Select antipolis n°2

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he technopole goes on with its transformation, months after months, following International and European economic trends, and technological innovation. And with major discoveries, bringing hope to the world, come purely economical news that sometimes turn into human drama.

Therefore, the frightening announcements made by Texas Instruments lead to believe the worst is yet to come for the 600 employees and about 150 subcontractors who are currently working in Villeneuve-Loubet. The strategy of the American giant corporation has a direct impact from Dallas to the Riviera community. Let’s hope today that redirecting solutions will be found, towards Sophia Antipolis’ wealth, based on sharing expertise and complementarities. The world evolves fast and in one second, a technology may replace another. Grey matter, however, remains. Knowledge grows, and men question themselves and innovate when times are troubled. Consequently, hopefully those career changes will be successful for all those who may suffer from those recent declarations. Because the French Riviera is a land of innovation and wealth. Let’s take for instance Thales Underwater Systems, which behind trees and secure facilities has been inventing the underwater solutions of tomorrow’s Defence for over thirty years in Sophia Antipolis: they open their doors to us at the end of the year. Everywhere, in the department, ideas bring an intelligent future, oriented towards men, ecology and prosperity. And for those ideas to come to life peacefully in a trusting environment, grey matter is the only source that we cannot lack of… Money can wait; anyway it always comes in second! And while we wait, we wish you all a good end of the year, made of perceptiveness, joy and optimism!

Lisa Pottier

Eric Pottier

Mickaël Lardet

Marina Carvalho


Xavier Beck

Gregory Toscano

Amandine Lansade Maccario

Alain Scigliuto

Gregory Laloue

Francis BrÊchère

Pedram Shirazi

Audrey Sellari

Daniel Naro


Maxime Vanneste

Pierre Chaillou

Claire Massot


n ECONOMIC NEWS & BUSINESS - L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS 18 Ministerial visit - Benoit Hamon The Development of social and solidarity economy

n INTELLIGENCE & INNOVATION 26 Ermis Project - The race for innovation in small businesses 28

MICCAI - Advanced medical imaging in Sophia Antipolis

n SOPHIA PLANNING 32 Ethiforum - Everything about management innovation 34

Discovering space at the Eco’Parc: Let’s dream and understand

n X-RAY – RAYONS X 36 In-depth analysis of Thales Underwater Systems n CAREERS - TRAJECTOIRES 46 Georges Dao: Setting up and developing local businesses n LOVING YOUR JOB – BIEN DANS MA BOITE 50 Real…ization of business awareness n FOCUS CASA 52 Marc Daunis: « Reaching moderation through innovation »

n WINES & GOOD FOOD - VINS & BONNES TABLES 60 Recipe: Chocolate lava cake with lemon guanaja n GASTRONOMIE 77 La Vignette Haute - Right next to Cannes, emotion and change of scenery


SOMMAIRE n LEISURE & WELL BEING - LOISIRS & BIEN-ETRE 81 18 Saramartel Younger and no scalpel with aesthetic medicine

n REPORT - LE DOSSIER 92 Winter Sports / n INCENTIVE 99 Discover Corsica’s surprises, in winter too n MOTORS PASSION - AUTO PASSION 108 A new setting for Porsche innovation n SPORTS 113 Alain Weisz: « The hardest thing to do is to turn your staff into a team »

n GEEK STORE 116 So Geek n HOUSING DESIGN & REAL ESTATE 123 Jean-Luc Oger: Professional quality for everyone

n ARTS & CULTURE 138 Books 139 Expos 140 Concerts 142 Theatre 143 Opera-Ballet

n FASHION - MODE 136 Business Styles

Edition-rédaction et publicité : Sarl NEW LIFE COMMUNICATION au capital de 7500 € 1495 RN7 - Immeuble Alexandra 06270 Villeneuve-Loubet Tél. 04 93 22 30 70 Direction de la publication Lisa et Eric Pottier Secrétariat Amandine Lansade Maccario

Rédacteur en chef Mickaël Lardet Rédaction Marina Carvalho Direction artistique - Infographie - Web Xavier Beck Gregory Toscano Traduction Caroline Durand 9

Directeur Commercial Alain Scigliuto Chargés de clientèle Audrey Sellari - Francis Bréchère Pedram Shirazi - Daniel Naro - Gregory Laloue Claire Massot - Maxime Vanneste - Pierre Chaillou Photos : Editions Select / ©

Impression : Imprimerie Tiber - Italie Tirage : 16000 ex Toute reproduction même partielle des articles et illustrations parus dans Select Antipolis est interdite sans l’autorisation de l’éditeur. Exemplaire gratuit, ne peut être vendu.




L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS News, products launches, appointments, impor-

Nouveautés, lancements de produits, nominations,

tant visitors in the technopole, unifier projects

visites marquantes sur la technopole, projets fédé-

and announcements for the future: Sophia Anti-

rateurs et annonces d’avenir : l’actu fourmille à So-

polis is full of new ideas and the economy’s

phia Antipolis et l’économie est rythmée par la

rythm is based on innovation. Let’s check out

nouveauté. Petit tour d’horizon de ce qui bouge

what is happening before the year ends.

avant d’entamer cette nouvelle année.


C’est avec son programme baptisé « Impulse »

a 37-year old from Antibes, has been elected Presi-

que l’antibois David Gbedemah, 37 ans, a été

dent of the Jeune Chambre Economique Française

élu président de la Jeune Chambre Economique

(the JCEF is the equivalent of the Junior Chamber).

Française (JCEF).



mong his va-


armi ses nombreux





particulierement met-

he intends more

tre l’accent sur la formation

particularly to focus on

training and professiona-

et les parcours profession-

lizing courses for mem-

nalisants pour les membres

bers, based on Prior

sur un principe de Valida-


tion des Acquis de l’Expé-


(PLA) with a diploma as a

rience (VAE) avec diplôme à

result. His new team will

la clef. Sa nouvelle équipe

also have the great res-

aura également la lourde

ponsibility to prepare for

tache de préparer la candidature de la France pour accueillir le Congrès Jeune

the candidacy of France as host for the 2017 Junior

Chamber International Convention. n

Chambre Internationale en 2017. n






oup de tonnerre dans le ciel villeneuvois : la di-

rection internationale de Texas Instruments a

annoncé la suppression de 1700 postes, impac-

tant le site de Villeneuve-Loubet, où près de 750 per-

sonnes officient. La direction ne dément pas un plan social de grande ampleur, présenté en comité d’entreprise courant décembre. n


ard Blow in the Villeneuve Loubet area: the Inter-

national Management of Texas Instruments has announced the elimination of 1700 jobs, with a

consequential impact on the Villeneuve-Loubet site,

where about 750 employees work. The managing team does not deny a significant downsizing plan, introduced

during a Works Council over the course of December. n



Created from a partnership between Nasteo, FG

Né d’un partenariat entre Nasteo, FG Medias et les

Media and the Espaces Antipolis, the new Professio-

Espaces Antipolis, le nouveau service de studio pro-

nal WebTV studio service adjusts to businesses’ re-

fessionnel WebTV s’adapte aux besoins des entre-

quirements, whether companies wish to present a

prises, que celles-ci désirent présenter un nouveau

new product or host a talkshow.

produit ou animer un talkshow.



ocated in the Espaces Antipolis – 300 Route des

Crêtes, the WebTV studio is equipped with an in-

nstallé aux Espaces Antipolis - 300 Route des Crêtes,

le studio WebTV est équipé d’une régie intégrée et

house production department and a professional

d’un plateau professionnel permettant de produire

des émissions de WebTV haut de gamme avec prise de

stage enabling to produce top level WebTV shows with multi camera shooting and HD broadcast, live or pre-re-

vue multi-caméras et diffusion en qualité HD, en direct

corded, on your own channel specifically created for you

ou en différé, sur une chaîne propriétaire créée sur me-

or on your website.

sure ou sur votre site Internet.

Developed by the expert of technology devices for in-

Développé par le spécialiste des outils technologiques

teractive web, Nasteo offers all-inclusive packages or

pour le web interactif, Nasteo propose des packages

custom-made services among which you can find com-

clé en main ou des services à la carte parmi lesquels ses

munity platform solutions such as IziContact, NasteoBox

NasteoBox et NasteoLink. n

solutions de plateformes communautaires, IziContact,

and NasteoLink. n

To find out more, please visit





TCSP: ANTIBES’ TRANSFER STATION ON THE WAY TCSP : LE PÔLE D’ÉCHANGES D’ANTIBES EN BONNE VOIE In 2008, the Community Council committed to set up a transfer station in Antibes to connect the SNCF train station with the technopole. Construction work has been launched.



his project is part of a bigger ERW operation (Ex-

clusive Right of Way) to connect the urban, interur-

n projet inscrit dans le projet global de TCSP (Trans-

port Collectif en Site Propre) pour relier les réseaux

ban bus and railway networks, with better

de bus urbain, interurbain et ferroviaire, avec une

readability for passengers and improved control of the

meilleure lisibilité pour l’usager et une évolution dans la ré-

lines. It will also enable to plan the entrance of the town

gulation des lignes. Il permettra aussi de disposer d’un

and to insert a meeting point between public transporta-

aménagement d’entrée de ville et d’une zone de rencontre

tion, cars and pedestrians.

entre transports publics, voitures et piétons.

Construction work in several stages

Des travaux en plusieurs temps

The work will be completed in 5 stages, up to December

Les travaux seront réalisés suivant 5 phases, jusqu’en dé-

2013. It will start with the setting up of a retaining wall by

cembre 2013. La création d’un mur de soutènement côté

the SNCF. For a whole year, we will witness the restructu-

SNCF débutera les travaux. Durant un an, nous assisterons

ring of the Jules Grec and Philippe Rochat junctions, the

à la réorganisation des carrefours Jules Grec et Philippe Ro-

organization of the Vautrin area, the creation of a transfer

chat, l’aménagement du secteur Vautrin, la création du pôle

station on the SNCF railways, a ramp to the expressway

d’échanges côté voie SNCF, un accès à la voie rapide et la

and the construction of the station’s pergola. Finally, the

mise en place de la pergola du pôle. Enfin, le fleurissement

putting up of the road signs will complete the work. n

de la signalisation routière signera la fin des travaux. n



Les sophipolitains le savent bien, il faut s’armer de

rement if one wants to go through the technopole

patience si l’on veut traverser la technopole durant

during rush hour when traffic reaches its peak.

les heures de pointe tant le trafic est dense.



n agreement has just been signed to try and fix this impossible situation that keeps

n accord vient d’être signé pour tenter de régler

cette situation impossible qui s’accroit au fil

growing month after month, in order to

des mois et favoriser ainsi le développement

promote the development of Sophia.

de Sophia.

Signed jointly by the General Council, Escota, the

Signé conjointement entre le Conseil Général, Escota,

CASA, Antibes, and Vallauris-Golfe-Juan, “a gene-

la CASA, Antibes et Vallauris-Golfe-Juan, « un protocole

ral agreement protocol regarding the highway cros-

général d'accord relatif au franchissement de l'auto-

sing and improved access to Sophia Antipolis

route et à l'amélioration des accès à Sophia Antipolis

around the A8” plans for the completion of thirteen

autour de l'A8 » prévoit la réalisation de treize projets

operational projects starting 2015. The most impor-

opérationnels à partir de 2015. Parmi les plus impor-

tant work includes a semi-interchange in the Tui-

tants, un demi-échangeur dans la zone des Tuilières de

lières of Vallauris area and the restructuring of the

Vallauris et un aménagement de l’autoroute permettant

highway to enable bus tram crossing, avoiding the

le passage du bus tram sans passer par le giratoire des

Trois Moulins round about.

Trois Moulins.

Construction work will be spread over 2013 and 2018

Les travaux s'étaleront entre 2013 et 2018 pour un coût

with a total estimated cost of 33.5 million euros. n

total estimé à 33, 5 millions d'euros. n






Après Montpellier et Béziers, c’est à Cagnes-sur-

Mer that the Socri group decides to launch its new

Mer que le groupe Socri lance son nouveau projet

shopping and leisure center project. This 30,000

de centre commercial et de loisirs. Un complexe

square meter complex, unique in France, will open

unique en France de 30 000 m² qui ouvrira ses

its doors in Fall 2015.

portes à l’automne 2015.



uxury, fashion, arts, leisure and lifestyle will be highlighted in this 5-area village, designed by the Catalan architect planner José Ignacio Galàn Martinez,

uxe, mode, arts, loisirs et style de vie seront les thèmes de ce village aux cinq quartiers conçu par l’architecte urbaniste catalan José Ignacio Galàn Martinez qui

égrènera des édifices de prestige sur 1,5 km de promenade

who will spread prestigious facilities over a 1.5km promenade along a river. Le Printemps, the main driving force

le long d’une rivière. Principale locomotive du projet, l’en-

of the project, has already booked 9000 square meters.

seigne Le Printemps a déjà réservé 9 000 m². Mango, Se-

Mango, Sephora, Zara, Botanic and the Grande Récré

phora, Zara, Botanic et La Grande Récré ont également

have already announced they will be there too.

d’ores et déjà annoncé leur présence.

Despite ongoing negotiations, Prada, Dior, and Chanel,

Bien que toujours en négociation, Prada, Dior et Chanel de-

should be joining the “Luxury” area. The leisure space will

vraient intégrer le quartier « Luxury ». L’espace loisirs se verra

include the current casino, ten movie theater rooms, a

doté de l’actuel casino, dix salles de cinéma, un bowling et

bowling alley and restaurants. Eventually, this project

des restaurants. A terme, ce projet prévoit la création de

plans to create 1500 jobs and six access roads connected

3 000 places de parkings. n

1500 emplois et six accès routiers permettant d’accéder aux

with the 3000 available parking spaces. n


RUN DOWN THE SLOPES PEACEFULLY! POUR VOUS ÉLANCER SUR LES PISTES L’ESPRIT LÉGER ! With the first snowflakes about to fall, check out your snow insurance and answer this question: does your credit card include ski insurance?

A l’approche des premiers flocons, faites le point sur votre assurance neige et trouvez la réponse à votre question : votre carte bleue a-t-elle une assurance ski ?

For Visa Infinite card holders, it is all stress-free: besides the insurance

Pour les titulaires de la carte Visa Infinite, pas de souci : outre l’assistance déjà pré-

already included in the “traditional” cards, you are covered by a very

sente sur les cartes « classiques », vous êtes couverts par une très bonne assurance

good Snow and Mountain insurance: Search, First Aid, and Transpor-

Neige et Montagne : Frais de Recherche et de Secours et de Premier Transport,

tation Fees, Medical Costs in France, Ski Lift Passes, Skiing Lessons,

Frais Médicaux en France, Forfaits Remontées Mécaniques, Cours de Ski, Vol ou

Theft or Breaking of skis, personal ski shoes, Ski Equipment Rental.

Bris de skis et de chaussures de ski personnels, Location de Matériel de Ski.

For more information, please visit our website / Pour plus d’informations n’hésitez pas à consulter notre site Internet : and feel free to call our French agent in our Valbonne Antipolis office at +33 (0) 489 869 279 or in English in our Nice Victor Hugo Office at +33 (0) 489 81 12 62 (local call rate). et à appeler votre interlocuteur en français sur notre agence de Valbonne Antipolis au +33 (0) 489 869 279 ou en anglais sur notre agence de Nice Victor Hugo au +33 (0) 489 81 12 62 (prix d'un appel local).






Marc Daunis, sénateur-maire de Valbonne Sophia An-

Antipolis, who called for the setting up of a study

tipolis, qui vient d’appeler à la création d’un groupe

group dedicated to Social and Solidarity Economy

d’études sur l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) au

(ESS) at the Senate, welcomed Benoît Hamon, the De-

Sénat, recevait Benoît Hamon, Ministre délégué à

puty Minister for ESS and Consumption, in the town of

l’ESS et à la consommation, dans sa commune le

Valbonne Sophia Antipolis on October 18th.

18 octobre.



hat short visit started by a meeting with the Club des

ne visite expresse débutée par une rencontre avec le

club des dirigeants de Sophia, les chambres consu-

Dirigeants of Sophia, the Consular Chambers and

laires et le patronat azuréen. Cet échange cordial

the Riviera employers. This friendly exchange en-

aura permis aux dirigeants d’entreprises de présenter leurs

abled business managers to present their initiatives promo-

initiatives en faveur de l’économie locale et leurs réseaux.

ting local economy and their networks.


