The Sussex County
A Quarterly Educational Resource for the Women of Sussex County
Chris Rementer
Craig Clarke
Director of Pharmacy and Retail Operations
Great Advice on Window reat ent fro Budget Blinds
in Care i fro Walgreens page 22
page 39
Adam Samuel
Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist
Solutions for AgeProoďŹ n o r o e page 26
Photo By Mike Baker at Nanticoke Health Services
The Professionals from Nanticoke Health Services Recycle - Share with a Friend!
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Publisher’s Note THE SUSSEX THE SUSSEX COUNTY WICOMICO-WORCESTER WOMAN’S NEWSPAPER COUNTY WOMAN’S NEWSPAPERS P. O. Box 1267 Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 email: Call Us At: 1-800-993-3822 or 302-539-2612 302-539-2722 FAX
Elizabeth Kapke Publisher
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Publisher’s Note
WELCOME SUMMER 2015 COUNTY With everyTO industry feeling theISSUE strain,OFmySUSSEX colleagues in pubicWOMAN relations,
The marketing, boards are opening all over Delaware. We areall seeing renovation and renewal in time for this advertising, and design admit to feeling the pinch from summer’s tourist With the grave impact winter becoming a more distant memory as time clients who season. think these services areofthe easiest to cut. goes on, we can start to enjoy getting back to the business and fun of summer. The Sussex County Woman hasall, many professionals anxious to share in thehave areasto of health, After they have to who payare their electric bill,their butexpertise they don’t pay for finances, household matters, business, beauty and relaxation. marketing. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is all too common, and
according the experts, just is true. While some of theto articles in this issue willthe showopposite you a brighter path to your own health, others offer advice to those who provide care for loved ones. If you are a caregiver and are feeing exhausted and overwhelmed, it may bebeing time tomore consider a top-notch day carewhen program. For thewhere many Sussex County Customers are selective than ever deciding and how Woman residents with young children, Dr. McCann not only offers exceptional dentistry, but also to spend their money. So it’s imperative that business owners are puttingan amazing new programout thatabout could benefit your child’s future health. the message why they are the best, biggest, greenest, most
most experienced, or whatever the nicheConsider in theirunique industry. Areaff youordable, or someone you know getting married in the coming months? and delicious cakes and favors. Our photographer C. M. Baker, Photographer will take the portraits of your dreams. Perhaps you are to quickly drop a fewand pounds, read about another option that So take a looking tip from the experts, think before you cutweight-loss off the marketing reduces fat layers in problem with asee cooling technology. lifeline. Hopefully, we’llareas all soon a change and will not need to make these tough decisions atmany all. articles in this issue filled with vital information regarding finance, These are just a few of the law, business, fashion & beauty, health and wellness, and much more. I recommend reading each and Remember, whenmiss theanygoing gets that tough the tough going. Be selective every page so you don’t information is critical to yourget family and friends. with your marketing dollars, EDUCATE THE PUBLIC.
However you choose to take care of yourself and your loved ones this summer, be sure to enjoy our thriving Delaware shore. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of the Sussex County Woman on the beach, in your back yard, or anywhere you can relax and enjoy the summer sun. Thank you for your continued support of the Sussex County Woman publication.
Elizabeth Kapke, Publlisher
Eventually I lost interest in trying to control my life, to make things happen in PART TIME SALES HELP a way that I thought I wanted them to EASTERN SUSSEX COUNTYbe. I began to practice surrendering toRehoboth the Fenwick, Bethany, Dewey, universe and We findtrain out what “it” wanted me • Work from Home to do. Must Be Bright • Million Dollar Personality • Great Work Ethic Shakti Gawain Make Your Own Hours
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The County Summer 2015Woman Newspaper
The Professionals from Nanticoke Health Services The Professionals of MedTix Photo by Mike Baker, taken at: Nanticoke Health Services To learn more, see pages 16 & 17 The front cover photo by Mike Baker at Kings Creek County Club, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
The County Woman Newspaper Winter 2013/2014
Health & Medicine
Choosing A Healthcare Provider: Where To Start?
hen you have an emergency, you don’t always have time to research health care providers. But when you do, there are ways to compare hospitals, physicians and long-term care facilities to make the best choice possible for you and your family. Here are things to consider.
How do I compare hospital quality? Many independent companies publish awards recognizing hospitals for quality. But, it can be difficult to access specific information about what goes into an award. And, not all hospitals choose to license awards for publicity purposes. So, it does get tricky when comparing hospitals. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides public data on hospital quality for procedures related to things like heart attack, pneumonia, surgery and other services through an easy to use online tool (www.hospitalcompare.hhs. gov). These data are selected because they represent important factors in patient safety and are proven best practices for providing care. By publishing this information, CMS provides consumers a way to compare important quality indicators across all hospitals.
How do others rate their hospital experience? Most hospitals measure patient satisfaction using surveys, whether in person, by phone or online. Hospitals often use national vendors to conduct surveys giving them access to comparisons with other similar size hospitals across the country. This provides important information to help hospitals continuously improve. But, for the consumer, this information isn’t always available in detail or when local hospitals use different vendors, it can be hard to compare results. CMS provides a snapshot of patient experience using 11 questions. Data are collected by randomly surveying both Medicare and Non-Medicare adult patients. Survey questions are related to nurse communication, doctor communication, pain control, explanation of medications, cleanliness of the room, and the patient’s understanding of care received at the
but provides a team approach for managing chronic conditions and improving a patient’s overall health. PCMHs have integrated EMRs and patient portals that provide access to educational information and allow patients to track and electronically share information like blood pressure, sugar levels, medications and allergies with a health care provider. Because a PCMH has a robust EMR system, they can closely track patients when they have conditions like diabetes or hypertension. A case manager helps
hospital as well as care needed once the patient returns home. As a way to make it easier to compare these survey results, CMS recently released its first Patient Experience Star Ratings, much like star ratings used in other industries (www.hospitalcompare.hhs. gov). Nanticoke Memorial Hospital received a 4-Star rating, the highest on the Eastern Shore. All other hospitals received 3-Stars or below.
Is my hospital focused on patient safety? There are many things making up patient safety. Most hospitals have a quality department. Nanticoke is no exception. Our quality department has many teams focused on patient care throughout the hospital. These teams work behind the scenes, constantly monitoring and improving care processes. Data related to quality are reported by all area hospitals to The Joint Commission (TJC). TJC is the national oversight agency for hospitals and information about hospitals can be found on the TJO website using Quality Check® ( Hospitals receiving reimbursement from Medicare must meet quality standards from TJC. These hospitals are monitored regularly through unannounced site visits. In addition, important components of patient safety include things like barcoding medications to reduce error and integration of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and Patient Portals. When physicians and hospitals have integrated EMRs communication happens faster and physicians and nurses have immediate access to more detailed information about a patient. This increases collaboration and improves care. Patient portals are also important, allowing patients to review and manage some of their own health information. Nanticoke is a HIMSS level 6 (of 7) provider; among the top 17% in the nation for EMR integration. The Nanticoke Physician Network is recognized at the highest level as a Patient Centered Medical Home by the National Council on Quality Assurance, which includes integration of its EMR system.
For more information or to compare hospitals in your area, go to: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) at The Joint Commission at For more information about services provided at Nanticoke, go to
Is my primary care physician’s office a Patient Centered Medical Home? And, what is a Patient Centered
There are many hospitals to choose from on Delmarva, but only one was rated highest on the Delmarva Peninsula by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for patient experience: Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. Just one more reason you can feel good about choosing Nanticoke.
Medical Home (PCMH)? A primary care office recognized as a PCMH by the National Council on Quality Assurance (NCQA) is an office meeting met stringent criteria focused around delivery of care;. This includes implementing tools that not only care for a patient when he is acutely ill
The County Woman Newspaper
the patient find resources for things like medications, lifestyle changes, and support groups, and helps remove barriers to care. The Nanticoke Physician Network is recognized at the highest level as a Patient Centered Medical Home by NCQA.
Summer 2015
Health&&Medicine Medicine Health health&medicine
educate. enrich. empower.
Childhood Ophthalmology
RWKHU PD\ EH SRLQWLQJ childhood. New problems between the ages of 6 up, down, in, or out. This DQG ZRXOG EHQHĂ€W can arise throughout PLVDOLJQPHQW PD\ EH from glasses, with childhood and these improved performance in constant or intermittent. PD\ EH GHWHFWHG DW 7KH H\H SRLQWLQJ VWUDLJKW school and sports. each visit. These DKHDG PD\ DOZD\V EH WKH exams are best done The most important VDPH RQH RU WKH\ PD\ E\ SHGLDWULFLDQV DQG patient‘s face and eye will be patients be asked offered at the Delaware Eye to wash goal of will vision screening physician’s pre-op instructions. outcomes. DOWHUQDWH 7KHUH PD\ EH school nurses, and do their face and hands. It are is not for surgery¡ Patients generally in-prepped feeland any draped discomfort. closed-circuit system Modern cataractCenter surgeryPatient Surgery ishas more efficient television LV WR LGHQWLI\ FHUWDLQ comfort is an important goal at the The anesthetist administers I.V. sedation and D IDPLO\ KLVWRU\ RI WKLV not need to be performed necessary to disrobe for most from eating anda gentle on in the eye. connected This During surgery, most patients Following surgery, patients structed to refrain to the surgeon’s undergone revolution the surgery center. Certified anesthetists are on the eye is anesthetized to guarantee patient VLJQLĂ€FDQW H\H SUREOHPV EXW RIWHQ WKHUH LV QRW ,W E\ DQ H\H GRFWRU ,I DQ\ procedures, but shoes will efficiency more patient remain aware oftotheir surroundare moved our recovery ˜› Â?›’—”’—Â? ŠĞŽ›be –’Â?—’Â?‘Â? operating past decade. Today, leads cataract comfort. When the time for surgery arrives, stafftofor each case. microscope. Our nurses are experts in WKDW PD\ OHDG WR lesskeeping inflammation, removed. Dentures, ings. They can hear and about 4% oftheir all abnormalities are noted, area where, oncevoices again, before aprosthetics, procedure. Uponmore arrival, patients will surgery comfort, is less invasive than patients comfortable and safe during patientsHoware occurs wheeled toin the operating room. permanent visual rapid recovery and better visual and hearing aids (except for the music, but don’t feel any dis children in the United then a comprehensive their Patient with family are invited to and signs willtransfer be monitored. ever, heart blood pressure ourmembers receptionist. many dental procedures. Thevisit.check-in There is no need (orvital patients to to anoutcomes. remain with the patient during surgical side ear) may in. comfort. impairment unless their stay in pre- remain other in the ’•• operating room ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‹Ž ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? “ž’ŒŽ medications shouldstretcher. usually beOnce At that time, the receptionnewest-generation equipment States. H\H H[DP E\ DQ H\H Vital signs will be monitored and Patient comfort is an Following surgery,and patients are op and recovery. Family members may, with the vital signs will again be monitored the paWUHDWHG HDUO\ 7KHVH —ŒŽ Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•Žǰ ˜›  ŠÂ?Ž›ǯ taken. All patients must make ist will review and help the ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? 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Patients risks such as connected to the surgeon’s operating microDuring surgery, mostbe patients remain aware reviewed and copy given to then invited to our pre-op The anesthetist adminis ‘’œ ÂŽÄœÂŒÂ’ÂŽÂ—ÂŒÂ˘ •ŽŠÂ?Âœ Â?˜inscope. –˜›Ž join them. are experts keeping patients will be offered juice or water. learns to ignore the glaucoma, ptosis, of their surroundings. They can hear voices and diabetes mellitus, certain the forause at home. area forpatients the administration of are ters I.V. sedation thedon’t eye ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Ç° •Žœœ ’—ĚŠ––ŠPatients generally in- andbut comfortable and safearrival, during their Once comfortable family s the summer image itpatient receives from refractive errors, tumors, music, feel any discomfort. Upon will check-in with our metabolic or genetic As summer begins, structed to refrain from eating or visit. Patient family members are member may join them. Post-op Patients must be released into any necessary medications. is anesthetized to guarantee rapid recovery and progresses and we tion, more receptionist. At that time,and the receptionist will diseases. FollowingWKH PLVDOLJQHG H\H 7KLV surgery, patients are moved to neurologic GLVHDVHV IDPLO\ KLVWRU\ drinking midnight before a the area invited to remain with the patient instructions are and this seems like a good the care of areviewed responsible adult. patient comfort. When time where, While entering pre-op pa- after ‹ŽĴŽ› Â&#x;’œžŠ• ˜žÂ?ÂŒÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂœÇŻ review and help the patient complete their our recovery once again, their vitals approach September, leads to atoloss of normal David Robinson, M.D. We will review some procedure. However, heart and during stay in pre-op and copy given for use RI SHGLDWULF H\H GLVHDVH PleasePatients dothe notpatient plan for surgery arrives, patients tients will be asked to wash comforttheir is anadmission imporsigns will be monitored. will on bedrivoffered paperwork. Patients are then invited By:seems David Robinson, M.D. Patient time to review this like asome good GHSWK SHUFHSWLRQ ,W PD\ of the more common medications blood pressure members may, recovery. Family at home. Patients must be reRU SUHPDWXULW\ VKRXOG juice oroperating water. Onceing comfortable a family memto our pre-op area for the administration of wheeled any yourself home. Generally, are to the their face and hands. It is not tant goal at the surgery center. Withto the experience of 16,000 surgical time review some should usuallynow. be taken. Allmay joinDOVR OHDG WR SHUPDQHQWO\ withprocethe patient’s permission, care of a responsiinto theinstructions conditions basic information them. Post-op are renecessary medications. While ŃŽŃŁŃ–Ń‘ ÇŻ ÇŻ With ŃœŃ?Ń–Ń›Ń ŃœŃ›Ç° the experience of 16,000 have regular patients will wear an eye patch room. Thereber is no need forleased necessary to disrobe forentering most pre-op Ž›Â?’ęŽÂ? Š—ŽœÂ?‘ŽÂ?Â’ÂœÂ?Âœ Š›Ž ˜— evaluations dures, Delaware Eye Surgery Center combines patients must make sureviewed they and copy observe the procedure through a to wash ble adult. Please do not plan on basic information given to the patient for usethe at patients will be asked their face and decreased vision in one cataract surgeries, Delaware Eye for a short time following patients to transfer to another procedures, but shoes will be ÂœÂ?Šě Â?˜› ŽŠŒ‘ ÂŒÂŠÂœÂŽÇŻ ž› —ž›œŽœ E\ DQ H\H VSHFLDOLVW about children and the most modern eye surgery technology and understand their physician’s c1osed-circuit television system driving home. Strabismus is a home.prePatients must yourself be released into Generally, the care of hands. 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There isthe notheir most patients the entire expericomplete their admission tients entire experience the center takes Patients arepapergenerally instructed to refrain only takesat about 90 minutes. tients remain aware of œŽĴ•ŽÂ?Ç° Â?‘Ž¢ –Š¢ Family members may, with the Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•¢ appropriate screenings undergone apromises revolution 1n the combination QRW IXOO\ NQRZQ (DUO\ at the same time. One at the Delaware Eye patients Surgery Center iswork. more Patients are then far-sightedness, and need (or patients toatransfer to90 ence at the center takes about 90 invited to member about minutes. from eating or drinking after midnight before past decade. Today, cataract For an appoinment otr more surroundings. They can hear have a family join patient’s permission, observe an unparalleled surgical expeduring visits with their treatment for strabismus efficient and gentle on the eye. This efficiency H\H LV XVXDOO\ ORRNLQJ another stretcher. Once in the minutes. or more our pre-op area for the adminisDVWLJPDWLVP 7ZHQW\ For an appointment information call procedure. However, heart and blood pressure surgery is less invasive than voiceswill and music, but don’t them. through a information 302-645-2300. more patient leads comfort, the lessprocedure inflammapediatrician during gives bestcall chance for straight ahead the operating room vital signs will tration of anymedications necessary medicaFor the an appointment or more 302-645-2300. should usually be taken. All paĂ€YH SHUFHQW RI FKLOGUHQ many dental procedures. The
tion, more rapid recovery and better visual again be monitored tions. While entering pre-op tients must make sure they understand their and the newest-generation equipment
18791 john j. williams hwy. rehoboth beach, de 19971
phone 302.645.2300 August/September 2011
August/September 2012
Summer 2015
information call 302-645-2300.
232 mitchell street millsboro, de 19966
web D e l aw a r e E y e . c o m 2
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
What’s New At Delaware Eye Optical
ith late spring and early Michael Kors, new for us, with trendy designs in great color combinations is summer upon us I thought sure to be a hit due to come in late May or early June. I would touch on a few The inventory has been updated completely over the last couple of months changes at Delaware Eye Optical. and along with our package pricing, there is no reason to shop anywhere else This time of year spikes interest in for all your eyewear needs. Stop in any of our three locations and try on the sunglasses both from the lens side as latest styles or learn about the new lens technologies available. Our well as the fashion and sport frames experienced staff will be glad to educate you or answer any questions you side of sunglasses. Improvements in might have. lens designs and materials as well as By: Glenn Courtney, A.B.O.C. new frame designs re ecting fashion of Delaware Eye Optical trends in emerging shapes and colors. Gradient Polarized prescription and not prescription lenses have been a hit so far this year and add a fashion look to any sunglass available. This new treatment is available in single vision and progressives in gray and brown polycarbonate material which can satisfy most prescription needs or color preferences. The advantage of wearing a polarized gradient is obvious from a style standpoint and by eliminating horizontal glare comfort is increased significantly versus a non polarized gradient tint. We have heard from some of our clients remarking the gradient progressive tint is preferred when reading because the tint is lighter at the bottom area of their progressive add power. Polycarbonate materials are available now and although not ideal for some prescriptions can cover a broad array of needs depending on the RX and frame chosen. The tints will not fade or discolor, have excellent impact resistance, consistently match and come in various base curves which can accommodate most high wrap frames. Kaenon sunglasses, one of our sport sunglass lines, has improved the coating of its proprietary SR91 lens material used in all its sunglass lenses. This new improved coating is designed to hold up better and last longer than it predecessor. Kaenon has also added the Gold Coast Collection which features brown frame colors matched with gold mirrors capturing the gold coast of California look and feel. The already successful Black Label collection has added new styles featuring its Black Mirror “dark side” look. In sports or active arena the S-Kore and X-Kore complement For more information or an appointment call the Hard Kore already a style worn among many of today’s baseball, bikers, golfers, surfers and other competitors. New colors in the Eden and Georgia as well as styles such as Shilo, Maywood and Driver add to a very popular woman’s collection. Kaenon’s collection brings unique characteristics to a crowded sunglass market and is a growing brand with great fitting frames and lens designed for the active crowd. Kaenon’s lenses come in copper, gray and yellow and Transition brown or gray allowing tints to be customized for your hobby or competitive sport. We have a great collection so stop in and see this exciting Sunglass brand. Our newest frame collection that is performing very well for us is the Rehoboth: 18791 John J. Williams Hwy. Rehoboth Beach, DE. Phn.302.645.1800 iGreen line a very light weight frame with interchangeable temples. One Dover: 625 S. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE Phn. 302.678.3200 frame front color can be matched with up to 15 different temple colors. Millsboro: 232 Mitchell St. Millsboro, DE. Phn. 302.6620 Imagine the possibilities.
Great News!!! Will be launching our new website soon!
Interchangeable Temples * Ultra-Light Frame * Perfect erfect Memory Shape
For more information or an appointment call 302-645-1800 in Rehoboth, 302-934-6620 in Millsboro and 302-678-3200 in Dover. The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
The Silent Killer gastrointestinal diseases. There is a specialized test called a bone mineral density (BMD) that is performed by a central DXA machine which stands for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. This test can tell if a person is losing or staying the same when the test is repeated at intervals of one year or more. It helps to provide the There are multiple risk factors patient and the health care provider associated with osteoporosis to to decide if treatment is needed. include female gender, family Currently there is no cure for history, small and thin body frame, osteoporosis, but treatment is and certain ethnicities such as available. There are several drugs Caucasian, Asian and Hispanics. that have been approved by the Also included are if you have FDA. Besides getting your daily a history of broken bones, low recommended dose of calcium sex hormones and diet (low and vitamin D one can engage in calcium and vitamin D levels regular weight-bearing and muscleor increased intake of protein, strengthening exercises. Avoid sodium and caffeine). An inactive smoking and excessive alcohol and lifestyle can be a factor, smoking, talk to your health care provider excessive alcohol intake, certain about a bone density test, taking medications and certain diseases medication when it is necessary. such as rheumatoid arthritis and
daily dose of calcium in a person less than 50 years old is 1000 mg a day. In people age 50 and older, 1200 mg a day is advised. Vitamin D daily recommended dosages in adults less than age 50 is 400-800 IU per day and 800-1000 IU for anyone age 50 and older.
From Left to Right in the back is Dr. Leo H. Eschbach, DO, Dr. Steven Berlin, MD seated, Dr Vincent B.Killeen, MD, F.A.C.O.G. and Dr. Tabitha F. Perry seated
By Dr. Steven Berlin, MD
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones can become weak and break.
Getting the daily recommended amount of calcium and vitamin D can help slow the disease. Calcium and vitamin deďŹ ciency is widespread throughout the world, as well as in the United States, particularly in adults age 50 and older. The recommended
It is a silent disease meaning there are no signs or symptoms until the bone actually breaks and causes a fall. Osteoporosis is a major public health risk for an estimated 55 percent of the population age 50 and older. One out of every two women and one out of every four men will suffer an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime. Calcium, whether through diet such as dairy products, broccoli and some leafy green vegetables, supplements or a combination is essential in maintaining bone strength and can play a vital role in preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin D plays a major role in the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin after direct sunlight exposure; however, there are many different factors that affect a person’s ability to make adequate amounts of vitamin D.
Summer 2015
Bayside Health Association is committed to bringing quality Women’s Health Care to the Eastern Shore. We have two conveniently located facilities in Lewes and Georgetown. Our Board Certified staff of Physicians and our Certified Nurse Midwives are ready to listen to all your health concerns. We offer Dexa (bone density) screening and Gynecological and Obstetrical ultrasounds by appointment. Our ultrasound department has just recently received it reaccreditation, meeting the AIUM Standards. Our Lewes location offers same day mammograms and lab services. For more information about our practice please visit or call Melissa Warren at 302-645-4700 ext. 313
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
INVISALIGN Her doctor told her that when left untreated, overly crowded teeth can cause dental decay, and increase in the chances of gum disease, and can prevent the normal function of teeth. She was treated with Invisalign over the course of approximately 10 months.
PRESENTED BY RICHARD J. MCCANN, D.M.D., P.A. Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete. You’ll achieve a great smile with little interference in your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth. A picture is worth a thousand words. If you’re curious about how effectively Invisalign® can treat your case, take a look at a few success stories of previous Invisalign patients. Each of these individuals had their own unique orthodontic and dental issues that were successfully treated with Invisalign.
OVERLY CROWDED Patient’s Chief Concern This-26-year old female believed there wasn’t enough room within her aw for all of her teeth to fit normally.
CROSSBITE Patient’s Chief Concern This 27-year-old female was unhappy that her upper and lower jaws seemed to be misaligned. This caused her upper teeth to bite on the inside of her lower teeth, and she could tell it was causing excessive wear. Her doctors told her this issue could also cause gum disease and bone loss. Her Invisalign treatment lasted approximately nine months.
$500 Off
of INVISALIGN Treatment
if started prior to July 30th, 2015.
GAPPED TEETH Patient’s Chief Concern This 56-year-old male was concerned that his teeth were abnormally spaced and very far apart. His doctor told him that, while this might just seem unattractive, spacing issues in teeth can also cause some periodontal diseases. His Invisalign treatment lasted approximately 10 months.
OVERBITE Patient’s Chief Concern This 38-year-old female was concerned that her upper teeth overlapped her lower teeth too much. Not only is this a cosmetic issue, but it can lead to health problems later in life, so she was anxious to get it fixed. he was treated with Invisalign in approximately 20 months.
NO CHARGE for records.....
Consider taking advantage of this great offer if you have ever wanted to straighten your teeth...... NO CHARGE
for treatment consultation.....
