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“People Without a Voice Vol. Vol. 58 57 No. No. 44 35 | | Thursday, ThursdayNovember August 31,1, 2018 2017
Cannot be Heard”
Serving San Serving DiegoSan County’s DiegoAfrican County’s & African African American & African Communities American 57 Communities Years 58 Years
PUBLISHER’S ALERT The Voice & Viewpoint is experiencing tremendous theft of our papers from newsstands every week. We are the only paper that remains at 50¢. Each stolen paper takes away from our service. Please encourage one paper per person. Your integrity is our only security. -Dr. John E. Warren
The State of Lending in Communities of Color Over 53 million consumers unbanked or underbanked, CRA at risk after 41 Years
Completed List of
I Will Vote!
Early Voting Numbers
Signal Big
By Jeffrey L. Boney NNPA Political Analyst
That is such an empowering statement, when you think about it, especially considering how important voting is for Black people at this critical time in this country.
Turnout for
Midterms as Voter
The voting rights of Blacks are being targeted and threatened
See VOTE page 13
New research that measures how well banks serve communities found that America’s access to banking expanded from 2015 to 2017 – except when it comes to more than 53 million Black and Latinix consumers or others with low incomes or less education. In summarizing its new survey findings on banking activity during the past 12 months, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) noted that one in five U.S. households — 22.7 million — did not use mainstream credit and that “Black and Hispanic households at every income level eval-
uated in the survey were more likely to be in this condition than white households.” “The good news is that our nation’s banking system is serving more Americans than ever before,” said FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams. “The bad news is that even as the overall number of people who are unbanked has declined, 8.4 million households continue to lack a banking relationship.” McWilliams’ statement did not directly address how FDIC found that another 48.9 million adults are underbanked. The difference is important.
#BlackWomenVote Website Helps Black Women Flex Their Collective Voting Power BlackWomenVote.com is the independent and trusted voice for Black women leading up to and beyond Election Day 2018 Newswire Voice & Viewpoint
NEW YORK -- Higher Heights, a leading, independent and trusted voice for Black women leading up to, and beyond Election Day, has rolled out its #BlackWomenVote campaign for the 2018 cycle. The nationwide effort is aimed at ensur-
ing that Black women raise their voices, and mobilize their networks to get out the vote on Nov. 6. During the next week, leading into Election Day 2018, #BlackWomenVote will help prepare Black women to get ready to go to the polls, by encourag-
ing them to activate their networks, by using the make a vote plan tool that can be found on BlackWomenVote.com, and by hosting a series of online activities to further energize Black women and emphasize the importance to get out the vote in November, as well as staying active beyond Election Day. See #BLACKWOMENVOTE page 13
See LENDING page 2
Race and Recommendations By Dr. John E. Warren Publisher
While this series of articles has highlighted a number of problems at Southwestern College, perhaps one of the most telling statements in the Report from the University of California’s Race and Equity Center was this: “The final issue affecting Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Multiracial employees is their erasure on campus. Accordingly, they are often forgotten about. Conversations about the needs and experiences of people of color rarely focus on them. Consequently, they feel unimportant and less valued by their colleagues.”
Part III
The report ended with what the Center said it hoped would be “ useful and reasonable recommendations for institutional leaders and everyone else who helps shape campus climates: the following highlights could be considered some key recommendations: The School Should Issue a Formal Apology to African American Staff. The report stated that “perhaps more heartbreaking than the stories African American classified staff shared is the fact no institutional leader has privately or publicly apologized to them for the racial trauma and disrespect endured at the college. The experiences were written about in newspapers and presumably well known at the institution. See SOUTHWESTERN page 12
Photography by Abrams would be the first African American female governor elected in history if she wins. (Photo: staceyabrams.com / Flikr)
By Lauren Victoria Burke NNPA Newswire Correspondent
In Georgia, close to three times the number of people who voted early during the last midterm election have voted early. The numbers went up over the first week of early voting in a state featuring one of the biggest races for governor in the U.S: Democrat Stacey Abrams vs. Republican Brian Kemp. Abrams would be the first African American female governor elected in history if she wins. Over 482,000 people have voted in Georgia in advance which included 92,000 on October 19 alone. According to the New York Times, “vote totals have increased almost 200 percent at the same point since the last gubernatorial election.” Typically high turnout favors the Democratic Party. The news regarding record turnout predictions have collided with the news of voter suppression. Election officials in Kansas closed the only polling See SUPPRESSION page 2
Thursday, november 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
continued from page 1
continued from page 1
Underbanked consumers are those who have a bank account but also turn to alternative fringe financial services like payday and auto loans or check cashing services. By comparison, unbanked consumers are those who have no relationship with mainstream banking at all.
place in Dodge City. Latinos currently make up 60 percent of Dodge City’s population. Dodge City has only one polling site for 27,000 residents.
Even more importantly, FDIC’s new survey proves how the nation has a nagging, two-tiered system when it comes to financial services: one that serves white consumers at a growing rate; but leaves behind consumers of color, regardless of income. Despite this deplorable data, another federal financial agency, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) awards banks and other depository institutions a 93 percent satisfactory or higher rating when it comes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Although OCC supervises about 20 percent of the nation’s banks, these institutions comprise approximately 70 percent of total bank assets. This year CRA turned 41 years old, having been enacted in October 1977 by President Jimmy Carter. The law meant to end historical redlining practices that for succeeding generations denied credit to Black America and/or low-income communities. With a new federal assurance, CRA was to hold banks, credit unions and other depository institutions accountable for local credit lock outs and other discriminatory practices. Here’s a question to ponder: How can two federal financial regulators reach such different findings on the state of access to banking and credit for Black America? It’s a question that deserves an answer. And fortunately, advocates at both the state and national levels are speaking up. November 15 is the deadline for public comment to OCC on how CRA’s regulatory framework should be reformed. Of key concern to OCC is a proposal named “one ratio” that would reduce the current CRA evaluation into a mathematical formula. Among consumer advocates representing different areas of the country view this proposal as a way to water down current procedures that consider key criteria such as geographic availability, borrower profiles, different classifications of lending like mortgages, small businesses and more. Cathy Hinko, Executive Director of Louisville’s Metropolitan Housing Coalition filed comments with OCC, citing how
Black neighborhoods are already underserved. “To ease bank anxiety about unclear aspects of CRA, communications among the federal agencies, banks, and community groups could be improved,” wrote Hinko. “However, easing bank anxiety via the one ratio and diminishing the importance of branches, assessment areas, and public input will decrease lending and access to banking in the communities that need it the most.” “The OCC asks whether CRA consideration should be broadened for additional activities and populations. Industry trade associations have been advocating for CRA consideration for projects that have broad benefits such as financing hospitals that are not necessarily located in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods,” said the Buffalo-based Belmont Housing Resources for Western New York. “However, the OCC must be reminded that the original purpose of CRA was to combat redlining in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.” In Dallas, Diane Ragsdale, founder of the South Dallas Fair Park Inner City Community Development Corporation (ICDC) and a former Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Tempore, also commented to OCC, “CRA ratings must be reformed so the pass rate is no longer 93 percent …Lending and access to banking for people and communities of color must be considered on CRA exams. Mortgage company affiliates of banks must be included on CRA exams.” “No bank that engages in illegal discrimination and/or harmful consumer activities should receive a positive CRA rating,” noted William R. Tisdale, President and CEO of the Milwaukee Fair Housing Council. “We must not slow the progress that has been made. We need to enhance CRA, not weaken it!” Charlene Crowell is the Communications Deputy Director with the Center for Responsible Lending. She can be reached at Charlene.crowell@responsiblelending.org.
An October 9th Associated Press report found around 53,000 people — nearly 70% of them African-Americans — had their registrations placed in limbo because of some kind of mismatch with driver’s license or social security information. Tellingly, Abrams is running against an opponent who has had a hand in the details in making voting more difficult in the state. Greg Palast, a voter suppression expert who runs the Palast Investigative Fund, asserts that Kemp is responsible for removing over 300,000 voters from Georgia’s voter rolls over two years. Palast’s team of experts includes statisticians and lawyers analyzing changes and removals from voter rolls across America. “What’s happening #GaGovRace right now might be a defining moment in the brief history of our Democracy – it will be the 1st publicized, well understood and quantifiable rigged and stolen election in the deluge. They will point here and say this was the moment and it happened with little fanfare,” tweeted pollster Cornell Belcher about the Georgia race. A coalition of advocacy groups has launched a lawsuit to block Georgia from enforcing the “exact match” requirement that could block over 50,000 votes in the state. The Campaign Legal Center and Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law argued in the suit, which was filed in a federal district court on Thursday, that the state’s “exact match” requirement violates the Voting Rights Act and the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The question a little over two weeks from Election Day is: Will high turnout be able to erase attempts at voter suppression. Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist and writer for NNPA as well as a political analyst and communications strategist. She appears regularly on Roland Martin Unfiltered and can be contacted at LBurke007@gmail.com and on twitter at @LVBurke
Vote Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction November 6th
Kamala Harris “Tony Thurmond has been an unwavering voice for change and I am proud to endorse him.”
Tony Thurmond is the only choice ENDORSED
Paid for by Educators Supporting Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction 2018, Sponsored by Teachers and School Employee Organizations. Committee major funding from: California Teachers Association National Education Association California Federation of Teachers Funding details at www.fppc.ca.gov. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
of the California Democratic Party for Superintendent of Public Instruction
ony Thurmond is a proven, progressive education leader and the only candidate we can count on to stand up for our kids and to fight the Trump-DeVos education agenda.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
African Americans, Terrorism and the Vote By Dr. John E. Warren Publisher
African Americans should not be surprised at the recent outburst of violence both in terms of bombs sent through the mail and the needless death of more innocent people. Whether it was the nine worshipers in a Black church in Charleston, South Carolina engaged in worship, the Sunday worshipers in Texas, and now Jewish worshipers in Pittsburgh. These events are reminders of what Black people have dealt with for over 100 years. The difference is now others are experiencing the hatred and violence that never went away. African Americans need to return to our historic posture of achieving and surviving “in spite of ” and not being defeated “because of.” We must become more aware of others as well as ourselves. This is important because the very people being targeted so often will look like the attackers. In other words, the victims, from what we have seen so far, can be any ethnicity. There are
black jews as well as white jews, and terrorists, outside of the religious attacks, are more concerned about the location of their targets than they are about the ethnicity of their targets. Be it a mall, a school, or a theater, terrorists don’t care about the makeup of their targets. They care about the volume of people they harm. We must not allow terrorism to become another tool of voter suppression. We must get out the vote no matter what the emergencies, if there are any on November 6th. Our votes are more important on November 6th than all the protests we have had since the President was elected. We must remember that protest without a vote equals no change and change we must have with this midterm election. Let’s return to helping others get to the polls as well as voting ourselves.
Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association Opposes “Birther” Judge Gary Kreep
• Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Regarding your articles on Oct. 18 and Oct. 25, 2018: The Governing Board of Southwestern Community College District has been engaged in assessing, understanding and acting on the racial challenges at the college since overcoming significant challenges during 2011, 2012 and 2013. After further assessing the situation, making strategic changes in the focus and obtaining a report regarding the racial tensions in 2016, the Board hired Dr. Kindred Murillo as the superintendent/president to lead Southwestern because of her experience and background in culture assessment and organizational change. To shift the college culture, the Board set six clear goals in the order of importance for the president to meet over a three-year period that focus on college culture, student success and accountability. The specific one concerning culture issues is: • Fostering a climate of respect, trust, and openness through building a culture of fairness, equity, and inclusion. • Provide constituencies with the opportunity to constructively address race/inclusion issues on campus. During the first six months of her presidency, Dr. Murillo provided a preliminary assessment regarding the racial tensions at Southwestern College. Her focus has been to ensure there is accountability and systemic changes to ensure internal process improvements. After reviewing information obtained through investigations, lawsuits and employee interviews the College brought in Dr. Shaun Harper from the USC Race and Equity Center to conduct a qualitative assessment to understand the racial experience of employees. The report’s findings and recommendations were released to the college community in August. Several of the report’s recommendations were already in process before the report was released, including implementing accountability measures to ensure employee compliance with College policies, procedures and federal/
state statutes. Employees are held accountable for their actions appropriately. The College compiled 10 years of data for faculty, staff and administrator diversity trends and reported it to the Governing Board with plans to report changes to the diversity of the college annually. The college implemented the report’s recommendation to change the college’s hiring process, with more changes planned. Job descriptions and expectations have been, and are being, redesigned to include a commitment to equity, inclusion and diversity. College leadership was trained on strategic diversity leadership by Dr. Damon Williams to engage college administration in shifting the college culture to one that values diversity as a matter of academic and organizational excellence. The college is currently revising its value statements, vision, mission and strategic plan to ensure the values of equity, inclusion and diversity are central to the mission. The college is also in the process of defining equity, inclusion and diversity to ensure clarity of purpose. Southwestern College has embarked on a transformational culture change, one grounded in students’ equitable educational attainment. To support our students effectively the college is shifting its culture to one that fosters equity, inclusion and diversity and embodies diversity as academic and organizational excellence. This is hard, focused and courageous work, and we are taking the issues head on to ensure our students’ achievement. Respectfully, Griselda A. Delgado, Governing Board President Southwestern College 619-482-6301 Kindred I. Murillo, Ed.D., Superintendent/President Southwestern College 619-482-6301
Politically Correct, or Perfectly Civil By Julianne Malveaux
Staff Writer
EBGBA President, Andrea St. Julian, stated, “The general public should understand that the State Commission on Judicial Performance issued a “severe public censure” against Judge Kreep for having engaged in 29 acts of judicial misconduct between 2012 to 2015. This inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to his untoward courtroom references to the physical appearance of women attorneys and his inappropriate remarks regarding ethnicity. Judge Kreep stands alone among judicial incumbents and challengers as having been rated by the San Diego County Bar Association as 'lacking qualifications,' the lowest possible
The Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association (EBGBA) announces its firm opposition to the reelection of Judge Gary Kreep on November 6 and urges all decent, fair minded San Diegans to remove him from office by refusing to vote for him. This opposition is squarely based on Judge Kreep’s unfitness for office.
rating any judicial candidate can receive.” The African-American community's concerns about Judge Kreep are amplified by the fact that he still falsely claims that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and was not eligible to be President of the United States. President St. Julian noted that on January 21, 2013, the San Diego Branch of the NAACP wrote to Judge Kreep, advising him that he could not be a fair and impartial judge of the San Diego Superior Court and still cling to his "birther position.” Although the NAACP asked him to publically affirm that President Obama was the legitimate President of the United States, Judge Kreep essentially refused by never responding to the letter. EBGBA urges voters to be vigilant, and on November 6 use the power of the ballot to remove this undignified, unqualified “birther” from judicial office.
At this writing, Megyn Kelly is off the air at NBC. After her horridly vapid statement saying she didn’t see anything wrong with blackface, she apologized the next day and even invited journalist Roland Martin on to take her to school. Roland did a brilliant job in explaining the history of blackface and the way it demeans African American people, and it was great that he had the opportunity to educate, not only his odious host but also the millions who watch Megyn Kelly daily. So, Kelly tearfully apologized, and she listened to Roland and television commentator Amy Holmes as they talked about race. But does Kelly “get” why her remarks were so objectionable? Roland says she does, but I’m not so sure. She prefaced her apology by saying that she was not a “pc kind of person.” I’m not sure what that means, and what is wrong with being “politically correct” if it means being perfectly civil, informed, and mindful of others. If African American people say that blackface is offensive, it’s not a big deal Megyn. It’s offensive. Whether you know the history or not, if members of a group say something is wrong, why not accept it? Or does your white skin privilege allow you to determine what is offensive and what is not? This is not the first time Ms. Kelly has put her foot into racial quicksand. Confident in her Aryan-ness, she
proclaimed that Santa Clause is white, and so is Jesus. To declare Jesus white, given his geographical roots on the African continent or in the Middle East, is to embrace a special kind of both spatial and historical ignorance. But if you are vested in the world being a narrow white occasion, then you are free to spew racist myths, or shall we say, “fake news.” On the Santa tip, since Santa is not a real person, but a fairy tale figment of someone’s imagination, Santa’s race is subject to the imagination. Kelly seemed to have a problem with a Black Santa. Why? Does a Black Santa offend her lily-white sensibilities? Is she so steeped in whiteness that she can’t think outside the box? And did NBC throw the talented Tamron Hall under the bus for that? Speaks to their own racial bias and sense of white superiority! It is tragic to consider that Megyn Kelly has three young children who are undoubtedly being influenced by her warped racial views. But NBC may, perhaps, be reconsidering their relationship with Kelly. It would be a great loss if she were bounced off the air, though there are some who think she has learned her lesson sufficiently to continue her career. What if, instead of losing her job, she was involved in a “Black immersion” experience? What if she had to spend a month in a dormitory at Bennett or Spellman College, spending time with the young Black women she seems not to have taken into consideration heretofore? What if her conversation with Roland Martin could be the first of many, and she was directed to spend time with Essence Editor Emerita Susan Taylor, with NNPA Chair Dorothy Leavell, with Jada Pinkett Smith, See CIVIL page 13
Thursday, november 1, 2018 •
Rev. Dr. Joseph Foxworth Sr. First Lady Catherine Foxworth
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Pilgrim Progressive Baptist Church
The Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Diego
4995 A Street San Diego, CA 92102
1819 Englewood Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 91945
3085 K Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.724.6226 • www.coyhm.org
619.232.0510 • www.bethelamesd.com
Sunday School 9 a.m. Morning Service 10 : 45 a.m. New Membership Orientation BTU 6 : 00 p.m. Wednesday Eve Prayer Service 6 : 00 p.m.
Sunday In the Know Bible Study 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9 : 00 a.m. Saturday Shabbat Service 1: 00-2 : 30 p.m.
Pastor Dennis Hodges First Lady Deborah Hodges
Rev. Harvey L. Vaughn, III
“To Serve this present age” Matt: 28:19-20
Rev. Dr. Eugenio D. Raphael
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Bethel Baptist Church
Second Chance Apostolic Ministries Inc.
3094 L Street San Diego, CA 92102
1962 N. Euclid Ave. San Diego, CA 92105
6970 San Miguel Ave. Suite C. Lemon Grove, CA 91945
619.266.2411 • www.bethelbc.com bethel@bethelbc.com
619.262.9326 • 619.818.0927 www.2ndchanceapostolic.org 2ndchance11@cox.net
Sunday School 9 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 : 00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10 : 00 a.m. & 6: 30 p.m. Thursday Food Pantry 1: 30 pm to 3 : 30 pm.
Dr. John W. Ringgold, Sr. Pastor
“Come Worship With Us”
Bishop George D. McKinney
Rev. Dr. Obie Tentman, Jr.
Sunday Morning Prayer 6 : 00 & Worship 7: 30 a.m. Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Morning Worship Youth & Children’s Church 11: 00 a.m. Community Prayer (Hemera) Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat . 7: 30 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7: 30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Wednesday 12 : 00 noon and 7: 00 p.m.
District Elder Thomas J. Graham, Sr
St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church of God in Christ
Phillips Temple CME Church
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church
5825 Imperial Avenue San Diego, CA 92114
5333 Geneva Ave. San Diego, CA 92114
1728 S. 39th Street San Diego, CA 92113
619.262.2671 • www.ststephenscogic.org admin@ststephenscogic.org
619.262 6004 • Fax 619.262.6014 www.embcsd.com
Sunday Sunday Hour of Sunday
School 10 : 30 a.m. Early Worship Service 8 : 00 a.m. Power Service 11:15 a.m. Evening Service 6: 00 p.m.
Pastor Jerry Webb
Sunday School 8 : 30 a.m. Morning Worship 9 : 45 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study 10 : 00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6: 00 p.m.
Pastor Jared B. Moten
Lively Stones Missionary Baptist Church
Total Deliverance Worship Center
Linda Vista Second Baptist Church
605 S. 45th Street San Diego, CA 92113-1905
2774 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Spring Valley, CA 91977
2706 Korink Ave. San Diego, CA 92111
619.263.3097 • t.obie95@yahoo.com
619.670.6208 • www.totaldeliverance.org Fax: 619.660.7394 • Mail : P.O. 1698, Spring Valley, CA 91979
858.277.4008 • www.lvsbc.com second-baptist@sbcglobal.net
Sunday School 9 : 00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer 11: 00 a.m. - 12 : 00 noon Wednesday Bible Study 7: 00 p.m.
Suffragan Bishop Dr. William A. Benson, Pastor & Dr. Rachelle Y. Benson, First Lady
Sunday Early Morning Worship Service 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Christian Education (Sunday School) 9 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12 : 00 p.m. Wednesday W.O.W. • Worship on Wednesday (Bible Study) 7: 00 p.m.
Dr. David C. Greene
Sunday School: 8 : 45 a.m. – 9 : 45 a.m. Sunday Service: 10 : 00 a.m.
“Welcome to Praise City”
Mesa View Baptist Church
Mount Olive Baptist Church
New Assurance Church Ministries
13230 Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064
36 South 35th Street San Diego, Ca 92113
7024 Amherst Street San Diego, CA 92115
858.485.6110 • www.mesaview.org mvbcadmin@mesaview.org
619.239.0689 • www.mountolivebcsandiego.org
Sunday First Worship 9 : 30 a.m. Second Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer 7: 00 p.m. Cox Cable Channel 23 / 24
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11: 00 a.m.
Sunday Worship 10 : 00 a.m. Sunday School 8 : 45 a.m. Bible Study Wed. 7: 00 p.m.
Pastor Brian D. Clater, m. Div.
“A new Hope, A new Life, A new Way through Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 A change is coming”
Logan Temple A.M.E. Zion Church
Church of Christ
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
302 S. 32nd St. San Diego, CA 92113
580 69th Street, San Diego, CA 92114
625 Quail Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.233.8780 • 619.798.4334 • LoganTemple.org
619.264.1454 • warnerdt1@aol.com
Sunday Bible Study 8 : 45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 10 : 00 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 5: 00 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7: 00 p.m. Friday Video Bible Class 7: 00 p.m.
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11: 00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6: 30 p.m. Wednesday Youth Bible Study 6: 30 p.m.
PhilmontBostic @ LoganTemple.org
Pastor Milton Chambers, Sr. & First Lady Alice Chambers
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 6: 00 p.m.
“A Life Changing Ministry” Romans 12:2
“Loving God, Serving Others, Living by Faith”
Rev. Philmont Bostic, Pastor
Sunday Worship 12 : 00 Noon Sunday School 10 : 30 a.m. Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class 7: 00 p.m.
“We Invite You To Our Services”
“It Takes Team Work to Make the Dream Work”
Pastor Dr. Darrow Perkins Jr., Th.D.
Sunday School 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 12 : 00 noon Thursday Bible Study 6 : 30 p.m. 2nd Saturday Men’s Bible Study 3rd Saturday Women’s Saturday Bible Study
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Morning Worship 11: 00 a.m. Bible Study Tuesday 7: 00 p.m. Noon Prayer Tuesday 12 : 00 p.m.
Minister Donald R. Warner Sr.
