Y a m a h a / C a l l a wa yP r o P r oC h a m p i o n s h i p
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round One Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Name Blosser, Mike Willard, George Caifano, Marty Osenkowski, Jeff Kent, David Nieporte, John Mancini, Guy Niszczak, Derek Baldwin, Connor Rubino, Joseph Blocker, Jared Paulhus, Joshua Friesing, Bill Henry, Corey Heaslip, Daniel Bertsch, Justin Miller, Tim Miller, Ryan Gantzer, Larry Baker, Gary Impellittiere, Jerry Oakley, Peter Newman, Matt Minkwic, Nathan Delaney, Steve Mielke, Mark Leahey, Ryan Bednar, John Kohlasch, Kevin Hershoff, Josh Golden, Andrew Ronderos, Ricardo Collins, Timothy Murphy, Brendan Johnson, Corey LaPointe, Joshua Pellerito, Philip Burke, Jordan Beezup, Joe Grosso, Sonny Brunet, Josh Holewinski, Evan Brosnihan, Patrick Stanko, Chris
Club Affiliation The Moorings Naples Beach Hotel & GC Woodmont CC- Cypress All Golf @ CB Smith Park Lexington Trump International Mariner Sands Eastpointe CC - East Cypress Woods Foxfire CC The Club at Olde Cypress Club Pelican Bay The CC of Coral Springs The CC of Coral Springs Windstar Naples Bay Hideout Wyndemere Naples Lakes Grey Oaks CC Grey Oaks CC Monarch PGA Life Member Broken Sound- Club Broken Sound- Club Broken Sound Club - Old Lost City Golf Club Lost Tree Country Club at Mirasol Windstar Naples Bay Wilderness Weston Hills GC Miami Shores The Breakers Ocean Florida Club, The Stonebridge Addison Reserve - R/S Pelican Marsh Cypress Woods Harbour Ridge Y&CC Country Club at Mirasol Eagle Lakes GC Hideaway Beach PGA GC Banyan Golf Club of Palm
Hole #10A
Name Wells, Jeremy Sones III, Trey Filbert, Andrew Smith, Justin San Filippo, Mike Fieger, Gene Campbell, Chris Tucker, Jerry Wood, Jarryd Ley, Andrew Dietrich, Scott Tortorici, Victor McLean, Jon Oza, Rushi Heller, Michael Perko, James Breton, Patrick D'Annunzio, Joe Ahasic, Justin Robin, Gyles Preston, Colin Titensor, Cory Newhouse, Scott Plesz, Andrew Gascoigne, Jimmy Brown, Ben Kelley, Tony O'Buch, Evan Jackson, Jeff Schwaller, Johnny Kleintop, Reed Murray, J.D. Lee, John Allinder, Joe DeArmond, Adam Welch, Michael Vanover, Michael Donoghue, Sean Shea, Gary McGinness, Sean Marcoaldi, Nick Snyder, Bryan Stegle, Kurt Harris, Timothy
Club Affiliation Alico Family Golf Center Alico Family Golf Center Bonita National GC Bonita Bay West - B. I. The Champions Club Club Pelican Bay PGA Life Member Jerry Tucker Golf LaGorce LaGorce BallenIsles- East Course Sailfish Point Jim McLean G School Jim McLean G School Imperial GC Imperial GC Polo Club Of Boca Raton Polo Club Of Boca Raton Synergy Golf Verandah GC The Club at Grandezza The Club at Grandezza The Forest CC- Bobcat The Forest CC- Bobcat Boca Raton Resort Royal Palm Yacht Island Island Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Highland Woods Esplanade GCC Imperial GC Imperial GC Bonita National GC Bonita National GC Grey Oaks CC TwinEagles Club Foxfire CC - B/R Foxfire CC - B/R Colonial CC Colonial CC Pelican Sound Pelican Sound
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round One Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Name Sutton, Rick Waber, Jeff Peaper, Brian Shoenfelt, Jack Keating, Gary Raimer, Jeffrey Ryan, Chris Hobbs, Jordan Sutera, Jonathan Nalyd, Ric Gailloreto, Kyle Myers, Jacob Humenik, Edward Gray, Mike Smith, Scott Carter, Jeffrey Hulbert, Mike Ayyar, Dave Shea, Donald Johnson, Nate Hrynkiw, Jason Kostelnik, Michael Buell, Jimmy Kaufman, Chris Urso, Jan Fortunato, Nick Valicenti, Michael Coleman, Will McCurdy, Brett Morin, Alan Gowell, Jeff Gottko, Scott Crespo, Paul Clivio, Paul Spetsios, Michael Holgate, Mitchell Manguson, Allen Geer, Stan Pleczkowski, Jake Cooper, Thomas Pazdera, Jonathan Guy, David O'Donnell, Sean Waugh, Steve
Club Affiliation Broken Sound Club - Old Broken Sound Club - Old Lost Tree Oriole Golf & Tennis Club Shell Point West Bay Naples Heritage TPC Treviso Bay Bonita Bay West - B. I. Bonita Bay West - B. I. Wyndemere Naples Lakes Lost Tree Indian Creek The Colony Golf Spring Run Fisher Island Club Fisher Island Club Foxfire CC - B/R The CC of Naples Boca Woods Lost Tree Country Club at Mirasol BallenIsles- East Course Inverrary CC Inverrary CC Jonathan's Landing- Hills Jupiter CC The Breakers Rees Jones The Falls Club Club at Renaissance Club at Renaissance Gleneagles CC St. Andrews CC - Fazio Imperial GC Bears Paw Coral Oaks Bentley Village Naples National GC Pine Tree Cypress Lake CC Cypress Lake CC Countryside The Old Collier
Hole #9B
