Meyerton 20150414

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The Rock Shopping Centre, C/r Houtkop Rd & King Str, Duncanville. Tel: 016-454 0680 or 016-454 0684

WE DELIVER! Trading hours: SUN – THUR: 8AM – 9PM FRI – SAT: 8AM – 11PM Prices subject to change. T&C applies.

T-Bone Grill R60-00 ¼ Chicken with Chips + 330ml Coke R35-00 Burger with Chips + 330ml Coke R35-00 Dagwood with Chips + 330ml Coke R45-00


Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster & Meyerton Pos/Mail 14 April ­ 20 April 2015 Tel: 016 950 7000

Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Daleside, De Deur, Henley on Klip, Meyerton, Randvaal, Redan, Walkerville, Vaal Marina, Risiville, Drie Riviere, Drie Riviere Proper, Drie Riviere Oos, Peacehaven en Maccauvlei.


Sunday lunch in the Vaal!

Die Botha­gesin wat aan die stuur van sake staan by Botha & Deysel Executive is van links Armand, Ruan, Martin, Frikkie en Frikkie jr. Foto: Karin Visagie

Sukses sonder grense

VEREENIGING. - Soos die meeste stories, begin dié van Botha & Deysel Executive ook met die woorde “Lank, lank gelede.” Die suksesverhaal van dié besigheid gaan terug tot in 1983 toe Botha & Deysel Motors in Telfordstraat op die been gebring is nadat Frikkie Botha en Kobus Deysel in 1982 hul eerste voertuig, ’n 1976 Volkswagen Passat, verkoop het. Hul eerste kantore was ’n sinkgebou en hul voorraad het uit twee voertuie bestaan. Teen 1984 het dit reeds so goed gegaan met die besigheid dat hulle na ruim kantore in Rhodeslaan

kon trek. Sowat vier jaar gelede het die besigheid afgestig en staan sedertdien as Botha & Deysel Executive bekend. Na die afstigting spog dié besigheid nog elke jaar met die PMR Golden Arrow-toekenning in die Sedibengdistrik en 2014 was geensins anders nie. Die besigheid spog sedert 1989 tot 2014 met die eer as een van Absa se Golden Dealers. Dié toekenning word slegs gemaak aan uitmuntende handelaars in tweedehandse voertuie wat met Absa sake doen. Verder is hulle ook vir vyf agtereenvolgende

jare deur Absa as Top Handelaar van die Jaar gekies. Slegs twee handelaars in die land, waarvan Botha & Deysel Executive een is, kon dié gesogte prestasie behaal. Botha & Deysel Executive is vandag landwyd sinoniem met die hoogste gehalte gebruikte voertuie teen die beste pryse. Kopers kom van heinde en ver, want buiten winskopies, kan hulle ook verseker wees van die flinkste persoonlike diens in die bedryf. Daar is eindelose keuses met meer as 200 voertuie in hul vertoonlokaal. “Hoewel ons fokus op gebruikte voertuie, is

dit altyd ’n plesier om vir ‘n kliënt presies te vind waarvan hy of sy droom, hetsy dit ’n gebruikte of nuwe voertuig is. Onthou dit is nie wat jy koop nie, maar van wie, wat tel,” sê Frikkie. Botha & Deysel begin eersdaags met bouwerk op ’n nuwe perseel op die hoek van Frikkie Meyer-boulevard en Barrageweg. Besoek hulle sommer vandag nog by Rhodeslaan 19 of skakel hulle by (016) 455 1201 of (016) 421 3948/3949/4567 om jou droomvoertuig ’n werklikheid te maak.



14 April - 20 April 2015

Skryf in vir Vaalweekblad se 2015­talentkompetisie Jannie du Plessis

VANDERBIJLPARK. - MooiVaal Media en verskeie borge vat weer hande om die 2015 Vaalweekblad Talentkompetisie te loods wat unieke plaaslike talent ten toon stel. Vanjaar se kompetisie het reeds op 1 Maart begin en eindig op 31 Mei en word in vier kategorieë gedeel. Graad 1 - 3, graad 4 tot 7, graad 8 tot 12 en studente aan enige instelling in die Vaaldriehoek. Leerlinge en studente wat oor ‘n buitengewone talent beskik, kan inskryf. Hoe om in te skryf: Neem ‘n video van maksimum drie minute van jouself terwyl jy jou besondere talent uitvoer. Op die inleiding van die video noem jy jou naam en van, ouderdom, kontaknommer, skool of studie-instelling. Videogrepe kan in die volgende formate wees: (.mpeg, mpeg2 .MP4, .wmv, .mt2s of .mov). Aangesien talent nie net beperk is tot ‘n verhoogoptrede soos sang, voordrag of musikale instrumente nie, sal talent buite verhoogverband soos bv. ‘n sesjarige kind wat ‘n dubbele bolmakiesie kan doen op ‘n veilige gimnastiekmat, ook aanvaar word.

Lewer die inskrywing af op ‘n stokkie, CD of DVD by MooiVaal Media se kantore op die 1ste vloer van die Ekspa-gebou op die hoek van Attie Fourie- en DF Malanstrate in Vanderbijlpark. Inskrywings kan ook gepos word na Vaalweekblad Talent, Posbus 351, Vanderbijlpark, 1900. As jy oor ‘n YouTube-rekening beskik, kan jy die video op jou YouTube laai en die skakel en jou besonderhede na e-pos. ‘n Voorbeeld van verlede jaar se inskrywings verskyn op die webblad Leerlinge wat nie oor videofasiliteite beskik nie, kan met Vaalweekblad reël om afgeneem te word. Onthou, kwaliteit, beligting en stabiliteit is deurslaggewend by die vervaardiging van ’n video. Die skool met die meeste inskrywings ontvang ook ‘n prys.Vir navrae stuur ’n e-pos na Cleo Philander, algehele wenner van die 2014 Vaalweekblad Talentkompetisie is hier besig met haar ateljee­opname by die Johan Laas klank­ateljee in Vander­ bijlpark, wat sy as deel van haar pryse vir die 2014 kompetsie gewen het. Foto: Jannie du Plessis

Kontak ons met nuus

Vir enige nuus in Vereeniging en Meyerton skakel Carla du Plessis by 084 230 6713 of stuur ’n e-pos na of skakel Lebo Chaha 072 742 5861 of stuur ’n e-pos na


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14 April - 20 April 2015



Magical night for local tourism

VEREENIGING. - Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) recently held the annual Sedibeng Tourism Awards. The Awards have grown in momentum since the inaugural event in 2010. Over the past few months, Sedibeng has been referred to as a tourist attraction with potential as it boasts both the Vaal River, a rich cultural and historical background, and other tourism attractions. The number of entries in all categories has steadily increased each year and the Awards have become prominent.In his Welcome address SDM Mayor Councillor Mahole Mofokeng said, “Visitors who share good magical memories and experiences are our most effective ambassadors for promoting Sedibeng. “We are striving to improve the quality of services and products through the annual Sedibeng Tourism Awards programme.” Mofokeng added that tourism in the Vaal was fast growing. The night was held in order to honour the winners and finalists of the Sedibeng Tourism Awards 2015 and to showcase the region as a superior destination of choice. SDM dug into its bag of tricks to put on a show of distinction. Guests were wined and dined at the Events & Exhibition Centre of the Emerald Resort & Casino in Vanderbijlpark. The theatrics and extravagance of the event did not, however, overshadow the many superstars in attendance, namely the winners and finalists of the Sedibeng Tourism Awards 2015.

