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SEGD18 With this annual awards publication, SEGD recognizes the individuals, companies and organizations who— through their commitment to human-centered, effective design in the built environment—help define and promote best practices and ethical standards for the profession. The SEGD Achievement Awards honor the individuals, companies and institutions whose work has significantly advanced the field of experiential graphic design. The SEGD Global Design Awards celebrate the best in experiential graphic design, spanning a wide range of topics, disciplines and verticals; what all of the projects share is their effective use of design to connect people to place.

SEGD18, our print awards annual, honors the people, companies and projects setting the standards of excellence in experiential graphic design. Their work is in greater service of SEGD’s mission to “Educate, Connect and Inspire” the global community of professionals who create experiences that connect people to place. This publication, designed by GHD Partners, truly highlights the “best of the best” recognized through the SEGD Global Design Awards and SEGD Achievement Awards. The 2018 SEGD Achievement Award winners include visionary design clients, champions in fabrication and materials, laureates in the field, and members who have contributed significantly to the success of the organization. This year’s Global Design Award winning projects are inspiring across the board and their broad purview is indicative of the field itself, from a futuristic machinelearning-fueled digital archive exhibition to a deceptively simple, three-piece modular wayfinding system. Notably, the 2018 winning projects employed both innovative uses of materials and a profound depth of research. Your discovery of the 2018 SEGD Global Design Awards and 2018 SEGD Achievement Awards need not end here. Deeper insights and additional images and videos are available on Enjoy! Clive Roux, CEO Publisher Clive Roux Managing Editor Kate Heller Art Editor Justin Molloy Design GHD Partners Editorial Offices (editorial, reprints, address changes) 1900 L St., NW Suite 710 Washington, D.C. 20036 202.638.5555 Advertising Sales Kathleen Turner 703.657.9171 © 2018 SEGD18 ISBN: 978-1-940297-41-5

Opposite Page Best of Show detail

SEGD18 is the annual of SEGD, the Society for Experiential Graphic Design. Opinions expressed editorially and by contributors are not necessarily those of SEGD. Advertisements appearing in SEGD18 do not constitute or imply endorsement by SEGD18. Material in this magazine is copyrighted. Photocopying for academic purposes is permissible, with appropriate credit. Periodical postage paid at Laurel, Md., USA, and additional mailing offices.




Letter from the Publisher


Achievement Awards Honoring the people and companies setting the standard for excellence


Best of Show 1,700,000 documents become an immersive media installation in Istanbul


Sylvia Harris Award Honoring the legacy of Sylvia Harris (1953—2011) a passionate advocate of design for the public good Honor & Merit Awards

Opposite Page Sylvia Harris Award


Digital Experience Content




Interactive Experience


Placemaking & Identity


Public Installation






Supporter Showcase


Winner Index

Achievement Awards Sponsored By

DCL is a leading custom fabricator of specialty signage and experiential design elements—providing innovative solutions with careful attention to detail, time and budget. As an ongoing supporter of the SEGD community—DCL would like to congratulate all of our design partners for their creative achievements, inspired solutions and commitment to design excellence.

See our ad on page 92

Achievement Awards

SEGD Fellow Jane Davis Doggett Distinguished Member Award Amy Lukas Arrow Award NanoLumens Insight Award Merlin Entertainments Educator Award Kristine Matthews Chapter Chair Award Nick Kapica


SEGD18 | Achievement Awards

Jane Davis Doggett 2018 SEGD Fellow

Doggett recently took her place in the canon of SEGD Fellows at the 2018 SEGD Conference Experience Minneapolis, beside experiential graphic design trailblazers including Massimo Vignelli, Lance Wyman, Wayne Hunt and Sue Gould, among others. Doggett designed wayfinding systems for 40 major airport projects, many of which are still in use today. She was also the first to use: color, letter and symbol coding; airport signing on approach highways to increase safety and reduce the number of signs as well as architectural and brand integrations of airport symbols. Doggett is a native of Nashville, Tenn., who first attended Newcomb College at Tulane University, later earning her MFA from Yale University School of Art and Architecture in 1956. At Yale, she studied architecture, color and graphic design, most notably under Louis Kahn, Josef Albers and Alvin Eisenman, whom she considers major influences. In addition to her work in airports, she has worked on prominent design projects and wayfinding programs for museums, convention centers, performing arts and public transportation systems, all while maintaining a creative hand in fine arts. Doggett is the recipient of numerous accolades including the Sterling Fellow Award (Yale University), Outstanding Alumna Award (Newcomb College), Lifetime Achievement in the Arts Award (Arts Council of Martin County, Fla.), National Award of Merit (AIA), Progressive Architecture Award (AISI Design in Steel Citation) and two Design Awards (US DoT and NEA). She was inducted into the Florida Artists Hall of Fame in 2016. Her extraordinary accomplishments notwithstanding, Doggett was grateful for the recognition from SEGD. “It’s been rewarding to me to be recognized in my field with this honor from SEGD,” she remarked, adding that the fellow award is especially gratifying because she has endured a certain amount of anonymity in her career; students often study her work, but do not know her name. Tell us about your youth like in Nashville. How did you become interested in graphic design? Well, it happened quite naturally because I just drew all the time.

Opposite Page Jane Davis Doggett poses with her artwork, “America on the Move”

To keep me occupied in church when I was little—four and five, you know, squirmy ages—my mother would give me a pad and crayons. I call it ‘my Crayola period.’ And even now, my heart skips a beat whenever I see a package of crayons. We ate Achievement Awards | SEGD18


them too, you know? I guess the wax didn’t hurt us. One day, I discovered that the backs of hymnals had blank pages, so I began to fill those. When it was discovered I was drawing in the hymnals, my mother had to purchase them and so I think it cost quite a lot for me to become an artist. I drew in the backs of my mother’s books, too. That was my beginning in graphic arts. I suppose it was a graphic urge to draw in a book, so I would be quote ‘published.’ I had the support of my family always; my parents knew that I was gifted. What does wayfinding mean to you and why do you think it became such a big part of your life? Wayfinding is more than just putting a sign up, it’s a series, a sequencing of information in continuity. You’re working with sequencing of signs or lighting or whatever means in the environment to persuade the movement of traffic. That thread of continuity, which can be created with signs put in the right place for viewing by car or by foot, that to me is what ‘wayfinding’ says. As a term, I really like it. At Yale, we were envisioning a future of really large complicated spaces. I could see the need for being able to manage those from a human level—I was thinking about experiences in the built environment and human scale. I remember knowing my ideas were right on because I could see what was being done architecturally under Louis Kahn— what was being envisioned—and it was big. So, that’s why. When I had the opportunity to work on the Memphis airport, Roy Harrover and I were these young kids from Yale. We were shocked out of our minds that we got the project, but I guess young people always think more positively. After that very successful, award-winning airport, I was selected to do Houston. My fellow classmates from Yale, Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar, were also competing for the Houston airport. The reason that I got it I’m sure was because of the outstanding graphics I did for Memphis. It set my course to do an awful lot of airports. Many of the airport wayfinding innovations you worked on we take for granted today, like color, letter and symbol coding and the optimization of typography. Was it a revelation at the time? It really was. Roy and I went to look at several airports and they were terrible—they looked like penny arcades. The airlines didn’t help because of their secrecy and corporate competition, which is just good old America, but the thing is, eventually they had to work together in a terminal. The jet age grew so quickly, that’s why I think there was a disorder from the public point of view. The technology was so remarkable and when it happened, there was no airport 10

SEGD18 | Achievement Awards

Opposite Page Doggett’s airport work in BWI (above) and MIA (below)

Achievement Awards | SEGD18



SEGD18 | Achievement Awards

ready. If an airline needed a sign, then they would go to a sign maker, who usually had no graphic design education; there was really no such thing as a graphic designer involved. It was serendipitous; I was at the right place at the right time. Unlike the sign makers, we always used a system. We used color coding, letters or numbers and we grouped the airlines to a big letter A, D, or U, for example; Delta liked to have terminal D. We did a two-color system in Tampa that is working to this day—they are still using the A and B system with this big expansion because it’s still working! What came next? I put more emphasis on sign system continuity on roadways, with design innovations in the supports with sign boards integrated. The one at Miami International is a perfect example. I think that was really a first—because previously it was the realm of the engineers with their manual and green signs, where graphics would start with architecture at the terminal. But we discovered that people were driving into the airport not knowing where the hell they were. I remember the worst thing was when I was working on an airport that had just a straight approach roadway: There wasn’t enough space and time for the signs! A curve off the highway would have made a much better flow of traffic, but the engineers were so proud, saying it will save money and pavement to have a straight approach with a T intersection. It made nothing but a traffic jam. So, signs are done in continuity with the roadway formation. There’s an exchange between those two things and you sometimes need more roadway to display your messages; the fastest way to get there is the communicated way—not necessarily the shortest physical distance. What would you tell someone interested in the design field? I don’t mind saying it: I do think that there is such a thing as talent. But, with any of your gifts, you have to apply them: You have to have good education. It would be a pity if you didn’t or weren’t able to follow your gifts. People with talent start out early drawing and looking at the world in dimension, and so forth. The more you practice, the better your vision becomes and the better you can see dimension. We all know people who have been discouraged from going into art and design. It hasn’t always been thought of as highly as the medical field, legal field, hedge funds, or whatever things people might want their children to do to make money, but you can certainly have a good life in art, design, architecture and engineering. I don’t know where we’d be without them. Neither do we. Opposite Page Doggett first used codification at Houston International Airport

For the full interview, visit Achievement Awards | SEGD18


“Being exposed to SEGD and experiential graphic design during my student years inspired decisions in my career development, leading me to firms that created branded experiences in the physical build environment.”

