammation for Better Health

Tucson in June and July - Think Hydration

See Page 20


Name of the Bride


of A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women Counties Northern Pima & Southern Pinal

Arlene H. Siegel shows you new refreshing ways to stay hydrated during this summer.


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Wishing W ell Please br ing your favorite ch ildren’s bo ok for baby’s new library . A book ta g is enclos ed.

ridal Show er ise B

al Newspa

per Serving

the Women

What You Should Do Before You Conceive


of Bucks Co


A Helping Hand for Aging Love d Ones By: Renee Cereby, Founder of JMC Compassiona te Care

By: The Prof essionals of Doylestown Women’s Health Cent er

page 15


. Educationa



Take One, It’s Priceles s!

page 24

y, see page 14 Shaye Edgeton of Edgeton Photograph

“I think you are extremely talented and it shines through your work! The ad looks spectacular, the layout truly compliments the article!” - Jenelle, Arizona

June/July 2012 Visit Us on The Web at www.thew

Photo by Mike Baker at Good Earth Market, Clarksville, DE

The profe ssionals of Synergy to right Doreen Hust : Hara Wagman, Laur Rehabilitation & Chir on, Katrina en Koziel, opractic Lori Paulits, Patr Campbell Anastasia , James Tiern icia Hall, Dr. Jenn Kopceuch ifer Grozalis, ey. Bottom (not prese , Denise nt for phot row, left to o: Edye DiscoKoziel, Annemarie Jeronis, Jillia right: unt, Emily n Aaronson Zygmunt, Demi Tiern ey)

top row, left


FREE! Please Take One

Recycle - Share with a Friend!

Bucks Coun


McDermott ty Business , Heart & Soul Portraits in Profile ... See Page www.Buck 22 & 23 scountywom ensjourna

Elase is the

d Face ur Body an Place for Yo The Agony Da-Feet


y by Amy

Important Ages t for Retiremen

to Feel Four Ways y Holiday Read

By: Denise



Prosc By: Dr. Stacy


By: Dr. Richa M. Cowin

see page 9

see page 7

see page 5 cflwomensjou

take one free • please

Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper


Welcome Autumn!


If you are fortunate enough to live here at the beach, you probably agree that autumn is a great time of year. The warm weather is still here, but the hassle of get ting around is gone. The beaches ours

to enjoy without the are crowds of the summer season. For us at the car wash

it’s the time of year when many

of the year round residents com

start ing back in to get their cars washed. a time we

very much !

It’s look forward to. !

This coming year we will be celebrating our 10™ year in busi11th

ness. It’s a milestone I am sure we would not have reached with We " sincerely out the support of the locals in the area. appreciate all your support in the past and we will continue to work hard to earn your patronage well into the future. The economy has been tough# on just about everyone in the last couple of years and depending on who you listen to, it seems $

that tough times are still ahead. Most people are looking for ways to save money on just about everything they purchase, % & ! including car wash services. This' situation prompted us to de

velop a website where our clients can print out coupons and

learn about other money saving offers we have. Instead of wait ing for coupons in the mail now you can find them online at "

you anytime need them. Please take advantage this!

( ) With the holidays fast approaching people are surely

starting to think about gifts. Since we opened in 2002, the holiday season has always been a popular time here at the car wash.

All year long, folks come in and redeem the gifts they receive for Christ


idea mas. A gift card or prepaid discount is a fantastic for

those “hard to buy for� people on your shopping list. Every October, through the end of the year we run a special on our * discount cards. hen you prepay for five washes you receive a card worth seven washes of your choice. Buy five and get two free. It’s our most popular holiday gift by far. $

$ + Please note that our winter hours go in effect with daylight sav $ ings time. Monday through Saturday hours will be from )

8:00 am until 5:00 pm and Sunday from until 4:00 pm, and as , 8:00 - always, weather depending. * ./0 001 2+11 Thank you very much again and we wish you a happy and

By Chris Dispoto

healthy fall season!

Spring 2013

The County Woman Newspaper Fall 2015

55 51


The County Woman Newspaper

Fall 2013 The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Allergies Allergies

Peanut Allergy SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS There’s a difference between peanut allergy and peanut intolerance. Sometimes it can be difficult to know whether you are allergic or intolerant to peanuts. • If you have peanut intolerance, you usually can eat small amounts of peanuts with only mild symptoms, such as indigestion or heartburn, or no reaction at all. A peanut intolerance doesn’t involve your immune system. • An allergy to peanuts involves an immune system response. Even a tiny amount of peanuts may trigger a serious allergic reaction. Tests can help determine whether you have true peanut allergy. Peanut allergies trigger an immune system response. Your immune system reacts to proteins found in peanuts. Exposure to peanuts or traces of peanuts may cause immediate reactions, such as itching, redness, swelling, shortness of breath, wheezing, nausea, abdominal pain, lightheadedness or loss of consciousness (anaphylaxis).The chemicals in peanuts can cause hives to develop on the areas of your skin that have come in contact with peanuts or traces of peanuts. Hives may spread to the rest of your body. Allergic reactions to peanuts usually occur within minutes after exposure, although reactions within an hour or so after ingestion are possible. Signs and symptoms can range in severity depending on which body systems are involved in a reaction and how much peanut protein you’ve been exposed to. The most serious and potentially deadly allergic reaction to peanuts is an anaphylactic response. If you are highly sensitive, an anaphylactic reaction can develop immediately after peanut exposure, causing the airways (bronchi) to constrict, making breathing difficult. Blood pressure may drop to life threateningly low levels, making you feel dizzy or lose consciousness. Other serious signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include: • • • • • •

