Sedibeng Ster 28 August 2013

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Refugees in dilemma Photo:The self made structures called home by struggling refu­ gees in De Deur. Inset: Marie­Claire Nduwimana a native of Bu­ rundi, stands with her two children outside her self­made plastic shack at a plot in De Deur. Photos: Lazarus Dithagiso.

Lazarus Dithagiso

DE DEUR. – It is almost five years that these refugees have struggled to make ends meet following their arrival in this country. Most came here seeking asylum because of the wars that are ravaging their countries. They are from various countries such as Burundi, Uganda and Zanzibar and have now taken residence in De Deur where they reside at a plot in some sort of a ‘camp’ in mud and plastic houses. Marie-Claire Nduwimana (29), an unemployed mother of two from Burundi, says that she no longer thinks of going home as her parents were killed during the war and she fears for her life. “Back home they don’t know where I am,” she says. Her husband, known only

as Pacom ( also a refugee but not from the same country), does piece-work around Pretoria and Johannesburg. The couple met in Pretoria before they arrived in the Sedibeng region to start a new life. On how they survive in their three-room self-made plastic shack, Nduwimana reveals that they travel more than a kilometre to fetch water. She adds that a priest opened his heart and allowed them to fetch water at his plot nearby, he goes further by providing them with food parcels. When asked why they do not seek help from the local ward councillor Nduwimana says that they do not want to seem as if they are troublemakers. “We used to visit the ward councillor and other neighbours for help until we decided that it’s about time that we face

To bring you quality news we are pleased to inform you that our social networks are up and running. For more news about our area’s newsmakers, achievers, entertainment, job opportunities, and how to make new friends in the Vaal look out for fresh stories and much more news on our website Also follow us on twitter@sedibengster or our mobisite or `like’ us on facebook


Enter your little one in Ster and Vaalweekblad’s exciting Baby and Toddler Competition! A total of more than R10 000 in cash prizes, sponsored by Sanlam, Park Travel and MooiVaal Media is to be won. The rules and conditions will appear on and

life as it is,” she says. Local ward councillor Sibongile Sebe of the African National Congress (ANC) says that there is intervention from the council. She said the refugees would be moved soon as there is no water and sanitation in the ‘camp’. The dilemma between them returning home or getting necessary documents is pending “We started helping them with a water tank after community members around here complained that they steal their water. It’s a private property so we cannot install taps,” explains Sebe. The number of refugees has, however, dropped from 43 to 21 as others have left for ‘greener pastures’. For those who are left behind it remains to be seen what the future holds.

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Leave your unwanted babies here!

Lazarus Dithagiso

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Tears of sorrow mixed with joy flowed as the two black curtains were opened on the introduction and re-launch of Jessica’s Wall of Life recently. This is the initiative that gave six babies a

chances at life. Initially the wall was launched in February 2008 by Detective Warrant Officer Michelle Stephenson. This was after she was called out to a crime scene at a Boipatong dump site where the body of a little baby was found murdered and

dumped by her mother in July 2006. Scenes like this caused Stephenson to adopt a baby she named Jessica. She touched the hearts of the community in Vanderbijlpark. With tears rolling down her cheeks on the relaunch Stephenson said that, since the launch of Jessica’s Wall of Life, six babies and a cat have received a chance of life. “We are educating young people, learners, and students regarding birth control and options such as adoption and Jessica’s Wall of Life instead of killing and dumping a baby. The wall’s objective is to give the mothers an alternative to abandoning their children Vanderbijlpark Senior Prosecutor Retha Venter, Rashenka Stephenson and Detec­ tive Warrant Officer Michael Stephenson during the re­launch of Jessica’s Wall of Life 'baby box', where mothers can leave unwanted babies without hurting them and without identifying themselves. Photo: La­ zarus Dithagiso

28 August - 3 September 2013

or even murdering them when they see no other way out. We also want to close the gap between unwanted babies and prospective adoption parents, to give these children a chance in life.” Thanks go to Vanderbijlpark senior prosecutor Retha Venter who helped toward the creation of such a facility. Prosecutor Venter believes that the wall will be a great help to saving lives instead of killing. A state-of-the-art ‘baby box’ is in the wall with a built-in steel receptacle like a large postbox with two doors for both in and outside. There are sensors inside so that when the baby is placed inside the door, it will lock for safety. The alarm will activate inside the hospital. This will be switched off once the baby is removed. The baby will be given to the volunteers and later handed to Social Care. Among the guests were Advocate Sibongile Mzinyathi, Colonel Elsja Havenga, Boipatong station commander, Councillor Phillip Nothnagel. The wall is sponsored by Mooivaal media, Vaalrand security, National Prosecution Authority, Cormed Hospital, Tugela Hardware, Spur, IFM 102.2 Radio, Express Graphics, Africa Paint.

Police and community in tune Mduduzi Mathebula

SEBOKENG. - Moshoeshoe Road ground to a standstill when police conducted a roadblock on the busiest road in Sebokeng on Friday. The roadblock was to stop and check for unlicensed and unauthorised motorists. The search was carried out in conjunction with other stakeholders - Soul Provider, Progressive Youth, and SAPS Community Policing Forum, Youth Desk, Child Line, Vaal Injectors and Emfuleni Local Municipality Traffic Department. According to police the project was conducted in two phases, one focusing on unauthorised road-users and the second focus being to check for drugs. Soul Providers’ Baba Kubheka said that it is very important that community

members protect each other other. “Drug users are not in full control of their conscious minds. They need to be shown the possibilities of living without drugs,” said Kubheka. The search was directed into all the ‘hot spots’ of drug-use and dealers. Progressive Youth chairperson Mphikeleli Magidela said the project was productive and engaged community and Police. “It is vitally important to have engaged the police, the community and the youth. This is an eye-opener for the community to report any sort of crime in their different areas. Drugs have badly hindered the future of our country. It has to stop and that starts with us,” says Magidela.

Sebokeng police took matters in hand in a project to fight crime on the streets, conducting a road­ block on Friday. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

28 August - 3 September 2013

NWU mourns top sportsman VANDERBIJLPARK. - The Vaal Triangle North West University Campus community and the South African body building fraternity mourns the passing of Sabata Moqhali – a student and top sportsman. Sabata, who was the campus’s body building team captain and the current national USASSA champion in his weight class, was involved in a fatal car accident en route from Lesotho to Vanderbijlpark. In a moving address to the bereaved family and friends of the late Sabata, the Campus Rector, Prof Thanyani Mariba, said that Moqhali’s achievements and academic was a major contributor to the North-West University’s living legacy. “We applaud his achievements and prowess and we will continue to celebrate and cherish his memory,” said Mariba.