Amy Lukas, Partner + Director of Events at Infinite Scale Distinguished Member Award

inspire athletes to perform at their highest level and what it takes to create an engaging fan experience.

The SEGD Distinguished Member Award recognizes an individual for demonstrating outstanding volunteer efforts while significantly contributing to the direction, growth and excellence of SEGD programs. Recipients of the award have been instrumental in cultivating university programs, advancing accessible and green design and promoting cultural agendas through design. Past winners include Kelly Kolar, Alexandra Wood and Lucy Holmes, Cybelle Jones, David Middleton, Wayne Hunt and Ken Ethridge.

Lukas has been an involved and supportive SEGD member since 1998. She served the association as a member of the board for 10 years and as SEGD President in 2012 and 2013.

Amy Lukas is the organizational leader and one of three founding Partners at Infinite Scale, an award-winning sport design consultancy based in Salt Lake City, Utah, that specializes in making large and complicated events come to life. As an athlete herself, Lukas’ passion for sport is both personal and professional; she understands what it takes to 14

SEGD18 | Achievement Awards

What role does participation in SEGD play for you? My long-term involvement with SEGD sharpens my knowledge of the industry and offers a layer of creative thought leadership to the Infinite Scale team. My role as a volunteer allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself—the evolution of experiential graphic design in our design community and the world at large. What are a few of the projects that have shaped your career? My involvement with creating the ‘Look of the Games’ for the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games was one of the most

Infinite Scale envisioned the environment for the first College Football National Championship in Texas, 2015 (above) and activated the fan experience at the World Cup of Hockey in Toronto, 2016 (below)

Lukas’ firm worked on experiential graphics for Super Bowl XL in Detroit, 2006 (above) and Lukas met with Lance Wyman during Salt Lake City Design Week, 2017 (below)

influential experiences of my life. This project was a beautiful combination of two of my passions—sport and design.

I would have loved to collaborate with Lance Wyman on the 1968 Mexico Olympics. I certainly don’t think I could have designed a better system, but it would have been an incredible experience to be by his side, working on one of the most impactful and influential events at that time.

The energy of the event world inspired me; it was challenging, intense, exciting, dynamic and enjoyable. We could transform a city, a place and venues from something ordinary to something extraordinary and impact so many people. Watching people interact and engage with the branded experiences we created was magical. Following the Olympics, soon after we formed Infinite Scale, we were awarded the NFL’s Super Bowl. Since then, we have worked on more than 50 major sport and entertainment events, including the Sundance Film Festival, NHL Stadium Series, the World Cup of Hockey and the College Football Playoff National Championships. Years later, the work remains challenging, intense, exciting, dynamic and enjoyable. If you could redesign any one thing, what would you choose?

What advice would you give young designers? Dare to follow your heart and everything else will follow. Don’t forget the value of hand sketches. Innovation comes from seeing the world, talking to strangers and being curious; personal life experiences are what spark creativity. Ask questions. Discover what you truly value and align your life choices around that. Embrace your mistakes—they build character. Don’t take life too seriously—it takes all the fun out of it! Get out there, embrace your talents and make this world a more beautiful place. Achievement Awards | SEGD18


Merlin Entertainments attractions and exhibits include “Arctic Adventure” at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia (above) and “Dino Explorer” at the Tempe-located LEGOLAND Discovery Center Arizona (below)

NanoLumens designed and fabricated this display at Suntrust Park (above) Toronto Pearson Airport Terminal 1 kiosk designed by Eventscape and installed by NanoLumens (below, photo by Icon Media)

Merlin Entertainments Insight Award

NanoLumens Arrow Award

The SEGD Insight Award recognizes entities that consistently commission design works that significantly enhance or promote opportunities for the field and experiential graphic design education. Recipients of the award are the visionary design clients behind outstanding exhibits, innovative wayfinding systems and rewarding interdisciplinary partnerships. Past winners include MD Anderson Cancer Center, Taubman, TATE, Apple, Amtrak, Herman Miller and the National Park Service.

The SEGD Arrow Award recognizes exemplary service or dedication to advancing technologies and manufacturing processes, while providing the highest quality products for the experiential graphic design field. SEGD Arrow Award recipients have advanced new manufacturing techniques, developed innovative new products and championed sustainable practices. Past winners include SH Immersive Environments, 3M, Neiman & Company, CREO Industrial Arts, Matthews Paint and Nova Polymers.

Merlin Entertainments is the second largest entertainments company globally, running 124 attractions in 25 countries across four continents. Their portfolio of attractions includes the world-famous Madame Tussauds, LEGOLAND Parks, LEGOLAND Discovery Centers and SEALIFE Aquariums. Their goal is to deliver unique, memorable, rewarding experiences to millions of visitors.

NanoLumens is synonymous with world-class innovation and quality in LED displays designed and assembled in the USA. They engineer and design ultra-slim, lightweight and flexible large format digital displays with one goal: break all the rules and enable creative professionals to forge new paths in digital media.


SEGD18 | Achievement Awards

“The students at UW work incredibly hard, the rest of the faculty are excellent. I’m proud to be part of a program that continues to produce topnotch design leaders and thinkers.”

“I have been a member of other design associations in three different countries and SEGD is the first one that reflects the design profession the way I want it to be. No silos, no egos—it’s all about people and place.”

Kristine Matthews, University of Washington Educator Award

Nick Kapica, Wellington Chapter Chapter Chair Award

The SEGD Educator Award recognizes an individual for demonstrating innovation in the theory and practice of design education that integrates the needs of the industry and serves to advance the field. Recipients foster the development of the next generation of designers through creative and innovative curriculum, research and scholarship. 2018 is the first year this award has been presented.

The SEGD Chapter Chair Award recognizes outstanding volunteer efforts while significantly contributing to the direction, growth, strength and excellence of SEGD Chapters both locally and throughout the organization. 2018 is the first year this award has been presented.

Kristine Matthews is an Associate Professor of Design and Chair of the Visual Communication Design program at the University of Washington and Owner and Principal of Studio Matthews. Dovetailing professional practice with education, her advanced exhibition design course creates cuttingedge design in the environment with a focus on audience engagement and sustainability.

Nick Kapica is Design Lead at the City of Wellington, responsible for brand experience. Kapica founded firm SV Associates in Berlin, before moving to Wellington, New Zealand to become a Senior Lecturer in Design at Massey University. He is passionate about people, design and the urban environment. This is especially evident in his work since 2014 as a Chapter Chair for SEGD’s Wellington chapter, where he and Co-Chair Jo Bailey have organized many successful events, including two large international conferences, Off Grid 17 and Off Grid 18. Achievement Awards | SEGD18


SEGD Global Design Awards Sponsored By

At 3M, we’re experts in helping your clients realize the power and potential of their brand. From cuttingedge digital and illuminated signage, to vehicle wraps, and interior and exterior graphics, our 3M Commercial Solutions Division delivers a full suite of solutions to enhance your branding projects.

See our ads on pages 116 and 125

Best of Show

Archive Dreaming

ARCHIVE DREAMING Best of Show, Honor Award Design Firm Refik Anadol Studio Client SALT Research Location Istanbul, Turkey Industry Vertical Exhibitions 20

SEGD18 | Best of Show

Best of Show | SEGD18



SEGD18 | Best of Show

Design Team Refik Anadol, Raman K. Mustafa, Toby Heinemann, Nick Boss, Kian Khiaban, Ho Man Leung, Sebastian Neitsch, David Gann, Kerim Karaoglu, Sebastian Huber Collaborators SALTResearch: Vasif Kortun, Meric Oner, Cem Yildiz, Adem Ayaz, Merve Elveren, Sani Karamustafa, Ari Algosyan, Dilge Eraslan Google AMI team: Mike Tyka, Kenric McDowell, Andrea Held, Jac de Haan SALT Research museum team (primary fabricator) Project Date April 2017 Project Area 387 sq ft

What are the urgent conditions, responsibilities, meanings and forward-looking objectives for a cultural institution functioning in the future? By attempting to consider these concerns along with questions of efficiency, ecology and sustainability, SALT’s 2017 program (provisionally titled “What If…?”) was to be composed of a series of changes to internal working practices, accompanied by five artistic interventions/architectural gestures that would reconsider and reinvigorate the spaces, the ambitions, and the constituent relations of SALT Galata.

