Fashion Marketing - Fashion Promotion Module 2nd Year / H&M x Banksy

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BANKSY X H&M &$! #%

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CONTENTS 03-06 07-08 09-10 11-12 13-14 15-16

An intro to collaborations An outline of H&M H&M x KENZO collection 2016 Product Imagery 2016 collection - pricing Maintenance of brand positioning

17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-29

Marketing communications PR Event Phase 2 intro Target Audience About Banksy Brand Itentity and style 1

PAGE 30 31 32-33 34-35 36-41 42-52

Trend research: colours Trend research: silhouettes Trend research: fabrics Trend research: textiles Trend research: Key items Competitor analysis

53-71 72-735

Range development

74-82 83-84 85-97 97

Marketing communications

Range timeline and plan

Reference list Figure list Appendix 2

Phase 1 The aim of the first part of this journal is to analyse and evaluate collaborations within the fashion industry. Exploring the consequences the said marketing technique has on brand image, communication and status. Understanding why brand affiliations are increasingly utilised is key for brands to remain relevant and to be able to contend with competitors with a similar target audiences. By gaining a thorough understanding of academic research on the benefits and limitations of fashion collaborations, a successful capsule collection between two brands can be created.


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Figure 3

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Figure 5

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An introduction to Fashion Col labora tions

The term ‘fashion collaboration’ is defined as the partnership between a fashion label and another entity, creating a unique merger of two or more identities (Cope and Maloney, 2016). This proliferating phenomena has a predominantly favourable reputation in the fashion industry, enabling businesses to expand and popularise their own idiosyncratic signature, whilst also forming a coalition. The concept of brand alliance dates back to the early 1960s, allowing consumers access to a diverse range of fields, whilst simultaneously allowing brands the opportunity to successfully penetrate new target audiences (Rollet et al., 2012). Brand collaborations are tapping into the ‘cool factor’ of producing something unpredictable and innovative. They are doing this by creating a ‘third brand’ that neither companies could have established alone (Waters, 2018). This promotional technique allows for the development of new brand associations. Every unique brand brings their own indi-

vidual trademark and connotations to the relationship, which plays a significant role in influencing consumers’ perceptions (Ahn et al., 2010). According to Rollet et al., consumers have preconceived feelings about brands that are naturally transferred from one to another through business partnerships (2012). By utilising these emotions, marketers can exploit collaborations and generate value, enhance brand image and increase consumer demand. Collaborations are recognised as being a well established marketing approach, proven to upgrade brand presence and contribute to a multitude of positive impacts. Despite this, it is imperative to recognise the adverse impingements an unsuccessful collaboration can have. Altering the familiarity and accessibility of a brand should be calculated with caution (Kyulim et al., 2014), managing this incorrectly can lead to a magnitude of negative implications.


A n out li ne of H&M

Fi g u r e 7

Figure 8

Swedish retailer H&M is dominating the fashion industry, proclaiming to be one of the world’s leading fashion companies. Their brand personality reflects their unique passion for quality and dedication for sustainability, striving to dress their customers ethically and responsibly. Consumers perceive H&M as a business that recognises the need for a more environmentally aware industry, where shoppers can indulge in retail and stay up-to-date with the latest trends without littering the planet with an intractable amount of textile waste. It was reported that in 2016 the average consumer bought 60% more items of clothing per annum,

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these items are recorded to have a lifespan decrease of 50% when compared to figures from 2001 (Cheeseman, 2016). According to Sloman, for an entity to be successful they need to possess strong social values and prioritise ethical responsibilities (2008). In recent years, these social and cultural factors have had a significant impact on the image and reputation of a brand, influencing consumer loyalty and perception. H&M is grasping this concept and taking charge of the opportunities sustainability is reaching out for, moulding their brand


Fig ur e 10

Figure 11

handwriting to prioritise transparency and the ever-growing environmental issues. The retail giant retains a strong digital presence, outlining the importance the value of sustainability plays. They identify themselves as being dedicated to improving the future of fashion - “We want to make fashion sustainable and sustainability fashionable� (H&M, 2018). As a brand they emphasise the need for a more circular economy, driven by a need for a fair and equal industry (H&M, 2018).


An insight into the KENZO x K&M Collection Renowned fashion house KENZO teamed up with H&M in 2016 to create an exclusive merge of the two signatures. The purpose of this collaboration was to celebrate the past and the present, honouring the connection between today’s fashion and patters and prints from the 70s and 80s (H&M, 2016). Acclaimed photographer Jean-Paul Goude captured the campaign in an unusual manner, spotlighting different profiles from around the world, adding an element of diversity to the movement. The faces of the collection are figureheads such as: Chance the Rapper, Iman, Chloe Sevigny, Suboi, etc (KENZO, 2016). The collection has an overwhelming, stand-out quality when being observed as a whole, pairing the

vivid and bold items together gives an authentic feel to consumers. The pieces from the partnership are unarguably a reflection of the French fashion houses’ trademarks style, starring the famous tiger logo, bold colour combinations and out-there prints. KENZO is partially remaining within their comfort zone in order to remain true to their brand values and close to the origins of the company. Style and fashion allows for one to express themselves and make a statement without having to articulate with words. The collection aims to give consumers the opportunity to diversify themselves and experience something new through clothes (KENZO, 2016a).



Chance the Rapper

Choë Sevigny

Xiuhtezcatl Mar tinez


Ryūichi Sakamoto

Rosario Dawson

Fi g ure 12


2016 Collection: Product Imagery


Par t of the KENZO x H&M collec tion Playing with bright and bold pat terns - creating exciting textures Large colour palet te Fi g ure 13


Looking at associated price points As aforementioned, H&M is attempting to break through a new target audience via this collaboration while also maintaining and strengthening their current market. According to Sowray from Elle Magazine, the short folkloric ribbon dress was one of the hottest and most-wanted items. The delicate looking piece featured a combination of numerous prints and colours from the collection, and was priced at £149.99 (2016). The KENZO x H&M collection is pricing their clothing between £24.99 and £199.99 and their accessories are priced from £7.99 to £119.99. Typically a Kenzo jumper would be priced around £175, and a jacket can go up to £675. While handbags and backpacks typically fall between £130 and £405. When looking at the above comparison it is evident that when a consumer shops the collaboration they are benefiting from high quality products at a discounted price, to also accommodate H&M customers. With the aim of reaching a wider audience in mind, a firm needs to have an excellent awareness of its market in order to be able to predict and meet demand, and select the most advantageous price, marketing techniques and product design (Sloman, 2008).

