Select antipolis n°3

Page 1

Save the date : Thursday, March 21, 2013 ! The BPCA “Jeudynamiques*” Day Une date à retenir : Jeudi 21 Mars 2013 ! Journée «Jeudynamiques*» de la BPCA All accounts opened on that date will be offered many advantages :

Credit cards will be free of charge for the first year !

A tout Nouveau Client qui ouvre son compte à cette date, nous leur offrons de nombreux avantages :

La Cotisation de la carte de paiement offerte la première année !

1 Month free on : Car Insurance Home Insurance Protection Insurance

1 Mois de cotisation offert sur : L’Assurance Auto L’Assurance Habitation L’Assurance Prévoyance

50% off for first mortgage loan applicants and preferential rates

50% de réduction sur les frais de dossier du premier crédit immobilier & l’accès à un taux privilégié.

Make an appointment with our asset managers for a full tax and estate review. They will provide : Wealth and estate accumulation, organization and transmission solutions. Recommend the investments best suited to your needs.

Mise à disposition sur un rendez-vous pour un Bilan Fiscal et Patrimonial par les experts en gestion de patrimoine qui : Vous orienteront en matière de constitution, d’organisation & de transmission de patrimoine. Vous proposeront des solutions de placement adaptées.

Bring your family and friends !

Une aubaine à faire partager à votre famille ou à vos amis !

BPCA Valbonne : + 33 4 89 86 92 79 BPCA Antibes : + 33 4 89 86 92 25 (Local call charge)

BPCA Valbonne : 04 89 86 92 79 BPCA Antibes : 04 89 86 92 25 (Prix d’un appel local)

*Offer open only to accounts contracted by new individual clients during the “Jeudynamiques” Day on March 21, 2013. Conditions available in our branches. Non-contractual document.

*Offre réservée aux nouveaux clients particuliers contractés lors de la journée « Jeudynamiques » du 21/03/2013. Voir conditions en agence. Document non contractuel.

Lisa Pottier Eric Pottier

EDITO 2013

is actually here. After December 21, the fear of the apocalypse receded, leaving us unscathed… We can now enjoy good news for business, employment and the Alpes-Maritimes.

Mickaël Lardet

Marina Carvalho

In Villeneuve-Loubet, Richard Camou perseveres and assures he will do his utmost to ensure that the “post-Texas” era is synonymous with a promising future and job creations.

Xavier Beck

Gregory Toscano

Amandine Lansade Maccario Daniel Naro

From a political standpoint, the emergence of the Pays de Lérins agglomeration community, promises a new era fo the Cannes area. Also in this issue, coverage of GSF, and read about lively, positive and optimistic entrepreneurs! All trends in corporate real estate and our luxury real estate notebook, dedicated to the prestigious habitat market. Select Antipolis also focuses on the right choices of schools and training institutions. Our special report suggests ideas to prepare your spring and summer events now, to discover how to boost the morale of your teams. Select Antipolis, as always, selects the most interesting addresses for your leisure, cultural, gastronomic, sports and multimedia interests.

Francis Bréchère

Pedram Shirazi

READ ON NOW! Maxime Vanneste

Gregory Laloue



n ECONOMIC NEWS & BUSINESS - L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS 16 Christian Blanckaert “France, the brand: the asset of luxury”

n INTELLIGENCE & INNOVATION 20 Intel boosts its R&D in Sophia Antipolis 25

Plan Climat Energie - Regulatory compliance framework

n SOPHIA PLANNING 29 Nice will host the smart and innovative city convention 30

Electric mobility - Charging batteries: where, when, why, and how?

n X-RAY – RAYONS X 34 GSF: The 50th anniversary of cleanliness engineering n LOVING YOUR JOB – BIEN DANS MA BOITE 44 Caring for smokers n CAREERS - TRAJECTOIRES 46 Diffazur: The star of pool design n FOCUS CASA 50 Richard Camou: « I am prepared to fight Texas Instruments; it’s a 10-year mission »

n REPORT - LE DOSSIER 60 Schools / Ecoles n WINES & GOOD FOOD - VINS & BONNES TABLES 68 Hosting ideas / n GASTRONOMIE 80 Recipe - Cap d’Antibes sea bass filet


SOMMAIRE n LEISURE & WELL BEING - LOISIRS & BIEN-ETRE 86 A new Fitlane Center in Juan-les-Pins n INCENTIVE 97 A change of pace at the Cantemerle Hotel & Spa n MOTORS PASSION - AUTO PASSION 100 BMW XDrive Tour - Control the ride and glide n SPORTS 106 Les Dauphins de Nice - American Football n GEEK STORE 110 So Geek n FASHION - MODE 112 Business Styles n HOME DESIGN - HABITAT & DESIGN 117 SEGM Ebénisterie: A new approach


to woodworking

138 Books 140 Concerts

n REAL ESTATE - IMMOBILIER 136 Demand for premises on the part

142 Theatre 143 Opera-Ballet

of administrations expected to drop in 2013

Edition-rédaction et publicité : Sarl NEW LIFE COMMUNICATION au capital de 7500 €

Rédacteur en chef Mickaël Lardet

1495 RN7 - Immeuble Alexandra 06270 Villeneuve-Loubet

Rédaction Marina Carvalho

Tél. 04 93 22 30 70

Infographie - Web Xavier Beck

Traduction Nicole Perrier Photos : Editions Select / ©

Impression : Imprimerie Tiber - Italie

Direction de la publication Lisa et Eric Pottier

Gregory Toscano

Tirage : 16000 ex

Secrétariat Amandine Lansade Maccario

Chargés de clientèle Francis Bréchère, Pedram Shirazi, Daniel Naro Gregory Laloue, Maxime Vanneste

Toute reproduction même partielle des articles et illustrations parus dans Select Antipolis est interdite sans l’autorisation de l’éditeur. Exemplaire gratuit, ne peut être vendu.





L’ACTU ECO & BUSINESS The departure of Texas Instruments and its im-

L’implantation ou le renforcement des effectifs

pact on the number of jobs, will be somewhat

d’entreprises compenseront quelque peu le départ

offset by new or increased corporate staff in the

annoncé de Texas de la technopole en termes de

Techno-Park. With the CCI establishment in

solde d’emplois. La CCI officialise sa présence à

Sophia Antipolis and the advent of the Pays de

Sophia Antipolis, tandis que la Communauté

Lerins Agglomeration Community, 2013

d’Agglomération des Pays de Lérins commence à

promises to be rich with novelties in the

se dessiner. 2013 se profile riche de nouveautés,

current challenging global economic context.

eu égard aux soubresauts de l’économie mondiale.



he PACA arm of the national association has


launched four local branches, including the Entreprendre Côte d’Azur (Alpes-Maritimes) net-

work, organized around Sophie Duvivier, its President (Andéol). With managers at their helm, the branches will

continue to support and assist businesses that will in


turn become members of the network. The Alpes-Maritimes branch is composed of 45 members, representing cumulated revenues of 600 M €. Focus: to multiply

the number of members by two within 3 years. n

’association nationale lance au sein de sa branche PACA quatre antennes départementales, dont le réseau Entreprendre Côte d’Azur (Alpes-Maritimes),

constitué autour de Sophie Duvivier, présidente (société An-


déol). Dirigées par des entrepreneurs, elles poursuivent leur vocation d’accompagnement et d’aide aux sociétés, avec réciprocité : l’entreprise aidée dans son développement devient ensuite membre du réseau. La section Alpes-Maritimes compte 45 membres, représentant un C.A. cumulé de 600 M d’€. Objectif : doubler le nombre de membres d’ici à 3 ans. n



La gouvernance de Sophia Antipolis, un thème cher à Jean Léonetti :

concern for Jean Léonetti: «I hear the same question over

« Le même questionnement revient sans cesse : qui pilote Sophia

and over again: who is at the helm of Sophia-Antipolis?

Antipolis ? (…) Ici, avec cette inauguration, nous sommes en co-pilo-

(…) In this inauguration, we are co-pilots, partners (…), in

tage, en partenariat. (…) Ici, c’est la maison de Sophia Antipolis ».

the Sophia-Antipolis House ».


Marc Daunis relève « Un geste d’une grande force

pour la technopole ». Autour des élus (CASA, Conseil général, élus consulaires), le nouveau vaisseau amiral

de l’économie à Sophia a ouvert ses portes en décembre.

L’idée de décentraliser certains services et de placer la chambre consulaire au cœur de la technopole ne date pas d’hier et elle se concrétise ici par la création de ce Business Pôle. 600 m² au milieu des start-up en incubation, avec un plateau dédié à l’international (avec guichet unique export et hospitality desk), un autre à l’intelligence économique et à l’innovation. Actions à venir : des rendez-vous toute l’année autour de la création et de l’innovation, ou du financement des entreprises. n

Les élus, « en copilotage » du Business Pôle


arc Daunis stresses: « a powerful move for the

TechnoPark ». Supported by local officials (CASA, General Council, consular agencies),

the new economic flagship opened its doors in December. The idea of decentralizing services and of establishing the consular agency in the heart of the TechnoPark

is not new and has now become reality with the creation of this Business Pole. 600 m2 in the midst of start-up incubators, geared on the one hand to international business (one-stop shop for exports and hospitality desk) and on the other, to market intelligence and innovation. Agenda for the future: year-round meetings to foster creativity and innovation, or to work on business funding

arrangements. n






afarge has plans to build a large and modern HEQ building to revamp its presence on the

Côte d’Azur. Leader in the concrete industry, Lafarge’s new 9300 m² facility, designed by ABC, a Nice-based archi-

tect, will be constructed along the RD6202 thoroughfare. It will include 1300 m² of office space (transfer of the



LAFARGE TO ESTABLISH ITS SOUTH-EAST HO IN NICE afarge va construire un immense bâtiment HQE pour moderniser et réaménager son implantation

azuréenne. Leader du béton, Lafarge

va s’implanter en bordure de la RD6202, au cœur d’un bâtiment (conçu par l’architecte niçois ABC), de 9300 m². Au programme : 1300 m² de bureaux (la direction transfère son

existing South-East HO) as well as an analytical laboratory.

siège Sud-Est ici) et un laboratoire d’analyses. L’idée : faire de

The site is to become the «showcase of Lafarge’s urban integration know-how». Delivery expected in 2014. n

ce site « une vitrine du savoir-faire en matière d’intégration ur-

baine » de Lafarge. La livraison est prévue pour 2014. n


COMMERCIAL LAUNCH LANCEMENT COMMERCIAL EHPAD Cannes (Retirement Home) in the city center. MANAGED BY ORPEA, securing your income through a commercial lease. ROI, net of tax and inflation 4.10%, price from 280 000 €.

EHPAD Cannes hyper centre ville. GESTION ORPEA, revenus sécurisés par bail commercial. Rendement net d’impôt et d’inflation 4.10%, prix à partir de 280 000 €.

TRUE, NOW! E M O C S M A E AKE YOUR DR M , E C 5 10 87 N 9 A 3 9 IN F 4 S 3 Y 3 R E + G t a WITH E taxes, call us y b n w o d d e g Don’t get bog

THE NEW DUFLOT MECHANISM NOUVEAU DISPOSITIF DUFLOT Discover the Côte d’Azur’s eligible real estate developments and treat yourself to up to 54 000 € in tax cuts! - + 33 4 93 95 10 87 – 500 Allée des Terriers - Antibes 11




Après Nice, un nouveau point d’information et de

formation and crisis prevention bureau is now avai-

prévention destiné aux entreprises vient d’ouvrir à

lable in Menton.

l’est du département.



o respond to the growing number of interrogations

ace aux interrogations des entreprises sur un

contexte économique difficile, la CCI, le Tribunal

from the local business community regarding current

de Commerce de Nice et la Fédération des Arti-

economic difficulties, the CCI (Chamber of Com-

sans Commerçants de la Riviera ont uni leurs compé-

merce and Industry), the Tribunal de Commerce de Nice (Nice Commercial Court) and the Fédération des Artisans

tences pour ouvrir un bureau d’information et de

Commerçants de la Riviera (Federation of Riviera Retailers)

prévention (BIP) dans les locaux de la CCI à Menton.

have joined forces to open a new information and prevention bureau (BIP) at the CCI branch in Menton. The BIP gives

Les dispositifs existants en cas de difficulté, les diffé-

free and confidential information on the existing mecha-

rentes solutions envisageables : le BIP répond gratuite-

nisms and potential solutions to weather the storm. Ap-

ment et confidentiellement selon des permanences

pointments can be scheduled monthly on the 1st and 3rd

instaurées sur rendez-vous les 1er et 3e lundis de chaque

Monday, at the CCI and the Maison des Entreprises du Bas-

mois, à la CCI et à la Maison des Entreprises du Bassin

sin Mentonnais, representing local businesses. n

Mentonnais. n

For information, contact the CCI: 0800 422 222 -








Une relation relation basée sur l’écoute l’écoute et sur 25 ans d’expériences. d’expériences.

Une tr transaction ansaction ser sereine eine dans respect des lois le respect en vigueur

Focus customer F ocus on cus tomer expectations e xpectations i and d 25 years experience y ears e xperience

compliance Full c ompliance with current legislation curr ent legisla tion on transactions tr ansactions

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Un accueil accueil de qualité qualité conseil et un conseil personnalisé

Un réseau réseau proximité de proximité avec 21 agences agences avec France en France

Exclusive treatment Ex clusive tr eatment and personalized advice personaliz ed d advic d i e

A national national network network of 21 branches France b ranches h iin Fr ance




Nous reprenons bijoux OR et Ar gent même Argent cassés, broutilles, pièces, lingots...

Napoléon, Pesos, lingotins et lingots... pour préparer l’avenir, investissez dans une valeur sûre.

đ Offre au meilleur cours en temps réel đ Conseil en diversification du patrimoine et succession.




W We e pur purchase chase gold and silv silver er jewelry, even ven br broken, oken, small je welry y, e pieces, coins, piec es, c oins, ingots…

Napoleon gold coins, coins, pesos, small ingots, ingots….Sound investments investments ffor or the futur future e

đ Get the best best rrates ates in real real time đA Advice dvice in es estate tate and tr transmisansmission div diversification ersification

Parmi 21 agences en France :

NICEŏŏđŏ đŏANTIBESŏŏđŏ đŏCANNESŏŏđŏ đŏGRASSEŏđŏ ŏđŏSAINT-RAPHAËL Pour toute transaction une pièce d’identité est obligatoire et un reçu est remis sur demande. Le règlement axe sur les métaux précieux (TMP) de 8%. ment se fait uniquement par chèque. Taxe Ta Le rachat d’or est interdit aux mineurs. Entreprise enregistrée au R.C.S de Grasse No 509 061 842 All transactions rrequire equire ID - receipts receipts are are available upon request. request. Check payments only. only. 8% tax on precious precious metals. Gold purchases purchases are are prohibited pr ohibited for minors. Company rregistered egistered with the Grasse Commer Commercial cial and Companies Registry under the number No 509 061 842

Application ation gratuite / T Tapez apez : Cotation or







he commercial offerings of 24 start-ups, hosted in

the three incubators of the Department (Telecom

start up des trois incubateurs du départe-

ment (Telecom ParisTech Eurocom Entrepre-

ParisTech Eurocom Entrepreneurs, Incubateur

neurs, Incubateur Skema Business School et

Skema Business School and Paca Est), have been valida-

Paca Est) viennent de valider leur offre auprès de nom-

ted by the partners involved in a collective initiative laun-

breux partenaires qui avaient pris part à une action col-

ched in 2011 and funded by the Direccte (Regional Office

lective initiée en 2011, financée par la Direccte. En

for Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labor and

plusieurs étapes, les start up ont pu être formées par

Employment). Through a step-by-step program, Skema

Skema sur la valeur commerciale de leur offre, avec un ac-

trained the start-ups in designing customized commer-

compagnement individuel par les incubateurs, et la mise

cial offers, supported by individual coaching from the in-

en relation avec les futurs donneurs d’ordre et un Boot

cubators, and opening leads into future potential clients.

Camp final, pour présenter de façon claire et précise

This program culminated in a final Boot Camp to learn

leur offre.

how to make clear and detailed presentations. Objectif : se constituer un réseau efficace de donneurs Focus: to develop a solid and efficient network of clients.

d’ordre. Pour l’heure, 70 rendez-vous commerciaux

To date, 70 commercial meetings have been organized,

ont été réalisés, avec à la clé, études des propositions,

leading to genuine partnerships around the innovation

devis en cours et déjà 4 clients convaincus. C’est le

chain through analyses of proposals, current quotes and already 4 clients won over. n

début de vrais partenariats initiés autour de la chaîne de

Contact point: Telecom ParisTech Eurocom Entrepre-

Contact auprès de l’Incubateur Telecom ParisTech

neurs - +33 4 93 65 33 70.

Eurocom Entrepreneurs : 04 93 65 33 70.

l’innovation. n



Les élus de Cannes, Le Cannet, Mandelieu-La Napoule, Mou-

Napoule, Mougins and Théoule – sur – Mer agree to

gins et Théoule-sur-Mer viennent de se prononcer sur la créa-

establish the Pays de Lerins Agglomeration Community

tion de la Communauté d’Agglomération des Pays de Lérins.



he rejection of the SDCI (Schéma Départemental

de Coopération Intercommunale- Departmental Intercommunal Cooperation Plan), in favor of coope-

ration between 29 communes, gave rise to this agreement

e rejet du SDCI (Schéma Départemental de Coopération Intercommunale) sur une intercommunalité à 29 aura donné naissance à cette entente des principales villes du

bassin cannois. Pour les édiles des cinq municipalités concer-

between the main cities around Cannes. For the mayors of

nées, la cohérence géographique mais aussi sociologique et éco-

the five municipalities involved, the geographical, sociolo-

nomique des territoires, et un fonctionnement à 5 moins

gical and economic similarities between these territories,

contraignant sont à l’origine de cette entente. Située à Cannes, la Communauté d’Agglomération des Pays de Lérins comptera 62 sièges : 29 pour Cannes, 15 pour Le Cannet, 9 pour Mandelieu, 7 pour Mougins et 2 pour Théoule et prendra en charge quatre compétences obligatoires : développement économique, aménagement du territoire, équilibre social de l’habitat et poli-

tique de la ville. Elle doit être effective au 1er janvier 2014. n

as well as a lighter 5-prong operational framework, are the reasons for the recent agreement. The Pays de Lerins Agglomeration Community will be composed of 62 representatives, 29 from Cannes, 15 from Le Cannet, 9 from Mandelieu, 7 from Mougins and 2 from Théoule, who will work on four major areas of expertise: economic growth, land development, social balance and urban policies. Operations are expected to begin on January 1, 2014. n





« FRANCE, THE BRAND: THE ASSET OF LUXURY » « LA MARQUE FRANCE, ATOUT DU LUXE » Author of the recent publication « Luxe Trotter » (Luxury-

Il vient de publier « Luxe Trotter ». PDG de Petit

Trotter ». CEO of Petit Bateau, Christian Blanckaert was

Bateau, Christian Blanckaert a aussi dirigé Brico-

formerly at the helm of Bricorama, Hermès International,

rama, Hermès International, et mis ses compé-

and an expert in the distribution of deluxe brands inter-

tences au service du développement de marques

nationally. Following a conference on luxury products he

de luxe à l’international. Invité de Skema Business

gave as guest speaker at the Skema Business Scholl, he

School, nous l’avons rencontré à l’issue d’une

granted us an interview.

conférence sur le luxe.

Is it possible to support a luxury goods industry in France

Peut-on soutenir une industrie du luxe en France, en y

by manufacturing high added-value products locally?

fabricant des produits à forte valeur ajoutée ?