From left is MMC Local Economic Development and Tourism’s Maipato Tsokolibane, Deputy Minister of Tourism Tokozile Xasa and SDM Mayor Mahole Simon Mofokeng.

Sponsors sought for Tamara represent South Africa from the 24th June to the 4th July 2015. The competition is expected to host over 18000 competitors from 38 countries. “I would like to plead with the community at large to please be so kind as to help Tamara achieve her dream. Business owners who can sponsor her are welcome.”Anyone willing to sponsor Tamara or donate can contact her mom on 082 967 8190 or alternatively donate funds into Tamara’s banking account. Account holder: Tamara du Toit, Capitec Bank Savings Account, Account number: 1406058937. 11­year­old Tamara du Toit needs funds to represent South Africa in the Dance World Finals taking place in Bu­ charest this year.

Rotary International celebrates the organisation's 110th birthday this year. The Ro­ tary Club of Vanderbijlpark recently took part in the celebration by hosting a birthday party for Rotarians and friends at Stonehaven on Vaal. A cake featuring this year's Rotary's international president’s theme "Light up Rotary" was baked for the occasion. Here are some of the club's members in a festive mood. The club's meetings take place on Thursday mornings at 07:00 at Koffieplaas, Vaal Drive, Van­ derbijlpark (subject to change). Should you wish to attend a meeting contact 082 370 9212. For more information on Rotary visit the Facebook page: Rotary Club Vanderbijlpark.


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Rotary celebrates 110 years

Mom seeks sponsors for her daughter Tamara du Toit who is a dance star in the making.


MEYERTON. - Sponsors are asked to support a young star in the making. Eleven-year-old dancer Tamara du Toit should this year compete at the World Finals in Bucharest, Romania. She will represent South Africa. Du Toit recently danced in the Dance World Cup South Africa (DWCSA) at the State Theatre in Pretoria. Dance World Cup is one of the world’s greatest all-genre dance competitions for children and young adults around the world. Tamara competed against dancers from all over South Africa in the Solo Modern and Contemporary Dance Section and won 2nd place. Tamara’s mother Connie du Toit says, “Tamara now qualifies to dance at the World Finals in Bucharest, Romania, to



14 April - 20 April 2015

Search is on for Miss Earth South Africa

The grooming of young minds and behaviour starts with women in different communities around South Africa and this is the main aim and objective of the Miss Earth South Africa Programme. Not only do they empower young women through environmental education but give back to communities by planting trees, initiating recycling campaigns and starting vegetable gardens. The organisation has been acknowledged and recognised from within the environmental space, both nationally and internationally. This has allowed for a greater scope and awareness. This initiative is to develop young environmentalists trying to make a difference in South Africa and abroad. This year’s current Miss Earth South Africa is Ilzé Saunders, a graduate of North West University’s Potchefstroom Campus and a Klerksdorp resident. She is a downto-earth, passionate young lady filled with drive, spontaneity and humility. Miss Earth South Africa Executive Director Catherine Constantinides said, “Her hard work, hands-on involvement and te-

nacity will stand her in good stead. We are proud of her efforts as a green ambassador, not only for Miss Earth, but for our beautiful country.” During Saunders’ year she has been actively involved in reducing her carbon footprint while travelling. She is the driver of the gorgeous new Auris Hybrid Vehicle sponsored by Imprial Toyota, her green contribution to the road. Cathay Pacific, who was voted as ‘The World’s Best Airline 2014’ is her “green” contribution to the air. Ilzé is not only spoilt, but responsible too. Ilzé has been lucky enough to work with several of South Africa’s best designers and generous sponsors. “I have a burning desire to help people and to make a difference by taking action and helping change communities towards a better future for everyone. By giving hope and inspiring change in others my life has been enriched. It is an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have been able to create practical projects which have improved the lives of people. To give inspires me! My mission is to touch one person at a time and create hope,” says Ilzé Saunders as she takes up her responsibility to make a difference, to educate

and be a voice for the `green’ movement by using this opportunity to be an environmental ambassador in every aspect of her life. April 8 is the closing date for 2015 applications, with national castings taking place thereafter. Castings roll out in the Free State on April 11 – April 12 and then move onto Johannesburg on April 18 - April 19. The Earth team then moves to the Western Cape, April 24 – April 25 and lastly to Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal over April 1 – May 3. The castings are conducted as interviews and workshop sessions where each applicant is exposed to issues and challenges that the environmental sector faces, and how it impacts on our day-to-day living. The search is on for the new Green Glam Goddess. Apply Today. For more on this story visit the website, Follow Miss Earth South Africa on Twitter (@missearth_sa) or on Facebook - ( missearthsa)

The current Miss Earth South Africa is Ilzé Saunders, a graduate of North West Uni­ versity, Potchefstroom Campus, and a Klerksdorp resident.

R1,2 miljoen op die spel vir entrepreneurs

Die Akademia Sakeplankompetisie met prysgeld ter waarde van meer as R1,2 miljoen, is onlangs tydens ʼn sake-ontbyt by die Guardian Peak-wynkelder geloods. Die kompetisie, wat ten doel het om nuwe en bestaande entrepreneurs te help om hulself en hul besigheid beter te verstaan en volhoubaar te maak, beleef reeds sy derde jaar en het reeds ʼn paar suksesverhale opgelewer. Van die deelnemers aan die vorige jare se kompetisie spog reeds met groot bedrae se investering, uit-


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voergeleenthede van produkte en nasionale bekendstelling- en bemarkingsgeleenthede wat deur hul deelname aan die kompetisie ontsluit is. Die tema van die sake-ontbyt was Hoop vir die toekoms van besigheid in Suid­Afrika. Volgens Jannie Durand, uitvoerende hoof van Remgro en gasspreker by die geleentheid, is daar beslis baie geleenthede vir klein- en mediumbesighede in Suid-Afrika. “Suid-Afrika presteer swakker as die res van Afrika suid van die Sahara wanneer dit kom

by entrepreneuriese besighede, en dit ten spyte daarvan dat die land ʼn baie beter infrastruktuur het. ʼn Gebrek aan selfkennis, besigheidskennis en ʼn vinnig veranderende mark, pootjie dikwels klein- en mediumsakemanne. Dit dra by tot die lae suksessyfer van slegs twee uit elke sewe besighede wat jaarliks oorleef,” sê hy. Volgens Chris du Plessis, koördineerder van die Akademia Sakeplankompetisie, is dit juis waarom Akademia en sy vennote hulle daarop toespits om deur opleiding nuwe en reeds be-

staande entrepreneurs toe te rus om hul besighede volhoubaar te maak, en so broodnodige werksgeleenthede in Suid-Afrika te skep. Vennote wat hul reeds vanjaar tot die kompetisie verbind het, sluit onder meer in die Atterbury Groep, Investec Batebestuur, Business Partners, verskeie sakekamers, asook mediavennote soos Radio Tygerberg, Groot FM en ook eNuus. Belangstellendes kan die webblad besoek, of ʼn e-pos stuur aan