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How did H&M retain KENZO’s brand positioning? The acclaimed retailer is recognised for being a leader of creative alliances, partnering with designers since the first H&M collaboration in 2004, with fashion-legend Karl Lagerfeld (Waters, 2018). According to Rollet et al., H&M creates these unique collaborations to excite customers with limited edition products, generating demand. This allows for the brand to enhance awareness and produce something new and innovative. Through partnerships a ‘third brand’ is created, something neither side could have established alone, by accomplishing a partnership, an increase in sales is generated and both parties are given the opportunity to penetrate new audiences, while maintaining their target market (2012).


The creative directors at Kenzo, Carol Lim and Humberto Leon, stated: “With this collaboration with H&M we want to think big, push the boundaries and bring the new energy of Kenzo to everyone around the world” (H&M, 2016b). Although both global companies have similar objectives from this careful amalgamate, it is important for H&M to retain Kenzo’s brand positioning yet produce a range that remains within their core values. Co-branding is perceived as a strategy to tap into the market of the partner brand (Schooeder et al., 2006), by developing new associations which are carried across from loyal consumers. This sort of collaboration allows for KENZO to improve their brand accessibility and exposure, making their brand more available to the everyday consumer. Whereas for H&M, this partnerships opens doors towards more ‘expensive’ and luxurious products to be sold providing designer quality product for a fraction of the cost to their consumers. Inter-industry collaborations allow for there to be a point of market entry for designer brands, while simultaneously offering smaller brands increased visibility (Waters, 2018)

Figure 15


” E ve r y t hin g w e m ade fo r t his is g o i n g t o be a co lle c t o r ’s i t e m . N o n e o f it is a r e pe at o f st u f f t ha t w e ’ve do n e be f o re . It ’s a ll excl u s i ve l y f o r t his a n d exc l u s i ve l y f o r H &M ” ( H &M, 2 016 a) 17

Marketing Communications Branding


For this limited edition range the two brands came together to create a new logo, visually merging the two brand identities and giving consumers a clear visual of the collaboration. As well as a new label, they provided brand new exclusive shoppings bags, which are sporting the patters and colours used throughout the partnership.

Sales promotions H&M shared an exclusive sneak peak of the long-awaited collaboration with Parisian fashion house KENZO with Vogue, giving their audience an opportunity to see three looks from the upcoming line, months before the release. The Vogue coverage gave consumers a clear idea of what vibe they should be expecting from the hair-raising partnership, by going into detail about the bold colours and archival prints incorporated. Furthermore, they expand on how in order to convey the principle of inclusivity and individuality, they took a more avant-garde approach towards who should showcase their alliance, casting friends of the brand and influencers: “People we admire, icons in their own fields, people who are influenced beyond their fashion sensibility� (Vogue, 2016).

Figure 16

Social media is playing a growing role in marketing, becoming a central piece of the promotional techniques utilised by brands. H&M and Kenzo both teased the public with short videos and created the twitter and instagram hashtag #KENZOXHM, giving their audience a snippet of what the range is celebrating. According to Gautam and Sharma (2017), there is a direct correlation between the effect of social media and customer relationships on purchase intentions.Therefore, the implementation of social media is a vital step for brands to market themselves profitably and create exposure.



PR EVENT The KENZO x H&M PR event occurred on the 19th of October 2016, around 2 weeks prior to the release of the sought-after collection. The aim of such an event is to showcase the 113 exclusive items to a selection of celebrities, influencers and friends of the brands. This event brings together an array of potential customers and public figures who will subsequently spread the word of the collection to their own selected audience, sparking the buzz within the public and generating demand. H&M describe the show as “some cross between an interpretive dance and an ecstatic pep rally� (H&M, 2016c). This description accurately reflects the spirit and energy the creative minds behind the collection aimed to showcase.

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Phase 2 Overall, it is indisputable that the collaboration between H&M and Kenzo can be deemed as successful. H&M successfully provided their consumers with luxurious range of products for a significantly lower price, enabling the brand to expand their audience and appeal to a broader rang of customers. With this in mind, the next phase of this journal will be concentrating on the careful collaboration between retail giant H&M and anonymous artist Banksy, creating a one-of-a-kind capsule collection.


Art should comfort the disturbed and disturd the comfortable

Fig u r e 18


Figur e 19

Figur e 2 2

Figure 20

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banksy Figure 23

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Figure 25

Age: 18-30 Occupation: Student, activist, technology field Enjoys: Veganism, outdoor activities, protesting for personal beliefs Purchasing behaviour: occasional shopper, does background research on the company, uses purchasing as a tool to alter the market. Shops for: slogan tee, empowering clothing, vintage Personality: aspirational, educated, determined Also shops at: ASOS Marketplace, Depop, Patagonia

target customer 24

about banksy: Activist artist banksy: provocateur about

Figur e 2 6

Banksy is the pseudonym of the renowned British graffiti artist who’s identity remains anonymous. The aforementioned provocateur is recognised for producing bold and audacious pieces of street art, often depicting controversial, political issues (Moco Museum. 2018). Banksy’s artwork was born in the late 90s, primarily seen in the streets of Bristol and London. The well-known artist is applauded for bringing ignored issues to the surface, raising awareness of the themes of capitalism, greed, poverty, sustainability and more. He taps into these tricky concepts through stencilled artwork, frequently accompanied by powerful slogans, such as: “If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless we side with the powerful - we don’t remain neutral”. This statement showcases the intensity of Banksy’s work, sparking thought and in some cases, action.


