Domingo Verano-Tacoronte Inmaculada Galván-Sánchez Alicia Bolívar-Cruz (Coordinadores)
Domingo Verano-Tacoronte Inmaculada Galván-Sánchez Alicia Bolívar-Cruz (Coordinadores)
ARROW : improvement of research and innovation skills in Mongolian universities [Recurso electrónico] / Domingo Verano-Tacoronte, Inmaculada Galván-Sánchez, Alicia Bolívar-Cruz (coordinadores.). -- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria : Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica, 2022 1 archivo PDF (137 p.) ISBN 978-84-9042-440-7 1. Universidades - Mongolia 2. Universidades - Investigación - Mongolia 3. Universidades - Mongolia - Calidad de la educación I. Verano Tacoronte, Domingo, coord. II. Galván Sánchez, Inmaculada, coord. III. Bolívar Cruz, Alicia, coord. IV. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ed. 378.4(517.3) Thema: JNM, JNK, 1FPM, 2ACB
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Colección Divulgación Científica, 13 © de los textos: Los autores © de la edición: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica · Primera edición. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2022 ISBN: 978-84-9042-440-7
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Index PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1 University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain ................................................................................................. 6 Chapter 2 Choi Lubsangjab University of Language and Civilization, Mongolia.................................................................. 16 Chapter 3 Hangai University, Mongolia .............................................................................................................................. 25 Chapter 4 Mongolian National University of Education, Mongolia .................................................................................... 33 Chapter 5 Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolia ......................................................................... 47 Chapter 6 Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Mongolia............................................................................................... 57 Chapter 7 National University of Mongolia, Mongolia ....................................................................................................... 64 Chapter 8 New Mongol Institute of Technology, Mongolia ................................................................................................ 74 Chapter 9 Otgontenger University, Mongolia..................................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 10 Tsetsee Goun Institute of Management, Mongolia ........................................................................................... 86 Chapter 11 Ulaanbaatar State University, Mongolia ............................................................................................................ 96 Chapter 12 University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia.............................................................................................. 104 Chapter 13 The University of the Humanities, Mongolia.................................................................................................... 116 Chapter 14 University of Porto, Portugal ............................................................................................................................ 126 Chapter 15 University of Szczecin, Poland .......................................................................................................................... 131
PRESENTATION More than eight centuries ago the Mongol Empire built a vast kingdom with its horses, recurve bows, and long‐range arrows. What was once a hostile weapon of expansion, today is an educational weapon that bonds cultures and peoples and helps them prospering on a path of harmony towards the excellence of their academic institutions. The Arrow project, belonging to the ERASMUS + CBHE program, was one of the 149 initiatives selected, out of 833 proposals, to contribute to the development of capacities in the field of higher education as a transnational cooperation project. ARROW is based on a multilateral association agreement between four higher education institutions from 3 different program countries (the University of Szczecin in Poland, the University of Porto in Portugal, and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain, as Project Coordinator, as well as its Scientific and Technological Park) and twelve Mongolian Universities including one associated partner. With an approved budget of € 551,140.00, ARROW has reached successful results for the contribution to the promotion and strengthening of the scientific capacities and results visibility of Mongolian Partner Universities. At this regard, it is worth to mention the contribution of Professors Domingo Verano‐Tacoronte, Inmaculada Galván‐Sánchez and Alicia Bolívar‐Cruz, as ARROW academic coordinators; Prof. Malgorzata Guzowska as Quality Committee coordinator, Sonia Pereira and Francisca Costa, from the research project office of Porto, as responsible for Dissemination & Exploitation; Together with the technical coordination of Valentina Grasso from the Vice‐rectorate for Internationalization, mobility and international projection of the ULPGC. The ARROW project began its journey in October 2017, and like the twinkling of an arrow that crosses space, just three and half years later of scheduled training and educational activities, we are witnessing the blossoming of twelve institutions that have improved their visibility skills in its international academic context, allowing to start a sustainable path firmly looking towards a future whose fruits are already germinating, there, where the arrow has cordially united our institutions.
Jin Taira Vice‐rector for Internationalization, Mobility and International Projection University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria