HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Minutes of Commission Meeting Thursday, February 11, 2010
440 Turk Street San Francisco, California
A Regular meeting of the Housing Authority Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, on Thursday, February 11, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. President Brown called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. 1.
Rev. Amos Brown, President Neola Gans, Vice President George Brown, Commissioner Jane Hsu, Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner
Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner Dwayne Jones, Commissioner
A quorum was present. ALSO PRESENT:
Mr. Henry A. Alvarez, Executive Director Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting HR Director
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Vice President Gans motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. The agenda was approved unanimously.
GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS/ REPORT OF SECRETARY Henry Alvarez, Executive Director informed the Commission that they could find information regarding a Clean Team event in Ping Yuen as well as a report highlighting resident hiring. He then went on and presented two awards that the SFHA won from NAHRO regarding Most Improvement Physical Assessment Score from 2007-2008, and Most Improved in Administration of Housing Programs. Commissioner Larkin and President Brown went on to commend both Mr. Alvarez and the staff on these accomplishments.
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 2 Commissioner Brown wanted clarification on the Resident Hiring spreadsheet and if this was an accurate listing of contractors. Mr. Crawford informed the Commissioner that this was an accurate and correct list. Roger Crawford informed the Commissioner that a meeting was held with Integrated Pest Management regarding a pilot program. A memo was provided to the Commissioners.
COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports.
REPORT OF GENERAL COUNSEL Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting Director of Human Resources informed the Commission that there would be a Closed Session to discuss labor negotiations and pending litigation.
TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Mr. Vitalie was not present at this meeting. Ms. Cynthia Morse presented in his place. She had no official report. Kimberly Hill-Brown, President of the Public Housing Tenants Association reported on several issues regarding Hunters View new tenant association, trainings and others issues regarding public housing residents.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business.
9. (A)
NEW BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes for January 28, 2010 Commission Meeting 2. [Consideration and Approval of strategic planning firms: Bronner Group, Mgt of America, and Metropolitan Group to provide strategic planning services for an amount not to exceed $100,000] Presented by Roger Crawford, Director of Human Resources.
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 3 Commissioner Brown motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice President Gans seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. (B)
ACTION ITEMS 1. [Contract with Nema Construction for fire alarm system upgrade at cal 1-
18(10), Woodside Garden development in an amount not to exceed $300,000] Simon Chu, HD/MOD. This resolution authorizes the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Nema Construction. The general scope of work associated with this project includes installation of the new fire alarm system and then removal of existing non-code compliant alarm system equipment, including smoke detectors, pull stations and related conduits or wire-mold. HD& Mod developed the Invitation for Bid documents, Plans, and Specifications based on master procurement documents furnished by the Finance/Procurement Department (Procurement) and construction documents that meets current code requirements furnished by the Authority’s electrical and abatement consultants. Per HUD-5369 Instructions to Bidders, the contract award is based on the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder. Based on the above, the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder is NEMA Construction (NEMA). NEMA has experience hiring Authority residents for past projects. NEMA is currently pursuing one (1) new laborer/field coordinator position to meet the resident hiring contract requirement and has initiated contact with SFHA for resident hiring referrals. NEMA is not a MBE/WBE firm. NEMA will subcontract Safeco as their material supplier in the amount of $68,000 or 23 percent of the construction cost of the project. Therefore, the total MBE/WBE participation is at 23 percent. The Fire Alarm System Upgrade activity is funded in the Year 2009 ARRA CFP Program budget. Commissioner Brown asked if there were more locations that needed fire alarm upgrades. Mr. Chu informed the Commission that this depends on the funding as well as the year the fire alarm system needs to be certified. He also informed the Commission that this funding was specifically for this project. Vice President Gans motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. This Resolution was unanimously approved.