Name Ward, Andrew Heaton, Kyle Butts, Danny Markle, Matthew Baumhart, Nicholas Bensch, Lindsey Johnson, Michael Adrian, Matt Feingold, Jeff Wood, Zachary Mogg, Peter Balyeat, Jon Balliet, Sean Meyer, Dennis Isaacs, Jared Amaral, Colin Jardin, Wayne Mackenzie, Alastair Scrimenti, Adam Pincket, Nick Calabria, John Lostracco, Chaz Jones, Evan Leone, Michael Bostic, Joseph Morris, Kevin Cunliffe, David Leech, Kenneth Anderson, JC Kern, Joe McAllister, Lance Sands, Steven Martin, Brett Schmitz, Patrick Conway, Bobby Hammerberg, Zachary King, Matt Zug, Ryan McCarraher, Justin Phillips, Chris Stroever, Lee Walsh, Ben Groce, Nathan Blackburn, Brett
Club Affiliation Boca Raton Resort Bonita Bay West - B. I. Royal Poinciana- Pines TPC Treviso Bay Pelican Marsh Pelican Marsh St. Andrews CC - Fazio St. Andrews CC - Fazio Palm Beach Bear Lakes CC - Links Club at Renaissance Quail Creek CC Hideaway Dennis Meyer's Golf Schoo Adios Country Club at Mirasol Bears Paw Bears Paw Plantation Preserve GC Plantation Preserve GC Grey Oaks CC Lely Resort Golf & CC Ocean Reef Club Ocean Reef Club Turtle Creek Turtle Creek PGA Life Member Don Law Academy PGA Life Member Grand Harbor G&BC Parkland G & CC Parkland G & CC Coral Ridge Coral Ridge Stoneybrook Kelly Greens G & CC Club at Admiral's Cove Club at Admiral's Cove Fiddlesticks Cypress Woods Emerald Dunes Emerald Dunes Verandah GC Verandah GC
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round One Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Ahasic, Justin Allinder, Joe Baker, Gary Baldwin, Connor Bednar, John Beezup, Joe Bertsch, Justin Blocker, Jared Blosser, Mike Breton, Patrick Brosnihan, Patrick Brown, Ben Brunet, Josh Burke, Jordan Caifano, Marty Campbell, Chris Collins, Timothy D'Annunzio, Joe DeArmond, Adam Delaney, Steve Dietrich, Scott Donoghue, Sean Fieger, Gene Filbert, Andrew Friesing, Bill Gantzer, Larry Gascoigne, Jimmy Golden, Andrew Grosso, Sonny Harris, Timothy Heaslip, Daniel Heller, Michael Henry, Corey Hershoff, Josh Holewinski, Evan Impellittiere, Jerry Jackson, Jeff Johnson, Corey Kelley, Tony Kent, David Kleintop, Reed Kohlasch, Kevin LaPointe, Joshua Leahey, Ryan
NAPLES BEACH CLUB 13A Lee, John 17A Ley, Andrew 3B Mancini, Guy 2A Marcoaldi, Nick 5A McGinness, Sean 8A McLean, Jon 3A Mielke, Mark 2A Miller, Ryan 1A Miller, Tim 13A Minkwic, Nathan 9A Murphy, Brendan 15A Murray, J.D. 9A Newhouse, Scott 8A Newman, Matt 1A Nieporte, John 10B Niszczak, Derek 7A O'Buch, Evan 13A Oakley, Peter 17A Osenkowski, Jeff 5A Oza, Rushi 11A Paulhus, Joshua 18A Pellerito, Philip 10B Perko, James 10A Plesz, Andrew 3A Preston, Colin 3B Robin, Gyles 15A Ronderos, Ricardo 6A Rubino, Joseph 8A San Filippo, Mike 18B Schwaller, Johnny 3A Shea, Gary 12A Smith, Justin 3A Snyder, Bryan 6A Sones III, Trey 9A Stanko, Christopher 4A Stegle, Kurt 16A Titensor, Cory 7A Tortorici, Victor 15A Tucker, Jerry 1B Vanover, Michael 16A Welch, Michael 6A Wells, Jeremy 7A Willard, George 5A Wood, Jarryd
17A 11A 1B 18B 18A 12A 5A 3B 3B 4A 7A 16A 14A 4A 1B 1B 15A 4A 1A 12A 2A 8A 12A 14A 14A 13A 6A 2A 10B 16A 18A 10A 18B 10A 9A 18B 14A 11A 10B 18A 17A 10A 1A 11A
Adrian, Matt Amaral, Colin Anderson, JC Ayyar, Dave Balliet, Sean Balyeat, Jon Baumhart, Nick Bensch, Lindsey Blackburn, Brett Bostic, Joseph Buell, Jimmy Butts, Danny Calabria, John Carter, Jeffrey Clivio, Paul Coleman, Will Conway, Bobby Cooper, Thomas Crespo, Paul Cunliffe, David Feingold, Jeff Fortunato, Nick Gailloreto, Kyle Geer, Stan Gottko, Scott Gowell, Jeff Gray, Mike Groce, Nathan Guy, David Hammerberg, Zach Heaton, Kyle Hobbs, Jordan Holgate, Mitchell Hrynkiw, Jason Hulbert, Mike Humenik, Edward Isaacs, Jared Jardin, Wayne Johnson, Michael Johnson, Nate Jones, Evan Kaufman, Chris Keating, Gary Kern, Joe
TPC TREVISO BAY 10A King, Matt 11A Kostelnik, Michael 15A Leech, Kenneth 3A Leone, Michael 11A Lostracco, Chaz 10B Mackenzie, Alastair 10A Manguson, Allen 10A Markle, Matthew 18A Martin, Brett 14A McAllister, Lance 4A McCarraher, Justin 9B McCurdy, Brett 13A Meyer, Dennis 2B Mogg, Peter 7A Morin, Alan 5A Morris, Kevin 16A Myers, Jacob 8A Nalyd, Ric 7A O'Donnell, Sean 14A Pazdera, Jonathan 10B Peaper, Brian 5A Phillips, Chris 2A Pincket, Nick 8A Pleczkowski, Jake 6A Raimer, Jeffrey 6A Ryan, Chris 2B Sands, Steven 18A Schmitz, Patrick 9A Scrimenti, Adam 16A Shea, Donald 9B Shoenfelt, Jack 1B Smith, Scott 7A Spetsios, Michael 4A Stroever, Lee 3A Sutera, Jonathan 2B Sutton, Rick 11A Urso, Jan 12A Valicenti, Michael 10A Waber, Jeff 3A Walsh, Ben 13A Ward, Andrew 4A Waugh, Steve 1B Wood, Zachary 15A Zug, Ryan
17A 4A 14A 13A 13A 12A 8A 9B 16A 15A 17A 6A 11A 10B 6A 14A 2A 2A 9A 9A 1A 17A 12A 8A 1B 1B 15A 16A 12A 3A 1A 2B 7A 18A 2A 1A 5A 5A 1A 18A 9B 9A 10B 17A
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round One Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Yamaha: Jorge Romero, David Willis, and Brooks West, PGA will be on-site both days at The Naples Beach Club. They will be conducting a Hole-in-One contest on hole #4 with the winner receiving a Yamaha Waverunner.