Peanuts may be present in not so obvious foods including: • This is another name for peanut oil. Pure peanut oil usually doesn’t trigger allergic reactions because peanut • Seek emergency medical care if you or proteins are usually removed during prosomeone else develops an anaphylactic cessing. However, peanut oil can become contaminated with peanut proteins. reaction. • . eanuts can be flaCAUSES vored to taste like other nuts, such as walPeanut allergy is caused by an imnuts or pecans. mune system malfunction. Your immune • Some chocolate system identifies peanuts as harmful trigcandies are produced on equipment that is gering the production of immunoglobulin also used for processing peanuts or peanut E (IgE) antibodies to neutralize the peacontaining foods. nut protein (allergen). The next time you • Some African, Chinese, come in contact with peanuts, these IgE Indonesian, Mexican, Thai and Vietnamantibodies recognize it and signal your ese dishes often contain peanuts or are eximmune system to release histamine and posed to peanuts during restaurant prepaother chemicals into your bloodstream. ration. Histamine and other body chemicals • Nut butters, such as cacause a range of allergic signs and sympshew nut butter, are often processed by toms. Histamine is partly responsible for the same equipment used to make peanut most allergic responses, including runny butter. nose, itchy eyes, dry throat, rashes and • oods sold in bakeries hives, nausea, diarrhea, labored breathing and ice cream shops may come in contact and even anaphylactic shock. with peanuts. Exposure to peanuts can occur in three • Many brands of sunways: flower seeds are processed on equipment • The most common also used to produce peanuts. cause of peanut allergy is direct contact with peanuts. This means exposure via all RISK FACTORS routes of contact usually through eating It isn’t clear why some people develop alpeanuts, but including kissing or touch- lergies while others don’t. However, peoing someone who’s been in direct contact ple with certain risk factors have a greater chance of developing peanut allergy: with peanuts. You’re at • This is the unintended • introduction of peanuts into a product. It’s increased risk of peanut allergy if other generally the result of exposure to peanuts allergies, especially other types of food during processing or handling of a food allergies, are common in your family. A child s first allergic reaction to peanuts product. • An allergic reaction may oc- usually occurs between ages 1 and 2. cur if you inhale dust or aerosols contain- • ing peanuts, such as that of peanut flour or About 20 percent to 25 percent of children with peanut allergy outgrow it. Howpeanut oil cooking spray. ever, even if you seem to have outgrown Common food products that can trigger peanut allergy symptoms if they peanut allergy, there is still a small risk it will recur. contain peanut proteins include: • According to • recent studies, the prevalence of peanut • allergy has doubled in young American • • - children in the last five years. Although reasons are unknown, some scientists believe that the destroying of many infec• tious diseases may have altered the im• mune system. Other experts suggest that • improved hygiene is involved, proposing • that higher standards of cleanliness in • Western countries may have confused our • immune systems, increasing the chances of developing allergies later in life, when •

The County Woman Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper


the immune system is usually more prepared to prevent allergies from occurring.


Talk to your doctor if you think you re allergic to peanuts or if you have peanut allergy symptoms. If possible, see your doctor while you have symptoms. Seek emergency medical treatment if you develop any signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis.


our doctor will want to know your signs and symptoms and may want to conduct a physical examination to identify or exclude other medical problems. He or she may also recommend one or both of the following tests: • In this test, your skin is pricked and exposed to small amounts of the proteins found in peanuts to see if you have a skin test response. If you re allergic, you develop a raised bump (hive) at the test location on your skin. Allergy specialists usually are best equipped to perform allergy skin tests. • A blood test can measure your immune system’s response to peanuts by measuring the amount of certain antibodies in your bloodstream, known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. A blood sample is sent to a medical laboratory, where it can be tested for evidence of sensitivity to peanuts.

TREATMENT Medications, such as antihistamines, may reduce symptoms of peanut allergies. These drugs can be taken after exposure to peanuts to control your reaction and help relieve discomfort. However, the only way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid peanuts and peanut proteins altogether. Despite your best efforts, you may still come into contact with peanuts and have a severe reaction. In this case, you may need an emergency injection of adrenaline (epinephrine) and a trip to the emergency room. If you re at risk of having a severe reaction, you may need to carry injectable epinephrine with you at all times. For more information call your pediatrician.

Fall 2014 Fall 2015

Health & Medicine DAY SPA AT THE MARINA offers a spectacular view overlooking the Nanticoke River Marina. The spa has recently expanded to include a downstairs annex. This allows them to serve those who prefer to not negotiate the stairs to the main building. The licensed and trained staff offer the following services: assage o ples assage - we offer a spe ial pa age whi h in l es ho olate o ere straw erries an a omplimentar ottle of wine hampagne or spar ing i er. a ials ani res e i res el olish S S rgani r li a e an o a ing ar an ling Spa a ages with the option of in l ing l n h. Day Spa at the Marina offers the following quality products: ane redale the in are a eup • hira rgani in are ydro eptide d an ed in are • e ieu nti ging in are ailti ues ail Restoring ystem • and oya nail produ ts Grande rodu ts


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grew up in Southern California. Though a business and economics major in college, skin care and makeup was always er r t love er a nit or elping people to look and feel great led her to begin Esthetician training in 2001. In 2011 she and former business partner Terri Faison found a beautiful spot for a spa, just outside of Seaford, within the Nanticoke River Marina in Blades, DE. When Terri relocated to Georgia in 2013, Henry Faison Spa became DAY SPA AT THE MARINA.

