The 20th Seoul Int'l Cafe Show Show Report 2021 11. 10 Wed – 13 Sat Coex, Seoul
02 CONTENTS Show12 MapShow04 AnalysisThe03 20th Seoul Int’l Cafe Show 2021 Country25 of Honor - AustraliaThe23 20th CelebrationAnniversaryHallExhibitor15 List 31 「 Thank You, Coffee」Green Campaign 29 「 Coffee Alley」Roastery Cafes Zone Introducing26 「 Hybrid Cafe Show」 Concurrent47 Event The 10th World Coffee Leaders Forum 2021 45 「 Cafe Show Mocha Port」 Business Matching Platform 34 「 Cafe Show Excellence Award」Winner 「 Cherry’s Choice」Products HOT&NEW Marketing62 ActivitiesConcurrent59 Event World Coffee Battle & Korea Coffee League Concurrent52 Event The 6th Seoul Coffee Festival
Embassy of Guatemala to Korea, Embassy of Honduras, Embassy of India, Embassy of Peru in the Republic of Korea, Embassy of Sri Lanka, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Embassy of the Czech Republic, Embassy of the Republic of Nicaragua, Embassy of the United States, Indonesian Trade Promotion Center, PRO ECUADOR, Promperu
03 Overview ••••
EXHIBITORS Wed, Nov 10: 20,002 Visitors Thu, Nov 11: 23,240 Visitors Fri, Nov 12: 27,421 Visitors Sat , Nov 13: 38,001 Visitors Show Analysis 625 Exhibitors, 3,121 Brands, 2,003 Booths from 30 Countries VISITORS 04
05 Show ExhibitorAnalysis Analysis Exhibit Products Countries Participated Coffee 37.2% Bakery 14.1% Tea Raw13.3%Material 8.4% Packaging 7.6% Beverage Ice-cream/GelatoInteriorAppliance7.4%2.9%2.5% 2.0% Chocolate 2.0% Franchise 0.7% 41.4%Asia South24.1%America North6.9%America Europe13.8%Africa10.3% Oceania3.4% Australia Brazil Brunei Cambodia Canada Colombia Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire El Salvador Ethiopia France Germany Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Italy Japan Kenya Laos Malaysia Myanmar Peru Philippines Singapore Switzerland Thailand United States Vietnam
06 Show Analysis Exhibitor Analysis | Post – Show Survey Very Important – 100 points, Not Important – 0 points ExhibitingNPSPurpose Satisfaction NPS 69.3 Over 99% of the Exhibitors Satisfied Retention Rate: 97.5 (Cafe Show Seoul 2021 Exhibitor Survey, 275 Exhibitors Participated) Retention rate [Reference] *NPS(Net Promoter Score) =Referral Percentage(Top 40% of acquaintances’ intention to recommend) – Percentage of Non-Referrals(Bottom 40% Response) *Other Brands’ NPS Apple 72, Netflix 68, Amazon 62, Google 50 Purpose Score Brand Promotion 93.87 Finding New Domestic Partners 90.93 Launching New Products 84.27 Collecting Feedbacks 84.27 Meeting Existing Partners 82.13 On-site Sales(B2C) 71.47 Finding New International Buyers 68.80 Promoters73.3% Neutral22.7%Detractors4.0% CompletelySatisfied51.2%Very38.1%SatisfiedSomewhatSatisfied9.7% Comfirmed to Join 60.0% Very32.0%LikelyLikely5.3%
Response Period: Dec. 08 ~ Dec. 17 (10 days)
Response Method: Online Number of Responses: B2B 651 persons / B2C 2,417 persons / Total 3,068 persons Data Collection
108,664Total 33,951 B2C Visitors 74,713(General)B2BVisitors (Buyers)
Target: B2B Visitors(Industry workers, buyers, prospective founders visiting for business purposes)
Visitor Classification: B2B / B2C
Show AnalysisVisitorAnalysis
<2nd - Post Show Survey>
<Nov. 12 ~ Nov. 13 Public Day>
<Nov. 10 ~ Nov. 11 Business Day>
Target: B2C Visitors(General visitors who want to experience various coffee cultures and check coffee trends)
Cafe Show Seoul classifies the event schedule into Business Days & Public Days so that exhibitors and visitors can interact efficiently and effectively depending on the purpose of their visit to the event.
Required data submitted by all visitors when entering the exhibition hall
<1st - Visitor Entrance Registration>
Optional data submitted by visitors who participated in the post show survey
Response Method: Online Number of Responses: 108,664 persons
Response Period: Nov. 10 ~ Nov. 13 (4 days)
08 Show Analysis Visitor Analysis | Visitor Basic Information Demographic Characteristics(B2B, B2C) <Age Group> 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 30’s : 40,858 20’s : 29,883 40’s : 21,081 50’s : 11,627 Over 60 : 3,585 Under 19 : 1,630 (37.6%) (1.5%)(3.3%)(10.7%)(19.4%)(27.5%) <Region - Local Residential District> <Region<Gender>- Overseas Residential Continent> Female 61,069(52.2%) Male 47,595(43.8%) 57.1%Asia South21.6%America North15.2%AmericaEurope4.5% Africa0.7% Oceania0.9%Gangwon1.9%Daegu1.9%Busan2.8%SGwangju1.9%eoulKyeonggi/Incheon29.3%Daejeon1.9%48.7%Jeju
09 Show Analysis Visitor Analysis | Visitor Basic Information Buyer Overview <Visitor Type> <Trade Status><Business Type> <Business Field> 0 10 20 30 40 50 OnlineManufacturerFranchiseCafeTradeCommerceAssociation (43.2%) (2.3%)(8.3%)(13.6%)(15.9%)(16.6%) <Visiting Purpose> 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Market Research 59.3% Securing New Partnerships 18.4% Purchasing Consultation 14.7% Visiting Existing Partners 3.8% Considering Exhibiting Next Year 1.8% Participating Additional Events 1.2% Etc. 0.6% Industry Professionals and Buyers 66.8% 33.4% Prospective Cafe/ Restaurant Owners
10 Show Analysis Visitor Analysis | Visitor Basic Information Areas of Interest <B2B Visitors> <B2C Visitors> 4.0%4.1%2.2%4.8%3.7%3.5%7.4%4.7%6.8%15.5%14.6%28.6%25.6%15.2%15.1%10.2%7.2%4.8%4.6%4.0%3.9%3.7%3.0%2.7% Beverage/AlcoholBakeryCoffeeTeaRawMaterialIce-creamEquipmentChocolateFranchiseFoodServiceInteriorKitchenAppliance *Multiple Responses NPS 58.5 Over 99% of the Visitors Satisfied Retention Rate: 98.7 NPS Satisfaction Retention rate Promoters66.1% Neutral27.3%Detractors7.6% CompletelySatisfied42.8%Very43.2%SatisfiedSomewhatSatisfied11.1% Comfirmed to Join 66.9% Very28.1%LikelyLikely3.7% Not very1.3%Likely
11 The 20th Seoul Int'l Cafe Show The 10th World Coffee Leaders Forum World Coffee Battle CONFERENCE Knowledge-sharing opportunity with world coffee leaders EXHIBITION Leading business platform for global F&B industry FESTIVAL Inspiring fair filled with culture and aroma of coffee EVENT Dream-come-true stage for baristas around the world Schedule Overview TORANI PUREMADE Korea Coffee League Wed, Nov 10 Thu, Nov 11 Fri, Nov 12 Sat, Nov 13 Location Business Day Public Day Hall A~D Hall A #A473 Hall D Stage Hall A ConferenceLobbyRoom 300 Cafe Show Seoul Official YouTube Channel & Hall A~D Hall D Lobby Cafe Show Seoul Official Website Celebration Hall of Cafe Show Seoul 20th Anniversary Trend Unpack Show 2022 On·Offline Hybrid Showcase Cherry’s Choice Innovative and Popular Products of 2020~2021 Cafe Show Mocha Port Lounge Business Meeting and Meeting KOTRA Buyer Meeting Cafe Show Seoul Virtual Tour with YouTubers Coffee Alley Roastery Cafes Zone Public DayOnline Exhibition Global Session Coffee Skills Program Coffee Technicians Program OriginSessionAdventureProfessional Session Seoul Coffee Spot Coffee Talk Coffee Library Coffee Art Gallery Thank You, Coffee Green Campaign World Latte Art Battle (WLAB) World Cocktail Battle (WCTB) Korea Barista Championship (KBC) Korea TEAM Barista Championship (KTBC) Master of Cupping (MOC) Master of Brewing (MOB) 3rd & 4th Floor Conference Room Trendy Seoul Cafes Hall D Stage Hall D #D473 Hall D #D469 Hall A~D Hall D Stage Hall C Stage
