Charity Pro-Am Heritage Creations

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South Florida PGA Foundation Pro-Am Olde Florida Golf Club May 7th - Pairings


Club Affiliation McArthur

Name #10 A

Waugh, Steve O'Brien, Bill McMiken, Dick Massey, Bob

Club Affiliation The Old Collier


Murphy, Kevin Peglar, Robb Lund, Peter Elliot, Hugh


VanDyck, Mark Michon, Michael Casey, Ray Rippley, Steve

Fort Lauderdale CC


Waber, Jeff Halper, Bob Mariani, Mark Bute, John

Broken Sound Club - Old


Peaper, Brian Bayliss, Rick Schaming, Chuck Barry, Ryan

Lost Tree

#11 A

Dean, Gregory Gottshall, Greg Thorngate, Rob Venuti, Sam

TwinEagles Club


Westerlund, Jay Hakim, Joe Helfrich, Jeff Burke, Hal

Club at Renaissance

#12 A

Calabria, John Scheessele, John Kirk, David Keleher, Rob

Grey Oaks CC

#4 A

Anderson, Rob Maurer, Tom Byrd, Vince Dempsey, Tom

Club at Mediterra - South

#13 A

Lostracco, Chaz Gerbick, Phil DeNisco, Tom Auer, Dick

Lely Resort Golf & CC

#5 A

Smith, Justin Murphy, Bob Gillette, Gavin Stewart, Taylor

Bonita Bay West - B. I.

#14 A

Hershoff, Josh Johnson, Jerry Bee, Stacy Hiorns, Steve


#6 A

O'Brien, Michael

#15 A

Costaregni, Mark

Fort Lauderdale CC

Montalvo, Rich Dick, Jay Bond, David #7 A

Kelley, Tony Karl, Peter Farnsworth, Ben Conroy, Tim

Jim McLean G SchoolDoral

Bubrick, George Williams, Chris Paine, Bernie Island

#16 A

Schulte, Jason Dillinger, Rob Schulte, Steve Schulte, Sharon

#17 A

Wehrs, Travis

TwinEagles Club

Fiddlesticks #8 A

O'Buch, Evan


Stanojev, Robert Rubash, Harry Lessig, David #9 A

Tilley, Ben Palombo Jr., Aldo D'Agata, Tony Copelin, David

Diggs, Jeff Applegate, Ted Bell, Ryan Island

#18 A

Shea, Donald Shulman, Marc Shulman, Susan Johnson, Sandy

Foxfire CC - B/R

South Florida PGA Foundation Pro-Am Olde Florida Golf Club May 7th – Alpha Roster Tee


