Grade 5
by Ibu Ratna Putri
The unit on migration is an exciting yet challenging unit for the fifth graders. So far, their teachers posed the Central Idea or main issue that the students were to investigate, and their teachers determined the scope of their inquiry. In this unit, however, their teachers have challenged them to create their own lines of inquiry as a class. It means the students develop their questions to which they seek the answers.
At the beginning of the unit, the students documented their wonders on Padlet. They followed the key concepts of Function, Responsibility, and Change when creating their questions. To view their question directly, please visit
Their teachers facilitated their inquiry by inviting Ibu Anne Parapak and Ibu Rehana. Ibu Anne Parapak told the fifth graders that the potato famine became her ancestor’s push factor in migrating from the UK to Australia. For Ibu Anne herself, her marriage to an Indonesian became her pull factor to migrate to Indonesia.
Another guest speaker, Ibu Rehana, has another reason for her migration to the USA. Her parents were Indonesian. Her dad was from Padang and mom was from a Dutch/Indonesian family. The parents met in America, but at one point they moved to Indonesia so that Rehana and her siblings could learn about their culture. Rehana even came and taught in SPH for a few years! Ask your child to share her story with you. Throughout the unit, the fifth graders learned various reasons people migrate. The screenshots of Padlets and Jamboard captured the students' learning journey.
The students connected their learning and the meta-narrative in the Bible: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. To view their work on the Google Jamboard, visit 1HSIGwX5PjwveJ_P_y3Q0ySuk WSURnb-54KU5J4Do7kI/edit?u sp=sharing