Business Partners, home of the square pegs Business Partners has over 30 years’ experience in funding, mentoring and supporting entrepreneurs. Their products and services are tailored to ensure that formal SMEs flourish, in turn fuelling the growth of South Africa. How can business owners put their budget, that most basic of business tools, to best use? Business Partners give these six essential tips for sound business budgeting: 1. Be realistic The basis of every budget is an estimate of the income of the business. The more accurate the revenue estimate, the more sturdy and useful the budget is for the business owner. There are a few ways in which entrepreneurs can temper their flights of fancy and force themselves to produce realistic revenue estimates. The most obvious is to base future sales on historical sales data. Any deviation from past sales must be based on realistic factors. Then, it helps to have two budgets, one the “high road” and one for the “low road”. In other words, a

budget for when things go well, and another for when the weather turns bad. 2. Keep it simple Budgeting is a basic exercise that every business owner can do on a simple spreadsheet with three columns – budget, actual and variance. 3. Do it yourself Nobody has a better feel than the business owner of what levels of sales can be expected in the coming months, and what kind of expenses will have to be made to meet those sales and still pay the rent. If business owners cannot draw up their own budgets, then something is wrong. 4. Do it regularly A budget drawn up for the next quarter is invariably more accurate than one drawn up for the next 12 months. Whatever the frequency of the budget-planning process, it is vitally important that any business compares its actual sales and expenses against the budgeted amounts at least once a month. If not, sales dips and rising expenses will only be noticed when

it is too late. 5. Budget for your extra cash Sensible budgets include plans to invest extra cash in accessible short-term money market accounts, for example, or into long-term investments such as buying the building from which the business operates if the entrepreneur is sure that income and profitability can be sustained 6. Be ready with Plan B Over and above the low-road, break-even budget mentioned before, sensible business owners have a plan for when their budget, even their break-even budget, suffers a major knock – for example, if a major client goes bust, if a fire or break-in disrupts production, if a key staffer quits, or if an aggressive competitor suddenly emerges. Business Partners can be contacted on (011) 713 6600 or visit their their webpage at or or

MIDVAAL STER Die Känguru tehuis vir gestremde kin­ ders in Walkerville het onlangs ‘n skenking van twee jong Duitse dames, Franziska Grölle en Kristin Lucas ont­ vang. Die twee het by mnr. Gys Stroh kom kuier en wou baie graag iets vir ‘n tehuis of enige instansie in nood doen. Mnr. Stroh het hulle na die ge­ noemde tehuis ge­ neem. Toevallig word dié tehuis deur Duitse mense befonds. Hulle het ‘n outomatiese wasmasjien, mi­ krogolfoond, men­ ger, versappper, opvoedkundige speelgoed, doeke en sanitêre pro­ dukte ter waarde van R15 000 by Ma­ kro Vaal aange­ koop en geskenk. Kommunikasie tussen die sentrum en die dames is ge­ reël deur Rotariër Ester Nast. Die twee dames het Donderdag weer na Duitsland vertrek. Van links is Sam Boshielo (direk­ teur), Franziska Grölle, Kristin Lu­ cas en Wolfgang Gröh.

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Butcher Boys

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5 Laerskool Eligwa in Vanderbijl­ park word ‘n eeu oud en dit word gevier tydens die skool se Hart­ klopfees wat op 1 Mei om 17:00 op die rugbyveld plaasvind. Daar gaan dan behoorlik feesgevier word wanneer Steve Hofmeyr kom optree. Hou solank die datum oop, want daar wag hope pret op jou en jou hele gesin. Kom kuier vir die laaste keer voor die winter saam met vriende en familie in ‘n gesellige biertuin met die geur van pannekoek en braaivleis in die lug. Bring u eie stoele en komberse en kom span uit in die geselskap van goeie Afrikaanse musiek en beleef weer vir ‘n slag Afrikaans. Daar sal heerlike kosstalletjies en volop veilige parkering wees. Vir meer inligting kontak Chiquita by 083 784 6211.

Toer na Badplaas

MEYERTON. - AGS Meyerton se Bejaardesorg beplan ‘n toer na Badplaas vanaf 1 tot 8 November. Hoewel dit vir bejaardes is, is ander volwassene persone ook welkom. Dit kos R2

300 per persoon, wat drie etes per dag en ‘n besoek aan ‘n wildsplaas waar koffie en botterbroodjies bedien sal word, insluit. Vir meer inligting kontak Tinus by (016) 366 1532 of 083 286 9816.



14 April - 20 April 2015

Yusuf 082 416 8402

JJC Kruger & Vennote Vereeniging – Umgeni str. 54, Drie Riviere, 016 423 3553. Vanderbijlpark – Pasteur Blvd. 205, 016 981 0328.



14 April - 20 April 2015

Squash Championships 2015 VANDERBIJLPARK. - Vaal Triangle Squash hosted its annual championships in March which was once again generously sponsored by LDP (Louw, Djurek and Partners). Every year the tournament seems to get more competitive and expose new talent in the Vaal Triangle. The tournament is run over a two week period and as it reaches the final stages games become very intense and hard fought. This year was no exception with new, younger players giving the “old hands” a run for the money. The final was contested by Declan Silver and Andrew McMahon, with Declan winning after a tough five set match to become the Vaal Triangle Champion for 2015. Some of the other prize winners are: Lara Hartzenberg (Best Lady), Warren Gomez (3rd Place), Andries de Ridder (Plate), Martin Trollip (Winner B Section), Charles Roets (Most Improved) and Philip Scholz (Most Squash).

The players and spon­ sors of the competition are back left: Charles Roets, De­ clan Silver, Robert Louw (Sponsor), Andrew McMahon, Warren Go­ mez, Martin Trollip. Front: Lara Hartzen­ burg, An­ dries de Ridder and Philip Scholz.

Information from community yields results VEREENIGING. - Vereeniging SAPS station commander Brigader Sonja Slabbert would like to thank the Vereeniging community for providing Police with information that led to an arrest. This is subsequent to Police having made a plea for members of the community to come forward with information regarding a woman pretending to seek employment and then stealing people’s

property. Vereeniging Police spokesperson Captain Fikile Funda says, “The suspect was arrested on Thursday April 2. She was charged with all pending cases and she appeared in Vereeniging Magistrates Court.” Funda thanks the community for their partnership and willingness to come forward with information as and when needed by Police.

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A woman sought by Po­ lice was re­ cently arrest­ ed as a result of informa­ tion from the community.

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14 April - 20 April 2015


Kom ondersteun die judo legendes

VEREENIGING. - Die Sedibeng Ope Judo Kampioenskappe word op 18 April by Vereeniging Gimnasium aangebied. Almal word genooi om hierdie belangrike geleentheid saam met Kokkie Uys by te woon om die groot judo legendes in die Vaaldriehoek te vereer. Inskrywings beloop R100 per groep en dit sal ’n toeskouer maar R10 uit die sak jaag om die geleentheid by te woon. Daar sal goud-, silwer- en brons medaljes aan die wenners oorhandig word. Vir nadere besonderhede en besprekings skakel Thomas Dunker by 082 859 1905 of Bill Barnard by 082 442 0576

Cement Special R69.90


A golf day in aid of Cansa takes place on April 16 at the Riviera on Vaal Golf Course. The day is arranged by Sages Vaalriver. Tee-off time for this betterball competition on April 16 is 08:00. Many prizes could be won. The playing fees are R250 per player. Please SMS sponsorship and bookings to Joos on 082 851 3607 or Ken on 084 245 9055.

