The Light 2009 Volume 12

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True Knowledge | Faith in Christ | Godly Character

12th Edition/2009

contents Editorial Team PUBLISHER Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan ADVISOR Brian Cox, Aileen H. Riady MANAGING DIRECTOR Hana Herawati EDITOR & TRANSLATOR Budi Alto, Anita Purwanti, Maureen Cox GRAPHIC DESIGNER Iwan Werlin PHOTOGRAPHER Hariyanto, Dewi, Clifford, Andreas

Address 2500 Bulevar Palem Raya, Lippo Village Tangerang 15811, Banten Phone: (021) 546 0232-33 Fax: (021) 546 9663

12th Edition/2009 4 Family By Brian Cox 6 Give Children the Opportunity to Serve By Tom Going 8 Don’t Despise Small Beginnings By Sylvia Faddegon 10 Mengalami Kehadiran dan Tuntunan Tuhan dalam Keluarga By Yakub Susabda 12 Developing a Christ Focused Family By Armando Sanir Chandra, Stephanie Anindita Hendarta, Tara Nadya Calista Sudarpo 14 Rescued By Maribelle Flores 15 In the world, but not of the world By Sarah Weider 16 The Light of My Life By Brea Salim 17 The Christ Centred Home By Dan & Diane Fennell 18 How To Do Well in Class? By Wong Su Jan, Rebecca Metcalfe, Judy Comrie, Romandito Mahendrayudha

20 Inventions Inspired by Nature 21 2009 International Honor Orchestra Festival By Anita Tan 22 Responding to God’s Call By Eric Semler 23 New Head of School for SPH Lippo Cikarang 24 Mourning into Joy By Andrew Darmawan 25 What’s On 26 Book Corner 26 Alumni By Gracia Bungaran

4-5 r e g u l a r



I grew up in a post World War Two family. Like many other people at the time, my parents had endured six years of international tension, continual violence and major shortages of some of the basic things of life. Many people who endured these things, became determined to provide better material and educational opportunities for their children. My parents were in this category.


HIS focus on ensuring the family was well cared for materially, as well as the six year period of not knowing whether he would live through those war years, caused my father to be emotionally neutral. He simply did not have the ability to show emotion or to physically engage with his children. We all somehow knew that he loved us and cared for us, but sadly he could never show that. In the thirty years that I knew him, he was never able to say “I love you”; he never expressed in any physical way, love or affection; or any other emotion. As a result expressions of love were never prevalent in our family. For the first twenty five years of my own life, I was similarly emotionally neutral. The truth is that children, in many ways, become like their parents.

Brian Cox and family

Our children are not ours but God’s, He wants them to pass through our family into His family. We simply have the privilege of nurturing them as God has gifted them to us. In order to do this in the way that we should, we need to understand the way that God relates to us and then reflect that into our families.

I was transformed by a relationship with Jesus Christ, and encouraged by a joyfilled and expressive wife, to be a father who communicated with family members frequently, told them how much they were loved and physically expressed affection to them. In fact, I still do whenever I see them.

We should not assume that members of our family know of our love, we need to keep telling them and expressing that love in many ways, just as God does towards us. We see that children are to learn about security and dependence and obedience to their parents, so that ultimately they will know of security and dependence and obedience to the true Father.

Paul, in his prayer for the Ephesians says (3:14-15) “I bow my knee before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named”. God institutes families. In a very real sense God has instituted marriage and the family as a way of learning to understand and relate to Himself.

In a true sense, our parenting is a pair of sinners (sometimes one) dealing with sinners. Only God knows how to truly relate to sinners; Only God knows what a true family is. Our task then is to observe Him, to know Him, to submit to Him and show Him to our children.

Note then that the best thing that we can do in parenting our children is to know of our own security in the love of God. It also leads us to see why so many parents cannot cope−if they don’t know that foundational securing for themselves, how can they provide security for their family? Our children need to be assured of God’s love firstly by being assured of our love. The context of children honouring parents is that they need to honour God. Children’s security comes from parents’ security with God. The most significant thing in a child’s maturing and growth is knowing that they have their parents approval, not always an approval of what they DO but who they are. If our children do not know of their acceptance in the family they will have to find it somewhere else. That place will be with their peers with all of the consequent problems. God’s actions towards us constantly renew and sustain us−He loves us in every situation including our failures and wrong actions. He

regular disciplines us from a basis of love and desire to see us become increasingly righteous. Thus our relationship with our children should reflect these things; and if we relate to them in this way they will see the force from which we draw.

sehingga dapat menjadi seorang ayah yang memiliki komunikasi yang baik dengan anggota keluarga, memberitahukan betapa mereka dikasihi dan menunjukkan perhatian juga secara fisik kepada mereka. Hal ini masih saya lakukan ketika bertemu mereka.

Blessings upon your family.

Paulus dalam doanya kepada jemaat di Efesus (3:14-15), ”… aku sujud kepada Bapa, yang dari padaNya semua turunan yang di dalam sorga dan di atas bumi menerima namanya”. Dalam hal ini disebutkan tentang keluarga, yang dapat kemudian diartikan sebagai pernikahan dan keluarga adalah suatu sarana untuk belajar mengerti dan berelasi dengan Tuhan.

Brian Cox Head of School Pelita Harapan Lippo Village Coordinator of PH Schools

Keluarga Saya dibesarkan pada saat pasca Perang Dunia kedua. Seperti yang lainnya di masa itu, orangtua saya harus bertahan selama enam tahun menghadapi tekanan asing, kekerasan yang terjadi, dan kekurangan akan kebutuhan dasar bagi kehidupan. Orang-orang yang bertahan melewati masa ini, mampu untuk mendapatkan kehidupan dan kesempatan pendidikan yang lebih baik bagi anak-anak mereka. Orangtua saya termasuk di dalamnya.


AL ini menjadi perhatian ayah kami; bagaimana kebutuhan-kebutuhan materi keluarga dapat terpenuhi sepanjang enam tahun itu dengan diiringi perasaan apakah beliau dapat terus bertahan hidup pada masa perang tersebut, walaupun ini tidak diungkapkannya. Beliau tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk menunjukkan emosi atau ekspresi tubuh dengan anakanaknya. Walau demikian kami mengerti kalau beliau mengasihi dan memperhatikan kami, hanya sayangnya tidak dapat ditunjukkannya. Dalam tigapuluh tahun saya mengenalnya, beliau tidak pernah dapat mengucapkan,”Saya mengasihi kamu”; juga tidak pernah ada ekspresi secara fisik, kasih, perhatian, ataupun emosi-emosi lainnya. Hal ini menyebabkan ekspresi kasih tidak pernah berlebihan dalam keluarga kami. Dalam duapuluh lima tahun pertama kehidupan, saya pun menjadi demikian. Kebenarannya adalah dalam banyak hal, anak-anak menjadi seperti orangtuanya. Saya mengalami perubahan karena hubungan relasi dan sukacita oleh karena Yesus Kristus, serta istri saya yang ekspresif,

Anak-anak kita bukanlah milik kita tetapi milik Tuhan, Dia ingin mereka lewat keluarga kita menuju keluargaNya. Kita memiliki hak istimewa dalam memelihara mereka sebagai pemberian Tuhan kepada kita. Untuk melakukan hal ini, kita harus dan perlu untuk memahami cara Tuhan berhubungan dengan kita dan kemudian merefleksikannya kepada keluarga. Kita harus tidak mengasumsikan bahwa anggota keluarga mengetahui tentang kasih, sebaliknya kita perlu untuk memberitahu dan mengekspresikan kasih tersebut dalam berbagai cara, seperti yang dilakukan Tuhan kepada kita. Kita melihat bahwa anak-anak belajar tentang keamanan dan ketergantungan serta ketaatan kepada orangtua mereka, maka dari hal ini mereka akan mengetahui tentang keamanan, ketergantungan, dan ketaatan kepada Bapa yang sesungguhnya.


Anak-anak kita memerlukan jaminan akan kasih Tuhan terlebih dahulu, yang kemudian diikuti oleh jaminan kasih dari orangtua. Konteks dari penghormatan anak-anak terhadap orangtuanya adalah karena mereka perlu untuk menghormati Tuhan. Jaminan keamanan yang dimiliki anak-anak berasal dari jaminan yang dimiliki oleh orangtua bersama dengan Tuhan. Yang terpenting dalam pertumbuhan dan kematangan seorang anak adalah mengetahui bahwa mereka diakui oleh orangtuanya, tidak selalu pengakuan akan apa yang mereka lakukan tetapi lebih kepada pengakuan akan diri mereka. Jikalau anak-anak kita tidak tahu akan penerimaan diri mereka dalam keluarga, mereka akan mencarinya di luar sana. Mungkin mereka akan mencari bersama teman-teman dengan konsekuensi-konsekuensi permasalahan yang mengikutinya. Tuhan secara terus menerus memperbaharui dan menopang kita−Dia mengasihi kita dalam segala situasi termasuk pada saat kita mengalami kegagalan dan kesalahan. Dia mendisiplinkan kita atas dasar kasih dan keinginanNya untuk melihat kita bertumbuh dalam kebenaran. Oleh karena itu hubungan kita dengan anak-anak harus merefleksikan hal-hal ini sehingga mereka melihat kekuatan yang dariNya kita dapatkan.

Kita mengetahui jika kedua orangtua adalah orang yang berdosa. Hanya Tuhan yang mengerti bagaimana berelasi dengan orang-orang yang berdosa; hanya Tuhan pula yang mengetahui seperti apa keluarga yang sesungguhnya. Tugas kita kemudian adalah menyelidiki akan Dia, mengenal Dia, berserah kepadaNya dan menunjukkan pribadi Dia kepada anak-anak kita. Hal terbaik yang dapat kita lakukan dalam mengasuh anak-anak adalah mengetahui jaminan yang kita dapatkan di dalam kasih Tuhan. Jikalau orangtua tidak mengetahui jaminan mendasar tersebut, bagaimana mereka dapat memberikan hal tersebut kepada keluarga mereka?

Brian Cox

Head of School Pelita Harapan Lippo Village Coordinator of Pelita Harapan Schools



Give Children the Opportunity to Serve “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)


think you would all agree that our Creator God has instilled in each one of us some kind of talent, skill, or gift. Sometimes others recognize these gifts because they are obvious and easily identified by other people around us. Often, we can see those skills and talents in our own children. As we pray for wisdom and guidance, we can help our kids see how they can develop those gifts and use them to benefit others. Some, though, are unrecognized until God reveals them in us in His timing. They have been lying under the surface, waiting to be nurtured and grown as a witness to God’s glory. Often it takes an opportunity to SERVE before these gifts and skills and talents rise to the surface .… This past February, the Senior School at SPHLC (Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Cikarang) celebrated “Loving & Caring Month” (L&C Month) by offering all students, teachers, and staff opportunities to show genuine love and care to others through SERVICE. This idea

is certainly not new as we ourselves have experienced sacrificial giving through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His love for us motivates us to do the same for others with an attitude of service and sacrifice. True living faith in Jesus is accompanied by active loving, giving, and caring. During L&C Month, we encouraged students to identify at least one skill or talent that God has given them and to then offer that as a gift to someone else. For example, students with artistic talent could offer to paint or sketch a picture, and those gifted musically could serenade someone or use their favorite instrument to provide music in the canteen during lunch or for a class party. Students who are strong in Math or Science could offer to tutor another student who is struggling a bit, or those students who are reliable and good with children could offer to babysit for teachers or staff. Whatever the talent is, the goal of L&C Month was to share skills as gifts to others. In turn, the recipient of the gift was asked to return thanks with a small cash offering that was collected and then given as an “All-School” gift to one of our sister Lentera schools in Sumatra. Therefore, the talents given as a gift to fellow classmates and teachers would bear fruit in the form of a monetary offering to those in need, resulting in a school-wide offering of Skills for the Needy!

Tom Going

The exciting event reached its climax this past month (April 16-17), when a team of SPHLC students and teachers had the privilege of visiting one of our sister schools in Lampung−Sekolah Lentera Harapan in the tiny village of Jati Agung. Of course one of the main purposes of our “servant trip” was to deliver gift packages that had been purchased using money raised by our students during Loving & Caring Month. We carried school shoes, books (Christian “Arch Books” and novels translated into Bahasa Indonesia), school backpacks, hats, and other needed supplies. Another more important goal of our team was to have direct contact with the Lentera students−to personally meet and shake hands, to encourage them, and to worship and pray with them. We wanted to pass along the ideas from our L&C Month’s theme of “Skills for the Needy,” namely God’s call to use the skills, talents, and gifts that He has given us for the benefit of others. Our expectation was that we would motivate the students and teachers at Lentera to do the same! Upon arrival at the school, however, we found out that God had much different plans and expectations. He quickly showed us that our lofty plans were nothing in comparison to His Ways and Thoughts. Following the scheduled chapel time on Friday morning, in which our team shared songs and testimonies, we were invited to participate in an annual event that the school had arranged. Every year during the Easter season, students

examples and teachers prepare care packages consisting of rice, cooking oil, and other food staples, that are then delivered to needy families in the surrounding village. After the chapel service our team joined one group of Lentera students and carried gift packages to six different homes. When the owners greeted us at their door, their eyes expressed a very deep gratitude to the “servants” from Lentera and SPH. We were extremely humbled to serve side by side with those we had come to serve. Just as a tiny leaf or pebble thrown into a lake starts with small circles on the surface and moves out in larger and deeper ripples, we could feel the ripples of God’s plan as we thought back over the last couple of months: SPHLC families and friends donating money to our students in exchange for their “Skills for the Needy” service, our students taking those funds to plan and prepare gift packs to take to Sumatra, and the Lentera students accepting our gifts and getting our help in serving their community. Our goal was to share our faith,

ideas, and gifts with Lentera students in need, but instead, they showed us their servant hearts by taking our hands and leading us to villagers who were TRULY in need. God’s amazing plan was to show us an adventure in servanthood that was much higher and more meaningful than we could ever plan! Lily Silabu, the mother of one of the students, also shared her joy as a parent to see her son experience God’s blessings as he learned about service. “It was the first time for our son, Elbert, and his friends to go that far from home without the supervision of parents. They humbly and joyfully went to Lampung to enjoy a new experience of service to God that they had never had before. Our hope as parents is that this kind of school activity that stretches our children’s faith and values will continue at SPH. Our son can’t wait to have his next journey of service to honor and bring glory to God!” As we were saying good bye to our new


friends at Sekolah Lentera Harapan, I knew that this was not the end, but rather the beginning of a very special relationship between our two schools. The magnificent rainbow we saw on our way home while on the ferry was a reminder of God’s promise of love and mercy to His people and that He would use this relationship in the future to help and benefit even more needy people. I praise God for giving us the opportunity to travel to Lampung and providing a great host for our trip in the form of Pak Lucky and other Lentera Foundation members. I’m also thankful for the faithful service of the members of the SPHLC team−Spencer Lestiadi (8A), Jason Lee (8B), Elbert Silabu (8A), Jason Lim (8A), and Ms. Hanna!! ALL GLORY TO GOD … whose Ways, Thoughts, and Plans are much higher and better than we could ever imagine!! Tom Going English Teacher, SPH Lippo Cikarang

Revision of Spelling Bee Competition Result ( T h e L i g h t 1 1 th E d i t i o n , p a g e 2 3 )

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6







SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Sentul City

SPH Sentul City

SPH Sentul City







SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Sentul City

SPH Lippo Cikarang

SPH Sentul City



Yoon Seong - Sammy




SPH Sentul City

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Cikarang

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Lippo Village

SPH Sentul City

Round 3 - Spelling Bee - Competition Winners *) At last edition: written Sion, but should be Teguh



Zechariah was prophet to the Israelites during the time when the captives had returned to Jerusalem to re-build the temple. His message was given to encourage the builders at a time when they were ready to give up, even though they had just barely started the work on the re-building of the temple.

This is a talk given to mothers on Mothers’ Day 2009

Don’t Despise

Small Beginnings By Sylvia Faddegon


ECHARIAH was encouraging the people to listen to God’s message for them and to keep a close relationship with God. He told them not to be discouraged because God had a long-range plan for Israel. In fact Zechariah is sometimes referred to as the prophet of the long vision.

temple; his hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.

Zechariah 4: 6-10: So he said to me, this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.

Zechariah is telling the people that it is not by might, nor by power, but by God’s spirit that the work will be done. He encourages the people to listen to God’s words−stay immersed in scripture, and keep themselves in a close relationship with Him. It is not the people’s own strength and ability that’s going to complete the work on the temple; it is by God’s power that the work will be done. He tells them that the people will rejoice when they see Zerubabbel place the capstone. The capstone is the high stone−the finishing stone−it represents the completion of the

What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!’ Then the word of the Lord came to me. The the word of the Lord came to me: The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this

Who despises the day of small things? Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.

temple. It is God’s promise that the work will be done in Zerubabbel’s lifetime. He also speaks of the plumb line: the vertical line that tests the straightness of the temple. We used a plumb line when we want to make sure something is correctly vertical−like when we hang wallpaper or a painting on the wall. Here it is being used to make sure the walls are being built correctly. How can we build something correctly without the guidance of a plumb line−and how can we raise our children well without being focused totally on God? Our children are small beginnings−that have so much potential and God has a long-range plan for them. Today, I want to encourage you in your mothering/your parenting. As moms, we also at times will get discouraged. We sometimes



get tired and frustrated with our children. They don’t always do things perfectly the way we want. They don’t always say the right things. Gregg & I have four children, who are all grown up now, but I remember when they were small, the frustrations I sometimes had with them (Even now that they’re big, I sometimes have frustrations with them. I don’t think that parenting ever ends). But when they were little, sometimes I thought our family would never get through a meal without a glass of milk or water being spilt. Why couldn’t they maneuver around their place at the table without spilling something? Why couldn’t they always remember to wash their hands so that they didn’t make messy fingerprints on the walls? And for that matter, why couldn’t they always get their homework done on time?

heads on young shoulders.” You can’t make them knowledgeable and wise when they’re still so young. It takes time to grow them up.

Vancouver for Jessica’s treatment. “Don’t despise the day of small things” ... of small beginnings.

The GOOD NEWS is that God has a longrange plan. And he has unlimited power and resources to back it up. And when we acknowledge our weakness and submit everything totally to Him, then He can bless us with His strength and power. Not by our might or our power but by God’s spirit. At the time this passage was written, they had just begun the work on the temple−just the foundation. It was a small beginning. Verse 10 says, “Don’t despise the day of small things”−of small beginnings ....

God has the power to complete the work & He can help us in our task of becoming good parents, better parents.