Richard J. McCann, D.M.D. 31413 Winterplace Parkway Salisbury, MD 21804
410-546-9940 The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
exual activity is a normal part of our lives and an important component of a healthy relationship. After suffering a heart attack, however, many people feel insecure or uncertain about when or often times, even if would be advisable to resume sexual activities. Further, there are some people who might be embarrassed to have a conversation about the subject with their doctors or nurses. All of the above is perfectly understandable and warrants s e isc ssi c rific ti
The truth is, simply stated, that having a heart attack doesn’t mean the end of someone’s sex life. Of course, there are extra steps to be taken prior to resuming intimate activities. Among those are, allow time to physically recover from the heart attack, including recovery from the procedure one might undergone afterwards, such as angioplasty/stent placement, or coronary bypass surgery. Psychological and emotional healing is equally important. Anxiety and depression are commonplace in heart disease and need attention and care.
“Lets Talk About Sex, After A Heart Attack” worsen one’s erectile dysfunction (beta blockers, diuretics, some cholesterol medicines). It is important to remember the precaution with use of erectile dysfunctional drugs and nitroglycerine for chest pain.
Understanding that the risk of having a heart attach or major cardiac complication from intercourse remains small and is likely not different from the risk of similarly demanding physical activity. The risk is reduced by the following the post heart attack recommendations your doctor will discuss with you. Among those are regular physical activity, tobacco use cessation, and the control of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, enrolling in a cardiac rehabilitation program and losing weight, if necessary.
It has been a long used “rule of thumb” that if one is able to climb two ights of stairs, then it is ok to have sex. Although this remains true, for the most part, it is also true that it is better practice to have open and frank conversation with your doctor or health care provider
about the resumption of intimacy. It has proven a good strategy also to include your spouse/sexual partner in the conversation and to ask all and any questions one might have in mind. The actual risk of having a heart attach during or shortly after sexual intercourse is very low. Yes we all have heard who did, but the reality is that chances are slim. Some studies showed a 0.1% increase risk. An active lifestyle and compliance with recommended medical therapy are the best protectors against it. So please, do not give up sexual activity after a heart attach or heart surgery otherwise. Education, awareness and adequate risk assessment are the key elements in resuming intimacy and learning to live a better life, even with heart disease. Don’t hesitate to ask and discuss your concerns with your health care professional.
A frequently asked question, particularly from men, is the use of erectile dysfunction agents. Yes, they can be used, after appropriate risk assessment and your treating physician performs stratification. his is most frequently accomplished by stress testing to Asses physical capacity. Some of the medications used to treat heart disease have side effects that
R. ALBERTO ROSA, M.D., FACC Dr. Ramon Alberto Rosa is a graduate of the University of Santo Domingo in his native Dominican Republic. He completed his post-graduate medical education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia with a residency in internal medicine (1991-1994), Chief Medical Resident (1994-1995), and cardiology fellowship (1995-1998). Dr. Rosa has practiced cardiology in Sussex County since July 1998. He has served as Medical Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and as Chief of the Department of Cardiology at Beebe Medical Center in Lewes, DE. Dr. Rosa is trained in non-invasive cardiology, Nuclear Transesopageal Echocardiograms, as well as invasive diagnostic procedures and pacemaker implantations. Dr. Rosa is board certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine and Cardiology. He is also a Certified Aviation Medical Examiner and is Board Certified in Nuclear Medicine.
Summer 2015
302-645-1233 • Offices in Lewes and Millville
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Why You Need To Choose Your MRI Provider This is the difference between 3T MRI and 1.5T MRI—the ability to scan with high resolution. And, of course, that there may be things that might not be seen at weaker resolution. High resolution adds to our ability in almost every area of MRI. You need only call and ask your radiologist. Dr. Chao is happy to discuss such issues with you and your doctor. Surprisingly few doctors have called in the last 8 years. It’s important to be wellinformed about new technologies.
I am constantly frustrated when doctors tell me they send their patients to inferior facilities just because “it’s easier”. After 8 years of offering the finest quality 3T MRI in the state, doctors and their staff still seem unaware of how much better 3T MRI is. Ask your doctor one simple question—and this will tell you how much they know. Is 3T better for MRI? I am not sure how they will answer the question, but write it down, call me, and tell me so we can discuss how informed your doctor is. I was at a medical meeting where a very intelligent and excellent doctor asked me if the artifacts at 3T were too hard to deal with. We don’t really have many artifacts at 3T- well, no more than they have at 1.5T or 0.3T (yes, 0.3T— instead of 3.0T does still exist). I was encouraged that he asked—but the question itself spoke volumes. This information is readily available. Many doctors simply do not understand why an MRI trained radiologist with a dual fellowship in body MRI and neuroradiology could help them improve care and actually save money. MRI provides a road map for your treatment. You want the combination of the best pictures and an experienced radiologist. When you have a pain or radiculopathy high quality MRI reveal the nerve roots, bone marrow and surrounding tissues. X-rays see only bone and calcium and, as a result, their evaluation of soft tissue is poor. Most pain is caused not by calcifications—which are old findings and can take years to develop, but by acute soft tissue tears, muscle sprains, and disc herniations. To reliably see this, you need the highest possible resolution. Most scanners will only scan at very low resolution, whereas a 3T scanner can scan at HDTV resolutions.
More importantly not only is the MRI machine important but the facility design itself is important. On our 1.5T scanner we actually installed a TV in the ceiling! It might sound odd, but by using a TV to distract the patients we get better MRI studies because a patient’s comfort is important. You can watch the TV in 50% of all scans. Our patients care and tend to come back when they come once, they notice the difference. We also tend to provide reports along with the actual images before the patient leaves our office. As you know, we also use only the safest MRI contrasts. Ask your doctor if they know what nephrogenic systemic sclerosis (NSF) is. In 2008 when it was first described—we immediately switched to contrast agents that do not cause NSF. We are unaware of anyone else in Delaware who did this at the time, though some have now switched. We are located in the Abby Medical Center right next to an emergency medical facility who sends us patients to rule out stress fracture on the day of the injury. We saw a patient who slipped on the ice, his x-rays were negative—but his MRI showed 5 soft tissue abnormalities and a stress fracture. This was done on the same day. Our Abby medical center BEST OPEN MRI is the largest bore 1.5T scanner and the shortest bore OPEN MRI at 1.5T. This means the most comfortable MRI scan you have ever had. Which results in a better study and clearer pictures. Doctor Chao built this state of the art facility because he cares. Dr, Chao has 31 years experience and wants to share it with you. Please ask questions and visit our websites.
Best Open MRI 302 838 7800 1 Centurian Drive, Suite 107 Newark, DE MRI Consultants 302 827 4251 17252-9 N. Village Main Blvd Lewes, DE
2015 TheJune/July County Woman Newspaper
f racture
B y Dr. Philip Chao Dr. Philip Chao graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University and was Scholar of the House. He continued his studies at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, receiving his medical degree in 1983. After a transitional internship year at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, NY, Dr. Chao did his residency in Radiology at Brooklyn’s SUNY Health Science Center (1984-1987), where he became Chief Resident. He stayed on to complete a fellowship in Neuroradiology (1987-1988). Dr. Chao has been interested in MRI technology since its very beginning – the first MRI scan took place in 1981 while he was pursuing his medical studies. The University of Pennsylvania, where Dr. Chao was both a Body MRI Fellow (1988-1990) and a Neuroradiology Fellow (1989-1990), was at the heart of the development of this technology and Dr. Chao was able to work with pioneers in MRI on the first GE Signa 1.5T (tesla) scanner. His advanced research and specializations complete, Dr. Chao left the University of Pennsylvania for a position as Director of MRI in Wilmington, DE – a position he held for 14 years. Dr. Chao eventually left that position to create the best MRI Center in Delaware which uses the very latest technology: 3T MRI. While 3T (tesla) scanners have been used for scanning research patients since 2002, these advanced, more powerful MRI scanners only became available for clinical use in 2004. Dr. Chao worked hard to bring 3T technology to Delaware and in February 2007, MRI Consultants, LLC began operating the first 3T scanner in the State. 3T is the newest horizon for MRI.
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
What is Ultherapy? is a face and neck treatment that improves skin laxity in a meaningful way but completelynon–surgically.
Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. Here at ReNove Medical, Dr. Parsons offers Ultherapy, a state of the art medical procedure utilizing focused ultrasound energy to lift and tighten sagging skin. No scalpel or anesthesia is needed. Ultherapy is great for people who would like tightening and lifting of facial skin without have a surigcal facelift. The Ulthera sound energy passes right through the skin and targets the areas you want lifted. During a typical 30-60 minute Ultherapy treatment session, an ultrasound applicator is passed over each region of the face. The sound waves emitted deliver small, controlled amounts of energy into the deep layers of skin and soft tissue. The beauty of Ultherapy ‘uplifting ultrasound’ is that it
Ultherapy works great for sagging jowls, where the skin is fatty, heavy and drooping. Ultherapy is able to reduce this fatty heaviness, tapering the jaw line, for a more youthful look. Ultherapy can restore a more youthful shape to the face from a square to the inverted triangle.
Nasolabial Folds Ultherapy also works well to minimize the drooping of excess skin that we get along each side of the nose, or lower cheeks. ou may think that you need to fill in these areas with a filler, but the real problem may be that fat and loose skin is just falling down due to the effects of gravity. With ultherapy we can target this area and minimize the fattiness and tighten up that skin. Again this will restore the more youthful balance of the face with the center of gravity higher in the cheek areas.
Neck Ultherapy can tighten up that loose skin underneath our necks as well. The area that Ultherapy works the best is that area just underneath the chin and extending into that curve of the neck. Ultherapy won’t duplicate the results of a surgical neck lift. But if you have somewhat loose and fatty skin in your upper neck, hanging just beneath your chin, Ultherapy can improve this area, and improve your profile.
Eyelids and Brow Lift
Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call
Summer 2015
Perhaps one the most dramatic areas that Ultherapy can improve on without surgery is the eye area and creating a brow lift, helping to lift heavy drooping eyelids. Ultherapy can make the eyes appear more open,
more awake, rested and more youthful. This may be subtle change but this small difference can have a significant effect! Our clients really love this part of the Ultherapy results.
Overall Ultherapy works wonders to taper, redefine your facial contours, while eliminating fatty, droopy areas, and lift and tightening skin around the eyes and underneath the chin, for a more youthful sculpted look. The stars in Hollywood do this treatment, and now you have access to this age defying procedure right here in Delaware at the beach. Dr. Parsons is pleased to bring this cutting edge highly sought after technology to you to help you look your best. If you think you may be candidate for Ultherapy, please give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation with Dr. Michelle Parsons. 302227-1079.
What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Ultherapy? After just one treatment with no downtime, your skin will gradually shift back into a more youthful position. Improvements include a sleeker, more defined jawline and tighter skin on the neck under the chin. Sagging skin on the cheeks can be tightened and lifted, which in turn can
improve folds from the nose to mouth, folds from the mouth to jaw, and drooping corners of the mouth. Tightening of skin on the forehead can reduce the sagging skin on the eyelids and promote a more open, refreshed look in general. The results of Ultherapy are permanent, just as the results of a face-lift are permanent, 0f course, your skin will continue its natural aging process. While Ultherapy is not a replacement for surgery, it is an inviting alternative for those who are not ready for surgery but looking for meaningful results.
TESTIMONIAL One week after my Ultherapy Treatment, my husband, after being out of town for a couple of days asked me “what’s different about you,” he was staring at my face! Not having told him about my treatment I innocently said “what do you mean?” His response was “I am not sure but your face looks different.” I asked “different good or different bad?” He replied “different good, looks stretched.” I was surprised that the results were noticed that quickly. I found the treatment to be bearable, certainly wasn’t pain free, but tolerable. I was very happy when it was over! For the past 2 weeks following the treatment my face has been tender which is a reminder that the treatment is continuing to work! I would highly recommend it to all! K.M. – Ocean City, MD.
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine health& medicine
educate. enrich. empower.
It’s Always The Right Time To Seek Help For Bladder Problems A
lmost every day, a patient at the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery tells us she wishes she had come for help sooner.
The truth is that most of these conditions do not go away without some sort of treatment. In fact, some symptoms get worse over time.
Often, women put off getting treatment for a “leaky” or overactive bladder because they think they are too young to have a problem or they believe it’s normal to leak as they get older.
Here’s the good news. Because we are specially trained in both urology and gynecology, we can offer a treatment that will make a significant improvement for our patients.
So, when should a woman seek medical attention? The answer is whenever she wants help, no matter how young -- or old -- she is, and no matter how small -- or big -- her problem may be.
Don’t give up hope.
So even if you have been told there is nothing that can be done about your problem, don’t give up hope. You owe it to yourself to see a specialist. You might be 35 years old with two children and be
concerned because you leak when you are working out at the gym. You might be 64 years old and distressed because you are wearing dark, loose clothes to cover your pads when you would prefer a wardrobe that is more tailored and colorful. Or you might be any age and hesitate to leave the house because you never know when you will have to dash to the ladies’ room.
In our practice, educating patients is a priority. It’s important for you to understand what caused your problem and the various ways we can work together as doctor and patient to improve your health. We schedule a 45 minute appointment for every new patient. That gives us time for a thorough physical examination, plus lots of time to talk.
The right treatment for you.
We offer a variety of solutions to address the problem, including exercises, a bladder control routine, specific medications and surgery when appropriate.
Imagine what life would be like if you had the freedom to go wherever you wish, wear whatever clothes you want, and enjoy a good laugh with friends without worrying about embarrassing symptoms.
You will meet highly skilled and caring physicians who are the only urogynecologists in Delaware who have completed fellowships and are board-certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
Babak Vakili, M.D., is the director of the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Vakili completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive Surgery at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center.
Emily K. Saks, M.D., MSCE, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Saks completed her fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Howard B. Goldstein, D.O., MPH, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Goldstein completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey.
The best choice for you.
The best way to make the
The County Woman Newspaper
Life. Healing. Caring. 13WHS85
If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Our job is to provide answers.
Let us help you get back to what really matters.
Christiana Hospital Medical Arts Pavilion 2 302-623-4055 4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1208, Newark, DE 19713 Christiana Care Center of Women’s Health 302-623-4055 3706 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807
Want to learn more on your own? There’s a lot of information on the Internet and not all of it is correct. So, please, don’t Google! We can recommend some excellent websites that can provide you with accurate, up-to-date information.
Bladder problems shouldn’t keep you from the things you enjoy most in life.
Matthew Fagan, M.D., MS, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Fagan completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Greater Baltimore Medical Center/University of Maryland.
Christiana Care Concord Health Center 610-361-1030 161 Wilmington-West Chester Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
right decision is to talk to your doctor, understand your personal situation and pick the option that is the best match for you and for your lifestyle.
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine health&medicine Health & Medicine
educate. enrich. empower.
The Right Time for an Orthodontic Check-Up T Rationale for Socket Preservation
he American t GLIĂ€FXOW\ LQ FKHZLQJ RU ELWLQJ Final treatment decisions should be Association t mouth breathing made among the parent, child’s dentist and of Orthodontists t jaws that shift or make sounds orthodontist. recommends all t VSHHFK GLIĂ€FXOWLHV children get a t biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth Dr. Stewart Perim of PENINSULA check-up with t facial imbalance PERIODONTICS AND ORTHODONTICS is a an orthodontic t grinding or clenching of the teeth member of the American Association of he width of the alveolar ridge and well structured. specialist no later Orthodontics as and two thirds of the After months, the sites preserved thandecreased age 7. well as a member reduction occurred within the ďŹ rst with grafting material demonstrated of the American HERE’S WHY: months. excellent preservation of ridge width. Academy of l Orthodontists Post extraction alveolar resorption is here was a signiďŹ cantly better Periodontology. can spot signiďŹ subtle cantly larger on the cheek side in maintenance of alveolar ridge He has specialty problems with training in both aws. dimension than the placement of an Malocclusions (“bad bitesâ€?) like those illustrated below, may benefit from jaw growth and Orthodontics he loss of tissue contour is greatest immediate dental implant with no early diagnosis and referral to an orthodontic specialist for a full evaluation. emerging teeth (children in the early post extraction period grafting. Dr. Stewart Perim, while some baby and adults), (within months). ocket grafted extraction sites D.M.D, M.S. teeth are still Periodontics, exhibited a decreased amount of bone Results of Different Studies present. Dental loss as compared to non grafted sites. A number of studies were conducted Implants, and conventional prosthetic treatment. and Different l Whiledental your child’s teeth may appear to be to evaluate whether alveolar ridge Rationale for Socket TMJ Therapy. Extraction site grafting often facilitates straight, there could be athe problem resorption that only following an tooth extraction literature describes Preservation Together with the best possible functional and CROSSBITE OFofFRONT TEETH CROSSBITE OF BACK TEETH CROWDING orthodontist can detect. could be reduced by application he rationale for alveolar ridge consequences of tooth Dr. Maria Perezesthetic results. At Peninsula otal Top teeth are to the inside of bottom teeth Top teeth are behind bottom teeth socket preservation grafting materials preservation relies on the knowledge ental Care, we encourageMera, socket Dr. Perim l A check-up may reveal that your child’s removal on your jaw into the socket right after extraction. that alveolar ridge resorption is an and PENINSULA ELWH LV Ă€QH 2U WKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PD\ LGHQWLI\ D preservation to be the treatment of The results are as follows: bone: unavoidable event following tooth PERIODONTICS developing problem but recommend monitoring choice (to prepare the remaining oss of alveolar bone height An average of of original loss. ts goal is to prevent the loss of AND the child’s growth and development, and boney ridge for conventional or ďŹ xture following tooth extraction was height and width is expected to be lost of ridge height and width ORTHODONTICS then, if indicated, begin treatment at the supported restorations). lowercases, in the sockets where a grafting after tooth extraction the greatest commonly seen after extractions. appropriate timewith for the child. In other ishas able to offer Peninsula otal ental Care material was inserted as compared lostWKH RUWKRGRQWLVW PLJKW Ă€QG D SUREOHP WKDW FDQ happening within the ďŹ rst two Preservation of socket is driven OPEN BITE PROTRUSION DEEP BITE complete general many types of grafting materials, to what was observed Front where natural years. teeth do not meet when backby teeththe desire to minimize the need EHQHĂ€W IURP HDUO\ WUHDWPHQW dentistry as well are closed membranes, and scaffolds (so that healing by clot was allowed. ndependent research showed that for future more invasive ridge as comprehensive together we may choose the correct l Early treatment mayand prevent or intercept rafted sockets had healed with following extraction, the height augmentation procedures. Moreover, specialty care for material for you). more serious from developing andresorption may less bone especially on the width of the boneyproblems plate undergo a loss all their patients. it also facilitates successful implant a later age shorter and less cheek portion. of make mmtreatment in all three at dimensions. Please call 410complicated. In loss some cases, ed the orthodontist After months, bone samples were 742-8686 for he effect of bone is magniďŹ A YouTube video demonstrates the reasoning and actual treatment: will be able to achieve results that may not be harvested and there was new bone an appointment when multiple teeth are extracted in RQFH WKH IDFH DQG MDZV KDYH Ă€QLVKHG at the South formed that was mineralized, mature UNDERBITE SPACING ORAL HABITS the same area. socket-preservation/ growing. Salisbury Blvd Sucking on thumb, fingers The lower teeth sit in front of upper teeth when back teeth are closed location. l Early treatment may give your orthodontist In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist: the chance to: y Guide jaw growth t early or late loss of baby teeth t speech difficulties with the University High Anxiety prevented from Publisher’s Testimonial for Dr. Perim to beprotruded done for me. Nobody hadin chewing y Lower the risk of trauma t difficulty or biting t me biting the cheekcoordinating or the roof of the mouth of Maryland to fix my bite upper going to the dentist fort many discussed all the possibilities and front teeth t mouth breathing facial imbalance For over 20 years, Dr. Stewart Perim and lower jaws), it was all worth it. how I could achieve over years. Now, most of my y Correct harmful oral habits t them jaws that shift or make sounds t dental grinding or clenching of the teeth as taken care of 3 generations of Thanks Drs. Perim and Perez-Mera time. I now know about my bite, treatment is done ‌‌ thanks y Improve appearance our family. Simply put Dr. Perim is Finalwork, treatment should be made among the parent, David Gamerman how my teeth and jaw anddecisions to Dr. Perim, Dr. Perez-Mera and child’s dentist and orthodontist. Guide permanent teeth into a more the mostyinformed Perodondist an overall plan that is doable. their lovely staff! At every dental Visit the “About Orthodonticsâ€? section of the favorable position I have ever met.. He researches Robert Evans a relative orWeb friend is My favorite dentists are Stewart Americanappointment, Association of Orthodontists site at y Create a more arrangement of every new procedure thatpleasing is able to sit by my side. We all laugh, and Maria. I travel a few hours to teeth, lips and face available and every new highgiggle and tell jokes (maybe it is see them, but it is well worth the Peninsula Total Dental Care, Dr. tech equipment that can make his extra effort. My whole family is Perim, Dr. Perez-Mera and the staff the laughing gas!). I actually look l Through an early orthodontic evaluation, patients comfortable and secure. forward to the visits! seen for braces and any type of are great! They have made the you’ll be giving your child the best opportunity Do we recommend Dr. Perim, you Robin Kimmins dental care that we need. They dental experience fun! Dr. Perim for a healthy, beautiful smile. bet and we have 3 generations of have the is super at straightening teeth 1505 S. Salisbury • Salisbury, MDexperience, training, and care to prove it! modern equipment to tell us what I have a great smile , straight and getting a beautiful smile. If your child isElizabeth older than 7, it’s certainly not Kapke is going on and our treatment teeth, healthy gums and feel Dr. Perez-Mera is wonderful at too late for a check-up. Because patients differ options. We have loved seeing good! Thank You, Thank You, keeping your teeth healthy. I am in both physiological development and treatment I am thankful to Drs. Perim, Perezyou for over 20 years, keep up the Thank You! It is wonderful to go to looking forward to getting dental needs, the orthodontist’s goal is to provide each Mera, and the staff at Peninsula good work! one offi ce that has the expertise implants in the near future! Thanks patient with thefor most appropriate treatment at Total Dental Care taking the Jaime Alvarez guys for your work and making it and experience to do it all. the to most appropriate time. time explain all the conditions enjoyable! Gum care, tooth straightening, and types of treatment that could Bob Stewart fixing individual teeth and then In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist: t early or late loss of baby teeth
Consequences of Tooth Extraction on Alveolar Bone
Problems to Watch for in Growing Children
Call for an appointment today ‌. 410-742-8686
August/September 2011
Summer 2015 August/September 2012
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CALL 1-800-993-3822 The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
Struggling to Lose Weight? It’s a well-known fact that obesity and its related conditions are on the rise all over the world. In fact 1 in 3 Americans are overweight or obese. Excess weight in adults accounts for 44% of diabetes, 23% of heart disease and between 7% and 41% of certain cancers. Doctors and healthcare systems are urging patients to lose weight. However, sometimes no matter how diligent you are with dieting and getting exercise, the numbers on the scale won’t budge. Don’t blame yourself with failure. Sometimes there’s a medical reason for weight gain or the inability to lose weight. One of the factors that can prevent
complete metabolic and hormonal testing behavorial evaluation and modification therapy physical activity and exercise programs fat burning in ections (optional) appetite suppressants (to those who are candidates) onsite sleep center and onsite physical therapy
you from losing weight is an imbalance of hormones. Hormones can make it difficult or impossible to lose weight. We analyze these factors and many more to assure weight loss success. What makes Healthy Outcomes different? We specialize in weight loss and each patient meets with Southern elaware s only Board Certified weight loss Physician who has a thorough understanding of the treatment of excess weight. At Healthy Outcomes we offer patients: comprehensive weight management intervention that includes a customized diet and nutrition plan
All this is under close medical monitoring to assure a safe and scientific approach to weight management. Our center has all the necessary tools to provide patients with a complete weight loss intervention. hrough all of this our
Fabricio Alarcon, MD Jennifer Morelli, Weight Loss Director
weight loss patients usually lose twice as much weight when compared to “dieting on their own” making our success rate over 95%. Like us on Facebook @ healthy outcomes medical weight loss center for discounts.
2 Lee Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19947 302.856.4022 • Make a consult today. Most insurances accepted.
Are You Looking For A Way To Enhance Your Appearance With Little Effort?
