Destiny: Future – 20 years of Despertar Community Association

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Associação Comunitária Despertar Destiny: Future: 20 years of Despertar Community Association / texto Edson Natale ; organização Edson Natale ; ilustração Catarina Bessell ; tradução Adély Costa – São Paulo : Associação Comunitária Despertar, 2014. 120 p. : il. Versão inglesa de: Destino: futuro: 20 anos da Associação Comunitária Despertar 1. Associação Comunitária Despertar. 2. Terceiro setor. 3. Educação. 4. Cursos profissionalizantes. 5. Cultura. I. Título. CDD 360

Destiny: Future I have always been moved by the desire of doing some social work to improve other people’s lives. In the beginning of 1994, I started to follow my parents’ and grandparents’ examples. Now, 20 years later, I am very proud of the growth and improvement achieved by the Despertar Community Association1. Everything was possible due to the participation of many beloved partners; who still are in my memory and in my heart.


I reaffirm my proud, it belongs to all of us and it is empowered by what we have done together. We have been through 20 years of nonstop activities, always focusing on our children, on the youngsters and on the adults of the neighborhoods: Jardim Vilas Boas and Parque Dorotéia; our fellows in this path. Since its beginning, this project is a great passion of mine and I have dedicated my life to it. I have the opportunity to learn with these emblematic and inspiring actions every day, having so many engaged and collaborating people around. We exist to make a difference in many people’s lives: volunteers, workers, partners, students and their families – above all, children who represent the future.

Despertar means wake, arouse. Can also be understood as provoke or stimulate.


Our mission is not only to contribute in our students’ quality of life, but also to interact and collaborate with the community, making easier their access to services and to information; we also intent to guide and to support our students, when they need to face and to overcome their everyday challenges. I would like to thank all counselors, directors, supporters, partners, workers and volunteers, for their dedication and commitment to this institution. I thank all the students for their stories and for all the mutual learning. We will follow our destiny, and I may say, based on what I have seen during these 20 years, our destiny is the future! Milú Villela, founder and president for Despertar Community Association


Milú awakes Do not judge a book by its cover, this saying is perfectly applicable to my cousin Milú Villela. If you judge her by appearance, you will never see the real color of her social engagement. Who sees Milú in newspapers’ or magazines’ gossip columns may have the impression that she is a dull preppy, lost in the world of opulence. Appearances can be deceptive and shady. Jesus advised: “Do not judge!”


Milú is a woman of culture and for the culture. She has never dedicated her time for frivolities. Today, she presides the Museum of Modern Art (Museu de Arte Moderna – MAM), in São Paulo; the Itaú Cultural Institute; the Faça Parte (‘Do your part’ - group of voluntary work); and she is one of the directors of the project Todos pela Educação (All for Education). Nevertheless, the apple of her eye is the Despertar Association, in the suburbs of São Paulo. Her sensibility towards social causes is in her DNA. Her grandmother, on her mother’s side, named Umbelina, used to maintain a house to take care of single moms and their children. Her grandfather, on her father’s side, named Eurico, was a doctor whom I had the opportunity to meet. He infected himself with chagas disease. Milú graduated in Psychology in a time when rich ladies did not use to go to college. She founded the Escola Caracol, inspired by the works of Jean Piaget and Paulo Freire. There are people who promise and do nothing. There are those who do things to show off. Milú is a person who does good for its own sake, without any kind of vanity. Her one and only interest is to make sure that children and young people who come from a poor background will have access to culture, education, professional training, citizenship; a dignified and happy life. Frei Betto, writer

Heading for Sustainability Social work has been in my professional trajectory since my very first contacts with the world. I worked as an office boy at my father’s company and I could early realize so much social contrast in our society. In 2004, I was invited to join Despertar. It was a captivating project that awakened my desire to add and to see the results. The group of involved professionals, people who benefit from the courses, students and their families, everybody contributed to the work. The joy at Despertar is contagious. It is a needy area where there is constant happiness. Results came as a consequence of everyone’s dedication. Nowadays we raised the level of employability of the students to 60%. Now, besides celebrating this 20th Anniversary, we need to focus on our next goals. Our country has been through a few changes and we ought to incorporate them in our activities, in our courses. Maintain and improve our deals and partners so that our certifications will be as best as possible for our students. We already have health insurance, budgetary planning and our next goal is to achieve sustainability. Rudi Fischer, counselors board president for Despertar Community Association’s



Before the Beginning Stories, projects, actions, they all start before their very beginning. When we decide to go on this or that direction, we take – or even are taken by – our experiences, memories, fears and examples, that have marked and transformed us. Sometimes our own stories, sometimes others’ that we hear and see; sometimes a detail from our childhood sparkles into our minds and ignites an action, just like some fuel, stored for years, it can move us at a certain point in the future. This is what happened at Despertar. Its story started much before the existence of Jardim Vilas Boas, or even of Jardim Miriam, in the south of São Paulo, almost on the border with Diadema.


First story: a young teacher who was born in Limeira, in the countryside of São Paulo. She used to get a lift on a truck that carried milk from the farms of the region. In the early 1960s, the trucks were not as comfortable as today, the teacher shook with the bottles of milk and with the driver on the unpaved road. The teacher’s name was Nanci Gorni, she was 17. She carried a cup so that she could receive some milk when she got off. She would get off on a crossroad, where one of her students picked her up on his donkey. He took her to the school Escola Mista da Fazenda Santa Lourdes that was located in the rural area of Herculândia, next to Tupã. She has lived there for half of her life.


“I would not have learned to love my work as a teacher, if I did not go to those classes, for so long and being so young, on top of the donkey with my student. I could feel all the difficulties, the poverty, the tremendous effort those kids did”; said Nanci. She specialized in child education and in pedagogy in 1970. She has always been teaching at state schools. This seed, planted somewhere on the unpaved roads of São Paulo’s countryside, is one of those from which the Despertar Association germinated.


Another seed, strange as it may seem, did not come from land, but from science. It came from chagas disease. Milú Villela has never forgotten her grandfather’s stories. He was a doctor, a hygienist and a hospital administrator; born in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, in 1883 and his name was Eurico de Azevedo Villela. He started the medicine course at the Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro (Medicine College of Rio de Janeiro) in 1899. At that time he became friends with Carlos Chagas, who studied at the same place.


In 1912, Eurico became a researcher at Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro. The official name of the Institute was Instituto Soroterápico Federal and, gradually, it extended its scientific importance becoming a reference in fighting bubonic plague. It was the time of the Revolta da Vacina (the Vaccine Uprising), a popular protest against the obligation of taking the vaccine for smallpox, at the beginning of Brazilian Republican period.