Avec près de 10 % du PIB et du total des salariés français, l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire était vraiment au cœur de la visite ministérielle : elle bénéficie désormais d’une déclaration commune d’engagement en faveur de son développement, cosignée par la commune de Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, la Région Paca et la Communauté d’Agglomération Pôle Azur Provence. La région pourra signer des contrats locaux de développement avec les entreprises désireuses de lancer des With about 10% of the GDP and of all French em-

projets en faveur de l’ESS qui représente 46500 établis-

ployees, Social and Solidarity Economy measures

sements en Paca et 3,4 milliards d’Euros de salaires ver-

were at the heart of the ministerial visit: it now benefits

sés en 2011. Le gouvernement souhaite aussi donner un

from a joint statement of commitment in favor of

signe fort en faveur du développement des sociétés coopératives de production (Scop) qui relèvent de l’ESS. n

its development, cosigned by the town of Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, the Paca region, and the Urban Community of Pole Azur Provence. The region will be able to sign local development contracts with businesses looking to complete projects promoting ESS, that is 465,000 organizations in Paca and 3.4 billion Euros of wages paid in 2011. The government also wishes to strongly focus on the development of cooperative companies (Scop) that

come within the ESS. n







ous avez besoin d’un coup de pouce pour créer ou

reprendre une entreprise ? Il n’y a pas que la future

BPI (Banque Publique d’Investissement) qui peut

vous venir en aide… Créée par la Casa, Initiative Agglomération Sophia Antipolis vient en aide aux TPE des 24 communes de l’agglomération. Avec 175 prêts d’honneur (à taux 0) accordés depuis sa création, IASA a permis de lever des prêts bancaires complémentaires et aura accompagné concrètement la création de 246 emplois depuis 4 ans. Notez qu’IASA accompagne les entreprises dans la prévention de leurs difficultés économiques, et que son action est efficace : plus de 82% des entreprises qui ont bénéficié de


ou need some help to found or take over a com-

ses services sont pérennes après 3 ans d’activité.

pany? There are other solutions than the upcoming Public Investment Bank… Created by the Casa, the

Sophia Antipolis Agglomeration Initiative supports small businesses in the 24 towns of the agglomeration. With 175 interest free loans awarded since its creation, IASA was able to collect complementary bank loans and has been supporting the opening of 246 jobs over the past 4 years. Let’s add that IASA also helped companies prevent financial difficulties and it works: more than 82% of businesses that have benefited from the provided services are sustainable after 3 working years. n

To find out more:, and +33 (0)4 89 87 73 44.













importantes es is cr e d es d io ér p gible adapté aux crisis environment Un actif réel et setatsnad apted to the major as le ib ng ta d Real an des revenus nets ir n te b ’o d t n ta et m ve per Une fiscalité attracti le de la pression fisca e ss au h ing despite la é gr al m ta t ts withou x withhold e d’impô m co in in ga to g lin ab ons en Attractive tax soluti sures planned the increased tax mea

tifs et sécurisés ac tr at ts en em d n re Des on savings

3- Attractive and safe return et déléguée ée fi li p m si n io st ge e Un t legated managemen de d an ed ifi pl m Si 4 at contre l’inflation ch ’a d ir vo u o p n so n de défendre regarding inflation Un excellent moye er your purchasing pow ise ra to ay w t ea gr A 5 z-nous / N’hésitez plus, contacte

.f r

t@ eg er ys - A nt ib es - co nt ac rs ie rr Te s de e 50 0 A llé 10 87

- 04 93 95 r f . s y r e g e . w w w



INTELLIGENCE & INNOVATION In the shadows of laboratories and white rooms, behind computer screens and at the core of secret projects, innovation moves forward and continues disrupting our daily habits. Select Antipolis focuses on what’s new and introduces the successful stories of innovation and knowledge major players.

Dans l’ombre des laboratoires et des salles blanches, derrières les écrans d’ordinateur et au cœur de processus peu connus du grand public, l’innovation avance et bouleverse sans cesse nos usages quotidiens. Select Antipolis met le doigt sur ces nouveautés et vous présente les succès des acteurs de l’innovation et du savoir.




hoog, which we have

hoog, que nous vous

présentions en octo-

introduced in Octo-

bre, est lauréate 2012

ber, has received a

du Galileo Master régional ! Tout

regional reward at the 2012 Ga-

lileo Master! The company that

juste opérationnelle, la société a

had just started its operations

conquis une dizaine d’experts des

has won over a dozen of experts


from European Satellite Naviga-

Competition Awards. Une récom-



pense pour cette jeune start up

tion Competition Awards. This

fondée par Guerric Faure et Mickaël Rabaron, et qui pro-

reward goes to this young innovative start up business created by Guerric Faure and Mickaël Rabaron, which offers a

pose sa plateforme mobile de coordination communau-

real-time community coordination mobile platform. It helps

taire en temps réel. Très innovante, celle-ci permet d’aider

to select whom to contact in a particular situation and in case

à déterminer qui contacter en cas d’urgence et suivant une

of an emergency, from a smartphone. n

problématique donnée, à partir d’un smartphone. n






n this book, the SKEMA professor,

who is an expert in economics

ans cet ouvrage, le pro-

fesseur de SKEMA spé-

and innovation, presents the es-

cialiste de l'économie et

sential role of knowledge in the

de l'innovation, positionne le rôle

evolution of contemporary socie-

fondamental de la connaissance

ties, through the analysis of stra-





tegies and behaviors of various

contemporaines à travers l'analyse

economical players.

des stratégies et des comportements

Editions Lavoisier

des différents acteurs économiques.

256 pages - 55 €






eleased from the Cannes factory last November

4th, the telecommunication satellite Yamal-402 has reached the launching site of Baïkonour in

Kazakhstan and will take off next December 8th, via a

Proton rocket launched by the Russian Gazprom Space Systems operator. Equipped with 46 transponders, the 4.5-ton satellite will cover Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Yamal-401, its successor, should be launched next year. n


arti de l’usine cannoise le 4 novembre dernier, le

satellite de télécommunication Yamal-402 a atteint la base de lancement de Baïkonour, au Ka-

zakhstan et quittera la terre le 8 décembre prochain via

une fusée Proton lancée par l'opérateur russe Gazprom Space Systems. Equipé de 46 transpondeurs, le beau bébé de 4,5 tonnes couvrira la Russie, la Communauté des Etats Indépendants, l'Europe, le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique. Son successeur, Yamal-401 devrait être lancé l'an prochain. n



Founded in 2006, Prexens is one of the leaders on the intranet market in France.


ustomers such as Total, GDF Suez or Galderma

trust Prexens with its approach of Microsoft Share-

Point’s technology. As pioneers on this technology,

the young managers of Prexens, Olivier Metral and Ludovic Bergounioux, have realized in 2006 that this platform was emerging, and they have simply become the French experts on the matter. “We are 100% dedicated to SharePoint. The product’s road map provides new features every 3 years. The 2013 version is about to come out. We invest 40% of our turnover in R&D and we are already anticipating the upcoming versions”, Olivier explains. Prexens’ extra value: they edit their own software blocks

for SharePoint, targeting the final user. Prexens’ solutions are simple, intuitive and ergonomic, and they successfully attract customers, as the 90% growth of the company over the last two years illustrates. The second strong development focus lies on a business social network, called hoozin, on which half of the team al-

ready applies its talent. n

Olivier (Postgraduate Degree in Management Computing), and Ludovic (Diploma in Computing) have created Prexens in 2006. 2012 Turnover: 1 M€ Staff: 12 employees Contact: Prexens - Drakkar D - 2405 Route des Dolines -





Launched in 2010, the ERMIS European project for Effective Reproducible Model of Innovation Systems has enabled to transfer our expertise in regional governance to three countries and to take on five of them for the Riviera area.


uring two years, this project has gathered 15 part-

ners among 9 EU countries with the goal to identify, test and expand effective models. After trying

and selecting the best local practices, the 15 state authorities, incubators and European Chambers of Commerce

have suggested a reproducible model of management. Among the good French practices highlighted by the Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber of Commerce, Valor’Innov, Ecobiz and Club Action Brevet were taken on while our region considered five models such as the Portuguese Institut Pedro Nunes, which led to the creation of the new CASA incubator at the Business Pole. n

To find out more, please visit



RAISE YOUR PROFILE ON THE INTERNET, WITH NO OBLIGATION They have talent and they provide personalized services to their clients. Sandro Passafiume, Benjamin Bruyere and Gabriel Guaiana have recently created Quality Referencement. Their company helps customers to reach the best SEO results for their websites, in a progressive and assisted way, with no obligation from the start.


ow does it work? They undertake a complete analy-

sis of SEO and precise goals to reach and

maintain on the long run: “We work with the requi-

rement to get a specific result, after a qualified audit of our client’s situation. This enables us to work on targeted key words”. The goal is to appear on the first Google pages. Quality Reference-

ment offers changing and growing results. Already, the auditing concept and their rate policy have seduced various local customers and the company develops



Benjamin Bruyère, Sandro Passafiume et Gabriel Guaiana

would like to raise your company’s profile on the Internet, no matter what your field

of expertise may be? Contact Quality Referencement. n

Quality Referencement - - +33 (0)6 76 66 37 71 - 9 Avenue Jean Mermoz - Cagnes-sur-Mer


© Inria - Robert Palomba




ADVANCED MEDICAL IMAGING IN SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS L’IMAGERIE MÉDICALE EN POINTE À SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS The 15th MICCAI international conference was held for the first time in Nice, on the latest advances made in medical imaging and computer-assisted surgery research. Nicholas Ayache, the President of MICCAI 2012 and the head of the Asclepios team at Inria, focuses on those innovations with us.

What are the most important advances highlighted during the MICCAI? We focus on the global development of custom digital organ solutions thanks to medical imaging. This enables to improve the diagnosis and to better plan surgeries for specific patients. These solutions are innovative in different fields such as cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, or orthopedic surgery. We also notice the important development in automatic analysis of dynamic microscopic histology images.


What are the obstacles the scientific community may come upon in its research? Custom solutions are still often reduced to interactive prototypes and may require invasive measures on the patient; current research aims at entirely automating custom solutions with less costly and less invasive processes. Inria is advanced on these questions. What will be the next stages of your work? Considering the financing solutions recently awarded to us © Inria - Robert Palomba

by the European Research Council (ERC MedYMA), we are looking to develop medical imaging analysis and simulation devices to better quantify the evolution of three kinds of pathologies: Alzheimer, brain tumors, and cardiovascular diseases. This work is completed together with research centers and teaching hospitals in the region (Nice), nationally (Bordeaux, Paris, Strasbourg…) or overseas (Europe

© Inria - Robert Palomba

and the US mainly). n

Inria - 2004 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - +33 (0)4 92 38 77 77 -




S O P H I A PLANNING The essential meetings

Les rendez-vous incontournables

Feel the heart of the bubbling Sophia Antipolis and the region. Not a week goes by without an event, a conference, a training session or a great international meeting.

Vivez le cœur de la bouillonnante activité de Sophia Antipolis et du département.Pas une semaine ne se passe sans événement, colloque, session de formation ou grand rendez-vous international.

POLE SCS TAKE PART IN THE PME BUSINESS & PARTNERS MEETING Organized by the Pole SCS, this meeting invites you to come and


discover local small businesses. Personal accounts, roundtable conferences and speed-dating will enable participants to talk and share about their experiences. 10am - «Les PME témoignent» [Small businesses share their experiences] 11am - «L'innovation des PME récompensée» [Rewarded innovative small businesses] THE 2012 TIC INNOVATION AWARDS for the PACA REGION 12pm - « LES PME réseautent » [Networking for small businesses] 1: 30pm - « Les PME s'expriment ! » [Small businesses express their views!] 2: 30pm - « Les Grands Groupes écoutent les PME» [Large corporations listening to small businesses] PME Business & Partners Meeting December 13th - from 9am to 5pm Espaces Antipolis - 300 Route des Crêtes - Sophia Antipolis

Rencontres PME Business & Partners 13 décembre - de 9 h à 17 h Espaces Antipolis - 300 Route des Crêtes - Sophia Antipolis





his afternoon event, hosted by Christophe Mir-

mand, Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes, aims at ex-

xpliquer les outils et dispositifs mis en place par l’Etat

pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur dévelop-

plaining tools and devices provided by the

pement, tel est l’objectif de cette demi-journée ani-

government to assist businesses in their development.

mée par Christophe Mirmand, Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes.

The 2013 Finance Bill and the evolution of public sup-

Au programme, le projet de loi de finances 2013 et l’évolu-

port for businesses will be highlighted. n

tion du dispositif public de soutien aux entreprises. n

Admithon 06

“Evolution of tax, financial and social environment for businesses.” December 7th – starting from 2pm Skema Business School - 60 rue Dostoïevski Sophia Antipolis - +33 (0)4 93 95 44 44 Registration on



• 12/06 - from 8am to 1pm – Evolution and new trends

• 06/12 - de 08 h à 13 h - L’évolution et les nouvelles tendances du Knowledge Management

in Knowledge Management

• 7/12 - de 12 h 15 à 13 h 30 - Le métier de gérant de

• 12/07 - from 12: 15pm to 1: 30pm – Fund Manager

fonds - Point macroéconomique et analyse

Profile – Macroeconomic focus and analysis • 12/18 - from 8: 30am to 10am - Doing business with

• 18/12 - de 8 h 30 à 10 h - Doing business with the

the French, how challenging! The outside view of

French, how challenging! The outside view of

Anke Middelmann

Anke Middelmann



• 01/22 – from 8: 30am to 10am – Can industrial pro-

• 22/01 - de 8 h 30 à 10 h - Relocaliser la production indus-

duction be relocated? Made in France is back.

trielle, est-ce possible ? Le retour du Made In France.

SKEMA Business School - 60 rue Dostoïevski - Sophia Antipolis -







he upcoming EthiForum of the EthiCum associa-

tion serving Mankind for and with ethical mana-

e prochain EthiForum de l'association EthiCum au

service de l’Homme pour et avec des entrepreneurs

gers for the past 10 years, will focus on

responsables depuis 10 ans, s'interrogera cette

the following theme: “Business & Virtue”. Michael

année sur le thème « Entreprise & Vertus ». Michaël

Shanks, EFCG-CNAM Professor and Jean-Claude

Shanks, Professeur EFCG - CNAM et Jean-Claude

Georges, CEO of Ilex will present their book on their

Georges, PDG d’Ilex présenteront leur livre sur leur mé-

innovative management solution and will then answer all your questions. n

thode de management innovante et répondront ensuite

Thursday December 13th – 6pm Fondation Sophia Antipolis - +33 (0)4 92 96 78 14

Jeudi 13 décembre - 18 h Fondation Sophia Antipolis - 04 92 96 78 14

à toutes vos questions. n





s a result of the partnership between the I3S laboratory, Polytech’Nice and the INRIA, the

ruit d’un partenariat entre le laboratoire I3S, Poly-

tech’Nice et l’Inria, le Colloquium Jacques Mor-

Jacques Morgenstern Colloquium presents,

genstern expose, à travers une série de

through a series of monthly conferences, the latest re-

conférences mensuelles, les dernières recherches dans

search projects in the ICST field (Information and Commu-

le domaine des STIC (Sciences et Technologies de l’In-

nication Sciences and Technologies). This special

formation et de la Communication). Un colloquium spé-

colloquium will be led by Jean Céa, Bernard Chazelle, Da-

cial animé par Jean Céa, Bernard Chazelle, Damien

mien Stehlé and Suzie Morgenstern, the wife of the renow-

Stehlé et Suzie Morgenstern, épouse de l’illustre mathé-

ned mathematician, and will celebrate its 10th anniversary

maticien, viendra célébrer 10 ans d’existence le 14 dé-

on December 14th at the Inria. n

cembre prochain à l’Inria. n

December 14th at the Inria -




or the second time, the most important international

conference dedicated to agile software develop-

our la seconde fois, la plus importante conférence

mondiale consacrée à l’évolution des méthodes agiles

ment will be hosted in Sophia Antipolis on

et au mouvement de management agile fera escale à

December 6th. A full day of

Sophia Antipolis le 6 décembre prochain. Une journée entière de

trainings is organized to and

formations, d’échanges, de re-

thoughts around agility, a

tours d’expériences, de réflexions

concept that both divides

et de rencontres autour de l’agi-



and attracts passion. n

lité, cette notion qui divise autant

qu’elle ne passionne. n

Thursday December 6th – from 4pm to 10 pm EURECOM - Campus SophiaTech - 450 route des Chappes 06410 Biot Sophia Antipolis







’exposition à ne pas manquer ! Parent ou enfant, pour garder la tête dans les étoiles, l’Eco’Parc de Mougins vous accueille pour plusieurs animations

autour de l’espace, autour de partenaires prestigieux : la Cité de l’Espace à Toulouse, la Cité des Sciences et de

l’Industrie, le CNES, Cap Sciences, l’association Planète Sciences Méditerranée et le leader européen des satel-


ou cannot miss this exhibition! The Eco’Parc in

lites Thales Alenia Space.

Mougins invites children and adults to reach for

Scaphandres, instruments de bord de la station Mir, ma-

the moon with several activities revolving around

quettes de lanceurs ou de satellites Thales, photos

Space and prestigious partners such as the Cité de l’Es-

géantes de galaxies lointaines, et une exposition pour

pace of Toulouse, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie,

les tous petits (« Astralala ») sont autant d’espaces pour

the CNES, Cap Sciences, the Planète Sciences Méditer-

comprendre… l’espace. Une partie de L’Eco Parc est

ranée association and Thales Alenia Space, the European

également dédiée à la lune (rétrospective des conquêtes

leader in satellite solutions.

lunaires, fascination à travers les âges, expériences…).

Spacesuits, onboard equipment from the Mir space sta-

lateurs de vols, « Astrojump », ou encore découvrir une

Vous pourrez aussi tester des animations spatiales : simuréplique de Curiosity, le rover de la Nasa. n

tion, Thales booster rocket and satellite models, giant pictures of remote galaxies, and a special exhibition for small children (“Astralala”) are available to help us understand… Space. A section of the Eco Parc is also dedicated to the moon (lunar quests in retrospect, passion from generation to generation, experiences…). You will also be able to try space activities: flight simulators, “Astrojump” or to discover a replica of Curiosity, the NASA’s rover. n

A la découverte de l’Espace [Discovering Space] Eco’Parc in Mougins – Until March 3rd Open on Wednesdays, Weekends and during the Holidays, from 10: 30am to 6pm. Chemin de Font de Currault +33 (0)4 93 46 00 03 -




SOPHIA’S BUSINESSES ARE SCANNED RADIOGRAPHIE DES ENTREPRISES DE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Every two months, take a closer look at a multinational company and discover the DNA of several microenterprises or small businesses in Sophia Antipolis and in the Alpes Maritimes.

Découvrez tous les deux mois un grand groupe passé au scanneur et l’ADN de plusieurs TPE ou PME de Sophia-Antipolis et des Alpes-Maritimes.

IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS EN IMMERSION CHEZ THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS Thales Underwater Systems (TUS) will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2013. The former Thomson – CSF provides underwater acoustic systems to Naval forces. TUS rarely greets visitors on its Sophipolitan site. However, over 700 employees work there on technologies that require a high level of privacy. Benoît Plantier, Managing Director of TUS SAS and Frédéric André, Director of the Sophia Antipolis Office tell us about the latest fifty years, made of technology, industry and human passions. Can you give us figures about TUS and the greatest trends in the market? Benoît Plantier : Among the Thales Group, underwater acoustic activities are divided between Australia, France and Great Britain offices, and represent a yearly turnover of about 550 million Euros. We have a common coordinated Product Policy, with shared expertise centers. For instance,


Frédéric André, Directeur de l'Etablissement de Sophia-Antipolis et Benoît Plantier, Directeur Général de TUS SAS

we have decided to concentrate marine engineering in France. Consequently, when our colleagues from Great Britain need it for the Royal Navy’s frigate sonars, they can use the expertise located in France. TUS France achieves a yearly turnover of 350 million Euros and includes 1200 employees with the export department standing for 60% of the activity and 25% is dedicated to R&D. At the moment, we are strongly focusing on French naval programs such as the FREMM multi-mission frigates or the new Barracuda submarines. This equipment will enable to reequip French naval forces and will become their main structure. Considering the debt crisis, the tendency is unfortunately to cut

Among the Thales Group, underwater acoustic activities are divided between Australia, France and Great Britain offices, and represent a yearly turnover of about 550 million Euros.

Au sein du Groupe Thales, les activités d'acoustique sous-marine se répartissent entres les centres d'Australie, de France et de Grande-Bretagne et représentent un C.A. annuel d’environ 550 M d’euros.

back on equipment investments for the Department of Defence. For our manufacturers, the challenge is to continue on investing and to remain innovative in order to supply the sonars the French naval forces will need in a world where threats and balance of power are constantly evolving. To take on that challenge, we act towards competitivity to promote national programs but also to expand more in the export business.



On an international level, we equip naval forces of allied nations under strict governmental monitoring. Therefore, we have won a great sonar equipment contract for the US Navy helicopters.

Au plan international, nous équipons les forces navales des nations alliées sous un strict contrôle gouvernemental. Ainsi, nous avons gagné un grand contrat d'équipement sonar pour les hélicoptères de l'US Navy.

To what extent do geopolitics and international conflicts influence your activity?

Benoît Plantier : Regardless of the international stage, we work for French naval forces and more particularly for the sonar systems of deterrent SNLE submarines, here in Sophia Antipolis. On an international level, we equip naval forces of allied nations under strict governmental monitoring. Therefore, we have won a great sonar equipment contract for the US Navy helicopters. We also offer our systems to emerging nations that have to face new underwater threats or that intend to guarantee the security at sea. Will your development require organic growth and acquisitions? Benoît Plantier : Both actually. Through internal changes, we are trying to develop our product portfolio in order to provide a better response to the competitive requirements of the international market. Our positioning towards 2015-2017 happens now. Moreover, we are always looking to study new interesting acquisition projects, depending on their costs, and that could enable us to expand our international base. Our participation in the American company Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC) is a result of this approach. "Maritimization" opens the door to new markets and new customers. What technologies may appear at TUS regarding the development of your customer base? Benoît Plantier : “Maritimization” corresponds in particular to the globalization of trade. Goods essentially go through sea transit. But globalization also implies tension areas that develop, such as piracy in the Aden


Gulf or in the Guinea Gulf. International maritime trade varies according to the flow of traffic in the famous straits (Ormutz, Malaca, etc…). With our new surveillance systems at sea depth, we provide countries with the means to secure those locations. Our innovative policy enables to prepare the future with the introduction of new technologies. For instance, the acousto-optico technologies we are working on will enable to provide more compact and lighter therefore cheaper systems. It will be a revolution, as all our current products are slightly, not to say not at all based on the piezoelectric effect discovered by the Curie brothers! Another rupture will be underwater robotization with systems that are more and more intelligent, with the ability to make decisions, in order to ensure men’s security. How do you experience your setting up in Sophia Antipolis, regarding the surrounding businesses of the technopole? What relations do you keep with the local companies? Frédéric André : The Sophia site is the flagship of TUS, with over 700 employees, 75% of which are engineers and executives. With the Technical department, the



Sales and Purchasing department, the Financial department…key services are located here. We also include industrial operational activities, as well as R&D, and system integration. We have significant industrial equipment such as test pools. In order to complete equipment that can be genuinely used in naval operations, we need to remain close to the ones who use them. Consequently, the engineers and technicians

Frédéric André, Directeur de l'Etablissement de Sophia-Antipolis et Benoît Plantier, Directeur Général de TUS SAS

that design and integrate products enter national navy facilities to complete extended qualification tests. They also go to foreign naval facilities. With that in mind, we have set up a training location for our customers, in order for their naval forces and young crew to come and learn how to use our equipment and how to maintain it. Historically, we have connections with the Torpille facilities of Saint Tropez and with the DCNS facilities of Toulon. We also use the DGA facilities (General Directorate for Armament) of Lac de Castillon to perform full size sonar tests. Being close to our customers and to Italian shipyards also explain why we are located in Sophia. We are aware of being slightly uncharacteristic in com-


parison with the majority of businesses that are targeting computing, pharmacology, services, etc… But we also work on specific R&D topics with Inria or with local small businesses. We have a strong


The Sophia site is the flagship of TUS, with over 700 employees, 75% of which are engineers and executives. Le site de Sophia est le navire amiral de TUS, avec plus de 700 personnes dont environ les deux tiers sont ingénieurs et cadres.


schools such as SKEMA or the Ecole des Mines where we seek lots of interns. We have about forty of them here full time in Sophia.

Are you planning to hire in 2013? Benoît Plantier : First, we are aiming at making our activities durable on the long run with a stabilization process for our staff, even if, each year, we hire several dozens of employees at the Sophia location. Our HR policy combines internal evolution, considering it takes ten years to make a good “sonarist”, with the requirement to add external expertise, in particular among the youngest. For those who are passionate about industry

and technology, there are opportunities at TUS! n


Benoît Plantier Managing Director Thales Underwater Systems SAS Married, with 6 children He graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris He joined Thomson-CSF in 1985, and has been holding various managing positions in aeronautics and navy for 25 years. He is passionate about international relations, and used to be an audit for the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (SN 57) Frédéric André Director of Operations at TUS, Branch Manager of Sophia Antipolis 52 years old, he graduated as an engineer at the Ecole Centrale, and has been working for the past 25 years in various fields of Defence at Thales (air fighters, navy, commanding centers) He has been working at Sophia Antipolis for two years as Director of Operations at TUS and Director of the Sophia office. His hobbies: windsurfing, gulf and gardening.





hey have created the Digital DNA Technology, which

provides authentication process to protect public and private networks. Login people, founded in 2004,

plays a major part in the life of the technopole, and was of

course attending Les Assises, the European Security and Information System Congress in Monaco. Since it was founded almost ten years ago, the start-up company that created the DNA Server, has made lots of progress and successful partnerships: Microsoft France works with Login People to secure Cloud, the information system of businesses and the identification device of public websites. Its technology lies on the premise that every digital component can be identified with a unique signature. Available as a Smartphone application, the Digital DNA Technology is now available for Android and strong public partnerships could multiply the development prospects of Login People. n

Founder and director: François-Pierre Le Page Targeted 2012 turnover: 2,04 M €, expected net profit of 350.000 € First capital increase of 1 M € in 2012 Login People - Buropolis 2 - 1240 Route des Dolines - Valbonne Antipolis - +33 (0)4 93 330 666 Headquarters in Sophia, offices in Paris, San Francisco and New York



NewNet3D révolutionne le monde de la communi-


cation interne.


ith the JEI label (for young innovative busi-

nesses), it provides communication solutions and real-time Web3D collaboration such as

3D virtual fairs, seminars, 3D web-conferences… Foun-

ded in 2009 by Karine and Redwane Bennani, Newnet3D stands out easily from its competitors thanks to several innovations such as its interactive avatars that can be used with every Internet browsers and its various features, which can be personalized by the client.

Two segments are targeted: businesses (companies and institutions) as well as event planners. The company is aiming for a leading position on its field of expertise in the next 5 years and a notation on Alternext. “We would like to expand on the national stage as well as internationally and to gain major market shares in virtual events. Besides we have been selected for the first

export program of the WTC”, Karine Bennani explains. n

Newnet3D - 33 Bd maréchal Juin - Cagnes sur Mer +33 (0)4 92 02 59 41 - Karine Bennani, President, 3rd company created in the ICT industry Redwane Bennani, Managing Director, Telecommunication Engineer ParisTech



A BURST OF WIND POWER Located since recently in Carros, at the heart of the Ecoval-


ley, Anemoos designs, develops and distributes vertical-axis wind turbines to exploit wind power. Made with 85% of recycled products, this equipment can also be 100% recycled.


nemoos’ strength: its products are reliable, do not create vibrations, or visual pollution, and do not make any noise. They mostly enable to pro-

vide electricity where it is consumed (direct connection of

the turbine to the building). Installed with Team Côte d’Azur, Anemoos has chosen Carros considering the OIN and its partnership with FPA2, Sophia Conseil, Rotomeca (subsidiary of Mecaplast), and because it takes part in the Plan for Climate and Energy of the Local Council. Anemoos’ development will target export with a R&D policy already turned towards the requests of the world’s market. Recruitment views: 10 people in 2013

and 25 in 2014. n

n Anemoos Design, development, and installation of wind power turbines SAS (simplified joint stock company) located in Carros 14e rue 5e avenue - ZI de Carros +33 (0)4 93 29 78 54 - President : Jérôme Méplon


CONTROL YOUR ENERGY CONSUMPTION GridPocket has just been nominated for the 2012 Cleantech Open France Awards, the best international program for tracking and assisting start-up businesses in the eco-innovation industry!



onsequently, GridPocket was invited to San José,

to pitch in front of investors and American indus-

tries, and to talk about the development of its

energy management software platform, targeting energy distributors. Their clients will be able to better manage their consumption through an Internet interface. The company works on a pilot project of its “Grid-Teams” solution, in the city of Cannes, in the partnership with Mines Paris Tech, Telecom Paris Tech, With, the city of Cannes, the electricity supplier Oui, co-financed by the Paca region. A fundraising in 2011 with local investors such as Méditerranée Investissements, has enabled the young company, cofounded by Filip Gluszak, Yann Esposito and Luc Juggery, to go ahead with its business development, more particularly overseas. Coming from the Télécom ParisTech incubator, GridPocket is an active member of the Pole Capenergies and the Telecom Valley association. n

n GridPocket Development of energy management software solutions Filip Gluszak, CEO, co-founder GridPocket SAS - 2229 Route des Crêtes - Valbonne Sophia Antipolis +33 (0)4 92 38 94 69 -




B O L D A N D C R E AT I V E L I V E S VIES D’AUDACE ET D’IDEES If the shortest path in life is to go straight

Si la plus courte trajectoire est la ligne

ahead, sometimes the most fulfilling path

droite, la plus riche prend bien souvent des

makes some detours. Our Careers section in-

sentiers détournés. Trajectoires vous pré-

troduces to you those men and women with an

sente ces femmes et ces hommes au par-

incredible and puzzling story… so inspiring!

cours étonnant, déroutant… passionnant !

GEORGES DAO: SETTING UP AND DEVELOPING LOCAL BUSINESSES GEORGES DAO : BÂTIR ET DÉVELOPPER LE BUSINESS Georges Dao has several lives. He used to be the CEO of the construction company, Cari, that has now become a subsidiary of Fayat (fourth French Construction group), and recently retired, he has started for the past two years a large new project: supporting innovation and financing solutions for promising businesses. In December, the BA 06 Fund (managed by Equitis) he just created within the Upe, will benefit from 10M Euros of equity capital; a requirement to plan big for the development of local companies and the increase in business. We met.



rom Marseille, Georges Dao, this engineer who

graduated from the prestigious Polytechnique and then Ponts & ChaussĂŠes, built his career in the

construction industry and ended it with the eco-building

era, a field with a future thanks to the Environment Conference. He started at SGE, which later on became Vinci. He arrived on the French Riviera for the construction of Nice Aiport’s extension in 1974, but it is through decentralization and the creation of subsidiaries in the area, that he stayed put. He worked at Nicoletti and became Managing Director with the goal to structure the company as a large corporation. He achieved his challenge in 2004, when, with colleagues, he bought out the company that became Cari, and hired 250 shareholder employees with a second LMBO. Cari was sold to the Fayat group in 2010. Today, he volunteers at the UPE where he runs the Sustainable Economic Development Commision, and he is also a



member of the Entreprendre network that assists young people in creating their companies. In 2010, he created the BA06 Business Accelerator with a motivated team. Because for Georges Dao, the French Riviera is delayed relatives to other territories and local entrepreneurs would deserve better support, in finance and management. “Here is the paradox: this area is full of business creators, with strong potential, but the entrepreneur environment is not influential enough. On three levels: creators do not find their first clients in the department, they do not have the necessary

This project loop innovation chain in 06, in partnership with all protagonists, together, we are stronger! Ce projet complète la chaine de l’innovation sur le 06 en partenariat avec tous les acteurs. Ensemble, nous sommes plus forts !

funds to develop and get proper advise, and finally, they cannot find investors because existing funds are development funds, for businesses that are already successful with three years of existence.”

Consequently, Georges Dao commits and convinces UPE 06, join by several entrepreneurs and supported by Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur, CCI, bankers… to create a seed Fund, which will be launched in a few days, after two years of work with a volunteer entrepreneur team. It will be managed by an expert, Equitis, and BA06 Accompagnement, business association, through its connection and knowledge of local companies and the business



Georges Dao 65 years old, graduated from Polytechnique and Ponts & Chaussées Former General Manager of Cari – President of the Sustainable Economic Development Commission at UPE – Founder of BA06, Business Accelerator, and support creation Seed Money Fund in 06. Likes skiing, and extreme sports.

environment, will advise Equitis to select and follow up on eligible applicants. Georges Dao is far from being entirely retired; he cannot live without the business industry… “This project loop innovation chain in 06, in partnership with all protagonists, together, we are stronger!” “I am so happy to be surrounded by entrepreneurs, in the current environment where French people complain all the time. We meet people who sometimes have no idea where they are going but they do go there with boundless energy!” “The idea was to say: I do not want to help just one, or two, but thirty, forty. This area deserves it and it inspires me. You know, people do not like change. When everything goes well, when things are comfortable the way they are, changing is putting yourself at risk. But that is where innovation comes from. And when you are cornered, that you have nothing to lose, that is when sometimes you are most ready to fight, to innovate,

and to create…” n





BIEN DANS MA BOITE Men are at the center of businesses, "Loving your job" focuses on people who make it work. This month, Select Antipolis wonders about environmental issues and practices as far as employees are concerned, and the advantages in our daily life.

L’être humain au cœur de l’entreprise, « Bien dans ma boîte » s’intéresse à ceux qui la vivent. Ce mois-ci Select Antipolis pose la question de l’intégration des bonnes pratiques environnementales dans les esprits des salariés et leurs bienfaits sur nous au quotidien.

ENTRE... PRISE DE CONSCIENCE REAL... IZATION OF BUSINESS AWARENESS Combining business and sustainable development may

Conjuguer business et développement durable, si le

seem like an insurmountable challenge for some compa-

pari semble insurmontable pour certaines entreprises,

nies, while others have already demonstrate they are ca-

d’autres ont déjà montré qu’ils étaient capables d’amé-

pable to improve their behaviour towards their future

liorer leur comportement pour garantir leur avenir et le

and the well being of their colleagues.

bien-être de leurs collaborateurs. Amadeus et Skema

Amadeus and Skema Business School are such examples.

Business School par exemple.


STUDENT - PRESIDENT OF GREEN LIFE “ We consider daily behaviors (recycling, lights…) as granted, that is why we do not lecture people but we increase their awareness and bring playful solutions to live better in the school. Because a healthy spirit needs to be in a healthy body, we have introduced the sales of fruit and vegetable baskets in partnership with the company Bio Cavagniou, at the price of 10€ for 3 kilos, and it is a real success. It has only just started…”


AMADEUS SAS Launched in 2008, the internal campaign “Green IT’ude” (Azur Pro Com 2011 Award for the best internal CSR campaign on the French Riviera) highlights eco-citizenship while focusing on simple daily behaviours to protect the environment. Good life practices have quickly been undertaken by employees who have led to recycling 35 tons of paper and 500kg of bottles since 2010 and saving 2 million pages in a year thanks to a new printing system (being equivalent to 296 trees, + 215 liters of water and + 128 KW).