Juror Comments

Shortly after receiving the commission to work with SALT Research collections, Refik Anadol became a resident artist for Google’s Artists and Machine Intelligence Program where he closely collaborated with Mike Tyka and explored cutting-edge developments in the field of machine intelligence in an environment that brought together artists and engineers.

“The technology in this exhibition presents not only wild potential to expand the experiential design industry but also an opportunity to enhance the field of research.” “The video for this piece gave me a glimpse into the future. To then understand that this installation actually exists? The future is finally here.” “This installation took my breath away, pushing limits to bridge old and new, physical and digital, present and future. The complexity of accessing, processing and making connction hidden deep within an archive is beautifully visualized and explored in a fully immersice context. Bravo!” “Immersive design, interactive design, exhibition design and data’s rare to find one project that can do so many things so well.”

For “What if…?” the Ottoman Bank Archives and Museum—a central collection of artifacts and documents held by SALT— was to be presented as if in the future, when the objects themselves have somehow become redundant or lost due to effects such as climate change, conservation and economic instability. How could we dream of an archive in new ways to multiply its layers of meaning and accessibility?

Developed during this residency, his intervention Archive Dreaming transformed the gallery space on the first floor at SALT Galata into an all-encompassing environment that sought to intertwine the historical with the contemporaneous, and challenge the immutable concepts of the archive. Anadol employed machine learning algorithms to search and sort relations among the archive’s 1,700,000 documents containing multidimensional data to create interactions that were translated into an immersive media installation. In the exhibition, a temporary and immersive architectural space was created as a canvas with light and data applied as materials. This radical effort to deconstruct the framework of an illusory space transgressed the normal boundaries of the viewing experience of a library and that of the conventional flat cinema projection screen into a threedimensional kinetic, architectonic space of an archive. The result was an immersive installation that reframed memory, history and culture for the 21st century, through the lens of machine intelligence. Presented as part of “The Uses of Art: Final Exhibition” with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, Archive Dreaming is user-driven; however, when idle, the installation “dreamt” of unexpected correlations among documents. The exhibition reached 20,000 people in only 40 days. Even though it was a media art project, post-doctoral students used it as a tool in their research on defining the library environment in the 21st century.

Best of Show | SEGD18


Sylvia Harris Award Sponsored By

Gemini, a family owned company, is an industry leader with over 50 years of sign product manufacturing experience, including dimensional letters, logos, plaques, and custom plastic sheet extrusion.

See our ad on page 98

Sylvia Harris Award

The Red Stairs

THE RED STAIRS Sylvia Harris Award, Honor Award Design Firm College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University Client Sipling Community Location Shanghai, China Industry Vertical Residential 26

SEGD18 | Sylvia Harris Award

Sylvia Harris Award | SEGD18



SEGD18 | Sylvia Harris Award

Design Team Ni Minqing (principal in charge, creative lead, instructor), Zhang Yaqi (graphics teaching assistant); Huang Shengyu (visual coordinator); Shierly Veronica, Lv Xin, Guo Jia (designers). Collaborators Shierly Veronica, Huang Shengyu (photography, videography); Zhang Yaqi (photography); Pinko Display (primary fabricator) Project Date December 2017 Project Area 900 sq ft

The Red Stairs project was completed within a environmental graphics course at Tongji University that was also part of Open Your Space 2017—an ongoing initiative that explores how design interventions can collectively shape the public realm.

Juror Comments

Inspired by the unique wood and red stairs of the building, the student team from Tongji University developed a wayfinding signage and graphics scheme that would belong uniquely to this space by virtue of identifying so strongly with it. Corresponding to the physical interface of each floor, the floor signage and doorplate have been approached with traditional Chinese patterns to represent the theme of auspicious harmony: back pattern, step-by-step pattern, long pattern, windmill pattern and ice crack pattern.

“This represents the power and ability that designers have to enhance everday experiences for EVERYONE. Simple, inexpensive and highly thoughtful gestures activate an otherwise forgotten space. Beautiful, extremely simple and with the power to engage and inspire a community.” “Spot-on, community–first design. We need more of this in the world! Bravo to the professor for this assignment. We applaud the design for clarity, beautiful composition and excellence of execution.” “I enjoy the project assignment almost as much as the solution. What a worthwile project.”

Siping community includes one of Shanghai’s first workers villages, called Anshan village. Built in the 1950s, it was one of the largest villages in Shanghai at that time. This residential building, built in the 1960s, is a typical Chinese five-story building that houses 20 families and has red wood stairs. The building had no identity among a thousand buildings in the community, nor a wayfinding system. The goal was to give identity to the residential building and contribute to activating the space beyond merely function.

The pattern on the first floor is the back pattern, inspired by the view when entering the building and looking up, which represents safe return, good fortune and longevity. The second floor employs the step-by-step pattern, which is a regular geometric pattern promoting best wishes toward a better future. Implementation of the long pattern, on the third floor, expresses blessings and health. On the fourth floor, the use of windmill pattern represents rich resources, wealth and happiness. The top floor’s ice crack pattern deployment, characterized by ice and snow melting, signifies the approach of a hopeful springtime. The floor signage and doorplates contain key features of the stairs and create a seamless journey for residents and visitors stepping onto the floor. Branding and level identification signage was created out of Chinese traditional patterns and the narratives that each pattern symbolizes. On an information wall, pattern magnets displays the building logo and framed building rules along with green plants and wall decorations, weaving people and place together. The team developed a simple wayfinding system with pattern language for key destination signage, resulting in an understated and elegant spatial experience to harmonize different floors and spaces while allowing each space to retain a sense of building identity. The project included a cocreation workshop with local residents during the research phase, helping boost the chances of engagement by pulling them into the process. This project received feedback from residents as well as the local community confirming its positive impact. Couriers now can easily find each family as the building identity has become stronger and more recognizable. Sylvia Harris Award | SEGD18


Honor & Merit Awards Digital Experience Content

Archive Dreaming Bill & Melinda Gates Discovery Center NASA: Data Lens

BILL & MELINDA GATES DISCOVERY CENTER Merit Award Design Firm Bluecadet Interactive Client Bill & Melinda Gates Discovery Center Location Seattle, Washington Industry Vertical Exhibitions 32

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

NASA: DATA LENS Merit Award Design Firm Bluecadet Interactive Client NASA Goddard Visitor Center Location Goddard, Maryland Industry Vertical Exhibitions Merit Awards | SEGD18


Exhibition Category Sponsored By

Our customers are passionate about their work. We’ve built our products and our business around helping architects, designers, fabricators, and end users deliver innovative and long-lasting experiential environments, wayfinding systems and architectural designs.

See our ad on page 102

Honor & Merit Awards Exhibition

LAVA Centre London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE Fashion for Good Launchpad Exhibition Flight Gallery, Discovery Centre Like Me: Our Bond with Brands Wing It—The Winged Insect Exhibit

LAVA CENTRE Honor Award Design Firm Basalt Architects, Gagarin Client LAVA Centre Location Hvolsvรถllur, Iceland Industry Vertical Exhibitions 36

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


LONDON MITHRAEUM BLOOMBERG SPACE Honor Award Design Firm Local Projects Client Bloomberg Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Exhibitions 38

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


FASHION FOR GOOD LAUNCHPAD EXHIBITION Merit Award Design Firm Local Projects Client Fashion for Good Location Amsterdam, Netherlands Industry Vertical Exhibitions 40

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

FLIGHT GALLERY, DISCOVERY CENTRE Merit Award Design Firm AldrichPears Associates Client Discovery Centre Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Industry Vertical Exhibitions Merit Awards | SEGD18


LIKE ME: OUR BOND WITH BRANDS Merit Award Design Firm Lippincott Client Lippincott Location New York, New York Industry Vertical Exhibitions 42

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

WING IT—THE WINGED INSECT EXHIBIT Merit Award Design Firm Virginia Tech Client Virginia Tech Location Blacksburg, Virginia Industry Vertical Education Merit Awards | SEGD18


Interactive Experience Category Sponsored By

The sky is the limit when it comes to ways brands can elevate consumer experiences with technology. Interactive experiences are where the retail world is headed. We help our clients get there faster by delivering creative and innovative ways to engage audiences through exciting and emotional experiences.