Why did they sometimes say things that embarrassed us? I remember a time when we were home in Canada speaking in a church. It was on one of our breaks just before we returned to India to continue our service in mission there. At the end of our talk, the congregation was given the opportunity to ask us & our children questions. I was so proud of the way my children responded to many questions in such a mature way, and then one person asked my younger son (who was about 8 years old) “What are you looking forward to in going back to India? And he responded “I don’t want to go back to India. I like it here in Canada!” This was so embarrassing for us because we knew our kids liked India and were happy there. Why did he have to blurt out something like this in front of hundreds of people? Our kids don’t always say the things we expect.

The miracle of loaves & fishes−it was a small lunch−a small beginning−but when totally given to Jesus−and blessed by His hands, it was multiplied into a meal for 5000 people. He has unlimited resources.

No matter how hard we try to be good parents and teach them to do and say all the right things, it just doesn’t work because our might/our power is not enough. We need God to guide us through this big task of raising children−like the returning Jewish captives needed His power to help them rebuild the temple. But let’s remember that our kids are small beginnings ... sometimes when our kids were young we would be visiting our parents and these same little tiring and frustrating situations would happen and I remember my dad telling me, “Sylvia, you can’t put old

There are other examples of small beginnings in the Bible:

What about a small cloud? Remember how Elijah prayed for rain during the drought & sent his servant to go look towards the sea & the servant came back and told him there was a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea−a pretty small beginning before the heavy rain came. But God provided the rain that He promised. And what about a small faith−only the size of a mustard seed? But it is a faith that can move mountains. In 1998, Gregg & I had to return to Canada quite suddenly after our youngest daughter was diagnosed with a type of childhood cancer. Dealing with her disease was stressful enough, but we also had to look for work in order to support ourselves. As it turned out, the Lord opened up a job for Gregg teaching one class of 11th grade math to a group that no other teacher would work with. It was only one class−it was a small beginning−but the following year he was offered a full time teaching position and within another two years after that, he was offered the job of principal at one of the middle schools. That first class−was a small beginning, but the Lord eventually increased that work and blessed us with what we needed to stay in

But how does this happen? NOT by our might or our power BUT by His Spirit. God wanted the returning people to listen to His words and to keep a close relationship with Him. This is also good advice for us: We need to totally submit ourselves to God’s authority and teaching and pray for His guidance and wisdom if we are to become better parents. Deut 6: 4-7: Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Moses didn’t have the teachings of Jesus and the message of grace like we do−but he knew the importance of loving God and putting Him first ... of immersing the children in scripture, to receive God’s guidance. Later in Matthew, Jesus also told the people that the greatest commandment was to love God, to put Him first. Don’t despise the small things−for out of these, God, in His power, can grow great things. Don’t be frustrated and discouraged with your children−they are small beginnings−but with God’s guidance, you have the opportunity to grow up great men & women for God who will make a difference in our world through their testimonies of the saving power of Jesus Christ. Let’s be grateful for small beginnings−they give us an opportunity to see what God can do. Sylvia Faddegon Universitas Pelita Harapan lecturer, mother of four, wife of SPH Lippo Village JS Principal, and next year Grade 1 teacher at SPH Lippo Village



Mengalami Kehadiran dan Tuntunan Tuhan dalam Keluarga Kehadiran dan tuntunan Tuhan merupakan penentu utama, apakah keluarga yang kita bentuk adalah keluarga Kristiani yang diperkenan Allah. Allah merancang keluarga sedemikian rupa dengan maksud dan rencanaNya yang kekal.


LLAH mengaitkan seluruh rencana keselamatan dan penciptaanNya dengan fungsi keluarga. Kelemahan dan kegagalan fungsi keluarga menjadi penentu kegagalan rencana Allah dalam dan melalui keluarga tersebut. Melalui keluarga, anak-anak Allah dilahirkan dan dipersiapkan untuk menjadi partner-partner Allah yang akan mengerjakan pekerjaan baik yang sudah dipersiapkan Allah sebelumnya (Efesus 2:10). Ia ingin kita hidup di dalamnya. Artinya seluruh kehidupan kita seharusnya adalah kehidupan dalam konteks pengabdian terhadap kehendak dan rencana Allah tersebut karena: 1. Melalui dan di dalam keluarga, anak-anak Allah dititipkan dan dipercayakan Allah kepada kedua orangtua (Mazmur 127) untuk dididik, dipersiapkan untuk meresponi panggilan Allah sesuai dengan talenta/bakat masing-masing. Kalau anak tersebut diberi talenta untuk menjadi seorang dokter, misalnya maka kedua orangtua harus mempersiapkan anak tersebut untuk menjadi dokter yang nantinya berperan sebagai partner Allah yang dapat mengerjakan bidang kedokteran sesuai dengan rencana dan kehendak Allah. Kalau anak tersebut diberi talenta untuk menjadi seorang ekonom, maka kedua orangtua juga harus mempersiapkan anak tersebut untuk menemukan dan menghargai talenta ekonomi tersebut. Sehingga pada masa dewasanya dia dapat menjadi partner Allah yang akan mengerjakan bidang ekonomi dan membebaskan dunia ekonomi

dari jerat dosa dan kesia-siaan. Begitu juga halnya dengan setiap bidang kehidupan lain yang telah Allah ciptakan. Orang tua harus mempersiapkan setiap anak sesuai dengan talenta yang Allah berikan. Anak-anak bukanlah milik orangtua sehingga orangtua tidak berhak menentukan anak menjadi apa di kemudian harinya. Tugas orangtua hanyalah mempersiapkan dengan memberikan setiap anak bekal kebutuhankebutuhan primer anak, dari makanan yang sehat, lingkungan yang baik, kehidupan sosial yang sehat, cinta kasih yang lengkap termasuk penerimaan sebagai satu individu yang utuh dan berharga dan membimbing anak-anak mengenal Allah yang benar. Dengan hadirnya semua kebutuhan primer tersebut, jiwa anak akan berkembang menjadi manusia yang seutuhnya yang pada masa remajanya akan mengenali talenta/ bakat yang Allah berikan kepadanya. Talenta itu sendiri, setelah hadir dalam kehidupan manusia, terdiri dari dua bagian besar yaitu: a. Talenta yang dikehendaki Allah juga terbagi dua, yaitu: - Talenta yang fungsinya memanusiakan manusia seperti misalnya pendidikan, kedokteran, politik, musik, psikologi, dan seterusnya. - Talenta yang fungsinya untuk mengenali dan menggarap alam seperti keahlian dalam bidang fisika, matematika, kimia dan sebagainya yang melengkapi kehidupan manusia dengan hal-hal yang baik. b. Talenta yang diijinkan Allah yang sebenarnya hanya merupakan pelengkap atau variable kehidupan. Jenis-jenis talenta yang kedua ini diciptakan oleh anak-anak dunia dan sebenarnya tidak diberikan Allah. Misalnya bakat untuk menjadi pemain olahraga, kreativitas pengembang pabrik es krim, permen, dan sebagainya. Bakat-bakat ini fungsinya

Pdt. DR. Yakub Susabda

tidak membangun kehidupan manusia sebagai peta dan teladan Allah. Fungsinya sekali lagi hanyalah sebagai pelengkap hidup. Di samping itu, kehidupan manusia masih ditambah lagi dengan jenis pekerjaan yang dibiarkan Allah, yaitu jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang sumbernya dari Iblis dan tujuannya untuk menghancurkan umat manusia seperti misalnya pembuat dan pengedar narkoba, rumah perjudian, pelacuran, bahkan pabrik rokok. 2. Melalui pernikahan dan keluarga, suami istri ditempatkan Allah dalam konteks edukasi yang tak terhindarkan. Diharapkan melalui itulah mereka berdua tumbuh menjadi semakin dewasa dalam seluruh keutuhan hidupnya baik spiritual, emosional, sosial, dan intelektual sehingga mereka sendiripun siap menjadi partner-partner Allah yang meresponi setiap tantangan dan pertanggung jawaban hidup ini. Bahkan melalaui pernikahan dan keluarga, mereka berdua dapat mulai berkenalan dengan kasih Agape yaitu kasih Allah dalam Kristus Yesus yang menjadi satu-satunya pengharapan pembebasan dari kehidupan yang sia-sia. Allah mempunyai tujuan yang begitu mulia dalam pembentukan keluarga, Tujuan tersebut/God’s purpose tidak akan tercapai jikalau keluarga tidak mengalami kehadiran dan tuntunan Allah sendiri. Oleh sebab itu setiap keluarga Kristiani harus mengerti bagaimana kehadiran dan tuntunanNya betul-betul terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka. Untuk itu secara bertahap, mereka sebagai orang tua harus memahami cara kerja Allah dalam kehidupan mereka, yaitu: I. ALLAH BEKERJA MELALUI FAMILY ALTAR Family Altar adalah sarana yang secara sengaja diciptakan oleh keluarga untuk menjadi konteks kehadiran dan tuntunan Tuhan dalam kehidupan mereka (Mat. 18:20). Family