12 Show Composition & Entrance Guide Conference Room Roasting Equipment, Grinder, Filter Total Machine & Equipment, Baker y, Gelato, Ice cream, Showcase, Raw Material Tea, Beverage, Juice, Chocolate, Desser t, Tableware, Interior, Equipment, Consulting Hall A1F 3FA B D C Hall B1F 3FB A C D Hall C3F 1FC D B A No Entr y at Hall D Specialty Coffee, Roastery Cafe, Coffee Machines, Equipment Tea, Beverage, Juice, Chocolate, Dessert, Tableware, Interior, Equipment, Consulting Total Machine & Equipment, Bakery, Gelato, Ice-cream, Showcase, Raw Material Conference Room Coffee, Espresso Machine, Brewing Equipment, Roasting Equipment, Grinder, Filter ENDENDENDENTER HALL A ENTER HALL B ENTER HALL C HALL A HALL B HALL B HALL A HALL C HALL D HALL D HALL C HALL C HALL D HALL B HALL A
스키피오 엔디케이델라멜라대아메탈아르띠젠 웰파인 더진한 세원시스첸 루마코리아 정심식품 보눔앞치민영제지마 대호식품 동서 슬링샷 호시자키한국 엔유씨전자 셀플러스 스파코리아서울카페쇼 20주년 기념관 미국육류수출협회디앤피스피리츠 흥국에프엔비 흥국에프엔비 세경냉동 다이슨에어볼레이드 동구전자래미카파오트리푸드대두식품아이엔티에프엔비 베덱서일토탈에프엔비 신제품 인기제품 쇼케이스 에토탈프엔비 모대호식품코이상사피리처드코리아구르메에프앤드비코리아상고대야긴에프엔비프레시에또FS아로마라인골든파트너스돌핀우정베이크웨라셀르어 우녹스 코리아 우녹스 코리아 제이씨에스컴퍼니 미건씨스템 뷰코 스메그코리아 스메그코리아코사라야리아 인디통상 하슬라에프엔비 카이저제빙기 아우어푸드 에취알에스 힐카트 테일즈 푸드릿지 솜인스위트컵터내셔널 엔디알스위다마요팩트컵레소디쇼케이스 하늘마이에프글로아토즈벌앤지코리아크로바이옴다리공뿌안전시음존제원삼경프라자인터내쇼날유니크대성 아임요 세림비앤지 삼경프라자 아르네코리아 아이버블티마이유통 주식회사 콜 철베이크플러스은인터내셔날 무림페이퍼 나따오비까 골든브라운 선인 벤타코리아 페이히어 떼르 글라 에프아푸른나무한국제다아로마이세니젠 브레드가든하나퀴진 은창플러스제주애월아빠들우신에프에이엔티영농조합법인상도포장기계컷코 룩소아다원아워티 모키 디엠피북스 농민농산 디앙유니스토어싱싱캔스트로우 동북부미국중디지아이서부식품수출협회 지에 푸 피지에스코리아도디 더블스윗구티 별애별참셀시어스코리아만월회로전 차합시다블렌티네이처오키친앤데코다 클홀티엠지딩스레이튼한창제지우리꽃연구소 파미유아이엠그리너 바우하우옻칠채 오민초 인유앤아이엔젤스트리언터내셔널생보성차산자조합 일롱 올차 공부차 협동조이풀약초합 타키 우노스 말렌카리스코 아이앤씨케이메뉴 청우다보성원 글로벌진시 카페플레이벨미오다질리언 꽃샘식품 FUSONTERO 새빛맥스국진크리스탈 그래인스 발이도효한차 계미국란협회수가미국금류출협회 캘리포니아호두협회캘리 니아 유제품협회 이더멜라민 꽃을담다 코레쉬텍 경도산업 코백서울칩향진리아 식무궁화품연구소와인드와이어 코커피렉리아 츄서바나러스 황초원 55도커피로스터스 성남산업진흥원소적두에레즈코퍼레이션 사층빵케익드라마집SANTINFOODS 아스텍업그로스소연향큐빅티이소닉스 중소벤처기업진흥공단(청년창업사관학교 ASEAN Pavilion ASEAN Pavilion 성남산업진흥원 널담은공간앤뉴갤러리캔웍스우리늘달달해 제이팩토리베다라이나이스투잇츄티바인 그린그스티즌텔라메디림클로드카페 아미트레이딩 다정 써모스코리아 대씨앤지한다업 티젠 하임트리 튜디 인 한 아세안센터 한 아세안센터 랑컴퍼니 와일드콤에스앤피인터내셔널더홋브루어리 터틀크루 그래놀라하우스와인앤푸드 삼주티앤비 리쉬티코리아 제이브라운 녹차원 리텍 전주커피공장티코리아(아크바)한국티소믈리에연구원마이브레드베이커더브라운리 제글로벌너레이션 대한제분 킹센스 한 아세안센터 한 아세안센터 한 아세안센터 한 아세안센터 Cambod a Myanmar Laos Vietnam 한 아세안센터 Philippines Malaysia SingaporeThailand ndonesiaBrunei 13 Sweeten up your business through items found in Hall B Tea, Beverage, Chocolate, Dessert, Interior, Tea Equipment Find new sources in Hall A and watch your business gain competitiveness Total Machinery & Equipment, Raw Materials, Bakery, Ice-cream EntranceExit Entrance: Nov.11(Thu), 13(Sat) Exit: Nov. 10(Wed), 12(Fri) Entrance: Nov. 10(Wed), 12(Fri) Exit: Nov.11(Thu), 13(Sat)
Beans, Roasting Machine, Grinder, Coffee Machine, Filter, Entrance:etc
Nov. 10(Wed), 12(Fri) Exit: Nov.11(Thu), 13(Sat) Entrance: Nov.11(Thu), 13(Sat) Exit: Nov. 10(Wed), 12(Fri)
Mocha Port Business Lounge (Business Matching Platform) Conference Room 300
Stage D 1 Stage C 1Stage C-2 아로마그라인문화개발/카페스타어바닉더빌커피리치거AG키라라지그지앤지트라이 헬레닉와인 디자인가비트비케이엠지리엘림팩셀 에티코링컵대흥코리아 대지푸드 머그리드 코스트커피 메이트루커 자연트레이지프레소딩 엘로치오 월간커이알코퍼레이션나이스코리아피 엔비피코리아 다인인코퍼레이션 유씨씨커피한국 커피리브레 이지스터커피로스터 스탠딩커피다익인터내셔널 제너럴커피코디네이터메테오라 오오진양행진양행 라붐팩토리 맥패러데이커피파이앤타이거커피챕스고흥커피큐앤리브즈고템 커피앤두 푸드머신코리아 세웅지씨 홀츠클로츠 알비에이치상사 KSCAOREA 디드릭 코리아 커피루소아크원ETHIOPIAN COFFEE EXPORTERS ASSOC ATION 글로브비젼코리아 묘차 휴 커딜리코피머신 기정인터내셔날 커피그래피티 더 정진폴란드그릇보울글뤼바인/뱅쇼파티세리저스트세모식탁&팜스테 공간알파밀크티항공 숲에서디저데이지트온수키 소프트팩 칼라코만단테스커피 인더매스 유픽 커피휘엘니콜 커피 카페노갈레스 스튜디오키위로스터포빈코에코에즈리 코제너럴커피디네이터 스칸딕프라자 커넥츠커피 랩씨앤씨 상수현커피미업 커파스텔피웍스 두잉인터내쇼날 두잉인터내쇼날 쟈뎅 레브, 쟈뎅 아워티 PROCOLOMBIA쟈뎅 레브, 쟈뎅 아워티 기센코리아 슈퍼말차 국제공정무역기구한국사무소 임파트 (베제라코리아) 하리오코리아 시안전음존 CAFE DE COLOMBIA 스트롱홀드테크놀로지 라마르조코코리아 라마르조코코리아 베라코리아 베라코리아 후성HDS 하비스디바인트 허니비아이 두리트레이딩 블레스빈 에이덴 에이덴 리빈코리아 스프링온워드 대교통상/컬친 블레스빈 프로스터 두리양행 이코디아디엠에스 아소부 코리아인터내셔창현널돌체비타전한에프앤씨통상대교/컬친한터테크놀러지카르포스세계로시스템데뜨레종르 한국코로나CAFE DE HONDURAS 성우테크 루와 스타루&빈 UAT MAL N COFFEES 에이치앤엔코퍼레이션 이앤알 상사 한국맥널티 코디아 테크놀로세인지 마노코리아패밀리우리 그리니티 사이노피아소샘 CAFE DE COSTA RICA Reicat PROMPERU 억셉트커피 COFFEE ROASTERS EL SA VADOR COFFEE COUNC L 케이필트로 노블트리 INDONESIAN TRADE PROMOTION CENTER 제네카페 민트로봇 라운지랩 GEMS OF ARAKU BSCA 태성이멕스테크씨에프 다쿠빈커딜리코피머신승화피앤피플러스바커피원더치이나믹통상밀레니엄S더원리빙핫탑DROTTOUWECNACHF더치프레소 EMBASSY OF COTE D'IVOIRE 2021년 주빈국 호주 두리양행 커피앤아트 커피플랜트 인터내셔동방널 링크에프엔비 홀리데커피이 커피토리 판도라 발루토커피 제로쓰트리투바로 유피에이 비해이씨즈캔디븐쇠소리가마지더플랜잇기비마이프렌드 에스티하우나인스알 후니팟 디자인북커피수작컴퍼니 슬테이크아웃몰로패밀리묘약 소펙스코리아 라이프커피 카라한스위치컴퍼니원월드비어코리아마인드포지아니메이드불레부 소닉더치 미소리빙커피스누퍼즈라디커피오허스키 팝 로스터 인더로우 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 다이어아스트로컬간에트블랙로드커피레져스이치커피로스터즈레이지모먼트커피탠히떼로스터리이미커피베르크로스터스네임드커피하우스서울에이치앰퍼샌드결커피로스터스커피동경단일서울러드빈노머스커피커피뉴스커피모호커피로스터스인사이트커피보사노바커피로스터스사이먼커피어나더미네스오멜라스커피폰트커피커커로스터연경재히트커피로스터스커피몽타주아러바우트윤시커피로스터스BALROGCOFFEESREOSOPOFEE커피라이서울커피스팟브러리커피아트갤러리 14 Add passion, culture and youth to your business through innovations found in Hall D Tea, Beverage, Chocolate, Dessert, Interior, Tea Equipment Discover the fundamentals of coffee, from coffee producers to latest trends
15 Cherry’ s Choice 서울카페쇼가 선정한 혁신/인기 제품 Made in Korea 대한민국 제조기술을 바탕으로한 전시 출품 Green Booth 서울카페쇼 에코 프로젝트에 동참하는 그린 부스 Exhibitor List (Alphabetical Order)
17 Cherry’ s Choice 서울카페쇼가 선정한 혁신/인기 제품 Made in Korea 대한민국 제조기술을 바탕으로한 전시 출품 Green Booth 서울카페쇼 에코 프로젝트에 동참하는 그린 부스
Exhibition halls and outer areas disinfected Automatic walk-through registration system operated Density of visitors monitored through electronic visitor roll Temperature checked and disinfected through air shower before entr y ambulance available at the show site at all times
ENTRANCEEXIT Separate operation of exhibition entrance and Safety line installed for maintenance of social distancing Number of visitors limited and multiple clusters controlled Masks worn at all times
2m social distancingMasks mandator y No eating while walk ing
17 1 Safe Cafe Show 23
1 Safe
Systematic Prevention Measures Safety Measures for Visitors Safe Exhibition Operation Visitor Etiquette
Separate operation of exhibition entrance and Safety line installed for maintenance of social distancing Number of visitors limited and multiple clusters controlled Masks worn at all times Cafe
2m social distancingMasks mandator y No eating while walk ing
2m social distancingMasks mandator y No eating while walk ing
Separate operation of exhibition entrance and Safety line installed for maintenance of social distancing Number of visitors limited and multiple clusters controlled Masks worn at all times Cafe
Show 23
Show 23
Systematic Prevention Measures
1 Safe