See our ad on pages 94-95

Merit Awards Interactive Experience

Exploring Pueblo Pottery Out of Line

EXPLORING PUEBLO POTTERY Merit Award Design Firm Ideum Client Ideum Location Corrales, New Mexico Industry Vertical Exhibitions 46

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

OUT OF LINE Merit Award Design Firm RISD Museum Client RISD Museum Location Providence, Rhode Island Industry Vertical Exhibitions Merit Awards | SEGD18


Placemaking & Identity Category Sponsored By

Archetype is one of the leading custom sign-fabrication partners in the Environmental/Experiential Graphic Design and Architectural Signage industry committed to turning their clients’ design visions into reality.

See our ad on page 101

Honor & Merit Awards Placemaking & Identity

Escales découvertes (Discovery Halts) University of California, Los Angeles, Wasserman Football Center Allen Institute for Brain Science City Point Nubo Rent–Event–Tec Façade Design Roche Sydney Sagamore Pendry Baltimore SaRang Global Mission Center T3 Minneapolis

ESCALES DÉCOUVERTES (DISCOVERY HALTS) Honor Award Design Firm Civility, Julie Margot Design Client City of Montréal, Service des grands parcs, du verdissement et du Mont-Royal Location Montréal, Québec Industry Vertical Urban and Civic 50

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, WASSERMAN FOOTBALL CENTER Honor Award Design Firm ZGF Architects Client University of California, Los Angeles Location Los Angeles, California Industry Vertical Education 52

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN SCIENCE Merit Award Design Firm Studio SC Client Allen Institute for Brain Science Location Seattle, Washington Industry Vertical Workplace 54

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

CITY POINT Merit Award Design Firm Pentagram Client Acadia Realty Trust Location Brooklyn, New York Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Merit Awards | SEGD18


NUBO Merit Award Design Firm Urbanite (Part of Frost*collective) Client Platine Group Location Alexandria, Australia Industry Vertical Education 56

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

RENT–EVENT–TEC FAÇADE DESIGN Merit Award Design Firm Büro Uebele Visuelle Kommunikation Client City of Mannheim Location Mannheim, Germany Industry Vertical Workplace Merit Awards | SEGD18


ROCHE SYDNEY Merit Award Design Firm THERE Client Roche Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Workplace 58

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

SAGAMORE PENDRY BALTIMORE Merit Award Design Firm Ashton Design, Finndustry Client Sagamore Development, Pendry Hotels Location Baltimore, Maryland Industry Vertical Hospitality Merit Awards | SEGD18


SARANG GLOBAL MISSION CENTER CLOCK TOWER Merit Award Design Firm YIEUM Partners Client SaRang Church, SGMC Location Seoul, South Korea Industry Vertical Urban and Civic 60

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

T3 MINNEAPOLIS Merit Award Design Firm RSP Architect Client Hines Location Minneapolis, Minnesota Industry Vertical Workplace Merit Awards | SEGD18


Public Installation Category Sponsored By

Sherine is a reflective sign printing innovator. We believe that staying at the forefront of digital imaging technology is critical when striving to deliver the best quality product as efficiently as possible.

See our ad on page 100

Honor & Merit Awards Public Installation

Denver RTD G-Line Windscreens The Handmaid’s Tale W Shanghai Entry Installation We are HSI—MSU Denver Hispanic Serving Institution Interactive Installation 150 Media Stream

DENVER RTD G-LINE WINDSCREENS Honor Award Design Firm ditroĂŤn inc Client RTD Denver Location Denver, Colorado Industry Vertical Transportation 64

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


THE HANDMAID’S TALE Honor Award Design Firm Pentagram Client Civic Entertainment Group Location New York, New York Industry Vertical Exhibitions 66

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


W SHANGHAI ENTRY INSTALLATION Merit Award Design Firm Fabio Ongarato Design Client W Shanghai Location Shanghai, China Industry Vertical Hospitality 68

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

WE ARE HSI—MSU DENVER HISPANIC SERVING INSTITUTION INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION Merit Award Design Firm Metropolitan State University of Denver Client Ester Rodriguez/HSI, Metropolitan State University of Denver Hispanic Serving Institution Location Denver, Colorado Industry Vertical Education Merit Awards | SEGD18


150 MEDIA STREAM Merit Award Design Firm Leviathan, McCann Systems LLC Client Riverside Investment & Development Location Chicago, Illinois Industry Vertical Exhibitions 70

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

2019 SEGD CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE AUSTIN JUNE 6-8 Save the date! Find your way to Austin in 2019 for the annual gathering of the global experiential graphic design community. Merit Awards | SEGD18


Merit Awards Strategy/Research/ Planning

Brick Lane Threads DAZZLE Northwestern University Common Space

BRICK LANE THREADS Merit Award Design Firm Steer Davies Gleave Client The London Borough of Tower Hamlets Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Civic and Urban 74

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

DAZZLE Merit Award Design Firm Ueberall International Client San Diego International Airport Location San Diego, California Industry Vertical Transportation Merit Awards | SEGD18


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY COMMON SPACES Merit Award Design Firm Gensler Client Northwestern University Location Evanston, Illinois Industry Vertical Education 76

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

2019 SEGD Calendar

March 26-27

April 26

The annual gathering of the experiential graphic design community

Peer-reviewed design research, academic innovation, student design excellence

August 1-2

November 7-8

Design for brand-centric customer experiences at Digital Signage Expo 2019

Signage and wayfinding for transportation, urban and campus environments

Business and leadership skills for experiential graphic design firm leaders

The future of experiential graphic design and place Brooklyn

Details available at Merit Awards | SEGD18


Wayfinding Category Sponsored By

For 25 years, L&H Companies has helped design, fabricate and install the leading-edge retail signage customers demand. Our seasoned team of professionals have successfully worked with marketing managers, architects, designers, general contractors, and construction companies to meet and exceed their signage expectations.

See our ad on page 103

Honor & Merit Awards Wayfinding

The Red Stairs DZNE Signage System Row DTLA Any > Which > Way Here East Wayfinding Project 100 The Sydney Foreshore Story Line Westpac Place

DZNE SIGNAGE SYSTEM Honor Award Design Firm Büro Uebele Visuelle Kommunikation Client Wulf Architekten GmbH Location Bonn, Germany Industry Vertical Healthcare 80

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


ROW DTLA Honor Award Design Firm Rios Clementi Hale Studios Client Atlas Capital Group Location Los Angeles, California Industry Vertical Retail 82

SEGD18 | Honor Awards

Honor Awards | SEGD18


ANY > WHICH > WAY Merit Award Design Firm University of the Arts London: Ravensbourne Client University of the Arts London: Ravensbourne Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Workplace 84

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

HERE EAST WAYFINDING Merit Award Design Firm dn&co Client Here East Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Workplace Merit Awards | SEGD18


PROJECT 100 Merit Award Design Firm Section 127 Client Indianapolis Motor Speedway Location Indianapolis, Indiana Industry Vertical Workplace 86

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

THE SYDNEY FORESHORE STORY LINE Merit Award Design Firm University of Technology Sydney Client The City of Sydney Council Australia Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Merit Awards | SEGD18


WESTPAC PLACE Merit Award Design Firm THERE Client Westpac Group Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Workplace 88

SEGD18 | Merit Awards

Looking for new ways to fuel your professional growth? SEGD offers a suite of professional development resources, including experiential graphic design and professional practice core competencies, workbooks, podcasts and videos. Whatever your level of experience in design practice or the business of design, SEGD can help you reach your goals.

Find out more at Merit Awards | SEGD18


Supporter Showcase

The support of SEGD’s Industry Partners, Friends of SEGD and Sponsors has a tremendous impact on advancements in the field through industry education, publications and events. Their involvement sustains the annual SEGD Global Design Awards and SEGD Achievement Awards programs, which recognize and promote the best in contemporary experiential graphic design. In addition, this support allows the organization to produce and share first-class videos from conference and speaker sessions on and to generate a weekly e-newsletter that reaches nearly 40,000 designers, industry members, academics, clients and allied professionals each week—sharing the most up-to-date information on trends, educational events, initiatives and chapter activities. For over 45 years, SEGD has existed to “Educate, Connect and Inspire” this global, multidisciplinary community and couldn’t be more thankful for the continued support from their Partners, Friends and Sponsors year after year. In the following 25 pages, you’ll discover the firms, companies, products and services that support your design association’s programs, allowing SEGD to continue to improve the benefits we provide to you, the members.