Absolutely! The country is expert in the field and we

Mais absolument ! C’est un pays qui réussit incroyablement

don’t even need governmental support…. or very rarely.

bien dans ce domaine, et l’on n’a pas besoin de l’Etat… Ou

We can succeed independently! Although this would be

très peu. On se débrouille très bien tous seuls ! Même si on

easier in a more favorable context, in particular as re-

aimerait bien que l’environnement soit un peu plus favorable,

gards taxation. « France », the brand, is an extraordinary

notamment au niveau fiscal. La marque « France » est un atout

asset for the luxury industry and the French are the best

extraordinaire pour le luxe, et les français sont les meilleurs


Christian Blanckaert autour des étudiants de Skema qui l’avaient invité

in the world! The industry’s commercial balance is largely

du monde ! La balance commerciale du luxe est d’ailleurs très

positive; we export 85% of our manufactured luxury goods.

largement excédentaire. On exporte 85 % des produits de

France knows how to manufacture such products ... in

luxe que l’on fabrique. La France est le pays qui sait faire des

France! Take the Repetto success story for example: a

produits de luxe… en France ! Regardez l’histoire de Repetto :

French brand, manufacturing and selling sublime

une marque française, qui fabrique en France et vend des bal-

ballerinas! From its initial 5M€ in revenues, the company

lerines sublimes. De 5 millions d’euros de C.A., la société vise

is now targeting 100M€. Their success is phenomenal,

100 M€ aujourd’hui. C’est un succès phénoménal, avec une

based on 100% French manufacturing! Being French

fabrication 100 % française ! Etre français et dans les produits

and working in the luxury goods industry is in itself a

de luxe, est en soi un atout considérable.

considerable asset. En quoi le luxe, souvent synonyme de savoir-faire et de tradiHow can luxury, often synonymous with century-old know-

tions parfois séculaires, est-il compatible avec l’innovation ?

how and tradition, be compatible with innovation?

Mais l’innovation est la raison principale du succès des

Innovation is in fact the main reason behind the success of

marques de luxe françaises !

the French luxury brands!

Et la France fait rêver les étrangers : autant en profiter ! Les

And foreigners fantasize about France: let’s take advantage

marques symbolisent l’art de vivre, mais aussi la culture fran-

of this! Brands embody French art de vivre and culture: the

çaise. Le Louvre, Versailles, les impressionnistes…

Louvre, Versailles, and the impressionist movement … Dans quelles branches d’activité serait-il bon de voir se déveIn which areas would the development of French luxury

lopper des marques de luxe françaises ?

brands be of interest?

Il y en a beaucoup. En pensant luxe, on pense souvent au

There are many; when we think « luxury », we often think of

« sur soi », mais il y a aussi le « chez soi » : la décoration,

what we wear, but also of how to decorate our homes:

l’ameublement, les textiles, etc… On peut réussir en France.

decor, furniture, fabrics, etc… It is possible to succeed in

A condition d’aller vers le haut de gamme, avec une très forte

France, with high-end, highly innovative products and pris-

innovation et d’être incroyablement bon sur la qualité.

tine quality. L’industrie touristique doit-elle se développer dans le Should the French tourism industry also focus on luxury?

luxe en France ?

Tourism is one of the most active sectors in the

Le tourisme est un des secteurs qui marchent le mieux en

country and must be encouraged. We need to

France. Il faut pousser cette industrie… Il faut mieux pren-

cater to tourists, especially Chinese tourists. We

dre en compte les touristes, et notamment les chinois.

are not good at this, and from several standpoints:

On ne sait pas bien les accueillir, et à plusieurs niveaux :

airports, hotels, stores … we must improve.

aéroports, hôtels, magasins… C’est à développer.

Editions Cherche-Midi - 17 €

Luxe trotter - Christian Blanckaert




INTELLIGENCE & INNOVATION Innovation rewarded by the SCS cluster, Hoozin, a remarkable corporate social network, the first successful 4G call, Intel’s increasing R&D staff: the brain pool continues to strengthen the TechnoPark and its ecosystem.

L’innovation récompensée par le pôle SCS, un réseau social d’entreprise extraordinaire avec Hoozin, le premier appel 4G opérationnel, les effectifs de la R&D d’Intel qui vont croitre : la matière grise n’en finit pas de redonner le sourire à la technopole et son écosystème.




aya Technologies, specia-

aya Technologies, spé-

cialiste en microélectro-

lized in microelectronics

nique et informatique

and embedded compu-

embarquée, présent depuis 2010 à

ting, established in Sophia Antipolis since 2010, announces the recent

Sophia Antipolis, vient d’acquérir

acquisition of colleague AES Em-

AES Embedded Systems qui évo-

bedded Systems (based in Aix, Gre-

lue dans le même secteur (implanté

noble and Paris). Thanks to Maya

à Aix, Grenoble et Paris). Grâce à la

Technologies’ critical mass, AES will

dimension de Maya Technologies,

be in a position to propose fixed-

AES va pouvoir fournir à ses clients

fee projects for embedded computing systems. n

la réalisation au forfait de systèmes

informatiques embarqués. n


HOOZIN, THE REVOLUTIONARY CORPORATE SOCIAL UTILITY Hoozin is a revolutionary idea: a corporate social and collaborative utility. No need to look to Palo Alto: Hoozin is developed by Prexens, a Sophia Antipolis-based business: an easy to use intranet tool, both flexible and user-friendly.



he initial results of trial runs in several client offices are encouraging, pointing to improved project-planning management ratio and increa-

sed revenues …

l’étude chez plusieurs des clients de Prexens, Hoozin présente déjà des résultats encourageants : meilleur ratio du respect des plannings

projets lors des missions, augmentation du C.A…

La plateforme basée sur Microsoft SharePoint permet de The Microsoft SharePoint platform can be used within

se créer des communautés de partage d’informations et

the usual software environment to share information

de travail, en utilisant son environnement logiciel référent,

and workflows, and enables the adaptation of tools and

mais aussi d’adapter des outils et développer des applis

applications dedicated to specific requirements.

dédiées à ses propres besoins.

Available on line or on line and Cloud, Hoozin can be

Disponible en offre sur site ou site et cloud, Hoozin se

rolled-out per individual user and include all the requi-

décline suivant le nombre d’utilisateurs et les fonctionna-

lités ajoutées. n

red additional functionalities. n

S a v e t i m e & m o n e y, s e c u r e l y

Discover the revolutionary social and collaborative utility for business on: 2405, route des Dolines - Drakkar D - BP65 - 06902 Sophia-Antipolis - France - - Tél. +33 (0)4 22 13 05 45 19



INTEL BOOSTS ITS R&D IN SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS INTEL DÉVELOPPE SA R&D À SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Intel continues to grow its presence in France, with a current workforce of nearly 700 employees.



ophia, already pioneer in R&D 3 years ago, can

now boast of a new R&D center, confirming the

ophia ouvrait la voie il y a 3 ans, et récidive avec

ce nouveau centre de R&D, tout en confirmant

TechnoPark’s position as a sound and promising

que la technopole reste une implantation sûre et

environment for mobile technology players, central to

un pari d’avenir pour le secteur des technologies mo-

the US giant’s strategy as world leader in mi-

biles, au cœur de la stratégie du géant américain,

croprocessors. Focus: determined ex-

numéro un mondial des microprocesseurs. Objec-

pansion of the boundaries of

tif : toujours repousser les limites de l’ultra mobilité. En 2011, l’intégration de la division sans

ultra-mobility. In 2011, this stra-

fil de l’Allemand Infineon participait de

tegy resulted in the integration

cette stratégie. Dès aujourd’hui, et sur

of the wireless division of the Ger-

plusieurs mois, de nombreux

man Infineon Company. As of now,

emplois seront créés dans les

and for several months to come, many

différentes implantations du

jobs will be created in the Group’s

groupe en France.

French establishments.

Le nouveau laboratoire sophipo-

Sophipolitain is a new laboratory

litain se concentre sur l’intégration

specialized in the integration of

des composants de connectivité et

connectivity components and on

sur l’élaboration d’appareils informa-

the development of ever more

tiques de plus en plus ergonomiques

ergonomic IT systems to meet the re-

quirements of new forms of usage. n

et répondant à de nouveaux usages. n



REWARDING AND STIMULATING INNOVATION DES PRIX POUR RÉCOMPENSER ET STIMULER L’INNOVATION 2013 is promising to be a booming year for eight innovative firms in the PACA region. The global competitiveness cluster SCS rewarded their efforts during the Award Ceremony of the “Promoting Innovation” competition.



he Conseil Régional (Regional Council), Medinsoft, Arcsis, Same, Telecom Valley and the 3 PACA incubators chose the winners on the basis of 8 selection

criteria: Perferencement won the prize for best ROI on its

e Conseil Régional, Medinsoft, Arcsis, Same, Telecom Valley et les 3 incubateurs Paca ont récompensé huit critères : Perferencement reçoit ainsi le

prix du meilleur retour sur investissement pour son sys-

internet behavioral monitoring system based on non-per-

tème de traçabilité comportemental des internautes, basé

sonal data. Web Reprint was rewarded for “Best Interna-

sur données non personnelles. Web Reprint gagne le prix

tional Development” for its press-related marketing tool.

« Meilleur développement à l’international » pour son outil

Havasu Consulting was recognized for its “record-speed

marketing lié à la presse. Havasu Consulting et son logiciel

sustainable development

décisionnel de prévision

(2 years)” with its social

des risques sociaux en en-

and corporate risk forecas-

treprise reçoit le prix du

ting and decision-making

développement durable

software. Wooxo received

le plus rapide sur 2 ans, et

the prize for the best cloud

Wooxo, le prix de la meil-

software application and

leure application logi-

its secure data sharing and

cielle en cloud pour sa

digital protection solution.

solution de partage et de

Voxinzebox was awarded

protection numérique sécurisée. Voxinzebox ob-

the prize for the most innovative use of communi-

Lors de la remise des prix du concours « Promotion de l’innovation »

tient le prix de l’usage le

cation objects for its “Rallyvisit” game. Stardust SPM was

plus novateur autour des objets communicants avec son

recognized for the best mobility project. Buzzinbees was

jeu « Rallyvisit », Stardust SPM gagne la distinction de

acknowledged for the most promising breakthrough in

meilleur projet de mobilité. Buzzinbees se distingue avec

mobile telephony. France Labs won the SCS Hope Prize for

l’innovation la plus porteuse de rupture dans la téléphonie

its corporate information search engine and the Centre

mobile, France Labs est Prix espoir SCS avec son système

Ressources Autisme Paca (PACA Resource Center for Au-

de recherche d’information en entreprise, et le Centre res-

tism) won a special mention of the jury prize for the deve-

avec la création du serious game « Jestimule ». n

sources Autisme Paca gagne la mention spéciale du jury

lopment of the serious game “Jestimule”. n

Pôle SCS - Business Pôle - Allée Pierre Ziller - Bât. B - Entrée B - Valbonne Sophia Antipolis + 33 4 89 86 69 30 -





L’association Plate-forme Télécom, opé-

Platform Association, supported by

rateur de Com4Innov, vient de réaliser le

Ericsson’s technology, recently suc-

premier appel « VoLTE » en France sur un

cessfully completed the first 4G

réseau 4G, avec l’aide des technologies

network « VoLTE » call in France.

d’Ericsonn. Plate-forme Télécom a le sta-

The Telecom Platform Association

tut d’opérateur 4G, et démontre que son

is a 4G operator who has proven

réseau a les capacités de supporter des

the capacity of its network for the most advanced tech-

technologies très avancées. Avec ce service opérationnel,

nologies. Now operational, this service enables the SCS

ce sont tous les adhérents du pôle SCS qui vont pouvoir

cluster to test and develop its own 4G technologies. n

tester et développer leurs technologies liées à la 4G. n


Le CAEI (Centre d’Accueil des Entreprises Innovantes)

- Welcome Center for Innovative Companies) has been

de Nice vient de se voir attribuer le label CEEI, pour

awarded the BIC/CEEI label, as « Centre Européen d’En-

« Centre Européen d’Entreprises et d’Innovation ». Cette

treprises et d’Innovation » (European Center for Enter-

distinction souligne les actions initiées en faveur de l’in-

prise and Innovation). The

novation, et qui rentrent

label rewards innovative pro-

dans les objectifs fixés par

positions aligned with the

la stratégie économique

goals of Europe 2020, the

de la Commission Euro-

European Commission’s eco-

péenne, intitulée « Europe

nomic strategy. These goals

2020 ». Trois axes la carac-

emphasize greener growth,

térisent : une croissance

the importance of innovation

plus verte, l’importance de

and increased employment.

l’innovation, l’augmenta-

In the longer term, the ope-

tion de l’emploi. A terme,

ration of national interest is

la Métropole vise la créa-

expected to provide 20 000

tion de 20.000 emplois sur

more jobs over 15 years. n

15 ans au cœur de l’OIN. n



Le sénateur honoraire Pierre Laf-

Pierre Laffitte, is handing the reins of his position as Pre-

fitte, père de la technopole,

sident of the Sophia Antipolis Foundation to Dominique

cède sa place de Président de la

Fache, who was his deputy in the early years of the Tech-

Fondation Sophia Antipolis à Dominique Fache, son ancien ad-

noPark. At 88 years of age, Pierre Laffitte will remain as

joint lors des débuts de la technopole. A 88 ans, Pierre Laffitte

Honorary President of the Foundation he created. His

reste Président d’honneur de la Fondation qu’il a créée. Son suc-

successor, CEO of Enel Russia, has initiated a Think Tank

cesseur, Président d’Enel Russie, vient de lancer une réflexion

with all local stakeholders to reflect upon the Foundation’s future strategy. n

stratégique sur le rôle que doit mener la Fondation au cœur de

Sophia, en lien avec tous les acteurs de la technopole. n


L’école internationale de l’in-

ble Design School (SDS)

novation et du design dura-

has now opened in Nice’s


European Center for Inno-

School (SDS) vient de naître



vative Enterprises (CAEI). In

au Centre Européen d’Entre-

the heart of the Eco-valley,

prises innovantes (CAEI) de

this type of establishment

Nice. Au cœur d’Eco-Vallée,

dedicated to sustainable


innovation projects makes

dédié à la réalisation de pro-

perfect sense. The SDS

jets d’innovation durable



prend tout son sens. Plu-

curriculum covers several fields of expertise (social sciences, engineering, archi-

sieurs expertises entrent dans le contenu pédagogique

tecture, management and so on), which leads to a Mas-

de la SDS (sciences sociales, ingénierie, architecture,

ters degree according to the definition of the European

management, etc.), pour délivrer un diplôme de niveau

LMD (Bachelor, Masters, PhD degrees). n

Master dans la définition Européenne du LMD. n

The Sustainable Design School – Private Higher Education Establishment Eco-Campus Plaine du Var – 1- 3 Boulevard Maurice Slama - Nice -




THE SINGLE EUROPEAN PATENT, AT LAST! ENFIN, LE BREVET UNIQUE EUROPÉEN It had become an intellectual conceit, a lost dream. The European Commission finally came to an agreement: the single European patent, imagined 40 years ago, will become reality in 2014 at the earliest.



he problem: its cost: 36 000 € to patent your in-

vention today in all EU member states, and

n enjeu : le coût. 36000 € actuellement pour pro-

téger votre invention dans tous les pays de l’UE,

5 000 € tomorrow…. The EPO (European Patent

autour de 5000 € demain… L’OEB (Office Euro-

Office), based in Munich, will continue to manage this

péen des Brevets), basé à Münich, continuera de gérer

complex machinery.

cette machinerie complexe.

As stated by INPI’s (Institut National de la Propriété Indus-

Pour Yves Lapierre, Directeur général de l’INPI (Institut Na-

trielle – National Industrial Property Institute) CEO Yves

tional de la Propriété Industrielle), « Il s’agit d’une avancée

Lapierre: « This is a major break-

historique pour la protection

through in the protection of in-

de l’innovation en Europe. La

novation in Europe. The single

protection unitaire par brevet

European patent and the Euro-

et la juridiction européenne

pean Patent Court represent a

des brevets représentent une

major opportunity for enter-

opportunité majeure pour les

prises. ».

entreprises ».

Martine Clemente, INPI Regio-

Pour Martine Clemente, Délé-

nal Delegate for Sophia Antipo-

guée régionale PACA de

lis, believes that this historical

l’INPI à Sophia Antipolis, cette annonce historique n’aura pas

announcement will have no immediate repercussions on pa-

Martine Clemente, Déléguée régionale PACA de l’INPI à Sophia Antipolis

de répercussion sur le nombre

tent registrations: « The benefits will appear later, since

de dépôts de brevets dans l’immédiat : « Nous en senti-

the total amount is paid out at the end of the full five-

rons les effets bénéfiques plus tard, car c’est seulement à

year procedure. But this does constitute a major break-

l’échéance des procédures (cinq ans) que l’on paie la to-

through for SMEs wishing to protect their patents

talité. Mais c’est une avancée considérable pour les PME

internationally. ». n

qui voudront protéger leurs brevets à l’international ».

INPI - 1650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - 0820 213 213 -



Bernard Brochand, Jean Léonetti et Jean-Pierre Leleux, ont signé le PCET

Several administrations, such as CASA, CAPAP and

Le Plan Climat Energie Territorial du département

the communes of Antibes, Cannes and Grasse, have

(PCET 06) vient d’être signé par plusieurs collectivi-

recently signed the Plan Climat Energie Territorial

tés : la CASA, la CAPAP, et les communes d’Antibes,

(PCET 06) (Territorial Climate Energy Plan).

Cannes et Grasse.



he PCET is a regulatory compliance framework for

such instruments as the Loi Grenelle II, bearing on

e PCET a pour objectif le respect de la réglementa-

tion (Loi Grenelle II) en matière de réduction des émis-

reducing GHG emissions (greenhouse gas). The

sions de GES (gaz à effet de serre). L’adoption de ce

adoption of the PCET is a national breakthrough that ex-

PCET est une première à l’échelle nationale, et dépasse les

tends beyond political cleavages, as described humo-

clivages politiques comme en témoignent avec humour ses

rously by Jean-Pierre Leleux:

signataires : « Il n’y a pas de frontières administratives pour les

« Administrative borders do not apply to GHGs… » and

gaz à effets de serre… » pour Jean-Pierre Leleux, sénateur-

as expressed by Bernard Brochand, Deputy-Mayor of

maire de Grasse, tandis que Bernard Brochand, député-maire

Cannes: « This is highly symbolic… we are actually capable

de Cannes relève un geste « Très symbolique… Nous savons

of intelligence!! ». In addition to the numerous measures

être intelligents ! ». Au-delà des nombreuses mesures déjà

adopted by neighboring communes and conurbations,

adoptées dans leurs communes et agglomérations respec-

measures already credited to the PCET, the Plan is cur-

tives et versées au crédit de ce PCET, ce dernier est en phase

rently under development and covers different fields:

d’élaboration, et entre dans plusieurs champs d’application :

energy (use of local resources, food safety), mobility (joint

énergie (exploitation de ressources locales, sécurisation de

think-tank on local transportation networks), territorial de-

l’alimentation…), mobilité (réflexion commune sur le maillage

velopment (energy in development plans such as SCOTs,

territorial des transports), aménagement du territoire (prise en

PLUs…), risk management, water management, and ther-

compte des énergies dans les SCOT, PLU…), gestion des

mal comfort in urban environments … n

risques, gestion de l’eau, confort thermique en ville… n

Contact: Prexens - Drakkar D - 2405 Route des Dolines -






ia its transfer from the free to the NYSE Alternext

market, LoginPeople has increased its capital by

3.6 M€. This successful operation will enable the

company to develop its sales and support teams to propel its «Digital DNA» technology forward. The strong authentication market of the Sophia-based company grew by 20% in 2011. With the increasing popularity of Cloud Computing and the need for stronger and more efficient network security, the LoginPeople solutions are expected to soar.



specialist in SaaS solutions (Software as a Ser-

vice) to improve the environmental performance

of businesses, Izypeo has been allocated

300 000 € by 3T Capital. The investor was impressed by

the quality of the start-up’s easy-to-implement solutions. 3T Capital is an independent risk-capital company specialized in technology transfer and launch of innovative companies in the ICT sector.


NETESE: THE CUSTOMERCENTRIC CLEANING SOLUTION NETESE, LA SOLUTION NETTOYAGE PROCHE DE SES CLIENTS Netese is an industrial cleaning company created in 2007, an expert working throughout the area.


ith Vanessa Nastasi at the its helm, the

company works closely with its clients

in all business fields, providing essen-

tial and highly differentiating features: Netese visits client premises to prepare quotes that are transmitted within 24 hours. «Our proactivity is quite popular », comments Vanessa Nastasi who steers every project. Additional advantage: the “other finishing work” qualification, which enables Netese to undertake emergency renovation or repair work (plumbing, electricity, paint jobs and gardening): «A real time-saver for our clients » says Vanessa Nastasi. Not only do the 35 employees of this SME clean and repair offices, business premises, industrial buildings, they also cater to a private customer base throughout the area.

Netese –1e Avenue 5600 m – ZI Le Broc Center – Carros

09 52 24 86 20 - 27



S O P H I A PLANNING There’s always something going on, from Nice to Sophia and worldwide, around the corporate ecosystem of the TechnoPark. Learn about the not-to-be-missed events and discover new ones.