By Elena Sullivan
Are You Spending Too Much Time To Get The Ultimate Look Every Morning? Do You Have Allergies To Traditional Cosmetics? Permanent makeup or cosmetic tattoo can provide a way to simplify every day makeup routine and enhance natural beauty. Even when you don’t
Summer 2015
use cosmetics you will be able to benefit with the procedures. he most common procedures are eyebrows that are perfectly shaped and in place all the time eyeliners for definition of the eyes that stays morning to night smudge free; lip liner or lip color for shape enhancement and color that stays in place. Among other considerations permanent cosmetics can be beneficial for nipple areolas restoration for enhancement or following breast reconstruction after cancer.
physical limitations, professionals , moms on the go, athletic women, and the aging with short sight. he results are amazing and very natural. When you are choosing a professional for your procedure, look for membership in the Society of Permanent Cosmetics Professionals; documents that re ects training and current O.S.H.A. Blooborne Pathogens Class Certificate, red sharp container and business license
Consider permanent cosmetics to restore color, add definition, accent features and achieve a finished appearance every time. he procedures are safely applied in the quest of beauty and are smudge free alternative to topical makeup products. Permanent cosmetics is for people of all life styles; men and women who wish to look their best, busy people, those with allergies, those with
for the location where work will be performed in compliance with the local laws that may be specific for licensing permitting, registration and others requirements. Receive the care you deserve in a clinical setting, done by a certified Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professional. Call for a consultation. Get an $80.00 gift when you receive an eyebrows procedure or double liners procedure.
2 Lee Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19947
The County Woman Newspaper
Home Health Care
Respite Care Helps Your Loved One and You
Caregiving is a demanding job and no one can handle it alone. Seeking support and maintaining your own health are keys to managing your role as a caregiver. The list of tasks caregivers handle for loved ones can seem mind-boggling – managing personal finances, doling out medications, providing transportation, and helping them get dressed and/or bathed, etc. Without adequate help and support, the stress of caregiving leaves you vulnerable to a wide range of physical and emotional problems ranging from heart disease to depression. Caregiving can also pose social costs. According to an article in Critical Reviews in Oncology/ Hematology, psychologist Bill Haley, Ph . found that more than
half of cancer caregivers report that caregiving disrupts their daily routines and reduces their ability to socialize with neighbors, friends, and others. he emotional and financial drain of caregiving can lead to severe consequences in both the workplace and in the home. Learning to recognize the signs of caregiver stress and burnout is the first step to dealing with the problem. Common signs and symptoms of caregiver stress are: • • • • • • • •
• • • • In an analysis prepared by University of Washington psychiatry professor Peter italiano, Ph , caregivers registered 23 percent higher levels of stress hormones than non caregivers, as well as elevated blood pressure and glucose levels, which can lead to hypertension and diabetes. Taking on all of the responsibilities of caregiving without regular breaks or assistance is a recipe for burnout. Respite care has two basic concepts: sharing the responsibility for caregiving and getting support for you. Respite care provides short-term breaks that can relieve stress, restore energy, and promote balance in your life. At CHEER, we understand how difficult caregiving can be. We also
• • Common signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout are: • • •
CHEER HOME HEALTH CARE Short or Long Term Services
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Get All The In-Home Services You Need With One Agency The County Woman Newspaper
know making decisions regarding care for your parents, grandparents, or other loved one can be stressful. That’s why we have a registered nurse come to your home and access your individual situation. ogether, you and the nurse decide how much help is needed – how much time is an aide needed, helpful chores she can do while at your home, and identifying the unskilled care needs of your loved one. Services may last from a few hours to overnight. CHEER offers dependable and compassionate respite care so you can manage other responsibilities with the security of knowing your loved one is being cared for by licensed professionals. When caregiver stress and burnout puts your own health at risk, it hurts both you and the person you’re caring for. Caregivers need care too. Making time to rest, relax, and recharge isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. Don’t try to do it alone. Give CHEER a call today at 302-854-9500 or 302-854-2896. We will make a care plan that is right for you and your family so you can enjoy the activities of summer just like everyone else. (Information in this article was obtained from the American Psychological Association and
It is CHEER’s mission to promote and maintain the highest quality of life and independence by developing and providing services that meet the continuing needs of people 50 and over. CHEER is a licensed, bonded, and insured Home Health Care agency. For more information call either 302-856-5187 or 302-8549555, or go to our website at www. CHEER is a non-profit senior services agency funded in part by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities, United Way of Delaware, and private donations.
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
The Expansion of Prenatal Services at La Red Health Center ncreasing the percentage of pregnant women who are tested for HIV ncreasing the percentage of uninsured pregnant women that have secured and/ or applied for health insurance programs to cover labor and delivery, and who are enrolled in WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
LRHC expansion of the prenatal care
LRHC also enjoys numerous partnerships and collaborations that contribute to the success of the expansion of the prenatal care program. pecifically, RHC is active in the Delaware Healthy Mothers and Infants Consortium, and partners with La Esperanza, and the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence to effectively deliver prenatal & perinatal services.
program covers all of Sussex County and to that end, LRHC has partnered with Beebe Healthcare and Bayside Health for OBGYN practitioner support for the prenatal care of its Georgetown patients
Most importantly, LRHC’s prenatal care program is affordable thanks in part to the regular funding LRHC receives from the federal government as a federally qualified health center and the generous support it has received from the State of Delaware via the Healthy
As Fabricio Alarcon, MD, FACP, and RHC s Chief Medical fficer explains, he biggest beneficiaries of the expansion of the prenatal care program at LRHC will be the children who are born healthy and have a healthy start in life.”
In 2014, La Red Health Center (LRHC) took steps to expand its prenatal care program and the enabling services (transportation, translation and interpretation) required to support the underserved populations in Sussex County by offering prenatal care at its Seaford facility. The need for and importance of access to high quality prenatal care in the western portion of the County cannot be overstated as Seaford has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the state. Per Brian Olson, LRHC’s CEO, “Without access to high quality prenatal services there is an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight. t is a significant problem and one that LRHC is determined to address.” LRHC’s offers a comprehensive prenatal program that includes pre-conception counseling, nutrition counseling, prenatal and perinatal services, and behavioral health services. Sometimes women can experience the “baby blues” during or after their pregnancy, which can lead to a level of depression or anxiety that requires special care. To help with the expansion of prenatal care, LRHC recently hired Gloria Ann Lester, EdD, MSN, CRNP who is a certified women s health nurse practitioner and nurse colposcopist. LRHC also expanded the hours its certified nurse midwife, Coleen Brogan, is available in Seaford. Both Gloria
Summer 2015
and Coleen are currently accepting new patients. Sue Bardsley is LRHC’s Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist who provides the day-to-day oversight for the behavioral health program indicates that; “In Behavioral Health, we provide psychotherapy, and if necessary medication management. Any medication intervention would be in collaboration with the woman’s OB providers. It certainly can make a difference when the mother’s mood is stable, both for herself and the newborn, before and after birth. “ New to the behavioral health staff in Seaford is Cindy Cunningham CNS/ NP. Cindy is a family psychiatric nurse practitioner with over ten years of direct experience as a nurse practitioner in psychiatry. Cindy sees patients from eight years of age to geriatrics and is now accepting new patients!
who want to deliver at Beebe Healthcare in Lewes. LRHC also partners with Nanticoke Memorial Healthcare for its western Sussex County patients who want to deliver at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford.
As part of the prenatal program, LRHC offers parenting classes, and gestational diabetes education and management, which helps to lower the rate of gestational diabetes, low birth weight infants, and infant mortality.
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LRHC’s prenatal care program not only provides high quality in-house services but also ensures that when needed its patients are referred to and receive specialized services from qualified providers via its enabling transportation, translation and interpretation services.
“ s g i c w f t O
Some of LRHC’s goals for expanding the prenatal care program include: ncreasing the percentage of pregnant patients who begin prenatal care in first trimester of pregnancy ecreasing the percentage of births of less than 2,500 grams to health center patients
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine Women Health Babies Program, as well support from numerous area businesses and foundations. “We are very thankful for the charitable contributions from the Highmark Delaware Blueprints for the Community Program, the Chichester duPont Foundation, the Laffey-McHugh Foundation, the Fund for Women administered through the Delaware Community Foundation, the Marmot Foundation and M&T Bank. Collectively, these funds helped renovate the Seaford site and accommodate the expansion of prenatal care as part of LRHC’s commitment to deliver high quality healthcare as a certified Patient Centered Medical Home,” said Kevin Loftus, LRHC’s Director of Development, Marketing & Communications. LRHC offers a sliding fee scale based on income and family size for uninsured women, and accepts Medicaid and most insurance plans. LRHC accepts all plans available through the Delaware Marketplace and even though the open enrollment has ended for 2015, anyone who experiences a life changing event such as marriage, change in income, birth of a child or divorce can still obtain health care coverage.
The clinical staff leading the effort to expand prenatal services in western Sussex County includes: FABRICIO ALARCON, MD, FACP, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Dr. Alarcon holds his Doctor of Medicine degree from Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. He completed his residency at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the Primary Care/Internal Medicine Program. r. Alarcon is Board certified in Internal Medicine, and Obesity. Dr. Alarcon is a Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor and Provider and also member of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. Dr. Alarcon is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine and serves on numerous committees. He has authored, published and presented over a dozen research papers. Dr. Alarcon has been La Red Health Center’s Chief Medical fficer since its inception. SUE BARDSLEY, PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER
At LRHC, patients can also receive assistance to fill out Medicaid applications, obtain free or discounted prescription drugs, and under certain circumstances obtain transportation assistance if it is available. LRHC also partners with a program called “Cribs for Kids” that provides cribs for families in need to ensure that every child has a safe and secure place to sleep. “Medical insurance and community support are very important because they give women a way to pay for care, but it is through the expansion of prenatal care at LRHC that many Sussex County women will be able to access a provider from whom they will be able to obtain that care,” says LRHC’s CEO Brian Olson.
Sue is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, (CNS) in psychiatry with over thirty five years of nursing experience in a multiplicity of settings. She has been a CNS in psychiatry for the past ten years practicing in hospitals, clinics, and substance abuse treatment centers as well as providing behavioral health in a military setting Sue holds a BS in nursing from Northeastern University in Boston, an MS in nursing from the University of Delaware as a CNS in geriatric nursing, a post masters from Wilmington College as a geriatric NP and another post masters from UD as an CNS in psychiatry. Sue also has an MA in clinical psychology from West Chester University in PA and an MA in Human Resource Development from Webster University in Missouri.
The County Woman Newspaper
ue is board certified from the American Nurse Credentialing Center as a CNS in adult psychiatry and as geriatric nurse practitioner. Sue is a member of the American Nurses Association, Delaware Nurses Association, and American Psychiatric Association. CINDY CUNNINGHAM, CNS/NP
Cindy has thirty five years of clinical and teaching experience.
Coleen holds a BSN from Graceland College in Iowa and a Masters in Nursing at Case Western Reserve University
Cindy holds a BS in nursing from Delaware State University, a MS in nursing and a MS in business-health care administration from Wilmington College, a post masters psychiatric nursing CNS from the University of Delaware, and a post masters family psychiatric NP from Vanderbilt University. Cindy is board certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as a family nurse practitioner in psychiatry and also as a nurse executive. Cindy is a member of the Delaware Board of Nursing Advanced Practice Committee, the Delaware Nurses Association, and the Delaware Association of Home Care and taffing. GLORIA ANN LESTER, EDD, MSN, CRNP Gloria holds a BSN from the University of Delaware, a certificate from the University of Pennsylvania OBGYN nurse practitioner program, a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from Wilmington University, a Master of Science in Women’s Health from Wilmington University, and an EdD in Education, Innovation, and Leadership from Wilmington University. Gloria has received numerous awards throughout her academic career. Gloria is an associate professor on the Faculty of Wilmington University who teaches primarily in the Masters of Nursing Program, and is a member of the following organizations: Delaware Nurses Association
American Nurses Association Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Wilmington University Nursing Honor Society
in Cleveland, OH. Coleen received a postgraduate degree in Midwifery at the Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Health in KY, and has extensive experience and has practiced as a midwife on the East & West Coasts.
LRHC, patients are educated on early entry to care, the importance of follow up care, how to care for their newborn, immunizations, and lactation. In addition, LRHC provides neonatal classes that are conducted by one of its family practice providers and pediatrician. LRHC also provides support, education and assistance with the transition of care of the newborn to its pediatric services. Finally, LRHC provides family planning education once its patients deliver, along with routine post partum checks.
LRHC’s mission is to be a Center of Excellence, which provides quality patient centered care to the diverse members of our community. La Red Health Center is open Monday-Thursday 8AM - 7PM, Friday 8AM - 5PM and Saturday 8AM - 12 Noon. For more information call
302-855-1233 or visit us at
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
New Hope Celebrates 25 Years!
New Hope is truly a gem of a program that Delaware Hospice offers free of charge to our youngest community members by supporting children and teens (ages 6-17) who are coping with a loss. Delaware Hospice family members, as well as youth referred by schools or community agencies find help in individual and group settings or at Camp New Hope. The capstone of New Hope is Camp New Hope which is a four day summer camp where children come together to talk about their loss, to remember special times, to meet new friends, and, most importantly, to have fun. Most 17 year old girls look forward to their summer vacation to spend time with their friends at the beach or mall. Adrianna of Lake Forest is looking forward to those activities, but she is more excited about the four days she will spend at Camp New Hope as a camp volunteer. Just before her 15th birthday, Adrianna lost her father to colon cancer. Her family came to Delaware Hospice and Adrianna was able to meet one-onone with a New Hope Counselor. During those meetings, Adrianna was able to talk through the vast feelings she was experiencing and learn positive strategies to help cope. The summer after Adrianna lost her father, she attended Camp New Hope. As a camper, Adrianna was able to see she “wasn’t alone, all the kids around me had experienced a loss and we each were able to share our memories.” The next summer, Adrianna decided
to attend camp as a camp volunteer. She wanted to go back to camp and help other children who had experienced a loss and to be a positive memory in their lives. “It just breaks your heart to see young children have to deal with such a loss.” As a volunteer, Adrianna was able to work through her own grief while helping others work through their own. She had the opportunity to share her loss and to encourage the campers that they will be okay. The moment that made a lasting impact on Adrianna was when a young camper wanted to know if Adrianna knew how to paint toenails. Adrianna, said “yes” and wondered why this was such an important question to ask. After a few more questions, Adrianna understood that the little girl’s late mother was the one who always painted her toes. And she didn’t know how to paint toes. After talking to the girl’s father, Adrianna took the time and care to paint the young camper’s toes just like her mother used to. “The smile and delight she had on her face was a moment I will never forget,” said Adrianna. “A simple, small task of painting toes made that camper’s whole week and allowed her to realize that even though her mother is no longer here, it is okay to still do the things they used to do together, and think of it as a way to remember all the good times they had together.” “Camp New Hope is truly a life changing experience for campers and staff alike,” commented Robin Murphy, BS, CT, New Hope Counselor. “Adrianna came to Camp New Hope and although her grief was very raw and painful she was able to connect with teens her age and recognize that she was not the only one who had experienced a loss. When Adrianna came back to volunteer, she was a force for healing to the young campers she was working with. Adrianna was able to support them in their grief; recognizing that she couldn’t take away their pain but
instead graciously walked alongside them, listening to their stories of loss, playing and having fun with them, and sometimes just holding the silence with them when no words were needed. Coming back to volunteer at Camp New Hope after having experienced a personal loss is truly a gift that comes out of one’s grief.” Moments like that one and thousands more happen each and everyday at Camp New Hope. And that is why, Adrianna hopes to make volunteering at Camp New Hope an annual tradition. “For a few days, hundreds of children are able to forget their loss and to just be kids.” As one of the most impactful programs offered by Delaware Hospice, New Hope is made possible through the community’s generous monetary support.
If you would like more information or to donate to New Hope, please visit or call 1-800-DHI-GIVE.
It’s your life. We’ll help you live it. She’s always been the one who could turn any day into a magical adventure. At Delaware Hospice, we’ll see her through your eyes and be there with comfort and care. We’ll respond quickly when you need us. And through our expert pain and symptom management we’ll give her those days where she can still turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Because she’s not just a patient, she’s Grandma.
For a quality of care that improves your quality of living, call us at (800) 838-9800.
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition is Here to Help You! BY: BETH KRALLIS, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) is here for you! If you or someone you know is diagnosed with breast cancer, call us toll free at 1-866-312-DBCC or email
astly, BCC s Community Breast Health Education Programs deliver breast health education to businesses, health and wellness fairs, nurses and allied health students, and provide cultural competency trainings to health care providers.
We’d love to serve you. Please contact us or visit us online,
We have offices in over, ewes and Wilmington and make it our mission to empower our community by raising awareness of breast health issues through outreach, education and support services, in order to facilitate the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. BCC provides one on one support and education by trained breast cancer survivors to newly diagnosed patients through our Peer Mentoring and Clinical Trials Education. n site digital mammography screenings are accessible on the elaware ivision of Public Health s ( PH) Women’s Mobile Health Screening (WMHS) van. PH provides funding to the elaware Breast Cancer Coalition ( BCC) to operate and staff the year round efforts of the mammography van in partnership with Beebe Medical Center. Call to find out when the van will be in your neighborhood BCC s one day educational forum, the Annual Breast Cancer Update, offers up to date breast cancer information to the public at no cost each April. Survivorship Programs give breast cancer survivors the chance to meet to socialize, learn a craft, volunteer, or learn about various health topics. hey also provide information in a small group setting to those newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
The Women’s Mobile Health Screening Van is currently Serving Your Community! Are you interested in having the van at your next community event? Call 1-888-672-9647 for more information. MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED A prescription from a medical professional is required Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. 165 Commerce Way, Suite #4 Dover, DE 19904 DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Program
Locations and Dates in Sussex County:
Please contact the DBCC location neare t o to find o t ore
La Red Health Center 21444 Carmean Way Georgetown, DE 19947
La Red Health Center 300 High Street Seaford, DE 19973
New Castle County – 302.778.1102; Kent County – 302.672-6435; Sussex County - 302.644-6844
Roxana Senior Center/ Pyle Center 34314 Pyle Center Road Frankford, DE 19945
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Tuesday, August 28, 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
Blood Bank of Delmarva - Saving Lives BY MONICA E. BOYCE, ED.D Change Communications & Project Manager Blood Bank of Delmarva
Karyn Robinson of Delaware had begun showing signs of placenta percreta 24 weeks into her second pregnancy. “Placenta percreta occurs when the placenta penetrates through the entire uterine wall and attaches to another organ” according to the American Pregnancy Association (2006). Placenta percreta is the rarest and most severe form of placenta accreta with only a 5% risk rate. At 29 weeks, Karyn began to bleed and she was placed on hospital bed rest until delivery due to the potential for hemorrhaging. “I needed to be where they could get me into surgery quickly and where there would be blood products available, so they kept me inpatient for five weeks on bed rest, says Karyn.
he was just looking at how much blood there was because it was just pouring out of me,” says Karyn. could definitely feel it. remember telling them several times, ‘I feel like I’m going to pass out’ and they were like, ‘we are giving you more blood,’ and I could feel myself coming back the more blood they would give.” After surgery, while in recovery, she received three more units of red blood cells and ten units of cryoprecipitate, another blood product to assist in clotting. Her son only spent three days in the NICU and aryn was released five days after surgery. Karyn and her son, Wyatt, are happy and healthy today. o celebrate her son s first birthday, the family decided to have an intimate party for family and friends and sponsor a blood drive with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, in honor of his birthday. “I thought it was a good way to pay it forward,” says Karyn. Karyn is a survivor of placenta percreta thanks to her wonderful medical team and ample supply of blood products. Our community needs 350 blood donors every day to meet the needs of patients, such as Karyn, in the Delmarva region. Your donation can make a difference for local patients. Blood Bank of elmarva services the elmarva region with five permanent locations and more than 30 mobile sites, making it convenient for people to give the gift of life.
Karyn & Wyatt Robinson
To become a lifesaving blood donor at Blood Bank of Delmarva, schedule an appointment at or call 1 888 8-BLOOD-8.
Karyn was scheduled for a cesarean at 34 weeks. Prior to delivery and surgery, she first went to interventional radiology. Balloon catheters were inserted through her groin to the uterine arteries to cut off some of the blood ow since hemorrhaging was one of the biggest concerns during delivery. After she was prepped, Karyn was moved to a trauma operating room. Karyn gave birth to her beautiful son Wyatt on May 21, 2014. After a quick kiss, Wyatt was moved to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the doctors began performing surgery on Karyn. Given the extent of Kayrn’s condition, a hysterectomy and repair to her bladder was required. During surgery she received nine units of blood products: four units of red blood cells and four plasma products to replace the blood she was quickly losing, and one platelet product to assist in clotting. Karyn remained awake throughout the entire procedure with her husband by her side for comfort. “He kept looking at the ground, and I was like, ‘what are you looking at? Are you going to pass out?’ and he was like, ‘no’; afterwards he told me
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Health & & Medicine Medicine Health
CoolSculpting Non-Surgical Fat Removal fat. This non-invasive procedure represents an alternative to surgical liposuction by using a novel cooling technology that permanently removes fat cells from treated areas.
Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. The biggest trend in cosmetic surgery for 2013 is the expansion of non-invasive body countouring technology, the best of which is CoolSculpting, which is now available at ReNove Medical in Rehoboth Beach. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-surgical device that uses precisely controlled cooling to destroy fat cells, thereby eliminating unwanted love handles, bra rolls, and stomach fat. Arms and legs can be treated as well. Unlike some other non-surgical technologies that release fat from fat cells, such as Vasershape and I-Lipo, Coolsculpting destroys the fat cells thereby eliminating treated fat permanently, as our body does not make new fat cells. Coolsculpting is a unique non-surgical treatment for removal of fat from localized pockets of excess
How does CoolSculpting Work? The technology behind CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard scientists who noted that fat was destroyed by cold under certain conditions. CoolSculpting is a result of their efforts to harness and refine this application of cold to selectively remove unwanted fat deposits in a safe manner. During a treatment, your unwanted fatty area will be pressed and chilled to a temperature 12 degrees above freezing. At this temperature the fat within fat cells crystallizes. When the fat within the cells crystallizes, it damages and kills the fat cell. Skin and other tissue is not damaged as the water in other cells is not crystallized, only fat. The body will then eliminate the killed fat cells over time. The best news is that we do not make new fat cells. Fat cells merely get bigger or smaller as they store more fat or lose fat. So in essence the fat removal from CoolSculpting is permanent. And we have seen instances of patients who if they gain weight, the weight will not return to the treated areas. What are the most common areas to be treated? Many people on a weight loss program continue to have stubborn hard to lose areas, no matter how much dieting, sit ups or weight they lose. Such stubborn areas are typically around the abdomen, the love handles and inner thighs. Once you are over forty, losing fat in these areas is extremely difficult. hese are the areas that CoolSculpt can address. Basically if there is an area you can pinch several inches, that area can be treated and eliminated
by CoolSculpt. Most of our patients are interested in losing fatty areas in the upper and lower abdomen, the muffin top, waist, brat fat, back fat, love handles, and “mommy pooches.” We can also treat arms, thighs and saddle bags.
Are there any side effects from CoolSculpting? The side effects from a CoolSculpting treatment are minimal. It is possible Before to have bruising after the treatment, which resolves in a week. It is common to have numbness or decreased sensitivity in the treated area lasting 1 to 2 weeks. In some instances patients will develop a burning tingling sensation 5 days after the treatment which can be controlled with a Lidoderm patch. There are virtually no long term negative side effects. What does CoolSculpting feel like? Our treatment room is very comfortable where you will relax on a padded recliner. When the CoolSculpting is applied to the fatty area to be treated there is a sensation of pulling that feels slightly uncomfortable for the first to 10 minutes. Gradually this sensation lessens to the point during the treatment any uncomfortable sensation is minimal. There seems to be a natural endorphin release during the treatment so patients are very relaxed during the treatment, which takes an hour. Some people have fallen asleep during the treatment! A typical treatment session lasts between 1 and 3 hours, depending on how many areas are treated. uring the treatment, we have Net ix available so you can watch a movie or catch
After up on your favorite television program. Busy moms find this time to themselves a real treat We also have Wi-Fi.
