Select antipolis

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n 2020, or should we say tomorrow, the Sophia Antipolis Technopole will have successfully completed its transformation. Select Antipolis, your new magazine, will study those changes from every angle. Employees, engineers, researchers, managers and entrepreneurs, traders, or residents of the metropolitan area: you all are at the core of this dynamic. Every two months, and each week in our Newsletter, follow the latest buzzing updates!

Select Antipolis is your magazine: it relates the life of the Technopole, the innovation of its businesses and laboratories, and the global action of the department. It will convey political, economical and human measures undertaken for the development of Sophia Antipolis. You will enter and discover companies, but also experience the life on the French Riviera from a playful, fun and exceptional angle! Cultural events, selection of great restaurants and recipes; Select Antipolis provides you with its Housing, Design and Real Estate personal favourites, with a special report every two months, a sports section or car escapades. And with the Select Card, benefit from offers provided by all our partners and designed especially for you‌ Enjoy, as we said; Select Antipolis is your magazine!

Find out more and turn the page...

Lisa Pottier

Eric Pottier

MickaĂŤl Lardet

Marina Carvalho


Xavier Beck

Gregory Toscano

Amandine Lansade Maccario

Alain Scigliuto

Gregory Laloue

Francis BrÊchère

Pedram Shirazi

Daniel Naro

Audrey Sellari


Maxime Vanneste

Pierre Chaillou

Claire Massot

Aymeric Cherif


n ECONOMIC NEWS & BUSINESS - L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS 20 Yvon Grosso : « 15 000 companies to hand over in the 06 department » n INTELLIGENCE & INNOVATION 22 Greenstars, 100% local bio-fuel 28

Nvidia, Mobile devices are coming in force with Icera

n SOPHIA PLANNING 34 8th Forum of competitiveness poles 37

5th Ecobiz Forum

n X-RAY – RAYONS X 38 Interview with Claude Giafferri, new chairman of Amadeus SAS

n CAREERS - TRAJECTOIRES 46 Patrick Rougereau, ideas with flavour n LOVING YOUR JOB – BIEN DANS MA BOITE 50 How to integrate the generation Y in the workplace n FOCUS CASA 52 Jean Leonetti : « Sophia, it’s happening now ! » n REPORT - LE DOSSIER 60-66 Special : Tax exemption n WINES & GOOD FOOD - VINS & BONNES TABLES 70 Apreca : The passion for sweets


SOMMAIRE n GASTRONOMIE 76 Provençal Golf&Café 77 Le Cantemerle


110 n ARTS & CULTURE 126 Books 127 Expos 128 Shows 130 Concerts 132 Theatre 133 Opera-Ballet

Edition-rédaction et publicité : Sarl NEW LIFE COMMUNICATION au capital de 7500 € 1495 RN7 - Immeuble Alexandra 06270 Villeneuve-Loubet Tél. 04 93 22 30 70 Direction de la publication Lisa et Eric Pottier Secrétariat Amandine Lansade Maccario

Rédacteur en chef Mickaël Lardet

Directeur Commercial Alain Scigliuto -

Rédaction Marina Carvalho

Chargés de clientèle Audrey Sellari - Francis Bréchère Pedram Shirazi - Daniel Naro - Gregory Laloue Claire Massot - Maxime Vanneste - Aymeric Cherif Pierre Chaillou

Direction artistique - Infographie - Web Xavier Beck Gregory Toscano Traduction Caroline Durand 7

Photos : Editions Select / ©

Impression : Imprimerie Tiber - Italie Tirage : 20000 ex Toute reproduction même partielle des articles et illustrations parus dans Select Antipolis est interdite sans l’autorisation de l’éditeur. Exemplaire gratuit, ne peut être vendu.



ome and freely discover Fitlane, an exceptional concept

based on fitness training and well being. It is easy: as soon as you subscribe, you can access every center

equally all year long. To guide you, an hour of introduction is provided free of charge, to understand how the machines work, and to present the various collective classes available: experts are there to answer your questions and explain everything. At Fitlane, there are different kind of activities, and each profile can find a program that suits them best: bodybuilding, cardio training, collective classes (spinning lessons such as RPM), squash, sauna and hammam, coaching‌Fitlane follows the trends and organizes classes of Zumba, Zumbatomic for children,

Body Pump or even Pilates or Athletic Force lessons: you can pick a dynamic and trendy choreography for a great workout! Fitlane, a pioneer in fitness training, provides you with a highly efficient communication system, through playful and state-of-the art features such as interactive terminals, Iphone applications and a website ! As for the latest updates, Fitlane provides state-of-the-art equipment and a true investment policy is carried out by the brand to offer high-level equipment for Riviera fitness centers. A leader in fitness training on the French Riviera, Fitlane is indeed at the heart of the sports battle: 118 athletes have trained for the Nice-Cannes marathon this year ! So, make the most of the three-day open house on October 12th, 13th, and 14th: it is entirely free and with no obligation! And show your Select Card to benefit from an extra three-day pass to use in any center! Now you do not have any excuse to avoid working out…n

Always in the thick of the action, Fitlane has trained 118 athletes for the Nice-Cannes Marathon

Au coeur de l’évènement, fitlane prépare 118 athlètes pour le marathon de Nice-Cannes

Fitlane - 6 centres de fitness sur la côte d’Azur Mandelieu - Cannes La Bocca Cannes - Sophia Antipolis Nice - Juan Les Pins (ouverture en 2013) 0 825 620 720 - Ouverture 7J/7 De 7 h à 22 h du lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 20 h le week-end -

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT Upon presentation of your card, get 3 extra days free access centers to discover the spirit Fitlane

Conditions générales en page 3




L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS Find out about the latest business news of

Retrouvez ici l’actualité économique de

the technopole and the department. New

la technopole et du département. Arri-

comers, departures, investments and faci-

vées, départs, investissements et infra-

lities, interviews of decision-makers and

structures, rencontre de décideurs et vie

business stories: the pulse of business is at

des entreprises : le cœur de l’activité bat

the heart of L’actu éco & Business !

dans la rubrique L’actu éco & Business !




he leader in virtual SIM cards and SIM management platforms (commonly called SIM Server) has just ac-

e leader des solutions de cartes SIM virtuelles et

des plateformes de gestion de carte SIM (commu-

quired QuesCom, one of the main providers of

nément appelées SIM Server) vient de faire l’ac-

fixed-mobile convergence solutions. Founded in 2009 by

quisition de QuesCom, l’un des principaux fournisseurs

previous QuesCom employees, iQsim plans to accelerate

d’équipements pour la convergence

its development by targeting new markets and by comple-

fixes-mobiles. Fondée en 2009

menting its product offering with the addition of Ques-

par d’anciens employés de

Com’s expertise and knowledge, in order to become the

QuesCom, iQsim retrouve

European leader in Mobile Communication Routers.n

ainsi le savoir-faire et les compétences de la marque qui lui permettront pour sûr d’accélérer son développement en complétant son offre de produits et en ciblant de nouveaux marchés pour devenir le N°1 européen des routeurs de communications mobiles. n





wenty Riviera companies with an innovative pro-

gram: « Performance globale 06 ». The goal: to

ingt entreprises azuréennes participent au pro-

gramme innovant « Performance globale 06 ».

organize their Corporate Social Res-

Objectif : organiser leur démarche de Respon-

ponsibility in order to be compliant with

sabilité sociétale, et ainsi répondre aux nouvelles exi-

the new ISO 26000 standards, the inter-

gences d’ISO 26000, la norme internationale

national CSR standard. The introduc-

de RSE (responsabilité sociétale des entre-

tion of a carbon output and the CSR

prises). La mise en place d’un bilan carbone

are coming from a strong desire to in-

et de la RSE répondent à une volonté d’accroitre

crease both sustainable growth and

croissance et compétitivité durables. Une plateforme

competitiveness. A collaborative monitoring

de pilotage collaborative commune, cinq parrains et un

platform, five sponsors and optimal counseling by

accompagnement optimal par des professionnels de

business experts should lead those companies to

ces thématiques dans l’entreprise, doivent conduire ces

hand over a report of 18 months, including

sociétés à présenter un bilan à 18

12 of individual and group work,

mois, dont 12 de travaux individuels

and 6 months of post-operating

et collectifs, et 6 de suivi post-opéra-

follow-up. See you at the end of

tion. Rendez-vous en cette fin d’an-

the year for a first assessment. n

née pour un premier bilan. n







erfectly in keeping with the CASA and business in-

cubators, the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur has reinforced

’est en parfaite osmose avec la CASA et les incuba-

teurs d’entreprises que la CCI Nice Côte d’Azur a

its involvement in the ‘Sophipolitan’ area.

renforcé sa présence sur le territoire sophipolitain.

25 collaborateurs contre une dizaine précédemment ré-

25 employees, as opposed to ten previously, are now

pondent désormais aux besoins des 1 400 entreprises

available to assist the 1400 companies of Sophia Antipolis

de Sophia Antipolis au sein du tout nouveau « Business

at the brand new “Business Pole”. 600 square meters ac-

Pôle ». Un espace de 600 m² dans lequel ont été installés

commodating the “International Business” and “Innova-

les pôles « Entreprises à l’international » et « Innovation

tion & Intelligence” centers. In direct contact with

& intelligence ». Au contact même des entreprises, la

businesses, the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur also provides a sin-

CCI Nice Côte d’Azur met également à disposition un

gle reception desk, services dedicated to foreign em-

guichet unique d’accueil, des services dédiés aux colla-

ployees, a hospitality desk and an assistance and

borateurs étrangers, un hospitality desk et un service

monitoring service for young businesses. n

d’aide et de suivi aux jeunes entreprises. n




vember 27


sons l’entreprise » [Outthink business], that will be the theme of the 11 th edition of the Entreprenariales, on No-

2012 in the Espaces Muses of Nice

Acropolis. The fair, dedicated to services for business managers, entrepreneurs and traders on the Riviera, returns to basics after an escapade in the Centre Expo Congrès of Mandelieu-la-Napoule in 2011. If the venue differs, the goal remains the same: to gather in one place and on a single day all the information required for proper business management, providing solutions to development and management issues. n


sons l’entreprise », tel sera le thème de

la 11ème édition des Entreprenariales qui

aura lieu le 27 novembre 2012 à l’Es-

paces Muses de Nice Acropolis. Un retour aux sources après une escapade en 2011 au Centre Expo Congrès de Mandelieu-la-Napoule pour le salon des services aux dirigeants d’entreprises, entrepreneurs et commerçants azuréens. Si le lieu change, l’objectif lui reste le même : apporter en un même lieu et au cours d'une seule journée, toute l'information nécessaire à la gestion d’entreprise, et apporter des solutions aux problématiques de développement et de management. n






fter Nvidia, MediaTek and STMicroelectronics, Samsung now makes its way into the technopole following the buyout of British CSR (Cambridge

Silicon Radio). The world leader on the market of mobile phones had to pay 310 million dollars to purchase the R&D center of Sophia Antipolis and its forty engineers, 21 patents in compliance with Bluetooth, FM, GPS and Wifi standards, as well as some stock shares. The Sophipolitan location will turn into Samsung territory in October and will enable the South Korean power to reinforce its expertise, to consolidate its intellectual property and to win over new battles in its war against Apple, its American rival.


With the arrival of the first manufacturer of Smartphones and mobiles in the world, the technopole most certainly asserts itself as the French Silicon Valley and confirms its attractiveness and its international influential role in terms


of innovation. n

près Nvidia, MediaTek et STMicroelectronics, c’est au tour de Samsung de faire son entrée dans la technopole suite au rachat du britannique CSR

(Cambridge Silicon Radio). 310 millions de dollars, c’est le prix qu’a dû débourser le leader mondial sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile pour acquérir le centre de R&D de Sophia Antipolis et sa quarantaine d’ingénieurs, 21 brevets relatifs aux normes Bluetooth, FM, GPS et Wifi ainsi que plusieurs actions en bourse. L’ensemble du site sophipolitain prendra les couleurs de Samsung courant octobre et permettra au géant sud-coréen de renforcer son savoir-faire, de mettre au point de nouvelles technologies sans fil pour ses smartphones et tablettes, de consolider sa propriété intellectuelle et de gagner peut-être de nouvelles batailles dans la guerre qu’il mène avec son grand rival américain Apple. Avec l’arrivée du premier fabricant de smartphones et mobiles au monde, la technopole s’impose décidément comme la Silicon Valley française et confirme son attractivité et sa place de référence mondiale en matière d’innovation. n







he entire Riviera industry will gather on November 20th at the racecourse of Cagnes-sur-Mer. Organized together by the APPIM (Association of

Partners for the Industrial Promotion of the Mediterra-

e grand rendez-vous de l'année pour toute l'industrie azuréenne aura lieu le 20 novembre à l'hippodrome de Cagnes-sur-Mer. Organisée conjointement par

l’Association des Partenaires pour la Promotion Industrielle

nean) and the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Indus-

Méditerranée (APPIM), la Chambre de Commerce et d’In-

try) Nice Côte d’Azur and the UIMM (the Union of the

dustrie Nice Côte d’Azur (CCI) et l’Union des Industries et

Metalworking Industries and Trade), the 11 edition of

Métiers de la Métallurgie Côte d’Azur (UIMM), la 11ème édi-

this industrial expertise display will honour Italy this year

tion de cette vitrine du savoir-faire industriel mettra cette

and plans to have a dedicated space to globalization

année l’Italie à l’honneur et prévoit un espace dédié à l’in-

where experts will be available and professional confe-

ternational dans lequel vous pourrez bénéficier de conseils

rences will be held to explore new markets.

d’experts et de conférences de qualité pour partir à l’as-


saut de nouveaux marchés. Last year, 120 exhibitors and 1300 participants had

L'an dernier, 120 exposants et 1.300 participants s’étaient-

come and shared their experiences for a day.For more

donné rendez-vous le temps de cette journée d’échange.

information, please visit n

Plus d’informations sur n

November 20th at the racecourse of Cagnes-sur-Mer






évoilée en juillet dernier, la technopole urbaine

Nice Méridia débutera la première phase de travaux en 2013 et s’étendra, dans un premier

temps sur 26 hectares, sur les 200 prévisionnels. Opération prioritaire de l’Eco-Vallée, le projet présenté par l’urbaniste Christian Devillers prévoit campus universitaires, pépinières d’entreprises innovantes, incubateurs, hôtels d’entreprises, business centers, commerces de proximité, services, bureaux et immeubles à haute qualité environnementale. Tout un programme pour ce Sophia Antipolis à la sauce niçoise dont l’objectif est de créer un espace de développement en R&D dans les secteurs de l’environnement et de la santé et qui devrait générer à terme plus de 2 100 logements et 4 000 emplois. A noter que le projet des futurs quartiers ouest de la capitale azuréenne devra être soumis à la décision des niçois cet automne. n


nveiled last July, the Nice Meridia urban techno-

logy cluster will launch its first construction stage in 2013 and will first spread over 64 acres out of

the 495 originally planned. First on the list for the Eco-Valley, the project designed by the city planner Christian Devillers includes university campuses, innovative businesses, incubators, serviced offices, business centers, convenient stores, services, offices and high-end eco-buildings. A great project for Nice’s version of Sophia Antipolis with the goal to create a R&D center in environment and health, which should eventually lead to over 2100 housing solutions and 4000 jobs. Moreover, the project of the upcoming western neighborhoods of the Riviera capital will be submitted to Nice residents this fall. n




15000 COMPANIES TO HAND OVER IN THE 06 DEPARTMENT 15000 ENTREPRISES À TRANSMETTRE DANS LE 06 We met with Yvon Grosso, the President of UPE 06, the Union for Businesses in the Alpes Maritimes. Entretien avec Yvon Grosso, président de l’UPE 06, l’Union Pour l’Entreprise des Alpes Maritimes. Can you tell us about your career before being at the

Quel est votre parcours, avant d’arriver à la tête

head of UPE ?

de l’UPE ?

I have been an executive at Ecco, in charge of developing

J’ai été cadre dirigeant chez Ecco, chargé du développe-

the agency network, 34 total, over 27 years. I was an “intre-

ment d’un réseau d’agences, 34 au total, pendant 27 ans.

preneur”, similar to a franchise holder. When the group was

J’étais un « intrapreneur », un peu à l’image d’un franchisé.

bought out, I left the nest and at 54 years old I created my

Lorsque le groupe a été racheté, j’ai pris mon envol et à 54

own business. I have been campaigning at UPE for 30 years!

ans, j’ai créé mon activité. Je milite à l’UPE depuis 30 ans !

I built my career progressively, and along the years, I realized

J’ai fait mon parcours progressivement, et au fil des années,

that it required a lot of faith and not that many certainties: in

je me suis rendu compte qu’il fallait beaucoup de conviction

the end, we are fighting about the same things as we used

et peu de certitudes : au fond, on se bat sur les mêmes

to 20 years ago!

thèmes qu’il y a 20 ans en arrière !

What is your point of view regarding the economical

Quel regard portez-vous sur l’activité économique

activity of the department during the first semester?

du département au cours du premier semestre ?