New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church
2205 Harrison Avenue San Diego, CA 92113
719 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy San Diego, CA 92113
619-234-5506 • Fax 619 234-8732 Email: Newhopeadm@gmail.com
619.233.6487 • www.calvarybcsd.org calvarybaptist1889@gmail.com
Early Sunday Morning Worship 7: 45 am Sunday School 9 : 30 am Sunday Morning Worship 11: 00 am Children and Youth Bible Study Tuesdays 6 : 30 pm Bible Study Tuesdays 6 : 30 pm Mid-day Bible Study Wednesdays 12 : 00 pm
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD! ” Psalms 122:1
Dr. Emanuel Whipple, Sr. Th.D.
Pastor Rev. Julius R. Bennett
Sundays Bible Discovery Hour 9 : 30 a.m. Mid Morning Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12 : 00 noon Wednesday Discipleship Training 7: 00 p.m.
“A Church Where Family, Faith & Fellowship Matters”
$ 99
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018
Kenneth Rodney Thorpe
Peggy Sue
SUNRISE December 29, 1937
SUNRISE June 13. 1953
SUNRISE March 27, 1932
SUNSET October 13, 2018
SUNSET October 2, 2018
SUNSET October 16, 2018
Born on December 29, 1937, in McDade, Louisiana, Ruth was the 4th child born to Walter and Joanna Small. She grew up in the Koran Community, attending elementary and high school. She graduated from Charlotte Mitchell High School in 1955. After high school, she gained employment as a seamstress. In fact, she was wonderful a seamstress. When she moved to San Diego, she continued working in that field. Ruth confessed Christ as her Savior as a child uniting with Fairview 8.C. Later, after moving to San Diego, California, united with Calvary 8.C. Ruth moved home in 2003 to help care for her elderly mother
What a Mighty Good Man We Lost on October 2, 2018! Kenneth Rodney Thorpe was born in Huntsville, MO on June 13, 1953 to Helyn L. Thorpe and Richard O. Thorpe. During middle school, his family moved to Kansas City, MO. Kenneth graduated from East High School. After graduation, Kenneth enlisted in the U.S. Army. Upon completion of his military service, he began a business career. Kenneth held management positions with the U. S. Postal Service, General Motors Corp., and the Kroger Co.
On January 31, 1958, Ruth wed Chester Bell. Three sons were born to this union, Darrell, Juan and Kevin.
Those left to mourn his loss are his daughters – Tameka (Jessica), Kenitra, and Krystle; granddaughters – Kaysean, Seanice, and Anaya; siblings – Fred (Linda), Ronald (Diane), Perry (Robbie), Jerry (Barbara), Theresa (Ronnie), LaTanya, Darrell, Kelly, and Penny. Kenneth was preceded in death by his brothers Marlon, Robert and Rory. Kenneth also leaves a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends that will miss him dearly.
Ruth was a quiet person, not given to much conversation, but she loved her family and friends. She loved fishing and entertaining.
Kenneth spent his final twenty-one months of retirement in San Diego, CA with his wife, Sarah, and her family – Martinique, Miriam (Derrick), Maya and Maliyah.
On October 13, 2018, Ruth ended her fight with cancer and went home to be with the Lord. Going before were her parents, her husband, her son, Kevin, two sisters•Julia and Ida and two brothersWalter, Jr. and William C.
and joined Bracks Chapel CME Church. Finally after moving back to San Diego, she united with Bethel AME Church and remained a member until death. It can be said that Ruth connected with the body of Christ wherever she lived.
Forever left to cherish her memory are: two sons, Darrell and Juan Bell; five sisters, Mary Lyrse, Tessie Bonner, Ora Coleman·Thomas (Donnie), Evelyn Gosey (Willie) and Joan Marshall; two brothers, Bobby Small (Ola) and Alfred Small (Florida); five grandchildren, Candi, Jennifer, Darrell, Jr., Vincent and De Juan; sixteen great grand· children; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, church family and friends.
Peggy Sue Howard was born in Mt. Vernon, Indiana on March 27, 1932 to the late Margaret Anderson. Peggy graduated from Lincoln High School in Kansas City, Missouri in 1948. Peggy was married to the late Anthony Howard, Jr. and together had three children, Michael, Michelle and Marc. Peggy was one of the few women that worked as an Aircraft Instrument Mechanic at North Island Naval Base, Aircraft Instrument Department, Bldg. 378 where she retired after 30+ years. Peggy enjoyed reading, painting, writing poetry and going to her grandchildren’s baseball games. She was affectionally known as “Double-Trouble” & “Show me in Black & White” to fellow workers at North Island Naval Base. She loved penguins and was the biggest Raider fan anyone has ever known. Peggy will forever be remembered by her children, Michael Howard, Michelle Richardson, and Marc Howard. Grandchildren, Angel Rosa (Manny), Paul Craft Jr. (Naomi), and Raven Richardson. Greatgrandchildren, Darnell Goodman, Arianna Rosa, Angelique Rosa, Alexia Rosa and Manny Rosa Jr., best friends of SO+ years Stephanie Grant and Chris Resche, extended family and close friends. MEMORIAL SERVICE WAS HELD FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2018 AT ANDERSON-RAGSDALE MORTUARY, MEMORY CHAPEL.
“No person is every truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, Echo still within our thoughts, our words and our hearts” ~ Author Unknown
Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary CA License No. FD-1329
5050 Federal Boulevard - San Diego, California 92102 (619) 263-3141 Fax: (619) 263-1507
Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
Cathlene Simpson
SUNRISE March 19, 1953
SUNRISE October 31, 1943 SUNSET October 10, 2018
SUNSET October 15, 2018
Monet Wells Williams was born March 19, 1953 in San Diego, California to Theresa Thomas-Wells and William Wells. She was the oldest of three children born to this union.
On February 1, 1986 she married Michael Williams and through this union she was blessed with a son Michael Arlando Monet Williams.
Monet had a strong christian family background. She was baptized at Community Baptist Church where she was President of the Usher Board. She later became a member of Greater Life Missionary Baptist Church.
Monet was a loving and generous mother, step-mother, daughter, sister, aunt, godmother, and friend.
Monet received her formal education in the San Diego School District, graduating from San Diego High School as Senior Class President in 1972. She attended college graduating as a dental assistant. She was employed at NAASCO where she retired in 2010. Cooking was her passion and she loved to see everyone enjoying her food. We will miss her gumbo, and macaroni and cheese for sure. Monet married Thomas Penn November 23, 1971. Through this union she was blessed with two daughters Utopia Penn and Hadishia Penn; two step-children Sagon Penn (deceased) and Subrenae Penn Spears.
Monet leaves to cherish her memory her children Utopia Penn, Hadishia Penn, Michael Williams, and Subrenae Penn Spears; one sister Emma Price; two brothers David Wells and Lawrence Wells; one uncle John Wells; seven grandchildren Diamond PennWillingham, Amareon Mills, Mya Williams, Josiah Williams, Ja’Niah Williams, Daijah Williams, and Timayan Williams. A host of nieces, nephews, cousins, godchildren, godgrandchildren, and friends to mourn her passing. SERVICE WILL BE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2018 11:30 A.M. AT GREATER VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH
Born October 31, 1943 in Winnsboro, Texas, was the only surviving child of Harvey and Eva Mae Campbell Rhoden. CATHLENE, affectionately known as Squeakie, was a graduate of St. Paul High School in 1961, in Neylandville, Texas, where she was class salutatorian. After the relocation of her devoted cousin, Inell Torrey Marshall (which proceeded her in death), Cathlene also relocated to California. Although she held numerous positions, her final employment was as a Ward Clerk at University Hospital in San Diego. CATHLENE was a nurturer of not just people, but time and places, and she found much enjoyment creating and having moments captured in photographs, as if she knew every moment would one day be a precious memory. She possessed a rare and special gift of intellect, and her passion for fact finding resulted in one of her favorite past times, being an enthusiast for the Jeopardy game show and solving crossword puzzles. CATHLENE was united in marriage to Edward Simpson on October 7, 1973 by Rev. John Barnes, and was blessed with 45 years of unity. She leaves her legacy of love and compassion to her two caregiving daughters, Kellye Lavell (Pastor Roger) Price and Krystal Loraine Mills. She also leaves precious memories to her ten loving grandsons, Christopher (Carol), Jarmarcus, Roger, III, Darius (Endazsia), Demetrius, Dedrick (Dishawna), Javon, Jaden, Jordan and Dorian,
Jr. She was the proud great grandmother of four, Jamarion, Cylas, Kai’ and Caris. CATHLENE was also loved and admired by the following extended family members and friends that knew her best, Irene Guice, Sidney Conrad Marshall (deceased), Constance Percy, Carolyn Shields, Charles Marshall, Beverla “Tootie” Myles, Ventice Coleman, Tori Collins, Tiny Womack, Mary Simpson, Arletha Wells, Bownita Craig and Sister Betty Coleman. CATHLENE was respected and loved by all who knew her, and will be greatly missed by a host of extended family, neighbors, and caregivers, friends and acquaintances. Cathlene was a faithful member of North Park Apostolic Church and she loved Pastor Mark and First Lady Debbie Garcia. It wasn’t by accident she was placed on the Hospitality Team, Hospitable is what she has always been, caring for friends, nieces, nephews, cousins, In-laws, dogs and cats. Cathlene’s caring nature can be seen in the care of her husband Eddie, nurses, and doctors are amazed at the level of care he received at her hands. Cathlene is known as a Miracle in the medical and hospice community, and will be remembered as a true Witness that God has the last Word.