How quickly do people see results? After a CoolSculpting treatment, the fat cells are actually killed and will be eliminated by the body over time. Many report seeing changes in as little as 3 to 4 weeks. The full benefit will take as long as to days. How long to results last? Once the fat cells are frozen, killed and naturally eliminated by your body, the results are permanent. You can still gain weight in other areas if you over eat and don’t continue to try to remain fit. If you are interested in learning more about CoolSculpting and would like to see if you are a good candidate for this effective treatment to lose unwanted fatty areas, please call us today to set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Michelle Parsons at ReNove Medical, Health Rejuvenating Spa, in Rehoboth Beach, 302. We will be offering an introductory Special this season, so please inquire.
Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call
Spring 2013 The County Spring 2014Woman Newspaper
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The Newspaper TheCounty CountyWoman WomanSummer Newspaper 2015
Health & Medicine
Walgreens Loves the Skin You’re In BY ERIN THOMPSON, WALGREENS COMMUNITY LEADER Finally, after months of bitter cold, the never ending polar vortex of winter is behind us, welcome to summer. As you prepare for some long deserved fun in the sun, it is important to take the appropriate precautions. While the sun is a good source of Vitamin D, it can also lead to burnt and irritated skin. “People often ask for advice after they have already been in the sun looking for relief with sunburn and skin irritation,” said Elizabeth Dattoli, Walgreens pharmacist in Bethany Beach, DE. The key is to protect your skin before prolonged exposure.” When protecting your skin select a sunscreen that relates to your skin type. For someone who typically starts to burn within 30 minutes of sun exposure they would want to choose a factor that puts them close to an hour of protection. An SPF 30 would be a good starting point (30 minutes plus SPF 30 = 60 minutes). If you start to burn in 15 minutes then you would choose an SPF 45 to get to the 60 minute mark (15 minutes plus SPF 45 = 60 minutes).
Once you have your SPF number be sure and apply it once every 1 to 2 hours especially if you are going in and out of the water. With locations on street corners around the country, Walgreens has all the sun care and other products you need for a safe and happy summer. “Part of being a pharmacist is providing counsel, we are happy to help you find the right sunscreen for you and your family,” Dattoli said. “Our pharmacists play on important role on your health care team, as we are accessible in every neighborhood to answer your questions. If you do have too much fun in the sun Walgreens beauty advisors are on hand to help you find a cosmetic solution that with input from the pharmacist can ensure it will not cause added irritation.
the Bethany Beach Walgreens in DE. Dickerson and other members of the Walgreens team work to keep beauty sections well stocked with products to help you look good. “When you look good, you feel good,” Dickerson added. Walgreens is also fortunate enough to have dedicated cosmetic coverage. This allows the patients the ability to seek not only over the counter solutions to sunburn but also assistance in locating the right product to protect their skin from the sun.
“Zinc Oxide is a popular product for my customers in the summer months. I’ve found that kids like the colored zinc we carry and parents like the fact that we offer products that protect and appeal to keep skin safe,” said Heather Dickerson, senior Beauty Advisor at
So the next time you’re in the store and aren’t quite sure what to get remember that there are several different team members to assist you in finding the right product to help you get, stay and live well.
Come in and get your Vaccine at
Flu Shots
Hepatitis A & B Vaccine
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Cathie Smith, RPh
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$avings on ALL Generics, many Brand medications, and even Pet meds. Plus, earn 10% rebate on Walgreens-brand products & Photos. Comprehensive benefits for diabetics, including insulin, glucose monitors, test strips and supplies
Elizabeth Dattoli, Pharm.D.
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Wellness
Are You Caring For A Family Member? You’re not alone. According to the National Family Caregivers Association, more than one quarter of the adult population has provided care to a family member or friend during the past year. Bill and Kathleen Elgart had been married 24 years when Bill had a stroke. He and athleen faced some difficult decisions about how best to support Bill s needs. Bill started attending the adult day program at Easter eals five days a week and is making steady steps forward in his recovery. Not only does the adult day program help Bill with his goal to walk better, through daily exercising with the staff nurse, it keeps him involved with friends at Easter Seals. “Bill looks forward to going to Easter Seals,” Kathleen says. “If it were not for Easter Seals Bill would just sit in a chair all day and deteriorate. It keeps his mind working.”
is okay. It puts my mind at ease,” Kathleen says. “Having Easter Seals means everything to us. I couldn’t live without it. I would fall apart.” Easter Seals Adult Day Care Services address the medical and social needs of individuals who experience the effects of aging and/or the impact of a physical disability. Easter Seals provides choices when a loved one needs assistance with daily living and wants to remain living at home. Like all Easter Seal services, the adult day care services are comprehensive and individualized to meet each client’s needs, family-focused to meet each family member’s concerns and have the goal of enhanced independence. The adult day care program offers a break for family caregivers responsible for a relative who is unable to function independently, but does not require 24hour nursing care. For more information about Easter Seals Adult Day Care Services contact Greg Artis at 302-253-1111 or
With Bill attending the Easter Seals adult day program, Kathleen can continue working at her job. “I can feel comfortable going to work because I know Bill
Easter Seals Tunnell Center is located at 22317 DuPont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947. Please visit our website and see all of our services for people of all ages and abilities: 22317 DuPont Highway, Georgetown
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
It’s Fun Being The New Kid On The Block… By: Terri Pippin, The Medicine Woman
With all that is new going on we are also offering our tried and true services that are t e ac one of e e icine Woman. We will never leave our Holistic roots and The e icine oman ill al a s offer Shamanic and Energy Healing services.
his is an exciting time for The e icine oman as e move to our new location in Historic Lewes, De. Our doors are open and we are ready for business. This is a time for new beginnings, new friends, new services and new clients while also honoring and respecting old friends, old services and especially old clients.
We will keep on balancing and repairing your chakras and cleaning out and cleansing your ura e ill o re e olog to help move the energy to promote healing in different areas of the body. Healing done on your mind, body and spirit, either at our new location or a distant healing when you can’t get to us. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.
ast ife ourne so ou can fin out why you like or dislike certain people, places and things. Prices start at $125.00 a service. We will also be doing The Shamanic Healing Circles and our Three Step Prosperity Workshop. There will also be a few new workshops added and meditation circles available. Just wanted to give you something to look forward to in the fall of 2012!!
Health & Medicine
We will be offering different types of massage that will increase e i ilit , relieve muscle pain and body tension while relieving stress. Choose from Therapeutic Deep Tissue, Swedish and Prenatal massage. What will be coming in the future are Thai and Hot Stone. Our prices start at $50.00 a service.
The Medicine Woman 33800 Dreamweaver Lane Lewes, Delaware 19958 302-220-1146 Shamanic Healing & Workshops Energy Work Massage Body Wraps and Scrubs
Testimonials: “I have been a healer for 20 years as a Massage Therapist and an Herbologist. My dear friend gave me a gift certificate and told me Terri was very impressive. I went and was blown away with the work and the valuable information she provided. I have seen Terri for several treatments; just as my friends have had multiple sessions. Terri is truly gifted in all that she does. I hope after reading this, you call and make an appointment!” ~Sue M., Lewes, DE “Terri is an exceptionally gifted, spiritual and loving individual. I highly recommend Terri’s services to anyone who wishes to embark on the spiritual path, or to those who simply want to feel better about life.” ~Marty T.
The Medicine Woman Has Expanded and Added A New Classroom As always, our Shamanic Healing is done on a very deep and very different level. Full Spectrum Healing is energy work done within Shamanic boundaries and with the power of t e e icine eel oul Retrieval will help you recapture what was physically, emotionally and/or spiritually lost thru traumas in your life. Take that
e e icine oman is no offering fantastic therapies. Take that hour or two and let yourself drift away to your private sanctuary, where the person that needs and gets the attention is you. Our prices start at $80.00 a service.
! !
Mention this Newspaper and get 10% off any Service until 8/1/12
As Publisher of the Country Woman’s Newspapers, I can say it is the best deep tissue massage I have ever had. ~ Elizabeth K.
With a new class room we are also offering new classes, workshops and courses . The Medicine Woman
founded by Terri Pippin
What’s new and what are they: Reiki Level 1 & 2: Our Reiki Level 1 & 2 class is Massage, Energy Work, Body Therapies & Shamanic Healing
taught together. This allows our students to work on 33800 Dreamweaver Lane, Lewes, Delaware 19958 others as well as themselves and have the knowledge of 302-645-8369 (w) 302-220-1146 the sacred Reiki Level(c)2 symbols, different hand positions to be used on them self and others, how to do Byosen Scanning and beaming to locate trouble areas and to deepen their Reiki abilities. June/July 2012 The County Woman Newspaper 18 Archangels & Ascended Masters: This class teaches you how to invoke Archangels & Ascended Masters to work for you in all phases of your life. Archangels are part of the Celestial Choirs that do Gods work and sing Gods praises. They are 9 levels to the celestial Choir. Archangels are the third level. uring this class we learn about the even Core Archangels and the specific obs they do. We always have angels at work for us in our lives this class will show you how to invoke them to work with you. Also there to help in our lives is the Spiritual Hierarchy of earth known as the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters are great Healers, Teachers, Saints, Prophets, Goddess, Gods, Bodhisattvas, Divas and Deities who previously walked upon the earth. Each Ascended Master has certain things they work on. This class teaches you who to call on and how to ask for help. Total Spectrum Healing: Total Spectrum Healing is a class that teaches you to repair the Aura, Chakras, do reconstruction on organs, bones and tissues, which energy work to begin and end this healing with, how to remove blockages in both the chakras and the aura. Both Reiki Level 1 & 11 and Total Spectrum Healing is awaiting approval for continuing education hours from NCBTMB.
Still keeping the old classes: Polarity Chakra Balance – 12 CEU NCBTMB Approved Shamanic Core Class Energy Grid Healing Shamanic Healing Circles Introduction to Healing the Chakras. Prosperity Workshop
Please go on line at for dates and tuition fee for all classes. Summer 2015
Terri Pippin CMT, Reiki Master & Shaman, is founder of The Medicine Woman. Terri started her spiritual journey of healing in 1986 when she was first introduced to meditation. She has been a Certified Massage Technician since 1996. Her journey has included the development of Reiki skills, culminating in the achievements of the Master Reiki Level in 2007 and the development of several energy healing techniques. The Medicine Woman is trained in both Celtic and Native American Shamanism and has been a shamanic healer since 1998.
The Medicine Woman Founded by Terri Pippin
Massage, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing Classes & Workshops
Plantations Clubhouse ~ 2nd Floor 18464 Plantations Blvd • Lewes, Delaware 19958
The Medicine Woman is looking for ifie ther pist te chers We are expanding and taking applications for: Licensed Massage Personnel Energy Healers th se i the istic e i fie We would also be happy to be a facilitator for any future Holistic/Energy Teachers that need a space to teach their healing knowledge. Please send Resume and address questions to The Medicine Woman, LLC Dave Marshall Tennis & Fitness Complex 18464 Plantations Blvd. – 2nd Floor Lewes, Delaware 19958
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine Dr. Andrea Goldstein
Dr. oldstein is a board certified specialist in gastroenterology hepatology ho received her medical degree from Georgetown University. She enjoys being on the leading edge of new treatments for diseases that in the past had no cure. Dr. Goldstein is one of the physicians who perform the CRH O’Regan System at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, for internal hemorrhoids. In most cases if the CRH O’Regan system is deemed appropriate, it can be performed at your initial consultation. Dr. Goldstein is an involved mother, helping her children with piano lessons and volunteering with Girl Scouts. She was trained in opera and sings in the community choir. She is also active with her synagogue, including delivering food to a local shelter through the Jewish Relief Agency. “As a doctor, I strive to give my patients the best possible medical care they can receive, in an environment where they can feel comfortable. This starts with talking and listening closely to ensure that I get a complete picture of the patient’s medical history and symptoms, and also that my patient understands what she needs to know to follow her treatment plan and return for the follow-up testing she needs to protect her health. Giving my time, compassion and full attention is as important as any test or procedure I perform.”
HEMORRHOIDAL TREATMENT Over half the population will experience some type of hemorrhoidal problem in their lifetime. You may be suffering in silence because you are too embarrassed to discuss the problem, or worry that the cure will be more painful than the problem itself. Now, advances in medicine have made hemorrhoid treatment fast and virtually painless. our only challenge is finding a doctor who offers the right treatment and makes you feel comfortable receiving it. How do hemorrhoids develop? Hemorrhoids are simply swollen and engorged veins in the anal and rectal region. They are most commonly caused by changes in frequency of bowel movements, pressure of straining and hormonal changes or pressure during pregnancy. The veins swell and stretch and gradually lose the support of surrounding connective tissue. Hemorrhoids can cause the following symptoms: Itching/Burning Bleeding Protrusion during Bowel Movements Pain Hygiene Concerns Are all hemorrhoids the same? Hemorrhoids are actually classified into four stages based upon severity. This helps determine which treatment is most appropriate for you. 1) Stage I: The hemorrhoids remain inside at all times. They do not protrude from the anus. 2) Stage II: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but reduce spontaneously. 3) Stage III: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but require manual insertion. 4) Stage IV: Fourth degree hemorrhoids: The most severe hemorrhoids always protrude and cannot be pushed back inside. What are the treatment options for removing hemorrhoids? Effective hemorrhoid treatment depends on your specific medical condition. No doctor should recommend a solution without first doing an exam
to rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding. Once you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, you will have different options to choose from, depending on the severity of your case. You may get adequate relief from increasing fiber in your diet, taking warm sitz baths and using topical creams. Treatment options include a variety of minimally invasive procedures that cut off blood ow to the hemorrhoid and cause it to shrink. In some cases your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove excess tissue. What is the most painless method for treatment? An even less invasive and pain-free solution has recently been approved for internal hemorrhoids. This new banding option, the CRH O’Regan System ™ is considered the “gold standard” in treatment and almost eliminates the discomfort and recovery time associated with other hemorrhoid removal options. During the 60 SECOND procedure, the physician uses a gentle suction device to place a small rubber band around the tissue, just above the hemorrhoid. There are very few nerve endings in this area to cause any pain. The hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off within a day or two. Research has shown that 99.8% of patients treated with the CRH O’Regan System ™ have no post-procedure pain and require no pain medication before, during, or after the procedure. There is no bowel prep, and you can drive yourself home afterwards. Another advantage, external hemorrhoids may also improve with this option. Make an appointment with a specialist If you or a family member is ready to get permanent relief from hemorrhoids, you should make an appointment with a digest specialist for an accurate diagnosis and the
The County Woman Newspaper
most appropriate treatments available. Only doctors who have been specially trained by CRH O’Regan System ™ trainers/doctors are licensed to provide this state-of-the-art banding treatment. Locally, it is performed at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates (HGA).
Please call 908-483-2047 to make an appointment. HEMORRHOID
“I can’t believe I
suffered needlessly with hemorrhoid pain for over 3 years!” – SHELLY R.
We don’t want you to suffer in silence. At Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, you’ll find a physician who is easy to talk to without embarrassment. You’ll have an exam to check for hemorrhoids and rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding. If we do detect hemorrhoids, you’ll get all the information you need to understand your condition and treatment options.
HGA offers the most effective hemorrhoid treatments available for immediate and long lasting relief. • The newest non-surgical and painless band ligation procedure that lasts under 60 seconds, called the CRH O’Regan System. HGA doctors have been specially trained to offer this virtually pain-free, drug-free solution for internal hemorrhoids. • Infrared coagulation • HET bipolar coagulation Your HGA specialist will provide the treatment that’s right for your individual needs so you can enjoy life free from the pain and irritation of hemorrhoids.
Call today for an appointment.
Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates
Medical Experts in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases
Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates
Flemington Office Hunterdon Doctors Office Building 1100 Wescott Drive Suite 206 / 207 Flemington, NJ 08822
Somerville Office 135 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876
Name & photo have been changed to protect the privacy of the patient.
Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates
HCW_HGA_Hemorrhoid.Final.indd 1
Summer 2015 2/5/15 2:55 PM
Home & Garden
perts i
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re y fi i th t c i i the st irs r etti i t the t is t s e sy s is se t e re y rryi t r c ri r i iy e ers y t re i i the h e c ity th t y e thr h r retire e t ye rs re t e cc r i t p er ts t t st y i their c rre t e c ity s they e ere re s e si p e ti s r y r h e
e e rippi r s cre se i hti Falls are the most common accident in the home. The easiest and least expensive things you can do to reduce falls are: remove throw rugs and increase lighting levels. Inspect carpeting. Use carpet tape to secure edges and repair any loose or torn carpeting. As we age, we require more light to see well. These simple steps will reduce the risk of falls: install light switches at the top and bottoms of stairs use compact uorescent or highest wattage bulb available for all light fixtures open shades and blinds during daylight hours; use motion-sensor lighting or automatic timers. si er the t irs In older homes often the bathroom is upstairs and most homes have steps at the entrance. You can increase safety by installing handrails on both sides and increasing the lighting. Stair Lifts are a popular solution for safe and easy access to all levels of your home. They are available for indoor and outdoor use and can be installed on straight stairs or stairs that turn. The seat is folded up when not in use so it does not get in the way of anyone walking on the stairs.
ccessi i ity that a Certified Aging n Place pecialist (CAPS) be consulted. People often think that grab bars look sterile or institutional but this is not true Beautiful styles and finishes are available to complement the look of your home. thi ti s Tub rails, grab bars, non-slip mats, bath benches or seats and hand-held shower wands are all low-cost products that make bathing easier and safer. A walk-in tub is the best tub solution. These tubs install quickly, fit in the space of a standard tub and are guaranteed not to leak. A tub cut is an economical alternative. This system cuts a section out of the side of a standard tub to allow the user easy access. The tub can still be used for showering. rrier ree h ers A barrier-free shower is the ultimate in function and style. Tile and molded surround systems are both available with limitless design options. A true barrier-free design means that there is no curb so there is nothing to step over and a shower wheelchair-user can easily roll in. Options include shower seats, grab bars, hand held shower wands and designer looks.
For a wheelchair or scooter user, a vertical lift is a great solution. These are often installed in a garage to go up the usual three steps and outside to access a deck or porch. Typically used outdoors, ramps are available for a variety of uses. Portable ramps can be folded up, easily stored and moved. Modular aluminum ramps are customizable and can be rented or purchased for permanent or temporary use. Wood ramps are permanent installations that are custom-built. Threshold ramps can be used indoors or out to reduce doorway transitions that are a tripping hazard. st r rs 80% of senior falls occur in the bathroom and the highest percentage of these are related to the tub/ shower or toilet. Installing grab bars is the simplest and most economical way to prevent injury. A towel bar is not a grab bar! Grab bars need to be rated for the weight of the users, properly positioned for the individual and properly installed. It is recommended
Thank you for your great service. I appreciate you keeping me apprised of scheduling and letting me know the approximated time frame involved regarding the ordering and installation of our ramp project. Your technical on site installers did a great job and were careful, knowledgeable and courteous. They took their time to install and adjust the handicap ramp for my parents properly with the slope of of yard leading to the entrance door from the driveway. My parents and I were very happy with the service you provided and just wanted to thank you again. We appreciate your efforts! - Debra in Rehoboth Beach
Serving Delmarva for over 40 years e Summer 2015
e ic
c 26
The County Woman Newspaper
Health & Medicine
Golf and Chiropractic - A Natural Combination In one study of 154 professional golfers, 55% reported a history of low back pain. This pain was of an adequate level to miss at least one tour event, or to play at an unsatisfactory level. There are chiropractors who travel with the PGA tour and regularly provide chiropractic to the pros. Some report that up to 85 percent of the injuries on the PGA Tour and Senior Tour are relate to the spine, and about 70 to 75 percent of those golfers receive regular chiropractic care. Golfers such as Tiger Woods, Mike Weir, Vijay Singh, and David Duvall have trusted chiropractic for years to help keep them at the top of their game. “Being a Chiropractic patient has really helped me immensely…lifting weights and seeing a Chiropractor on a regular basis has made me a better golfer. I’ve been going to Chiropractors for as long as I can remember. It’s as important to my training as practicing my swing.” Tiger Woods It’s no wonder golfers suffer a lot of back pain. Let’s look at the golf swing in more detail. The swing is performed by coiling
the upper body on the back swing against the resistance of the lower body before being unleashed. This means powerful muscles twist and pull at the lumbar spine. Due to bad posture, poor back and abdominal toning and in exibility, the discs of the spine may be squeezed during the swing and lower back problems may result. A large myth associated with the golf swing involves the notion that the club speed at ball impact is dependent on maximum spinal rotation during the back swing. Many instructors advocate this theory and recommend golfers keep their pelvis as stationary as possible, while the spine is maximally rotated. hese swing positions are popular because it is believed that maximal spinal rotation somehow engages the “big” muscles of the back, allowing for a sling shot effect during the downswing. As a chiropractor, find this theory interesting because there are no known back muscles that require spinal rotation to become engaged. This big muscle theory is awed. Maximal spinal rotation doesn’t engage the spinal muscles or the other muscles required to
generate power in the golf swing, such as the latissimus dorsi (a.k.a. the lats), pectorals major and the muscles of the arm and forearm. The only purpose for pelvic and spinal rotation in the back swing is to achieve a body position that allows for effective club head delivery at ball impact. Therefore, it is recommended that golfers adopt a short back swing that reduces spinal rotation. Research has demonstrated that short back swings achieved the same club head speed at ball impact as long back swings and a short back swing will help minimize the torsional stress in the lumbar spine. Studies have shown that the chiropractic adjustment can improve the range of motion of spinal joints. No big surprise here. Further, the adjustment can also help to correct improper muscle firing patterns established from previous injuries. What this means to the avid golfer is likely more accuracy, increased muscle efficiency, greater power, and ultimately better performance with less chance of injury. According to Tiger, “Golfers who consistently get it up and down around the green have two things in common: great technique and good posture.” (Golf Digest, February 2001) The golf swing isn’t the only aspect of playing the sport that causes golf back pain. There is a lot of walking in golf,
even if you take a cart. You have to walk up hills, down hills, and all over the uneven surfaces of the average course. In addition at other times you have to swing and torque your body while positioning yourself on unstable surfaces like hills, tree roots, or sand. Perhaps the worst part of golf for your back though is the simple act of standing. There is a lot of standing around in golf, and just like in everyday life when someone stands they usually shift weight to one side of their body. This tends to tighten muscles on one side while relaxing muscles on the other side. When a player experiences back pain during a round of golf, their scores suffer and their enjoyment is taken away from the game. There is a higher rate of injury amongst those players with poor exibility, trunk control, postural control, and improper muscle firing patterns. n addition, back, neck, shoulder and elbow pain will sabotage any golf swing and ruin the golf experience. t shouldn t be that way and it doesn’t have to. Regular chiropractic treatment can help alleviate golf back pain and injuries and get your game to where it is supposed to be. Thus, the recipe for an incredible round of golf is proper stretching and strengthening, modifying your swing and chiropractic adjustments. Talk to your chiropractor to get exercises that are right for your spine
Dr. Tracy Hudson Dr. Hudson is a ’95 Cape Henlopen High School graduate and continued her educational career at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. While attending UNCW, Dr. Hudson suffered an injury playing softball and she sought treatment with a local chiropractor. After a few adjustments, Dr. Hudson was back on the field. Now being a true believer, she decided to further her education in the natural healing art. She attended Life University in Atlanta, GA for 3 years, and then transferred to Texas Chiropractic College in Houston. After graduating in 2004, she moved to Clearwater, FL, where she was in private practice for 8 years. During that time, she also became a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. She has now moved back to her home town to share her love of chiropractic with our community.
I am on my feet at work and I like to walk but I was having a hard time with both due to lower back pain. My daughter was having frequent headaches so her Doctor suggested she find a Chiropractor. I asked around and my sister recommended her family Chiropractor, Dr. Tracy. Since I started treatment with Dr. Tracy I am able to do my job, am back to walking and started working out. With adjustments and therapeutic massage my daughter has had relief from her headaches. We are very thankful for Dr. Tracy, we brag about her all the time. Marie and Payten L.