examples Altar bisa berbentuk FORMAL yaitu suatu kebaktian keluarga dimana seluruh keluarga berkumpul untuk membaca, memikirkan kebenaran firman Tuhan, berbagi beban dan saling mendoakan, maupun INFORMAL dimana interaksi dalam setiap konteks kehidupan diberi isi kebenaran firman Tuhan (Ulangan 6:4-9, Kolose 3:16). Untuk itu kedua orangtua seharusnya pribadi yang sudah dilahirkan baru oleh Roh Kudus, berada dalam proses progressive sanctification, dan berkepribadian dewasa sehingga mempunyai tanggung jawab dan konsistensi dalam menghadirkan Family Altar. Hanya individu Kristen yang dewasa yang mempunyai kepekaan rohani sehingga dapat memahami krusialitas kondisi setiap keluarga ditengah kehidupan yang berdosa ini. Merekalah yang akan dengan setia mempersiapkan diri setiap hari dan bahkan setiap saat sehingga tidak mengijinkan waktu menjadi waktu yang jahat (Efesus 5 : 16) Bagi mereka, waktu haruslah menjadi KAIROS atau waktunya Tuhan, dimana kebenaran firman Tuhan menuntun setiap langkap kehidupan mereka. II. ALLAH BEKERJA MELALUI INDIVIDU YANG SPRITUALLY MATURE James Fowler dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Stages of Faith” membagi orang beragama dalam tujuh fase. Dalam hal ini Fowler tidak

berbicara tentang “isi iman” yang tak dapat diukur. Ia berbicara tentang struktur jiwa manusia yang dapat dikenali dan responnya terhadap hal-hal rohani dapat diukur. Itulah yang dibicarakan dalam buku tersebut. Nah, memahami jiwa manusia yang menjadi konteks dan wadah kehadiran hal-hal rohani, Fowler menemukan betapa fase 0-III ternyata dimiliki oleh individu yang belum benarbenar memiliki kebutuhan untuk mengenal dan berinteraksi secara pribadi dengan Allah. Hanya individu dengan tahap yang cukup dewasa yaitu fase IV yang disebut sebagai Individuative Reflective Faith yang sudah mulai mempunyai kebutuhan dan pengalaman pribadi dengan Allah. Fase kedewasaan rohani inilah yang memungkinkan individu dapat mempunyai kepekaan pentingnya Family Altar dalam keluarga. Merekalah yang dapat menciptakan secara konsisten Family Altar baik yang formal maupun informal. III. ALLAH BEKERJA MELALUI INDIVIDU YANG PSYCHOLOGICALLY HEALTHY Mengalami kehadiran dan tuntunan Tuhan ternyata merupakan hal yang kompleks. Bayangkan saja individu dengan kelainan tertentu misalnya Neurotic, Psikotic, Personality Disorder yang seringkali tidak mengenal diri sendiri, tidak mampu menyadari apa yang sedang ia lakukan,

dan tidak mempu mengontrol kerja emosi, intelek, dan tingkah lakunya sendiri. Bagaimana mungkin individu seperti ini dapat menciptakan kondisi keluarga yang stabil dimana tingkah laku manusia dapat diteladani, mempunyai efek positif dan predictable. Jadi hal mengalami kehadiran dan tuntunan Allah merupakan hal yang kompleks dimana kondisi dan tanggung jawab orangtua begitu menentukan. Tanpa kedewasaan pribadi, kedewasaan rohani, dan kesehatan jiwa, tidak mungkin individu-individu Kristen sebagai orangtua dapat menciptakan kondisi keluarga dimana kehadiran dan tuntunan Tuhan dialami. Kiranya Allah Tritunggal yang memampukan kita semua menjadi orangtua yang dewasa dan bertanggung jawab untuk memenuhi panggilanNya. Segala kemuliaan bagi Allah Bapa, Allah Anak, dan Allah Roh Kudus. Disampaikan pada acara Fathers Gathering, Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta, 2 Mei 2009. Oleh: Pdt. DR. Yakub Susabda Rektor Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Reformed Injili Indonesia (STTRII) dan memiliki beban untuk Konseling Keluarga di Indonesia. Beliau memperlengkapi ratusan orang untuk menjadi konselor dengan memberikan training dan seminar secara rutin.

Early Childhood Education Seminar

w h a t ’s o n

by Jennifer Lotz, April 2009

Jennifer Lotz and SPH Lippo Village’s Teachers


Jennifer Lotz and Junior School’s Students



Developing a Christ Focused Family Question: How many people in the world understand the true nature of sin? Answer: None

“Do not focus on anything you love in this world more than you focus on Christ.”


ANY have been given the responsibility to raise a family and consider it as a privilege from God; however, it seems that the ignorance of planting a firm faith in Christ often leads to a fragile, broken family. Children being sent into orphanages, spouses bad-mouthing each other everyday and families not spending enough quality time together have become big, yet common problems, in the world today. The reason is simple. There is a deficiency of faith in Jesus Christ. God’s spirit is the one and only thing which is capable of keeping each and every one of us alive in harmony. Unless there is a solid foundation in God, no home can stand firm and exist without falling apart. Being a teenager is most likely the best time in everyone’s life. Parents: probably what went on in their minds in their teens was the most beautiful girl or the most charming guy in school. Then they would dream about getting married in the most romantic environment, having two or more kids and living the rest of their lives happily ever after like a Cinderella story. Sadly, they were dreaming for something that can only happen in a Disneyland where problems just do not exist and life there is as far it can be from reality. For life, as Marie Curie once said, “is not easy for any of us.”

Yes, it is no surprise that human beings fall into the temptation of sin every single day but what is worse is that when a man does not have any idea about Jesus. Many people we may and may not know, still believe the idea that divorce is only best solution known to man to fix any kind of family problem. Referring to the word ‘ethical’, divorce is a non-ethical act, because everyone knows yet denies the fact that the children they have will end up being raised in a broken home. If so, why has the separation of parents become an increasingly popular trend? This is where the word of God helps in building a neverending love for it is written: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate (Mark 10:7-9). Mark continues to warn us about the consequences in the following verses: When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery’ (Mark 10:10-12). Hence, it’s not just a matter of going to church every Sunday and read the Bible regularly, but it is our faith that determines how solid we are as individuals, specifically in tightening the bond with our family. It is ironic when a married couple who vowed to be faithful to each other in their Catholic wedding ceremony in front of eyewitnesses, decieve each other and then taint their marriage with disloyalty. Men must remember the time when pastors declare: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27). Women on the other hand should be able to recall the moment they were taught: For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now

as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything (Ephesians 5:23-34). The Holy Bible is not saying that obeying all these commandments is as easy as sucking our thumbs; instead it is saying that one must possess all the fruits of the Spirit, ”... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23). When a family is built upon such fundamental foundations, conflicts which would then cause division within the home is very unlikely to happen. Developing a family is exactly like planting a tree. Any fully grown tree starts out small as a seed which is planted in soil. But fertility alone is not enough to grow a large tree, it must be nurtured with sufficient water and sunlight. Suppose the plant is well taken care of, that plant will become a mature and beautiful tree. The determination in developing a family is similar. When a new father, mother and child live in a very privileged background like fertile soil, it does not guarantee the family to form a harmonic family because without faith in Christ like good nurturing, it is difficult for each member to bond a close relationship to each other. In a nutshell, all the things we do everyday should be based on God’s will for God has planned the best for us, and nothing we plan will better that of God’s. By being Christoriented we enable ourselves to see what Jesus has exemplified and how we should respond to that−by acknowledging what we are and are not supposed to do. We must not see life in despair. The Bible too, is an extraordinary book for it has the power to change the way we think and act. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Let Jesus come into the hearts of every single one of us and let His words give us wisdom to do what is good. Will there be obstacles and failures as we are trying to develop a Christ oriented family? Definitely. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Armando Sanir Chandra Grade 11, SPH Lippo Village

Developing a Christ Focused Family




Y family is a Christian family. We all have our focus and our work to prioritize. It is very hard to get together during weekdays and spend some time with the Lord. If we want to develop a Christ focused family, each member must be selfmotivated and must choose to make a conscious decision to spend time together and with the Lord. Usually I spend time with my family together and officially praising the Lord at special occasions (e.g. birthdays, Christmas), and at the Church. Well, being Christ focused can also mean our everyday personal work and activities are dedicated to God, and at the end of the day, we should share the day we had and thank the Lord as a family. Going to church weekly does not necessarily mean that we are a Christ focused family. To praise and honor him in everything we do is a reflection of us keeping ourselves focused on Him. I personally think to focus on Him means we think about Him and how we are to reflect God’s image, so that people can hopefully see the Lord’s reflection in our attitude. For example, God has taught us to be humble and not hateful when others are better than us. When people see God’s character somewhere inside us, that is an indication that we have put Him as our main focus in our life. I am mindful that a person, even someone insignificant such as me, can make a huge difference. From us and through Him, we can spread it to our Mom, Dad, siblings, and even our extended relatives. When a family can do this, I think it creates a stronger bond with all family members. We can always start from scratch, because everything that is good has a process and is never instant hence it is called developing. I think my family should start with reading the Bible once a week and try to understand the meaning of the scripture we read and try to apply it in our daily life. From there we can progressively learn to manage a fruitful life. Stephanie Anindita Hendarta Grade 7.3, SPH Lippo Village