PIne staBle Door

steel WInDoW Frame 533mm (W) x 645mm (H)



A meal is included at a cost of R150. For more details and to book, please call the organisers on 082 370 9212.

30e Loch Str. Meyerton - 016-362 4564/5 016-363 1650 - Shop 1, Mardre Centre 80 Verwoerd Rd, Kookrus (Opposite Corgi Motors)

masonIte Door


Kokkie Uys

Hear German voices on water

Cansa Golf Day

TEL: 016 986 2990

neI F7

Much concern about the whereabouts of Fabrice Facar has been doing the rounds. Fabrice is the well known HIV/ AIDS Counsellor and Childrens’ Good­ will Ambassodor for the wider Vaal. Fa­ brice is still in the Vaal Triangle and has been hard at work finishing his studies. He has also taken some time out to con­ centrate on his personal life due to events like an accident involving him in 2014. He just needed to recuperate so he could be well enough to focus again on his community work. Fabrice says:"I ha­ ve not left the Vaal. I am still working on projects that I need to complete. I may add, though, that there is a possibility in the near future that I might leave South Africa and go to Great Britian to further my research into HIV/AIDS and World Hunger. I also want to express many thanks to those concerned about me and members of the public in the com­ munity.

On April 26 the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark will host a German choir that will perform on a river boat.


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14 April - 20 April 2015

14 April - 20 April 2015





14 April - 20 April 2015 KVa^Y [gdb LZYcZhYVn &* 6eg^a id HjcYVn &. 6eg^a '%&* &+$'%&*

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Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. In an attempt to satisfy the demand of the majority of customers, limited quantities per customer might apply. Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Prices exclude accessories used for display purposes and include 14% VAT. BV`gd 6XXdjci 9^hXaV^bZg >cXajYZh ^ciZgZhi 5 ''#+* e#V! ZmXajYZh hZgk^XZ [ZZh Xdbejahdgn ^chjgVcXZ# >cXajYZh ^ciZgZhi 5 ''#+* e#V! hZgk^XZ [ZZh Xdbejahdgn ^chjgVcXZ# 6aa eg^XZh VgZ ^cY^XVi^kZ VcY VXijVa gZeVnbZcih bVn kVgn WVhZY dc VXXdjci VXi^k^in# C8G8E (-$;HE )))-&# Only available in Vaal.

14 April - 20 April 2015


Birds of a feather

MEYERTON. - The Henley Bird Club (known as Birds of a Feather) meets on the third Monday of every month. The next meeting will take place on April 20 and Clive Hopcroft will give a talk on Bird Migration. He recently published a book which sets out interesting new and little-known facts on bird migration, based on recent research. The venue is the Henley Retirement Village and meeting time is 19:15 for 19:45. Secure parking available. There is no charge for firsttime visitors.Contact chairman David Ludlow on 082 613 1528 for more info.

Come consult any problem for R60 Maama showed and told me who my enemies were and why my business was down! With her help, everything become fine again and I got even more!! She can also solve other problems like: Court cases, lost lovers, financial problems , pregnancy problems & etc

07 1 740 7006 The best price on new car deals Contact Alex 084 853 9555 Vaal Toyota Sasolburg

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VANDERBIJLPARK. - Kobie Raijmakers, lid van die Vaal Voëlklub, bied op Sondagmiddag 19 April om 14:00 ‘n kort kursus oor “Cisticolas” (Klopkloppies en Tinktinkies) by Stonehaven on Vaal aan.

Dit kos R100 per persoon. Enige iemand wat belangstel is welkom om die kursus by te woon, maar moet bespreek aangesien daar net plek vir 30 mense is. Kontak Rina de Klerk by (016) 982 2730.

Die Vereeniging-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBS) hou op 16 April om 16:30 sy algemene jaarvergadering.

Die vergadering word by die SANBS kantore in Rhodeslaan 47, Vereeniging gehou. Alle skenkers is welkom. Bevestig indien u belangstel by 082 419 1466 of 082 445 5050.

SANBS hou vergadering

p S ho pe r


Promotion Day - 25 April 2015

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14 April - 20 April 2015



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2012 ISUZU KB300 DTEC LX......................................................................R249 950 2014 FORD RANGER 202 TDCI XL PLUS ODESSEY EDITION.................R379 950 2005 MITSUBISHI COLT 2.8 TDI RODEO D/C............................................R 99 950 2005 TOYOTA HILUX 4.0 V6 D/C 4X4 CANOPY..........................................R169 950 2008 MITSUBISHI COLT CLUBCAB 2.8TDI 4X4.........................................R109 950 2013 NISSAN NP200 1.6I S.........................................................................R129 950 2010 TOYOTA HILUX 2.5 D4D LWB(X3)......................................................R149 950 2012 FORD RANGER 3.2 XLT D/C 4X4M....................................................R339 950 2014 FORD RANGER 3.2 XLT D/C 4X4 A/T (LOTS EXTRAS, LIKE NEW).R499,950

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BAKKIES 2012 MAZDA BT50 3.2 CRDI SLE D/C 4X4............................................R329 950 2011 VW AMAROK 2.0 BITDI HIGHLINE 120KW D/C 4MOTION...........R319 950 2011 FORD RANGER 3.0 TDC HI TRAIL XLE D/C.................................R239 950 2011 FOTON THUNDA 2.2I PU S/C..........................................................R 79 950 2010 MAZDA BT 50 2.5TD 4X2...............................................................R159 950 2006 MITSUBISHI COLT 2.4 RODEO D/C..............................................R 84 950 2011 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5 DCI LE D/C 4X4 WHITE..............................R219 950

MOTORS 2012 JEEP COMPASS 2.0 LTD..............................................................R209 950 2013 JEEP COMPASS 2.0 LTD CVT........................................................R219 950 2010 M/BENZ C220 CDI ELEGANCE A/T...............................................R229 950 2010 AUDI AUDI A4 2.0TDI AMBITION....................................................R159 950 2011 AUDI A1 1.6 TDI AMBITION 3DR...................................................R169 950 2012 AUDI A4 2.0 TDI SE MULTI TRONIC.............................................R279 950 2009 BMW 325I (M)................................................................................R149 950 2005 BMW 525I A/T..................................................................................R109 950 2006 BMW X5 3.0D SPORTBACK A/T....................................................R159 950 2007 CHEV OPTRA 1.8LT.........................................................................R 69 950 2012 CHEV AVEO 1.6L.............................................................................R 89 950 2010 CHEV CRUSE 1.8 ILT......................................................................R129 950 2010 CHEV CRUSE 1.8I LT A/T.............................................................R149 950 2011 CHEV CRUSE 1.6L.........................................................................R129 950 2010 FIAT SIENA 1.6 ELX.........................................................................R 69 950 2010 FIAT PUNTO 1.4 EASY SDR............................................................R 99 950 2011 FORD FIESTA 1.6I POWERSHIFT..................................................R134 950 2015 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 CUSTOM SUPERLOW SPORTSTER.R139 950 VANCE HINCE EXHAUST 2008 HONDA FRV 1.8I..............................................................................R 89 950 2008 HONDA CIVIC 1.8I VXI AUTO........................................................R109 950 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA 2.4I GLS PREMIUM A/T...................................R174 950 2012 HYUNDAI H1 2.5 CRDI A/T 9 SEATER WAGON............................R319 950 2012 HYUNDAI SONATA 2.4 GLS PREMIUM A/T...................................R199 950 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6 V6 LTD..........................................R299 950 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6 V6 OVERLAND 10TH EDITION.....R339 950 2010 KIA SPORTAGE 2.0 CRDI AWD A/T...............................................R209 950