Dr. Sheila Burek Henlopen Chiropractic Center is pleased to welcome Dr. Sheila Burek to our practice. Dr. Burek is a Buffalo, NY native, who received her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology at D’youville College. She then worked as a medical research assistant in Cardiology at the University Of Buffalo School Of Medicine. It was at that time that Dr. Burek suffered an injury at the gym, for which she sought chiropractic care. It was through this experience that Dr. Burek became interested in furthering her healthcare career in alternative medicine. She attended Palmer College of Chiropractic, graduating in 1995. After 18 years of private practice in Pennsylvania, working in a multidisciplinary setting, including orthopedic surgeons and physiatrists, she relocated to our beautiful beach town.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Health & Medicine
Healing Touch
verything is energy, and everything in nature vibrates. These vibrations refer to the pulsations of energy that make up and pattern all matter and life. Richard Gerber, the author of “Vibrational Medicine”, states that humans are more than function, structure and chemistry - we actually have e ectr etic e er y fie s s t e e er y fie s The human body has a normal vibrational range between 62 – 68 megahertz and is said to be balanced when within this range. If your vibrational frequency drops below certain levels, you can actually become susceptible to illness. One example of this is cold and u symptoms which are shown to have a vibrational range from 57 to 60 MHz. If you experience physical or emotional stress, the vibrations of your body will not be in tune. In order to become well, the correct or healthy frequency is needed to bring the cells back to equilibrium. Holistic healing methods such as energy healing, and aromatherapy and prayer will help rebalance the mind, body and spirit; which, are all interconnected. The human body heals itself by restoring its energy frequency back to a state of balance. One holistic healing method is Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils, which are all derived from plants. Essential oils, the life force of the plant, are as vital to the plant as blood is to humans. Essential oils promote good health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Since essential oils are living substances, they work on the vibrational frequency level. Dr. David Stewart, in his book, “The Chemistry of Essential
ils Made imple , writes that specific oils have many frequencies”. When we say that an oil has a frequency, or vibration, what we are referring to is the fundamental harmonic of that oil. Each essential oil has its own frequency, which can range from 52 to 320 MHz. Pure essential oils have strong frequencies, so they do not resonate with toxins in our bodies or negative emotions. Adulterated or synthetic oils may have a frequency as low as 0 MHz. Another example is processed foods which also have frequencies at or near 0 MHz. Man-made substances are incoherent and chaotic. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the essential oils used are of the highest quality. It is important to know how the plants were raised, harvested, stored, and processed. High-quality essential oils produce logical and consistent frequencies that are naturally tuned to the frequencies of health in our bodies. When an essential oil is applied with a particular frequency, the oil’s higher frequency will raise your own electromagnetic vibration. Thus, coherence is restored to your auric field to promote healing and maintain wellness. The benefits of using Essential Oils for well-being: Promoting overall good health, vitality and longevity. Supporting the immune, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous and other body systems. Enhancing the immune system and fortifying the body’s natural defenses. Aid in maintaining normal cellular regeneration. Are oxygenating. Offering the body high levels of antioxidants. Boosting stamina and energy. Improves nutrition, which therefore optimizes health. Elevating mood to make you feel good.
Wo rksho ps: June 4, 2015 1: 00 - 3: 00 p.m . E ne rg y / R e i k i S h are
( F re e )
June 9, 2015 6: 00 - 8: 00 p.m . D ru m C i rcl e
( F re e )
If yo u are interested o r hav e any q uestio ns, please call Claudia f ro m O asis at 302-227 -6260. Space is lim ited.
415 Reho bo th Av enue Reho bo th B each, DE 1997 1
( 302) 227 -6260
T he O asis Wellness Spa is lo cated co nv eniently in the heart o f Reho bo th B each j ust a f ew blo cks f ro m the beach with F RE E parking !
Services • • Retail Store • •
• •
• •
B y appo intm ent o nly. If yo u wo uld like to schedule an appo intm ent o r bro wse o ur retail sto re, please call 302-227 -6260
Free Aromatherapy with a Healing Touch Session
Summer 2015
The early Christians included hands-on healing, anointing with oil and prayer as a form of healing ministry. Jesus taught his disciples this and expected them to pass on this knowledge. Today we still have these tools. God has given us what we need to lead healthy and balanced lives. Combining energy healing and essential oils with prayer is intensely powerful. Each increases the power of the other when used together.
Antiseptic applications (topical use only). Helping reduce the appearance of aging. Helping you relax, manage stress and frustration, and improve mental clarity. hese benefits aren t a new discovery, however. There are over one thousand references in the Bible regarding the use of essential oils for healing and health.
www.O 28
The County Woman Newspaper
Living Fit&Well
Health & Medicine
The Science Of Breath Practicing mindfulness of your breath is perhaps the simplest way to improve your quality of life.
SAVE $5 OFF any in-studio class or private lesson
Expires 8/15/15
cost no money, req uire no additional props through the mouth as though you are Classes it is easy to see why you shouldBeach consider & Studio fogging up aYoga mirror. Once you identify the Your entire life, you breathe. It’s automatic, the practice. proper constriction, repeat the exhale with every moment of every day. It’s crucial the mouth closed while maintaining the to life. The brain stem monitors oxygen H o w to breath sound. The ujjayi is complete when you and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, It sounds a little strange to have to learn inhale and exhale through the nostrils with adjusting the depth and duration of each how to breathe properly, but I assure you a relaxed jaw and closed mouth and still inhale/exhale cycle. But, have you ever that the long-term benefits far outweigh hear the deep breathing. considered paying attention to this life your initial investment. There are several function? types of pranayama, so you can find one I like the so und o f this that you like to start and over time, try Aerial Pranayama is a corehpractice in all of the Yoga h Massage Wellness Why the breath? more. yoga classes taught at Kaya Wellness Traditional Yoga Mindfulness and exercises of the breath Center. Drop-in to any of our classes, mat Private Group Todayh are called pranayama (translated: lifeCounting your breath is the simplest wayh BookorYour aerial, to learn more about the positive 43A Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE force extension), and is one of the to bring mindfulness to your breath. Simply impact of mindful breathing techniq ues 302-227-3450 foundational principles in yoga. Breath is count to 3 with each inhalation and again and experience them yourself. A full important in many other Eastern studies, to 3 on the exhalation. As you practice, schedule is available on our website [ www. all fitness programs and increasingly part you can increase your count, starting with g] or stop by the of preventative holistic health practices. ducin es the exhale. The exhales should always I n t r og a C l a s s studio. be the same or longer as the inhale, ay P Yoand Each yoga class, I begin with cues to SU h e B a c hIt is also a great way to begin a practice t you should never feel like you are gasping n O e draw attention to your breath. It calms ey B for breath. The focus is not on how high of meditation. We have a bi-weekly silent ew D the central nervous system, q uiets the you can count, but on the evenness and meditation group, led by David Elder, that mind and creates a deeply-felt wave of continuity of breath. meets on Wednesdays at 6 :30 PM. Check relaxation and wellbeing no matter your out our workshops tab on our schedule to skill level or experience. A continued, The primary pranayama taught in yoga see which weeks we meet. regular practice of pranayama can help class is the ujjayi breath (translated: regulate your mood, increase energy victorious breath). You achieve this You may also sign-up for individual levels, improve mental clarity and focus, sounding breath by tightening the glottis instruction where you will go through ease digestive concerns and enable you to muscles in the throat. By constricting the a guided meditation and learn several cope with stressors in a positive way. airway in this manner, the respiration of beginner and intermediate pranayama your breath makes a whooshing sound techniq ues that can be added to your You can take pranayama with you into any similar to ocean waves or Darth Vader. holistic wellness plan. time in your life. Because they are simple, Practice this constriction by exhaling SAVE $5 OFF any in-studio class or private lesson Expires 8/15/15
Beach & Studio Yoga Classes
Aerial Yoga h Massage h Wellness Traditional Yoga
h Book Your Private Group Todayh
43A Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE
302-227-3450 g s ducin o r t lasse In C a y Yo g SUP n the Ba ch O ea ey B Dew
2015 TheJune/July County Woman Newspaper
32 29
B y Nate Metz T he Green Sham an
For Appo intm ents: 302-227 -3450 inf o @ m F o r Inf o rm atio n: sham an.natem etz .co m Summer 2015
Women in Profile Kimberly Allen
Hada Cardenas
Microbiology Supervisor, Laboratory Services
Environmental Services Hada Cardenas began working at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital as a temporary employee in 2012 and worked as a standby and as a part-time employee before becoming a full-time housekeeper on the Mother and Baby Care Unit. Hada is a model employee who works tirelessly to provide a neat and clean environment. She takes great pride in her work and it shows. Hada had Nanticoke’s highest unit score for cleanliness with an Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) score of 81 in 2014 (national average 74)!
Kim Allen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Salisbury University. She also is certified in the packaging and shipping of Division 6.2 materials, or patient specimens. To be certified a person must complete training on an on-going basis through courses provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As the supervisor for the microbiology department for the lab Kim is responsible for training employees and students and also performs their evaluations. She reviews all quality controls, maintenance, and procedures performed by technicians in her department. She maintains compliance with CLSI guidelines and makes sure we are compliant with all Joint Commission requirements. She evaluates and implements all new microbiology procedures and instrumentation.
Hada’s hobbies include working out at the gym and shopping. She loves spending family time with her children going to barbecues, the zoo and aquarium, the parks to play soccer and of course Ocean City! Hada is the proud mother of four (two boys and two girls) who keep her very busy and on the run.
Kim enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, a girl 14 and a boy 10. She can often be found at their school and sporting events. She loves the beach and loves to vacation any place where it is warm.
Hada would like to say “Thank You” to all of the Mother and Baby Care staff for their thoughtfulness and kindness.” Hada is an important part of Nanticoke’s 4-Star rating, making patients comfortable in their room.
When asked about her role in providing a great patient experience, she says, “My job is very exciting and each day is different dealing with the ever changing world of bacteria and viruses. I value providing quality patient care to the same community where I grew up and where I am now raising my own children.”
Penny Short
Laura Ebeling
Chief Operating Officer Chief Nursing Officer
RN, Emergency Department Laura Ebeling received her Bachelor’s degree from La Salle University in Pennsylvania. After working as a Paralegal, she went back to nursing school. She received an Associate’s degree in nursing from Chesapeake College. She is certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and is a Trauma Nurse Core Course Instructor.
Penny Short, RN, MSN, joined Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in 1983 and has over 30 years of experience in the health care field. She has been Chief Nursing Officer since 2008 and in 2012 was also named Chief Operating Office for Nanticoke. Penny has led the hospital to accreditation as the first Primary Stroke Center in Delaware, as well as being recognized by HealthGrades for Critical Care, Pulmonology, and Emergency Medicine and recent recognition by the AHA GWTG for both stroke and interventional cardiology. Under her direction, Nanticoke has fully implemented the Cerner EMR and is applying for Level 6 certification for implementation of electronic health records placing Nanticoke among the few hospitals reaching this standard.
Laura began working at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in 2006. She started out on stand-by but loved Nanticoke and worked her way up to full time charge nurse position. She is currently interested in learning more about the Trauma Program at Nanticoke and at the state level. Laura serves on various committees for Nanticoke’s Emergency Department but her favorite is Patient Satisfaction. She is always looking for new ways to keep the patients as the primary focus. Nursing has many competing priorities during the day, but Laura is always very aware that the patient is number one.
Penny has served as the Director of the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Department and Progressive Step-Down Unit. She also served as Director of Joint Commission Preparedness, ensuring Nanticoke’s three-year accreditation. Ms. Short is a member of the Board of Directors for the American Heart Association, the American Organization for Nurse Executives (AONE) and the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
Laura is currently a member of the Emergency Nurses Association. She loves spending time with her four children and her four dogs. She enjoys camping and kayaking. When asked about putting patients at the center of care, she says she focuses on listening to the patient, and making them comfortable and well cared for. It’s important to follow through with requests and answer any questions patients may have. It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.
Summer 2015
When she talks about her love for Nanticoke and for our community she says, “I have been with Nanticoke for over 30 years. This is my home, my community. I’m proud of all the great work being done at Nanticoke. Our mission is to truly care for those we serve.”
The County Woman Newspaper
Women in Profile Anita Lineweaver-Kinnikin
Cathy Marketto
RN, CNOR, RNFA, Operating Room
Patient Advocate
Anita Lineweaver-Kinnikin is a Registered Nurse currently working in the Operating Room at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. She has additional training as a Certified Nurse Operating Room (CNOR) and as a Registered Nurse irst Assistant (RN A). Being an RNFA means Anita is a Registered Nurse with specialized training. In her expanded role as a RNFA, she performs a wide variety of duties. The RNFA works with the surgeon on patient assessment, patient positioning, skin preparation, wound exposure, handling tissues, controlling blood loss, and suturing. The RFNA collaborates with the care team to provide optimal outcomes.
Cathy Marketto has spent her career working to continuously educate and improve the patient experience. She has used her education in Sociology and Psychology in her healthcare career as a volunteer director, the manager of a guest relations department and currently as a patient advocate. She joined Nanticoke Health Services in 2009 as the patient advocate, and has been doing a tremendous job for our patients ever since. Cathy’s main role at Nanticoke is to help ensure our patients receive the best care possible – a crucial component of any patient experience. Cathy handles patient concerns and helps patients with service issues or non-clinical needs. Patient satisfaction is the central focus in all she does. Cathy serves on many quality and customer service committees. Cathy Marketto is the patient voice around the halls of Nanticoke.
Anita began her work in healthcare as an Admissions Clerk in 1992. She then obtained her phlebotomy certification. Later she became a Clinical Tech working in the Emergency Department and the Pediatric unit. In 2003, Anita received her degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and began working in the Operating Room. In 2010, she completed her degree in nursing and quickly became certified as a CNOR. She then completed requirements for certification as a irst Assistant (RN A).
Cathy loves spending time with her family and volunteers at a number of Nanticoke community events. She has three sons and six grandchildren. She loves art, painting, quilting and anything creative. She is a resident of Bridgeville, Delaware.
In addition to continuing her nursing education, Anita is very involved in physical fitness with certification as a personal trainer. She coaches S.W.E.A.T. (Speed, Weight, Endurance, Agility, Training) at Power House Gym in Seaford, Delaware. Anita is a member of the Association of Preoperative Registered Nurses and the American Fitness Professionals Association.
When asked why she loves what she does, Cathy says, “It’s because of my love of people. I truly believe my purpose in life is to help others in any way possible. If I can help patients and families understand and navigate through their experience; assist staff to see the care they give through the patient’s eyes, then I have been successful.”
Anita believes her continuous education puts her in a place where she is always focused on the patient. “I have always felt that Nanticoke is excellent at providing patient centered care. Nanticoke has always held a philosophy in which patient care and experience are a top priority. As a result, I am extremely honored to be considered a part of the Nanticoke family.”
Cathy says, “I love working at Nanticoke. Over the years I have served here we have seen tremendous positive changes. Our patients have wonderful things to say about the hospital and the staff. This is evidenced by the improvement in our patient satisfaction scores. What a privilege to be a part of this!”
Sarah Russell
Kathy Dore James
RN, Charge Nurse, MSU
NP, Palliative Care Coordinator
Sarah Russell is a Registered Nurse working on the MSU (Medical Surgical Unit). She began her career at Nanticoke in 2006, hired specifically for the Medical Surgical Unit. The MSU cares for many types of patients including those needing continuous monitoring for an acute or chronic condition to those recovering from general surgery.
Kathy James has been working in the field of nursing since 1992 and was previously honored as Maryland’s Nurse of the Year for Dorchester County, Maryland. Kathy has experience in the areas of family medicine, cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation and the management of chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression and peripheral vascular disease. In 2001 Kathy received her Master’s in Nursing from Wilmington University with a certification in amily Practice as a Nurse Practitioner.
In 2012, Sarah was selected to be a Charge Nurse for the unit. As charge nurse, Sarah is responsible for overseeing her unit including managing nursing assignments, staffing schedules, overseeing patient admissions and discharges, and managing supplies.
In 2006, Kathy moved to Delaware and began working for Nanticoke Health Services as a Nurse Practitioner in the hospitalist program. As a hospitalist, she admitted persons to the hospital for treatment of illnesses such as pneumonia and heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, sepsis or renal failure. She consulted physicians in specialty areas to assist in developing a plan of care for the appropriate treatment of her patients. She has worked with case management, and physical and occupational therapists as well as nursing staff to coordinate safe and timely discharge planning for patients in her care. As a hospitalist, Kathy often was contacted by other providers to assist patients with the emotional needs associated with poor diagnoses. Through Kathy’s work it became apparent that a Palliative Care Program would be very beneficial to Nanticoke’s patients. In 2014, Kathy’s calm, compassionate and loving approach to patients made her an ideal candidate to be the program coordinator.
Sarah has previously been nominated for employee of the month and also for nurse of the year. She leads the MSU Patient Satisfaction Committee and is a member of the hospital Fall Prevention Committee, both designed to continually improve patient experience and increase patient safety. Sarah also participates on the Oncology Provider Education Committee, helping to organize monthly educational topics around cancer care. Sarah’s peers often recognize her for her dedication to patient care and for always helping other in need.
Kathy is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the American Case Management Association, the Delaware End of Life Coalition, the Delaware Healthcare Association Palliative Care Council, and the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association.
Sarah enjoys being gardening and reading. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Sarah is active in her church and in her community.
Kathy loves spending time with her family, bird watching and gardening. She is a member of the Union United Methodist Church in Seaford Delaware. She strongly believes in the adage do unto others as you would have them do unto you (and your family). “This still matters,” she says. “There is nothing trite about it. We have to ask What would I want for my mother, my father, my sister, or my child ” Kathy holds strongly to her faith, finding great purpose in her work as she helps people walk through some of life’s most difficult journeys.
When it comes to her patients Sarah says, “I put myself in the shoes of my patients, trying to treat them the way I would like to be treated.” Sarah recognizes that the way a patient is treated and the way that makes him or her feel is an important part of recovery.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Home & Garden
SEASONAL SEASONAL SOLUTIONS: SOLUTIONS: The idea of a relaxing soak in hot water is by no means a new one. Throughout history people from many cultures have enjoyed this practice. From naturally occurring thermal springs to elaborately constructed bath houses, the benefits of hydrotherapy are well established. Once you experience Jacuzzi Hot Tubs brand of hydrotherapy, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. When you slip into the hot massaging waters, your muscles will relax, and your mind will clear. Jacuzzi, truly water that moves you. Energy efficient hot tubs are the standard today for the hot tub industry and much research goes into improving the energy consumption rates for hot tubs. Jacuzzi Hot Tubs are the most efficient available with monthly
Summer 2015
electric usage rates below $11.00 per month for a hot tub holding 350 gallons. Larger models usage rates are below $20.00 per month. Full foamed maintenance free cabinets and energy efficient motors all contribute to a hot tubs energy usage. This is less than your typical water heater for your house. Maintenance of a hot tub is easier than most people think. There have been vast improvements in filtration and chemical care as well as other means of sanitation. Jacuuzzi Hot Tubs utilize an ultra violet system that improves and simplifies the maintenance process. This treats 99.9% of waterborne pathogens and up to 50% reduction in sanitizing chemical usage. And most of all no harmful odors or by products
produced. This makes hot tub care easy and hassle free. Affordability and financing have also become commonplace in the hot tub industry with consumer financing companies like GE Capital and Wells Fargo. All offer special deals and rate plans based on the consumers needs. This line of unsecured credit is readily available to customers. Monthly payments are as low as $65.00 per month with unlimited payoff time periods. Bank financing and credit card purchases are the most common forms of financing a acuzzi Hot ub purchase. Warranty and service are Seasonal Solutions main priority after the sale. All technical service is provided by our factory trained technicians in a fast and courte-
ous method. The dependability has been improved with warranty coverage out to 14 years on the electronics and 5 year minimum labor and parts coverage on the entire hot tub. This makes your first five years of ownership a secure investment. Jacuzzi has become the world’s most recognized and largest selling brand of Hot Tubs. Always looking to improve the Jacuzzi experience, the addition of waterfalls, stereos, and easy care synthetics keep Jacuzzi on the cutting edge. This ongoing commitment to innovative product development ensures Jacuzzi’s and Seasonal Solutions leadership position in the industry, and sets standards the world over.
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Energy Efficiency Standards after anuary st have to have a minimum rating of 14 SEER. n top of that, in April of this year new standards for water heaters also went into effect. The upcoming revision to the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act, otherwise known as NAECA, impacts the design of most new water heaters, making them 2 or more inches larger in diameter and height.
What does this mean for you? By Regan Roberts Deck, CMI
You may remember, a few years ago the Department of Energy increased the minimum efficiency of newly installed heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment from 10 to 13 SEER. (SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio.) n anuary 1st, 2015, the minimums changed once more - this time depending on the region in which you live. In our beautiful state, new air conditioners and heat pumps installed
Not much, unless you’re thinking of replacing your H AC system or water heater.
As always, at Custom Mechanical we are happy to answer any questions you may have about electrical, heating, cooling, carpentry, plumbing and home performance related issues - on the phone, in person, via e-mail … even on acebook ur Retail tore offers parts and supplies as well as answers to your product or pricing queries. ur Comfort Advisors are available for free estimates and information about financing and manufacturer rebates. Finally, our brand-new, redesigned for 2014 website offers more homeowner tips like these as well as specials, on-line scheduling and more detailed information about Custom Mechanical, the people that make us great and the services we offer.
With the increase in efficiency being mandated, you will see an increase in the cost and size of equipment. The size difference can make for an extra degree of difficulty and additional labor when replacing the equipment (think attics with drop-down stairs, water heaters in closets and outdoor units straddling setback lines).
The County Woman Newspaper
Contact us anytime! Locally, 302-539-5177. Toll free, 800-233-5177. Or on the web,
Service For Every Season
Summer 2015
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Summer 2015
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Dee’s Cleaning Service & Window Cleaning Everyone needs a little help! Residential, Construction Clean up & Commercial Cleaning
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June/July 2012
Change Your Life in 2015 Licenses Available In Your Area Woman Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted ... Join over 371 other counties that are publishing or have an option to publish in the United States and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Join the fastest growing educational Woman’s Newspaper syndicated in the United States. MINIMAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Maximum return ... Be your own boss, set your own hours and make your life mean more! ALL TRAINING PROVIDED! If you are interested in developing with us in 2014 in your STATE, in your COUNTY ...
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Summer 2015
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Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden educate. enrich.
ho me&g Home Garden Homear& &den Garden
High Crawlspace Humidity? By Mike Benson
Humidity problems in the Crawlspace?
Excess moisture, introduced by way of unsealed, vented crawlspaces, contributes to wood rot, mold growth and increased pest activit oisture n crawlspaces often migrates to the upper levels of the home through a “stack effect.� In essence, whatever air is below the house is also in the house, As warm air rises and escapes through the upper levels of t e ome, ne air fin s its way Into the home to replace what’s been lost. Intake air comes In at the lower levels through unsealed crawlspaces. This may lead to costly problems such as cupping of ar oo oors, mol growth, increased air conditioner loads, and swelling of millwork/ ca inetr ir infiltration from t e crawlspace often carries odors and may contribute to poor indoor air quality and uncomfortable humidity levels. Excess moisture in crawlspaces has also been associated with contributing to increased energy consumption. Wintertime ventilation cools the crawlspace contributing to heat loss from the home. In the summer, introducing warm outside air under the home contributes to heat gains, increasing cooling loads. Ventilation of a crawlspace to control relative humidity only works consistently in an arid climate. In most climates, ventilation can actually add significant uantities of moisture during humid times.
Why Vented Crawlspaces Can Make Humidity Worse.
Venting a crawlspace will either add moisture to, or remove moisture from, a crawlspace depending on the moisture content of the ventilation air compared to the desired conditions of the crawlspace. Venting with dry air reduces moisture levels in the space, while venting with moist air contributes moisture. It is false to assume that venting will
June/July 2012
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, eliminate it. Active conditioning e cra lspace e umi ifier automatically bring in â&#x20AC;&#x153;goodâ&#x20AC;? air - may be necessary to of the space and push out the â&#x20AC;&#x153;badâ&#x20AC;? air. If
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level in a vented crawlspace.
. ( / ! It is important to note the areas of concern when taking steps to
Call Mike Benson at Accurate Termite and Pest Control for any questions or an evaluation at 302-226-1156. Testimonial:
responsibly convert your vented
article in the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspaper had extremely high humidity I readâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Ithe Newspaper crawlspace to a sealed and The solution to this dilemma is )- ) )# 3 crawl space humidity. I had Accurate and mold in my crawlspace. Within about Accurate space. Those include, Pest Control come and inspect our problem. to close the crawlspace. of the conditioned One problem. three days relative humidity
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A Better Solution.