Eurico was invited to join the team that was investigating American Trypanosomiasis, with Carlos Chagas. In Manguinhos and in Lassance, a city in the north of Minas Gerais, this team joined people who worked in an improvised laboratory at Central do Brasil; they were trying to fight that cardiac disease, that would soon be known as chagas disease. After this experience, Eurico played another important role in life. He directed the Oswaldo Cruz Institute between 1917 and 1934; he also headed the official medicines section for this Institute and, in 1923, was responsible for an exhibition about the centenary of Louis Pasteur’s birth, in France. He helped to create the Anna Nery Nursing Course and São Francisco de Assis Hospital, having been the first director of the latter, until 1940, when he was nominated as headmaster for the Public Health course at Oswaldo Cruz Institute. All these stories impressed his grandchild a lot! Sitting on his lap, she would hear them, and one has specially marked her: my grandpa inoculated the chagas disease into himself to study its effects, to go deeper on researches and to cooperate with the vaccination studies”.


One story leads to another and Eurico de Azevedo Villela had seven children. Among them, there was Eudoro Villela, Milú’s father, who also graduated in medicine. When he was 24, he joined the Institut du Radium de La Fondation Curie, in Paris, one of the most important research centers in the world. There, he worked under the orientation of professors Claudius Régaud, Antonie Lacassagne, G. Gricouroff and Marie Curie, one of the institute founders. She is still one of the most important scientists in the world, and has been awarded two Nobel prizes. At that time, Eudoro took part in the team that developed a special technique to diagnose cancer, named Rio-Hortega-Villela.


Milú grew up surrounded by these stories as examples. In 1971, encouraged by her brother Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela, she graduated in Psychology. She made her way, founded the Caracol School, one of the pioneers in using the theories of the Swiss philosopher Jean Piaget in Brasil. Milú deeply loved her brother and was a profound admirer of his, he was smart and humorous, and also a skilled inventor of games, able to mount and dismount objects and different types of equipment. He would just fix them or transform them into toys.

In 1982, a fatal air disaster killed Alfredo and his wife Maria Silvia de Mattos Barretto Villela. For the following 12 years, Milú dedicated herself to the education of her sons, Ricardo and Rodolfo, giving unconditional support to her nephews, Alfredo and Ana Lúcia. Between 1982 and 1994, the idea of Despertar was born. Its development was stimulated by a simple question: “if the Caracol School is important for a neighborhood like Pacaembu, what would not an educative action with professional training for teenagers do in the suburbs of the city?”. So, stories unite times, people and places. The young teacher, Nanci, going to classes on the donkey; the saga of doctor Eurico who died from the disease he inoculated into himself to help finding the vaccine; the trajectory of doctor Eudoro, who worked with one of the most famous scientists on Earth, researching one of the most feared diseases of their time; and the concern of a psychologist, who wanted to go further. Milú and Nanci are in the foundation of the Despertar Association and in these 20 years of activity. With all these examples, we reaffirm what we like to say: our story is made of people.


Simply because stories originate more stories, Milú did not stop after creating Despertar. On the contrary, she felt stimulated to invest in other projects. In the following year, she assumed the presidency of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (Museu de Arte Moderna – MAM) - one of the main museums in the country. One of her first actions was to structure and strengthen the education section of the museum, which became a reference in the country. One of the section’s highlight is the program Igual Diferente (Equal Different); it provides educational activities to people with mental disorders or physical disabilities.


In 1997, Milú assumed the presidency of the voluntary work center in São Paulo (Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo), a nonprofit organization that promotes and consolidates the voluntary work culture in the city. Because of her work, she was invited to preside the Brazilian Committee for the International Year of Voluntary (Comitê Brasileiro para o Ano Internacional do Voluntário), in 2001. Brazil occupied a prominent position among the 123 countries that participated in the event. Then, Milú was the first civil woman invited to talk about volunteering in the opening of the 57th United Nations (UN) General Assembly. She became the president for Itaú Cultural in the same year, one of the most important cultural centers of the country. It is involved with content production, research and artistic activities.

The story continues and Milú creates the Década do Voluntariado (Decade of Volunteering) and the Faça Parte – Intituto Brasil Voluntário (Do your part – Voluntary Brazil Institute). This is a non-governmental organization that is presided by Milú and has the mission of permanently stimulate voluntary work in Brazil. The actions of this Institute inspired the creation of the prize Escola Voluntária (Voluntary School), supported by Fundação Itaú Social and by Rede Bandeirantes de Televisão. The Escola Voluntária’s mission is to disclose, encourage and reward educational institutes that promote social projects and voluntary work among their students. Milú has also created - along with businessmen, educators, public managers – the non-governmental organization Todos pela Educação (All for Education). Its mission is to deepen the discussion and reflection about the quality of education establishing five goals for Brazilian education until 2022. The actions are monitored through systematic data collection and analysis of historical sets of educational indicators in the country.



Despertar’s Birth It was September the 30th, 1994 – in São Paulo, capital, there were 1.727 young people registered in the 11 centers of professional development that then existed. In this environment Despertar appears, officially beginning the mission of becoming a center for teenagers’ professional development. Having the Serviço Nacional de Aprendizado Social (Senai) – National Service of Social Learning – and the São Paulo city government as partners, Despertar provided 100 vacancies for teenagers aged between 14 and 17 years old. To be accepted, their families’ monthly salary should be at most four minimum wages. There were courses for installation electrician, hairdresser, cobbler, typist, general service office assistant and computer technician. Soon after that, the gardening course began. Milú Villela led the team that made the Association, on the second line there were psychologist Maria Helena Bueno and architect Amelinha Bratke. And then Nanci Gorni came to join the group, she was a reference for the community because of her work as coordinator at Escola Estadual Antonio Aggio (Antonio Aggio State School) which was located in Jardim Dulce, also in the southern area of São Paulo.



Nanci had just retired as a teacher and was working at her brother’s furniture shop, in Interlagos. She was there when she received a phone call; Milú was inviting her for a conversation. She accepted the invitation. Nanci first met Maria Helena, while Milú was interviewing another candidate for the job. Nanci remembers: “I couldn’t set my mind at ease… I couldn’t understand how so many dreams could fit that modest building or that tiny stuffed room? Milú and Maria Helena were sitting on an old wooden chair beside the toilet door. The fact is that I’ve been here for twenty years and I never felt any regret that I believed in her (Milú) dream.” After the interview, Nanci was hired and started to intensely collaborate to make the team that had Sanae Kato Hasui, who had been the headmaster for the same school in which Nanci worked as coordinator.