Player Anderson, Rob



9:00 AM


Pairing Rob Anderson, Tom Maurer, Vince Byrd, Tom Dempsey

Applegate, Ted

9:00 AM


Travis Wehrs, Jeff Diggs, Ted Applegate, Ryan Bell

Auer, Dick

9:00 AM


Chaz Lostracco, Phil Gerbick, Tom DeNisco, Dick Auer

Barry, Ryan

9:00 AM


Brian Peaper, Rick Bayliss, Chuck Schaming, Ryan Barry

Bayliss, Rick

9:00 AM


Brian Peaper, Rick Bayliss, Chuck Schaming, Ryan Barry

Bee, Stacy

9:00 AM


Josh Hershoff, Jerry Johnson, Stacy Bee, Steve Hiorns

Bell, Ryan

9:00 AM


Travis Wehrs, Jeff Diggs, Ted Applegate, Ryan Bell

Bond, David

9:00 AM


Michael O'Brien, Rich Montalvo, Jay Dick, David Bond

Bubrick, George

9:00 AM


Mark Costaregni, George Bubrick, Chris Williams, Bernie Paine

Burke, Hal

9:00 AM


Jay Westerlund, Joe Hakim, Jeff Helfrich, Hal Burke

Bute, John

9:00 AM


Jeff Waber, Bob Halper, Mark Mariani, John Bute

Byrd, Vince

9:00 AM


Rob Anderson, Tom Maurer, Vince Byrd, Tom Dempsey

Calabria, John

9:00 AM


John Calabria, John Scheessele, David Kirk, Rob Keleher

Casey, Ray

9:00 AM


Mark VanDyck, Michael Michon, Ray Casey, Steve Rippley

Conroy, Tim

9:00 AM


Tony Kelley, Peter Karl, Ben Farnsworth, Tim Conroy

Copelin, David

9:00 AM


Ben Tilley, Aldo Palombo Jr., Tony D'Agata, David Copelin

Costaregni, Mark

9:00 AM


Mark Costaregni, George Bubrick, Chris Williams, Bernie Paine

D'Agata, Tony

9:00 AM


Ben Tilley, Aldo Palombo Jr., Tony D'Agata, David Copelin

Dean, Gregory

9:00 AM


Gregory Dean, Greg Gottshall, Rob Thorngate, Sam Venuti

Dempsey, Tom

9:00 AM


Rob Anderson, Tom Maurer, Vince Byrd, Tom Dempsey

DeNisco, Tom

9:00 AM


Chaz Lostracco, Phil Gerbick, Tom DeNisco, Dick Auer

Dick, Jay

9:00 AM


Michael O'Brien, Rich Montalvo, Jay Dick, David Bond

Diggs, Jeff

9:00 AM


Travis Wehrs, Jeff Diggs, Ted Applegate, Ryan Bell

Dillinger, Rob

9:00 AM


Jason Schulte, Rob Dillinger, Steve Schulte, Sharon Schulte

Elliot, Hugh

9:00 AM


Kevin Murphy, Robb Peglar, Peter Lund, Hugh Elliot

Farnsworth, Ben

9:00 AM


Tony Kelley, Peter Karl, Ben Farnsworth, Tim Conroy

Gerbick, Phil

9:00 AM


Chaz Lostracco, Phil Gerbick, Tom DeNisco, Dick Auer

Gillette, Gavin

9:00 AM


Justin Smith, Bob Murphy, Gavin Gillette, Taylor Stewart

Gottshall, Greg

9:00 AM


Gregory Dean, Greg Gottshall, Rob Thorngate, Sam Venuti

Halper, Bob

9:00 AM


Jeff Waber, Bob Halper, Mark Mariani, John Bute

Hakim, Joe

9:00 AM


Jay Westerlund, Joe Hakim, Jeff Helfrich, Hal Burke

Helfrich, Jeff

9:00 AM


Jay Westerlund, Joe Hakim, Jeff Helfrich, Hal Burke

Hershoff, Josh

9:00 AM


Josh Hershoff, Jerry Johnson, Stacy Bee, Steve Hiorns

Hiorns, Steve

9:00 AM


Josh Hershoff, Jerry Johnson, Stacy Bee, Steve Hiorns

Johnson, Jerry

9:00 AM


Josh Hershoff, Jerry Johnson, Stacy Bee, Steve Hiorns

Johnson, Sandy

9:00 AM


Donald Shea, Marc Shulman, Susan Shulman, Sandy Johnson

Karl, Peter

9:00 AM


Tony Kelley, Peter Karl, Ben Farnsworth, Tim Conroy

Keleher, Rob

9:00 AM


John Calabria, John Scheessele, David Kirk, Rob Keleher

Kelley, Tony

9:00 AM


Tony Kelley, Peter Karl, Ben Farnsworth, Tim Conroy

Kirk, David

9:00 AM


John Calabria, John Scheessele, David Kirk, Rob Keleher

South Florida PGA Foundation Pro-Am Olde Florida Golf Club May 7th – Alpha Roster Tee