Safety Measures for Visitors Safe Exhibition Operation Visitor Etiquette
Systematic Prevention Measures Safety Measures for Visitors Safe Exhibition Operation Visitor Etiquette
Exhibition halls and outer areas disinfected Automatic walk-through registration system operated Density of visitors monitored through electronic visitor roll Temperature checked and disinfected through air shower before entr y ambulance available at the show site at all times Maximum air conditioning operation for air ventilation Thermal cameras and sterilizers installed at main areas
Systematic Prevention Measures Safety Measures for Visitors Safe Exhibition Operation Visitor Etiquette
Exhibition halls and outer areas disinfected Automatic walk-through registration system operated Density of visitors monitored through electronic visitor roll Temperature checked and disinfected through air shower before entr y ambulance available at the show site at all times Maximum air conditioning operation for air ventilation Thermal cameras and sterilizers installed at main areas
Maximum air conditioning operation for air ventilation Thermal cameras and sterilizers installed at main areas
21 13 Safe Designated Tasting Zones Operated Designated Tasting Zones Were Operated with
At Cafe Show Seoul's 20th Year Celebration Hall, visitors could see the traces of the 20 years of Cafe Show Seoul. Visitors could take photos and find limited goods only available at the 20th anniversary show. Also, there was a special collaboration with Magazine F for the coffee issue. Virtual Cafe Show Seoul Following the new normal era, the 20th Seoul International Cafe Show combined online and offline channels to provide an extended experience beyond the physical exhibition space. There were various programs offered, including <Online Exhibition>, <Cafe Show Seoul Virtual Tour> with famous YouTube Influencers, and <Trend Unpacked Show 2022>, a special content hybrid show Cafecase Owner or Soon-to-be Owner Hall C on the 3rd floor with green beans, roasted beans, roasting equipment, grinder, espresso machine, extraction equipment, filter and all other materials related directly to coffee was a place where cafe owners or soon-to-be owners definitely did not want to miss.
Under the theme of “World Coffee Trip,” a wide range of charms of coffee could be experienced through Seoul Coffee Festival. New Industry Insight Seeker New insights on the global coffee industry for new growth could be gained at World Coffee Leaders Forum under the main theme "Refocus, Revive, Reboot - Crisis into Opportunity: Post-pandemic World Coffee Market." There were many insightful programs, including Global Session, Professional Session, SCA Session and Origin Coffee Adventure Session
A variety of specialty coffee could be tasted at trendy roastery cafes at Cafe Show Seoul’s Coffee Alley at Hall D on 3rd floor and at Country Honor-Australia's booth with various demonstration and tasting programs! Market Researcher or a Signature Menu Developer New inspirations could be found through all kinds of raw materials, packaging equipment and other items related to bakery, ice-cream, chocolate and dessert in Exhibition Halls A and B on the 1st floor of Coex Creative ideas could be gained through discovering a selection of the new and hottest products of 2021-2022 at Cherry’s Choice special showcase Coffee Enthusiast
Suggested Programs By Visitor Type
Special Programs Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Cafe Show Seoul
Read below to review a quick guide to Cafe Show Seoul programs offered for various type of visitors for each visitor to enjoy the event to the fullest.
Magazine <F> Coffee Issue Magazine <F> is a food documentary magazine published by Magazine <B> and Baedal Minjok, the largest food delivery service platform in Korea. In celebration of the 20th year of Cafe Show Seoul, Cafe Show and Magazine <F> worked together on publishing the 'Coffee' issue of Magazine <F>.
Cafe S h o w S e o ul 20th Annive r sa r y Celebratio n Ha ll w a s a p l a c e w h e r e vi s it or s a n d exhibitors could see the 20-year history of Cafe Show Seoul at a glance. Limited goods for Cafe Show Seoul 2021, a cup structure made of 100 individual cups from 100 visitors, and 'Coffee' issue published with Magazine <F> were presented in this area. In addition, events such as postcard writing, "What Does Cafe Show Seoul Mean to You?", and Cafe Show Seoul Literature Vending Machine were able to be experienced. Time Nov. 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Coex Hall A (Booth Number A473)
Cafe Show's 20-year history was displayed at one glance at the 20th Anniversary Celebration Hall from every competitions held to every highlight videos made. Also, 20 of Cafe Show partners were interviewed regarding what Cafe Show means to them.
"A Cup of the World" Cup Structure Cups from around the world were sent to the Cafe Show team to celebrate Cafe Show Seoul. At the 20th Cafe Show Seoul, these cups were displayed under the slogan "A Cup of the World" to represent the diverse coffee community
Cafe Show Seoul Literature Vending Machine
A postcard writing event was held for visitors and exhibitors of Cafe Show Seoul to write what Cafe Show Seoul means to them. These postcards were displayed around a heart shaped structure to express that Cafe Show Seoul is growing together with the love of many professionals and coffee enthusiasts around the world.
Cafe Show Seoul 20th Anniversary Celebration Hall
Cafe Show Seoul 20-year History / Twenty Cafe Show Partners' Interview
"What Does Cafe Show Mean to You?" Postcard Writing
The messages Cafe Show Seoul wanted to send to the global coffee and F&B communities each year were put together in a literature vending machine. This literature vending machine was installed at the 20th Cafe Show Seoul so that visitors and exhibitors could simply press a button to receive a heartfelt message from the Cafe Show Seoul team.
24 Cafe Show Seoul 20th Anniversary Celebration Hall Photo
Time Nov. 10(Wed) 13(Sat), 2021 Place Coex Hall C Country of Honor Booth (Booth Number D107 109)
Country of Honor - Australia
The 20th Cafe Show Seoul hosted "Country of Honor" program In celebration of the 60th anniversary of Korea-Australia diplomatic ties, Australia, with its unique coffee culture, was selected as the Country of Honor for 2021. At the Country of Honor booth, organized by the Embassy of Australia, Seoul, Australia's extraordinary coffee culture was introduced In particular, programs with world class baristas who are active in Australia stood out Caleb Cha, the 2015 World Latte Art Champion, presented latte art demonstrations and teaching sessions while Chan ho Hong, Australia Brewers Cup multi-time winner, showcased the coffee culture of Sydney.