The facilities were quickly transformed, the place that was used for literacy classes for adults, became a dining-hall where the teenagers have their (essential and hefty) meals. The old sports court was amplified, received a roof and, now, there are different activities going on, besides football. Football games still take place, but now there is judo, music, dance, theatre, cultural events, debates, chess, parties and community celebrations. The court also has a special charm, one of its walls is painted by OsGêmeos (The Twins) who took graffiti to the best museums around the world. Twenty years passed by, Despertar grew. The first 100 vacancies offered to the community were multiplied, as well as the ways that the community can participate in the Association. There are more courses available, psychological care, juridical services for the students and their families. There are also activities to generate income for the students’ families, and provide access to cultural and sports activities.


Courses and activities 36

ADMINISTRATION COMPUTER Technician COOKING DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING in mesh fabric ENGLISH Fabric purse MAKER HAIRDRESSER LITERACY for Adults LOGISTICS MUSIC (EducarSom) Network and COMPUTER maintenance RECEPTIONIST RECREATIONIST / TOY MAKER SPORTS: stretching, capoeira, indoor soccer, gymnastics, judo, volleyball, chess VIDEO editing, filmmaking, PHOTOGRAPHY Despertar DIGITAL Integrado (DDI) – a project for teaching Information Technology with the partnership of CISCO Networking Academy


Numbers *ballpark figures


technical courses are under permanent evaluation and changes, following the market necessities.

people yet employed.

thousand people attending the Community Center (Centro de Convivência).

47 people in the Literacy and Social Inclusion Programs.

thousand children attended by the Child Education Center (Centro de Educação Infantil) Parque Dorotéia – Despertar II.

thousand people in the Employability Department.

thousand people registered for the courses at the Youth Center. thousand people were attended by the Despertar Community Association in these twenty years.

Culture people taking part in the cultural activities.

thousand accesses to our blog.

visits to art exhibitions, museums, theatres and movies.

exhibitions with the students’ works.

cultural activities offered.


speeches, debates, book launches, and literature reading performances.

Sports thousand children practicing judo and indoor soccer.

participation in

thousand people practicing sports.

championships. thousand adults taking part in sports activities.

Library thousand people registered in the Sanae Kato Hasui Library. journal editions. thousand books in the Library’s collection.

Social thousand psychological services appointments.

ton of material donated to be recycled.

thousand dental appointments. people receiving legal advice.

thousand newborn sets and Christmas gifts given.

projects on social services.

thousand medical appointments.

pregnant women attended.

hours of speeches and workshops about sustainability and solidarity economics.


The story of the area 54

In the early 1990s, Jardim Miriam was an extremely violent area, a desert of silence, fed by fear. Fear of drug dealers’ retaliations, of people who take justice into their own hands. Near the bridge, beside the stream that passes by Despertar Association, - an alley called Beco da Pontinha - there was a place that used to be a disposal of human corpses. Sometimes, the teachers would ask everyone to lay down on the floor and wait until the gunfight stopped. Our guide through the area is Derli José de Paula, known as Seu Derli (Mr Derli). He maintains an old habit of watching the games in the sports court of the Association on Sunday mornings. The games are organized by the recreation club of the united friends (Grêmio Recreativo Amigos Unidos – GRAU). This club was founded in 1997 by friends who liked to practice sports in the community. Seu Derli is an enthusiast of GRAU and also an eventual taxi driver, whenever it is necessary. He normally drives the invited lecturers, teachers, workshop instructors; he goes shopping, he brings and takes documents. He is a nice and talkative fellow.

Recreational Group United Friends - Grêmio Recreativo Amigos Unidos (GRAU)


Derli was born in Arapongas, countryside of Minas Gerais, near Viçosa. In a family of twelve children, including him, he used to help his parents working in the fields of bean and corn plantation, as well as looking after of some livestock. When he arrived at Jardim Miriam, in 1967, the main road to get there was not paved yet. Vilas Boas family owned a small farm which was later divided and originated one more Jardim (garden), Jardim Vilas Boas, neighborhood that still has the name of the previous owner of the land: Antonio Fernando Vilas Boas. Seu Derli, driver, enthusiast of GRAU’s games and Bianca’s grandfather


There, Seu Derli bought his piece of land, built a house and met Maria Sonia, to whom he got married in 1977. They had two daughters: Luciana Aparecida de Paula and Lucimara de Paula Souza. One of his daughters gave him a granddaughter as he proudly asks us to write down! The family is bigger now that Bianca de Paula Souza arrived. In 1967 this area of Jardim Vilas Boas, Jardim Miriam, Americanópolis, Vila Joazina, Cidade Ademar, Jardim São Jorge and Vila Missionária (all connected to the administration of Cidade Ademar) was like a rural area in the south of São Paulo.

“There was no electricity; it came only in the end of 1968.” – says Seu Derli. The transports system was only one bus owned by one person only, it was so bad that the people from the community named the system “Viação Urubu” (a reference to the South American vulture, a bird that eats dead animals - urubu). The one vehicle was always broken and the driver who owned the system used to give the money back to the commuters. “The atmosphere of the place, though, was very calm and there was no need for gates or fences. We were like a big family, it was common to see everyone working together to build, paint and improve the structure of the houses.” There were fish in the stream that used to be called Cupecê, now called the Lambs Stream (Córrego dos Cordeiros). On Antonio Machado Sobrinho Street, where Despertar is located today, festivals used to take place, for instance: Saint John’s (São João – very popular festival in Brazil), Christmas, New Year. They happened on the street, everybody enjoyed a lot and contributed to organize, to prepare the food, everything was done collectively. The region became more and more violent in the early 1980s and in the early 1990s the violence level reached its peak; stigmatizing the area as one of the most violent in the world.


Cidade Ademar, located in the southern area of São Paulo, is a district created in the 1960s. The area did not have an organized occupation, with little support from the government in terms of health, education, housing, sanitation and transportation. As time went by, and the local population grew, the social problems got worse, creating this violent environment. The situation started to improve with the action of popular organizations, such as neighborhood associations. Source: Coordenação das Subprefeituras da Prefeitura de São Paulo (Public organ responsible for the area administration)


Life itself

“Education is not a preparation for life, education is life itself.� John Dewey North American philosopher and educator

61 Inspired by this thought, we present the testimonies of some of our students, co-workers, ex-students, teachers and other partners. These testimonies reflect how their lives were transformed by the activities of Despertar.

“When I

was 22, I came from my hometown Ibicaraí (Bahia), near Itabuna, to São Paulo. There I used to work as a housemaid; I came to try a better life with my sister. I did two courses at Despertar: basic administration and computer technician. I continued working as a housemaid for five years, and these courses were very, very important to me.