Callaway: Taylor Johnson, Casey Parks, Joe Baker will be on site. They will also be at The Naples Beach Club both days and located on Hole #16 and conducting a Closest-to-the-Hole contest with the winner receiving their choice of an OGIO Layover bag or a OGIO Travel Cover.
Callaway Apparel: John Adams and Mike Moran will be on-site. They will be distributing complimentary shirts to players at both facilities on Monday.
Global Golf Sales: Kasey Denesevich from Global Golf Sales will be located on Hole #12 at The Naples Beach Club. He will have his signature Beverage Oasis, Closest-to-the-Hole contest, and giving free grips to the ten (10) players who are closest to the hole each day.
GolfBuddy: Kevin Holt will be on-site for the Player Party following round 1. He will be sponsoring a Closest to the Hole Contest on #17 at TPC Treviso Bay.
ANTICIPATED HOLE-BY-HOLE YARDAGE Golf Scorecards, Inc.: Mike Suckling will be on-site greeting players each day.
Hole-in-One USA: There will be a $10,000 Hole-in-One Contest on Hole #7 at TPC Treviso Bay.
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round Two Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Name Isaacs, Jared Amaral, Colin McCarraher, Justin Phillips, Chris Pleczkowski, Jake Cooper, Thomas McCurdy, Brett Morin, Alan Gailloreto, Kyle Myers, Jacob Sutton, Rick Waber, Jeff Hrynkiw, Jason Kostelnik, Michael Butts, Danny Markle, Matthew Peaper, Brian Shoenfelt, Jack Balliet, Sean Meyer, Dennis Mogg, Peter Balyeat, Jon Scrimenti, Adam Pincket, Nick Keating, Gary Raimer, Jeffrey Feingold, Jeff Wood, Zachary Pazdera, Jonathan Guy, David Groce, Nathan Blackburn, Brett Anderson, JC Kern, Joe Bostic, Joseph Morris, Kevin Buell, Jimmy Kaufman, Chris Jones, Evan Leone, Michael Smith, Scott Carter, Jeffrey Humenik, Edward Gray, Mike
Club Affiliation Adios Country Club at Mirasol Fiddlesticks Cypress Woods Naples National GC Pine Tree The Breakers Rees Jones The Falls Club Wyndemere Naples Lakes Broken Sound Club - Old Broken Sound Club - Old Boca Woods Lost Tree Royal Poinciana- Pines TPC Treviso Bay Lost Tree Oriole Golf & Tennis Club Hideaway Dennis Meyer's Golf Schoo Club at Renaissance Quail Creek CC Plantation Preserve GC Plantation Preserve GC Shell Point West Bay Palm Beach Bear Lakes CC - Links Cypress Lake CC Cypress Lake CC Verandah GC Verandah GC PGA Life Member Grand Harbor G&BC Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Country Club at Mirasol BallenIsles- East Course Ocean Reef Club Ocean Reef Club The Colony Golf & Country Spring Run Lost Tree Indian Creek
Name Valicenti, Michael Coleman, Will Crespo, Paul Clivio, Paul King, Matt Zug, Ryan Sutera, Jonathan Nalyd, Ric Cunliffe, David Leech, Kenneth O'Donnell, Sean Waugh, Steve Spetsios, Michael Holgate, Mitchell Conway, Bobby Hammerberg, Zachary Ryan, Chris Hobbs, Jordan Calabria, John Lostracco, Chaz Urso, Jan Fortunato, Nick Stroever, Lee Walsh, Ben Baumhart, Nicholas Bensch, Lindsey Jardin, Wayne Mackenzie, Alastair Manguson, Allen Geer, Stan Gowell, Jeff Gottko, Scott Martin, Brett Schmitz, Patrick Hulbert, Mike Ayyar, Dave Ward, Andrew Heaton, Kyle McAllister, Lance Sands, Steven Shea, Donald Johnson, Nate Johnson, Michael Adrian, Matt
Club Affiliation Jonathan's Landing- Hills Jupiter CC Gleneagles CC St. Andrews CC - Fazio Club at Admiral's Cove Club at Admiral's Cove Bonita Bay West - B. I. Bonita Bay West - B. I. PGA Life Member Don Law Academy Countryside The Old Collier Imperial GC Bears Paw Stoneybrook Kelly Greens G & CC Naples Heritage TPC Treviso Bay Grey Oaks CC Lely Resort Golf & CC Inverrary CC Inverrary CC Emerald Dunes Emerald Dunes Pelican Marsh Pelican Marsh Bears Paw Bears Paw Coral Oaks Bentley Village Club at Renaissance Club at Renaissance Coral Ridge Coral Ridge Fisher Island Club Fisher Island Club Boca Raton Resort Bonita Bay West - B. I. Parkland G & CC Parkland G & CC Foxfire CC - B/R The Country Club of Naple St. Andrews CC - Fazio St. Andrews CC - Fazio
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round Two Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Name McLean, Jon Oza, Rushi Ahasic, Justin Robin, Gyles Leahey, Ryan Bednar, John Heaslip, Daniel Bertsch, Justin Filbert, Andrew Smith, Justin Pellerito, Philip Burke, Jordan Delaney, Steve Mielke, Mark Lee, John Allinder, Joe Gascoigne, Jimmy Brown, Ben Fieger, Gene San Filippo, Mike Brunet, Josh Holewinski, Evan Mancini, Guy Niszczak, Derek Friesing, Bill Henry, Corey Shea, Gary McGinness, Sean DeArmond, Adam Welch, Michael Marcoaldi, Nick Snyder, Bryan Wells, Jeremy Sones III, Trey Ronderos, Ricardo Golden, Andrew Baldwin, Connor Rubino, Joseph Beezup, Joe Grosso, Sonny Vanover, Michael Donoghue, Sean Harris, Timothy Stegle, Kurt
Club Affiliation Jim McLean G School-The B Jim McLean G School-The B Synergy Golf Verandah GC Lost Tree Country Club at Mirasol Windstar Naples Bay Hideout Bonita National GC Bonita Bay West - B. I. Pelican Marsh Cypress Woods Broken Sound Club - Old Lost City Golf Club Imperial GC Imperial GC Boca Raton Resort Royal Palm Yacht Club Pelican Bay B/C The Champions Club Eagle Lakes GC Hideaway Beach Mariner Sands Eastpointe CC - East The Country Club of Coral The Country Club of Coral Foxfire CC - B/R Foxfire CC - B/R Bonita National GC Bonita National GC Colonial CC Colonial CC Alico Family Golf Center Alico Family Golf Center Miami Shores Weston Hills GC Cypress Woods Foxfire CC - B/R Harbour Ridge Y&CC Country Club at Mirasol Grey Oaks CC TwinEagles Club Pelican Sound Golf & Rive Pelican Sound Golf & Rive
