Fashion Marketing - 2nd Year Trend Forecasting Portfolio

Page 1

Social adaption




Figure 1

1-2 3-5 6-8 9-15 16-20 23-32 33-38 39-42 43- 46 47-50

Trend Journal Introduction Customer Profiles An insight to ASOS Marketplace Brand research Competitior analysis Trend research: Colour Trend research: Fabrics Trend research: Key Messages and looks Trend research: Patterns and prints More sustainable fabrics and dyes


My range Marketing communications Research reflection Reference list Figure list

51-71 72-76 77 78-79 79-85


“Early insights into changes in behaviours, attitudes and beliefs of consumers and any shifts in culture, economy and technology are key” (WGSN, 2018)

trend journal introduction W E E K


Throughout this journal I aim to explore and investigate key trend components allowing for me to predict colour, mood, yarns, fabrics and silhouette’s for S/S 2019 accurately. The prediction of the aforementioned components is vital in the fashion industry, keeping up with the fast paced environment set is an essential part of successful forecasting. As highlighted in the trend journal from semester one, trend forecasting is of paramount importance. Trends can’t be avoided in everyday life, they shape our society and encompass a fascinating non-linear process. Consumers are often unaware of what they want, and can’t express their needs. It is our job as fashion forecasters to heighten our awareness of the surroundings and immerse ourselves in internal and external influences of the industry. This process allows for trends to be anticipated, giving consumers the opportunity to make the correct decision and the right time, and helping companies tap into maximum growth potential.

An insight 1

Figure 2


CUSTOMER profile trend innovator

Figure 3

late majority

Demographics: Age: 23 Gender: Female Education: University Graduate Employment: Creative field / fashion designer Generation: Z

Lifestyle: Art lover Gym bunny Studying Yoga / Meditation Podcast listener

Demographics: Age: 55 Gender: Male Education: University Graduate Employment: I.T. Desk job Generation: X

Lifestyle: Attempting Veganuary Cooking Walking the dogs Outdoor lifestyle Snow-sports Passionate about cars

Psychographic: On the move Plant-based lifestyle Sociable Environmentalist Tech-savvy

Behavioural: Determined Believes in oneself Risk taker Creative Spiritual Career driven Dopamine addict

Psychographics: Family oriented Active lifestyle Sociable Recently triggered by media - making an effort to be environmentally conscious

Behavioural: Emotional Caring Dreamer Selfless Optimistic


Figure 4


An intro to

asos marketplace

early adopter

Figure 5

Demographics: Age: 28 Gender: Female Education: University Graduate Employment: Events planner

Lifestyle: Pre-family Fitness fanatic Mediterranean diet Interest in fashion Environmentally conscious Travel enthusiast

Psychographic: Sociable Tech-savvy Career driven Passionate Ambitious

Behavioural: Frequent shopper Loyal to brands she believes in Compulsive behaviour Addictive personality



“Working with small brands enables us to react to new trends often before larger high-street names, and so we attract customers who are early adopters; looking for something authentic they can’t find elsewhere” (ASOS Marketplace, 2018). Figure 6


ASOS Marketplace launched in 2010, with the idea in mind of creating a unique platform where vintage boutiques and independent sellers could sell their products to customers invested in this emerging sector of the market from across the world. ASOS has created an environment like no other, reinventing and improving the trade of vintage second-hand garments. They are directly challenging multinational e-commerce spaces such as eBay and Amazon, allowing for growing boutiques and vendors to shop under an established and trustworthy brand.



daily routine of an

asos marketplace customer

Wake up Get ready Make a coffee

Stretch routine Morning run Client emails



Walk or cycle to work Start working from home

17:00 Exercise class Walk the dog Pre-workout snack

Figure 7



Lunch break with co-workers

19.30 Experiment in the kitchen Reply to emails Plan tomorrow

7:45 Shower Breakfast Get ready for work

15:30 Go home Meet up with friends for an activity

22.00 Get ready for bed Herbal tea Meditate


Brand research W E E K

All ethically made & in extremely limited quantities


ASOS Marketplace celebrates small independent brands and boutiques by creating a diverse platform, emerging to provide a single space for customers to browse vintage fashion and find rare pre-owned garments. Fundamentally, this platform is utilised as a venue for the everyday consumer to monetise their own wardrobe and recycle clothing. The versatility of the platform allows for ASOS to expand and cover a more diverse section of the fashion industry, exploring a gap in the market by branching out towards vintage and upcoming boutiques.