1. CHRIST; the main focus for Christians, the main focus in Churches, and should be the main focus in our families. 2. Our family is a gift from God, both to our parents and to us. We are all given different families, each with its own uniqueness. 3. I was first introduced to the world by the welcoming voice of my Christian family. 4. Throughout the years, up and down situations have happened in my family’s spiritual life. We stopped going to church but by the grace of God we finally started going to church again. 5. It is important to understand God’s Word so we will see things biblically and base things on biblical views. 6. I started reading daily devotions in my room in the morning and praying my prayer to God in night. 7. Some people might think that it is difficult to read the Bible on a daily basis, but it is actually not. R.C. Sproul once said “Here, then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God’s Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy.” Each family should devote a special time of the day, doesn’t matter when, to connect with God. We all have time to go on Facebook, to chat in MSN, to play video games, to watch TV, but not enough time for God?! That’s blasphemy. Tara Nadya Calista Sudarpo Grade 7.5, SPH Lippo Village



The story of Maribelle Flores as told to Dan Fennell


T 6am on January 11th 1985 a boat carrying 40 passengers left my home island, Capul, in the Philippines, with my mother and four classmates: Margie, Virgie, Marilou and Edwin. I was an excited eleven year old intending to sit an entrance exam for the Philippines Science High School. The sea was raging so children were asked to sit at the bottom of the boat between the cargo. Suddenly the boat capsized. I heard someone scream for help. It was Ms. Morit, the school nurse. She could not swim however my uncle pulled her out of the water. Women and children were told to straddle the bottom of the boat. We were hopeful of being helped even as the raging San Bernardino Strait current took us towards Capul. After five hours of floating we saw a lighthouse. The women and children shouted for help but the man who was supposed to be on lighthouse duty was not there. The men tried to float the boat. Although they managed to right the boat it did not float. It sank! And so did our hearts. People struggled to stay calm. As the sunken boat lurched out of the water people swam to whichever side of the boat rose out of the sea. My mother said we should stay in the center of the boat, next to the mast. For the next twenty eight hours this is where we stayed. Six hours after the sinking people were becoming restless. Then came the first death−an old woman. My classmate, Margie, who had been swimming frantically back and forth suddenly tired, spread out her arms and breathed her last.

After nine hours lost at sea my classmates, Marilou and Edwin, were very weak. Around 4pm, as we neared the tip of another island, a white bird hovered above us. I called out, “Bird, please tell my father that we’re here!” The men thought of strategies to save us. Six men, including my uncle, decided to swim to the nearest island. They assured us they would find help. Only two survived. My uncle was not one of them.

I knew all of the people who died, including Mr. Levi, the high school music teacher. Strangely, I was not scared. I stayed close to my mother, next to the mast. We were hungry. Desperate for food I grabbed at coconuts that floated by. Sometimes I ate seaweed to fill my famished stomach. As dusk fell, a small ten

passenger fishing boat approached us. People swam towards it. I was one of them! As they were getting into the boat it started to capsize so the boatmen hit people with bamboo poles to stop them from sinking it! I thought to myself, “It’s a good thing I’m already in.” I looked for my mother but she wasn’t with me! She was still sitting on the sunken boat. I called for her to come but she didn’t respond. Frustrated, I swam back to her. Another boy was calling out to his father who had been able to reach the fishing boat. He begged his father to save him but his father said, “Just try your best to survive!” How could a father leave his son? Why didn’t he come back to save him? For the next two hours, that boy and I cried. His father had left him and I was frustrated that my mother had not come to me. Throughout the dark evening more people died from exhaustion, hunger and hypothermia. By next morning we had been in the sea for twenty four hours. Surrounded by death, no-one talked! Edwin lay on his mother’s lap. Marilou collapsed on her grandma’s lap. Both children were motionless. Out of forty passengers, only nine were alive: me, my mother, Marilou, her grandma and grandpa, Edwin and his mother, Mang Vicente, and the school nurse. If we stayed in the sea one more night no one would survive. Some people prayed. Edwin’s mother cried. Then, through the darkness, we saw something in the distance. Was it a boat? We waved and shouted. It disappeared. Then we saw it again. It was a boat−coming in our direction. It’s still the most awesome sight I’ve ever seen. That fishing boat stopped in front of us and fishermen let down a rope to pull us up out of the water. Sadly, my neighbour, Mang Vincente, died on the rescue boat that night. Three hours later we reached San Jacinto Island. Marilou died on the way to hospital and Edwin, my other classmate, died three days later. Of six survivors I was the only child to survive. After two days lost at sea, with no water, little sleep and only a few coconut crabs and seaweed for

food, I survived. I was rescued! King David said, “I will not die, but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.” (Psalm 118:17) This is my testimony. This Scripture is true because Jesus Christ has been raised from the Tomb. Jesus came to rescue us−not from the sea−but from something more dangerous−sin. We have an adversary−the Devil−who wants us to die and not live; to sin and not know God who forgives. While lost at sea I heard many distressing cries and saw many desperate people. I heard a father tell his son, “Just try your best to survive!” That’s what people say. “You can save yourself!” But like the little boy in the boat−we can’t. He couldn’t understand why his father did not save him? We don’t have to be like that little boy! God did not leave us but came to rescue us. God didn’t call down from heaven−“Just try your best to survive!” He sent His Son Jesus to save us from our sins. God tells us to turn from our sin and trust in Jesus the Savior. While others swam back and forth against the waves my mother and I did not waste our energy trying to save ourselves. Instead we stayed in the centre of the boat next to the mast. That was the safe place. That solid, strong piece of wood kept us from sinking beneath the waves. The Bible tells us that there is only one safe place to be saved. It’s the place where a piece of wood rose high into the sky on which our Lord Jesus Christ chose to die. Through the cross of Christ God deals with our disobedience and rescues us from sin. By the grace and mercy of God, I am alive. Have you come to God’s safe place−the Cross? Have you stopped trying to be a savior and instead trusted Jesus to be your Savior? You can do that today!



As a Christian educator, I always feel the tension suggested when considering how to help students live in this world, but be of and about the next world: namely, Heaven and God’s kingdom above. How do ordinary Christians live in this world without becoming Sarah Weider

trapped by it?

In the world, but not of the world


N my role as a Career Counselor at SPH, I value the opportunity to help students discover the answer to that question. As they explore their potential university choice and career path, it is important that parents, teachers, and leaders remind them that they are first here to serve God. Secondly, they are here to love their neighbor. If those things are kept in mind, then living IN but NOT OF the world is much clearer. Matthew chapter 22 tells us that when the Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him which commandment was the greatest, Jesus did not hesitate. He spoke clearly when he answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” This is our purpose whether our job is to be a business person, a geneticist, or an engineer. This may mean that as a professional you must make difficult choices. Choices like practicing ethical professional standards, choosing to preserve the sanctity of life within scientific practices, or closing a business on Sunday to remember the Sabbath. To a young person considering where to go for post-secondary education,

this may mean choosing a Christian university over a “prestigious” university. There are many ways to observe this commandment, but it must be the force behind which all other choices are made. Jesus goes on to say, “And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.” This is also our purpose no matter what major we choose to pursue, be it Education, Journalism, or Politics, it can be an avenue through which to serve and love your neighbor. This, too, can be a challenge. A teacher must struggle to love all their students in this way, a journalist should choose to use their power to uplift, rather than degrade, humankind, and a politician is to work for constituents’ best interest rather than their own financial gain. It is when we look back to Jesus that we understand our role here and we are better able to avoid being caught up in the trappings of this world. As our Senior School students begin to discover the many career paths that they could pursue, this community must constantly remind them that they should

make plans through prayer and careful consideration of their God-given talents. Perhaps following a certain path will lead to wealth and renown, maybe another path will not. This matters little if we are living in but NOT OF the world. Perhaps the best we can do is to follow the instructions from Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” We pray that the students of SPH today will be the Christian business men and women of tomorrow, the Christian teachers in schools around Indonesia, or the Christian engineers that build the next SPH! While we can be proud of those students’ professional accomplishments, it matters still more that they are walking with their feet in this world and their heart in the next. Christians are not here to love the world, but rather to share Christ’s love with a broken people. We have a job to do here in this transient place. But, thanks be to God, our HOME is eternity in Heaven. Sarah Weider IB Counselor SPH Lippo Village

The Light of My Life why would we need to doubt? He is often called Son of Man, and he has characteristics of a perfectly normal human being. For example, Jesus has always been God, but had not always been man. Therefore, the coming of Jesus was the birth of a baby from a human (Luke 2:7). Jesus experienced weariness (John 2:6), thirst (John 19:28), hunger (Matthew 4:2), and he had human emotions, such as amazement (Matthew 8:10), sadness (John 11:25) and sorrow (Matthew 26:38). Not to forget, Jesus had a human body (Luke 24:39) and a human mind (Luke 2:2). When Jesus was nailed onto the cross, He experienced the pain and suffering that a normal human being would have. Brea Salim

Jesus has always been one of the most influential people in human history. His presence and his entire being have always made people entirely confused−Is He man, or is He God? And if He is not either one, how can He be both? The true answer, as always, can be found in the verses of the Scriptures, and strangely, in light. The dual being of light−it is a particle and a wave at the same time−is similar to how Jesus can be 100% God and 100% man at the same time, and if we look closely, Jesus and light have more likeness than we may realize.