The activity indicator, the VAT gained a 2% increase. Globally,

L’indicateur de l’activité, la TVA, est à +2 %. Globalement,

the department is still privileged compared to others, with the

le département est encore privilégié par rapport à d’autres

tourism industry that uplift the market and the Grasse pole re-

avec une activité touristique qui tire le marché vers le haut et

volving around perfume that benefits from the general growth,

un pôle grassois autour du parfum qui profite de la


more particularly from Asian markets, to develop its activity.

croissance, notamment des marchés asiatiques pour dévelop-

But let me be clear, industries are going through tough times,

per son activité. Attention, l’industrie est en difficulté, et le

and the Building and Civil Engineering industry, as well as

BTP et l’artisanat peuvent souffrir d’un contexte de concur-

craftsmanship, can be subjected to difficulties in a competitive

rence de pays voisins européens que la crise pousse à aller

environment coming from the neighboring European coun-

décrocher des marchés toujours plus loin. Les grands travaux

tries that have to go find new markets further away because

sont au point mort et le BTP s’apprête à licencier.

of the crisis. The great construction projects are at a stand still and the Building and Civil Engineering is about to lay off employees. What do you think of the first measures and declarations made by the government regarding the economy? Regarding taxes for overtime, the

In France, we complain about people that succeed! We need to work on how we hand over companies: in the department, there are 14911 companies to sell…

Que pensez-vous des premières mesures et annonces gouvernementales en lien avec l’économie ? Sur la fiscalité des heures supplé-

En France, on se plaint des gens qui réussissent ! Il y a un effort à faire sur la transmission d’entreprises : dans le département, il y a 14911 entreprises à céder...

government should not consider

mentaires, le gouvernement ne devrait pas considérer cette mesure comme une niche fiscale : il s’agit d’emploi et de pouvoir d’achat des salariés ! Nous, en-

this measure as a tax loophole: it concerns employment and

trepreneurs, avons besoin de flexibilité : nous n’avons plus

the purchasing power of employees! As entrepreneurs, we re-

de visibilité dans nos activités. En France, nous sommes

quire flexibility: we do not have any visibility anymore. In

dans un fonctionnement trop centralisé, notamment dans

France our environment is too centralized, in particular regar-

l’organisation de nos territoires. Enfin, il faut vraiment ré-

ding the organization of territories. Finally, the labor code

former le code du travail : le nombre d’articles a presque

needs to be reformed: there have been twice many more ar-

doublé en 5 ans !

ticles in 5 years! Quels seraient les priorités selon vous à privilégier pour According to you, what would be the priorities to empha-

les entreprises françaises ?

size for French companies?

En France, on se plaint des gens qui réussissent ! Il y a un ef-

In France, we complain about people that succeed! We

fort à faire sur la transmission d’entreprises : dans le dépar-

need to work on how we hand over companies: in the de-

tement, il y a 14911 entreprises à céder... Il faudrait plutôt

partment, there are 14911 companies to sell… We should

exonérer la transmission, au lieu de se focaliser sur les heures

exonerate business transmission instead of focusing on

supplémentaires, ou sur le forfait social ! Nous sommes en

overtime or on social rates! We are facing international com-

compétition mondiale : l’état doit être attractif au niveau in-

petition: the country must remain attractive on the interna-

ternational et l’aide aux entreprises est un vrai levier de cette

tional scene and business benefits are a great leverage


regarding competition. Quelles sont les actions de l’UPE 06 pour fédérer et aider What does UPE 06 do to unify and help entrepreneurs?

les entrepreneurs ?

We introduce companies on the international scene. The

Nous mettons en lien les entreprises avec l’international. Le

Club Business 06 works really well too and creates emulation.

Club Business 06 fonctionne aussi très bien, et crée de l’ému-

We have just created l’Institut de Formation Civique et

lation. Nous venons aussi de créer l’Institut de Formation Ci-

Sociétale [the Institue of Civic and Societal Training] in order

vique et Sociétale, pour que se rapprochent et se

for public and private spheres to understand each other bet-

comprennent mieux sphère publique et privée. Rendez-vous

ter. Finally, we will meet during the Entreprenariales to get

enfin aux Entreprenariales, qui vont mettre là aussi en

sellers and business buyers in contact. n

contact cédants et repreneurs d’entreprises. n


The French Riviera, with Sophia Antipolis, as a land of innovation, never stops making progress in science, in the technological industry or in the real world. Here are the latest updates in innovation and knowledge.

La Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis, terres d’innovation, n’ont de cesse de faire progresser les sciences et la marche du monde, technologique et réel. Voici les dernières nouvelles de l’innovation et du savoir.



t is a noble challenge: the Conseil Général and the Nice

Côte d’Azur Metropolis are financing “Greenstars”, a project aiming at developing a new generation of bio-

© Inria / Photo C. Lebedinsky




fuels, produced from the development of micro-seaweeds, of industrial CO², of organic wastes and solar energy. The INRA supports the project, developed by the Inria center in Sophia Antipolis, and the oceanological lab of Villefranche-sur-Mer. The project has been accepted

Vue extérieure de l'INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée

by the national program for future investments.n


’est un beau pari : le Conseil Général et la Mé-

tropole Nice Côte d’Azur portent financièrement « Greenstars », un projet qui vise à

développer une nouvelle génération de biocarburants, issus de la valorisation des micro-algues, du CO² d’origine industrielle, des déchets organiques et de l’énergie solaire. L’INRA porte le projet, développé par l’Inria à Sophia Antipolis et le laboratoire océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Le projet a été retenu au titre de programme national d’investissements d’avenir. n


LE LABO I3M SUR LE PROJET INFINI DRIVE Principal obstacle au développement des flottes de véhicules électriques ? L’organisation des structures de recharge de voitures, en un déploiement économiquement viable et écologiquement durable. C’est l’objectif du projet « Infinidrive » (lancé par La Poste et Erdf), pour 9.08 M€. Il réunit un consortium d’experts avec trois labos de re-



cherche dont I3M, de Nice Sophia Antipolis et du Sud Toulon Var, chargés du pilotage en puissance des recharges. Fin 2013, un livre vert sera publié sur ces infrastructures de recharges de flottes captives privées. A Nice, le lancement du projet à eu lieu le 17 septembre. Plus sur : n

hat is the main obstacle in developing fleets of electrical vehicles? Turning recharge terminals for cars into an economi-

cally sufficient and sustainable network. It is the goal of the “Infinidrive” project (launched by La Poste and Erdf) for 9,08 million euros. It gathers a consortium of experts with three research labs, among which I3M, from Nice Sophia Antipolis and Sud Toulon Var, in charge of running the recharge terminal power. A green book will be published at the end of 2013, regarding those recharge facilities for private fleets. In Nice, the project has been launched on September, 17.

Find out more on: n








he SPL (Local Public Company), is a modern tool targeting regional development,

and which combines the advantages

a SPL, Société Publique Locale, se veut un outil moderne et adapté à l’aménagement du territoire, qui

cumule les avantages de la souplesse

of private sector’s flexibility and city

du secteur privé et l’intérêt d’une régie

monitoring. The first SPL of the

municipale. Première SPL des Alpes-

Alpes-Maritimes, launched in Fe-

Maritimes, lancée en février et souhai-

bruary and required by Valbonne,

tée par Valbonne, Vallauris, Le Rouret et

Vallauris, Le Rouret and Gourdon, has

Gourdon, elle vient d’étendre ses ac-

just extended its shareholders net-

tionnaires aux communes de Château-

work to Châteauneuf de Grasse and

neuf de Grasse et à celles de la CASA.

the towns of the CASA. Considered

Voulue comme le bras armé des collec-

as the driving force of local authori-

tivités pour la réalisation de leurs projets

ties to complete development pro-

d’aménagement, elle va participer à la

jects, it will participate to the large

grande restructuration des 150.000 m² Marc Daunis, président de la SPL


reorganization of the 150,000 m² of the Zone des Clausonnes, and will turn this entry point of Sophia Antipolis into an attractive, multi purpose, and organized area (services, shops…). But already, among the projects that have al-

The SPL will participate to the large reorganization of the 150,000 m² of the Zone des Clausonnes, and will turn this entry point of Sophia Antipolis into an attractive, multi purpose, and organized area

La SPL va participer à la grande restructuration des 150.000 m² de la Zone des Clausonnes, et faire de cette entrée de Sophia Antipolis une zone attractive, multifonctionnelle et structurante

ready been launched recently,

de la Zone des Clausonnes, et faire de cette entrée de Sophia Antipolis une zone attractive, multifonctionnelle et structurante (activités tertiaires, commerces…). Mais déjà, entre autres projets lancés tout récemment, la SPL

the SPL operates the project management for the future

assure la Maîtrise d’ouvrage du futur Dojo de Garbejaire.

Dojo of Garbejaire. Its large status enables it to com-

Ses larges statuts lui permettent par exemple toute ac-

plete purchase, transfer, renting out, sale or supply of

quisition, cession, location, vente ou mise à disposition

building plots required for every development project.

des terrains liés à tous ces projets d’aménagement.

Please note that the number of shareholders may be

Notez qu’à terme, le nombre d’actionnaires pourra en-

subjected to increase on the long-term, according to the

core s’étendre en fonction des projets. Présidée par Marc

ongoing projects. With Marc Daunis, Senator-mayor of

Daunis, Sénateur-maire de Valbonne, la SPL a pour di-

Valbonne, as its president, the SPL’s director is Jacques

recteur Jacques Masboungi, par ailleurs Directeur Géné-

Masboungi, also General Director of SYMISA. n

ral du SYMISA. n






he village of Valderoure becomes the first photo-


voltaic farm in the department! With, 13.5 acres and 24,000 photovoltaic units, this solar park

avoids 2508 tons of CO2 wastes per year, and the equivalent in electricity consumption of a town of 1015 inhabitants. Belectric France, subsidiary of the German world


leader Belectric, has already installed 1 GW of solar parks and roofing in the world. The landscape integration has been given a lot of consideration with a complete envi-

e village de Valderoure devient la première ferme photovoltaïque du département ! Avec 5,5 Ha et 24.000 modules photovoltaïques, ce

parc solaire doit permettre d’éviter le rejet de 2508 T

ronmental monitoring of the farm’s development.n

de CO2 à l’année, et l’équivalent de la consommation électrique d’une ville de 1015 habitants. Belectric France, filiale du leader mondial allemand Belectric, a déjà installé 1 GW de toitures et de parcs solaires dans le monde. L’intégration au paysage a été particulièrement soignée avec un véritable suivi environnemental du développement de la ferme. n




ougins School begins the school year with a

Mougins School follows the British curriculum and, for

brand new Primary building which houses

the past four years, the students have achieved a 100%

twelve classes from Early Years to Form 6.

pass rate at A-Level, the equivalent of the Baccalau-

Forms 3 to 6 have double classes which has permitted

reate. These achievements permit students to go on

the School to augment the number of students, al-

to higher education in prestigious universities world

though classes are limited in order to give the maxi-

wide. With enrolment at 520, aged three to eighteen,

mum attention to each child.

from forty countries, the educational experience at

The last phase of the School’s development will be

Mougins School is culturally rich. It enables young peo-

completed in September 2013 with the opening of a

ple to learn tolerance and respect and to enjoy ex-

new Science building. This will house four Laborato-

changes that are rich and diverse. n

ries, a second IT Laboratory and an extra classroom.

Prepare for tomorrow’s world with an education worthy of today.

The completion of the building programme provides an exceptional purpose-built campus, in a green environment, on the outskirts of Sophia Antipolis close to the village of Mougins. The new Primary building liberates the Performing Arts building which will be refurbished in order to ameliorate the conditions which already allow the School to put great emphasis on both Music and Theatre. Several concerts a year are organised within the School, as well as two Musicals and a number of theatre performances. As well as performing arts, the School puts great emphasis on its sporting programme with particular strengths in the practice of orienteering where students have reached national competition level.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, BD 1218, 06254 Mougins Cedex - France Tel: 04 93 90 15 47 Fax: 06 93 75 31 40 -






ith the buyout of Icera’s R&D, Nvidia,

manufacturer of graphics cards, plans to widely develop its range of products on the

tablet computer and smartphone market. Icera works on 4G and on 3G software compatibility. With this buyout (367 million dollars), the 102 Sophia engineers will benefit from the hiring of over 50 people by 2013. This strategic investment enables the two companies, which had already been working together on various projects, to become major actors on the mobile technology scene. Moreover, Nvidia is participating to the LTE now project, of Gemalto, labeled by SCS, which aims at eventually providing permanent high-speed Internet mobile connections for users. n


PACA LABS, IT’S ON! PACA LABS, C’EST PARTI ! The 4th PACA labs call for proposals has just been launched.

La 4e vague d’appel à projets PACA Labs vient d’être lancée.

Every companies part of a Prides in the PACA region,

Toutes les entreprises membres d’un Prides de PACA,

the municipal associations, the Higher education and

les collectivités locales, les établissements d’enseigne-

research courses can benefit from this support for live

ment supérieur et de recherche, sont concernés par ce

action testing of technologies and innovative services

soutien à l’expérimentation grandeur nature des tech-

in the area.

nos et services innovants dans la région.

The goals: to enable microenterprises and small busi-

Objectifs : permettre aux TPE et PME qui travaillent

nesses working in IT to test their technologies in large

dans les Tic de tester leurs technologies en situation

scale, but also to integrate in this process research labs

réelle, mais aussi d’impliquer dans ces développe-

and higher education courses, and allowing local au-

ments les laboratoires de recherche et établissements

thorities to anticipate the new uses of these IT solu-

d’enseignement, et de permettre aux territoires d’an-

tions. A great way to boost and multiply the potential

ticiper les nouveaux usages de ces Tic. Un véritable

of innovative start-up businesses!

booster qui peut décupler les potentialités des start-

Start working on those applications! n

up innovantes. A vos dossiers ! n

Find out more on:

Renseignements sur :





PLANNING The essential meetings

Les rendez-vous incontournables

Feel the heart of the bubbling Sophia Antipolis and the region. Not a week goes by without an event, a conference, a training session or a great international meeting.

Vivez le cœur de la bouillonnante activité de Sophia Antipolis et du département. Pas une semaine ne se passe sans événement, colloque, session de formation ou grand rendez-vous international.

MY MEETINGS WITH UPE 06 MES RDV AVEC L’UPE 06 Trainings Les Formations • Maladie : Gérer un dossier d’inaptitude [Sickness : How

Workshops / Les Ateliers

to manage a case of incapacity ?]

• Comment augmenter votre performance commer-

Thursday 4th October - Jeudi 4 octobre

ciale? [How to improve your sales force?] Thursday 11th October From 8: 45am till 11am

• Modifier le contrat de travail et sécuriser les procé-

Jeudi 11 octobre - De 8 h 45 à 11 h

dures [Modifying contracts and secure process] Wednesday 24th October - Mercredi 24 Octobre

• Comment optimiser ses recrutements en PME? • Sécuriser le décompte du temps de travail [Secu-

[How to optimize hiring in small businesses?] Friday 26th October - From 8: 45am till 11am

ring working hours breakdown]

Vendredi 26 octobre - De 8 h 45 à 11 h

Friday 2nd November - Vendredi 2 Novembre

UPE 06 Av Guynemer - Cap Var C2 06700 St Laurent du Var Tél : 04 92 27 27 60

Holiday Inn Resort 167 Promenade des Flots Bleus 06700 St Laurent du Var Tél : 04 93 14 80 25


The School Business week

La Semaine Ecole-Entreprise

UPE 06 invites entrepreneurs

L'UPE 06 incite les entrepreneurs

and business managers to

et cadres d'entreprise à partici-

take part in this 13th edition in

per à cette 13ème édition afin

order to organize tours of their

de faire visiter leur entreprise,

companies, share their profes-

témoigner de leurs parcours

sional careers and present how

professionnels et faire découvrir

a business works to secondary

la vie de l'entreprise aux collé-

school students. n

giens et lycéens. n

From November 26th to November 30th / Du 26 au 30 Novembre Contact :







rganized by the SFIP (the French Society of

Plastics Engineers) and the CEMEF, (the Ma-

rganisé par la SFIP, Société Française des In-

génieurs des Plastiques, et le CEMEF, Centre

terials Forming Center), the conference ga-

de Mise en forme des Matériaux, le colloque

thers professionals and managers for two days around

réunit professionnels et responsables deux jours du-

debates, workshops and lectures. n

rant autour de débats, workshops, et conférences. n

For more information and registration, please

Renseignements et inscriptions auprès de Nicole

contact Nicole Hagimont - +33 (0)6 81 48 45 84 -

Hagimont - 06 81 48 45 84 - Email : nicole.hagi-

Email :

From October 17th to October 19th - 9am till 11pm MINES ParisTech - Sophia Antipolis



rganized each year by the association


Linux Azur, les Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre [The Mediterranean Days of

rganisées chaque année par l’association

Linux Azur, les Journées Méditerranéennes

Free Software] gather all professionals, curious and

du Logiciel Libre sont l’occasion pour les

passionate to share and discover the world of resources

professionnels, curieux et passionnés d’échanger et de

and free software during a weekend.

découvrir le temps d’un week-end le monde des ressources et logiciels libres.

The calendar includes debates, conferences, an install-

Au programme, des débats, des conférences, une ins-

party, free video-games and booths introducing new pro-

tall-party, une partie de jeux vidéos libres et des stands

jects. n

de présentation de projets. n

November 23rd and 24th - 10am - 7pm Ecole Polytech'Nice-Sophia





n March 21st and 22nd 2013, the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes will host a brand new trade show dedicated to

new technologies. Organized by Tarsus France, inclu-

es 21 et 22 mars 2013, Le Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes sera le théâtre d’un tout nouveau salon professionnel dédié aux nouvelles

technologies. Organisé par Tarsus France qui attend

ding 200 exhibitors at the moment and expecting

200 exposants et espère 2 000 participants à cette pre-

2000 participants for this first edition, this trade show

mière édition, ce salon nommé IT Meetings sera

untitled IT Meetings will be dedicated to network

consacré au business des réseaux, à la mobilité et au

businesses, mobility and cloud computing and will

cloud computing et verra rassemblés des éditeurs, des

gather editors, telecom operators, infrastructure sup-

opérateurs télécoms, des fournisseurs d’infrastructures

pliers and mobility experts. n

et des professionnels de la mobilité. n

March 21st and 22nd 2013 / Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes








icolas Bondu, consultant in recruitment stra-

tegies via social networks for the APEC, will

onsultant en stratégie de recrutement via les

médias sociaux pour l’APEC, Nicolas Bondu

assist participants in defining various strate-

aidera les participants à définir les différentes

gies and sourcing process using social networks, in

stratégies et les étapes de sourcing sur les medias so-

mastering the available tools and their features, un-

ciaux, maitriser les outils et leurs fonctionnalités,

derstanding rules of usage, directing interviews, and

connaitre les usages, mener les entretiens et évaluer

evaluating objectively. n

objectivement. n

October 18th and 19th – 2pm / Fondation Sophia Antipolis +33 (0)4 92 96 78 14




hat will be the new challenges over the

next ten years? That is the theme of this

uels nouveaux challenges pour la décennie ?

C’est le thème de cette prochaine édition, dé-

upcoming edition, dedicated to the Inter-

diée au triptyque International, Clusters et En-

national, Clusters and

treprises. Au programme :

Business trilogy.On the syllabus:

- des ateliers thématiques sectoriels : TIC, Clean Techno-

- Sector-based workshops: ICT, Clean Technologies,

logies, Biotechnologies, Energies renouvelables. - des tables rondes : les bonnes pratiques en matière

Biotechnologies, Sustainable energies.

de services.

- Round-tables: good practices in professional services

- des présentations de projets de PME membres de pôles

- Project presentations of small businesses seeking

en recherche de partenariats. n

partnerships, as members of poles. n

November 22nd and 23rd – 8: 30am till 6pm Skema Business School +33 (0)4 93 95 44 44




rganisé par l’associa-

tion Sophia Antipolis MicroElectronics, la



édition du Forum SAME

portera sur « L’innovation en microélectronique ». L’occasion pour vous de participer à des conférences animées par des experts, d’assister à des


rganized by the Sophia Antipolis Associa-

sessions d’aide individuelle et de présenter votre sa-

tion, MicroElectronics, the 15th edition of the

voir-faire et vos innovations en matière de technolo-

Forum SAME will be about “Innovation in

gies avancées devant un panel de spécialistes. n Tout le programme sur www.

microelectronics”. It is a great opportunity to take part in conferences led by experts, to attend individual assistance workshops and to present your expertise and

October 2nd - from 5pm till 11pm at the Sophia Country Club October 3rd - from 8am till 8pm at the CICA

innovations in advanced technologies in front of a panel of professionals. n The whole program is available on






ed by three experts, Jean-Bertrand De Lartigue, Management and Business Transfer Specialist for MA Consulting International, Eric Rattier, Foun-

der of Dealmaker and Ferjani Neffati of the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur [Chamber of Commerce], this morning meeting aims at providing key elements to assess the commercial value of your business through various development methods. This analysis is essential to protect your interests if you are selling or passing down your company. n For more information and to register, please contact Catherine Dubreuil :



nimée par trois experts, Jean-Bertrand De Lartigue, spécialiste de gestion et de transmission d’entreprise chez MA Consulting International,

Eric Rattier, fondateur de Dealmaker et Ferjani Neffati de la CCI Nice Côte d’Azur, cette matinale vise à vous donner les clefs pour estimer au mieux la valeur marchande de votre business à travers différentes méthodes de valorisations. Une analyse essentielle pour protéger vos intérêts dans le cadre d’une vente ou succession de votre entreprise. n

Friday October 12th From 9am till 11am - Sophia Café Fondation Sophia Antipolis Place Sophie Lafitte

Informations et inscriptions auprès de Catherine Dubreuil :




or this essential meeting of business communi-

ties and networks, there will be 10 conferences, and 8 theme workshops (Sales, Creating and

Buying a Company, E-commerce, Energy, Innovation, Young Businesses, Management, Marketing & Communication, Cinema & Broadcasting, QHSE, HR, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sports, Tourism), two speed business meetings, two convention signatures


and one space dedicated to “new encounters” in

u programme de ce rendez-vous incontourna-

ble des communautés et réseaux d’entreprises,

order to exchange with colleagues, make new contacts and find potential partners. n

10 conférences et 8 ateliers thématiques (com-

To find out more, please visit:

mercial, créateurs repreneurs, E-commerce, énergie, innovation, jeunes entreprises, management, marketing & communication, cinéma & audiovisuel, QHSE, RH, RSE, sport, tourisme), deux speed business meetings, deux signatures de convention et un espace « rencontre » pour échanger avec vos pairs, établir de nouveaux contacts et trouver de futurs partenaires. n

En savoir plus sur :

October 18th and 19th From 9: 30am till 7pm CCI Nice Côte d’Azur 20 Bld Carabacel - Nice





LES ENTREPRISES DE SOPHIA AU SCANNEUR Our X-Ray section scans companies. Managers, core businesses, markets and upcoming challenges: every two months, take a closer look at a multinational company and discover the DNA of several microenterprises or small businesses in Sophia Antipolis and in the Alpes Maritimes.

Rayons X, c’est la radiographie de l’entreprise. Dirigeants, cœur de métier, marchés et défis à relever : découvrez tous les deux mois un grand groupe passé au scanneur et l’ADN de plusieurs TPE ou PME de Sophia-Antipolis et des Alpes-Maritimes.

AMADEUS Claude Giafferri just got nominated president of Amadeus SAS. It is the perfect timing to discover the first employer in the Alpes Maritimes (2800 employees), the functioning of Amadeus, its customers and the new markets to capture. Mr. Giafferri, you are the new president of Amadeus SAS. Could you tell us what part does the Sophia Antipolis team play here? It is essentially the product teams that are working in Sophia: the R&D of our portfolio products, with Software Engineers, and sales team directing Product Marketing and listing customers’ requests in every


industry (airlines, travel agencies…). They analyze requirements and transfer them to developers. Finally, other sales teams are in charge of Global Customer Support. To what extent do Amadeus teams in Sophia work with local research institutes and teaching facilities of the technopole, and on which project or products? Our group works on an international level, consequently our influence is global. We have had shared projects with the MIT at Boston, the University of Zurich, but also with the university environment here. We have links with the University of Nice, regarding IT such as the foundation Dream IT. We are working with Eurecom, Polytech’Nice, but also Skema. But everything that is connected to IT in the area can lead us to develop occasional or regular interactions. In practical terms, when do regular travelers use your technologies, and most of the time without even knowing it?

Claude Giafferri

Almost all the time! Over a normal process, you start checking the availability of the transportation you have selected, then flights. You go ahead with the booking, which is transferred to airlines’ inventories. Then we provide the itinerary rate and issue the ticket. Even if today it is dematerialized with electronic tickets, it still needs to be made. It is a basic process but with time, we added more and more features: we expanded our technologies so much so that today you can check on your system, departing from Nice, where to go for a 1000 to 1500€ ticket for instance. The selection used to be made based on destinations, dates, but today people want to know “how much traveling costs”. Downstream we also have post-trip processes enabling us to provide travel agencies that do corporate travel for instance with major statistics. What have been the new customs and requirements regarding the rise of customers with strong potential for development over the last few years? We have quickly spread our network over the entire planet. In early 2000, we have started equipping airlines with internal systems, to manage inventories, and with



check-in software. We have clients everywhere. Many of them are in Asia: this inclination has been growing very strong over the last three years. It brings out specificities relevant to their markets but mostly different methods of work. It forces us to think outside of our line of comfort. But our service globally diversified itself through the nature of the products airlines wanted to offer their customers: special meals, extra luggage or larger seats with extra costs, since they consider it a source of extra income but also a great way to secure the loyalty of their customers. It is becoming a utility and we are the intermediate provider that needs to adjust to those new customs. On Smartphones and tablets you can see new services available such as rerouting or incident management. All mobile technologies have advanced and give access to information, in case of disruptions caused by an Icelandic volcano becoming active again (!), or flights irregularities, or cancellations. At the same time, airports are starting to grab the huge asset our systems represent: as we are working with


most of the world’s airlines, we can provide them with a single source of information to operate their platforms. We are already working in that direction with the Airport of Munich. Little by little we are heading towards airports of the future. It still plays a sensible part in air transportation. That is when you still lose your luggage, or when you have to cope with tricky security… We are evolving towards contactless technologies that will enable to check-in or follow a luggage anywhere in the airport. New customs, and new markets have arrived. n


CLAUDE GIAFFERRI 59 years old Married, with great knowledge of China (his wife is Chinese). From Corsica, he studied at Ecole des Mines de Paris, MS in USA (Stanford), and lived the first part of his life in Paris, working at CEA, at Air France and then at Amadeus in 1991 Hobbies: guitar, sports in the local region, travels Favorite quote: “Take time to deliberate but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in !” Napoleon STATISTICS Amadeus is one the world leading central reservation system and state-of-the-art technology solution provider for travel and tourism. 10.000 employees in the world, 123 nationalities. 195 countries covered with 73 local organizations 947 M of paid transactions registered in 2011





ncubed by Paca Est, Nomad3D decided to establish

themselves in France, in the new business incubator of Nice, dedicated to eco-activities.

Nomad3D has developed a revolutionary 3D video codec that runs as an efficient extension on existing 2D video codecs. It is able to deliver low bit rate, low computing power HD quality. It is well positioned for use in UGC, interactive 3D video gaming, telemedicine, 3D teleconferencing, 3D military communication and mobile 3D environments. Nomad3D has 6 persons on board and will increase its headcount by 20 persons till 2015. It primarily focuses on the Mobile market and on IPTV (SmartTV). n

Dr. Alain Fogel : PhD Princeton University, previously founder of two startups, author of key patents of Nomad3D Eric Labarre : Chief Architect at Infineon Technologies till 2011 expert in Imbedded Software and VLSI architectures and design, author of numerous patents. Professor Marc Pollefeys : head of the Institute for Visual Computing, ETH Zurich. Leading expert in 3D Vision and Graphics, author of key patents of Nomad3D.




uerric Faure came up with Whoog while facing

a simple problem: he had to quickly tell several people about a last minute change. His ac-

quaintances both belong to his friend and professional networks, listed on various materials… Consequently, he realized that a software could help him join together his different contacts and could prevent the endless last minute phone call or text. In the end, Whoog will then provide a community emergency communication application. Countless fields can benefit from it: security and military properties, health department, home care for disabled people… Guerric and Mickaël are aiming for a beta version by the end of the year. Incubated by Telecom ParisTech, supported by Oséo, labelled by BizSpark + at Microsoft and helped by several business angels, Whoog cultivates a strong development potential. n Whoog - 1047 route des Dolines - Business Pole Allée Pierre Ziller. Find out more on:

Guerric Faure, 31 years old, single Founder of Whoog Paris Dauphine, Instn Hobbies: sports (triathlete) operas and ballets

Mickaël Rabaron, 39 years old, married Technical Director of Whoog Ensam Hobbies: photography, the French Riviera





he SAED (Sophia Antipolis Energy and Deve-

lopment) has been founded in 2008 by Michel Wohrer, who studied at the Ecole Normale Su-

périeur and at the Ecole des Mines, Pierre Laffitte, honorary senator and founder of Sophia Antipolis, and Christian Lenôtre, who has worked all his life in the

heat and air-conditioning industry. The company manufactures and installs competitive industrial solar thermal solutions thanks to its innovative patented solar captor. The goal: to provide industrial customers and big energy companies with competitive solar thermal energy and fossil fuels. SAED includes 14 employees and plans to hire 4 more people in 2013. Business development is targeting countries that already have tested those energies and industrial areas that use overheated water. n Michel Wohrer, President, and Chief Engineer of the Ecole des Mines, physicist, and former senior official, combines a physicist and a high-level financial training. Christian Lenôtre, Director, has started his research at the CEP of the Ecole des Mines in Paris, and has then created the start-up company Cristopia.

Michel Wohrer, Président, Ingénieur en Chef des Mines, Physicien, ancien haut fonctionnaire, associe une formation de physicien et de financier à haut niveau. Christian Lenôtre, Directeur, a démarré en recherche au CEP de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, puis a créé la start up Cristopia.

SAED - 2740 Route des Crêtes - Valbonne +33 (0)4 22 22 23 00 -


CLUB DES DIRIGEANTS DE SOPHIA A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PLAYER UN ACTEUR SOCIALEMENT RESPONSABLE Created in 1989, the association Club des Dirigeants de Sophia gathers the skills and experiences of 50 members, and represents no less than a third of the technopole’s employment.


omposed of business deci-

sion-makers from microenterprises and small businesses,

and larger corporations, the club aims to be the spokesperson of the working population of Sophia and acts as a reference partner beside the economical, political and social actors of the business park. Privileged exchange place where anyone can bring its knowledge and skills, the Club welcomes any company who wants to get involved despite of its size. In June 2012, the association elected its new President. Besides the current projects that he wants to reinforce, Gérard Giraudon has highlighted his ambition to develop the club, favoring the exchanges with other Clubs and associations from the business park. Assisted by his new team, he has established four angles of work: international development, economical development, training and education, and social cohesion. n

For more information / : Bureau du Club des Dirigeants et des Jeux de Sophia WTC, 1300 Route des Crêtes - Bat 5 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis Phone: +33 (0)4 83 15 71 14 - Mail :




B O L D A N D C R E AT I V E L I V E S VIES D’AUDACE ET D’IDEES If the shortest path in life is to go straight

Si la plus courte trajectoire est la ligne

ahead, sometimes the most fulfilling path

droite, la plus riche prend bien souvent des

makes some detours. Our Careers section in-

sentiers détournés. Trajectoires vous pré-

troduces to you those men and women with an

sente ces femmes et ces hommes au par-

incredible and puzzling story… so inspiring!

cours étonnant, déroutant… passionnant !

PATRICK ROUGEREAU, IDEAS WITH FLAVOUR PATRICK ROUGEREAU, DES IDÉES QUI ONT DU GOÛT Patrick Rougereau, a jack-of-all-trades, is most of all… greedy. Firstly greedy for life and the challenges it has to offer. His life choices illustrate this “thirst” for entrepreneurship and …cooked up ideas!


n Sophia Antipolis, the restaurant « La cantine des

toques rebelles »[The canteen of rebellious chef hats], right next to Nautipolis, is as creative as its

name suggests. Open since 2012, it offers a cuisine “similar to a canteen, but revisited of course! We all need to go back to childhood once in a while. Here, we work with the traditional meals a canteen would serve, prioritizing simplicity and flavor”, as Patrick Rougereau explains. Therefore you can eat a reinvented version of the classic « Coquillettes au jambon » [Pasta with ham], or the traditional fried fish (fried in the kitchen, with


pine nuts). The idea is a success and five franchise restaurants have opened their doors in France. In Sophia Antipolis, a brasserie concept, simple and neat, welcomes you. Patrick Rougereau has made it its main theme. Because “creativity has limits. Serving a sauce in a syringe, together with an extravagant design is not enough to make a recipe a success! There are some things that do not need to be modified, and my priority is set on flavors!�, Patrick explains. He started cooking when he was very young, just like photography, a hobby introdu-



ced by his father. Quickly, he opened a studio in Caen, where he started taking pictures of… food! His taste for discrepancy and his innovative ideas led him to great success and with « Gastronomie Normande » in 2003, he received the greatest award in cook books, the “World Cookbook Award.” Then, in 2008, he published the excellent “Foodphoto”. It was an immediate success, which made Patrick Rougereau a happy publisher, a renowned



works for Masterchef on TF1) and a restaurant manager full of creative ideas. His group now provides a consulting service for restaurants that are lacking inspiration. He studies recipes, the


organization, the welcoming service, the staff, the design, and the general atmosphere… For Patrick, various components are required to make a successful restaurant. The number 1 criterion? “A great service with a smile and considerate staff. In the United States, it is very important. Certainly, because service is not included and tips depend on staff behaviour... And most of all: great flavours. It is the most important ingredient!”. n

Patrick Rougereau 52 years old Directing the Rougereau Group: publishing, cooking academies, restaurants, consulting.





BIEN DANS MA BOITE Businesses reflect society. They reflect and crystallize

L’entreprise est un miroir de la société. Elle re-

success and difficulties, happy times and tough ones;

flète et cristallise succès et difficultés, joies et

life is a puzzle of what human kind has to offer…

peines, et sa vie se compose de tout ce qui fait

In our “Loving your job” section, you will discover

le genre humain… Avec « Bien dans ma boîte »,

every two months an issue experienced in a

retrouvez tous les deux mois une question vécue

company, and the opinion of an expert on

au cœur de l’entreprise, et l’avis du professionnel

that matter. This month: how to integrate

sur cette interrogation.

young people of Generation Y in a company,

Ce mois-ci : l’intégration des jeunes de la géné-

and the following consequences.

ration Y dans l’entreprise, et ses conséquences.


Souvent décrits comme fainéants et individualistes,

young people who were born between 1980 and

ces jeunes nés entre 1980 et 2000 peinent à inté-

2000 are struggling to integrate the business market

grer le monde du travail et se heurtent souvent à

and are often facing communication problems. Why

des problèmes de communication. Pourquoi cette

does this generation that represents 21% of the

génération qui représente 21% de la population

French population struggle to fit in the

française n’arrive pas à s’installer durablement

workplace permanently? Two

dans la vie active ? Deux d’entre eux

of them have ac-

ont accepté de nous

cepted to share

donner leur avis sur

their opinion on

la question.

the matter.