108 Matthews Paint



109 Systech



110 Signs + Decals




Rite Lite Sign




Sunrise Systems


American Alliance of Museums


Matthews International


Friends & Partners


Sponsors & Supporters



100 Sherine Industries 101 Archetype 102 iZone 103 L&H Signs 104 Moss 105 AGI

125 3M

106 APCO 107 DeNyse

Supporter Showcase | SEGD18


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Supporter Showcase | SEGD18

7/27/18 2:20 PM


Friends & Partners 2018 Platinum Industry Partners

2018 Gold Industry Partners

2018 Silver Industry Partners

2018 Friends of SEGD


SEGD18 | Friends & Partners

Sponsors & Supporters 2018 Presenting Sponsors

2018 Program Sponsors 22 Miles

Jones Sign


L&H Signs

Acorn Sign Graphics

Matthews Paint


McCann Systems





Classic Glass Inc.



Neiman & Company

CREO Industrial Arts



Pam Wayfinding


PCL Graphics



Direct Embed





SES Branded Environments


SH Acoustics

E Ink

SH Immersive


Sherine Industries

Gallagher & Associates


Gelberg Sign






Imagine Displays




iZone Imaging

Walton Signs Sponsors & Supporters | SEGD18



SEGD18 | Supporter Showcase

Winner Index




20 ARCHIVE DREAMING Digital Experience Content Honor Award Design Firm Refik Anadol Studio Client SALT Research Location Istanbul, Turkey Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Refik Anadol, Raman K. Mustafa, Toby Heinemann, Nick Boss, Kian Khiaban, Ho Man Leung, Sebastian Neitsch, David Gann, Kerim Karaoglu, Sebastian Huber Collaborators SALTResearch: Vasif Kortun, Meric Oner, Cem Yildiz, Adem Ayaz, Merve Elveren, Sani Karamustafa, Ari Algosyan, Dilge Eraslan Google AMI team: Mike Tyka, Kenric McDowell, Andrea Held, Jac de Haan SALT Research museum team (primary fabricator) Project Date April 2017 Project Area 387 sq ft Juror Comments “The technology in this exhibition presents not only wild potential to expand the experiential design industry but also an opportunity to enhance the field of research.”

26 THE RED STAIRS Wayfinding Honor Award Design Firm College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University Client Siping Community, Yangpu District, Shanghai Location Shanghai, China Industry Vertical Residential Design Team Ni Minqing (principal in charge, creative lead, instructor), Zhang Yaqi (graphics teaching assistant); Huang Shengyu (visual coordinator); Shierly Veronica, Lv Xin, Guo Jia (designers). Collaborators Shierly Veronica, Huang Shengyu (photography, videography); Zhang Yaqi (photography); Pinko Display (primary fabricator) Project Date December 2017 Project Area 900 sq ft Juror Comments “This represents the power and ability that designers have to enhance everday experiences for EVERYONE. Simple, inexpensive and highly thoughtful gestures activate an otherwise forgotten space. Beautiful, extremely simple and with the power to engage and inspire a community.”

32 BILL & MELINDA GATES DISCOVERY CENTER Merit Award Design Firm Bluecadet Interactive Client Bill & Melinda Gates Discovery Center Location Seattle, Washington Industry Exhibitions Design Team Lilly Preston (account manager); Ksenia Dynkin (project manager and content developer); Maya Bogdanow (project manager); Brett Renfer (creative director); Katie Savage, Janet Lu, Sam Winfield, Jillian Hammer, Aaron Richardson, (design); Dan King (film); Ben Bojko (technical director); Madeline Osborn (content developer); Kevin Zakszewski, Henry Steinberg, Pete Inge, Weili Shi, Shaun Baer, Chris Arasin, Betina Dalope, Sarah Polansky, (development); Nick Greenawalt, Devon Burgoyne, Siji Chen (motion); Brad Baer (strategy) Collaborators Dan King/ Bluecadet (photography, videography) Project Area 15,000 sq ft Project Date 2016 Juror Comment “This graphically beautiful digital content connects exhibit themes to everyday life through both intellectual and emotional connections. It is a good demonstration that investing in refreshing digital content can keep museums relevant over time without a complete redesign.”

“The video for this piece gave me a glimpse into the future. To then understand that this installation actually exists? The future is finally here.” “This installation took my breath away, pushing limits to bridge old and new, physical and digital, present and future. The complexity of accessing, processing and making connction hidden deep within an archive is beautifully visualized and explored in a fully immersice context. Bravo!” “Immersive design, interactive design, exhibition design and data’s rare to find one project that can do so many things so well.” 118

SEGD18 | Winner Index

“Spot-on, community–first design. We need more of this in the world! Bravo to the professor for this assignment. We applaud the design for clarity, beautiful composition and excellence of execution.” “I enjoy the project assignment almost as much as the solution. What a worthwile project.”

33 NASA: DATA LENS Merit Award Design Firm Bluecadet Interactive Client NASA Goddard Visitor Center Location Goddard, Maryland Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Bluecadet Design Team: Brett Renfer (creative director); Nate Renninger (designer); Devon Burgoyne (motion designer); Ben

Bojko (tech director); Peter Chapman, Henry Steinberg (developers); Liz Russell (content strategist); Peter Hall (senior producer) RGI Exhibition Design Team: Ryan Gerber (exhibition and fabricator), Sarah ShusterTucker (content developer), David Diehl (main exhibit designer), Kay Simecek (exhibit designer), Cynthia Ivary (project manager) Collaborators NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio, RGI Creative, RGI, Inc. Project Area 5,000 sq ft Project Date June 2017 Juror Comment “I cannot tell you how nice it is to see scientific data presented in an elegant way. The ability to layer data takes it a step further. This is a shining example of data done well.”


36 LAVA CENTRE Honor Award Design Firm Basalt Architects and Gagarín Client LAVA Centre Location Hvolsvöllur, Iceland Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Ari Trausti Guðmundsson (script); Ari Þorleifsson (exhibition design, scenography); Atli Hilmarsson (graphic design); Ásta Olga Magnúsdóttir (project leader); Dagbjört Ásta Jónsdóttir (exhibition design, scenography); Einar Hlér Einarsson (exhibition design, parametric design); Guðjón Kjartansson (architecture design); Guðjón L. Sigurðsson (lighting design); Gunnar Árnason, Kristian Ross, Sveinn Ólafsson (sound design); Heimir Hlöðversson (storytelling and filming); Hringur Hafsteinsson (exhibition design, creative direction); Jónmundur Gíslason (digital artist); Kristín Eva Ólafsdóttir (exhibition design, graphic design, art direction); Lemke Meijer, Nils Wiberg (interaction design); Marcos Zotes (exhibition design, creative direction, art direction, project leader, lighting design, architecture design); Marel Helgason, Pétur Valgarð Guðbergsson (programmers); Samúel Hörðdal Jónasson (exhibition design, programming, lighting design); Sebastian Wyss (lllustrations), Sigríður Sigþórsdóttir (architecture design), Sveinbjörn J. Tryggvasson (animation) Collaborators Feris (AV equipment),Liska (lighting design), Profilm (film), Kristian S. Ross & Upptekið (sound), Svarmi (engineering consultant), Irma (construction of exhibits), Logoflex (print, signs), Blikksmiðja Grettis & Járnsmiðja Óðins (steelwork), Magnús Elvar Jónsson, Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson (photography); Tjarnargatan (videography)

Project Area 7,535 sq ft Project Date June 2017 Juror Comment “I am already making travel plans to Iceland to see this exhibit.” 38 LONDON MITHRAEUM BLOOMBERG SPACE Honor Award Design Firm Local Projects Client Bloomberg Location London, England Industry Vertical Exhibitions Collaborators Nancy Rosen, Nancy Rosen Inc. (consulting curator), Museum of London Archaeology (archaeological consultant), Studio Joseph (exhibition architect), Matthew Schreiber (artist consultant), PAYE Conservation (stone masonry), Kathryn Stubbs, Department of the Built Environment, City of London (local authority advice), Isabel Nolan (inaugural commissioned artist), Foster + Partners (project architect), James Medcraft/Local Projects (photography, videography) Project Date December 2017 Juror Comment “The selected materials have weight and presence that are just right for this space. The design complements the exhibit flawlessly.” 40 FASHION FOR GOOD LAUNCHPAD EXHIBITION Merit Award Design Firm Local Projects Client C&A Foundation Location Amsterdam, Netherlands Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Local Projects Exhibition Design Team: Jake Barton, L’Rai Arthur-Mensah, Jennifer Ball, Elvira Barriga, Rona Binay, Charlotte van den Bosch, Anthony Dong, Francie Grogan, Laura Huaranga, Kristin Lovejoy, Theo Pinto, Kate Watson, Danny Well, Andrea Worby VISSCH+STAM Project Management: Erik Schilp

