The Light 2009 Volume 13

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True Knowledge | Faith in Christ | Godly Character

13th Edition/2009

contents Editorial Team

13th Edition/2009

PUBLISHER Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan

4 Suffering and Hardship By Brian Cox

ADVISOR Brian Cox, Aileen H. Riady

8 The hard way is probably the right way! By Dwight Olney

6 The Suffering of Christ and the Sovereignty of God By John Piper 10 Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character;


and character, hope By Doug Wielenga

EDITOR & TRANSLATOR Budi Alto, Anita Purwanti, Maureen Cox

12 Goodbye Gall Bladder .... By Maureen Cox

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Iwan Werlin PHOTOGRAPHER Hariyanto, Clifford, Andreas

11 SPH Vision Day Reflection: Suffering By Syamsul Tukiman 13 Interview with Pak Edward Purba By Jennifer Novita, Grade 12 20 PAG: View from the Mountain Top By Tiurida Hutabarat 21 In Memoriam: Irene Maya Hambali Ishak By Ronald Ishak 22 The Foster-Parent’s Visitation By Isabella Tirtowalujo 23 What’s On

Address 2500 Bulevar Palem Raya, Lippo Village Tangerang 15811, Banten Phone: (021) 546 0232-33 Fax: (021) 546 9663

27 Book Corner

Middle School Students’ Reflections:

Through Hardship to Hope

COVER: Valentina Brandetti (Kindergarten 2, SPH Lippo Village) LOCATION: SPH Lippo Village PHOTOGRAPHER: Hariyanto

K-3 SPH Lippo Village Batik Day (October 2nd, 2009)



Suffering and Hardship This year we are focusing upon the third aspect of our Vision Statement “Godly Character”. It would be very simplistic of us to try to identify “Godly Characteristics” and try to incorporate those into our lives. If it were that simple, then we would have no need of a Savior. The truth is that we can only genuinely reflect Godly character, when we are indwelt by the person of Jesus Christ. Then his character will flow out of us. Romans 5:1-6 spells out how character is developed within us. This passage includes: “…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope…” It seems that God intends that suffering will be something that will form our character. tyrannize, exploit and abuse one another. We sometimes cause ourselves pain by resisting discipline–by pulling away from the chastisement of parents or the discipline of God. A child that pulls against the direction in which they are being appropriately and correctly led will cause themselves pain and tension as they attempt to rebel against wise guidance.

Brian Cox

Head of School Pelita Harapan Lippo Village Coordinator of Pelita Harapan Schools


HERE are many possible reasons for hardship and suffering in our lives. Often we experience some pain because of our own unwise decisions and actions. There is a sense in which we “reap what we sow’. We should not be surprised that when we neglect family members they become estranged from us; or if we smoke that we end up with lung disease. This suffering is simply an outcome of our choices. Some suffering comes to us because we live in a fallen world where sin reigns in each of our hearts and consequently this is reflected in the world. We have invented new and more destructive weapons, we have manufactured instruments of torture … we terrorize,


2 Timothy 3:12

From a faith viewpoint, Christians can expect that they will suffer pain and persecution because of their relationship with Jesus Christ.[1] Christians can also expect that God will want to “prune” us; to cut things out of our lives that prevent setbacks but also encourage growth. Imagine that our lives are like a dirty sponge. To clean it up we will pour clean water onto the sponge and then squeeze. The squeezing shows us the dirtiness of the water; we have to repeat this process a number of times before the sponge becomes clean. Our lives are like this. God pours His refreshing water into our lives so that we might be cleansed. When we are squeezed, we experience pain and suffering, but the purpose is good. The dirtiness that comes out when we are “squeezed” shows the nature of our character. To put this in relational terms, many of us get angry in certain circumstances. We often say “That person made me angry!” Wrong statement! What we should be saying is that the particular circumstance or person caused the anger within me to be expressed.

When our lives are “squeezed” our true character is revealed. We need to see that when Jesus was “squeezed” by suffering he showed Godly character. His responses were always Godly responses. We need to clearly understand that it is God’s purpose to bring us to righteousness and that the “soaking and squeezing” process will sometimes be painful. If we had any understanding of the magnitude of our sin we might begin to understand the depth of suffering required to cleanse us Our next issues will deal with perseverance and endurance; character and hope. We would welcome your contributions. Blessings, Brian Cox

regular Penderitaan dan Kesengsaraan Tahun ini, kami akan membahas aspek ketiga dari Visi SPH “Godly Character”. Adalah sesuatu yang mudah untuk mengerti arti ‘kesalehan’ dan berupaya untuk menerapkannya dalam kehidupan kita. Jika hal itu sedemikian mudah, maka kita tidak memerlukan seorang juruselamat. Justru kebenaran mengungkapkan bahwa kita hanya dapat merefleksikan karakter kesalehan sejati, ketika berada di dalam pribadi Yesus Kristus. Kemudian karakterNya akan mengalir keluar dari diri kita. Roma 5:1-6 menyebutkan bagaimana karakter ini dikembangkan dalam kita. Bagian ini juga menyebutkan, ”… kita malah bermegah juga dalam kesengsaraan kita, karena kita tahu, bahwa kesengsaraan itu menimbulkan ketekunan, dan ketekunan menimbulkan tahan uji dan tahan uji menimbulkan pengharapan …” Sesungguhnya Tuhan memang bermaksud menggunakan penderitaan untuk membentuk karakter kita.


DA banyak hal yang menjadi bentuk kesukaran dan kesengsaraan dalam hidup kita. Seringkali kita mengalami kepedihan karena keputusan dan tindakan kita sendiri yang tidak bijaksana. Dalam hal

ini berlaku prinsip ‘menuai apa yang kita tabur’. Kita seharusnya tidak terkejut, ketika kita mengabaikan anggota keluarga, maka mereka akan menjauhkan diri dari kita. Atau kalau kita merokok, akan terkena penyakit paru-paru. Kesengsaraan seperti ini adalah akibat dari pilihan-pilihan kita sendiri. Beberapa jenis kesengsaraan datang karena kita hidup dalam dunia berdosa di mana dosa berkuasa dalam hati dan direfleksikan dalam dunia. Kita telah menemukan senjatasenjata perusak, memproduksi alat-alat untuk menyiksa … kita meneror, tirani, eksploitasi, dan saling menyakiti. Kita terkadang menderita kepedihan karena menolak untuk didisiplin yaitu menjauhi didikan orangtua atau disiplin dari Tuhan. Penolakan terhadap arahan yang benar justru menimbulkan kesulitan manakala anak-anak mencoba memberontak. Dari sudut pandang iman, Orang Kristen harus siap menderita sengsara karena Yesus Kristus (1 Tim 3:12). Orang Kristen juga mengharapkan Tuhan memangkas hal-hal yang mengganggu pertumbuhan kita. Bayangkan kehidupan kita seperti sebuah busa yang kotor. Untuk membersihkannya kita akan menuangkan air yang bersih dan kemudian meremasnya sehingga kotoran tersebut keluar; kita perlu mengulang proses ini beberapa kali sampai busa tersebut