Lessing, David Lostracco, Chaz

9:00 AM

Hole 8A

Pairing Evan O'Buch, Robert Stanojev, Harry Rubash, David Lessig

9:00 AM


Chaz Lostracco, Phil Gerbick, Tom DeNisco, Dick Auer

Lund, Peter

9:00 AM


Kevin Murphy, Robb Peglar, Peter Lund, Hugh Elliot

Mariani, Mark

9:00 AM


Jeff Waber, Bob Halper, Mark Mariani, John Bute

Massey, Bob

9:00 AM


Steve Waugh, Bill O'Brien, Dick McMiken, Bob Massey

Maurer, Tom

9:00 AM


Rob Anderson, Tom Maurer, Vince Byrd, Tom Dempsey

McMiken, Dick

9:00 AM


Steve Waugh, Bill O'Brien, Dick McMiken, Bob Massey

Michon, Michael

9:00 AM


Mark VanDyck, Michael Michon, Ray Casey, Steve Rippley

Montalvo, Rich

9:00 AM


Michael O'Brien, Rich Montalvo, Jay Dick, David Bond

Murphy, Bob

9:00 AM


Justin Smith, Bob Murphy, Gavin Gillette, Taylor Stewart

Murphy, Kevin

9:00 AM


Kevin Murphy, Robb Peglar, Peter Lund, Hugh Elliot

O'Brien, Bill

9:00 AM


Steve Waugh, Bill O'Brien, Dick McMiken, Bob Massey

O'Brien, Michael

9:00 AM


Michael O'Brien, Rich Montalvo, Jay Dick, David Bond

O'Buch, Evan

9:00 AM


Evan O'Buch, Robert Stanojev, Harry Rubash, David Lessig

Paine, Bernie

9:00 AM


Mark Costaregni, George Bubrick, Chris Williams, Bernie Paine

Palombo Jr., Aldo

9:00 AM


Ben Tilley, Aldo Palombo Jr., Tony D'Agata, David Copelin

Peaper, Brian

9:00 AM


Brian Peaper, Rick Bayliss, Chuck Schaming, Ryan Barry

Peglar, Robb

9:00 AM


Kevin Murphy, Robb Peglar, Peter Lund, Hugh Elliot

Rippley, Steve

9:00 AM


Mark VanDyck, Michael Michon, Ray Casey, Steve Rippley

Rubash, Harry

9:00 AM


Evan O'Buch, Robert Stanojev, Harry Rubash, David Lessig

Schaming, Chuck

9:00 AM


Brian Peaper, Rick Bayliss, Chuck Schaming, Ryan Barry

Scheessele, John

9:00 AM


John Calabria, John Scheessele, David Kirk, Rob Keleher

Schulte, Jason

9:00 AM


Jason Schulte, Rob Dillinger, Steve Schulte, Sharon Schulte

Schulte, Sharon

9:00 AM


Jason Schulte, Rob Dillinger, Steve Schulte, Sharon Schulte

Schulte, Steve

9:00 AM


Jason Schulte, Rob Dillinger, Steve Schulte, Sharon Schulte

Shea, Donald

9:00 AM


Donald Shea, Marc Shulman, Susan Shulman, Sandy Johnson

Shulman, Marc

9:00 AM


Donald Shea, Marc Shulman, Susan Shulman, Sandy Johnson

Shulman, Susan

9:00 AM


Donald Shea, Marc Shulman, Susan Shulman, Sandy Johnson

Smith, Justin

9:00 AM


Justin Smith, Bob Murphy, Gavin Gillette, Taylor Stewart

Stanojev, Robert

9:00 AM


Evan O'Buch, Robert Stanojev, Harry Rubash, David Lessig

Stewart, Taylor

9:00 AM


Justin Smith, Bob Murphy, Gavin Gillette, Taylor Stewart

Thorngate, Rob

9:00 AM


Gregory Dean, Greg Gottshall, Rob Thorngate, Sam Venuti

Tilley, Ben

9:00 AM


Ben Tilley, Aldo Palombo Jr., Tony D'Agata, David Copelin

VanDyck, Mark

9:00 AM


Mark VanDyck, Michael Michon, Ray Casey, Steve Rippley Gregory Dean, Greg Gottshall, Rob Thorngate, Sam Venuti