The longer life we give piece of clothing the better it is for the planet.

Part of the success demonstrated can be credited to the reputation ASOS has obtained through the years. Customers recognise the trustworthy retail giant and transfers these sentiments to the up-and-coming brands/boutiques, giving smaller businesses an opportunity to grow at an increased rate organically. Many brands start from a small place, the platforms gains notable traffic and removes a long list of jobs small brands would have to complete in order to attract a similar number of customers.

Figure 8


Repaired, reworked, ready to wear vintage & new fashion.


further research ASOS Marketplace was launched in 2010 with merely 20 sellers (ASOS Marketplace, 2018). Since then they have grown exponentially and have created an alarming amount of competition for e-commerce giants like Etsy and eBay. ASOS Marketplace offers this venue and support to sellers with terms and conditions; boutique businesses need to fit the needs of the “ASOS 20-something consumer” (ASOS Marketplace, 2018b). This allows for the theme and structure of the website to reflect the ASOS signature, targeting a determined group of customers successfully.

ASOS Marketplace is first of all a venue, not to be confused with the workings of the ASOS Website. Users who accept the terms and conditions are given the platform to use accordingly, acknowledging that the venue has no involvement with transactions between sellers and consumers. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that customers are made aware that ASOS Marketplace is not liable for any graphics, images, information, data and texts posted by sellers. “ASOS Marketplace cannot ensure that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction” (ASOS Marketplace,

2018b). The workings of ASOS Marketplace are closer to brands such as eBay, Amazon and DEPOP. The recognition of this is of greatest importance to ensure an enjoyable experience is had through the venue, customers are encouraged to read boutique feedbacks before making purchases.


ac l p t ke

ar M OS S ’ k s A i e r h n t w e o s u r u u o o y y t '“ a e c i v r e s


Figure 9


analysing brand identity:

brand onion Vintage


Creating jobs in the industry



Diverse Integrity

Working with small brands


High quality

Chic & Edgy

brand personality

- Fashion focused - Ethical -Different - Trustworthy - Quality

brand values

Interacting with the consumer



Social media aware

- ‘As seen on screen’ - Online platform - A market for sellers - Making vintage shopping accessable

relationship Blog


brand essence



Authentic vintage Unique hot new labels


Prioritise creativity

brand in action

Environmentally conscious

Separated by boutiques

Offers Individuality

the identity prism

- Youthful - One-of-a-kind style - Environmentally conscious - Individualism

Available online only


personality - Lifestyle - Unique - Edgy


- Festival - Vintage style - cool vibe

self0image - Self-worthy - Confidence with style - Fashionable


swot analysis - Customer likely to stay on the platform. - Trustworthy marketplace - Easily navigated website - Strong online branding


- Higher prices - Higher shipping costs - UK economy

Figure 10

competitor analysis

threats - Rival competiton (DEPOP, eBay, etc.) - Competition brands are lowering prices - No ‘in-store experience’ - Unfamiliarity of brands

high fashion

Figure 12

low price

- Increased demand for vintage clothing. - Further expansion into other countries (Asia, USA) - Social media marketing influencers


high price


positioning map


Figure 11


top four competitors:



Depop was originally set up by the co-founder of PIG magazinene Simon Beckerman. The App was initially invented to go alongside the magazine, allowing for PIG’s readers to buy items featured throughout the magazine. This element added an extra dimension, but quickly outgrew its initial purpose. The app was consequently adapted, becoming what we know Depop to be today. Depop is now a global marketplace where everyday consumers have the opportunity to create a small business, or merely recycle their wardrobe. The brand climate is well summarised by the next quote, found directly on their website; “this ecosystem has supported Depop becoming a global conduit of connection, not only in m-commerce, but cure, design, and creative communities around the world” (Depop, 2018).

