International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications Volume 4 Issue 2, June 2014 doi: 10.14355/ijrsa.2014.0402.02
A Novel and Compact Ku-band Sensor for Polarimetric SAR Systems Placed in UAVs: Development and System Performances S. Sánchez-Sevilleja*, A. Arenas-Pingarrón*, J. Del Castillo-Mena, J.R.Larrañaga-Sudupe * Aerospace and engineering Department (ISDEFE-INTA). Calle Beatriz de Bobadilla, 3. 28040 Madrid Radar Laboratory, Department of Radiofrequency and Electronic Technologies, National Institute of Aerospace Technology, (INTA), Crta Ajalvir, km 4, 28850, Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain;;; Received 21th August 2013; Accepted 03rd March 2014; Published 3rd June 2014 © 2014 Science and Engineering Publishing Company
A new compact Ku band patch array antenna with dual linear polarization and excellet isolation values have been designed, implemented and measured. The antenna is placed in a new no-tripulated UAV platform. This platform is smaller than the last one used by INTA in which others no-compact prototypes were placed in. A lot of advantages have been achieved with this smaller and compact new system.
Antenna; Uav; Sar; Resolution; Nesz; Aasr; Rasr
Two antenna prototypes have been designed and manufactured in Ku-band. Both designs have improved some important characteristics compared with the previous and bigger one developed by INTA in X-band. The new prototypes focus the work on RF components miniaturization, isolation between polarizations (<-29dB), size and weight of the complete sensor (300mm x 100mm), spatial resolution and the azimuth and range ambiguities. Finally, system performances evaluation has been carried out showing the current differences in resolution and ambiguities levels between both antenna prototypes. The first prototypt (4x8 array antenna in Ku band) is better for narrow coverage up to 4Km and very high azimuth resolution of 0.10m. In addition to that, it can be used to provide very high spatial resolution products up to 20cm x 10cm single look with a narrow range coverage below 4 Km and tight NESZ and AASR values of -20dB and -17dB respectively. On the other hand, the second prototype 4x32 array antenna in Ku band, provides moderate coverage up to 6Km with high resolution of 0.3m and it can be used to provide high spatial resolution up to 30cm x 30cm with better range coverage below 6Km and better sensitivity and AASR values around -27dB and -35dB respectively.
Introduction QUASAR (Quick look Unmanned Aerial SAR) project started as a part of INTASAR program activities, in order to involve INTA Radar Laboratory developments for UAVs and lightweight platforms [1,2]. In SAR systems a huge array with a small aperture antenna is synthesized taking advantage of the movement of the UAV platform as it travels along a path [3,4]. Regarding this, planar antennas are important for SAR systems placed on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) due to low profile and lowcost manufacturing. In this context, a novel, compact and very light Ku band antenna with dual polarization and a very good isolation value has been developed and measured with excellent results not only in radio electric characteristics but also in range and azimuth ambiguity. The antenna will be placed inside a pod under the wings of the platform (FIG 1). The antenna of the first prototype design is composed by a 4x8 dual polarized square patch array fed through a very efficient and novel structure based on a cross-shape slot to achieve a large bandwidth and, overall, to achieve an excellent isolation between polarizations needed in a polarimetric system such as the one INTA which has developed [5, 6, 7, 8]. Likewise, the antenna second prototype is composed by a 4x32 dual polarized square patch array working in the same way