26 The 20th Seoul International Cafe Show provided extended experience of Hybrid Show, beyond the offline exhibition to online in the new normal era. On·Offline Hybrid Cafe Show Program Progam Schedule Time Wed, Nov 10 Thu, Nov 11 Fri, Nov 12 Sat, Nov 13 14:0013:0012:00 Barista Kim Young-Jin Making My Own Home Cafe Barista Park Seung Kyu Espresso Machine Line-up Depending on Your Budget Bakery Paper Interesting Bread Making Story Told by a Chef 15:00 Menu Developing A to Z 2022 19:0016:0017:0018:00 Special Specialty Coffee Tour with Barista Lee Chi-Hoon The Real Tea World with Tea Sommelier "Hongcha Unnie" 15:00~17:00 UNPACKED SHOW
27 Online Exhibition T h e Onl in e E xhib i ti o n wa s avai l a b le thro u gh Cafe S h o w S eo u l ' s offi c ial we b site! E ver y ex h ib i tor a nd bra n d participating at the 20th Seoul International Cafe Show could be discovered online. In addition, through Cafe Show Seoul's exclusive business matching platform “Cafe Show Mocha Port," visitors could connect directly with exhibitors and brands NTimeov. 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 CafePlaceShow Seoul Official Site Cafe Show Seoul Virtual Tour Six renowned YouTubers with coffee and F&B related contents walked through various halls of Cafe Show Seoul for virtual tours Time Nov. 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Cafe Show Seoul Official YouTube Channel & Hall A~D YouTubers : Barista Park Seung Kyu, Coffictures, Cupping Post, Coffee Monster Kim Young Jin Barista arista, Bakery Paper, Korea Tea Sommelier Institute
28 Exhibitor Brand Product SUPER MATCHA SUPER MATCHA SUPER BORI MINTROBOT CO., LTD. SQUAREMINT cafe-Square CELLPLUS Mintlabel Mintlabel powder ZEROTH LAW, INC. REAL9 REAL9 OTREE FOODS Andros Fruit Cordial OHJIN CORPORATION VICTORIA ARDUINO EAGLE ONE PRIMA Trend Unpacked Show 2022 Trend Unpacked Show 2022" was a special program for the 20th Cafe Show Seoul Through Trend Unpacked Show, innovative products that will lead the cafe industry in 2022 were TintroducedimeNov. 10(Wed), 2021 15:00~17:00 Place Stage in Hall D on the 3rd floor & Online LINEUP
or (Booth
Coffee Alley Nov
13(Sat), 2021 Coffee Alley Roastery
Coffee Alley is a program at Cafe Show Seoul dedicated to spreading the culture of from city to city 10(Wed) ~ Cafe Zone, Hall D on the 3rd flo No. L301
specialty coffee and roastery inspiration
29 Be inspired by the trendiest and unique roastery cafes from around the world!
Cafe Show Seoul has recruited exhibitors that have pledged to partake in the green campaign and selected their booths as “Green B o oth” to p rovi d e a w i d e ra n ge o f supp o rt. Green Bo o t h Exhibitors handed out their samples in biodegradable sample cups among other eco-friendly promotion materials! Be part of creating a cleaner earth by participating in Cafe Show's green project! Green Booth Exhibitors
Green Campaign “Thank you, Coffee”
Cafe Show Seoul's eco-friendly project, "Thank You, Coffee," is a green campaign launched for a sustainable future. As a leader in the global exhibition industry, Cafe Show Seoul provides a new paradigm within the industry by operating an environmentally friendly exhibition and introduces various eco brands through the "Thank you, Coffee" campaign Be part of making our world a greener place. Join our team at Cafe Show Seoul in being a part of "Thank you, Coffee" campaign. Your thoughtful action leads to a better cup of coffee
Nov (Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 NeoforetGTimereen Partner
For the Sustainable Future! “Thank You, Coffee” Green Booth Exhibitors
Cafe Show Seoul's Badge Upcycling Project
This year, to minimize waste, the badge to enter Cafe Show, which was previously provided with a plastic cover, was replaced with a paper badge so that it could be used as a photo frame after use, and the badge lanyard could be used as a mask strap.
33 Cafe Show Excellence Awards Cafe Show Excellence Awards selects the top products among Cherry's Choice products. The Award was designed to show the excellency of winning brands in various sectors. Discover the winners of the 2021 Cafe Show Excellence Awards below! Real 9 Zeroth Law, Inc. Victoria Arduino Ohjin Corporation ioob Darjeelian Daily One Touch Tumbler Thermos Korea Co., LTD. Squaremint - Espresso Mintrobot Co., LTD. Pomona Whipping Spray Kaffa INT Co., LTD. Sproud Scandic Plaza Super Bori Hit the Tea Sweetpage Ex Cellplus Lavazza Coffee Capsules Junhan FNC Corp. LTD.
+HAAGEN-DAZS822-3218-8441 Haagendazs Bulk
A343, A461 Hyungkuk F&B, a cafe total solution company, introduces 4 types of Hyungkuk Hmade Coffee Beans that are subdivided by analyzing the needs of various customers through long standing ODM/OEM experiences of coffee franchise companies Type : Hyungkuk Coffee Beans: 1kg / 19,000won / room temperature storage 1 Juicy House Blend 2. Medium Classic Blend 3 Deep After Blend 4 All Day Decaffeine HYUNGKUK F&B +82-70-8661-7545
bulk product is B2B size format, which is reasonable & affordable price to cafe Oownersurmain flavor of bulk is vanilla, strawberry, green tea, chocolate, some of sorbet flavors and many diverse flavor that we can show you! Please experience great quality of dessert with Haagendazs premium ice-cream
34 A303, A401 Stick Enjoy the home cafe!! Easy drinks to make at home -FlavorCitron Elderflower Cordial - Grapefruit Jasmine Cordial - Peach Oolong Cordial - Black Sesame Latte - Oatmeal Latte - Hazelnuts Latte - Vanilla Latte SAMI CORPORATION LTD +82-2-588-4755 SMOOTHIE SIRIES (STRAWBERRY, BLUEBERRY, MANGO, GRAPE FRUIT, PEACH, KIWI PLUM) It's a liquid base that's exclusive for smoothies that have a strong fruit taste Not only does it have a vivid taste as if eating real fruit, but it also adds joy to its vivid color With seven flavors, you can choose a wide range of products with excellent quality at reasonable prices +82-IMYO70-4712-0346
multi-use sauce that can be used from Beverage to a variety of dessert menus, and you can make various and unique recipes. It is a product that compresses the best taste of raw materials and contains the points of the public's favorite flavor There are new released items which are Caramel EX Cherry EX also New flavor of Fashion Fruits EX and Chocolate EX has been launched +82CELLPLUS2-591-9583
Delifarm Soft and Moist Loaf Bread
Soft and Moist Bread is made from natural ingredients including high quality premium flour, pure lactic butter, and natural yeast. You can experience the freshness, soft texture, and deep flavours derived from our careful selection of natural ingredients As no artificial ingredients are added this makes our product easy to digest and an experience your whole family will enjoy +DELIFARM822-2155-9878
Oneulchaeum Stick Hyungkuk Hmade Coffee Beans I`M YO SMOOTHIE SIRIES I n s pi red b y coffee c he r r y , C h e rry ' s C h o ic e is a s p ec i a l s e l ect i o n of Cafe S h ow S e o u l ' s most innovative and popular products of 2021-2022. At Cherry's Choice Showcase, the steady sellers of 2021 and the most anticipated products of 2022 could be discovered
Cherry's Choice
liqueur is brimming with fresh bitter grapefruit notes, supported by a pleasant sweet and sour bite With the growing popularity of this refreshing fruit, The Bols Pink Grapefruit is an indispensable addition to our celebrated range of citrus liqueurs Made with natural ingredients and distilled to perfection!
