HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Minutes of Commission Meeting Thursday, August 13, 2009
440 Turk Street San Francisco, California
A Regular meeting of the Housing Authority Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, on Thursday, August 13, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. President Brown called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT:
Rev. Amos Brown, President Neola Gans, Vice President George R. Brown, Commissioner Jane Hsu, Commissioner Dwayne Jones, Commissioner (arrived at 4:19pm) Millard Larkin, Commissioner
Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner
A quorum was present. ALSO PRESENT: 2.
Mr. Henry A. Alvarez, Executive Director Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting HR Director
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Vice President Gans motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. The agenda was approved unanimously.
GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS/ REPORT OF SECRETARY Mr. Henry Alvarez, Executive Director informed the Commission that they can find HUD correspondence and the SFHA Shooting Incident report. Mr. Crawford detailed the new format of the SFHA Commission agenda specifying that most action items need to be 2025 words per item and readily understandable by the general public. That concluded the Secretary’s Reports and General Communications. Commissioner Brown requested information on the decrease in the fatalities in public housing. Tim Larsen, Acting General Counsel informed the Commission that there are
Commission Meeting Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 2 unarmed security guards in the Senior Sites except 350 Ellis and nightly at 430 Turk developments. Commissioner Larkin then went on and requested a more coherent Shooting Incident Report. 4.
COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports.
REPORT OF GENERAL COUNSEL Mr. Roger Crawford, Acting Director of Human Resources informed the Commission that there would be a Closed Session.
TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Mr. Vitalie was not present at this meeting. Kimberly Hill-Brown was not present at this meeting. Commissioner Brown wanted information in the election process. Vice President Gans informed the Commissioners that the election process was scheduled to begin on September 23 but that nominations were being accepted and distributed. Mr. Alvarez, Executive Director informed the Commissioner that a PHTA office had been established in the Executive Office at 440 Turk Street.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS There were no public comments.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business.
A) CONSENT AGENDA 1) Approval of Minutes of June 25, 2009 2) Approval of Minutes of July 09, 2009 3) [Two-year contract with Holmes Culley for structural engineering for all developments in an amount not to exceed $100,000]
Commission Meeting Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 3 4) [Contract with Trinet Construction for underground fire line replacement at Clementina Towers in an amount not to exceed $77,000] Vice President Gans motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. B) ACTION ITEMS 1) [Contract with Trinet Construction for site improvements at Clementina Towers in an amount not to exceed $538,000] Simon Chu, MOD/HD project manager presented this Resolution. In September 2007, the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) was authorized to enter into a Grant Agreement with the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) for $550,000 for improvements to the Clementina courtyards that will greatly improve the accessibility and security of the site including: new accessible path of travel within Clementina Commons, new drop-off area for accessible ingress and egress, new metal fencing, landscaping and irrigation, new concrete paving, lighting improvements, replacement of entrance gate with an accessible gate and electronic entry system.
The Authority issued Solicitation No. 09-620-IFB-023 on June 29, 2009, following review and approval of the solicitation by the Finance Departments. According to the reference check on past projects performed by Trinet Construction, the firm is a responsible contractor with a good record and has similar construction experience with other agencies. TC has performed well on similar size projects for other public projects, has a good history of performing well and minimizing contractor initiated change orders. A debarment check was made with California Department of Industrial Relationship and California State License Board and shows that TC is not debarred from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement work Trinet Construction is currently pursuing two (2) new laborer/field coordinator positions to meet resident hiring contract requirement and has initiated contact with SFHA for resident hiring referrals. TC is a WBE with $104,176 work from five local MBE subcontracts or 22.8 percent of the construction cost of the project. With the exception of $10,000 work to a non-MBE/WBE subcontractor, the total MBE/WBE participation in this project is at 98 percent. Commissioner Brown wanted clarification on the site work that would be done. Mr. Chu informed the Commissioners that there would be court-yard, landscape and fencing work. They are general contractors who have several subcontractors. William Hitchley, represented Trinet Construction informed the Commissioners that there was a mix of six different subcontractors who were MBE/ DBE, HRC Contractors, and other union contractors. Mr. Hitchley informed the Commissioners that they would be hiring residents in compliance with the union and SFHA regulations.