(curator, project lead) VISSCH+STAM (coordination): Pepijn Reeser BCG (coordination): Max Roest Collaborators Local Projects/Christiane Patic (photography); Kubik, Fiction Factory, Wat Je Ziet (fabrication) Project Date April 2017 Juror Comment “Bold and with a great back story, this exhibit is a great project with great heart and really fun design. It brings a smile to my face.” 41 FLIGHT GALLERY, DISCOVERY CENTRE Merit Award Design Firm AldrichPears Associates Client Discovery Centre Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Marc Belanger (lead designer), Tony Grant (exhibit designer), Kathryn Lissack (graphic designer), Alix Noble (content developer), Richard Lien (project manager), Jessica Doig / NGX Interactive (project lead), Carolyn Fung / NGX Interactive (producer) Collaborators Barrie + Langille Architects, Moriyama and Teshima Architects (architects); Backman Bidcom (AV integration); Kubik (physical fabrication); Eos Lightmedia (digital fabrication) Project Area 16,000 sq ft Project Date February 2017 Juror Comment “The Flight Gallery does everything really well, from design to experience to visitor engagement. A very nicely executed example of great exhibition design.” 42 LIKE ME: OUR BOND WITH BRANDS Merit Award Design Firm Lippincott Client Lippincott Location New York, New York Industry Vertical Exhibtions Design Team Connie

Birdsall (global creative director); Bogdan Geana (design lead); Daniel Johnston, Saki Tanaka, Kaito Gengo, Elena GilChang, Nijel Taylor, Coco Han, Matthew Brownell, Renee Chang (designers); John Marshall, Dan Clay, Joey Rippole, Thiciana Cruz, Lizzie Harris, Aerie Em, Matt Miksa (strategists); Jeremy Darty (production lead); Brendan deVallance (production); Erika Rosenberg (production, licensing); Heather Stern (strategy and marketing lead); Lauren Cascio (strategy, design, marketing); Anna Maltabarow (strategy, marketing); Rachel Robison (strategy, marketing, project manager) Collaborators Don Nice (watercolor paintings on loan from Pace Prints); Earth Enterprise (brochure printer); Michael Murphy (sculptor); Getty Images, Shutterstock (photo content); Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, StudioCanal, Antic (video content), R Too Worldwide, Inc. (primary fabricator), Jenna Bascom Photography, Lauren Cascio (photography); MagicWig Productions, Inc. (videography) Project Area 6,200 sq ft Project Date September 2016 Juror Comment “This project breaks so many rules of exhibition design that it sparked an in-depth discussion among the jurors! It provokes both the viewer and the field of exhibition design.” 43 WING IT—THE WINGED INSECT EXHIBIT Merit Award Design Firm VirginiaTech Location Blacksburg, Virginia Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Kathleen Meaney (assistant professor); Justus Darby, Kehong Lu, Brooke Nelson, Erin Newman, Jessica Potter, Julia Rater, Tessa Riley, Rebekah Seiler, Vina Winner Index | SEGD18




Shen (design, 3D modeling); Alex Forlini, George Hardebeck, Thomas Tucker (3D modeling); Ellie Nikoo, Nicholas F. Polys (X3D) Collaborators Paul Marek (assistant professor); Grant Schiermeyer, Rhea Wong (scientists); K. Meaney (photography); Daniel Cruz (CNC routing) Project Date December 2018 Juror Comment “This student work demonstrates an advanced knowledge of scale shift, layered content and experience orchestration.”

46 EXPLORING PUEBLO POTTERY Merit Award Design Firm Ideum Location Corrales, New Mexico Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Jim Spadaccini (creative director); Becky Hansis O’Neill (project manager); Michelle Lowden (artist, Acoma Pueblo); Joe Donovan (lead designer); James Romero (3D artist); Morgan Barnard (lighting design); Chris Steinmetz, Bill Pritchard (AV design);, Ryan Woodward, Ben Hanken (software design); Malik Daniels (photography, video production); Hugh McDonald (writer/editor) Collaborators Clarence Cruz (content consultant, University of New Mexico), Ideum team: Malik Daniels, Becky Hansis O’Neill (photography, videography) Project Area 120 sq ft Project Date September 2017 Juror Comment “This installation took an object I might otherwise ignore in a museum and created a dynamic mixedreality exhibition that both engages and informs me.” 47 OUT OF LINE Merit Award Design Firm RISD Museum Client RISD Museum Location Providence, Rhode Island Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Stephen Wing (exhibition design); Brendan Campbell, Derek Schusterbauer (exhibition and graphic design); Jeremy Radtke (exhibition design and video creative direction); Rocio Delaloye (video art direction & production); Cara Buzzell (graphic design, video animation) Collaborators Hernan Jourdan, e Jackson (studio assistance); Sarah Ganz Blythe (program and design management); Deborah Clemmons, Christina


SEGD18 | Winner Index


Alderman, Mariani LefasTetenes, Alexandra Poterack (program development, design consultation); Betsy Sara Ruppa (natural history object selection and preparation); Erik Gould/RISD Museum (photography); Rocio Delaloye/RISD Museum (videography); Nick Hollibaugh (primary fabricator, cabinetry); MB Signs and Graphics (vinyl signage fabrication) Project Area 2,170 sq ft Project Date October 2017 Juror Comment “The beautifully designed cabinet of curiosities initially piqued the jury’s interest in the project. The educational and experience opportunities this provokes elevated it to award winning.”

50 ESCALES DÉCOUVERTES (DISCOVERY HALTS) Honor Award Design Firm Civility, Julie Margot Design Client City of Montréal, Service des grands parcs, du verdissement et du Mont-Royal Location Montréal, Québec Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team Peter Soland (lead landscape architect, project manager); Julie Margot (lead visual designer); Julie St-Arnault, Luu Nguyen (landscape architects); Fannie DuguayLefebvre (urban designer) Collaborators Vlan paysages, LN paysage, Lafontaine & Soucy architects (heritage consultants); Les Services Exp (civil engineering); Messier Design (industrial design); Jules Lasalle (sculptor); Stéphane Aubin (graphic designer); Eric Filion (IT consultant); Paul Bélanger, Geneviève Blais, Daniel Canty, Denise Desautels, Suzanne Jacob, Erin Moure, Chantal Neveu, Pierre Nepveu, Dominique Robert, François Turcot (poets); Kyra Revenko, Marc Guastavino (additional literary content); Rock of Ages (stone cutters); Artcast (bronze foundry); Pontbriand joaillier-orfèvre (bronze finish); Premier Jet (bronze insets into stone); Adrien Williams, Frédérique Ménard-Aubin, Manya Margot (photography) Project Area 80,586,000 sq ft Project Date June 2017 Juror Comment “A delightful and engaging experience integrated gracefully into the environment.” 52 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, WASSERMAN FOOTBALL CENTER Honor Award Design Firm ZGF Architects Client University of California, Los Angeles


Location Los Angeles, California Industry Vertical Education Design Team Ted Hyman (partner in charge); Braulio Baptista (design partner); Sean McGreal (senior designer); Marisa Keckeise, David Alf, Amir Hamed (project designers); Lily Chiu (senior project architect); Matthew Tribe, Shara Castillo (technical designers); Phiroze Titina (project manager); Randall Stegmeier (senior interior designer); Antony Tavlian (interior designer); Jenny Lee, Suejin Park (environmental graphic designer); Brian Maguire (fabrication and prototyping) Collaborators PCL Construction SCeilings Plus (custom perforated metalwork), Group KG on behalf of CP (lockers), Premier Tile (slate engraving), AD/S (brass lettering and discs), ZGF Architects (prototyping, leatherwork), PCL Construction Services, Inc. (general contractor) Project Area 73,500 sq ft Project Date July 2017 Juror Comment “A wonderful interplay of materials and graphics. Unexpected in a sports context, it is generating a fresh and strong identity.”

Project Area 245,000 sq ft Project Date November 2017 Juror Comment “A wonderful interplay between long distance and close view. The use of typo to express the relation of science and our brain structure is surprising.”

Project Date December 2016 Juror Comment “Finally, design for children that is sophisticated and still fun. I love that Nubo has thrown out all the conventions for designing for children. Good luck with all of that white though!”

55 CITY POINT Merit Award Design Firm Pentagram Client Acadia Realty Trust Location Brooklyn, New York Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team Michael Gericke (partner-in-charge, design director); Don Bilodeau (associate partner, design director); Brian Banton, Justine Braisted, Elizabeth Kim, Emily Makarainen, Haley Taylor (designers); Amanda Walter (project coordinator) Collaborators Signs and Decals, South Shore Design Company, Center Stage Productions, Martin Seck/ Pentagram (photography) Project Area 1,800,000 sq ft Project Date 2017 Juror Comment “Bold iconic gestures and typography transform and define this area— while shouting pride and allegiance to the neighborhood.”

57 RENT–EVENT–TEC FAÇADE DESIGN Merit Award Design Firm büro uebele visuelle kommunikation Client City of Mannheim Location Mannheim, Germany Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team Carolin Himmel, Christian Lindermann (project manager), Andreas Uebele Collaborators Peter Stasek Architects (architect), Eicher-Werkstätten, Brigida Gonzalez (photography) Project Area 13,778 sq ft Project Date 2017 Juror Comment “Problem solving on a large scale at its best.”