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Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Dog Training

What is a Proper Meet and Greet and Play? Not all dogs like other dogs. Not all dogs like any dog. But then again there are the dogs that just want to play, play, play!

means, let the 2 meet, play. Keeping in mind that too rough a play can turn the fun into a fight. hen the play Before you allow your dog to Meet and Greet (then play) with a strange does get rough, call your dog’s name, command your dog, please follow the common sense rules before your dog is allowed dog to ‘Settle’, and to ‘Heel’. to go up to just any dog. Breaking the rough play Most owners want to believe that their ‘dog is friendly’. However, their allows your dog(s) to slow dog may like one dog but not the other. Know Your Dog! down and not get mad at the other dog for nipping too To start a proper Meet and Greet, all dogs should be calm, ‘Settled’, hard or accidentally bumping and under the owners control before there is a Meet and Greet. your dog harder than they like which causes a good A ‘Heel’ with a ‘Sit’ and a ‘Settle’ are vital to have a play to turn into a fight. successful Meet and Greet. If the dogs are lunging, barking, jumping, snapping, stiff body, stiff ears (ears up and back than usual) or a stiff neck, baring teeth, growling, whites of eyes showing, and yes, wagging tail, a stiff wagging tail, then the Meet and Greet will not be positive and good intentions will turn ugly and bad fast! It is best to move on and not bother the other dog or let your dog be confronted with the other dog.

Supporting Women

Yet, if both dogs are wagging their tails (they are showing a loose tail in the wag and their bodies are wagging, wiggling as well) then by all



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The County Woman Newspaper

Remember if the dogs playing ‘reciprocate the play’ then all is good and every one is having fun! For example, one dog chases the other dog and then they turn and the other dog chases the one dog that started out chasing. Some dogs play are very vocal. It sounds like a real fight. However, if you watch, you will see that the mouths are open yet neither dog are nipping or bitting the other. This is play too. They just use their voices in play. It is important for a proper Meet and Greet with all dogs/puppies in order to communicate that You as their owners, have control of the situation and that You will not allow anything to happen to them. You’ll protect your dog. This is important to communicate so your dog learns to Trust you and Respect you. Once again, dogs Play should always be reciprocated with both and all dogs. If it is not and you see tension and/or rough play, always call your dog back to You for a ‘Settle’ and give them ‘Me’ time.


Fall 2015



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Fall 2015


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Fall 2015

Real Estate

Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Fabulous Foods

Fabulous Foods

Fabulous Foods

PUBLISHER’S RESTAURANT POLICY Our criteria said it all! First and foremost, the food has to be of the highest quality and freshness. Second, the staff must be courteous and friendly. Third, is the consistency. Knowing that each and every time you dine at that restaurant, it will always live up to its reputation.

Reop Open Open Th the the Spr Sea Seas

This is the most controversial category in all our newspapers. So, we thought we would answer honestly and objectively the most frequently asked questions by our friends and readers.

“Why do you have so few restaurants in your newspapers?” Simple! The following restaurants in this Women’s newspaper are the only restaurants we HAVE INVITED to join our list of restaurants, and that we could absolutely guarantee met our criteria.

Reopening Open for Open We unconditionally guarantee the foods reviews in all our newspapers. This the 2014 2013 They have been prepared by the restaurants that have been personally invited the to be with us.” Spring! Season The restaurants that you see on the following pages are not advertisers. Try any of the restaurants listed in this paper and if you don’t agree with us, call us at 1-800-993-3822 or if you have other restaurants that you would recommend, please let us know. We will review them.


We are presenting them to you as hand selected skillful artists who take pride in preparing the best meals possible.

No other newspaper syndicate turns down advertising from restaurants. WE DO! In fact 95% of all restaurants that contact us are not invited to be with us, after we try them. We take the time to go through our criteria and only select the best for your enjoyment.