menjadi bersih. Hidup kita seperti hal ini. Tuhan menuangkan airNya ke dalam kehidupan kita sehingga kita dimungkinkan untuk menjadi bersih. Ketika diperas, kita mengalami kepedihan dan kesengsaraan, tetapi tujuannya adalah baik. Kekotoran yang keluar ketika diperas, menunjukkan sifat kita. Banyak dari kita menjadi marah dalam keadaan tertentu. Kita seringkali berkata bahwa orang itu membuat saya marah! Ini adalah pernyataan yang salah! Seharusnya kita berkata bahwa suatu keadaan tertentu atau seseoranglah yang membuat kemarahan dalam diri kita terekspresikan. Ketika kehidupan kita ‘diperas’, sifat asli menjadi keluar. Kita perlu untuk melihat kepada Yesus ketika ‘diperas’ oleh penderitaan, Dia menunjukkan karakterNya yang sejati. ResponNya selalu menggambarkan respon Ilahi. Kita perlu mengerti dengan jelas bahwa Tuhanlah yang berinisiatif membawa kita ke dalam kebenaran namun proses ‘diperas’ seringkali menyakitkan. Ketika kita mengerti kekuatan dari dosa, maka kita akan mulai mengerti kedalaman penderitaan yang dibutuhkan untuk membersihkan diri kita. Edisi kami mendatang akan berkenaan dengan ‘perseverance and endurance’ serta ‘character and hope’. Kami menunggu kontribusi Anda sekalian.



The Suffering of Christ and the Sovereignty of God By John Piper

of the glory of his grace. Therefore, this is the ultimate aim and the final explanation of all things–including suffering.

John Piper

I would like to venture the ultimate biblical explanation for the existence of suffering. And I would like to do it in such a way that you and I would be freed from the paralyzing effects of discouragement and self-pity and fear and pride so that we would live to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things (including suffering) for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.

The Ultimate Biblical Explanation for the Existence of Suffering I believe the entire universe exists to display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God. The glory of God shines most brightly, most fully, most beautifully in the manifestation

God decreed from all eternity to display the greatness of the glory of his grace for the enjoyment of his creatures, and he revealed to us that this is the ultimate aim and explanation of why there is sin and why there is suffering, and why there is a great suffering Savior. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh to suffer and die and by that suffering and death to save undeserving sinners like you and me. This coming to suffer and die is the supreme manifestation of the greatness of the glory of the grace of God. Or to say it a little differently, the death of Christ in supreme suffering is the highest, clearest, surest display of the glory of the grace of God. If that is true, then a stunning truth is revealed, namely, suffering is an essential part of the created universe in which the greatness of the glory of the grace of God can be most fully revealed. Suffering is an essential part of the tapestry of the universe so that the weaving of grace can be seen for what it really is. To put it most simply and starkly: the ultimate reason that suffering exists in the universe is so that Christ might display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God by suffering in himself to overcome our suffering. The suffering of the utterly innocent and infinitely holy Son of God in the place of utterly undeserving sinners to bring us to everlasting joy is the greatest display of the glory of God’s grace that ever was, or ever could be. In conceiving a universe in which to display the glory of his grace, God did not choose plan B. This was the moment–the Crucifiction of Christ–for which everything in the universe was planned. There could be no greater display of the glory of the grace of God than what happened at Calvary. Everything leading to it and everything flowing from it is explained by it, including all the suffering in the world.

Everything–everything–that Christ accomplished for us sinners he accomplished by suffering. Everything that we will ever enjoy will come to us because of suffering.

The Display of the Glory of the Grace of God in the Achievements of Christ by His Suffering Consider the display of the glory of the grace of God in the achievements of Christ by his suffering. 1. Christ absorbed the wrath of God on our behalf–and he did it by suffering Galatians 3:13, “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us–for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.’” The wrath of God that should have caused our eternal suffering fell on Christ. This is the glory of grace, and it could only come by suffering. 2. Christ bore our sins and purchased our forgiveness–and he did it by suffering 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree.” Isaiah 53:5, “He was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.” The sins that should have crushed us under the weight of guilt were transferred to Christ. This is the glory of grace, and it could only come by suffering. 3. Christ provided a perfect righteousness for us that becomes ours in him–and he did it by suffering Philippians 2:7-8, “He emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” The obedience of Christ by which many are counted righteous (Romans 5:19) had to be an obedience unto death, even death on a cross. This is the glory of grace, and it would come only by suffering.



God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 7:17). The Lamb was slaughtered and the Lamb was raised from the dead, and the Lamb together with the Father will wipe every tear from our eyes. This is the glory of grace, and it could only come by suffering.

4. Christ defeated death–and he did it by suffering death Hebrews 2:14-15, “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” “‘O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55). This is the glory of grace and it would come only by suffering. 5. He disarmed Satan–and he did it by suffering Colossians 2:14-15, “[The record of debts

against us] he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” With the record of all our lawbreaking nailed to the cross and cancelled, the power of Satan to destroy us is broken. Satan has only one weapon that can damn to hell. Unforgiven sin. This weapon Christ stripped from Satan’s hand on the cross. This is the glory of grace, and it could only come by suffering. 6. Christ purchased perfect final healing for all his people–and he did it by suffering Isaiah 53:4, “Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.” “The Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and

7. Christ will bring us finally to God–and he will do it by his suffering 1 Peter 3:18, “Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. The ultimate achievement of the cross is not freedom from sickness but fellowship with God. This is what we were made for: seeing and savoring and showing the glory of God. This is the glory of grace, and it could only come by suffering. The Ultimate Reason Why Suffering Exists The ultimate purpose of the universe is to display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God. The highest, clearest, surest display of that glory is in the suffering of the best Person in the universe for millions of undeserving sinners. Therefore, the ultimate reason that suffering exists in the universe is so that Christ might display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God by suffering in himself to overcome our suffering and bring about the praise of the glory of the grace of God. The full transcript can be accessed at: ResourceLibrary/ConferenceMessages/ ByDate/2005/228_The_Suffering_of_Christ_ and_the_Sovereignty_of_God/ © Desiring God

Bahasa Indonesia Teaching & Learning Professional Development by Daniel Bradbury Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village, Indonesia; October 2nd, 2009

Daniel Bradbury



The hard way is probably the right way! By Dwight Olney

I’ve never seen any rivers in my life that are totally straight. Rivers find their way around anything that blocks their flow because they take the easy way. The same can be said for humanity in general.


UR natural mindset is to avoid adversity, escape trouble, and find the easiest way to get somewhere. The temptation to compromise or bend to worldly pressures and pleasures is great, for the human heart does not naturally hunger for hardship. And following the straight and narrow is hard.

