HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Minutes of Commission Meeting Thursday, September 25, 2008
440 Turk Street San Francisco, California
A Regular meeting of the Housing Authority Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, on Thursday, September 25, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. President A. Brown called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT:
Rev. Amos Brown, President Neola Gans, Vice President Jane Hsu, Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner
George R. Brown, Commissioner Dwayne Jones, Commissioner Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner A quorum was present. ALSO PRESENT: 2.
Mr. Roger Crawford, Assistant General Counsel Mr. Tim Larsen, Assistant General Counsel
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gans moved to approve the Agenda and Commissioner Hsu seconded the motion. This request was approved unanimously.
GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no general communications.
REPORT OF SECRETARY Roger Crawford, Assistant General Counsel informed the Commission that Henry Alvarez, Executive Director was not present at the meeting because he was in Seattle, Washington touring Hope IV Projects.
September 25, 2008 FINAL MIN
Commission Meeting Minutes September 25, 2008 Page 2 That concluded the Secretary’s Report. 5.
COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports.
REPORT OF GENERAL COUNSEL Mr. Tim Larsen, Assistant General Counsel, stated that there would be a Closed Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel issues and labor negotiations.
TENANT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT William Vitale, President of City-wide Counsel informed the Commission of the problems in the Senior-Disabled building including the unresponsive attitude of property management, increased drug use in the building, use of building keys and a lag time in repairs. Mr. Larsen directed Mr. Vitale to Commander Lindo so they can address these issues. Commissioner Larkin wanted to make sure that the transportation for Mr. Vitale was taken care of as well as the communication for the meetings. Kimberly Hill- Brown, President of the Public Housing Tenants Association informed the Commission about several issues including residents receiving notices for the meetings, residents requesting information on Hope SF, evictions, community meetings and elections for tenant associations. President Brown asked Ms. Brown for some suggestions on ways to improve the communication between SFHA and its residents. Ms. Brown told the Commission that hiring more residents, more trainings and more communication with the Commissioners would help with resident participation. Commissioner Larkin informed Ms. Brown that the SFHA Commission was there for their residents and that the present Commission is very active in the community.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS There were no Public Comments on Agenda Items
UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business.
A) CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda, are considered to be
Commission Meeting Minutes September 25, 2008 Page 3 routine by the San Francisco Housing Authority Board and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Authority Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Authority Board so request, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. 1) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO RENEW THE PROPERTY INSURANCE WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY PROPERTY INSURANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $937,198. 2) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO RENEW GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE WITH HOUSING AUTHORITY RISK RETENTION GROUP IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $905,930.00
Vice President Gans moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. B) ACTION ITEMS 11.
Commission Meeting Date
Agenda Item/ Non-Agenda Item
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda 9/25/2008 Non-Agenda
Speaker Name
John Dorsey
Company/ Representing
Tatiana Geivant
A. Valovia Candace Davis
Resident 951 Eddy Street Resident of Valencia
Tenants Association President
Comment and/or Concern Wanted to commend Juan Monsanto and Barbara Smith for the repairs in his building. Wanted to inform the Commission of the problems within the building on California Street specifically maintenance and security problems Spoke to the Commission regarding problems in his unit. He wrote letters to his property manager as well as Anthony Ihejeto and he wants some resolve so he came to the Commission. Spoke to the Commissioners about
Commission Meeting Minutes September 25, 2008 Page 4
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda
9/25/2008 Non-Agenda 12.
Demetria Page
Frank Kellom
Leanna Pittman
Vice President of Resident Counsel for Valencia Gardens
Tenant AssociationAlemany
President of Tenants Association for Hunters Point AE
her eviction from Valencia Gardens. She requested assistance getting alternate housing. Informed the Commission of the issue in Valencia Gardens including evictions, harrassment by the security company and maintenance fees associated with repairs. Requested clarification on the eviction process for Alemany during the revitalization of the property. Spoke to the Commission regarding the response time of the SFPD. She explained a situation where her daughter was attacked and the SFPD lacked in the response.
COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS AND REPORT Vice President Gans commended the residents who came to the meeting to report on the issues in their development. President Brown wanted to make sure that staff looked into the response time for crimes that take place on our developments. He also wanted more information on the issues at Valencia Gardens and the facts on the SFHA eviction process.
CLOSED SESSION A Closed Session was scheduled with the Executive Director and Agency Counsel under Government Code Section 54957 (b) (1), 54956.9, 54957.6 to update the Commission on personnel issues, pending litigation and labor negotiations. The Commission went into Closed Session at 5:12 p.m.
Commission Meeting Minutes September 25, 2008 Page 5 The Commission reconvened from Closed Session at 5:40 pm. Mr. Crawford stated that President A. Brown, Vice President Gans, Commissioner Hsu, and Commissioner Larkin were present. No decisions were made. 16.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Vice President Gans moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Larkin seconded the motion. President A. Brown adjourned the Commission Meeting of September 25, 2008, at 5:41p.m.
Henry A. Alvarez III, Secretary/ Executive Director
Rev. Amos Brown, President