Zanshin #19 - March - May, 2014

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Zanshin in focus

Newsletter 2014 of the Issue #19 March-April-May, Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue #19 Mar-Apr-May 2014

on target

seek perfection of character ~ be faithful ~ endeavour ~ respect others ~ refrain from violent behaviour

Welcome to our 19th issue and Zanshin’s 2nd anniversary!

Two years ago, in March 2012, we launched our magazine and for eighteen months we were able to sustain it on a monthly basis. Unfortunately because of a lack of articles being contributed on a regular and timely basis the editorial team had to resort to producing a quarterly magazine. It is the desire of the management of the TKA and editorial team to resume the monthly magazine but it can only be done if readers start contributing. So we urge each and every one to take some time from their busy schedule and prepare some articles that can be placed in the magazine.

Inside Shihan Woon-a-Tai’s Visit


Events Calendar 2014


The Essential History of Karate-Do


Grading 2013


Results: National Tournament


Training Schedules


This is the second Newsletter for 2014 and it comes at a very exciting time for Karate in the TKA. TTKU national team trials have started and several of our students are currently participating in them. In April, the WKF Caribbean Championships will be held in Trinidad and in August the TKA will be hosting the 11th IKD/CKC Caribbean Championships. In preparation for these tournaments we held our National Tournament in January and smaller tournaments will be planned throughout the year. Team training has intensified to enable our athletes to acquire the high level of skill and fitness required to participate in the events. In March, our second live-in Instructor’s training camp will be held, the last one in Tobago was a great success and this date will be announced very soon. We ask all Karatekas, past and present to support all our activities. We welcome your time, talent and financial assistance as we strive to reach our goals. Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA(IKD)

Oh gosh; peewees waiting to grade. Too cute!

Carnival to Easter Issue

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