I heard about the gastronomy course and subscribed. It was wonderful! I had never heard about Gastromotiva before. I could not even imagine how much I would learn. At the end of the course, I was indicated to work at Bar da Onça, a famous restaurant in the city center, I worked there for two and a half years.” Alessandra Santos, ex-student


“What makes

me satisfied about being part of Despertar is the encouragement we have to expand our knowledge and also the integration among those who work or study there. At first I was a teacher in the computer technician course, then I realized I wanted more and did the Information Technology graduation. Because of the partnership with CISCO (CISCO Networking Academy), I also became an instructor. This partnership gives the students the IT Essentials certification which is valid in more than 170 countries. In addition, our class material is constantly revised and updated, what is very, very important! I have been here for 12 years and, today, my son is here too; he practices judo.� Antonio Gleidson de Almeida, teacher


“My family

regularly visits Despertar for years. Besides my aunt, my mother did the typist course in 1994, and this was how her professional career began. I came when I was four to practice judo and football. As I grew up, I went to the computer technician course and to DDI project, which had an important role on my desire to work as a designer and audiovisual editor; I am now 18 years old. The Creative art teacher invited Daniele and I to teach a drawing course here. I was very excited! I am a manga expert and Daniele is an illustrator. We put both techniques together and proposed a course to enhance the students’ creativity. I really want to teach more. I do not want to stop. I dream about having a family and working as an editor for a TV channel. For this reason I am studying to do ENEM (Brazilian test to enter university) to study Graphic Design or Audiovisual.� Caio Santos Barreto, student



Caio’s and Daniele’s drawings, respectively, they show the way through the association leading to professional formation and friendship


“I am

18 years old and I have just finished high school, I have not entered college yet. I want to work in order to pay my graduation. I came to Despertar invited by a friend. I studied informatics (computer technician) and then I was invited to teach manga along with another drawer, Caio. It was a great experience! I got a new understanding of my work, it stimulated me and helped my creation process. It was nice to share some knowledge with other people. Despertar added more knowledge to my story; it helped me to build my dream of being a great drawer and illustrator.�


Daniele Nascimento Neiva, ex-student

“I was

12 years old when I had the opportunity to witness the improvements in a community located in one of the most violent regions of Sampa (São Paulo), Jardim Miriam. I saw the creation of Despertar. This Association was a good seed that germinated with solid and strong roots. It happened because of the generosity, entrepreneurship and mainly the determination of fulltime volunteer Milú Villela. This was a unique chance in my career that gave me a broad view in a time when I was looking forward for solidarity. I studied at Salesiano School, I started – and I have not stopped – to follow the actions of Despertar. Congratulations, Milú for your testimony, for your militancy in education. Congratulations and thank you! For 20 years this conspiracy for good has been transforming the youth, the community and, why not saying, the city by promoting social development.” Carlos Geraldo, volunteer



“I have

been at Despertar for more than 10 years. I started the project for the recreationist course. I live far from here, in Cidade Dutra, but I do not mind the long journey because it is such a rewarding experience! I arrived in 2003, newly graduated in dental prostheses. I met a brand new world by relating to the kids, the young students and their families. Later I graduated in pedagogy and I did a post-graduation in special education, to teach those with mental disorders. I like the affective relationships that we build every day, receiving an ex-student to tell us s/he got into university for example, is something very important to me!â€? Cleide Mesquita, teacher


“In 1996,

I was introduced to Milú Villela, she was looking for a social worker to direct the Centro de Educação Infantil (Child Education Center) Parque Dorotéia; a daycare center in a very violent area.


I got the job and I still work at the center that is better known as Despertar II. We have 153 children who come to us since their birth day. When the kids reach the age of five, we refer them to the municipal education system. We work from 7a.m. to 5p.m. and we serve five meals a day. We work with strategies and guided planning, for instance, our qualification courses for teachers that happened in 2002 and in 2014. I do not believe in assistentialism. We have to prepare children to be thinking beings; we have to invest in reading activities and art. All they need is to feel accepted.” Cristina Haspene Santaella, director of Despertar II


“I used

to work in a state school called João Evangelista and I have been here for 14 years. I graduated in Pedagogy and Languages, but I think the affective bonds we create take us further, along with our students. Sometimes it seems that they are asking for help, a piece of advice for sexual subjects, hygiene, drugs, family relationships, etc. As people say, our work here is multidisciplinary. We cannot stick to classes only. Involvement makes a difference here.” Elba Correia Alcântara, teacher


“It is

necessary to understand the depth of meaning within words such as: perpetuity, legacy and formation. Since 1994, Despertar Community Association deals with and, above all, practices these words. It went further, the Association made employability a reality for the youth, offering a wide range of courses and promoting community integration. It is a pleasure and a pride to closely follow its trajectory.” Eduardo Saron, director of Itaú Cultural


“I came

from Salvador where I worked with groups like Bamdamel e Olodum; and with musicians Daniela Mercury and Carlinhos Brown. I was invited to Despertar by Maurício Alves, at that time he was responsible for the Charanga group, I came for a three months course and I have been here for five years!


I am currently responsible for the EducarSom project, which has 32 students between 12 and 18 years old. They have activities in the period they are not at school. They learn how to play an instrument and they are stimulated to get in contact with the variety of Brazilian music. I always think about the importance of provoking these children, making them leave their comfort zone: be it musical or philosophical. I did not have this opportunity in Salvador when I was a teenager. For me that is why Despertar makes a difference.” Daniel Oliveira, musician



“I am

26 and I have been at Despertar since I was 16. I came as a student. I did the courses for hairdresser, computer technician and recreationist and, soon after that, I was invited to work as an office assistant at the Association. In April 2010, I started to work at the employability section. The objective was to create, maintain and strengthen partnerships with companies and establishments connected to the areas in which we offer courses. I also organize the information exchange with all the students. I check their performance and grades, their behavior, so that we can make the connection with their families and their schools. I like my job and I am really dedicated. This place gave me opportunities to believe in myself, to get to know my potentialities and I feel encouraged to improve.� Gisele de Souza Menezes, ex-student and employee


“At the

age of 17, I joined the electrician course at Despertar. I did the gardening course, hairdressing and typist; then I started to do some work on the weekends using what I had learned.