2011 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5 DCI LE D/C 4X4 BROWN..........................R259 950 2010 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5 DCI KING CAP 4X4 CANOPY....................R219 950 2010 OPEL CORSA 1.7 TDI CLUB UTILITY..........................................R 99 950 2008 PROTON ARENA 1.5I ELX............................................................R 59 950 2009 TOYOTA HILUX 4.0 V6 D/C 4X4 A/T.............................................R259 950 2011 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D D/C 4X4 A/T...........................................R329 950 2012 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D 4X4 S/C................................................R259 950 2013 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D DAKAR 4X4 A/T....................................R379 950 2010 VW AMAROK 2.0 BI TDI HIGHLINE 4MOTION D/C....................R279 950

2012 KIA CERATO 2.0I 5DR AUTO........................................................R159 950 2011 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 4 3.0 TD V6 SE A/T..........................R399 950 2008 M/BENZ A180 CDI A/T.....................................................................R 99 950 2009 M/BENZML350 4MATIC.................................................................R279 950 2011 M/BENZ C180 BE AVANGARDE A/T (FACELIFT)..........................R239 950 2005 M/BENZ C270 CDI A/T.................................................................R109 950 2010 M/BENZ C350 CDI AVANGARDE 62 00KM A/T............................R299 950 2011 M/BENZ C250 BE COUPE A/T......................................................R284 950 2010 M/BENZ C350 CDI AVANGARDE A/T 102 000KM........................R279 950 2010 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER 2.4 GLS A/T.......................................R209 950 2012 NISSAN MICRA 1.2 VISIA 5DR.....................................................R 89 950 2004 NISSAN XTRAIL 2.2D 4X4..............................................................R69 950 2010 PEUGEOT 207 1.4 VVT ACTIVE....................................................R 99 950 2011 PEUGEOT 107 TRENDY.................................................................R 89 950 2011 RENAULT CLIO 1.6 DYNAMIC 5DR A/T......................................R129 950 2011 RENAULT MEGANE 3 1.6 DYNAMIC 5DR..................................R139 950 2011 RENAULT LOGAN 1.6 EXPRESSION...........................................R 79 950 2010 SUBARU FORRESTER 2.5XS A/T.................................................R179 950 2010 SUZUKI SX4 2.0...........................................................................R129 950 2012 SUZUKI ALTO GLS 1.1.................................................................R 94 950 2010 TOYOTA YARIS T3 A/C SEDAN.....................................................R 99 950 2009 TOYOTA FORTUNER 3.0 D4D R/B A/T.........................................R239 950 2010 TOYOTA FORTUNER 3.0 D4D R/B A/T.........................................R244 950 2009 VW POLO 1.6I TRENT 5DR............................................................R 89 950 2011 VW KOMBI 2.0 TDI 45 000 KM......................................................R319 950 2011 VW JETTA 5 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE...........................................R149 950 2010 VW KOMBI 2.0 TDI........................................................................R279 950 2011 VW POLO 1.6TDI COMFORTLINE................................................R159 950

14 April - 20 April 2015



Rotary Golf Day at Heron Banks Elsje Vermeulen

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Vanderbijlpark Rotary recently held a golf day at Heron Banks to raise funds for worthy causes. The weather turned out great and the players enjoyed a great day in good spirit. At the end of the day it was the betterball team of Pierre Heyneche and Marius Jacobs who clinched victory, followed by Elsje and Magda Vermeulen (team MooiVaal Media) and third was Johann Pretorius and Romano (Varkie) Muller. “We are pleased with the day’s turn out and would like to thank all the sponsors and players. All the proceeds of the day will go to the community,” says Mark Venter, member of the Vanderbijlpark Rotary Club.

The winners, organisers and sponsors of the Vanderbijlpark Rotary Golf Day recently held at Heron Banks. From left: Petro Bester (President of Vanderbijlpark Rotary), Robert Lance (Golf Director of Heron Banks), Pierre Heyneche, Pawel Kowalski (sponsor: Infinity), Marius Jacobs. Photos: Elsje Vermeulen

Johann Pretorius (right) and Romano (Varkie) Muller were happy to rake thrid place during the Vanderijlpark Rotary Golf Day recently held at Heron Banks.

Some Pictures not similar to illustrations. E.OE

These two youngster were rewarded for "the longest day".

Must keep my eye on the ball! One of the players during Vanderbijlpark Ro­ tray Golf Day.


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14 April - 20 April 2015

Community urged to give information

Milton hosts fun­filled big walk

Milton Primary School recently held its annual Fun Walk. The day was made possible by sponsors such as Vodacom River Square, Pam Golding and EAE Motors. Milton thanks the businesses for their generous sponsor­ ship and for contributing to making the annual event a success.

VEREENIGING. - Vereeniging SAPS spokesperson Captain Fikile Funda has thanked the community for providing Police with information that led to an arrest. Funda urges the community to provide Police with crime-related information and promises to keep sources of information anonymous: “On Sunday information was given. Subsequently an African woman was arrested for dealing drugs at the Old Hospital in Van Riebeeck Street.” Arriving on the scene, Police found 13 packets of crystal meth and 40 mandrax tablets. In another case, 20 liquor outlets were visited to verify compliance to the Gauteng Liquor Act. According to Funda, five outlets were fined for not complying and three illegal shebeens were closed. Police managed to arrest a total of 30 people over the weekend. Six people were arrested for shoplifting, eight for possession of dagga and three for possession of CAT with a street-value of R650.00, six for drunk driving and four for theft. On Thursday, detective services held a provincial operation on most `wanted’ suspects of which 12 were resolved. “The use of and dealing in drugs has come to a point where people can no longer tolerate it. This is informed by the information given to Police by members of the community, which Police arrested a drug dealer in Vereeni­ yielded good results,” ging over the weekend after receiving in­ Funda concludes. formation from community members.

