SPH Lippo Village JS Eagle Eye Vol. 16 - June 2023

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Principal’s Message

Dear parents,

We have reached the end of another incredible school year. We can only thank God for his faithfulness in guiding and blessing us throughout this journey.

It is truly astonishing to witness how our students have grown and flourished over the past year. From their first hesitant steps into the classroom to the confident strides they now take, we couldn't be prouder of their growth and accomplishments Their boundless curiosity, endless energy and enthusiasm, and willingness to learn are a joy to witness.

As a community, we have gone through many changes This is the first year after the pandemic where we can once again experience a full school year onsite. We are, in a way, relearning different things that make SPH a flourishing school At the same time, we are rethinking our practices and creating new ways to help serve our students better. In the end, our aim is to be a second home for your child, where they can grow and flourish.

In this edition, you will once again see a glimpse of what our students have done and accomplished in Quarter 4 My hope is that you would also be able to see how they have grown in ways that are unique to them. Each student is gifted by God in their own ways, and our prayer is for them to grow in a way that glorifies and is pleasing to Him

Now, as the holiday is starting, I encourage you to embrace this school holiday with open arms. Use the opportunity to pause from the hectic pace of life and deepen the bond with your children Let's create meaningful moments and build lasting connections with them that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Lastly, on behalf of the Junior School community, let me extend my gratitude for your continuous trust of our school and support for your child. I pray that we can continue our partnership in the coming school year to support the holistic growth of the students

VOL. 16 J U N 2023
Ibu Yuniarti Setia Abdi Katu
N 1

Celebrating Love, Bonding and Pampering! Mother’sDayEvent:

Mother’s Day is a time when we honor and appreciate the incredible women in our lives. Our Pre-K class celebrated a special event that brought smiles, laughter, and precious memories to all the moms involved. We started the event with our young ones singing and dancing for their moms It was followed by a lively and interactive game called “Guess Which Is Your Child?” Laughter filled the room as the mothers tried to identify their little ones while they were blind folded. It was followed by a relaxing time as the mommies were treated to some well-deserved pampering. The pre-k students transformed into mini spa therapists offering their moms a soothing foot spa and giving their moms a hair make-over using clothespin. To culminate the event, we gathered at the school’s communal space for some tea and snacks. It was indeed a lovely day, especially for our mommies! We love you moms!!!


Thank You for All that You Do!

This term is extra special for our K1 friends! We are so blessed with many community helpers around us, some of them even come to our class and help us understand their jobs. On top of that, we get to experience firsthand how they do their jobs We learn about doctor’s and librarian’s jobs, help the gardeners to pluck the weeds, and even learn what a computer technician is! K1 friends also did a patrol with the security guard, built a water gun station with a builder, and made jamu with an herbalist! There are so many ways to contribute to our community. It makes us wonder what we want to be when we grow up.

One thing that we cannot forget is to be grateful for our community helpers at school K1 friends dressed up as police, pilot, doctor, and other occupations to do a parade around the school. Not just to show off our costumes, but to sing and say thank you to our school’s community helpers We wished them a great morning and said, “thank you for all that you do!”

Kindy 1 3

How We

Express Ourselve

In Term 4, K2 students learned “How We Express Ourselves” With our central idea, “People can express feelings and ideas through art”, we first learned about different emotions that people usually feel. We learned that art and music are ways that people can express their feelings and explored different mediums such as painting, drawing, dancing, singing, playing instruments, and sculpting with clay. The students visited UPH’s Art Exhibition that showed various children's book illustrations and they saw firsthand how paintings can express many feelings In addition, the students had the privilege to visit Museum Macan, where the students experienced how different artworks evoked different feelings. At the end of the unit, K2 will have a culminating activity called the “K2 Art & Music Gallery” where students will showcase their gift and talents through various means of art.

The Art Gallery will happen in F2 Chapel on June 6th, 09:00 – 11:00 am for K2 families but will be open for JS and SS students and teachers afterwards from 11:15 am - 2 pm Please check it out!

Kindy 2 4

Show and Tell: MyFavoriteBook

As the K3s learned about the unit “How We Express Ourselves,” the students focused on books and stories while exploring the central idea “People share ideas, feelings, culture, and creativity through stories ” The students performed various activities, and one of them was “Show and Tell My Favorite Book.” Show and Tell activities help in fostering excellent communication and listening skills, which are both essential to a child’s learning.