Figure 27

Banksy has been known to also create installation artwork, alongside his two-dimensional work. Doing this type of work allows for media attention to be created, generating conversation on the targeted issue. While Banksy’s main concern is highlighting the cracks in society, media attention also popularises his signature style and publicises his name. One of the more celebrated live installations was the painted elephant in Banksy’s first US exhibition in 2006, titled ‘Barely Legal’. Tai, the live elephant, was painted with a pink Victorian wallpaper pattern to blend in with a staged living room, supposedly symbolising the disregarded dilemma of world poverty (Oliver, 2006). This calibre of work epitomises Banksy, his constant flirtation with the boundary between art and protestation.

The overhyped temporary art exhibition ‘Dismaland Bemusement Park’ was created in 2015 leaving a stamp in street art history. The installation was set up for 5 weeks in a seafront town on the outskirts of Bristol; Weston-super-Mare. Banksy cleverly engineered a one-of-a-kind demonstration for the public to explore, depicting the ‘hopelessness an depression of western society’ (Widewalls, 2015). The artist sarcastically toys with the universally known Disneyland strapline ‘where dreams come true’. The chosen location of a dilapidated and local eyesore, epitomises the sardonic message that Banksy is attempting to convey to his audience.


brand identy & style bold + gutsy


Fi g ur e 2 8

SLOGANS Fi g ure 34

Figure 31

Fig ur e 2 9 Fi g ure 35

Figure 3 3

Fi g ur e 3 0

Figure 32

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striking red Figur e 37


sporty Figure 40

Figure 41

Fi g u r e 3 8

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Figure 42

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how will this identity ralate to h&M? For this identity to relate to the retail giant it is of paramount importance that the capsule collection retains elements of H&M’s brand personality, whilst also carefully incorporating elements of Banksy’s avant-garde style. For the collection to be deemed successful, it is essential for current trends to be researched profoundly and subsequently taken into full consideration. The next part of the journal will experiment with silhouettes, colour combinations, fabrics and

shapes. The research undertaken will enable Banksy’s message to be powerfully depicted as a limited edition H&M line. In order for the collaboration to be suitable for sale by H&M’s November 2018 deadline, research will be conducted through the WGSN trend forecasting database. Consequently enabling the creation of a range which reflects Banksy’s style whilst also incorporating the correct trend.

Y S K N A B X M & H



Cosmetic Hues

Autumnal Hues




Fi g ure 46

key colours a w 18 19 30

Graphic Tee

Sleek Top

Romantic Turleneck

Sportif Mock Neck


Figur e 47


Striped Tracksuit

Party Dress

key sil houettes a w 18 19

Glam Catsuit


Utility Denims

key fabrics a w 18 19 Embellished Sheer

Dark Wonder Surfaces

Fi g ure 48


Houndstooth Brushed Checks

Wild textures


Rubbed Leather

Natural Snakeskin




key tex tiles a w 18 19

Heritage fabrics

Statement Checks

Smooth Satin

Furry Faux


Fi g ure 49

Metallic sheen

Jacquards and damasks

Elegant velvet

Soft leather

Plastic shine



Fig ur e 51

Fi g u r e 5 0

Figure 52

Figur e 54

Oversized jacket

Figure 53

key ITEMS a w 18 19 - DENIM 36

- the trackpant

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Figure 56 Fi g ure 58

Fig ur e 5 5

Figure 57


- the utility jumpsuit

Figure 62

Figure 61 Fi g ure 6 4

Fig ur e 6 0

Figure 63


Figure 66

Figure 67

Figur e 6 5 Figure 6 8

- leather pencil skirt

Fi g ure 69


- the boudoir dress Fi g ure 74

Figur e 7 0

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Fig ur e 71 Figure 72


- the chunky trainer Fig u r e 75

Fig ur e 76 Figure 77

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Figure 80 Fi g ure 81

competitor analysis To successfully undertake the challenge of creating a capsule collection for a huge brand like H&M, it is imperative to concentrate research on the current market, competitors in particular. The three major competitors for the retail giant are Forever 21, Zara and Topshop. In order for a comparison to be made, price, quality, sizing and product range will be analysed. This stage of the process will give a further understand of what is already on the market, identifying the most successful details and picking and choosing what might be best suited to the collaboration between H&M and Banksy. Analysing details such as quality of materials and price architecture will give an insight into what might be be most appealing to the target demographic.

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re igu



H&M Produc t analysis: Pricing strategy PRODUCT



1) Dresses

‘Jersey dress’ - £8.99

‘Long lace dress’ - £139.99 51% Cotton 25% Polyamide 24% Viscose

95% Polyester 5% Elastane


Lining: 100% Polyester

Figure 85

Fig ur e 8 4 2) Tops

‘T-shirt’ - £3.99

60% Cotton 40% Viscose

‘Long Jacket’ - £24.99

95% Polyester 5% Elastane

‘Jacket’ - £99.99

97% Viscose 3% Elastane Lining: 100% Viscose

Lining: 100% Polyester

Fig ur e 8 8

100% Silk

Figure 87

Fig ur e 8 6 2) Blazers

‘Silk top’ - £59.99

Figure 89

KEY POINTS The ‘Jersey dress’ has an extremely low price point. This might be due to the composition of Polyester and Cotton and Viscose, all are mass produced materials. The most expensive dress is priced highly due to the level of detailing. Price difference between the most expensive top and the cheapest top is highly likely due to materials utilised again. Silk is a more sought after material and considered higher quality than others. The design and detailing of the second blazer is reason for the increased price. Using 97% viscose gives a ‘silky’ feel. The cut of the blazer is more current and trendy, allowing for the £100 price tag.