Karmen Du Plessis. Cell: 071 260 8222 / Tel: 016 454 0859 / Faks: 016 454 0724.

p r i n c i p a l



tel/fax: (016) 454-0179 /083 306 4850 e-mail: 2 Villa riviera, three rivers, Vereeniging. 1929

Visit to see our online property guide.

for professional serVice in BUying, selling & letting in all areas

HOUSES: 3 RIV PROP (R11 123, R6 730) PEAVEH (R10 567) ARCONP (R9 437, R7 786) FALCON RIDGE (R8 899) VAALPARK (R8 676, R8 120, R7 564) 3 RIV (R8 343, R8 009) HENLEY (R7 786) TOWNHOUSES/FLATS: KUBALI (R17 797*, R11 123*) 3 RIV PROP (R7 786, R6 674, R5 562*, R5 006, R4 441) RISIV (R5 006) DUNCANV (R4 450) GARDEN FLATS: UNITASP (R5 006), FALCONRIDGE (R4 450) 3 RIV PROP (R2 781) BUSINESS/ OFFICE SPACE: VER (R16 685 Per floor*, R7 608, R7 411) 3 RIV (R13 904) V/BIJL (R5 562, R5 006, R4 450) VACANT STAND: VERG (R5 010) GARAGE: Akasia flat (R445 – single garage) amanda 073 288 2807


RENTAL. ARCON PARK EXT 3. R9 000PM. 3 or 4 Bedroom house with 4 bathrooms. Office or outside room with bathroom in double garage. Living room with underfloor heating. Lapa onto pool and built-in braai. Borehole, electronic gate and garages, electric fence, alarm and prepaid meter.


RIVERSDALE VACANT STAND. R253 000 NEG. A 1012 sqm stand for sale. Approved building plan; soil tested; huge precast structure; 38 pallets bricks; foundation already dug. GREAT OPPORTUNITY! BUYSCELIA PLOT. NOW R1,01 MILLION. A 2,5 ha plot with 2 boreholes, irrigation over the whole plot, and a dam. 3 Worker’s rooms, lock-up carport for 4 cars, alarm and electronic gate. A 4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and oak kitchen. If you love the soil come and farm here. URGENT.

note: * properties marked with an asterisk also for sale.

esther 083 306 4850

AccommodAtion AvAilAble Mooihawens in Meyerton, has 5 married rooms available for couples or single parents with children. No children under 2 years. No pets. You must work, earn minimum R2500- per month and not more than R5000 per month. Room, bathroom facilities and meals included.

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Click on top of the picture to read the guide

To advertise online contact: Karmen du Plessis Tel: 016 950 7054 / Cell: 071 260 8222 E-mail:


14 April - 20 April 2015





14 April - 20 April 2015

14 April - 20 April 2015





14 April - 20 April 2015

14 April - 20 April 2015





14 April - 20 April 2015

Wen groot pryse in wedstryd vir ma­en­kind

Opwinding begin reeds hoog loop vir vanjaar se Moedersdagwedstryd wat op 18 April by President Hyper wegspring. Dit word aangebied in samewerking met President Hyper (Vaal), die fotograaf Christi Nolte en Vaalweekblad en Ster. Duisende rand se pryse, ‘n gala-aand vir die top-wenners en verskeie ander bederfies is op die spel! As jy ‘n ma van ‘n kind tussen die ouderdom van 2 en 16 jaar is, besoek President Hyper Vaal gerus op 18 of 19 April, of die volgende naweek, 25 en 26 April tussen 10:00 en 13:00 om deur ons fotograaf, Christi Nolte, vir die wedstryd afgeneem te word. Die inskrywingsfooi is R60 per foto. Slegs een kind mag per keer saam met die ma afgeneem word, maar verskillende foto’s van die ma saam met elk van haar kinders kan vir die wedstryd ingeskryf word. Die foto’s sal dan in die opvolgende weke in ‘n lokaal by President Hyper uitgestal word en belangstellendes sal stembriewe daar kan kry om vir hul gunstelinge te stem. Die foto’s gaan ook in Vaalweekblad ver-

skyn. Die tien topwenners gaan daarna geïdentifiseer word en onderhoude sal met elk gevoer word. Hulle gaan ook behoorlik bederf word met ‘n gala-aand by ‘n swierige venue. Die duisende rand se pryse sluit kruideniersware van President Hyper in, sowel as bederfpryse van Fab Lane, die kundiges op verskeie gebiede van skoonheid en ‘n gesonde leefstyl.Begin solank mooimaak en kry die jongspan se klere reg sodat ‘n pragtige foto vir die wedstryd hierdie naweek by President Hyper geneem kan word! Nadere besonderhede is beskikbaar by Retha, 083 246 0523.

Mev. Esther Maree, haar dogter Odette en kleinkinders Caitlyn en Kyra le Roux was onder die pragtige deelnemers aan die Moedersdagwedstryd wat verlede jaar deur Ster en Vaalweekblad aangebied is. Nou is dit weer sulke tyd en alle ma's met kinders tussen die ouderdom van 2 en 16 jaar kan vir vanjaar se wedstryd inskryf. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG CASE NO: 2015/04903 / P/H NO: 0 JOHANNESBURG, 06 March 2015 BEFORE THE HONOURABLE ACTING JUDGE MBONGWE In the matter between:WING SHUN CHAN and ORSOLINA GIOVANA TEVEZ THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, JOHANNESBURG

REGSKENNISGEWING INDEKS • OIS - Omgewingsimpakstudies / Advertensieborde • Dorpstigtings • Dranklisensies • Egskeidings / Huweliksvoorwaardekontrakte • Eksekusieverkopings • Hofbevele / Sekwestrasies • Pensioenfondse • Verkoop van Besighede • Verlore Dokumente • Tenders • Veilings

Mrs. Orsolina Giovana Tevez Please contact: NIChOLAS MALheRbe ATTORNeyS Cnr. Ontdekkers Road and Starling Street horizon, Roodepoort Tel: (011) 760 4521 / Fax: (011) 760 1714 e-mail: / PostNet Suite 305, Private bag X1, Florida hills, 1712 ReF: N MALheRbe/jw/h2280

Hiermee wil ons graag al ons lesers inlig dat alle Regskennisgewings voortaan in die regs-afdeling gepubliseer sal word.

legal notices

Herewith we would like to inform our readers that all legal notices will be published in the legals department.



The Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) is in the final phase of compiling an Environmental Management Framework (EMF) for its municipality. All Interested and/or Affected Parties (I&APs) are hereby notified that the Draft Environmental Management Framework (EMF) report, is available for review and comment from Tuesday, 14 April 2015 to Monday, 25 May 2015 (end of business day), at the public venues below. The report is also available on Lidwala Consulting Engineers website ( and on CD, on written request to Lidwala SA.

THE PROPOSED NATREF CLEAN FUELS II PROJECT IN SASOLBURG, METSIMAHOLO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, FREE STATE PROVINCE NEAS Ref: DEA/EIA/0001966/2012; DEA Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/2/413 This serves to notify Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) that the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) granted a positive Environmental Authorisation (EA) for the proposed NATREF Clean Fuels II Project in Sasolburg, Metsimaholo Local Municipality, Free State Province in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) on 02 April 2015. A copy of the EA and Appeal Procedure can be obtained from Nemai Consulting (Vanessa Stippel: 0117811730;

Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001; or Environment House, Steve Biko Road, Arcadia, Pretoria.