Coffee with Flex Sip lid OATLYA752 was founded in the 1990s by two professors from Lund University in Sweden. As a well-known oat plant-based protein brand in Sweden, OATLY focuses on developing a series of healthy and eco friendly oat products with high quality DONGSUH COMPANIES INC +82 2-3271-9667
KuA761vings is a leading kitchen appliance brand loved by health conscious people throughout over 80 countries We strive to develop the highest quality products that make healthy living more efficient, convenient, and delicious +82NUC53-665-5255
35 EveA711ry sip stays icy cold for up to 24 hours. When playtime wraps up, the perfect refreshment is waiting on the sidelines With a colorful, easy-to-clean Straw Cap and a durable perforated Flex Boot, the Wide Mouth Kids Bottle is the perfect companion for any adventure GOURMET F&B +82 70-4640-6602
DNP SPIRITS INC +82 10-5667-2565 BOLS Pink Grapefruit MA832anufactured using eco-friendly raw materials, it is a disposable paper straw that supplements water resistance, water repellency and durability, which are the disadvantages of paper straws currently in circulation. It has passed FDA and EC tests and is a certified product designated by the Public Procurement Service. We are producing various products such as wrinkle, telescopic, straight straws MINYOUNG PAPER +82 51-831-0663
UNOS PAY +82 31-427 2525 SAMSUNG KIOSK
Oatly Barista
SB105AMSUNG KIOSK is an unmanned payment kiosk launched by Samsung Electronics in February 2021 Unos Co., Ltd. is the only premium kiosk brand in Korea In recognition of this expertise, he was selected as Samsung Electronics' official global partner in July this year At the 2021 Cafe Show Exhibition, you can meet Unospay's various payment solution experiences and Samsung's safe hardware
36 EB245njoy mint chocolate! anytime! anywhere! The world First, Mint chocolate cordial/ Yspread!oucan taste the best mint chocolate ever! If you put it on a cookie or bread! +OHMINCHO8210-5768-5957 Mintchocolate Cordial / Spread NOB459MILK, NO EGG, NO BUTTER! Our Vegan baking mixes are plant based products which gives the high quality and tastes without any dairy or animal produced Tingredientsheproducts available in both retail and wholesale sizes BREAD GARDEN CO., LTD +82 2-2285-5900 VEGAN BAKING MIX TB517hiscake has more than 50 million views on YouTube, making home parties, birthday parties, and any events even more special RANG COMPANY +82 31-747-9346 Dynamite Cake CB519oldinfusions is a new wave in tea market. perfectly infuse in cold water by tea bag specially crafted Put Biodegradable tea bag to water and drink it easily and conveniently It can be one of good beverages in cafe No caffeine, No sugar, No synthetic flavorings Enjoy and Refresh your daily life with cold infusion of 100% herb, fruit and natural flavorings
S&P INTERNATIONAL +82 2-546-2705 Cold Infusions Made_100% Insourcing -Traditional American home cooked meal -Grain mixing, sauce making, dough, obning, drying process -Only use household ingredients 2 Full bite texture. "Original handmade granola" Specialized -A bite of crispy texture -It can't be imitated by a machine It's implemented only with obning and -W3.controllingWholeGrainholegrainsof whole oats and nuts GRANOLA HOUSE +82 70-4285-6518 GRANOLA HOUSE Original Handmade Granola. TB533EAZEN KOMBUCHA is a healthy fermented beverage containing both probiotics and prebiotics with refreshing sparkling fruity tastes Enjoy deliciously refreshing TEAZEN KOMBUCHA during working, studying or exercising for your daily health Probiotics + Prebiotics ON-THE-GO Packets Sugar free, Alcohol free 4. Only 15 kcal per serving +82TEAZEN70-7006-1954 KOMBUCHA
HEC337AVY DUTY MULTI-BOILER VTECHNOLOGYICTORIAcoffee machine system meets the request of the Worldwide coffee industry evolution; the triple boiler system allows to program accurate temperature setting while the brewing profile system allows to program pressure profiles to get the best from single origin and from sophisticated coffee blends from all over the world IMPART (BEZZERA KOREA) +82 31-722-6308 BEZZERA VICTORIA
ARIS ICECRAM ROBOT C437, C525 The espresso machine, CO-03 'neo' of CIME is one of the most trendy espresso machines with low height for easy interaction with customers and modern and simple design Unique character of 'neo' model equipped with a differentiated design as well as a reliable functionality introduces new brand value of CIME and it's hardly comparable with other comperitors +82EIDEN2-477 2677 CIME CO-03 neo
Lavazza compatible coffee capsules
37 'DB552aily One Touch Tumbler' is Thermos' signature thermos that won the Korea Brand Awards tumbler category for three consecutive years The vacuum insulation dual structure maintains a temperature of 6 hours, 68 degrees or higher, and 10 degrees or lower It has 210g of ultra-lightweight weight which is good to carry around. It has 9 soft pastel colors to choose for your preference THERMOS KOREA CO., LTD +82 2-2138-1969
EnC213joy the authentic Italian espresso with Lavazza capsules compatible with Nespresso Original machines at home Delicato : sweet and unique, Decaffeinato Ricco : sweet and rich decaf coffee, Colombia : UTZ certified single origin coffee, Armonico : full-bodied and well rounded, Deciso : full-bodied and intense, Ristretto : authentic Italian ristretto * Vigoroso : intense until the last sip JUNHAN FNC CORP +82 2-2264-3277
TC401heice cream robot "ARIS" delivers a unique experience that seems to communicate with robots along with sophisticated quality ice cream Create consistent quality ice cream with precise robot motion 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, anytime, anywhere With the smart robot Aris, which can be easily operated with easy operation, you can always experience differentiated desserts LOUNGE LAB +82 10-9810-4906
PC219ending is an innovative brewing method combining coarse coffee grounds, cold water and a long steeping time The resulting coffee is delicious and versatile and can be enjoyed anywhere cold or hot FEATURES : Copper Insulated Steel Brewing Carafe keeps your coffee concentrate cold up to 24 hrs. Clear TRITANTM Brewing Carafe that is durable and BPA Free. 100% leak proof lidsASOBU KOREA +82 31-814-2255
38 AD106norganic ginger drink created in Belgium in 2017 to replace coffee and alcoholic beverages Won the Gold Prize in the non-alcoholic category at the 2019 Paris Food Contest It is on sale in high end French department stores Bon Marche and Samariten. It is a health drink flavored with lemon and various herbs based on Peruvian organic ginger. You can drink it with carbonated water, tonic water +GIMBER8270-5228-4750
Yunnan Sampler
ItD125isa product prepared in the form of a sampler so that you can enjoy four representative tea types of Yunnan Province in China prepared by magpie&tiger +MAGPIE&TIGER8210-4736-4602
Gimber N1
Huskee Cup
CS121hile's eco-friendly brand Ama Time production has been waiting for 3 years without pesticides to go through the organic certification process. Protect crops from pests by raising geese and chickens on farms Organically certified, eco-friendly products are exported worldwide to most countries around the world JUMAX KOREA +82 70-5099-4683 AMA TIME
GS311SC Self-Production Goods_GSC MAP SERIES W#3hen does the world's green beans harvest and come? Now don't be curious! Let me introduce the third product of GSC MAP SERIES, World Coffee Map. It's a size A1 poster. It's a product where you can see the time of coffee harvest and port entry around the world It's also made of A5 size mini poster
GSC INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD +82 70-4366-2694 [GSC] World Coffee Map Poster
Designed to work at SCA standard 200F +/-2(92.2-94 4 C) Uses a dual boiler design, 3 PID loops and Mavam's patent pending heated transfer system technology. Fill 60 cupping bowls without a 1 degree(F) drop in temperature. The cupping Gun was designed as a specialized tool to deliver nearly endless hot water to the cupping table, increasing workflow and no waiting for kettles
D409, D417
HuD361skee Cup is an Australian "eco-friendly cup" made of coffee beans husk thrown away during the coffee process. It was created by thinking about how to reduce waste in the entire process from coffee production to consumption It consists of a total of four sizes (6,8,12,16oz), two colors (chakol, natural), and a universal saucer and cup lid that perfectly match all sizes +82HUSKEE2-477 2949
Cherry's Choice
A701, A801
TPROCESSheDutch-process enhances our unsweetened cocoa powder with a distinctly bold flavor and rich dark color Unearth an intense cocoa experience that takes your desserts from great to extraordinary GHIRARDELLI Premium cocoa powders for all of your baking creations
DewybA506ag double dripper is a dripper that anyone can easily brew high concentrated drip coffee The patented three-dimensional structure adjusts the gap between the filter and the air hole where coffee extraction takes place, enabling brewing with a bodied feeling without over extraction. If you reverse the dripper upside down, the air hole becomes larger, allowing for mild +VbrewingEDEC8251-744-0582
POMONA Whipping Spray
KA621AFFA is manufacturing the syrup, sauce, smoothie, powder, concentrate for the beverage under POMONA brand
SMEG Automatic Espresso Machine (BCC02)
CA449aramel peanut powder is a unique powder that maximizes savory taste by putting peanut flour in a sweet caramel base with peanut Dflourrink cool frappuccino in summer and warm latte in winter. You can always experience sweetness and savory taste DAESANG F&B.,LTD +82 2-3290-8732
We are searching for the partner in Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Middle East countires, etc KAFFA INT CO., LTD +82 2-3453-1535
The Italian appliance brand, SMEG launches an automatic espresso machine