Trio arrested for horrific child abuse Lerato Serero

SEDIBENG.- The Vaal Rand FCS unit (Family Child Violence and Sexual Offences Unit) of the Vaal Rand SAPS arrested three suspects on charges of attempted murder and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, following horrific acts performed on a 3-year-old child recently It is alleged that neighbours filed a complaint at the local welfare offices regarding the alleged abuse of a three year old baby by his mother (19), her boyfriend (27) and her brother (18). Welfare found the child at his residence in FW Reitz Street in Vanderbijlpark with visible injuries to the face and body. The child was removed from the mother’s care and they reported the matter to the Vaal Rand FCS Unit. Further investigation into the matter led the investigating officer, Detective Warrant Officer Johan Reichert to video footage allegedly taken by the child’s uncle. It allegedly shows

the mother’s boyfriend repeatedly shocking the child with an electric tazing gun. This shocking footage also shows the mom and uncle standing by whilst the child screams in

VANDERBIJLPARK.- The life of a 10-yearold could not be saved following an accident in Vanderbijlpark on Friday afternoon. Two young girls were knocked down on Delfos Boulevard just behind ‘Diventjheng’, Sharpeville, in Vanderbijlpark on Friday. ER24 Crisis Communicator Vanessa Jackson says that paramedics arrived on scene to find that both girls lay at the side of the road and sadly the 10-year-old little girl had Photo: A 10­year­old child was killed following an accident on Friday afternoon. Photo: ER 24

agonising pain. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Kinnie Steyn says that the tazing gun was retrieved at a place in Vaalpark near Sasolburg where it was hidden and was then handed in as evidence. It is furthermore also suspected that the mother’s boyfriend can be linked to several other assault and abuse cases. “The child was placed in a place of safety and the suspects were detained at the Vanderbijlpark SAPS,” says Steyn Left: Vaal Rand FCS mem­ bers Detective Warrant Offi­ cer Johan Reichert ( far left) and Detective Sergeant Raymond de Klerk stand with the suspects following their arrest.

Accident leaves child dead Lerato Serero

Sabata Moqhali recently died in a car accidenten route from Lesotho.


already died on scene due to the extensive injuries she had sustained. Nothing more could be done for her and she was declared dead. The

6-year-old with her was in a critical condition having sustained severe injuries and multiple broken bones. As paramedics initiated her treatment, they activated AER24 to the scene so that she could be quickly removed to a hospital for further medical care. The driver of the BMW that apparently knocked into the children was not injured.


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Unfinished business? The Monyaka Road Project was left unfinished by workers after residents cried foul. Pho­ to: Moleboheng Chaha. Moleboheng Chaha


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28 August - 3 September 2013

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SEBOKENG. - The roads rehabilitation programme recently re-introduced by local government left residents excited about development in their different communities. While some will get employemet out of the project, others will also experience the satisfaction of having improved roads. Much to the chagrine of Ward 34, Monyaka Road has been left in chaos after a protest which led to the stopping of the EPWP (Extended Public Works Programme) which aimed to rehabilitate the road. According to members of the community, the project had been going well up until a few dissatisfied residents accused the project manager of not following due procedure when employees were hired. One of the people hired as part of the pro-

ject says, “We have not been working on the road for a few months now because there were politics that could not be resolved. At the moment the project is at a standstill and no-one is working on it.” Another member of the community states that projects that happen within a certain ward should benefit the people residing in that particular ward. Motorists have had to face difficulties as the condition of the road may pose many dangers to society. “How the street could have been left like this is beyond me. Something has to be done before someone gets hurt.” Ward 34 Councillor and Emfuleni Local Municipality MMC for Infrastructure Nomvula Thulo was not available for comment at the time of going to print.

28 August - 3 September 2013


Lerato Serero News Editor Comments

Stand together Take a single stick and break it; it will break in one go; then take a bundle of sticks and try to break them. I assure you that you will experience more difficulty. I realised this past week the importance of teamwork and standing together (not that I did not know it). A working overnight trip recently that we undertook together with colleagues made all of us aware of the differences that we share as a team; it is true that we cannot all be the same but it is important to respect and understand those differences. A single brain sometimes is not capable of taking critical decisions alone. An individual needs the support and guidance of others to come out with an effective solution. When individuals come together on a common platform with the common objective of accomplishing a task, a team is formed, which the trip proved that we are. The team proved that - although we are from different backgrounds - we have a common goal to achieve maximum compatibility; we complemented each other and worked in close co-ordination as a single unit to deliver the best. As they say, “There is no I in Team Work”, every individual must think of his team first and personal interest must take a back seat. The success of any team is directly proportional to the relation among its team members and their collective efforts. Taking things head-on, alone, has never and will never be a solution to most of the things we face, hence the need for teamwork and advice from a different perspective. For me and the team what came into realisation this past week is that, like a single stick, you will break when bent but, standing together in a bundle of the very same sticks, nothing will move or break you. ‘No man is an island’. Lerato...




According to the editorial policy of Sedibeng Ster we invite readers to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at ombudsman.media24@live., or call him on (021) 851 3232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone (011) 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to (011) 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.

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28 August - 3 September 2013

Unleashing the potential in you Moleboheng Chaha

VANDERBIJILPARK. - Phenomenal women were all around as the Pan Africanist Student Movement (PASM) of Azania held an empowerment programme aimed at young women. This was recently the scene at the Vaal University of Technology, VUT. The event - called “Unleashing the potential in you” - brought successful women together to share their stories in order to display their success for those yet to go through the journey. Thando Nkabinde, a 20-year-old who founded an NGO - ‘when books take over’

- stated that she saw the importance of educating a black child. “I felt that there was something missing in my life. One day I came across a quote that “If you want to hide something from a black child, put it in a book”. This quote made me realise that there was so much that a black child could do, only if they were given the opportunity.” Nkabinde added that her organisation collects and donates books to various institutions. Another speaker Itumeleng Smouse, CEO of ‘ Nurture Us’, which donates food to schools in need, emphasised the power of dreaming awake. “Dreams are very important

because once you have a dream, you start working to achieve that dream.” Mary Serunye, organiser of the event, stated that she saw the event as an opportunity to further empower young women through showing them the success of others and opening their eyes to the opportunities that were out there for women. Right: Young and phenomenal, Thando Nkabinde, founder of 'When books take over', gave an inspiring speech recently at an event aimed at empowering young wo­ men. The event was held at VUT. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

Boiketlong community gathers Mduduzi Mathebula

Maxeke Secondary School recently experienced good fortune when they received a bursary worth R20 000 from Boston City Campus (BCC) .Patience Mahlaba handed over a R20 000 bursary to principal David Radebe. The top student at the end of the year will be awarded this bursary. This person must not only be bright but must also be in need of financial assistance. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

SEBOKENG. - It has been declared one of the poorest areas in the Vaal. Boiketlong informal settlement has more than 13 years behind it and is located in the heart of the Vaal region. Practical Social Work student Nthabiseng Mosea touched the hearts of the community recently when she conducted a workshop for women and children where she engaged the community on several abusive patterns of conduct people and parents inflict on children. The event was held at Boiketlong Primary School. Mosea says having the interests of a community at heart takes a person with great humanity, courage and love. Mosea as a student social worker comes to the area once or twice a week to work on community cases. She says one of the challenges

faced by the community is poverty and unemployment. She adds that there are numerous cases of abuse in which children abuse parents while, on the other hand, there is emotional abuse of children by parents. Mosea says having such a social gathering helps to show how people evaluate their lives and to what extent they encourage children to speak their minds on abuse. Jolene Peyper from the South African Vroue Federasie (SAVF) through the help of other social caregivers and auxillaries are managing to cover the entire area with all its grievances and life-challenges. “This day is a sign of workmanship with the community, we are displaying our availability to the community on social issues with the help of the Sebokeng Social Department in their area,” says Peyper.