Working, I earned some money and continued to study. Now, I am 28 and I am very proud of being a teacher here. My life story is very connected to this Association, just like some other people who have passed here. There are stories of students who knew each other, dated, got married and are building a life together. It is so nice!� Israel da Silva Diniz, ex-student and teacher



“A friend

of mine invited me to do the course of electricity when I was 15 years old. I was too shy and it was a big challenge to me. I was a devoted student and I started to like it, until the day I graduated and started a new course: computer technician. I took part in the cultural workshops, I had dance and theatre classes with teacher Daniel and it helped me a lot dealing with my shyness. I did the recreationist course and actually worked in a few parties nearby. I also worked with my father who is a bricklayer; he called me to make the electric part of the houses he built. I was very proud of doing that. I liked to think that the people who would live in those houses would have electricity because of what I had learned at Despertar! When the partnership with CISCO began, I did the computer technician course again and I entered the DDI project (Despertar Digital Integrado) with teacher Fábio Telles. I learned to edit videos, to film, to take photos. At the end of the course, I contacted the teacher and I started to work with him. He trusted me and I am working at his audiovisual production company for almost three years. Today, at the age of 21, I am teaching at DDI. My goal is to learn English and study animation in the USA or in Canada in 2015. My father came from Bahia to São Paulo, when I was 3, he built our house with roof slab and made of bricks to replace the old wooden hovel. Having this example, it is absolutely possible to study and learn anything anywhere.” Joandson Silva, ex-student and teacher


“I came

to Despertar when I was 17, in 2002, because my aunt who lived nearby told me about the technical courses. I registered for the typist course and, after a few months I applied to a library assistant job at the Association. I had no idea about what was the job in a library like, nor did I know that there was a Library and Information Science graduation. I was thrilled to be selected for the job, but I could not imagine that the first day at work would change my life forever.


Today, I am 28, I graduated in Library and Information Science 11 years ago, I work at the only library in the area, and this is a very important place for this region. Since I work here, I have seen the development of this library, I have developed with it. We are open to anyone who lives here, not only for those who study or work at the Association. We function as a public library; we are a reference for the whole area. Here, we have more than 10 thousand publications and an average of 300 visitors per month. I am also a customer; I read two or three books every month. Working at this place changed my relationship with the act of reading and it could not be any different.� Letícia Souza, ex-student and employee


“This is

how things happened: I, Kleber, entered here to study logistics, electricity, information technology and to join DDI project, I was 15. Alex came to DDI when he was 16. These courses had an amazing importance, not only in my professional life, but also in my personal life as well.


After DDI, our life goals changed. We wanted to work in the audiovisual area. So, with the incentive of the teachers, we started a home studio, it was the beginning of DNA-fotos (DNA-photos), our small photography services company. We also make graphic works such as film animation, photo albums layout, image edition and logo creation. It is not easy, but we do believe our company will take us really far!� Kleber Silva Arruda and Alex Aparecido Teixeira, ex-students



“I like

it here, I live nearby, I belong to this community, I am Vilma’s neighbor, she is the cook for the Association and also my sister-in-law. I have been doing my job (as a cleaning assistant) very well and with joy for 17 years. My son got here when he was 16 and, as he says, thanks to Despertar he is 27 now and works as a manager in a VIVO (telephone services) shop. He graduated in computer science and he is studying fashion too. My daughter did the logistics course here and is working at Banco do Brasil as a ‘menor aprendiz’ (a program that incentives young people, under 18, by giving the opportunity to start their professional lives); she is studying there and wants to get a career in the bank.” Lena (Sislene Marta de Souza Almeida), employee


“I entered

here to teach the typist course. We realized some problems and difficulties and created the course of management skills and then the ETC – Educação para o Trabalho e Cidadania (Education for Work and Citzenship). After that I went to work at the administrative area in the Association, and then I became coordinator, which is my occupation until now.


Eighteen years have passed. We kindly welcome the young people of the surroundings and also those who come from the ‘Fundação Casa’. It is not an easy job, it even hurts sometimes to know and to witness the situations these boys go through. After I entered here, I decided to study pedagogy, I did a post-graduation in psyco-pedagogy to better understand and collaborate for these children future. As the years passed by, Despertar developed a lot its physical space and its range of activities, but we maintain our procedures and our way to relate. The registrations are made directly between the teachers and the parents or those responsible for the kids.” Marly Colaço Figueiredo, coordinator



“When I

retired, I looked for information at the Centro de Voluntariado (Volunteering Center) in São Paulo and I came to Despertar, it was 17 years ago. I immediately empathized with the director, Nanci, who has the gift of reading people. As I have always liked to cook, I made some cookery courses for adults and I learned a lot from the students too. It was very difficult at the beginning, but we went on. My sister is a nutritionist and she helped me a lot (she still does), because I saw that we needed to study economical ways of cooking to avoid waste for the families who live on such limited budgets. After the course, some students started to sell snack pastries, cakes, sweets to festivals and to other families around. I learned from them that the courses should not last long – one or two days – and I should teach to storage food; make flour from vegetables; make sweet, wholegrain and stuffed bread; and also make specific Chinese, Italian, Arabic cuisine courses. We have a wonderful industrial kitchen. I come to work happily at least once a week. At home I prepare the classes, research and make contact with the partners like Gastromotiva for example, I learn a lot with them too.” Myrthis Toshiko Nishi, volunteer



“Partnership is

not something that we discover or that can be imposed. It is something that we build up, always collectively, never individually. We may say that this is the feeling – of real partnership – that guides the relationship we have with Despertar, through the Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social (Social Development Municipal Office). It is always very touching when we see that we share our beliefs with Despertar; and to feel that the results appear in education, in the cultural an sports activities, in the search for comprehensive human development. It is gratifying. We go on, together and working hard to strengthen the family and the social bonds in the community. Congratulations, Despertar, for these 20 years on the road!” Silvia Regina Brussi Sales de Moraes and Viviane Rossetti, technicians for Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social

“I feel

glad to know that my work is important, I do my best, just like the other workers in the kitchen. We make sure all the meals are good and served on time. Breakfast at 8:00 a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m. for those who study in the morning and, right after, for the afternoon students. It is a pleasure to see these kids eating!” Vilma Duarte de Souza, chef



“Two years

ago I started coming to Despertar to study saxophone. In 2014, I was 17 and I applied for the Escola de Música do Auditório Ibirapuera (Auditório Ibirapuera Music School) and I was selected. I like playing jazz and Brazilian music, but my goal is to be able to play any kind of music, by reading the score or just by ear. There is a band that plays in the Association events, we play famous Brazilian songs. Sometimes we risk new arrangements. At this moment the band is recording two songs: the anthem of Despertar and another composition about our course. I have made some friends among students and teachers and we are not only worried about the classes, we are there for each other outside the school too. I am sure I will make a living with music, with art. I want to make a course with recognition and to build my musical identity with good technique.” Wellington Martins de Souza, student and musician in Despertar’s band



â€˘â€ƒ The Despertar Community Association is born.


The first page of Despertar’s story, in the Association’s memory book, records its foundation in 30th September 1994

1995 â€˘â€ƒ MilĂş Villela hands the first certificates during a graduation ceremony of the hairdresser, installer electrician and typist courses; on the 29th June. The range of courses for adults was amplified.