Il se passe toujours quelque chose de Nice à Sophia et dans le monde, autour de l’écosystème des sociétés qui font la technopole. Découvrez les rendez-vous à ne pas manquer, et ceux que vous ne connaissez peut être pas encore.

JOBS, ENTERPRISE & INNOVATION FORUM FORUM EMPLOI DES ENTREPRISES INNOVANTES Specific to the space sector, engineering and aeronautics industry, this forum will be held in Cannes at the Lycée Hutinel.

Friday, February 15 – from 9 AM to 5 PM

SPORTS: SPECIAL OLYMPICS RELAY RACE SPORT : COURSE RELAIS SPECIAL OLYMPICS Your company can participate in this charity 10 km (4x2.5 km) relay race, by registering one or several teams of 4 employees. At the end of the race, a cocktail and award ceremony will be organized. Special Olympics accounts for 20 000 charity sports events worldwide.

Friday, March 22 – 12:30 to 2 PM


NICE WILL HOST THE SMART AND INNOVATIVE CITY CONVENTION NICE ACCUEILLERA LA CONVENTION DE LA VILLE INTELLIGENTE ET INNOVANTE The convention is scheduled for June: « Innovative City » aims to be the international convention of smart and sustainable cities, at the core of human networks.


ities are undergoing major changes. The event will

highlight a large panel of the latest technological innovations and best practices in urban manage-

ment, presented by international experts who will share the

foreseen in-depth mutations of our future cities. Urban technologies, sustainable architecture, collective intelligence: the Innovative City Convention is the best mee-

ting place and Think Tank dedicated to these evolutions. Over 1700 visitors are expected, with 63 exhibiting companies, 8% foreign participants, and a program of twenty

conferences. n

Innovative City, 18 & 19 June, Palais des Congrès Acropolis,





CHARGING BATTERIES: WHERE, WHEN, WHY, AND HOW? OÙ, QUAND, POURQUOI, COMMENT RECHARGER ? After the resounding success of the 1st National Conference on Electric Charging Stations, the 2nd edition will be held in Nice from February 14 to 15, 2013.

Discours d’introduction de Christian Estrosi, Président de la Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur


rivate and public stakeholders will

discuss the need to extend the network of available electric charging

stations for corporations, local collectivi-

ties, condos, in public and private areas… According to the AVEM (Association pour l’avenir du véhicule électrique Méditerranéen - Association for the Future of Electric Vehicles in the Mediterranean), based in Cagnes-sur-Mer, demand is growing. 200 participants are expected for the 2nd edition, including representatives of the industry, charging station and equipment manufacturers, electrical contractors. Focus: to understand and identify needs, steps, professionals, and charging station rollout and installation funding requirements, in discussions with private and public stake-

De gauche à droite : Carine Rocchesani, animatrice Assises ; Véronique Paquis, adjointe déléguée à l’environnement, au développement durable, à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies, Présidente de commission de la Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, Jean-Michel Cavret, Directeur Stratégie électro-mobilité, BMW Group France

holders present at the conference. Our region is still leader

in electric mobility system rollout and development. n For information, contact Avem at /





Franco-American, Nicole Perrier was born and grew up in

the US on the East Coast. She went to American elemen-

tary schools, spent her secondary study years at the Lycée

Français de New York and then went on to college, before moving to France to study interpreting and translating at ISIT in Paris. During her professional career, she worked, among others, for large French companies, for the US Consulate General in Nice, and for the Direction Générale du Tourisme in Cannes. After 20 years as a free-lance professional, she founded Vox Pluralis in 2004, convinced of the need to restore the language profession’s former pres-

tige, by proposing expert services based on mutual trust, in partnership with her teams and clients. Her strongpoints: exceptional availability (e-mails and cell phones) and long-standing relationships with professional interpreters and translators: her extended network of colleagues is readily available to meet your needs in all circumstances, for simultaneous interpreting, conferences, seminars, training programs, business trips and other language-related requests. Nicole Perrier and Vox Pluralis are recognized on the market for their positive mindset, dynamic approach and empathy, all qualities that are now all too rare in their profession and in other sectors of business! n

For information: - 184 avenue de Gairaut in Nice Phone: +33 (0)4 9352 5900 - Fax: +33 (0)4 9352 5113 - Mobile: + 33 (0) 6 14 18 14 94 - 31





arcelone, la « capitale mondiale du mobile » ne

désemplit pas à l’occasion de l’événement de

l’année pour le monde de la téléphonie mobile :

1400 entreprises y présentent leurs technologies, répon-

dant à l’appel de la toute puissante GSM Association (850 opérateurs de 218 pays, 200 fabricants et industriels du secteur). Chaque année, des annonces et des présentations d’exception donnent à ce rendez-vous une importance


arcelona, as « the world capital for mobile tele-

majeure pour cette industrie.

phony », is bustling in preparation for this year’s

high mass: responding to the invitation of the all-

powerful GSM Association (850 operators from 218

countries, 200 manufacturers and specialists), 1400 firms will be presenting their technological developments. This yearly event is the forum of important announcements and presentations regarding the latest novelties

in the industry. n

February 25 to28 in Barcelona /




he annual European 3D event has been postpo-

’événement européen annuel consacré à la 3D s’est

vu reporté. En cause : un contexte économique dé-

ned, due to the unfavorable economic context,

favorable qui n’a pas permis d’atteindre les objec-

organizers say. The conditions for a fruitful and

tifs fixés, selon les organisateurs. Et pour ne pas vivre une

crowd-gathering event did not materialize and the postponement decision was made at the end of 2012.

« édition en demi-teinte », l’annulation du rendez-vous a

Since 1981, Imagina has been the favored meeting

été validée en fin d’année 2012.

ground of the Who’s Who in the digital imaging and

Imagina rassemblait depuis 1981 la fine fleur de l’indus-

more recently 3D technology industry. We hope it will

Souhaitons-lui un prompt rétablissement. n

trie de l’image numérique et aujourd’hui des technos 3D.

quickly weather the storm. n





SOPHIA’S BUSINESSES ARE SCANNED RADIOGRAPHIE DES ENTREPRISES DE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS With X Rays, penetrate the core of the establishments in Sophia-Antipolis, and learn more about the TechnoPark’s enterprises and structures.

Avec Rayons X, pénétrez au cœur des établissements de Sophia Antipolis, et apprenez à mieux connaître les entreprises et les structures de la technopole.

GSF: THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF CLEANLINESS ENGINEERING GSF : L'INGÉNIERIE DE LA PROPRETÉ A 50 ANS This year, on the eve of its 50th anniversary, GSF, a historically Sophipolitan Group, gives insight on its know-how and ambitions, A marvelous French success story, detailed for us by Thierry Chéron, Managing Director. Can you briefly describe the GSF Group’s history? Founded in 1963, GSF is one of the French leaders in the Industrial Cleanliness sector. With a workforce of 27,000 people, 21 regional offices in France and 110 establishments in France, annual revenues of 557 M€ and abroad, 604 M€,. Our headquarters have been located in Sophia Antipolis for 35 years.


Year after year, the company has the genuine capacity to invest in people, (salesmen or technicians), in internal mobility and in its development.

L’entreprise a une capacité réelle, année après année, à investir dans les hommes, qu’ils soient commerciaux ou techniciens, dans la promotion interne et dans son développement

What did the Group gain from its establishment in Sophia-Antipolis in 1978, besides market share in the PACA Region? Are you planning to recruit in Sophia in 2013?

Jean Louis Noisiez, PDG de GSF

The decision made by CEO Jean Louis Noisiez and the Management Board of GSF to transfer the main office from its former location on rue de Trévise in Paris to Sophia-Antipolis, was motivated by two factors: firstly, the GSF Group was already quite familiar with the Côte d’Azur when the first buildings were constructed in Sophia, as it had been present in Nice and Monaco since 1969. Furthermore, the International Nice Airport was an additional incentive. And, it has always been Jean Louis Noisiez’s ambition to endow Industrial Cleanliness with greater credibility, as demonstrated by our motto « GSF, hygiene and cleanliness engineering ». In this regard, what better choice was there than to set up shop in the Sophia-Antipolis TechnoPark, home to leading-edge European players?

In August 1978,

20 employees inaugurated our headquarters in SophiaAntipolis and today, we have 290 employees on site. A new building was erected in 2011, to house the new IT projects on data centralization. Over the past few years, the Group’s ongoing development has contributed to regular and controlled job creation. Our HR department is based in Sophia-Antipolis and recruits over one hundred employees per year for our subsidiaries. In parallel, training through apprenticeship is gaining in importance.



Thierry Chéron, Directeur Général Groupe chez GSF

GSF, a global Group, operates on a fiercely competitive market. How does your business, based on human capital, maintain its margins and market share, at a time when tax reforms and new legislation will impact the cost of labor in France, which accounts for 92% of your revenues? GSF will celebrate its 50th anniversary on April 1, 2013 and, with a 5 to 6% market share, is one of the four French leaders in Industrial Cleanliness and associated services. But GSF brings a new approach to cleanliness and associated services. Jean Louis Noisiez, FounderChairman, has always emphasized respect for employees, customer-centricity, professionalism and a strong identity! This is why we always work closely with our customers, through 21 regional offices, 110 establishments, 430 inspectors dedicated to sectors where 1,900 team leaders are at work. Our resilience, irrespective of the economic context, is based on this proactive organization, on our extensive R&D (with 15 engineers, specialized in agrifood, health, industry, quality and CSR) and our rigorous management. GSF has no debts and is the only Group among the leaders of our industry to never have acquired enterprises in France. Year after year, the company has the genuine capacity to invest in people, (salesmen or technicians), in internal mobility and in its development. We can describe it as controlled self-development, multiplyin annual revenues by a factor of two since 2002, and growing our market share by one point. After the +15% in


revenue from 2008 to 2011, our current growth in France exceeds 8%. Naturally, we are expecting the same sharp increase in social benefits that will impact our entire profession. However, GSF has amply proven its ability

GSF has founded its growth on strong values. CSR is not a novelty for us; it is ingrained in our DNA. GSF s’est bâtie sur des valeurs fortes. La RSE n’est pas une découverte pour nous, cette responsabilité est inscrite dans nos gènes

to devise solutions in periods of hardship without compromising our respect for customers and staff. This is why communication is of primordial importance! What are your plans for future international growth? Our establishments in Canada (Quebec), in the USA (Middle West), in the UK (Southampton, London) and in Spain (Barcelona) were carefully selected targets and are aligned with our self-development strategy. We have enjoyed sustained growth in Quebec over the past 5 years. Our perspectives are dependent on the global economic context. The drop in business on the European market, especially in the services industry, has had an impact on our subsidiaries in Spain and the UK. We share the processes and know-how available in these subsidiaries and put our own at their disposal, supported by our R&D Department. More than 10 years ago, the European Grouping of Economic Interest « ECS » and its 12 members from 16 diffe-



rent countries, invited GSF to join in all major European consultations. ECS has improved constantly over time and its activities (+60% in 2012) should double in 2013. Tell us more about your CSR approach: GSF has founded its growth on strong values. CSR is not a novelty for us; it is ingrained in our DNA. This is why we have strengthened our approach and ECOVADIS has stated that our results are steadily improving, from an environmental standpoint as concerns waste limitation, reinforced sorting operations, disposal of waste waters, reduced water and energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint. Progress is also recorded on social issues: recruitment of disabled workers, of work time-schedule analysis, active safety policy, development of training through apprenticeship and the implementation of professional qualification certificates. These actions have been approved by our customers and rewarded by Arseg in 2011. Finally, from a societal standpoint, GSF is also ahead of the game, with the creation, initiated by our Chairman, of the GSF Jean Louis Noisiez Foundation located in Sophia-Antipolis, for day-care of Alzheimer’s patients.


The nuclear market is considerable, including for the decommissioning of plants, which will take many years.

Le marché du nucléaire est immense, y compris pour le démantèlement des centrales qui prendra de très nombreuses années.

Next step in your development: GSF Energia. Beyond the adaptation of your quality approach, you are gaining in scope, and furthering your technical expertise. What are the success factors in this new field? How do you intend to approach the nuclear plant decommissioning market? We have been involved in the nuclear energy sector for over 30 years, essentially as a provider of traditional nuclear reprocessing services rather than plant decommissioning. You are right in saying that the creation of GSF Energia is a new step in our development strategy. Before creating GSF Energia, the Group was awarded the necessary certifications and has collected the required technical and human know-how. The Group has been approved by a major nuclear player and will, thanks to GSF Energia, be able to play a role in project contracting, supervision and engineering. The market is considerable, including for the decommissioning of plants, which will take many years. GSF’s determination to conquer new markets in the nuclear sector strengthens its conviction that organic growth is crucial. n


Jean Louis Noisiez created GSF in 1963

Thierry Chéron He joined GSF in 1988. He was promoted Managing director in january 2012



ULTRA-SECURE AND ECORESPONSIBLE DATA CENTERS DES DATA CENTERS ULTRA SÉCURISÉS ET ÉCO-RESPONSABLES Created in 2004, Euclyde offers Data Center services in Sophia Antipolis and in Besançon in the Franche-Comté region.

Créée en 2004, la société Euclyde propose ses services de Data Centers à Sophia Antipolis et en Franche-Comté à Besançon.

Magdi Houry


he subsidiary of the Telecom & Technology France group operates in geographically located Data Centers to cover the needs of its di-

verse client populations and provides advice to others in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Equipped with a unique 4000 m² «Tier 4» data center in Sophia, Euclyde has recently increased its hosting

capacity. The company is now qualified as an «ecoresponsible » company by the EU Institute for Energy and Transport. New: the launch of the innovative « Euclyde Academy » training program for ICT students, eager to learn more about IT hosting, Cloud computing and secured data. Visits, keynotes, data center presentations. n

Euclyde - created in 2004 CEO: Magdi Houry - 49 rue Emile Hugues - Sophia Antipolis - +33 (0)4 89 84 84 84



WE BUY AND SELL GOLD: TRUSTWORTHY, SAFE AND TRANSPARENT ACHAT ET VENTE D’OR : CONFIANCE, SÉCURITÉ ET TRANSPARENCE Established in Sophia, the company has a strong development of its activities


Implantée à Sophia, la société connait un fort développement de ses activités.

he Compagnie Nationale de l’Or is a major and reco-

gnized professional in the sale and purchase of gold

in France, with 21 establishments in France. Domi-

nique Cherier, founder of the company and merchant, explains the growth in his business over the recent years: «1000 competitors have set up shops in 2012. But we have several advantages: we belong to the association of smelters, refiners

and traders in precious metals, highly secure and confidential purchasing and selling transactions in our branches, an optimal traceability of both the seller and buyer, detailed pictures and descriptions. We apply a strict commercial policy».

Vaults for your gold Our professional approach guarantees fully transparent and confidential transactions. The Compagnie d’Achat d’Or also sells gold (S and XS ingots, coins) and offers a new service at Banque Métal: the rental of secure vaults. The Company has purchased a bank branch in Cannes with a vault room: ideal to protect your investments. n

Compagnie Nationale de l’or - sale and purchase of gold 21 etablishments, 8 branches in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var - Founder : Dominique Cherier Les Espaces de Sophia - Route des Lucioles




TxCell développe des immunothérapies cellulaires pour

inflammatory diseases and has recently successfully

traiter ces maladies inflammatoires et vient de finaliser une

raised funds of 12.4 M€.

levée de fonds de 12,4 M€.


xCell specializes in the development of innovative

therapeutic products and finds solutions to unsolved medical issues. The company’s thirty em-

ployees are based in the Sophia Antipolis Headquarters and in Besançon, in the production unit.

François Meyer

TxCell announces the successful outcome of the third fund-raising campaign at 12.4 M€. The funds will enable the company to pursue the development of its first candidate product, Ovasave®, cell-based immunotherapy medication for Crohn’s disease patients, refractory to existing treatments. It will also allow future developments of the technology platform to include other therapeutic indications. TxCell CEO, François Meyer explains: « We will invest these funds in a PIIb clinical trial, to confirm the efficacy and safety of our first candidate product, Ovasave®. During the next two years, we will focus on finding

a pharmaceutical partner to distribute Ovasave® ». n

TxCell - Ltd Company with 1,336,799. 20 € in share capital CEO: François Meyer - Staff: 30 - Les Cardoulines HT1 Allée de la Nertière - Valbonne Sophia Antipolis +33 (0)4 97 21 83 00





mmunosearch has recently been awarded the 2012

Inpi Innovation Trophies, by convincing the Insti-

tute’s jury of the quality of its industrial protection

strategy and policy. The company was founded in 2005 in Grasse and de-

velops and sells non-animal toxicological tests to the cosmetics and chemicals industry. Created in anticipation of the enforcement in 2013 of a European Directive banning the use of animals in cosmetics testing, Immunosearch is now soaring and its first test is currently under validation by the OECD. The tests will systematically be branded, to prevent counterfeiting. The company dedicates 82% of its annual revenues to R&D, with exports accounting for 37% of its revenue. n

Immunosearch Creation in 2005 - 2012 revenue forecast: 750,000 € Staff: 6 - CEO and CSO: Hervé Groux

Chemin de la Camperousse - Les cyclades Bâtiment B - Grasse +33 (0)4 93 70 32 98 -





BIEN DANS MA BOITE Read the testimonials of 3 employees on their work environment and learn why they love their job!

Au cœur de l’entreprise, retrouvez ce mois-ci trois témoignages de salariés sur leurs conditions de travail et sur une des particularités qui les fait aimer leur boite.

CARING FOR SMOKERS Caring for those of our employees who are smokers, without ostracizing them, and by avoiding the discomfort and lost time of leaving the building for a cigarette. There are 15 million smokers in France. With their wellbeing in mind, Syclop, a specialist in air handling and ventilation units based in Marseille, has designed a special smoking room, installed in the corporate building. Syclop - smoking room from 5200 € ex-tax 11 avenue de la Timone - Marseille - - + 33 4 91 79 07 42

A GUIDE TO WELLBEING AT WORK Publisher Eyrolles has printed a guide dedicated to wellbeing at work. Co-authored by a physician and a manager, the guide explains how to deal with stress and details exercises that help to cope with difficult situations at work. Chez Eyrolles - Le Guide du bien-être au travail - Dr Charles-André Pigeot & Romain Pigeot - 296 pages - 22 €



And why do YOU love your company? Why would you recommend it to others?

Et vous, pourquoi vous l’aimez, votre boîte ? Qu’est ce qui vous ferait la conseiller autour de vous ?

Pasquale Puzio, Cifre PhD student at SecludIT, working on secure Cloud infrastructures: « I really like the combination of acquiring technical knowledge and finding solutions for on-the-ground issues. I love my work and the atmosphere in the company and would gladly recommend SecludIT to the people I know ». Pasquale Puzio, SecludIT - Business Pôle - 1047 route des Dolines - Allée Pierre Ziller Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - + 33 4 89 86 69 18 Alexandre Virgo, IT engineer at Yzipeo, corporate environmental performance software developer: « Beyond the pleasant atmosphere at work, I like the fact that Yzipeo is an SME. We need to be autonomous, resourceful, totally invested in the company’s development. We make real progress in such conditions ».

Alexandre Virgo, Izypeo - Business Pôle - 1047 route des Dolines - Allée pierre Ziller Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - + 33 4 22 13 01 21

Renaud Lavigne, R&D engineer at Adipsys, WiFi hotspot management solutions provider « What is really gratifying and motivating is to work for a large client firm, the need for constant innovation and creativity, at the core of technology. I would also recommend this company because of the friendly atmosphere between team members ». - 2405 Route des

Renaud Lavigne, Adipsys

Dolines - Drakkar - Valbonne Sophia Antipolis + 33 4 89 82 92 45



CAREERS / TRAJECTOIRES B O L D A N D C R E AT I V E L I V E S DES VIES D’AUDACE ET D’IDEES Career paths are many and varied. On the road to success, learn the stories of these astonishing, innovative and unique entrepreneurs.

Les parcours se suivent mais ne se ressemblent pas. Sur les sentiers de la réussite, partagez avec nous les histoires de ces entrepreneurs étonnants, inventifs, uniques.

Gérard et Monique Benielli, fondateurs de Diffazur


OF POOL DESIGN DIFFAZUR : PLONGÉE DANS L’UNIVERS DU LEADER DE LA PISCINE French and European leader in reinforced concrete mono block pools, Diffazur is an innovative and sustainable model SME in France’s highly fragmented market. The founders of the company, Gérard and Monique Benielli, were initially specialized in water treatment. With patience and humility, they in fact created a new profession in France: that of pool builder. This is their story.


I like to think that one must dare to dare, convince customers to try, to test. A white-bottom pool for example, it took a while to bring our customers around to the idea, but we did it!.

J’aime à dire qu’il faut oser faire oser. Que les gens tentent, essaient. Il faut les en persuader. Le fond de la piscine blanc, par exemple : il a fallu faire passer l’idée aux clients… Mais nous y sommes parvenus !. Gérard Benielli


here are swift, ephemeral, explosive success stories, based on the right idea at the right time. Others focus on sustainability and solidity, based on calmly

organized market research, on innovation. This applies to

Diffazur. « I have always truly believed that hard work is the key, relentlessly, year after year. Be sure to pick a field you like, because dedication is paramount », states Gérard Benielli, with no false modesty. Selling dreams and pleasure When the pair created Diffazur in 1974, their goal was to sell dreams and pleasure to a local customer base accustomed to the traditional rectangular or square-shaped pool, daunted by the difficulties of maintenance and associated constraints. « Your pool must be special and correspond to your mindset, your needs and your tastes. It can no longer be a burden ».



Diffazur drafted its specifications: satisfying their customers with sustainable, custom-made pools, adding value to their homes, while minimizing constraints and essentially accompanying them in improving their quality of life.

A new profession is born: pool builder And a new profession appeared: pool builder. Diffazur grew quickly and the golden age began at the end of the 1970s. The pool market remains fragmented even today, between providers of construction products, accessories and materials; sellers of ready-to-install and pre-molded solutions; masons and professional pool builders such as Diffazur.

The Diffazur revolution? For Monique Benielli, it’s « Assuredly, the freeform, the custom-made pool ». From the technical standpoint, the fabulous shotcrete process, resistant and easy to work, to build that very special pool: yours. But innovation must not be forgotten. « I like to think that one must dare to dare, convince customers to try, to test. A white-bottom pool for example, it took a while to bring our customers around to the idea, but we did it! ». Over the years, trends and innovations appeared: immersed pool decks, massage sprays, infinity pools, colorful liners, automated water quality maintenance and monitoring systems… Salesman. Technician. And innovation-minded … For nearly 40 years, Diffazur has been ahead of these trends, because Gérard Benielli is a man with a vision, who is able to stand back and think. Technician or salesman? A combination of both: « I work from the technical stand-


I love innovation. We were inspired by the evolutions in the US over the past 30 years, particularly in California. We took some of their ideas, their concepts. But today, we are proud to say that they use several of our own processes! J’adore l’innovation. Nous sous sommes largement inspiré de ce qui se passait aux Etats-Unis ces 30 dernières années, notamment en Californie. Nous leur avons chipé des idées, des concepts. Mais aujourd’hui, nous sommes fiers de dire qu’ils utilisent plusieurs de nos procédés ! Gérard Benielli

point, I learn, to design the most relevant commercial of-

fering. I think I have both profiles. You need to be a little of both. I love innovation. We were inspired by the evolutions in the US over the past 30 years, particularly in California. We took some of their ideas, their concepts. But today, we are proud to say that they use several of our own processes! ». The success of the Benielli couple is also based on human capital: «I am not a fan of replacing people with machines. It’s a generational thing. I like the human side of things. Many of our employees have been with us for over 20 years. This isn’t only by happenstance… ». The competition? « There is room for everyone and a pool for each customer. We have chosen to work on the mid and upmarket segment. This is our job. ». The customers who were precursors in private pools are now renewing their installations and many are planning to build solid, beautiful pools: a market for Diffazur and its 21 strategically placed establishments in France. Exports? « I am a believer in the fact that there is still much to be done, that we should persevere and work on further improvements », Gérard Benielli explains. And according to Monique Benielli: « Developing our exports trade also means that we need people on board to grow our knowhow internationally ». Maybe their three children, who all work for the family business, will take on this challenge and perpetuate a robust and sustainable success story. n


Diffazur and their 270 staff members posted sales revenues of 32 M€ in 2012 and are forecasting 35 M€ in 2013. Over a period of 30 years, Diffazur has installed 26 500 pools in France and close to 1 400 new ones are built every year.




FOCUS CASA Welcome to Villeneuve-Loubet, with its local resident population of 15 000 people, increasing to 45 000 during the summer season. This is a human-scale agglomeration community, bustling with retail businesses, ICT companies, tourism, sports clubs and associations.

Bienvenue à Villeneuve-Loubet, municipalité de 15000 habitants qui grimpe à près de 45000 en saison estivale. Une commune de la Casa à taille humaine, partagée entre activité commerciale, vocation économique dans les TIC, station touristique, sportive et associative.

RICHARD CAMOU: « I AM PREPARED TO FIGHT TEXAS INSTRUMENTS; IT’S A 10-YEAR MISSION » « SUR TEXAS, JE VAIS ME BATTRE, C’EST UN PARI À DIX ANS » Richard Camou has been the mayor of Villeneuve-Loubet since 2001. He describes his commune’s characteristics, recent developments and its tourism trade. But he does not shun away from the burning issues, such as the announced departure of Texas Instruments and the planned destruction of 500 jobs. Your commune is a family town, active and athletic, where living is easy. In 2008, you communicated on your program « Living together in Villeneuve-Loubet ». Did you achieve your goal? Only my constituents can answer that question! I have the impression that we are satisfying the expectations of our population as we implement the program devised in 2008. It’s pinned up on the wall, before my eyes, so that I do not lose sight of my engagements! Our environment and heritage are the perfect setting to provide our population with a comfortable life style, retail stores, and leisure and cultural activities.


What would Villeneuve-Loubet now require? Obviously, we would need a high school, the missing link in our otherwise complete educational program. I had discussed this possibility in 2004, when I was a member of the Regional Council. We had chosen a plot of land but the owner decided not to sell. We are now in a position to find a 3 to 4 hectares plot for approximately 1 000 students, coming from Villeneuve–Loubet, La Colle sur Loup, Vence and West Cagnessur-Mer. This is another 5 to 8-year project. In March, we will inaugurate our new leisure and cultural complex. Our sports infrastructures are popular and in 2007, a new building was erected to house 18 classes. This was not one of our engagements but proved to be a stringent requirement. Two multipurpose day care centers were created under my two mandates. But our work is never done; there are now requests for a municipal pool… We should really look into this. You were able to upgrade your

I have the impression that we are satisfying the expectations of our population as we implement the program devised in 2008. It’s pinned up on the wall, before my eyes, so that I do not lose sight of my engagements!

commune’s rating in the number of inhabitants. What are the ad-

J’ai le sentiment que nous répondons aux attentes

vantages here?

des citoyens. On ne fait que réaliser le programme

Our development was based on

que l’on a soumis aux villeneuvois en 2008. Il est

three pillars: high-tech businesses – for which we are now paying the price – with Sophia Antipolis and

constamment affiché sous mes yeux, histoire de ne

pas perdre le fil de mes engagements !

especially Texas Instruments and its satellites. We were good at attracting such players and I am convinced that we will restore our leadership in this field. Regarding retail, we have two supermarkets, the RN7 retail zone and its new banners. The third pillar, tourism, was the reason for our upgraded rating relative to the number of inhabitants. This is a value-added asset as the tourist trade is booming. But we must also provide beaches (we have a 4 km coast line) and marine activities and infrastructures: a water sports center, beach restaurants. We have allocated an annual budget of 400 000 / 500 000 € to sea front tourism developments. Our leisure activities, both in and around the town, include such installations as the Canyon Forest and neighboring structures which attract nearly 200 000 people each year!



CASA This extensive offering attracts tourists and our tourism bureau is constantly on the lookout for all types of events and promotional offers to sell our destination. And we simultaneously sell the destination of the Côte d’Azur. Tell us more about the CASA itself: your scope of authority includes finance and administration. How is that profitable for your commune and its inhabitants? This is essentially a pooling of means. We have a wider field of action, such as in the case of mass transportation. The issue of waste management is also complex: the needs of 15 000 people are different from those of 180 000. We can win tenders, set up an organization and rationalize costs. This is also favorable to citizen solidarity programs: some communes can develop real cultural or town policies that they would not have been able to afford otherwise. For example, we would not have been able to create our cultural cluster, which would have been an overwhelmingly expensive proposition at the time. As a matter of fact, we have never conducted more than one operation at a time to serve our constituents. In land development, we were confronted with


the departure of Koni, a large company. This gave rise to the idea of the Eco-quartier des Maurettes (eco-neighborhood). We did not have the necessary budget, but with the support of the CASA and through our partnership with the Etablissement Public Foncier Régional (Regional Public Properties Office), we were able to materialize the project. The CASA is ideal in size, only su-

We have allocated an annual budget of 400 000 / 500 000 € to sea front tourism developments. Our leisure activities, both in and around the town, include such installations as the Canyon Forest and neighboring structures which attract nearly 200 000 people each year! Nous consacrons environ 400 à 500.000 € par an au front de mer touristique. Nous accompagnons aussi les activités de loisirs, du côté du village, avec des installations comme le Canyon Forest et les installations alentour, qui nous font venir près de 200.000 personnes par an !

perseded by the metropolis, which obviously also has its advantages. But for us, from an administrative standpoint essentially, it would be too cumbersome in terms of constraints. In this area with 180 000 inhabitants and 24 communes, we have until now never had to negotiate a trade-off as all decisions are accepted unanimously. Let us now come to Texas Instruments. Chips are down: over 500 jobs destroyed. Some are scandalized by the research tax credit that the government allocated to Texas Instruments. What is your position? And what is the future of the site, one of Villeneuve-Loubet’s economic stakes? On all grounds, and globally speaking, we must remember that Texas Instruments is an American company, with American management practices. They always kept very much to themselves. Our contacts with Texas Instruments were sporadic. Sailing was smooth as long as their interests were not at stake, but when they were, they made their own decisions, resulting in many downsizing plans since the 1980s. This was an on-going process: in 2003, the France CEO called me, to ask for a 5 000 m2 plot of land, available immediately, to develop a new activity. We worked fast to satisfy this request and the number of employees increased significantly. In 2008, the situation worsened, with the destruction of 300 jobs. At the time, we worked on preserving the site, but it was obvious that the future of Texas Instruments in Villeneuve-Loubet was jeopardized. They made the wrong strategic choices and today, 517 former employees are suffering the consequences. Many will find new jobs, change professions; others will open




I have warned Texas Instruments that if they do not change their tack, I would put goats to graze on their plot!

their own business, migrate to Sophia Antipolis or take pre-retirement. But there will also be

J’ai promis aux gens de Texas que s’ils n’étaient pas corrects, j’en faisais un pâturage à chèvres de leur terrain… !

significant collateral damage. Unfortunately, no one today can convince Texas Instruments to alter its position. In my opinion, demanding the reimbursement of the research tax credit is certainly not the best angle of attack. The future? We cannot accept to lose what makes the Côte d’Azur so appealing: our brain pool. Texas Instruments still owns a 21-hectare plot for which I am prepared to fight. I have told them that we must meet, to discuss the future of the site and the economic activities it can be used for. I fully intend to develop new activities, restore the professional tax and transportation charges. It’s a 10-year project for which I expect governmental support. We are going to make sure that the site is put to good use. My only weapon is the PLU (local urban planning program). I have warned Texas Instruments that if they do not change their tack, I would put goats to graze on their plot! The site must be used only for economic purposes, not for trade, tourism or heavy industry: grey matter only. Ideally, it should be a business cluster. n




Surface: 1960 hectares Population: 15 091 inhabitants A Bit of History The most significant traces of life were observed under the Roman occupation. The vast commune was composed of two villages: Villeneuve inland and Loubet on the sea front. Economic Potential A seaside resort with a summer population of 44 000 people, part and parcel of Sophia Antipolis, the town holds genuine commercial potential, with the RN7 retail trade zone, and with such companies as Texas Instruments, today facing an uncertain future. Its capacity for tourism and dedicated infrastructures (events, leisure activities, developed seafront) attract tourists from all countries. An enriching experience - Villeneuve-Loubet, home to Maître Auguste Escoffier, hosts the Culinary Art Museum, located in the master’s family home, to tell the story of the « Chef of Kings, King among Chefs ». - The Château des Baumettes, now known as the Espace Cul-


turel André Malraux (André Malraux Cultural Center) - The Parc Départemental (Regional Park) and the Château de Vaugrenier, the commune’s green oasis, showcases plant species from the world over as well as a bird observatory. - The phenomenal architecture of the Marina Baie des Anges complex, a 25-year construction project for 1 500 apartments designed by André Mainangoy, is one of the works

listed on the 20th Century Heritage list. n





The Auguste Escoffier Cultural Cluster

Le Pôle Culturel Auguste Escoffier

The inauguration of the cluster is scheduled for March-April.

Il sera inauguré en mars/avril et se veut un équipement struc-

It aims to be a structuring complex designed around culinary

turant pensé autour de l’art culinaire, qui comprend :

art, which includes:

Une médiathèque communautaire (40 000 références)

A community media library (40 000 references), partially de-

en partie dédiée à la cuisine (en lien avec le Musée Auguste

dicated to cooking (in annex to the Auguste Escoffier Mu-



Un espace événementiel modulable qui accueillera des

A scalable events area of approximately 500 m², able to

spectacles pour 150, 300 ou 450 spectateurs assis, mais

cater to 600 standing or shows for 150, 300 or 450 seated

aussi jusqu’à 600 personnes debout ou 350 convives à table,

spectators or 350 seated guests

sur près de 500 m²,

A cooking workshop for training purposes, and a confe-

Une cuisine atelier pour la formation des professionnels

rence room

comme des amateurs, complétée par un espace de conférence,

A stone paved esplanade and parking lot for 150 vehicles.

Un parvis minéral et un parking de 150 places.

The project is funded to the tune of 52.85% by the commune

Financé à hauteur de 52,85% par la commune et à 47,15 %

and 47.15 % by the CASA.

par la CASA.

Total cost: 8 500 000 €.

Coût total : 8 500 000 €.


The Maurettes Eco-neighborhood

L’Eco-quartier des Maurettes

An eco-neighborhood is submitted to the environmental standards

Un éco-quartier doit répondre aux normes environnementales en vi-

applicable to construction, but is also designed to promote social

gueur en matière de constructions, mais il est aussi pensé dans un

diversity, intermodal connections and sustainable development. This

souci de mixité sociale, d’intermodalité et de développement dura-

is the case for the Maurettes, located behind the RN7 and the com-

ble. C’est le cas pour les Maurettes, en arrière-plan de la RN7 et de

mercial zone along it.

la zone d’activités économiques qui y est implantée.

Requalification of the roadwork in this area is currently underway

Une requalification de la voirie est en cours sur ce secteur ainsi

as well as the redevelopment of brownfields, with the construction

qu’une refonte complète des friches industrielles, avec construction

of town housing developments and economic facilities. The pro-

de logements sociaux et implantations économiques. C’est un

ject has been in preparation for 10 years.

projet réfléchi depuis plus de dix ans.

At completion, there will be some 200 additional housing units availa-

Ce sont, à terme, près de 200 logements supplémentaires qui se-

ble to the inhabitants of Villeneuve-Loubet at controlled prices per m².

ront disponibles pour les villeneuvois à des prix au m² maitrisés.

As regards mobility, the construction of the Cavaliers-Maurettes

Côté transports, la création d’une transversale (Cavaliers-Maurettes)

throughway and the new roundabout leading to the expressway are

et du nouveau rond-point en direction de l’A8 fluidifient déjà un trafic

already easing the traffic, which will soon be further channeled by

qui devrait aussi profiter de la nouvelle gare multimodale dont la

the new multi-modal station. n

construction va très bientôt se terminer. n




L’ACCUEIL DE LOISIRS, UNE BOUFFÉE D’OXYGÈNE POUR LES PETITS DE 3 À 12 ANS A DAYCARE PLAY CENTER: A BREATH OF FRESH AIR FOR OUR 3 TO 12 YEAR-OLDS Sports and play in a family town… Villeneuve-Loubet knows how to care for its toddlers and children, on Wednesdays and during the school holidays, at Sophie Llobet’s daycare play center.


creaming, running, pink-cheeked, smiling: 18 monitors

keep as many as 150 children busy on the premises of the Antony Fabre school. On this particular December

Wednesday, the atmosphere is festive with the Magic Zygolos show, « The Pirates’ Lair».


n crie, on court, le rose aux joues, le sourire éclatant :

jusqu’à 150 enfants sont occupés par 18 animateurs au groupe scolaire Antony Fabre. Et en ce mercredi de fin dé-

cembre, l’ambiance est à la fête avec un spectacle théâtral des Magic Zygolos, « Le repaire des pirates ». Le succès du centre ne se dément pas, même s’il faut sans cesse re-

The center is quite popular, although new activities must be

nouveler les activités, se creuser la tête pour ne pas que les enfants

devised to prevent boredom. Director Sophie Llobet admits

s’ennuient : Sophie Llobet, la directrice, confie qu’il n’est pas toujours

that it is not an easy task to keep the 3 to 12 year old children

facile d’amuser tous ces bambins (de 3 à 12 ans), mais que le chal-

amused, but the satisfaction of hearing their

lenge est à la hauteur de la satisfaction obtenue :

laughter makes it all worthwhile! Koh-Lanta

le rire d’un enfant vaut tous les efforts ! Grands

type role-plays, mystery games, costume af-

jeux de rôle type Koh-Lanta, énigmes, après-midis

ternoons, new playful themes every quarter:

déguisements, nouveaux thèmes ludiques chaque

the team’s imagination is boundless… Latest

trimestre : l’imagination de l’équipe d’animation

invention: intergenerational afternoons, with

n’a pas de limite… Dernière trouvaille en date :

the CCAS (Communal Social Action Center),

des après-midis intergénérationnelles, avec le

where grandparents happily teach the chil-

CCAS, où papis et mamies initient avec plaisir les

dren to cook, and play lottery and board

enfants à la cuisine, jouent avec eux au loto, leur

games with them. The daycare play center is

apprennent des jeux de société… L’accueil de loi-

the school of life and fun! n

Information at + 33 4 93 20 89 59

sirs, c’est une vraie école du jeu et de la vie ! n

Sophie Llobet, directrice du centre de loisirs


Renseignements : 04 93 20 89 59

DISCOVERY: HOCKEY IN VILLENEUVE-LOUBET DÉCOUVERTE : LE HOCKEY À VILLENEUVE-LOUBET Lawn, hockey sticks, pleasure, good mood and user-friendliness, don’t move, the ESVL is coming on the field!



irls beat boys in national hockey

competitions and their floor hockey

es filles et des garçons, ce sont les

dames qui tirent leur épingle du jeu dans

team is a member of the Elite

la dure loi de la compétition nationale.

players. The field hockey team was created

En salle, leur équipe évolue en Elite (le plus haut

in 2009 to attract and retain young recruits,

niveau) tandis que sur gazon, l’effectif créé en

and is now ranked at National level 1. This

2009 pour intégrer et garder de jeunes recrues

team is still quite young and, under the de-

évolue en National 1. Une équipe encore très

termined authority of its coach and player

jeune que Sophie Llobet, entraineur et joueuse

Sophie Llobet, is focused on maintaining its

espère maintenir à ce niveau pour continuer à

status and on aiming higher. «Young team

construire et à se développer, « les jeunes sont

members are the future of our club and many

l’avenir du club et ils sont nombreux à vouloir

candidates come to us to take part in this full

s’essayer à ce sport complet ». Cet engouement,

contact sport.»

c’est aussi parce qu’un véritable esprit de famille

The club’s family atmosphere is appealing to

règne dans ce club de passionnés. « Nous nous

the aficionados: « We emphasize the values

effor çons de transmettre les valeurs du club dès

of the club right from the beginning, mutual

le plus jeune âge, le respect, le partage et le don

respect, sharing and dedication. Everyone

de soi. Tout le monde ici participe au développe-

has a role to play in our development ». n

ment du club porté par sa passion ». n




REPORT / DOSSIER SCHOOLS AND HIGHER EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENTS ECOLES & FORMATIONS SUPERIEURES Choisir une école, un collège, un lycée, faciliter le choix d’études supérieures de ses enfants… Des étapes importantes, pour lesquelles nous vous présentons des conseils, les dernières nouveautés liées à l’Education Nationale, des établissements à découvrir, des formations supérieures étonnantes sur la côte d’Azur et les secteurs qui recrutent cette année.