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28 August - 3 September 2013





28 August - 3 September 2013

28 August - 3 September 2013



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Remember to enter your little one in Ster and tographer. For more information, call Nicky Vaalweekblad’s exciting Baby and Toddler on 083 744 7711 or Retha on 083 246 0523. The rules and conditions will appear on Competition! A total of more than R10 000 in cash prizes, sponsored by Sanlam, Park and www.vaalweekTravel and MooiVaal Media, accommoda- tion by Riviera-on-Vaal and Maccauvlei-onThis week’s venues: Vaal, delicious meals from Cattle Fish Res28 August: Meyerton - Multisave, 10:00 taurant and lots of other gift vouchers from various sponsors are on the cards for the win- - 14:00 29 August: Vanderbijlpark - Twin Radio, ners and their families! The categories in which little ones can take 14:00 - 16:00 30 August: Sasolburg - Pam Golding, part this year are the following: 6 to 12 months, 12 to 24 months, 2 to 3 years, 3 to 14:00 - 16:00 31 August: Vanderbijlpark - Vaal Gate, 4 years and 4 to 6 years. 10:00 - 14:00 - How to take part (BOLD?) 1 September: Vereeniging - River Square, Watch Ster and Vaalweekblad to see where your child can be photographed. The venues 10:00 - 16:00 change from week to week as we try to reach the whole community in the Vaal’s different towns. Let our photographer, Nicky Jansen van Vuuren, take a photo of your baby. Pay an entry fee of R50, fill in an entry form and presto! Your little boy or girl could be a winner! Then simply buy every week’s edition of Vaalweekblad in which the photos of participants will appear. The sooner you enter, the sooner your photos will appear in the newspaper. Please note that the R50 entry-fee does not include a printed photograph of your little one, but parents are welcome to order printed photographs and a special baby competition pho- Enter your cute baby or toddler now ­ maybe he or she will to package from our pho- be this year's winner!



28 August - 3 September 2013

Vaal River Carnival launched

Mduduzi Mathebula

SEDIBENG. - Vaal region will be abuzz with a much anticipated form of art during the month of September. The Vaal River Carnival launch was held on Saturday at Mafatsane Hall in Evaton after a long parade walk to the three top local shopping centres - Thabong, Evaton Plaza and Palm Springs. The launch was led by Emfuleni executive mayor Greta Hlongwane who led by example by marching with everyone else through the launch.

The Vaal River Carnival provides numerous activities, a Vaal beach party, comedy, an arts festival and much more. These are part of the carnival displaying the arts crafts of the region. Hlongwane welcomed everybody, urging them to participate in the carnival. “It is my pleasure to welcome you all and to take part in the much awaited carnival, which I wish and believe will be better than last year’s,” said the executive mayor during her speech at the launch.

During this Women’s Month win yourself a wedding dress worth R 6000, make-up, nails and hair-do by following these three easy steps: * In not so many words tell us what is your wedding dream and dress size, write your name, surname and contact details and drop them into an entry box at the Mooivaal Media offices in Vanderbijlpark * Find us, like us and comment on our Facebook page Angelic Brides-SA, follow Sedibeng Ster on twitter@Sedibengster or our mobisite http:// or like us on facebook * The draw will be on September 7, 2013

All the entrants details for the lucky draw can be entered at the offices of Mooivaal Media in Vanderbijlpark. Terms and conditions apply

Rethabile Youth Group performs for the public during the Vaal River Carnival launch in Evaton on Saturday.

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28 August - 3 September 2013





28 August - 3 September 2013

Power to women Mduduzi Mathebula

VEREENIGING. - Celebrating Women’s Day and month calls on all women to gain some understanding of great women. It celebrates what has become a vital day left by icons of the past such as Charlotte Maxeke, Lillian Ngoyi and others. Recently the Vereeniging stalls owners celebrated such an expensive, breathtaking day in style. These are ordinary women who sell fast food, vegetables, do hair and manicures. These tough working women decided to give each other presents to show their love for each other. The ceremony was appealing and worthy. The initiative came through one of

them and Sedibeng Ster managed to speak to her, organiser Tumi Mofokeng, who says that the main motive was to show other women that in life there are choices a person has to make. Mofokeng says, “If women can unite, we are bound to receive power and direction like the Maxekes and Sisulus. “We are fighting the struggle in a different way and, these days, we face challenges of unemployment and poverty. We cannot allow ourselves to live like those who have lived before us. As women we are striving for our families, we are helping out by playing our part,” said Mofokeng during the event.

Women show their character through thick and thin in life ­ that is why they are worth celebrating as the businesswomen of the Vereeniging stalls celebrated Women's Month. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.


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28 August - 3 September 2013



Spreading the good word Moleboheng Chaha

SEDIBENG. - Gospel Music is food for the soul. This is according to Morwesi Sebiloane, who recently gifted the music industry with her debut album “New Season.” Sebiloane, born and bred in the Free State, states that she did not choose the gospel, but was chosen by a higher power to be the spreader of the good word of God. “I have been through some difficult experiences, but becauMorwesi Sebiloane, a new gos­ pel star on the rise, says she was chosen to be the spreader of gospel. Photo:Moleboheng Chaha.

se of my trust in God, I saw there was some light at the end of the tunnel. I then decided to renew my life on a clean slate, hence the name `new season,’” says Sebiloane, who adds that there is hope with anything in life. The music in her album transcends any generation and can be listened to by anyone through any circumstances. Listening to Sebiloane’s melodic voice leaves nothing more to be desired but the word of God. Tracks to look out for on the album are 1, 7 and 9, respectively. Four lucky winners stand a chance of winning a CD. Simply SMS your name and surname to 45516. Winners will notified via telephone. (Sms costs R1.50)

Mpho glitters for all to see Mduduzi Mathebula

SEDIBENG. - Mpho Victor Gangashe was born in Makonde Village and grew up in Khubvi Village approx. 20 km North of Thohoyandou in the Limpopo Province. Gangashe is one of the most promising South African gospel artists. He produces his music and also writes it. He’s popularly known as Regalo (Regalo means Gift in Italian). This young talented man brings a new fresh anointing to the Gospel industry. There is a special anointing through his voice that introduces a fresh element to hymnal songs, traditional gospel songs and the new songs that he writes which takes a person to a different level of worship. Gangashe commenced singing at church where he participated at Sunday school and in the youth choir, High School. “At the age of 16, he was identified by Pastor Andy Masiye during his road show promotion at Thohoyandou. He just asked anyone who would like to win his CD to come and sing just like him. He quickly jumped onto the stage and exceeded his expectations and he then advised me to go record a demo and he would help him to record his first album,” says Lily Nemadzinga, Gangashe’s manager. “In 2012, I released my debut album titled ‘Testimony’ which was produced by Takie ‘Psalmist’ Ndou. It was well received, with the popular hits ‘Vha Mudzimu wanga’, ‘ehovah Jireh’, ‘Ndi ngasi gwadamele’ and ‘Oa halalela’,” says Gangashe. Despite having no distribution company, the album managed to sell over 12 000 copies and continues to do well in the market, he adds. Gangashe studied Information Technology at the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Durban and he is now a qualified software technical test analyst. He is a bornagain Christian and fellowships at Calvary Christian Church Pretoria under the leadership of Pastor Hilda Mabaya. Gangeshe has ministered in various events across the country and shared the stage with the likes of Kgotso, Keke, Solly Mahlangu, Winnie Mashaba, David Dee, Takie and Rofhiwa, Lufuno Dagada, Zaza, Avis and many more that are ranked amongst the best gospel artists in the country. To win Mpho’s album sms your name and answer to this simply question to 45516. Which province does Mpho come from? (Sms costs R1.50).