The multinational e-commerce giant known as eBay has been dominating the marketplace industry for years now. The company was founded in 1995 by American billionaire Pierre Omidyar, developing the business to what we know today, the world’s 9th largest internet company by revenue. The most significant difference between Depop, ASOS Marketplace and eBay is the products being sold. Although eBay is frequently utilised for the purchase of second hand, vintage clothing, the growth of the company can not solely be accredited to the selling of fashion. The aforementioned success is largely due to the versatility of the brand. The platform was created for buyers and sellers to sell or buy everything and anything (eBay, 2018), from classic cars to cosmetics.



Rokit was born in London’s iconic Camden Market in 1985, selling vintage clothing and thrifting American cowboy’s denim. Since then the brand expanded into two stores around London, selling unique and on-of-a-kind garments to their loyal customers. The company’s ethos is centred around sustainability and the recycling of clothing; ‘over the past three decades, Rokit has recycled over a million tonnes of disregarded clothing and accessories’ (Rokit, 2018). Rokit works slightly differently to ASOS Marketplace, eBay and Depop. The brand doesn’t function as a marketplace, which separates the above mentioned brands significantly.







- High traffic - Highly recognised - Versatile

- Element of mistrust - Overwhelming amount of product

Similarly to ASOS Marketplace, Etsy was launched as a venue for sellers to showcase unique and diverse goods. Individuality and trade are qualities which are at the heart of the company, aiming to empower creativity and give sellers the opportunity to reach customers while blossoming their own independent business. This platform is an alternative to traditional e-commerce marketplaces, spreading the ethos of sustainability and social responsibility.

- Highly accessible - Platform for anyone - Encouraging recycling of clothing

DISADVANTAGES: - Danger of scammers - High level of mistrust


- Brand trust - Sustainable - Control over sales

Customer trust

- limited sales - need for high pricing - low versatility

- Low pricing - Unique products - Promoting sustainable shopping

DISADVANTAGES: - Limited sales - Element of mistrust - Non-clear target customer





Product comparison - puffa Jacket Figure 13

Description: ‘ Vintage Nike Padded Jacket’ Price: £44.99 Quality: Nylon and down Detailing: Oversized fit, authentic vintage piece from the 90s. Wear and tear visible, zip down the front and two pockets. Aftercare: [no info] Sizes: XL (only 1 available)

- Patterned shirt Figure 14

Description: ‘Red Bomber Jacket’ Price: £85 Quality: 100% Polyester Detailing: Oversized fit. Excellent condition, zip pockets and tightening toggles at the neckline to adjust hood. Bright blue lining. Aftercare: Non machine washable Sizes: L (only 1 available)

Figure 15

Figure 16

Description: ‘The BEST EVER vintage PUFFA’ Price: £80 Quality: [no info] Detailing: Oversized fit, longer cut. Zip down the middle (no hood). Two front pockets - PUFFA large on back of neck. Aftercare: [no info] Sizes: only 1 available - would fit sizes 8-16.


Description: ‘SHIRT adegirl’ Price: £14.99 Quality: [no info] Detailing: Vintage patterned shirt from the 90s. Good condition, one-of-a-kind vintage piece. Adegirl brand. Aftercare: [no info] Sizes: XL - only 1 available

Vs Figure 17

Description: ‘Blue Patterned short shirt’ Price: £28 Quality: 100% Cotton Detailing: Loose fitting short sleeved shirt, in very good condition. Single breast pocket and buttoning down the front. Aftercare: Machine wash cold Sizes: XL - only one available

Figure 18

Description: ‘vintage oversized pattern shirt’ Price: £14 Quality: [no info] Detailing: Loose fitting shirt, great vintage condition. Although may show signs of wear and tear. Aftercare: [no info] Sizes: L