54 ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN SCIENCE Merit Award Design Firm Studio SC Client Allen Institute for Brain Science Location Seattle, Washington Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Billy Chen (design director), Mark Sanders (project director), Faith Berry-Parent (senior designer and creative lead); Cory Binau, Christian Cabrera (senior designers); Haley Anderson (designer) Collaborators Lara Swimmer Photography (photography), Gudmundur Ibsen Photography (photography, videography)

56 NUBO Merit Award Design Firm Urbanite (part of Frost*collective) Client Platine Group Location Alexandria, Australia Industry Vertical Education Design Team: Hannah Radford (design manager), Maria Briganti (environments design director), Yvonne Tong (designer), Anthony Donovan (creative director), Catriona Burgess (strategy director) Collaborators PalDesign Architects (architecture, interior design): Joey Ho, Patrick Leung Project Area 8,267 sq ft

58 ROCHE SYDNEY Merit Award Design Firm THERE Client Roche Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Paul Taboure (executive creative director); Charlie Bromley (design lead/head of environments); Jon Zhu (senior designer); Lauren Barber, Mansur Amiri (designers); Danielle Senecky, Liz Keene (project managers) Collaborators Ron Adams, Hayley Megan French, Daniel Hollier, Tom Polo (artists); The Operative (artist management); Hassell Sydney (workplace interior design), Signdraft Project Area 48, 438 sq ft Project Date 2017 Juror Comment “This is a breath of fresh air from a stuffy corporate design.”

59 SAGAMORE PENDRY BALTIMORE Merit Award Design Firm Ashton Design Client Sagamore Development, Pendry Hotels Location Baltimore, Maryland Industry Vertical Hospitality Design Team Ashton Design Team: Alexey Ikonomou (creative director, lead designer, project manager), Keith Kellner (senior designer, illustrator), Ilene Lundy (designer) Finndustry Design Team: Derek A. Friday (creative director, lead designer) Collaborators Patrick Ross Photography, Kevin Weber Photography, Spoticus Photography (photography); BHC Architects (architects); Patrick Sutton Design (interior design), Mahan Rykiel (landscape architect) Project Area 80,000 sq ft Project Date March 2017 Juror Comment “Elegant craftsmanship with a great juxtaposition of considered materials and textures.” 60 SARANG GLOBAL MISSION CENTER CLOCK TOWER Merit Award Design Firm YiEUM Partners Client SaRang Church, SGMC Location Seoul, South Korea Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team YiEUM Partners, Inc. Team: Jangwon Ahn (principal in charge, chief designer); Dongchan Seo (project manager); Daeho Kim (chief environmental designer); Eunji Kim, Changsuk Yoo, Sujin Park, Sunyoung Kook, Jungwoo Yang, Inkun Yoo (designers) SaRang Church Placemaking and Identity Task Force Team: Jangwon Ahn, Changrok Kim, Youngwoo Kim, Jaeyoung Han, Yongjun Choi, Youngeun Park, Chun Kim, Winner Index | SEGD18




Jingi Hong, Haengchun Kim (placemaking consultants) Collaborators Cheil Advertising and Design (architect); The Beck Group (landscape architect, construction design); Gansam Architects & Partners (landscape architect, engineering); Gansam Architects & Partners (engineering); Young Chae Park/YiEUM Partners, Inc., Won Suk Lee/YiEUM Partners, Inc. (photography); Cheil Advertising and Design (primary fabrication and construction); Unique Works (fabricator) Project Area 172 sq ft Project Date November 2015 Juror Comment “Highly intricate form and content juxtaposed to tell a compelling story of global unification.”

64 DENVER RTD G-LINE WINDSCREENS Honor Award Design Firm Ditroën Client RTD Denver Location Denver, Colorado Industry Vertical Transportation Design Team Dardinelle Troen (principal in charge/ creative director), Terry Tebeau (3D designer), Leslee Dillon (copywriter) Collaborators Juno Architectural Glass (glass panels), Advanced Metal & Wire Products (laser cut and powder coated metal panels), Scott Tebeau (photography), Matt Zodrow (videography) Juror Comment “Rarely do we see such richness in concept, lyrical content, material use and execution. Outstanding.”

61 T3 MINNEAPOLIS Merit Award Design Firm RSP Architects Environmental Graphics Group Client Hines Location Minneapolis, Minnesota Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Derek McCallum (principal in charge), Heather NovakPeterson (creative director and designer) Collaborators Michael Green Architecture Team: Michael Green (architect in charge), Candace Nichol (design architect) DLR Group Minneapolis (architect of record); Intereum (furniture); O’Keefee (wood); 1st Impression Group, Bolger, Art Partners Group (secondary printers of additional wallcoverings); Brandon Stengel/Farm Kid Studios, Heather NovakPeterson (photography) Project Area 220,000 sq ft Project Date September 2016 Juror Comment “Wood? Check. Concrete? Check. Big numbers? Check.”

66 THE HANDMAID’S TALE Honor Award Design Firm Pentagram Client Civic Entertainment Group Location New York, New York Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team Paula Scher, Abbott Miller (partners in charge); Rory Simms (associate partner); Natasha Amladi (architectural designer); Kirsty Gundry, Claudine Eriksson (graphic designers); Christina Milan, Sarah McKeen (project managers) Collaborators Duggal Project Area 400 sq ft Project Date April 2017 Juror Comment “Striking, powerful, emotional.”


SEGD18 | Winner Index

68 W SHANGHAI ENTRY INSTALLATION Merit Award Design Firm Fabio Ongarato Design Client W Shanghai Location Shanghai, China Industry Vertical Hospitality Design Team Fabio Ongarato (creative director), Ben Kluger

(design director), Sarah Cope (director, wayfinding and placemaking) Collaborators Dirk Weiblen (photography, videography), Coco & Maximilian (video editing), Fabrio Ongarato (video director), GA Design (architecture), Shanghai KangYe Construction & Engineering Co.,Ltd Project Area 10,763 sq ft Project Date September 2017 Juror Comment “A vertical performance. The choreography of layered objects and timed illumination is captivating.” 69 WE ARE HSI—MSU DENVER HISPANIC SERVING INSTITUTION INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION Merit Award Design Firm Metropolitan State University of Denver Client Ester Rodriguez/ HSI, Metropolitan State University of Denver Hispanic Serving Institution Location Denver, Colorado Industry Vertical Education Design Team Kelly Monico (professor, mentor); Daisy Corso (lead designer, fabricator); Jacki Peketz (lead designer); Arodi Ponce, Gabby Pantle, Kiersten Townsend (designers) Collaborators Daisy Corso, Jacki Peketz, Arodi Ponce, Gabby Pantle (fabrication); 303 Mad Graphics (vinyl) Project Area 120 sq ft Project Date May 2017 Juror Comment “I would stand at this piece for hours following along the threads. I love that it becomes a data visualization and a story all in one.” 70 150 MEDIA STREAM Merit Award Design Firm Leviathan, McCann Systems LLC Client Riverside Investment & Development Location Chicago, Illinois Industry Vertical Exhibitions Design Team

McCann Team: Frank McCann (direction); Mark Evans (regional team leader); Anthony Dimino, Ryan Reviello, and Michael Rosa (regional team) Leviathan Team: Chad Hutson (executive producer); Jason White (executive creative director); Bradon Webb (senior creative director, content developer); Ellen Schopler (senior producer); Adam Berg (director of research and engineering, UX design); David Braun, Chris Hall (lead engineer); Austin Mayer (web CMS director, UX design); Billie Pate (UX design); Fujio Harou (web developer); Gareth Fewel, Alexis Copeland (content development, 2D design/animation); Anthony Malagutti (content development), Ely Beyer, Nik Braatz, Andrew Butterworth, Jesse Willis, Matt Burton, Becka Riccio, Yuan Chen, Dakota Hopkins (2D design/animation); Kirill Mazor (editor); Scott Pagano, Elburz Sorkhabi, Mary Franck (engineers) Collaborators Riverside Investment & Development, Leviathan (videography); Chris Pritchard, Jay Worsley, Nick Ulivieri (photography) Project Area 3,000 sq ft Project Date April 2017 Juror Comment “An engaging platform for public art that allows for continuous change. The jury appreciated the translucency of the considered spacing and height changes the form allows for.”