More than one gospel writer reminds us that the path to God’s kingdom is narrow, and the road is difficult. Solomon refers to the right way in life as being straight. When we face a taxing trial ahead of us, there will always be

undemanding paths of less resistance to the right or to the left. When we set our wills to follow Christ, we will have difficulties because there are so many obstacles impeding that straight course and the entry door will be narrow. Jesus said, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14 – NLT). The words of Jesus are powerful and should cause us to examine our own walk. Are we on an easy or a hard road? If we are not experiencing much opposition, are we truly on the right path? To think like God leads one to conclude–the hard way is probably the right way. Now, I am not talking about a hard situation we have put ourselves in because of a poor decision or a selfish act. No, some hardships arrive in our lives because we have been dumb. What I am talking about is hardships that involve dying to self, giving up rights that we think we deserve, faithfully doing the moral thing in the face of other delicious options, sacrificing financially to meet the needs of others before ourselves, bearing up boldly under persecution, and enduring pain without immediately crying to God for deliverance from the discomfort. These trials challenge our faith and require divine strength to persevere. The natural human response to such challenges is to search for an escape, an easy way out to stop the pain. If we find ourselves on an easy path, or if we are hunting for a trouble-free

passageway, we are probably doing it wrong. A relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life (John 14:6) and Jesus promises his true followers persecution (II Timothy 3:12) and suffering (Philippians 1:29 and I Peter 2:21). Christ also promised his followers a daily burden to bear. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:23-25 NIV) A cross? Losing your life? That doesn’t sound like an easy road. The question we are forced to ask ourselves is this–what are we giving up for God along the way? I mean, really giving up? If the hard way is probably the right way, where is it painful for us to obey Christ? The Christian life is not about entitlement, but rather about sacrifice, taking up a cross, and self-denial. These things don’t feel good: they hurt; they cause angst; they are annoying to our natural state. What difficult thing are we denying ourselves today because we are followers of Jesus Christ? What natural desires are we depriving ourselves of because we are taking up Christ’s challenge to deny ourselves? How are we losing our natural lives today for Christ? Oh, as His disciples, we readily do give up things. But are we just giving up the things that are easy?

examples Perhaps you don’t struggle with forgiveness but you have a hard time surrendering to God control of your finances. Perhaps it is easy for you to lose your life for Christ in the area of worry but you struggle with judging people regularly. And so that makes me wonder–are we just giving up stuff for Christ that is easy for us, content that we are doing okay, when, in reality, what he is really interested in is saving us from the stuff that is hard for us? Perhaps our relationship with God is only as deep and real as our level of obedience in the area of our life that is our greatest struggle. Because that is where faith plays its true role–in our areas of deepest struggle, deepest sacrifice, deepest pain–and without faith it is impossible to please God. When Abraham took Isaac out for a walk up Mount Moriah, he was denying himself; he was taking up his cross, and following after God alone. He was painfully preparing to sacrifice his most prized possession. But it was not fun at the moment. It was agonizing and hard to walk by faith. In God’s plan for Abraham’s life, the hard way was the right way.

What are we clinging to today? What rights do we not want to give up for Christ? • The right to be impatient with people that annoy us? • The right to exact some form of revenge or correction? • The right to worldly financial security? • The right to unleash our tongues? • The right to want fame? • The right to nurse anger? • The right to be jealous of another’s possessions? • The right to fight for our reputation? • The right to certain inappropriate sensual pleasures? • The right to maintain dysfunctional control over certain people in our lives? To give up these rights is hard. We must repent, and deny ourselves of these natural impulses. Christian repentance involves turning from sin, changing directions, even when it is extremely difficult. Besides Abraham, another one of my favourite Old Testament examples of self-denial and sacrificing rights was Jonathan. Here was a young man who was groomed to be the next king of Israel from birth. He grew up fully expecting to one day take his father’s place on the throne over this great nation, with all the glorious trappings included in such a position. But when Saul messed up, Jonathan was also forced to pay for it. No longer would the royal line pass down through Saul’s descendants. The throne was taken away from them and given to a shepherd boy. Jonathan was demoted from crown prince to nobody. But when we read the story, we see in Jonathan a perfect picture of dying to self. He willingly submitted to God’s plan regarding David as the new king, even though it meant that all his hopes and dreams were altered. Not only did he willingly accept this whole new future, he lovingly supported David as God’s new


anointed. He did everything possible to protect, defend, and strengthen David in his journey to the throne. Everything about Jonathan’s attitude and behavior emitted a fragrance of self-sacrifice, of no rights, of losing your life for God and for his purposes. It cost Jonathan to follow God and to be obedient to him. It costs to follow Christ. That is why Christ said, before following me and deciding to be my disciple, first count the cost–just like a smart builder counts the cost of building a tower before he begins construction (Luke 14:28). What is it costing you to follow Christ? If it’s not costing you anything, you may want to make sure you are actually on the bus. Salvation is not just a free ride to glory. If you are feeling that it is not that hard for you to follow Christ, you may want to ask yourself–is the bar high enough in my life? Have I perhaps dropped the bar so low that I am clearing it with very little effort? Let me put it this way–it can’t be easy or Jesus was lying. If it is easy, you need to examine your life to determine if you are only submitting in the areas that are effortless for you. Taking up your cross daily in every area of your life is challenging, even excruciating–like death on a cross. If you are not losing your life for Christ in some fashion today, you will lose it all in eternity. The true way to God is hard. So if that is true, why do we look for deliverance from our troubles? When you find yourself in the pain and discomfort of a trial, instead of thinking “escape”, think “God is giving me exactly what I need.” When trouble comes, rejoice, for you are most likely on the right path. For the hard way is probably the right way. Dwight Olney is Christian Educator from Canada. He recently spent two weeks in our school community, helping to launch our school theme: “Hardship to Hope”.



Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope Doug Wielenga Senior School Teacher, SPH Lippo Village

My name is Doug Wielenga and I am from Canada. However I spent my boyhood years growing up in the southernmost corner of Western Australia and was actually born in the Netherlands. Living in Indonesia was a boyhood dream of mine. I read voraciously the adventures of Dutch East India Company sailors plying the trade routes, and I would study maps and dream of palm trees, coconuts, white beaches and azure seas … there was not a hint of smog in those dreams!!! I was born into a pastor’s family, the eldest of what would eventually become eight children–four boys and four girls. My upbringing was quite conservative and I am thankful for that. We were taught lots of Bible knowledge and good Christian values and as a youth I felt quite prepared to defend my emerging faith, even though I didn’t fully understand it. During my childhood I had received catechism instruction so when I was nineteen I thought I would do the right thing and commit my life to Jesus Christ. With all my head-knowledge I knew the implications of such a commitment, but I was a very weak young man and spiritually lazy. Looking back, I know that my commitment was not heartfelt. I did not really know what it meant to love the Lord with all my heart. I had not yet learned to depend on Him and I wasn’t seriously impressed by His incredible love for me. I talked the talk but I didn’t walk the walk. My

