The Edwardian Gazette Weekly Online College Journal
Chief Editor Mr G Psaila
Headmaster’s Message
Christmas Raffle
Christmas Contributions Editing, Design, Production,
Midnight Mass
Photography & Advertising
After School Sports
Ms M L Fenech
Sport Department
Marketing Executive
School Visit Weekly Calendar
Front Cover Yr 11s during their retreat at Savio College All photographic material and other content is College property
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Headmaster’s Message Dear Parents and Community Members The issue of Internet Safety is high on our agenda since we believe that our students require a lot of support to be empowered in striking a balance in the use of this powerful media source. The topic was discussed during Assembly and through the Personal & Social Development (PSD) lessons. The meeting for parents, dealt with the issue from a different perspective. The emphasis was on creating an awareness of the potential risks, at various levels, when young people are exposed to Internet without parental guidance. A recent study conducted on a national level, has clearly demonstrated, that heavy media users are more likely to perform poorly in their studies. Multitasking - reading, while listening to music and browsing the internet - has to be also addressed since it is directly linked to the issue. Needless to say that gaming is another phenomenon that requires to be tackled. The solution is surely not to isolate or restrict our students from the different types of media. On the contrary we need to work together, educators and parents, to empower our children to benefit from the unlimited opportunities of modern technology.
Best Regards,
Mr George Psaila Headmaster
Quote of the Week ‘It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation’ Herman Melville
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Christmas Raffle CHRISTMAS RAFFLE 2011 Gifts for our Christmas Raffle in aid of Libya’s injured children Raffle Prizes 2011 – Update Mr & Mrs Stivala (Pascal’s parents) 2 nights on Bed & Breakfast at the Bayview Hotel & Aptartments Valid till 31-3-2012 excluding December 22 to January 1 Ms D Bianco Mallia Palatino Bag by 3 bottles (X2) Sponsored by Camilleri Wines Mr & Mrs Wismayer (Michael and Mark’s parents) 1 complimentary day return ticket to Sicily (x2) for 1 person on Virtu Ferries Mr & Mrs Wismayer (Michael and Mark’s parents) Voucher from Westin Dragonara Salon Spa for a treatment of choice Ms Jessica Inglott from C+M Marketing Ltd 3 items from Shiseido range to be given as 1 gift valued at €100 Adam Ashur Playstation 3 game Need for Speed – SHIFT Mr A Sultana Mini MP3 Player and a 4 Port USB hub Ms D. Bianco Mallia, Ice-Watch® Sponsored by Classic Jewellers, Bisazza Street Sliema Mr & Mrs Seifert (Daniel & Tristan’s parents) Playstation 3® game - FIFA 2012 Playstation 3® game - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 3 DVDs - First Knight - King Kong - The Day the Earth Stood Still Mr & Mrs Bugeja (Quentin’s parents) Playstation 3® game - Little Big Planet 2
Raffle Prizes 2011 - This week
Mr A Sultana 2 packs of 3 ‘Grow a Head’ ornamental plants Systec Limited Aigo S18 video camera Aigo V200 camera Aigo MP5901 MP4 Trevor Tonna DVD - Batman Begins Ms P Desira Linx multi media digital photo display Merlin Library Six Books
Thank you!
Tickets on sale Now available @ 1 for 50 cents and 3 for 1 euro, from The Librarian or from monitors during Senior School break time Ms Blanche Caruana or from monitors during Junior School break time
Raffles Prizes 2011 for Staff Palatino Bag by 3 bottles (X2) sponsored by Camilleri Wines’ donated by D Bianco Voucher from Westin Dragonara for a treatment of choice donated by parents of Michael and Mark Wismayer 3 items to be given as 1 gift valued at a 100 euro from Shiseido donated by Ms Jessica Inglott from C+M Marketing Ltd Aigo S18 video camera : donated by Systec Limited 2 bottles Jameson Irish Whisky & 1 bottle Choya traditional Japanese Liquer , 1 bottle of Baileys and another bottle of coffee liquer all donated by Mr & Mrs Hennessy parents of Dillon and Ronan 6 bottles of wine donated by Mr Chris Naudi Pizza for 2 at Eddie’s Pizzeria in Valletta donated by Mr & Mrs Camilleri 3 Books donated by Merlin Library 3 Bottles of Chilean Wine Cake donated by Larkin Muscat Toiletries
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Christmas Contributions Dear Colleagues, Parents and Students,
The College will be collecting the following items to be donated to the Maltese Crèche during the Christmas period. You are encouraged to contribute at least one item per each. Items needed are:
Nappies for babies between 0 - 3 years
Formula milk cans
Powder cereal
Fruit and food jars
New baby-grows
Socks and tights
Used clothes are also being accepted Every help counts!!