PRODUCT 4) Trousers

LOWEST PRICE ITEM MATERIALS ‘Elasticated trousers’ -

100% Viscose

HIGHEST PRICE ITEM ‘Leather trousers’ £199.99

MATERIALS 100% Leather Back: 100% Viscose

‘Skinny ankle jeans’ £8.99

82% Cotton 17% Polyester 1% Elastane

Fig ur e 9 2 6) Knitwear

‘Fine-knit jumper’ - £8.99

Fig ur e 9 4

The high pricing of the most expensive item is due to being 100% leather. Leather is recognised as being a very high priced material.

Figure 91

Fig ur e 9 0 5) Jeans


‘Slim Ankle Jeans’ £49.99

99% Cotton 1% Elastane Lining: 100% Cotton

Figure 93 76% Acrylic 24% Polyamide

‘Cashmere jumper’ £79.99

100% Cashmere

When looking at the jeans, the price difference can be adjudicated to the styling of the items. The second pair of jeans have a lining, and have a more current fit (high waist). Materials also play their part - the high cotton percentage will give comfort. Similarly to the tousers, cashmere is a high priced material, indicating the season as to why the second jumper is priced 9 times higher than the cheapest.

Figure 95


Forever 21 Produc t analysis: Pricing strategy PRODUCT



1) Dresses

‘Striped dress’ - £5

‘Bodycon Dress’ - £11

57% Cotton 40% Polyester 3% Spandex

Fig ur e 9 6 2) Tops

‘Knit cropped Cami’ - £2

95% Cotton 5% Spandex

‘Textured Blazer’ - £9

‘Iridescent Tee’ - £52

Forever 21 is a very low pricing company, their pricing strategies are low but don’t offer a great deal of size variation. Both dresses are on the cheaper side, both with combinations of cheaper fabrics.

65% Cotton 35% Polyester

The low pricing of the ‘Knit cropped cami’ is due to the simplicity of the design and near to no detailing. The second top is priced significantly higher due to the embellishment.

97% Cotton 3% Spandex

The fabric composition of both blazers is nearly identical, therefore, the price jump can only be due to the detailing of the second item and striped design.

Figure 99 96% Polyester 4% Spandex

‘Double-Breasted Blazer’ £62

Lining: 100% Polyester

Lining: 100% Polyester

Fig ur e 10 0


93% Rayon 7% Spandex

Figure 97

Fig ur e 9 8 2) Blazers


Figure 101


PRODUCT 4) Trousers


100% Polyester

Fig ur e 10 2 5) Jeans

‘Skinny ankle jeans’ - £5

‘Knit Turtleneck Jumper’ £11

Fig ur e 10 6

‘Rose Floral Trousers’ £51

MATERIALS 100% Rayon

Figure 103 70% Cotton 28% Polyester 2% Spandex

‘Distressed Frayed Jeans’ £50

KEY POINTS The ‘Rose Floral Trousers’ are priced highly due to being very on trend this season. Whereas the ‘belted trousers’ are a basic piece which will be on sale throughout the years. (Possiblity to mass produce)

100% Polyester

Ripped jeans are currently higher deman than standard skinny jeans. The distressed and frayed feature allow for the brand to up the price significantly.

55% Ramie 45% Cotton

The cardigan is priced highly due to the faux fur trim. Fur is in high demand due to being trendy, however due to the rise of the conscious consumer more and more people want faux fur not real animal fur.

Figure 105

Fig ur e 10 4 6) Knitwear


54% Cotton 46% Acrylic

‘Faux Fur-Trim Cardigan’ £55

Figure 107


ZARA Produc t analysis: Pricing strategy PRODUCT



1) Dresses

‘Long dress’ - £9.99

‘Contrasted dress’ - £119

68% Viscose 32% Polyester

Fig ur e 10 8 2) Tops

‘V-neck top’ - £9.99

‘Blazer with faux pearl’ £25.99

100% Viscose

‘Silk shirt’ - £99.99

100% Viscose

The price difference is largely due to the detailing and design of the second dress. The combination of different patterns and colours is fashionable and higher demand this season.

100% silk (mulberry)

As aforementioned silk is deemed more expensive. The combination of design, detailing and material used results in the high price for the second item.

Figure 111 29% Viscose 34% Cotton 14% Polyester 13% Acrylic

‘Textured Jacket’ - £89.99

98% Viscose 2% Elastane Lining: 100% Viscose

Lining: 100% Acetate Fig ur e 112


Figure 109

Fig ur e 110 2) Blazers


Figure 113

The price difference between the two blazers is not as extreme as the previous items. The more expensive item is priced this way due to the texture created witht the material and the detailing within the design.


PRODUCT 4) Trousers

LOWEST PRICE ITEM MATERIALS ‘Micro-pleated trousers’ £9.99

100% Polyester

‘Rolled-up trousers’ £12.99

91% Cotton 6% Elastomultiester 3% Elastane

‘Knit halterneck top’ £12.99

Fig ur e 118


55% Cotton 45% Linen

The ‘bell bottom trousers’ feature a check design, which is a noted trend for this season. This and the combination of materials utilised are indicators to why the item is priced this way.

‘Black velvet jeans’ £39.99

88% Cotton 9% Polyester 3% Elastane

The price difference between these items is relatively small. The second item is priced higher than the first due to the stripe design down the side, which is currently trendy.

30% Polyester 70% Polyamide

The halterneck top is due to the simplicity in design. There appears to be no real detailing or seams. The second item has a more complex fabric colouring.