Name Impellittiere, Jerry Oakley, Peter Gantzer, Larry Baker, Gary Brosnihan, Patrick Stanko, Christopher Campbell, Chris Tucker, Jerry Dietrich, Scott Tortorici, Victor Kent, David Nieporte, John Newhouse, Scott Plesz, Andrew Heller, Michael Perko, James Miller, Tim Miller, Ryan Caifano, Marty Osenkowski, Jeff Jackson, Jeff Schwaller, Johnny Kelley, Tony O'Buch, Evan Newman, Matt Minkwic, Nathan Kohlasch, Kevin Hershoff, Josh Johnson, Corey LaPointe, Joshua Preston, Colin Titensor, Cory Blocker, Jared Paulhus, Joshua Breton, Patrick D'Annunzio, Joe Kleintop, Reed Murray, J.D. Wood, Jarryd Ley, Andrew Blosser, Mike Willard, George Collins, Timothy Murphy, Brendan
Club Affiliation Monarch PGA Life Member Grey Oaks CC Grey Oaks CC PGA GC Banyan Golf Club of Palm PGA Life Member Jerry Tucker Golf BallenIsles- East Course Sailfish Point Lexington Trump International The Forest CC- Bobcat The Forest CC- Bobcat Imperial GC Imperial GC Wyndemere Naples Lakes Woodmont CC- Cypress All Golf @ CB Smith Park Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Island Island Broken Sound- Club Broken Sound- Club Windstar Naples Bay Wilderness Stonebridge Addison Reserve - R/S The Club at Grandezza The Club at Grandezza The Club at Olde Cypress Club Pelican Bay B/C Polo Club Of Boca Raton Polo Club Of Boca Raton Highland Woods Esplanade GCC LaGorce LaGorce The Moorings Naples Beach Hotel & GC The Breakers Ocean Florida Club, The
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Round Two Pairings – 8:30 AM Shotgun
Ahasic, Justin Allinder, Joe Baker, Gary Baldwin, Connor Bednar, John Beezup, Joe Bertsch, Justin Blocker, Jared Blosser, Mike Breton, Patrick Brosnihan, Patrick Brown, Ben Brunet, Josh Burke, Jordan Caifano, Marty Campbell, Chris Collins, Timothy D'Annunzio, Joe DeArmond, Adam Delaney, Steve Dietrich, Scott Donoghue, Sean Fieger, Gene Filbert, Andrew Friesing, Bill Gantzer, Larry Gascoigne, Jimmy Golden, Andrew Grosso, Sonny Harris, Timothy Heaslip, Daniel Heller, Michael Henry, Corey Hershoff, Josh Holewinski, Evan Impellittiere, Jerry Jackson, Jeff Johnson, Corey Kelley, Tony Kent, David Kleintop, Reed Kohlasch, Kevin LaPointe, Joshua Leahey, Ryan
NAPLES BEACH CLUB 13A Lee, John 17A Ley, Andrew 3B Mancini, Guy 2A Marcoaldi, Nick 5A McGinness, Sean 8A McLean, Jon 3A Mielke, Mark 2A Miller, Ryan 1A Miller, Tim 13A Minkwic, Nathan 9A Murphy, Brendan 15A Murray, J.D. 9A Newhouse, Scott 8A Newman, Matt 1A Nieporte, John 10B Niszczak, Derek 7A O'Buch, Evan 13A Oakley, Peter 17A Osenkowski, Jeff 5A Oza, Rushi 11A Paulhus, Joshua 18A Pellerito, Philip 10B Perko, James 10A Plesz, Andrew 3A Preston, Colin 3B Robin, Gyles 15A Ronderos, Ricardo 6A Rubino, Joseph 8A San Filippo, Mike 18B Schwaller, Johnny 3A Shea, Gary 12A Smith, Justin 3A Snyder, Bryan 6A Sones III, Trey 9A Stanko, Christopher 4A Stegle, Kurt 16A Titensor, Cory 7A Tortorici, Victor 15A Tucker, Jerry 1B Vanover, Michael 16A Welch, Michael 6A Wells, Jeremy 7A Willard, George 5A Wood, Jarryd
17A 11A 1B 18B 18A 12A 5A 3B 3B 4A 7A 16A 14A 4A 1B 1B 15A 4A 1A 12A 2A 8A 12A 14A 14A 13A 6A 2A 10B 16A 18A 10A 18B 10A 9A 18B 14A 11A 10B 18A 17A 10A 1A 11A
Adrian, Matt Amaral, Colin Anderson, JC Ayyar, Dave Balliet, Sean Balyeat, Jon Baumhart, Nick Bensch, Lindsey Blackburn, Brett Bostic, Joseph Buell, Jimmy Butts, Danny Calabria, John Carter, Jeffrey Clivio, Paul Coleman, Will Conway, Bobby Cooper, Thomas Crespo, Paul Cunliffe, David Feingold, Jeff Fortunato, Nick Gailloreto, Kyle Geer, Stan Gottko, Scott Gowell, Jeff Gray, Mike Groce, Nathan Guy, David Hammerberg, Zach Heaton, Kyle Hobbs, Jordan Holgate, Mitchell Hrynkiw, Jason Hulbert, Mike Humenik, Edward Isaacs, Jared Jardin, Wayne Johnson, Michael Johnson, Nate Jones, Evan Kaufman, Chris Keating, Gary Kern, Joe
TPC TREVISO BAY 10A King, Matt 11A Kostelnik, Michael 15A Leech, Kenneth 3A Leone, Michael 11A Lostracco, Chaz 10B Mackenzie, Alastair 10A Manguson, Allen 10A Markle, Matthew 18A Martin, Brett 14A McAllister, Lance 4A McCarraher, Justin 9B McCurdy, Brett 13A Meyer, Dennis 2B Mogg, Peter 7A Morin, Alan 5A Morris, Kevin 16A Myers, Jacob 8A Nalyd, Ric 7A O'Donnell, Sean 14A Pazdera, Jonathan 10B Peaper, Brian 5A Phillips, Chris 2A Pincket, Nick 8A Pleczkowski, Jake 6A Raimer, Jeffrey 6A Ryan, Chris 2B Sands, Steven 18A Schmitz, Patrick 9A Scrimenti, Adam 16A Shea, Donald 9B Shoenfelt, Jack 1B Smith, Scott 7A Spetsios, Michael 4A Stroever, Lee 3A Sutera, Jonathan 2B Sutton, Rick 11A Urso, Jan 12A Valicenti, Michael 10A Waber, Jeff 3A Walsh, Ben 13A Ward, Andrew 4A Waugh, Steve 1B Wood, Zachary 15A Zug, Ryan
17A 4A 14A 13A 13A 12A 8A 9B 16A 15A 17A 6A 11A 10B 6A 14A 2A 2A 9A 9A 1A 17A 12A 8A 1B 1B 15A 16A 12A 3A 1A 2B 7A 18A 2A 1A 5A 5A 1A 18A 9B 9A 10B 17A
Yamaha: Jorge Romero, David Willis, and Brooks West, PGA will be on-site both days at The Naples Beach Club. They will be conducting a Hole-in-One contest on hole #4 with the winner receiving a Yamaha Waverunner.
