would love to work with recovering addicts. Also, I’ve been working on a book about my life.
Will you share some art in the chapters of your autobiography? I will definitely incorporate my art with the story in the book.
ART Therapy For Georgina Baillie, art has helped her overcome life’s challenges – she shares her story… How did art touch your life? I loved art at school and had great teachers until my A-Levels, when one teacher didn’t seem to like my work and discouraged me. Also I am not academic in any way – so I didn’t want to write essays about art, I just wanted to do it. I put the pencil down in 2003, and I didn’t pick it up again until after my first stint in rehab – where I mentally unpacked a lot of difficult stuff and needed to expel it somehow.
Was art a part of therapy for you? Or did you pick it up again because you had gone 28
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through rehab and realised it had been lost during your school days? As part of therapy definitely; we did art and I found myself suddenly able to express my feelings again.
How else can people experience your art? Recently I have started doing tiny commissions for people like women sending me their photos to be drawn as one of my ‘French girls’ – I love drawing the female form because I love how every woman has something different and I like expressing her energy through a picture.
I didn’t want to write essays about art
Did it then make you reflect on what that teacher had said? I started to look at art differently, not like something that needed to be graded anymore. I knew that my skills were stunted, so my early drawings (in 2017) were cartoon-like – But it didn’t matter to me, as long as I could see how I was feeling on the page in front of me and share it with others.
What path are you on with art? Art to me, is a personal thing. It was a huge surprise to be asked to draw people. It’s a dream isn’t it really? But I am currently studying counselling and
How do you feel about parting with a final piece? I mainly sell screen prints of my work and keep the originals – I don’t know if I could part with them! But I love the response I get for my work when people comment that they got some emotional relief through identification, just by looking at them.