Pierre Tresse - 28 years old - Be More Executive Engineer “I think that some young people let their diplomas carry them along. They make do with their major and they do not put in any effort. That is why they often appear as pretentious and are looked down on. As far as I am concerned, I have managed to prove what I was worth, in addition to my diploma.”

Stéphanie Nolasco - 42 years old - Sii Human Resources Manager “This generation Y is very badly understood because it works entirely differently from the previous generation which I belong to. Often passionate about computing and the Internet, young people do not separate their professional life and their private life, and they continue working from home after leaving their job at 5pm. They are also more honest and direct, which shake up our methods based on respect, authority and diplomacy.”

The expert’s point of view:

Le point de vue de l’expert :

“Young people are badly guided along their

« Les jeunes sont mal accompagnés pendant

student experience. Apart from cooperative

leur parcours estudiantin. Hormis les formations

education, which is not promoted enough

en alternance trop peu proposées aujourd’hui,

today, they have no idea of what the working

ils n’ont aucune approche du monde du travail

world or a company is about. Even worse, a

ni du monde de l’entreprise. Plus grave encore,

majority of them does not have any concrete professional aspiration. They justify studying by the fact they have been told for year that it is what they need to do. It is essential that young people go to an interview with a positive resume, an absolute motivation and a mid-term professional project showing

Philippe Million API RH Consulting and Social Expertise Conseil et Expertise Sociale Phone: +33 (0)9 71 30 94 29 Email :

une majorité d’entre eux n’a aucun projet professionnel concret. Ils justifient leurs années d’étude par le fait qu’on leur a répété pendant des années qu’il fallait faire des études. Il est primordial qu’un jeune se présente à un entretien avec un CV attractif, une motivation certaine et un projet professionnel à moyen terme

their ability to integrate a team and to

démontrant leur capacité à s’intégrer dans une

progress. »

équipe et à progresser. »




FOCUS CASA In each issue of Select Antipolis, we will focus on a city of the metropolitan area. Today, we speak with Jean Leonetti, the President of the CASA (Sophia Antipolis Metropolitan Area) and MP and mayor of Antibes, the second town of the department.

Retrouvez dans chaque numéro de Select Antipolis, notre Focus sur une commune de la Communauté d’Agglomération. Nous donnons aujourd’hui la parole à Jean Leonetti, Président de la CASA et Député-maire d’Antibes, la deuxième ville du département.


“SOPHIA, IT’S HAPPENING NOW !” JEAN LEONETTI : « SOPHIA, C’EST MAINTENANT ! » The Zoning Ordinance for Intermunicipal Cooperation has been passed. New towns are going to join the Casa. You are a forerunner on this intermunicipal matter, how is the integration of those cities going? I have approved this zoning ordinance, and all elected representatives from the Nice Metropolis and the CASA were unanimous. In Grasse, the economical basin was not large enough to support its project and we have agreed on Grasse joining Cannes. The extension of the CASA at Coursegoules is both important and limited: important as far as the territory is concerned but with few residents and with an economy focusing on quality tourism and agropastoralism that we would like to emphasize. This space helps the community breath and we reinforce the solidarity between the mountain and the coast in that way. Everyone voted for it: it is a useful precondition for future development and debates among the CASA.


Sophia is not affected by the crisis. How does the CASA support the companies of the park and what are its development goals? Sophia Antipolis has shown several positive signs: the technopole continues to create employment at a critical time, even if some companies had to shut down, the balance remains positive with 2000 jobs. Not that many places in Europe can claim to be in such a position. The future of Sophia had to go through a better readability, a better dynamic. The most visible example: the Campus of new technologies. The Business Pole established itself with a strong partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. 30 start-up businesses have been set up over a short period of time. The “Sophia 2020” project includes those strong signs: at that point the business incubator will have grown, the STIC Campus will count 3000 students and we will reorganize the Sophipolitan territory. It will be built from the Skema to the Campus through “the Chemin du Savoir”, just like a shape of an eight, the symbol of growth and openness. We are




starting to have a vision of Sophia Antipolis. With a motto: “Here future rhymes with present”. Because it is never good to look back with nostalgia, as we did when we celebrated the 40th anniversary of Sophia… Now the local and international message is clear: Sophia, it’s happening now! Businesses are growing now, and make requests. Prefects that arrive here often share the same reflex: “We are going to boost Sophia Antipolis.” And we tell them: “Thank you, but there is no need, it is boosting on its own right now…!”. Antibes changes. Many projects

Prefects that arrive here often share the same ambition: “We are going to boost Sophia Antipolis.” And we tell them: “Thank you, but there is no need, it is boosting on its own right now…!”.

arise, often with a public/private partnership. Can you explain to us the city’s investments and choices? There is also some “public/public”! The only public retirement

Les préfets qui arrivent dans notre département ont souvent la même ambition : « Nous allons relancer Sophia Antipolis ». Aujourd’hui, on peut leur répondre : « Merci, c’est en train de se faire… ! »

home of the Alpes-Maritimes built over the last five years is located in Antibes. The big theater, built by the CASA, has received various aids (State, Conseil Général, local) with the city of Antibes. The financing of the sports center’s investment is public, with the same financiers: 20% CASA, 20% Conseil Général, 10 % State. Everywhere in Antibes, those very partners finance 50% of this kind of facilities. It will be managed according to the payment service directive, since there are three purposes: public first for handball, volleyball amateurs clubs for instance. Second goal: professional basketball with 16 or 18 games a year, and since there are 5000 spaces, located along the highway, big shows are obviously welcome in this complex with about twenty events per year. Another investment: we have been wanting a Convention Center for a long time, to boost Juanles-Pins. Our partnership goes through a traditional BEA (leasehold administrative) and is managed by a public facility, in Epic: La Maison du Tourisme. Finally, the large parking under Le Pré aux Pêcheurs lot has been launched according to the payment service directive process. With these measures, the city will cover less than 15% of the


global investments. A great project to be released in 2014: the multimodal platform, and on the other side, next to Sophia, the BHNS (Buses with a high level of service) which will go through Antibes and will be linked to the technopole in order to make the flow of traffic faster. The entire transportation project will be completed in 2016. On the national scene, what do you think of the economical measures taken by the government? Over the 100 first days, nothing happened at all, because the President has been elected denying the international crisis! We have moved on with the diagnosis: now, the President says that we have been going through an exceptionally terrible crisis for the past four years. I am glad they have finally come to their senses‌ The diagnosis must still lead to relevant measures. Competitiveness, structural reforms, are words that have been banished by the government‌ We need to reduce the taxes paid by our companies, and implement a genuine structural reform: every countries that have been through tough times, - from Sweden to Canada and Germany - have completed those reforms and have found their competitiveness back. It is pure




elementary economical math: it is impossible to reduce unemployment without growth. I am worried for my country. Because measures are not taken in adequacy to that diagnosis, neither on a national level, nor on the European scene.

You have been elected deputy in June, what are your projects for the district? Thankfully projects have already been financed for the district with the help of the previous government, such as the STIC Campus. As for the future, I am going to continue fighting for the implementation of those structural reforms. I am part of those who think that we have too many territorial levels. A decentralized France will win the battle for employment. This decentralization will bring savings and efficiency. I am waiting for reforms on competitiveness and on the governance of the Euro area that would reinforce it and consequently reinforce France. Of course, I will vote for the European treaty signed by Nicolas Sarkozy and in n

which I have contributed. n



Some historical facts With an optimal geographical location, the history of the city started 400 years BC when Greek sailors discovered this little town they called Antipolis. It became Antiboule upon the arrival of the Romans who turned it into a unique trading post. After being the scene of several attacks, significant fortification work was completed during the 16th century, more particularly the Fort CarrĂŠ. Today, the city still holds many remains of its past that you can discover along its alleyways. Its economy Being a seaside resort with a rich historical, cultural and sport-oriented heritage, the city of Antibes Juan-les-Pins bases its economy on tourism growth as much as on new technologies, in particular thanks to Sophia Antipolis. n Must-see locations The old town The Fort CarrĂŠ The Picasso Museum




Palais des Congrès - 2013

ANTIBES IN 5 YEARS MY CITY TOMORROW ANTIBES DANS 5 ANS / MA VILLE DEMAIN Because we need to start building our future today, the city of Antibes Juan-les-Pins has decided to start working right now on its future by setting up a large redevelopment program. Here is an outline of the Antibes’ projects that will be introduced in the coming years.

The Exhibition Centre

Le Palais des Congrès

Designed as a modern vessel with great contemporary

Conçu comme un vaisseau moderne aux lignes ultra-

lines, this new economical powerhouse of 14000 square

contemporaines, cette nouvelle locomotive économique

meters, with a HQE (High Environmentla Quality) label

de 14 000 m² labellisée HQE (Haute Qualité Environne-

will accommodate a convention center, exhibition

mentale) abritera un palais des congrès, des espaces

spaces, nine commission rooms, one plenary room,

d’expositions, neuf salles de commission, une salle plé-

7500 square meters of shops and services, and one un-

nière, 7 500 m² de commerces et services et un parking

derground parking lot with 375 available spaces.

enterré d’une capacité de 375 places.

Completion expected in 2013.

Livraison prévue courant 2013

The Auditorium

La Salle de Spectacle

With a capacity of 1300 seats and a room of 200 seats,

Avec une capacité d’accueil de 1 300 places dont un au-

and an underground parking lot with 250 spaces, this

ditorium de 200 places et un parking en sous-sol de 250


Salle de spectacle - 2013

Plateforme Multimodale - 2016/2017

high environmental quality facility will host great shows.

places, ce bâtiment HQE situé avenue Jules-Grec nous

Concerts, operas, ballets, plays, popular shows, there

promet de belles soirées. Concerts, Opéras, danse, théâ-

will be at least 30 different shows each season.

tre, variété, ce ne sont pas moins de 30 spectacles divers

Completion expected in Spring 2013.

et variés qui rythmeront chaque saison. Livraison prévue au printemps 2013

The Multipurpose Sports Hall

La halle sportive polyvalente

Designed as a modern pebble the future hall of 13600

C’est sous les traits d’un galet futuriste que naitra bientôt

square meters will be able to accommodate up to 5000

le futur complexe de 13 600 m² qui pourra accueillir

people and will be compliant with the Pro A and Pro B

jusqu’à 5 000 personnes et sera en parfaite conformité

standards. Built to host high-level sports competitions,

avec les normes Pro A et Pro B. Conçue pour recevoir des

the Multipurpose Sports Hall will also welcome other

compétitions sportives de très haut niveau, le Halle Spor-

disciplines such as handball, tennis, gymnastics, boxing

tive Polyvalente accueillera également d’autres disci-

and trampoline.

plines telles le handball, le tennis, la gymnastique, la boxe

Completion expected in the first 2013 semester.

et le trampoline. Livraison prévue au premier semestre 2013

A new transportation line

Une nouvelle ligne de transport

In spite of being quite close to Sophia Antipolis, the se-

Pourtant à quelques battements d’ailes de Sophia Anti-

cond city of the department is often an hour of traffic

polis, la deuxième ville du département est souvent à une

away from the technopole. That is why the city and the

heure d’embouteillage de la technopole. C’est pourquoi

CASA have decided to implement TCSP (Transportation

la ville et la CASA ont fait le choix d’un Transport en Com-

and Community and System Preservation) that will serve

mun en Site Propre (TCSP) qui permettra de desservir l’axe

the North-South route over 17 stops and therefore link

nord-sud sur 17 stations et relier ainsi le centre-ville d’An-

downtown Antibes to Sophia Antipolis in a few minutes.

tibes à Sophia Antipolis en quelques minutes à peine.

Release expected in 2016/2017 n

Mise en circulation prévue en 2016/2017 n

Halle sportive - 2013




TAX EXEMPTION Whether you are an employee or an entre-

Salarié comme chef d’entreprise, les mé-

preneur, there are many tax exemption

thodes de défiscalisation sont nombreuses,

methods that change with the finance laws

et évoluent au fil des lois de finance et de la

that are passed and the current French tax

situation fiscale française. Financière, immobi-

environment. Finance, real estate; the best

lière, la meilleure défiscalisation reste celle qui

tax exemption may vary according to your

correspond à votre profil : le premier indica-

profile: the first indicator to take into ac-

teur à prendre en compte sera le montant de

count will be the amount of taxes you are

votre impôt et il faudra en premier lieu évaluer

paying and your property situation,

votre situation patrimoniale avec précision.

which will require precise assessment.

Nous avons fait le point sur plusieurs

We have studied several measures that will

dispositifs qui vont vous aider à réduire

help you decrease your tax amount while

votre impôt, tout en contribuant à la

participating to the economical uplift.

bonne marche de l’économie.

Egerys, your privileged contact


Egerys, votre interlocuteur privilégié Business-oriented solutions


Les solutions pour l’entreprise Real estate tax exemption measures


Les dispositifs de défiscalisation immobilière The best credits to invest Les meilleurs crédits pour investir




Nicolas Job, Nathalie Belles et Frédéric Cianci

You would like to optimize your assets and go through a tax exemption process with complete confidence? Contact Egerys Finance and make investments based on your profile and your expectations.


Vous souhaitez optimiser votre patrimoine et réaliser une opération de défiscalisation en toute confiance ? Rentrez en contact avec Egerys Finance et investissez en fonction de votre profil et de vos attentes.

athalie Belles and Frédéric Cianci and David Pallot

athalie Belles, Frédéric Cianci et David Pallot ont créé

have created Egerys Finance in 2006. “We wanted to

Egerys Finance en 2006. « Nous voulions créer une struc-

set up an independent structure, in adequacy to our

ture indépendante, proche de notre clientèle, en dehors

clients, different from the corporations that offers their own

des grands groupes qui vendent leur propre produits », explique

products”, Nathalie explains. “We are always looking for high

Nathalie. « Nous recherchons toujours les produits à forte valeur

value-added products and we find the security required by the

ajoutée et trouvons les garanties souhaitées par l’investisseur »

investor” adds Frédéric.

complète Frédéric. Dès sa création, Egerys Finance s’est orientée

Right from the start, Egerys Finance has been focusing on real

vers la défiscalisation immobilière, parce que la région s’y prête.

estate tax exemption, as it is a sensible subject in the region.

La société travaille ainsi sur de nombreux programmes locaux, in-

Indeed, the company works on several local projects that can

téressants en fonction de votre profil d’investisseur. En parallèle,

be of great interest according to your investment profile.

Egerys Finance peut traiter votre dossier de défiscalisation d’une

In addition, Egerys Finance can globally process your tax

manière globale avec ses solutions de courtage de crédit et d’aide

exemption application with credit brokerage solutions, and

à la déclaration. Egerys est également spécialisé dans la consti-

other investment products or pension supplements. Egerys is

tution de revenus complémentaires en faisant notamment appel

also specialized into complementary incomes, more particu-

au statut LMNP : problématique de plus en plus récurrente dans

larly with the Leaseback measure: an issue that becomes more

l’esprit de chacun.

and more recurring in everyone's mind. Wait no longer to

Renseignez-vous rapidement si vous souhaitez prendre les bonnes

make the right choices before the end of 2012: some interes-

décisions avant fin 2012 : certaines dispositions fiscales intéres-

ting tax provisions will expire soon! n

santes vont disparaître ! n - - 04 93 93 10 87 - 500 Allée des Terriers - Antibes 61


SEVERAL MEASURES FOR VARIOUS PROFILES PLUSIEURS DISPOSITIFS POUR DE NOMBREUX PROFILS Here are a few tax exemption and tax credit solutions, excluding real estate transactions. Investing in a small business Until December 31st, taxpayers who invest in the capital of small start-up companies can benefit from an 18% tax de-

Voici quelques solutions de défiscalisation et de crédit d’impôt pour l’entreprise et le particulier, hors opérations immobilières.

crease over the invested amount (50,000€ limit for one person or 100,000€ for two). Shares may not be cancelled, acquired or redeemed for at least 5 years starting on the application day.

L’investissement au capital des PME Jusqu’au 31 décembre, les contribuables qui investissent au capital dans des petites entreprises en phase de démarrage, peuvent bénéficier d’une réduction d’impôt de 18% du montant investi (plafond de 50.000 € seul ou 100.000 à deux). L’investisseur doit conserver les parts au moins cinq ans à compter de la souscription. Crédit d’impôt développement durable Un dispositif qui permet une réduction d’impôt (jusqu’à 32%) en cas de dépenses engagées en faveur d’économies d’énergie. Les travaux éligibles sont nombreux : installation de chaudières à condensation, matériaux d’isolation thermique, pompes à chaleur… Pensez-y si vous faites des travaux ! Les solutions sont nombreuses : faites évaluer l’opération par un professionnel. L’épargne salariale Pour les entreprises d’au moins 1 salarié. Avec les Plans d’Epargne Entreprise (PEE) et Plan Epargne Retraite Collectif (PERCO), entreprise et salariés constituent une épargne bloquée 5 ans (PEE) et jusqu’à la retraite (PERCO).