All students got the chance to bring their favorite book, either fiction or non-fiction, and share details about the book and the reason why they love it It was amazing to hear a variety of book themes chosen by the students - from ballerinas to animals, natural disasters, friendship, and so much more! Through this Show and Tell, the students were given an avenue to express their interests and feelings, which also promotes literacy, vocabulary, and language development.

Kindy 3

Shape Poem

Grade 1 is doing fine motor skills activity by writing around or inside the shapes for Poetry Café. It’s called Shape Poems; it is a type of poem that is shaped like the thing/object it describes. The theme of the poem is “What I Am Thankful For” The students practice a few times to get their final work their best It was a fun experience!


Matter, Matter Everywhere!

Grade 2 had a blast exploring properties and changes of matter in our UOI unit on “How the World Works!” Students observed the properties of solids, liquids, and gases and looked at the similarities and differences between them. They discussed the importance of freezing, melting, condensation, and evaporation The students also learned about the steps of the scientific method. They were able to practice using the scientific method as teachers conducted experiments during the class that involved physical and chemical changes. At the end of the unit, each student was allowed to choose an experiment to conduct on their own that involved a physical and/or chemical change. They used the scientific method to come up with a problem, write a hypothesis, list the materials needed, write out the steps of the experiment, record their observations, and explain what they learned in their conclusion The students took pictures along the way and used both the information from the scientific method as well as pictures they took throughout the experiment to include on their poster. After completing their posters, the students prepared to present their work to the SPH community in a Science Fair!

Grade 2

Questions, Questions


“Which dish soap is the strongest? How many coins can my tin boat hold? What is the best design for a tin foil boat? How does sound work? How far does sound travel? Which soda erupts the highest when reacting with mentos?” Questions, questions, questions! These are just a few driving questions that students have been asking and doing experiments to find out. Students are learning to follow scientific methods and experiments to find out about how the world works.

As students conduct experiments, they are changing variables in order to find out which variable has the greater result. Part of the scientific method is analyzing data and drawing conclusions. The students have learned to collect data and draw conclusions based on the different variables that have been tested in the experiment We even got the chance to visit the Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology where we saw a lab and learned about research! Students will wrap up the year by choosing, conducting and presenting their own unique experiment These past few weeks have been amazing to see how God created the world to work. We know that it’s only from our Father, the most Intelligent Design who put all things together for us to live in this amazing world It’s amazing to learn that God created sound, energy, motion, forces, chemicals and so much more for us to discover.

Grade 3
by Mrs. Emily Tran

Give the planet a hand!

The planet we call home, Earth, is facing numerous challenges that threaten its delicate balance and the very existence of life as we know it. From climate change and deforestation to pollution and loss of biodiversity, our actions have had a profound impact on the planet It is imperative that we recognize the importance of saving the planet and take immediate action to preserve and protect it for future generations. Therefore, having that in mind and our theme “Sharing the Planet” our students went on an embarking journey to help eliminate the usage of plastic to save our environment.

During the unit “Sharing the Planet” students were introduced to various problems that our environment is facing today and the ways we could contribute as a steward of God to help our environment to become a better place for all the living creatures. Our students had the opportunity to listen and have converse with Ibu Emeline from “Dyna Pack Asia” the company which aims to “Grow Sustainably by respecting the environment that we live in” Students enjoyed listening to her and conversing with her regarding ways to help our environment.

Having listened to Ibu Emeline and the teacher, students were also given the opportunity to implement the learnings at school Students went on a mission to recycle plastic by collecting plastic bottles or cups from around junior school. Students collected the clean plastic bottles and cups by placing carton boxes throughout the junior school classrooms which later was donated to “Dyna Pack Asia” to be recycled During this project students were divided in a various group for the various task to fulfill the responsibility as a steward of God in this earth by saving the plant by eliminating the usage of plastic.

Grade 4 by Avinash Poudel 9

Students' response on:

Why we should control the usage of plastic?