“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday.” ~ Author Unknown
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018
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The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: The Bronze Legacy LLC 2302 Blackton Drive, San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 29, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 29, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026350 Fictitious business name: KARMA CARS Located at: 792 El Cajon Blvd., El Cajon, CA County of San Diego, 92020 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was 10/18/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Karma Cars Inc. 5524 Kearny Villa Rd, Ste. B San Diego, CA 92123 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 18, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 18, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024730 Fictitious business name: APEX COLLISION & COSMETIC REPAIR Located at: 5100 El Cajon Blvd., County of San Diego, 92115 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was 10/16/12 This business is hereby registered by the following: APEX COLLISION & COSMETIC REPAIR 5100 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 1, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 1, 2023 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026175 Fictitious business name: DIMENLEE Located at: 9041 Rosedale Dr. #B Spring Valley, CA County of San Diego, 91977 The business is conducted by: A General Partnership The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Brittany Anderson 9041 Rosedale Dr. #B Spring Valley, CA 91977 and Jasmin Gary 231 Winewood Street San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 16, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 16, 2023 10/25, 11/01,11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024583 Fictitious business name: QUANTUM DYNASTY URBAN EMPIRE Located at: 5934 Rancho Mission Rd, #118 San Diego CA County of San Diego, 92108 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 1/01/06. This business is hereby registered by the following: Milton Symister 5934 Rancho Mission Rd, #118, San Diego, CA 92108 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 27, 2018. This fictitious business name
will expire on September 27, 2023 10/25, 11/01,11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026585 Fictitious business name: MOBILE PRO Located at: 7947 Broadway Lemon Grove, CA County of San Diego, 91945 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 10/05/18. This business is hereby registered by the following: Abdimanan Muridi Lagisufi 7947 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 10, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 10, 2023 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026492 Fictitious business name: LC SECURITY Located at: 4218 F Street San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92102 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 10/19/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Linda K. Carter 4218 F Street San Diego, CA 92102 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 10, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 10, 2023 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026246 Fictitious business name: SODA HAIR BRAIDING Located at: 5521 El Cajon, Blvd. San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92115 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 4/15/16 This business is hereby registered by the following: Marieme Soda Mbaye 4125 54th Place #210 San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 17, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 17, 2023 10/25, 11/01,11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026212 Fictitious business name: ON POINT SECURITY TEE DEE KAY SECURITY Located at: 1803 Tilden Street San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92102 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Tre'von Dominique King 10761 Esmeraldas Dr. San Diego, CA 92124 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 17, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 17, 2023 10/25, 11/01,11/08, 11/15 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025580 Fictitious business name: UNITY 1NE Located at: 342 S. Lincoln Ave. #6 El Cajon, CA County of San Diego, 92020 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby
registered by the following: Porter Greer 342 S. Lincoln Ave. #6, El Cajon, CA 92020 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 10, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 10, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024010 Fictitious business name: TAYLOR ESTATE LAW Located at: 3679 Camino Del Pilar Escondido, CA County of San Diego, 92025 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ariena Taylor 3679 Camino Del Pilar Escondido, CA 92025 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 20, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on September 20, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025306 Fictitious business name: AARON THOMAS MEDIA Located at: 4211 Iowa Street #7 San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92104 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Aaron Thomas Eudaley 4211 Iowa Street #7, San Diego, CA 92104 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 5, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 5, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025453 Fictitious business name: POMERADO LEASING NO. 7 L.P. Located at: 13225 Danielson Street Poway, CA County of San Diego, 92064 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was 6/19/00 This business is hereby registered by the following: Whitmann, Inc 1320 Columbia Street, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92101 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 9, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 9, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025452 Fictitious business name: POMERADO LEASING NO. 8 L.P. Located at: 13200 Danielson Street Poway, CA County of San Diego, 92064 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was 6/19/00 This business is hereby registered by the following: Whitmann, Inc 1320 Columbia Street, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92101 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 9, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 9, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
2018-9025716 Fictitious business name: MYA'S CATERING COMPANY Located at: 6426 Skyline Drive San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92114 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 10/11/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Amaya Yvonne Ford 6426 Skyline Drive San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 11, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 11, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025406 Fictitious business name: FLY GUYZ BARBERSHOP FLY GUYZ Located at: 6062 Lake Murray Blvd., Ste. 202 La Mesa, CA County of San Diego, 91942 The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was 10/08/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Fly Guyz LLC 6062 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 08, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 08, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025405 Fictitious business name: FLY GUYZ BARBERSHOP Located at: 6244 Lake Murray Blvd., Ste. 1 San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92115 The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was 10/08/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Fly Guyz LLC 6062 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 08, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 08, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025763 Fictitious business name: THE LLEWELLYN GROUP Located at: 305 West St., San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92113 The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Corporation The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: The Llewellyn Group 305 West St. San Diego, CA 92113 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 11, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 11, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01, 11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025734 Fictitious business name: T-SHIRTS USA Located at: 925 E. Plaza Blvd., #104 National City, CA County of San Diego, 91950 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 10/01/12 This business is hereby registered by the following: James Lim 9440 Capicorn Way.,
San Diego, CA 92126 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 11, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 11, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025547 Fictitious business name: FARR INTERNATIONAL FARR & ASSOCIATES Located at: 2667 Camino del Rio South, Ste. 301- 4, San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92108 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Karl Arrum Farr 6644 Cleo Street, San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 09, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 09, 2023 10/18, 10/25, 11/01,11/08 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024779 Fictitious business name: MOLDING ACCOUNTABLE RESPECTABLE CITIZENS Located at: 1736 Euclid Avenue, San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92105 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was 10/01/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Rev. Marc Ritchey 1736 Euclid Avenue., San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 1, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 1, 2023 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024673 Fictitious business name: BEAUTY AND BEAST STYLES AND CUTZ Located at: 5549 El Cajon, Blvd., San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92115 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 09/28/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Imara Khalil Jones, Jr. 1827 Duval Street, San Diego, CA 92102 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 28, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on September 28, 2023 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9024354 Fictitious business name: MAKE IT RIGHT MONITORING & VISITATION SERVICES ---------------------------MAKE IT RIGHT VISITATION SERVICES Located at: 7276 Gatewood Ln. San Diego,CA County of San Diego, 92114 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Sylvia Ann Arnold 7276 Gatewood Ln. San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 25, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on September 25, 2023
10/04, 10/11, 10/18, 11/01 -------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025096 Fictitious business name to be abandoned: ROCKVILL RV & SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILL STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF & RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILL STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE RV & SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF & RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE STORAGE Located at: 10775 Rockvill Street County of San Diego, 92071 The business is conducted by: A Limited Partnership The fictitious business name is being abandoned by Cameron Brothers Construction Co., L.P. 10580 Prospect Avenue, Ste. #200, Santee, CA 92071 This statement of abandonment was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 3, 2018. 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9025097 Fictitious business name: ROCKVILL RV & SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILL STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF & RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILL STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE RV & SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF & RV STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE SELF STORAGE ---------------------------ROCKVILLE STORAGE Located at: 10775 Rockvill Street, Santee, CA County of San Diego, 92071 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Rockvill RV & Self Storage, LLC 10580 Prospect Avenue, Ste. #200 Santee, CA 92071 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 3, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 3, 2023 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01 ------------------------------------
has been filed by ESPERANZA FEDDERN Petitioner, in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that ESPERANZA FEDDERN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decendent's will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examiniation in the file kept by the court. THE PEITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court shouldnot grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held at the following court on December 11, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in Department 504 located in Superior Court of California 1100 Union St. San Diego, CA 92101. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9052. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the Court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filling of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner Norman Michael Cooley 600 West Broadway, Ste. 1550 San Diego CA 92101 (619) 234-3220 10/25, 11/01, 11/08 --------------------------------NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Alicia D. Joseph Case Number: 37-2018-00047651-PR-LACTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ALICIA D. JOSEPH A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by MARY B. FISHER Petitioner, in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that MARY B. FISHER be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026656 Fictitious business name: M.L. LEGACY CENTER Located at: 7220 El Cajon, Blvd., Ste. B San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92115 The business is conducted by: A Married Couple The first day of business was 10/01/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Reginald E. Williams, Jr. 1305 Cuyamaca Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977 and Sena D. Williams 1305 Cuyamaca Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 23, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 23, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026016 Fictitious business name: LEESIE BODY CANDY Located at: 3835 Mount Ainsworth Ave. San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92111 The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 10/15/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Elise A. Logan 3835 Mount Ainsworth Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 15, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 15, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026295 Fictitious business name: LEWIS PISTON Located at: 530 "B" Street, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92101 The business is conducted by: A Corporation The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: LEWIS P.R. Inc. 111 Sutter Street, Suite 850 San Francisco, CA 94104 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 17, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 17, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9026942 Fictitious business name: I AM AYANA Located at: 1605 Canyon Rd #12 Spring Valley, CA County of San Diego, 91977 The business is conducted by: An Individual The Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under this name above. This business is hereby registered by the following: Monica Lyand Lanie Martin 1605 Canyon Rd #12 Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on October 25, 2018. This fictitious business name will expire on October 25, 2023 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22 ---------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2018-9027060 Fictitious business name: THE BRONZE LEGACY Located at: 2302 Blackton Drive San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92105 The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company
PROBATES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Odilia Aguilar Lambert Case Number: 37-2018-00051162-PR-PWCTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ODILIA AGUILAR LAMBERT A PETITION FOR PROBATE
Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court shouldnot grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held at the following court on November 7, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. in Department 502 located in Superior Court of California 1100 Union St. San Diego, CA 92101. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9052. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the Court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filling of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner Barbara L. Davis 152 West Park Avenue, Ste. 150 El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 316-2537 10/18, 10/25, 11/01 -----------------------------------NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Marion Deleon Kelly Case Number: 37-2018-00040880-PR-LACTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of MARION DELEON KELLY A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by SHIRLEY G. KELLY Petitioner, in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that SHIRLEY G. KELLY be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court shouldnot grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held at the following court on November 15, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. in Department 503 located in Superior Court of California 1100 Union St. San Diego, CA 92101. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the
court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9052. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the Court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filling of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner Shirley G. Kelly 3320 La Junta Ave. San Diego CA 92117 (619) 534-7222 10/18, 10/25, 11/01
tion is knowingly and intelligently waived.
The rise of anti-Semitism has nothing to do with those who are pro-Palestinian!
If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in tis matter, you should do so promptly so that your pleading, if any, may be filed on time. Date: September 28, 2018 Clerk of the Suprior Court by A. Garaa, Deputy
Attorney or Party Without an Attorney Carina Tarpley 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/22
NAME CHANGE California County of San Diego 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 37-2018-00050228CU-PT-CTL Petitioner or Attorney: Monica Elizabeth Campa Valdez for change of name. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Monica Elizabeth Campa Valdez filed a petition with this court for decree changing name as follows: PRESENT NAME: Monica Elizabeth Campa Valdez PROPOSED NAME: Monica Elizabeth Sanchez THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court hearing to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted: NOTICE OF HEARING Date: December 6, 2018 2018 Time: 9:00 A.M. Dept. 903, The address of the court is: 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA 92101. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county,Voice & Viewpoint. 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15 -----------------------------------
CITATION Superior Court of California, County of San Diego Central Division Juvenile Court 2851 Meadow Lark, San Diego, CA 92123 CITATION FOR FREEDOM FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL Case Number: A62671 IN THE MATTER OF Aparri Kerwin Ramos Date of Birth 02/18/2006 A MINOR
To: DENNIS KERWIN You are advised that you are required to appear in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, in Department 9 at the court location indciated above on NOVEMBER 30, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. to show cause, if you have any, why (names) Aparri Kerwin Ramos minor(s) should not be declared free from parental custody and control (*for the purpose of placement for adoption) as requested in the petition. You are advised that if the parent(s) are present at the time and place above state the judge will read the petition and, if requested, may explain the effect of the granting of the petition adn, if requested, the judge shall explain any term or allegation contained therein and the nature of the proceeding, its pocedures and possible consquences and may continue the matteer for not more than 30 days for the appointment of counsel or to give counsel time to prepare. The court may appoint counsel to represent the minor whether or not the minor is able to afford counsel. If any parent appears and is unable to afford counsel, the court shall appoint counsel to represent each parent who appears unless such representa-
Fictitious Business Name: $25.00 (4 weeks)
Bill Fletcher, Jr. is the former president of TransAfrica Forum. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and at www.billfletcherjr.com. And look for his new novel The Man Who Fell From the Sky.
By Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Name Change: $85.00 (4 weeks) Standard Classified: $3.75 a line Summons: $130.00 (4 weeks)
NNPA Newswire Contributor
In the wake of the Pittsburgh massacre of 11 Jews by a white nationalist-fascist, there has been a very strange response emerging in certain quarters. Some, in the Jewish establishment, are suggesting that the demonstrable rise in anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish assaults in the USA is the result of a combination of white nationalists and antiZionists. What makes such a statement baffling is that no evidence is cited for such an inflammatory allegation and those who offer this disparagement of pro-Palestinian activists blur the actual situation. There is a long history of anti-Jewish hatred in Europe and North America. Jews, well before the Holocaust, were scapegoats picked by opportunist and racist Christians as a target of resentment. Frequently anti-Jewish assaults were used by wealthy Christians as a means of distracting the Christian poor from who and what was actually oppressing them. Sound familiar? Within the USA there has been a tradition of antiSemitism and anti-Jewish assaults rooted within various streams of the political Right. It has especially been the case that right-wing populist movements focus in on Jews any time there is a financial crisis and include Jews in their long list of populations that are allegedly polluting the country. Despite the economic progress of Jews in the USA, they remain the target of these forces on the Right. Even conservatives who one would not include in the pack of right-wing populists—such as the late President Richard Nixon—had demonstrable anti-Semitism. Ironically, many of these anti-Semites regularly and openly supported Israel, a tendency that has continued to this day.