Mr Hassam can be contacted at


In terms of Chapter 7 of the 2010 EIA Regulations, a Notice of Intention to appeal against the decision must be lodged within 20 days from the date of the issue of the Authorisation with the DEA: Mr Z Hassam - Director: Appeals and Legal Review by means of the following methods: By post: By hand:


HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:IT IS ORDERED THAT:1. Leave is granted to the Applicant to serve the Application by way of publication in a daily newspaper, The Vereeniging Ster, which newspaper circulates in the area of Vereeniging, as well as by way of publication in the daily newspaper, The Star. 2. The First Respondent is granted 30(Thirty) days, from date of publication in the respective newspapers, in which to deliver a Notice of Intention to Opposes. 3. If the Second Respondent intends to oppose this application its required:3.1 to notify the Applicants attorneys in writing of its intention to oppose the application within 5 (five) days of the service of this application and it is further required to appoint in such notification an address referred to in Rule 6(5)(b) of the Rules of Court at which all documents in these proceedings will be accepted; 3.2 within 15 (fifteen) days after Notice of intention to oppose the application has been given , to deliver an answering affidavit, if any. 4. The costs of this application are costs in the cause.


• •

1st Respondent 2nd Respondent


Boipatong: Cnr Mamelodi &Dr Nkoma street, (016) 988 3738 Bophelong: Cnr. Ncuma & 632 Matthews St,(016) 986 3876 Driehoek branch: 2 Stuttaford St, Vanderbijlpark,(016) 932 5676 Evaton Public:1151 Renfrew St, Evaton, (016) 591 7788 Residentia: Ezidivhezeni St, Zone 7b,(016) 593 9347 Roshnee: Bilal St Roshnee, (016) 556 1116 Rust-ter-Vaal: Kiepersol St Rust-ter-Vaal,(016) 556 1264 Sebokeng Public: Hlabula St, Zone 13, (016) 594 1233 Sharpeville: Cnr Seeiso St & Zwane St, (016) 451 2526 Vanderbijlpark: Klassie Havenga St, (016) 950 5252 Vereeniging: Cnr Leslie St & Market Ave, (016) 450 3029 Tshepiso: Goven Mbeki Community Centre,Tshepiso, (016) 451 2880 INVITATION TO PUBLIC OPEN DAYS

I&APs are also invited to attend the Public open days that will be held on Wednesday, 6th of May 2015 at the Evaton Library and Roshnee Library at 08:00-10:00, Mafatsane Community Hall and Rust-ter-vaal at 11:30-13:30, Residentia Library and Vereeniging Library at 15:00-17:00 and on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at the Boipatong Library and Bophelong Library at 08:00-10:00, Sharpeville Library and Vanderbijlpark Library at 11:30-13:30, Saul Tsotetsi Sport Complex and Driehoek Library at 15:00-17:00. For any queries on the project please contact: Bongi Mhlanga /Moseketsi Mochesane - Lidwala SA (Pty) Ltd. Tel: (0861) 543 9252; Fax: 086 764 9282;


• Insolvente Boedels • Bestorwe Boedels (Debiteure & Krediteure) • Bestorwe Boedels (Likwidasie- & Distribusierekeninge) • Boedeloorgawes • Algemene Kennisgewings • Algemene Jaarvergaderings • Dorsbeplannings: (Hersonerings, Onderverdelings, Opheffing van Beperkings, Tweede Woonhuise, Besigheidsregte, Minerale Regte, Spesiale Toestemmings)


14 April - 20 April 2015


Community stops construction of EDC project

Lazarus Dithagiso

SHARPEVILLE. - The Department of Social Development will spend more than R7 million after completion of the Early Childhood Development Centre (EDC) through the social grant fund. The incomplete structure that was left to `perish’ in 2012 has received another boost of R3,6 million though provincial initiatives. The Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) is custodian of the property as ELM owns the land. ELM Health and Social Development MMC Councillor Sello Pitso said they have recruited Makgothamisha Building Construction to the tune of R3, 6 million to do the second phase. He said the contractor had already started erecting a wall. `Letlapa’ has been terminated for non-performance, confirmed MMC Pitso. However, this did not sit well with the Community Development Initiative, CDI. They stopped the project pending further explanation by the local government on May 7. CDI spokesperson Rakgadi Seetsi said that, until they receive further explanation from the municipality, Ward Councillor, main contractor and Community Liaison Officer, regarding the process followed, no work will carry on. `Letlapa Contractor’ of Pretoria stopped working after it allegedly demanded more money from the provincial government. Apparently Letlapa was funded with over R3,3 million to finish the structure. Rakgadi said the matter was brought to the attention of Mayor Gretha Hlongwane and her Speaker Cllr MP Gqoloshe. “We want to know what happened with the 10% of the money remaining for Letlapa. Initially that money was supposed to be issued after a job well done,” said Rakgadi. “Disrupting services and barricading roads is not our strength unless the government so wishes,” she said. Currently on the capital adjustment budget for 2014/15, the Social Infrastructure grant of the project still appears. This has raised eye-

Some members of the Community Development Initiative in Kensington boycotted the Makgothamisha Building Construction site from going ahead for the second phase of the Early Childhood Development Centre after Letlapa Construction alleg­ edly disappeared without having completed the work according to Emfuleni Health and Social Development MMC Cllr Sello Pitso. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

brows in the Democratic Alliance (DA). The DA said that, according to the monetary and evaluation of the second quarter report from October - the December 2014 and 2014/15 financial year: `There has been neither contractor nor related activity on site since 2012. `Further damage has been realised, namely disconnected electricity wires, falling ceilings from the truss, and broken window panes. `Inevitably, in terms of the monetary and evaluation report, there’s neither a project number, nor a project amount, no project contractor, no project duration, no commencement date, no completion date and no registration with the municipal infrastructure grant fund,’ according to the statement.

Property recovered from a man who has been nabbed for fraud.

Nabbed for fraud

VEREENIGING. - Attempts to alleviate poverty are continuously mounted by the South African Government. One line of effort is through the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) and takes the form of social grants. But too many people misuse these and see them as an opportunity to ‘get rich quick’. Vereeniging Police recently responded to a complaint at an ABSA ATM in Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging. On arrival they found a

45-year-old man in possession of stolen property. Vereeniging Police spokesperson Captain Fikile Funda says, “When the police arrived at the scene, they were told by the man that he was an unregistered loan shark.”The man was in possession of 86 SASA cards, R45 000 in bank notes and 46 identity documents. “He was arrested for possession of stolen property, fraud and money laundering,” says Funda. The man will appear in Vereeniging Magistrates Court soon.




14 April - 20 April 2015

Leapfrog Properties hosted the Lerato Children’s Home during the holidays. Photo: Supplied.

Companies bring joy to Lerato Children’s Home

Lazarus Dithagiso

MEYERTON. - Leapfrog Properties brought smiles to the Lerato Children’s Home. This was thanks to donations from the Tina Cowley Learning Centre, the Multinet Bond Originator, Pick n Pay Meyerton, Fresh Pack Dairy and William van der Sandt. “They made it possible to hold a successful day with toys and food as part of celebrating the Easter holidays for children on March 3. Lerato Children’s Home founded by Leni Pienaar has continuously grown from strength to strength. The home took off slowly 14 years ago as a foster parent unit over a four-bedroom house at Meyerton Child Welfare. Leni says they have now reached an affordable total of

dren who have to be accommodated without notice. “I make sure children feel the mood by engaging with others from outside. They all attend school and pre-school. Children have the right to practise their cultures. Children over school-going age but who are still at school remain in the centre. Those who have completed their studies always come to say thank you very much Lerato.”