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28 August - 3 September 2013

Sasol techno x 2013

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he Executive Mayor of Metsimaholo, Cllr Brutus

Mahlaku, District Mayor of Fezile Dabi Municipality, Cllr Moeketsi Moshodi and District Director of Education of

Cllr Mahlaku said, “Sasol Techno X sparks a desire for mathematics, science and technology amongst students. It stimulates them and drives an eagerness for them to do better. In addition, the week-long expo brings investment to the province.” Sasol Techno X celebrates its 13th year of existence and provides a dynamic and interactive way for learners to discover career opportunities in these three fields. The exhibition is aimed at grade 7 to 12 learners who are exposed to interactive displays, workshops, site visits, talks by experts in the fields and hands-on activities. The 2013 theme is Curiosity fuels the future.

Fezile Dabi, Vusi Chuta, amongst others attended the official opening of Sasol’s flagship career exhibition, Sasol Techno X 2013. The expo takes place at the Boiketlong Sport Centre, in Sasolburg from 19 to 23 August 2013, and is a premier career exhibition in South Africa, profiling mathematics, science and technology.

Vusi Cwane, General Manager Public Affairs: Group Marketing and Operations, Sasol said, “Choosing a career is an important part for a student. The Sasol Techno X therefore exposes them to jobs and professionals who have excelled. The expo breaks the stigma that mathematics and science are for a selected few.” Sasol is also proud to partner with government and educational institutions to ensure that Sasol Techno X’s impact and reach is maximised to benefit learners, teachers and the local Sasolburg community. At Sasol Techno X, learners have the opportunity to engage with universities and other industry stakeholders on the practicalities of moving through course studies and bursary options. District Director of Education of Fezile Dabi, Vusi Chuta, emphasised that there is an alarming skills shortage in the country, especially in field of engineering. He said, “There are modern ways of working and as technology progresses, it is required that we meet the demands. Mathematics, science and technology serves as a building block, allowing our country to compete favourably. However, we still need to do more to increase our skills base. We need to lay a solid foundation from a school level.” According to the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), South Africa currently has one engineer for every 3 100 people, compared to Germany with one engineer for every 200 people. In countries like Japan, U.K. and U.S.A., this ratio stands at about 1:310. “In the last two years, the number of students taking mathematics and science has increased in our district. There is no better company in this world who can introduce mathematics, science and technology to our youth, other than Sasol. They understand the shortage of skills and we will always partner with these types of expos,” Chuta concluded.

28 August - 3 September 2013


For more information on Sasol, visit or call 016 960 9111


For more information on Sasol Techno X 2013, visit or call 016 976 1999



28 August - 3 September 2013



By Khanyisa Peter


Professor Irene Moutlana, Vice-Chancellor and Principal By Khanyisa Peter


ationally, women’s day is celebrated on the 09th of August. The day commemorated the bravery of women which is reflected in our South African History. Women’s Day is one of the highlights in the calendar of event at the Vaal University of Technology. The 2013 celebrations took place on Thursday, in the Desmond Tutu Great Hall, Vanderbijlpark campus. The women were entertained by a renowned comedian, Beauty Ramapelepele (Mr Ben Vos) who kept the ladies down on the floor with laughter. She gave an outstanding performance that left nothing but joy and warmth. Part of the programme included a fashion show of various cultures performed by VUT staff

Professor Kholeka Moloi

members. The ladies came out glazing, gorgeous and confident in their beautiful cultural attires. Professor Irene Moutlana, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, VUT delivered a keynote address. Her address was titled ‘womanhood, motherhood, the Christian miracle continues’. She explored the definition of a woman from a biblical perspective. She also emphasised the value and significance of a woman across all aspects of life. The event was sealed with a music performance by Mr William Mthethwa, a renowned South African artist. Subsequently, the ladies where treated to lunch which provided an opportunity for networking amongst colleagues.

rofessor Kholeka Moloi, attached to the department of Education: Faculty of Human Sciences was selected as a finalist in the 2013 Women in Science Awards which were held on Friday, 16 August 2013, at the Hilton Hotel, Johannesburg. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) hosts the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) annually to recognise and reward the achievements of South African women scientists and researchers. Professor Moloi was the finalist in the category:

Distinguished Women: Social Sciences. The category recognises the women scientists and researchers who have made an outstanding contribution to advancing science and building the knowledge base in their respective disciplines The Vaal University of Technology community congratulates Prof Kholeka Moloi for the outstanding achievement. She emerged as an overall winner and received an award in the category: Distinguished Women: Social Sciences.

Congratulations and well done!


SASOL TECHNO X 2013 M By Millicent Seripe


he annual Sasol Techno X 2013 exhibition took place at Zamdela, Sasolburg from the 19 to 23 August 2013. The exhibition focuses on displays, workshops, tours and talks which aim to attract different learners, students and the public to various study opportunities that are available in the higher education sector. In its 13th year, Sasol Techno X never fails to meet the curiosity of students as they visit the exciting science and technology exhibition. The event, which is one of the largest career exhibitions in the country, offered learners a platform for counselling and career guidance to equip them with information that will

assist in making decisions regarding which career to pursue. Mrs Rianelle Van Niekerk, event organizer, believes that the exhibition would dispel the myth that maths and science are difficult subjects and used fun and technology to overcome fears of doubt. The VUT stand was well attended as a result of good planning and organizing. During an interview with a Grade 12 student Ms Lerato Moloi, she said that “The reason why I am here is because I want to know more about the course I would like to pursue and the various options that are available to me as a learner”.

rs Osayuwamen Omoruyi, Lecturer: Logistics Department will leave for the shores of Germany as she makes her way to the Aalen University in September 2013. Once settled, she will pursue her doctoral studies in supply chain. This will offer her a valuable opportunity for personal growth and become more versatile as an experienced and learned educator. The opportunity for skills development will enable Omoruyi to impart quality knowledge to VUT students who are in the same field of study. She said that “As an educator you have to constantly upgrade your skills in order to perform at your best in the ever changing environment and keep abreast with global trends”. We wish Mrs Omoruyi the very best during her stay in Germany and hope she returns to VUT safe and sound.

