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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Minutes of Commission Meeting Thursday, October 22, 2009

440 Turk Street San Francisco, California

A Regular meeting of the Housing Authority Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, on Thursday, October 22, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. President Brown called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. 1.


Rev. Amos Brown, President Neola Gans, Vice President George R. Brown, Commissioner Jane Hsu, Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner


Dwayne Jones, Commissioner Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner

A quorum was present.



Mr. Henry A. Alvarez, Executive Director Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting HR Director

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Vice President Gans motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. The agenda was approved unanimously.


GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS/ REPORT OF SECRETARY Mr. Henry Alvarez, Executive Director informed the Commission that they can find HUD correspondence and the SFHA Shooting Incident report in their Commission binders.


COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports.

Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009 Page 2 5.

REPORT OF GENERAL COUNSEL Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting Director of Human Resources informed the Commission that there would be a Closed Session.


TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Mr. Vitalie was not present at this meeting. Kimberly Hill-Brown was not present at the meeting. Ms. Ramona Collie presented in her absence.


PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS There were no public comments.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business.



All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Housing Authority Board and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Authority Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Authority Board so request, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.

1. Approval of Minutes of September 24, 2009 Commission Meeting 2. Approval of Minutes of October 6, 2009 Special Meeting 3. [ Amend Contract #7007 with Goldfarb & Lipman] Consideration and Approval. Presented by Barbara Smith, Administrator, MOD/HD 4. [Application for $22,000,000 in HOPE VI funding for CA001000954, Hunters View] Presented by Dominica Henderson, Management Analyst MOD/HD. Commission Brown requested to remove item A4 from the Consent Agenda and hear it as an action item. Vice President Gans motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. B) ACTION ITEMS

Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009 Page 3 1. [Application for $22,000,000 in HOPE VI funding for CA001000954, Hunters View] Barbara Smith, Administrator of MOD/HD presented this Resolution. This The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released a notice of funding availability for the HOPE VI Revitalization Grants Program. The purpose of the grant is to improve physical and socio-economic conditions of severely distressed public housing sites. The Authority hopes to receive this grant funding in order to contribute to the redevelopment of Hunters View. Authorization allows the Authority to submit an application for $22 million in funding for the Hunters View revitalization project. The application requests about $20,900,000 for physical site improvements, and $1,100,000 for community supportive services. Commissioner Brown wanted to know how the funding was coming along with the Hunters View revitalization. Ms. Smith informed the Commissioners that the process was moving as expected with funded through Phase One. Commissioner Brown motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimously. 2. [Write-off of vacated tenants accounts receivable (TARS) in the amount of $342,504.76] Anthony Ihejeto, Director of Public Housing Operations presented this Resolution. This Resolution authorizes the write-off of tenant accounts receivable (TARs)

totaling $ 342,504.76 for the fiscal year period of October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009 (FY 2009). This amount represents unpaid account balances owed by 271 former tenants who have vacated or abandoned their units, been evicted, found new housing or are deceased. Every year the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) writes off TARs with no collection activity pursuant to and in compliance with HUD Handbook 7511.1, Chapter 11, Section 1. The write-off of uncollectible TARs allows the Authority to accurately present outstanding TAR balances as of the fiscal year ended September 30, 2009. As a result, the write-off will help improve the Authority’s HUD Public Housing Assessments System (PHAS) score on the Financial Condition-Tenant Receivables Outstanding component by reducing the number of days the accounts receivable are outstanding. Funding for this write-off is available in the Low-Income Operating Program Budget. Commissioner Brown inquired on how the Authority has increased its Rent Collections in order to get a smaller TARS balance. Mr. Ihejeto informed the Commissioners that staff has taken tremendous steps to increase rent collections using both resident outreach and staff training.

Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009 Page 4 Commissioner Brown motioned to approve this Resolution. Vice President Gans seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimously. 3. [ Transfer of Partnership Interest of the Rosa Parks Annex Borrowers, Rosa Parks II LP pursuant to the terms of the Rosa Parks Annex Ground Lease] Barbara Smith, Administrator, MOD/HD presented this Resolution. Due to

organizational changes, Citizens Housing Corporation (CHC) has requested that the corporation’s affiliate withdraw from the Rosa Parks II, L.P and that Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) enter the partnership. The Mayor’s Office of Housing has requested that the Authority approve this request quickly so that TNDC, the new general partner will be able to apply for Section 202 funding in early November. TNDC has developed 30 projects since its founding in 1981 and they currently own and manage nearly 2,000 units of affordable housing with several hundred units in their development pipeline. With over 600 of their units reserved for occupancy by seniors, they have extensive experience managing and providing services to the population that will be occupying Rosa Parks Annex. The TNDC staff currently totals 240 and they have an annual budget of nearly $25 million. This change in partnership structure does not change the Authority’s requirement that the SA Parks II, L.P. hire residents for a minimum of 25% of the total workforce hours for all contractor and subcontractor contracts for the Rosa Parks Annex housing. This change in partnership structure does not change the Authority’s requirement that the Rosa Parks II, L.P. shall ensure, to the greatest extent possible, a twenty percent (20%) aggregate involvement of MBE/WBE’s in construction contracts and procurement activities, by dollar volume. President Brown wanted to express a deep concern and need to monitor and evaluate proposed developers in order to assure that the developers that come into underserved communities have a clear understanding that African Americans are respected and engaged. Commissioner Brown wanted to know if the TNDC and Bethel AME have developed any type of relationship. Ms. Smith informed the Commissioners that Rev. Boyd maintained the same role as before and that the TNDC and Bethel were establishing a working relationship. Commissioner Brown wanted to know if the SFHA General Counsel reviewed the transaction and if any substantial changes were made. Ms. Smith assured the Commissioners that no changes were made because the agency entered into the initial long term ground lease, payment was received and there is the ability to fairly easily reassign general partnership.

Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009 Page 5 Commissioner Larkin inquired on the WBE/MBE requirements. Ms. Smith informed the Commissioners that the TNDC would have to comply with all the agencies WBE/MBE requirements. She went on to state that the contracts do have non compliance penalties. Dan Faulk, Executive Director of TNDC informed the Commissioners that TNDC has been working very hard to put together for the application for Section 202 Funds. He informed the Commissioners that TNDC has every intention of honoring the MOU put in place by Bethel AME and the role the church would have in this transaction. Rev. Edgar Boyd from Bethel AME Church spoke before the Commission and informed the Commissioners that he has been in negotiations and conversations with TNDC and have been made very comfortable with the role that Bethel AME will play. He assured the Commissioners that the TNDC has not been adversely responsive to that understanding. Commissioner Larkin motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimously. 4. [HOPE SF Leadership Academy] An Informational Presentation on Hope SF Leadership Academy was heard at this time.


PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Public Comments were heard by the following: John Dorsey Donte Ogans Patricia Ogans Deva Youngblood Rev. Townsend Irene Jackson


COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS AND REPORTS There were no Commissioners Comments and Reports.


CLOSED SESSION A Closed Session was scheduled with the Executive Director and Agency Counsel under Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), 54956.9, 54957.6 to update the Commission on personnel issues, pending litigation and labor negotiations. The Commission went into Closed Session at 5:25 p.m. Present were President Brown, Vice President Gans, Commissioner Brown, Commissioner Hsu, Commissioner Larkin.. No decisions were made.

Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009 Page 6


ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Brown motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. President Brown adjourned the Commission Meeting of October 22, 2009, at 6:15 p.m.

Henry A. Alvarez, Secretary/ Executive Director

Rev. Amos Brown, President

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