WA325ithrich coconut content, use it for various beverages (coffee, smoothie, shaved ice bowl, etc.) to complete the soft and flavorful vegan SdrinksOMINTERNATIONAL CO., LTD +82 70-4618-6020 Coconut Milk
Dewybag double dripper
The SMEG’s 50s style BCC02 awarded the GOOD DESIGN 2020 award and was recognized for its aesthetic value and excellent technological innovation. From freshly ground beans you can obtain different beverages according to your taste: black coffee, Espresso, Americano, Ristretto coffee, cappuccinos, macchiato and else +82SMEGKOREA2-413-9568
Bokumjari caramel peanut powder
Pulp mold Highball Alcohol free Sparkling Cocktail HB244ighball Alcohol free Sparkling Cocktail is developed by Edwin Holden's Bottling Company, founded in 1943, the first British brand developed the alcohol free cocktail Highball Alcohol free Sparkling Cocktails is 0 00% non alcoholic drinks with the best tastes developed by collaboration between mixologist and experts Also it's gluten free Vegan cocktail, that contains only natural UNIingredientsANGELS CO., LTD +82 70-4283-8976
Littos Coffee Chews
CB109hasi gives young people in their 20s and 30s a good time to enjoy tea, so they don't feel pressured I want to create a culture where I can enjoy tea The tea that suits the different aspects of life, and the tea that I enjoy We suggest a lifestyle with a tea and daily life through products and content that can create methods and time +82GONGBOOCHA61-322-6652
LittB113os Coffee Chew is an easy-to carry chewing coffee
There are four flavors (double espresso, mocha chocolate, mint, and flat white) that were not found in Korea GLOBAL JINXI +82 2-6203-0668
MB148oorim's Pulp Mold is both recyclable biodegradable. Being recyclable and biodegradable means that it can be both disposed of as 'paper waste' and also as 'landfill waste' after use Moorim is the only integrated mill in Korea with the ability to secure a stable supply of pulp to create the Pulp Mold MOORIM PAPER CO LTD +82 2-3485-1661
A817, A917 Now you can enjoy high-quality dishes at UNOXhome! LINEMICRO 003, a premium oven brand recognized as a professional oven - Black & silver modern design and various color doors that can be changed. The kitchen interior is completed in a more luxurious way, and you can use it anywhere with an easy-to-install oven Analog-based easy operation allows easy temperature/time control +UNOX822-6941-0351
[A726Revolution of Stand Mixer] No worries about storage and washing dishes! Efficient storage Its compact size makes it easy to use even in the small kitchens, and it is equipped with a separate accessory storage box, so you can use it without worrying about storage/loss. To solve the problem of washing dishes, it is detachable so that it can be easily placed in the dishwasher +MORPHYRICHARDS8270-4373-8716
WeB431recommend herbal teas that are right for you through a simple constitution test
BelmioB450 Single Origin Organic Capsule
Belmio Organic Single Origin Capsule Coffee
The recipe was composed based on the Ayurvedic constitution and prescription, which is a traditional Indian medicine
Nardi's Milk Tea Concentrate is made of the most standard ingredient for a cup of milk tea - Taylors of Harrogate's Yorkshire Tea. This special tea is extracted with craftmanship to present deep flavor and savory taste Tropical Milk Tea Concentrate contains refreshing sweet and sour taste of blended fruits and herbs. The stable and consistant flavor of these concentrates is designed for all SAMJOO T&B +82 2-470-9124
Coffee is a the finest organic arabica beans. This capsule coffee expresses the taste of coffee unique to Guatemala, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Colombia Flavor coffee caramel, chocolate cream milk, cinnamon and pecan taste provide a balanced taste with +OREFARcoffeeM822-3431-7820
Smart G Electric Handy Coffee Grinder
There are three types of constitution tea, and it is recommended for each constitutionVEDALIFE Ayurvedic constituion tea
Milktea Base Tropical / Black Tea
AsC208aKaldi coffee roaster manufacturer, we are mainly operating home roasters that use gas as a heat source We have completed a hot air roaster that converted the Fluidized bed type to fit Airtron. In addition, we maximized energy efficiency by using a system that optimized air flow control and a closedloop air supply thru HX and applied various safety precautions to create an easy roasting SEINN TECHNOLOGY INC +82 70-8736-9336
OB453rganic food for body health and Eco packaging for planet health ioob, Inside Organic, Outside BiodegradableWechoseorganic only, which is free of chemical that may be the direct reason why you choose organic food. What about environment? Do you worry our planet getting warm? Our ‘ioob’ product line is designed for eco-friendly packaging with organic food +82DARJEELIAN2-532-0840
CaC332nbe used as both a manual and an electric mill as needed The motor has the power to handle hard, lightly-roasted coffee beans, eliminating the time and effort required for grinding by hand using conventional coffee mills. The compact size and lithium-ion battery make this mill highly portable, allowing you to enjoy the flavor and aroma of freshly-ground coffee wherever you are HARIO KOREA CO ,LTD +82 2-739-2115
BD225eyour own barista! The X54 enables optimal grinding that meets even the highest demands. As a true allrounder, the grinder is suitable for many preparation methods: for your aromatic espresso in the morning just as for your pour-over or French press in the afternoon KIJEONG INTERNATIONAL CO LTD +82 2-583-7471 Mahlkonig X54 Allround Home Grinder
MINTROBOT CO., LTD +82 32-663-4530
ItD143isan instant coffee made of special coffee beans from Berlin's leading roastery
AC461,C473nbeautiful dream-like coffee experience, capsule coffee brand “Reve” Jardin had opened Korea’s first coffee bean specialty store and led the Korea’s coffee culture since then. This product shows Jardin’s philosophy and commitment to coffee we made. By a cup of coffee, we would like to invite you to travel a mysterious world with us, put aside your burdens and have a relaxing moment
is a 'High Tech Automated Mechaniture' developed for UNTACT services triggered by the Covid-19. It's a new concept product that the world's first robot with furniture Also, it can select the layout, color to suit your taste. The module structure can install various machines. We self-develop & manufactures unique robots, so can gain price competitiveness as well as technology advantage
CapsC549ule coffee from France Experience the essence of French coffee through the secret of overwhelming taste and aroma with high compatibility and freshness
Grand Cru Capsule Coffee Welcome Package
Jardin Reve
THE BARN ROASTERS, which leads the European coffee culture The coffee used is "Brazil Boa Vista Valley," a coffee bean that received 86 points on the SCA chart It has cup notes such as chocolate, fuzzy, and sugar cane, and is in the form of +LIFEpowderCOFFEE822-1899-6190
Specialty Instant Coffee
UCC COFFEE KOREA +82 2-511-6195
CRAFTD212 COFFEE FOR THE NIGHT! Mr Black is made with 100% Arabica cold brew and half the sugar of traditional coffee liqueurs. Mr Black delivers a rich coffee taste with a boozy, smooth finish. It is easy to mix with ice, milk, tonic, just like any ordinary coffee drinks. Both coffee lovers and alcohol consumers can enjoy making drinks with Mr +UPIBlackC822-2205-0520
* How to use - 90g: 200ml of milk, 8 5mm of powdered milk Strawberry drink (RTD: Ready To -Drink)250g, 500g: Strawberries for home cafes and bakery ingredients, - 2500g: Large-capacity strawberry drink +KOHL8270-4405-3307 &berry
SUPS331ER BORI is a premium blending barley powder made as an alternative drink to coffee for people who can't drink caffeine Super Bori is a thick, savory, and non caffeine barley powder made with 100% roasted organic barley grown in Italy that has been carefully processed and cured to create the taste of cafe latte. Instead of high calorie sugar, we blended with natural sweetener stevia SUPER MATCHA +82 2-6953-3882 SUPER BORI
SD508proud was born in Malmo, Sweden, in 2018. Our mission is to make the world´s best tasting, most sustainable and nutritious plant-based milk available for as many people as possible Sproud is the dairy alternative that blends with the food and drinks you love Creamy and foamy in coffee, perfect in tea, in smoothies and on cereals It’s just like milk +SCANDICPLAZA8270-7706-7661
43 EAGLE ONE PRIMA Mari Steiger Electric Coffee Grinder Outdoor Tumbler Set REAL9
10S1120% domestic strawberry compote 8 5mm Strawberry flesh is chewy. sugar-free products , sugar-added products * Variety: Strawberry * Capacity: 90g, 250g, 500g, 2500g (90~500g bottles, 2500g pouch)
44 2021 Cherry's Choice Photo
Company & informationProduct In-Person/online Meeting Product Interests Meeting Request Information Search engine based on product interests and recommendations View Exhibitors’/Buyers’ Informatioin Explore Request Connect Browse for buyers are interested in and exhibitors Request meetings to buyers and exhibitors that is in your best prior to visiting the show. Connect in person/online with buyers and exhibitors for favorable business opportunities.
Total of 3,944 Meetings have been achieved Explore Request Connect
Company & informationProduct In-Person/online Meeting Product Interests Meeting Request Information engine based on product View Exhibitors’/Buyers’ Informatioin
Business Matching Platform
Company & informationProduct In-Person/online Meeting Product Interests Meeting Request Information Search engine based on product interests and recommendations View Exhibitors’/Buyers’ Informatioin Explore Request Connect Browse for what buyers are interested in and exhibitors Request meetings buyers and exhibitors that is in your best interest, prior to visiting the show. Connect in person/online with buyers and exhibitors for favorable business opportunities.