Commission Meeting Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 4 Vice President Gans motioned to approve this Item. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Resolution was approved unanimously. 2) [Interagency Agreement with the SF Public Utilities Commission to provide services at Potrero Annex in amount not to exceed $150,000] Barbara Smith, Administrator of MOD/HD presented this Resolution. This Resolution authorizes the Executive Director to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to provide a condition assessment, operation and maintenance services, and emergency services for the Potrero Annex, Potrero Terrace, Sunnydale, Alice Griffith and Alemany family developments. Power poles and high voltage wiring at the above sites are deteriorating and close to obsolete. PG&E provides the primary electrical distribution service under contract with SFPUC up to and including a Master Meter located at each housing unit. Recently, the Authority has been relying on outside contracting, in-house staff, and the SFPUC to perform repairs to the power poles and emergency services as problems arise. Due to the condition of the poles, PG&E has urged the Authority arrange for an assessment to identify immediate repairs and obstructions that need to be removed to reduce the risk power failure and fire hazards. SFPUC has capacity to assess the needs, correct the problems and provide ongoing maintenance and emergency services. The Authority is negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding with SFPUC in recognition of the needs of the Authority to have Condition Assessments made, and to secure an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and Emergency Services contract to service existing secondary electrical distribution systems within the five family developments.
The combined efforts of SFPUC, Property Management and Force Account are expected to bring back to current standard the electrical power services at the five targeted family developments. Assistance from SFPUC will also enable the Property management to reduce outstanding work orders. Use of this Memorandum of Understanding will greatly simplify and expedite the process of rehabilitating, balancing the electrical power distribution, and creating a more stable system to prevent power outages and blackouts. The completion of these improvements will greatly improve the accessibility and security of the sites. The Authority’s property investment will be preserved and enhanced. Commissioner Brown motioned to approve this Resolution. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. This Resolution was approved unanimousy. 3) [Energy Services Agreement Analysis of Financing Terms] Barbara Smith, Administrator of MOD/HD presented this Information Presentation. The Commission requested that staff come back with an analysis of financing terms for Energy Services Agreements. For purposes of comparison and negotiations, analysis has been prepared for the period from January 2008 through July 2009. There have been six 20 year financings during this period of time and a ggressive marketing by an
investment banker can result in a 50 basis point reduction in the interest rate for
Commission Meeting Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 5 a $31.5 million financing, a net present value savings of $1.7 million, although slightly higher fees may be charged The six ESAs ranged in size from $2 million to $55 million with a cost of issuance (COI) that ranged from 1.6% to 4.2%., newer transactions have a higher COI, as transactions decreased in size, the COI as a percentage increased. The advantages of continuing to negotiate with Crews are: best interest rate, lowest long-term cost of borrowing, only Crews is providing 20 year financing, no additional procurements are required and the Commitment from Crews has enabled the Authority to apply for over $25 million in CFRC grants. Commissioner Jones wanted clarification on the negotiated fee. Ms. Smith informed the Commissioners that the fee had been negotiated down from $2.25% to 2%. Commissioner Jones also requested clarification on the bond rating. Ms. Smith informed the Commissioners that the bond rate is solidified after HUD approves the Energy Services Agreement, a process that usually takes 60 days but will hopefully be fast tracked. Commissioner Brown wanted information on the timeline of this Item. Mr. Alvarez informed the Commissioners that HUD has provided a commitment letter of 10 million dollars contingent on the SFHA moving forward with this agreement. There is also another 15 million pending which will be contingent on moving forward. Commissioner Jones went on to reaffirm the July 23’s vote on the Resolution #5434. Commissioner Brown seconded the reaffirmed motion. The reaffirming was approved unanimously. 10.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Public comments were heard by the following: John Dorsey Philip Lacy
COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS AND REPORTS There were no Commissioner Comments and Reports.
CLOSED SESSION A Closed Session was scheduled with the Executive Director and Agency Counsel under Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), 54956.9, 54957.6 to update the Commission on personnel issues, pending litigation and labor negotiations. The Commission went into Closed Session at 4:35 p.m. Present were President Brown, Vice President Gans,
Commission Meeting Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 6 Commissioner Hsu, Commissioner Larkin, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Brown. No decisions were made. 14.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Brown motioned to adjourn the meeting. Vice President Gans seconded the motion. President Brown adjourned the Commission Meeting of August 13 2009, at 5:32 p.m.
Henry A. Alvarez, Secretary/ Executive Director
Rev. Amos Brown, President