new commitment to serving God was also coupled with my newfound independence. After graduating from high school I floated aimlessly for a while, ending up in university for lack of anything better to do. I had a muscle car, long hair, a basement suite far away from my parents’ watchful eyes, and a bit of a party spirit. So I ended up in trouble more than once, until one day at the age of twenty I found myself quite suddenly a married man with a baby daughter. This was my first conscious wakeup call and it changed my life, for a while. The vertical commitment I had made to God was now mirrored in a horizontal commitment to a young wife. Commitment had consequences. As I began to know my wife and little daughter, I also began to know God. God blessed us with a growing family of four children. Lots of commitments meant lots of pressures and responsibilities … and lots of opportunities for a spiritually lazy man to forget to depend on God alone. Over time I became busy with life, lapsing once again into a lazy Christian lifestyle; losing the zeal I had felt earlier … and this life was most clearly characterized by a Bible that often remained closed for long periods of time and by a superficial prayer life. I robbed my family of the very upbringing I myself had enjoyed. God allowed it for a time … but once again He in His grace woke me up! Many things can happen–some harder than others when sin encroaches on our lives. For me, after a twenty-four year marriage, my wife left me. It has been a tough couple of years since then. But through this experience, through

the ongoing healing process, God has been there every moment to bear me up. He really lives and I know with absolute certainty that I belong to Him. I didn’t ponder the enormity of that before. I believed it but it didn’t characterize my life and that remains a work in progress as I am learning to live out God’s active purpose for me. Prior to applying to SPH, an overseas move was an option I hadn’t considered. I had been teaching at the same school for my entire career and I needed a change but didn’t have a direction. There were schools across Canada I could have gone to. What I knew for sure was that God had me on His track again; I knew my life’s destination but I did not know His course, and so I prepared myself for anything. Then I received an email from my sister Johanna who teaches Grade Six, suggesting SPH. At that time it was impossible for me to come to Indonesia, as I didn’t possess a valid passport. I needed to become a Canadian citizen to obtain a passport, and due to processing deadlines I felt that it would be a miracle if it would all come together in time. Amazingly I obtained a passport in 6 days!!! You can imagine what that kind of divine intervention did for my faith. I now felt directed. I could leave my family confidently and I could pass on that confidence to them. Our school theme this year is “Through Hardship to Hope”. During the past eight weeks I have had many moments to ponder my life’s alignment to this beautiful theme, to ponder the enormous comfort God provides though the accompanying text, that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.



Syamsul Tukiman and wife

SPH Vision Day Reflection

Suffering C

OMING out of SPH Vision Day on the morning of 28th August 2009, I was both pleased and excited. It was time well spent. The message was very clear & relevant. It challenged us to rethink our parenting style. I felt so blessed with the seminar, that I even asked for a copy of the material and requested permission to share it with our friends. All those we’ve shared it with were blessed and thankful for the message. In the seminar, Mr. Brian Cox talked about the school’s theme “From Hardship to Hope”. To help us gain a proper understanding of this, he talked about a commonly misunderstood concept of “LOVE”. Using his quote by C.S. Lewis, ”Where God means LOVE, we only mean KINDNESS”, he talked about how many of today’s parents often misinterpret LOVE towards their kids as having to ALWAYS be KIND to them. By KIND, they actually mean

“as long as [the kids] are happy”. This sends a wrong message to the kids. LOVE needs not always appear to be KIND all the time. A quote by C.S. Lewis explains it all: “Kindness cares not whether its object becomes good or bad, provided only that it escapes suffering”, while “Love would rather see [the loved ones] suffer much than be happy in wrong situations.” Therefore, parents who love their children will help them learn valuable life lessons through sufferings, instead of providing easy escape routes for them. History is filled with great people who would not be who they were had they never gone through suffering: Joseph & his multitude of sufferings, Daniel & his lion’s den, Apostle Paul, Martin Luther King Jr. & his Birmingham jail cell, etc ... and of course, our Lord Jesus Christ and His Cross. Looking

at their lives, dare we still perceive “suffering” as all negative for our children’s lives? Without suffering, how can they ever learn to persevere, which is the only way to have godly characters? How can they ever learn to hope in Him and to depend on His amazing grace & faithfulness? As Samuel Rutherford once said ,”Praise God for the hammer, the file and the furnace. The hammer moulds us, the file sharpens us, and the fire tempers us.” So, the next time we encounter sufferings or hardships in our children’s lives, instead of asking “Why?” or “How can I remove it from them?”, I guess a more wise response will be “Why not?” or “How do I help them go through & learn from it?”. Syamsul Tukiman Parent of Domenico SPH Lippo Village Student Grade 10



Goodbye Gall Bladder.... By Maureen Cox

God has blessed me with good health for which I am very grateful. I have never been in hospital, except to have our children and that was a joyous occasion. I have never broken a bone: never had stitches. That all changed on Monday, August 3, 2009.


N the previous day I did not feel well but, being the positive person I am, I just struggled on thinking everything would be fine. However, by 8pm that evening I was experiencing incredible pain in my stomach. I had no choice but to go to the hospital and check it out. Medicine and pills were given which I dutifully took before going to bed and after a very fitful sleep I awoke to increased pain which had now intensified in my right side. I could not go to school–which was a first for me. I have not had one day’s absence for sickness in nearly eight years at SPH. I returned to Siloam in the afternoon, and after an examination, was sent to have an ultra sound. Even that was a new experience– there was no such technology when I was pregnant. The x-rays showed that I had multiple stones in my gall bladder and the doctor declared it would have to be removed immediately. I was checked into a room and attached to an antibiotic drip. I have had relatively few injections in my life, and none in the back of my hand, so even this first stage proved rather alarming.

“I had plenty of caring visitors with whom to chat and Brian was eager to wait on me which was very pleasant “

For the next two days I rather enjoyed my hospital stay as the chronic infection responded well to the treatment and I was feeling very fit and relaxed. I had plenty of caring visitors with whom to chat and Brian was eager to wait on me which was very pleasant. It was explained to us that laparoscopic surgery was the common treatment. Four small incisions would be made and with the aid of a camera and a monitor the doctor would be able to sever the gall bladder which would then be pulled through one of the incisions causing minimal intrusion into the body. We were informed that in ninetyeight percent of cases this was the successful procedure. I left my comfortable room at 9am on Thursday and what should have taken one hour ended up taking five!!! The gall bladder was found to be greatly enlarged and contained over one hundred stones!!! Most

people have three or four!!! I was one of the two percent of people who needed to have an incision made and apparently there was severe bleeding. I returned to my room at 6pm in an anesthetic daze thankfully unaware of anything that had happened during the course of the day. I think Brian was relieved to see me after waiting so long. The following day various tubes were removed and that certainly was a relief but not a pleasant experience. In the afternoon, with help from a nurse, I forced myself to get out of bed and go for a short walk dragging a drip and a drain with me. It was at that point that I realized that I had had major surgery. I honestly felt as though my body was going to split open and my entire insides were going to end up on the floor!!! I have a sense of the dramatic but I am glad that nothing like that happened. Thankfully my recovery had started.