Above, Sanae, Maria Helena and Nanci na abertura Below, the sports court and the headquarter building at that time

1996 •  First ex-students meeting 12th October. •  Opening of the Centro de Educação Infantil CEI (Children Education Center) Parque Dorotéia, known as Despertar II. It attends children from 4 months to 4 years and 11 months old.

The first graduate student

Above, Despertar II in 2010 Below, photo and signature of ex-students at the meeting

1997 •  Literacy night classes for adults. •  New activities, workshops and courses for adults on Saturdays. •  Healthy economical cooking workshops. •  Subscription to the program Comunidade Solidária (Solidarity in the Community) by Ruth Cardoso.

1998 •  Partnership with SENAI to certificate the courses offered by the Escola SENAI Ary Torres.

The first certificate

1999 •  Extension of the services offered to the community; volunteer work of psychologists, lawyers, dentists and doctors began. •  Second ex-students meeting.

2000 •  5th Anniversary •  Creation of the Despertar Theatre Group. •  Creation of the Choir with young people between 15 and 17 years old. Conducted by Ana Beatriz Valente. In the same year, the adults created another choir. •  Research about the family composition of the teenagers from the community. •  Partnership with SEBRAE - Programa Brasil Empreendedor (Brazil Entrepreneur Program).

2001 •  First presentation of the theatre group on 12th April. Directed by Maria Carmem Llaguno de Veronese, the group presents an Easter story for children. There were two other presentations in sequence: “Anos Dourados” and “Auto da Compadecida”. •  First presentation of the choir, at Clara Nunes Theatre, in Diadema, SP. 26th July. •  Project Acredito em Você (I Believe in You). It gives micro-credit to for the acquisition of the necessary equipment to start small businesses; idealized by Cecília Berner (volunteer).

2002 The choir’s first presentation

•  The Community Telecentre started to be thought and implemented. The opening was in 2003, it was part of the digital inclusion actions of São Paulo city administration. •  Musical activities began with Maurício Alves (Badé). These activities resulted in the creation of the Charanga group. •  Frei Betto’s speech for the students.

2003 •  Creation of the program Mãos do Futuro Costurando a Cidadania (Hands of the Future Sewing Citizenship); aiming to include women in the market. •  The Sanae Kato Hasui Library starts to function.

The library in 2014

2004 •  Presentation of the piano player Marcelo Bratke and Charanga group in São Paulo (Itaú Cultural), Buenos Aires, New York and in the Saint Deny’s Festival, in France. •  Students of the Association debate with filmmaker Jeferson De about the theme: the day we face reality. •  The theatre group presents Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Centro de Educação Unificado (CEU) Alvarenga. •  Partnership with the association Consultoria Júnior Pública da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

2006 •  The project Employability began.



•  Partnership with the Technological Institute Instituto Tecnológico Diocesano (ITD) to form the program for education for youngsters and adults, through the Literacy and Inclusion Program - Programa de Alfabetização e Inclusão (PAI).

•  Formalization and amplification of educational and environmental preservation actions; solid waste and cooking oil selective collection.

•  Partnership with the section of educative actions (Núcleo de Ação Educativa) of the institute Itaú Cultural, creating the workshops Leituras do Mundo. •  Technical Cooperation Agreement signed with SESI, by the Activities Center José Roberto Magalhães Teixeira, in Diadema.

2008 •  Partnership with Empower •  Cooperation Term signed with the Technical Association Associação de Ensino Social Profissionalizante (ESPRO). •  Charanga group makes concert and launches cd. Produced by Beto Villares, musical direction by Maurício Alves (Badé), at Sala Crisantempo in São Paulo. •  Students participated in a debate about politics (Política para quê?/ Politics: what for?) with expresident Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

The first cd

•  The Queen Jânia, from Jordan, visits two social projects during an official visit to Brazil; one of them was Despertar.

2009 •  Partnership with the CISCO Networking Academy. •  Partnership and cooperation agreement with Diadema Faculty from the national union of faculties - União Nacional das Instituições de Ensino Superior Privadas (UNIESP). •  Educational cooperation agreement with SENAC, Santo Amaro, in São Paulo. •  Partnership with the Criança é Vida Institute, São Paulo. •  The artists OsGêmeos made an intervention on the wall of the sports court of the Association.

2010 •  The project DDI began. •  Partnership with the project Afabetização Solidária (ALFASOL), that made the logistics course possible. •  Partnership with the video workshop Oficina Itinerante de Vídeo Tela Brasil. •  First participation in the education program Programa Educação ao Ar Livre – Treehouse.

2011 •  Agreement signed with the educational institute of São Paulo state - Instituto Educacional do Estado (IESP). •  Partnership with the association Incubadora Social Gastromotiva. •  Students of Despertar are invited to take part in a project of British Airways and, among other actions, fly on an airplane for the first time.

2012 •  Partnership with Coordenadoria de Convivência, Participação e Empreendedorismo Social (CONPARES) Secretaria Municipal de Participação da Prefeitura de São Paulo. •  Partnership with Observatório da Longevidade Humana e Envelhecimento – OLHE (Human Aging and Longevity Observatory). Creation of the course for caregivers for the elderly.


•  Despertar celebrates its 20th Anniversary. •  Certificate of 5 years of active participation and services in the program CISCO Networking Academy.

2013 •  Partnership with the health unit Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Integral Jardim Miriam II. •  Second intervention of OsGêmeos on the wall of the sports court.

Intervention made by OsGêmeos at the court’s wall



“This first group that graduates here will be a model to our neighborhood, showing that it is possible to teach a profession and to educate. You are the seed for many fruits that may come from Jardim Vilas Boas (Vilas Boas Garden) due to the excellence of your professional formation. Cultivate these seeds! Do not waste them! (…) Education is the seed that nobody can ever take from inside a human being.”


“Thank you very much, our students, for corresponding to our expectations, giving us the answers we hoped you would give us; learning a profession, making our dream come true. I let my message to you: the learning process has just begun!”


“…our wish was to complement traditional education and offer an instrument to help the young people to enter the professional market, where youth has a prominent role. Aiming at adding to the family budget or even at self-realization, they face the challenges of modern life with its needs of knowledge and efficiency.”