74 BRICK LANE THREADS Merit Award Design Firm Steer Davies Gleave Client The London Borough of Tower Hamlets Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team Riccardo Bobisse (urban designer, project director), James Brown (design strategist and project manager), Emily Whiteside (graphic designer), Clare Seldon (cartographer), Bridget Law (landscape architect), Helen McKenzie (GIS specialist) Juror Comment “A thorough and welldesigned presentation of mass amounts of information. I particularly enjoy the personal profiles.” 75 DAZZLE Merit Award Design Firm E Ink Corporation Client San Diego International Airport Location San Diego, California Industry Vertical Transportation Design Team Ueberall Team: Nik Hafermaas, Dan Goods, David Delgado (artist); Ivan Cruz (animation and programming), Jeano Erforth (project management) E Ink Team: Keith Jacobsen, Seth Bishop (lead engineers) Collaborators Nik Hafermaas, Pablo Mason (photography); Rick Williams (videography), E Ink Project Date September 2017 Juror Comment “DAZZLE shows the tremendous potential of e-paper in outdoor application. The powerautonomous distributed installation is a perfect example of a dynamic façade installation on a large-scale building.”

76 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY COMMON SPACES Merit Award Design Firm Gensler Client Northwestern University Location Evanston, Illinois Industry Vertical Education Design Team David Broz (principal in charge); Meghan Webster (project director); Lauren Wanski (design manager); Stephen Kellogg (brand design director); Mara Russo (brand designer); Julija Asare (interior/ brand designer); Jannah Townsend, Sarah Jones (interior designers); Satyajit Basu (analytics); Mairen Foley (strategist); Mark Thole (product manager design tools) Collaborators Gensler (architect) Juror Comment “Both well designed and comprehensive, the Northwestern University Design Standards should become the new universal template for design standards.”


80 DZNE SIGNAGE SYSTEM Honor Award Design Firm Büro Uebele Visuelle Kommunikation Client Wulf Architekten GmbH Location Bonn, Germany Industry Vertical Healthcare Design Team Carolin Himmel (project manager), Andreas Uebele Collaborators Wulf Architekten (architect), Eicher Werkstätten, Harald F Müller (template brushstrokes), Andreas Steinbrecher (handwriting) Project Date February 2017 Juror Comment “The design being led by research — the reasons for handwriting and color — is incredibly thoughtful. I appreciate that the installation method was hand-done as well. Overall, a very evocative and careful solution.” 82 ROW DTLA Honor Award Design Firm Rios Clementi Hale Studios Client Atlas Capital Group Location Los Angeles, California Industry Vertical Retail Design Team Rios Clementi Hale Studios, Wayfinding and EGD Design Team: Mark Rios (partner); Sebastian Salvado (principal); Erin Williams, Julien Harcc, Delta Murphy, Misato Hamazaki, Mallory Cohn (designers) Ro & Co, Placemaking and Identity Design: Simona Popvassilev (design, project manager) Collaborators Carly Kuhn, LoveBerto, Retna (muralists); Ro & Co (branding); Rios Clementi Hale Studios (architecture, landscape architecture); Jim Simmons/RCHS (photography) Project Area 1,300,000 sq ft Project Date October 2017 Juror Comment “The identity and wayfinding system transforms somewhat

unremarkable structures into something special. Understated but with a big impact, the identity is exceptional.” 84 ANY > WHICH > WAY Merit Award Design Firm University of the Arts London: Ravensbourne Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Emme Jacob (design, research) Collaborators Aldworth James & Bond (primary fabricator, plywood CNC cutting), Emme Jacob (prototyping, painting, finishing), Emme Jacob (photography), Ragnhild Utne (photography support) Juror Comment “Playful, thoughtful, beautiful and flexible. This project is so succinctly clever.” 85 HERE EAST WAYFINDING Merit Award Design Firm dn&co Client Here East Location London, United Kingdom Industry Vertical Wayfinding Design Team dn&co Design Team: Patrick Eley (creative director), Ed Hawkins (lead designer), Michael Lemmetti (designer), Jenny Whetstone (account director) Poke Interactive Experience Design: Tom Hostler (founding partner) Collaborators Hawkins/ Brown (architecture); Alan Stevenson/All Points West, Reade Signs, Tian Khee Siong, Rory Gardiner, dn&co (photography) Project Area 1,200,000 sq ft Project Date October 2016 Juror Comment “A simple bold highly unified and functional system integrated into the culture of the building’s users, this identifies a unique way Winner Index | SEGD18



for new visitors to learn about the various electronic symbols used to navigate the building.” 86 PROJECT 100 Merit Award Design Firm Section 127 Client Indianapolis Motor Speedway Location Indianapolis, Indiana Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Angela Hill (principal in charge), Kyle Eaker (creative director), Joel Hudson (designer) Collaborators BoMar Industries (primary fabricator exterior signage); Sport Graphics (exterior signage elements/planning); Sport Graphics, BoMar Industries (photography) Project Area 13,200 sq ft Project Date January 2017 Juror Comment “The contextual use of industrial materials blends perfectly with their environment. Beautiful and simple, this provides the perfect amount of information.” 87 THE SYDNEY FORESHORE STORY LINE Merit Award Design Firm University of Technology Sydney Client The City of Sydney Council Australia Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Urban and Civic Design Team Manon Drielsma (designer), Sarah Jane Jones (lecturer, visual communication design) Collaborators David Beaumont/City of Sydney (community engagement coordinator), Neven Krcmarek, Becca Lavin, Adrian Curiel, Charles Deluvio, Rob Bye, Reiner Knudsen, Chris Fuller Juror Comment “Unexpected and playful yet restrained and bold. Strong concept, with a literal thread pulling it all together.” 124

SEGD18 | Winner Index

88 WESTPAC PLACE Merit Award Design Firm THERE Client Westpac Group Location Sydney, Australia Industry Vertical Workplace Design Team Paul Taboure (executive creative director); Charlie Bromley (design lead/ head of environments); Jon Zhu (senior designer); Lauren Barber, Mansur Amiri,, Christina Maricic (designers); Danielle Senecky, Tania Sacco (project managers) Collaborators Geyer Sydney (interior design), The Studio* Collaborative (interior design), Aspect Studios (landscape architecture), Llight (lighting design), Lucy Simpson (artist), Eyetonic, Rodrigo Vargas (photography) Project Date 2017 Juror Comment “A beautifully crafted and elegant system that included subtle surprises. Uniformity of concept with thoughtful material choices and careful integration throughout made this project stand out.”

Supporter Showcase | SEGD18


SEGD Board of Directors President Bryan Meszaros, OpenEye Vice President Anna Crider-Sharp, Two Twelve Treasurer Julie Vogel, Kate Keating Associates Hannah Anderson, Kolar Patrick Angelel, CREO Industrial Arts Kathy Fry, Mayer/Reed Graham Hanson, GHD Partners Kris Helmick, Two Twelve Lucy Holmes, Lucy Holmes Design John Lutz (Past President), Selbert Perkins Design Christina Lyon, FIT Mike McCarthy, DCL Paul McConnell, Intersection Stephen Minning, BrandCulture Communications SEGD Chapter Chairs Atlanta Steve Dubberly, Danny Roberts Austin Frauke Bartels, Grady Brown Boston Kayte Muse, Samuel Pease Brisbane Jack Bryce, Despina Macris Charlotte Santiago Crespo, Regina Czerr, Scott Muller Chicago Joe Lawton, Julie Maggos Cincinnati Grania Freuh, Blake Kishler Denver Zack Kotel, Amanda Eggleston, Amanda Hurley Dallas Austin Frith, Paige Terrell Edinburgh Lucy Richards Kansas City Jonathan Mugmon, Jemma Radick, Shelly Rosdahl Los Angeles Gretchen Bustillos, John Emshwiller Simon Majarian London Simon Borg Melbourne Soren Luckins, Alex Meeks Minneapolis Jesse Yungner, Jeremiah Albrecht, Gretta Fry Nashville Laura McCoy, Jeff Peden New York Taylor Loutsis, Tristan Valencia, Ben Whitehouse Omaha Adam Wells, Nick Zuniga Philadelphia Linzi Eggers, Sara Pasch Amy Rees Phoenix Elisabeth Populo, Amanda Burstein Portland Anthony Morrison, Karen Ryan Raleigh Elizabeth Grisworld, Allison Harris Emma Wallace Richmond Brittany Butler, TJ Daly St. Louis Russell Dow, Heather Testa San Diego Chris McCampbell, Bryan Dyches San Francisco Kacey Bills, Chris Fato, Sarah Szekeresh Salt Lake City Michael Gallagher, Baron Strawn Darlene van Uden Seattle Elizabeth Skolmen, Roger Starkweather, Annelle Stotz Seoul Jang Won Ahn Shanghai Wu Duan Sydney Nick Bannikoff, Carlo Giannasca Washington D.C. Hannah Olin, Liza Rao, Christopher Smith Wellington Jo Bailey, Nick Kapica Vancouver Susan Mavor, Daniela Pilossof Toronto Tihana Deanovak, Nima Gopalakrishnan, Monika Meyer, Philip Novak


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