Plastic is killing our mother nature Therefore, as a steward of God we have the responsible to act wisely to save God creation by reducing the use of plastic and promoting recycling plastic As a grade 4 student I am proud to be part of the group that initiated to collect plastic to recycle them to save our environment Make the world a beautiful place by reducing and reusing plastic

Plastic is not good for the environment because it harms the marine sea life and pollutes our environment We need to take initiatives to recycle plastic and reuse them rather them throwing them away in the garbage Also, promoting usage of paper or cloth bags instead of plastics That way we can control the usage of plastic and contribute towards saving our environment

We should not use plastic because it can hurt animals and pollute our environment, particularly our oceans Plastic takes a long time to decompose and continuing using plastic might destroy our beautiful earth So, please take the initiative to not use plastic today!

We are working together as a grade 4 to contribute to our environment by collecting used bottles and plastic from different classes and homes to donate to recycling company so that in can be recycled and be reused. Using plastic could be harmful for our environment. That is why we should control usage plastic and promote reducing, recycle and reusage of plastic.


Express Ourselves How We

This year, the Grade 5s How We Express

Ourselves (HWEO) unit was new for both teachers and students. Our Central Idea was: Our experiences and imagination can inspire us to create. We had some guest speakers, including some trainers from KREartURE. So much learning and creativity was happening in Grade 5 this term. This unit was definitely a hit for most of the students. Here are some reflections from our students:

This unit is a very fun and exciting unit. Out of all the units, I would have to say this one was my favorite I had a lot of fun designing my own product and hearing about other people's products. I learned about how the process of making someone is very complex, much more than I thought it was. I loved that we could make anything we want and we could design how it looked This unit really brought out my thinking skills but also a lot of excitement with it.

There was a lot of inspiring things I learned during this unit One of the thing I found the most interesting was making a prototype and learning the design thinking process. Although there were lots of things required in this unit, we did finish a prototype, and a shark tank presentation In English, we learned to write a 5 paragraph essay and all the steps into it: hook, introduction, conclusion, main ideas, reasons, body paragraph, linking words and so much more! In art, we made sandals and an artist statement with our friends To me, this unit was really enjoyable and fun!

This unit was definitely a fun one I made an invention, did a presentation, learned how to write a good persuasive essay, and did a lot more We even got to do a presentation about the inventions we worked very hard on. I also learned a lot of things from this unit, like about the design process I didn't know about the design process before this unit I also learned how to create better things. I knew that it would be presented, so I tried my best to create a product that would solve my problem, which was forgetting things. I liked that there were many things we did in this unit, such as doing the Krearture activity. We made a wooden pencil basket in the Krearture activity, and I found it really fun I also found making the invention enjoyable I thought that being an inventor was pretty fun. I personally enjoyed this unit, and it was one of my favorite units


This unit I liked when we made our own products that can solve many people's problems. We were allowed to make any product and that is what I like about this unit. I made an extension for your pencil which allows you to have more grip area and see what you are writing We had to go through all the steps of the design thinking process except repeat because that is optional. I learned about how we can be inventors and that it isn't that hard I liked how we were allowed to let our mind go free and be creative In conclusion, I think this unit was very fun and enjoyable for everyone

I have learned the different steps of the design thinking progress, and I got the chance to develop my designing skills in different ways. This unit was hard and interesting, I really enjoyed it and got to try new things I love the part that I got to design and make my own invention that could solve a problem I faced in my daily life I like presenting in front of people and get to tell them what I learned, so I really enjoyed the assembly. I would like to make more inventions in the future that can solve other people's problems I thank my parents and teachers for supporting me throughout this unit, I got to learn a lot of different things and experience different things

This unit is fun that we can solve our problem by what we design I learned that we can solve our problems by the things we make. I liked when I made my gadget because I could make however I want to make it and it was fun that I made something with Lego bricks. I want to say that this unit is the best unit that I ever had in my whole life.

How We Express Ourselves has been an amazing unit. I learned the design thinking process which, as it turns out, was actually useful for my product I liked the fact that I had freedom of what to do with what I want to make, except for some age-related restrictions Although my product was clearly not the best out of my peers, I take this unit as a practice for future projects later on in high school! Overall, How We Express Ourselves has been a challenging but also amazing unit for me.