Figure 19

Figure 23 W E E K

Figure 21

Figure 24 18

Figure 22


s/s 19 colour

Figure 20

mood optimism

Figure 25



Figure 34

primary red

sherbet yellow

e m p o w e r i n g Figure 32

Figure 30

Figure 27

Neutral P a l e

Figure 35

Figure 28

y e l l o w

Figure 33

Figure 31

We a r a b l e

c o l o u r

t o n e


o f

p r i m a r y

Gen Z direction


Figure 26

B o l d

p o p

Figure 29


n e w

a g e

o f

p u r p l e s

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

fruity orange

Figure 39

Figure 42

b r i g h t Figure 44

Figure 41

s o l i d a r i t y Figure 43

Figure 46

Figure 45

Figure 40

f l o r a l

e f f o r t l e s s

pink lilac

l i g h t

p u n c h y


s t r e e t

w e a r


d t e




s u m m e r


Figure 50

Figure 54

i s t i c a

e 49


h i g h

p a s t e l


b r i g h t

Figure 48

Figure 53



Figure 47

Figure 52


s o f t

Figure 51

g r e e n


sky blue

o f

s o

c o n f i d e n c e

e v o l u t i o n


h i g h l i g h t



rust & earth s p i c y

e y e - c a t c h i n g Figure 58

Figure 59

o r a n g e

Figure 60

Figure 92

c o n t r a s t

Figure 57


Figure 91

c o n t e m p o r a r y

Figure 56

e l e m e n t s

s o f t

b l o c k Figure 94

Figure 93


w h i t e

Figure 95

Figure 102

jewelled purple

Figure 97

h i g h - s h i n e

g l a m o r o u s

a l t e r n a t i v e

elevated neutrals Figure 98

Figure 101

Figure 96 Figure 100

b a s i c t o n e f a s h i o n f o r w a r d

Figure 99

b o l d b r i g h t c y c l a m e n s o p h i s t i c a t e d


t o n e


s k i n s

key fabrics s/s 19 s u b t l e

t e x t u r e

s y n t h

t e x t u r e d f l o r a l s

n a t u r a l

l a y e r e d

s h e e r

t e Figu c h re 6


s i l k y

s a t i n

Figure 62

l i n e n

r u s t i c


h u m b l e

l u x e

v a r y i n g t e x t u r e s

s u m m e r s h i m m e r


d u n g a r e e

key items s/s 19 b t ou s p t i e

t e c h

Figure 63

d o u b l e - h e m j e a n s

j e a n s


p a l a z z o

e x t r e m e


p a n t s

Figure 64


1 9 8 0 s B l o u s e


s h e e r

b e l t e d

b l a z e r

p l e a t e d

t r o u s e r s Figure 65

r e s o r t

s hi r t

Figure 66

p i e c e d

2 0 0 0 s d r e s s m i n i

s t r a p l e s s

d u s t e r

s e c o n d - s ki n

t o p


t o p

m i n i

M i n i c r o p p e d t r u c k e r

s h i r t

t w i s t e d

c r o p p e d t e x t u r e d

19 8 0 s d r e s s


key messages & looks s/s 19

Figure 68

Modern Prairie: chic western, fresh & light - romantic ruffles

r e c l a i m i n g s e x y n e s s : s h e e r , c u t - o u t , s l i t

According to WGSN, a recognised leader of fashion forecasting, S/S 19 will be centred around vintage looks. This indicates that styles and cuts will be inspired by the 1980s and 2000s, bringing back dressing to empower with a clean contemporary edge - “empowerment comes in different forms for S/S 19, through a return to tailoring as well as to a sassy and confident look” (Maggioni, 2018). The return and reinvention of key styles and trends from past decades suits my target customer flawlessly. ASOS Marketplace’s audience are vintage and thrifting lovers, always looking out for refreshed throwbacks.

Figure 67

s o f t P O W E R : t a i l e r i n g

Subtle imperfection: deconstructed look, draping, asymmetric or knotting

19 8 0 s N o s t a l g i a : a c i d was denim, pastels and eye catching prints



Figure 69

L i n e n L o u n g e : r o o m y t r o u s e r s , l i g h t w e i g h t , b a r e l y t h e r e p a s t e l s