Venuti, Sam

9:00 AM


Waber, Jeff

9:00 AM


Jeff Waber, Bob Halper, Mark Mariani, John Bute

Waugh, Steve

9:00 AM


Steve Waugh, Bill O'Brien, Dick McMiken, Bob Massey

Wehrs, Travis

9:00 AM


Travis Wehrs, Jeff Diggs, Ted Applegate, Ryan Bell

Westerlund, Jay

9:00 AM


Jay Westerlund, Joe Hakim, Jeff Helfrich, Hal Burke

Williams, Chris

9:00 AM


Mark Costaregni, George Bubrick, Chris Williams, Bernie Paine

South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am May 7th, 2018 Notice to Competitors In addition to the 2016-17 USGA Rules of Golf and Decisions and the SFPGA Rules of Play hard card, the following local rules will govern all play. FORMAT: Team two best ball of four one gross/one net (90% handicap). Maximum score allowed per hole is triple bogey. TEE MARKERS: All males will play from the II tee markers and females will play from the V. If your combined age and course adjusted handicap are equal to or greater than 75, you may play from the III tee markers. ABNORMAL GROUND CONDITION: Relief is provided for lie of ball and area of intended swing only. Sod seems when located on the putting green or through the green. All seems when located within the sodded area are considered the same seem. Relief is available under Rule 25. LATERAL WATER HAZARDS: Are identified by red stakes and defined by red lines, where red lines are not present hazards are defined by the inside edge of all wood pilings (golf course side). DROP AREA: Any player hitting their ball into the hazard from their designed tee of hole #5 may proceed to the drop area and take a one stroke penalty. COQUINA SHELL CART PATHS: All coquina shell cart paths are considered to be through the green. No relief will be granted. ARTIFICAL MEASURING DEVICES: Are permitted during play of this competition. SCORECARDS: Scorecards must be signed, attested and returned to the scoring area immediately upon completion of play. BREAKING TIES: A tie for the overall championship will be broken via match of scorecards using the USGA tie breaker (last nine, last six, last three, last hole). CONTESTS: Lincoln will be supporting hole-in-one contests on each par 3. The first individual to make a hole-in-one on #5 will win a 2 year lease on a 2018 Lincoln Navigator. The Olde Florida Golf Club Shop: 239-353-7667 SFPGA Staff Meredith Schuler: 561-308-1940 Supported by:

SFPGA Website post

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Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:01 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

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9TH ANNUAL SFPGA FOUNDATION TIRE KINGDOM CHARITY PRO-AM RAISES OVER $30,000 Yesterday, the South Florida PGA Foundation conducted its 9th Annual South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am at Olde Florida Golf Club. Finishing atop the leaderboard was the group from Bonita Bay Club led by PGA Professional Justin Smith. Smith along with amateurs Bob Murphy, Gavin Gillette, and Taylor Stewart fired a team total of 127 to capture the title. Special thanks to our supporting partners Blue Martini, Fairway & Greene, Heritage Creations and The Lincoln Motor Company. Click here for more details.

BOSTIC AND MORRIS CAPTURE SENIOR SERIES PRO/PRO TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP On Friday, May 4th, fifteen teams came out to the Country Club of Coral Springs to compete in the Senior Series #1 Pro/Pro. Joe Bostic, PGA Head Professional Turtle Creek Club and Kevin Morris, PGA Life Member captured the overall team championship with an 8-under par score of 63. Click here for the full story.