Figure 117

Fig ur e 116 6) Knitwear

‘Bell bottom trousers’ £69.99


Figure 115

Fig ur e 114 5) Jeans


50% Viscose 50% Polyamide

‘Sweater’ £69.99

Figure 119




Produc t comparison - Denim Jacket Fig ur e 12 0

Description: ‘Long denim jacket’ Price: £39.99 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Washed denim, collar, front buttons, flap chest pocket and 3/4 legth sleeves. Oversized fit. Aftercare: Machine wash at 30° Sizes: UK6-18

Figure 121

Description: ‘Distressed Denim Jacket’ Price: £32 Quality: 88% Cotton, 8% Rayon, 4% Other Detailing: Oversized fit. Stone wash, distressed detailings, bottons down the front, long sleeves. Aftercare: Machine wash cold Sizes: S-L

Fi g ure 122

Description: ‘OVERSIZED DENIM JACKET’ Price: £49.99 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Loose fitting jacket, features faded wash with ripped details. Metal buttons down the front. Aftercare: Machine wash up to 40° Sizes: XS-XL


- Basic striped shir t Fig ur e 12 3

Description: ‘Cotton shirt’ Price: £17.99 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Loose fitting light blue long sleeved shirt, bottons all the way down the front, rounded hem. Aftercare: Machine wash at 40° Sizes: 6-24

Figure 124

Description: ‘Striped Button-Front Shirt’ Price: £17 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Woven shirt, buttons runnig down the front, stripe pattern, long sleeves. Aftercare: Machine wash cold Sizes: S-L

Fi g ure 125

Description: ‘STRIPED SHIRT’ Price: $25.99 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Loose fitting shirt with long sleeves, buttons running down the front. Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30° Sizes: XS-XL


- Wide leg jumpsuit Fig ur e 12 6

Description: ‘Sleeveless jumpsuit’ Price: £34.99 Quality: 83% Viscose, 15% Polyester, 5% Elastane Detailing: Sleveless, ankle-length jumpsuit, belt which ties in at the waist. Aftercare: Machine wash at 30° Sizes: XS-XL

Figure 127

Description: ‘Wide-leg jumpsuit’ Price: £26 Quality: 100% Rayon Detailing: Woven wide leg jumpsuit, square neck with thick straps. Aftercare: Hand wash cold Sizes: S-L

Fi g ure 128

Description: ‘WIDE-LEG JUMPSUIT’ Price: $25.99 Quality: 93% Polyester, 7% Elastane Detailing: Sleeveless wide-leg jumpsuit, thick halterneck cut top. Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30° Sizes: S-L


competitor SUMMARY 3/4 product comparison saw Zara as being the most expensive, and Forever 21 as being the cheapest.

3/4 product comparison saw Zara as being the most expensive, and Forever 21 as being the cheapest.

3/4 product comparison saw Zara as being the most expensive, and Forever 21 as being the cheapest.

Used sizes XS-XL for some product, also gave a table showing the 6-18 equivalent. Most products however are offered from 6-18 and some pieces go to size 24.

Limited sizing, only giving customers the choice between small, medium and large. This is likely to be how they keep pricing so low (limited veriaty of stock).

Also has limited sizing, most products only vary from small to large. Not suitable for extremely petite builds or plus size.

Pricing strategies were given in .99p rather than full £.

Pricing strategies were given in full £ rather than in .99p.

No indication given for where the product was produced/made.

Indication given as to where product were made, primarily from China.

No indication given for where the product was produced/made.

Primary materials used in products are Viscose, Cotton and Polyester. All relatively cheap and affordable materials. Allows for H&M to keep a lot of prices low.

Primary materials used in products are Viscose, Rayon and Polyester. All relatively cheap and affordable materials. Allows for Forever 21 to keep a lot of prices low. Some materials categorised under ‘other’.

Most product are made of similar materials, but the higher end/higher quality products used more expensive textiles such as silk. This explains higher prices.

Pricing strategies were given in .99p rather than full £, similarly to H&M.


Banksy Boudoir dress - Price: ÂŁ89.99

- Quality: 100% Silk (Mulberry) - Detailing: Lace detailing, thin straps, metallic silver colouring.


- Aftercare: - Sizes: 6-18


Figu re 12 9

Fig ur e 131

Figure 132

Figure 133

Figu re 13 0

Figure 134

Fi g ure 135

Fi g ure 136


Oversized hoodie


- Price: ÂŁ29.99

- Quality: 100% Cotton - Detailing: Oversized/boyfriend fit, ribbed trims and adjustable drawstrings. - Aftercare: Machine wash at 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Fi g ure 139

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Fi g ure 141

Fig ur e 137

Fi g ure 138


Tracksuit co-ord 'save the planet'






- Price: £54.99

- Quality: Main fabric - 88% Polyester, 22% Elastane. Secondary fabric - 100% Cotton. - Detailing: Price includes both pieces, elasticated waist band and trims, twotone set, ‘save the planet’ down left arm. - Aftercare: Machine wash at 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Fig u re 14 2

Fig ur e 143

Figure 14 4

Figure 146

Fi g ure 145

Fi g ure 147

Fi g ure 148


checkered Pencil skirt - Price: ÂŁ24.99

- Quality: 100% Polyurethane - Detailing: faux leather look, checkered pattern, zip fastening at the back, slim fit - figure hugging, high waisted. - Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Fig ur e 14 9

Figure 151

Fi g ure 154

Figure 152

Fig ur e 15 0

Fi g ure 153


Oversized denim Jacket


I’’d rather go naked than wear fur

- Price: £59.99

- Quality: 100% Cotton - Detailing: Oversized light denim jacket, faux sheep skin collar, long sleeves, botton fastening down the front, slogan back - ‘I’d rather go naked than wear fur’. - Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Fig u r e 15 5

Figure 157

Fi g ure 160

Figure 158

Fig u r e 15 6

Figure 159


Bright Utility Jumpsuit



- Price: ÂŁ45.99

- Quality: 100% Cotton - Detailing: Zip up utility jumpsuit, available in two colours both iwth checkered sleeves. Classic collar and drawstrings at the waist. - Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Figure 16 4

Fi g ure 165

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Fi g ure 167 Fi gu r e 161

Figure 162 Fi g ur e 16 3

Fi g ure 168


Free the Nipple Catsuit - Price: £25.99

- Quality: 85% Polyester, 15% Elastane - Detailing: ‘Free the nipple’ catsuit, stretchy comfortable nude catsuit with a boob pattern all over. V-neckline and sleeveless. Available in three colours waves with different proportion of pattern. - Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30 - Sizes: 6-18