B o u d o i r F e s t i v a l : u n d e r w e a r a s o u t e r w e a r

F t s e

u u h d

t u r e s p o r t s : f u r i s t i c , h i g h i n e m e t a l l i c s , g y

Figure 70

H e i r e s s C o o l : p o s t - h o l i d a y s e a s o n , d e t a i l , s a s s y


c t i i

o n t e m p o r a v e l l e r c , s h e e r n g s i l h o

r a r y : e x o t s , f l o w u e t t e s


o u t s i z e d

prints & patterns

s p l i c e d

b l o o m s

d i s c r e e t

g e o s

d i r t i e d

f l o r a l s

Figure 72

Figure 71

b l o c k i n g

m i x N o u g h t i e s

N o s t a l g i a

p o p

f o l k

t o i l e

d e

j o u y c h e c k s

c h i l d l i k e

f l o r a l s



p a t t e r n

i n

d i s g u i s e

p a s t e l

c h e c k s & s t r i p e s Figure 73

s c a r f

c a m o

p r i n t

a r t

u n d e f i n e d r e p e a t s


key findings W E E K




For the collection to be as modern and fashionable as possible, preliminary research was conducted to identify the stylish colours, patterns and fabrics for the upcoming seasons. I utilised the WGSN database to ascertain the key trends of Spring/Summer 2019 Womenswear. For colours, it was established that bright pastels are the chic hues for next season. Jewelled Purples, Sky Blue and Yellow Pop epitomise the bright pastel look that the final collection is striving for. In terms of fabric, the emphasis for next season is on shiny sheers and the rustic dry handles, with WGSN also forecasting a major shift towards sustainable fabrics and eco innovations. Therefore, fabrics such as satins, seersucker and linen characterise next year’s projected fashion trends. This also fits well with my underlying theme of social adaption, recognising the growing demand for environmentally friendly fashion. To combine seamlessly with the pastel colours, WGSN forecast a shift to a more artistic and abstract quality for print in next season’s styles. A big emphasis has been placed upon a ‘throwback style’ with 90s and 2000s-inspired prints being cherrypicked as a specific fashionable trend. ASOS marketplace is a platform which celebrates vintage clothing. The fashion forecast of throwback elements such as pastel colours and the 2000s-inspired print suits the retail platform perfectly. The aforementioned throwback elements coupled with a forecasted desire for increased eco-innovations, indicates that a successful collection should be based upon these factors.


Organic Cotton

more sustainable fabrics

Traditional cotton uses an average of 5,000 litres of water per garment produced, 11% of all world pesticides are used on cotton and high areas of land in specific climates are needed for successful growth (Green Fibres, 2018). These staggering figures and statistics have sparked the need for an alternative to make an attempt at replacing conventional cotton. Organic cotton is not yet considered a viable replacement for traditional cotton on a global scale. However, only genetically unmodified seeds are utilised, no herbicides or pesticides are set in place and ethical labour standards are implemented (Moore, 2017).

Figure 74


Hemp is considered a very environmentally friendly crop, originating from the same species as marijuana but doesn’t contain the associated high levels of THC. Due to these associations, in the 1930s the fibre was disregarded (Green choices, 2016). Recently this fabric has been recognised as being one of the leading ecological materials. Hemp grows in a variety of climates and soils, has a faster growing rate and is naturally resistant to most pesticides (Fox, 2014). Hemp can be mixed with other fabrics such as silk, organic cotton and wool to produce a fabric comparable to linen, fleece and denim (The Hemp Shop, 2018).

Figure 75


Bamboo is the most recently hyped about sustainable fibre, described as being ‘hypo-allergic, absorbent, fast-drying and naturally anti-bacterial’ (Green choices, 2016). As well as having all the aforementioned properties, bamboo grows at a favourable pace, replants itself naturally and can promote repair in eroded soil (Carter, 2008).

Figure 76


Recycled Polyester

Linen is also an environmentally friendly fabric, plant-based and produce out of flax. Flax is cultivated and produced for multiple uses, one of them being food. This traditional fibre crop uses far less chemicals and pesticides than other more traditional fibres (Martinko, 2017).

Figure 77

Polyester is one of the most used fabrics in the fashion industry, allowing companies to produce large quantities of products at an affordable price. Unfortunately, this fabric is manmade and not the friendliest to the environment. Recycled polyester uses PET as a new raw material, an example of recycled items are the classic clear water bottles (Ross, 2015). Utilising items which would customarily be single-use helps reduce landfill and is working towards finding a second purpose for certain types of plastic. With the current plastic epidemic it is important to find a secondary purpose for the growing amount of plastic which is filling out environment.