This unit was exhilarating for many students We learned about the design thinking process which is a 5 step process for designing something I really liked building my prototype and seeing what everyone's inventions were. This unit really grew me and many others' creativity It might have even inspired some of us to make a real product of our prototype This unit has been really fun to go through with friends and teachers


The World Works How Energy Make

Do you know that that energy can neither be created nor destroyed? For How the World Works unit, the Grade 6 students explored different forms of energy and how energy is converted from one form of energy to another. They were able to show how energy transforms using the scientific method through different experiments and learning activities.

Field trips are always a fun thing to do The grade 6 students did a short field trip to the MYP Science class. In science class, Pak Barto set up six engaging stations to conduct energy experiments. From using a tuning fork to push an object to melting butter on a spoon, the students were able to explore various forms and uses of energy.

The excitement continued in the grade 6 classroom as they worked on a class experiment using the scientific method. They did a Ball Drop Experiment to show energy transfer Different surface areas were tested to see how energy transfers on various surfaces They also worked in groups to create a Sail Car using each step of the Scientific Method. They had fun when they tested the best shape of the mast so that the car could race not only far but also fast In this unit, they learned a lot about control, dependent, and independent variables through the experiments. They also learned how energy is transformed and used through different experiments that they did for their summative task. You can view grade 6 experiments and leave encouraging feedback in the Experiment Sharing Padlet:

https://padlet.com/eduardo diaz1/gr6experiments

Grade 6

What Makes a Great Leader?

As I was preparing this topic, my students' voices, "Me, me, me!" rang in my ears. These students always want to lead and be in charge of many tasks at school, such as leading the line, passing out papers, talking and presenting, and doing many other tasks However, some also choose to sit and join the flow, not that they don’t want to lead but are most of the time waiting for their chance to be a good leader. So, what does it mean to be a good leader? How does the PYP support every student to be a great leader? How can parents support leadership from home?

Biblical Perspective on Being a Leader

The word "lead" has a strong conviction of someone strong, powerful, respectful, honorable, and with integrity and many other positive attributes However, let's pause a moment and think about the question I put at the beginning of this article, "What makes a great leader?" Once, Jesus called His disciples and talked to them about being a leader. He said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave

just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28).

SPH believes that being a transformative leader is important, but more so being a servant leader, and this is one of the SPH Expected Student Outcomes. SPH prepares and equips students for a life of action and transformational leadership in pursuing justice, mercy, and peace They learn to think and act redemptively, treating everyone as God's image-bearers who deserve dignity, courtesy, compassion, and cooperation.

PYP on Student Leadership

IB quoted from Frost and Roberts (2011) about student leadership that “if leadership activities include influencing and inspiring others, taking the initiative, offering support/service, holding others to account, modeling learning behaviour and valuing/encouraging helpful behaviour, then it is reasonable to expect that all members of an educational community, including students, make a contribution." (IBO, 2022)

In SPH, we promote students' agency by ensuring their voice, choice, and ownership in their learning and an environment that sustains it.

Here are some examples of how it looks like in the classroom:

students' questions, emotions, and behaviours guide learning and teaching students identify issues and opportunities and suggest ideas for action students are included in decision-making processes students’ perspectives are given weight in decisions that impact them.

PYP Column
14 1. Students' voice: • • • •

students co-construct with peers and teachers a range of different learning activities and assessment options students’ ideas and suggestions are recognized and built into the school culture student perspectives for action are honoured students have opportunities to make decisions about learning independently or in groups

3. Students' ownership:

students define their learning goals with support from teachers students reflect on their learning students’ ideas are supported through action. (Wheatley, M. 2006)

Student Council

Every year in Junior School SPH, we offer our grade 5 and 6 students an opportunity to join the Junior School Student Council. They are a team of students who represent the student body and make plans for some yearly or new events at school. The process starts with the students submitting their interest in being a member of the Student Council, the president, or the vice president of the Student Council. Then, all the candidates must make a campaign and a speech to all the Junior School students. After that,

every student from grades two to six votes for the Student Council's next president and vice president Next, the president, vice president, and the Student Council members will work together to make proposals, plan and organize events. Through the process, students learn about leadership and working together to execute the events Student Council also represents Junior School students in Open Houses or other events.