Choosing schools, high schools, guiding your children’s higher education choices… These important moments can be made easier: see our list of recommendations, information on the latest advances in the National Education system, establishments to discover, amazing vocational training programs on the Côte d’Azur and current employment pools.


NEW IN 2013

THE CHANGE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL TIMETABLES RÉFORME DES RYTHMES À L’ÉCOLE PRIMAIRE Objectif : mieux respecter les rythmes naturels d’apprentissage et de repos de l’enfant, pour favoriser sa réussite scoFocus: nurture children’s natural biorhythms to enhance their

laire. L’idée directrice : mieux répartir les heures sur la

scholastic achievements. Main idea: adjust weekly schedules

semaine (avec classe le mercredi matin), et concentrer les

to include Wednesday mornings, and organize study periods

heures d’apprentissage sur les moments où la capacité de

around the time when their ability to focus is at its utmost,

concentration est la meilleure, avec une prise en charge des

caring for them at least until 4:30 PM. Emphasize cultural, re-

élèves jusqu’à 16 h 30 au moins. Un accès à des activités cul-

creational and sports activities. These changes will be imple-

turelles, ludiques ou sportives sera également favorisé. Tout

mented in the fall of 2013.

devra être mis en place à la rentrée 2013.



Les futurs étudiants souhaitant intégrer

to enroll in freshman year in 2013

une première année d’études supé-

can pre-register, list their study op-

rieures à la rentrée 2013 peuvent se

tion priorities and receive guidance

préinscrire, classer leurs vœux et béné-

until March 20,2013 at www.admis-

ficier de conseils d'orientation jusqu’au

20 mars 2013 sur le site

This is a single point of entry. Applicants can list their pre-enrol-

C’est un point d’entrée unique. Les can-

ment preferences and will receive,

didats peuvent ainsi formuler des vœux

before the results of the baccalau-

de préinscription et recevoir, avant les

reate, a single admission proposal,

résultats du bac, une proposition d’ad-

corresponding to their highest

mission et une seule, qui correspond au


vœu classé le plus haut possible.




ADVICE ON SCHOOL ENROLMENT 5 CONSEILS AVANT D’INSCRIRE VOTRE ENFANT À L’ÉCOLE 1 - Information on the enrolment process must be reques-

1 - Il faut impérativement se renseigner tôt sur les modalités

ted as soon as possible, from the town hall of your

d’accueil de votre enfant dans votre commune de rési-

place of residence first.

dence. La mairie sera votre premier interlocuteur.

2 - Whether private or public, your children’s first school

2 - Privé ou public, l’établissement scolaire où il fera ses

is your prerogative.

premiers pas peut être choisi indifféremment selon vos convictions.

3 - Warning: should you decide to enroll your children in a school located in a neighborhood or commune other

3 - Attention : inscrire votre enfant dans l’école publique d’un

than your place of residence, you will need to obtain a

autre quartier ou d’une autre commune que celle où vous

derogation. Send in your application as soon as possi-

habitez nécessitera de se voir attribuer une dérogation :

ble as it will require substantiation.

demandez-la tôt, car son obtention doit être motivée.

4 - A bilingual school is not necessarily the best choice:

4 - Un établissement bilingue n’est pas un choix meilleur

remember that the right environment is conducive to

qu’un autre : gardez à l’esprit que l’épanouissement de

the furtherance of your children’s development. Visit

votre enfant tient aussi à l’environnement dans lequel il

several schools before making your decision...

évoluera. Dans tous les cas, plusieurs visites à l’école s’imposent…

5 - Schools may accept children from age 2 on the basis of space availability and on whether they are physically

5 - L’admission de votre enfant peut se faire à l’âge de deux

and psychologically prepared. However, the starting

ans révolus au jour de la rentrée, en fonction des places

age standard is still 3.

disponibles, et de leur condition physique et psychologique pour intégrer l’école. Les 3 ans restent la norme. and to contact the town hall and public service details of your commune of residence:




rom the age of 3 to 18 your child can follow a British curri-

culum at Mougins School. The education, which is acade-

mically strong, also puts an emphasis on Sport and the Arts.

The campus is at the heart of Sophia Antipolis in a green environment which lends itself to both studies and serenity. Installed at the Font de l’Orme since 1987, Mougins School today welcomes 520 students of over forty nationalities receiving a British education. The building programme will be completed in 2013 with a new Science building, providing four Science Laboratories and a second ITC suite. The state-ofthe-art facilities and the teachers’ pedagogical approach make Mougins School the most reasonable and enlightened choice to give your children access to an international education in English with a world-wide future. n


The benefits of Mougins School - Internationally acknowledged British curriculum - 100 % English-speaking - Designed to nurture individual development as well as artistic and athletic talents. Practical information - Tuition: from 5600 €/year Mougins School - 615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 MOUGINS Cedex - Tel - 04 93 90 15 47 -






our le collège, au-delà des obligations dictées par votre

lieu de résidence, le choix se fera en question de critères pratiques, comme le temps de trajet journalier pour s’y

rendre : avec des emplois du temps de plus en plus chargés, celui-ci peut vraiment déstabiliser l’adolescent et rendre difficile

le travail scolaire à la maison. Le choix du collège, puis du lycée doit se faire aussi en fonction Middle and secondary school choices must be made

de l’entourage de votre enfant : à cet âge, les copains comptent

carefully and discussed with your spouse and children.

beaucoup pour son équilibre et donc pour la réussite de sa scolarité. Réfléchir à son orientation post-bac permettra de se poser


eyond the obligations associated with your place of

les bonnes questions : vaut-il mieux un excellent lycée où il sera

residence that will partially guide your choice of

un élève moyen, ou un bon lycée où son dossier scolaire fera

middle schools, other practical criteria also come

mention d’un excellent élève ? Le jeu des options à choisir au

into play, such as daily commuting time: school day time-

lycée va également conditionner votre choix.

tables are busy and too much commuting can be detri-

La procédure « Affelnet » a été mise en place pour réguler l’ins-

mental to your children’s capacity to focus on homework.

cription des élèves en lycée. Elle tient compte de plusieurs critères (secteur géographique du lycée, résultats scolaires de

Choosing middle and secondary schools must also be

l’élève, élève boursier ou non, rapprochement de la fratrie). Renseignements auprès de l’académie de Nice ( n

based on the population: for that age group, the role of friends is particularly important, impacting their balance and determining the degree of their scholastic achievements. Careful planning of post-baccalaureate higher education is also essential. Define what is most vital: choosing an excellent high school where they may be average students or a good school where the children will excel. The choice of available pedagogical options is also crucial when selecting a high school. The « Affelnet » procedure serves to regulate high school enrolment on the basis of specific criteria (geographical sector, educational attainments, scholarship student or not, closeness with siblings). Information is available at the Aca-

demy of Nice ( n



L’EGANAUDE AN ORIGINAL APPROACH FOCUSING ON WELLBEING UNE PÉDAGOGIE EN POINTE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL DES ÉLÈVES Nestled in the heart of Sophia Antipolis the “College de l’Eganaude”, a middle school with 700 students, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. In an interview, the Principal, Carine Guieu, spoke about the school’s ethos and educational innovations.


ur teachers are a dynamic team genuinely focu-

sed on the wellbeing of our students. Our English and Italian international sections are open

to students who have passed an entrance exam and include classes taught by native speakers. »

François Cornu et Carine Guieu

The local and International students from all walks of life work hand in hand with parents, educators and staff towards a wellrounded education. The school boasts innovative methods including pilot classes based on active and collaborative learning and skill-based assessment. Students are encouraged to make learning a personal search for knowledge rather than a desire to get a good mark. Most recently, the school’s innovative approach led to the much anticipated creation of a golf section in partnership with the French golf Federation and Le Provençal Golf Club. Accessible to the most motivated students, the section is expected to

grow next year. n


Collège Public de L’Eganaude - 3140 Route des Dolines - 06410 BIOT - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS - 04 97 23 42 20




HIGHER EDUCATION: THE CÔTE D’AZUR AT THE FOREFRONT ETUDES SUPÉRIEURES : LA CÔTE D’AZUR EN POINTE Students thrive in the Alpes Maritimes: they can choose from the vast range of possibilities made available by the Academy of Nice: 2 Technical Qualification Degrees (BTS) and three new preparatory classes available since the fall, establishments that are references in their areas of expertise and leading edge training programs.



he University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (with almost 25 000 students) awards 230 national graduate degrees and comprises 13 establishments among

which several are based on the new SophiaTech campus,

’Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (près de 25 000 étudiants) délivre 230 diplômes nationaux et se compose de 13 établissements dont plusieurs

intègrent le nouveau campus SophiaTech, qui compte

with nearly 2500 students (IUT (university institute of tech-

près de 2500 étudiants (IUT, Polytech Nice Sophia,

nology), Polytech Nice Sophia, Masters Degrees in Science,

Masters scientifiques, Institut Supérieur d’Economie et

Institut Supérieur d’Economie et de Management (Higher

de Management).

Institute of Economics and Management))

Formations étonnantes Leading-edge training programs

Dans le département, certaines formations sont uniques

The Paca region proposes original training opportunities:

comme au Lycée Léonard de Vinci à Antibes, où l’on en-

the Lycée Léonard de Vinci in Antibes, offering free courses

seigne la céramique artisanale (formation gratuite). La nou-

in handcrafted ceramics; the new Sustainable Design

velle école Sustainable Design School à Nice formera des

School in Nice training professionals in innovation and sus-

professionnels de l’innovation et du design durable au cœur

tainable design in the Eco-Valley and the first regional trai-

d’Eco Vallée et le premier centre de formation aux métiers de

ning center for the professions of the automotive industry

l’automobile des Alpes-Maritimes (l’IFA) est à Nice. Il propose

(IFA) is also located in Nice. The center awards degrees in

une multitude de diplômes autour de l’automobile, des vé-

all the professions of the sector: cars, industrial vehicles,

hicules industriels, motos ou bateaux.

motorcycles and boats. And state-of-the-art business

Enfin, les écoles de commerce sont en pointe : l’Edhec à

schools: Edhec in Nice, Skema in Sophia Antipolis, well-es-

Nice, Skema à Sophia Antipolis, restent des valeurs sûres et

tablished and renowned worldwide. n

bien classées au niveau international. n

Ressources web National Guidance Counsel (Service national personnalisé d’orientation): Post-baccalaureate:



Things are not all bad: jobs are available in Paca Web Les profils recherchés sont nombreux : experts en sécurité, commerciaux, web designers, consultants, développeurs, community ou traffic managers… La technopole est évidemment très demandeuse. Une adresse web à consulter :

Services à la personne La région accueille nombre de seniors et le vieillissement de la population réclame une forte progression de ces métiers.

Tourisme et CHR La région recrute des saisonniers pour le tourisme, et globalement, les métiers de bouche sont en tension (bouchers, boulangers…).

Distribution et livraisons Avec l’essor du commerce en ligne, le secteur de la livraison explose. La Poste, premier prestataire, recrute.

BTP On ne le répète pas assez, des professions sont cruellement en manque d’effectifs : charpentiers, couvreurs, domoticiens, géomètres,


chefs de chantier…

Many profiles are needed: safety experts, sales people, web designers, consultants, developers, community or traffic managers …The TechnoPark is a major source of demand. Ads posted at

Services to Individuals Many seniors live in the region and the aging population requires more and more assistance.

Tourism and Bars, Restaurants and Hotels Seasonal help is wanted in the tourism sector, and globally the food trade is in dire need of hands (butchers, bakers…)

Distribution and delivery With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing number of deliveries required, the sector is looking for manpower. The Post Office, as the prime supplier of delivery services, is recruiting.

The construction industry It cannot be emphasized enough: some professions are sorely lacking in resources: carpenters, roofers, home automation specialists, surveyors, foremen…





HOSTING IDEAS DES IDEES POUR RECEVOIR Food for thought… Select Antipolis

Pour se changer les idées, on reçoit… Et avec

helps you dig out the latest It-foods,

Select Antipolis, on déniche les It du mo-

the “in” addresses, brunch ideas and trendy products. Enjoy…

ment, les bonnes adresses, des idées pour un brunch et les produits en vogue. A table…

SO SOUP ! The soup meals of the Conserverie Belle-îloise can be enjoyed as starters, but also, and why not, as light appetizers. Still in season: fish, vegetables and starchy foods. Sold in packs of 4: Basquaise tuna (15.90 €), gilthead bream with Jerusalem artichokes, buckwheat and chestnut flakes (18.90 €). Food for thought… Select Antipolis helps you dig out the latest Itfoods, the “in” addresses, brunch ideas and trendy products. Enjoy…




IN SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Close to the office, the Provençal Café awaits you for a moment of genuine relaxation


n brasserie lunch mode, to invite friends, clients and pro-

fessional connections, the Provençal Café concept, its ter-

race along the green and its lunch menu (18.20 € for daily

specials, homemade desserts and mineral water) will entice you to make a tasty detour by the Saint-Philippe neighbo-

rhood. The generous à la carte menu offers many suggestions (from 13 €) and its favorite recipes (roasted gambas, fillet of Saint-Pierre grilled on the plancha, veal liver steak in persillade (parsley and garlic butter sauce), have attracted devout fans of savory Provençal cuisine.


The Provençal Café also specializes in catering for your events (business meals, banquets, weddings…): call us for


information. n


Provençal Golf & Café 95 Avenue de Roumanille – Biot Antipolis

+ 33 4 93 65 00 00 i n f o @ p ro v e n c a l - c a f e . c o m w w w. p ro v e n c a l - c a f e . c o m 69

ORIGINAL PANCAKES It’s the Candlemas season! Brittany-style brunches are a must! Here’s a quick and easy recipe for 4. Alcohol is dangerous for your health, to be consumed in moderation. / L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération



LET’S BRUNCH! ON BRUNCHE ! Ingredients: 5 buckwheat pancakes, 1 knob butter, 2 tomatoes, 2 mozzarella cheese balls, 2 thin Serrano ham slices, leaves of basil, 1 tbsp pine nuts, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. With a cookie cutter, cut 5 circles in each pancake, sauté and leave to cool. Slice the tomatoes and drained mozzarella balls. Halve the ham slices. Form the millefeuille by stacking the ingredients, starting with the buckwheat pancake circle, add a slice of tomato, add another circle, mozzarella and basil leaf. Top with ham and a crispy circle. Sprinkle pepper on each layer. Add pine nuts, balsamic vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve with Loïc Raison Brut cider. Cider on sale in supermarkets (average price: 2.20 €).



Nine sweet and salty treats to brunch with friends: almond financiers mix, Karasel spread (chocolate and salted butter caramel), raspberry jam, Guerande salt “Dulce de Leche” spread, orange gingerbread, rose petal syrup, green tomato jam, Southwest duck rillettes (meat pate), and green basil tapenade. Gift pack at 63.50 € - Discover this gift pack and many others at




IN ANTIBES, THE STEAKHOUSE FOR REAL MEAT LOVERS Meat lovers will delight in the exceptional quality of our produce : le Bastion is now the Golden Beef, the place to go to enjoy a selection of the best meat ever !



ur le mode des steakhouse, avec le chic et l’ac-

cueil qui ont fait la réputation des lieux, le Golden

Beef de Vincent Halby, sous la conduite de Sé-

bastien Imbert, directeur, va révolutionner votre ap-

proche de la viande : bœuf Angus, charolaise, Black Angus… Les meilleurs choix, les plus belles pièces de viande, rigoureusement sélectionnées et maturées, se


n genuine steakhouse fashion, with the chic and warm wel-

come that helped to build the reputation of the restaurant,

Vincent Halby’s Golden Beef, managed by Stéphane Im-

bert, will revolutionize your approach to meat: Angus beef, Charolais, Black Angus… Taste the best choices, the finest mature cuts, cooked or grilled right before your eyes. Also on the menu, find such classics as the Sisteron lamb,

retrouvent dans votre assiette, après avoir cuit ou grillé sous vos yeux. Egalement au programme de ces nouvelles réjouissances, retrouvez des classiques tels que l’agneau de Sisteron, le veau de lait, et le fameux bar à carpaccio et à tartares qui vont faire du Golden Beef une véritable institution ! Un festival de saveurs et surtout une vraie lacune enfin comblée à Antibes pour tous milk-fed veal, our famous carpaccio and steak tartar bar, all

les gourmets… Retrouvez le midi une formule idéale à

promising to make the Golden Beef your favorite haunt! A

19 € (entrée et plat ou plat et dessert) et un menu tous

festival of savory flavors to satisfy all gourmets ! For a quick

les jours midi et soir à 36 € (entrée, plat et dessert). Le

lunch, try our 19 € menu (starter and main course or main

dimanche, la formule à succès du brunch reste inchan-

course and dessert). Also available every day, for lunch and

gée, à 38 €.

dinner, our 36 € menu (starter, main course and dessert). On

Notez enfin que le Golden Beef, c’est toujours le B4,

Sunday, enjoy our usual popular brunch for 38 €.

votre lounge bar ouvert dès 18 h 30, pour l’apéritif et

And, at the Golden Beef, visit the B4, your bar lounge, open

l’après-dîner, avec cocktails, tapas, vins au verre, Co-

gnacs, Armagnacs, et cave à cigares. n

at 6:30 PM, for pre- and post-dining drinks, cocktails, tapas, wine by the glass, Cognac, Armagnac, and a large selection of cigars. n

Le Golden Beef - 1 Avenue Général Maizières - Les Remparts d’Antibes + 33 4 93 34 59 86


CASTALIE : L’EAU PLATE OU PÉTILLANTE… DU ROBINET ! The idea of the year: Castalie proposes refined still or fizzy water straight from the faucet. The brand’s water systems, installed for professional clients (bars, hotels and restaurants, Works Councils, corporations…) filter the water while preserving its natural assets (minerals and trace elements). The cost price by the bottle is much less expensive and storage expenses are limited.

PURE FOLIE, A STRAWBERRY LIQUEUR / PURE FOLIE French strawberries… A zest of finely distilled spices, rich flavors… « Pure Folie » is the new strawberry liqueur created by the Combier de Saumur distillery. To be enjoyed over ice, mixed with Tonic or in Champagne, for a bewitching fruity experience! Pure Folie - available in 50 and 70 cl bottles From 39.90 € at and gourmet shops.


Alcohol is dangerous for your health, to be consumed in moderation. / L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération




i-Sushi I SUSHI AT BoConcept: A JAPANESE REVOLUTION IN SOPHIA When BoConcept decided to open a chic and cool sushi restaurant on the first floor of its Sophia showroom, a stringent selection was made. « We wanted natural, fresh products, prepared on-site and based on a quality concept. I Sushi came out the winner », explains BoConcept’s Serge Cayzac. After traveling extensively through Asia, Julien Viale created I Sushi in Cagnes-sur-Mer and Antibes. Scheduled to open mid-February in Sophia, I Sushi will treat you to the best Japan can offer.



site, on the 300 m² sunny, plant-adorned terrace, or order take-aways (as of 10 AM) to be delivered to your Sophia Antipolis premises! Something novel for the TechnoPark, lunches menus from 10.90 € and a generous à la carte menu. Choose from the self-service sushi parade on the famous Kaiten conveyor and see the Aza dishes (on sale in the restaurant). Ten years after its inauguration, BoConcept makes the news again! n

i-Sushi I Sushi 75



GASTRONOMIE PRAISING SIMPLICITY ELOGE DE LA SIMPLICITE Discover the kitchens of the Albert 1er restaurant, and the talent of Redouane Mansouri, bringing simplicity to the delicious meals he prepares with the treasures of provided daily by the sea. We all know that genuine gastronomy requires no hooha: it transfigures quality products discretely, through proper dosage, finesse of execution and experience… Enjoy!

Découvrez l’Albert 1er, côté cuisines, et le talent de Redouane Mansouri, exprimé en toute simplicité avec les trésors que la mer lui livre tous les jours. On le sait bien : la vraie gastronomie n’a pas besoin d’esbroufe, elle transfigure les produits de qualité par petites touches, avec le talent de la mesure, la finesse du geste, l’expérience… Enjoy !

THE TARTE TROPÉZIENNE: HOW TO SAY I LOVE YOU LA TARTE TROPÉZIENNE, UNE FAÇON DE LUI DIRE JE T’AIME For Valentine’s Day, the legendary pastry of the world’s most famous fishing village will be on sale for families and in heart-shaped individual portions to celebrate romance, a delicate and sweet touch. Discover it in Saint-Tropez and in the only bakery of our region where it is available: 1034 Chemin de Carimaï in Mougins.