Browse for what buyers are interested in and exhibitors Request meetings to buyers and exhibitors that is in your best interest, prior to visiting the show. Connect in person/online with buyers and exhibitors for favorable business opportunities.
Company & informationProduct In-Person/online Meeting Product Interests Meeting Request Information Search engine based on product interests and recommendations View Exhibitors’/Buyers’ Informatioin 5,687 Buyers from 54 Countries
Inspired by the Port of Mocha Ideas, Networks, and Business Opportunities Begin Here In Person/Online Meeting 45
Inspired from the 'Port of Mocha,' Cafe Show Seoul's Mocha Port is an exclusive business matching program that allows you to connect with the ultimate buyer with matching interest and needs Explore Your Ocean of New Possibilities in the Global Coffee and F&B Industry! Cafe Show Mocha
Explore Request Connect Browse for what buyers are interested in and exhibitors Request meetings to buyers and exhibitors that is in your best interest, prior to visiting the show. Connect in person/online with buyers and exhibitors for favorable business opportunities.
Company & informationProduct In-Person/online Meeting Product Interests Meeting Request Information Search engine based on product interests and recommendations View Exhibitors’/Buyers’ Informatioin Explore Request Connect Browse for what buyers are interested in and exhibitors Request meetings to buyers and exhibitors that is in your best interest, prior to visiting the show. Connect in person/online with buyers and exhibitors for favorable business opportunities.
43 1:1 Global Online Business Meeting with KOTRA To expand the exhibitors’ global business opportunities, Cafe Show Seoul collaborated with KOTRA to provide exhibitors 1:1 virtual conference meetings with buyers from around the world. Nov 10(Wed) 11(Thu), 2021Time Mocha Port Buyer Lounge at Conference Room 300, Coex, SeoulPlace 36 MeetingsTotal Number of Meeting - Export Consultation Amount : USD 708,790Total Consultation Amount - Contract Promotion Amount : USD 221,300 46
47 Program Schedule Time 11.10 Wed 11.11 Thu 11.12 Fri 11.13 Sat The 20th Seoul Cafe Show and the 6th Seoul Coffee Festival (Concurrent Events) 10:00 SessionGlobal SessionGlobal ProfessionalSession AdventureOriginSession SCA FoundationBrewingCSP SCAFoundationHydraulicsCTechP ProfessionalSession SCA FoundationSensoryCSPSkills SCAFoundationHydraulicsCTechP ProfessionalSession14:0013:0012:0011:00 ProfessionalSession16:0015:0017:00
The 10th World Coffee Leaders Forum 2021 (WCLF 2021) Nov. 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Coex Conference Room 401 & Online World Coffee Leaders Forum Organizing Committee English, Korean (KOR & ENG simultaneous interpretation available) Session Professional Session Origin Adventure Session SCA CSP(Coffee Skills Program) & SCA CTechP(Coffee Technicians Program) org @w@wclf_coffeefo@wclf.coffeerumorldcoffeeleadersforum Revive, Reboot - Crisis into Opportunity: Post-pandemic World Coffee Market
OfOTPTTitleimelacehemerganization ficial Supporters Official Language ProgramsOnlineChannels Refocus,
World Coffee Leaders Forum is the world's first global coffee conference to be officially supported by the International Coffee Organization(ICO ) As the coffee community has been struggling for the past two years after the pandemic, World Coffee Leaders Forum this year especially focused on the changes in the coffee retail market and looked to offer practical solutions for the global industry, under the theme, "Refocus, Revive, Reboot Crisis into Opportunity: Post-Pandemic World Coffee Market." In addition, the program was offered online for an extended experience for the global audience.
Day 1 - 11.10 Wed In Global Session, prominent leaders from various fields shared their perspectives on the future of the global coffee industry and provided new and innovative ideas to whom needing solutions for coffee shops and brand operation in the post-pandemic era Global Session
Keynote Speech The
PaThPTimelaceemertner Time Topic Speaker 10:00-10:10 Speech
Official Language
Nov 10(Wed) ~ 11(Thu), 10:00 ~17:00 Conference Room 401, Coex, Seoul & Online Refocus, Revive, Reboot Crisis into Opportunity: Post-Pandemic World Coffee Market Specialty Coffee Association(SCA) English, Korean (KOR & ENG simultaneous interpretation available)
Danny Hyundae Shin Chairman, World Coffee Leaders Forum Organizing Committee 10:10-10:20 Sungdae Chairman,HongWorld Coffee Leaders Forum Organizing Committee Speech Catherine Raper H.E Ambassador of Australian in the Republic of Korea 10:30-11:30 Impact of COVID on Specialty Coffee Market Yannis Apostolopoulos CEO, SCA 11:45 12:45 Accelerated Development : Exploring the Case for Ultra Specialty/Luxury Coffee Bartosz Ciepaj Master Roaster, Harrods 14:00 Lunch 14:00 15:00 Branding through Technology: Crisis into Opportunity through Branding and Innovation Britt DirectorBergof Brand and eCommerce, Intelligentsia Coffee 16:15 Future of Restaurant & Cafe with FoodTech Minsoo WoowaKimBrothers, Robot Business Team Leader
48 Program and Speaker
10:20-10:30 Welcome
49 S C A C o ffee S k il l s P r o gram(C SP ) an d C o ffee Tec hn ic i an s Pro g r a m (C T ec hP ) sessions were aimed at coffee lovers, professional baristas, and those who want to obtain an SCA international certification. CTechP was a new program launched this year in 2021. The program was provided for those who want to be better prepared to maintain or repair coffee equipment. SCA CSP&CTechP Nov. 12(Fri) ~ 13(Sat) Conference Room 301A&301B, Coex, Seoul Korean PTimelace Official Language Time 11.12 Fri 11.13 Sat 10:00-12:00 SCA CSP Brewing Foundation SCAFoundationHydraulicsCTechP SCA CSP Sensory Skills Foundation SCA HydraulicsCTechPFoundation12:00-13:00 Lunch Lunch 13:00-18:00 SCA CSP Brewing Foundation SCA CSP Sensory Skills Foundation Time Topic Speaker 10:00-11:00 Changes of Life, Changes of Coffeeness Gilyoung Song Vice President, VAIV Company 11:15-12:15 Ready to Drink in the United States Matthew Swenson Director of Coffee, Nestle 12:30-13:30 Competitive Advantage of Coffee Retail: Decision-Making for the Future Jiyoung Professor,HwangNorth Carolina State University 13:30–14:45 Lunch 14:45–15:45 Cup of Excellence: Its Impact and Market Innovation Darrin ExecutiveDanielDirector, CoE/ACE 16:00–17:00 THE BARN and What Needs to be Change in Coffee in 2022 Ralf CEO,RuellerTHEBARN Day 2 - 11.11 Thu
Roastery Self-Consumption vs Production Delivery: Choice & Focus for Business SeungkwonChoiceYoo, CEO, New Wave Coffee Roasters Tips from the Champion: How to Prepare for CuppingHeongwan,CompetitionCEO,MonthCoffee Understanding the Extraction According to the Espresso Extraction Result Sanghwa Park, CEO, Bangitum Project
In Professional Session, global coffee experts shared their expertise, technical skills and knowledge through various demonstration and presentations
PTimelace Official Language OfPTimelace ficial Language I
High-quality specialty coffee cupping sessions were ran by coffee origin countries. Attendees were able to experience the origins of coffee through these sessions. Professional Session Origin Adventure Session Nov 11(Thu), 11:00 ~ 12:30 Conference Room 301, Coex, Seoul ~ 13(Sat) Conference Room 307&308, Coex, Seoul Korean Contact I World Coffee Leaders Forum Organizing Committee Peru T. 02-6000- 6698 E. W. www.
