Mindfulness and Happiness: The Empirical Foundation

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www.seipub.org/ijps International Journal of Philosophy Study (IJPS), Volume 3, 2015 doi: 10.14355/ijps.2015.03.003

Mindfulness and Happiness: The Empirical Foundation P.P. Yupapin1,2 and S. Punthawanunt1 Interdisciplinary Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kasem Bundit University,Bangkok, Thailand; 1

Advanced Studies Centre, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL),Bangkok, Thailand; 2

suphanchai.pun@kbu.ac.th; kypreech@kmitl.ac.th Abstract We have proposed a new concept of mindfulness and happiness, which can be dynamically practiced by the dynamic mind‐ body consideration. The scientific approaches and their interpretations of such technique are analyzed and described. In this proposal, the real happiness cannot be obtained, where the reason is that the happiness and suffering situations are defined by a pair of paradox states, which they are the uncertainty occurrences, therefore, there is the uncertainty outcome involved, in which the happiness cannot be extremely occurred because it is one of the paradox states. The practice method to obtain the mindfulness is a mind‐body considering concentration, where eventually, the single mind concentration and mindfulness can be established, which can be used to achieve the education performance and everyday life improvements. Moreover, the noble paths and three existence characteristics considerations can be established under the consciousness situation. This can bring to have the nirvana situation, which is described by the neutral mind situation and existed between the happiness and suffering occurrence, which is the small gap in time. Keywords Origin of Life, Mind‐Matter Interaction; Happiness; Spirit Blueprint; Neutral Mind; Quantum Psychology; Neuro‐Quantum

Introduction Mindfulness has been recognized as a useful tool for various applications (Felver et al., 2013; Aggs and Bambling, 2010; MacLean et al., 2012; Reveley, 2014; Jacobs and Blustein, 2012), especially in education. In principle, we can experimentally test the mind‐body consideration by the following details. While we are watching a thriller film (movie), we can break the connection of the five aggregates (Fag) network (Phunthawanunt and Yupapin, 2015), therefore we can watch the film without sensation and interpretation (mental formation), which means that Fag (form, sensation, perception, mental perception and consciousness) cannot be linked and worked. In this case, we can say that we can keep our mind in mind at the neutral mind situation. Thus, it is very interesting that our mind strength can be dynamically exercised, where the stronger mind can be obtained, in which the use of therapeutic applications can be plausible. Recently, the mindfulness concentration scheme has been successfully demonstrated by the intensive meditation (William et al., 2009; Cotterell, 2013; Punthawanunt and Yupapin, 2014), in which the body‐mind concentration method is the key technique. In the scientific way, we can make the interpretation by the similar model, when light is propagated with a circular motion in a microring resonator, which is known as a PANDA ring resonator. The similar nonlinear behaviors and effects can be used to make the large scale interpretation, where the brain signals in the form of coherent light are formed and simulated, which can be shown the promising results and interpretations. Happiness is the human desire, which is always involved in the world society requirements. Happiness and suffering are formed by the human spirit signals, where they are in the forms of bright and dark signals, where few aspects are occurred such as (i) the interference, (ii) the lost control condition will be dominant and severed by the dark signals, (iii) the world society will be happy if everybody (individually) uses the principles of existence. Generally, the present life is affected by the past life activities, where the present activities can be interfered by the past and affected to the future activities. This means that the future activities will be reformed by past ones. Thus, the past, present and future life (activities) will be used to form the happiness. One way of the happiness achievements is the use of self‐sufficient life and economy, which can be realized by mind emptiness life. Regarding to a proper thinking (consideration) known as “Yoniso Manasikarn”, which was found


International Journal of Philosophy Study (IJPS), Volume 3, 2015 www.seipub.org/ijps