Callaway: Taylor Johnson, Casey Parks, Joe Baker will be on site. They will also be at The Naples Beach Club both days and
2017 – Alan Morin and Brett McCurdy (126) Naples Beach Club / TPC Treviso Bay 2016 – Lee Rinker & Laurie Rinker (125) Bears Club / Lost Tree 2015 - Alan Morin & Brett McCurdy (123) Grand Harbor / Indian River Club 2014 – Jason Hrynkiw & Mike Kostelnik (129) Classics at Lely / TPC Treviso Bay 2013 – Gene Fieger & Frank Dobbs (124) Ocean Reef Hammock / Card Sound 2012 – Jerry Impellittiere & Bud Taylor (127) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2011 – Jerry Impellittiere & Pete Oakley (123) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2010 – Jarryd Wood & Manny Zerman (127) La Gorce CC / Miami Beach GC 2009 – Chad Kurmel & Alan Morin (127) Tiburon Gold / Black 2008 – Ed Humenik & Lee Rinker (125) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2007 – Chris Campbell & Jerry Tucker (123) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2006 – Lee Rinker & Jerry Tucker (126) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2005 – Edward Humenik & Lee Rinker (120) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2004 – Jim Karr & Alan Zimmerman (127) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2003 – Artie McNickle & Chris Toulson (126) Ocean Reef Dolphin / Hammock 2002 – Bruce Zabriski & Lee Rinker (124) Ocean Reef Dohphin / Hammock 2001 – Frank Dobbs & Chris Czaja (129) Fiddlesticks Country Club 2000 – David Witt & Peter Baxter (130) Fort Lauderdale Country Club – North 1999 – Chris Campbell & Jack Ferenz (128) Hawk’s Nest Golf Club 1998 – Jay Davis III & Jeff Wilson (130 ) The Links at Polo Trace 1997 – John Nelson & Wes Smith (137) Bonita Bay Club 1996 – Frank Dobbs & Chris Cjaza (131) Boca West Country Club 1995 – Blair Gibson & Wes Smith (132) The Club at Emerald Hills 1994 – Michael McBroom & Dan Heaslip (135) Marriott’s Marco Island Club 1993 – Blair Gibson & Wes Smith (64) Emerald Hills CC 1992 – John Korniak & Dave Pesacov (132) Hillcrest Country Club 1991 – Gary Boros & Kirk Jones (133) Hillcrest Country Club 1990 – Paul Perini & Wes Smith (130) Grand Harbor 1989 – Hunt Gilliland & Carter Murchison (130) Jupiter Hills Club 1988 – Ted Goin & Jimmy Wright (63) Jacaranda CC – West 1987 – No Tournament 1986 – John Keller & Roger Kennedy (130) Hunters Run Golf Club 1985 – Mike Dopslaff & Frank Reynolds (130) Bonita Bay Club 1984 – No Tournament 1983 – Bill Collins & Don Schultz (63) John Elliott & Wes Smith (63) PBG 1982 – Stu Burns & Richard Gilstad (130) PBG 1981 – Rex Baxter Jr & Cotton Dunn (134) PBG
YAMAHA CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club / TPC Treviso Bay July 9-10, 2018 Aprroximate Purse Payout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
TEAM PAYOUT 14 $ 1,140.50 15 $ 1,119.80 16 $ 1,099.10 17 $ 1,078.40 18 $ 1,057.70 19 $ 1,036.99 20 $ 1,016.29 21 $ 995.59 22 $ 974.89 23 $ 954.19 24 $ 933.48 25 $ 912.78 26 $ 871.38
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
4,204.40 2,341.22 1,720.16 1,554.54 1,513.14 1,471.74 1,430.33 1,388.93 1,347.52 1,306.12 1,264.72 1,223.31 1,181.91
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
BONUS POOL PAYOUT 1,188.00 13 $ 421.20 918.00 14 $ 410.40 756.00 15 $ 399.60 702.00 16 $ 388.80 648.00 17 $ 378.00 594.00 18 $ 367.20 550.80 19 $ 356.40 518.40 20 $ 345.60 496.80 475.20 TOTAL $ 10,800.00 453.60 432.00
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TOTAL
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
850.68 747.17 726.46 705.76 685.06 664.36 643.66 622.95 612.35
$ 41,397.58
Monday-Tuesday, July 9-10, 2018 -3
16 0 5
0 23 0 5
#5 0
0 24
0 13 +5 8
18 0 +13
10 0 0
+6 10
SCORECARDS/SCORING AREA: Scorecards must be signed, attested and returned to the scoring area immediately upon the completion of play for posting, Rule 6-6. The scoring area is located outside adjacent to #9 putting green.
0 0 8 6
21 0
14 0
0 0 6
RAIN POLICY: In case of inclement weather, the SFPGA will make every effort to complete 36-Holes. If it is impossible to do so, then 18-Holes will constitute an official event and the purse will be split between the two golf courses.
+5 0
OBSTRUCTIONS: Wood railroad ties bordering coquina shell paths are deemed to be immovable obstructions, Rule 24-2.