Edward Purba and fam

Interview with Pak Edward Purba By Jennifer Novita, Grade 12

When did you first start feeling as though there was a problem? On May 2009, it started when I experienced a nose bleed and it would not stop for quite a long time. My nose hurt and my ear also kept buzzing. What did you do? I went into denial. First, I pretended that it was just a common illness. I let it be for around three months. After that, I went to the doctor’s to have a check on my illness. What was the diagnosis? I took a biopsy test in Siloam, and then the pathology result indicated that I had Stage 2/3 Nasofaring Cancer.

How did you react at first? I did not believe it and I hoped that the doctor has mistakenly interpreted the results. After visiting another cancer specialist in Nizar Hospital in Jakarta who confirmed the diagnosis, I had to accept that it was actually true. What have been the reactions of your family members? After finding out that I had this illness my wife seemed to be very patient and calm. But deep down inside, I know that she was sad but she didn’t show it to me. My children knew about this but they did not have a clue about the disease and they thought it was just a common disease. What treatment have you had? I had radiation for thirty-six times and chemotherapy for seven times. I have also consumed some supplements.

How have you coped with the treatment? I was feeling terrible and it made my condition even worse. I couldn’t even eat with this condition. What about the future? I will consume more herbal medicines and I will do more full dose of chemotherapy. What have you learned through this experience? I learnt two things through this experience. Firstly, that I will learn to take care of my body; to eat healthy and not eat junk food. The second thing that I learnt is that human knowledge is limited and we have to depend on God. Now I realized that my life should be totally surrendered to Him.



Middle School Students’ Reflections

Hardship to Hope Some students have shared some of their reflections on our theme: “Through Hardship to Hope”. Some of these responses are quite personal–so we agreed that each contribution should not be accompanied by the writer’s name. Similiarly, the photos on these pages do not directly relate to the articles.


suffered hardship when I failed my humanities project and felt as if I had failed Jesus, my parents and myself. When I showed it to my mom I got a heavy punishment. I know that if you fail you have to deal with whatever comes your way. You must try and have few failures and more success in your life. When I received the grade I felt as if my world had ended, but I still had God. The consequences were no television for a week except one movie with my family. It was kind of hard for me, but I still had God with me through these troubled times without electronics, except for my hand phone, lights and phone. So when the punishment ended I was happy and I learned a big lesson through this situation. I learned a lot about my actions in the real world when I fail myself, God and my parents. We must try not to disappoint anyone in our life. “Through Hardship to Hope” teaches me that even when you fail at something you can always count on God to help you through hard times with Faith and Hope. God shows us that if you can believe in those things then you can do anything with Him. Romans 5:1-5 teaches that we must have Faith and Hope which builds our character. When we have sufferings we can rejoice in them, because we know that when that happens we will have Perseverance. This lesson will teach us to be closer to God.


have suffered a lot during my thirteen years and I admit I have blamed God for some of my problems. I suppose we’ve all had problems; we’ve all suffered yet we are able to go on with the next day. I’ve

put up with problems such as losing my grandmother, dealing with the stress when my mom was very ill and I guess other minor problems that I don’t quite remember but during that time seemed like a big deal. But none of my other problems were as memorable as my problem in Grade 5. In Grade 5, I was a complete loner; a failure at everything. I wasn’t pretty, smart and I was socially challenged. I was hated by almost everybody so I didn’t have any friends. Why was I hated? Well, it was because I was such a perfectionist in an annoying way and I didn’t know how to make friends properly. I was independent and I tried too hard basically. It annoyed a LOT of people. They say that being popular isn’t everything and I know that, but a year without friends is a bit too much. Friends are a big deal to me. I treasure my friendships and I don’t want to lose them. I had my own comfort zone and being in Grade 5 put me right onto the battlefield so very far away from my home base and I was beaten so badly.

I think I dealt with it the best way I could, I prayed every night but I was still in the same condition till the beginning of Grade 6. I didn’t understand why God was putting me through this so I blamed him and me for my troubles. I figured that God couldn’t help me with this because I had been praying and praying and he still hadn’t worked his power on me. So I decided to put to use one of my favorite quotes to deal with my problems, “Put up or shut up.” I guess that quote just plainly means that you have to just stop complaining because complaining won’t help and you just have to go with the flow and let life come by and see what happens. I still prayed and hoped that somehow, through all of this mess that God would be able to work some of his magic on this and make it all better. By the summer break of 2007, I was still a loner and a failure. But during the holidays I came to a realization that I could change my image in Grade 6. And that was exactly what I did. I became an entirely new and



just listen to music and try to calm down. I would also call my mom often to ask about his condition so I wouldn’t get worried. I tried to do as many good deeds as I could every day. My Dad is still unwell. Romans 5:1-5 is related to my situation because, all of us, my mom, my cousins, my whole family, are having a very hard time to cope with this situation. They try as hard as they can to pray twentyfour hours a day, non stop, as do I. I try to do the best in school to make my parents happy. I know there is hope for my father to live.

different person. On the first day of Grade 6, God had finally answered my prayers after a long wait. He gave me the best class I could possibly imagine and opportunities to make new and better friends. Grade 6 finally became the best year ever for me. I guess that’s how I dealt with it. I knew I didn’t do what most people would have done but my hands were tied. I just had to go with the flow and hope that God would be able to work it out. I guess this tale relates to our school theme, “Through Hardship to Hope,” because through a very long time of suffering, with God’s help I was able to pull through. I was finally able to see the light that gave hope that the longest tunnel I had been through was coming to an end. The event that occurred in Grade 5 taught me so many lessons but more importantly it gave me hope in God. I trusted him more after that and I don’t think I have doubted his abilities since.


have experienced hardship in my life but I believe everyone does. During elementary school, life seemed very beautiful. However, when I grew up, I learnt more about the world and about sin which entered the world and affected every part of it. One of my hardships occurred in my family. My father suffered from cancer in the year of 2000 and it recurred in 2005 and he died in the year of 2007. I was fourteen years old at that time and my two brothers were thirteen and ten. It was extremely difficult at first as I had lost one of the closest members of the

family. However, I am thankful that God has preserved us and has strengthened us each day and has led us all to the point where we humbly commit our lives to God each day. I remember and am encouraged by Job. He was desperate and sad when he lost his property, his seven children plus he had to suffer the mockery by his wife yet he said, “The LORD gave me everything I had and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” (Job 1:21). Life has been difficult yet through this hardship we have all learnt invaluable lessons about life and how to see everything through God’s perspective as His plan is always good and to bring good to those who love Him.


time where I experienced some suffering was when my father got a terrible disease and he has to suffer a lot of pain, so did I. He became unconscious for a while. My father was transferred to Singapore for treatment. My mother, and her sister, went along with him and I was left alone with my brother at home, waiting for great news about my Dad’s recovery. I was really sad and depressed and I was scared in case anything bad would happen to him. I was haunted by bad dreams about his death every night. I was scared. I was stressed out every single day. My relatives, my parents’ friends and I prayed for his recovery every night. Sometimes I would


HE suffering I have endured in my life would never be the same as Jesus’ suffering. Sometimes we forget that Jesus too has suffered and we are not the only ones who have. About a year ago, I found out that my aunt was diagnosed with brain cancer. It was definitely heartbreaking, knowing that she may be gone any minute. I know she too has suffered even more. I prayed to God, asking him to guide my aunt and to tell her to stay strong. Miraculously, the tumor has not grown ever since. This shows that God works through many things. Before this happened, I never believed that God answers my prayers. I questioned my faith often. But with this, I know He is there, I sense His presence and His mighty work. It is with God’s blessing that my aunt is alive and well. Reading Romans 5:1-5, it feels well connected to what I’ve suffered. This matter has shaped me into a different person, in a good way. My faith has strengthened and just like Romans 5:3 says, ”... Suffering produces perseverance, character and hope ...”. Like I said, sometimes we forget to rejoice in our sufferings. It may seem hard at first, but don’t forget that Christ too has suffered to pay for our sins which is a pretty selfless thing to do.