“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese Restaurant Cumin Beef or Kung Pao Confucius Chinese Shrimp. If you Restaurant was opened in the like fish, spring of 2004 in downtown Salmon with Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Black Bean Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? Sauce, ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous Steamed Halrestaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I ibut or Crispy prior to relocating to the educate. enrich. empower. Whole Black beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, Sea Bass are 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the all excellent best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time choices. If Delaware Today magazine Cumin Beef or or “palace”, yet I want you are a first with people him, more time with his favorably mentioned in variilmington Avenue inknow downtown ilmington y ife and came to Kung Pao Confucius Chinese it is Chinese. time cuseducation. Coming to a resort ousRehoboth newspaper and magaBeach has long been Rehoboth because we want to have Shrimp. If you Restaurant was opened in destination. the everybody a food lover’s Popular a restaurant that wewho areitexcited tomer, we entown, allows me to take zines.We had aAnd chance to talkknows eateries have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting Confucius is.follike fish, you to tell our server spring of 2004 in downtown fast food restaurant COMcourage some time away from work with Shawn XIong and the Ave. their home for a long time. food for people who are looking for a Salmon with Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Located on is the the second block of the of good dining experience. Wefeeling only put guilty about it. BINED ). While this has made or what you do or do not like, without lowing summary our is a small building housing on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q: What made you to Black Bean Xiong, the owner, avenue had previChinese food popular in this and we will offer the right recconversation. onfucius estaurant, the only fine love or we think our customers will relocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.” country, it has made Chinese Sauce, ommendation for you. I beQ: What was your Rehoboth – Lewes area. X: When had myphilosophy previous Steamed Hal-customer deserves restaurant in Wilmington food a stereotype ( think lieve every Q: Why do you callI your biggest Shawn’s is bestchallenge comone of e emplified in his menu selections restaurant in Wilmington, I ibut or Crispy prior to relocating restaurant toChinese the food has been “$5.99 eat all you can eat”, special attention at my “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? the most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good seafood was working 360 a year, beach area. Sincein then, ConBlack If they order “free deliveries” for example). I Whole restaurant. X: When I started Confucius, X: There were America, as evidenced in the meal can finddays such popular items plenty of chalnumerousthe take-out and12 as Salt & Pepper Shrimp, athat day. After I had fucius has been named Bass are they don’t quite have to explain to people whatSea something I wanted to offerbuffet ahours menuwith lenges I Halibut have faced. The restaurants in pretty much every Ginger & Scallions, or PanI seared decided that I of best Chinese restaurant in the excellent shopping center or stripmy mall.son, But Salmon with black bean they are welcome to send all was not knowing we do, but once people give usalllike, most “generic” Chinese biggest unfortunatelyand for real Chinese Anyone who loves hot & wanted tosauce. spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. it back Iffor exchange AT NO market restaurants Wherever food lovers, most of offer. these places spicy food willthe be very happy to when I first with more time with favorably mentioned variyou are a Ifirst offer more oryou less the same kindhim, entrees such as ot his epper COST. want customer to opened. The other challenge youin go, probably willfind find of menus. In order to enjoy a good Cumin Beef or Fiveeducation. Coming to a( up resort ous newspaper and magacusQ: What are your most time have a pleasant dining experiand a Chinese eatery everyChicken, Chinese meal, you will havein to take spiced Duck. was Growing in continues to be estown, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk tomer, en- place. a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? ence we at my during the summer shopping center that craving. Xiong has a particular affection fast food COMsome time away from work with Shawn XIongyour and the fol- the courage youtoto tell our server X:effort This is a hard question )tofood. convince people that Chipretty much same items Therefore, herestaurant has made every for hot and spicy As a to ensure that Confucius kitchen Established years ago, Confucius Restaurant result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has made without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of or you isdo or Q: do not like,are your hours answer. There arewhat different nese restaurant IS INDEED such asour loseven meins & chow What staff be as accommodating as Confucius was designed to provide located at 57 Wilmington happy to learn that Confucius is Chinese food popular in this conversation. and we will offer the right recpossible. Rice You want to request gluten popular dishes tothedifferent an alternative to a take-out more and meins. Our menuoris more fo- stocked and Specials? regularly with than all kindsjust Fried Avenue on second block free meal ot ahas pro lem ou are buffet style menu. According to hot ingredients ranging from it made Chinese ommendation I beWhat your from the beach. Iton is now customers depending theirfor you. Eggrolls. Therecountry, are more than cused on itemsQ: you don’tofwas usuX: Confucius is open year a egan or egetarian e are going Shawn Xiong, owner of Confucius, Habernera, Jalapeno, to Szechaun open forlieve Summer day (own think Q: Why do youhis call your every customer deserves biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. don’t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. 40000 Chinesefood eateries inYou this ally in those places. SoredI peppers. 7 days a week in seadry at 5pm for dinner. For other you ordered eall canyou replace it oeat”, and quality service. “ I used to can “$5.99 eat special attention at my restaurant “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? spicy food, we offer dishes reservations/information, call country ( more than McDondecided that I will not name son and currently is open for reasonable request is ever denied at own a restaurant in a typical Shawn Xiong is fully aware that 302-227-3848. example). restaurant. If theydinner order everyday except TuesX: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customer’s taste is different. as HotI Pepper Chicken, alds’, Pizza Hut“free anddeliveries” all other forsuch my place “ wok” “great wall” have to explain to people what something they don’t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginning at 5:00pm. We most “generic” Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome opento forsend lunch and dinner a try, they keep coming back. the market when I first it back for exchange AT Sunday NO restaurants offer. Wherever every starting at Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper opened. The other challenge COST. I want customer to Every Monday, ALL you go, you probably will find 11:00am. Q: What are your most was ( and continues to be eshave a pleasant dining a Chinese eatery in every FISH experientrees are on special popular dishes? pecially during the summer ence at my place. while supplies last. Next Febshopping center that offers X: This is a hard question to )to convince people that Chipretty much the same items ruary around President’s Day, answer. There are different nese restaurant IS INDEED such as lo meins & chow Q: What are your hours we will hold our annual CHImore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different meins. Our menu is more foand Specials? NESE NEW YEAR BUFFET. cused on items you don’t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed amount, you will 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week ally find in those places. So I haveinaseachance to enjoy about spicy food, we offer dishes country ( more than McDondecided that I will not name son and currently 30 is open for dishes, most of different such as Hot Pepper Chicken, my place “ wok” or “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other dinner everyday except which Tuesare seafood. day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreWe information, you can open for lunch andcall dinner Confucius at 302-227every Sunday starting 3848ator visit us online at ConVoted by the National Women’s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL FISH entrees are on special is located at 57 Confucius while supplies last. Next Feb- Avenue, Rehoboth Wilmington ruary around President’s Beach. Day, we will hold our annual CHINESE NEW YEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County Woman Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance to enjoy about 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you can call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Confucius is located at 57 Wilmington Avenue, Rehoboth Beach. or “palace”, yet I want people know it is Chinese. And everybody knows who Confucius is.