Job Announcement Part-time Newspaper Classifieds Office Assistant San Diego Voice & Viewpoint is looking for a Part-time Newspaper Classifieds Office Assistant who is a motivated and reliable team player.
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• Proficient in basic InDesign, Microsoft Office, and Google Suite • Detail-oriented with a fast and accurate typing speed • Prepare classifieds and legal notices • Provide price quotes for newspaper ads and placements (we train) • Provide excellent customer service • Greet, interact with, and process orders for walk-in customers • Occasional posting to Social media and e-Newsletters • Ability to work reliably and efficiently with minimal supervision Part-time, 3 to 4 days a week, 2 to 3 hours daily, Monday through Thursday. Qualified applicants only. Open until filled.
Send Resumes to: Latanya@sdvoice.info
With the increased world-wide attention on the struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and against the illegal occupation of their territory, the cry of anti-Semitism has been used against those who defend Palestinian rights. Such actions confuse what is anti-Semitism with what is not. The suggestion that criticisms of Israel; of the Occupation; of the apartheid system are equivalent to hatred of Jews would be like saying that opposition to the illegal Moroccan occupation of the Western Sahara represented hatred of Moroccans, be they Arab or Berber. No one would make such a claim, yet when it comes to Palestinian rights, claims of anti-Semitism are used as a means of suppressing debate, let alone dissent. The atrocity that was perpetrated in Pittsburgh was the result of an increase in anti-Semitism that has been promoted in the context of the rise of right-wing populism generally and Donald Trump in particular. When neofascists marched on Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 and chanted “Jews will not replace us!” Trump was silent. His later comments that there were allegedly good people on “both sides” excused away the actions of these fascists. Therefore, no surprise when former President Obama and others said that Trump’s words of condolence in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre rang hollow. It is critical that we understand that the rise of antiSemitism has NOTHING to do with the rise in proPalestinian sentiment. It has to do with nefarious forces that, once again, want to make Jews the target of their conspiracy theory-based wrath. While many Jews thought that they were white, they are now discovering, once again, that this remains a debatable question in 21stcentury USA. In fact, they have been placed in the camp of “the Other” along with many other populations.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018
Louise Mitchell and Gregory Foster’s
Big Birthday Celebration Article and Photos by Mike Norris
San Diego,CA - October 27th, 2018 OG Sandbox Founder, Louise Mitchell, hosted a Birthday Celebration at Berry Park. Louise Mitchell and Greg Foster put on a double whammy good time for over 100 family members and friends. Excellent soul food, fun and plenty of games were had for young and the old. It is always a beautiful experience to see our OG Sandbox generation come together to share a true heart tradition of ongoing love and celebration. Happy Birthday to Louise Mitchell and Greg Foster!
Committed to equality for all and protecting services for veterans, children, poor and the elderly
Paid for by Vargas for Congress
Thursday november 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
the san diego guardians host st
annual fall festival
Photography by Mike Norris
By Staff Writer Voice & Viewpoint
On Saturday, October 27th the community was treated to a free Fall Festival event by the San Diego Guardians, Southeast own professional basketball organization. The event was designed to give back to the residents of Southeast and was held at North Chollas Community Park. The Guardians, who are part of the American Basketball Association (ABA), got a chance to interact with the community to kick-off their second season. Founder Kenneth Bishop established the organization in 2017 and is the only black owner of a professional basketball organization in Southern California. Bishop said, “Our mission is to get players who missed their calling, or who want to get their name out there, to get further in the professional basketball circuit.” The team has 14 players, 8 dancers, a mascot and three coaches. “Last season,” Bishop said, “proved to us that our second season can be even bigger and better.” You can support the team by purchasing tickets, following them on social media, or signing up for their newsletter at www.thesdguardians.com.
Insurance companies vary by region.
According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is called the “Silent Killer” because of its lack of warning signs. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure affects African Americans more than any other racial or ethnic group. The good news is that it can be detected with regular doctor visits. That’s why all plans through Covered California include free preventive care services like blood pressure screenings and annual checkups.
Get covered today. Enroll by December 15.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday november 1, 2018
western “hoe-down”
halloween party
Photography by Mike Norris
By Mike Norris Contributing Writer
“Yee Haw!” was the shout out for the western hoe-down party hosted by Darnel Meals and partner Tina Watkins on Saturday night at their home in San Diego, CA. It looked like high noon at Saturday Night Live. Partygoers were dressed in the old time western giddy ups, dancing to the funky sounds of DJ Cool Style. Over 200 guests came from far and near to celebrate the bonanza style celebration. The guests were treated to all out ranch style soul food laid out and fit for the western hoe-down. Yee Haw!
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS “We’ve come so far, but we still have a long way to go. We face unprecedented times, and it’s easy to get angry. But we must do more than get mad – we have to vote.
March on Washington, 1963
SHOW THEM WE COUNT. Cast your vote Nov. 6 or with your absentee ballot.
When I arrived in Sacramento, I had a plan to create good jobs and ensure that everyone is treated fairly. I want to keep building on the progress we’ve made to better the lives of all Californians. That’s why I fought to provide $300 million1 to help close the achievement gap and provide support for the state’s lowest-performing students. And it’s why I fought for fiscal transparency in school funding to ensure education dollars are helping students succeed.
It’s why I continue to address the growing crisis of hunger among California’s college students2 by expanding access to the CalFresh food assistance program on campuses. And why I sponsored legislation3 to prohibit the use of restraint or seclusion on any student except in cases of a clear and present danger to the student or others. You can read more about my record at DrWeberForAssembly.com, and I’d appreciate your support on November 6. But no matter what you decide, make a plan to vote—and stick to it.
DR. SHIRLEY WEBER AB 2635 (2018); 2AB 214 (2017), AB 1894 (2018); 3AB 2657 (2018)
Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
Jennifer Vanica
Releases New Book on Market Creek Diamond District Movement
The acts of anti-blackness these people experienced were not only conveyed in writing, they were communicated verbally to African American professionals as they attempted to serve Southwestern with dignity and excellence. The apology should be written and conveyed verbally in a meeting with institutional leaders and African American classified staff.”
Contributing Writer
On October 27, 2018 at the Elementary Institute of Science Jennifer Vanica, the lead visionary and former CEO of the Market Creek Plaza Diamond District movement, held a Family/Community Warriors reunion and unleashed her book “COURAGEOUS PHILANTHROPY: Going Public in a closely Held World” which is about the revolutionary project that attempted to change Southeastern San Diego to the Point of Destination for art, culture, exotic foods, healthy lifestyles and a cultural journey of a very diverse community, the “Diamond District” and how the community came together to pool its resources and create a dream come true. The book
continued from cover
2. Southwestern Should Host a Quarterly Employee Forum on Race.
is about shifting the power dynamics between foundations and communities and the fundamental right of residents to voice what is their own best interest. The book tells the stories of people throughout the two decade long journey known as the Market Creek Plaza experience, as well as highlight the many lessons as community champions who made it a reality for the world to study, emulate and embrace. This was a true meeting and gathering of the movers and shakers in San Diego. Hopefully the releasing of this book will keep the history alive of the incredible work of the community resource teams and the work of Jennifer Vanica and, most importantly, Joe and Vi Jacobs.
“There are not many formally organized spaces for employees to talk about race, racism and their interactions across race and ethnic groups. Given this, a quarterly event for the campus community could be useful. Forums could be on a specific topic or decidedly open and broad.” 3.The College Should Establish a Presidential Commission on Race. The Commission should advise the President, as well as coordinate a range of activities and efforts. To promote smaller unit discussion, the Commission should propose a common set of questions to faculty staff and leadership team meetings in various offices, academic programs and departments to discuss race. 4. The College Should Find Strategic Ways to Increase Faculty Diversity. “President Murillo should give a charge to academic deans, department chairs, faculty union representatives, and academic senate leaders to develop this plan. The plan itself should have milestones” for years 1, 3, and 5 as well as measurable outcomes.” Other recommendations included: Making Employment Data Transparent; Hiring a Consulting Firm to Fix Human Resources; Appoint a Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and encouraging the launching of employee affinity groups. There are still a number of lawsuits pending against Southwestern College. Some of those plaintiffs have expressed appreciation for this report, but not enough to drop their lawsuits.
Photos by Mike Norris
SCOTT PETERS DEMOCRAT FOR CONGRESS “I’ll continue to fight Trump’s efforts to destroy Obamacare and take away our health care.” FIGHTING TO LOWER HEALTH CARE COSTS AND PROTECT COVERAGE
J Opposing attempts by Trump and the Republicans in Congress to take health care away from millions J Working to lower health care costs S C O T T J Protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions J Supporting women’s health care services FOR CONGRESS J Fighting opioid addiction Paid for by Scott Peters for Congress.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018
continued from cover
every day and those threats have become extremely rampant over the course of the last several months leading up to these important midterm elections in a few weeks. Early voting has begun in several states and the shenanigans have also increased. There have been a number of reports coming out across the country about voter disenfranchisement and voter suppression tactics that are negatively impacting African Americans, and it is startling. In Georgia, for instance, Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is also running for governor against Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams, who is African American, has been hit with a federal lawsuit after being accused of hampering minority voters from registering prior to the midterm elections on November 6. This is troubling, especially because Kemp is running for governor, while holding the office responsible for handling the important process of voter registration. According to reports, Kemp’s office put approximately 53,000 voter registration applications on hold because of minor discrepancies, and although Blacks make up roughly 32 percent of Georgia’s population, approximately 70 percent of the applications in Kemp’s office that were placed in this voter registration pending status were those of Black applicants. Back in August, the Forward Times published an extremely troubling story entitled,Jim Crow 2018 – Black Voting Rights under Attack in Harris County, highlighting a voter suppression tactic that took place where roughly 4,000 eligible Harris County voters, mostly African Americans located in Houston’s historic Third Ward, had their voting rights attacked by an independent operative who used an antiquated Texas state law to legally challenge their voting status.