HE was one of my closest friends whom I had trusted since we were young. We had fights–a lot–but we always managed to remain friends. So it was a disappointment, a very-very sad and hurtful moment for me when we fought again and

things that are far beyond my imagination as a teenager. People have called me names and gossiped behind my back about things I have done. They have said really bad things that are absolutely untrue about me. From a young age I admit that I was a little rebellious due to my curiosity about the world. But I have not done anything as bad as people say I have. I felt that whenever I stepped out of one place, people would stare at me and whisper behind my back.

this time it was big. She stole my phone from my bag wanting to know about my private life. It was a very intense situation between us when I found out about it. She also tore my photo which we all were supposed to bring to school even though the photo included her too. I don’t know why she did this. I was suspicious because when it was art class and my picture had disappeared. I asked her if she know where it was. She pretended she didn’t know and blamed me for losing it. I knew all of this from my other closest friends. It was very hurtful to see that she would act like this. We haven’t really dealt with the whole situation. But I guess she found out that I knew because all my closest friends told her that I have the right to know. I don’t hate her or anything, but sometimes I think about it over and over again. We have not spoken to each other ever since and I guess this is the best solution for us. Our school theme relates to my “problem” by having experienced suffering which has strengthened me to move on in life and it has built my character which makes me become a better person. Hope will never let us down– in grace we stand–and we know that God is pouring his love into our hearts as he is giving us hard trials that we face which makes us stronger than before. The reality is that God will give us joy even when we suffer and then we can thank him both for our happiness and sadness.


NE of the many sufferings I have had in life was when my parents decided not to live together anymore. This happened when I was eight. I did not know much about why, but I knew that this was reality and it was happening. Not having a father figure in my life for about five years made it really hard for me to cope with my daily problems. Well, I had mom, but I had to help her raise four kids and I know that that wasn’t easy. From this I have learned that I can’t always depend on mom for everything. I have prayed and prayed. I usually say, “Why did this happen?” I know that things always happen for a reason and I know that God has a plan for my family. “Through Hardship to Hope” reminds me that in every problem that we face, God is leading us from those steps of difficulties to faith. He is the way of life that we must choose to follow, but sometimes, we make life harder than it should be. In those times when we choose not to follow Him, He is there standing by. God has helped me through these hard times that I have had to face, changing my hardship to hope.


EOPLE are all unique. The way they think is different. Their actions are sometimes bad and sometimes good. Evil is among us. People do cruel things to one another. Personally I have had to deal with the fact that people say very cruel

However I thank God that He has given me good, true friends. They have supported me throughout these hard times. They would give their opinions about current situations and they kept telling me that I know myself better than anyone else and who are those mean people to judge me anyway? We live in a sinful world, a world full of hatred and evil. No one is perfect. We would never go to heaven if God had not sacrificed His one and only beloved son. This relates to my problem because people are bad and in my case God provided me with the best of friends to help me and to keep me strong through this time of need.


N my life I have experienced lots of suffering and hardship and one example was when my right arm was broken when I was playing tag with my cousins and sisters. For me, that day was the worst day in my life so far. I experienced constant pain flowing inside my broken bones and besides that, I had to starve for six hours before the operation begun. After the operation, it was not any better. I woke when no nurse was around and I couldn’t move a muscle and I realized that I felt sick. I had to lie there for around thirty minutes before I was ‘rescued’ and it was frustrating. Plus, I had quite a severe allergy because of the sulfur in one of my medicines. My whole body swelled badly that I almost couldn’t recognize my face and even after the operation, I still felt unsure if my arm would recover. I didn’t want to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. My arm was now almost as stiff as metal, because the doctor had put inside my arm two long metal rods which were quite thick


M Hope to Hardship–Sharlene Grade 8.3

to support my bones. Apparently my bones were not strong enough to mend on their own. It was hard for me in those times because I had to rely on others and I could not move freely. I also had a lot of injections, in my wrist, arm and even in my ear. It became routine for me to donate blood, and what I would do is bite my tongue and endure it. After a month the doctor had to redo the operation to take out the pair of pins.. This time it was faster and thankfully I soon recovered. Physically, I needed a lot of rest and mentally my faith did quaver because I was quite angry with God. Although it was partly my fault, I still questioned God and I was quite upset, because I had fallen and broken my arm in a church. I was also about to leave on a trip with my cousin if the accident had not happened. At that time, I also thought that if I had not been in the church, I would have not broken my arm. I can use my arm again but not as well as before. Most of the time I encourage myself and not to think that I’m handicapped and try to participate. This relates to Romans 5:1-5 and our school theme, because through my hardship and trouble, I still have a hope that my arm can be mended fully. I am glad that I can still use it and that I still have my family, friends, cousins and most importantly God that helps and comforts me in my hard times. I feel that God is shaping me to be a better person who is more mature, independent, and who does not easily give up. Each time I go through hardship I know that God endured far worse than what I’ve endured and in God, there is hope in hard times. I believe that everything God plans and does has a good purpose, even in hardship and through hardship I can be shaped to persevere, have good character and lastly, through hardship move to the hope in God.