2. [Consideration and Approval of three law firms: Ballard Spahr LLP, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and Hawkins Delafield & Wood, LLP, to provide legal services in an amount not to exceed $150,000] George Gager, HD/MOD Manager presented this Resolution. This resolution authorizes the Executive Director to establish a list of the three highest ranked law firms responding to an RFP issued by the SFHA: BALLARD SPAHR LLP, ORRICK HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE LLP, AND HAWKINS DELAFIELD & WOOD, LLP and enter into contracts for legal services on an as-needed basis,
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 4 depending on their expertise, the cost of services for a specific scope of work and ability to successfully negotiate a contract. The Authority advertised an RFP seeking legal services for a wide range of financing transactions. Responses were received from six law firms and all six firms were interviewed by representatives from the SFHA and the City Attorney’s Office. Each of the firms was rated and ranked by the review panel. The three top ranked firms are highly skilled, but specialized in different types of financing. The Solicitation Review Committee determined that Ballard Spahr LLP had the most experience with PHA-related bond financings, especially with ESAs, and was the most qualified firm to act as Issuer’s Bond Counsel for financing the Authority’s Energy Services Agreement. The legal fees to be paid to Ballard Spahr LLP will be paid for out of the financing proceeds from the bond closing. When successfully implemented and maintained, the ESA program will provide for all of the principal and interest on these bonds to be paid for out of the energy savings derived from the ESA with Ameresco. Commissioner Brown requested a listing of the firms that applied for the RFP. Mr. Gager informed him that he would provide a score sheet for future Resolutions. Commissioner Brown motioned to approve this Resolution. Vice President Gans seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimously. 3. [Contract with Extra Team to purchase and implement a Voice Over IP communication system in an amount not-to-exceed $468,111.92] David Rosario, Director of Finance presented this Resolution. The approval of this resolution will allow the SFHA to upgrade the AT&T CENTRIX Telephone with a VOICE OVER IP base telephone system. Our objective is to provide the best available environment to SFHA staff in order to increase productivity and efficiency at SFHA as well as accessibility to our clients and staff. A Request for Proposals for a Voice Over IP System for the Housing Authority was issued October 26, 2009 with a November 23, 2009 due date for responses. The Housing Authority received two proposals from vendors responding to the RFP for Voice Over IP System. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated by the Selection Review Panel and Extra Team was found to be the lowest bidder. Funds are available from the 2009 Capital Fund. Commissioner Larkin motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimously. 4. [Authorization to Pay McCormack Baran Ragan an amount of $796,721.58]
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 5 David Rosario, Director of Finance presented this Resolution. The objective of this resolution is to to provide funding to MBR to address their concerns that because the San Francisco Housing Authority did not fund them properly. The $796,721 will make MBR “whole” and will allow them to operate effectively.resolve all aged payables, so that, MBR accounting records are balance, and thereby their budget performance can be measured effectively. Over time the Authority has paid less then the actual expense amounts for operations of the aforementioned properties. This has resulted in the accumulated deficits, which have aged over time. The Authority’s intent is to remove these balances and begin to evaluate MBR management performance starting effectively from zero. Funding for the $796,721.58 is available from the Replacement Reserves (subject to approval of the respective HOPE VI Housing Corporations) and the balance from the Authority’s FY 2010 Public Housing Operating Budget Program. Vice President Gans motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. This item was approved unanimously.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Public Comments were heard by the following: Lynn Hambolu Marie Cosby Deva Youngblood Keith Jones Marie Cosby Lynn Hambolou Veronica Juarez Karen Huggins Jim Salinas Sabrina Hoang L’tanya Harris Yvonne Martinez Beatriz Alvarez Teresa Lee Renita Mason Alicia Ingram Miguel Gomez Shanessa Williams
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 6
There were no Commissioners Comments and Reports. 12.
CLOSED SESSION A Closed Session was scheduled with the Executive Director and Agency Counsel under Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), 54956.9, 54957.6 to update the Commission on personnel issues, pending litigation and labor negotiations. The Commission went into Closed Session at 5:25 p.m. Present were President Brown, Vice President Gans, Commissioner Brown Commissioner Jones, Commissioner Schwartz, Commissioner Hsu and Commissioner Larkin. No decisions were made.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Vice President Gans Schwartz motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. Vice President Gans adjourned the Commission Meeting of JanuaryFebruary 11 28, 2010, at 6:30 p.m.
Henry A. Alvarez, Secretary/ Executive Director
Neola GansRev. Amos Brown, Vice President