DELPHINE HERBLIN – CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST IN CAGNES-SUR-MER “Contrarily to the common idea according to which ‘you need to leave your personal feelings at the doorsteps of the company’, people come to work with their wishes, their values and their motivations. They need to find some meaning and will grow more if their actions work towards a shared goal. Short-term measures are not enough for employees, their well being at work goes through long lasting solutions and a set example of protection: protecting the planet, the environment, someone else… and themselves at the same time.”




FOCUS CASA Our story goes on : welcome to Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, the historical and geographical heart of the “technopole”. Controlled innovation, bold land policy, participative democracy, there is no doubt, Valbonne Sophia Antipolis is a good place to live in.

La série continue : bienvenue à Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, le cœur historique et géographique de la technopole. Innovation maitrisée, politique foncière audacieuse, démocratie participative : il n’y a pas de doute, il fait bon vivre à Valbonne Sophia Antipolis.


“REACHING MODERATION THROUGH INNOVATION” MARC DAUNIS : « ATTEINDRE LA SOBRIÉTÉ PAR L’INNOVATION » More than 50 % of the technopole’s companies are settled in the Valbonne area which represents 1100 company names on the 1500 “sophipolitan” enterprises. It makes it a French town with a spectacular demographic growth over the last 40 years: when excavators started their work in 1968, Sophia only existed on blueprints, and the small agricultural town included 1858 inhabitants. Now, 12997 Valbonne residents enjoy the life it provides. This “Boomburb” (American distinction for suburban cities with strong demographic growth) is represented by the Senator Mayor, Marc Daunis, who met with us to talk about the work of his municipality, together with the CASA, and his Senate actions.


You have launched a large public consultation regarding the VSA 2020 town project, with a very democratic process, and incredible results. Apparently, Valbonne Sophia Antipolis residents want to see their town grow in a moderate way, less urbanized, while maintaining its technological lead with the technopole. How do you combine those two aspects, and how will this be translated in the town’s project? First, consultation is a tradition of our municipality, for large projects, as well as smaller ones… We respect one fundamental principle: we trust the collective input. Within the framework of the town project toward 2020, different steps structured this consultation basing on new technologies and more traditional information and communication supports to get the most truthful thoughts from our citizens. It is a first in France, we have used the “Town Meeting” that combines technologies and participating democracy. Because innovation is not only about technology, it can also be intellectual, social or societal! It means trying to come up with consensus, share constraints, so that at the same time we can find solutions. Soon, the town’s project will be introduced to our citizens and territory users. Our commitment is to reach moderation through innovation, without opposing those two ideas. In the same way, we need to find a balance between the current debts and governmental service quality, with a fair meaning. At the national level, the President and government’s challenge is to put the country back on its feet, with a better balance between capital and work, while relying more particularly on the small businesses’ network. I trust this will of emerging a new model of France where solidarity, equality and the share of richness are at the heart of this ambition, where research, innovation, creation and entrepreneurs have their place. Can you tell us about the great project of the Zac des Clausonnes: We are in a strategic location: the Southern entrance to the technopole, a historical access, where heterogeneous activities developed along the years. We have started with focusing on the land and making decisions in that sense: diversifying employment, with a commercial orientation, together with the Casa, and the various partners acting in the development of the technopole. A project aims to emerge an Eco ZAC transmitting the sustainable development concepts concerning



CASA shopping centres. We will have commercial spaces , Sophia equipments ( research, technologies, innovation‌), and we will promotion and explore agriculture sites, one of our root: agropastoralism, agricultural production sites, and an effort to represent the new ways of production and consumption. It is also the true meaning of the Maison de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire [The House of Social and Solidarity Economy], because this brand new activity area must emphasis the ESS. We will have also an institution that focuses on the land, in order to promote short circuits, and a window to the expertise of the technopole, that is acting towards consumption and not simply consuming! Important environmental challenges such as the Parc de la Valmasque close by have been integrated to the project. The BHNS access, with a 400-space park and ride, and electrical vehicles will enable to encourage smooth and collective transportation. How can Social and Solidarity Economy be promoted in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis? We can feel we are at the end of an era, that of the arrogant ruling money, of men crushed by economical laws, and the crisis brings us to think about available alternatives. That is what I believe in: ESS is not the unique mould, but it will help develop those alternatives, in a tangible way. The setting up of an


ESS local development contract adds to this challenge, but also makes things real… I have been honored to receive the Minister Benoit Hamon who assisted the signature of this commitment with the PACA region. It rest on a group of businesses, which are a result of ESS, and a labeling process of new companies is under way, as well as assisting solutions for business creations. As part of the Clausonnes’ project, a Scop incubator has been planned for. There will be integration clauses to government contracts for the ESS. This moderate process needs to be monitored and spread in all kinds of activities, from sales to craftsmanship… These are new development sources where

human is at the heart of the model, to come back to Sophia Antipolis’s original basics. Cohabitation between classical economy and ESS is totally possible in a same area: Sophia has been created on this diversity, it became its force. There is another challenge for Valbonne Sophia Antipolis and the Casa: to respect the government policy regarding the land and housing. How will you proceed? We follow a long tradition with the setting up of anti-speculative clauses regarding home-buying, housing for employees, housing for students, green areas… We are among the only cities in the department to respect the SRU law concerning social housing in a place where prices sharp rise. Valbonne Sophia Antipolis includes 31% of local authority housing and we have always acted towards strong public implication



CASA in order to monitor this process. One of the example is the 15acre land purchased by the local authorities, in Bourrelles, with 30% of local authority housing but also a social home-buying dedication with 250 to 300 homes. I also want to remember that in 1997, the first French program of this kind was implemented here in Valbonne. We had to struggle to maintain it‌ But the general interests always have the upper hand to private interests. Seeing young people who could be owner in the town they born is a big satisfaction for us. This is why we apply our pre-emption right, in order to avoid Valbonne turning into a village made only of secondary residence. That is what living together is about; true life, human relations. And for us, it is an emergency. In the area, I regret that many local authorities are not acting forward and towards this ambition. Sometimes it is a bit frustrating, but things are changing due to the will of our new government. What are your current and upcoming projects for the Senate? Right now, the LFSS, a Finance Bill for Health and Social Security. We insist on restructuring the Finance Bill with this balance between recovering the debt, supporting growth and justice. I work on the Research and Development Tax Credit for which I will provide a few amendments and I would like to thank the government for its position on the matter and its continuous efforts. Redirecting research tax credit towards public scientific facilities is important, with an increased global budget. Finally, I was approached about managing the study group on ESS, that I have achieved to create at the Senate, and I work on sim-

plifying City Planning laws at the same time. n


VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS IDENTITY CARD Size: 4687 acres Population: 12 997 inhabitants (on January 1st 2011) Some historical facts Despite the found amphora and jar pieces testifying for the presence of men right from the first centuries BC, the history of Valbonne actually starts in the 12th century with


the foundation of a monastery by the monks of the Chalais order. It is only much later, in 1969, that the town will go through its most important changes with the creation


of the Sophia Antipolis technopole.

The Economy The technopole of Sophia Antipolis covering over 50% of the town territory, the city of Valbonne traces its economy with the 1500 companies, 30 000 jobs, 5000 students and 4000 researchers from over 70 different countries. Must-see The Chalaisian Abbey The village of Valbonne The unique architecture of the technopole






Concerned about the well-being of its population, the town of Valbonne Sophia Antipolis has launched various development and renovation projects for the town’s territorial heritage, while respecting the ecological friendly architecture, that is entirely part of the Sophipolitan’s nature. Here is an overview of the main ongoing projects that will be completed in the upcoming years.

The dojo and the multi-purpose room Introduced in 2005, the dojo and the multi-purpose room project in Garbejaire comes to its appointed end. Residents will soon discover a 1400 square meter building, entirely HQE (High Environmental Quality) made of 30 square meter thermal panels, and 80 square meter photovoltaic panels. Bathed in light, this spindle-shaped building will accommodate several associations and sports clubs of the area, right in the middle of nature. Delivery planned in 2013.

The Zac des Clausonnes The great development project plans for 150,000 square meters spread over two areas, one of 100,000 square meters, dedicated to economical and commercial activi-


Le Dojo

ties and including offices, incubators, shops and event facilities, and another area of 50,000 square meters mainly targeting economical and craftsmanship establishments. Environment being at the center of the town’s focus, the new buildings and equipment will promote rainwater recovery systems, solar and photovoltaic panels and vegetal roofs, and let’s not forget the Exclusive Right of Way project from the Antibes’ train station. The delivery of this new multipurpose space at the entrance of Valbonne Sophia Antipolis is planned for 2016.

In addition Besides the ongoing projects, the town is also looking to create an agropastoral farm, a photovoltaic farm, as well as the reorganization of Place Bermond and Place Sophie Lafitte. n




WINES & GOOD FOOD VINS & BONNES TABLES The French Riviera, the land of great flavors… Delicious restaurants, amazing wine cellars, unique locations, the French lifestyle awakens in our plates and Select Antipolis gives you a few recipes to appreciate all the delights our region has to offer.

La Côte d’Azur, terre de délices… Bonnes tables, bonnes caves, lieux improbables, l’art de vivre se conjugue sur la table et Select Antipolis vous donne quelques recettes pour apprécier l’étendue des saveurs de notre région.

CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE WITH LEMON GUANAJA COULANT CHOCOLAT GUANAJA CITRON By Sylvain Mathy, Pastry Chef at La Villa Archange in the Cannet Par Sylvain Mathy, Chef Pâtissier de La Villa Archange au Cannet Become a gourmet master! With Apreca (Association

Devenez maître dans l’art de la gourmandise ! Avec l’Apreca,

of Restaurant Pastry Chefs on the French Riviera), try

(Association des Pâtissiers de Restaurant de la Côte d’Azur),

and bake an exceptional dessert, and don’t forget:

tentez l’expérience du dessert d’exception, car, n’oubliez ja-

“There can be no great meal without a good dessert”!

mais qu’ « il n’y a pas de grand repas sans bon dessert » !

For 10 desserts

Pour 10 desserts à l’assiette

Chocolate Streusel

Streuzel cacao

150 g of butter

150 g de beurre

150 g of brown sugar

150 g de cassonade 150 g de poudre d’amande

150 g of almond powder

1 g de sel

1 g of salt

120 g de farine

120 g of flour

20 g de cacao poudre

20 g of chocolate powder Mix all ingredients except for the butter. Cut the butter in

Mélanger le tout sans le beurre. Découper le beurre en petits

small cubes. Sift powders. Add butter and beat together

cubes. Tamiser les poudres. Ajouter le beurre et mélanger au

with a mixer. Small balls will shape into dough. Stop

batteur à l’aide d’une feuille. Des petites boules se forment,

mixing and roll out the dough in bet-

puis se transforment en une pâte. Arrêter le mélange, étaler la pâte entre 2 feuilles de papier cuisson à 2 mm.

ween 2 sheets of 2mm baking paper.


Tanariva Cream

Crémeux Tanariva

125 g of cream (35%)

125 g de crème fleurette 35%

125 g of full-cream milk

125 g de lait entier

50 g of egg yolks

50 g jaunes d’œufs

25 g of caster sugar

25 g de sucre semoule

280 g of milky Tanariva

280 g de couverture Tanariva lacté

Make custard. Coat and cook all ingredients at 82/84°C,

Réaliser une crème anglaise. Cuire le tout à la nappe à

sieve with conical strainer. Then emulsify with the crushed

82/84°C, passer au chinois étamine. Puis émulsionner à la

chocolate using a plastic spatula, and mix together.

Maryse avec le chocolat haché et mixer le mélange.

Vanilla Lemon Coulis

Jus vanille citron

500 g of lemon juice

500 g de jus de citron

100 g of caster sugar

100 g de sucre semoule

2 vanilla beans

2 gousses de vanille

3 g of Xanthana

3 g de Xanthana

Mix the Xanthana with the sugar. Boil the lemon juice with

Mélanger le Xanthana et le sucre. Faire bouillir le jus de citron

the vanilla. Add the mix to the coulis, blend together and let

avec la vanille. Ajouter le mélange dans le jus, mixer et re-

it cool down.


Crystallized Lemon

Confit de citron

500 g of Vanilla and Lemon coulis

500 g de jus vanille citron

4 yellow lemons

4 citrons jaune

Make suprêmes with the lemons and add the lemon and vanilla cou-

Réaliser des suprêmes avec les citrons, ajouter

lis. Put in the oven at 120°C for 15 minutes. Let it cool down and

le jus vanille citron. Cuire au four à 120°C

keep it in the fridge.

15 minutes. Refroidir et réserver au froid.

Chocolate Espuma with Guanaja filling

Espuma chocolat cœur de guanaja

250 g of full-cream milk

250 g de lait entier 120 g cœur de guanaja 80%

120 g of Guanaja 80%

30 g de semoule

30 g of caster sugar

60 g de blancs d’œufs

60 g of egg whites Boil the milk with the caster sugar. Pour the boiling mix

Porter à ébullition le lait et le sucre semoule. Verser le mé-

on the chocolate. Stir, add the egg whites and pour into a

lange bouillant sur le chocolat. Mixer, ajouter les blancs crus

siphon with 2 N2O cartridges. Keep in bain-marie

et verser dans un siphon et placer 2 cartouches de N2O.

(40/50°C) before serving.

Maintenir au bain-marie (40/50°C) avant de servir.


Jivara Icecream

Glace Jivara

500 g of milk

500 g de lait

50 g of atomized glucose

50 g de glucose atomisé

2 g of cremodan

2 g de crémodant

12.5 g of caster sugar 2

12,5 g de sucre semoule 2

63 g of egg yolks

63 g de jaune d’œufs

37.5 g of caster sugar 1

37,5 g de sucre semoule 1

150 g of Jivara

150 g de couverture jivara

Warm up the milk. Mix the cremodan and the caster sugar 2.

Tiédir le lait. Mélanger le crémodant et le sucre semoule 2.

Add it to the milk with the atomized glucose. Blanch the cas-

Ajouter ce mélange et le glucose atomisé au lait. Blanchir le

ter sugar 1 with the egg yolks using the Kitchenaid mixer.

sucre semoule 1 aux jaunes d’œufs à l’aide du Kitchenaid. Ver-

Pour some of the boiling milk on the previous mix. Bake it at

ser une partie du lait bouillant sur le précédent mélange. Cuire

85°C. Sieve on the crushed Jivara and then mix. Mould it with

le tout à 85°C. Chinoiser sur la couverture hachée puis mixer.

a PACO bowl and keep in the fridge.

Mouler en bol PACO et réserver au froid.

Hazelnut Crunchy Topping

Craquant noisette

61 g of butter

61 g de beurre

61 g of brown sugar

61 g de sucre cassonade

26 g of 55 flour

26 g de farine type 55

80 g of crushed Piedmont hazelnuts

80 g de noisettes du Piémont concassées

Mix all ingredients to make dough, without kneading it too

Mélanger tous les ingrédients afin de

much. Roll out the 0.5 mm thick dough in between 2 baking

réaliser une pâte, sans trop pétrir. Etaler la

sheets. Cool down and divide into discs of the desired size.

pâte à 0.5 mm d’épaisseur entre 2 feuilles de

Bake to 160°C until they are slightly colored. Slowly unmold

papier cuisson. Passer au froid et détailler des

and store in a dry place.

palets de la taille souhaitée. Cuire à 160°C jusqu’à légère coloration. Démouler délicatement et conserver au sec.

Mounting Lime Peels


Bake the Chocolate Streusel strips between 2 circle sheets at

Zestes de citron vert

150°C twice for 6 minutes. Unmold and store in a dry place.

Cuire les bandes de Streuzel cacao entre 2 cercles à 150°C

Place the Streusel cylinder in the plate. Decorate 1/3 with the

deux fois 6 minutes. Démouler et réserver au sec. Déposer le

Tanariva Cream, add 3 to 4 crystallized lemon suprêmes

cylindre de Streuzel dans l’assiette. Garnir au 1/3 avec le cré-

on top, depending on their size. Finally add the

meux Tanariva, ajouter dessus 3 à 4 suprêmes de citron confit

chocolate espuma. Place the hazelnut crunchy

selon leur taille. Finir de garnir avec l’espuma. Déposer le cra-

topping, with a scoop of Jivara icecream.

quant noisette dessus, réaliser une quenelle de glace Jivara.

Sprinkle lime peels. Add a few drops of

Parsemer de zestes de citron vert. Déposer sur l’assiette quelques gouttes de jus vanille citron.

Vanilla and Lemon Coulis on the plate.