Mrs Osayuwamen Omoruyi, Lecturer of Logistics

28 August - 3 September 2013



VAAL BEACH PARTY 2013 Advertorial

MSP is proud of creating, hosting and managing the fourth edition of the Annual All Weekend Vaal Beach Party 2013 music extravaganza. The annual All Weekend Vaal Beach Party was born in 2009, created by MSP in partnership with Emfuleni Local Municipality with 5000 people attending the event for the first year of existence and it forms part of the Vaal River Carnival calendar with a series of various events that run the whole month of August until the beginning of October every year to celebrate Heritage. Vaal Beach Party is the number one leading event in terms of attendance from the carnival calendar of events every year. The Annual Vaal Beach Party will be hosted again in the Vaal Triangle at Dick Fourie cricket stadium, which is situated in the heart

of Vereeniging * The 29th August 2013 will showcase highly-amped entertainment with Comedy Night featuring top local comedians such as Mashabela,Skhumba,Tipsy Shampoo,Mpho Popps plus a few of the finest Vaal Comedians. The event runs from 7pm to 10pm at the Civic Theatre in Vereeniging. This session is bound to keep the audience on its feet to laugh out loud. Tickets are now available at Computicket,Shoprite & Checkers countrywide. *. Friday 30th of August 2013 at Monateng Café, will feature top deejays around the Vaal Triangle such as Chocolate Bar,Goddard,Mochacho,Disco 55,King Deetoy, Small Kem with a few national DJs such as Legendary DJ Christos to embrace the event.

Moleboheng Chaha

people. “The story line derives from things that happen every day. I believe that this will be a lesson to many that giving up in life is never really an option,” says Skhwenene Dlamini, part-owner of PGA, adding that dramatic arts have always been a passion with him. “We as artists here in the Vaal hope to reach the point where we are appreciated and given the recognition we deserve,” concludes Dlamini.

*. Saturday 31st August 2013 is when we will see the whole Vaal Triangle buzzing with spring colours from visitors around all corners of South Africa and beyond its bor-

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Give Vaal’s talent a chance

SEBOKENG. - Laughter recently filled the air at the Mphatlalatsane Theatre when Phambili Ghetto Artists (PGA) brought their offbeat production ‘Township Girls’ to the

Left: The musical "Township Girls" touched on different emotions as the audience related to the diffe­ rent characters recently portrayed at the Mphatlalatsane Theatre. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

ders coming to attend the main, well known, famous Vaal Beach Party which features over 50 top local and international acts who loves and

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28 August - 3 September 2013


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VEREENIGING TEL: (016) 421 1150/1 FAX: (016) 421 0746 33 VOORTREKKER STREET PRIVATE BAG X 035

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28 August - 3 September 2013



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Transport Company in Vanderbijlpark is looking for the services of a : • QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC with experience on Mercedes Benz trucks. and a

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Dickinson Group in Vereeniging is seeking the services of reputable supervisors: The incumbents must have; • A valid driver’s license • 2-3 Years’ experience in site supervision preferably in furnace or industrial demolition or structural dismantling. • Technical qualifications are desirable. • Ability to read Mechanical, Hydraulic & Electrical drawings is desirable Interested parties should e-mail a detailed Curriculum Vitae, together with commercial references to: quoting ref: DemSup in the subject line Closing Date: 30/08/2013 If you have not heard from the company within 10 days of the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Company details can be found at


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Betrekkings / Vacancies





28 August - 3 September 2013



To advertise your vacancies: Call: Adeela Williamson (016) 950 7021 • E-mail: / Fax: (016) 931 3146



Vereistes: • Matriek, • Twee of meertalig • Goeie menseverhoudinge en • Kommunikasie • Passievol en • Energiek. Liefde vir die natuur en avontuur. Gedissiplineerd met sober gewoontes. Moet onafhanklik kan funksioneer Eie vervoer kan ‘n voordeel wees a1ry1ja



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236 9427

The following vacancy exists at South African Roll Company (SARCO) in Vanderbijlpark:




Temporary Position – Rate per hour Financial Manager Vanderbijlpark Well established company is seeking a financial manager with Bcom accounting, to start immediately. Min 5 yrs in an all round financial capacity Email cv to Temorary Position- Rate per hour Bulk Tellers Vereeniging Reputable company requires an experienced bulk teller working with large amounts of cash. Successful candidates must be credited and criminal clear. Matric with Accounting/Mathematics with a C symbol is essential E-mail CV to Permanent Employment

External Sales Representative R 10 000.00 + Commission, Cellphone and Petrol Allowance. Min 3 - 5 years extensive sales experience with proven track record. Previous courier experience would be advantageous. Own car with valid drivers license. Must be ITC and Crim clear Send your CV to MECHANICAL ENGINEER-VAAL Residing in the Vaal Triangle R45-46000 pm plus benefits BEng / BTech Mech Eng Degree GCC and chemical / industrial environment will be ideal. 3-8yrs post grad Mech Eng exp Ensure subject line of email contains “Mech Eng Sales Metallurgist Mining & Processing Industry – Vereeniging Salary negotiable Qualified trained metallurgist - ESSENTIAL Willing to travel, Sales experience, with computer exp. Reside in vaal, Training will be offered in anchor products and stud welding. Send CV to


Vertical Boring Mill Operator Mining and Construction industry Salary R115 p/h (negotiable) Qualified turner with trade papers. Minimum 5 years’ experience in turning and vertical boring mills. Ability to work shifts and Own transport ess. Send CV to Mid-Level IT Support Technician Mining & Mechanical industry Salary R15K Negotiable

B Tech / Diploma in Computer Science Define and resolve technical problems. Developing SQL & similar technologies. Hardware / Software / Network: develops, test, maintenance, Staff training, and upgrading of projects. Send CV to

Please forward your CV to the Human Resources Manager at CWI, P O Box 102, Vanderbijlpark (1900) or fax details to (016) 980 3191 or e-mail address,

CLOSING DATE: 6 SEPTEMBER 2013 (If no reply is received within two weeks after the closing date, accept that your application was unsuccessful).

22 Antrim Street, Sasolburg 1947 E-mail: Office: 016 428 5997 Fax: 086 603 0450 Mobile: 072 036 0450 Ricardo 081 521 8219 Styles

Duties and Responsibilities:

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Closing date of Applications: 6 September 2013 Please send your cv directly to Rivoni Recruitment: If you are not contacted within 2 weeks of closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful *SARCO practices a Policy of equal opportunities for all, and actively encourages application from previous disadvantaged individuals

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R 1 500.00

1 Day

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3 Month Payment Plan: R14 000 deposit. 2 Payments of R7 000. Theoretical and Practical application of main processes Entry Medical exam Issue of PPE Welder Qualification Test on 2” and 6” Pipe Assistance with Job Placement for work on Power Stations, Petro-Chemical Plants etc.

Suitable qualified applicants with the requirement REQV (13/17) are invited to apply for SGB paid posts of Educators for: 1. Grade 6 – Maths and LS (1October – 31 January 2014) 2. Grade R (1 January – 31 December 2014) 3. ELSEN (GDE Post) 1 October – 31 December 2013 IT IS A REQUIREMENT THAT APPLICANTS MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK, READ AND WRITE ENGLING FLUENTLY. pplicants must include the following documents: A short letter of allocation (description of own strength) A CV containing a record of teacher’s training, experience, extra – mural activities and references. Certified copies of testimonials, certificates, diplomas and degrees. A certified copy of SACE registration certificate. CAPS Training. Certified copy of I.D. All applications should be submitted to the school by 27 August 2013, no later than 13:00 Please mark as follows: ATTENTION: THE PRINCIPAL And deliver to: SELBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL, VAN RIEBEECK STREET VEREENIGING. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Should you not be contacted by the 1st of September 2013, consider your application unsuccessful.