Figure 78

Why is it important to the target audience

My target customer’s core values revolve around ethics and sustainability. It is critical to extensively consider all fabric options for the product range. Textiles such as traditional nylon, polyester and acrylic are chemically treated and have a detrimental effect on our environment, with the synthetic fibres used considered toxic. Cotton, despite being one of the most widely used fabrics worldwide, contributes considerably to deforestation and requires extensive amounts of water and pesticides. It is of paramount importance that the collection reflects the target customers’ ethics, as this is the key factor in creating a community amongst consumers. Therefore a combination of sustainable fabrics will be utilised throughout.


brands that successfully use sustainable fabrics

natural fabric dyes W E E K

The dyeing process is one that has surprising, significant environmental implications. According to LaRose (2017), approximately 17-20% of industrial water pollution is owed to fabric dyes and treatments. It has also been documented that the global textile industry is responsible for discharging over 50,000 tons of dye into the water system (EFF, 2018). These statistics highlight the detrimental effect that synthetic dyes have on the environment and the need for more to adopt organic and natural methods. Due to the target market consisting of individuals who are conscious of the environmental impacts that the clothing industry has on the world, eco-friendly dyes will be utilised to


Patagonia are a renowned brand that have successfully implemented a sustainable fabric into their product range. They ask for customers to return any product that is finished with and subsequently reuse it, recycle into new fabric or make a new product entirely. The company have utilised recycled polyester and manage to fashion an entire collection, as well as utilising hemp in their production too (Patagonia, 2018)

create the products. The Hemp Shop are a green organisation, everything the business does from products produced to techniques employed are naturally created and environmentally friendly (TheHempShop, 2018). The company utilise a range of organic ‘Reactive Dyes’ that are free from heavy metals and AZO’s. Furthermore, the dyes have been certified by the OEKO-TEX Standard 100 (an international certification system for textile stuffs) as officially, eco-friendly (Oeko-Tex, 2018). As these dyes fit perfectly with the sustainable ethos of the collaboration and align with the target market’s expectations, they shall be utilised throughout the range.

Thought are another sustainable clothing brand that have established themselves as a successful organisation. Founded in 1995, the business firstly created a collection of men’s shirts and beachwear, all from sustainable ramie and hemp. Nowadays, the business is flourishing with over 1,000 shops selling their produce and declare themselves as industry innovators in the fashion world (Thought, 2018).

Nomads Hemp Wear is a relatively unknown clothing brand that have nicknamed themselves the ‘Pioneers of Hemp and the Organic Eco Clothing (R) Evolution’. They have a wide range of products on offer and provide sustainable clothing for both men and women. The company have led the way in utilising ecological materials such as bamboo, organic cotton and soy to fashion a stylish and appealing product range (Nomads Hemp Wear, 2018).

Figure 80 Figure 79



the festival jean

the Summer dungaree

- Price: ÂŁ84.99

- Price: ÂŁ69.99

- Quality: 100% Organic cotton

- Quality: 100% Organic cotton

- Detailing: Festival inspired decunstructed jeans. Tight fitting and available in multiple jean washes from an acid to a dark wash.

- Detailing: Cream jean style palazzo dungaree. Pop of yellow detailing at the front, comfortable feel and tight fitting.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the holiday shirt

the floral trouser

- Price: ÂŁ29.99

- Price: ÂŁ89.99

- Quality: 70% Hemp, 30% Organic cotton

- Quality: 80% Linen, 20% Organic cotton

- Detailing: Holiday style shirt with a pastel pattern all over. Tied detailing at the front making the style slightly cropped.

- Detailing: Loose fitting wide leg linen trousers, floral pattern throughout. Elasticated waist band with draw string available for better fitting.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the polka dot jumpsuit

the cross top

- Price: ÂŁ129.99

- Price: ÂŁ34.99

- Quality: 40% Organic cotton, 60% Bamboo

- Quality: 98% Organic cotton, 2% Elastane - Detailing: Off the shoulder fit, extremely cropped top. Ideal for festival and holiday season. All over print.