On June 13th we will conduct our Annual Meeting of the Membership presented by Discover and supported by PGA National Resort & Spa. The meeting will be held at Weston Hills Country Club. Prior to the meeting an education seminar will be provided from 9 AM – 12 PM with the meeting taking place from 1 PM – 4 PM. A total of 6 required MSR's are available for attending the full day. Click here to register!

PGA HOPE TRAINING Join us May 16th at The Country Club at Mirasol for PGA HOPE Instructor training! Judy Alvarez, PGA will be leading the program from 9 AM – 2 PM on how to teach and impact those who have served our nation. You can attend for $20, receive 4 required MSR and stick around afterwards to observe a current PGA HOPE program for our West Palm Beach chapter. Hope to see you there! Click here to register now!

EARN MSR CREDITS WHILE HELPING A GREAT CAUSE On May 19th we will begin raising the walls on our 7th home for our annual Habitat for Humanity build in Vero Beach. From 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM volunteers are needed, 5 MSR credit will be given for each volunteer. If interested in participating, please email Michelle Goda at

RISVAER AND SHANAHAN WIN CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #4 This weekend, the South Florida PGA Junior Challenge Tour presented by The Honda Classic held Challenge Tour Event #4 at Vineyards County Club. Hans Risvaer of Miami won the Overall Boys Division and Kelly Shanahan of Coral Springs won the Overall Girls Division. Special thank you to Director of Golf Tom Metzger, PGA and the rest of the staff at Vineyards Country Club for their outstanding hospitality. Click here for the full story.

JUNIOR GOLF NEEDS YOU! The South Florida PGA Junior Golf Program is currently looking for volunteers to help with our upcoming events. Volunteers will earn 1 MSR credit per hour worked. Please see below for our upcoming events! If you are interested in volunteering for any events, please contact the event manager listed next to each tournament. Junior Tour Events May 13th – Prep Tour Event #5 - Cypress Woods Country Club – Naples, FL ( May 19th-20th – Championship Tour Event #5 - Banyan Cay Golf & Resort – West Palm Beach, FL ( May 26th – Junior PGA Championship Qualifier – Wycliffe Golf & Country Club – Wellington, FL (


Drive, Chip & Putt Local Qualifiers Click here for a complete list of local qualifiers (

SFPGA HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT On Friday and Saturday, September 28th -29th, the South Florida PGA Junior Tour will conduct the second annual High School Championship Event at The Polo Club in Boca Raton. If you coach a local High School team and would like to take part in this year’s event, please contact Caitlin Huiting .

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT 2018 MINORITY CHAMPIONSHIP YOUTH CLINIC This Saturday, May 12th, PGA of America is hosting their annual youth clinic during the Minority Championship. Instructors are needed between 10 AM -2 PM (lunch will be provided) at the PGA Golf Club practice facility in Port St. Lucie. Please contact Holly Taylor at if interested.

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT This year PGA National Golf Resort & Spa would like to offer all SFPGA members with a special promotional packet. This package includes a discounted hotel rate and free golf! To view complete details click here or contact Bruce Zabriski, PGA at Who supports the Section? Click here to view a complete list of Section and Foundation partners! Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, May 1, 2018 7:40 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

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ANDREW FILBERT CAPTURES THE FORT LAUDERDALE OPEN PRESENTED BY FRENCH LICK RESORT Andrew Filbert, PGA Assistant Professional of Bonita National captured his second consecutive Fort Lauderdale Open presented by French Lick Resort this week at Parkland Golf and Country Club. Filbert fired a 141 (-3) two day total to win by two shots. Thanks to Parkland Golf and Country Club along with supporting partners Antigua, Argolf, Global Golf Sales, GolfBuddy, Morell Studios, Precise Yardage Books, TechnoGym and The PGA Tour. To view complete results click here.

UPCOMING EDUCATION It’s not too late to register for the education session featuring presenters David Wright, PGA and Laurie Rinker, PGA. The session will be held at The Country Club at Mirasol supported by Honma Golf from 9 AM – 4 PM. Attendees will receive 6 required MSR, click here for more information including registration.