The items will be collected on the 15 December 2011. Pictures taken of the presentation of the items to the Crèche will put it on the gazette in December.
Thank you for your co-operation
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Christmas Contributions Dear Colleagues, Parents & Students
Thank you so much for promoting the Crèche collection of items with the boys during the past two weeks and for your contribution. I managed to fill around 10 packed boxes and bags of food, milk and nappies for the Crèche children. When I took the boxes to one of the helpers of the Crèche she was dumbfounded with joy at the sight of so many boxes. This is all thanks to you and the boys. Thanks to all the boys and their parents. The presentation of the items will take place shortly and some pictures will be uploaded on the gazette. If there are any other items brought in by Wednesday 14 December please forward them to me in order to co-ordinate their delivery. Have a great holiday. Warm regards
Denise Papagiorcopolo Head of Visual Arts
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Midnight Mass St Edward’s College will once again be organising "Midnight Mass" (in English) at College. Mass will be celebrated by Fr Sacco at 21:30 in order to allow for the possibility for our younger members of the congregation to also attend. A procession with live animals accompanied by the boys’ Christmas choir will be held up to the chapel and will start at 21:00. Mulled wine, mince pies, tea and coffee will be served at the canteen after Mass. Bring your family and friends along and come and join us for the procession to the chapel. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Chris Naudi SEPTA
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE After School Sports Dear Parents The after-schools Programme for Sports has not yet begun apart from Tennis which is being held on a Thursday. For Swimming we have eleven applicants and this will begin in January. Unfortunately, the other sports do not have enough applicants for the activities to be feasible. If we do not get any more applicants by next week, we will return the cheques. Thanks and kind regards,
Anne Tabone Head of Junior School
Sports D Yr 11 Volleyball Team Volleyball Inter-schools at Corradino
Giovanni Curmi St Edward’s College St Edward’s College Savio College -
St Edward’s College Mtarfa School St Catherine’s St Edward’s College
15-08 15-13 15-12 11-15
Department Sixth Form Football Team 5-a-Side Sixth Form Results
St Edward’s College St Edward’s College MCAST St Edward’s College -
St Martin’s College GC Higher Secondary St Edward’s College De La Salle College
3-2 0-4 0-0 0-2
HSBC speaker talks about banking and how economic text books are being re
Gregory Inglott – currently responsible for strategy and transformation at HSBC’s Retain Bank delivere formers and 5th formers, highlighting the changing environment for banks and the industry in both Malta an
“We are living in challenging and testing times. We are in the middle of an economic and financial crisis th 2008 and has now developed into a country debt crisis for Europe. First it was countries bailing out banks scrambling to bail out each other” said Gregory . The discussion was lively and interactive with a lot through from the students.
Gregory also gave his perspectives on how the students can develop to be successful in their careers and lif
ool Visit HSBC Speaker
e written.
ed a presentation to 6th nd beyond.
hat started in the US in and now countries are t of questions coming
fe choices.
Mr Gregory Inglott
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE This Week at St Edward’s College Mon 12 December
Tue 13 December
Public Holiday
Wed 14 December
L-Istrina Campaign - Collection of Piggy Banks 13.00
SMT Meeting Live-In Yr 11
Thu 15 December
Live-In Yr 11
Fri 16 December
Live-In Yr 11
Sat 17 December
Sun 18 December
Calendar Information The latest version of the Calendar is on our website.