L’abondement versé par l’entreprise est exonéré de charges patronales et de taxes sur les salaires, et celui perçu par l’épargnant est exonéré de charges salariales, d’IR et d’impôt sur les plus-values réalisées. Chefs d’entreprise, conjoint collaborateur et salariés peuvent en bénéficier. Attention, toutefois : le gouvernement Ayrault souhaite limiter les avantages sociaux dont bénéficie l’épargne salariale et notamment le Perco. Le projet de loi de finances rectificative 2012 prévoit d'augmenter de 8 à 20% le taux du « forfait social » à la charge de l'employeur sur les différentes formes Sustainable development tax credit

d'épargne salariale dont les plans d'épargne pour la re-

This measure provides a tax decrease (up to 32%) for ex-

traite collectifs. Les abondements effectués par les salariés

penses made towards energy savings. There are many op-

ne sont pas directement visés par cette disposition. Mais

portunities: installation of condensing boilers, thermal

les sommes versées par l’employeur feront l’objet d’une

insulation materials, heat pumps… Think about it if you are

ponction supplémentaire. n

about to start work in the house! There are many solutions: let an expert assess the situation. Profit sharing For companies including at least one employee. With the PEE (Corporate Savings Plan) and the PERCO (Corporate Collective Retirement Savings Plan), both the company and its employees build up savings, frozen over 5 years (PEE) and up until retirement age (PERCO). The revenue allocated by the company is exempted from employer contributions and payroll taxes, and the revenue collected by the saver is exempted from wage costs, income tax and capital gains tax. Entrepreneurs, collaborating partners and employees can benefit from it. However, please note that the Ayrault government wishes to limit social benefits that profit sharing is part of and more particularly the Perco measure. The 2012 Finance Amending Bill plans an 8 to 20% increase of the “Corporate contribution” rate for employers over the various profit sharing solutions including corporate savings for collective retirement. The revenue allocated by employees is not directly affected by this measure. But amounts allocated by the employer will be subjected to extra levy. n






Purchase and renting out of brand new housing in the

Acquisition et location d’un ou plusieurs logements neufs

DOM (French overseas department) with limited controlled

dans les DOM et mise en location avec un plafond des

rents and income. Direct tax reduction.

loyers et des revenus. Réduction d’impôt directe.

31 % + 7 % for a ZUS (Urban regeneration area) and +2 %

31 % + 7 % s’il s’agit d’une ZUS et +2 % si le logement

for sustainable housing over 5 years.

est en énergies renouvelables sur 5 ans. Dispositif : loca-

Plan: limited renting enabling direct reduction on taxes wi-

tion plafonnée qui permet une réduction directe sur le

thin 2505€ per tax-free square meter. Alternative: main

montant de l’impôt dans la limite de 2505 € par m² de

housing for first-time buyers, with 18% income-tax reduc-

surface défiscalisable. Variante : en habitation principale

tion, over 10 years.

des primo-accédants, avec un avantage de 18 % de réduction d’impôt sur le revenu, pendant 10 ans.

Obligations: to rent out the property over 6 years with

Obligations : louer le bien pendant 6 ans avec plafon-

limited rent of 13,41 € / m² and limited incomes of

nement du loyer de 13,41 € / m² et plafonnement des

the tenant.

revenus du locataire.

Benefit: very effective tax exemption since it is directly

Avantage : défiscalisation très efficace car directe sur le

processed on the amount of taxes to pay, interesting

montant de l’impôt à payer, montant important mais

amount but short period (5 years).

période courte (5 ans).


LOI SCELLIER OUTREMER Acquisitions de logement neuf en BBC et mise en location avec un plafond des loyers et des revenus. Réduction d’impôt. 24 % en 2012 sur 9 ans + 4 % si prorogation sur 3 ans supplémentaires + 4 % sur 3 ans supplémentaires soit un total de 32 % si mis en location 15 ans. Location avec plafond des loyers et des revenus. Déduction forfaitaire annuelle supplémentaire de 30 % des loyers. Obligations : Location pendant minimum 9, 12 ou 15 ans, avec plafonnement du loyer et des revenus. Avantages : Défiscalisation sur une durée moyenne de 9, 12 ou 15 ans. Intéressant pour les fiscalités à partir de 3000 €. Limité à 1 acquisition par an et maximum 300.000 €.

LOI SCELLIER OUTREMER (OVERSEAS) Purchase of brand new housing in BBC (Low energy buildings) and renting out with limited rents and incomes. Tax reduction. 24% in 2012 over 9 years + 4% if extension over 3 extra years + 4% over 3 extra years, that is a total of 32% if renting goes over 15 years. Renting with limited rents and incomes. Standard yearly extra deduction of 30% over rents. Obligations: Minimum renting period of 9, 12 or 15 years with limited rents and incomes. Benefits: Tax exemption over 9, 12 or 15 years. Interesting for taxes starting at 3000€. Limited to 1 purchase per year and a maximum of 300,000€.





Purchase of brand new housing in BBC

et mise en location avec un plafond des

(Low energy buildings) with limited rents

loyers et des revenus. Réduction d’im-

and incomes. Tax reduction. 13% in 2012

pôt. 13 % en 2012 sur 9 ans + 4 % si pro-

over 9 years + 4% if extension over 3 extra

rogation sur 3 ans supplémentaires + 4 %

years + 4% over 3 extra years, that is a total

sur 3 ans supplémentaires soit un total de

of 21% if renting goes over 15 years. Ren-

21 % si mis en location 15 ans. Location

Acquisitions de logement neuf en BBC

ting with limited rents and incomes. Standard yearly extra

avec plafond des loyers et des revenus. Déduction forfai-

deduction of 30% over rents.

taire annuelle supplémentaire de 30 % des loyers.

Two alternatives: “Classic” and “Intermediary”

Deux variantes : « Classique » et « Intermédiaire »

with amounts

avec montants

Obligations: similar to the Loi Scellier Outremer (Overseas).

Obligations : les mêmes que Scellier Outremer.

Benefits: similar to the Loi Scellier Outremer (Overseas).

Avantages : les mêmes que Scellier Outremer.



Purchase and furnished renting out in a complex dedicated

Acquisition et mise en location meublée dans une rési-

to students, or tourism, or elderly or disabled people. VAT

dence avec services pour étudiants, ou une résidence de

refund and tax reduction, of 18% over 9 years and VAT.

tourisme, ou pour personnes âgées ou handicapées. Remboursement de TVA et réduction d’impôt, de 18%

Plan: housing in a home service with lease

sur 9 ans et TVA.

over 9 years minimum. Obligations: lease processed with a specialized company.

Dispositif : logement d’une résidence de service avec

Benefits: pre-established and indexed rent.

bail pendant au moins 9 ans. Obligations : bail avec société spécialisée. Avantages : loyer fixé d’avance et indexé.

Made with Egerys Finance Réalisé avec Egerys Finance.


- The Agency for your investments on the French Riviera




ous envisagez de contracter un crédit pour un achat immobilier ? Poussez la porte de Meilleurtaux à Cannes, pour obtenir le meilleur financement en fonc-

tion de votre profil : « Il n’existe pas deux montages financiers identiques. Nous travaillons avec les principales banques de la place pour vous offrir un accompagnement global et optimal » explique Jean-Michel Maweja, Responsable prescription de Meilleurtaux à Cannes. Résidents comme non-résidents, soyez les bienvenus et ne craignez pas la barrière de la langue : 7 langues sont parlées chez MeilleurTaux à Cannes !


ou are thinking about taking out a loan to purchase a property? Knock on the door of Meilleurtaux in Cannes, to get the best financing solution

based on your profile: “There is not a single and unique way to build a loan application. We are working with the main banks to provide you with a global and optimal assistance” explains Jean-Michel Maweja, Prescription Manager at Meilleurtaux in Cannes. Whether you are a resident or a non-resident, you are more than welcome, and do not be scared of the language barrier: MeilleurTaux in Cannes speaks 7 languages ! n Examples of rates recorded in September: 3 %, over 15 years; 3.50% over 20 years; 3.70 % over 25 years.

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WINES & GOOD FOOD VINS & BONNES TABLES The French Riviera, the land of great flavors… Delicious restaurants, amazing wine cellars, unique locations, the French lifestyle awakens in our plates and Select Antipolis gives you a few recipes to appreciate all the delights our region has to offer.

La Côte d’Azur, terre de délices… Bonnes tables, bonnes caves, lieux improbables, l’art de vivre se conjugue sur la table et Select Antipolis vous donne quelques recettes pour apprécier l’étendue des saveurs de notre région.




xhausting day… Difficult clients, suppliers out of

reach, the phone glued to your ear for the past ten

ournée éreintante… Clients compliqués, fournisseurs injoi-

gnables, téléphone vissé à l’oreille dix heures d’affilée ? Dé-

hours in a row? Relax and plan a weekly after work

tendez-vous et prévoyez une fois dans la semaine un after

special, with friends or colleagues, at your house or in one

work léger, entre amis ou collègues de travail, à la maison ou dans

of the many locations that you will undoubtedly discover

l’une des nombreuses adresses que nous ne manquerons pas de

in Select Antipolis all year long…n

vous distiller toute l’année dans Select Antipolis…

For skilled cooks, here is a pre-dinner recipe,

Pour les plus habiles, voici une petite recette

ready in 20 minutes…

apéritive à préparer en 20 minutes…





For 4 people

Pour 4 personnes

Prep Time: 20 min

Préparation : 20 mn

Cook Time: 15 min

Cuisson : 15 mn

40 g of old Cantal cheese

40 g de Cantal Vieux

320 g of beef (for kebab)

320 g de bœuf (pour brochettes)

360 g of chicken filet

360 g de filet de poulet

3 tbsp of olive oil

3 cs d’huile d’olive

2 cloves of garlic

2 gousses d’ail

4 sprigs of thyme

4 branches de thym

1 zucchini (200 g)

1 courgette (200 g)

50 g of shelled unsalted pistachios

50 g de pistaches émondées, non salées

1 tbsp of cilantro

1 cs de coriandre

Salt and pepper

Sel et poivre


Cut the meat into chunks. Mix the olive oil, minced garlic, thyme leaves and pepper together and add the meat to marinate for at least three hours. Put the zucchini, pistachios, and cilantro in a pan. Slightly salt and add pepper, then fill up with water.

Cook for about 20 min. Quickly drain and mix. Adjust the texture with the cooking juice. Melt the old Cantal cheese in this sauce and mix again. Keep warm. Grill the meat chunks completely and thread the meat onto skewers. Add salt, pepper and serve the sauce warm. Suggestion: prepare a cauliflower and cashew sauce or a red pepper, almonds and pine nuts sauce instead of the zucchini and pistachio sauce following the same ratio. n







“There can be no great meal without dessert… It is the icing on the cake!” The saying illustrates perfectly the philosophy behind the Apreca association: to restore the reputation of the sweet part of the meal, make room for dessert ! We met with Christophe Niel, the President of the Association des Pâtissiers de Restaurant Côte d’Azur [Association of Restaurant Pastry Chefs of the French Riviera.]


n the beginning, we just wanted to get to know

each other!” confessed Christophe. Indeed, unlike restaurant chefs, who knows the name of res-

taurant pastry chefs? “I challenge food critics to give me from memory the name of a Guide Michelin three star level pastry chef!” adds Christophe, amused. This job is not emphasized as much as chefs. Nevertheless, talent is quintessential and recipes cannot be improvised, let alone for desserts. Therefore, efforts needed to be made and the association came to life: “Very quickly we were about thirty, and today it is a big family!” Christophe says enthusiasti-


cally, as he shifted to the other side in the meantime: “I teach pastry cooking, I wanted to pass on my passion.” The association organizes original and delicious events: a dinner of desserts where everything is imagined and made with a sweet touch, or the cake festival, a time for delight and sharing with every dessert for 1€. The association, created in 1994, has sisters in Lyon or in Paris and relies on popular ambassadors such as Christophe Michalak who hosts a show on Téva channel around desserts. Today, what is the situation in that field? “People don’t know how to make the difference between a 7€ crème brulée at the end of a meal bought from a wholesaler, and a homemade pastry, just out of the oven, with fresh ingredients costing 3.50€: people will think that is expensive!”. The good thing? French people have a sweet tooth. The future? The entire world is jealous of our expertise regarding desserts. “Choose to do something you are passionate about, you will live happy and will travel around the world!” declares Christophe joyfully. You’ve been warned! n Visitez la succulente exposition sur l’association au musée Escoffier de Villeneuve-Loubet. Ouvert l’après-midi, de 14 h à 18 h du lundi au jeudi et du samedi au dimanche, et le vendredi de 9 h à 17 h. 3 rue Auguste Escoffier 04 93 20 80 51







ix things up with the Loïc Rasson cider, a great

light and fruity option for drinks. Available in 33cl, in a typical Brittany packaging (with salty

gavottes and Henaff paté toasts!), the great original cider brand will undoubtedly make you travel with products that have been prepared along the family traditions since 1923. n

Available in supermarkets, bars and brasseries, for about 5,00 €.

Disponible en grandes surfaces, et dans les bars et brasseries, pour un prix d’environ 5,00 €.




AND ONE MALONGO FRAPPUCINO COMING UP! ET UN CAFÉ FRAPPÉ MALONGO, UN ! Coffee can be creamy but it can also be iced. The most popular drink in France after water will surprise you (and wake you up !) with this original dessert recipe…

Onctueux, le café peut aussi être givré. La boisson la plus consommée en France après l’eau va vous surprendre (et vous réveiller !) au dessert.

Ingredients - 2 doses of Malongo “Grande Réserve” coffee - 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream - Ice cubes - Option : a dash of syrup: agave, cane, amaretto, barley, vanilla, chocolate or caramel. Preparation Put two scoops of vanilla ice cream and ice cubes in a shaker. Option: add a dash of syrup in the glass. Add the double coffee in the shaker and shake it all. Pour the preparation in the glass with 2 ice cubes. Enjoy!






e Provençal Golf & Café invites you to enjoy tasteful tra-

ditional cuisine, between two rounds of golf, or at lunch time, in a relaxed atmosphere with an elegant design, making it the ideal location for business meals, work meetings, or simply golf outings with family or friends… Young rabbit homemade terrine, sage-crusted veal pavé: local specialties will tempt you over and over again to try various flavours, in the bucolic setting of the Provençal Golf.Try the daily suggestions starting from 13€ or the menu (with the day’s special, homemade dessert and mineral water) for 18.20€, you will love this great


new address in Sophia Antipolis. n Provençal Golf & Café - 95 Avenue de Roumanille Biot Antipolis - +33 (0)4 93 65 00 00




FOR YOUR SEMINARS EACH LOCATION MUST BE EXCEPTIONAL. OURS IS UNIQUE. POUR VOS SÉMINAIRES, CHAQUE CADRE EST EXCEPTIONNEL. LE NOTRE EST UNIQUE A perfect alliance between work, delicacies and leisure Enjoy a new working experience in a calm and green setting, only 30 minutes away from Sophia Antipolis.


or seminars, or executive committees

and meetings, a beautiful seminar room (equipped with wifi, a screen, a

projector, and a paper board) can accommodate 30 people. Enjoy the delicious cuisine of our Chef Jérôme Héraud be ween two work sessions. Relax in the warm and friendly atmosphere of our 27 rooms and suites which will enable you to host your foreign

Une bulle de bien-être à seulement 30 minutes de Sophia

counterparts and collaborators in a partially privatized facility. Finally, the saying “after effort comes comfort” is perfectly illustrated with an indoor heated swimming pool, a steam room and a fitness room. n Contact us to establish a personalized quotation

258, chemin Cantemerle - 06140 VENCE 04 93 58 08 18 -

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 10% discount on the organization of your event




DOMAINE COCAGNE On the hills over Cagnes sur Mer, in a privileged environment, come and discover Sandton Domaine Cocagne, a haven of peace to book immediately for your business meetings, lunches or corporate seminars.


or the past 10 years, this 4 star facility has been offering

the best accommodation in a peaceful environment, perfect to relax or to host customers, suppliers and im-

portant partners for your development. The daily menu, prepared around traditional or Mediterranean seasonal products, and the amazing wine menu, make Sandton Domaine Cocagne an excellent excuse to indulge in this enchanting location. The swimming pool and its deluxe terrace, the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant or the luxurious and immaculate design of the residential hotel will quickly win your taste for exceptional places over. Indulge in the experience of the Domaine Cocagne…n

Sandton Hôtel & Résidence - Domaine Cocagne 30 Chemin du Pain de Sucre - Cagnes sur Mer + 33 (0)4 92 135 777 -





Between the stress at work and the daily routine at home, it is sometimes hard to find time for yourself. Because you truly deserve to take a break, Select Antipolis gives you the best leisure and relaxation places to take care of yourself.

Entre le rythme effréné du travail et la gestion quotidienne de la vie de famille, il est souvent difficile de prendre du temps pour soi. Parce que vous méritez de vous accorder une véritable pause, Select Antipolis vous donne les meilleures adresses loisirs et bien-être pour prendre soin de vous.




t the Provençal Golf, The Junior Golf Academy can

accommodate students from 6 to 18 years old for improvement courses lasting 1 hour and a half.

Great update: the secondary school of Eganaude, in BiotAntipolis, also opens up its golf sport section for students in grade 5. A unique idea in the department. Indeed, the Provençal Golf offers you each Saturday morning to complete a ranked round of golf, without any extra costs: a convenient and unique service ! Moreover it is also possible to enjoy a round by night, on Wednesdays and Fridays, which will be a surprising experience! Finally, your loyalty to the Provençal Golf allows you to save over 20% on the purchase of several green fees: contact the Provençal Golf to find out more ! n

Le Provençal Golf 95, Avenue de Roumanille Biot-Antipolis 04 93 00 00 57 Dates des compétitions et événements sur :


PROMOTION CARTE SELECT To purchase a green fee two buckets of balls available!