DEADLINE FOR SENIOR SERIES EVENT #1 IS WEDNESDAY! Senior Series Event #1 is this Friday at the Country Club of Coral Springs. This stroke play event format is one best ball of two. The event is open to any team of two (2) PGA members / Associates in good standing who are aged 50+. Teams may not consist of two players from the Top 25 on the 2017 Senior Player of the Year Points List. Click here for more information or to sign up today! The deadline for this event is May 2nd at 12 PM.


On Monday, May 7th we will conduct our 9th Annual South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am at Olde Florida Golf Club. All funds raised help support the many programs of the South Florida PGA Foundation, which each year impacts the lives of more than 8,000 individuals throughout south Florida. Click here for details and registration.

PGA HOPE TRAINING If you wish to make a difference in a local veteran’s life and use your talents of instruction; join us May 16th at The Country Club at Mirasol for PGA HOPE Instruction training! Judy Alvarez, PGA will be leading the program from 9 AM – 2 PM on how to teach and impact those who have served our nation tremendously. You can attend for $20, receive 4 required MSR and stick around afterwards to observe a current PGA HOPE program for our West Palm Beach chapter. Hope to see you there!

SHIN AND OISHI WIN CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #4 This weekend, the South Florida PGA Junior Challenge Tour presented by The Honda Classic held Challenge Tour Event #4 at Indian Springs Country Club. Atsuya Oishi of Port St. Lucie won the Overall Boys Division and Skylee Shin of Doral won the Overall Girls Division. Click here for the full story.

NOMINATE YOUR PEERS FOR SECTION AWARDS It's that time of the year again, recognize your peers for their hard work and dedication to the game of golf here in south Florida! With your help, the Section recognizes 11 individuals annually who are making a difference here in south Florida. Click here for the nomination form.

PUT DOWN YOUR GOLF CLUBS AND PICK UP YOUR TOOL BELTS! On May 19th we will begin raising the walls on our 7th home for our annual Habitat for Humanity build. From 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM we will begin constructing the home for a widow and four young boys at 2100 Waterside Way SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962. If interested in participating, please email Michelle Goda at

JERRY TUCKER, PGA - A SPORTS HALL OF FAMER! On Monday, April 23, South Florida PGA Master Professional Jerry Tucker was inducted into the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame. Jerry spent most of his career in the Gateway Section and was honored for his impact through golf. We would like to congratulate Jerry on such an incredible honor!


Click here for all things Turf, Travel Philantrophy & Lifestyle!

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT This year the South Florida PGA is proud to welcome the Lincoln Motor Car Company to our family of partners. As part of our partnership they are offering all PGA Professionals with an opportunity to take advantage of the X Plan exclusive offer when purchasing either a Ford or Lincoln vehicle! To view details about this program click here.

Please note, to view this offer you must have your BlueGolf ID and password ready to gain access to all of the details. Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, April 24, 2018 6:35 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

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FORT LAUDERDALE OPEN DEADLINE IS THURSDAY! The 2018 Fort Lauderdale Open will be contested on Monday, April 30th – Tuesday, May 1st at Parkland Golf and Country Club. Valuable Player of the Year points are on the line at the first major of the 2018 season! The deadline to sign up is Thursday, April 26th at 4:30 PM. Click here for more information and sign up today!

SENIOR SERIES EVENT #1 Senior Series Event #1 will be taking place next Friday, May 4th at the Country Club of Coral Springs. This stroke play event format is one best ball of two. The event is open to any team of two (2) PGA members / Associates in good standing who are aged 50+. Teams may not consist of two players from the Top 25 on the 2017 Senior Player of the Year Points List. Click here for more information or to sign up today! The deadline for this event is May 2nd at 12 PM.