Geisha & Thailand Coffee Sensory Profiling Dongwan Kim, CEO, Coffee Me Up & Suchaw, Coffee Therapy
50 Time 11.10 Wed 11.11 Thu 11.12 Fri 11.13 Sat 10:0012:00
All About Home Cafe Brewing: From Coffee and Tool Selection to Brewing Caleb Jang, CEO, Momento Brewers 14:0013:00 Lunch 14:0016:00 Brewing Sensory: Variation with Ingredients of Water Jinjae Jung, Barista, CAFE COMMA Brewing Intermediate: Correlation between Coffee Concentration and Flavor Yongmin Cho, CEO, YM Coffee Project Coffee Flavor Analysis 2021 Junghyeok Ahn, CEO, Scentone 15:0017:00 Tips from Ikawa Roasting Champion: Ikawa Profile SungwoonDesignPark, CEO, No Doubt Coffee Coffee BaekseokHoseok,MethodProcessingAtoZProfessor,ArtsUniversity
51 2021 World Coffee Leaders Forum Photo
Seoul Coffee Spot is a selection of cafe's chosen by Cafe Show Seoul for extension of the show beyond the exhibition hall Time Nov 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Seoul Coffee Spot Cafes
The 6th Seoul Coffee Festival Nov 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Coex, Seoul Coffee Festival Area & Trendy Seoul Cafes World Coffee Trip
Cafes 예빈당 yebindang12 풍류관 POON RYU HALL 3 론드리 프로젝트 Laundryproject 4 루온루온 Luôn Luôn 5 문랜딩 Moonlanding 6 하바나 인디클럽 Habana Indie Club 7 레스피레 respirer 8 리틀버틀러 LIT TLE BUTLER 9 부트카페 서울 BOOT 10 에디션덴마크 Edition Denmark 11 오라라 OH LA LA 12 올웨이즈어거스트 로스터스 Always August 13 카페 플롬 14 멜브 에스프레소바 MELb 15 모멘토 브루어스 Momento brewers 16 식스디그리스 커피 Six Degrees 17 스몰배치서울 SMALL BATCH SEOUL 18 에이커피서울 ACOFFEE SEOUL 19 카모플라쥬 20 커피폴리 21 스커피 ASIA EUROPE AMERICA OCEANIA 예빈당 yebindang12 풍류관 POON RYU HALL 3 론드리 프로젝트 Laundryproject 4 루온루온 Luôn Luôn 5 문랜딩 Moonlanding 6 하바나 인디클럽 Habana Indie C ub 7 레스피레 respirer 8 리틀버틀러 LIT TLE BUTLER 9 부트카페 서울 BOOT 10 에디션덴마크 Edition Denmark 11 오라라 OH LA LA 12 올웨이즈어거스트 로스터스 Always August 13 카페 플롬 14 멜브 에스프레소바 MELb 15 모멘토 브루어스 Momento brewers 16 식스디그리스 커피 Six Degrees 17 스몰배치서울 SMALL BATCH SEOUL 18 에이커피서울 ACOFFEE SEOUL 19 카모플라쥬 20 커피폴리 21 스커피
theme was "World Coffee Trip," and through the festival, there were various programs
Zone 1 Taste - Seoul Coffee Spot, Enjoy Cafe Seoul Coffee Spot
Seoul Coffee Festival is a leading coffee cultural event representing Seoul This year, the offered so that participants could feel like they were traveling by tasting and experiencing coffee from around the world
52 World Coffee Trip
Coffee Spot
53 2021 Coffee Spot Photo
54 ENJOY CAFE Enjoy Cafes are official local partner shops of Cafe Show Seoul Check out if there are any enjoy cafes in your neighborhood! Also, you will be able to discover what the trends are like in the Korean cafe market! Location 197 selected cafes in each region in Korea Scan the QR code to view full Enjoy Cafe list.
Sangmin Ju (2020 KCTC Rank Second, 2021 WCTC Rank Third)
55 A Message to Those Who Feel Lost in Life Caleb Tiger Cha CEO of Tigerous Espresso. Humble tigers coffee roasters 13:0012:30~
Speaker Chanho Hong CMO of Normcore coffee 14:0013:30 A journey to origin Speaker Minwoong Kim CEO of Little Butler Nov 11(Thu) Nov 12(Fri) Speaker14:0015:0014:3014:30
Time Nov. 11(Thu) ~ 12(Fri), 2021 Place Stage in Hall D on the 3rd floor & Online
Zone 2 CoffeeExperienceTalk,Coffee Art Gallery, Coffee Library, Cherry's Choice, Cafe Show Excellence Awards
SEY Coffee: Approaching A Global Market Speaker Matthew Jung-Quillen Chief Business Officer of SEY Coffee Coffee Talk Coffee Talk offers honest stories and tips from professional baristas from around the world
Seungbaek Kim (2020 KBrC Rank Second, 2021 WBrC Outing)
How Austrailia has become a coffee market who attracts the world and keep this status?
The Journey of the 2021 Milan World Coffee Championship This part is hosted with SCA Korea Chapter
Speaker Hyeonyeong Bang (2020 KNBC Champion, 2021 WBC Outing)
Charlie Chu (2021 WCTC Winner, 2020 AU National Cup Tasters) 12:30~13:10
Byungki Kim Founder of Fritz Coffee Company Sojeong Jeong Director of Magazine F Contents & Editorial 13:5013:10~
Magazine F x Fritz Coffee Company Nordic Coffee Scene Tour
56 2021 Coffee Talk Photo
of the 20th anniversary of Cafe Show, the Celebration Hall was created.
Time Nov 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Cafe Show Seoul 20th Anniversary Celebration Hall(Booth No A473), Hall on the 1st floor Zone 3 CafeMemoryShowSeoul 20th Anniversary Celebration Hall, Photo Zone, Gift Shop, Eco-friendly Campaign “Thank you, Coffee” zone
Time Nov 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Coffee Art Gallery Area (Booth No D469), Hall D on the 3rd floor Partner HOWS Books
With a good book, the time for a cup of coffee deepens. This year's Coffee Library presented curated books under the theme of "Coffee and Travel" to many people with nostalgia for travel Time Nov 10(Wed) ~ 13(Sat), 2021 Place Coffee Library Area(Booth No D473), Hall D on the 3rd floor Theme Book, Coffee and Travel Partner HOWS Books
Coffee Art Gallery Coffee Art Gallery presented a lineup of 9 artists whose works were inspired by coffee
58 Coffee Library / Coffee Art Gallery Photo
Latte Art Fiesta is back! World Latte Art Battle is a new concept tournament for all
At World Coffee Battle (WBC), anyone can participate beyond time and space. This is an extreme barista tournament where everyone can enjoy, with public on-line voting Through this on/off-line competition, WCB provides opportunities for global baristas to challenge and accomplish their dreams. Also, this competition was broadcasted live so that world-wide coffee lovers could watch the game regardless of wherever they are Venue WCB stage in Hall D on the 3rd Host COFFEE Battle Committee Latte Art Battle (WLAB) On/Off-line barista and baristas
floor & Online
TV Organizer World Coffee
offline, WLAB provide the opportunity to compete and challenge to all
players. Through online
World's First
around the world. WLAB will spread the culture that respects and honors the baristas sharing new skills, abilities and histories of each Date Final Rounds Nov. 12(Fri), 2021 Final Nov. 13(Sat), 2021 Survivor List Eun-kyoung Hwang, Eun-sun Cho, Ha-nui Sun, Hye-bin Park, Hyun-u Cho, Jeong hu Ham, Ji-seong Jeong, Jong hyeok Lee, Jun lee, Jun ho Shin, Min-ji Lee, Tae-seung Lee, Uu-kyung Hwang, Won-jae Choi, Young-hwa Lee, Young-jin Kim Finalist List 1st MIR 2nd Won-jae Choi 3rd Jong-Hyeok Lee 4th Ji-seoung Jeong
60 World Cocktail Battle (WCTB) Create your own signature drink! Affiliated with World Latte Art Battle, World Cocktail Battle is an on/off-line competition for the most outstanding and unique drinks. The competition is open to anyone engaged in coffee industry, such as baristas and bartenders, where they can gather up and share their most legendary recipes! Date Final Nov 11(Thu), 2021 Survivor List Dong-hyun Jung, Hae-Seong Jang, Hee-soo Gu, Hyun-Kwon Ham, Hyun-woo Kim, Jin-ho Jung, Min-guk Yu, Tae-hoon Choi Finalist List 1st Min-guk Yu 2nd Hyun-kwon Ham 3rd JEDDY 4th IAN WORLD COFFEE BATTLEConcurrent Event
Korea TEAM Barista Championship (KTBC)
Master of Cupping (MOC)
KCL's only team competition Korea TEAM Barista Championship(KTBC). It is a team competition in which three baristas form a team and compete, demonstrating their individual abilities as well as teamwork Making all the menus quickly and accurately within the time limit and serving drinks in the order instructed is the way to earn points. 30 menus were presented during the finals for 20 minutes Period Nov. 10(Wed), 2021
Period Nov 11(Thu) ~ 13(Sat), 2021
As more and more people are becoming interested in the different types of coffee from different producing countries, MOC was created to increase the level of understanding in cupping The participants at MOC had to sort different types of randomly mixed coffee by their origins within the allotted time Period Nov 11(Thu) ~ 12(Fri), 2021
Concurrent is Korea's coffee Korea
Korea Barista Championship (KBC)
Master of Brewing (MOB)
Event 'Korea Coffee League(KCL)'
representative coffee contest aimed to develop the quality of the
The competitors had to choose their own green beans among the official beans, roasted them, and used these beans to create their own recipe in 10minutes During the competition, the contestants created their original menu Period Nov 10(Wed), 13(Sat), 2021
industry in
and nurture technical talents KCLVenuestage in Hall C on the 3rd floor MHostonthly Coffee Magazine KOrganizeroreaCoffee League Organizing STiCommitteetleSponsoremi(ToriniPuremade)
Starting in 2003, Korea Barista Championship was the first barista championship competition in Korea to be open fully to the public audience In 2021, competitors who freely chose coffee beans presented 4 cups of espresso for 15 minutes in Round 1 and 4 cups of creative menu for 20 minute in Round 2
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2022. 11. 23 Wed – 26 Sat Coex, www.cafeshow.comSeoul