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The County Woman Newspaper Winter 2013 Spring 2013
37 # 34
The County Woman Newspaper
2015 The County WomanSummer Newspaper The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden Camp Barnes – A Jewel of Sussex County I’m pleased to take this issue to talk about a project we are especially proud of. We had the opportunity to contribute to the rehabilitation of the aged bath houses at Camp Barnes this spring. It was exciting to be part of the project! Camp Barnes is a Delaware State Police run camp, located in Frankford, Delaware inside the Assawoman Wildlife Area. Each summer, the Delaware State Police offer six, one-week camping experiences, free of charge for Delaware resident children ages 10-13. When not being used by the Delaware State Police, the camp is available to other non-profit organizations, including 4H, Delaware Special Olympics, Wilmington Parks and Recreation, the Delaware Burn Camp, Boy Scouts of America, and the Stockley Center, to name just a few. Clearly, this is a “jewel” of Sussex County and a true asset to our entire state. For more information on Camp Barnes, see: http:// Last Summer Bruce Schoonover, president of the Fenwick Island Lions Club asked Shawn Hatfield, with the Delaware State Police and in Charge of Camp Barnes, what his biggest need was with regard to the camp. Without hesitation, he quickly replied, “the restrooms and bath house facilities.” Some of what is currently there likely dates back to the beginning of the camp, meaning 50 or 60 years and according to Shawn “band aids have been applied to keep things running and not leaking too badly.” Given the importance of Camp Barnes, not only to our own community, but to the entire state— and literally the generations of children who have built memories there—the Fenwick Island Lions Club decided to make a difference, in a very big way. The Fenwick Island Lions Club has been able to underwrite the entire renovation, expected to be complete in mid-May 2015, in time for the summer camping season.
Bill and Janis Nickerson opened Tailored Living Serving Rehoboth Beach in early 2014. Janis is a Georgetown native and this completes a commitment Bill made 20 years ago to retire to Sussex County. The Tailored Living franchise allows Bill to pursue his two passions woodworking and entrepreneurship. It has been an exciting year completing many garage, home office, Murphy bed, and closets in and around DelMarVa. We are looking forward to more in 2015. Let us design a solution for you!
Tailored Living Serving Rehoboth Beach was offered the opportunity to provide our PremierOne® hybrid epoxy floor coating as a part of the renovation. We worked with Herb Heinrich of Anchor Enterprises to schedule our work. During the chilly week of April 20th, we prepared the floor and installed nearly 1,000 square feet of PremierOne 1/8” Graphite in the two bath houses at the camp. The sanitary nature of the facility required a sealed cove base around the entire floor and we used 450’ of SpeedCove® as can be seen in the picture. We also included a slip-resistant additive in the top coat to make the surface safer for the campers. All of these are options in our residential and commercial installations. Thanks in part to the generosity of our suppliers, Torginol of Sheboygan, WI and SpeedCove of El Dorado, CA, Tailored Living was able to provide substantial price concessions making the Lions Club donations go even farther. We are confident that our PremierOne® coating will provide an attractive and trouble-free surface for 1,000’s of campers over the years! One of our crew, Howard Walker, Jr., of Bear, DE, enjoyed the opportunity to be a camper at Camp Barnes 30+ years ago. Working there brought back pleasant memories, but he could vouch for how little the camp had changed in the decades since he was there! You can see the beautiful setting as Bruce Schoonover of Fenwick Island Lions Club, Herb Heinrichs of Anchor Enterprises, and I take a break from work to enjoy some sun. Tailored Living Serving Rehoboth Beach works with you to design your garage and the rest of your home to suit your lifestyle. We provide and install unmatched products to make the dream a reality. Our solutions cover your entire home – closets, laundry, pantry, Murphy beds, and home offices. Our motto is: Your Space. Defined. We work with you to maximize the utility and style of your home so you can regain time for the things you enjoy.
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Are You a Tilter or a Lifter? That’s a question we have asked many times through the years. What we are really asking is whether you are looking for blinds or shades. That is a major dividing line when choosing window coverings and there are pros and cons to both especially when you are speaking about function. Shades are limited by only having the ability to be raised or lowered whereas blinds can be raised, lowered, or tilted to provide a more variable level of light control and privacy. That being said, shades are better at completely blocking out light because they are one piece of material and are not slatted like blinds and shutters. There are so many little things to consider like blinds can be heavy where shades are light and easy to lift and lower. Questions like “which one would be easier to clean?” have gray answers because the answer is so dependent on how the covering will be used and where it will hang. The number of factors to contemplate is considerable so we will not even talk here about hybrids which are coverings that have benefits of both blinds and shades. People often go that route when they discover that they are neither tilter nor lifter but a combination of both. Calling a professional to help you figure it out is always sage advice when dealing with custom work. We make it easy to find the consultant in your area. All you have to do is go to www., enter the zip code in which you would like your new coverings to be hung and presto!, you will get the phone number of your local consultant. You can call to get the answers to questions you may have and or to set up a complimentary in home consultation where we will bring tons of samples and knowledge right to your doorstep. We really try hard to find the best window covering for the person and the given situation. We enjoy working with both tilters, lifters, and those in between so please let us help you make the best selection and let us worry about the measurements and installation. Once your coverings are installed you can feel confident that we are but a phone call away if any problems ever arise. Our warranties are the best available and we run a full service shop. You are dealing directly with us through the entire process. Call Budget Blinds today to schedule your free in home consultation. A tip for tilters…….If you close your blinds but still see lines of light on the oor, simply tilt the louvers up and due to the downward angle of the sun, the light will be blocked thus saving your oors from that uv damage.
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Home & Garden
CHRISTINA’S CORNER By Christina Lessard
Christina began working with Lessard Builders at a young age helping clean the office and run errands as well as other receptionist duties. As she grew older and more familiar with the business, she took on more responsibility and worked with her father, Brian on the day to day activities. Upon graduating from Wilmington University with a BS in Finance, she assumed the role of Comptroller and gained a more comprehensive understanding of the industry from the financial aspect. Today, you can find her working in the office with the administrative team, with clients at the model home or on the construction site. In addition to her father, Christina works alongside her mother Kathy, sister Michelle and brother Brian. Since the 1940’s, the Lessard family has built custom homes with a passion for quality craftsmanship and superior design. As the fourth generation, Christina looks forwards to carrying on the business with the same values and dedication.
5 Reasons to “Keep It Local” in Delaware Over the past few years, Delaware has been making headlines as one of the “best places to live” and “best places to retire” due to affordable property taxes, low income tax and reasonable travel time to Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. While these are the most talked about features that bring visitors to our state, those that live or spend a little extra time here understand why people fall in love with Delaware’s small town charm. From the beaches Lewes and Rehoboth to downtown Dover and the northern towns of the state, there are so many local shops, restaurants and events distinctive to Delaware. There are always events just around the corner like peach festivals, brewery tours, wine tastings, farmer’s market or music festival. I’m proud to be from Delaware, I love our state for many reasons and from an early age my parents instilled in me the importance of being part of the community and supporting the area where we live. When I was a kid, it meant girl scouts, clubs and school programs. Today, it means working with local non-profit organizations and showing loyalty to local companies. As a locally owned and operated small business in Delaware – we appreciate the many benefits that come with choosing local.
1. Preserve Small Town Character & History
Our beach towns are such a great testimonial to this! Delaware has the small town feel and historical character that you see on postcards with brick buildings, authentic cedar shake exteriors, lighthouses, cobblestone roads and traditional farm houses. Local business owners are more willing to keep the historical factor of the area, striving to blend in artistically with the surrounding town compared to the bigger “box” stores in hopes keep their chain of nationwide stores growing.
2. Locals Give Back To The Community
According to NFIB research, more than 9 in 10 small businesses owners give back to community. Studies show that local non-profits receive substantial continued support from locally owned and operated businesses. Local business owners care about the community they live in and often serve on boards to support numerous causes and community interests.
3. What Goes Around Comes Around
Money spent locally has 3 times the impact on a community than dollars spent in large chains or other places. The concept is fairly straightforward, if you shop at locally owned and operated businesses, your dollars provide for local families, schools, community events and non-profits.
4. Shop Local To Keep A Relevant Supply Of (Diverse) Products I love the experience that you get shopping at a local boutique. The choices always have more individuality and some even have a great story to go with it! In many cases national stores tend to stock items based on regional or national numbers instead of local demand. Local stores tend to have a broader range of choices because they cater to the needs of local people. In many cases, they will start carrying a new product per your request.
5. Mom & Pop Shops: Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Who doesn’t love the “mom and pop shop” in their town? They add an extra level of character and friendly service exclusive to their town and community. Local business owners view their work as an extension of themselves and bring an extra level of care to what they do. They get to know who you are and if there is a question or concern, you are only a few people away from the decision makers. You won’t have to submit a claim online or call a 1 800 number repeatedly to receive service. We love local so much we wrote a blog about it! I’d like to introduce our newly launched blog, Live Delaware which is dedicated to promoting the individuality, importance and perks that come with shopping, eating, playing and building local to Delaware. We have an amazing little state with a great sense of community and Live Delaware is just a reminder to keep it local in the nation’s “Small Wonder”. I hope you’ll stop by – you might find or discover a new favorite place to eat, shop or live!
Join the #LiveLocal conversation by connecting with us on twitter @LiveDelaware, on Facebook or on the blog section of our website,
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden Comfortably enjoy the outdoors – Enclose your screen porch! It’s getting cooler now and you you can enjoy your back yard and may be battening down the your view. Today’s enclosure systems can be more sophisticated in terms hatches of your screen porch. Homeowners are familiar with the popular sunroom additions on the market today, and those who have purchased one enjoy the extra living space available for family gatherings or evening relaxation as well as high return on investment value. However did you know that your existing screen porch can be enclosed as well? Many of today’s homes have decks or are now often being built with screen porches as a standard feature. Exposed to the elements, decks and patios are often simply too hot or too cold to use much of the year. Screen porches offer shade and some bug protection, but summer heat, dirt, rain, and winter cold with snow and ice again restrict comfortable usage to a short while out of the year. Studies and testimonials indicate that a sunroom addition, or conversion of an existing porch, is very likely to become the most enjoyed and well used room in the house. They offer protection from bugs, dirt, pollen and bad weather while preserving the breezy outdoor feel of a deck or patio. Sunrooms maximize the seasons so
of thermal efficiency and ultraviolet protection.
The building industry is strongly committed toward pre-fabricated, panelized, or modular enclosure systems. This is due to the many advantages of making the product indoors in a controlled environment, to close tolerances, using modern equipment and techniques. The jobsite work is greatly reduced for a quick installation to eliminate the stress and mess of a stick framed construction project at your home. They are built in days rather than months. While all factory made sunroom additions offer a degree of standardized quality control, there are so many variations of the old 60’s Florida room, that it must be extremely confusing to a homeowner to select the best product for your money. Inexpensive aluminum screen or glass enclosures may install quicker and have less maintenance than a stick built addition, but they conduct heat and cold, the finish can scratch or the kick-panels can easily dent. Better rooms with aluminum structure are now being built by many fabricators
using vinyl clad insulated panels and powder coat finishes (like a car) for added durability. The best have thermally broken wall frames, insulated foam core kick-panels and can be purchased with insulated UV blocking glass. North America’s fastest growing sunroom and window company, Sunspace Sunrooms has made it easy to select from their state of the art hybrid enclosures with residential aluminum and vinyl products. They offer glass slider systems, 4-track vinyl-pane enclosures, traditional aluminum or glass railings, patio covers and the new translucent acrylic roof system.
Bring The Outdoors Indoors...Year-Round! COME SEE US AT OUR SHOWROOM AT 16083 NEW ROAD AND SAVE
“Thanks for your attention to detail” – Joseph R. Dove Knoll
Leisure Rooms By Choose Our Custom Tailored Vinyl or Glass Enclosures: Convert Your Screen Porch
Ron Simmons has helped your neighbors improve their homes for the last 34 years
500000 OFF
3 Or 4 Season Locally Owned and Operated
Build From The Ground Up
Exp. 8/25/14
Lewes, DE • 302-644-6540 • TOLL FREE 866-644-6540 • Open: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 • Saturday 10 - 4 • Sunday - By appointment only
The County Woman Newspaper
With four distinct levels of enclosures to choose from, a Sunspace sunroom offers so much family fun and leisure for a reasonable investment. Three or four season designs are custom produced at their recently expanded 100,000 square foot facility in Toronto Canada using state of the art equipment and production processes. As the exclusive Sunspace dealer in this area, we at
Patio ystems are confident in offering this line of vinyl and aluminum factory panelized window-wall sunrooms or porch enclosures. They come with great warranties, local service for quality control, and quick installation. They can be built from the ground up, on an existing deck or installed into your existing porch. As a remodeling specialist for 35 years, my mission is to offer top quality products that can be quickly installed, at competitive prices. Free in-home consultation and estimates are without obligation or high pressure tactics. You may also visit our new showroom in Lewes to look at all the sunroom and window options. We also are one of the largest awning and related shade product dealers in the nation and display many of these products as well. Every year more and more folks like you are choosing our factory made sunrooms or patio awnings for their leisure-time enjoyment.
Summer 2015
Home & Garden
HOT Deck Solution
In the mid-90s decks started to become a desirable lifestyle upgrade as many homeowners began to have them built. Today, decks, concrete or hardscape patios have become a “standard feature” on the many homes being built. Although a deck, or patio, is a great place to relax in the gentle weather of spring and fall, unfortunately in summer, unless you’re sunbathing, most folks find that the deck is just too darn hot to endure. The result is that an investment of several thousand dollars may only pay off for a few short months each year. Many homeowners have sought to solve the problem with an umbrella, portable tent, or may even decide to build a roof or a complete enclosure over the deck or patio. Umbrellas let the sun chase you around and then blow away before you can fold them down. Stationary roofs are costly, block your view and darken the indoors permanently.
There is a more useful and practical solution – the motorized retractable lateral arm awning, which has been used in Europe for decades due to their much greater cost of air conditioning. An affordable alternative, retractable awnings are there when you need shade and gone when you want sunlight and winter solar gain.
In recent years these gorgeous motorized awnings have become popular here in the US and domestic fabricators now assemble the best awnings from European components. The retractable awning industry is growing tremendously each year and now offerings include retractable fabric window or porch droparm awnings, vertical or horizontal solar shades, and retractable canopy structures. When selecting an awning in this coastal area, you should be aware that unpredictable high winds and storms, as well as the deteriorating effect of salt air are factors to keep in mind. While automatic wind sensor control systems are available, the best protection for your investment is to remember to use it sensibly. If you are
comfortable under the awning, then it will usually be alright, as they are rated for up to 20 mph winds and light rain usage. The last one to leave the house simply taps the remote to the retract position and the awning will safely roll in to the house wall and stop. What could be simpler? As the authorized local distributor for the award winning 68 year old Pennsylvania company, Craftbilt Manufacturing, Patio Systems offers a helpful consultation to decide which model, mounting method, dimensions, style, and fabric selections are best for your needs. At our showroom in Lewes, you can test working models in four styles of patio awnings or look at other types of shade products for all applications.
installed, at competitive prices. We offer free in-home estimates are without obligation or high pressure tactics. Everyday, more and more folks like you are choosing our awnings and factory made sunrooms for their leisure-time enjoyment.
As a remodeling specialist for 35 years, Ron Simmons’ goal is to offer only top quality products that can be quickly
To schedule a meeting please call at Patio Systems, Inc. in Lewes at 302-644-6540.
Testimonials “A wonderful experience from the sales call to the installation. Thank you Ron and staff for a ‘five star’ experience!!” David and Patty S. • Berlin, MD. “Great job, great product. One of our easiest purchases for our new home.” Albert & Earlene D. • Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Ron Simmons
President & Founder Patio systems, Inc. was founded in 2001 by Ron Simmons and is based in Lewes, Delaware. Ron has had an extensive background in all phases of home improvements for over 35years. Ron’s sunroom experience dates back to 1981 when he began to sell and install custom modular sunrooms. Ron has seen the enclosure industry evolve and improve over time to offer the quality products now available.
THE – Laura
With over 2500 satisfied local customers, Patio Systems, Inc. is a BBB accredited business with an A+ rating. We receive hundreds of hand written testimonials from our happy homeowners every year.
Summer 2015
& D Berlin, M
Retractable Drop Arms
Patio Awnings OPEN: MON. - FRI. 9 - 5 SAT. 10 - 4 SUN. Appt. only
Sixteen years ago Ron began selling awnings for a manufacturing company owned by the man who was most instrumental in creating the US market for retractable awnings as it is today. Personally trained by the first US president of the leading tubular motor manufacturer, Somfy, Ron soon became a dealer for the awning company as Patio Systems. Ron Simmons’ expertise in design, estimating, and construction management permit turn- key personalized service to homeowners in the local communities. All sales calls are handled by Ron, or his sales representative. Ron handles all of the measuring, ordering and managing of your project.
formed “You Per mised” As Pro Exactly John B.
*with the purchase of a Retractable Patio Awning Value up to $650. Ask about FREE Installation. Expires 8/25/14
Ron Simmons has helped your neighbors improve their homes for the last 34 years
• Block the Sun, not the View • Reduce Energy Costs * MOTOR *with the purchase of a Retractable *with Awning the purchase Retractable Patio Valueofupa to $650 • European Designs Patio Awning Value up to $650 about FREE installation • Lifetime Ask Warranty • Blocks 97% of Harmful UV Rays Must present coupon by Final Presentation. Offer expires 6/30/11. COME SEE US RETRACTABLE AWNINGS AT OUR SHOWROOM
Solar Shades
302-644-6540 TOLL FREE
near the Food Court Lewes, DE 644-6540 Feb. 866-644-6540 17-Feb. 20 Toll Free
The County Woman Newspaper
Home & Garden
Home & Garden
Ancient Art Stone
BY MATTHEW CARRICO, OPERATIONS MANAGER In the fall issue we broke down the process of purchasing a natural stone counter top, highlighting the major steps and identifying the most attention-needy elements of the project for you to focus on. By now, you have looked through hundreds of natural and man made stones to find that perfect material to pull the d cor of every item in the pro ect space together. he colors of the cabinetry, oor products, appliances, and the finalized paint swatches dance in glorious harmony with one another in your mind as you envision your masterpiece completed. Within this fantasy, family and friends applaud ecstatically in the background, marveling at your design prowess… but there is something missing. When we begin a relationship with a new customer the premier importance is typically the colors that are exhibited in the selected material and confirming that each visible element intending to be incorporated into the project area plays nicely with those colors. ne option find many of our customers overlook, or are unaware exists, are the different stone finishes that are available. he vast ma ority of pro ects are completed with the standard high gloss polish, which exhibits a re ective mirror like finish to the surface of the stone. here are two additional categories of stone finishes that should be considered as they can drastically alter the aesthetics of the final product.
staining. This creates a very industrial or rustic look that can complement a number of popular trends that rely on less vibrant, softer color tones. Honed finishes can be “enhanced” by oils that are allowed to come in contact with the raw surface of the stone. he most common offenders of this are our finger prints. here are many ways to address this issue if it is undesirable to the customer, but that is information for another article. he important thing to understand in selecting a Honed finish is that there will be additional maintenance required in achieving and/or maintaining the matte look desired.
There is an entire gamut of textured surface options. Leathered, Brushed, Swede, Satin, and Velvet are amongst the more popular that we see month to month, and there are many others available. ypically, these finishes maintain the original color tones of the material, while amplifying the natural properties and movements of the stone. These properties are not only experienced visually, but can be felt physically on the surface. The different classifications within textured polishes provide varying depths of surface deviations, so each one will exhibit the stone’s properties in a different way. The texturing process does close some of the pores which will assist it in repelling stains better than a honed finish, but may continue to show surface oils. As mentioned above, this is by far the most popular finish selected for the counter top pro ects that we see and is typically described as shiny, re ective, glossy or high gloss. his finish provides the best surface for viewing the vibrancy of the stone colors and depth, or crystal-like formations of the stone. These surfaces are generally easier to clean and maintain as they come the closest, of all the finishing options, in closing the stone’s natural pores and enhancing its ability to repel moisture. This will not guarantee the material is completely sealed but may still be susceptible to surface staining. If you have selected a natural granite or marble, additional sealing products will typically be recommended and should be considered to ensure your counter tops are protected.
MAKING YOUR FINAL SELECTION Now that you know many of the different surface options available to you, it may be helpful to know where you can find them. aking a trip to your local fabricator s slab yard is a good start, but there is a slim chance that you will be able to see all of the different finishes, if any at all. f you are interested in finding a slab that does not have a polished finish we suggest that you first find the slab color that you feel works best with your pro ect and then work with your fabricator to discover the finishing options they can offer. Most fabricators prefer to purchase slabs with surfaces that are finished by the slab distribution company because they do not invest in the tooling or have the skillsets to evenly alter the surface of these raw slabs. Once a slab is located that meets your criteria it is highly recommended that you view it in person, prior to the start of fabrication, to make sure the texture provides the aesthetic that you expect. Remember, stone products are not only appreciated for their stunning beauty, but also their longevity. A little extra time spent today can ensure your happiness for years to come! I
fter years of marriage and ha ing owned houses oth as in estments and family homes I can honestly say that I can sa e you a great deal of kitchen remodeling stress. I was impressed from the moment I dro e on to the massi e display lot featuring o er plus dif ferent granite sla s displayed in such a way that the customer can iew the eautify of each piece and their indi idual delicate design. han we meet att the manager. e walked us around and explained each display after finding out what my taste were and what I was trying to accomplish with the color and design for my new kitchen.
In creating a honed surface, the polishing process is stopped short prior to reaching the re ective, high gloss stage. When done correctly, the surface should have a matte appearance free of scratch marks. his finish limits the depth of color and visibility of the natural stone features, and can make some materials more vulnerable to surface
rom the selection process to the in home la ier measurements to going ack to the shop to iew and ok the template to insure the maximum eauty of each cut to the un elie a le precision of the cuts and fit of the granite into each corner of our now magnificent kitchen. o uote a friend who came to isit I I I . hanks ncient tone att and their team for a o well done. e would guarantee their work in a heart eat. he lisher
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302-335-1199 Winter 2014/2015 The County Woman Newspaper
42 43
The County Woman Newspaper Summer 2015
Business & Finance
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Law enrich. empower.
Lawyer Bashing? By Susan D’Alonzo Ament, Esquire Susan D’Alonzo Ament is a partner with Morris James LLP and has practiced for 32 years representing personal injury victims. Over the years, Mrs. Ament has found that some women don’t understand the crucial need to have adequate automobile insurance coverage in the event of a serious accident. Susan Ament educates women on these needs every day in her practice and in seminars that she presents throughout the year.
ver the past 32 years, I have represented many people who have been seriously hurt in automobile accidents or accidents at work. They come to me at a time when they are facing man ifficult c allenges - legally, emotionally and medically. I like being able to help them sort out all of the issues associated with their case and help relieve their stress. I am always amazed by lawyer bashing - nasty lawyer jokes, name calling such as ambulance chaser, and general disrespect or fear of lawyers. Certain folks have a view that some lawyers are greedy. I have found that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I think lawyers are the MOST caring and charitable people I know… always ready to help. And doesn’t that make sense? The majority of attorneys will tell you they became lawyers to help people. Here are a few facts that support my opinion
that lawyers are good and giving people. Recently Sojourners’ Place, one of t e nonprofit oar s am on, sponsored a dinner and auction. When I reached out to my partners and asked if they would support Sojourners’ Place (whose mission is to assist homeless men and women on their journey to selfsufficienc t roug case managed, residential programs), twenty-seven of my partners quickly responded “yes”. Wow! I was grateful, but not surprised. I also called another lawyer friend, Mike Kelly, Esquire, who responded with a very quick “yes!” to volunteer as Auctioneer at the event. Several of my attorney friends either handmade or donated beautiful gifts for the auction. Here at Morris James, many of the attorneys donate their time regularly to non profit organi ations including Girl Scouts, Children’s Beach House, The St. Thomas More Society, Prevent Child Abuse, American Diabetes
Association, Habitat for Humanity, Catholic Diocese Foundation, Philippine-American Association, and the Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc., among others.
talents and I am always amazed at how generous Delaware attorneys are in sharing their talents. Perhaps they are guided by Isaiah 1:17 - Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.