and established by Lord Buddha 2600 years ago(William et al., 2009; Cotterell, 2013). Nowadays, we are seeking for happiness life, in which the route of it has to be formed by the following ways (i) birth and death cycle, dependent origination law, which can be done intensively by the meditation. The happiness and Suffering uncertainty pair is given by <H‫׀‬ S> ~ iћ/n in all dimensions (Bachman et al., 2000), where H and S represent the happiness and suffering in terms of mind(spirit) projections, respectively, ћ is Plank’s constant, n is the nth worlds and i (square root of ‐1) is the imaginary value. Such outcomes can be reached via the use of the eight noble paths, where the random occurrences of <H‫׀‬ S> can be obtained. However, we are seeking the state that there is not Rabi oscillation, where <H‫׀‬ S> state is collapsed, i.e. no occurrences, which is the absolute condition, which is known as the Nirvana state, in which HS‐SH~ iћ/n is approached 0, when <H‫׀‬ or ‫׀‬ S> is the average value obtained by the practice of eight noble paths which is named as the eight factors of noble paths. In general, the supporting activities can be obtained by the multifold sources, which they are bound within the Hilbert spaces (worlds)( Bachman et al., 2000). The single world (earth) is bound within the Euclidean space. In principle, there is a pair of probe in all directions in Hilbert space which they represent the suffering and happiness, i.e. bright and dark signals that they are connected to the nerve cells and eventually the whole body (Fag). The single mind state is formed by the whispering gallery mode (WGM) which they are the forms of upward and downward projections, where they are the happiness and suffering projections respectively. Buddhism provides two definitions for happiness. One is defined in terms of our relation to an object, while the other is defined in terms of our relation with the state of mind of the feeling itself. The first defines happiness as the experiencing of something in a satisfying manner, based on believing that it is of benefit to ourselves, whether or not it actually is. Unhappiness is the experiencing of something in an unsatisfying, tormenting way. We experience something neutrally when it is in neither a satisfying nor a tormenting way. The second defines happiness as that feeling which, when it has ended, we wish to meet with it once more. When unhappiness arises, we wish to be leave from it. While a neutral feeling is that feeling which, when it arises or ends, we have neither of the two wishes. The cold body state, i.e. stopping state, the lowest vibration energy (harmonic oscillator) is defined by the terms of ћω (Yupapin, 2015(a)), in which the live nirvana is realized. If mind (spirit) is collapsed, the escape energy is transformed to the nirvana elements, which they are called relics. The Fag network is broken. The neutral state is the non‐suffering and unhappiness state that there is equivalent to the nirvana state. Recently, Tamee et al. (Tamee et al., 2013) have pointed out that human brain signals can be configured by the circulated and oscillated of coherent light as a Rabi oscillation frequency, which is a stream of photons (coherent light). Moreover, such particles (photons) are behaved under the nonlinear coupling effects by the external activities, where the four‐wave mixing (FWM) are formed (Arawal, 2012), which is introduced the mind projection probe, where the mind (brain) signals are presented in the form of whispering gallery mode (WGM), which can be generated and kept at the brain center without any projection. The connections (projections) between WGM and consciousness and sub‐consciousness connections signals can be formed. Thus, the connections between mind stream and nerves can be distributed throughout the whole body via the Fag and mind projections, which becomes a network. In this article, the physical interpretations of mindfulness and happiness are described in terms of uncertainty events. The mindfulness situation is localized between the suffering and happiness, which is can be claimed as the perfect happiness. The mindfulness can be successfully achieved by the well known method known as mind‐body consideration, which is recognized as the best method that can lead our intension to achieve the neutral mind situation, which will be discussed in details in the following sections. Basic Background Yupapin (Yupapin, 2015(a)) has shown that brain signals are embedded by the free spirit signals within the embryo, where they are propagated (circulated) in three dimensional forms within the brain and throughout the body. The signals can form the particle aspects by the Rabi oscillation, which can be generated by individual oscillation frequency, where finally, they will be the mind (spirit signals). The communication between brain signals and body is formed by the Fag network in brain, which can be linked to the whole body. While the brain signals are circulated, the connection probes are called “projection probes”, which can be generated and changed by the incoming coupling activities. The probes are formed by the whispering gallery mode of coherent signals (photons) in all directions. The link between each probe and brain cells in Fag can make the body functions. The brain


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performance can be obtained by the effects of happiness and suffering activities, where the highest performance can be achieved by the emptiness mind condition, which is described in details. Real happiness can be described by the mind emptiness, which is a neutral mind situation, which is the highest target that beings are desired to reach. Commonly, there are two most popular techniques of them, where (i) meditation and (ii) mind‐body consideration (Yupapin, 2014(b), Yupapin, 2015(b), (c),(d)). The meditation is required a proper place and time period of practice, while the mind‐body consideration one is not, it can be dynamically practice. The neutral mind (stopping) situation description is described by the detail in Figure 1. Mind‐body consideration is followed the Fag consideration, which was established by Lord Buddha (Punthawanunt and Yupapin, 2014), which is now the good way to obtain mindfulness, where the consciousness can also be established. Thus, this can be said that the consciousness is a subset of mindfulness. However, when the consciousness is obtained by the meditation can bring a risk aspect, where in some situations of consciousness can be fallen into the other paths which they are away from the neutral line, which is the line between the happiness or suffering, which is fallen randomly, i.e. cannot control. The mind‐body consideration is always localized (reached) under the mindfulness, where sometime the emptiness (empty mind) state can be realized, which will not be in other paths. Mind‐body consideration is a form of single mind (passion), in which the emptiness mind can be taken place randomly, while the consciousness concentration by meditation will be a risk when the current mind state is fallen into the dark or bright sides. The mind in mind is achieved when the mind projections lined under the neutral case, which can be collapsed if there is no Rabi oscillation under the stopping condition and cold body state (Yupapin and Pornsuwancharoen, 2009; Yupapin et al., 2014; Yupapin and Thammawongsa, 2014), in which the Fag network is broken and spirit collapsed. In this case, the nirvana elements become the Dhamma body, which is turned to be relics under the law of energy conservation, which is remained, i.e. everlasting situation. In Figure 1, the stopping condition can be established by the breath in and out consideration control, where the time shortening with a smallest amplitude in the certain time can be reached, where in this case the oscillation frequency band is decreased and eventually collapsed. This means that the spiritual signal is vibrated by the lowest energy, where the energy is turned to be bright light, which is called aura. After death, the spiritual signal was collapsed, while the cold body is turned to be the crystal form. It is the everlasting form, which is known as relics. In normal case, the circulation of brain signals is in the form of coherent light (photons)(Ali and Yupapin, 2014; Yupapin, 2014(a), (b); Pantian and Yupapin, 2013; Yupapin et al., 2014), which is oscillated by the certain Rabi frequency and localized in multifold universes, i.e. Hilbert space.