- Detailing: Fitted polka dot jumpsuit. Knot detaining at the front with two chest pockets. Black& white pattern throughout. Wide leg fit and plunge v-neck.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the little orange dress

the strapless dress

- Price: £109.99 - Quality: 100% Recycled Polyester

- Price: £99.99

- Detailing: Ruffle mini dress, ‘LOD - little orange dress’, the new LBD - ‘little black dress’. Flowing fit with a fitted waist. Zip fastening down the back, lace detailing throughout.

- Quality: 100% recycled polyester - Detailing: Strapless lilac dress with star pattern. Bodycon fitting. - Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30 - Sizes: 6-18 - Sizes: 6-18



the festival bustier

the cropped knit - Price: ÂŁ59.99

- Price: ÂŁ45.99

- Quality: 65% Recycled Polyester, 35% Organic cotton

- Quality: 100% Recycled Polyester

- Detailing: V-cut neckline with lace up draw strings. Cropped lengths, loose fit.

- Detailing: Cropped lace top - hook and eye closure at the front. Spaghetti straps, moulded padded cups, close-cut fit.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Hand wash only - Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the pieced dress

the 90s skirt

- Price: ÂŁ99.99

- Price: ÂŁ59.99

- Quality: 100% Organic cotton

- Quality: 85% Recycled Polyester, 15% Organic cotton

- Detailing: High neck patchwork dress, flowing sleeves with contrasting patterns. well fitted.

- Detailing: High waisted mini skirt - 90s inspired. Zip fastening at the back, slight slit at the front. Tight fitting

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the faux fur coat

the sheer pleated skirt

- Price: £199.99

- Price: £79.99

- Quality: 100% Recycled polyester Lining: 100% Recycled polyester

- Quality: 80% Recycled Polyester, 20% Hemp

- Detailing: So comfortable you won’t want to take it off, regular cut & press-stud fastening. No collar and fully lined.

- Detailing: Pleated skirt, sheer panel to hem. High-rise waist - flattering to any shape.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



the peppermint trouser

the peach suit - Price: ÂŁ149.99

- Price: ÂŁ199.99

- Quality: 60% Organic cotton, 20% Recycled Polyester, 20% Linen

- Quality: 60% Recycled polyester, 20% Hemp, 20% Bamboo

- Detailing: Trousers: Trackpant fitting, elasticated waist band with draw strings, smart & sporty. Blazer: V-cut neckline, regular cut, button closure.

- Detailing: High-rise waist, soft peppermint colouring. large side pockets. Felt fastening at the front. Relaxed fit - Baggy & casual.

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Aftercare: Machine wash up to 30

- Sizes: 6-18

- Sizes: 6-18



collection: part i



collection: part ii



Marketing communication plan

range summary W E E K




Marketing communications

The unique S/S19 collection designed for ASOS Marketplace reflects the theme of social adaption by making an attempt at producing the entire collection sustainable. Our society is faced with the proliferating problem concerning climate change. This range is setting an example for other companies, showcasing how the entirely of a range can be created using environmentally friends - from fabric dyes, textiles to recycled zips and buttons. The collection consists of sixteen unique pieces, varying in price from £29.99 to £199.99. This price variation makes the collection accessible to a wider audience, offering lower priced products such as ‘the holiday shirt’ and higher end products such as ‘the faux fur coat’. The sustainably conscious customer is willing to pay a slightly higher price for ethically produced, long-lasting garments. Although sustainable fabrics and dyes are becoming more and more popular, they are inevitably going to be priced higher than traditionally mass produced ones. This collection serves as an example to other retail giants, trendy and in-season ranges can be produced sustainably.

Figure 81




- Snippets of the range will be shown on social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Snapchat will be utilised to show followers behind the scenes of photoshoots and look books. - ASOS Marketplace will utilise space in printed advertising in magazines such as Vogue UK, InStyle, Dazed or i-D. This will promote the collection and bring attention to their efforts to make a range entirely sustainable.


- The collection will be sent to social media influencers such as Samantha Maria, Mika Francis, Chessie King and Zoe Sugg. They will showcase the collection on their chosen social media channel (YouTube, Instagram, Instagram stories, etc). - Tour de England pop-up store - All major cities in the UK will host a pop-up store featuring the entire collection, giving customers an apportunity to try on the collection and see how all the ethical fabrics feel and fit in person.