In the 60s, the famous lovers of the Mediterranean, Pablo Picasso and Jacqueline, were daily patrons of their friend Valentine’s restaurant.


his custom continued with her successors, whose

unforgettable fanciful evenings and delicious

meals delighted Romain Gary, Serge Reggiani and

Roger Moore, among others.

Today, Alexandre, Sébastien and Nicolas still maintain this enchanting tradition with their brasserie-type cuisine, delicate, and lovingly prepared by Leïla. The restaurant, aglow with the Mediterranean atmosphere (Sea bass roasted in a salt crust, Rossini-style Chateaubriand, lobsters from the tank), also caters for your events (birthdays, baptisms, banquets, weddings, general assemblies of owners…). The Mediterranean is writing a new page of its history in Mougins. So why not treat yourself to it ? The daily special menu at 16,80 € (daily special and dessert or starter and daily special), menus at 25, 38 and 55 € Open 7 days a week, for lunch and dinner as of 8 AM n

LA MEDITERRANEE 32, Place du Commandant Lamy 06250 - Mougins Village 04 93 90 03 47



CHUTNEY DELICACY DÉLICE DE FOIE GRAS AU CHUTNEY D’ENDIVES Creation by Brigitte Delanghe, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Primeur (Best Worker in France for Fresh Products) Basket for 6

Ingrédients 400 g whole ready-to-eat Foie Gras Rye bread, figs and nuts (or lightly-sweetened gingerbread) Fleur de sel and pepper For the endive chutney: 500 g endives 150 g brown sugar 1/2 Golden Delicious apple 1 small sweet onion (the red variety is quite suitable) 75 g raisins 2 dl (0.35 pints) cider vinegar 1-teaspoon fresh ginger

400 g de Foie Gras entier prêt à consommer Pain à la farine de seigle, figues et noix (ou tranches de pain d’épices peu sucré) Fleur de sel et poivre Pour le chutney d’endives : 500 g d’endives 150 g de sucre cassonade 1/2 pomme golden 1 petit oignon doux (Le rouge convient très bien) 75 g de raisins secs 2 dl de vinaigre de cidre 1 c à c de gingembre frais

1-teaspoon fleur de sel

1 c à c fleur de sel

1 pinch of pepper

1 pointe de poivre

Preparing the chutney

Préparation du chutney

Melt brown sugar in the vinegar in a pan. Add

Faire fondre dans une casserole le vinaigre et la cas-

the julienned endives, the peeled, seeded and

sonade. Ajouter les endives taillées en julienne, la

sliced apple, the chopped onion, the raisins,

pomme pelée, épépinée coupée en morceaux, l’oi-

salt, pepper and grated ginger. Bring to a boil

gnon émincé, les raisins secs, sel poivre et gingembre

and lower heat to cook at low temperature.

râpé. Porter à ébullition puis baisser en maintenant

Leave to cook for approximately 1 hour and stir

une cuisson douce. Laisser cuire une heure environ


en remuant fréquemment. Presentation


Spread thick layers of chutney on the slices of

Etaler généreusement le chutney sur les tranches de

rye bread or gingerbread. Place Foie Gras slices

pain ou de pain d’épices. Coucher le Foie Gras

on top, making sure the Foie Gras slices are

coupé en tranches ajustées à la forme des tartines.

sized to fit the bread. To decorate the dish,

Pour mettre ce plat en valeur, utiliser les pointes

form a flower with the yellow tips of the endives

jaunes des endives piquées comme une fleur sur le Foie Gras et fourrées d’une cuillère de chutney d’en-

on the Foie Gras, stuff with a teaspoon of chutney. Season with salt and pepper. n

dives. Saler et poivrer. n




At the Albert 1er, not only is the décor new, but the restaurant has also modified its menu.


he best seafood restaurant in Antibes now offers a lunch menu at the affordable price of 16.50 € for the daily special (choose from two) and dessert. All day

on Tuesdays, from 11AM to 6PM, lunch is out of this world!

As many oysters as you can eat for 18.50 €! For oyster addicts only! The wide range of regional products provided by the Albert Ier restaurant will whet your appetite with a tour

of France’s best oyster productions (Normandy, Britanny, Marennes d’Oléron)… For groups of up to 40 people, the à la carte menu can easily be customized to meet your every whim. For your business dinners, or for more personal events, the Accord Menu (dishes & wines) is the overarching answer, the alliance of the refinement of land and sea specialty products and vineyard treasures. n

Valet parking - Delivery of paellas and seafood Open every day, except Wednesdays.

Albert 1er - 46 Boulevard Albert 1er - Antibes 04 93 34 33 54 -





WITH MADAGASCAR GREEN PEPPER CHERRY TOMATOES AND GREEN ASPARAGUS TIPS, NESTLED IN A CREAMY URCHIN EMULSION The restaurant’s talented chef Redouane Mansouri shares the secrets of this simple recipe, combining the savory flavors of sea and Provence.


For 6 people For the fish 1.2 kg wild sea bass fillet 10 g Madagascar green pepper 2 bunches green asparagus 500 g cluster cherry tomatoes For the emulsion 2 shallots 20 g butter 250 g white Martini 250 g Champagne 250 g fish stock 500 g milk 8 urchins

Recipe Peel the asparagus and cook them for 7 minutes in salted boiling water. Rinse under cold water. Brown the fillets in a pan, skin side down, and drizzle regularly with butter. Halfway through, remove from pan and leave to rest. In the meantime, cut the asparagus in 3 to 4 cm dices, cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and sauté them for 2 to 3 minutes. Season. To prepare the emulsion, sweat the shallots in butter, deglaze with Champagne and White Martini, add the fish stock and milk, and reduce. When half reduced, season the urchin meat (that will have been removed from their shells). Put in a blender, sieve and blend again until foamy. Ready to eat! Set up on a plate.


Une recette pour six personnes Pour le poisson 1,2 kg de filets de loup de ligne 10 g de poivre de Madagascar 2 bottes d’asperges vertes 500 g de tomates cerise grappe Pour l’émulsion 2 échalotes 20 g de beurre 250 g de Martini Blanc 250 g de Champagne 250 g de fumet de poisson 500 g de lait 8 oursins

Progression Eplucher les asperges, les plonger dans l’eau bouillante salée, et cuire pendant 7 minutes. Les refroidir à l’eau glacée. Poêler les pavés, côté peau, en les arrosant régulièrement de beurre. A micuisson, les retirer et les mettre à reposer. Pendant ce temps, on coupe les asperges sur 3 à 4 cm, les tomates cerise en 2, et on les poêle à la sauteuse pendant 2 à 3 minutes. Assaisonnez. Pour l’émulsion, suez les échalotes avec le beurre, déglacer au champagne et au Martini Blanc, ajouter le fumet de poisson et le lait, puis réduire. A mi-réduction, on assaisonne la chair d’oursins (qu’on aura extraits au préalable). On mixe le tout, on passe au chinois, et on remixe jusqu’à l’obtention d’une mousse. C’est prêt ! On dresse l’assiette.


Albert 1er Restaurant 46 Boulevard Albert 1er - Antibes + 33 4 93 34 33 54




LOISIRS BIEN ETRE ME, MYSELF AND I This year, after resolving to tone up and turn away from bad living habits, the French have decided to take time out for themselves. Great timing! Select Antipolis shares all the tips and addresses on locally available leisure and wellness activities to get off on the right foot now!

Après la remise au sport et l’arrêt des addictions, prendre davantage de temps pour soi est l’une des bonnes résolutions des français pour cette nouvelle année. Ça tombe bien Select Antipolis nous donne toutes les astuces et bonnes adresses loisirs et bien-être de la région pour commencer immédiatement.

ON YOUR MARK, READY…PLAY! A VOS MARQUES, PRÊTS… JOUEZ ! The 26th edition of the International Games Festival returns for one weekend to Cannes’ Palais des Festivals for the pleasure of the young and less young. The agenda includes tournaments, exhibits and many other events. From march 1 to 3 La 26ème édition du Festival International des jeux investit une fois de plus le Palais des Festivals le temps d’un week-end pour le plus grand plaisir des petits et des grands. Au programme des tournois, des expositions et de nombreuses démonstrations. Du 1er au 3 mars 82

Correct and repair the signs of aging gently Corriger les signes du temps avec naturel Dr Simon Lamquin

Modern aesthetic medicine, with its pallet of innovative techniques, is a genuine alternative to surgery and yields fantastic results, with no social exclusion time.

Véritable alternative à la chirurgie, la médecine esthétique permet aujourd’hui d’obtenir des résultats très performants sans éviction sociale grâce à un panel de techniques innovantes.


Dr Simon Lamquin, diplômé en médecine morphologique et anti-âge nous l’assure : « Les techniques lé-

gères et réversibles d’aujourd’hui donnent énormément de possibilité au praticien qui peut corriger les signes du temps tout en préservant le naturel et la personnalité du patient ».Comment ? En combinant plusieurs actes afin de travailler toutes les couches de la peau. « Pour avoir un effet naturel et restructurant, on va par exemple pouvoir corriger un creux avec de l’acide hyaluronique, puis travailler la structure de la peau avec un peeling et la régénérer par un plasma riche en plaquette ou par la lumière LED ». Un traitement complet qui, s’il n’empêche pas le temps de passer, nous aide à ralentir ses effets.


Simon Lamquin, certified in morphological and anti-aging medicine, guarantees it: «Current non-invasive and reversible tech-

niques help practitioners correct and repair the signs of aging without altering facial features and traits. » How? Through the combination of treatments that revive all skin layers. «For a natural restructuring effect, skin ridges can be corrected with hyaluronic acid and skin peels and are regenerated with plasma-rich platelets or LED lights.» While full treatment does not prevent aging, it slows the process. n


THE SECRETS OF A HUGE SUCCESS A few months ago, the AYAME Prestige Day Spa in Mougins received the Best European Day Spa Award. Spa Manager Ulrike Bischoff explains the spa’s success as being the result of quality training and exclusive products.


ore than a wellness center, AYAME is a school. The beauti-

cians, whom Ulrike has dubbed “pearls”, go through several months training. Every quarter, they are invited to join

a two-week booster coaching class to stay abreast of developments in their trade and to be reminded of the pure sensations they later pass on to their customers.This dedication is palpable throughout the Spa, up to and including our personalized care program. Original and exclusive products Because good training without quality products is not enough, Ulrike works and holds exclusive distribution rights for the Phyris Premium Spa Cosmetic brand, produced by the German Dr Grandel laboratory, a 65-year old family business, who elaborate design and market all the

products from its head office in Augsburg. Divers and within the reach of everybody, the products

are a revolutionary solution for

all skin types. The result is the unique sensation of a genuinely transformed skin. n

AYAME - PRESTIGE DAY SPA 288, Avenue Saint-Basile - 06 250 Mougins Tel : 04 92 92 08 00 Fax : 04 92 92 08 80 84

AT LAST, BIO SKINCARE FOR MEN Although they are often too shy to admit it, men also like their beauty care. For their specific enjoyment, Florame has developed a face and body skincare line, based on cedar and argan essential oils. The cedar oil’s purifying and healing properties and the richly nutritional and regenerating virtues of argan oil are combined in a gentle and effective treatment for all male skin types. Come and test it for yourself!

Amplitude bio - 3 rue Léopold Bucquet - Cannes Vital Santé bio - 157 avenue de Nice - Cagnes-sur-Mer



500 free subscriptions to celebrate the event! In June, in the all-new Palais des Congrès d’Antibes - Juanfitness center over 1800 m²,

500 inscriptions offertes pour fêter l’événement !

offering the full range of its

C’est en juin, au cœur du tout nouveau Palais des Congrès d’An-

les-Pins (Conference Center), Fitlane will open its seventh

usual activities: cardio wor-

tibes - Juan-les-Pins que Fitlane ouvre son septième centre des-

kout, fitness, sauna. To cele-

tiné à tous les sportifs, où vous retrouverez l’ensemble des

brate the event, 500 free

activités dispensées dans les autres clubs Fitlane : cardio trai-

subscriptions are on offer!!!

ning, fitness, sauna, sur 1800 m². Pour fêter cet événement, les

For more information,

500 premières inscriptions sont déjà offertes !!!

contact Axel now at

Pour plus de renseignement sur cette offre, contactez vite Axel au

06 66 00 12 22 or at

06 66 00 12 22 et sur



Open all week - From 7 AM to 10 PM Monday thru Friday - from 8 AM to 8 PM on weekends

0 825 620 720 (0.15€/min) 86

Complexe Aquatique Communautaire de Valbonne Sophia Antipolis

SURFING ON THE WAVE OF AQUA-FITNESS AND AQUA-BIKING Benoît Lahitette, in charge of the Nautipolis aqua-fitness section, revisits the center’s first year, filled with events and sports activities.


t Nautipolis, we place the emphasis on how we relate to our clients and on the quality of our reception. A warm welcome means get-

ting the right advice, and the focus of my dynamic team, composed of 6 swimming instructors, 1 pool manager, Thomas Decima, and 3 BNPSSA-certified specialists (Water Safety & Rescue Certificate), is our customers’ complete satisfaction. In 2012, we noticed that some activities were extremely popular, such as the 15 weekly sessions of Aqua-biking, which is why, in anticipation of future needs, we have brought in 5 more aqua-bikes. We follow client trends closely: the Aquafitness program is a favorite and will continue to follow market trends». Nautipolis runs 12 different aqua-fitness and aqua-biking programs, and 12 fitness disciplines are also available. For more in-

formation, go to n


Benoît Lahitette

Nautipolis 150 rue du Vallon - Valbonne-Antipolis +33 (0)9 71 00 21 30 87



JOG, JOG, AND JOG SOME MORE! This is a famous New Year’s resolution for many of us, but to jog on roads and trails, we need gear. Our jogger selection combines style, comfort and performance.

Helly Hansen HH COOL SS Tee-shirt - 29, 95 € Tee Shirt ½ zip NEW BALANCE - 75 € Sea Design - 511 rue Henri Laugier - Antibes NEW BALANCE long-sleeve cycling jersey - 40 €

Running shoes NEW BALANCE M1260 V2 - 160 € New Balance chez Courir - 9 rue Hoche - Cannes


YOUR COMPETITIONS AT THE PROVENÇAL GOLF CLUB ORGANISEZ VOS COMPÉTITIONS AU PROVENÇAL GOLF Spring is on the way: the prefect time to hold competitions at the Provençal Golf Club!


Les beaux jours reviennent : c’est le moment d’organiser des journées golf au Provençal !


any Sophia Antipolis businesses have already reser-

ved dates for their inter-company tournaments and

t justement, de nombreuses sociétés sophipolitaines ont

déjà pris date pour préparer leurs propres tournois ou des

competitions! Why not you? With the preferential

compétitions inter-entreprises ! Pourquoi pas la vôtre ? Avec

and highly competitive prices of the Corporate subscription

les tarifs de l’abonnement Corporate, Le Provençal Golf vous ga-

card, the Provençal Golf Club guarantees true sports enjoy-

rantit de vrais moments sportifs à des tarifs très compétitifs : ren-

ment: for information, call our sales team.

seignez-vous auprès de l’équipe commerciale.

A competitive spirit

Esprit de compétition

At the Provençal, the spirit of

Au Provençal, l’esprit de compétition souffle sur les neuf trous du

sportsmanship prevails over the

parcours : chaque samedi matin, retrouvez d’ailleurs la compétition

9-hole green: on Saturday mor-

de classement qui remporte un vrai succès. Le 14 février, seul ou

ning, view the results of the

en couple, participez au tournoi de la Saint-Valentin, et le 3 mars,

very popular ranking meet.

les dames seront les bienvenues avec l’organisation de la Lady’s

On February 14,

Cup. A ce sujet, la Carte Duo (59 €, valable un an) reste une vraie bonne affaire : deux Green Fees achetés (28,50 € chaque) pour le

alone or in pairs, take part in

même départ en semaine…

the Valentine’s Day tournament and on March

Notez enfin que l’Ecole de golf peut encore prendre quelques

3, ladies are invited to join in the Ladies’ Cup.

inscriptions trimestrielles : c’est le moment d’en profiter ! n

In this case, the Duo Card (59 €/year) is a real bargain: purchase two Green Fees (for 28.50 € each) for the same competition on weekdays …

Le Provençal Golf 95, Avenue de Roumanille - Biot-Antipolis 04 93 00 00 57 Dates des compétitions et événements sur :

And, we still have quarterly subscriptions available: come and sign up! n




COHESION THE ART OF ORGANIZATION / L’ART DE L’ORGANISATION Team stimulation is essential and pos-

Tout est bon pour stimuler vos équipes et les

sibilities are many! Exclusive golf club

solutions ne manquent pas ! Cartes exclusives

cards, kart competitions, outdoor se-

pour jouer au golf, compétitions de karting, sé-

minars, on beaches, sports… With Se-

minaires orientés nature, plage ou sport… Dé-

lect Antipolis, read about the partners

couvrez avec Select Antipolis les partenaires qui

in the know who will help you organize

savent recevoir et qui sauront organiser avec vous les moments exceptionnels qui rythment

the exceptional moments in the life

la vie de votre entreprise et de votre team !

of your company and teams!





EXCLUSIVITY CARTE AFFAIRES : OFFREZ L’EXCLUSIVITÉ La notoriété du Golf Country Club de Cannes Mougins n’a d’égale que la distinction de ses illustres membres fondateurs : l’Aga Khan, le Prince Pierre de Monaco ou le Baron Edouard de Rothschild.

The celebrity of the Golf Country Club of CannesMougins is on a par with the elegance of its illustrious founding members: Aga Khan, Prince Pierre de Monaco, or Baron Edouard de Rothschild.



nitially designed in 1923 in its exceptional natural set-

ondé en 1923, les architectes Peter Allis et Dave Thomas

redessinent le parcours en 1978, pour lui conférer cette

ting, the course was redesigned in 1978 by architects

technicité particulière, au cœur d’un environnement natu-

Peter Allis and Dave Thomas, who added more com-

rel préservé exceptionnel.

plexity and technical sophistication.

Propriété de ses actionnaires, le Golf Country Club de Cannes

Property of its shareholders, the Golf Country Club of

Mougins souhaite faire connaître ses installations exclusives et

Cannes-Mougins now opens the doors of its exclusive ins-

le plaisir du jeu aux entreprises de Sophia Antipolis et du dépar-

tallations and golfing pleasures to the SMEs of Sophia-An-

tement, avec la création de la Carte Affaires, l’équivalent d’un

tipolis and the surrounding area, with the creation of the

droit de jeu, valable un an.

Business Card.

Au profit exclusif pour chaque partie de golf, d’une personne

The Card grants exclusive playing privileges for one year

nommément désignée par la société, elle représente un privi-

to those members of staff whose exceptional contributions

lège de choix pour distinguer ou récompenser un collaborateur

are earmarked for recognition or reward. The Card is an

d’exception. Elle se veut un outil RH qui démarquera votre en-

exclusive HR tool that brings the flexibility of use and the

treprise et vous offrira la flexibilité et la notoriété attendue d’un

level of exclusivity expected from playing privileges in such

droit de jeu dans un cadre exceptionnel. Offrez l’exception, of-

an extraordinary setting.

frez la Carte Affaires.

Offer the exceptional: give the Business Card.

For information and conditions: contact the Sales Department at +33 4 93 75 79 13

175 Avenue du Golf - Mougins 91



In the Southeast region, VO Concept offers design and tent solutions for your events market.


VO Concept vous propose ses solutions d’agencement et de protection d’espaces réceptifs sur tout le quart Sud-Est de la France.


he unique Lycra Vellum® concept makes

the creation of the most daring shapes

on concept de couverture en Velum Lycra ®

permet les formes et les personnalisations les

and customizations possible. Tailoring

plus audacieuses. La confection sur mesure

their decorative structures to your taste, VO

est réalisée par VO Concept qui assure pose et dé-

Concept will assemble and dismantle them on

pose de votre décoration. De 10 à plus de 1000 m²,

site. Let your imagination run free for your indoor

vous pouvez imaginer en intérieur ou extérieur une

or outdoor stagings from 10 to 1000 m², and get

vraie mise en scène de vos espaces avec simulation

a 3D simulation preview of the end result.

en 3D du rendu final.