Y suffering was when my cousin died by an accident in the military. I was only in fourth grade when he left. I missed him so much because I didn’t see him for a longtime. I was in my room about to sleep but I heard my mom crying. I came out of my room and asked my mom, “Why? What happened?” Then she told me about the horrible news. I was very shocked. I couldn’t believe it. I just stood there crying for a long time. I got over this suffering with the help of my friends, my mom and my dad. My parents helped me a lot by not trying to talk about it. Also my friends really comforted me. But for a few weeks or months, I didn’t really think what I had heard was real. I thought I had just dreamt a horrible dream which I never wanted to dream about again. But I finally got to know it was true by listening to my mom and my aunts’ conversation. Romans 5:1-5 makes me realize suffering happens to everyone and we shouldn’t be angry about it. We can just remember our sufferings as the past. And I will always remember my cousin as a good friend and the best cousin in the world.


believe that everyone goes through suffering and from that suffering they gain faith and wisdom. The suffering I can recall most happened about three months ago. It all started with a wonderful day. I was packed and ready to go to school. At school, period 1-4 went by smoothly … until the end of period 4. I still remember it was on a Tuesday during P.E. class. We were changing back into our uniforms together in the girls’ bathroom. I changed near the mirror with my friend. The other girls didn’t notice me and my friend changing. Because of that, they started to talk about this one person. They nicknamed her “*#$@”. They called “*#$@” bad names and even swore. My friend, who was eavesdropping, wondered who or what “*#$@” was. The girls’ answer I will never forget–it was me.


awe of the words they said. I trusted them; I helped them; I never betrayed them, but they betrayed me. I came home that day feeling down and depressed. I felt like the whole world bailed out on me. Right at that moment, I realized that I didn’t know what it really means to be a true friend. Honestly, I didn’t think I dealt with my suffering maturely. That day I came home from school and straightaway locked myself in my room. I am not perfect and sometimes I just ask things without thinking it through first. I asked one thing that I truly regret. I asked, “God, what did I do to deserve this?” I blamed God. Months passed and I eventually found new friends. I realized that I did to my friends what they did to me. I recalled back to when I blamed God. I realized then that I shouldn’t have done that. I should thank God for guiding me to my true friends: the friends who accept me for who I am. In my opinion, I think Romans 5:1-5 relates to me and my suffering a lot. Through this suffering what seemed like a dead end became a new path to God. He always has his plans. The Bible states that we will be blessed if we are hated, and to me, that is so true. I have been blessed in a variety of ways, but in this particular case, God opened a new path for me and He has led me to my true friends. Through my hardship, I have found hope. God was there for me. I prayed to God, telling him all the struggles I was facing. Step by step, God converted my hardship to hope. From this, I think the most valuable lesson to learn is the fact that God always has His ways. Follow God and you will find the light in darkness.

Once I heard that coming from my closest friend’s mouth, I felt my world just fall apart. I can’t believe my closest friends would call me names. My face was not a pleasant sight. My jaw dropped–not in shock, but in awe. In Through Hardship to Hope–Audrey Grade 8.3



Over the Christmas vacation a few years back, our family spent time on a small island called Cat Ba Island. It is not a very well known tourist destination on the northern tip of Vietnam. The island is famous for its beauty and almost untouched by modern life. Its nature reserve has been an excellent tourist attraction. We had to hike approximately1.5 km to the top of a mountain, to enable us to view the city. It was an extraordinary experience for the whole family to enjoy, especially as we traveled with our son, Jordan, who was four years old.


ORDAN got into a bit of trouble during the hike. He fell in the very first minutes. His knees were scraped and his slow walking pace indicated his lack of spirit. He did not enjoy the hiking; in fact he refused to walk. He demanded to be carried on his father’s shoulders, his brother’s and then his mother’s. Many times we encouraged him to walk by himself. He tried to walk a few steps but then groaned again and then he kept on complaining about the small scratch on his knee. He made such a big deal as if he had a broken bone. We certainly understood the feelings of our four-year-old. He asked for help when he fell, as we might do, when we fall. We want parents and friends who can help us to get back on our feet and hold us securely. When we were hiking uphill it was so steep that we could not see the end of the road. We were easily being defeated and there was a desire to linger and have a long rest. Yet we did not decide to stop climbing but we had less and less desire to make it to the top of the mountain. We were satisfied with how far we had traveled. Similarly, we can feel satisfied with our lives. We are content with the routine prayer times and weekly church services we attend. We feel secure. Everything is pretty good. Often we hear from others who are traveling back down the mountain. They decide to give up and return to their temporary comfort zone. They decide to enjoy themselves by watching television and eating potato chips. They go

SPH Lippo Village Parents Advisory Group and Leadership Team

View from the Mountain Top By Tiurida Hutabarat

back to their easier life which seems more pleasant and does not involve hardship. We tried to convince Jordan that there was beautiful scenery at the top of the mountain. “We would be able see the city below, the mountain peaks, green trees and the sky would look so close”. But he was just not interested.

who promises to create new things for us: our hearts, our faith, our hope and new love. Love will restore the smile which has faded because of the pain, the tiredness and the suffering. God will play the greatest symphony and provide us with the most beautiful sunsets and we have new bodies and best of all Jesus will be there.

Such words of encouragement should work for us. We should continue to rise. The prospect of the view from the mountain top should give us strength to get up and go on with our journey. We should be excited by the goal.

We should never regret the hardships that we endure during our journey to the mountain top. The view from the mountaintop is worth much more than the suffering we experience along the road.

We need to be willing to accept the risks that may be encountered in our daily life for the hope we will gain after we go through it. The hope is that at the top of the mountain there is beautiful scenery waiting for us; our life should have a similar purpose and motivation.

Finally we reached the top of our earthly mountain where we met up with other climbers and Jordan exclaimed to them, “I got to the top!” We all laughed and said, ‘No, not you alone! It is because we all carried you!’

The purpose of our lives is to be at the top of Zion, the city of the living God described by Hebrews 12:22 ‘But you have come to the Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem ....’ Imagine a place where the angels are our neighbors, hanging out, talking and singing with them. The place where all the neighbors are children of God: no jealousy, no division, no anger and no rush. We will be perfect, because we will not be tripped up by our sin. It is the place where we will finally see our God

We tend to think that we climb the mountain in our own strength, but we actually are supported by our Father, who really wants us to reach to the peak which is His house. The Father, who is never angry, never complains and does not mind when we are tired because He has been there once and He understands. He has felt all of our feelings, our pain and suffering and tiredness because He has already climbed too. He has climbed the mountain for us.



Ronald Ishak (white shirt) and his father

Ronald Ishak and family

In Memoriam:

Irene Maya Hambali Ishak Ronald Ishak was a student at SPH some years ago. Recently his mother, (also Ibu Aileen’s sister)” was diagnosed with a terminal problem. She died within a few days of diagnosis. Ronald wrote these thoughts a few hours before his mother passed away: Dearest friends, This is really Ronald, this isn’t chainmail. I wanted to let you know that I’m fine. I’m writing this at 2am and I think I’m prepared for anything, (at least I think I am). I might be scared, but I haven’t given up. If you haven’t heard yet, my mom is in the ICU in Mount Elizabeth Hospital and she is unconscious. She is unable to recognize people and our family and friends are praying for her. This morning the doctor has said her condition has worsened. Multiple organ failure, viral infection, low white blood count, etc. Life is full of unpredictable events. But having the peace of God prepares us for anything. It is a great gift, and most certainly priceless. If you knew my mother, she would have told you this: We have to stay open for change. Don’t approach change from a negative point of view to where you automatically assume its going to be bad. It may be negative on the surface but remember, God won’t allow that to happen if it didn’t have a purpose for you. He’s going to use it to stretch you. Don’t be discouraged over the people that leave you life. You need to realize it is only the

