in focus
Newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue #24 JULY - SEPT, 2015
on target
seek perfection of character ~ be faithful ~ endeavour ~ respect others ~ refrain from violent behaviour
Welcome to our tournament edition This 3rd quarter July to September 2015 has been one of our most successful ever. We started off by winning gold in Suriname in June in the first Caribbean Championships. Then we excelled in the OSKK Invitational where we also won several gold, silver and bronze medals. Then the BOMBSHELL! Team TKA won the Gold Cup in the Second IKD World Championships. All of the achievements have been the result of hard work and dedication to our Shotokan Karate over the last few months. The details of these achievements are in the magazine so I will cut short here. READ ON ... and CONGRATULATIONS to us all ... Regards
Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA(IKD)
Eid-Ul-Fitr - Emancipation Day Independence Day - Republic Day
What’s Inside
Events Calendar
Training Schedule