“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese f ab ulousf oods Restaurant

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Fall 2015


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Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

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Spring Fall 2013 2015

Fabulous Foods “ Give us one try, and you will keep coming

A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius “ Give us one try, and you will keepRestaurant coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong orof“palace”, Confucius Chinese Restaurant yet I want people

Confucius Chinese know it is Chinese. Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows who Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I prior to relocating to the educate. enrich. empower. beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine Cumin Beef o or “palace”, yet I want people with him, time with his favorably mentioned in variConfucius Chinese Restaurant was Q: What was your biggest Q: What aremore your most Q: What are your hours and ilmington Avenue inknow downtown ilmington y ife and came to Confucius Chinese Kung Pao it is Chinese. education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magaopened in the spring of 2004 in downchallenge coming Rehoboth? Specials? Rehoboth Beach has longto been Rehoboth because popular we want to dishes? have who Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows food lover’swere destination. Popular a restaurant areitis excited town, allows me to take zines.We hadplenty a chance to talk that town Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Xiong, aeateries X: There of challenges X: we This a hard question to answer. X: Confucius is open 7 days a week. Shrimp. If yo have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown like fish, yo fastfor food restaurant COMsome time away from work courage with Shawn XIong andofthe the owner, had previously owned a Ave. I have faced. all folwas different popular dishes to Call hours and reservations. their home for The a longbiggest time. food for peopleThere who areare looking for a Rehoboth Beach. Shawn with Located on is the the second block of the of good Wefeeling only put guilty about it. without or what yo lowing summary our Chinese restaurant in Wilmington not knowing the market when I dining fi rst experience. different customers depending on their BINED ). While this has made Salmon avenue is a small building housing on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q: What made you to Xiong, the owner, had previBlack Bean Chinese food popular in this and we wil conversation. onfucius The estaurant, only fine was love or we think our personal customers will prior to relocating to the beach area. opened. otherthe challenge (and own taste. If you like spicy relocate to Rehoboth? ously a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.” country, it has made Chinese Sauce, ommendat Q: What was Since then, Confucius hasowned been named continues to be especially during the food, we offer dishesyour such as Hot Pep- For Rehoboth – Lewes area. more information, X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington Steamed Hal lieve every Why do youpeople callthat your biggest Shawn’s is bestchallenge the best Chinese restaurant in the Del- Q: summer) to convince Chi- philosophy per Chicken, Cumin Beef or comKung Pao food a stereotype ( think Chinese food has been one of e emplified in his menu selections restaurant inthan Wilmington, I prior to relocating restaurant to the ibut or Crisp special att ing to Rehoboth? aware Today magazine and favorably the nese restaurant IS“Confucius”? INDEED more Shrimp. If you like fi sh, Salmon with “$5.99 eat all you can eat”, most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good seafood was working 360 a year, beach area. Sincein then, ConWhole Black you can “free deliveries” for example). I restaurant X: When I started Confucius, X: There were America, as evidenced in the meal can finddays such popular items plenty of chalmentioned in various newspaper and numerous just Fried Rice andbuffet Eggrolls. There are Black Bean Sauce, Steamed Halibut take-out and12 as Salt & Pepper Shrimp, Halibut hours athat day. After I had fucius has been named the Bass are something Imore wanted to offer aevery menu faced. TheBass are have to explain to people whatSea in pretty much with Ginger Scallions, Panmagazines. We had a chance to talk restaurants than 40000 Chinese eateries in &lenges or CrispyIorhave Whole Black Sea my son, I decided that I best Chinese restaurant in the all excellent center or stripChinese seared Salmon with blackof bean once people at give us like, they a most “generic” biggest all was not knowing callbutConfucius with Shawn XIong and the following shopping this country (moremall. thanButMcDonalds’, all excellent choices. If you are a fi rst we do, unfortunatelyand for real Chinese sauce. Anyone who loves hot & wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. it back Iffor restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first food lovers, placesfast food spicy resfood willtime be very happy to we encourage you to is the summary of our Pizza Hutmost andof these all other customer, with more time with favorably mentioned in variyou are a Ifirs offer more oryou less the same kindhim, find entrees such as ot his epper COST. wa you go, probably will find opened. The other challenge conversation. taurant COMBINED). While Chicken, this hasCumin tellBeef ourorserver of menus. In order to enjoy a good Five- or what you do or do not education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magatime cusQ: What are your most have a plea a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esChinese you will have to take spiced Duck. Growing up in made meal, Chinese food popular in this like, and we will offer the right rectown, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk tomer, en a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? ence we at my shopping center that during the summer Q: Why do you call your country, foodhasa a particular ommendation your has made ChineseXiong affection for you. I believe every or visit us online at fast food restaurant COMsome time away from work with Shawn XIongpretty and the fol- the courage youtoto tell our server X:effort This is a hard question much same items )to convince people that Therefore, he Chihas made every for and spicy food. Asdeserves a restaurant “Confucius”? stereotype (think “$5.99 eat allhotyou customer special attention at kitchen to ensure that Confucius Established seven years ago, Confucius Restaurant result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has made without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of our or what you isdo or Q: do not like answer. There are different such as lo meins & chow nese restaurant IS INDEED What staff be assomething accommodating as designed to provide for X: When I started Confucius, I wanted Confucius can eat,”was“free deliveries” examorder located at 57 Wilmington happy to learnmy thatrestaurant. Confucius isIf they Chinese food popular in this conversation. and we will offer the right re possible. You want to request gluten popular dishes to different an alternative to a take-out oris more meins. Our menu fomore than just Fried Rice and and Spec regularly stocked all kinds Confuciusrehobothbeach. com. Avenue on the second block to offer a menu that most “generic” buffet ple).style I have toAccording explain toto people what theywith don’t quite like,free they are welcome meal ot ahas pro lem ou are menu. of hot ingredients ranging from country, it made Chinese ommendation for you. I beQ: What was your from the beach. It is now customers depending on their X: Confuci cused on items you don’t usuEggrolls. There more than aexchange egan or egetarian going Xiong, Confucius, Chinese restaurants offer. Wherever Shawn we do, butowner onceofpeople give us a try, Jalapeno, to sendto itSzechaun back for are AT NO e are Habernera, open forlieve Summer day food (own think every customer deserve Q: Why do youhis call your biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. You don’t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. ally in those places. So 40000 Chinese eateries in this 7d dry redI peppers. at 5pm for dinner. For other you go, you probably will fi nd a Chi- and they keepservice. coming back. COST. I want customer to have a epleasyou ordered can replace it o quality “ I used to all you can eat”, “$5.99 eat special attention at my restaurant “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? spicy food, we offer dishes reservations/information, call decided that I will not name country ( more than McDonson and cu reasonable request is ever denied at Shawn Xiong fully aware that nese eatery in every shopping center own a restaurant in a typical antisdining experience at my place. 302-227-3848. “free deliveries” forsuch example). I Pepper restaurant. If theydinner order eve X: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customer’s taste is different. as Hot Chicken, my place “ wok” “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other that offers pretty much the same items have to explain to people what something they don’t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginn such as lo meins & chow meins. Our to most “generic” Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome open forsen lu menu is more focused on items you a try, they keep coming back. it back for exchange AT Sund NO restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first every don t usually fi nd in those places. So I Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper COST. I want customer to E you go, you probably will find opened. The other challenge 11:00am. decided that I will not name my place Q: What are your most have a pleasant dining exper a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esFISH entre “ wok” or “great wall” or “palace”, yet popular dishes? ence at my place. while supp shopping center that offers pecially during the summer I want people know it is Chinese. And X: This is a hard question to pretty much the same items )to convince people that Chiruary arou everybody knowssuch who Confucius is. & chow answer. There are different as lo meins nese restaurant IS INDEED Q: What are your hours we will hol meins. Our menu is more fomore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different and Specials? NESE NEW Q: What made you decide cused ontoitems you don’t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed relocate to Rehoboth? ally find in those places. So I 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week haveinaseacha X: When I had mydecided previousthat restaurant spicy food, we offer dishes I will not name country ( more than McDonson and currently 30 is open for differen in Wilmington, Imy was working 360or “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other such as Hot Pepper Chicken, place “ wok” dinner everyday except Tues which are days a year, 12 hours a day. After I day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreW i had my son, I decided that I wanted to open for lunch andcall dinner Confuc spend more time with him, more time every Sunday starting 3848ator vis with his education. Coming to a resort Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL fuciusreho town, it allows me to take some time FISH entrees are on special Confucius away from work without feeling guilty while supplies last. Next Feb Wilmington about it. ruary around President’s Beach. Da we will hold our annual CHIYEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County NESE Woman NEW Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance to enjoy abou The County Woman Newspaper Fall 2015 62 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you ca call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Co