United Bulk is ‘n snelgroeiende maatskappy met gevestigde belange en bestaan reeds meer as 17 jaar. 0ns spesialiseer in die vervoer van massa vloeibare stowwe. Die maatskappy het depots in Worcester en Vanderbijlpark en bedien kliënte landswyd sowel as in Suider Afrika. Ons beplan die volgende uitbreidings: a1rx2x5

Buildings and ground keeper Mining and Construction industry Salary R12K / R18K 8-10 years’ experience in a Technical and maintenance environment. Analyse ground risks, maintain equipment and tools, assists with breakdown Send CV to

In return for your skills and experience we offer a negotiable salary and a range of attractive fringe benefits which can be expected of a large national company.


In-Cab Driver Trainer R 15 000.00 – Negotiable Monthly Trainer / Instructor / Dangerous goods qualification. PDP with DG, valid EC license with min 10 years experience. Responsible for training of all drivers, induction, assessments, job observation and K53 Training Send your CV to

This position is suitable for a red seal qualified fitter and turner with at least five years experience in a manufacturing environment. You will be responsible for planned and preventative maintenance, plant modification and inspections. The ability to work without supervision and maintain high safety standards is a pre-requisite for this position.


Temporary Employment


• Active and patient • Experience a must working with disabled children • Experience working with epilepsy and fits • Experience with physical stimulation and fun activities NANNY REQUIRED • Experience with babies and Toddlers a must • Traceable references a must • Good knowledge around milestone stimulation


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CONSOLIDATED WIRE INDUSTRIES (PTY) LIMITED markets a wide range of mild steel wire and wire products across all industry sectors. Our markets include agricultural, construction and mining industries.


Please fax you CV to 0866233362 and indicate for which position you apply. Closing date 06 September 2013


Minimum Requirements:

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Great opportunity to join this dynamic transport company in Vanderbijlpark as a driver trainer.



Die nodige bemarkings graad of diploma. Ondervinding in die vervoer bedryf sal as aanbeveling dien. Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees en oor goeie menseverhoudings beskik. Goed rekenaar vaardig wees. Kode 8 bestuurs lesensie. Berreid wees om hom/haarself in Vaaldriehoek te vestig. Ons bied ‘n uiters mededingende pakket, wat met die geskikte persoon onderhandel sal word. Belangstellendes kan hul CV’s faks na 086 62 333 62. Dui aan vir watter pos u aansoek doen. Aansoeke sluit Vrydag 06 September 2013

VACANCY Sales Representative, East Rand Sales experience in a ceramic fibre related field required. Ceramic fibre or thermal insulation background & some technical qualification prefered. Accuracy in Excel and Word is important. Must able to travel and work independently.

Initial salary offered is around R10 - R12K/m depending on experience. Company vehicle will be provided to call on customers only, plus a cell phone allowance. The area of responsibility is the entire Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West Province and Vaal Triangle regions. Will be expected to manage & meet a budget. Cold canvas with a strong emphasis on developing new customers & markets, also service an existing client base. Please forward your CV to If not been contacted within 2 weeks, consider unsuccessful.








‘n Besigheid in Duncanville Vereeniging is DRINGEND op soek na Mechanical Draughtsman en Production Manager in die staal industrie met ondervinding ‘n vereiste.

To advertise your vacancies: Call: Adeela Williamson (016) 950 7021 • E-mail: / Fax: (016) 931 3146

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Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for TAVERN LIQUOR LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng 1. Full names of the applicant: MAHLASENYANE REBECCA LENONG 2. Intended trading name: MAPHODI TAVERN 3. Registration number of the applicant: 5211190400083 4. Full address and location of the premises: ERF 2697 BOIPATONG EXTENSION 1, VANDERBIJLPARK 5. Type of license applied for: TAVERN LIQUOR LICENCE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 7. Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None 9.Signed at VEREENIGING on the 20 day of AUGUST 2013 A1RYZIK



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Full names of the applicant: HOLGER DEREK SIMON Intended trading name: DRACHEN MEISTER Registration number of the applicant: 760212 5144 08 5 Full address and location of the premises: REMAINDER OF ERF 71, VANDERBIJLPARK Type of license applied for: TAVERN LICENCE Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None

9. Signed at VANDERBIJLPARK on the 21st day of AUGUST 2013

Vereistes : Matrieksertifikaat Grondslagfase-opleiding Medium van Instruksie: Afrikaans – Huistaal Sluitingsdatum: 4 September 2013 Instansie: Primêre Skool Fonteine, Sasolburg Vir verdere navrae kontak Mnr B le Roux op Tel. nr’s: (016) 976-0986/083-229-9612 Faks: (016) 976-2604/086-692-3269 E-pos:

NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for GUESTHOUSE LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Full names of the applicant: ARMAGEDON WILLIAM DE PAIVA Intended trading name: BOREZZA GUESTHOUSE Registration number of the applicant: 660920 5054 085 Full address and location of the premises: ERF 539, 100 PIET RETIEF BOULEVARD, S.E. 2, VANDERBIJPARK Type of license applied for: GUESTHOUSE LICENCE Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None Signed at VANDERBIJLPARK on the 21st day of AUGUST 2013

Legal Notices

LIQUOR ACT, 2003 NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for LIQUOR STORE LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng 1. Full names of the applicant: MOTHASI CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT CC 2. Intended trading name: NYELETI LIQUOR STORE 3. Registration number of the applicant: 2007/239479/23 4. Full address and location of the premises: STAND 19 PORTION 5, CORNER MARTIN AND NOBEL BOULEVARD NE3, VANDERBIJLPARK 5. Type of license applied for: LIQUOR STORE LICENCE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 7. Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None 9. Signed at Vereeniging on the 26 day of AUGUST 2013 LIQUOR ACT, 2003 NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for RESTAURANT LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng


Full names of the applicant: HANS VAN LOON Intended trading name: THE PUBLICAN Registration number of the applicant: 400210 5067 18 7 Full address and location of the premises: HOLDING 70 MANTEVREDE AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS, VANDERBIJLPARK. 5. Type of license applied for: RESTAURANT LICENCE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 7. Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None 9. Signed at VANDERBIJLPARK on the 21st day of AUGUST 2013 1. 2. 3. 4.

LIQUOR ACT, 2003 NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for PUB LIQUOR LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng 1. Full names of the applicant: MOTHASI CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECTS CC 2. Intended trading name: MOTHASI SPORTS BAR 3. Registration number of the applicant: 2007/239479/23 4. Full address and location of the premises: STAND 19 PORTION 5, CORNER MARTIN AND NOBEL BOULEVARD NE3, VANDERBIJLPARK 5. Type of license applied for: PUB LIQUOR LICENCE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 7. Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None 9. Signed at Vereeniging on the 26 day of AUGUST 2013


Full names of the applicant: MNCEDISI SAMUEL MABALA Intended trading name: JOZI PLACE Registration number of the applicant: 7005105443081 Full address and location of the premises: 6768 ZONE 12 SEBO KENG, VANDERBIJLPARK Type of license applied for: TAVERN LIQUOR LICENCE Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None Signed at VEREENIGING on the 30 day of JULY 2013

NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for TAVERN LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng

Vakante Onderwyspos / -poste: Graad R





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Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for TAVERN LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng






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Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for TAVERN LICENCE to the secretary of the local committee of Sedibeng 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Air Conditioner Sub Contractor needed to maintain aircons in Roodepoort.