Conditions générales en page 3



SPA BY CINQ MONDES, GET AWAY! Located right next to the Palais


des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes, the Five Hotel & Spa includes the Spa by Cinq Mondes, a relaxation setting dedicated to

Situé à deux pas du Palais des Festivals et des Congrès

your comfort and well-being

de Cannes, le Five Hotel & Spa abrite le Spa by Cinq

where luxury, calm and intense

Mondes, un écrin de douceur dédié à votre confort et



votre bien-être où tout n’est que luxe, calme et volupté.

scrubs, body care and facials, fit-

Massages, gommages, soins du corps et du visage, fit-

ness and aquafitness, let go and

ness et aquafitness, laissez-vous aller à de véritables

travel through your senses during an exceptional break in

voyages sensoriels le temps d’une escale d’exception

order to unwind from your exhausting day. n

pour décompresser de vos journées harassantes. n


Five Hotel & Spa 1, rue Notre Dame - 06400 Cannes - T : +33 (0)4 63 36 05 05 -


Beauty & Nails Academy You want to learn a new job, bring some change to your professional life or start a new career? Knock on the door of Beauty & Nails Academy and find out more about their qualification courses, starting from 17 years old.


mong the various payment plans, the CIF or CongĂŠ In-

dividuel de Formation (Personal Leave for Training) enables employees with CDI, CDD or previous CDD

contracts working for a company attached to the Fongecif to willingly and personally take on one or several training courses. Another plan, the DIF or Droit Individuel Ă la Formation (Individual Right to Training) can be applied under the request of the employee with a CDI or CDD contract, in agreement with his employer, and provides 20 hours of training per year, that can be drawn concurrently over six years (that is up to 120 hours max.) You already have a job? The center adjusts to your schedule with a training course available after working hours, over a minimum of 120 hours. Consequently, the enquiring employee does not have to request an absence certificate from his employer. n For more information and to register, please contact Karine at +33 (0)6 27 61 39 50

Beauty & Nails Academy 55 Av de Cannes 06160 Juan-les-Pins

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT Press-on nails manicure for free (performed by interns).

Tel : 04 93 74 38 81





The longed-for amazing sports center in Sophia Antipolis seems to be having a promising future, and lots of new features have launched the new season in Nautipolis !


part from swimming in the latest modern pools, water

sports do not go missing: aquabiking is very popular, and water aerobics still attracts a great crowd in Nau-

tipolis. You do not like team sports or classes ? Every program

is available : yearly subscription, singly entry and 10 tickets bracelets to the aquatic area… All that matters is that you are feeling great! And consequently, in addition to fitness and cardio activities, you will enjoy the sauna, the steam room and the Jacuzzi based on the plan you have chosen in Nautipolis. Finally, Thursdays’ late-night openings are getting popular and the restaurant will present you with its inventive menu, focusing on authentic products with affordable prices, in a lounge environment ! Nautipolis was just the thing that was missing? You will not be able to live without it…n

Nautipolis 150 rue du Vallon - Valbonne-Antipolis +33 (0)9 71 00 21 30






As true luxury is all about finding time and taking care of yourself, Ulrike Bischoff has created AYAME, a timeless capsule of relaxation where you can let go and make the most of this great feeling. This luxurious day-spa won the ultimate prize : The « European Health & Spa Award » of the Best Day Spa 2012!


njoy! That is the motto of this passionate and down to

generous soul, she designed an intimate approach in

her Prestige Day Spa, to focus on a complete personal enlightenment. Besides beauty care and innovative rituals, the highly


earth woman who still listens to the child in her. With a

qualified Spa Beauticians pay great attention to each client. This is also well illustrated through the selection of exceptional products by AYAME, Phyris of the Grandel Group (Germany) for facial care and By Terry for make up. Finally, if you want to offer an unforgettable experience as a gift, AYAME can privatize the spa and takes care of planning, catering, etc. n


AYAME PRESTIGE DAY SPA 288 Av. Saint-Basile - 06250 MOUGINS Tel : 04 92 92 08 00 Fax : 04 92 92 08 80


PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 15% discount on your 1st visit




Après la Zumba, c’est autour du Sh’bam d’enflammer

Sh’bam that fires up the

les parquets des salles de sport.

fitness center floors. Nouvelle tendance pour se tonifier, se sculpter et évacuer This athletic dance combines simple choreographies on

le stress de la journée en musique, cette danse sportive

the latest hits of your favorite singers and is a new me-

mêle des chorégraphies simples sur les tubes du moment

thod to tone, sculpt and release the daily stress with

de vos chanteurs préférés. Fun, tonique et entrainant, la

music. Fun, dynamic and swinging, Sh’bam enables to

pratique du Sh’bam permet d’effectuer un important tra-

work on cardio while having fun. n

vail cardio-vasculaire tout en s’amusant. n

Discover Sh’Bam in Nautipolis / Découvrez le Sh’Bam à Nautipolis 150 rue du Vallon 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis +33 (0)9 71 00 21 30 -



Only 2 minutes away from Valbonne Village and Sophia Antipolis, on the way to Cannes, discover Shanti Life. Both a temple of relaxation and a health club, this brand new concept will help you find the balance between body and soul, and therefore to improve your quality of life.


pon your arrival, a parking lot with 17 spaces and CCTV

will enable you to park peacefully. Tone your body, reduce your waist measurement, cure pain, revitalize

your body and spirit or relax yourself, whatever your goal may be, two graduate osteopaths, former high-level athletes among a professional team, will be available to guide you and provide you with a personalized program, adapted to your needs, thanks to their expertise and their state-of-theart technology devices. n

Shanti Life


French, English, Dutch and German spoken. 31 Chemin de Pinchinade - Mouans-Sartoux From Monday to Saturday - from 9am till 8pm

04 92 92 00 23 - Page Facebook: Shanti Life


Select Card: 50% discount on registration fees for health memberships. 10% discount on products (for purchases over 90 â‚Ź)



Every manager will tell you, managing

Tous les managers vous le diront, gérer plu-

several people is not easy and does

sieurs individus n’est pas chose facile et ne

not work until you have learnt how to

mène à rien tant que vous n’avez pas appris

make them work together properly.

à les faire travailler ensemble. S’adressant à

Targeting professionals who need to

des professionnels dont la problématique

turn a work group into an efficient

est de transformer un groupe de travail en

and coherent team, the motivation

une équipe efficace et cohérente, le sémi-

seminar enables to reinforce cohe-

naire de motivation permet de renforcer la

sion among your colleagues through

cohésion de vos collaborateurs à travers

original and playful activities.

des activités ludiques et originales.

TEAM BUILDING THRILL OFFREZ DES SENSATIONS FORTES À VOS ÉQUIPES You are looking for an original way to improve the performance and the general spirit of your group, to reinforce the cohesion and dynamic of your team? Organize a thrilling team-building seminar.




During a parachute jump (4 000 meter high)

En parachute (à 4 000 mètres d’altitude) ou

or bungee jumping (from the Bridge of Ar-

à l’élastique (depuis les 182 mètres du Pont

tuby - Gorges du Verdon, that is182 meter

de l’Artuby – Gorges du Verdon), Latitude

high) Latitude Challenge invites you to enjoy

Challenge vous invite à vivre une expérience

a unique and unforgettable experience with

unique et inoubliable le temps de quelques

a few seconds of total freedom. Find out

secondes de pure liberté.

more on

En savoir plus sur



With canyoning, via ferrata, climbing, mountai-

Canyoning, via ferrata, escalade, alpinisme,

neering, turn nature into your new playground

faites de la nature votre nouveau terrain de jeu

with the Guide Office of the Mercantour. Whe-

grâce au Bureau des Guides du Mercantour.

ther you choose jumping into the void, slides,

Entre sauts dans le vide, toboggans, passe-

footbridges, zip-line, monkey bridges and cros-

relles, tyroliennes, ponts de singes et traver-

sing water streams, communication and self-

sée de courant d’eaux, la communication et la

control will be essential.

maitrise de soi seront indispensables.

More information on

Informations sur



SOLVE CRIME WITH YOUR TEAM ELUCIDEZ LE CRIME EN ÉQUIPE After Los Angeles and Miami CSI, join the Crime Scene Investigation team of Sophia Antipolis and throw your teams’ heart into the game for a “Murder Party”.

Après les experts Los Angeles et les experts Miami, jouez les experts Sophia Antipolis et plongez vos équipes au cœur de l’action le temps d’une soirée « Murder Party ».

Organized by Sodalis Evénement, the evening is in full swing when a body is found. With your team, fill in the Mentalist’s shoes and investigate the crime scene, find new hints in newspaper articles or in the lab results of the forensics and inter-

Organisée par Sodalis Evénement, la soirée bat son plein

rogate suspects to find who committed the crime.

lorsqu’un corps est découvert. Entrez en équipe dans la peau

Create your script with Sodalis Evénement and develop the

du Mentaliste et inspectez la scène de crime, trouvez de nou-

observation and analysis skills of your colleagues.

veaux indices dans les coupures de presse ou dans les résultats d’analyses du médecin légiste et interrogez des suspects

Sodalis Evénement

pour retrouver le vrai coupable.

Phone: +33 (0)6 72 45 96 91

Créez vos scenarios avec Sodalis Evénement et développez

Email :

l’observation et l’esprit d’analyse de vos collaborateurs.




’s not about shining, it’s all about lasting!”, is the favorite saying of Philippe Bellaiche, that is Phil B, who has been a singer and a presenter

for the past 25 years on the French Riviera. His services are characterized by his talent and generosity, for weddings, birthdays or corporate events, with almost 200 dates booked per year! And you definitely notice him: his crooner voice recalls the warm groove of Barry White or Stevie Wonder; Phil sings with great emotions!

But Phil, in addition to singing tunes of Marvin Gaye, Michael Buble, or Kool & the Gang is also a true DJ, who mixes and carefully prepares his instrument parts. He plays touching and generous hits, alone, with a band, with a chorus or as a DJ; Phil B will provide you with the option that suits your event the best. n

Phil B - 06 23 31 40 33 Singer, presenter, DJ, sound

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT For an event booked with Phil B. the duet with his singer is free.





he hotel Ibis Styles has just opened in Juan les Pins,

with 40 rooms right at the center of the town, 300 meters away from the beach. This chic and modern loca-

tion provides you all year long with an inclusive offer, room and breakfast included. A cocooning and contemporary atmosphere, ideal for families, or for a business trip, the Ibis Styles accommodation will attract various customers who are seeking for high-end services, at the center of the town and close to the main streets. Decorated by Véronique Toubiana, the hotel is equipped with air-conditioning, and includes a Fitness Center and free Wifi. Finally, you will enjoy all year long having dinner in the enchanting environment of Bijou Plage, a private beach partner of Ibis Styles. n

Ibis Styles Ibis Styles 95 Boulevard Raymond Poincaré Juan-les-Pins +33 (0)4 92 95 90 02

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 15 % discount on the rate of your room

Conditions générales en page 3




ou would like to show the skills and expertise of

your company, to introduce an innovative pro-


duct or to highlight the efficiency of your teams?


Film 06 gives you the opportunity to direct, shoot and

ous souhaitez exposer les compétences et savoir-

faire de votre entreprise, présenter un produit inno-

edit your company’s movie with your colleagues for a

vant ou mettre en valeur l’efficacité de vos équipes ?

Team Building session. It is a fun and original activity that will stimulate the creativity and motivation of your

Film 06 vous donne l’opportunité de réaliser, tourner et

team around a common project. n

monter votre film d’entreprise avec vos collaborateurs le temps d’une session de Team Building. Une activité ludique et insolite qui stimulera la créativité et la motivation de votre

Film 06 - Ad Astra Films - 84 Av, de Lattre de Tassigny 06400 Cannes -

équipe unie autour d’un même projet. n




MOTORS PASSION A U T O PA S S I O N The car industry is subjected to

Le monde de l’automobile est en constante

continuous changes, somewhat revolu-

évolution, voire… révolution. Plus propre,

tionary. Cleaner, cheaper, safer and more

plus économe, plus souple, plus sécurisante :

flexible: the future car constantly adapts

la voiture de demain compose sans cesse

to upcoming technologies. Today’s

avec les technologies du futur. Elle passionne

consumer is always fascinated by tomor-

toujours l’homme d’aujourd’hui et s’adapte à

row’s car, which adjusts to the new ex-

tous les nouveaux usages qu’il en attend.

pected uses. Discover the Riviera car

Découvrez les acteurs de l’automobile azu-

providers, serving your passion!

réens, au service de votre passion !










revelation! The Chevrolet Malibu has it all, a classically

elegant look for an ideal size (4.86m) and a great coupling motorization: 2.0 VCDI in 160 HP (automatic or

manual gearbox). The latest Chevrolet indeed focuses on homogeneity onboard as well: super-equipped, its spaciousness enables to embark for long trips with a royal comfort. Multiposition seats in leather, smart multi-purpose steering wheel, navigation system with colorful multimedia interface, Bluetooth, USB port… Everything is designed for optimal use: the ideal direction car takes you on long weekends away with family or friends. n

Venez l’essayer chez Chevrolet Sud Est Motors, Face Cap 3000 Avenue Henri Lantelme Saint Laurent du Var +33 (0)4 93 14 27 85. 3 Bd de l’Armée des Alpes 06200 - Nice Riquier. +33 (0)4 92 00 06 93 Gamme Chevrolet Malibu : à partir de 26.800 €. Disponible en Pack Service : contrat d’entretien de 36, 48 ou 60 mois.



Courtesy cars from Smart to Sedan, commercial vehicles from Clio to a 3.5T dumpster or refrigerated vehicles, you can rent whatever you need.


n Golfe-Juan, Saint-Laurent-du-Var, Antibes and Nice

Airport, Truche makes vehicle rental easy thanks to personalized services. You cannot

physically pick up your car? The agency delivers the vehicle where you need it. You do not have time to organize the rental? Go for the Pack Business. For an extra-charge of 15 Euros only, we meet you upon your flight arrival to give you your keys and we directly guide you to your vehicle. Forget about queuing at a counter to get a car! On departure leave your vehicle and the keys at the nearest parking lot and leave peacefully. n

NICE FACE AEROPORT 179, Bd René Cassin Hôtel Park Inn 04 93 21 21 00 ACCUEIL VIP A VOTRE

ST. LAURENT DU VAR 40, Allée des Pécheurs (Secteur A3) Z.I St. Laurent 04 92 27 05 10

ANTIBES SHOWROOM 4, Rue d’Alger 04 92 91 00 19



GOLFE-JUAN 105, Avenue de la Liberté RN7 04 93 63 95 66


10% discount on your rental


The Business unit of the BMW dealership of Mougins, ran by Olivier Rouffignac, welcomes you to assess your professional requirements.


hanks to the EfficientDynamics program, BMW cars will

surprise you with the reduction of discharges and fuel savings: the new BMW 116 D series EfficientDynamics,

for instance, only emits 99g of CO² per km! “There has to be a car that corresponds to your corporate expectations, and we will study together the issues regarding vehicle taxation, budget and financing solutions” Olivier Rouffignac adds. BMW reinforces today a genuine development of its Business unit and offers a VIP service to its clients, with “valeting service”, personalized maintenance, adaptation to your business constraints… For you and your colleagues, you must request the best there is, and BMW will surprise you with its business-oriented expertise. n Come and try the new BMW 1-series, equipped with a mix of technologies from the Efficient Dynamics program: Start/Stop feature, 8-speed automatic transmission, new Eco Pro function that lowers consumption up to 20%... A unique disposition, together with an exceptional sobriety makes it the new city car of the season.

BMW GAAM NOUVELLE SAS - Highway exit 155 Chemin de Font Graissan - +33 (0)4 93 94 91 85 Mougins - Please contact Olivier Rouffignac to assess your project : Contacter Olivier Rouffignac pour étudier votre projet : +33 (0)4 93 94 91 89



NICE RIQUIER show room au 1er étage 3, bld Armée des Alpes - 06300 Nice

Tél. : 04 92 00 06 93

CAR 3001 - FACE CAP 3000 Av. H.Lantelme 06700 - St Laurent du Var

Tél. : 04 93 14 27 85


Professionals or private individuals, cars or commercial vehicles, for half a day or longer, wherever you are and whatever you may need, there will be an agency available to provide you with personalized services adapted to your requirements.


ent A Car’s motto : to meet customers’ requests with the

quality of vehicles and services – we can even create some for you - up to the rates that have been calculated

intelligently. Among the agencies open in the area, Lutam Exception, soon to become Rent A Car Exception, offers, right in the middle of Nice’s carré d’or neighborhood, the rental of prestigious cars, and the Nice Airport agency offers to drop

you off or pick you up at the airport so you can get your rental vehicle. Finally, if you require more visibility, you can rent, for a month or the whole year, any vehicle on which you can add your company logo. For a personalized service, ask to meet with Emmanuelle who will organize one or more rentals adapted to your corporate requirements. n

Aéroport Nice : 04 93 19 07 07 Nice Centre : 04 93 87 99 28 Nice Nord : 04 92 07 78 80 Nice RN 202 : 04 93 29 86 32 Nice Gare : 04 93 88 69 69 Nice Port : 04 93 56 45 50 Drap : 04 93 53 50 66 Vence : 04 93 58 04 04 Carros : 04 97 00 09 99 Antibes Gare : 04 93 34 36 84 Cannes/Mandelieu : 04 93 47 98 80


10% discount on your rental

w w w . r e n t a c a r . f r




MOTOR VILLAGE CANNES, THE BEST CHOICE FOR PROFESSIONALS You are a professional? You cannot miss the vehicles offered by Motor Village Cannes, a Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth and Fiat Professional dealership.

Nicolas Ricard welcomes you with the Lancia Thema: a company car that will make you stand out. Or choose the Alfa Romeo Giulietta to combine passion, reason and saving.



icolas Ricard, the director of the Cannet dealership

asserts: “The great level of reliability, security and

icolas Ricard, directeur de la concession du Cannet

est formel : « Le haut niveau de sécurité, la fiabilité

competitiveness of Fiat’s cars is now recognized by

et la compétitivité des modèles du groupe Fiat sont

every professional in Europe.” The large panel of choice

désormais reconnus par tous les professionnels en Europe ».

between Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth and Fiat Profes-

La large palette de choix entre Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia,

sional and their excellent value for equipment make them a

Abarth et Fiat Professional et leur excellent rapport prix-équi-

smart solution for companies.

pement, en font un choix très pertinent pour les sociétés.

