Seaford Scene November 2021

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Seaford Rotary

The Seaford Rotary Sleigh is returning

Seaford Rotary is glad to be able to announce that Santa has accepted our invitation to come to Seaford this December to meet children in the streets of Seaford on weekday evenings, and in Broad Street on Saturday mornings and Christmas Eve. The dates and details of routes that Santa plans to take will be published in the December Seaford Scene (distributed from 26th November), the Seaford Rotary website (, and social media. This is provided that the Government does not impose restrictions similar to those imposed last year which prevented Santa visiting Seaford. Seaford Rotary will be using a tracker App which will enable the public to determine the location of the sleigh and hence parents can follow Santa’s journey along his route each evening so that their children can be ready for Santa’s visit by their home. Details of the App will be published later in November. Keep watching Seaford Rotary website and social media for further news of Santa’s visit to Seaford.

World Polio Day

World Polio Day was celebrated on 24th October and is an occasion when the World Health Organisation, together with national health organisations and Rotary International throughout the world celebrate winning the battle against polio. For over 40 years, Rotary has been actively helping in the vaccination programme to eradicate polio throughout the world. Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only two countries where Wild Poliovirus remains endemic, but the vaccination programme is a success with only one case of acute Flaxcid Paralysis in each country at the end of January 2021, and only 60 isolated cases from environmental sites, with many weeks when no virus could be detected at all.


The World Health Organisation is confident that the polio virus will have been eradicated by 2023, although three years will have to elapse for that to be confirmed. For many years, Seaford Rotary Club has been supporting this fight to eradicate polio. If you would also like to support the final effort to rid the world of this terrible disease, please send your support and donations to: The Treasurer Seaford Rotary Charitable Trust, Rotary Club of Seaford, c/o Seaford Golf Club, 111, Firle Road, Seaford. BN25 2JD. All donations made payable to: Seaford Rotary Charitable Trust – Charity No 1033841. Alternatively, you may donate online to: Seaford Rotary Charitable Trust; Sort Code 40-40-25, Account number 31398865.

Become a Friend of Seaford Rotary

At the Support our Seaford Charities Day held at the Martello Fields on Sunday 5th September, Seaford Rotary operated a Become a Friend promotion scheme. This scheme successfully enrolled 36 new Friends during the day. At the Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair later in the month a further 13 Friends were enrolled. By becoming a Friend of Seaford Rotary, you will be kept up to date with what we are doing locally and internationally. There is no commitment or expenditure.

Become a Friend of Seaford Rotary – Join today

For more information contact us on Photos from top: Santa in his sleigh; John Owen talking to a potential Friend of Seaford Rotary.

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