Thanks 120

These 20 years would not have been possible without the cooperation and dedication of our partners and supporters, whom we deeply wish to thank:

Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD), Action Line, Accenture do Brasil Ltda., Adara – Consultoria em Soluções Sociais Ltda., AfroReggae, Agente da Cidadania, Alma Viva do Brasil, Amarelo Orientação Direcionada e Treinamento, Amor aos Pedaços, Anjos Assessoria Empresarial, Armazém Hirota, Associação Beneficente Escandinava Nordlyset, Associação de Ensino Social Profissionalizante (ESPRO), Associação Tia Anita, Atento, AUG Fashion Hair, Baked Potato, Bando do Brasil, Banco Itaú-Unibanco, Banco Nossa Caixa, Banco Societé Generale Brasil, Batalhão da Polícia Militar, Beery’s Cabelereira Unissex, Beleza de Mulher, Bella Hair Studio, Bem Estar Cabelereiros, BHG Hotéis, Bernadette e desembargador Dr. Moacir Andrade Peres, Bob’s, Brasanita, British Airways, Buffet Brincafolia, Buffet Emoções, Buffet Espaço Pindamora, Buffet Rita, Buffet Stylingue, Buffet UP, Bureau Serviços Técnicos de Infra Estrutura, Cadiz Segurança e Vigilância, Camisaria Colombo, Casa de Cultura e Cidadania, Casa Santa Luzia, Cell B, Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo, Chemello Comércio de Refeições, Cia. Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração – CBMM, Cia Tradicional de Comércio, Centro de Integração Escola Empresa (CIEE), Cisco Systems Inc., Companhia Athletica, Company Segurança e Vigilância, Conductor, Conteúdo, Contx, Cooperativa da Associação de Promoção e Incentivo à Criança (COOPER-APIC), Copliz Cópias, Cruz Azul Saúde, Cushman & Wakefield, Dedic, Depósito Material Oyassui, Design – Empresa de Comunicação Visual, Digital – Go Telemarketing, Divas’s Salão de Cabelereiros, DNA Fotos, ECL Elétrica Castanheira, Eco Equipamentos, Editora Saraiva, Engenharia Futura, Espaço Equilíbrio, Fábrica de Linguiça Salari Alimentos, Faculdade de Tecnologia (FUNDETEC), Faculdade Diadema,



Fator F. Inteligência em Comunicação, Fermacom, Fiel S/A Móveis Equipamentos Indústria, Fisk Idiomas, Fórum Santo Amaro, Franco Teixeira Piscinas, Fundação EMPower, Fundação Galetos, Galloro & Associados, Gastromotiva, Gi Group, Good Clean, Green Park, Grupo Abril, Grupo Empresarial Park, Grupo Nacar Comercial Importadora, Grupo Pão de Açúcar, Grupo Pentágono Segurança e Serviços Gerais, Habib’s – Ricardo Jafet, Haganá, Hospital do Coração (Projeto Conexão), HR4, Imangel, Ind. de Modas Tricostyl Ltda., Instituto Bela Face, Instituto Beleza Natural, Instituto de Beleza Dorinha, Instituto Criar de TV, Cinema e Novas Mídias, Instituto Faça Parte, Instituto Gerdau, Instituto Itaú Cultural, Instituto Tecnológico Diocesano (ITD), Intermezzo Comercial de Produtos Gourmet, JCS Construções e Manutenção Industrial, Junior Santaella, Lan House Mundo Virtual, Lessa estética e Beleza, Life RH, Lojas Khelf, Luandre Soluções em Recursos Humanos, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM), Marcenaria Firmo, Marcenaria Momode Design, Maurício de Sousa Produções, McDonald’s, MEA IT Services, Mobi Brasil, M’Officer – M. 5 Ind. E Com. Ltda., MS Paris Cosméticos, Notabili Salão de Cabelereiros, Nota Fiscal Paulista, Nova América, Nova América Têxtil, Núcleo Brasileiro de Estágios (NUBE), Oficina Costura, OdontoPrev, Oliveira Campos Desenvolvimento de Talentos, Panificadora Oliveira e Motta, Pedreira Supermercado, Perspectiva Coletas de dados, Plumium Telecon 73, Porto Seguro Cia. de Seguros, Posto de saúde – UBS / AMA Cupecê, Precisão Escritório de Contabilidade, Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo - Secretaria Municipal de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social, Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania - Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do

Adolescente (CMDCA/ FUMCAD), Secretaria Especial de Participação e Parceria - Coordenadoria de Conectividade e Convergência Digital – Telecentro, Prefeitura de Diadema, Projeto Conexão, Projeto Esperança – Dow Química, Quatsi, Raia & Cia Ltda. – Droga Raia, Randstad Brasil, Rainbow Idiomas, Restaurante Bom Prato, Restaurante Jaber, Restaurante Quiche & Cia, Restaurante Zacca, Rose’s Cabelereiros, RR Print – Gráfica, Salão de Cabeleireiros Mineiro, Salão de Cabeleireiro Ouze Hair, Salão Estúdio Marcelo, Salão Halley Cabeleireiros, Salão Hellen Fashion Hair, Salão Imperial, Salão Jane Cabeleireiros, Salão JF Cabeleireiros, Salão Pérola, Salão Ronald’s, Salão Rosangela, Salão Vitória Hair, Salomão Hair, Serviço de Assistência Social as Famílias (SASF III), Serviço de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas de São Paulo (SEBRAE-SP), Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (SENAC -SP), Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI-SP), Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI) - Diadema, Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI-SP), Solange Salgados, Soluccion Serviços, SP Com, Supermercados Dia, Supermercados Prakasa, SUTACO, Sylvia Heckler Consultoria em Eventos, Tele Performance, Telefônica Serviços Empresariais, Terraplenagem, Terra Networks Brasil S/A, Tivit, TMKT, Todos pela Educação, Transamérica Prime, Universal Cópias, Universal Empregos, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Universidade Bandeirante, Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Design Possível), Viação Imigrantes, Vidax, Villa D’Sul Alimentos, Widex Aparelhos Auditivos and Wilson Mattos We also wish to say a special thank you to all the students, volunteers and employees that contributed to consolidate this story.



And we extend this gratitude to Amelinha Bratke, Américo Marco, Anna Paula Montini, Antonio Filho, Ana Lúcia Villela, André Seiti, Angela de Cassia Almeida, Aninha de Fátima, Anna Maria Temóteo Pereira, Beatriz Monteiro de Carvalho, Beto Villares, Carlos Costa, Carlos Geraldo Temóteo Pereira, Cezar Henrique Alves, Claudiney Ferreira, Dulce Iara Dermargos, Durval Borges Morais, Eduardo Ochi, Eduardo Saron, Eliane Castro, Eneida Labaki, Fernando Araujo Junior, Frei Betto, Heunícero Luiz Demicielli, Ivson Miranda, Jader Rosa, José Alberto de Camargo, José Moraes, Laerte Fernandes, Lilian Cristina Martins Sacucci, Luiza Mancini Keating, Malu Pereira de Almeida, Marcella Monaco Jyo, Marcelo Benchimol Saad, Marcelo Bratke, Márcia Salgado, Maria Helena Bueno, Maria Lucia Meirelles Reis, Maria Rossi, Marina Chevrand, Maurício Alves, May Brooking Negrão, Milena Marques, Nurimar Zomignan, Olavo Franco Bueno Jr, OsGêmeos, Otávio Yazbek, Patrícia Villela, Renata Bittencourt, Renata Silveira Dias, Renato Gama, Ricardo Barreto Ferreira da Silva, Rita de Cássia Caruso Cury, Ronaldo Gonçalves, Rudi Fischer, Silvia Pinho de Almeida, Suzana Medeiros, Valéria Moraes Nunes Camargo, Vera Nibi, Vilma Konter da Silva Costa and Walter Feltran.