Craftsmen, traders, park managers: whether you are looking

Artisans, commerçants, chefs de parcs : à chaque utilisation,

for a professional or a family vehicle, there will undoubtedly

professionnelle ou familiale, une marque et un modèle de

be a brand and a Motor Village Cannes car for you. You will

Motor Village Cannes correspond de manière optimale.

be provided with relevant advice regarding your project’s fi-

Les conseils sur le type de financement le plus adapté à

nancing, a complete after-sales service department (inclu-

votre projet, la qualité d’un service après-vente complet (in-

ding a body repair workshop), and 15 courtesy cars with two

tégrant une carrosserie), et 15 véhicules de courtoisie dont

commercial vehicles; you will undoubtedly love the wel-

deux utilitaires vont vous faire apprécier l’accueil au Motor

come offered by Motor Village Cannes. n

Village Cannes. n

MOTOR VILLAGE CANNES - 04 92 18 63 63 Nicolas Ricard directeur 06 33 89 82 73 Christophe Romuald responsable société 06 77 62 17 22




he great success of the Fiat 500 since it has been released five years ago has revolutionized the market for city cars. With the 500 L, Fiat leaves the

traditional segment and offers a MPV spaciousness and efficiency levels typical of compact cars. You will love its distinctive look, its exceptional spaciousness in spite of its reasonable length (4.14m) and its surprising practicality with many available interior configurations. The three Fiat 500L motorizations currently available (0.9 TwinAir 105 HP and 1.4 L with 95 HP gasoline; 1.3 L Turbo-diesel MultiJet II with 85 HP) are very restrained in CO² emissions with a record in its category for the TwinAir Turbo with 105 hp: 112 g/km! As for fuel consumption, the 500 L 1.3 L Multi-


jet with 4.2 l/100km (combined) remains very economical. Consequently, the Fiat 500 L, while conveying a trendy image, is a multi-purpose car: a clear choice during the

’immense succès de la Fiat 500 depuis sa sortie il y a cinq ans, a révolutionné le marché des citadines. Avec la 500 L, Fiat sort de la segmentation traditionnelle et offre une habi-

tabilité digne d’un monospace et des niveaux d’efficacité propres

week for work, and an exhilarating option on the weekend with family or friends! n

aux autos compactes. Vous allez adorer son look distinctif, son ha-

See greater with 500 L!

bitabilité exceptionnelle malgré une longueur raisonnable (4,14 m) et sa fonctionnalité étonnante avec les nombreuses configurations possibles de son intérieur. Les trois motorisations de la Fiat 500 L disponibles actuellement (0.9 TwinAir 105 CV et 1.4 L de 95 CV essences ; 1.3 L Turbodiesel MultiJet II de 85 CV) émettent peu de CO², avec un record dans sa catégorie pour le TwinAir Turbo de 105 cv : 112 g/km ! Côté consommation, avec 4,2 l/100 km en mixte, en version 1.3 L Multijet, la 500 L reste très sobre. Véhicule vecteur d’image, la Fiat 500 L est donc multi-usage : c’est un choix évident la semaine dans toutes vos activités professionnelles, un choix grisant le week-end, en famille ou entre amis ! n Voyez plus grand avec 500 L ! Fiat 500 L, starting from 15,550 € Discover the Fiat 500 L in your Motor Village Cannes dealership Avenue du Campon Downward ramp of the highway - Le Cannet

+33 (0)4 92 18 63 63







n crossing position, on a dizzy and beautiful

steep platform, the whole range of SUV and 4X4 Land Rover cars challenges you with the new

dealership of the brand, on the uphill highway exit of the Cannet. David de Souza and his team welcomes you to discover the Evoque, Range Rover’s new bestseller, but also the classic Range Rover

David de Souza

and Range Rover Sport, the Discovery or the Freelander, delightful cars that combine the art of driving with luxury and excellence. It will give you a preview of the latest Range Rover, to be released in January and which will be available for test-drives in November in dealerships… n

ABC Cars Cannes Range Rover and Land Rover 50 Avenue du Campon - Le Cannet +33 (0)4 92 18 00 18 - Boulevard Maurice Slama - Nice +33 (0)4 93 18 22 22 -



SPORT If the Technopole is all about knowledge

Si elle reste une terre de savoirs et de matière

and gray matter, it is also sports-oriented and

grise, la technopole connaît aussi une actualité

many Sophipolitans practice diligently an acti-

sportive et nombre de sophipolitains pratiquent

vity to keep fit or to exceed their performance

avec assiduité une activité pour se maintenir en

goals. The Alpes-Martimes distinguishes itself

forme ou dépasser leurs objectifs de perfor-

at the greatest world sport events, such as the

mance. Les Alpes-Maritimes s’illustrent aussi

Olympic Games: Emilie Fer, who won the gold

dans les plus beaux rendez-vous sportifs mon-

medal in the kayak slalom, comes from the

diaux, comme aux J.O. : Emilie Fer, la jeune kaya-

club of La Colle sur Loup, and shares her

kiste en or du Club de La Colle sur Loup, nous

champion experiences with us here.

livre ici ses impressions de nouvelle championne.


“I WANT TO REOPEN THE DEBATE ON THE POOL PROJECT IN THE PLAINE DU VAR.” « JE COMPTE BIEN RELANCER LE PROJET DE BASSIN DANS LA PLAINE DU VAR.» Neglected by the general public, Emilie Fer became the first French Olympic champion in canoe slalom at the latest London Olympics. The 29 years old from La Colle sur Loup shared her experience at the Games, her career and love for her club with us.



First let’s talk about your career: when and how did

Revenons d’abord sur votre parcours : quand et com-

you discover canoeing?

ment avez-vous découvert le canoë-kayak ?

Even if my mother had been canoeing up till her twen-

Bien que ma mère ait pratiqué le canoë-kayak jusqu’à ses 20

ties, I would say I got into it by chance somehow. I was

ans, je dirais que c’est un peu par hasard. J’avais trois ans

three years old when we left Paris to move to Roque-

lorsque nous avons quitté la région parisienne pour nous ins-

fort-les-Pins. A few years later, my brother, who is two

taller à Roquefort-les-Pins. Quelques années plus tard, mon

years older than me, found out about a canoe club right

frère de deux ans mon cadet découvrait un club de kayak

next to us in La Colle sur Loup. I went with him and I joi-

juste à côté de chez nous à La Colle sur Loup. Je l’ai suivi et

ned the SPCOC Canoe Kayak at 11 years old.

suis entrée au SPCOC Canoë Kayak à l'âge de 11 ans.

What do you remember from your first years

Que retenez-vous de vos premières années au club ?

at the club?

J’y ai appris les valeurs du kayak, et plus largement les va-

I learnt about the values of canoeing, and to a larger ex-

leurs du sport. La famille, le partage, la transmission des

tent, the values of sports. Family, sharing and teaching

savoirs mais aussi l’amusement, c’est exactement comme

techniques but also fun, that is how I see sports. This

cela que j'imagine le sport. Ce club, c’est un cocon familial,

club is like family, I remember weekends when we would

je me souviens des week-ends où nous allions camper tous

go camping all together and I was so excited to go see

ensemble et de l’excitation que j’avais à aller voir « les

the “adults” in competition. That is also why I like going

grands » en compétition. C’est aussi pour cela que j’aime

back there and doing courses with the youngest mem-

y revenir et faire des stages avec les plus jeunes, je me re-

bers, I can see myself 20 years ago.

voie il y a 20 ans.



Retour au 2 août 2012, quel est votre état d’esprit sur la ligne de départ des Jeux Olympiques ? Justement, je ne pense pas aux JO, ni à ce qui s’est passé, ni à ce qui pourrait se passer après. Au moment du départ, je suis un automate, je fais abstraction de tout ce qu’il y a autour de moi pour ne penser qu’à ma course. C’est quelque chose que nous avons beaucoup préparé mon entraineur et moi parce que je crois que c’est ce qui m’avait manqué à Pékin. La veille de la course, je me suis mise dans une bulle et ai rejeté toutes les émotions, c’est très dur mentalement puisque les émotions font naturel©FFCK

lement partie de nous. Ne pas les accepter m’a rendu à cran à tel point que la moindre musique me faisait pleurer, mais ça a payé !

August 2 2012, how did you feel on the starting line nd

Vous êtes sur la plus haute marche du podium, la Mar-

Actually I was not thinking about the Olympics at all, nor

seillaise retentit, à quoi ou à qui pensez-vous ?

about what had happened or could happen next. On

Je ressens d’abord un relâchement, je commence à inté-

the starting line, I am like a robot; I forget everything

grer ce que je viens de réaliser. Puis je m’accorde un petit

around me and focus on the race. My coach and I had

moment à moi pendant lequel je regarde la médaille et

been working on this quite hard and I believe that is

je savoure cet instant qui m’appartient. Enfin je pense à

what had made me fail in Beijing. The day before the

mes proches, au clan kayak et à mon club de La Colle, je

race, I zoned out and I blocked all emotions, it is really

n’aurais jamais pu me surpasser sans eux.


at the Olympics?


I hope that being the first French woman to win a medal will encourage more women to join and will allow better consideration from the federation. There is a huge discrepancy between men and women and it cannot go on any longer.

J’espère que le fait d’être la première française médaillée permettra l’arrivée de plus de femmes et une meilleure considération de la part de la fédération. Il existe un énorme déséquilibre entre hommes et femmes et ça ne peut plus durer.

hard since it is all part of who I am. Rejecting those emotions put me on edge; so much as a single song could make me cry! But it paid off! You are on top of the podium, you can hear the Marseillaise hymn, what and whom were you thinking about? First I felt relaxed, I started realizing what was happening. Then I started contemplating the medal and enjoying that moment, which was mine forever. Finally, I thought of my relatives, my canoeing friends and my club La Colle, I would never had made it without them. What do you hope will change with this title?

Qu’espérez-vous changer avec ce titre ?

Many things. On a national level first, I hope that being

Beaucoup de choses. Au niveau national d’abord, j’es-

the first French woman to win a medal will encourage

père que le fait d’être la première française médaillée

more women to join and will allow better consideration

permettra l’arrivée de plus de femmes et une meilleure

from the federation. There is a huge discrepancy bet-

considération de la part de la fédération. Il existe un

ween men and women and it cannot go on any longer.

énorme déséquilibre entre hommes et femmes et ça ne

Then on a regional level, I do want to fight for the pool

peut plus durer. Au niveau régional ensuite, je compte

project in the Plaine du Var. Despite the great climate

bien monter au front pour relancer le projet de bassin

and the favorable environment that we have here, there

dans la Plaine du Var. Malgré le climat favorable et l’envi-

are still no training facilities that could compete on an

ronnement propice que nous avons ici, il n’y a pas de

international level. That is actually the reason why I do

structures d’entrainement de niveau international. C’est

not leave here anymore.

d’ailleurs à cause de cela que je n’habite plus la région.

And what about now?

Et maintenant ?

After a four-week break, I only want one thing: to start

Après quatre semaines d’arrêt, je n’ai envie que d’une

training again. One month without canoeing is a very

seule chose : reprendre l’entrainement. Un mois sans

long time. My 4-year contract with the Department of

kayak, c’est vraiment long. Mon contrat de 4 ans avec le

National Defense coming to an end in September, I

Ministère de la Défense ayant pris fin en septembre, je

need to find new sponsors to continue training in good

dois également rechercher de nouveaux sponsors pour

conditions. n

continuer à m’entrainer dans de bonnes conditions. n



SO GEEK Through exclusive updates and upcoming releases, discover the latest high-tech trends that will thrill the geeks‌ and everyone else.

IPHONE 5 Revolutionary for some, useless for others, one thing is undeniable; the latest Apple newborn is open to debate. Including a few improvements but no genuine revolutionary features, this glass and aluminum toy is thinner, lighter and bigger than the previous iPhone 4S.

Wii U It is official; the new console video game system by Nintendo will be available from November 30th. Gamers and other aficionados of video games will be delighted, as they will discover a new way to play with the GamePad, a joystick that includes a 6.2-inch touch screen.


Ro Bo Charge your devices anywhere with this universal charger by Xoopar. With a plug for iPod and iPhone, a micro USB, a mini USB and a USB outlet, this funny robot will enable you to charge your Smartphones, video cameras and cameras.

Nikon 1 J2 After the Nikon 1 J1, Nikon has launched the J2 in September. Designed for quick operating, this new version includes fun and trendy colours, a new extremely compact optical spectra and a 2.5x zoom for you to save the best times of your life on film or video.




HOUSING DESIGN & REAL ESTATE HABITAT, IMMO & DESIGN Discover our complete section dedicated to real estate and housing on the Riviera. Every two months, check the latest accommodation and business real estate offers published by the best agencies in the region, the market’s trends and the current design inspirations.

Découvrez notre cahier complet consacré à l’immobilier azuréen et à l’habitat. Tous les deux mois, retrouvez les dernières annonces de logement et immobilier d’entreprise proposées par les meilleures agences de la région, les tendances du marché ainsi que les inspirations déco du moment.

A STROLL THROUGH THE FOREST The charm of the forest and the colors of Fall are a great source of inspiration for our homes and bring a wild touch to our kitchens. Squirrel Tea Towel with Vines Garnier-Thiebaut

Pack of 4 animal plates Interior’s

Cotton /

- 14 €

1, 2, 3 soleil Ceramic /

- 20 €

95 Rue de France - Nice

Interior’s CC Toulon Mayol - Toulon

5 Piece cutlery set Sologne Du bout du Monde

Silver coloring /

- 35 €

Du Bout du monde 9 rue commandant Vidal - Cannes




ean-Luc and Valérie Oger, who enjoy the satisfaction

of a job well done, have decided to leave the cruel world of large kitchen brand names to create their

small family business. Four years later, they have won the tough challenge to combine professional expertise and quality branding with affordable prices for everyone. What is their secret? They respect the client and they work with the best brands and craftsmen to provide products of great quality. Whether you are dreaming of a new kitchen, of a huge closet or of new storage spaces, everything is possible and can be completed with the talented Jean-Luc who designs and manufactures madeto-measure storage space based on your requirements, desires and budget. Being your single contact on the project, the couple takes care of it all and also carries out building, electricity or plumbing work, so that all you have left to do is enjoy your new home stress free. n

Jean-Luc Oger Cuisines & dressings - Aménagements d’intérieur Menuiserie et Agencements 375 Chemin de Font de Mel - Levens 06 68 911 119


350 € accessories available for the purchase of a kitchen.




Alexander Martin Exceptional interior design

O U L’ A M É N A G E M E N T I N T É R I E U R D ’ E X C E P T I O N

Because a harmonious interior has a major part to play on the way your day goes, Gregory Martin helps you create and design your interior thanks to personalized advice and original pieces.


ou can forget about crowded stores and endless

maze of sofas; with Alexander Martin, Gregory’s brand, the store comes to you. Furniture, lamps, or

decorations from its own collections or from European designers, Gregory offers high-end design and contemporary pieces, which are so creative that they will enlighten your home, making it a unique and personal place. After a first essential meeting to define the project you dream of, he will start looking for the products that suit you best while respecting your requirements, needs and budget in order to provide you with a thorough and relevant selection. All you have to do is to pick among the suggested samples. Gregory will be your single contact person and will guide you through interior design, directions and style and color choices. His objective point of view leads to obvious solutions and enables a different and more original and relevant approach, all the more so that this experienced specialist will assist you through painting as well, to coordinate the room and integrate furniture. n


What are you waiting for to change it all?

Alexander Martin


15% discount on your invoice

20, avenue du train des Pignes - 06670 Colomars TĂŠl : +33 (0) 977 76 31 10 Port : +33 (0) 675 65 68 45




CITY SPA, WHEREVER AND WHENEVER YOU WANT Summer is not over with the new City Spa of Jacuzzi, perfectly adapted to small spaces: its reduced size (160 x 150 x 75 cm) makes it fit almost everywhere, in a small garden or on a city terrace, while remaining easy to use with its ideal options. A unique filtration system “Clear Ray”, 20 massage jet pumps, multicolor Led system: City Spa provides you with a whole new world of relaxation… Jacuzzi Retailers in the Alpes-Maritimes : Saunasun, Port Inland in Mandelieu (+33 (0)4 93 47 41 14 and and Sartore, Boulevard Edouard Herriot in Nice (+33(0)4 93 86 22 08).



ince designing a bathroom that captures the essence of

who you are is a work of art, Christine Cattaneo has created Carrel Concept Art. This passionate designer,

through her love and attention to details, will provide you with her expertise, a work of great quality and exceptional mosaics to build the bathroom that suits you best. Wait no longer and discover the unique concept of her workshop/boutique of 160 square meters, designed as a place to exchange and choose from a large panel of decorative and pool mosaics, earthenware, decorative tiles, stones and marbles. You will put together your own patterns with the help and advice of experts.n

CARREL CONCEPT ART 4 Allée des Cormorans - Avant l’hôtel Mercure Space Camp - ZI L a Frayère 06150 Cannes-La-Bocca Tel : 09 54 07 05 55 - 06 31 72 86 25 Fax : 04 83 33 29 07 Mail : 115


5% discount on products for sale excluding provided services.