Sylvain Mathy, Pastry Chef at La Villa Archange in the Cannet Sylvain Mathy, Chef P창tissier de La Villa Archange au Cannet






Here is the new way to boost your energy: Aeroshot. Breathe in some fresh air wherever you want and discover the instant effect of Vitamin D or caffeine. Chocolate, cherry, mint & chocolate, several different flavours are available. Price: 2.25 €, soon available in specialized supermarkets and already online on

MA`REEN GOLD For the refined lovers of green tea’s unique qualities, here are two premium sets to give as a gift or for a personal purchase, to enjoy exceptional Japanese ceremonial with a drink that could be compared to a great wine. Here is the recipe of a perfect Matcha tea cup: boil some


water, and let it cool off to 80° (open the boiler and wait for 10 min, or pour the boiling water 4 to 5 times in another cold container). Pour 1g of Matcha tea, or 2 spatulas (or ½ teaspoon) and add 80ml of hot water. Whisk the tea with the chasen, until foam appears. Discover two sets: « Japargent » (85 €) and « Japor » (120 €).






iscover traditional cuisine, sprinkled with ori-

ginality ! It is not because you only have one

écouvrez une cuisine traditionnelle saupoudrée

d’originalité ! Ce n’est pas parrce que l’on a qu’une

hour for lunch and you are on a tight budget

on ne doit heure de pause et un budget sserré que ll’on

that you should miss the good spots of Sophia Anti-

pas s’autoriser les bonnes adresses de d Sophia Antipolis !

polis ! W ith that in

C’eest en partant de ce

mind, the restaurant

connstat que le restaurant

of Nautipolis is born.

de Nautipolis est né. En


fin habitué du monde de





la rrestauration, le direc-

catering, who is a

teuur de restauration Pa-

fine expert of the

tricce Bouigues souhaitait

restaurant industry,

unee cuisine d de type b bis-

wanted a bistrot kind

tronomie, à des prix étu-

of cuisine, with stu-

diéés et dans un concept

died prices and a

acccueillant : « Pour les

friendly concept : “A

genns de passage aussi

location suitable for people who are just passing

bienn que pour retrouver une ambiance d’habitués, un climat,

through, as well as for regulars, with a great atmos-

et surtout un personnel aux petits so oins. Si l’on a qu’une

phere and caring staff. If you only have one hour to eat,

heurre pour manger, autant que cela ssoit une heure de va-

it needs to be a fun hour!”. In the kitchen, Adrien Pa-

cancces ! ». Côté cuisine, Adrien Papinuttti concocte une carte

pinutti prepares a quality menu with original specials

qualitative avec des plats du jour orig ginaux à 12 € : souris

for 12 € : lamb knuckle-end crystallized with thyme and

d’ag gneau confite au thym et écrasé fond dant, pavé de daurade

a soft puree, sea bream steak with passion fruits and

p et risotto Caraïb aux fruits de la passion bes… Découvrez aussi les formules entreprises: déj éjeuners de presse, réception, soide départ, etc… rée d

And soon, quality snacking will be provided at the Cantine

Et trrès bientôt, un snacking de qualité vous sera proposé à

des toques rebelles !

la Cantine des toques rebelles !


Caribbean risotto… In addition, discover the business menus: media lunches, reception, farewell party, etc…


ebelles oques rrebelles Toques des T antine des Cantine aC L La Vallon du Vallon Chemin du 150 Chemin Nautipolis - 150 Nautipolis Antipolis Sophia Antipolis Valbonne Valbonne Sophia 39 21 39 00 21 71 00 09 09 71



AN ELEGANT CHRISTMAS NOËL CHIC The sobriety of festive white and golden dishes calls for an elegant Christmas Eve dinner dedicated entirely to the magic of Christmas, snowflakes and the light of the end of the year. Dishes and ornaments from Geneviève Lethu: the “Magie de Noël” collection - 4 flat plates (37.50€) - 4 bread plates (19.90€), 4 dessert plates (34€) - cutlery from the “Armand” collection: forks (6€) and knives (6.40€) - the 6 Champagne glasses from the “Isère” collection: 39€. Geneviève Lethu - 6 Rue Maréchal Joffre à Cannes (+33 (0)4 93 68 18 19), at the Galeries Lafayette of Nice, 6 avenue Jean médecin (+33 (0)4 92 17 36 36) and at Cap 3000 in Saint Laurent du Var (+33 (0)4 93 14 82 12).



ITALIAN SPECIALTIES ON THE PORT SPÉCIALITÉS ITALIENNES SUR LE PORT At Santa Lucia, come and rediscover Italian cuisine, on the Port of Marina Baie des Anges.


he restaurant provides you with its special woodfired pizzas: the unique “Pizzaïolo” with tomato slices, mesclun salad, cheese and Parmesan… A

daily cooking with fresh products (groceries are purchased

everyday!) with first choice meat from France, dedicated to genuine food lovers… The Santa Lucia is a true institution for traditional Italian cooking, as shown by its crowd of faithful regulars, that can accommodate groups all year long, on its terrace facing the port, with privatization on request, and a large choice of

menus and rates to select based on your tastes. n

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT A kir (cassis liqueur and white wine) for free with your meal.

Santa Lucia - Port of Marina Baie des Anges - Open from Monday to Sunday - closed on Sunday evenings Party planning once a month Phone. +33 (0)4 93 73 10 10




TASTE BUD DELIGHT PAPILLES EN FÊTE As gifts or for your own personal delight (responsibly…), here is a selection of festive delicacies and bottles that can be bubbly or not, to add to your Christmas present list or to place directly on your fancy table.

A offrir ou à déguster (avec modération…), voici une sélection de mets festifs et de flacons à bulles ou sans, à déposer au pied du sapin ou sur votre table gourmande.



Fruity aromas, cashew nut flavours: white sturgeon caviar wonderfully accompanies white fish or scallops. Caviar Dom Petroff - delicatessens - 24 € for 20 g

PAN-FRIED ESCALOPES Montfort, the foie gras expert, offers a large range of frozen products, among which raw foie gras escalopes to fry, with cooking and direction tips… Escalopes à poêler - 450 g - around 17.90 € Available in supermarkets -




JACQUES DEFRANCE, FOR CONNOISSEURS ONLY This champagne will surprise you with its toasted bread, butter and white fruit aromas, and will accompany perfectly a scallop carpaccio or oysters.



A prestigious champagne, with a citrus and yellow fruit nose for a delightful, sharp, mineral and fruity taste… This pre-dinner drink will be perfect with seafood, shellfish or smoked salmon. Recommended price: 26 €.

CHAMPAGNE LALLIER The magic of Chardonnay, the grape variety of the greatest white wines and champagne in the world, the Blanc de blancs “Grand Cru” brut accompanies perfectly marinated salmon, a seafood platter or a lobster salad. Recommended retail price: 38 € Product available Cave Roassal, 49 rue Clément Roassal in Nice - Nima, 6-8 rue Jean Gras in Cannes - La Bocca - Azur Alimentation, Abbaye de Roseland in Nice Cave La Gourmandine, 17 bis rue Emile Pourcel in Valbonne - Bar à vins, 11 rue Périssol in Cannes


Alcohol abuse can seriously damage your health - please drink responsibly / L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé - à consommer avec modération

Rate from wine merchants: 15.75 €





A safe and subtle purchase from Pomerol, the Château Moulinet 2009 is an exceptional vintage wine, to drink together with some game meat and with many varieties of cheese. Available at wine merchants for 32 €



This well-rounded bottle holds the strength of a great local wine. It has a dark red and crimson colour, and intense black fruit, spice and liquorish aromas. You will savour it at 16 degrees, with strong dishes such as game meat. Recommended retail price at wine merchants 18.90 €.




e Provençal Golf & Café invites you to enjoy tasteful tra-

ditional cuisine, between two rounds of golf, or at lunch time, in a relaxed atmosphere with an elegant design, making it the ideal location for business meals, work meetings, or simply golf outings with family or friends… Young rabbit homemade terrine, sage-crusted veal pavé: local specialties will tempt you over and over again to try various flavours, in the bucolic setting of the Provençal Golf.Try the daily suggestions starting from 13€ or the menu (with the day’s special, homemade dessert and mineral water) for 18.20€, you will love this great

new address in Sophia Antipolis. n


Provençal Golf & Café - 95 Avenue de Roumanille Biot Antipolis - +33 (0)4 93 65 00 00






Complex, soft and fine, the Bruichladdich brand launches

For true lovers of Single Malt, Glenfiddich and the designer

The Botanist, a unique and traditional gin, for gentlemen!

Philippe Di Meo have created a new way to enjoy a 12 year-

A slow distillation process and 22 plants coming

old whisky: the Glenffidich Steeler, a surprising object that

from the Isle of Islay: it is an original gift for expe-

contains fresh zests of lemon and pink grapefruit. A brand

rienced men…

new complete case combines oak and brushed aluminum.

Available at wine merchants for 40 €

Recommended price: 95 €.










Among the “MOF”, the Best Craftsmen of France, I please call… the Bartenders! Yes, they have great talent too and their creativity can be assessed, tried, tasted, just as that of famous chefs or pastry chefs! After the first two successful books of the Editions GLD (“Les meilleures recettes des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France” [The Best Recipes of the Best Crafstmen of France] Volume 1 and 2), here is the liquid version of French excellence. From traditional to original cocktails, they are prepared by Stéphane Ginouvès (Paris Fouquet’s) and Maxime Hoerth (Bristol), who both received the 1st award of Best Craftsman of France - Bartender, in May 2011 in Clermont-Ferrand. This book will be a hit and a perfect Christmas gift for gourmets… « Les meilleurs cocktails réalisés par les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Barmen » [“The best cocktails prepared by the Best Craftsmen of France - Bartenders] 242 pages - 100 illustrated recipes – Available in bookstores and cultural superstores - 39 €.




It is an attractive idea: home delivery of tasty dishes and deli products, ordered online the day before. To make it successful, three requirements seemed essential: transportation logistics, the quality of the food, and competitive prices… Those conditions seem to have been respected with “Le Gourmet du net”. With several delivery dates available and international coverage, this tasty option has become the solution for expatriates hungry for French products, for example! To try on:

RARE SPICES La Bovida provides a range of rare flavours: pepper from Madagascar, which is delicious with boletus, or fresh cubeb pepper to accompany white fish carpaccio… - Tonka beans, fruits from the Brazilian teck, are round and large, and will nicely flavour your chocolate desserts. Come and discover new original flavours at La Bovida: Antibes, 9 rue Sade, Nice, 49 route de Grenoble and in Cannes, 16 rue Hoche.





GAST R ONOM IE La cuisine d’exception reste une composante de l’art de vivre azuréen. La fin d’année, toujours annonciatrice de succulents rendez-vous autour de la table, est aussi l’occasion de vivre de grands moments culinaires dans les restaurants que Select Antipolis vous recommande.

Exceptional cuisine is an integral part of the Riviera way of life. The Christmas Holiday period always brings its share of tasty meals, and is also a great time to enjoy gourmet experiences in restaurants that Select Antipolis recommends.

ECHR, AT THE HEART OF BEAUTIFUL FRENCH KITCHENS Serge Hairabétian, the CEO of ECHR, has just been exporting the Riviera expertise to the prestigious kitchen of La Dame de Pique, in Paris, where stainless steel and white epoxy, together with optimal ergonomics, have made the kitchen of the Michelin starred chef Anne-Sophie Pic a beautiful mix of elegance and sobriety. ECHR has also designed the kitchen of Joël Robuchon in the Metropole Hotel, in Monte-Carlo.


The company, an expert of professional kitchen design, has been located in Saint-Laurent du Var for 25 years. ECHR - 1952 Route des Pugets - +33 (0)4 93 31 52 54.



Romantic and bucolic: La Vignette Haute is an original treasure located a few minutes away from the technopole.



ts story, full of passion and revivals along the year, will delight all of those who love authenticity and who still want to be amazed by discovering unusual and

emotional places. This small medieval looking castle, both a restaurant and a four star hotel (16 charming rooms), will provide you with a change

of scenery, offering an exceptional environment for your upcoming business events. La Vignette Haute, with its intimate atmosphere, its tables lit up by oil lamps, and its sheep barn and fireplace, will serve you an excellent cuisine, made of fresh products, focusing on simplicity and flavours. You can organize a group meal with different menus that you will put together with the managing team of the facility. Wait no longer, and dazzle your guests: choose La Vignette Haute‌ n


La Vignette Haute - 370 Route du village in Auribeau sur Siagne - +33 (0)4 93 42 20 01

10 % discount on your bill





ALBERT 1ER Pour les amoureux de la mer à Antibes Pour les amoureux de la mer à Antibes


few minutes away from Sophia Antipolis, along

the coast, provide your staff, employees,

clients or suppliers, with seafood, at the Res-

taurant Albert 1er. This venue innovates with a new design, new menus, but the same quality cuisine served in a wonderful location, that made the place famous and a requirement when in Antibes. Free delivery of seafood, in the office or at home Privatizing the restaurant is possible, for all your events (starting from 40 people) and you can also order and get your seafood delivered straight to your home or your office: a new service that will make you fall in love with the Albert 1er ! Paëllas, homemade fish soup, grilled fish, exceptional seafood platters, menus are also attractive: oysters, the day’s special, half a bottle of water and coffee for 18.50€ and for 16.50€ choose the day’s special, a dessert of

your choice, half a bottle of water and a coffee. n

46 Boulevard Albert 1er - Antibes - 04 93 34 33 54 - Parking facile Open everyday (except Wednesday) from 11: 30am to 10pm non-stop Ouvert tous les jours (sauf mercredi) de 11 h 30 à 22 h non stop 78




PROFITEZ The exhausted weeks at work and the preparations for Christmas do not give you a lot of time. With Select Antipolis, say stop and take time and enjoy the Riviera leisure and wellness best addresses.


Les semaines harassantes au bureau et les préparatifs des fêtes de fin d’année vous laissent peu de temps. Avec Select Antipolis, dites stop et prenez le temps de profiter des bonnes adresses loisirs et bien-être de la région.



We know the brand for its sumptuous ready-towear collections and accessories, but we do not necessarily picture it in the sports field. However, it knows how to make us sweat with elegance and style thanks to a range of athletic accessories, always in black and white, flocked with the famous intertwined “C”. Whether you are passionate about cycling, petanque or tennis, Chanel satisfies all of our chic athletic requests to complete our style on the fields and everywhere else. Boutique Chanel - 5 Bd de la Croisette - Cannes



Fighting the signs of aging or shaping a new face without a scalpel or pain and while remaining natural is now possible. Here is how.


f for some people aesthetic operation rhymes with

scalpel, it can also imply a natural process, as Doctor Eric Essayagh, expert in morphological and anti-

aging medicine explains. “Since the skin and the face are generally made of several layers and components, each area needs to be treated with a suitable technique and machine. That is where the secret

lies. Techniques all share a common synergy, using them separately and excessively does not work, it is all about finding the right combination


treat the different face tissues”. Indeed, with the skin, the muscles, the volumes that with time change and move, and with stress, our face must be examined and treated in four dimensions for a global analysis and a

natural rendering. n

18 Saramartel 18, Avenue Saramartel 06160 Le Cap d’Antibes Phone: +33 (0)4 93 34 15 55




RELAX AND GOURMET PACKAGE IN PARIS The holiday gift frenzy has started, and once more it will be exhausting. In order to enjoy your shopping adventure in the capital without being worn out, the Four Seasons Hotel Georges V, right next to the Champs Elysées provides you with its “Relax and Gourmet” package from December 1st to 31st 2012. For 360€, this package includes one hour at the Spa to boost your feet and legs, a gourmet break during which you will try the pastries of Lucien Gautier, pastry chef, and a glass of champagne, as well as many other gifts among which ho-


memade ginger bread and a scented candle. Package “Relax and Gourmet” –

La course aux cadeaux est ouverte et, une fois de plus,

bookings only by calling +33 (0)1 49 52 72 10

elle s’annonce éreintante. Pour profiter de votre escapade shopping dans la capitale sans finir sur les rotules, le Four Seasons Hôtel Georges V, tout près des Champs Elysées vous propose son forfait « Détente et gourmandise » du 1er au 31 décembre 2012. D’une valeur de 360 euros, ce forfait comporte un soin d’une heure au spa pour redonner toute leur légèreté à vos pieds et jambes, une pause gourmande pendant laquelle vous pourrez déguster les pâtisseries du Chef pâtissier Lucien Gautier servies avec une coupe de champagne et de nombreux cadeaux parmi lesquels un pain d’épices maison et une bougie parfumée. Forfait « Détente et Gourmandise » sur réservation uniquement au 01 49 52 72 10


CROSSFIT, A SPORT IN THE FRONT LINE Created in the 70s by a former American university gymnast, CrossFit combines several physical fitness workouts. Weightlifting, gymnastics, cardio routine, skipping‌ Members can practice with low-cost equipment at home. Reebok has revived this sport with a range of devices exclusively available at Go Sport. Go Sport, Highway ramp, 235 Route du Cannet in Mougins and 13 Place MassÊna in Nice.




FEELING GOOD IN THE OFFICE Because it has been clearly proved that feeling good at work increases employees’ efficiency, Nature & Decouvertes helps us to create a comfortable atmosphere in the office. You can connect a USB essential oil burner (22.95€) to your computer and enjoy an energy short break while the Homedics seat (299€) will massage your back and trapezium with up-down rolls, vibrations, and heat release. Nature & Découvertes - CC Cap 3000 - Saint-Laurent-du-Var


SHE & HE BEAUTY CARE DES SOINS BIEN-ÊTRE POUR ELLE ET LUI Maintes fois récompensés par les consommateurs et les professionnels de la beauté, les soins BcomBio apportent le meilleur de la nature dans notre salle de bain pour nous faire du bien. Confectionnés à partir d’actifs naturels et performants, les produits BcomBio apportent efficacité, confort et bien être à toutes les peaux en quelques applications seulement. Sud Cosmétiques - 113 rue de France - Nice Pharmacie Valbonne 2 place de la vignasse - Valbonne


Let’s dive in a world of wellness at the best Day Spa in Europe Finding time and our inner peace to reach bliss. That is what AYAME provides, as Ulrike Bischoff ’s Spa has been elected Best 2012 European Day Spa.


lrike Bischoff has brought back from Germany, her ho-

meland where nature rules as queen, an open mind, selfsacrifice and the worship of well-being. From her various

travels, she learnt the secret of balance and self-development.This philosophy and her values have helped her built a generous and altruist personality that she decided to share by creating AYAME, a soft bubble made of luxury and serenity.