6 0 0
30 0
0 21
0 0 7
+12 0
COQUINA SHELL AREAS: All coquina shell areas are to be played as through the green. No free relief is available.
0 0 7 0
0 16
AERATION HOLES : On the putting green a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation.
12 0 0 12
0 19
0 0 6 0
OUT OF BOUNDS: In addition to item #9 on the SFPGA Rules of Play Card, out-of-bounds is defined by: (1) Maintenance building left of hole #3, #7, and #8 is out of bounds and defined by the fence. (2) The golf course edge of the pedestrian sidewalk to the right of hole #13 and the left side of hole #1 (the sidewalk itself is O.B.). (3) SPECIAL NOTICE (Interior Out of Bounds): The white stakes between the 14th and 15th holes define out of bounds when playing hole #14 only. Any ball coming to rest to the right of the white stakes when playing hole #14 is deemed out of bounds. The player must proceed under Rule 27-1. When playing hole #15, the white stakes are deemed as immovable obstructions. (4) The driving range is out of bounds.
6 0 0 0
0 21
6 0 0
0 8
Paced to 100 Marker
5 0 0
18 0 8
TEE MARKERS: All Male Professionals will play from the YAMAHA WHITE tee markers. All Female Professionals will play from the SFPGA BLACK tee markers. WATER HAZARDS: All lateral hazards are defined by red lines.
0 0
8 0 0 7
25 0
0 0 6 015 0
NOTICE TO COMPETITORS In addition to the 2016-18 USGA Rules of Golf and Decisions and the SFPGA Rules of Play card, the following local rules will govern all play: FORMAT: 36-Hole Four-Ball Stroke Play competition with an optional bonus pool and skins game.
0 0 7
21 0
5 0 0
Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club
0 0 5
0 0 5
Yamaha Callaway Pro-Pro Championship
32 0
TIES: In the event of a tie for the Overall Champion, a sudden death playoff will begin immediately after the completion of play at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club. All other ties will result in a splitting of the purse. GENERAL INFORMATION
YAMAHA: Jorge Romero, David Willis, and Brooks West, PGA will be located on Hole #4 with a Holein-One contest. The winner will receive a Waverunner. CALLAWAY: Taylor Johnson, Casey Parks, and Joe Baker will be located on hole #16 conducting a Closest-to-the-Hole contest. John Adams will be on the range handing out shirts prior to the round. GLOBAL GOLF SALES: Kasey Denesevich will be located on hole #12 with a closest to the hole contest and giving out free grips to the 10 players who are closest to the hole at the end of each day. RESTROOMS/WATER STATIONS: #3 green, #16 tee. SECOND ROUND TEE TIMES: The second round will be an 8:30 AM shotgun start on Tuesday. Players will be re-paired based on score and pairings will be sent to players via text message. Pairings will also be posted online and available at each golf shop. RULES COMMITTEE: Geoff Lofstead (954) 684-0208, Meredith Schuler (561) 308-1940, Brett Graf, PGA (954) 599-6003, Dominic Smith, PGA, Matthew Youngblood, Phillip Manceri, Dick Young.
Monday-Tuesday, July 9-10, 2018 +7
0 20 0
0 29 0 5
#5 0
14 0 7
#9 0
23 0
Paced to tee box
0 30
0 0 -3
7 0 0 7
0 18 0 7
11 0
0 12
0 0 7 0
7 0 0 7
36 0
0 17
0 0 7 0
+2 9
0 0 8 0
13 0
RAIN POLICY: In case of inclement weather, the SFPGA will make every effort to complete 36-Holes. If it is impossible to do so, then 18-Holes will constitute an official event and the purse will be split in half. EVACUATION FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER: Suspension of play due to a dangerous situation will be signaled by ONE long note from an air horn. THREE consecutive notes from an air horn will signal all other types of suspension. If play is suspended due to an inclement weather, we ask that you seek shelter immediately.
9 0 0 8
27 0
0 14
0 0 8 0
-6 6
CART PATHS: The gravel cart parths are considered an immovable obstruction and relief is available, Rule 24-2.
6 0 0 10
OUT OF BOUNDS: In addition to item #9 on the SFPGA Rules of Play Card, out-of-bounds is defined by: a) Behind #18 green - parking lot and inside edge closest to the clubhouse of the paved path (utilizing the light grey concrete as the inside edge). For play of hole #18, a drop circle is located left of the cart path in the grass area near the putting green as a relief option for a ball that comes to rest on the path near the clubhouse.
0 30
0 0 10
8 0 0
0 9
TEE MARKERS: All Male Professionals will play from the SFPGA BLACK tee markers. All Female Professionals will play from the SFPGA WHITE tee markers. WATER HAZARDS: All lateral hazards are defined by red lines. The bulkheads located within the confines of the hazard are considered integral parts of the course and are part of the hazard.
-5 7
0 0
7 0 0 5
32 0
0 0 7 023 0
NOTICE TO COMPETITORS In addition to the 2016-18 USGA Rules of Golf and Decisions and the SFPGA Rules of Play card, the following local rules will govern all play: FORMAT: 36-Hole Four-Ball Stroke Play competition with an optional bonus pool and skins game.
0 0 5
29 0
5 0 0
TPC Treviso Bay
0 0 6
8 0 0
Yamaha Callaway Pro-Pro Championship
SCORECARDS/SCORING AREA: Scorecards must be signed, attested and returned to the scoring area immediately upon the completion of play for posting – Rule 6-6. The scoring area is located inside the clubhouse and upstairs in the bar room area. TIES: In the event of a tie for the Overall Champion, a sudden death playoff will begin immediately after the completion of play at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club. All other ties will result in a splitting of the purse. GENERAL INFORMATION GOLFBUDDY: There will be a closest to the hole contest on hole #7. HOLE-IN-ONE USA: There will be a $10,000 prize for a hole in one on hole #17. RESTROOMS: #3, #7, #13, #16. WATER STATIONS: #3, #5, #7, #11, #13, #16. SECOND ROUND TEE TIMES: The second round will be an 8:30 AM shotgun start on Tuesday. Players will be re-paired based on score and pairings will be sent to players via text message. Pairings will also be posted online and available at each golf shop. RULES COMMITTEE: Geoff Lofstead (954) 684-0208, Meredith Schuler (561) 308-1940, Brett Graf, PGA (954) 599-6003, Dominic Smith, PGA, Matthew Youngblood, Phillip Manceri, Dick Young.