SOUTH FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN COMING UP SOON Monarch Country Club will be hosting the 2018 South Florida Senior Open on May 10th-11th The deadline to sign up is Monday, May 7th at 4:30 PM. Signups will be limited to the first 112 players to sign up. Click here for more information including registration details.

SOUTHEAST CHAPTER CLAIMS VICTORY AT THE NELSON CUP Yesterday, twelve of the top players from each chapter converged at Boca Grove Plantation to determine the 2018 Nelson Cup Champion. The Southeast Chapter retained the Nelson Cup after a late surge pushed them into a tie with the Southwest Chapter! Click here for the full story.

GOLF LIFE NAVIGATORS' CEO JASON BECKER, PGA HEADS TO WASHINGTON DC FOR NATIONAL GOLF DAY A select group, led by PGA President Paul Levy, will meet with Members of Congress, the Executive Branch and federal agencies to discuss the game’s economy. Among those in attendance, Golf Life Navigators’ CEO Jason Becker, PGA will be at Capitol Hill for National Golf Day tomorrow.

SIGN UP FOR THE SOUTH FLORIDA PGA FOUNDATION PRO-AM! On Monday, May 7th we will conduct our 9th Annual South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am at Olde Florida Golf Club. All 2

funds raised help support the many programs of the South Florida PGA Foundation, which each year impacts the lives of more than 8,000 individuals throughout south Florida. Click here for details and registration.

EARN MSR CREDIT- SIGN UP FOR THE EDUCATION SESSION TOMORROW! Register today for the Human Resources / Marketing education session tomorrow at Fiddlesticks Country Club! The session will be held from 9 AM - 4 PM. Click here for more information including registration.

TYSON AND BODDEN WIN CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #3 This weekend, the South Florida PGA Junior Challenge Tour presented by The Honda Classic held Challenge Tour Event #3 at Weston Hills Country Club. NaShawn Tyson of North Palm Beach won the Overall Boys Division and Samiah Bodden of Miami won the Overall Girls Division. Click here for the full story.

PGA JUNIOR LEAGUE WEBINAR Tomorrow we will be hosting a Webinar about PGA Junior League at two different times, 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. If you are interested in growing junior golf at your facility, we encourage you to join us. The topics covered will include website information, scheduling matches and managing the team page. If you are interested in attending the webinar, please contact Lauren Court at

US SENIOR WOMEN'S AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP OPPORTUNITIES October 4th-11th, Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club will host the U.S Senior Women's Amateur Championship and they need help from the local community. There are several opportunities available to volunteer. Click here for more information.

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT We are pleased to announce the addition of Sally Fox to our family of partners. Sally is the new sales representative for adidas, a Section partner for many years now, who recently supported the 26th Annual Nelson Cup matches yesterday at Boca Grove. If you need to reach Sally please note the following information / 305-803-4474.

Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:59 AM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

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TERGA, PGA AND PETTIT CAPTURE NET CHAMPIONSHIP AT 2018 CLUB CAR PRO-OFFICIAL On April 12th, the Club Car Pro-Official presented by Earth Networks was hosted at Frenchman’s Creek Country Club. Low professional of the day was Brian Peaper, PGA with a 3-under par round of 69. Our 2018 Low Gross Champions was the duo of Brian Peaper, PGA and Biff O’Reilly of Lost Tree Club with 7-under par 65. The team of Richard Terga, PGA and Patrick Pettit of Jupiter Country Club claimed Low Net honors with a 10under par score of 62. Click here for the full story.

FORT LAUDERDALE OPEN IS LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AWAY! The 2018 Fort Lauderdale Open will be contested on Monday, April 30th – Tuesday, May 1st at Parkland Golf and Country Club. Valuable Player of the Year points are on the line at the first major of the 2018 season! The deadline to sign up is Thursday, April 26th at 4:30 PM. Registration is open to any South Florida PGA Member, including Life Members and registered Associates meeting Section Eligibility Guidelines. Click here for more information and sign up today!