EOPLE have always doubted the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. Many believe that Jesus was merely a great prophet, but nothing more than that. In reality, we know that Jesus is not only like God in all his ways, but IS God. It can be clearly seen by how Jesus acts, how He does everything everyday. DesiringGod website states how Jesus has God’s characteristics−he knows everything (Matthew 18:20), has all power (Matthew 8:26-27), rules over everything (Matthew 28:18), calms the storm (Mark 5:41), and is our creator (Colossians 1:16). We even see through Jesus’ baptism that God the Father was pleased with Him, announcing that “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). Keep in mind that this was the God whom Abraham, Isaac and Moses believed in−and if he Himself announces His Son to the world,

“Both natures that are represented in Scripture as constituting “one thing”, that is, as united in one person” (“How”). Jesus wasn’t 50% man, or 50% God, but he was 100% God and 100% man at the same time. When you see the face of Jesus, your eyes are looking upon the face of God in a human body. This is the dual being of Jesus−being God and man at the same time. In the 1800s, light was said to be a wave, and it was proven by Thomas Young. Light was shone through two narrow slits. If light was only a particle, it would only create two stripes. If it were a wave, it would create many patterns. And the result was of course, many patterns. This was called the interference pattern. James Clerk Maxwell then said that light is an electromagnetic wave. Light also shares the same characteristics like other waves, such as having wavelength, frequency, amplitude. It also travels through empty space. On the other hand, Einstein proved that light is a particle. His experiment was that when light is shone on a metal surface, electrons are reflected back. This is called photo electric effect. If light was a wave, some things that happen in the photo electric effect is impossible. However, if light was a particle, the photo electric effect would make perfect sense. This theory of Einstein was then tested and proven correct by Robert Milikan. The question now is−is it a particle or is it a wave? The answer is that it is neither. “Light

behaves as a wave, or as particles, depending on what we do with it, and what we try to observe.” (“Wave”). In 1924, Louis de Broglie created a theory called the Wave-Particle Duality, which consisted of:  Particles have a mass and they travel along a wave  Light is a combination of wave and particle  Under certain conditions, light behaves like a wave, and under certain conditions, it also behaves like a particle. Therefore, light is said to be both wave and particle. After doing a lot of research, I realize that Jesus has more similarities to light than we realize. Jesus is like light, in His characteristics, being two things at once. Both of these duality beings cause confusion and controversies. Which one is correct. But after much research, we discover that Jesus and light are both two things at once. And as we all know, the biggest similarity is that Jesus is the light of the world. In John 8:12, Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jesus is indeed the light of the world−because He has made our dark world, full of pain, agony, hate, and evil, so much brighter, with His love, His care, His words, and most importantly, with His life and His testimony on the cross. And for that, I thank you Jesus, for being the light of my life. Brea Salim SPH Lippo Village Grade 9.2 Bibliography: • “How can Jesus be God and man?” Desiring God. < askpastorjohn/bytopic/46/1796_how_can_Jesus_ be_both_god_and_man/> • Walker, Jearl. “Light.” World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book Inc., 2005. • “Wave particle duality light.” Morningside. 18 December 2008. < slaven/physics/uncertainty/uncertainty2.html>. • “Wave−Particle Duality: Electrons.” Morningside. 18 December 2008. < slaven/physics/uncertainty/uncertainty3.html>. • Saltsman, Eric. “Light: Wave or Particle?” Geocities. 18 December 2008. <http://www.>.



The Christ Centred Home By Dan & Diane Fennell

A little boy walked home with his father as the afternoon rain prepared to flood around their feet. Returning from watching his sister play in a school soccer tournament the boy gasped as the first drops of rain hit his head. Afraid, he instinctively drew closer to his father’s side under their umbrella. He found strength and security in holding his father’s hand. No matter how dark the sky or how hard the rain, he would get home. Dan & Diane Fennell


HILDREN are designed to find safety and security in their parents. God’s gift of family is given to secure children in love and strengthen children for life. Family is a covenant community where the love of God is made visible and verbal. Martin Luther said that “Marriage is God’s best way of explaining himself”. Since God is invisible and intangible family relationships are a window through which He pours His love so that we can understand His love. God desires that marriage and family life deepen faith and display forgiveness. When the world looks at a Christian family they are looking into the face of God. Today the Christian home, where Christ is honored as Lord and biblical principles are learned and lived, is in difficulty. Contemporary families are more often merely casual acquaintances rather than a committed community. The dinner table−once the meeting place where families could share the joys and difficulties of the day−and pray−is today more like a MacDonald’s take-away. Children infrequently eat meals with their parents. Many have noone to share their heartaches or hopes. The empty table is a sign of a weakened family. But this need not be! There is hope! When the New Testament speaks of hope it means “a sure and certain hope, a confident

looking forward to something that is definitely going to happen. The focus of this hope is Jesus Christ” (Andrew Clark, Closer to God). With Christ at the centre of a family there is healing and hope. In Jesus a family can know the unity and community that God Himself−Father, Son and Spirit−possesses and provides. When parents trust in Jesus to forgive their sin they live in Christ and for Christ. As parents continue to love their children unconditionally (not with presents but with presence) children see the reality of God’s life and love. This is a Christian philosophy of a Christcentred family. But what does it look like in practice? The following strategies might help you to build a Christian home.  Lead your children to believe in Christ. Teach them God’s Word. Pray for them. Teach Scripture through songs. Decorate your home with Scripture.  Plan time to talk−to share−to show your children that you care−and for fun! Don’t let children think they are being squeezed into your schedule. Show them their significance!  Always (as far as is possible) eat the evening meal together. Plan no meetings. Turn off the television. Take

no phone calls. Make this meal a non negotiable time to dine together.  Tell what God has done and is doing in your life. Don’t talk as if God doesn’t exist! “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so…” (Psalm 107:2).  Maintain your daily quiet time for prayer and Bible study.  Set and maintain boundaries for behavior that are fair and which fit the age of the child. Be consistent. Children find freedom within boundaries set by parents who they know genuinely care.  Make travel time constructive. Redeem the time you spend on the road. Read a Psalm while traveling to church. Talk about God’s truth rather than complaining about traffic!  Invite others into your home. Children need to see the blessing of Christian hospitality. “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3-4)


special report

How To Do Well in Class? Wong Su Jan−Grade 10-12 Math teacher, Grade 8 Technology teacher, Year 10 Level Coordinator−Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village There are many ways that students can do well in class such as: 1. Have the right attitude towards the learning. No matter how hard you try, if you don’t have a good attitude towards the subjects/topics or the teacher, the students will not be successful. 2. I try to explain clearly the concepts of the topics I teach. I allocate a lot of time for students to grasp the concept. In this case, students need to take some time to understand the concepts. They should begin with the daily life application of the topics. For example, if they study linear programming, they may start thinking that they can use this method to optimize profit in a company. With that in mind, it will be easier to focus their minds on understanding the concepts. 3. Once they understand the concept(s), practice will be the BIG difference between top students and mediocre students. I give my students a lot of exercises to do that they often complain about. I simply explain that Math cannot be memorized, we have to practice doing the exercises. By doing that, students will automatically remember the formula well without taking too much time to memorize it. 4. Learning is not an individual activity. Most of the time, learning is a group activity. I usually start a discussion with a challenging question. In this case, I encourage my students to participate in a class discussion to both solidify their understanding as well as sharpening others’ skills. The more you help people to understand a particular concept, you will solidify your own mathematical knowledge. 5. Use basic concepts when calculating, without using calculators, such as distributive law. For example to count 21x35 easily just count 35x20 then adds 35. I call this the Donkey Bridge Method (Metode Jembatan Keledai). Or to count 37x33, we can use the method (35 - 2) x (35 + 2) therefore, we count 352 - 4 which is 1225 - 4 becomes 1221. 6. Sometimes even the top students have difficulty. In this case, I welcome anyone to come to see me for help. I communicate to my students that I am available during lunch twice a week and I encourage my students to take this opportunity. Students need to be proactive to seek help when necessary, either from peers or from teachers; be humble to seek help to enrich their knowledge. 7. Sometimes, I use a different approach to teach my students, that is using technology. This is one of my favourite approaches. For example, using computer software to sketch a graph and show simulation to solidify their understanding. 8. If the students have a good opportunity, I encourage them to apply it in their daily life themselves, not just hearing it from other people. By doing so, they will internalize what they have learned. Therefore, they learn for their life, not just by getting a high score. Rebecca Metcalfe−Grade 8 English & Humanities teacher & Middle Years Programme (MYP) Coordinator−Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village How to do well in class? Students need to come prepared to: • move to a new class location for each period, • use lockers, • speak in English for all subjects (except Bahasa Indonesia), • actively raise their hands and speak in class, offering opinions and asking questions for clarification • work on projects collaboratively with others, • give presentations, working on using a clear, loud, confident presentation voice • do research and write essays with guidance, • use an agenda or small notebook to record homework deadlines and create a daily homework plan, • write reflections on their learning (information and skills), and • get involved with Community & Service. What to do outside of class to help you succeed better in class? Students need to prepare to: • reserve video games, casual television viewing, movies, Facebook, social phone calling and any other distractions for weekends only, • watch fifteen minutes of news from the television nightly to make them aware of local and international headlines, • read from an English book every night for homework, a minimum of 20 minutes, • seek help from teachers outside of class time, if they have questions or need clarification about new information or the expectations of

special report

How To Do Well in Class? Judy Comrie−Grade 11, 12 History teacher & Professional Development Director−Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village 1. Engage! Engage! Engage! To be successful in any class, you must be interested in what you are learning. Ask questions! Challenge assumptions! Discuss with your classmates and your teachers! Read and learn as much as you can about your topics outside of classroom lessons. 2. Get organized! Keep a notebook that is set aside especially for that particular subject. Keep your notes and work well labeled and in order. File all your handouts carefully. Keep your study space clean and organized as well. Make sure you use an agenda to keep track of due dates for assignments. 3. Review frequently−studies show that if you review a new idea or piece of information within 24 hours of first hearing it, the chances of you remembering it will be much better. Quizzing yourself on the material is also an excellent way to review. 4. Try to position yourself wisely in the classroom. Sit where you won’t be distracted by other students or outside influences that may distract you from the lesson. Sit with other students that are motivated learners. 5. Take initiative for your own learning. If you are having trouble with a certain topic, or need some extra help, go and see your teacher, don’t fall further behind. 6. Attitude makes all the difference. We live in an amazingly complex and interesting world that we can learn so much about−never lose that sense of awe for learning more and more!