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:50 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
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OZA & MCLEAN WIN THE YAMAHA/CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP Rushi Oza, PGA Teaching Professional and Jon McLean, Teaching Associate both from The Jim McLean Golf School Miami at The Biltmore Hotel are this year's Pro-Pro Champions. At the conclusion of the final round, three teams found themselves tied atop the leaderboard at -17 (126). Oza and McLean birdied the first playoff hole to take home the trophy! To view the complete story including results click here. Special thanks to Yamaha, Callaway Golf, Callaway Apparel, Global Golf Sales, GolfBuddy, Golf ScoreCards Inc., and Hole-In-One USA for their support of the event.
YAMAHA JUNIOR-SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP IS AROUND THE CORNER The Yamaha Junior-Senior Championship supported by Ahead, Cutter & Buck, Global Golf Sales and Winners Award Group will be conducted on Monday, July 23rd at Jupiter Country Club. The registration deadline is July 20th at 12:00 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
DON'T MISS THE PRO-SCRATCH CHAMPIONSHIP! The Pro-Scratch Championship presented by PXG and supported by Bushnell Golf, CamelBak, Global Golf Sales, 18 Birdies and Winners Award Group will be conducted on Friday, July 27th at Broken Sound Club â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Old Course. The registration deadline is July 23rd at 4:30 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
WHAT DOES YOUR CLUB OFFER VETERANS AND MILITARY PERSONNEL? As our PGA HOPE program continues to grow, we have more military participants seeking ways to practice what they are learning and enhance their skills on the golf course. So we would like to know if your facility provides any offers to veterans and/or military personnel? Please email Michelle Goda at mgoda@pgahq.com any deals you offer veterans/military personnel. Or, if you are looking for additional ways to provide golf to local veterans/military personnel, ask Michelle for suggestions.
ALL THINGS JUNIOR GOLF The South Florida PGA Junior Golf programs have been in full swing this summer. The Junior Golf department provides a variety of opportunities for juniors compete and enhance their skills including: Drive, Chip, and Putt Local Qualifiers, Prep Tour Events, Challenge Tour Events, Championship Tour Events, and Three Junior Tour Majors. 2
With a strong finish to summer, there is a lot to look forward to during the Fall season when Team Golf in Broward, Lee/Collier, and Palm Beach County kick off. Each county will have five events with a Team Golf Championship Event in November to crown the Team Champions across all counties. We are excited to see such great participation across all South Florida PGA Junior programs this summer and continue to look for growth opportunities moving forward. If you are interested in volunteering or want to learn more about the opportunities available for junior golfers at your facility, please contact Jake Weir at jweir@pgahq.com. Click here for more information on the Junior Golf Events coming up.
CLUB BENCHMARKING HURRICANE SUMMARY Florida clubs were hit hard by extreme weather in 2017. In order to create a thorough and accurate documentation of the storm’s impact on member clubs, the Florida Chapter of CMAA (FLCMAA) partnered with Club Benchmarking and the National Club Association (NCA) to create a comprehensive survey to capture key findings about the experiences of clubs across the state in preparing for and recovering from a natural disaster. Click here to view the document.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHTS Traveling by automobile this summer? If so, it is important to get your vehicle maintenance complete prior to doing so. For the past 9 years, Tire Kingdom has been a proud partner of the South Florida PGA and this year they have set up a preferred program offering discounted rates on everyday car maintenance for all South Florida PGA members. To register for your FREE preferred card today click here. Do you host outside events at your facility? If so, Hole-In-One USA has a great portfolio to help enhance your events providing wonderful prizes for all par 3’s. To learn more about Hole-In-One USA click here or contact Andrew Workman, PGA at andrew.workman@nfp.com. Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, July 3, 2018 1:01 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
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JOSH PISARRI WINS 2018 E-Z-GO SOUTH FLORIDA OPEN The 34th E-Z-GO South Florida Open supported by Antigua, JaniKing, Precise Yardage Books, TurfHound and Winners Award Group took place June 26th-28th at the Bonita Bay Naples Club. Josh Pisarri, Junior Tour Alum of Naples became the first amateur to win the E-Z-GO South Florida Open since former PGA Tour champion Dudley Hart in 1987. Click here for the full story.
BERGER & BIONDI CAPTURE 2018 PRO-JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP On June 30th, twenty-eight teams comprised of one PGA Professional/Associate and one junior aged 10-18, competed in the 2018 Pro-Junior Championship presented by Callaway Golf and supported by Skimp USA at Stonebridge Country Club in Boca Raton. Mike Berger of the Club Med Golf Academy and junior Fred Biondi took home the win. Click here for the full story.
The Yamaha / Callaway Pro-Pro Championship supported by Callaway Apparel, Global Golf Sales, Golf Buddy, Golf ScoreCards Inc., Hole-In-One USA (NFP) and Winners Award Group will be held July 9th-10th at the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club and TPC Treviso Bay. Please note, through the support of the Naples Beach Club a special hotel rate has been set up for the event, click here for details or to reserve a room today. The deadline to register is Friday at 12:00 PM. For more information including registration click here.
34TH ANNUAL NICKLAUS JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP The 34th Nicklaus Junior Championship was held at Lost Tree Club in North Palm Beach on June 28th – 29th. Fernando Castillo of Wellington captured the overall boy’s title and Laura Edmonds of Weston took home the overall girl’s title. Click here for the full story.
HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED WITH DRIVE, CHIP & PUTT? Drive, Chip and Putt qualifiers have already begun and we need your help! All those who assist will receive 2 REQUIRED MSR credits for their time. Please note the following schedule:
July 5th at PGA National
July 15th at Vineyards Country Club
July 22nd at Weston Hills Country Club
July 29th at The Club at Ibis
If you are able to help, please contact Madison Temple at mtemple@pgahq.com.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY NEEDS YOU! Please join us for our third build day with Indian River County Habitat for Humanity for the Arduini family. Help us cultivate a home for a well-deserving family. All volunteers will receive 5 MSR credits for the day. If you would like to join us, please contact Michelle Goda at mgoda@pgahq.com or 561-537-5809.
SFPGA FREE SMARTPHONE APP How do you register for events or find your peers information? Did you know the Section has a free smart phone app that allows you to do all of this in one location? The SFPGA app provides tournament details, results and registration while providing you with a complete 2
member/partnership directory. If you have yet to download this FREE app we encourage you to visit your app store today and search “South Florida PGA” to download this app now!
