Zanshin #23

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in focus

Newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue #23 APR - JUNE, 2015

on target

seek perfection of character ~ be faithful ~ endeavour ~ respect others ~ refrain from violent behaviour

What’s Inside

Fellow Karatekas, friends, family members and supporters,

The Zanshin magazine is celebrating its third anniversary this quarter. In April 2012 the idea of a magazine was generated by the then Sempai Simone and the first edition was launched. In May of that same year Sempai Dianne Francis did the necessary research and came up with the name of Zanshin. As a reminder for the young ones, and as quoted in our 2nd edition when our magazine’s name was conceived, Zan means to leave, shin means mind or consciousness. Zanshin therefore is the act of setting aside a part of the conscious mind when we finish a kata in order to ensure that it is properly completed. In other words we must maintain our guard from start to finish. Thanks to all the contributors and the team who produce the document faithfully as it continues to promote the TKA and provide its members with up-to-date information on events and Karate techniques and what is happening in the Karate world.

Feature Article

What is Karate




Fitness Blast


Please continue to support the sustainability of the magazine by sending news, photos and information on anything that impacts on our style of Karate to

Events Calendar


Thank you and God bless

Training Schedule


Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA(IKD)

Sensei Theophilus Faustin advises students on Tournament day.

Good Friday - Indian Arrival Corpus Christi - Issue

Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim

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