Figur e 169

Fig ur e 170

Fig ure 171

Fi g ure 173

Fig ure 172

Fi g ure 174


'we are all humam' chunky trainers


- Price: £35.99

- Quality: Synthetic leather, synthetic sole. - Detailing: ‘We are all human’ chunky trainers in a white & holographic colourway. Secure lace fastening and tonal stitching throughout. - Sizes: 3-9


Fi g ure 177

Figure 175

Figure 176

Fi g ure 178

Fi g ure 179










2018 Capsule collection BANKSY


I’’d rather go naked than wear fur




product summary The H&M x Banksy collection consists of 8 unique pieces designed by the unknown artist himself. Selected items have a unique message aiming to speak out for a cause, raising awareness of unspoken problems our society is faced with. Collaborating with selected charity organisations 15% of the profits will go to the individual causes linked with the graphic messages featured, the breakdown of charities is as seen below. Selected profits from ‘Banksy Boudoir Dress’ and ‘Free the Nipple Catsuit’ will be donated to the Fawcett Society, the UK’s leading charity campaigning for gender equality and women’s rights (Fawcett Society, 2018). Following this piece, 15% of profits from the ‘Save the Planet Co-ord Tracksuit’ will be donated to Greenpeace, the renowned charity who are actively working towards the protection of our ancient forests, defending our oceans and reducing the overall effects of climate change ( Greenpeace. 2018). Lastly part of the profits generating for the ‘Oversized Denim Jacket’ will go towards PETA, a UK based charity who is dedicated towards the protection of animal rights (PETA, 2018).

i t i g f f n i ra h g t l y f a I n g a e l l i d e e g b n a y s d h l k c u o n a w B it The exclusive capsule collection is priced between £24.99 and £89.99. This variation in price allows for the range to be accessible to a wide target audience, and allows for the retail margin to be high enough to donate 15% of the individual proceeds to the aforementioned organisations. The lower priced items reflect the true H&M brand, successfully catering for the everyday H&M shopper, while the higher end products, such as the silk boudoir dress gives the collection a more expensive premier feel and look. The range aims to stay on trend while also speaking out about worldwide issues. The collection has the potential to receive backlash from the media, however, the possibility of gaining press coverage and have the collection spark social media attention is within Banksy’s interests. His artwork sets out to accomplish some sort of wow factor, by conveying a particular message to the public.


Range timeline Task

Approximate Date

Research for the season ahead - trend forecasting

Early June

Initial testing with fabrics, trims, silhouettes and colours

Mid june

Campaign trailer released, H&M announces the upcoming collaboration on various social media channels and on H&

Early July

Images released on all social media channels with speak peaks of the range. The collection will be styled and photographed in front of Banksy artwork.

Mid-late september

Complete lookbook published on the H&M online magazine and social media channels.

Early-mid October

Launch event, featuring celebrities and social media influencers at the V&A in London. Press coverage and media attention will be attracted.

Mid-late October

Full details of the range lauched on H&

Late October

Range available in-store and online. Pop-up store and exhibition in the V&M available to the public.

Early November


Marketing communications plan Marketing communications



- Advertising techniques will include pictures being shared across all social media channels. Featuring sneak speaks of the collection, models wearing the collection, what to expect from th exhibitions, pictures of exclusive Banksy artwork. - H&M will utilise space in printed advertising in magazines such as Vogue UK, Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, InStyle, Dazed, i-D. They will also pay for advertising on billboards, in tube stations and other outdoor spaces.


- Launch event in the Victoria and Albert Museum, featuring a pop-up store for attendees to purchase the collection before anyone can. The launch event will showcase the collaboration and also feature an exclusive and new exhibition of work by renowned street artist Banksy. - Photo calls - invitations to press photographers will be made to gain media attention and press coverage. This gives an opportunity for the media to capture the event in a way that in relevant to their target audience. - Press will be released to newspapers such as: The Guardian, The Sunday People, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph. - Well-known bloggers and YouTubers such as Victoria Magrath, Samantha Maria, Chessie King and Chiara Ferragni will be invited to the launch party and sent items of the collection to showcase on social media channels.


- Campaign film to be created and released on social media channels to create hype and excitement, containing behind the scenes footage. - Exclusing totebags and tags featuring the collection’s strapline - Branded illustration / poster with information on the collection and promting the exclusivity of the collaboration.

Sales promotions

- No offers or discounts will be made for the collection, the range is expected to sell out. - Competition in the pop-up store - a design wall will be set up at the V&A and the customer who creates the most thought provoking (adjudicated by Banksy himself) will win the entire collection and an exclusive poster design by Banksy.


bra n ding m oc k u p s l i m i t e d e di t ion c arrier b ag , ta gs a n d pos t ers . Fi g ure 180

Releasing November 2018



‘fur ban’

BANKSY X H&M Speak up for what you believe in. Limited edition, capsule collection Available in-store and online for an unknown period of time.

‘we are all human beings’


BANKSY H&XM Speak up for what you believe in


Speak u p for wha t you believe in


look book inspo The nature of the collection restricts the potential impact made on society. This is due to the fact the range is only available to the public for a selected period of time. Banksy envisioned this collection to be the first of its kind, and expects for it to have a lifelong effect on anyone who comes across the Banksy X H&M collaboration. To do this the retail giant has decided to release a look book which depicts the various messages the collection is conveying through

photography. Photography is commonly recognised as being the most orthodox form of an indexical relationship; the medium anchors a moment and allows for the viewers to be brought back to this idea, creating the longevity Banksy is seeking for. Each individual still shot will feature an individual item from the collection, showcasing the item while also spreading a message Banksy is communicating. This will be part of the collection’s marketing communication. Underwater photography

Fi g ure 184

Fig ur e 181

Fig ure 182 Fig ure 183

Strong blue/red lighting

Beach location - rubbish filled


Fi g ure 188

Outside location - use of plastic

Figure 187

Figur e 185 Figur e 186

Fi g ure 189 Protesting environment Making a statement with writing on the human body