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT Does your clubhouse need a mulligan? Heritage Creations can help! As a proud partner of the South Florida PGA for many years, they are offering SFPGA members a special discount of 10% off all panels. If you are interested, click here for more information or contact Kevin McClellan at kmcclellan@heritagecreationsusa.com or 215.519.0837.
DO YOU HAVE EXCITING PERSONAL OR FACILITY NEWS? IF SO, WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! Send an email to Ana Starr at astarr@pgahq.com! Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, June 19, 2018 1:14 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
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SFPGA REPRESENTED AT 2018 PGA PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Congratulations to SFPGA Professionals Jeff Waber, Mike Valicenti and Andrew Filbert who have made the cut at the PGA Professional Championship! We wish them luck as the tournament progresses. Click here to track their progress.
2018 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP The Annual Meeting of the Membership presented by Discover and PGA National Golf Resort and Spa, was held with over 120 members in attendance on June 13th at Weston Hills Country Club. During the meeting PGA Professionals Bill Harley, PGA Head Professional at Wildcat Run Golf & Country Club and Bob Radunz, PGA General Manager at The Quarry Golf Club took their Oath of Office as they step into their new roles in the Southwest Chapter. Click here for the full story.
TOURNAMENT SERIES #1 Tournament Series #1 presented by TechnoGym will be held at Bonita Bay Club Naples on Monday, June 25th. The deadline to register is this Thursday at 4:30 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
E-Z-GO SOUTH FLORIDA OPEN IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER The 34th annual E-Z-GO South Florida Open supported by Antigua, JaniKing, Precise Yardage Books, TurfHound and Winners Award Group is on June 26th – 28th at Bonita Bay Naples Club (Cypress and Sabal courses). The deadline to register is this Friday at 4:30 PM! For more information including registration click here.
DON’T MISS THE 2018 PRO-JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP! The South Florida PGA will conduct the annual Pro-Junior Championship presented by Callaway Golf and supported by Skimp on Saturday, June 30th at Stonebridge Golf & Country Club. The Pro-Junior Championship is a great chance for you to play in a tournament with a junior tour member! The event is an 18 hole team stroke play event, with 9 holes being played as best ball and 9 holes being played as a scramble. For more information about this event, click here.
WHAT WILL BE YOUR TOPGOLF MOMENT? Current SFPGA Advisory Board Member and former CEO of PGA of America Joe Steranka goes in-depth about the growing golf industry in his current blog. Joe’s instrumental point of view and statistics on the health of the market can be read here.
IN REMEMBRNCE OF We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of South Florida PGA Professional Douglas Ford Sr.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT GolfBuddy has supported the Section for more than 9 years now and they have a special rate on their new lasers being offered to SFPGA Professionals only! To view details click here or contact Kevin Holt at kevin@kevinholt.com or Marianne Deibel at marianne.deibel@gmail.com. Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, June 26, 2018 1:53 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Click here to view this message in a browser window.
JEREMY WELLS, PGA WINS TOURNAMENT SERIES #1 Tournament Series #1 presented by TechnoGym was held yesterday at Bonita Bay Club Naples. Jeremy Wells, Teaching Associate at Alico Family Golf Center won shooting 6-under 66. Click here for the full results.
DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T MISS THE 2018 PRO-JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP! The South Florida PGA will conduct the annual Pro-Junior Championship presented by Callaway Golf and supported by Skimp this Saturday, June 30th at Stonebridge Golf & Country Club. The Pro-Junior Championship is a great chance for you to play in a tournament with a junior tour member! The event is an 18 hole team stroke play event, with 9 holes being played as best ball and 9 holes being played as a scramble. For more information about this event, click here.
YAMAHA / CALLAWAY PRO-PRO CHAMPIONSHIP IS IN TWO WEEKS The Yamaha / Callaway Pro-Pro Championship supported by Callaway Apparel, Global Golf Sales, Golf Buddy, Golf ScoreCards Inc., Hole-In-One USA (NFP) and Winners Award Group will be held July 9th-10th at the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club and TPC Treviso Bay. Please note, through the support of the Naples Beach Club a special hotel rate has been set up for the event, click here for details or to reserve a room today. The deadline to register is July 6th at 12:00 PM. For more information including registration click here.
DRIVE, CHIP & PUTT The month of June has been a very busy month for Drive, Chip, and Putt. Four local qualifiers were held with a total of 403 kids participating. These local qualifiers took place at PGA Center for Learning and Performance, The Old Course at Broken Sound, Stoneybrook Golf Club and Country Club of Miami. There are still plenty of opportunities to volunteer in the Drive, Chip, and Putt local qualifiers. Two MSR points will be awarded. In July we will host 4 more qualifiers at PGA National, Vineyards Country Club, Weston Hills Country Club and The Club at Ibis. If you are interested in volunteering, email Madison Temple at mtemple@pgahq.com.
CLUB BENCHMARKING WEBINAR Join Club Benchmarking this Thursday, June 28th for their webinar on Strategic Payroll Budgets. In this webinar, they will explain the difference between a traditional payroll budgeting process and a forward-looking data-centric approach that considers the club's goals for member experience, employee engagement and the club's financial outcomes. Click here for more information including registration.
HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS With hurricane season in full swing, we want to help you in every way we can to make sure you and your facility are prepared. There is a dedicated area on the Section website with resources in the event a natural disaster is imminent. Click here for more information and for the Section site resources.
SFPGA FOUNDATION HELPS SEND KIDS TO N.I.C.K.'S CAMP Fifty kids fighting cancer from Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital left for N.I.C.K.’S Camp at Camp Boggy Creek last week. The SFPGA Foundation has been a longtime supporter of this charity because of its similar mission to give children dealing with hardships the opportunity to forget about the struggles they are experiencing. To learn more about our Charitable Gifting click here. To learn more about N.I.C.K.’S Camp click here.
GOLF CENTRAL MAGAZINE Click here for all things Turf, Travel Philantrophy & Lifestyle!
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT TurfHound provides facilities with artificial turf solutions for driving ranges and has made various installations at numerous solutions throughout south Florida. To view more details about their products click here or contact Brian Golden, their Vice President at btgolden13@gmail.com.
Golf ScoreCards, Inc. specializes in premium quality scorecards and more for golf facilities. For more details on their products click here or contact Mike Suckling at 503-352-0281 / mike@golfscorecards.com.
Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)