Seaford Scene May 2021

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Seaford Photographic Society Earlier in the year we had a go at entering the GB Cup, a national competition open to photographic clubs from all over the UK. All SPS members were given the opportunity to contribute and we ended up submitting 32 images, from 9 different photographers. Of the 120 clubs who entered, we came 62nd, which is really quite an achievement for such a small club, so well done to everyone who entered. Particular congratulations to Chris Dawson who scored the club’s only 13 (meaning at least one of the judges gave it the maximum 5/5). We had a surprising 35 entries for our first ever club Triptych competition and it was great to see so many people having a go. Sue Clark LRPS CPAGB AWPF did a fine job in carrying out the judging duties. Congratulations to Heather Roberts for taking the first prize with ‘Guitar Triptych’ (photo below) and Steve

Hewitt who took the second place prize with ‘Westerly Wind Prevails’ (photo above). Third place went to Simon Watkins. All this year’s competitions for prints had to be cancelled because of Covid so we changed the Print League into a Second League for PDIs (Projected Digital Images). Well done to Simon Rigby and David Nickalls (Green Door, top photo) in the Standard Group; and to Colin Mitchell, Thelma Long and Simon Watkins (Kingfisher with Perch, opposite, middle photo) in the Advanced Group, who all scored the maximum 20/20 in the first round. Judging was carried out by Gerald Kityakara LRPS.


different types of competition.

The following week we had an inspiring talk by Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSA. As well as showing us some of his award-winning sport and landscape photos he shared lots of technical information about how he got them and gave us some insights as to what does well in

Brighton Craft are taking over the Cuckmere Room in Seaford’s Crypt Gallery for the whole of May for their exhibition ‘Beyond & Above II’. This will feature 13 artists and makers from across Sussex, and Seaford Photographic Society is pleased to have been invited to exhibit. We will have some of our work on display as well as a selection of mounted photographic prints for sale. We had another excellent turnout for Round 2 of the second PDI League competition, with 60 images entered, judged by Paul Parkinson LRPS CPAGB BPE1*. Members particularly appreciated Paul’s advice on how some of the images could be improved, for example by slightly different cropping. Anna-Marie Armstrong continued her run of successes in the Standard Group, scoring two 20s. In the Advanced Group Janice Hewitt, Simon Watkins and Chris Dawson (Two Trees and a Sheep, photo above) also scored 20s. We hope to re-start our outdoor photography meet-ups as soon as we are allowed, so do stop and say hello if you see us out and about. As always you will find lots of details about the club on our website, including larger versions of all the competition-winning photos, members’ galleries, programme of events, latest news, and contact details.

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