Neon wall sign






BANKSY X H&M brushing our problems under the carpet is not the solution

&$! #%

Figure 19 0

Fi g ure 191


Figur e 192

in-Store inspo Figure 194

Wall sticker Figur e 193 Fi g ure 196 Outdoor sign Fi g ure 197

Layout / presentation of the shoe Outdoor store

Layout / presentation of the range

Figure 195


SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING In today’s social media driven society, it is imperative that brands have a strong online presence to allow for the retention of customer attention. Social media marketing plays a proliferating role in doing so. The growing technological innovation gives customers the opportunity to interact with brands and effectively feel more engaged with the company, while also giving customers an accessible platform, providing essential search tools, evaluation and marketing offerings (Vinerean, 2017). Social media has developed so precipitately that it has became one of the core functions of the marketing strategy. For the collaboration to be deemed successful, a strong social media marketing plan is set in place.

Facebook event to promote the launch party


Nov H&M x Banksy launch party



day ago


Grace Fit UK


Link to shop the collection: banksy-x-hm.html

Collection sent out to bloggers & YouTubers to review


H&M’s Instagram page, posts regularly leading up to the release. Giving customers an idea and speak peak of the collection.


Sneak peak ‘the chunky trainer’

BANKSY X H&M C o m i n g s o o n i n - st o r e & O n l i n e NOVEMBER 2018

Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram: These channels are utilised to build up excitement and hype for the collection, releasing sneak speaks and behind the scenes material. YouTube: A round up of the collection and trailer will be released

brushing our problems under the carpet is not the solution

for promotional purposes. The collection will also be sent out to bloggers and YouTubers for reviews to be published. Throughout all social media channels the hashtag #SpeakUpForWhatYouBelieveIn will be used.


Figur e 198

the launch party H&M is celebrated for its extravagant and over-the-top launch parties, as seen with the 2016 KENZO X H&M collection. The upcoming collaboration between H&M and Banksy is significantly smaller scale than previous ranges, as a result the launch party will reflect this. The concept behind the event is to hold the launch party at the Victoria and Albert Museum, in London. There will be an exhibition of never seen before art pieces created by Banksy, all themed to go alongside the capsule collection. Each individual item from the range will be styled on a dramatic mannequin and be placed near the relevant art work, explaining the reasoning behind the creation and the charity allocated. In conjunction with the exhibition, a pop-up store will be erected to give the attendees an opportunity to get their hands on the exclusive collection before the collaboration is open to the public. After the launch party, in order for the impact on society to be maximised, the installation will be available for the public to visit at the V&A for an unknown period of time.

Fi g ure 199


Figure 201

Fi g ure 203 Figure 202

Fi gu r e 2 0 0

Fi g ure 20 4


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H&M. 2018. Paper Bag Trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 8: H&M. 2018. Ribbed polo-neck jumper. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 9: H&M. 2018. Short T-shirt. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 10: H&M. 2018. Hooded top. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 11: H&M. 2018. Long-sleeved top. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 12: KENZO. 2016. KENZO x H&M. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 13: Fashionista. 2016. Kenzo x H&M: See the full collection with prices. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from: kenzo-hm-collection-prices Figure 14: The Telegraph. 2016. Fans queue overnight and H&M’s website crashes as Kenzo x H&M goes on sale. [Online]. [Accessed 28 February]. Available from: Figure 15: KENZO. 2016. KENZO x H&M. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Availa-


ble from:


Figure 16: KENZO. 2016. KENZO x H&M. [Online]. [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 25: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 17: H&M. 2016. Inside the KENZO x H&M Event. [Online]. [Accessed 28 February 2018]. Available from: the-circus/inside-the-kenzo-x-h-m-event.html

Figure 26: Banksy. 2018. Q&A. [Online]. [Accessed 12 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 18: Banksy. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 12 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 19: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 20: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 21: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 22: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 23: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 24: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 13 March 2018]. Available

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Figure 34: Cosmopolitan. 2018. 22 Designers Who Are Acting Up and Getting Political on the Runway. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: https:// Figure 35: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 36: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 37: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 38: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 39: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 40: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 41: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 42: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018].

Available from: Figure 43: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 44: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 45: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 15 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 46: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: page/1 Figure 47: WGSN. 2018. Key Items A/W 18/19: Cut & Sew. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: page/1 Figure 48: WGSN. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing A/W 18/19: Womenswear Fabric & Details. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/75608/page/1 Figure 49: WGSN. 2018. Key textiles A/W 18/19. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 50: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Denim. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:


Figure 51: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 52: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Denim. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 53: Pinterest 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 54: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 55: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: viewer/#/77975/page/6 Figure 56: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: viewer/#/77975/page/6 Figure 57: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 58: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 59: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 60: - WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: viewer/#/77975/page/11 Figure 61: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 62: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 63: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 64: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 65: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 66: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 67: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

88 Figure 68: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Skirts. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 69: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Skirts. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 70: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 71: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Dresses. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 72: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/18: Dresses. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 73: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 74: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 75:

WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/18: Footwear. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 76: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 77: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 78: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/18: Footwear. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 79: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/18: Footwear. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 80: Topshop. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: http:// Figure 81: Zara. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: https:// Figure 82: Forever 21. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 83: H&M. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: http:// Figure 84:


H&M. 2018. Jersey Dress. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

H&M. 2018. Slim Ankle Jeans. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 85: H&M. 2018. Long Lace Dress. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 94: H&M. 2018. Fine-knit jumper. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 86: H&M. 2018. T-shirt. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 95: H&M. 2018. Knitted cashmere jumper. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 87: H&M. 2018. Silk Top. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 96: Forever 21. 2018. Contemporary Striped Dress. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: f21/dress/2000220624

Figure 88: H&M. 2018. Long Jacket. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 89: H&M. 2018. Jacket. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: http:// Figure 90: H&M. 2018. Elasticated viscose trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 91: H&M. 2018. Ankle-length leather trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 92: H&M. 2018. Skinny Regular Ankle Jeans. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 93:

Figure 97: Forever 21. 2018. Racerback Bodycon Dress. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: dress/2000178143 Figure 98: Forever 21. 2018. Heathered Knit Cropped Cami. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: f21/top_blouses/2000168022 Figure 99: Forever 21. 2018. Boxy Iridescent-Disc Tee. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: blouses/2000248039 Figure 100: Forever 21. 2018. Shawl Collar Textured Blazer. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: PLUS/plus_main/2000145212


Figure 101: Forever 21. 2018. Stripe Double-Breasted Blazer. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: product/F21/outerwear_coats-and-jackets/2000264647 Figure 102: Forever 21. 2018. Belted Trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: f21/bottom_trousers/2000210639 Figure 103: Forever 21. 2018. London Rose Floral Palazzo Trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: shop/Catalog/Product/f21/bottom_trousers/2000264380 Figure 104: Forever 21. 2018. Skinny Ankle Jeans. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: f21/bottom_jeans/2000182813 Figure 105: Forever 21. 2018. Distressed Frayed Capri Jeans. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Product/f21/bottom_jeans/2000275606 Figure 106: Forever 21. 2018. Knit Turtleneck Jumper. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 107: Forever 21. 2018. Faux Fur-Trim Ribbed Cardigan. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: product/F21/sweater/2000265785 Figure 108:

Zara. 2018. Long dress with slits. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 109: Zara. 2018. Contrast Printed Dress. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 110: Zara. 2018. V-neck top with draped sleeves. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 111: Zara. 2018. Silk shirt with beads. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 112: Zara. 2018. Textured Jacket With Belt. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 113: Zara. 2018. Blazer With Faux Pearl Trims. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: html?v1=5564566&v2=797504 Figure 114: Zara. 2018. Micro-pleated trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 115: Zara. 2018.Printed bell bottom trousers. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018].


Available from: Figure 116: Zara. 2018. Z1975 Rolled-up Trousers with side stripes. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 117: Zara. 2018. The High Waist Jeans in Black Velvet. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 118: Zara. 2018. Knit Halter neck Top. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: html?v1=6137543&v2=719015 Figure 119: Zara. 2018. Sweater with band detail. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 120: H&M. 2018. Long denim jacket. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 121: Forever 21. 2018. Distressed denim jacket. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: outerwear_coats-and-jackets/2000258566 Figure 122: Zara. 2018. Z1975 Oversized denim jacket. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 123: H&M. 2018. Cotton shirt. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 124: Forever 21. 2018. Striped Button-Front Shirt. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: blouses/2000242969 Figure 125: Zara. 2018. Striped shirt. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 126: H&M. 2018. Sleeveless jumpsuit. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 127: Forever 21. 2018. Wide-leg jumpsuit. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Romper/2000257071 Figure 128: Zara. 2018. Wide-leg jumpsuit. [Online]. [Accessed 2 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 129: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: page/1 Figure 130: - Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:



Figure 131: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 139: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: page/1

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Figure 135: Buzz Express. 2017. Shenna Miller teases NIPPLES as she ditches her bra in sexy satin cami top at glitzy bash. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2017]. Available from: Figure 136: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 137: - Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 138: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 143: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 144: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 145: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 146: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:


Figure 147: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 148: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 149: Pretty little thing. 2018. MONOCHROME CHECKERBOARD GRID CHECK LONG SLEEVE CROP TOP. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: 82d&istItemId=wxpxapllpt&istBid=tzxp&gclid=CjwKCAjwk9HWBRApEiwA6mKWaVee1uzlza7gAwiWzBU-yhnjwb7cbvT6lV3qQo9KMqRREZx1HtusQhoCtIUQAvD_BwE Figure 150: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 151: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 152: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 153: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 154:

Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 155: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Denim. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: page/6 Figure 156: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Denim. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: page/6 Figure 157: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 158: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 159: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 160: - Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 161: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 162: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:


Figure 163: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 171: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 164: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/77975/page/11

Figure 172: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 165: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 166: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 167: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 168: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 169: WGSN. 2018. Key Colours A/W 18/19: Apparel. [Online]. [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 170: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Trousers & Jumpsuits. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/77975/page/11

Figure 173: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 174: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 175: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 176: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 177: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 178: WGSN. 2018. Key items A/W 18/19: Footwear. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: page/8 Figure 179:


Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 180: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 16 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 181: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 17 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 182: Mirror. 2014. Made in Chelsea’s Lucy Watson strips naked for PETA and looks a little bit amazing. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 188: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 189: WGSN. 2018. Image & Design Library. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 190: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 191: Open clip art. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 183:| Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 192: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 184: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 193: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 185: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 194: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 186: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 195: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 187: Jana Cruder. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:

Figure 196: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:


Figure 197: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Available from:


Figure 198: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from:

Primary Research: Leeds H&M store observation Date: Saturday 24th February 2018 Time: 11am

Figure 199: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 200: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 201: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 202: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 203: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from: Figure 204: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 21 April 2018]. Available from:

Observation: I observed the Leeds H&M store in the Trinity shopping centre for an hour, observing that circa 30 women between the ages of 18-30. The majority appeared to be in search of something specific rather than just browsing, and most of the customers left the store with at least one purchase. A smaller number of men were also seen in the store, either with their significant other or alone. I noticed one man specifically asking for assistance and being given considerable help by the in-store staff - this shows great customer support and gives the brand likability. Bath H&M store observation Date: 3rd March 2018 Time: 2pm Observation: During my observation in the H&M store in bath I noticed a variety of ages shopping; I counted around twenty 15-25 year olds, ten women between the age of 30-50 and a few elderly ladies. This finding shows that although the brand targets an audience, the retailer has great versatility and appeals to a broad range of customers. The people who worked in this store appeared to be slightly older than in the Leeds store, there were a few part-time students who worked but predominantly I would have guessed the staff to have been between 28-38.


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