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28 August - 3 September 2013

Full names of the applicant: SHANTELL DEBORAH KLEYNHANS Intended trading name: HEKKIES SE PLEK Registration number of the applicant: 671214 0163 08 4 Full address and location of the premises: ERF 1, CENTRAL EAST 6, VANDERBIJLPARK Type of license applied for: TAVERN LICENCE Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Names and distances to similar licenses premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4. None Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in paragraph 4: None Signed at VANDERBIJLPARK on the 21st day of AUGUST 2013



Shut up and do something! With Zacharia Nale

Shooting From The Hip has learned that there was a meeting that involved legends, masters, coaches and administrators at Saul Tsotetsi Sports Complex over the weekend. Among the notable names who attended this gathering we-



re Conti Kubeka, Vincent Di Lisa, Simon “Bull” Lehoko, Geelbooi “Goma Goma” Masango, Vusi Maseko, Austin Moleloane and a host of others. Martin Mpholo described this gathering as a turning point in the history of football in this region. If this is the case, then Shooting From The Hip has no choice but to also believe that our football is going in the right direction, taking into consideration the people who attended this meeting. Some of those above-mentioned people played football at the highest level and it only makes sense for Shooting From The Hip to believe that the meeting was for a good cause. It was long overdue, taking into consideration the sorry state of football development in this region. Shooting From The Hip believes this is not one of those meetings where people come and just talk, talk and talk some more, without any action resulting. The truth is that our football ended up being run by the wrong people because the ex-professionals were not involved. The only


Bid Description

Compulsory Briefing session Date & Time

11/2014/13 N 14/2014

Establishment of a database of accredited service providers for ELM Skills Development Requirements for a period not exceeding 36 months

04 September 2013 Mayors Parlour 10:00 am

Bid Document Fee R250 (Non-Refundable)

Other Requirements SETA / Professional bodies accreditation

Closing Date and Time

Contact Person

13 September 2013 Mr. Sol Roets at 016 440 7742 10:00 am or 082 612 1746

Bidders must comply with the following minimum requirements: Failure to comply will lead to non-consideration of tender (Non- responsive). Additional requirements will be stipulateda in the bid document. 1. Original valid tax clearance certificate issued by South African Revenue Services (SARS) must be submitted, 2. Proof indicating that your business municipal account is paid up to date, not in arrears of more than 3 months; where applicable lease agreements and proof of your rental payments should be attached. 3. Copy of a valid letter of good standing in respect of Workman’s Compensation (COIDA) must be submitted. 4. Copy of company profile must be submitted with contactable reference to work done previously. 5. A compulsory briefing meeting must be attended. 6. Bidders must comply with all terms and conditions as outlined in this bid document Collection of bid documents: bid documents may be purchased during office hours between 08h00 to 15h15 on Monday to Friday excluding public holidays at Emfuleni Local Municipality Offices, Vanderbijlpark, Cnr Klasie Havenga Street & Frikkie Meyer Boulevard Vanderbijlpark, Ground floor. Availability of bid documents: bid documents will be available from the 28 August 2013 at 10H00 at a cost of R250.00 (payable in cash or bank guaranteed cheque) before collection of the bid document. Returning and closing date and time of bid: Sealed marked bids must be placed in the Bid Box (First Floor) at the Municipal Offices, Vanderbijlpark, Cnr Klasie Havenga Street & Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, not later than 10h00 on the closing date where after it will be opened in public in the Committee Room, first floor, Municipal Building, Vanderbijlpark. Evaluation and adjudication of bid: bids will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of Emfuleni Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy and Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No 5 of 2000. The 90/10 or 80/20 in preferential procurement points system as outlined in the bid document will apply, whichever will be applicable. Please note: • Bidders must submit valid BBBEE certificates. • A service provider meeting a minimum of 60% in terms of functionality will be appointed at risk and be part of the database, unless there are compelling and justifying reasons not to do so. • No bid will be accepted from a person in the service of the state. • Municipality reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or part thereof and is not obliged to accept the lowest bid. • Bids shall remain valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days after the closing date. • Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, email, incomplete and late bids will not be accepted. • Bids must only be submitted on the original bid documentation that is issued by Emfuleni Local Municipality. Preference is given to bidders who enhance the local economy, create jobs and who promote broad – based black economy empowerment (BBBEE) and to bidders who are within the Emfuleni Local Municipality. Mr. S. S. Shabalala MUNICIPAL MANAGER

thing they know best is to compare today’s football with their time. The truth of the matter is that there is and there will be no comparisons between today’s soccer stars and yesteryears’ generation. You know why? It is because the people who are supposed to lead from the front are not interested. How can these up-and-coming development coaches in this region know how football used to be played while people who are supposed to be their mentors couldn’t care less? Shooting From The Hip has stopped going to watch master football because the only thing those so called “masters” really know how to do is drink after the games. Hell no! For example, how many ex-professional players are involved in football in this region? Few of them! The only thing they moan about is that they are not paid to develop these youngsters. But the question Shooting From The Hip asks is: did those who coached you while you were still small boys demand to be paid? Absolutey not! Gentlmen, it is your turn to do something for these upand-coming youngsters. “The critic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Lastly, football is not played in the boardroom but on the field! Shut up and start doing something for the growth of football in this region.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in terms of clause 18 of the above mentioned town Planning scheme, i the undersigned MPHO KUTOANA intend applying to the Midvaal Local Municipality, Meyerton for consent to use erf/Holding/Portion* ERF 221 WITKOP and the existing/proposed buildings thereon for the following purpose(s) PLACE OF WORSHIP the land is zoned “RESIDENTIAL 1” in terms of the above mentioned town planning scheme. Plans and/or Particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the following address of the undersigned 221 VISAREND STR DALESIDE RANDVAAL, any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection in writing with both the Municipal Manger, Midvaal local Municipality, Po BoX 9, MeYeRton 1960 and the undersigned not later than 10 SEPTEMBER

isn n kE ngs s g i RE Ew g



NOTICE FOR THE AMENDMENT OF VANDERBIJLPARK TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1987 AMENDMENT SCHEME H1226: A PORTION OF FRIKKIE MEYER BLVD VANDERBIJLPARK SE 2 I, Mr. C F DE JAGER of PACE PLAN CONSULTANTS, being the authorized agent of the owner, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance (15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Emfuleni Municipal Council for the amendment of the Vanderbijlpark Town Planning Scheme, 1987, in respect of a Portion of Frikkie Meyer Blvd Vanderbijlpark SE 2, with the rezoning of a the Portion from “Public Road” to “Parking” and with the special consent of the local authority any other uses excluding noxious uses. All relevant documents relating to the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Strategic Manager: Land Use Management, First floor, Old Trust Bank Building, corner of President Kruger Street and Eric Louw Street, Vanderbijlpark, for 28 days from 28 August 2013. Any person, who wishes to object to the application or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing to the Municipal Manager at the named address or to P O Box 3, Vanderbijlpark 1900 or fax to (016) 950 5533 within 28 days from 28 August 2013. Address of the agent: Pace Plan Consultants, PO Box 60784 VAALPARK, 1948, Tel: 083 446 5872 Date of first publication: 28 August 2013