The issue of voter disenfranchisement, voter intimidation and voter suppression is not new, just like protecting the voting rights of African Americans has been an ongoing fight for centuries and one that cannot be ignored. Voting matters. Voting makes a difference. After the Civil War, Black men were elected to the U.S. Congress and the South even elected some Black senators. These political gains and the progress made by Black people as a result of Reconstruction governments in the South, empowered many Blacks financially and socially. Many Southern Whites knew that if they wanted to reestablish control and political dominance over Black people in this country, they would have to stop Black people from voting by any means necessary. Thus, the Ku Klux Klan was formed, which came with a primary focus of taking back the South through voter suppression, voter intimidation and voter disenfranchisement. It is impossible for Black people to be disengaged politically, and then hope to get the best treatment, outcomes or results from the elected officials they failed to engage with while those candidates were running for their respective seats. Black people must get engaged and must vote. However, choosing not to vote at all is a completely different situation altogether. It is detrimental to the growth of the African American community. It does not help, it hurts. The worst thing African Americans could ever do in the realm of politics is: Nothing. Have you ever asked yourself why it has been so important to other people to make it difficult for Black people to vote? Why have so many people and groups poured so much money into getting behind select candidates and political parties? Why are people constantly seeking to suppress the vote? Why would people do anything to steal an election through voter suppression and voter intimidation tactics with an emphasis on disenfranchising African American voters? It is because Black votes matter — and everyone knows it. African Americans must know it and must show it on November 6. Black people must show that we are actually “at the table” and are no longer just “on the menu” come November 6. To avoid being “on the menu” as the main course meal on someone else’s table, Black people must show up to the polls
The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), which represents over 200 Black-owned media companies across the U.S., has been focused on registering 5 million, new Black voters before the midterm elections and is working collaboratively with other national organizations to fight voter suppression and increase Black voter turnout. African Americans should use these midterm elections as a beta test for the 2020 Presidential election and use the results as a tool to make demands and ensure a dedicated seat at the head table prior to 2020. More importantly, candidates of either party will no longer be able to simply skate in to office on party affiliation alone and must put in the necessary ground work and investments to make potential voters more aware of their position on the issues that matter to African Americans. Choosing not to vote leads to dire consequences for African Americans. There is a big difference between being able to choose what you want versus being told what you will get. Those who have sought to disenfranchise and discourage African Americans from voting know the importance of voting, as well as the profound impact that voting has on representation, political outcomes and critical decisions that must be made on major issues that impact you. More importantly, those who seek to disenfranchise African Americans from the voting process know that whoever holds these political positions of power are able to direct necessary and critical resources to select areas. Whether you believe your vote matters or not — and it most certainly does — every Black person will have to adhere to any law that is passed and every decision that is made by the elected body of representatives who hold every seat. There are no acceptable excuses when it comes to voting. Either Black people vote or reap the consequences of not voting. Every Black person should get engaged in politics if they wish to bring about change. So, this is your chance to make a difference. Say it – I Will Vote! Now go do it! Cast your vote early or be sure to vote on November 6.
continued from cover
The #BlackWomenVote campaign is fueled by BlackWomenVote.com, which was launched during the 2014 cycle and provides the latest election news, commentary and tools for Black women to prepare to vote, and get out the vote within their social networks. Over the week the campaign will reach Black women across the country, encouraging them to activate their circles and give them the tools to raise their voice, cast their vote, and flex their collective voting power. Earlier this year Higher Heights launched its Truth Tellers campaign lifting up Black women’s unique voices, votes and power centered around “Ain’t I a Woman?”, a question from Sojourner Truth that continues to resonate with Black women today—167 years later. This election season Higher Heights wants Black women to tell their truth and ensure Black women’s voices are heard in the political process. “There is much at stake this election cycle. Black women are a major voting bloc that we want to ensure is armed with the tools and necessary information to vote,” said Glynda C. Carr, co-founder of Higher Heights. “BlackWomenVote.com provides Black women with those tools, and also provides a
this election cycle and make their voices heard.
common space where they can read about other Black women’s experiences.” BlackWomenVote.com includes an Election Center, where women can commit to vote and make a voting plan. The website will provide Black women with the tools to activate their networks and create a space where they can share their stories on the latest news from Black women across the country about this election and current topics focused on issues affecting Black women. “We have all seen the news coverage about how Black women showed up and showed out to the polls in 2016, 2017, and 2018 is not expected to be any different,” said Kimberly PeelerAllen, co- founder of Higher Heights. “We have launched this campaign and website to provide meaningful ways for Black women to organize their networks this election and demonstrate our collective power for change in our communities and nationwide. Higher Heights wants to ensure that Black women have seats at political and economic decision-making tables.”
continued from page 3
with Rev. Jesse Jackson, and with others. Might that make a difference for the ill-educated Megyn Kelly? Or maybe she should just read a book or two. Fifty years after the Kerner Commission report, it is clear that there are still two Americas, one Black, and one white. Two Americas, with two different realities and few bridges to understanding. This is why, even in all-white communities, Black history must be taught. This is why our textbooks ought to speak realistically about enslavement, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and lynching. This is why we need to bust the myth that lynchings were about sex – Black men lusting after white women. Actually, too many lynchings were about economic envy – white men lusting after Black people’s property. After white vandals destroyed the Greenwood section of Tulsa, Oklahoma, one report actually described the cause of the devastation as “Too Many N---rs Having Too Much Money.”
Megyn Kelly is not the only white person who is ignorant of American history (because the history of Black people really is American history). White ignorance is one of the reasons I look askance at some aspects of the #MeToo movement. White ignorance is a choice, especially among adults who can educate themselves and expose themselves to the totality of history. Megyn Kelly chose to expose herself to Roland Martin and Amy Holmes. Too bad she shot off her uninformed mouth before she got educated! Perhaps she will now remove the term “p.c.” from her vocabulary unless she happens to mean perfectly civil. Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via www.amazon.com for booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com
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Thursday, november 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Balloons and fireworks will have to wait as the longtime President of Gabon has been hospitalized at the King Faisal hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, suffering from severe fatigue.
allegations. This latest round of polls also brought complaints from opposition candidates who cited attempts to buy votes and missing ballots.
The party of President Ali Bongo had just “coasted to victory” in a second round of legislative elections this month when the President fell ill. A medical and a diplomatic source both told the Reuters news agency that the president had suffered a stroke, but government officials disputed the story.
Turnout was low – only 28% in the province where nearly half the population lives. Bongo’s party won 74 seats in the National Assembly, the next vote getter won 3 seats and 4 opposition candidates won one seat each.
“Bongo is feeling better and has been told to rest,” said government spokesman Ike Ngouoni, warning citizens to be vigilant and avoid “fake news.” President Bongo's key rival, Jean Ping, boycotted the election – the first since a presidential election two years ago spoiled by deadly violence and fraud
The 59-year-old president had been in Saudi Arabia to attend the Future Investment Initiative conference where he was scheduled to speak alongside other African leaders but was not seen during the discussion. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited him in the hospital that evening, the official Saudi Press Agency said on Thursday, Oct. 25.
Bongo’s family has ruled the oil-rich central African nation for nearly half a century. The West African country, wedged between Congo Brazzaville and Cameroon, is the sixth largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa and has the region’s fifth largest oil reserves. In spite of its oil wealth, approximately one-third of the country’s 1.5 million people live below the poverty line. This has been blamed on unemployment (one in five out of work), an overdependence on oil for export, few jobs for locals, and one of the highest rates worldwide of students required to repeat grades. In recent years over 90% of Gabon’s oil output has been exported, mainly to the USA.
“Congratulations Madam President! Women do make a difference. We are proud of you!” That was the excited message from María Fernanda Espinosa Garces, President of the United Nations General Assembly, to a U.N. colleague selected to be the first woman president in Ethiopia
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed just days before, approved a gender balanced cabinet and filled half of the slots with women.
In a unanimous vote, Ethiopian lawmakers this week approved Sahle-Work Zewde for the presidency, replacing Mulatu Teshome, who resigned unexpectedly a day earlier.
Born in the capital Addis Ababa, Zewde attended university in France. After graduating, she served as Ethiopia's ambassador to France, Djibouti, Senegal and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional trade bloc in East Africa.
Her appointment has raised hopes among advocates for gender equality in the conservative country. While the position of president is largely ceremonial, it carries important symbolic weight and social influence. It also comes as
A veteran technocrat, Sahle-Work Zewde has worked in diplomacy for more than three decades.
Prior toww her appointment as president, she was the UN's top official at the African Union. She is fluent in English and French as well as Amharic, Ethiopia's official working language.
The 68-year-old technocrat replaces Mulatu Teshome, who resigned unexpectedly a day earlier. Abebe Aynete, a senior researcher at the Ethiopian Foreign Relations Strategic Studies think-tank, told Al Jazeera: "As a person who knows the Ethiopian system inside out, Zewde, as president, will offer more continuity in terms of policy but will have her own priorities, including female empowerment." "I consider it as a sort of a glass ceiling being broken down, showing females can also reach
positions of high profile," said Aynete. The administration of reformer Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, which assumed office in April, has appointed numerous women to influential positions that have been traditionally reserved for men, including Ethiopia's first female Defense Minister Aisha Mohammed. Madam Muferiat Kamil was appointed to lead the newly-created Ministry of Peace, responsible for the police and domestic intelligence agencies.
The world’s largest air pollution hotspot is not where you might think.
12 coal-fired plants that supply the grid with 32 gigawatts.
is a signatory to the Paris Climate Change agreement, implementation has been slow.
No, it’s not in New Jersey. But if you said South Africa you’d be right, according to a newly-released study by the environmental group Greenpeace.
"The most up-to-date satellite imagery from June to August this year clearly shows that when you look at just one pollutant, which is nitrogen dioxide, Mpumalanga is the worst hotspot in the world," Melita Steele, senior climate and energy campaign manager for Greenpeace Africa, said in a statement.
The study found that plumes of dangerous NO2 pollution also regularly cover nearby Johannesburg and Pretoria because of their close proximity and regular headwinds.
With coal and transport as the two principle sources of air pollution, Eastern Mpumalanga province in South Africa has the most polluting cluster of coal-fired power stations in the world, producing record levels of nitrogen dioxide, according to the Greenpeace report. Mpumalanga borders Mozambique and is the hub of South Africa’s coal industry with
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - including NO2 are estimated to cause many thousands of premature deaths worldwide every year. Although South Africa adopted tough climate targets with the National Climate Change Response White Paper in 2011 and
"We found that there are nearly 2 200 premature deaths (annually) that come from this air pollution. You are looking at respiratory problems... heart diseases (and) lung cancer - it's a very scary outline," it said. Now, environmental groups are attempting to block another coal mining project imposed by state officials in a protected area in Mpumalanga.
The case has been brought by the Center for Environmental Rights representing eight groups looking to set aside the permission granted in 2016 by former mines minister Mosebenzi Zwane and the late Environment minister Edna Molewa to allow coal mining in a protected area Meanwhile, the World Health Organization under the newly appointed director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is holding its first Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health. The conference will take place from Oct. 30 to November 1 in WHO headquarters in Switzerland.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, november 1, 2018
Do children all need to succeed the same way? Academic Standards and the Every Student Succeeds Act By: Dr. Elizabeth Primas, Program Manager, NNPA ESSA Public Awareness Campaign
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines standards as, “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example. For example,” the Egyptians established the 365-day calendar, recording 4236 BC as the first year in recorded history. Around 1100 AD in England, it was determined that the length of King Henry Beauclerc’s foot would be used for the standard measurement of a linear foot. These standards of time and linear measurement are still widely used and accepted today. During the Civil War, America recognized a need for standardized gauges for the railroads so that parts were easily inter-changeable. Standards continue to remain essential aspects of organization as societies increase in size and complexity. The same concept applies to academic standards in education. In the mid-twentieth century, educators adopted academic standards. Those standards were designed to ensure that all students progressed at relatively the same pace while acquiring the skills necessary to become contributing members of society. One example of this is the adoption of a CompetencyBased Curriculum (CBC) by the District of Columbia in the 1980s. CBC consisted of a series of skill sets within a hierarchy. Students were required to demonstrate mastery of the skills at one level before progressing to the next. Teachers were required to teach/test/reteach (if necessary) and then retest. Once students demonstrated mastery, they received a score that ref lected such. The score did not entail how many times the teacher had to reteach and
retest before the students acquired the intended skillset. A more recent example of academic standards is the 2009 states-focused effort to create clear, consistent, and competitive learning goals, resulting in the Common Core State Standards. Common Core State Standards were adopted by 48 states, two territories and the District of Columbia. The federal government supported the validity of Common Core Standards by providing financial incentives for state adoption. Proponents of Common Core Standards argue that the standards provide students with the necessary knowledge to succeed in college and career regardless of geographical location. However, many critics have argued against this, emphasizing resulting ambiguity, lack of training, and lowered student expectations as the key points the identify a policy in need of revision. In 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act, a re-authorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA), offered a resolution. Under ESSA, states have the option of keeping Common Core State Standards or creating their own state standards. The financial incentive to adopt Common Core by the federal government no longer exists and the option to work with a consortium of states to develop standards is also available to state educational leadership. Guidelines set by ESSA for state-developed academic standards is a step in the right direction. ESSA allows for states to decide how to best set goals and meet the needs of students. It is obvious from the widespread criticisms of Common Core that uniform education standards have not
On November 6th VOTE NO on PROP 5 Don’t let the wealthy real estate interests who put Prop 5 on the ballot, drain up to $1 billion annually from critical local services like fire protection at a time when we need it most. Los Angeles Times OCTOBER 8, 2018
ing measure “Prop 5 is a cynical, self-serv y. Vote no.” dustr cooked up by the real estate in
Join the California Professional Firefighters, the California Democratic Party and the California Teachers Association in voting NO ON PROP 5. NOPROP5
Paid for by No on Prop 5, Sponsored by Educators, Public Safety, Health Care and Local Government Organizations. Committee major funding from SEIU California State Council, California Teachers Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Funding details at www.fppc.ca.gov
worked. As states continue to develop academic standards they must keep this in mind, understanding that every child does not learn and/or demonstrate knowledge in the same way. Unlike widgets, children will never fit perfectly into standardized molds. They learn to walk at different ages. They learn to talk at different ages. And each child has a different set of interests and learning style. Students’ ability to demonstrate mastery in one area over another has a lot to do with their previous knowledge and exposure to out-of-the-classroom experiences. As a mother to many children, I have observed that some of my children are good in math, while others are musically inclined. A select few demonstrate the ability to make fantastic meals out of simple ingredients, while others have a hard time boiling water. We must understand that every child is capable of achievement at high levels as long as we encourage their strengths. Whatever their gifts and talents, we need them all.
Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Ntozake Shange,
Poet & Playwright of “For Colored Girls…,” dies at 70 they think.” Celebrity luminaries like Ava Durvernay and Kerri Washington were among those who tweeted her many famous lines of poetry and plays, including the oft-quoted:
Mother of Philando Castile brings a hopeful message
“Through my tears Staff Writer
I found god in myself
On Saturday, October 27th, renowned playwright, novelist, and poet, Ntozake Shange passed away. She was 70 years old. The famous playwright had been suffering from the effects of two strokes and an undisclosed neurological condition that made speech and writing difficult. Many a black woman or girl remembers her first introduction to Shange’s work, be it from the Tyler Perry’s 2010 screen adaptation of her masterpiece, For Colored Girls Who’ve Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf, or her other well received poems or plays, including Spell #7, Three for a Full Moon, or Whitewash.
And I loved her fiercely”
Twitter was aflame with quotes and condolences at the news of Shange’s passing. She was called the vanguard of her time and was an icon of the 1970’s Black Arts Movement. Shange’s choreopoem, For Colored Girls was only the second Broadway play written by an African American woman. Well-Read Black Girl quoted Shange in her 1995 Mother Jones “Back at You” interview on Twitter: “I write for young girls of color, for girls who don’t even exist yet, so that there is something there for them when they arrive. I can only change how they live, not how
Shange was born in 1948 in Trenton, New Jersey to a middle class family. Her given name was Paulette Linda Williams. Her father was an Air Force surgeon and her mother was an educator and psychiatric social worker. She graduated from Barnard College in New York City, graduating cum laude in American Studies and later earned a master’s in the same field at UCLA. At Barnard, Shange suffered a severe bout of depression and several suicide attempts after the break up her first marriage. While at UCLA, Shange changed her name to Ntozake, which in Xhosa means “she who comes with her own things.” Her new last name, Shange, in Zulu means “she who walks like a lion.” It was during this period of her life that she decided, according to her official website, to focus ‘her rage against the limitations society imposes on black women.” Her work consistently speaks to some of the social issues that continue to plague Black culture, American Culture, and Black women and girls, in particular. Find out more about Ntozake Shange and her life’s work at her official website: officialintozaheshange.com
Members of the Majestic Knights football team asked to take a photo with Valerie Castile, center, mother of Philando Castile, her first born son who was killed in 2016 by police during a traffic stop. She gave them advice on ways to stay safe when confronted by the police. / Photo by DR Barnes.
By Ra-Jah S Kelly Contributing Writer, The Washington Informer
In his duties as a coach and teacher at the Kingsman Academy Public Charter School in Northeast, Wiley Brown is always looking for ways to inspire his students. After recently performing with The Chuck Brown Band, Brown spoke with his friend Demont “Picasso” Pinder, who had just created a painting, live, of Brown’s father, the late Go-Go legend. When Pinder asked to speak at the school where Brown teaches, Brown quickly asked, “Can you come Friday?” “I love speaking to the youth”, said Pinder. “I’d come every day if I could.” Pinder happened to be hosting philanthropist Valerie Castile in Washington that same day and so a unique confluence of art and activism was brought to about 20 jersey-clad members of the football team who sat spellbound by Brown and Castile’s stories. Castile’s firstborn son Philando worked in the Minnesota school system as a cook until he was killed by police during a traffic stop on July 6, 2016. The incident was highly controversial as the police alternately claimed that Castile had a broken taillight and also that he “fit the description” of a robbery suspect who had a wide-set nose. Castile Informed the police he had a licensed firearm in the car and appeared to comply with the officer’s directions before being fatally wounded while still wearing his seatbelt.
hearing Valerie Castile speak, said, “I learned a lot. She’s definitely a strong lady.” / Photo by DR Barnes. Castile continued, warning, “Racism is real, but you have to be smart. If you’re driving a car [or] walking down the street and you have an encounter with the police, try to do whatever they ask you to do.” She also urged the students to create change by being active in politics. “You guys are the future leaders of this country. Continue to go to school [and] get your education. Be that police officer, be that congressman, be that senator, be that president!” Pinder has created several custom and commissioned works for victims of violence throughout the country, including a commemorative painting he presented to the parents of 18-year old Nia Wilson, the victim of a random stabbing by a white man at a train station in Oakland, California this past July. “It brought smiles to the grieving family,” Pinder said. “I’ve been blessed to have my talent as an artist and to go around the country and the world and express myself,” he explained. “As [Valerie Castile] will tell you my art is a healing tool. My calling is using my God given gift to bring a smile to the families that have gone through this tragic situation.” Afterward, as they crowded for selfies the students seemed appreciative of the message and the experience.
The live-streaming of the incident by Castile’s girlfriend, whose daughter was sitting in the back seat of the car, went viral and added to a long list of police-involved fatalities against African Americans highlighted by the rise of the Black Lives Matters movement. Although the officer was acquitted of seconddegree manslaughter, Castile’s mother received a $3 million settlement that she used to start the Philando Castile Foundation which has given college scholarships and grants to school systems to provide school meals for underprivileged youth. Since then she has also appeared on numerous panels advocating for the victims of police and gun violence. She came to D.C. with a message of hope but also of caution for the young student-athletes attending Kingsman. Castile emphasized the need to be compliant and careful when dealing with the police as a young black man in America. “I did everything humanly possible to protect my son by giving him the information that he needed to be a productive citizen,” she said. If you want to carry a gun, you get your permit to carry. He did all of that. He was responsible, he was respectful, but he was still killed by the police.” Latrell McCants, 17, a junior at Kingsman Academy Public Charter School, after
Demont “Picasso” Pinder, whose paintings often depict victims of violence throughout the country and the world, says his “calling is using my God given gift to bring a smile to the families that have gone through this tragic situation.” / Photo by DR Barnes
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, november 1, 2018
Voting Guide for November 6th &
Those not listed were not endorsed whether candidate or proposition. A “No” vote is recommended on all propositions that do not clearly show a benefit to you the citizen. The legislature is elected to make laws and not pass the responsibility back to you through propositions.
U.S. Senate
U.S. Representative 51st District
U.S. Representative 52nd District
U.S. Representative 50th District
U.S. Representative 49th District
State Offices
County Offices
Lieutenant Governor
Attorney General
State Assembly 77th District
State Assembly 78th District
State Assembly 79th District
Secretary of State
County board of Supervisors
Superior Court Judge, Office 37
SD City Council 4th District
SD Comm. College Board District A
Southwestern Community College Board
Community College Boards & Local Boards of Education
Propositions: • Proposition : YES Expands Affordable Housing Without More Taxes.
• Proposition : YES Improves Dialysis Clinic Care and Facilities.
• Proposition : YES Housing and Mental Health Care for the Homeless.
• Proposition : YES Allows Local Communities to Adopt Rent Control.
• Proposition : YES Specialized Health Care for Kids.
• Proposition : NO Jeopardizes Safety Measures for First Responders.
• Proposition : YES Undermines Bridge and Road Safety. • Proposition : YES Eliminates Daylight Saving Time Change.
A – NO:
N – YES:
B – NO:
O – YES:
C – NO:
W – YES:
D – YES:
X – YES:
Over-Representation of Unincorporated Areas Holds Up Funds Intended for County Services Full Voter Participation in County Elections
E – NO:
“Soccer City” Development (San Diego)
G – YES:
“SDSU West” Development (San Diego)
H – YES:
School Board Term Limits (San Diego)
J – YES:
Disclosure of Business Interests (San Diego)
K – YES:
Disability Benefit for Police Officers (San Diego) Otay Mesa Public Facilities Bonds National City Residential Rent Control Half Cent Sales Tax for Publk Safety and Infrastructure
Southwestern College Board Term Limits
Sweetwater Union High School District Bonds
Bonds for Education and Construction
South Bay Union School District Bonds
Closes City Council Term Limit Loophole (San Diego)
L – YES:
Compensation for City Elected Officials (San Diego)
M – YES:
Audit Committee Reappointments (San Diego)
• Proposition : YES Prevents Cruelty to Millions of Farm Animals.
Local Ballot Measures: Unnecessary County Charter Amendments
Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Bonds Chula Vista Elementary School District Bonds
San Diego Unified School District Bonds
• Voice & Viewpoint • SEIU Local 221 • Sierra Club • National Union of Health care Workers • Run Women Run • Martin Luther King, Jr. Democratic Club • La Raza Lawyers Association • Asian American Pacific Islander Democratic Club • Earl B Gilliam Bar Association • Councilmember Ed Spriggs • Councilmember Marti Emerald (ret.) • Rev. George Walker Smith • Cecil Steppe, Chief Probation Officer (ret.) • Mitz Lee, CEO, Alliance for Quality Education • Geneviéve Jones-Wright, Deputy Public Defender • Pastor Walter G. Wells • Omar Passons, community leader • Ken Malbrough, President, Chollas Valley Planning Group • Rosalind Winstead, business leader • Bishop Cornelius Bowser • Rev. Dr. J Lee Hill • Pastor Floyd Brown, Jr. • Bishop A.B. Vines • Pastor James Moore, Jr.
vote community.
vote montgomery. Paid for by Monica Montgomery for City Council, FPPC No: 1397529 3401-A Adams Ave No. 345 San Diego, CA 92116
Thursday, NOvember 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info we're referring to employment opportunities or relationships.
underlying beliefs that go back to the times of slavery.
“It's all a fallout of slavery because slaves often were pitted against each other as a means of preventing unity.”
“Interestingly that thinking has survived even during times of mass migration, which is presumably indicative of how deep-seated it is in American culture and law,” the professor continued.
During slavery, the dark-skinned blacks worked in the fields while light-skinned blacks worked in the house, hence the terms “field Negroes” and “house Negroes.” “It got so bad, that not only did the slave owner, who was often responsible for the lighter shade of brown his slaves had, give lighter-skinned blacks more respect, but so did the darkskinned blacks,” blogger Jasmyne Cannick writes in an opinion column for NPR 2. This was best illustrated in Spike Lee's 1988 film “School Daze” in the scene set in a beauty salon between the “jiggaboos,” the darker-skinned blacks with “nappy” hair, and the “wannabes,” the lighter-skinned blacks with “straight” and often weaved hair.
