What's On in SPH Pluit Village | Vol #9 - Feb 2023

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S P H P V N E W S L E T T E R | V o l . 9 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3
Table of Contents S P H P V N E W S L E T T E R | V o l . 9 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3 01 What is Holistic Education? Message from Head of School 02 International Singapore Maths Competition (ISMC) 2022 Student's Achievement 03 Culture Week 2023: The Feast of Senses Event Highlight 04 The Blessings of Service A Note from Chaplain 06 Culminating Activity & After School Activity Program (ASA) Info Motion: From Coach to You 07 Mission Service Opportunities Student Council 08 in18 Event: Breakthrough Student Council 09 Photo Gallery 14 March - April 2023 SPH PV Event Calendar


Hello parent,

I’m sure you have heard of holistic education through our school mission statement, which is: “Proclaim the pre-eminence of Christ and engage in the redemptive restoration of all things inHimthroughholisticeducation. ”

But what is holistic education? It is education that seeks to meet the emotional, social, spiritual and academic needs of the “whole” child through integrating learning across all curricular areas.

Critical thinking and problem solving are key skill areas student learn to apply to projects. Of course, applying this learning to real-world situations is ideal.

You might notice that many of the topics in this latest newsletter cover different types of real-world learning situations we have planned recently at SPH Pluit Village as part of the holistic education we are providing your children.

Respectfully, TimHeading

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International Singapore Maths Competition (ISMC) 2022

Wesley(G.2) Bronze Jaxon(G.2) Bronze Deneuve(G.3) Silver Jordan(G.3) Bronze Emily(G.3) Bronze Maxwell(G.4) Bronze Brandon(G.4) Bronze JacquelineK.(G.5) Bronze CalebL.(G.5) Bronze Joshua(G.5) Bronze

Culture Week 2023

Culture Week 2023,

A Feast For The Senses was a beautiful celebration of Indonesia's colors, sounds, tastes, smells, and movements. Each day we focused on a different sense to explore our country's incredible culture, diversity, and industry.

Hallways were decorated to highlight the various colors we find in food, nature, artwork, and more. We learned to play traditional instruments such as gamelan, angklung, kolintang, and traditional drums.

We tested our sense of smell on multiple things from important Indonesian industries, and then, Grade 10 students taught us why sulfur, palm oil, batik wax, and the ocean are so important for our country.

We dressed up in traditional outfits from across the archipelago and participated in traditional dances. We got to taste traditional food, whether small snacks or a traditional bacarkan meal shared together.

Our amazing PAG (Parent Advisory Group) also arranged a bazaar for the week, which provided an extra layer of excitement to the week and raised money for our MSL sponsor students. It was an exciting week to celebrate and honor the beauty of this country that is our home

RachelFeather Culture Week Committee

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I sat in the front row of the minibus as we drove away from the church a couple of Sundays ago The teens sitting behind me had teary eyes, as did the people we said goodbye to as we pulled out of the parking lot.

How is it possible that people could connect so well in just four days? How is it possible that language and cultural and economical, and age barriers were crossed? How is it possible that we went to serve and be a blessing to others, yet we were blessed abundantly?

While tears fell from the teens around me, I pondered these questions, and my mind was brought to Romans12:10-13:

“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality ”

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From 15-20 February, ten students from grades 9 and 10, accompanied by Mr Gab, Ms Carla, and myself, spent time with the students and teachers at SLH Banjar Agung, outside of Lampung.

We built a badminton court, led tech, health, and leadership workshops, shared skits and testimonies at chapels, stayed with local families, and built beautiful relationships through conversation, sport, and working hard together

We from SPH PV and those from SLH gave everything we had to serve the other, not out of pride or superiority but out of a genuine desire to put others first and serve as unto the Lord. As a result, we all were blessed.

It is a reminder for me now that I’m back in Jakarta to serve as unto the Lord. If we all give humbly of ourselves to those around us, imagine the beautiful fruit that will continue to grow, week by week.

Blessings, RachelFeather


Physical Activity



Playing the game that interests you and your friends is a fun and an enjoyable activity. Some might not be so skilled in the beginning and just find it interesting to learn. But with determination and perseverance, little by little, they excel.

