Grade 6
by Mr. Eduardo Diaz
Inquiring into
God’s Creation
In How the World Works, the Grade 6 students inquired into God’s creation. They explored the types of energy and their uses, the scientific method, and the positive and negative impacts of energy forms. The unit culminated with two products: 1. an energy-based experiment, and 2. a discussion essay on the advantages and disadvantages of an energy type. These experiences deepened their understanding of the Central Idea: Through the study of energy, we can discover order in creation. The biblical Christian framework was emphasized early on, and toward the end of the unit students shared insights about how this unit shaped their thinking. Here are a few of their words:
Samantha: I enjoyed creating my experiment the most because I found it entertaining, informative, and fun…I have grown to understand what "Truth Seekers" means because we seek the truth, and as inquirers, we should seek to know more about the truth of this world.
Drexel: I learned a lot from this unit, I learned about energy types and renewable and non-renewable energy…This unit made me realize that God created everything and is ruling everything, even energy and the rules of energy.
Celine: In my opinion, the most difficult part was when we were discussing whether an object has more or less potential/kinetic energy…It has taught me that God is truly so amazing that he is able to create in many ways.
We hope to publish the students’ videos and essays in our Seesaw blog. For now, enjoy a few pictures of their experiments. May we be Truth-Seekers in our learning and our lives.