I have

been working as volunteer at Despertar Association for 12 years and, since the beginning, the relationships were always as intense as the learning process was; be it among students, teachers, employees or volunteers. I thank for the opportunity I had to go deep into these 20 years of stories by making this book. The research process, the conversation with each one that in this publication, just made my gratitude grow. I would like to thank every one for the trust, kindness and warm reception in every moment of this journey. A special thank to MilĂş Villela, for the trust and, above all, for the inspiration, determination and the generous way she leads her team. Edson Natale, Despertar volunteer since 2002



Directors: Edson Natale, Anna Maria Temoteo, Nanci Gorni, MilĂş Villela, Cristina Santaella and Rudi Fischer

Administrative team: Rodrigo Silveira, Tereza Santos, Edinalva Barbosa, Daniele Silva, Gisele Menezes, LetĂ­cia Souza

Teachers: Daniel Oliveira, Maria Cardoso, Cleide Andrade, Israel Diniz, Jonnathan Alencar and Gleidsson Almeida


Ex-students collaborators: Israel Diniz, LetĂ­cia Souza, Daniele Silva, Gisele Menezes and Jonnathan Alencar

Support team: Sislene Almeida, Palmira Rodrigues, Marli Azevedo, Myrthis Nishi, Vilma Florentino (first line) Vilma Duarte, Josefa Freires, Ines Oliveira, JosĂŠ Lucas

Despertar Community Association PRESIDENT DIRECTOR (CEO): Milú Villela VICE-PRESIDENT DIRECTOR: Anna Maria Temóteo Pereira CHIEF FINANCIAL OFICER (CFO): Durval Borges Morais ADVISORY BOARD


PRESIDENT: Rodolfo Henrique Fischer ADVISERS: Carlos Geraldo Pereira, José Alberto de Camargo, Marcelo Benchimol Saad, Otávio Yazbek, Ricardo Barreto Ferreira da Silva TAX ADVISORY BOARD Cezar Henrique Alves, Valéria Moraes Nunes Camargo, Walter Feltran DESPERTAR’S DIRECTOR: Nanci Gorni DIRECTOR FOR THE CHILD EDUCATION CENTER (CEI – CENTRO DE EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL) – “PARQUE DOROTÉIA” - DESPERTAR II: Cristina Haspene Santaella BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Anna Maria Pereira, Carlos Geraldo Pereira,Cezar Henrique Alves, Durval Borges Moraes, Edson Natale, José Alberto de Camargo, Marcelo Benchimol Saad, Maria Rossi, Milú Villela, Otávio Yazbek, Patrícia Villela, Renata Bitencourt, Ricardo Barreto Ferreira da Silva, Rodolfo Henrique Fischer, Valéria Moraes Nunes Camargo, Walter Feltran

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD / TECHNICIANS AND VOLUNTEERS 2014: Ana Maria Camelo Campos, Antonio Gleidsson de Almeida, Célia Maria de Paschoal, Claudete Téofilo Da Silva, Claudia Cristina Dos Santos, Cleide Maria Mesquita e Andrade, Clemilda Silvino Silva Martins, Daniel Santos Oliveira, Daniele da Silva, Edinalva Jesus Pessoa, Ednalva Alves Barbosa, Elaine dos Anjos Cavalcante, Elba Correia Alcântara, Eliane Barbosa De Brito, Elisete Ernesto Ribeiro, Elizete Martins da Silva, Esliane Martins Da Silva, Geraldo Stocco, Gisele de Souza Menezes, Glausileide Cristina Lucia da Silva, Imaculada Conceição Braz de Castro e Silva, Ines Carmen Rossi, Inês Correia da Silva, Israel da Silva Diniz, Joandson Silva de Oliveira, Jonas Batista da Silva, Jonnathan Crystyan Matos de Alencar, José Barbosa da Silva, José Lucar Vergilato, José Maria Padilha, Josefa Freires da Silva, Leticia Pereira Leme Souza, Luiz Flávio Lopes Sousa, Margarete Ramos Dos Santos, Maria Aparecida de Lima, Maria Cardoso de Lima, Maria Cristina Haspene Santaella, Maria de Brito da Silva, Maria Francisca Calixto da Silva, Maria Nilza De Jesus Santos, Maria Tereza Souza Santos, Marlene Shimbo Ferreira, Marli de Cássia do Carmo de Azevedo, Marly Colaço Figueredo, Marta Machado Dias, Milene Lopes, Myrthis Toshico Nishi, Nanci Marilena M. P. Gorni, Natanael Jhonny Dos Santos Rodrigues, Onorita da Penha Pereira, Osvaldo Rodrigues, Palmira de Fátima Rodrigues Pereira, Raimundo Nonato Lopes Sousa, Regiane Mesquita Rocha, Renata Gomes De Brito, Rodrigo Ramos N. da Silveira, Rosemary Huzian Diniz Corte Gomes, Salvelina Ferreira Lima Xavier, Sandra Cristina da Silva Soriani Vieira, Sandra da Silva, Sislene Marta de Souza Almeida, Valdomiro Herculano Vieira, Vanessa Aparecida Tomé, Vera Lucia Silveira, Vilma Duarte de Souza, Vilma Florentino da Silva


Destiny: Future – 20 Years of Despertar Community Association TEXTS: Edson Natale PUBLISHING COORDINATION: Carlos Costa GRAPHIC DESIGN AND ART AND PHOTO EDITION: Marina Chevrand | SERIFARIA


GRAPHIC PRODUCTION: Lilia Góes PHOTOS: André Seiti | cover, back cover and pages 3, 8 to 13, 18 to 21, 40 to 45, 50 to 53, 98 to 103, 107 (on the top right corner), 128/129 Ivson Miranda | pages 6/7, 38/39, 55, 56 to 59, 63 to 96, 108, 111, 126/127 Marina Chevrand | pages 116/117 The other images belong to Despertar’s collection ILLUSTRATIONS: Catarina Bessell ENGLISH VERSION: Adély Couto PROOFREADING: Tatiana Diniz

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