Zanshin Dec- jan 2015

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in focus

on target

the #21 Sept - Decof 2014 IssueNewsletter Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #21 Sept. - dec. 2014

seek perfection of character ~ be faithful ~ endeavour ~ respect others ~ refrain from violent behaviour

welcome to our last edition of Zanshin for 2014. As we close 2014 and embark on a new journey in 2015, on behalf of the management of the TKA, I wish to sincerely thank everyone who contributed their time, talent and finances to ensure that the TKA had a successful year. We successfully hosted the 11th IKD/CKC Caribbean Championships in August and apart from doing very well in this event, we also gained many medals in TTKU hosted or recognized tournaments. As is also customary, some of our members got the opportunity to represent Trinidad and Tobago at an international level.



Inside TTKU Biennual Awards Function


Announcing TKA’s Website




11th IKD Caribbean Tournament Results


TKA’s Newest Club


Training Schedule


2015 will be an important year for us as we intensify training for the 2nd IKD World tournament in July, at the Ryerson University, Toronto Canada. All members are encouraged to come out in their numbers to train for this prestigious event where TKA members will compete against some of the best in the world. In 2015, let us not just recite the Dojo Kun but live it as we Seek Perfection of Character, are Faithful to our friends, family and loved ones, Endeavour to achieve our goals, Refrain from Violent Behaviour and Respect Others.

Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA(IKD)

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