We, Urban Worx Town and Regional Planners, being the authorised agent of the owner of Erf 279, De Deur Estates Limited, Registration Division I.Q., Gauteng Province, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that we have applied to the Midvaal Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Peri-Urban Town Planning Scheme, 1975, by the rezoning of the above-mentioned property, situated on 279 Cross Road, De Deur Estates Limited, from “Residential 1” to “Special” with Annexure 83 so that the property may also be used for conference facilities with a Gross Leasable Area of 3500m², for training and instruction purposes, a place of refreshment, administrative offices and for any other use incidental to the use of conference facilities and with the special consent for any other uses. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Chief Town Planner, Ground floor, Municipal Offices, Mitchell Street, Meyerton, for a period of 28 days from 21 August 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Chief Town Planner at the above address or at P.O. Box 9, Meyerton, 1960, within a period of 28 days from 21 August 2013 Address of applicant: Urban Worx Town and Regional Planners 17 Baviaanskloofstreet Vaalpark 1947 Tel : 083 5663773 Fax: (016) 971 3362

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 5(5) OF THE GAUTENG REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1996 (ACT 3 OF 1996) VANDERBIJLPARK AMENDMENT SCHEME H1225: ERF 651 VANDERBIJLPARK SE 1 I, C F De Jager of Pace Plan Consultants, being the agent of the registered owner, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 5(5) of the Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act, 1996, that I have applied to the Emfuleni Municipal Council for the removal of certain conditions in the Title Deed of Erf 651 Vanderbijlpark South East 1, which are situated on 268 Louis Trichardt Blvd, Vanderbijlpark SE 1 and the simultaneous amendment of the Vanderbijlpark Town PlanningScheme, 1987, from “Residential 1” to “Special for a motor sales market and offices” and with the special consent of the Council, any other uses, excluding noxious uses. All relevant documents relating to the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Strategic Manager: Development Planning, Municipal Offices, Old Trust Bank Building, 1st Floor, Corner of President Kruger & Eric Louw Street, Vanderbijlpark for 28 days from 28 August 2013. Any person who wishes to object to the application or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing to the Municipal Manager at the named address or to P. O Box 3 Vanderbijlpark 1900 or fax to (016) 422-1411 within 28 days from 28 August 2013. Address of the applicant: Pace Plan Consultants, P O Box 60784 Vaalpark. Tel: (016) 071 3456 Date of first publication: 28 August 2013



28 August - 3 September 2013

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28 August - 3 September 2013



Competition getting stiffer

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - Emfuleni Local Football Association’s Promotion League becomes more and more interesting in both streams A and B with Zone 10 United and Sebokeng Ajax FC setting the pace at the top of the log. Zone 10 United lead Stream B with 48 points after 21 games, while Sebokeng Ajax FC are at the summit of Stream A with 51 points from 22 outings. However, hot on United’s heels is Moropoli Stars, followed by Vintage FC with Sebokeng Academy in fourth place on the log.

In stream A are Ajax FC, Vaal Dev Academy, Vaal Stars, Livepool, Nale Academy, The Birds FC, with VUT FC favourites to be crowned champions at the end of the season. It was a mixture of results over the weekend with log leaders Ajax and Vaal Dev Academy playing to a 1-1 draw at Shakespeare Stadium on Sunday. Livepool beat VUT FC 2-1, while Nale Academy broke the Birds FC’s wings when they beat them 2-1 in an action-packed game played at Shakespeare Stadium on Saturday. Emfuleni Local Football Association’s in-

terim committee chairman Philip Ndlovu says this year’s league is very exciting in both streams. “I’m aware of the teams’ challenges but I’m happy that the standard of the football is something that we can talk about. Both streams are competitive with the teams producing exciting football week-in-and-week-out,” said Ndlovu. Ndlovu also complimented the referees, saying that they also upped their standard. Weekend fixtures!

Sunday: Real Toyo vs Zone 10 United (Zone 15, 11:00) Dream Team vs Reki Manyora (Sports Centre, 11:00) Celta Vigo vs West United (Zone 3, 11:00) Junior Lions vs Roots Mighty (Zone 3, 13:000 EYA vs Mighty Killers (Zone 15, 15:00) West Ham vs Sebokeng Academy (Sports Centre, 15:00) City Stars vs Moropodi (Zone 15, 15:00) Roshnee vs Vintage (Roshnee, 15:00) A1RZDZA

The standard of referees in Promotion League was also impressive although the perfor­ mance of other match officials left much to be desired. Photo: Zacharia Nale. a1rzgf0

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Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - It was action galore at various venues in Sedibeng over the weekend with local junior soccer teams involved in friendly matches as part their weekend development programme.

Bophelong Leopards u/13 before their recent match against Nale Academy at the Shakespeare Stadium.

The Build It u/13 Soccer Tournament is one of the biggest junior football developments in the country. It has become a recognised brand by key players in the South African soccer fraternity.

Benfica u/13 and u/14 participated in the Indoor Soccer Tourna­ ment hosted by DK Sports Football Academy held at the APF Hall in Vanderbijlpark on Saturday. Photos: Zacharia Nale.

Bophelong Chelsea u/13 before their match against Bophelong Barcelona at the Bophelong Stadium.

Brazil u/13 before their weekend game.

Zamkele makes presence felt in Russia Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK.- Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Athletic Club runner – Xolisani Zamkele - recently made his presence felt during the World Student Games held in Russia. Zamkele made many eat humble pie when he registered a personal best time of 01:05, which is something his coach Joseph Diale described as his best performance ever. Zamkele helped his team USSA u/21 team to win the gold medal, for the first time in the history of SASSU. Zamkele is following in the footstep of the former VUT Athletic Club runner Gladwin Mzazi

who also won the same event 10 000m with a personal best time of 28:21. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports, Zamkele said he was honoured to represent his country at that level. He believes this has opened doors for him to further his career abroad. “Competing against the best in the world is an experience I will never forget. These kinds of competition can make you a better athlete and I’m looking forward to competing in international competitions,” he says. VUT Athletics Club is well known for producing the best of athletes, such as Steven Mokoka and other high-profile runners who have since moved

to greener pastures. The team head coach Joseph Diale believes that VUT Athletics Club has the best athletes to date. Diale says Zamkele’s achievement is due to the hard work he put in at training. “I have no doubt in my mind that the boy is going places. He is unbelievable and he is one of the athletes who will conquer South African athletics. I’m happy for him because he works so hard at training and to stay focused, and his work-rate is something to admire during training,” concludes Diale.

Xolisani Zamkele came seventh at the World Students Games recently held in Russia.

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