One group I have been privileged to be on the Board of for many years is the St. Thomas More Society. The Saint Thomas More Society is a collection of attorneys of various faiths committed to follow the examples of Saint Thomas More in their professional and personal conduct and to promote and foster high ethical principles in the legal profession and in the general community.
In our Personal Injury Group, Mike Owen is active in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware program, while Pete Jones and Kevin Healy are two of several Morris James attorneys who volunteer many hours to coach high school students to compete in the Delaware High School Mock Trial program.
The next time you hear someone speak negatively about a lawyer or tell a bad lawyer joke, I hope you will think of this article and set the person straight. Lawyers are good and caring people whose goals are to help others.
Many Delaware Attorneys volunteer to represent children in Family Court t roug t e ffice of il Advocate. Personally, I am honored to have the opportunity to try and make a difference in a child’s life whether in a small or large way. The children represented are going t roug ver ifficult challenges, including neglect and abuse. It is rewarding to gain their trust, develop new lifelong friendships, and try to assist the Court in their decision-making process.
The goal to serve is not unique to Morris James but is prevalent throughout the entire Delaware Bar. One of the Inns of Court I am involved with is the Pro Bono Inn of Court. Inns of Court are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar. The Delaware Bar Association assists attorneys and coordinates the pro bono efforts between pro bono agencies.
Download our phone app, available for iPhone and Android users, that provides access to the tools and information you will need in the event of an accident. The app features a Live Chat component, allowing you immediate contact with a live person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Locate our app by searching “Morris James” in iTunes or Google Play. Contact us for a complimentary copy of our book, Anatomy of a Personal Injury Claim.
Attorneys are blessed with special skills and
803 N. Broom Street “Feel Confident in Choosing One of the Most Experienced Wilmington, DE 19806 Law Firms in Delaware 302.655.2599 Since 1931”
Kevin Healy
Auto Accidents and Injuries at Work
Michael Owen
No Fees Unless We Win!
Michael Owen Clayton Bunting
Kevin Healy
Keith Donovan
Pete Jones
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Susan D’Alonzo Ament Clayton Bunting
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Susan D’Alonzo Ament
Pete Jones
Keith Donovan
Day, Evening & Weekend Appointments Home & Hospital Visits
Taken at Hotel duPont
Five Convenient Locations in Delaware to Serve You: WILMINGTON 803 N. Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806 302.655.2599
Susan D’Alonzo Ament, Esq. Kevin Healy, Esq. 16 Polly Drummond Hill Rd. Pete Jones, Esq. Newark, DE 19711 302.368.4200 Michael G. Owen, Esq.
Keith Donovan, Esq. 29 N. State Street, Suite 100 Dover, DE 19901 302.678.8815
402 Rehoboth Avenue Clayton Bunting, Esq. Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 107 W. Market Street 302.260.7290 Georgetown, DE 19947 302.856.0015
Se habla Español 302.651.3589 42
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Advice for Keeping the Family Beach House in the Family Amber B. Woodland, Esquire Michele Procino-Wells, Esquire Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC BY: MICHELE PROCINO-WELLS, ESQUIRE
ou remember it fondly: the weeks of anticipation waiting for school to wind down. The hurried packing of whatever non-winter clothes you can find. he race to the car, followed by the dreaded drive to the coast – which seemed to take longer each year. hen, finally, you were there your home away from home. our beautiful, perfect, unadulterated beach cottage where you spent your childhood summers covered in sea salt, sunkisses and sand. ou wouldn’t trade those memories for all the money in the world and you eagerly anticipate the day when you can take your children or grandchildren to the same spot to relive the same surfside memories through their youthful eyes. hat is, of course, assuming succession, maintenance, tax and ownership issues do not require you and your family to reluctantly give up your home to the highest bidder while watching your childhood sanctuary wash away like shoreline sand pebbles to the tide. Family beach house issues are common in Delaware. Just ask the litigants in In re Estate of Branson, a case centered on a hotly-contested family cottage located in South Bethany Beach. In this case, five feuding children presented the Court of Chancery with various legal assertions as to who rightfully owned the cottage subsequent to mother’s passing – with one outspoken sibling claiming his brothers made a verbal promise to sell him the home (which the court overruled). How then can a family avoid these interruptions and achieve a succession
plan that not only anticipates tax exposure but allows for a peaceful and serene experience between family members paying homage to the tranquil beach property involved? ortunately, with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney, you can explore several options for avoiding expensive litigation or a heartbreaking sale of your family home.
Fee Simple Transfer The fee simple transfer is just that: simple. You pass your ownership rights by deed to your children or other family members as joint tenants or tenants in common thereby ensuring ownership is secure and in the hands of your intended beneficiaries. his practical, inexpensive solution is not without drawbacks, however, and may trigger certain gift tax problems as you would likely make the transfer to your family for free or well below market value. Other downsides include the increased risk of exposure to children s creditors or possible claims by a donee’s soon-tobe ex spouse. While gifts are generally excluded from the purview of marital property for purposes of division in divorce, money contributed during the marriage for maintenance, improvements or property tax can work to convert the asset to marital property, thus making it eligible for division in the event of dissolution.
Placing the home in a QPRT allows the grantor to gift the property to beneficiaries while retaining personal use for a term of years – much like a gift in fee simple with a reserved life estate, but with a lower tax liability. nfortunately, both the revocable living trust and the QPRT are considered part of the grantor’s gross estate at death. If you are nearing the federal estate tax exemption threshold, this arrangement could quickly put you over the limit, thereby triggering exposure to a substantial estate tax.
Placing the Home in a Family Entity
etting up a family partnership, corporation or limited liability corporation is another option for some families. This unique arrangement triggers its own share of tax
With the right amount of pre planning and family cooperation, you can hold on to your priceless family beach home while avoiding unnecessary tax assessments and familial strife. If you are interested in the best course of action to protect your family property as you consider your estate plan, contact an elder law attorney to thoroughly review your options.
Client Testimonial Amber exceeded my expectations he immediately understood my issues and concerns and rapidly and thoroughly resolved them. Both Amber and Erin are to commended for their performance have and will continue to recommend your office. hank you -Asset Protection Client
Placing the Home in Trust Placing the family beach home in a revocable living trust or qualified personal residence trust (QRPT) is a viable option allowing you to maintain control of the property while redirecting ownership, at least partially, from yourself to the trust. This arrangement may reduce your personal tax liability as transactions purposed for the beach home may be deductible by you as the grantor as if you owned the property outright. By naming a responsible successor trustee, you could ensure proper management of the property in the event of your disability, incapacity or death. astly, a home held in trust is not subject to the rigorous oversight of probate administration.
“I was scared about my financial future. My life was changed when I learned the care I needed could be provided at home without exhausting my life savings.” With asset protection planning you can maintain your independence and receive the care you deserve while preserving your legacy. Contact our office at 302.628.4140 to schedule a consultation. Planning today to protect your family’s tomorrow. www. pww l aw .c om
Summer 2015
considerations, but allows grantors to maintain control of the property during their lifetime. This could be an attractive option for the business-minded grantor interested in a formal structure organized pursuant to an ironclad agreement. It may also create a comfortable shield from creditors or claims from the aforementioned soon to be ex in law.
Offices in Seaford and Lewes
The County Woman Newspaper
Health Care Program
Helping Delaware Hear Better “I can’t say enough good things about the service I have received. I have always had excellent service and care.” Elizabeth S. ~ Elkton, MD
Stacy Sanders Au.D., Audiologist
“I was treated like I was the most important person in the world.” Leland S. ~ Bear, DE
Kiijuana Cann Au.D., Audiologist
“The hearing aids are amazing. They are small, comfortable, and don’t get in the way of my glasses.” Margret C. ~ Middletown, DE
Lisa Marencin, Audiologist, MS, CCC-A, FAAA
“My wife is very happy! And I can hear much more clearly!” John S. ~ Earleville, MD
Rebecca Holowka, Audiologist, MS, CCC-A
There is a big difference between hearing aids and hearing health care! For over 20 years, the audiology staff at Hearing Services of Delaware has been helping people in Delaware hear better by provi ing t e ig est ualit earing ealt care, in a ition to fitting earing ai s ur commitment to elping people ear etter is e emplifie our Complete Hearing Health Care Program which includes: Warranties Up to Three Years to Cover Loss & Damage and Repairs, a 45-Day Satisfaction Period, Regular Cleanings & Adjustments, an Annual Hearing Instrument Evaluation, an Annual Presentation of New Technology, and Batteries Provided for Five Years! (Most Major Insurance Providers Accepted. Excludes hearing aids purchased through a governmental agency. Restrictions may apply.)
The County Woman Newspaper “I hear much better and more clearly at meetings, movies, and church.” ~ Margaret S., Middletown, DE.
Summer 2015 “I can’t say enough good things about the service and care I have received from s of Delaware. It is excellent.” ~ Elizabeth S., Newark, DE.
Su mmer Camps
Owens Campus • Georgetown, DE
Don’t wait...the word has spread that Delaware Tech is the place to go for great camps, and spots are filling fast! We offer a wide variety of hands-on activities for kids ages 2-16 in our Summer Camps and year-round classes. Scholarship opportunities available! Call: 302-259-6330 To check out the course catalog and to register visit,
Finally, Peace of Mind for the Entire Family. Our Safe Harbor Program provides: • Professionally trained, licensed staff • Safe, secure environment • Private dining area • Private & semi-private studios available • Specialized, individualized activities
IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY - Please call 302-644-7997 or e-mail
We understand and are committed to the specialized care of your loved one living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related disorders.
Summer 2015
17028 Cadbury Circle Lewes, DE 19958
The County Woman Newspaper
Health Care Program
Living Fit&Well Pilates For Golf
Are you looking to improve your golf swing and game? Pilates training will help you hit the ball farther, straighter and more accurately with less chance of injury. G olf req uires muscular strength, joint exibility, neuromuscular training and the perfect balance between mobility and stability. The golf swing is a coordinated movement that on the moment of impact applies compressive forces of approximately eight times one’s body weight. Spinal alignment is vital to proper swing mechanics, since the spine coils and uncoils 100-130 times in one direction over an average 4-hour game. Is Y o ur B o dy Prepared F o r the Gam e o f Go lf ? G olf is a game of asymmetry and multidirectional stresses. To improve in golf, players need a golf training program that will produce the greatest results in the most efficient amount of time. Golf in uries are caused by the instability of the golfer to maintain proper spine angle in the swing putting more stress on other muscle groups besides the back. The knees, hips, forearms and shoulders are often sub ected to extra stress to compensate for lack of core abilities. So Why Pilates? For the most part, golf and Pilates are
mind-body activities that share the same basic principles requiring exibility, rotation and core strength. Pilates movements are based from the center of the body, as are most shots in golf. Pilates spinal rotation exercises derotate the spinal imbalance and realign core muscles. Clients start to think about the body and its functions differently when they take Pilates. They think about the core (trunk, shoulder girdles and pelvis). Strengthening and creating exibility through specific exercises in these areas will help balance the muscles around a joint and balance pairs of muscles that support the joints. Pilates training will allow the transference of power to the legs, trunk and arms. Addressing physical limitations through a series of Pilates exercises can help create symmetry and coordination, improve muscular endurance and increase range of motion. Everything that is learned in the studio is transferred directly onto the course. Postural alignment is key. This will help the golfer perform the swing more efficiently and reduce the amount of unnecessary strain on the muscles and joints.
improve the physical cause. e explains golf like “ life” . You have to prepare, create the action and, most important, follow through. One must complete all for success. A Forever Fit Foundation Pilates instructor can help improve underlying limitations that need to be addressed at their physical source. The body needs to be retrained in order to improve the swing, prevent the risk of injury and increase overall performance. During a Pilates session, the golfer will experience full body exercise that works all muscles and is easy on the joints. A stronger and more stable core will make the body more exible and symmetrically balanced. All of the changes from Pilates training will help the golfer drive the ball farther and avoid the “ sand trap” of fatigue and injury. Call today to set up an appointment!
Pilates is the Ideal Golfing Partner Phil Ortiz, G olf Pro at the Peninsula Club in L ong Neck DE, says the most common thing he sees on the course is lack of hip rotation. He trains his clients to create “ power” from knees to hips and “ timing” from the upper body. This connection needs to be supple. Correcting the golf swing at the time of the swing will not
By Nancy Hawkins Rigg Founder and Owner, Forever Fit Foundation Nancy Hawkins Riggs is the founder and owner of Forever Fit Foundation, a personal training business specializing in Pilates, G yrotonic, G yrokinesis, Yamuna Body Rolling and sport specific training. orever it Foundation accepts clients at three sites: Dover and L ewes, Del., and Mendenhall Station, Pa., just over the Delaware line. A certified athletic trainer, she earned her bachelors degree from the University of Delaware and her master’s degree in exercise science and sports medicine from Miami University in Ohio. Please call (302) 423-1816 or (302) 6 98-5201 to schedule an appointment for more information.
June/July 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
SX240 High Output
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“Uncommonly Devoted to Servicing Jet Driven Watercraft” ©2015 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Follow instructional materials and obey all laws. Drive responsibly, wearing protective apparel. Always drive within your capabilities, allowing time and distance for maneuvers, and respect others around you. Don’t drink and drive. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT YAMAHABOATS.COM OR CALL 1.800.88.YAMAHA
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
10595 Worchester Hwy Berlin, MD 21811 106 52nd Street Ocean City, MD 21842 (On Water Repair/Service)
Bayside Jet Drive
410-723-9773 410-641-3040
“Uncommonly Devoted to Servicing Jet Driven Watercraft”
©2014 Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA. Follow instructional materials and obey all laws. Ride responsibly, wearing protective apparel. Always ride within your capabilities, allowing time and distance for maneuvers, and respect others around you. Don’t drink and ride. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT YAMAHAWAVERUNNERS.COM OR CALL 1.800.88.YAMAHA
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Warm Weather is here
By Chris Dispoto for t is ďŹ nally warm out again hough the winters here are mild,
a ersey boy, it s still great to see them go. Besides my seasonal al worse every
lergies, which do seem to be getting year, m a much
happier person when it s warm and stays light out later. Everyone
seems to have more energy. omething else that seems to get worse !
each year is the amount of bugs we see on the cars we wash. hey show up earlier and earlier, and in greater quantity. he snowbirds ! returning from lorida and other warm places bring extra bugs, of all species, even big giant ones.
f you re a snowbird, you know what mean. When a car comes in that is not regularly washed, " we see damage from the bug s remains on front bumpers and grilles. Even plastic headlamps and side view mirrors can be dam aged from whatever the bugs leave behind. f you are concerned about your car s ďŹ nish, it s critical that you remove the remains regularly.At Rehoboth Car Wash we pre treat the vehicles that are # riddled with bugs by soaking them with soap and water
and scrub$ bing them before the car is washed. t takes a bit longer than a wintertime wash, but that s what % it takes.Another warm weather & '
woe for the car is the sand that comes home from!
the beach with us
and infests the rugs and seats, and let s not also forget the dog who
leave a ur loves the beach too He he hey really trail behind. crew do a great ob removing horsepower vacuum and our attentive "
omething sand, hair, and whatever else we encounter. we recently Armour added to our menu is a product made by All, called Body hield. t s a spray on polymer sealant
wax that does an amazing ) ob he car actually feels( as though it was waxed by hand. he
shine is apparent on the paint, the chrome even the black plastic surfaces are blacker. t is available in a new full service wash pack f you age called he Whole Enchilada , or as an a la carte item.
haven t tried it yet, you should treat yourself. Another new item installed only a week ago is a new foaming wheel and tire cleaner
that is applied before the car enters our tire brushes. t does a much more thorough ob than the previous system. want to say thank * you to all who have patronized our business since we ve opened.
We ust celebrated our th year in business and we obviously could not have done any of it without$ the support of the community and those who visit the resort area. Again, thank you very $ much. + f you have any questions at all, please give us a call . We are
at$ located on the Route ne ) ervice Road at Rehoboth Ave. Hours of
operation are Monday aturday from and from on unday. , - Hours are always weather permitting.Please see our * coupons in
Clipper Magazine this summer.We sincerely hope you a safe have ./0 fun ďŹ lled summer Chris 001 2+11 ispoto wner perator
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Summer 2015
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Summer 2015
Go Back to Get Ahead: How Continuing Your Education Can Rev Up Your Career W
hether your career goal is to keep the paychecks coming, advance your position or change occupations altogether, you’ll have a better chance of being successful if you develop a unique knowledge base or skill. So why not get the education you need to do that? Returning to school can seem intimidating. Here are some common stumbling blocks — and how to remove them.
What should I take?
on t e afrai to as for elp Ask friends and family members for support and assistance. ou o not nee to o ever t ing perfectly. Decide what you can live with and without. f ou are a parent, s are our experience of returning to school with your children. Let them see your hard work and determination to reach your goals. se a calen ar or an app to elp manage tasks and assignments.
How will I stay motivated?
Celebrate your academic successes. Whether it’s doing well on a test or completing a course, savoring such milestones helps keep you focused on your goal.
Is this really going to be relevant to my work?
For skills that can be immediately applied, one answer is professional evelopment certificates offere UD’s Professional and Continuing
For those unsure of where to start, the Adult Center for Continuing Education Student Services (ACCESS) at the University of Delaware is an indispensable resource. Advisers can help with career planning and assist in choosing the best educational path to meet your goals.
Will I get lost in the shuffle as an adult student? UD’s ACCESS Center is a career and academic advising center just for adult students. Evening hours and phone appointments are available, and advisers are experts in helping adults reach their goals. Professional and Continuing Studies offers professional evelopment certificates ranging from Clinical Trials Management to Social Media Marketing Strategy, from Project Management to Business Analyst. Many classes for academic credit are offered in the evening and online, and many graduate degrees are available.
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How will I fit this in with my other responsibilities? Here are a few tips on how to maintain your balance as you juggle your commitments:
Studies. These practical, concentrated noncredit programs are taug t practitioners in t e fiel
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Summer 2015
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Summer 2015
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods Fabulous Foods PUBLISHER’S RESTAURANT POLICY Our criteria said it all! First and foremost, the food has to be of the highest quality and freshness. Second, the staff must be courteous and friendly. Third, is the consistency. Knowing that each and every time you dine at that restaurant, it will always live up to its reputation.
Reop Open Open Th the the Spr Sea Seas
This is the most controversial category in all our newspapers. So, we thought we would answer honestly and objectively the most frequently asked questions by our friends and readers.
“Why do you have so few restaurants in your newspapers?” Simple! The following restaurants in this Women’s newspaper are the only restaurants we HAVE INVITED to join our list of restaurants, and that we could absolutely guarantee met our criteria.
Reopening Open for Open We unconditionally guarantee the foods reviews in all our newspapers. This the 2014 2013 They have been prepared by the restaurants that have been personally invited the to be with us.” Spring! Season The restaurants that you see on the following pages are not advertisers. Try any of the restaurants listed in this paper and if you don’t agree with us, call us at 1-800-993-3822 or if you have other restaurants that you would recommend, please let us know. We will review them.
We are presenting them to you as hand selected skillful artists who take pride in preparing the best meals possible.
No other newspaper syndicate turns down advertising from restaurants. WE DO! In fact 95% of all restaurants that contact us are not invited to be with us, after we try them. We take the time to go through our criteria and only select the best for your enjoyment.
“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese Restaurant Cumin Beef or Kung Pao Confucius Chinese Shrimp. If you Restaurant was opened in the like fish, spring of 2004 in downtown Salmon with Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Black Bean Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? Sauce, ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous Steamed Halrestaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I ibut or Crispy prior to relocating to the educate. enrich. empower. Whole Black beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, Sea Bass are 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the all excellent best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time choices. If Delaware Today magazine Cumin Beef or or “palace”, yet I want you are a first with people him, more time with his favorably mentioned in variilmington Avenue inknow downtown ilmington ife an came to Kung Pao Confucius Chinese it is Chinese. time cuseducation. Coming to a resort ousRehoboth newspaper and magaBeach has long been Rehoboth because we want to have Shrimp. If you Restaurant was opened in destination. the everybody a food lover’s Popular a restaurant that wewho areitexcited tomer, we entown, allows me to take zines.We had aAnd chance to talkknows eateries have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting Confucius is.follike fish, you to tell our server spring of 2004 in downtown fast food restaurant COMcourage some time away from work with Shawn XIong and the Ave. their home for a long time. food for people who are looking for a Salmon with Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Located on is the the second block of the of good dining experience. Wefeeling only put guilty about it. BINED ). While this has made or what you do or do not like, without lowing summary our is a small building housing on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q: What made you to Black Bean Xiong, the owner, avenue had previChinese food popular in this and we will offer the right recconversation. onfucius estaurant, t e onl fine love or we think our customers will relocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.” country, it has made Chinese Sauce, ommendation for you. I beQ: What was your Rehoboth – Lewes area. X: When had myphilosophy previous Steamed Hal-customer deserves restaurant in Wilmington food a stereotype ( think lieve every Q: Why do you callI your biggest Shawn’s is bestchallenge comone of e emplifie in is menu selections restaurant in Wilmington, I ibut or Crispy prior to relocating restaurant toChinese the food has been “$5.99 eat all you can eat”, special attention at my “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? the most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good seafood was working 360 a year, beach area. Sincein then, ConBlack If they order “free deliveries” for example). I Whole restaurant. X: When I started Confucius, X: were America, as evidenced in the meal can fin days suc There popular items plenty of chalnumerousthe take-out and12 as Salt & Pepper Shrimp, athat day. After I had fucius has been named Bass are they don’t quite have to explain to people whatSea something I wanted to offerbuffet ahours menuwith lenges I Halibut have faced. The restaurants in pretty much every Ginger & Scallions, or PanI seared decided that I of best Chinese restaurant in the excellent shopping center or stripmy mall.son, But Salmon with black bean they are welcome to send all was not knowing we do, but once people give usalllike, most “generic” Chinese biggest unfortunatelyand for real Chinese Anyone who loves hot & wanted tosauce. spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. it back Iffor exchange AT NO market restaurants Wherever food lovers, most of offer. these places spicy food willthe be very happy to when I first with more time with favorably mentioned variyou are a Ifirst offer more oryou less the same kindhim, entrees suc as ot his epper COST. want customer to opened. The other challenge youin go, probably willfin find of menus. In order to enjoy a good Cumin Beef or Fiveeducation. Coming to a( up resort ous newspaper and magacusQ: What are your most time have a pleasant dining experiand a Chinese eatery everyChicken, Chinese meal, you will havein to take spiced Duck. was Growing in continues to be estown, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk tomer, en- place. a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? ence we at my during the summer shopping center that craving. Xiong has a particular affection fast food COMsome time away from work with Shawn XIongyour and the fol- the courage youtoto tell our server X:effort This is a hard question )tofood. convince people that Chipretty much same items Therefore, herestaurant has made every for hot and spicy As a to ensure that Confucius kitchen Established years ago, Confucius Restaurant result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has made without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of or you isdo or Q: do not like,are your hours answer. There arewhat different nese restaurant IS INDEED such asour loseven meins & chow What staff be as accommodating as Confucius was designed to provide located at 57 Wilmington happy to learn that Confucius is Chinese food popular in this conversation. and we will offer the right recpossible. Rice You want to request gluten popular dishes tothedifferent an alternative to a take-out more and meins. Our menuoris more fo- stocked and Specials? regularly with than all kindsjust Fried Avenue on second block free meal ot ahas pro lem ou are buffet style menu. According to hot ingredients ranging from it made Chinese ommendation I beWhat your from the beach. Iton is now customers depending theirfor you. Eggrolls. Therecountry, are more than cused on itemsQ: you don’tofwas usuX: Confucius is open year a vegan or vegetarian e are going Shawn Xiong, owner of Confucius, Habernera, Jalapeno, to Szechaun open forlieve Summer day (own think Q: Why do youhis call your every customer deserves biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. don’t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. 40000 Chinesefood eateries inYou this ally in those places. SoredI peppers. 7 days a week in seadry at 5pm for dinner. For other ou or ereeat eall canyou replace it oeat”, and quality service. “ I used to can “$5.99 special attention at my restaurant “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? spicy food, we offer dishes reservations/information, call country ( more than McDondecided that I will not name son and currently is open for reasonable request is ever denied at own a restaurant in a typical Shawn Xiong is fully aware that 302-227-3848. example). restaurant. If theydinner order everyday except TuesX: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customer’s taste is different. as HotI Pepper Chicken, alds’, Pizza Hut“free anddeliveries” all other forsuch my place “ wok” “great wall” have to explain to people what something they don’t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginning at 5:00pm. We most “generic” Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome opento forsend lunch and dinner a try, they keep coming back. the market when I first it back for exchange AT Sunday NO restaurants offer. Wherever every starting at Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper opened. The other challenge COST. I want customer to Every Monday, ALL you go, you probably will find 11:00am. Q: What are your most was ( and continues to be eshave a pleasant dining a Chinese eatery in every FISH experientrees are on special popular dishes? pecially during the summer ence at my place. while supplies last. Next Febshopping center that offers X: This is a hard question to )to convince people that Chipretty much the same items ruary around President’s Day, answer. There are different nese restaurant IS INDEED such as lo meins & chow Q: What are your hours we will hold our annual CHImore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different meins. Our menu is more foand Specials? NESE NEW YEAR BUFFET. cused on items you don’t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed amount, you will 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week ally find in those places. So I haveinaseachance to enjoy about spicy food, we offer dishes country ( more than McDondecided that I will not name son and currently 30 is open for dishes, most of different such as Hot Pepper Chicken, my place “ wok” or “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other dinner everyday except which Tuesare seafood. day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreWe information, you can open for lunch andcall dinner Confucius at 302-227every Sunday starting 3848ator visit us online at ConVoted by the National Women’s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL FISH entrees are on special is located at 57 Confucius while supplies last. Next Feb- Avenue, Rehoboth Wilmington ruary around President’s Beach. Day, we will hold our annual CHINESE NEW YEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County Woman Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance to enjoy about 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you can call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Confucius is located at 57 Wilmington Avenue, Rehoboth Beach. or “palace”, yet I want people know it is Chinese. And everybody knows who Confucius is.
