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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Minutes of Commission Meeting Thursday, January 22, 2009

440 Turk Street San Francisco, California

A Regular meeting of the Housing Authority Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, on Thursday, January 22, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. Vice President Gans called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT:

Neola Gans, Vice President Jane Hsu, Commissioner Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner George R. Brown, Commissioner


Rev. Amos Brown, President Dwayne Jones, Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner

A quorum was present. ALSO PRESENT: 2.

Mr. Henry A. Alvarez III, Executive Director Mr. Roger Crawford, Assistant General Counsel

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Schwartz moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. This request was passed unanimously.


GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Henry Alvarez, Executive Director, combined the General Communication and the Report of the Secretary by presenting a quarterly update on work progress. Barbara Smith, Administrator of Modernization and Housing Development presented the Commissioners with a short presentation outlining the progress and improvements that have been made to the SFHA developments. Mr. Alvarez also informed the Commissioners of a letter

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