Exceptional Products Since taking care of your body equals protecting your soul,AYAME combines traditional expertise with state-of-the-art equipment and exceptional products: Phyris Premium Spa Cosmetic for beauty care and By Terry for make-up. A team of experts to your service But this spa and those great products would be nothing without skillful and caring staff, meeting your every request to provide you with an optimal experience. Ulrike Bischoff knew it was essential and she gathered a team of experts to provide high quality service to her customers. Carefully selected, the staff speaks several languages and is highly qualified in each specialty, as well as trained on the latest technologies. Best 2012 European Day Spa Last June, The European Agency for Health and Wellness has rewarded the philosophy, care and excellence of AYAME by awarding it with Best European Day Spa 2012. This great reward has placed AYAME in the big league only a few months after it had opened. Ulrike kept her promise. n

AYAME - PRESTIGE DAY SPA 288 Avenue Saint-Basile - 06 250 Mougins Tel : 04 92 92 08 00 Fax : 04 92 92 08 80 87

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 15% discount on your first visit Conditions gĂŠnĂŠrales en page 3



WHAT A CIRCUS! One of the greatest circus family events invades the principality for the 37th successive year. Once more, jugglers, clowns, acrobats, horsemen and tamers from all around the world will dazzle children and adults with exceptional shows. International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo From January 17th to 27th 2013 under the Fontvieille Big Top The entire program is available on




PLAY WITH EXCEPTIONAL EQUIPMENT While perfectly combining excellent craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology, Valgrine putters push back game limits and offer impeccable hand comfort. Often considered as genuine works of art, those putters symbolize perfection and French elegance and can be customized all the way to suit your personality and requirements.




he Provençal Golf intends to remain close to young

people and to train them the best way possible, consequently they have just officially announced the

launching of the golf sports section at of the College de l’Eganaude, in the presence of all the institu-

tions of the Academy and the regional golf authorities. And already the new section pleases both students and teachers! As far as the Pole Junior is concerned, young recruits will be able to face winter with a custom program for each of them: consultants, among whom a physical trainer, have been able to allocate them with personalized programs. As for adults, the championship of the Provençal has rewarded Olivier Noble (handicap 2) and Sofia Anokhina (handicap 11) who are now holding the title. Finally, group lessons are scheduled more intensely, with a larger weekly time range (20€/hour). It is a friendly way to make progress, at competitive rates ! n

Le Provençal Golf PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 95, Avenue de Roumanille To purchase a green fee two buckets of balls available ! Biot-Antipolis And don’t forget our gift cards with exclusive offers ! 04 93 00 00 57 Dates des compétitions et événements sur : Conditions générales en page 3




WINTER SPORTS SPORTS D’HIVER Les stations ouvrent cette année sur

Ski resorts are opening with plenty of new installations. It is time for us to put on skis, but also snowshoes, or anything else we could try… Below, a little survey about what is available before taking the mountain road.

une avalanche de nouveautés. L’occasion de chausser les skis, mais aussi les raquettes, ou tout ce que vous n’auriez jamais pensé pouvoir porter en station... Petite revue de détails avant de prendre la route des cîmes.


ISOLA, WHEN SKI ECHOES WITH SPA ISOLA, QUAND SKI RIME AVEC SPA On December 8th, the Isola 2000 resort will reopen its doors with, this year, a new activity: « Raquette and Yourte » [ “Snowshoe and Yurt”], a walk with snowshoes.

Le 8 décembre, la station d'Isola 2000 ouvrira ses portes avec, cette année, une nouvelle activité: « Raquette and Yourte », une balade en raquettes. En plus d’offrir un air pur, le domaine est facilement accessible : les bus 750, au départ de la gare SNCF et de l'aéroport, relieront Nice à vos vacances. Pour les automobilistes, prenez l’A8, la RN 202, puis la D97 jusqu'à Isola 2000. Mais pour ne pas être pris au dépourvu, réservez forfaits, hôtel et matériel sur internet. Après l'effort, le réconfort. La station est dotée de différents aménagements, permettant de se détendre avec notamment une piscine et depuis peu, d’un Spa… Il n’y a que l'embarras du choix. Vous pouvez également vous donner rendez-vous sur la piste de mini

In addition to providing fresh air, the resort is easily accessi-

bowling ou vous détendre au cinéma. A moins que vous ne

ble: bus route 750 leaving from the SNCF train station and

préfériez profiter de l'air frais et faire du parapente à ski ou

the airport will link Nice to your holiday location. If you are

prendre des leçons de conduite sur glace ? Pour les plus cu-

driving, take the A8 highway and the RN202, then the D97 up

rieux, vous aurez accès à des cours de nivologie, géologie,

until Isola 2000. But to avoid last minute complications, re-

faune et flore hivernales.

member to book passes, hotel rooms and equipment online. And then enjoy!


The resort is equipped with various facilities promoting re-

Office de tourisme d’Isola : Immeuble Le Pélevos +33 (0)4 93 23 15 15 et Portail :

laxation, more particularly with a swimming pool and since recently a Spa… You have lots of options. You can also meet your friends at the mini bowling alley or relax at the movie theater. Unless you would prefer enjoying fresh air and skiparagliding or taking driving lessons on ice? For the most curious out there, you will be able to attend nivology, geology, and winter wildlife classes.




AURON AND INNOVATION AURON, CÔTÉ INNOVATION This year, starting on December 8th, Auron focuses on innovations; a delightful surprise for the entire family.

Cette année, dès le 8 décembre, Auron multiplie les innovations pour le plaisir de toute la famille.

If you are driving, all you will have to do is take the A8 high-

Pour les automobilistes, il vous suffira de prendre l'autoroute A8,

way, and then the D6202 bis. If you are not, then simply go

puis la D6202 bis. Piétons, au départ de la gare SNCF et de l'aéro-

the SNCF train station or from Nice’s airport, take a bus

port de Nice, des bus (ligne 740) seront mis à votre disposition, pour

(route 740) in order to reach the snow palace. To avoid

vous emmener jusqu’au palais enneigé. Pour arriver sereins sur les

complications upon arrival on the slopes, remember to

pistes, pensez à réserver forfait, logement et matériel en ligne.

book your pass, accommodation and equipment online. This year, you will discover the Airboard (an inflatable sled that you ride face down), the snowmobile, the paraglider… the most adventurous will go look for wolves, while others, exhausted, will go rest in the hammam. Children will be thrilled with the Mounta Cala Trampo (bungee jumping) and the Auron Family Park, which has just been reorganized, and that will introduce them to skiing and Freestyle. And the latest update this winter for the youngest skiers is the Jardin des Neiges [the Garden of Snow] equipped with Cette année, vous allez pouvoir découvrir l'Airboard (luge gon-

a new ski-tow.

flable sur laquelle on s'élance sur le ventre), la motoneige, le parapente ... les plus explorateurs partiront à la recherche des loups, pendant que les plus fatigués iront se détendre dans le hammam. Les enfants seront comblés au Mounta Cala Trampo (sauts à l'élastique) comme à l'Auron Family Park, réaménagé, qui les initiera au ski et au Freestyle. Nouveauté cet hiver, pour les plus jeunes : le Jardin des Neiges, équipé d'un nouveau remonte-pente.

POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS Office de tourisme d’Auron : Grange Cossa +33 (0)4 93 23 02 66 et Portail :




Here are three family resorts, full of charm, and new interesting things to do

Voici trois stations plus familiales, mais pas moins inintéressantes car regorgeant de charme et de nouveautés.

Valberg Starting this winter, right from December 2nd, the “Park Fa-


mily” (playful runs for the entire family) will open its doors, to-

A partir de cet hiver, dès le 2 décembre, le « Park Family » (par-

gether with the new ski tow of Combe Sainte-Marie. The

cours ludique pour la famille) vous ouvrira ses portes, accompagné

resort offers a unique hike following the planets, with this year

du nouveau téléski de la Combe Sainte-Marie. Le domaine pro-

the Iphone application “Sentier Planétaire” ( [The Planet

pose une randonnée unique sur les traces des planètes avec, cette

Trail] ). A one-hour drive away from Nice, take the A8 highway,

année, l'application IPhone « Sentier Planétaire ». A une heure de

then the D6202 and the D28. Otherwise, hop on bus 770 from

route de Nice, suivez l’autoroute A8, puis la D6202 et la D28.

the SNCF train station.

Sinon, le bus n°770, au départ de la gare SNCF, vous y amènera.

La Colmiane La Colmiane will welcome you starting December 3rd. if you are driving, take the A8 highway, then the D6202. A new activity this year: the freestyle mattress, which will enable you to experience the most dangerous jumps. To get there, simply take bus route 746 leaving from Nice Vauban.

The fresh air of Gréolières Greolieres, the archetypal family resort, provides this year snowshoe hikes and ski lessons (from 9am till 5pm). To go

there, from Grasse, take road N85 and the D2. n



La Colmiane A partir du 3 décembre, la Colmiane vous accueillera. Pour les au-

Office de tourisme de Valberg : +33 (0)4 93 23 24 25 et sur

tomobilistes, prenez l’autoroute A8, puis la D6202. Nouveauté cette année : le matelas freestyle, qui vous permettra d'expérimenter les

Office de tourisme de La Colmiane : +33 (0)4 93 23 25 90 et sur

sauts les plus périlleux. Pour vous y rendre, il suffit de prendre la ligne de bus 746, au départ de Nice Vauban.

Office de tourisme de Gréolières : +33 (0)4 93 24 10 79 et sur

Le bon air de Gréolières Station familiale par excellence, Gréolières propose cette année

La Colmiane

des randonnées en raquettes et des cours de ski (de 9 h à 17 h). Pour en profiter, à partir de Grasse, prenez la N85 puis la D2. n




COHESION Alain Weisz, the Antibes Sharks’ coach

Alain Weisz, le coach des Sharks d’Antibes

tells us a few pages further, “ the har-

nous le dit quelques pages plus loin, « le

dest is to turn your staff into a team.”

plus dur est de transformer un effectif en

To succeed with this heavy mission

équipe ». Pour réussir dans cette lourde

and create genuine cohesion between

tache et créer une réelle cohésion entre

several individuals, the best is to go

plusieurs individus, rien de mieux qu’un

for a Team Building trip. On the coast,

séjour de Team Building. A la mer ou

or in the mountains, follow the guide.

à la montagne, suivez le guide.

ECCE VINO GIVE THE BEST OF FRENCH TRADITION OFFREZ LA TRADITION FRANÇAISE PAR EXCELLENCE What better time than the Christmas Holiday period to give a great bottle of wine? The reputation of French wines precedes them, but how can you be sure that you have picked the right bottle? Ecce Vino gives us THE solution.

Quelle plus belle occasion pour offrir une bonne bouteille de vin que les fêtes de fin d’années ? La renommée des crus français n’est plus à faire mais comment faire plaisir sans commettre d’impair ? Ecce Vino nous donne LA solution.

Founded in 2008 in Sophia Antipo-

Créé en 2008 à Sophia Antipolis, le

lis, the first online wine guide is our

premier guide de vins sur Internet

quality reference to choose good

est notre référence qualité pour

wine. David Cobbold and Sébas-

choisir un bon vin. David Cobbold


tien Durand-Viel, two experts

et Sébastien Durand-Viel, deux experts-

and journalists, become our

journalistes y sont nos nez et palais pour

noses and palate to find the ex-

dénicher la bouteille d’exception qui

ceptional bottle that will meet our

nous conviendra le mieux. Tous diffé-

requirements. As we all have diffe-

rents face aux goûts, Ecce Vino pro-

rent tastes, Ecce Vino offers to help

pose de faire plaisir sans nous tromper

us find the right present with its ele-

grâce à son coffret cadeau. Elégant, il

gant gift box. It includes a booklet

renferme un livret détaillant une dou-

describing a dozen of wines carefully

zaine de vins scrupuleusement sélec-

selected and a coded card enabling






your employees, colleagues, custo-

permettant à vos salariés, collabo-

mers, partners and counterparts to

rateurs, clients, partenaires et ho-

choose and receive the wine that will

mologues de choisir et de recevoir

delight their taste buds.

le vin qui ravira leurs papilles.

Available in two, three or six sets To find out more:




IN THE SNOW From 5 to 250 participants, for half a day, the entire day or just an evening, take your teams to Isola 2000 to celebrate the end of the year with icy activities.


riving course, football tournament on snow, intro-

duction to ice sculpture, archery and rifle shooting, kart challenge, snowmobile or snowshoe hike,


snake gliss run, curling tournament, treasure hunt, no matter what you want to do, a team of experts will organize a

De 5 à 250 personnes, à la demi-journée, journée ou soirée, emmenez vos équipes à Isola 2000 en cette fin d’année pour des animations et activités glacées.

custom trip, suitable to all. You will laugh and enjoy a gourmet break with mulled wine on the terrace of the cabin, while contemplating the beauty of the landscape, before spending the evening on a snowmobile, or attending a Canadian theme event, or


other various activities.

tage de pilotage, tournoi de foot sur neige, initia-

tion à la sculpture sur glace, tir à l’arc et carabine,

Is there any better way to start 2013?

challenge kart, randonnée en motoneige ou en ra-

AT 2000

quettes, descente en snake gliss, tournoi de curling, chasse aux trésors, quelque soit l’activité que vous voulez

Ice Circuit Parking - Isola 2000 - +33 (0)4 93 23 91 32

exercez, une équipe de spécialistes organise pour vous un séjour à la carte accessible à tous. Entre deux fous rires, profitez d’une pause gourmande et d’un vin chaud sur la terrasse du chalet en admirant la beauté des paysages avant de passer une soirée motoneige, canadienne ou multi-activités. Quoi de mieux pour bien commencer 2013 ? AT 2000 Parking Circuit de glace - Isola 2000 - 04 93 23 91 32


DISCOVER CORSICA’S SURPRISES, IN WINTER TOO DÉCOUVRIR UNE CORSE INATTENDUE, EN HIVER AUSSI With Corse Escapades, you will discover the multi-faceted Island of Beauty, surprising, protected, full of athletic emotions and providing various feelings at the same time. Corse Escapades, the expert in organizing private tailored tours, selects carefully its partners and work with the best providers. With their professional organizing skills and their operational rigor, your trip will be a success for your teams. Corse Escapades holds a travelling license, and can plan your stay entirely from departure. Its exclusive services, personalized programs and strong reactivity have turned it into a reference regarding incentive, seminars, travels and events on the Island of Beauty: find out more on their packages, and starting this winter make the most of preferential rates to discover Corsica in an authentic and secret way. Indeed Corse Escapades works in partnership with the elitist Circle of Great Corsican Houses, a group of unique and char-

ming hotels. n


Corse Escapades - 20218 Lama Haute Corse - +33 (0)4 95 48 22 99



LOW COST CE FINALLY AVAILABLE IN THE ALPES-MARITIMES LOW COST CE ENFIN DANS LES ALPES-MARITIMES To provide employees of small businesses with the same advantages as those of big corporations; that is what Low Cost CE focuses on, as the single national network of works councils’ benefits in France, now established in the Alpes-Maritimes.


ith the arrival of Eric Lalaque in

Cannes, the managers and

employees of small and

medium businesses on the Riviera can now benefit from offers that

have been negotiated to collective

Eric Lalaque

rates in various fields, such as sports, leisure activities, daily life and local shops, thanks to a monthly subscription signed up by the company. This 19€ minimum subscription - rates vary according to the number of employees - enables each member to receive a card and personal codes to log in and view natio-

nal and local offers from Low Cost CE’s partners. n has just won the Best Innovation of the Year award at the “Prepaid Awards France 2012” Find out more on


FLASH AZUR VOYAGES AN EFFICIENT AND DYNAMIC SOLUTION FOR PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION Flash Azur Voyages has been providing you with a large range of passenger transportation services and incentive solutions for the past 25 years.


ith a perfect knowledge of Sophia Antipolis, great reactivity (24/7) and its range of services, this tour operator should be your first contact for the organization of business trips, leisure travels, transfer bookings airport, hotels, restaurants, seminars overseas, logistics planning on requests.

With 23 luxurious coaches (air conditioning, bunks, fridges, DVD) that can be personalized for your events, Flash Azur Voyages offers the professionalism of a corporation and the reactivity and rates of a successful small business. Finally, your trip can be organized from start to finish thanks to the company’s license. So, think about it and contact Flash Azur Voyages for more information on available services. n


ZI des Trois Moulins - 511 rue Henri Laugier - Antibes

+33 (0)4 93 93 29 59 - 101



MOTORS PASSION A U T O PA S S I O N The car industry is subjected to

Le monde de l’automobile est en constante

continuous changes, somewhat revolu-

évolution, voire… révolution. Plus propre,

tionary. Cleaner, cheaper, safer and more

plus économe, plus souple, plus sécurisante :

flexible: the future car constantly adapts

la voiture de demain compose sans cesse

to upcoming technologies. Today’s

avec les technologies du futur. Elle passionne

consumer is always fascinated by tomor-

toujours l’homme d’aujourd’hui et s’adapte à

row’s car, which adjusts to the new ex-

tous les nouveaux usages qu’il en attend.

pected uses. Discover the Riviera car

Découvrez les acteurs de l’automobile azu-

providers, serving your passion!

réens, au service de votre passion !

XF SPORTBRAKE JAGUAR Since it has been bought back by the Indian group Tata, the legendary brand of Coventry has regained strength. The new XF break is proof enough, representing a segment that usually is not covered in luxury brands. The XF Sportbrake is available starting from 48800 €, in 2.2 L Diesel, with interesting equipment.


SUD EST MOTORS NicE RiqUiER show room au 1er étage 3, bld Armée des Alpes - 06300 Nice

cAR 3001 - FACE CAP 3000 Av. H.Lantelme 06700 - St Laurent du Var

Tél. : 04 92 00 06 93

Tél. : 04 93 14 27 85

Rent a touring car, a commercial vehicle or a microcar for the day, a whole week or a month. It is easy; we deliver vehicles on your selected location. You need a vehicle at the airport ? Chose the Pack Business. For only an extra 15 Euros, we assist you right from landing. Upon departure, you can leave the vehicle and the keys at the closest parking space and take off peacefully.



Excl. taxes/Day*- HT/Jour*

* Daily rate for a Smart car for a week rental Prix par jour d’une smart pour une semaine de location.

NICE FACE AEROPORT 179, Bd René Cassin Hôtel Park Inn 04 93 21 21 00 ACCUEIL VIP A VOTRE

ST. LAURENT DU VAR 40, Allée des Pécheurs (Secteur A3) Z.I St. Laurent 04 92 27 05 10

ANTIBES SHOWROOM 4, Rue d’Alger 04 92 91 00 19



GOLFE-JUAN 105, Avenue de la Liberté RN7 04 93 63 95 66


10% discount on your rental in December 2012, and January 2013


258 hp and a 495-liter boot. 5.6 s. to get to 62 mph… Figures speak for themselves for the new BMW 330 D Touring that accumulates great and practical features. Its 3.0 L six cylinders and unique smoothness, its 8-speed automatic gearbox and its 135g/km of CO² emissions pointing out an astonishing energy conservancy, have made it a suitable solution for businesses, in every way. A family car for the weekend, an electric tailgate, spaciousness, its Connected drive system providing control over media and its luxury trim make it a prime choice for multi purpose use. Come and discover its terrific Sport + setting, which utterly transforms the driving experience. Gearbox, accelerator, suspension, steering and assistance: everything has been designed towards a more manly driving experience, turning this


BMW into a sensible choice in any circumstances.n

BMW 330 D TOURING - 258 CV - 15 CV Boîte automatique ZF 8 rapports DTC, DSC - Efficient Dynamics Vitesse maxi : 250 km/h 0 à 100 km/h : 5,6 s Consommation : 5,1 L en cycle mixte Emissions : 135 g CO²/km

BMW GAAM NOUVELLE SAS Highway Exit 155, Chemin de Font Graissan +33 (0)4 93 94 91 85 Mougins



October 12th - 350 Motor Village Cannes’s guests were present at the Royal Golf in Mougins to discover the Fiat 500L


ith its surprising and desirable design, its bright

and roomy interior with limited car length

(4,15m), the new version of the mythical Fiat 500

is an excellent choice for every company for several reasons. While conveying a trendy image, the Fiat 500L is designed to make you different from your competitors. Because of its excellent modularity and its size, the Fiat 500L is the best multi-purpose car: during the week or on the weekend, enjoy an excellent comfort, a high level of multimedia equipments (U-Connect System), and a real pleasure to drive, uncommon for its category. Finally, the reduced TVS (tax on company cars), thanks to restrained

CO² emissions and its low fuel consumption, the Fiat 500L is a good choice for your car fleet. Here and now, discover the Fiat 500L solution, and much more reasons to choose the Motor Village

Cannes’s expertise. n

*Fiat 500L 1.3 MJT 85 CV : 110 g CO² / km. - Range starting from 15.500 € T.T.C. /

MOTOR VILLAGE CANNES Avenue du Campon - Downward ramp of the highway - Le Cannet 04 92 18 63 63 - Christophe Romuald - Corporate Sales - 06 77 62 17 22 107




A NEW SETTING FOR PORSCHE INNOVATION UN NOUVEL ÉCRIN POUR L’INNOVATION PORSCHE In Antibes, the new Porsche spaceship has opened last June 19th. The brand from Stuttgart revolutionizes the French Riviera and confirms its motivation to look after the Alpes-Maritimes customers by offering them the perfect setting for prestigious cars.


his 2500 square meter design reflects a large and

developing range of vehicles with the new Cayman, the Panamera and soon the Macan, the little bro-

ther of the Porsche Cayenne. Moreover, the new 911 (991 Type) will be displayed as the integral version (4S) and will be introduced during the launch event of the new Centre Porsche Antibes on December 6th.


The release of the Supercar Porsche 918, the reinforcement of the Porsche electric program: news and updates are now part of the brand’s DNA, confirming its energy and its innovative technological heard start.

State of the art equipment The new Centre Porsche Antibes now lies on an “active” reception area (with cars on lift bridge for prediagnosis), After Sales Service and brand new workshops, a second-hand area with vehicles guaranteed by the label Porsche Approved and a store with the Porsche Driver’s Design Selection to complete a whole new Porsche world, targeting disco-

very and customer satisfaction. n


Centre Porsche Antibes 87 Allée Bellevue - Les Char mettes

+33 (0)4 92 91 33 88





BREATHALYSER LAW POSTPONED The requirement to have a breathalyzer in your car, announced widely with governmental advertising campaigns over the last few months, will only be in force on March 1st, 2013, said Manuel Valls recently. It does not stop you from driving soberly everyday, and during the holidays as well… Find all auto news on




s professionals, you can choose among approximately twenty types of courtesy cars and commercial vehicles available in the eleven Rent A Car agencies of the Alpes-Maritimes. Whether you have special needs or particular requests, we will implement all means to meet your expectations and create personalized services adapted to your company. For more information about our range of options, please contact one of our 11 agencies. n

AĂŠroport Nice : 04 93 19 07 07 Nice Centre : 04 93 87 99 28 Nice Nord : 04 92 07 78 80 Nice RN 202 : 04 93 29 86 32 Nice Gare : 04 93 88 69 69 Nice Port : 04 93 56 45 50 Drap : 04 93 53 50 66 Vence : 04 93 58 04 04 Carros : 04 97 00 09 99 Antibes Gare : 04 93 34 36 84 Cannes/Mandelieu : 04 93 47 98 80


10% discount on your rental

w w w . r e n t a c a r . f r 111



Political representatives and local sports clubs

Faire de la Côte d’Azur une terre de sport,

have been focusing on turning the French Riviera

c’est le pari des élus et clubs sportifs azuréens

into an athletic platform by defining a strong iden-

qui mettent tout en œuvre pour créer une

tity and setting up state-of-the-art equipment in

identité forte et des équipements de pointe à

the upcoming sports center of Biot, and also

l’image du futur complexe sportif de Biot et

thanks to the challenges recently accepted by the

des ambitions de l’Olympique d’Antibes ré-

Olympique d’Antibes, renamed the Sharks.

cemment rebaptisé les Sharks.

A NEW SPORTS CENTER TO OPEN SOON IN BIOT C’est courant 2013 que les sportifs et le grand public biotois prendront possession du complexe sportif Pierre Operto imaginé par l’architecte Bernard Fauroux.


ncluding a football field with the same synthetic pitch

as used in league 1, two extra tennis courts, a parking

lot with 70 available spaces, a multi-purpose room

and a sheltered stand that can accommodate 198 people, the center has a perfect location on the hill and will


enable Biot inhabitants and also Riviera residents to exercise in high quality facilities. n

In the course of 2013, athletes and Biot residents will be able to discover and use the Pierre Operto sports center, designed by the architect Bernard Fauroux.



“THE HARDEST THING TO DO IS TO TURN YOUR STAFF INTO A TEAM” With a new staff, a new name and a new arena, the Sharks are greatly equipped to bring Antibes basketball team to the top. Alain Weisz, the new coach, tells Select Antipolis about his club’s motivations, the beginning of the season and the way he manages his men.

You arrived in Antibes a few months ago, what did it mean for you? My arrival was significant for two reasons. Firstly because


I knew about the great achievements the new management team had completed in Belgium and internationally. Secondly, because Antibes is a great club for all coaches and the prospect of leading this team to Pro A sounded appealing right away. For now, it has started quite well, five games, five victories (interview completed on October 23rd, 2012), Antibes is even referred to as the impregnable fortress, is that reassuring? No, because we are not the only ones to target first division. For now, we are climbing a long path, strewn with obstacles. I have enjoyed our beginning of the season, but I am fully aware of all the difficulties that lie ahead in the competition. The hardest part is yet to come. L’Olympique d’Antibes is going through a renewal process, besides the Pro A rising, what are the other ambitions of the club? Antibes is a basketball town and France champion in 1970, 1991 and 1995, it included symbolic players who gave the



As it would in a business, the policy and development strategy of the club falls to the administrative staff. The team is then gathered in small groups.

Comme dans une entreprise, la politique et la stratégie du développement du club incombent à l’état Major. La constitution de l’effectif se fait ensuite en petit groupe.

club all its glory. To regain the elite is the first goal. It is an important club but it must become THE club on the French Riviera. The name and the visual identity of the Sharks also show the new dynamic and this forward strategy. We will soon be able to play on a beautiful court in Sophia, which will enable us to provide a different show with 5000 spectators who are not necessarily basketball fans to begin with. If you had to compare a sports team and a regular business, what would you say? As it would in a business, the policy and development strategy of the club falls to the administrative staff. The team is then gathered in small groups. It is a very important stage since we not only need to know the players but also select those who will meet the club’s values and become


complementary. Once this has been completed, the hardest thing to do is to turn your staff into a team. The main difference is, that in sports, you have to work fast, you only have three days to improve things, compared to several months in a company. How do you act around your players? Experience, time and several seminars on business communication have taught me how to manage a team. I say whatever I feel like. Everything can be said if you remain honest, intelligent and elegant at all times. We have a good overview of the club’s goals, now could you tell us what you are aiming at beyond the Sharks? I think that Antibes will restore its former glory and I hope it will be with me starting this year with the Pro A rising. I am 59 years old, and the only thing I am interested in today is to experience a successful adventure with the people and the mentalities around me. n

Ranking and Pro B scores on November 15th 2012

1 - Sharks Antibes - 16 points 2 - Evreux - 16 points 3 - Pau-Lacq-Orthez - 16 points Latest game - November 13th Sharks 85 - 74 Rouen

Don't miss the sensational game Pau-Lacq-Orthez vs Sharks on December 17th, 2012 - The game will be broadcasted live and exclusively on Sport + at 8:30pm



SO GEEK Major items or toys of all kinds, find out about the latest products from the Geek world to give as a gift or for your own personal purchase.

IPAD MINI Despite Apple’s pampered new design, the iPad Mini smaller than its big iPad 2 brother and larger than its iPhone 5 cousin – does not revolutionize the tablets’ industry but remains however a great compromise to go online and watch movies or pictures in no time. Price: 16 Go for 339 €, 32 go for 439 € and 64 Go for 544 €

Souris Titanium In contrast to the ergonomic gamer mouse and equipped with a dozen of buttons, the Titanium mouse of the Dutch company Intelligent Design combines elegance and simplicity. Made in resin, it includes a brushed stainless steel outer shell and Bluetooth technology - Price: 399 €


GeForce Nvidia The expert in graphics cards has just announced the launch of three new graphics processors dedicated to laptops, the GeForce GTX 670MX, GTX 675MX and GTX 680MX. Those cards are winged to provide a more realistic and faster gaming experience. Starting from 360 €

A partir de 360 €

GoPro Hero 3 Twice more powerful, 30% lighter, 25% more compressed than the previous model, the new GoPro is equipped for the most extreme experiences. With 6 aspheric lenses and available Wifi, it can shoot up to 12 images per second and record 12 MP burst-shots with 30 pictures per second. Available in three colors : white, silver and black. Sold respectively for 249, 349 and 449 €.



SURFACE Microsoft has taken advantage of the launch of its new Windows 8 operating system to introduce its first tablet. Its assets: a USB port, a memory card slot and the transformation into a complete PC when its connected to a 3mm extra thin case that turns into a keyboard. Starting from 489€ for the 32 Go version

Mobile Drive Sq TV Launched this fall, the new external hard drive of the brand specializing in storage devices has been designed to record your favorite TV programs through its USB port. Provided with a dock adapted to the device, it can be installed at the back of the television for complete discretion. Available for 110€ for 500 Go and 150€ for 1 To





to 30% of gift cards expire before having been used.” Based on this record, Younes Souilmi and Issam

Toufik created, the first French platform for




selling cards. Have you ever received a gift card from a shop that you do not really go to? You can send it to Esioox’s team, and they will check its validity (three months minimum). Once validated, you will receive a check or a Paypal transfer within 24 hours, worth up to 90% of the

Younes Souilmi

initial value of the card, or you will be able to credit your virtual account to buy a new card later. Smart, simple, efficient and secure, also offers to purchase gift cards at discount rates among 120 national and local brands and 300 partner online shops. n To find out more:

Pour en savoir plus :




HOUSING DESIGN & REAL ESTATE HABITAT, IMMO & DESIGN Let’s enjoy the winter to consider changing everything at home. Design, materials, home automation… Or for... moving, revising our possible refinance loan and paying attention to the Riviera best real-estate ads.

Profitons avec plaisir de l’hiver pour envisager des transformations de notre habitat. Déco, matériaux, domotique… Ou pour… déménager, en prenant soin de revoir nos possibilités de rachats de crédit et de scruter avec attention les bonnes affaires immobilières qui se profilent sur la Côte d’Azur.


SLIDING AWAY… Space saving solutions do not always rhyme with design. With those sliding doors made in surprising materials, you will open up your house. Artens, Aspen model, collection maison noir-noir #0. Structure in laminated glass and anodized aluminum glass. Available in black glass. 160€ each door. Artens, Madison model, laminated glass with tissue paper decoration. Pre-drill holes for handle. 159€ each door. Spaceo, self-made kit. Lacquered aluminum profiles, 4 kits of 2 front and back panels and rails with lacquered aluminum trims. 159€ each door. Leroy Merlin - 642 Route de Grenoble - Nice - +33 (0)4 93 29 83 83 and Vallauris (Chemin des Fuguières).


С нами получить кредит во французском банке легче и быстрее - The Agency for your investments on the French Riviera





ous envisagez de contracter un crédit pour un achat immobilier ? Poussez la porte de Meilleurtaux à Cannes, pour obtenir le meilleur financement en fonc-

tion de votre profil : « Il n’existe pas deux montages financiers identiques. Nous travaillons avec les principales banques de la place pour vous offrir un accompagnement global et optimal » explique Jean-Michel Maweja, Responsable prescription de Meilleurtaux à Cannes. Résidents comme non-résidents, soyez les bienvenus et ne


ou are thinking about taking out a loan to pur-

craignez pas la barrière de la langue : 7 langues sont parlées

chase a property? Knock on the door of Meilleur-

chez MeilleurTaux à Cannes !

taux in Cannes, to get the best financing solution

based on your profile: “There is not a single and unique way to build a loan application. We are working with the main banks to provide you with a global and optimal assistance” explains Jean-Michel Maweja, Prescription Manager at Meilleurtaux in Cannes. Whether you are a resident or a non-resident, you are more than welcome, and do not be scared of the language barrier: MeilleurTaux in Cannes speaks 7 languages ! n

Examples of rates recorded in September: 3 %, over 15 years; 3.50% over 20 years; 3.70 % over 25 years. “Take advantage of the lowering of rates,it can be the time to renegotiate your loans terms." Open from Monday to Friday, from 9am till 7pm, and on Saturday by appointment only / Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9 h à 19 h, et le samedi sur rendez-vous

04 93 94 88 50 7 BOULEVARD CARNOT - CANNES 121

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT A great gift with any loan contracted! Un beau cadeau offert pour tout crédit contracté !




SALES DECLINE IN THE CASA VENTES EN BAISSE SUR LA CASA Trends registered by the Observatoire Immobilier d’Habitat Côte d’Azur [Real Estate Monitoring Center of the French Riviera] show a genuine sales decline over the first 2012 semester in the Urban Community of Sophia Antipolis.