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia Five Centuries ago – on August 18, 1518 to be exact – the King of Spain, Charles I, issued a charter authorizing the transportation of slaves direct from Africa to the Americas, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO. Five hundred years later, the devastating effects remain. Some argue, however, that slavery continues to exist – in that far too many African Americans possess a slave's mentality. Books on the topic are a plenty. Harvard psychiatrist Alvin Poussaint wrote extensively about the high suicide rates among black males which doubled over a 15-year period beginning in 1980. “African-American young men may see the afterlife as a better place,” Poussaint wrote in his book, “Lay My Burden Down: Suicide and the Mental Health Crisis among African-Americans.” In her book, “Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting,” famed author and social worker, Terrie M. Williams, writes about the “high toll of hiding the pain associated with the black experience” on mental health. Portland State University scholar Joy DeGruy also tried explaining the slave mentality in her controversial theory, “Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome.” The Urban Dictionary and other works says that a slave mentality is one of feeling inferior or of feeling lost without hope, a feeling that we do not have the power to significantly alter our own circumstances. “Another sad symptom of having a slave mentality is believing that white people are superior,” writes Kuuleme T. Stephens noted in her blog 1.“A person conditioned to quietly, and without objection, accept harmful circumstances for themselves as the natural order of things. …They're also conditioned to accept their master's view and beliefs, about themselves, and strive to get others, within their group, to accept their master's view.
“You know, I can't think of one time that I witnessed or heard of white children taunting each other for being paler than the next, but I can think of numerous occasions where I have seen black children teasing each other for being ‘too black,'” Cannick said. “And while our lighter skin shades can be attributed to the Massuh's preference for his female black slaves over his own wife, we can't blame the Massuh for us continuing to feed into the hype that light is good and dark is bad,” she said. Post-slavery, post-Jim Crow, and post-Civil Rights, African Americans haven't reached their full potential in part because of an acute lack of effort with too many wallowing in self-pity, say those who've argued against reparations. Walter Williams, an economics professor at George Mason University in Washington, D.C. and an opponent of reparations, suggested that African-Americans have actually benefited from the legacy of slavery. “Almost every black American's income is higher as a result of being born in the United States than any country in Africa,” Williams, who is black, told ABC News. “Most black Americans are middle-class,” Williams said, claiming that the U.S. has made “significant” investments in African Americans since the slave trade ended. “The American people have spent $6.1 trillion in the name of fighting poverty,” he said. “We've had all kinds of programs trying to address the problems of discrimination. America has gone a long way.” Countering that argument, others said America has continued to do a disservice to black Americans, prolifically using the criminal justice system as tool akin to slavery that almost assures a lifetime of dependency on taxpayers.
The “broad scope of the criminal justice system reinforces the wealth disparity between white and black by making those caught up in it ever poorer and serves to drive even some of the better-of people caught up in it into poverty,” Steinheimer said. “The economic impact resulting from slavery therefore gets magnified and reinforced by our criminal justice system, which increasingly stacks fines and fees,” he said. In a dissertation for the Brookings Institute, Glenn C. Loury wrote 4that the dream that race might someday become an insignificant category in our civic life now seems naively utopian. In cities across the country, and in rural areas of the Old South, the situation of the black underclass and, increasingly, of the black lower working classes is bad and getting worse. Simply put, the playing field has never been level for black Americans and that has only worsened the mental health of the community. “No well-informed person denies this, though there is debate over what can and should be done about it,” Loury said. “Nor do serious people deny that the crime, drug addiction, family breakdown, unemployment, poor school performance, welfare dependency, and general decay in these communities constitute a blight on our society virtually unrivaled in scale and severity by anything to be found elsewhere in the industrial West,” he said. “Slavery is one of the foundational pillars of American society, propping up the nation starting in the earliest days of the Republic and touching the lives of everyone in America. And its legacy has been long lasting,” said Hasan Jeffries, a James Madison Montpelier historian and history professor at Ohio State University who specializes in contemporary black politics. “The deeply rooted belief in white supremacy that justified slavery survived its abolition in 1865 and undergird the new systems of African American labor exploitation and social control, namely Jim Crow, that sought to replace what had been lost as a result of emancipation,” Jeffries said. As a result, slavery has caused certain symptoms of dysfunction in the African community, which has been reinforced in each generation, according to historians at the African Holocaust Network 5. The legacy of slavery has promoted and nursed the direct association between being African and being inferior. Being African and being unequal. Being African and being incapable and less worthy.
“My expertise is the criminal justice system, which has long been used to intimidate, oppress, and abuse AfricanAmericans. While officially our laws today are color-blind, which is different from the time of slavery, as implemented and
It also promotes ways of thinking which continue to impede growth and development, such as cultivating dependence and reactive behaviors, and more content to be at best an observer complaining about the world, instead of being a change agent in the world.
used they aren't,” said Roy L. Steinheimer Jr., a professor of Law at Washington and Lee University in Virginia.
“The deterioration of the black American family is staggering,” Stephens said.
What about black on black crime?
“If you ask a young black American what they want to be when they grow up, most will say they want to be a rapper/singer, football player, basketball player, or baseball player, and that is if they can tell you what they would like to be at all,” she said.
“I often hear people make the claim that blacks were better off when they were slaves. I myself have been known to say such things when people piss me off and respond out of ignorance to a posting or article. My reason for making such an argument is if black Americans are not going to stop living in the past and blaming other for their problems, we will never move forward as a people. …To maintain a belief that you are owed something and entitled to things when you are doing nothing to help yourself is absurd. “To stay ignorant as a lifestyle choice and have others (the government) take care of you and tell you what to do is exactly what the slaves did, and some continued to do even after they were freed. …My great grandmother, whose father and grandfather were slaves, has a slavery mentality because they were raised by slaves and their opinions and beliefs were passed down as such.” Even now, millions of Americans of recognizably African descent languish in societal backwaters, according to historians and experts on slavery. And, the dichotomy that exists between those who view living in America as a struggle to survive and those that see it as a land of opportunity has driven a wedge between many in the African American community. “We're absolutely still slaves today,” said Sean XG Mitchell, a Hip-Hop activist and author of several books on the black experience, including “The African American Spiritual Practice of Seven.” “We're the only race of people who do not have a cultural orientation regarding our identity. Every powerful and successful race and/or ethnic group of people have an orientation that centers around language, education, religion, names and customs which is where their unity, self-respect, pride and dignity-the prerequisite of power- comes from,” he said. As a result of slavery, African Americans do not have a cultural orientation that centers around their historical experience as a people. “We see the outcome in the deficiency of our social and economic development. To a certain extent, we've been fighting racism and injustice all wrong which is why it's been an ongoing issue for over [500] years. Real empowerment comes from culture and until we understand and embrace what it means to be an African people will always be slaves,” Mitchell said. “I believe there is a dividing legacy of slavery that have pitted certain segments of the black community against each other,” Mitchell continues. “We have an obvious color barrier between light skin and dark skin, creating somewhat of a caste system that gives privilege to the lighter shade in most cases whether
According to an evidence brief from the Vera Institute of Justice, titled, “An Unjust Burden: The Disparate Treatment of Black Americans in the Criminal Justice System,” 3 and a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that most violence occurs between victims and offenders of the same race, regardless of race. The rate of both black-on-black and white-on-white nonfatal violence declined 79 percent between 1993 and 2015. The number of homicides involving both a black victim and black perpetrator fell from 7,361 in 1991 to 2,570 in 2016. The issue isn't the crime, it's the selective disproportionately harsher punishment and sentencing of African Americans. “Some of the laws, such as those disenfranchising convicted felons, have their origin, if not in the immediate aftermath of the civil war, then in the era that saw the emergence of the KKK and white supremacy. They were clearly intended to keep African-Americans and likely, though to a lesser extent poor whites, from the ballot box,” Steinheimer said. Meanwhile, some of the newer laws that have negatively affected African-Americans still appear to result from some
“No one tells them that only 0.03 percent make it to pro basketball, 0.08 percent make it pro football, and 0.45 percent make it pro baseball. “We have a 40 percent dropout rate, for every 100,000 black men in the U.S., 4,777 are in prison or jail; for every 100,000 black American women, there are 743 in jail or prison, and 72 percent of black American women, and teens are unwed mothers.” Historians at the James Madison Montpelier in Virginia said that it's no accident that the U.S. Constitution opens with a message of inclusivity 6, establishing “justice” and ensuring “domestic tranquility” for the people. However, it's what that most famous preamble – and, indeed, the rest of the document – doesn't address that's more telling: The Constitution's authors omit the vital distinction between their view of the differences between persons and property and, in doing so, ultimately protect one of history's most oppressive institutions: Slavery.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, November 1, 2018
David Smith and Andrea Boone: A Celebration of love Photos and Story by Terri Wright
On a beautiful day in San Diego at a gorgeous setting, it was the perfect way to celebrate love. On Friday, September 28, 2018, David Smith married his best friend and love Andrea Boone. They are both San Diego Natives. Andrea is known as “The Voice” of San Diego as she was the evening drive radio host for The Soul of San Diego & San Diego Gospel Radio stations, and is a Voice Over Artist. David, does Private Security and Executive Protection throughout Southern California, and is an alumni of Morse High School. The ceremony took place at Spanish Landing on Shelter Island and it was officiated by Larry “Preacherman” Thompson who also served as the DJ to help celebrate the event. In attendance were close family and friends to give support and love to the happy couple. #Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind
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Thursday, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
THE GOSPEL EXPLOSION Contributing Writer
On the night of Saturday September 29, 2018, was a night that North Park Apostolic Church at 2515 Lemon Grove ave, Lemon Grove Ca, was filled with songs and echoes of Zion music and a whole lot ofwhorshipping and praising God was going on.
The main event, was the Virginia res of Chesepeake Va., was introduced by promoter Earlene Barkley. The Virginia res moved on the stage singing, You Should Have Been there, and My Feet Got Light, and many more.
Elder, Pastor, Lonnie Lynch graced the floor, calling this event to order with prayer, scripture, and a song, along with Elder Morris Wood, of the Friendly Cogic of Oceanside, Ca.
We had a hallelujah good time. All of the night the congregation was on their feet praising God, and enjoying the musical festivities.
Pastor Lynch had double duty that day. He also was the expediter of the evening. He did a fantastic job. Bishop Fred Collins & The San Diego Gospel Messengers came on the stage singing, The Lord Will Make A Way, Unity and others. Pastor Rohn and Reborn of Atlanta Ga. Took the stage singing one of their latest hits from their CD, Straight Street and The Old Time Religion, also many more. It was a spirit filled night of all nights. Evangelist, Vera Bryant blessed the congregation with a praise and whorship dance, she was outstanding. Keso and The Church Boys of Los Angeles California blessed us with I Got A new Home In Zion, and the lead guitartist made that guitar talk, and everybody was on their feet.
We want to thank Sis, Brenda Murray for coming all the way from Los Angeles California in bringing her mother, Sister Ann Murray to the concert and to recognize her for her faithfulness, kindness, and encouragement, as a legendary radio personality, to the Gospel Quartet World. Promoter Earlene Barkley and her staff presented Sis Ann Murray with a bundle offlowers. The Southern California Gospel Quartet Recording artist and the New United Christian Workers Ministry want to thank everybody for the’1r part in making this concert a success. God was truly glorified and the saints were edified, and the devil was horrified! This is what we do. To God Be The Glory Amen!!
Photos By Rochelle Porter