Romandito Mahendrayudha−Grade 10-12 Information Technology teacher−Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village Generally speaking a person who does well in the class is a person who has a purpose in his life. A student who has MIGHT character. M = Motivation. Find what is motivating you to become a good student? Explore your uniqueness and find out what motivates you. Several possible motivational sources: • Reward, i.e. recognition from friends, pocket money increase, gift from parents, being accepted. • Fear, i.e. if I do not do my best my parents will be angry or will cut my pocket money. • God. I want to give my best to God because He gave His best in Jesus. I = Intelligence. Increase your intelligence by preparing and concentrating in class. Several tricks to increase your concentration (SALE trick) • Sleep enough … some of my students sleep in class. • Alert (stay alert). • Listen to the instructions carefully. • Eat enough but not too much (or you become sleepy). G = God directed. The best and the most powerful motivation is God−centered motivation. H = Humble. Have a heart to learn. T = Teachable. Be prepare to participate in the class by having an excellent attitude.



special report

Inventions Inspired by Nature Membentuk anak-anak untuk hidup sebagai garam dan terang dunia dimana keberadaannya mampu menghadirkan makna dan arah hidup kepada banyak orang melalui pemikiran, sikap serta perilaku, itulah filosofi yang mendasari kegiatan ‘inventions inspired by nature’ kelas 3 SD SPH Sentul City.

orang dewasa secara terbatas dan sebagian besar proses penciptaannya harus dilakukan di sekolah,” ujar Putri. Sebagai tugas akhir, murid-murid kelas tiga SD SPH Sentul City harus mempresentasikan penemuan mereka pada orang lain, yaitu guru-guru, siswa-siswi dari kelas lain, orangtua murid ataupun para tamu sekolah yang datang ke exhibition ini.

ISEBUTKAN Putri Y. Adian, guru kelas 3 SD SPH Sentul, para siswa kelas tiga SD SPH Sentul City baru saja selesai mengadakan sebuah mini exhibition sebagai tugas akhir pelajaran Unit of Inquiry yang bertema From Nature To Technological World.

Persiapan sebelum acara tersebut digelar tidaklah mudah. Para siswa dituntut berpikir kreatif dan kritis karena mereka harus melakukan research terlebih dahulu dan harus siap ditanya serta dikritik oleh temanteman sekelas. Setelah itu, mereka juga harus membuat suatu laporan ilmiah dan percobaan-percobaan.

“Dalam kegiatan ini, siswa-siswi kelas tiga menciptakan sesuatu yang berguna untuk membantu manusia pada saat-saat tertentu. Mereka tidak boleh membuat sesuatu yang sudah diciptakan, dan lagi penemuan tersebut insipirasinya harus didapatkan dari alam. Selain itu masih ada syarat-syarat dan kondisi-kondisi lain yang mereka harus penuhi, misalnya hanya boleh dibantu oleh

Akhirnya pada Kamis, 23 April 2009, pukul 10.00 hingga 14.00 WIB, kegiatan pun berlangsung dengan sukses dan meriah. Murid-murid siap di posisi masing-masing dan tamu-tamu datang silih berganti. Tampak semua murid kelas tiga pun mampu menghadapi pertanyaan dari para tamu yang bertubi-tubi. Namun dengan percaya diri, para siswa mencoba menjawab serta


menjelaskan hasil karya temuannya. Tamutamu pun tampak sangat tertarik dan kagum dengan hasil-hasil penemuan murid kelas tiga SD SPH Sentul ini. Ada beberapa penemuan yang menarik dalam acara ini, misalnya AC tanpa freon oleh Rezano dan Rafael. Mereka terispirasi dari alam yang semakin panas dan semakin tingginya global warming yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh freon yang terkandung dalam alat-alat pendingin. Ada juga hasil karya berupa topi yang dilengkapi dengan botol minum dan madu dari bunga untuk menghilangkan rasa haus saat tersesat di hutan yang dibuat oleh Samuel dan Arya. Serta Pouch−kantung kanguru oleh Nadia dan Cika. Dan masih banyak lagi penemuanpenemuan menarik dan bermanfaat lainnya yang bisa dilihat di exhibition ini. Semua pihak yang terlibat tampak puas atas keberhasilan kegiatan yang dapat memacu SPH Sentul City mengambil bagian dalam mempersiapkan calon pemimpin-pelayan yang berdaya cipta pembaharuan (inovatif ) bagi hidup generasi Indonesia di masa depan menurut kehendak Kristus dan sesuai perkembangan zaman.

special report


2009 International Honor Orchestra Festival “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.” (Matthew 25:14-16 New International Version)


HE Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) was founded in May 1975 by Richard and Georgia Bassett in England. Believing in the transcendent power of musical pursuit, AMIS has held International Honor Festivals for Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Orchestra, Solo and Ensemble. The first International Honor Orchestra (IHO) Festival was held in 1990 and has since included students from international schools in Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Central America. In 2007, SPH Lippo Village became the first school in Indonesia that was admitted into AMIS IHO Festival. SPH has so far participated in three IHO Festivals held in Beijing (2007), Brussels (2008) and Singapore (2009). Although a high number of students auditioned, only a select few were admitted by AMIS adjudicators into the Senior Honor Orchestra (Grades 9-12) or Junior Honor Orchestra (Grades 6-8). This year, Tatiana Putri Budiono (Grade 10) and Nathaniel Anthony Mailoa (Grade 9) became part of the 129 honor students from 33 schools in the International Honor Orchestra Festival held on February 5-7 at the Singapore American School, Singapore. The Festival was as promised in the AMIS 20082009 Season handbook: “rigorous discipline to pursue performing and learning experiences where high standards define success.” Students rehearsed up to six hours a day, watched a performance by a professional chamber group T’ang Quartet, and attended a lecture-recital on Paganini’s Caprices by the acclaimed violinist and Rhodes scholar Jack Glatzer.

There were also opportunities to engage in other activities. The host school organized for students and music directors, a tour to the Night Safari at Singapore Zoological Gardens. On another day, participants were given 90 minutes to participate in Wall Climbing, High and Low Ropes Course, Gamelan Class, or watch an International Rugby Tournament.

Conductor Phillip Green rehearsing with the Combined Honor Orchestra

Music directors too were given a number of professional development opportunities through a number of rehearsal assignments, workshops, and discussions. The culmination of the Festival was the concert on Saturday February 7. Close to 800 people filled the audience seats. Lorraine Davis was the guest conductor for the Junior Honor Orchestra, and Phillip Green conducted the Senior Honor Orchestra. Each orchestra performed works from various style periods. As a Finale, both orchestras were combined to perform the premiere of a composition specially commissioned for the Festival: The Lion City by Soon Hee Newbold.

Nathan and family with host family the Hardys

The International Honor Orchestra Festival provided a fulfilling experience for students and teachers. IHO has created a community where people of various cultures and backgrounds learn and share in a positive music making experience. Participants learned to be God’s stewards of excellence, and enjoyed the richness of God’s love and grace in learning and relating in an international community. Naturally sacrifices were made to achieve this. AMIS stated, “In opening oneself through music to fully communicate that which cannot be put into words, young musicians must move past the barriers that can otherwise define the adolescent experience.”

Getting ready for IHO Concert

Nevertheless years of discipline and sacrifice have their rewards. Nathaniel Mailoa, who has participated in three IHO Festivals, said, “Seeing other players with their superb skills motivated me to go to the Festival this year … I knew the rehearsals would be even more intense, but I still wanted to be a part of it. The experiences I got from these festivals are priceless.” Anita Tan Music Teacher SPH Lippo Village Night Safari at Singapore Zoological Gardens


special report

Responding to God’s Call “The responsible person seeks to make his or her whole life a response to the question and call of God.” −Dietrich Bonhoeffer


ACK in December of 2004, Karin and I heard the horrific news of the tsunami which hit Indoensia. We both were significantly impacted by what we had seen and heard, and we were both deeply moved. For eight years Karin and I had served in Christian organizations in the United States and had set down roots. In December of 2004 we knew that God was calling us to leave our home and return overseas. In January of 2005 we spoke to Darrell van Luchene, and it was clear where God was calling us. In July of 2005 we first arrived in Indonesia. My wife and two children (Gavin and Elena) and I have been blessed to serve alongside so many wonderful people here in Indonesia for the past four years. The time has gone by so quickly, and it will be sad to say goodbye. My family and I will now serve at a Christian school in Shanghai named Concordia International School Shanghai. (Minny Riady’s children attend this school.) Before I leave Indonesia I would like to share with you God’s Word. These are some of my favorite Bible passages. Over the past four years I have shared these Bible verses with the faculty and staff and with the parents and students of SPH Lippo Cikarang. These words have blessed me in my life, and I know they will bless you too. The first verse I would like to share with you is from the book of Micah. In Micah chapter 6 verse 8 it says, “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” God calls us to these high standards. I believe that our families and our school communities will be greatly blessed if every person were to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. With God’s help and guidance I personally hope to become more Christ-like each and every day. Please pray to God that He too will help you to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly.