Student Ambassador

This year SPH offers another opportunity to our grade 4 to grade 11 students to join a one-year Student Ambassador program. Just like its name, Student Ambassadors represent students. One of their duties is sharing our school programs and values with prospective families In this program, the students are trained to be passionate, committed, and confident leaders

Support from home

Despite many opportunities the school creates to develop student leadership, nothing beats the support they have from home. Home is a crucial environment for nurturing leadership. Review these tips, and if you agree with the idea, why not put them into action at home?

leaders are those who can move people to work and accomplish the tasks given effectively They need to learn what it means to show respect and what is disrespect. This will teach them to show empathy to others and become a good leader.

allowing children to work independently and solve challenges on their own rather than having someone swoop in immediately with a solution. Teach them to become problem solvers.

1. Teach respect 2. Students' choice: 2. Give them autonomy
• • • • • • •

3. Involve them in making decisions and house chores

4. Teach through positive reinforcement

5. Teach them creativity

leaders cannot work alone. By involving them in making decisions or working together on house chores, they can perform better as a good leader in the future good leaders have a great imagination. Activities such as reading good stories, doing experiments, and making crafts will spark their imagination and open possibilities to new wonders.

6. Teach them to be humble

it is easy for us to be carried away with high expectation and forgets to see the small success made by our children. Praise and recognition of their good decision, behaviour, and achievements will boost their self-esteem and confidence remind them that humility is the key to servant leadership We are God's children, and Jesus is our model for being servant leaders

I pray that we - school and home - can work together to nurture future servant leaders who will lead with God's heart, impact others, and bring life to those around them.


Prossack, A (2021, March 29) Leadership Starts At Home—How Parents Can Set Kids Up For Success Forbes https://www forbes com/sites/ashiraprossack1/2021/03/29/leadership-starts-at-home--4-ways-parents-can-set-kids-up-for-success/ Sage, A. (2017, March 16). 5 Ways to Nurture Leadership in Kids - Canadian Women’s Foundation. Canadian Women’s Foundation. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from https://canadianwomen.org/blog/5-ways-to-nurture-leadership-in-kids/ Making the PYP Happen Pedagogical Leadership in a PYP School. International Baccalaureate, 2007, https://resources.ibo.org/pyp/resource/11162-occ-file-p 0 pypxx mph 0912 1 e?lang=en.


Avi Poudel

As I reflect on the years spent in this remarkable school, a whirlwind of emotions flood my heart. It seems like just yesterday when I nervously stepped through these doors, unsure of what the future held. Today, as I am writing this message filled with gratitude, joy, and a tinge of sadness. So, with a mix of nostalgia and excitement, I would like to thank each of the parents, teachers, students, and staff for the wonderful experience. Thank you again for the friendships that will endure, for the support that helped me become a better teacher, and for the memories which will be cherished for a long time

With love

Avi Nass


Mr. Ian and Melody Ramos

As we write this note, our hearts are filled with a mixture of emotions, for it is both a bittersweet and exciting moment in our lives. After an incredible 15-year journey in Indonesia (10 years at SPH), the time has come for us, Ian and Melody, to bid you all farewell and embrace new opportunities that await us on a different path.

Looking back, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the experiences we have had, the memories we have created, and the bonds we have forged with each and every one of you. While it is difficult to bid farewell, we take solace in the knowledge that our paths may cross again whether here in Indonesia or in other parts of the world. We will eagerly follow your journeys, celebrating your victories, and offering our support from afar. Thank you for your friendship, your trust, and your unwavering support throughout our time at SPH.


Hannah Smith

Thank you for letting me teach band and music at SPH these past 2 years. I will miss working with the students and seeing their musical progress grow over time. I hope they continue striving for excellence in music!


Priskila Hilary

Dear Partners in Christ,

It has been such a privilege for me to be a part of this wonderful community for the last six years. As I embark on my new journey to continue my studies in resilience, I would like to express my gratitude to you. I had a blessed time working with supportive school parents like you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your children's lives. My life is enriched by their laughter, spirit, stories, and love. Thank you for all your care and support for the children, the teachers, and the school. I hope God will continue to bless your family and children with joy and growth.

Warm Regards,


Sara Yurosko

Thank you for the wonderful two years here at SPH, we are leaving with such wonderful memories of this community. We will be going to North Dakota in the United States to be closer to family Please pray for us in this transition.


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