“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese f ab ulousf oods Restaurant

Confucius 8 Season At The Beach W


A 5-Star Restaurant

A 5-Star Restaurant

Fabulous Foods

The County Woman Newspaper


Fall 2015

Health & Gift Giving Visit our beautiful, organic garden stop by to shop local! th l a e h st e g r a The l ore on the st food ! shore ele

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Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper

Business Women Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted Pamela J. Rizzo

Lynn K. Wolf

Thirteen years ago I had never even heard of the Women’s Journal, and today I can honestly say the Women’s Journal most defi nitely changed my life. I had always made good money with my different business ventures, but the omen s ournal has given me the freedom to control my own fi nancial life, and also have the freedom to en oy my family. I took a concept and gave it my own touch, and with hard work and consistently following the concept that I was trained in I have built an extremely successful paper.

Robin Coppinger I have been the owner of the Bucks County omen s ournal for years. It has been a pleasure to be part of the National omen s ournal family. I have en oyed publishing the paper, and have had a rewarding and successful career. I also appreciate the continued help and support I have received from both Bob apke and other owners over the years. I look forward to working with Bob for many years to come.

ith the experience of publishing nine different County oman publications, I can confi dently inform you that this is one of the most exciting, rewarding, and successful business ventures for women entrepreneurs in any part of the nation. I originally born and raised in innesota and I have lived on the est Coast and the East Coast and many states in between. Some of my past careers include being a National Insurance Account Executive, Retail perations anager, Certifi ed New ersey Teacher and Teacher of the ear, but of these, I have being a County oman ublisher to be the most gratifying on many levels. I guarantee that you will meet many incredible business owners and community leaders. our publication will be the critical component in helping to launch a new business and or successfully grown an existing business. The personal rewards are endless.

Linda Hunsicker ublishing three omen s ournals is very rewarding and fi ts with my high energy lifestyle. It allows me to be my own boss, be creative and work with the public. Recently, I opened the inger akes oman and it has been very well received. Now, I can go to my vacation home in upstate N , make money and be respected and recogni ed as a local business woman with a great educational publication.

Celeste Kline urchasing the omen s ournal has been the best decision I have ever made. Not only giving me fi nancial freedom, but allowing me to make my own schedule and my own business decisions. I only wish I had done it sooner.