A second verse that has impacted my life is from Colossians chapter 3 verses 12-14, “... clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity”. God calls us to be people of compassion, of kindness, of humility, of gentleness, and of patience. God calls us to be forgiving and to love one another. Is there someone in your life right now who needs your forgiveness? Or, do you need to go to someone and ask for forgiveness? Please pray that God will help you to be more compassionate, kinder, humbler, gentler, more patient, more forgiving, and more loving. A third verse that I have always found comforting is from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. These words from God show us His love for you and me. God is calling each one of us to have a relationship with Him, to have a future with Him in Heaven. I know that God also has a plan to bless the SPH Community. Please remember that God loves you and your children. Put your trust in Jesus Christ today. It has truly been an honor to serve at SPH Lippo Cikarang as Head of School. I would like to thank the Pelita Harapan Foundation for the opportunity to come and lead one of the best schools in Indonesia. In addition, I would like to thank the Founders Dr. Johannes Oentoro and Dr. James Riady for responding to God’s call to begin the Pelita Harapan Foundation. Moreover, I would like to thank Mr. Brian Cox and Mrs. Aileen Riady for their continued leadership and commitment to the Vision and Mission of the Foundation. Please continue to pray for the leaders of the Pelita Harapan Foundation. Pray that God will continue to guide them as they seek to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.

exciting to be part of the team that helped the school become an IB World School. Now we are authorized in the Diploma Program and Primary Years Program. Truly it was a team effort! More importantly, thank you for all working together and praying together to have a school with a strong Christian ethos. Thank you for your professionalism, your love, your support, and your prayers. Thank you for your friendship. I will miss you all greatly. Thank you, my SPH Lippo Cikarang Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I am very excited that Ms. Amy Jungemann will be the next Head of School. She is a highly qualified educator who loves her Lord Jesus Christ. Please give her your full support and keep her in your prayers as she leads the school to even higher levels. My hopes are that Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Cikarang will continue to grow and develop each and every year. It is my hope that the school will stay true to the Vision and Mission of the Pelita Harapan Foundation. I am confident that SPH Lippo Cikarang will continue to reach higher and higher levels of excellence! Thank you, God bless you, stay true to the Vision and Mission, and stay in touch! In Christ, Eric Semler

Finally, I would like to thank my brothers and sisters at SPH Lippo Cikarang for their love and support these past four years. It’s been Eric Semler

special report


Service Quality Award 2009


EKOLAH Pelita Harapan receives “Diamond” Service Quality Award 2009 for “National Plus School Services” category. The award was presented by Carre (Centre of Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty) and Majalah Marketing on 7 May 2009 at Mulia Hotel, Jakarta.

testimonial Ms. Amy Jungemann−New Head of School for SPH Lippo Cikarang

New Head of School

for SPH Lippo Cikarang


HE appointment of a new Head of School for SPH Lippo Cikarang has been met with enthusiastic approval by that school community. Although Eric Semler, Cikarang’s current Head of School will be greatly missed as he continues his educational ministry in Shanghai he has every reason to feel confident about leaving the leadership of the school in the hands of Ms. Amy Jungemann. Amy brings to this position 14 years of experience in teaching and school administration. Coming from the USA, Amy has been part of the SPH Cikarang community since the 2005-2006 school year when she arrived in Indonesia to teach grade 4. Since then, she has continued to teach in the Junior School, as well as take on various new leadership roles. In particular, Amy has distinguished herself in her role as the PYP Curriculum Coordinator, for which her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction prepared her well. More than just her professional diligence and skill however, Amy also contributes significantly to the warm relational aspect of the school. Amy is a woman who loves the Lord Jesus and allows the love of God to flow from her through her dedication to excellence in her work, as well as her dedication to building relationship with the people around her. We look forward to the continued contribution that Amy makes to the campus of Cikarang, as well as to the wider SPH Foundation.


Bpk. Johannes Go, Ethan, Ibu Emmy

ITEMUI saat Junior School Parent Teacher Conference, Bapak Johannes Go dan Ibu Emmy memberikan kesan atas adaptasi sekolah puteranya Ethan Timoteo Go yang bergabung di SPH Lippo Village pada bulan Juli 2008. Saat ini Ethan duduk di Grade 5, merupakan siswa pindahan dari SD Kristus Raja I, Sorong, Papua Barat. “Adaptasi pertama agak sulit karena berbeda kurikulum, lingkungan, cara mengajar dan keterbatasan dalam bahasa Inggris. Tetapi setelah tiga bulan, bahasa Inggris sudah berkembang banyak, cara membawa diri dan mengekspresikan diri lebih baik, lebih kelihatan percaya diri. Juga di SPH diharapkan lebih banyak keterlibatan orang tua.”


special report

Mourning into Joy By Andrew Darmawan, Student Council President 2009-2010

On April 4th, 2009; Melvin Joel Tanubrata, the only son of Pak Lucky Tanubrata was called home by the Father. Melvin’ life has been a life marked by great struggles endured not only by himself but also by the members of his family.


OR a period of approximately 8 months, this small, close-knit family persevered, prayed, and above all, trusted that His will be done. Melvin was hospitalized for 47 stays. He was moved three times in two hospitals, two times in Intensive Care Units. What initially was an already drastic deterioration of both his heart valves and an infection in the lungs was followed by a sudden bleeding in the brain on October 18th, 2008. Following a successful brain operation, his two broken heart valves were was still in need of repairing. Complication after complication arose but by good providence, Melvin’s last few months were spent at home, where he showed good progress. He was able to be the joy and delight of his family as he had always been since the day he was born. In spite of their ability to have overcome such a difficult and distressing situation, Pak Lucky still had impending payments of about 230 million rupiah in medical fees, a substantially large cost for the treatment of his son. The Sekolah Pelita Harapan community through a collaborative effort by the teachers, students, and staff has been able to cover around 70% of that cost. The cheque was presented to Pak Lucky on Monday, June 11th by the Senior

School Student Council on behalf of the school. Pak Lucky is a very humble man, a true servant of Christ. His passion for education and his great faith in God are seen in the way he has dealt with his grief. It cannot be ignored that the death of a loved one is indeed saddening. In spite of that, Pak Lucky has channelled that great passion and love for his son to the thousands of other “Melvin’s” out there. Pak Lucky feels that he still has much to do and has dedicated his life to his new children−the children of Indonesia. This experience has taught him that sadness can easily turn to joy. The loss of his only son has not hampered him from doing as much as he can for others, particularly the potential students who live in remote areas all around Indonesia. Pak Lucky is a living example of how a powerful faith in Christ, coupled with Godly character can overcome even the most difficult of situations. He bears witness to how the Lord can turn “mourning into joy” as seen in Jeremiah 31. One day, Pak Lucky will see his only son again, and the experience will truly be like what Jesus described, “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” (John 16:22)

Lucky Tanubrata

SPH Lippo Village Student Council and Pak Lucky

w h a t ’s o n


SPH Lippo Cikarang Easter Day

SP H Sen tul City Pictionary Event, A p ril 2009

April 1st, 2009

SPH Lippo Cikarang International Day March 25th, 2009

SPH Sentul City International Day March 18th, 2009


book corner


LIFE ON THE EDGE A Young Adult’s Guide to a Meaningful Future By DR. James Dobson, James Dobson (under Zondervan), 1995 Life on the edge is a book that helps young adults make right choices, get control of their lives, and look forward to a meaningful future. For a generation searching for significance, that is good news indeed. This book also tells how the relationship between the youth and their parents should be in God’s way. The roles of the family to teach their young about lifelong love, power, emotions love must be tough to Psalm 103:13: As a father has compassion on his children, so The LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. Teach your children (Matt 6:33); seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. God is like a father to His children. He loves them more than can understand, but He also expects them to be obedient to His will, it is still true! Remember also that scripture warns us to “lean not on your own understanding” (Prov.3:5), Trust this Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Opening Your Child’s Spiritual Windows Ideas to Nurture Your Child’s Relationship with God By Cheri Fuller, Zondervan, 2001 The greatest gift you can give to your son or daughter is a deep, authentic relationship with God. God created your child to be naturally curious about spiritual matters. This book will explain about twelve spiritual windows at different times and in different ways. Each is a vital part of your child’s spiritual journey through four important areas of growth: enjoying God, loving God, following God, and serving God. You can strengthen these areas in your child by learning how to respond to the: Enjoying God window; wonder window; worship window; loving God window; Bible window; prayer window; ownership window; obedience window; Church window; Joy of helping window; Spiritual gifts window; Heritage window. This book tells you that the power to abide in Christ and spiritually parent our children, along with doing all He’s called us to, isn’t something we can do in our strength of good intentions, but only by praying for them (and ourselves as parent) and depending on GOD. So, encourage you (parents) to commit yourself to being a praying parents, because there’s never a time they don’t need our prayers.

My dream

That Indonesian has a good health system that cares for poor people.

Faith in Christ

SPH, has given me a sound foundation in faith and morality. Faith in Christ, the Saviour, morality in doing what is right and strength to overcome temptation. I will serve God in caring for other people. Gracia Bungaran (Graduated from SPH Lippo Village 2008) Universitas Pelita Harapan - Medicine

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