beginning. You may think that they are doing you wrong but they are actually doing you a favor. God would not have stirred it up if he doesn’t have something better in store. People change, jobs change, styles change, and seasons change. Change is part of God’s plan for us, but so many people resist change and try to hold on to the familiar. But God brings change in order to keep us from getting stuck in a rut. Change causes us to stretch and grow; it causes us to use our faith and tap into the potential on the inside of us. Sometimes the very things we fight against, the very things we think are trying to pull us down are actually part of God’s plan to launch us into a new season. Sometimes God stirs us out of comfortable situations and puts us in situations in order to stretch us and cause us to

use our faith. We may not like it, and it may be uncomfortable, but God loves us too much to just leave us alone! You may not like the change, but God would not allow it if He didn’t have a purpose for it. If you’ll learn to not only accept change but to embrace it, God promises He will do a new thing in your life, and His “new” is always much better than the old! You may have had great victories in your past, but your greatest victories are still ahead of you. I most certainly hope and pray that my mom recovers, but everything is in the hands of God. Please keep us in your prayers. I encourage you to share this with anyone. Sincerely, Ronald Ishak


Left-Right: Sutrisno, Isabella, Waluyo



ECENTLY, Isabella Tirtowalujo (SPH Lippo Village’s alumni), one of the foster-parents from the Lentera Harapan students, went to Lampung to visit her foster child for the first time. They are Sutrisno, Waluyo and Joko Aryono. Bella who has studied in Calvin College, Michigan, United States gathered with the team of Lentera Harapan at SLH Jati Agung, Lampung, the location where three of her foster children went to school and lived. Happiness can be seen on Bella’s face when she finally visited her foster children in their own house. Waluyo and Sutrisno, who were siblings, also appeared happy with her visit. Sutrisno in fact showed some of his daily activities to us, such as net fishing. As well as Joko, the grade 10 student was very happy with Bella’s visit. Joko, one of the brightest students in his school, was very enthusiastic when Bella explained her intention of helping Joko to continue his education until he finishes university. Joko’s mother was so touched and happy; that Joko can be supported to continue his study. “All this time, our relationship is only about a child and the foster-parent. That’s all. By meeting them directly, I could know them even more, like their behavior and their hobbies” said Isabel. “After this meeting I will pay more attention to them. I will start by sending letters and maybe I will help promote this program to my friends in America. I think it will be easier, because the cost to foster a child is very affordable” she added. At the end of the day, Isabel gave them a book as a gift. These books are expected to motivate them to continue learning. “They reminded me to always be grateful. God has given many blessings for me, and this is the time for me to give the blessing also for others. Through education, I hoped they could be successful and change their own life, achieve a better life from generation to generation”.

Happiness Happiness can can bebe seen seen from on Bella’s Bella’s face face when when she she’s finally visited her foster children in their own house.

The Foster-Parent’s Visitation

Kunjungan Orangtua Asuh Jumat, 13 Agustus 2009 lalu, Isabella Tirtowalujo, salah satu orangtua asuh dari siswa Lentera Harapan, menyempatkan diri berkunjung ke Lampung untuk mengunjungi ketiga anak asuhnya pertama kali, yaitu Sutrisno, Waluyo dan Joko Aryono. Mahasiswa yang bekuliah di Calvin College, Michigan, Amerika Serikat ini bergabung dengan tim Lentera menuju Jati Agung, Lampung, lokasi di mana ketiganya bersekolah dan bertempat tinggal. Rona bahagia terlihat dari wajah Bella ketika dia berhasil mengunjungi anak- anak asuhnya di kediaman mereka masing-masing. Waluyo dan Sutrisno, yang merupakan saudara sekandung, juga tampak senang atas kunjungan tersebut. Sutrisno bahkan menunjukkan sedikit dari kegiatannya seharihari pada kami, yaitu menjala ikan. Begitu pula dengan Joko. Siswa kelas X ini, sangat senang atas kunjungan Bella. Salah satu siswa terpandai di sekolahnya ini sangat antusias ketika Bella mengutarakan niatnya untuk membantu Joko meneruskan pendidikannya hingga ke universitas. Ibunda Joko tampak terharu dan senang, dia mengungkapkan dukungannya agar Joko bisa terus bersekolah. “Selama ini hubungan kami hanya sekedar anak dan orangtua asuh. Itu saja. Dengan bertemu langsung, saya dapat

mengetahui mereka lebih lagi, seperti apa tindak tanduk dan hobby mereka” tutur Bella “Setelah pertemuan ini saya akan lebih memperhatikan mereka lagi. Mulai mengirim surat-surat dan mungkin saya akan membantu mempromosikan program ini pada teman-teman di Amerika. Saya rasa akan cukup mudah, karena biaya untuk mengasuh 1 anak, sangatlah terjangkau” tambahnya. Pada akhir pertemuan, tak lupa Bella memberikan hadiah sebuah buku pada mereka. Buku- buku tersebut diharapkan dapat terus memotivasi mereka untuk terus belajar. “ Mereka mengingatkan saya untuk selalu bersyukur. Tuhan sudah memberi banyak berkat bagi saya, dan ini waktunya bagi saya untuk memberi berkat juga bagi sesama. Melalui pendidikan, saya berharap mereka akan berhasil dan dapat merubah hidupnya masing-masing menjadi lebih baik bahkan sampai ke anak cucu”. Isabella & Joko

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WHEN GOD DOESN’T MAKE SENSE By DR. James Dobson, Tyndale House, 1993 An immensely practical book for those who are struggling with trials and heartaches they can’t understand. Why does disease, divorce, rejection, death or sorrow seep into our lives when we are trying to serve the LORD? This book will answers all the questions like: Where is God? Does He know what is happening? Is He concerned? What I have done to deserve this abandonment? Haven’t I served Him with a willing heart? All of the Biblical writers, including the giants of the faith, went through similar hardships. Look at the experience of Joseph, that he was hated by his brothers also was a slave in Egypt but Joseph was still faithful and obedient to God. What pleased God was Joseph’s faithfulness when nothing made sense. 1 Peter 4:12-13; Peter told about difficulties in Christian life: Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. Please note the coexistence of both joy and pain. This book will brings hope to those who have almost given up, Dr. Dobson deals with the deep emotional struggles we have in our relationship with God when pain and suffering strike.

THE MYSTERY OF GOD’s WILL What does He want for me? By Charles R. Swindoll,Word Publishing,1999 This is a book about the lifelong journey of getting to know God and His will for you, not about easy answers. Many people have the idea that, if they could just somehow find that single planned direction, they would be effortlessly swept through life. But life is not like that. Probably the most misunderstood single factor of discovering God’s will is the thought that, If I do this, the struggles end, the questions are over, the answers come and I live happily ever after. That’s not reality. In this book, Swindoll invites us to join him on a spiritual quest to understand God’s will better. The journey is often marked by mystery, but it is never dull or predictable. This book inspires us to discover what God’s will is in our life. God never leaves us nor forsakes us!

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