Christie Cook

Dorri C. Scott Becoming a ublisher has been a dream come true for me. Always a writer, I am an educator and continue teaching as a college rofessor. Every two months, I “ ive birth and deliver a new child” my maga ines in 2 counties. ES I love what I do and am growing. The opportunity has been lucrative - though the learning curve has been keen, the support from Bob apke has been priceless. assionate about what I do, over the past 1 months I have met, connected and helped so many people. The powerful resource is one that I highly recommend if you want to work hard, stay focused and make money too. Have the heart and work ethic to do something for both you and others I highly recommend that you take the step and oin a phenomenal group of publisher owners who are happy going to work every day. o it and don t look back

The omen s ournal has been an incredibly rewarding business venture for me. As the publisher for the Chesterfi eld omen s ournal, I contribute to the growth of my Contributor s businesses, and help women, in my ournal community, make wiser choices. I have found a new love in the omen s ournal, building something that will both impact businesses and educate women, while creating a legacy for my daughter. The support and mentoring, that I have been blessed to have, from some of the most successful publishers in the ournal syndicate, has helped me Tara Pannell grow and develop my business. The support and guidance has been consistent from the moment I made the decision to become a publisher. I love what I do, and I will continue Being a part of the omen s newspaper business has changed my life. I ve always wanted to own a maga ine to build and grow my business as a publisher of the omen s ournal. and The omen s ournal helped my dream come to life.

C h ang e Y ou r L i f e i n 2 0 1 6 ! C al l 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 9 3 - 3 8 2 2 .susse count

om •

The County Woman Newspaper

.T e ount Wom •


.T e Womens ou n .com

Fall 2015


Community OCTOBER 28, 2015 $30 General Public $25 Chamber Member Continental Breakfast & Networking Lunch

Keynote Speaker: Sam Calagione

Pre-registration Required Seating is Limited •

1 Million Cups Presentations • • Panel Discussions • • Breakout Sessions •

7:15 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Carter Partnership Center • Delaware Technical Community College Owens Campus, Georgetown, Del.


For information: (302)259-6090; e-mail: Register online:

December 4th-6th, 2015

Friday-12:00pm-4:00pm Saturday & Sunday-10:00am-4:00pm Admission Free Delaware Hospice Center 100 Patriots Way, Milford 302-746-4666

Mistletoe & Martinis Reception Friday, December 4 6:30pm-9:00pm


Heavy hors d’oeuvres, signature martinis, complimentary wine and beer bar. Silent auction, raffles, entertainment by Junior Wilson. Reservations only- $50 per person

Teddy Bear Disco

Saturday, December 5th 12:00pm-3:00pm

Crafts, clowns, pizza, raffles, entertainment with music, and an ugly holiday sweater contest. Santa will be available for photos. Admission- $5 per person



The County Woman Newspaper


Don’t Be Scared . . . Have Fun At The

Sea Witch Festival! October 23-25, 2015 Sponsored by the Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber & Visitors Center

The 3rd Annual

Join us in support of local families living with disabilities.






Funded in part by Southern Delaware Tourism



Fall 2015


educate. enrich. empower.

resort wear

Get Ready For Fall At Pineapple Princess

SWhat wimwear... Not For the Summer aNymore a beautiful summer we’ve had at the right in store to gi e you that per e t fit.

service is huge, especially when you areitdealing such the us at the Pineapple Princess and let Delaware beaches and as always is sadwith when sensitive issue as a women’s it starts coming to an end. Fallbody is fast approaching you feel the best you have ever felt being exposed to the general population, not fully clothed. This but we, at the Pineapple Princess in Rehoboth past Thanksgiving I had received a card the mail. Labor I would like Beach, stay open all year long andinstarting to share it with you all because Day weekend our swimwear/clothing it sums up sale why I begins! love what I do and why I love all our my royal We offer swimwear and coverups as well my and customers and truly appreciate fall collection of Alison Sheri clothing, which will be I each and everyone of them. know Miss Carol won’t arriving in early October, in sizes xs(4)-3x(24) andmind we me sharing...

specialize in cup sizing for swimwear up to a “G”. If Dear Donna, HAPPY NEWdoesn YEAR ttofitall... the swimsuit properly we o er alterations

o ome isit our staff make in a swimsuit.

Hope everyone had a fantastic summer!

This note is extremely belated, but since this is the season for ith all the cold weather giving thanks I really wanted to surrounding us, heavy coats, write you. Thank you so much for scarves and gloves are the main the time you took with Susan and essentials in our wardrobe this me the ma ing sele tion and fi rst lassback serini the e beginning - Lauri oft Chastain time of year. Still, swimwear is summer. Buying a bathing suit was very much on the minds of many “Beach attire isit absolutely gorgeous and the almost impossible forcustomer both of us, serviceur goal at ineapple rincess women, whether is because and or the first time, yo made it was beyond compare” Murray of the trip planned to warmer- Kathy is to make every customer feel the both productive and fun. Then you weather down south, physical way Carol and her daughter did added alterations and door-to-door “Best place onbyDelaware a bathing suit!” therapy ordered their doctor to purchase when they left our store that day. delivery, we couldn’t have asked for So, if you haven’t visited our store, or maybe for a water exercise - Laura Hufford more. In addition to the service, it class to stay in shape over the pleas1it’ so and spread the word. was soand nice to havenot sucha a selection Therefore, here “Iwinter had months. an exceptional experience I am shopper.With winter vacations upon us and of suits. We have recommended at Pineapple Princessof Swim and summer just around the corner, There was plenty selection and no pressure the staff” your shop to a numberfrom of people Resortwear we are open seven come in a view all the beautiful - Tracy from this area who vacation at Lafl the eurswimwear and accessories pieces days a week throughout the year Delaware beaches. Thanks again to provide women an opportunity the industry has to offer. We carry for your help, Happy Thanksgiving! to find s im and resort ear over thirty different brands and -Carol during the winter months.



designers, from Tommy Bahama, Gottex, Betsy Johnson, Roxanne, Anne Cole, Tara Grinna , Kenneth Cole, Lucky Brand and many more. As you can see we carry a wide variety of lines to cater to a wide variety of age groups and personal styles. Please call us at 302-2278705 for more information and store hours.