As we are nearing the end of the season, our precious students will be having their culminating activity throughout the last week of February up to March 10

They will be playing in an in-house tournament to showcase what they learned and enjoyed. They will play basketball, soccer, and table tennis They will spin using their forehand and their backhand. They will drive and block. They will shoot, do a rebound, steal, and block. They will pass, volley, assist and shoot for goal

And as the late football legend Pele said, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrificing and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

See you again next season!


"I have been massively impressed with ASA since the beginning of the last term. We aimed to use sports to help rebuild community while promoting physical fitness and fundamental sports skills in the post-pandemic era. Thus far, I can only speak highly of the program's success and student’s growth. It has significantly contributed to their emotional well-being, confidence, and ability to work as a team

The recent soccer-friendly match with SPH LV was a testament to this success. Although our students were initially overwhelmed and nervous at the sight of many other students and parents, they could deal with it in the second half, resulting in improved play. Additionally, they represented PV well in sportsmanship and were Christ ambassadors on the field I am extremely proud of all of them.

My vision for this year is to help students regain their confidence in competitive sports through ASA, intending to participate in tournaments next academic year. I would also like to express my appreciation for the unceasing support of parents."

sph edu

Student Committee

MiSO has participated in and led a few cherished events throughout this academic year.

MiSO, which stands for Mission Service Opportunities, is a student committee that focuses on the mission aspect of serving, caring, and helping our community positively. It was initially named MSO, but adding an ‘i’ in MiSO reminds us gently of miso soup and represents the warmth our committee can share via our actions.

Its first event was the unforgettable 30-hour famine, the overnight sleepover which taught and gave its participants an understanding of what millions of people worldwide go through during a famine.

The next event, Subway Surfers, occurred very recently before the memorable SS MSL trip to Lampung.

Subway Surfers was an event especially made to help with the MSL funds and have a friendly competition as we tested each others’ skills and agility.

Next up on MiSO’s agenda, we are teaming up with In18 to provide a week full of informational activities for you to engage interactively and learn about mental health in a brighter sense!



in18 Event


The Events Committee of the Student Council has been doing a lot of work and is excited to present to you In18. Breakthrough will be the theme for this year that will focus more on mental health.

Mental health is very important, especially during stressful tests and homework in the middle of the semester.

Come join us to hear four professionals talk and share their wisdom and experiences.

This event would be live in Sekolah Pelita Harapan Pluit Village on the 1st of April from 2 to 6 pm, and no, it's not an April fools joke!

We are so excited to see you there! More info about it will be coming your way!

Follow us on Instagram: @in18event

Blessings, BrianLee Student Council

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Photo Gallery

December 2022 - February 2023

Christmas Assembly led by Grade 3 | 13 December 2022

Kindy Concert | 14 December 2022

sph edu PHOTO GALLERY 10 JS & MSS Music Concert | 15 December 2022
PBL: G7 & 9 National History Day | 16 January 2023
sph edu 11 PHOTO GALLERY K1 Bicycle Day | 27 January 2023 K3 100 Days of School | 26 January 2023

Class Field Trips

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sph edu 13 PHOTO GALLERY Culture Week | 30 Jan - 3 Feb 2023
13 14 14 15 16 20-24 10-12 Upcoming Events Get connected: Don't miss any updates Instagram : @sphpluitvillage Youtube : Sekolahpelitaharapan Website : sph.edu 14 SPH PV CALENDAR JS Assembly led by G2 Father Appreciation Week Pi Day 23 24 22 21 13 15 16 17 7 8 9 18 19 25 26 Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon Sat Sun 27 March2023 14 19 28 30 31 2 3 G2 Field Trip (Kertabumi Recycling Center) Term Break (End of Term 3) MSS Trip to Cikananga 1 4 5 6 11 12 20 10 20 21 19 18 10 12 13 14 4 5 6 15 16 22 23 Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon Sat Sun 24 April2023 11 26 25 27 28 1 2 3 8 9 17 7 5 7 14 12 20-29 1 All School Easter Assembly led by G1 Student-led Conference [Holiday] Good Friday [Holiday] Idul Fitri In18 Event by Student Council 1 29 30

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