VO Concept scouts locations for you and is fast

propose une simulation numérique et un devis avec

VO Concept se déplace, effectue les repérages, in proposing a digital simulation and sales offer.

une grande réactivité. Plusieurs qualités de Velum

Choose from a selection of Velum to create per-

permettent de créer des espaces pérennes ou

manent or temporary structures (to partition a

éphémères (en cloisonnant des salles par exemple).

room, for example).

Le Cirque de Monte-Carlo, un défilé Yves Saint-Lau-

The Monte-Carlo Circus, an Yves Saint-Laurent

rent, une exposition au Grimaldi Forum de Monaco

fashion show, an exhibit at the Monaco Grimaldi

ou la couverture d’une tribune du Stade de France :

Forum or a hanging structure for the Stade de

les références ne manquent pas, alors n’hésitez pas

France: our references are many, so for your cor-

à solliciter VO Concept pour la décoration et cou-

verture design de vos événements d'entreprise. n

porate events, call VO Concept for design deco-

ration and structures! n

282 rue des Cistes - Euro 92 - ZI des 3 moulins - Antibes

+ 33 9 65 15 65 09 -

w w w. v o c o n c e p t . c o m 92




rganic Concept, with nomadic Berber tents, will dazzle your guests. The tents are modular units, suitable for all surfaces (terraced or sloping grounds), and will bring a distinctive charm to your events. Organic Concept is also an event coordinator able to meet your needs from beginning to end, thanks to its address book of exclusive partners. Whether you are an individual or a professional, Organic Concept offers wireless and rechargeable luminous LED spheres and pots. The company also distributes the luminous floating loungers by Loon that can be turned into coffee tables. A genuine enhancer of space, Organic Concept guarantees delivery, installation and removal of material, according to your specifications. Some of our installations are available for purchase. n

Organic Concept Tents and Events equipment for rent or sale Avenue de la Plaine 06250 MOUGINS + 33 9 50 52 67 59 / + 33 6 31 17 50 68 94


TRAVEL IN STYLE! Seminar organizers, events specialists, HR managers: look no further! Complete solutions for your team travels and associated logistics are available in Sophia-Antipolis, with Flash Azur Voyages!


he 23 deluxe buses (AC, bunk-beds, refrigerators, and NEW: embedded WiFi!) can easily be customized for your events by displaying your graphic identity on the large white surfaces of the frames. For business or leisure trips, and airport transfers: Flash Azur Voyages rises to the challenge of meeting all your travel needs (from 7 to 1000 people) and can furthermore customize its services by making support staff available.

Use your Select Card and receive a gift. Choose Flash Azur Voyages for their professionalism and excellence: contact us now to prepare this year’s travel agenda! n n


ZI des Trois Moulins 511 rue Henri Laugier SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS

04 93 93 29 59



Your teams, clients or prospects deserve the best, only 10 minutes away from the TechnoPark…The Garden Beach Hotel’s exceptional setting is the answer!



he Garden Beach Hôtel is renewing its business offer:

recently refurbished, manned by a new team and equipped with modern facilities. All reception rooms

(for 10 to 180 people) with daylight and are equipped with

e Garden Beach Hôtel fait peau neuve avec une nouvelle équipe et des aménagements qui renouvellent son offre professionnelle. Toutes ses salles

de réception (de 10 à 180 personnes) bénéficient de la lu-

technologies to host workgroups and seminars in the utmost

mière du jour et de toute la technologie nécessaire à l’accueil de journées d’études et de séminaires dans un confort optimal. Soirées à thèmes, déjeuners au bord de l’eau ? L’environnement du Garden Beach Hôtel est un dépaysement à lui seul et ses équipes commerciales sauront organiser avec vous l’incentive qui vous conviendra. Pour vous en convaincre : à partir de 10 et jusqu’à 60 personnes, le Garden Beach Hôtel assure gracieusement votre transport aller-retour depuis Sophia Antipolis… Profitez-en vite ! REOUVERTURE LE 8 MARS n

comfort. Planning theme nights, or a beach lunch? The setting of the Garden Beach Hotel is the promise of a genuine change of pace. Its sales teams will work with you to guaran-

Garden Beach Hôtel 15-17 Boulevard Edouard Baudoin Juan Les Pins - + 33 4 92 93 57 63

tee the success of your incentive meetings. As an example : the Garden Beach Hotel offers free round-trip transportation from Sophia Antipolis ... Try this out! REOPENING ON MARCH 8 n






hoosing to work with the seminar and corporate event

team of the Cantemerle Hotel and Spa is treating your guests to something special, in a different and relaxing

setting. A change from the usual, certainly comfortable, but drab and plain environments. Bring to your events the charm of a Mediterranean villa and the refinement of creative and generous cuisine. Show your teams that your company is genuinely aware of employee wellbeing: an enchanting pastoral setting, with time to relax by the pool. Facing the natural light, in a preserved environment, the seminar room is equipped with the latest technologies for pleasant

and studious work sessions. Enjoy the wellness and relaxing space with an access of the heating inner swimming-pool, hammam and fitness room. For residential seminars, the 27 rooms and suites of the Cantemerle Hotel and Spa are available at preferential prices. Contact us for information now n

258, chemin Cantemerle - 06140 VENCE 04 93 58 08 18 - 97




Les marques savent vous faire aimer leurs der-

models appealing. So we take to the

nières nouveautés. Alors on prend la route, on

road, we test-drive the latest models, to

n’hésite plus à tester les dernières venues, pour

veer away from the beaten path and dis-

battre en brèche les idées reçues et découvrir des

cover new sensations. On snow, in the

sensations encore inconnues. Sur la neige, dans

woods, on ring roads, in vintage, space-

les bois, sur voies rapides, dans des véhicules

age or electric vehicles… No matter: our

d’époque, futuristes, ou électriques… Peu im-

driving passion spurs us on!

porte : la passion l’emporte toujours au volant !


SUD EST MOTORS CAR 3001 - FACE CAP 3000 Av. H.Lantelme 06700 - St Laurent du Var

TĂŠl. : 04 93 14 27 85




BMW has been honing its xDrive technology for years, a genuine revolution in all-wheel-drives, available on nearly 80 models of the range.


ome and test it for yourself by participating in the 8th xDrive

Tour, a unique event. Drive a BMW on the snowy road of Auron! An exciting experience, with the xDrive technology

that makes driving fun and secure!

Control your ride Test-drive the BMW of your choice (information available at your dealership). BMW GAAD Mougins helps you drive and glide in style, whatever the circumstances. A must-do event: learn more about the exceptional dry-grip xDrive technology. From February 16 to 20. For exclusive information and registration, call 0825 35 55 55. The xDrive technology is available on the model of your choice until March 31st!

BMW GAAM NOUVELLE SAS - Connection road - 155 chemin de Font Graissan

+ 33 4 93 94 91 85 - Mougins - 100







n Cannes, from February 19 to March 5, the Palais des

Festivals will host a large-scale event: the European

launch of a vehicle! For 10 days, European dealers

and representatives of the press will be present in

Cannes for this event filled with surprising moments around the still secret launch‌. More information soon at




o your calendars, car enthusiasts and collectors! From February 6 to 10, the French

Mecca of vintage vehicles is assuredly the Porte de Versailles. Retromobile, the must of automobile history fans (73 000 visitors in 2012!), has concocted another phenomenal program: a tribute to the Citroën DS, the 50th anniversary of the Porsche 911 and of the 250 GTO Ferrari. Artcurial Motorcars is organizing an exceptional auction sale: Alain Delon’s Ferrari Testarossa, Pierre Brignole’s collection, 402 Eclipse, Fiat 8V Vignale 1953…) Retromobile 2013 - Paris Expo Porte de Versailles February 6 to 10 -






r so says AVERE, the association for the

development of electric mobility: in

Europe, the highest number of

electric vehicle purchases is recorded in

France, accounting for 35% in new car registrations! Numbers don’t really talk (9 314 cars sold last year) but it seems that the environmental incentive bonus has a lot to do with this situation: for electric vehicles alone, governmental bonuses can reach 7 000 €. Although charging stations and a dedicated ecosystem are still to be developed for the market to really take off, the momentum is there. On the Côte d’Azur, Nice sets the example with its Autos Bleues (Blue Cars) and announces the future success of this

mode of transport in the cities of tomorrow. n


Rent a touring car, a commercial vehicle or a microcar for the day, a whole week or a month. It is easy; we deliver vehicles on your selected location. You need a vehicle at the airport ? Chose the Pack Business. For only an extra 15 Euros, we assist you right from landing. Upon departure, you can leave the vehicle and the keys at the closest parking space and take off peacefully.



Excl. taxes/Day*- HT/Jour*

* Daily rate for a Smart car for a week rental Prix par jour d’une smart pour une semaine de location.

NICE FACE AEROPORT 179, Bd René Cassin Hôtel Park Inn 04 93 21 21 00 ACCUEIL VIP A VOTRE

ST. LAURENT DU VAR 40, Allée des Pécheurs (Secteur A3) Z.I St. Laurent 04 92 27 05 10

ANTIBES SHOWROOM 4, Rue d’Alger 04 92 91 00 19



GOLFE-JUAN 105, Avenue de la Liberté RN7 04 93 63 95 66


S P O R T WE WANT YOU... ...For US Sports! Baseball, American football, and ice hockey: the

...For US Sport ! Baseball, football américain, hockey sur glace, les sports outre at-

popularity of US sports is growing

lantique font de plus en plus d’adeptes

in our region. Zooming in on 3

dans notre région. Zoom sur trois clubs

so-American local clubs!

locaux aux accents so american.

LES DAUPHINS DE NICE AMERICAN FOOTBALL LE FOOT À LA SAUCE US For their first European Cup home match on March 23,

Ils disputeront leur premier match de coupe d’Europe à

2013, the team will face Barcelona, and yet the Dau-

domicile contre Barcelone le 23 mars prochain pourtant

phins de Nice are unknown. They are the other football

personne ne les connait. Ils, ce sont les dauphins de

club, but for American football.

Nice, l’autre club de foot niçois, américain celui-là.

Club President: Jean-Luc Donivar How old is the club and how many players? I founded the club in 1999 and we totaled 450 player last season.


What is your current ranking? Last year, we finished 3rd in the first Division and were qualified to play the European Cup. We are preparing to face the major challenges that the new season, opening in March, will bring. What are the club’s values? Family, respect, pugnacity and the drive to excel every day. Can everyone play? Yes, children as of 12 years of age can play in full gear. It is a contact sport, highly technical where discipline is paramount, as opposed to what some people may think. What are you planning for the future? We are not short of ideas, but our municipality finds it difficult to follow us on this ground. One of our objectives is to become a popular club and play against the best. We are lucky to have the support of local retailers and hope

to grow the number of our supporters. n 107


CAVIGAL SOFTBALL BASEBALL - FYI You don’t need to be American to play baseball, as demonstrated by the Cavigal softball-baseball club. Club President: Frédéric Leroy

Président : Frédéric Leroy

How old is the club and how many players today? The club was created in 1988 and now has 120 players. What is your current ranking? The season opens in April, so we are really busy. Last year, the baseball team maintained its national position in the 3rd division and the men’s softball team became the French vice-champion.

What is the club’s philosophy? Our main value is full integration: boys, girls, the disabled, the young and the less young, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds. Diversity and sharing are our ground rules. Can anybody play? Yes, as of 4 years of age. It’s a very complete and fun sport. What are your future plans? To recruit more members, and to train them to play at the highest level of competition, without compromising the fun we have. n


NICE HOCKEY CÔTE D’AZUR UNDER THE SUN, THE ICE In the land of sea, sun and palm trees, the Nice Hockey Côte d’Azur Club is an exception. Manager of Les Aigles Alex Duyck talks about the club. How old is the club and how many players today? The club was opened in 2003 and now has 260 players, divided in 11 teams. What is your current ranking? Nice is positioned in third place of the championship, 1 point away from the leader, Brest. What is the club’s philosophy? The most important values in our opinion are respect, playing pleasure and hard work. Can anybody play? Yes, we welcome everyone: children as of 4 years of age, for training on Monday nights and adults on Wednesday nights. What are your future plans and projects? The club has several objectives: to further training, to increase the number of players and to become a member of the Magnus League, the highest level in France. We invite the population of the Côte d’Azur to support the Aigles and to enjoy the fun atmosphere of the skating rink during match breaks, amidst groups of fans and pom pom girls. n 109


SO GEEK Major items or toys of all kinds, find out about the latest products from the Geek world to give as a gift or for your own personal purchase.

Bamboo Stylus Feel, Digital Pens for Touch Screens Bamboo Stylus Feel digital pens use Wacom’s Feel IT Technologies, adapted to many touch screen products (Apple, Samsung). The stylus makes note-taking easy on « feelcompatible » screens. From 39.90 € and 79.90 € for the prime Carbon version. Available at MCS (rue Dante in Nice), Fnac, Darty and Auchan La Trinité.

A Mini iPad Keyboard The Keyboard Folio is a multifunctional case, containing a removable keyboard, connected via Bluetooth 3.0. A 360° mobile revolution. Synthetic leather, 380 g, 2-year warranty - recommended price: 59,90 €. Available in large distribution outlets and online.


Technological Art Objects in Monaco Cottin, the Parisian technological art object designer is going international and has just moved to the prestigious showcase of Monaco’s Diva Showroom. 100 m2 of mind-boggling audiovisual and multimedia installations, and unique computers, original iPads, incomparable USB keys... For art-loving geeks!!! Visits at Diva Monaco - 13 rue de la Turbie - +377 97 70 00 13 -

Hanwell, the Home Marshall The Home Marshall Amp for rock fans. The famous amp brand is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a limited series of home amps and sound worthy of the best festival stage. Limited numbered edition. Available at Guitar Maniac in Nice and at Music 3000 in Saint-Laurent du Var.





BUSINESS An angel’s touch… Symbolic of purity and innocence, white announces the spring season. Chic guaranteed

Burberry - 65 Boulevard de la Croisette - Cannes

My Cocorose London Ballerinas Ideal at the end of a day on stilettos, the Cocorose London “Alice” ballerinas, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, fit in a handbag, and guarantee immediate comfort and elegance.

Mes ballerines Cocorose London Idéales après une journée perchée sur nos talons hauts, les ballerines « Alice » de Cocorose London inspirées d’Alice au pays des merveilles, se glissent facilement dans notre sac et nous apportent confort et élégance en un clin d’œil.


Absolute Black Timeless and supremely chic, black endows our workdays with elegance. The details that make the difference, the perfecto jacket or a scarf, liven up the otherwise strict outfit.

Burberry - 65 Boulevard de la Croisette - Cannes

My Jack Russell Malletier Carrying Case The Jack Russell Malletier carrying case holds everything I need and completes my modern globetrotter look. All I need to do is pick the one I want from the brand’s wide range of options.

Ma mallette Jack Russell Malletier Je range tout ce dont j’ai besoin et parfait mon look de globetrotter des temps modernes dans les mallettes Jack Russell Malletier. Je n’ai plus qu’à choisir le modèle parfait dans la large gamme de la marque.





From office to bedroom, there are trends galore, and new ideas are gently sprouting in the torpor of winter. The latest kitchen appliances, dressing room lighting, as well as a selection of armchairs or smart garden accessories: home has never felt so good!


Du bureau à la chambre à coucher, les tendances ne manquent pas, et les nouvelles idées sortent doucement de la torpeur de l’hiver. Voici un équipement top niveau pour la cuisine, un dressing illuminé, une sélection de fauteuils ou d’accessoires intelligents pour le jardin : on ne s’est jamais senti aussi bien chez soi !


Laugh at winter with « Feu Follet »: this acacia wood coffee table is fitted with a tempered glass firewall that mirrors the flames, releasing gentle warmth. Enjoy your garden earlier in the season! The system includes a gas cylinder placed under the table, invisible burner and flame-control. Comes in three colors: teakwood, white or bleached natural, size 80 x 80 x 52.5 cm - 699 € Discover at







hether the desk is traditional, glass-surfaced, or

sleek, what really matters is the quality of the ma-


terial‌ The Roche Bobois new office desk range is a striking example. Vertigo,


designed by Daniel Rode, displays the architectural curves of the 50s, an MDF ebony-like structure and polished stainless steel footrest (L.170 x W. 77 x H. 77 cm). Rive Droite (designer Christophe Delcourt) is made of solid oak and veneer, with 3 drawers and 2 surface finish options: bronze or white gold lacquer.

Also available in walnut (L. 180 x H. 76 x D. 80 cm). n

Roche Bobois in Antibes, 3015 Chemin de Saint Bernard and in Nice, 6 rue Gubernatis.





ecause carpentry and woodworking often call upon ingenuity rather than simple talent, Marc Pourrat and SEGM manufacture furniture and layouts designed to suit your lifestyle and expectations. With SEGM, everything is possible, far from the usual standardized offers: lighting, mechanized furniture, to your wood installations…SEGM have thirty years experience in upmarket woodwork and intelligent layouts to always satisfy their demanding customer base. Their approach is genuinely focused on meeting your expectations, no matter how extravagant. Trust in SEGM’s know-how : contact Marc Pourrat and his team at + 33 4 92 95 18 11.


arce que la menuiserie et l’ébénisterie font souvent appel à l’ingéniosité plus qu’au simple talent, découvrez avec Marc Pourrat et SEGM des meubles et des agencements pensés selon votre mode de vie et vos attentes. Loin de la standardisation, sachez que tout est possible avec SEGM : luminaires, mécanisation de vos meubles, de vos installations en bois… SEGM, c’est 30 années d’expérience de l’ébénisterie de qualité, des agencements intelligents, des centaines de clients exigeants mais toujours satisfaits. C’est surtout une vraie démarche pour combler votre demande, la plus extravagante soit-elle. Faites confiance à l’expertise SEGM : contactez Marc Pourrat et son équipe au 04 92 95 18 11

SEGM Ebénisterie Se déplace dans toute la région sur RDV 2121, Ch St Bernard (Porte 13) 06 225 Vallauris Tel: 04 92 95 18 11 - Fax: 04 92 95 18 21 Mail: 117





nce a task reserved for women, cooking is now a male

thing. After the metrosexual, the « gastrosexual », a new word in sociology, which defines the heterosexual

man who likes to cook and who

uses cuisine as a weapon of seduction. But, whether seduction or the simple pleasure of cooking, when men don the apron, the « usual » utensils are banned. Men look for performance and ergonomics, the crème de la crème. See our selection of design accessories

for the chef for a day. n

MAUVIEL Casserole M’Stone² - à partir de 62.90 € La Boutique du Chef - Avenue de Campon - Le Cannet

DEGLON Meeting Teflon - 815 €

SIEMENS Oven Touch Screen - 1650 € Chez Darty - Route de Grasse - Antibes




MY LAMPS Wall, floor or ceiling lamps are mood enhancers, stylish Bramwell - 29 €

and classy deco boosters. Habitat proposes refined designs to liven up our offices and sideboards. Habitat - Chemin des Terriers Nord Les Semboules - Antibes


Parasol - 89 €

Blaine - 49 €


Alexander Martin Mobilier & Decoration Yo ur inner w or ld

With Alexander Martin, discover your special inner world


iscover the latest developments and audacious

products that make design news. Alexander Martin is a specialist in chic and trendy interior fittings and

decoration. He will help you choose your furniture and adapt your home decor to your taste. Living rooms, be-

drooms, garden furniture: your own space, decorated according to your codes, tastes, pace. Alexander Martin helps you materialize your dreams, with or without the assistance of an architect, with high-range quality European-made furniture. n

Alexander Martin 20 Avenue du train des Pignes - 06670 Colomars TĂŠl : +33 (0) 977 76 31 10 - Port : +33 (0) 675 65 68 45




Illuminating Lumineuses idées Ideas With Leroy Merlin’s lighting systems, illuminate your furniture and the inside of your closets. Metal Bastille LED light strip, on/off switch and automatic switch-off (39,90 €) Metal Opéra LED light strip, L 65,5 cm, on/off switch. Also available in 35,5 cm (35,90 €) Kit Flexed : 1,50 m-long sheathed tubing with transformer Available in white, green, red, blue or changing colors (39,90 €) LED Tiga 6-spotlight Kit, to sink in the floor, grey aluminum (39,90 €)

€ €


Le visiophone pour tous The Videophone for All Small and slim, Thomson’s new intercom systems, deve-

loped by Advisen, are practical, easy to install, at democratic prices. Hands-free, they sport extra-flat elegant color screens. From 169 €. Available at GMS Carrefour, Leclerc and Les Briconautes in Grasse.