Les tendances relevées par l’Observatoire Immobilier d’Habitat Côte d’Azur font état d’un net repli des ventes au premier semestre 2012 sur la Communauté d’Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis.

hose figures are still set in contrast with the na-

tional studies that indicate a strong sales decline

of 29%. Compared to the first 2011 semester, the

first six months of 2012 are marked by a 13% drop in

sales for the new housing market and a 15% drop in


Observatoire Immobilier d’Habitat Côte d’Azur [Real Estate Monitoring Center of the French Riviera]26 Boulevard Carabacel – Nice +33 (0)4 93 13 74 34

second-hand homes, with a recorded average price of 4275€ per square meter, and including a 9% drop over the same time frame in the Casa area. The numbers of resale transaction with a 7% drop include a recorded average price of 4000 per square meter. However, in Cannes – which is a whole other market, the numbers of sales in new buildings have increased by 13% regarding en bloc sales, but the open market still accounts for a 19% drop. The average price per square meter corresponds to 5841€ in new buildings (a 7% increase) and 4200€ for second-hand housing (prices are stable). Real estate experts are aware of this decline and expect the government to proceed with strong measures. Facing the great decline in the start of construction projects in the country (12% drop) and the upcoming measures (rent control, the end of the Scellier policy…), they worry

about the market being paralyzed in 2013. n




HEAT FOR YOUR LIFE Chilly… It is this time of year! Let’s heat our homes with the amazing line of heated towel racks and radiators from the brand


Brem, which are true works of art combining practicality and beauty. Warmth also comes from visualizing and the green and trendy fireplaces from Nibe Foyers provide an invigorating sight! Made in Europe, and designing 8 new models per year, with prices ranging from 1400 to 5500€ (excluding taxes), Nibe Foyers offers original and high-quality products. Nibe Foyers : Cheminées Niçoises - 859 Avenue Pierre et Marie Curie in Saint Laurent du Var +33 (0)4 97 19 49 83 Brem, radiators for architecture, 250 points of sale, to find out more please visit




Wood, the most natural material, reveals all its beauty through the work of craftsmanship. In their workshop of Vallauris, Marc Pourrat and his team design and manufacture indoor and outdoor customized creations for your villas, apartments, boats, offices and stores with traditional or rather modern features.

Matériau noble par excellence, le bois se dévoile sous la main de l’artisan pour révéler tous ses charmes. Dans leur atelier de Vallauris, Marc Pourrat et son équipe conçoivent et fabriquent sur-mesure des aménagements intérieurs et extérieurs pour vos villas, appartements, bateaux, bureaux et magasins du style classique au plus contemporain.

PROMOTION CARTE SELECT 5% discount on your bill

SEGM Ebénisterie Se déplace dans toute la région sur RDV tél. 2121, Ch St Bernard (Porte 13) 06225 Vallauris Tel: 04 92 95 18 11 - Fax: 04 92 95 18 21 Mail:




LET’S TIDY THINGS UP In this consumer frenzy environment, gifts and home accessories must be stored properly. The Curver brand creates smart and modern boxes, in a whole range of colors and designs, as you can see, to put things away, from toys to office stationeries, or kitchenware. Recommended retail price: 12.10€ Available in supermarkets or specialized shops.



Alexander Martin What if a sofa could make a difference? Et si un canapĂŠ pouvait tout changer ?

Whether to spend time with your family, talk with your friends, relax or work, the living room is one of the most important spaces in the house and deserves to be designed as such.


rom one or two strong details in the room, Alexander

Martin reorganizes your design project with you to

create what you have been dreaming of. Lovers of

plush interiors will be attracted by this stylish couch, made in Italy. Just as a made-to-measure suit, this traditional loo-

king sofa will fit easily in your home - no matter what your style is - while keeping its original touch. In leather or cloth, with darker or lighter shades, stud finishing and redesigned legs, this basic item can be customized and adjusted endlessly to become a unique piece, that can be modern,

neo or chic, depending on what you feel like. n


Alexander Martin

15% discount on your invoice

20, avenue du train des Pignes - 06670 Colomars TĂŠl : +33 (0) 977 76 31 10 Port : +33 (0) 675 65 68 45






This new Made in France brand, which focuses on yachting, ski and golf industries, provides a range of textile, household linen and vintage and chic design items. Find out more online ( or at the Port Cogolin, at Denise Spoerry DĂŠcoration (+33 (0)4 94 56 16 63).




Verbatim has produced a true high-performance LED, perfect for reception or sale areas, and every location dedicated to welcoming customers. The color effect is excellent (very similar to natural daylight), the energy consumption is low, and the new professional range of products will be suitable for halls, staircases, shop windows, showrooms, etc… Available in supermarkets and specialized electrical branches.




TWIN POOLS JUMEAUX Aquilus swimming pools have launched an innovative “Twin” concept. Those two innovative pools that are symmetrical and interconnected will fit perfectly in an urban environment, and will allow water


games, or lengths, with a 6m diagonal. Size: 6 x 6m, 3-step pyramid entry, sand filter system, LED spotlights, white liner, “relaxing” pool floors (water-based recreation pool 1.20m and swimming pool 1.50m) Twin concept price: 15,980€ excluding construction and materials.


BATHROOM : NEW TRENDS Bathrooms are getting bigger and their design is being reconsidered with modular furniture, just as a kitchen island unit, dividing the room in a practical way and opening up on the living space. The organization with extra furniture and basins provides numerous design options to create a unique bathroom. The Alape brand is available at Balitrand Home


Stores, 183 Avenue de La Roubine (Cannes La Bocca), Créations JCD, 127 - 129 Rue d’Antibes (Cannes), Danish Design House, 135 rue d’Antibes (Cannes), Euro Plomberie Piscine, Parc d’Activités de la Siagne (Mandelieu), and at Richardson (Nice and Carros).





For the Paca region, Nathalie Duwel, furniture designer and upholsterer decorator in Montauroux, has just been rewarded in the Ateliers d’art de France competition (the largest French federation of craft professionals). Her USD seat (Upholstered Seat Duwel) with stretched outlines and its generous size, integrates smoothly wood, metal, leather and stainless steel. Ateliers d’Art de France is a national competition that highlights thetalent of art designers in each region of France.




ean-Luc and Valérie Oger, who enjoy the satisfaction

of a job well done, have decided to leave the cruel world of large kitchen brand names to create their

small family business. Four years later, they have won the tough challenge to combine professional expertise and quality branding with affordable prices for everyone. What is their secret? They respect

the client and they work with the best brands and craftsmen to provide products of great quality. Whether you are dreaming of a new kitchen, of a huge closet or of new storage spaces, everything is possible and can be completed with the talented Jean-Luc who designs and manufactures madeto-measure storage space based on your requirements, desires and budget. Being your single contact on the project, the couple takes care of it all and also carries out building, electricity or plumbing work, so that all you have left to do is

enjoy your new home stress free. n

Jean-Luc Oger Cuisines & dressings - Aménagements d’intérieur Menuiserie et Agencements 375 Chemin de Font de Mel - Levens 06 68 911 119


350 € accessories available for the purchase of a kitchen.




SPOTLESS WHITE White, the ultimate color of winter, can rhyme with cold but can also be very warm and provide a cocooning atmosphere


to your home. Whether you go for all white or just small details, the secret lies in varying textures and fabrics. Conforama - 2727 Chemin de Saint-Claude - Antibes


LIVING WALLS You want your company to be environmental friendly? Why don’t you start with your office’s design? Out with the traditional identification board in the middle of a dark corridor and in with the new City Picto, launched by Flowerbox, a range of trendy and fun vegetal panels made of Lichen. On the restroom’s door or in the computers’ room, the fun pictos will look great for sure. Maxime Bailleul Fleuriste - 46 rue Arson - Nice





BUSINESS STYLES TENDANCE BUSINESS With this suit, James Bond better watch out! En costume, James bond n’a qu’à bien se tenir

On the green, I am wicked good Sur le green, j’assure

Those collections are available in Hugo Boss stores 62 Boulevard de la Croisette - Cannes - 6 rue de Paradis - Nice Retrouvez ces collections dans les boutiques Hugo Boss 62 Boulevard de la croisette - Cannes - 6 rue de Paradis - Nice


WORKING GIRL LOOK LOOK WORKING GIRL Luxe et volupté Luxury and sensual delight

Watch The Britain - Burberry

Burberry 65 Boulevard de la Croisette - Cannes

Scarf Le Baiser du diamant - Mauboussin Foulard Le Baiser du diamant - Mauboussin

Mauboussin Galeries Lafayettes - CC Cap 3000 Saint-Laurent-du-Var

Strict is chic Le strict c’est chic

Hugo Boss 62 Bd de la croisette - Cannes


6 rue de Paradis - Nice



CULTURAL EVENTS L’AGENDA CULTUREL Shows, concerts, operas-ballets,

Spectacles, concerts, opéras-ballets, pièces

theater, while everyone else does

de théâtre, quand le reste de la population

Christmas shopping, I take advan-

investit les magasins pour les fêtes de fin

tage of the following two months cul-

d’année, moi je profite du programme cultu-

tural events on the Riviera.

rel azuréen de ces deux prochains mois.



Besides enlightening our minds, books also bring so-

Outre l’évasion, les livres apportent des réponses à

lutions to our problems. Here is a selection of practical

nos questions. Notre sélection de guides pratiques à

guides to add on our shelves.

avoir dans nos bibliothèques.

Manuel de survie dans l’univers du luxe Pierre-François Jorsin

Le guide des libertés individuelles Jérôme Bourgine & Quentin Julia

After several years working for Ferrari, Porsche

“Nobody is supposed to ignore the law” as

or Cartier, the author provides an objective

the saying goes. With this transparent and

analysis of the industry. Advertisement cam-

precise guide, we will finally be able to know

paigns, extravagant projects, clients; every-

what we are allowed to do and what not.

thing is ruthlessly scanned.

« Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi » a-t-on cou-

Après plusieurs années passées au service

tume de dire. Grâce à ce guide clair et pré-

Ferrari, Porsche ou Cartier, l’auteur offre une

cis, l’on pourra enfin être en mesure de

analyse objective de ce milieu. Les campagnes publicitaires, les

savoir ce que l’on a le droit de faire ou pas.

travaux pharaoniques, les clients, tout y passe, sans concession.

Editions du Puits Fleuri

Editions Books on demand - 112 pages - 16.90 €

240 pages - 19.80 €

Le guide des viagers - Bernard Le Court

Les calculs de sa valeur, les aménagements possibles et ses

Value calculations, possible restructuring

applications, la fiscalité des viagers immobiliers ou finan-

and applications; real estate or financial an-

ciers expliquée dans les moindres détails.

nuity taxation is explained in minute detail.

Editions du Puits Fleuri - 380 pages - 24 €


EXPOS Children or adults, it is never too late to take an interest in the world of art. Here is our selection of exhibitions on the Riviera, for a family outing. Petits ou grands il n’est jamais trop tôt ni trop tard pour s’ouvrir au monde de l’art. Notre sélection d’expositions azuréennes à découvrir en famille.

Emmanuel Régent Sortir de son lit en parlant d’une rivière Du 13 octobre au 27 janvier - de 10 h à 18 h MAMAC - Nice - Tél: 04 97 13 42 01

Chagall et le livre Du 20 octobre au 11 février 2013 de 10 h à 17 h - Musée national Marc Chagall - Nice Tél : 04 93 53 87 20

Sarah Morris, Mechanical Ballet Du 17 novembre au 4 mars 2013 - de 10 h à 17 h Musée National Fernand Léger - Biot

A la découverte de l’Espace

Tél : 04 92 91 50 30

Christmas Mix

Du 27 octobre au 3 mars de 10 h 30 à 18 h

Du 11 décembre au 8 janvier - de 14 h à 19 h

Eco’Parc - Mougins

Galerie Carré Doré - Monaco

Tél : 04 93 46 00 03

Tél : 00377 97 77 12 86

André Villers

La Maison-Echelle de Marlène

60 ans de photographie Du 27 octobre au 20 jan-

Du 3 au 16 décembre

vier 2013 - de 10 h à 18 h

de 10 h à 19 h

Centre d’Art La Malmai-

Palais des Festivals

son - Cannes

et des Congrès - Cannes

Tél : 04 97 06 44 90

Tél: 04 93 39 01 01




CONCERTS Laugh, sing, tremble and get thrilled with the shows and concerts scheduled on the Riviera in the next two months. Go ahead and book! Riez, chantez, frissonnez et vibrez aux rythmes des spectacles et concerts azuréens de ces deux prochains mois. Faites vos réservations ! Noëlle Perna


10 et 11 décembre 20 h 30 Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée - Nice Tarifs : de 35 à 38 € Tél : 04 92 14 68 00

Celtic Legends 11 décembre - 20 h 30 Acropolis - Nice - Tarifs : de 37 à 50 € Tél : 04 93 92 83 00

Ben Mazué 13 décembre - 20 h 30 Tarifs : 10 € Théâtre Lino Ventura - Nice Tél : 04 97 00 10 70

John Mayall 8 décembre - 20 h 30

Age Tendre et Têtes de bois

Tarifs : 19.10 €

14 décembre - 14 h 30 et 20 h 15

Théâtre Lino Ventura -

Palais Nikaia - Nice


Tarifs : de 46 à 50 €

Tél : 04 97 00 10 70

Tél : 04 92 29 31 29


JANVIER Patricia Kaas Chante Piaf 12 janvier - 20 h 30 Sporting Monte-Carlo Salle des étoiles - Monaco Tarifs : 223.50 € Tél : 00 377 92 16 61 16

Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo Du 17 au 27 janvier Espace Fontvieille - Monaco Tarifs : de 25 à 170 € Tél : 00 377 92 05 23 45

Disney sur glace 22 et 23 janvier - 20 h et 17 h 30 Palais Nikaia - Nice Tarifs : à partir de 21.50 € Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

Olivier De Benoist « Très très haut débit » 25 janvier - 20 h 30 Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée Nice - Tarifs : de 31 à 34 € Tél : 04 92 14 68 00

Serge Lama 26 janvier - 20 h 30 La Palestre - Le Cannet Tarifs : 51 € Tél : 04 93 45 34 27



Tragedy, comedy, drama; theater has something in store for everyone with talented actors who will offer great performances on stage. Don’t miss it. Tragédie, comédie, mélodrame, le théâtre multiplie les genres et les comédiens les talents, pour vous offrir un programme sur les planches à ne pas rater.


JANVIER La femme du boulanger 4 janvier - 20 h 30 Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes Tél : 04 93 39 01 01

84 Charing Cross Road 14 décembre - 21 h Théâtre Princesse Grace - Monaco - Tél : 00377 93 25 32 27

Frack 14, 16 et 18 décembre - 16 h et 20 h30

Les trois Richard - Un Richard III

Théâtre Alexandre III - Cannes - Tél : 04 93 94 33 44

11 et 12 janvier - 20 h Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes Tél : 04 93 39 01 01

Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard

© cosimo mirco magglioca © ATA

16 janvier - 21 h Théâtre Princesse Grace Monaco Tél : 00377 93 25 32 27

Enfances algériennes Du 14 au 22 décembre - 15 h 30, 20 h et 21 h

La Contrebasse

Théâtre National de Nice - Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

Du 18 janvier au 2 février 15 h 30, 20 h ou 21 h

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Théâtre National de Nice

Du 19 au 23 décembre - 15 h, 19 h 30 ou 20 h 30

Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

Théâtre National de Nice Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

© A.Bé rard




OPERAS BALLETS Get amazed and touched by the operas and ballets performing on the Riviera. The powerful voices of tenors and the beauty of dancing bodies will dazzle our winter nights.

Laissez-vous surprendre et émouvoir par les opéras et ballets en visite sur la Côte d’Azur. Les voix puissantes des ténors et la grâce des corps en mouvement nous promettent de belles soirées d’hiver.

OPERAS Le Bolero de Ravel 9 décembre - 16 h 30 Tarifs : de 48 à 62 € Acropolis - Nice Tél : 04 93 92 83 00

Pelléas et Mélisande Du 15 au 19 janvier - 20 h les 15 et 17, 15 h le 19 Tarifs : de 12 à 78 €


Opéra Nice Côte d’Azur - Nice Tél : 04 92 17 40 79

Monaco Dance Forum Du 13 au 22 décembre Tarifs : varient selon les spectacles Grimaldi Forum - Monaco - Tél : 00 377 99 99 30 00

Le Lac des Cygnes 11 et 12 décembre - 15 h et 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 38 à 56 € Acropolis - Nice - Tél : 04 93 92 83 00

La Traviata

Suite Sevilla

Du 25 janvier au 3 février - 20 h ou 15 h

31 décembre et 1er janvier - 20 h 30 et 16 h

Tarifs : de 40 à 150 €

Tarifs : de 28 à 55 €

Opéra de Monte-Carlo - Monaco

Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes

Tél : 00377 98 06 28 28

Tél : 04 92 98 62 77







We would like to thank our partners and friends with whom we all spent a wonderful Select Party: The Provençal Golf & Café team, Noor Arts Galery, BMW and Mini, D’amour et de Déco, Alexander Martin, Phil B, Dr Essayagh and Ayame Prestige Day Spa.

Merci à nos partenaires et amis grâce à qui nous avons tous passé une superbe soirée Select :


NICE OUEST NAPOLÉON 3 Somptuous three corner rooms of 75 sqm last floor but one, sea view from Cap Ferrat and Cap d’Antibes, 45 sqm terrace, fully equipped kitchen, wardrobes, interior in excellent conditions, pool and tennis club house, landscaped garden, large garage and cellar, close to amenities. DPE (E) Price 488.000 €

NICE OUEST LANTERNE Very popular apartment building, 3 rooms of 75 sqm, living room and equipped kitchen opening onto a terrace of 15 sqm, panoramic view, a heaven of peace, master bedroom with its 19 sqm bathroom, bathroom, underground parking basement, cellar. DPE (B) Price 419.000 €

COT’OUEST immobilier - 3 agences sur Nice Ouest 203 avenue de la CALIFORNIE - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 09 77 20 112 Avenue Sainte-Marguerite - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 291 291 329 route de Bellet - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 09 77 20 -

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