Delightful: The Saturation Spirit Energy Distribution

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International Journal of Philosophy Study (IJPS), Volume 3, 2016 doi: 10.14355/ijps.2016.04.001

Delightful: The Saturation Spirit Energy Distribution P.P. Yupapin1,2 Interdisciplinary Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology,Kasem Bundit University,Bangkok 10250, Thailand 1

Advanced Research Center, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand; 2


Abstract In this paper, the delightful concept is described in terms of spirit energy distribution in Hilbert space, which is oscillated with time. The spirit signal has been recognized and localized in Hilbert space since the Big bang, which is represented by a vector quantity, where each vector represents the spirit signal in vector space. The vector projection is the quantity that presents the sensation, perception, mental perception and consciousness of the five aggregates. The saturation of each quantity of five aggregates can introduce the delightful occurrence, which is spreading throughout the entire body or form (five aggregate components). The vectors in five aggregates are also satisfied the entanglement concept in quantum physics, which is discussed in details. Keywords Buddhism Philosophy; Spirituality; Mind; Consciousness; Neuroscience; Cognitive Science; Neuro‐Quantum

Introduction Religion is born with beings and gone by their death. Thus, religion becomes the best chance of human beings in their life‐time that can bring them leave from the religion forever by the nirvana (Verhoeven, 2001; William et al., 2009). Naturally, things in nature are formed in a pair, which is satisfied with the symmetrical principle. A pair of birth and death in a cycle is the paradox state, which is entangled each other (Einstein et al., 1935; Schrodinger and Born, 1935; Lo et al., 2014), where the five aggregates in Buddhism (Yupapin 2014; Yupapin, 2015(a); 2015 (b), 2015(c)) can also be formed by the entanglement concept. For instance, the suffering and happiness is a pair that the entanglement can be established and realized. The five aggregates such as perception is generated by spirit signal projection, which is eventually recognized by the consciousness that can transfer to the body (form). Naturally, spirit signal is formed by stream of coherent light or photon (Yupapin, 2014), which is presented by a wave‐vector in Hilbert space, which is orthogonal and entangled, from which, each entangled pair is localized in different location independently, and which means that each pair in five aggregates can be encountered into the nature with different locations, which are existed in Hilbert space. Spirit oscillation energy is the production between Plank’s constant (h) and spirit frequency oscillation (ν), which is conserved (Ali et al, 2015; Yupapin and Thammawongsa, 2014; Jomtarak and Yupapin; 2014; Yupapin and Pornsuwancharoen, 2009; Pantian and Yupapin, 2014). The projection of them can be observed and realized eventually. For beings, the embryo is formed within the oval by the fertilization between female egg and male sperm, while the spirit is injected into the embryo via the female third eye feeder and spreading throughout the body network, where life has begun. In fact, the being spirits are oscillated and localized in Hilbert space, where the resonant one with the embryo can be embedded within the five aggregates and four elements forms via the female spirit network transportation. A pair of emotion in five aggregates is formed and described by the entangled pair of vector quantity, which is known as the paradox state. This means that two events can be localized in the different locations independently. Delightful is firstly recognized to be the happiness and sadness, where the saturated energy distribution in either happiness or sadness is occurred and shown by tears. However, there are more pairs of five aggregates in terms of energy distribution saturations which can also be taken into account. In this article, the use of quantum physics tools known as quantum entanglement is also proposed for the first time of Buddhism quantity, especially, for