Physical Interpretations In Figure 2, the bright or dark signal probes can be generated and connected to the Fagnetwork, where they can be used to connect with the Fag network as shown in Figure 3, where the mind projection can be ignored by the concentration of mind within the center, in which the WGMs are bound without output amplitude within the consciousness.Generally, the nonlinear effects are introduced to brain signals by the external coupling activities, which they can be good or bad activities. Finally, the results are formed by the four‐wave mixing(FWM) signals as shown in Figure 4, where the nonlinear behaviors such as chaos, bistability and bifurcation can be occurred and affected to the future spiritual signals(blueprint), which can effect to the current spiritual signals. In Figure 5, the


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movement of brain signals in the form of particles (photons) is the circular motion in the three dimensional aspects, in which the whispering gallery mode of signals can be occurred in some certain suitable conditions. Many probes can be generated by the signal leaky modes and WGMs, where finally such modes (probes) are moderated by the external activities and connected to the brain and nerve cells. In this concept, all possible mind projection probes can be generated and linked to the Fag network, where the good or bad activities can be introduced to generate the happiness or suffering feelings. The large scale device is also available by using the large area thin film, in which the increasing in number of pixels can be fabricated and used. In this article, we have interpreted the concept by light (laser) propagation within the nonlinear ring resonator system, which is shown in Figures 2‐5, where in this case the used parameters such as ring radii and coupling effect parameters are within the micro‐scale rage, for instance, 5 micron and 0.5 micron are the dimensions of ring radii and coupling constants, respectively. The coupling constant can be configured to be the coupling external activities, which can be introduced into the brain signals instantaneously. The signal (coherent light) is input into the system via the input port, where the output signals are obtained at the through and drop ports, and at center via the WGM output. In practice, the body cold state under stopping situation can be achieved by the intensive meditation, in which the person who is in such situation can hold in the meditation for 7‐30 days without food(Punthawanunt and Yupapin, 2014), where there are few related phenomenon such as Cerenkov radiation (aura), supernatural power and nirvana. Regarding to the energy conservation law, the aura and crystal forms (relics) can be obtained in either before or after death, respectively.





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Discussion In fact, the human satisfaction and ended events are not the real happiness, the perfect one is recognized to be the emptiness(neutral) mind situation, for instance, after flame is blown up, the transferring energy between flame (heat) and surrounded air molecules are formed, finally, they have interchanged to be other forms in nature, in which the energy conservation concept remains. In this proposal, the being spirits do not have the sex forms, where the incomplete embedded spirit within an embryo (Fag and Fe) can cause the ambiguity in sex, which we have seen the evidences in the world society today. The neutral mind can be obtained by the enlightenment situation, which can be established by the combinations of succeed activitiessuch as (i) precepts (5 precepts), (ii) consciousness and (iii) wisdom, which can be done by the following ways (i) breath consideration, (ii) form (body) consideration, (iii) walking concentration, (iv) breath in and out(Budd‐Dho) and (v) Dhamma body activities. Naturally, the soulless (not‐self) state is only a thin line between soul and soulless, which they are a paradox state


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each other (Einstein et al., 1935). The neutral mind state is configured as the mind in mind without mind projection, which can present in the forms of bright signals within the spiritual signals, they are in brain and space for before and after death respectively. However, it will be in a risk situation because it will be fallen into the dark or bright sides of the emptiness line, due to the uncertainty principle. The Cerenkov radiation is principally generated by the stopping situation, in which the body is under cold body situation. There are many supernatural powers generated within the cold body, which can be generated and released by our will (psychic) power, which means that the concept of human mindfulness and supernatural power will be the important issues for many researches and investigations in the near future, this technique can bring such supernatural powers using the mind‐body consideration. However, the risk circumstances of using such powers are required to be awared and solved. Conclusion A new concept of mindfulness and happiness based on the uncertainty principle is proposed, in which the better understanding of mindfulness and happiness in both theory and practice can make more benefit for education and human life in all levels, which can be used to practice and achieve the learning performance and life. In applications, there are many things can be investigated by using the contents in Tripitaka (William et al., 2009) that was well established by Lord Buddha, especially, within our body, which was given by the statement as “Self‐ supporter is the basic truth in nature, which can bring many research and investigations within our body and mind. Moreover, the new concept of telepathic communication via personnel communication which is called the transpersonal link will be the interesting aspect of researches and investigations. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The author would like to give the acknowledgment to King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok 10520, Thailand for the research laboratory facilities. REFERENCES


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