During this time we reduce the prices of all of our collections left over from the previous summer season. All 2010 inventory is no se enty fi e percent off ur 2011 collections are now arriving throughout the next few months. It is always an exciting time for us as e start filling the Pineapple Princess with all the new fresh color and patterns. We take pride in being able to offer gals of any age or size one of the largest selections of swimwear at the beach. With over twenty-three years of e perience fitting omen in swimwear, we try to give our customer a friendly, comfortable atmosphere to find that perfect suit among the extensive selections that we bring in. er the t o plus decades that I have spent in retail, I never tire of working with women and taking on the challenge of making each and everyone of them feel good in a swimsuit. I have always felt that is what has set us apart from the competition with the big retail department stores. Personal

Fall 2015



February/March 2011

The County Woman Newspaper

Advertising This is What Our Advertisers Say About the

Women’s Journal


Claudia Alesi Oasis Wellness Spa

Chris Rementer Budget Blinds

“I would like to thank the Women’s Journal for the opportunity to be part of their publication. Barbara is wonderful to work with! I have received many comments from readers who have seen my articles and who are now loyal clients. The feed back has been great!”

“We advertise in the Sussex County Woman for a few reasons. First, it is a good read, second, it’s an opportunity to go into a little more detail to reach the more educated customer and third, the readership definitely represents our clientele. We stay because it gets results.”

Mike Benson Accurate Pest Control

Beth Berger Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition “We thoroughly enjoy working with the Sussex County Women’s Journal. For the past three years, it has allowed us to reach a large group of readers to share information on DBCC programs and events. Thank you for being so responsive to our requests and so available to meet our needs.”

“Phyllis R. of Ocean View, Delaware read the article in the Women’s Newspaper and couldn’t say enough about our service. She is among the other who have used us because of the articles we have in the newspaper, bringing a great amount of business we would not have otherwise.”

Jeff Puglia Black Diamond Financial Solutions

Dr. Tracy Hudson Henlopen Chiropractic and Acupuncture “Over the years, I have advertised in many publications and can honestly say that I have never gotten the response that I have with Sussex County Women’s Journal. The Journal is unique in that it educates our community while being professional and personal. My patients (new and old) love reading the articles and often take multiple copies to give to friends and family. And not only is it flying out of my lobby, I often receive calls from patients all over the county who have read my article and are interested in care. Not to mention how great it is to be working with someone as hardworking and driven as Barbara! I am proud to be part of SCWJ for the service it provides to the community.”

“Black Diamond Financial Solutions is extremely happy with our investment in the Sussex County Women’s Journal. The awareness that SC has created for our firm has been far more than we expected and we look forward to continued success with our return on investment.”

Regan Roberts Deck Custom Mechanical, Inc. “We’ve had the pleasure of working with the Sussex County Woman and Delmarva Parent since 1994 and love the response we get from their papers. Month after month, we consistently received feedback from existing clients and new customers who read our articles and appreciate the tips we pass along courtesy of the magazine.”

Terri Pippen The Medicine Woman “I have advertised with the Sussex County Woman for several years. I am always being told by my clients that they see my advertisement and it reminds them to call my business And make an appointment for a service or to enroll in one of my classes. This has been a wise business decision I made that has helped my business become the success it is”

Luanne Holland and Barbie McDaniel Delaware Hospice “The County Women’s Journals have been a great tool for Delaware Hospice to reach and educate the community on Delaware Hospice’s programs and services. Directed to female readers who are caregivers and decision makers, the Journal provides health information for all types of symptoms and illnesses. It has increased community awareness on how to live a better life and provides options of care for our community members.”

Fred Winward President Resort Landscaping “We have built our business on the readership of the Women’s Journal. I cannot believe the amount of business we receive from our articles.”

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Fall 2015




Fall 2015


The County Woman Newspaper


C.M.Baker Photography •



We do Residential and Commercial Aerials on the Delmarva Peninsula. Progressive construction sights starting from the bare property and ending with the building fi nished and in use. r even someone s home, farm or estate to make a nice Christmas gift ! We will get your aerial done. With the selection digital images on a disc - to a framed 30x40 print. You choose!

Portraits/ Headshots Make an appointment with us to update your portrait or promo headshots for the web site. Setting up to do a company shoot is getting popular. Whether it is a radio station or a hospital, it is always needed for promo purposes.


We continue to make our wedding couples’ special day through our images to last a lifetime of love. Each wedding is captured, catering to their suggestions, desires and personalities. C.M.Baker Photography is still one of the few that print 8x10’s at the reception for all to view and for the couple to take home with them. Check us out and ask us about our “photobooth” style pictures. ull weddings, from start to fi nish, available to view.

The County Woman Newspaper

Events One of our favorites have been Event Photography for at least 15 years. We print immediately! We can do many different sizes with photo folders. Many backdrops to select from. One of the popular methods is Greenscreen Photography. Select a backdrop, stand in front of the green backdrop and the photo puts you there in your selected backdrop. Gala Events, Father-Daughter Dances, Prom/Spring Dances, Charity Events, Conventions, Conferences, Military Events, Holiday Events, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Family Reunions, and the list goes on.


Fall 2015

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