“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese f ab ulo us f o with o ds Restaurant
Confucius 8 Season At The Beach W Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
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55 53 Re
Summer Spring 2013 2015 ela are o Summer ot eac Reopening Open for Open This the 2013 the 2014 Spring! Season Season
Serving Dinner starting at 6pm
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Garfiel Park ay B
A 5-Star Restaurant
The County Woman Newspaper
The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Foods
“Quietly cooking slow food for over 40 years”
Open f or the 20 15 Season
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” George Bernard Shaw
The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
Traditional Fine Dining • teaks
ra cakes eafoo • ull Bar • hil rens Menu • ite are Menu • atering • n House Pri ate Parties Perfect dining room for: ehearsal Dinners • Birth ay ele rations • amily eunions nni ersaries • We ing ece tions •
Voted Best ine Dining in Bethany
all for Hours an eser ations 302.537.7500 • Garfiel Park ay Bethany Beach DE The County Summer 2015Woman Newspaper
55 62
Spring 2013 The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Foods “ Give us one try, and you will keep coming A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius “ Give us one try, and you will keepRestaurant coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong orof“palace”, Confucius Chinese Restaurant yet I want people
Confucius Chinese know it is Chinese. Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows who Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I prior to relocating to the educate. enrich. empower. beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine Cumin Beef o or “palace”, yet I want people with him, time with his favorably mentioned in variConfucius Chinese Restaurant was Q: What was your biggest Q: What aremore your most Q: What are your hours and ilmington Avenue inknow downtown ilmington ife an came to Confucius Chinese Kung Pao it is Chinese. education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magaopened in the spring of 2004 in downchallenge coming Rehoboth? Specials? Rehoboth Beach has longto been Rehoboth because popular we want to dishes? have who Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows food lover’swere destination. Popular a restaurant areitis excited town, allows me to take zines.We hadplenty a chance to talk that town Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Xiong, aeateries X: There of challenges X: we This a hard question to answer. X: Confucius is open 7 days a week. Shrimp. If yo have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown like fish, yo fastfor food restaurant COMsome time away from work courage with Shawn XIong andofthe the owner, had previously owned a Ave. I have faced. all folwas different popular dishes to Call hours and reservations. their home for The a longbiggest time. food for peopleThere who areare looking for a Rehoboth Beach. Shawn with Located on is the the second block of the of good dining experience. Wefeeling only put guilty about it. or what yo lowing our Chinese restaurant in Wilmington not knowing thesummary market when first without different customers depending on their BINED ). While this has made Salmon avenue is a small building housing on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q: What made you to Xiong, the owner, had previBlack Bean Chinese food popular in this and we wil conversation. onfucius The estaurant, e onl fine was love or we think our personal customers will prior to relocating to the beach area. opened. othert challenge (and own taste. If you like spicy relocate to Rehoboth? ously a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.” country, it has made Chinese Sauce, ommendat Q: What was Since then, Confucius hasowned been named continues to be especially during the food, we offer dishesyour such as Hot Pep- For Rehoboth – Lewes area. more information, X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington Steamed Hal lieve every Why do youpeople callthat your biggest Shawn’s is bestchallenge the best Chinese restaurant in the Del- Q: summer) to convince Chi- philosophy per Chicken, Cumin Beef or comKung Pao food a stereotype ( think Chinese food has been one of e emplifie in is menu selections restaurant inthan Wilmington, Iyou like fish, almon with “$5.99 eat all you can eat”, prior to relocating restaurant to the ibut or Crisp special att ing to fRehoboth? aware Today magazine and favorably the nese restaurant IS“Confucius”? INDEED more hrimp. most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good seafood was working 360 a year, beach area. Sincein then, ConWhole Black you can “free deliveries” for example). I restaurant X: When I started Confucius, X: were America, as evidenced in the meal can fin days suc There popular items plenty of chalmentioned in various newspaper and numerous just Fried Rice andbuffet Eggrolls. There are Black Bean Sauce, Steamed Halibut take-out and12 as Salt & Pepper Shrimp, Halibut hours athat day. After I had fucius has been named the Bass are something Imore wanted to offer aevery menu faced. TheBass are have to explain to people whatSea in pretty much with Ginger Scallions, Panmagazines. We had a chance to talk restaurants than 40000 Chinese eateries in &lenges or CrispyIorhave Whole Black Sea my son, I decided that I best Chinese restaurant in the all excellent center or stripChinese seared Salmon with blackof bean once people at give us like, they a most “generic” biggest all was not callbutConfucius with Shawn XIong and the following shopping this country (moremall. thanButMcDonalds’, all excellent choices. f youknowing are a first we do, unfortunatelyand for real Chinese sauce. Anyone who loves hot & wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. it back Iffor restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first food lovers, placesfast food spicy resfood willtime be very happy to we encourage you to is the summary of our Pizza Hutmost andof these all other customer, with more time with favorably mentioned in variyou are a Ifirs offer more oryou less the same kindhim, fin entrees suc as ot his epper COST. wa you go, probably will find opened. The other challenge conversation. taurant COMBINED). While Chicken, this hasCumin tellBeef ourorserver of menus. In order to enjoy a good Five- or what you do or do not education. Coming to a resort ous newspaper and magatime cusQ: What are your most have a plea a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esChinese you will have to take spiced Duck. Growing up in made meal, Chinese food popular in this like, and we will offer the right rectown, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk tomer, en a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? ence we at my shopping center that during the summer Q: Why do you call your country, foodhasa a particular ommendation your has made ChineseXiong affection for you. I believe every or visit us online at fast food restaurant COMsome time away from work with Shawn XIongpretty and the fol- the courage youtoto tell our server X:effort This is a hard question much same items )to convince people that Therefore, he Chihas made every for and spicy food. Asdeserves a restaurant “Confucius”? stereotype (think “$5.99 eat allhotyou customer special attention at kitchen to ensure that Confucius Established seven years ago, Confucius Restaurant result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has made without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of our or what you isdo or Q: do not like answer. There are different such as lo meins & chow nese restaurant IS INDEED What staff be assomething accommodating as designed to provide for X: When I started Confucius, I wanted Confucius can eat,”was“free deliveries” examorder located at 57 Wilmington happy to learnmy thatrestaurant. Confucius isIf they Chinese food popular in this conversation. and we will offer the right re possible. You want to request gluten popular dishes to different an alternative to a take-out oris more meins. Our menu fomore than just Fried Rice and and Spec regularly stocked all kinds Confuciusrehobothbeach. com. Avenue on the second block to offer a menu that most “generic” buffet ple).style I have toAccording explain toto people what theywith don’t quite like,free they are welcome meal ot ahas pro lem ou are menu. of hot ingredients ranging from country, it made Chinese ommendation for you. I beQ: What was your from the beach. It is now customers depending on their X: Confuci cused on items you don’t usuEggrolls. There more than aexchange vegan or vegetarian going Xiong, Confucius, Chinese restaurants offer. Wherever Shawn we do, butowner onceofpeople give us a try, Jalapeno, to sendto itSzechaun back for are AT NO e are Habernera, open forlieve Summer day food (own think every customer deserve Q: Why do youhis call your biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. You don’t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. ally in those places. So 40000 Chinese eateries in this 7d dry redI peppers. at 5pm for dinner. For other you go, you probably will find a Chi and they keepservice. coming back. COST. I want customer to have a epleasou or ere can replace it o quality “ I used to all you can eat”, “$5.99 eat special attention at my restaurant “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? spicy food, we offer dishes reservations/information, call decided that I will not name country ( more than McDonson and cu reasonable request is ever denied at Shawn Xiong fully aware that nese eatery in every shopping center own a restaurant in a typical antisdining experience at my place. 302-227-3848. “free deliveries” forsuch example). I Pepper restaurant. If theydinner order eve X: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customer’s taste is different. as Hot Chicken, my place “ wok” “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other that offers pretty much the same items have to explain to people what something they don’t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginn such as lo meins & chow meins. Our to most “generic” Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome open forsen lu menu is more focused on items you a try, they keep coming back. it back for exchange AT Sund NO restaurants offer. Wherever the market when I first every don t usually find in those places. o Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper COST. I want customer to E you go, you probably will find opened. The other challenge 11:00am. decided that I will not name my place Q: What are your most have a pleasant dining exper a Chinese eatery in every was ( and continues to be esFISH entre “ wok” or “great wall” or “palace”, yet popular dishes? ence at my place. while supp shopping center that offers pecially during the summer I want people know it is Chinese. And X: This is a hard question to pretty much the same items )to convince people that Chiruary arou everybody knowssuch who Confucius is. & chow answer. There are different as lo meins nese restaurant IS INDEED Q: What are your hours we will hol meins. Our menu is more fomore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different and Specials? NESE NEW Q: What made you decide cused ontoitems you don’t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed relocate to Rehoboth? ally find in those places. So I 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week haveinaseacha X: When I had mydecided previousthat restaurant spicy food, we offer dishes I will not name country ( more than McDonson and currently 30 is open for differen in Wilmington, Imy was working 360or “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other such as Hot Pepper Chicken, place “ wok” dinner everyday except Tues which are days a year, 12 hours a day. After I day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreW i had my son, I decided that I wanted to open for lunch andcall dinner Confuc spend more time with him, more time every Sunday starting 3848ator vis with his education. Coming to a resort Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL fuciusreho town, it allows me to take some time FISH entrees are on special Confucius away from work without feeling guilty while supplies last. Next Feb Wilmington about it. ruary around President’s Beach. Da we will hold our annual CHIYEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County NESE Woman NEW Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance The County Woman Newspaper 63 Summer 2015to enjoy abou 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you ca call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Co
“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese f ab ulo us f o with o ds Restaurant
Confucius 8 Season At The Beach W
A 5-Star Restaurant
A 5-Star Restaurant
Fabulous Foods
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
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The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
C.M.Baker Photography 674-8118 • MIKE BAKER C.M. BAKER PHOTOGRAPHY
Portraits/ Headshots Make an appointment with us to update your portrait or promo headshots for the web site. Setting up to do a company shoot is getting popular. Whether it is a radio station or a hospital, it is always needed for promo purposes.
Events One of our favorites have been Event Photography for at least 15 years. We print immediately! We can do many different sizes with photo folders. Many backdrops to select from. One of the popular methods is Greenscreen Photography. Select a backdrop, stand in front of the green backdrop and the photo puts you there in your selected backdrop. Gala Events, Father-Daughter Dances, Prom/Spring Dances, Charity Events, Conventions, Conferences, Military Events, Holiday Events, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Family Reunions, and the list goes on.
We do Residential and Commercial Aerials on the Delmarva Peninsula. Progressive construction sights starting from the bare property and ending with the building finished and in use. r even someone s home, farm or estate to make a nice Christmas gift ! We will get your aerial done. With the selection digital images on a disc - to a framed 30x40 print. You choose !
We continue to make our wedding couples’ special day through our images to last a lifetime of love. Each wedding is captured, catering to their suggestions, desires and personalities. C.M.Baker Photography is still one of the few that print 8x10’s at the reception for all to view and for the couple to take home with them. Check us out and ask us about our “photobooth” style pictures. ull weddings, from start to finish, available to view.
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Fabulous Foods
Fabulous Foods
G&E Supermarket and Hocker’s Super Center G & E Hardware 302-539-1448 We are a full service grocery supermarket featuring Fresh Cut Meats, USDA Choice and Certified Angus Beef, Full Service Delicatessen featuring Boars Head Brand, Fresh Seafood, Fresh Baked Goods Daily, Full Line of Gourmet Foods and Cheeses, Natural and Organic Foods, and Fresh Produce. We purchase locally grown produce when in season. Also, we offer a Hardware Store and Gas Pumps at both locations.
G&E Supermarket 30244 Cedar Neck Road Ocean View, DE 19970 302-539-9662 302-539-5255 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day
Hocker’s Super Center 34960 Atlantic Avenue Clarksville, DE 19970 302-537-1788 302-537-1877 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day
Visit us at and subscribe to our weekly mailer Debit and all major credit cards accepted. ATM in stores
EARN FREE GAS WITH “GAS CASH REWARDS” G&E Supermarket and Hocker’s Super Center have been family owned and operated for over 50 years. Gerald Hocker, president of G&E and Hocker’s, purchased the business from his Uncle Jake in 1971. We are committed to providing our loyal customers with the highest level of customer service and the highest quality of products. We have continued to grow to meet the growing demands of our customers, but we still maintain a “Country-Store atmosphere.” Our meats are unsurpassed!!! Great weekly specials---weekly Best Buys!
Be sure to stop in and try some of our f newly added smoked specialty meats. Our smoked meat facility makes store-made products that the National chain can not do, and never will do! Try the following products and see the difference. Once you try them you will be a customer forever!
• •
• •
L . LO
specialty meat items on our menu....not to mention the largest ice cream cones you will ever see.
August/September 2012 The County Woman Newspaper
73 4437
April/May 2011 The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2014
Summer Fashion At Pineapple Princess What a frigid winter we have all just endured and summer is right around the corner ith temperatures finally starting to arm up... hich can only educate. enrich. empower. mean it’s time to start thinking bathing suit season! At Pineapple Princess swim and resort wear we have all wimwear ot or he your summer s imsuit and attire service is huge, especially when you are dealing with such the needs. Ne arrivals have been vastly sensitive issue as a women’s body being exposed to the general arriving as we gear up for a wonderful population, not fully clothed. This summer season at the beach in past Thanksgiving I had received a card in the mail. I would like Rehoboth. Collections including to share it with you all because ommy Bahama unsets im yste it sums up why I love what I do and why I love my all my royal ms Maidenform Christina Anita uc customers and truly appreciate each and everyone of them. I y Betsey ohnson eafolly and many know Miss Carol won’t mind me more are just a handful of designers sharing... arriving daily.. ur bouti ue offers Dear Donna, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all... hands on help from our staff to This note is extremely belated, but since this is the season for ith all the cold weather properly for every gal into that surrounding us, heavy coats, giving thanks I really wanted to write you. Thank you so much for perfect swimsuit. scarves We offer sizesare 4-26 and gloves the in main the time you took with Susan and essentials in our wardrobe this swim (xs-3x) as well as cup sizes D-G me back in the beginning oft the time of year. Still, swimwear is summer. Buying a bathing suit was very much on the minds of many and swim and attire for junior and almost impossible for both of us, women, whether it is because and for t e fir t time o made it children. If any s ofimsuit needstoto be the trip planned warmer both productive and fun. Then you weather down south, physical altered for that perfect fit e have added alterations and door-to-door therapy ordered by their doctor delivery, we couldn’t have asked for our sewing machine on to or maybe for premise a water exercise more. In addition to the service, it class to stay in shape over the offer those services to our customers. was so nice to have such a selection winter months. Therefore, here of suits. We have recommended at Pineapple Princess Swim and Hope to see all you ladies soon at the your shop to a number of people Resortwear we are open seven from this area who vacation at the Pineapple Princess toa week kickthroughout off this hot days the year Delaware beaches. Thanks again to provide women an opportunity summer season fast approaching! for your help, Happy Thanksgiving! to fin s im an resort ear
... N
resort w ear
Summer aNymore
during the winter months. During this time we reduce the prices of all of our collections left over from the previous summer season. All 2010 inventory is no sevent five percent off ur 2011 collections are now arriving throughout the next few months. It is always an exciting time for us as e start filling t e Pineapple Princess with all the new fresh color and patterns. We take pride in being able to offer gals of any age or size one of the largest selections of swimwear at the beach. With over twenty-three ears of e perience fitting omen in swimwear, we try to give our customer a friendly, comfortable atmosp ere to fin t at perfect suit among the extensive selections that we bring in.
ur goal at ineapple rincess is to make every customer feel the way Carol and her daughter did when they left our store that day. So, if you haven’t visited our store, pleas1it’ so and spread the word. With winter vacations upon us and summer just around the corner, come in a view all the beautiful swimwear and accessories pieces the industry has to offer. We carry over thirty different brands and
designers, from Tommy Bahama, Gottex, Betsy Johnson, Roxanne, Anne Cole, Tara Grinna , Kenneth Cole, Lucky Brand and many more. As you can see we carry a wide variety of lines to cater to a wide variety of age groups and personal styles. Please call us at 302-2278705 for more information and store hours.
ver t e t o plus eca es that I have spent in retail, I never tire of working with women and taking on the challenge of making each and everyone of them feel good in a swimsuit. I have always felt that is what has set us apart from the competition with the big retail department stores. Personal
Summer 2015
February/March 2011
The County Woman Newspaper
Advertising This is What Our Advertisers Say About the
Women’s Journal
Claudia Alesi Oasis Wellness Spa
Chris Rementer Budget Blinds
“I would like to thank the Women’s Journal for the opportunity to be part of their publication. Barbara is wonderful to work with! I have received many comments from readers who have seen my articles and who are now loyal clients. The feed back has been great!”
“We advertise in the Sussex County Woman for a few reasons. First, it is a good read, second, it’s an opportunity to go into a little more detail to reach the more educated customer and third, the readership definitely represents our clientele. We stay because it gets results.”
Mike Benson Accurate Pest Control
Beth Berger Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition “We thoroughly enjoy working with the Sussex County Women’s Journal. For the past three years, it has allowed us to reach a large group of readers to share information on DBCC programs and events. Thank you for being so responsive to our requests and so available to meet our needs.”
“Phyllis R. of Ocean View, Delaware read the article in the Women’s Newspaper and couldn’t say enough about our service. She is among the other who have used us because of the articles we have in the newspaper, bringing a great amount of business we would not have otherwise.”
Jeff Puglia Black Diamond Financial Solutions
Dr. Tracy Hudson Henlopen Chiropractic and Acupuncture “Over the years, I have advertised in many publications and can honestly say that I have never gotten the response that I have with Sussex County Women’s Journal. The Journal is unique in that it educates our community while being professional and personal. My patients (new and old) love reading the articles and often take multiple copies to give to friends and family. And not only is it ying out of my lobby, I often receive calls from patients all over the county who have read my article and are interested in care. Not to mention how great it is to be working with someone as hardworking and driven as Barbara! I am proud to be part of SCWJ for the service it provides to the community.”
“Black Diamond Financial Solutions is extremely happy with our investment in the Sussex County Women’s Journal. he awareness that CW has created for our firm has been far more than we expected and we look forward to continued success with our return on investment.”
Regan Roberts Deck Custom Mechanical, Inc. “We’ve had the pleasure of working with the Sussex County Woman and Delmarva Parent since 1994 and love the response we get from their papers. Month after month, we consistently received feedback from existing clients and new customers who read our articles and appreciate the tips we pass along courtesy of the magazine.”
Terri Pippen The Medicine Woman “I have advertised with the Sussex County Woman for several years. I am always being told by my clients that they see my advertisement and it reminds them to call my business And make an appointment for a service or to enroll in one of my classes. This has been a wise business decision I made that has helped my business become the success it is”
Luanne Holland and Barbie McDaniel Delaware Hospice “The County Women’s Journals have been a great tool for Delaware Hospice to reach and educate the community on Delaware Hospice’s programs and services. Directed to female readers who are caregivers and decision makers, the Journal provides health information for all types of symptoms and illnesses. It has increased community awareness on how to live a better life and provides options of care for our community members.”
Fred Winward President Resort Landscaping “We have built our business on the readership of the Women’s Journal. I cannot believe the amount of business we receive from our articles.”
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The County Woman Newspaper
Summer 2015
Summer 2015
The County Woman Newspaper
Business Women Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted Pamela J. Rizzo
Lynn K. Wolf
Thirteen years ago I had never even heard of the Women’s Journal, and today I can honestly say the Women’s Journal most definitely changed my life. had always made good money with my different business ventures, but the Wom en s ournal has given me the freedom to control my own financial life, and also have the freedom to en oy my fam ily. took a concept and gave it my own touch, and with hard work and consistently following the concept that was trained in have built an extremely successful paper.
Robin Coppinger have been the owner of the Bucks County Women s ournal for years. t has been a pleasure to be part of the National Women s ournal family. have en oyed publish ing the paper, and have had a rewarding and successful career. also appreciate the continued help and support have received from both Bob apke and other owners over the years. look forward to working with Bob for many years to come.
With the experience of publishing nine different County Woman publications, can confidently inform you that this is one of the most exciting, rewarding, and successful business ventures for women entrepreneurs in any part of the nation. originally born and raised in Minnesota and have lived on the West Coast and the East Coast and many states in between. ome of my past careers include being a National nsurance Account Executive, Retail pera tions Manager, Certified New ersey eacher and eacher of the ear, but of these, have being a County Woman Publisher to be the most gratifying on many levels. guarantee that you will meet many incredible business owners and community leaders. our publication will be the critical component in helping to launch a new business and or successfully grown an existing business. he personal rewards are endless.
Linda Hunsicker Publishing three Women s ournals is very rewarding and fits with my high energy lifestyle. t allows me to be my own boss, be creative and work with the public. Recently, opened the inger akes Woman and it has been very well received. Now, can go to my vacation home in upstate N , make money and be respected and recognized as a lo cal business woman with a great educational publication.
Celeste Kline Purchasing the Women s ournal has been the best decision have ever made. Not only giving me financial freedom, but allowing me to make my own schedule and my own business decisions. only wish had done it sooner.
Christie Cook he Women s ournal has been an incredibly rewarding business venture for me. As the publisher for the Chester field Women s ournal, contribute to the growth of my Contributor s businesses, and help women, in my ournal community, make wiser choices. have found a new love in the Women s ournal, building something that will both impact businesses and educate women, while creating a legacy for my daughter. he support and mentoring, that have been blessed to have, from some of the most suc cessful publishers in the ournal syndicate, has helped me grow and develop my business. he support and guidance has been consistent from the moment made the decision to become a publisher. love what do, and will continue to build and grow my business as a publisher of the Women s ournal.
Dorri C. Scott Becoming a Publisher has been a dream come true for me. Always a writer, am an educator and continue teaching as a college Professor. Every two months, ive birth and deliver a new child my magazines in counties. E love what do and am growing. he opportunity has been lucrative though the learning curve has been keen, the support from Bob apke has been priceless. Passionate about what do, over the past months have met, connected and helped so many people. he powerful resource is one that highly recommend if you want to work hard, stay focused and make money too. Have the heart and work ethic to do something for both you and others? highly recommend that you take the step and oin a phenomenal group of publisher owners who are happy going to work every day. o it and don t look back
Tara Pannell Being a part of the Women s newspaper business has changed my life. ve always wanted to own a magazine and he Women s ournal helped my dream come to life.
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The County Woman Newspaper
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Summer 2015
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