SIT DOWN / A selection of original, comfortable and surprising chairs and armchairs.



Basika’s Agatha couch, both very 70s and ultra-modern, could have starred in Kubrick’s “2001, Space Odyssey”. 239 € - seat 42 cm - height 55 cm. Synthetic upholstering. Basika, six stores in the Alpes-Maritimes


HOME SWING La Dé and its indoor swing, hung from the ceiling by metal wires. Busk & Hertzog pour Softline, 410 €, comes in shades of red, deep lilac, dark grey, light grey and camel.


IMOLA BoConcept’s grand classic, Imola comes in different colors and upholsteries (fabrics and leather). Design your decor online with the Home Creator software. Spruce up your living room. Imola - starting price: 979 €. BoConcept, 1254 Route de la Valmasque - Valbonne + 33 4 92 38 98 60 - 32 Boulevard des Moulins - Monaco +377 97 97 67 97 -



The legendary leather armchair is now up-cycled, upholstered in colorful velvet or more classically in “haute couture” style. Starting price: 1700 € - Many custom designs available -




SMART GARDENING Gardening may bring pleasure to some, but it is a chore for others. Here’s how to ease the pain with the appropriate equipment. See below.


ECO-RESPONSIBLE WATERING Because water is precious, Ribiland invented the «AcquaLitre» spray gun and nozzles, mounted with a water flow digital control screen. The technology helps you to monitor in real time your water volume consumption (in liters or gallons), which makes for substantial savings. Available in all garden stores


MY LAWNMOWER DOES THE JOB! Who has never dreamt of a lawnmower that does it for you? The dream is now reality thanks to Robomow, a range of smart lawnmowers that can be used whatever the surface to cover. Simple, environmentally friendly and efficient, they work for you, leaving your lawn groomed and beautiful. Mistre Motoculture - RN7 - Brignoles (Var)





IMMOBILIER DE LUXE MP Mathieu Hanotin’s proposal to tax luxury real estate (property value above 1 M€, incrementally) to fund the renovation of insalubrious housing may be included in the 2013 Budget.


La proposition du député Mathieu Hanotin de taxer l’immobilier de luxe (biens supérieurs à 1 M d’€, de manière progressive) pour financer la rénovation de l’habitat insalubre sera peut être intégrée au Budget 2013.

he measure is not yet applied but could lead to

market upheavals. On the luxury market, new trends are appearing and more specifically as re-

gards investment-related services, such as for Condo Hotels (Condominium, private hotel rooms with services). The appeal of France’s prime properties, on the Côte d’Azur particularly, protects the sector against strong fluctuations and the partners of secure and optimal invest-

ments are still numerous on the Riviera. Luxury real estate is an investment that requires professional advice.




Commercialisation cialisation

ESPACE SP PACE DE VENTE SUR PLACE ESP 1130 Chemin des des terriers terriers - -Antibes Antibes TÉL. 04 92 92 00 00 67 6756 56 - www


С нами получить кредит во французском банке легче и быстрее - The Agency for your investments on the French Riviera

BEST RATES, FOR ALL BUDGETS AND ALL NATIONALITIES LES MEILLEURES CONDITIONS, POUR TOUS LES BUDGETS ET TOUTES LES NATIONALITÉS Twenty-five year old Julien Weiler talks about his job as advisor at MeilleurTaux in Cannes. With a Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance (Skema), Julien describes his profile in sales and client relations. Julien, what do you find most satisfying in this job?

Julien, qu’est-ce que la satisfaction dans votre métier ?

Negotiating the lowest rate of course, but even more

C’est lorsque j’obtiens le taux le plus bas, mais surtout quand

so when I can tell my clients that they will benefit

mon client accède aux conditions qu’il souhaitait globalement,

from the best rates in insurance, monthly installments and loan reimbursement schedules.

aussi bien sur l’assurance, sur les mensualités que sur la durée.

Julien Weiler

Que peut-on attendre de la conjoncture bancaire sur

How will the current banking context impact rates over the co-

les taux dans les prochains mois ?

ming months?

Les taux sont à des plus bas historiques. Ils devraient rester stables pen-

Rates are at an-all time low and should remain stable for several

dant plusieurs mois. C’est donc le moment pour faire racheter un prêt

more months. The current economic context is propitious for loan

en cours ou investir dans l’immobilier. La conjoncture actuelle permet

buybacks and real estate investments. Get exceptional conditions

d’obtenir des conditions exceptionnelles et de réduire le cout de crédit.

and obtain lower loan interest rates.

Dans le secteur de l’immobilier de prestige, quels sont les avan-

Are your services competitive as regards prime properties?

tages à faire appel à vos services ?

Prestigious clients also take out mortgages, including non-resi-

La clientèle de prestige fait également des prêts immobiliers, y compris

dents. In all negotiation rounds, we observe a significant difference

les non-résidents.

on large investments. The added value we contribute is undispu-

Lorsque nous entrons en négociation, la différence est vraiment notable

table. These affluent clients sometimes take out loans and can, if

sur les gros investissements. Notre valeur ajoutée est incontestable.

we negotiate by their side, benefit from very interesting rates, par-

Pour la clientèle étrangère qui ne connait pas toujours le fonctionne-

ticularly for large investments!

ment du système bancaire français, il faut qu’ils sachent qu’il est surtout

Our foreign clients are not always aware of how the French ban-

plus simple et plus économique qu’on ne le croit de faire appel à nos

king system works. They need to know that our services make

services, plutôt que de passer directement par les banques. Nous par-

things easier, and that we are cheaper than banks. Our agency staff

lons 7 langues à l’agence et les non-résidents sont reçus dans leur

speaks 7 languages and addresses non-residents in their mother

langue voire par des compatriotes, ce qui est bien plus confortable.

tongue, which makes for easier exchanges. We are able to assist

Nous pouvons donc recevoir toutes les nationalités pour étudier leurs

people of all nationalities and meet their expectations.

besoins et les accompagner.

Open from Monday to Friday, from 9am till 7pm, and on Saturday by appointment only Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9 h à 19 h, et le samedi sur rendez-vous

04 93 94 88 50 7 BOULEVARD CARNOT - CANNES 130




NAIM Côte d’Azur, the professional grouping of real

estate advisors, reported on this point in the last quar-

ter of 2012: the real estate market is losing momentum

and prices are resolutely dropping. In Nice, a drop of 25% in sales was observed in 2012, while the Menton area currently posts a drop of -9%, Antibes -12% and Cannes -10%. Potential client engagements

are diminishing in view of the concerns weighing on the economy and employment, while the down payment rate is impacted by the disappearance of interest-free loans (PTZ) applicable to older buildings. According to FNAIM professionals,

resale prices could fluctuate between 0 and -2% in 2013. n


EXCLUSIVITE LANTERNE Deluxe Residence, pool, tennis courts, poolhouse; T4 through apartment, excellent condition, sea view, 32 m² living room, 3 bedrooms including a master suite, southfacing terrace, cellar, underground parking garage possible. PRICE: 590.000 €

EXCLUSIVITE NICE OUEST FABRON In new residence with pool, beautiful T3 through apartment (74m²). Fully-equipped kitchen, 25m² living room giving onto a 16m² terrace, south-west facing, 12m² and 15m² bedrooms, quiet and peaceful, garage and cellar. PRICE 355.000 €

COT’OUEST immobilier - 3 agences sur Nice Ouest 203 avenue de la CALIFORNIE - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 09 77 20 112 Avenue Sainte-Marguerite - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 291 291 329 route de Bellet - 06200 NICE - Tél. 04 92 09 77 20 -


CORPORATE REAL ESTATE IMMOBILIER D’ENTREPRISE SOUND EXPERT ADVICE: A PRIORITY BIEN SE FAIRE CONSEILLER, UNE PRIORITÉ No major construction projects for business or office premises are expected this year. The existing stock of buildings does not always meet the requirements of enterprises seeking large surfaces, that are scarce, and spacious business premises.


Locaux d’activité ou bureaux, les grandes mises en chantier vont manquer à l’appel cette année. L’existant ne correspond pas toujours aux attentes des entreprises qui souhaitent souvent s’installer dans de grandes surfaces (difficilement disponibles) ou des locaux d’activité assez vastes.

egarding offices, the supply is more abundant

but the obsolescence of premises remains an obstacle. There is a fast-track solution: turn to

the professionals who are corporate real estate experts and who regularly monitor availabilities and

opportunities in the Alpes-Maritimes, such as Gemofis. They are able to quickly and concretely satisfy your expectations.



Gemofis: independent, proactive and networked Gemofis : l’indépendance, la proactivité et l’effet réseau Gemofis is a national network of independent corporate real estate advisors, who work closely with their clients. Frédéric Endico tells us more about Gemofis Côte d’Azur.

What services do you provide? « We provide our corporate clients with business premises solutions, for rent or sale in the AlpesMaritimes and East Var. Our strong points: constant research and selection, perfect market knowledge and client support also in the medium and long-term. Our solutions are pragmatic and often innovative, in today’s difficult real estate market. We apply a long-term approach, based on trust: 2 out of 3 transactions are conducted

Frédéric Endico

A few examples Quelques références

with recurrent clients. ».

OXYA - 250 m² How is the market structured on the Côte d’Azur?

REXEL - 400 m²

« The demand of production and storage pre-


mises exceeds the offer, even more as regards acquisitions. Office space is readily available but not always compliant with new standards, which trig-


gers changes on this market segment. We are cur-

AKTUEL - 1 800 m²

rently in a position to provide immediate solutions

TOURNAIRE - 5 000 m²

for premises of 200 to 2500 m . ». 2

Gemofis Côte d’Azur 455 Promenade des Anglais - Porte de l’Arénas Hall C - Nice

+ 33 4 93 73 58 51 - - 4 multilingual advisors / 4 Conseillers polyglottes 135



Demand for premises on the part of administrations expected to drop in 2013 la demande publique va manquer en 2013 The FICI CBRE, a corporate real estate specialist Group, sums up 2012 and shares its sales forecasts for 2013 on the Côte d’Azur. A stark observation: lack of available land, no major construction projects. Interview of professionals on clearly detected recurrent issues.


régory Renault, from the FICI CBRE Office Real Es-

tate Department, states: « When a request comes in

for 1 000 m2 of new business premises to be delive-

red within 30 days, you welcome the opportunity… But curb your enthusiasm: there are no such properties available! ». The

same statement was made by all the corporate real estate professionals involved in a market study to be presented by FICI CBRE, the largest corporate real estate operator on the Côte d’Azur (in 2011, the Group single-handedly won 50% of such transactions in the region).

Leon Pimienta, Stanislas Leborgne, Georges Benichou et Gregory Renault


No plans for major construction work 2012 was a satisfactory year, driven by public and parapublic demand: Nice La Plaine I (50 000 m2), Nice Plaza - Arénas (15 000 m2), Amadeus in Sophia (4 300 m2), and Business Pole (2 500 m2). However, 2013 is expected to be less productive: no foreseen major construction work, office premises stagnating in Nice and fluctuating in Sophia Antipolis. Although rental costs are lower in Nice than in Sophia Antipolis, expensive property and town charges and parking fees tip the balance. As regards business premises, professionals cannot meet the demand for surfaces above 5 000 m2. Second observation: the premises are aging and becoming obsolete. Awaiting the OIN (ONI-Operation of National Interest) Professionals are therefore prepared to work with the existing real estate park in 2013 and regret the shortage of major construction projects. When a firm decides to move to the Côte d’Azur, it expects to be able to move in quickly. Does the promise of supply boost the demand? Are we in a vicious cycle? Perhaps the installation of a large group could set the example and boost construction work. Maybe 2013 is the year of the implementation of the EcoVallée, an operation of national interest eagerly expected by the professionals of corporate real estate. n

FICI CBRE - 1 Place Magenta in Nice - + 33 4 93 88 66 58 - Villantipolis N°13 - 473 Route des Dolines - Sophia Antipolis - + 33 4 93 65 22 54





Far from the luxury yachts and cars, there

Loin des yachts et des voitures de luxe, il est

is another Côte d’Azur, culturally inclined

une Côte d’Azur culturelle et artistique riche

and rich with artistic events. Singers,

en événements. Chanteurs, danseurs ou co-

dancers or comedians, numerous artists

médiens, nombreux sont les artistes qui se

flock to the region for our enjoyment. It

pressent dans la région pour nous offrir de

is up to us to book our evenings!

belles soirées. A nous de réserver !



To each his book and a book for all. Whether to read,

Un livre pour chacun et chacun son livre. Que l’on aime

write or play, there is always a book somewhere. The

lire, écrire ou jouer, il y a toujours un ouvrage pour

proof is in the pudding.

nous. La preuve.

Ecrire un livre … et se faire publier

Les grands articles de presse de 1900 à nos jours

Laurence Bourgeois

Kevin Labiausse

What if I wrote a book? Why not? But how

A century of history viewed by

do I go about it? Find the answers to

journalists, often activists, some-

these questions in this very complete

times violent, but always spot on.

guide, which describes all the stages of

Un siècle d’histoire vue par des

book writing, from initial ideas to project

journalistes, souvent militants,


parfois violents, mais toujours

Si j’écrivais un livre ? Pourquoi pas mais


comment faire ? La réponse dans ce

Editions Bréal

guide complet qui explique toutes les

240 pages - 16 €

étapes de la conception au suivi du projet. Editions Eyrolles - 180 pages - 20 €

L’histoire de Nintendo - Volume 2

C’est la réédition que les geeks et gamers du monde en-

Florent Gorges

tier attendaient avec impatience, le tome 2 de « L’histoire

Nintendo » revisits the astonishing inven-

de Nintendo » revient sur l’étonnante invention : les

tion: the Game and Watch from 1980 to

Game and Watch entre 1980 et 1991 avec 16 pages sup-

1991, with 16 additional pages not included

plémentaires par rapport à la version originale.

in the original version.

Editions Pix’n Love - 210 pages - 20 €


Time to Party!


La fête, c’est maintenant !

On the Côte d’Azur, the tourist season starts in February … The Nice Carnaval, the Lemon Festival in Menton, the Mimosa Festival in Mandelieu La Napoule: tourists preparing to feast the summer.


he Nice Carnaval, « King of Five Continents », will

once again be universal. With 1,000 musicians and

dancers from the world over, 18 large parade floats,

Francophonie as the guest of honor (Nice will host the 2013

edition of Francophony), the event promises to be mesmerizing: get a whiff of cheer and fun from February 15 to March 6 ! (Information : Flowers will be the stars of the Mimosa Festival during the Provence Prestige Trade Show, dedicated to Art de Vivre, from February 14 to 17. Parades, flower-covered floats and brass bands will celebrate the wer for almost 10 days from February 15 to 24. (Information at +33 (0)4 93 93 64 64). In Menton, the 80th Lemon Fes-


commune’s emblematic flo-

tival will take you on a marvelous « Round the World in 80 days » journey, from February 16 to March 6, with halts in Egypt or India. For information:




CONCERTS The holiday season may be behind us, but the beat goes on, on the Côte d’Azur. Take out your calendars and book your shows and concerts for February and March. Les fêtes à peine terminées, on continue de rire et de danser dans les salles azuréennes. On sort les agendas et on réserve nos soirées spectacles et concerts pour les deux prochains mois.


Michel Sardou 13 février - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 43 à 75 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

Michaël Gregorio 16 février - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 33 à 43 € - La Palestre - Le Cannet Tél : 04 93 46 48 88

Salut les copains 8 février - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 37 à 59 € - Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

Tano 8 février - 20 h 30 Tarifs : Gratuit Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée- Nice Tél : 04 97 25 81 36

MARS Break the floor International 9 février - 20 h 30

Les hommes viennent de Mars, les femmes de Vénus

Tarifs : de 10 à 24 €

5 mars - 20 h 30

Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes

Tarifs : de 37 à 44 € - Acropolis - Nice

Tél : 04 92 99 33 83

Tél : 04 93 92 83 00


Stars 80 la tournée 8 mars - 20 h Tarifs : de 41 à 56 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

Voca People 9 mars - 20 h 30 - Tarifs : de 37 à 40 € Casino du Palais de la Méditerranée - Nice Tél : 04 92 14 77 00

The Australian - Pink Floyd Show 17 mars - 18 h Tarifs : de 43 à 54 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice Tél : 04 92 29 31 29

Tété 28 mars - 20 h 30 Tarifs : de 16 à 19 € Théâtre Lino Ventura Nice Tél : 04 97 00 10 70



Tragedy, comedy, drama; theater has something in store for everyone with talented actors who will offer great performances on stage the two following months. Don’t miss it. Tragédie, comédie, mélodrame, le théâtre multiplie les genres et les comédiens les talents, pour vous offrir un programme sur les planches à ne pas rater ces deux prochains mois.




Gould et Menuhin

2 février - 20 h 30

Les 21 et 22 mars - 21 h

De Ron Hutchinson avec T. Fremont et S. Le Bihan

Avec Charles Berling

Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes

et Ami Flammer

Tél : 04 92 98 62 77

Théâtre Princesse Grâce - Monaco Tél : 0377 93 25 32 27

Jacques et son Maître 7 février - 21 h

Le Retour

Avec Yves Pignot,

Du 6 au 10 mars - 20 h 30,

Nicolas Briançon

19 h 30 et 15 h

Théâtre Princesse Grâce - Monaco

Harold Pinter / Luc Bondy

Tél : 0377 93 25 32 27

Théâtre National de Nice Tél : 04 93 13 90 90

Le Retour, Emmanuelle Seigner

La vérité 15 février - 20 h 30 De Florian Zeller avec P.Chesnais et F. Cottençon Palais des Festivals et des Congrès - Cannes

Les liaisons dangereuses

Tél : 04 92 98 62 77

14 mars - 21 h Choderlos de Laclos / John Malkovich - Palais des Festivals

Des jours et des nuits à Chartres

et des Congrès - Cannes Tél : 04 92 98 62 77

27 et 28 février - 20 h 30 Mise en scène de

Forever Young

Daniel Benoin

7 et 8 mars - 19 h 30 et 20 h 30

Théâtre National

De Jean-François Matignon

de Nice

Théâtre de Grasse

© Guy Delahaye

© Hugues Lagarde



Tél : 04 93 13 90 90


Tél : 04 93 40 53 00 Forever Young

OPERAS BALLETS Powerful voices and graceful bodies hold the promise of beautiful lyrical evenings over the next two months. To your calendars! Les voix puissantes et les corps en mouvements nous promettent une fois de plus de belles soirées lyriques en perspectives ces deux prochains mois. A vos agendas !



La petite flûte enchantée Du 13 au 15 février - 15 h (les 13 et 15), 10 h (les 14 et 15) De Mozart par l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice Opéra Nice Côte d'Azur Tél : 04 92 17 40 79

Le Ballet Igor Moisseiev Photo Marie julliard

7 mars - 20 h Tarifs : de 38 à 53 € Palais Nikaïa - Nice - Tél : 04 97 25 81 36

La Traviata

Le Lac des Cygnes

24 février - 16 h

10 février - 15 h 30

De Giuseppe Verdi

Tarifs : de 34 à 56 €

Palais des Festivals et des Congrès -

Par le Moscou Théâtre Ballet

Grand auditorium - Cannes

La Palestre - Le Cannet -

Tél : 04 92 98 62 77

Tél : 04 93 46 48 88


Ballet Royal du Cambodge

Du 22 au 29 mars - 20 h (les 22, 27 et 29), 15 h (le 24)

31 mars et 1er avril - 18 h

De Pietro Mascagni par le Chœur de l'Opéra et Orchestre

Tarifs : 33 €

Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo

Sporting - Salle des Etoiles -

Opéra de Monte-Carlo - Monaco


Tél : 00 377 98 06 28 28

Tél : 00377 98 06 36 36



Francolino et Frida Ivarsson, Château Le Cagnard

L’équipe du Golf Cannes Mougins

Organic Concept

Pascal Leclerc, ACME

l’équipe de Gemofis

Vanessa Nastasi, Netese

Guillaume Emorine, Sud Est Motors

Laela Mouhamou, Chef de La Méditerranée à Mougins


Carine Guieu, Principale du Collège de l’Eganaude


Benoît Lahitette de Nautipolis

Chez Prexens

VO Concept

Nicolas Ricard, Motor Village Cannes

Toute l’équipe du Restaurant Albert 1er

Redouane Mansouri, chef au restaurant Albert 1er


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