- Collection trailer to be created and released on social media channels showcasing scenes from the design process, fabric and colour choices. This will create a hype and excitement for the collection. - Exclusing packaging designed for the collection, featuring the collection’s strapline ‘dare to be sustainable’ - packaging will also be made out of 100% recycled and recyclable materials.

Sales promotions

- No offers or discounts will be made for the collection at initial stages. In order the collection to be profitable promotions can’t be offered. - Competition created at the same time as the release: Post a picture on Instagram with the hashtags #sustainablefashion and #ASOSMarketplaceXsustainability styling one of the peices from the collection.


packaging for the collection

100% recyclable materials and re-usable


social media marketing



aina Sust



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a in


cycled 100% Re s material

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100% recycled materials - Plastic looking materials are made out of potato starch





Figure 82 Figure 83


Trying out the new ASOS Marketplace collection! My vlog channel:


visual merchendising Figure 87

Figure 84

Figure 88

Figure 85

Figure 89 Figure 90

Figure 86



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research reflection W E E K

- ASOS Marketplace. 2018b. Terms of use. [Online]. [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Available from:


The theme of social adaption will inevitably take off in the near future. There is a growing demand for a societal shift towards a more eco-friendly way of living. The fashion industry is responsible for circa 300,000 tonnes of unwanted clothes sent to landfills each year, causing 26 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions through the production and the disposal process (Smithers, 2017). These staggering figures are only due for change if sustainable and ethical fashion is more directly available to the public. Brands need to recognise this need and focus their innovations on fabrics researched throughout the journal, such as, hemp, recycled polyester and bamboo. The unique capsule collection designed for ASOS Marketplace will catapult the trend of ethical fashion, demonstrating how mainstream brands can consider the well-being of the environment whilst also creating timeless garments. The fast fashion industry should see a decline as customers increasingly prioritise quality over quantity.

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Figure 3: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 18 January 2018]. Available from:

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Figure 4:

Figure 12:

Figure 18: Depop. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 January 2018]. Available from: Figure 19: Première Vision. 2018. Season opening: Fabrics S/S. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2017]. Available from:


season-opening-fabrics-ss19/ Figure 20: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 21: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 22: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 23: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 24: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 25: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 26: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 27: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 28:


Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 29: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 30: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 31: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 37: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 45: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 38: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 46: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 39: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 32: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 40: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 33: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 41: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 34: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 42: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 35: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 43: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

Figure 36:

Figure 44:

Figure 47: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 48: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 49: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 50: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 51: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:


board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 52: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 53: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 54: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 55: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 56: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 57: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 58: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7


Figure 59: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: Figure 60: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 61: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Fabric. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78569/page/3 Figure 62: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Fabric. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78569/page/3 Figure 63: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Items. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78249/page/7 Figure 64: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Items. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78249/page/7 Figure 65: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Items. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78249/page/7 Figure 66: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Items. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from:

board_viewer/#/78249/page/7 Figure 67: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Messages & Looks. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: https://www. Figure 68: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Messages & Looks. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: https://www. Figure 69: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Messages & Looks. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: https://www. Figure 70: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Key Messages & Looks. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: https://www. Figure 71: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Print & Pattern. [Online]. [Accessed 18 February 2018]. Available from: content/board_viewer/#/78250/page/3

Figure 74: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 83: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 75: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 84: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 76: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 85: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 77: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 86: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 78: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 87: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 79: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 88: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 80: Thought. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 72: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Print & Pattern. [Online]. [Accessed 18 February 2018]. Available from: content/board_viewer/#/78250/page/3

Figure 81: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:

Figure 73: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Print & Pattern. [Online]. [Accessed 18 February 2018]. Available from: content/board_viewer/#/78250/page/3

Figure 82: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:


Figure 89: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 90: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 91: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:


Figure 92: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 100: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 93: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 101: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 94: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: https://www.wgsn. com/content/board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 102: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7

Figure 95: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 96: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from: Figure 97: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 98: Maggioni, S. 2018. Buyers’ Briefing S/S 19: Womenswear Colour. [Online]. [Accessed 11 February 2018]. Available from: board_viewer/#/78248/page/7 Figure 99: Pinterest. 2018. [No title]. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2018]. Available from:


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