A NATURE HOME INTERIOR DESIGN Wood has to be the most natural and warm material. With rugs, stools and cushions, BoConcept provides you with a range of nature products to create a “cocooning in a cabin” atmosphere in your home for long winter nights. Bo Concept 1254 Route de la Valmasque Valbonne - 04 92 38 98 60 Cushion “Wood” - 79 € Coussin « Wood »

Stool “Nature” - 189 € Tabouret « Nature »


Rug “Flash” – L 170 x H 240 cm – 679 € Tapis « Flash » - L 170 x H 240 cm



Wood, the most natural material, reveals all its beauty through the work of craftsmanship. In their workshop of Vallauris, Marc Pourrat and his team design and manufacture indoor and outdoor customized creations for your villas, apartments, boats, offices and stores with traditional or rather modern features.

Matériau noble par excellence, le bois se dévoile sous la main de l’artisan pour révéler tous ses charmes. Dans leur atelier de Vallauris, Marc Pourrat et son équipe conçoivent et fabriquent sur-mesure des aménagements intérieurs et extérieurs pour vos villas, appartements, bateaux, bureaux et magasins du style classique au plus contemporain.

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 5% discount on your bill

SEGM Ebénisterie Se déplace dans toute la région sur RDV Tel : 2121, Ch St Bernard (Porte 13) 06225 Vallauris Tel: 04 92 95 18 11 - Fax: 04 92 95 18 21 Mail:








pening the shutters, turning the coffee maker on,

activating the outdoor sprinklers, opening the

uvrir les volets, mettre la cafetière en route, dé-

clencher l’arrosage extérieur, ouvrir le portail ou

gate or lighting up the garden: what if you could

éclairer le jardin, et si vous pouviez tout contrôler

do it all in just one click ?

en un seul clic ?

It is now possible thanks to the Blyss Liveez concept, a plug

C’est désormais possible grâce au concept Blyss Liveez, une

and play automation box, connected to the Internet and

box domotique plug and play connectée à Internet et fonc-

working with a SIM card. A simple and reliable way to ma-

tionnant avec une carte SIM. Gérer l’environnement inté-

nage the indoor and outdoor environment of your home

rieur et extérieur de votre maison avec simplicité et fiabilité

from your Smartphone, computer or tablet.

depuis votre Smartphone, ordinateur et tablette.


THE DOMOCALL PROTECTION REVOLUTION Make your life easier whether you are at work, at home, or on holidays… Domocall provides you with alarm, CCTV and automation systems.


Facilitez-vous la vie en entreprise, à la maison, en vacances… Domocall vous propose systèmes d’alarme, de télésurveillance et de domotique.

iring safe in-home help for elderly, monitoring

the functioning of a machine from a distance, supervising a sensitive location, setting off an

alarm, protection against aggression (Home Jacking), remote control an air conditioning system, closing doors, windows or shutters: Domocall Protection provides you with the best system adjusted to your request with changing solutions. First define precisely your requirements to Michèle Bara, the Sales Manager, and choose your options: leasing or purchasing, CCTV monthly subscription… Domocall Protection takes care of it all. To feel safer and to optimize your investment with closely analyzed costs, pick Domocall Protection: you will be surprised by their large range of solutions, for private individuals as well as for businesses. n

Call to book an appointment for an estimate, with no obligation :


50% discount on your subscription remote surveillance

+33(0)9 66 90 74 69 - +33(0)4 83 05 35 00 Domocall - 18 Chemin de Campersousse - Grasse Facebook : domocallprotection






he eBoutique offers you a selection of products to cultivate your green thumb and grow its originality: the Mojito set, including glasses,

a pestle, a recipe booklet and mint seeds to plant right away (great gift idea for 16.90€). To season your own meals with herbs from your garden, pick the 7 aromatic herb kit, with pots and seeds to plant (25.90€). Finally, to finely chop your herbs, this wooden box includes a curved board, a chopper and a bag of seeds (19.90€). Products available on




esign and functional, Laorus invent a

new version of wall fountains and bring top-quality and elegance to our exter-

nal water inlets. Made from thermo-lacquered and zinc-plated steel for bad weather and UV radiation resistance, these new generation of fountains have shiny colors and bring a poetry touch in any garden.


If real estate rates are starting to stabilize, the industry still experiences a strong decline, from a 25 to 30% drop for the main cities of the department.

4 575€ per square meter over the 2nd semester 2011 opposed to 4553€ over the 2nd semester of this year, 4266€ in Nice compared to 4198€ today; this assessment is the same everywhere, prices are slightly decreasing but still remain prohibitive for most of the Riviera residents. The most affected people are the first time buyers who are struggling to come up with such




Frédéric Pelou, new president of the FNAIM Côte d’Azur Frédéric Pelou, nouveau président de la FNAIM Côte d’Azur

amounts to be able to purchase a property. There are several explanations for this decline; firstly the cancellation of the PTZ+ (no interest loans) has prevented many working inhabitants from getting the requested funds to complete a purchase, and the banks, that are more and more cautious, are not making things any easier. The future does not look brighter, the FNAIM 06 fears that the market might be at a standstill in the coming months. n

2nd quarter 2012

2nd quarter 2012

2 trimestre 2012

2ème trimestre 2011

4 198 €

4 266 €



4 771 €

4 731 €



4 553 €

4 575 €




NICE Average per Sq m price for resold apartments Prix Moyen /m² des appartements revendus Negotiation margin Marge de Négociation CANNES Average per Sq m price for resold apartments Prix Moyen /m² des appartements revendus Negotiation margin Marge de Négociation ANTIBES Average per Sq m price for resold apartments Prix Moyen /m² des appartements revendus Negotiation margin Marge de Négociation





The weekend has finally started! Why don’t

Enfin le week-end ! Si on en profitait

you take the time to discover the culture and

pour découvrir la Côte d’Azur culturelle

art of the French Riviera? Shows, concerts,

et artistique ? Spectacles, concerts, opé-

operas-ballets, exhibitions or theater, Select

ras-ballets, expos ou théâtre, Select

Antipolis tells you what delights are in store

Antipolis vous donne le programme.

on the Riviera. All you have left to do is book.

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à réserver.



With the start of the new publishing season, popular

Rentrée littéraire oblige, stars et jeunes pousses de

authors and young talents are filling our shelves with

l’écriture remplissent nos bibliothèques de leurs nou-

their latest novels. Here is our selection.

veaux romans. Sélection.

La théorie de l’information - Aurélien Bellanger La jouissance - Florian Zeller

In the digital and web 2.0 era, this young

You are about to have your first child? Then do

author recounts 40 years of information

not read the latest novel of Florian Zeller in

history and its first steps. A giant geek

which he shows and explains how love disap-

novel that you will read in one go.

pears the minute a child enters the world of

A l’heure du numérique et du web 2.0,

a couple.

ce jeune auteur revient sur 40 ans d’his-

Sur le point d’avoir votre premier enfant ? Ne

toire de l’information et ses premiers

lisez surtout pas le dernier roman de Florian

balbutiements depuis la révolution mi-

Zeller dans lequel il montre et démontre que l’amour n’est plus

nitel jusqu’à nos tablettes actuelles. Un

à la seconde où un enfant fait son entrée dans la vie du couple.

roman geekissime à dévorer.

Editions Gallimard - 176 pages - 16.90 €

Editions Gallimard - 496 pages – 22.50 €

Home - Toni Morrison

Dans un récit douloureux qui dérange autant qu’il boule-

In a painful story that is both disturbing

verse, l’auteur revient sur la ségrégation et la violence raciale

and deeply moving, the author goes

dans l’Amérique conservatrice des années 50 alors gouver-

back over segregations in conservatory

née et régie par des blancs.

America of the fifties.

Editions Christian Bourgois 153 pages - 17 €


EXPOS With over 150 art galleries and about a hundred museums, the French Riviera contains lots of extraordinary places where, during an exhibition, artists, movements and discoveries of all kinds unravel.

Philippe Rochot « Mes 40 ans de reportages » Du 23 septembre au 7 octobre Fondation de Sophia Antipolis Tél : 04 92 96 78 05 40 years of pictures harvested all around the world,

Avec plus de 150 galeries d’art et une centaine de musées, la Côte d’Azur recèle de lieux extraordinaires où s’expriment artistes, mouvements et découvertes en tout genre le temps d’une exposition.

taking a passionate but sometimes puzzling and often humanist look over conflicts of those past few years. A beautiful tribute paid to the freedom of the press to discover immediately.

OCTOBRE Hannaka « Mouvements immobiles » Du 22 septembre au 13 octobre La Galerie Depardieu « Hors les Murs » - Nice Tél : 04 93 96 40 96 Misia, Reine de Paris Du 13 octobre au 6 janvier Musée Bonnard – Le Cannet Tél : 04 93 94 06 06 Les aventures du commandant Cousteau Du 20 juillet au 6 janvier Espace Mer & Littoral – Antibes Tél : 04 97 23 11 11




SPECTACLES From India to the rising sun and stopping by Italy, travel through the current shows on the French Riviera. De l’Inde au pays du soleil levant en passant par l’Italie, laissez-vous porter par les spectacles du moment en escale sur la Côte d’Azur.


Nicolas Canteloup N’arrête jamais Dimanche 11 novembre - 16 h

Anthony Kavanagh

Tarifs : de 40 € à 50 €

Fait son coming-out

La Palestre - Le Cannet

Samedi 13 octobre - 20 h 30

Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27

Tarifs : 37 € La Palestre - Le Cannet Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27

Bharati Vendredi 26 octobre - 20 h Tarifs : de 27 € à 65 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Les Maîtres de Shaolin Dimanche 28 octobre - 16 h Tarifs : de 10 € à 28 € Grand Auditorium Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 99 33 83

Arnaud Tsamere Chose promise Jeudi 15 novembre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : 35 € Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée - Nice Tél : + 33 (0) 4 92 14 68 00


Mamma Mia ! Vendredi 16 novembre - 20 h Jeudi 18 novembre - 14 h 30 Tarifs : de 35 € à 79 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Sandrine Alexi Imite les stars Samedi 17 novembre 20 h 30 Tarifs : 35 € La Palestre - Le Cannet Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27

Forever King of Pop Samedi 1er décembre - 20 h Tarifs: de 29 € à 56 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Ary Abittan A la folie passionnément Vendredi 30 novembre 20 h30 Tarifs : 27 € à 29 € Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée Nice Tél : + 33 (0) 4 92 14 68 00




CONCERTS Electro, hip-hop, pop-rock, new talents and international celebrities, the French Riviera welcomes lots of styles and artists and becomes an eclectic stage performing exceptional evenings. Electro, rap, pop-rock, nouveaux talents et stars internationales, la Côte d’Azur fait le plein de styles et d’artistes et devient le théâtre d’une scène éclectique qui annonce des soirées exceptionnelles.


Enrico Macias Voyage d’une mélodie

Lady Gaga The Born this Way Ball

Samedi 20 octobre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 35 € à 40 €

Mercredi 3 octobre - 20 h / Jeudi 4 octobre - 20 h

La Palestre - Le Cannet

Tarifs : de 62 € à 100,50 €

Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27

Palais Nikaia - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Orelsan Samedi 20 octobre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 26.80 € à 29.80 € Théâtre de Verdure – Nice Tél : +33 (0)4 97 13 37 70

Skip The Use Jeudi 25 octobre - 20 h Tarifs : 23 €

Louis Bertignac Mercredi 17 octobre - 20 h 30

Palais Nikaïa - Nice

Tarifs : de 33 € à 38 €

Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

La Palestre - Le Cannet Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27 Carmen Maria Vega Vendredi 19 octobre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : 20 € Théâtre Lino Ventura - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 97 00 10 70


Tryo Imany

Samedi 27 octobre – 20 h Tarifs : 37 €

Vendredi 23 novembre 20 h 30 - Tarifs : de 25 € à 28 €

Palais Nikaïa - Nice

Salle du Canton -Monaco

Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Tél : + 377 93 10 12 10


Brigitte Jeudi 29 novembre - 20 h 30

Sebastien Tellier

Tarifs : de 35 € à 38 €

Vendredi 2 novembre – 20 h 30

La Palestre - Le Cannet

Tarifs : de 21.80 € à 25 €

Tél : + 33 (0)4 93 45 34 27

Théâtre Lino Ventura - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 97 00 10 70

Revolver Jeudi 8 novembre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 14 € à 17 € Théâtre Lino Ventura - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 97 00 10 70

Sexion d’Assaut Samedi 10 novembre - 20 h Tarifs : de 29 € à 40 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29

Sting Back to Bass Tour Lundi 12 novembre - 20 h Tarifs : de 68,50 € à 102 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : + 33 (0)4 92 29 31 29



Great classics but also more modern plays will be performed on the stages of the Riviera theaters. Discover the program of the coming months. Des grands classiques mais aussi des pièces plus contemporaines fouleront les planches des théâtres azuréens. Découvrez le programme de ces prochains mois.



Chroniques d’une haine



Antoine Rault

Pierres Desproges

Samedi 24 novembre - 20 h 30

Du 24 au 27 octobre –

Palais des Festivals et

20 h30, 19 h 30 le 25

des Congrès - Cannes © Eric Didym



Théâtre National de Nice Salle Pierre Brasseur Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

Tél : 04 92 99 33 83 D’hommages sans interdit(s) Raymond Devos

L’Ouest Solitaire

Du 21 au 25 novembre – 21 h , 20 h le 22 et 15 h 30 le 25

Martin Mc Donagh, Bruno

Théâtre National de Nice - Salle Michel Simon

Solo, Dominique Pinon

Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

Les 26 et 27 octobre – 20 h 30 Théâtre de Grasse

Peggy Guggenheim, femme face à son miroir

Tél : 04 93 40 53 00

Jeudi 8 novembre - 21 h Théâtre Princesse Grace Monaco

Moi, Caravage

Tél : +377 93 25 32 27

D’après le roman « La course de l’abîme » de Dominique Fernandez Les 16 et 17 octobre – 21 h Théâtre de la Cité – Nice Tél : 04 93 16 82 69

Le Conte d’Hiver

[L’Enterrement] Festen…la suite

William Shakespeare

Thomas Vinterberg et Mogen Rukov

Cie Arketal

Du 16 novembre au 2 décembre - 20 h 30 les mardis, 19 h 30

Vendredi 19 octobre - 20 h 30

les jeudis, 15 h le 18

Théâtre de Grasse

Théâtre National de Nice - Salle Pierre Brasseur

Tél : 04 93 40 53 00

Tél : 04 93 13 90 90


OPERAS BALLETS The classics of Verdi, Puccini or Handel come back to life on the Riviera stages in a world where magic, elegance, grace and emotions prevail.

Les classiques de Verdi, Puccini ou Haendel renaissent sur les scènes azuréennes dans un monde où tout n’est que féérie, élégance, grâce et émotion.



« Simon Boccanegra » de Giuseppe Verdi

Shim Chung Universal Ballet World Tour

Du 24 au 30 octobre - 20 h les 24, 26 et 30 - 15 h le 28

Vendredi 12 octobre - 20 h

Tarifs : de 12 € à 78 €

Tarifs : de 20 € à 89 €

Opéra de Nice - Nice

Palais Nikaïa - Nice

Tél : 04 92 17 40 79

Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

«La Fanciulla del West » de Giacomo Puccini 19, 22 et 25 novembre - 20 h les 19 et 22 - 15 h le 25 Tarifs : à partir de 25 € Opéra de Monte-Carlo - Monaco Tél : +377 98 06 28 28 Soirées d’Octobre Le casse-noisette de St Petersbourg

Par le Ballet Nice Méditerranée

Mardi 27 novembre - 20 h 30

Du 5 au 7 octobre - 20 h les 5 et 6 - 15 h le 7

Tarifs : de 47 € à 60 €

Tarifs : de 8 € à 22 €

Nice Acropolis – Nice

Opéra de Nice - Nice

Tél : 04 93 92 83 00

Tél : 04 92 17 40 79

«Duello Amoroso» de Georg Friedrich Haendel 9 et 11 novembre - 20 h et 15 h Opéra de Monte-Carlo - Monaco Tél : +377 98 06 28 28


SELECTME Select Antipolis’ partners give you their warmest welcome, with a lot of attractive deals and an unconcealed smile… In every area, find a professional attentive to your project and attuned to satisfy all your requests !

Lata, Myriam et Sebastiaan Roose de Shantilife

L’équipe de Rent a Car

À l’Antre des Délices

Phil B

Christine Cattaneo de Carrel Concept

Jêrome Bottier de Charlot 1er

Guillaume Emaurine de Sud Est Motors


L’équipe d’Azur Construction


Karine Bertin de Beauty and Nails Academy Nicolas Job, Nathalie Belles et Frédéric Cianci d’Egerys Finance

Gabrielle de Noor Arts

Christine Michel du Moulin d’Opio

François Urmelli

Eric Touron de MDA

Pascal Duhem et Michèle Bara de Domocall Protection



Virgine Grigolet d’Apef Service

Mr Denger de Buro Aménagement

Nicolas Ricard de Motor Village Cannes

Olivia et Michel de L’Envol du Bonheur

Aurélie, Au Cœur 2 l’Istant

Franck Kobylka de Porsche Antibes

Laurence Henri du Castel Provence

Jêrome Heraud du Cantemerle

Nausicaa Exposito de Rapid’Couture

Nathalie du Salon NewLook



Serge Silvia de Côt’Ouest Immobilier Jean Luc et Valérie de JLO Cuisine

Ulrike Bischoff, Ayame

Adrien Berthier Villeneuve de l’Alliance Française

Irith Behir, le Provençal Golf

Vincent Halby du Bastion

Grégory, d’Alexander Martin

David De Souza, Land Rover Cannes

Luc Payrouse


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