Seaford Scene August 2020

Page 33

U3A News

Ukulele players

It was a relief to come to the end of the lockdown and to hope that life can return to a semblance of normality over the next few weeks. It was particularly good to see friends and family at last. As many commentators have said, it will not be the same as before, though Seaford shops are functioning on the whole and people have flocked to the beach at Seaford and at Cuckmere Haven. Since March, U3A members have been meeting virtually for online chats in French, Spanish and Italian; photos of works of art have been shared and discussed ,and ukulele scores have been exchanged. Now, since June, we have been able to move from the realm of video conferencing to ukulele playing and murder mystery play reading in the garden, while adhering strictly to social distancing and sanitizing rules. The photo shows the socially-distanced ukulele group in action. We hope to be able to add to our outdoor activities, weather permitting, and expand our use of online chat groups. At this time of year we are usually busy preparing our programme for the next season, and at our heart are our group coordinators, members who want to pass on their knowledge to others, whether it be science, art, cookery, philosophy, music, poetry or chatting about current affairs. Even at this difficult time, our coordinators have not let us down and we shall be sending out a summary list of possible activities shortly to members, although dates and venues cannot be finalised. Enquiries will be made as to whether there is any possibility of the pub lunches starting again in September. This was a very popular event, with plenty of chat and there will be a lot to catch up on. Seaford U3A committee is aware that for many people it will take a leap of faith to go out again and join in activities with other people. We shall have to take it slowly to see how things work, and the more members who come forward to engage in the programme the better it will be. U3A membership was due for renewal on 1st August and all members should have received a membership pack in July. We hope to hold the AGM in October

when 20% of members will be needed to attend to form the quorum. Without a quorum the new committee cannot be elected and no resolutions can be passed, so it is to be hoped that members will support the U3A at that meeting. Let us meet together to try to make the U3A as close to the organisation that we had before as we possibly can. For more information about Seaford U3A and also about its linked organisations, Sussex U3A Network (SUN) and SE U3A Region see the website To find out about membership email sending your postal address for a welcome pack.


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