Zanshin in focus
Newsletter the Issue #20 June -July-August,of 2014 Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue #20 June-July-August 2014
on target
seek perfection of character ~ be faithful ~ endeavour ~ respect others ~ refrain from violent behaviour
Fellow Karatekas,
Welcome once again to another edition of Zanshin. In our last edition we inadvertently forgot to mention that we lost two of our Karatekas, Carlos Parris, 2nd Dan in November, 2013 and Titan Le Tai, Shodan. May their souls rest in peace.
to all our S.E.A Peewee Karatekas Inside 11TH IKD Caribbean Tournament
Profile: Sensei David Clarke
Events Calendar
Rewarding Excellence: Sensei Richie Robertson
Training Schedule
Results: National Tournament
Grading Day Memories
This magazine is not only about our achievements in karate but other personal achievements but this can only be done if they are submitted to the editorial staff. This edition is dedicated to Sensei Richie Robertson who recently received a very prestigious award for his work in Geology while our Profile is on Sensei David Clarke, IKD’s patron. We will also update you on the upcoming 11th IKD Caribbean Karate Tournament and Caribbean Karate Camp which will be hosted by Trinidad and Tobago as well as other activities. Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA(IKD)
Heian Nidan; ‘Hashime’; Begin!
Wet Season & Vacation Issue