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emotion in five aggregates. The understanding of emotion distribution in Buddhism can be interpreted and described, which is useful for Buddhist society. Delightful The being activity and emotion can be interpreted whenever the spirit vectors are projected into the required destination. For the new birth life, where the spirit signal is penetrated into the female third eye feeder into the embryo, from which the same spirit frequency with different pattern will be existent eventually after death (Yupapin, 2014). After the insertion, the spirit will be embedded into the fertilized content between egg and sperm and into the oval later on, where life has begun. Since, the spirit energy is formed by the product of Plank’s constant and spirit signal oscillation frequency, which is the same meaning in general of quantized energy in quantum physics. The spirit signals can be in the forms of bright or dark spirit signal oscillation, which is a soliton vector based signal oscillation in Hilbert space (Yupapin, 2015(a); 2015 (b); 2015(c)). The energy saturation can be configured to be the delightful (happiness or sadness) spirit signals, in which the tear is introduced as the appearance witness. The delight or sad spirit signals can be presented in terms of quantum states as followings (Yupapin, 2015(a)). The Delightful vector in terms of happiness and sadness are <0│0>and <1│1>, where the minimum occurrence is the orthogonal states which are<0│1>and <1│0> for happiness and sadness, respectively. The total spirit energy given by ET. Spirit is a soliton pulse oscillated and localized in Hilbert space. The stable spirit signal in Hilbert space is formed by the two soliton properties namely self‐phase and cross phase modulation, from which the spirit signal is oscillated actively in space forever. The transferring of energy is obtained by the spirit projection within a certain space after modulation by the five aggregates operators (sensation, perception, mental perception and consciousness), where finally, the total spirit energy is written in the formed as ET=ES+EP+EM+EC The total energy equation is given by the author, which is generally the energy in terms of energy conservation and unchanged. Where ET: Spirit total energy, ES: Spirit sensation energy, EP: Spirit perception energy, EM: Spirit mental perception energy, EC: Spirit consciousness energy. All vectors in Hilbert space are formed by the orthogonal vectors, from which the entangled vectors are also formed, where the spirit projection can be localized into two places within the same time, the spirit signal oscillation is schematically shown in Figure 1, where A, B, C,… are the different vectors and the forms of the different emotion quantities in five aggregates, whichare localized in Hilbert space and Birth and Death cycle (Yupapin, 2015 (c)). Each peak signal in Figure 1represents the independent vector of spirit signal oscillation in Hilbert space, which is the soliton oscillation. The projections of those vectors can be transferred to the five aggregates, where the optimum scalar values of them can be seen and interpreted in terms of energy saturation, which will be the shed (tear). The forbidden signal of each vector is also existent, but it cannot be seen within the same time or place, thus, it is the paradox or entangled vector that is localized in the different place and time.


Spirit Entanglement We have proposed that spirit is formed by energy oscillation with time after the Big bang (Hawking, 2015). Naturally, things in Buddhism is formed by a pair which is entangled (orthogonal) elements, which satisfy the quantum physics law, where one thing can be existed into two different locations within the same time. The terms


International Journal of Philosophy Study (IJPS), Volume 3, 2016

such as entanglement, projection and orthogonal of those elements are discussed, explained and interpreted in terms of Buddhism based on quantum physics. Science of delightful is also described in terms of spirit energy saturation in either bright (white) or dark spirit presentation. Generally, the entanglement is usually created by direct interactions between subatomic particles (or photons), which can take numerous forms. Yupapin has proposed that spirit is formed by photon oscillation in Hilbert space (Yupapin, 2015(a)), whichis presented by the vectors in various forms. In this concept, the spirit signal oscillation with frequency n is formed by a soliton vector oscillation in vector space, which is bound in Hilbert space. The oscillation energy is defined by the simple quantum energy (hν), which is in the form of coherent light (photon), from which the orthogonal photons (vectors) are formed and bound in Hilbert space. The spirit signal entanglement is also formed and generated, thus, a spirit signal projection can be detected and observed in two different places, where one is the hidden spirit component of detected one. More quantum entanglement references are also given for further readings (Amiri et al., 2012(a); 2012 (b); 2012 (c); Amiri and Ali, 2014; Kouhnavard, 2010). All spirit components and projections are always bound in five aggregates and Hilbert space. In Buddhism, two events that are generated by the five aggregates can be occurred, but only one measurement (projection) can be detected, for instant, the entangled pair of awaken and dreaming situations, where the person who was fallen into the dream situation can be in part of the dream perfectly realized. All situations will be forgotten after waking up, which are processed by the consciousness and sub‐consciousness pair. The paradox of death is alive, while the paradox of bright spirit is the dark spirit, etc. (Schrodinger and Born, 1935). Conclusion The delightful state can be defined by the saturated spirit energy distribution, which can be occurred whenever the combination of spirit energy projections in five aggregates is saturated, where the evidence of this situation is shown by the shed. Furthermore, the delightful can be described by any forms of saturation spirit energy in the consciousness, which is made up of sensation(feeling), perception, mental perception and consciousness, and which are the components of five aggregates, for instance, happiness, sadness, angry, frighten etc. For instance, after the sensation, the spirit projection quantity is transferred to the perception/mental perception and consciousness, from which the final total energy is established, where in case of energy saturation, the tear is brought and the physical evidence is seen. REFERENCES


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