17 children. The children are from all corners of the Vaal Triangle: “It was in 2007 when the light started to shine upon my wishes and the name Lerato was born,” she said. “The name comes after the assistant of my domestic worker. “The children are brought here via court order that has to be extended every after two years.” Asked about increasing the numbers as per her non profit certificate, she responded that the number is fine: “I want to give every child an opportunity and privacy. The mother of a 26-year-old boy says she had to leave for a place of safety. Sometimes government officials bring chil-

Hunting for Easter eggs hidden in the bushes are Hannah Slabbert (5) and Ryan van Wyk (9). This is part of the game at the Lerato Children’s Home in an event hosted by Leapfrog Properties in the Kookrus area of Meyerton. Photo: Lazar­ us Dithagiso,

enable the MMC to hear all stakeholders from different sectors and reassure the community about the challenges they experience. The Health Department, directors for Social Services, clinics, and communities were invited. “A new clinic will soon be built in Boitumelo,” he said. “Plans are underway to erect Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDs) in Boipatong and Evaton. “This is in line with the ECD motto: ‘Children are our future, our treasure - invest in them’, as part of primary health care.” He added that the MEC for Health will visit

the area soon. Due to population increases, the government is trying to build more local clinics and add rooms to existing ones. On the shortage of drugs, Pitso said small clinics do not have enough space or fridges to keep certain medications. The medications are transported as per request to avoid expiry. The government will always strive to ensure that the community receives better health care in all clinics: “No patient will receive expired medications. I totally disagree with the complaint from the public that they always receive `panados’ despite their different sicknesses.

Lazarus Dithagiso

SEBOKENG. - “We are moving in the right direction, listening to the plight of the communities, communicating well with the province,” said Emfuleni Health and Social Development MMC Sello Pitso. Gauteng Province is at the `receiving end’ of all the provinces surrounding it. A Social Development Stakeholders Assembly Forum that included the provincial and national departments of Health has been called by the office of Cllr Pitso at the Saul Tsotetsi Sport Complex for May 2. The meeting is three months later, and will

Om aan ’n ONDERLINGE VERSEKERINGSGENOOTSKAP te behoort, is soos om aan ’n FAMILIE te behoort. In ‘n familie deel mense met mekaar. Dis iets wat AVBOB goed verstaan. Oor die afgelope sewe jaar het AVBOB meer as R 4,0 miljard in die vorm van spesiale bonusse en verbeterde GRATIS begrafnisvoordele aan sy polishouers toegeken. Die verbeterde begrafnisvoordele* sluit in: • ‘n GRATIS basiese begrafnis of verassing • GRATIS vervoer van die oorledene binne die landsgrense van Suid-Afrika Hoekom? Want AVBOB is ‘n ONDERLINGE VERSEKERINGSGENOOTSKAP, ‘n FAMILIE, en FAMILIE kom eerste. Altyd. Praat met Jan, jou plaaslike verteenwoordiger in verband met al jou begrafnisversekering en begrafnisbehoeftes: Vanderbijlpark-tak Jan Greyling H/v JW Mushet & FW Beyers-straat, Vanderbijlpark Tel: (016) 933 9734 Hierdie affiliasie beteken dat Solidariteit se lede voortaan van AVBOB se Begrafnisdienste gebruik kan maak wanneer hul geliefdes afsterwe. *Terme en voorwaardes geld. AVBOB is ‘n gemagtigde finansiële diensteverskaffer. VFD 20656. *Begrafnisvoordele vir polishouers is slegs van toepassing indien AVBOB Begrafnisdiens die begrafnis onderneem. AVBOB is ‘n vlak 2 SEB bydraer.


Government aims to build more clinics: Pitso

Emfuleni MMC for Health and Social Development Cllr Sello Pitso ad­ dresses a Social Development Stakeholders As­ sembly Forum that included the provin­ cial and national de­ partments at Saul Tsotetsi Sports Complex. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

14 April - 20 April 2015



Program vir senior burgers in April VANDERBIJLPARK. - Die Jeugland Dienssentrum vir senior burgers in Vanderbijlpark bied elke Donderdagoggend ‘n program by die Buitepossaal (ou Spectrum-saal) aan. Dit sluit onder meer die neem van bloeddruk en toets van suikervlakke in. Tee en verversings word voorsien en interessante praatjies word ook aangebied. Die volgende praatjies word in April aangebied: 16 April - AfriForum – tot diens van die gemeenskap. Spreker: Elizabeth van

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Golf Day for Jabes Foundation

Jabes Foundation, a haven for abando­ ned and ill­treated children, is presen­ ting a solar geyser fundraiser golf day on April 18. It takes place at Heron Banks Golf Cour­ se in Vaalpark and the cost is R1 800 per four­ball alliance (two scores to count). For bookings or more information, plea­ se contact Ronel Riekert on 082 254 4611 or fundraiser will benefit Jabes Foundati­ on’s Kosmos, Protea and Sonneblom Houses. Please support this day in aid of the Vaal Triangle’s less fortuna­ te children.

Mooihawens hou vergadering MEYERTON. - Mooihawens oord vir haweloses op die hoek van Phillip Furstenburg- en Jan Neethlingstraat in Riversdale, hou op Sa-

terdag 9 Mei hul jaarvergadering.Vir nadere besonderhede skakel past. Ockie Jacobs by 082 940 7145.

14 April - 20 April 2015

R100 000 te wen in Bloemhofdam Bonanza

Die 15de jaarlikse Bloemhofdam Bonanza vind vanaf 1 tot 3 Mei plaas. Dit beloof om weer ‘n hengeltoernooi met groot opwinding te wees. Hengelaars kom van regoor die land om van die hengelbonanza te wees en die organiseerders nooi Vaaldriehoekse vissermanne uit om ook in die pret te kom deel. Die Bloemhofdam Bonanza is die grootste binnelandse hengeltoernooi in Suid-Afrika met ‘n kontantprys van R100 000 aan die hengelaar wat die toernooi wen. Ongeveer 2 000 hengelaars word verwag. Meer as 20km se hengeloewer in Noordwes, Bamboesspruit en Sandveld is beskikbaar vir oewerhengelaars. Bootmanne het die res van die dam. Dit gaan egter oor meer as die pryse wat gewen kan word. Dit is ‘n naweek waar hengelvriende saam kom kuier om 15 jaar se Bonanza-herinneringe langs die beste hengelwater in Suid-Afrika te deel. Bloemhofdam is bekend vir die reuse ba-

bers van meer as 20kg en baie karp wat in die dam gevang word. Die hengelkaartjies kan vooraf aanlyn by bespreek word. Daar sal ook kaartjies by die hekke beskikbaar wees. Skakel Chris Schutte by 082 440 5398 of Eddie Sillinds by 082 632 5999 vir meer besonderhede.






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