SOUTH FLORIDA PGA FOUNDATION PRO-AM On Monday, May 7th we will conduct our 9th Annual South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am at Olde Florida Golf Club. All funds raised help support the many programs of the South Florida PGA Foundation, which each year impacts the lives of more than 8,000 individuals throughout south Florida. Click here for details and registration.

SOUTH FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN WILL BE HERE SOON Monarch Country Club will be hosting the 2018 South Florida Senior Open on May 10th - 11th. The deadline to sign up is Monday, May 7th at 4:30 PM. Sign ups will be limited to the first 112 players who enter. Click here for more information including registration details. In addition, the South Florida Senior Open Pro-Am will take place on Wednesday, May 9th. This Pro-Am is open to ANY professional or amateur who wants to play. Click here for more information on the Pro-Am and how to register a team.

UPCOMING EDUCATION Register today for the Human Resources / Marketing education session on April 25th at Fiddlesticks Country Club! The session will be held from 9 AM - 4 PM. Click here for more information including registration.


This past weekend, the South Florida PGA Junior Tour held Prep Tour Event #4 at Pembroke Lakes Golf and Country Club. Congratulations to all the winners! Special thanks to Harry Ferguson, PGA Director of Golf, Harry Parker, PGA Head Professional and the rest of the staff at Pembroke Lakes Golf and Country Club for their hospitality. Click here for the full story.

VOLUNTEER TO EARN MSR CREDIT! The South Florida PGA Junior Tour is in need of volunteers for the upcoming Junior Challenge Tour Event #3 at Weston Hills Country Club on April 21st-22nd Volunteers will earn 1 MSR credit per hour worked. The event is scheduled to start at 11:45 AM both days off #1 & #10. Volunteers are needed to assist with starting and monitoring pace of play. If you are interested, contact Jake Weir at

TEE TIMES Each month The Tee Times News provides local golfers with the latest south Florida golf stories, special golf offers, and more. To view the April edition of Tee Times News click here.

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT This year NFP – Hole-in-One USA will enter their 3rd year of supporting the Section and we could not be more pleased with our partnership. They provide great, affordable hole-in-one insurance for any and all golf outings that you host at your facility with an extra incentive for the PGA Professional. For more details and information contact, David Nelson ( ) or Andrew Workman, PGA ( ). Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, March 20, 2018 11:43 AM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

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NEW TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR By now, many of you may know that Tyler Wolford has left the SFPGA and taken on a new role in Texas. We wish him the best of luck! We would like to congratulate PGA member Brett Graf, our new Tournament Director! Join us in congratulating Brett,

Please note the following South Florida

The 2018 Section tournament season is rapidly approaching here in south

PGA family of

Florida. We are looking forward to another great year and excited for

partners. All of these

what’s ahead. We know your schedule may still be very busy as you wind

organizations support

down the next few weeks and month. When you have time please read

Section and

through this email in its entirety; as there are several updates to the new


tournament schedule and we don't want you to miss out.

programming in some capacity, and we thank them for their

Online registration is now available for 2018 Section events, including the

generosity. We

Fort Lauderdale Country Club SFPGA Foundation Pro-Am on Monday,

encourage you, when

March 26th and the Club Car / Earth Networks Pro-Official next month on

making buying

Thursday, April 12th at Frenchman’s Creek Country Club. Click here for a

decisions at your

complete schedule and to register online today. We hope to see you

facility to consider them. Click here to



view a complete list with contact



The South Florida PGA Tournament Program will continue to use BlueGolf as the acting tournament software for events in 2018. There are many features offered to each PGA Member and Associate that make it easy to track tournament results, access pairings and register for events. This also includes your own personal “Players Club” ID and Password. This information will not change from previous years. If you need assistance locating your ID and Password please contact Tournament Director Brett Graf, PGA at (561) 293-2838 or via email at

Presenting Callaway Golf Club Car Cutter&Buck Discover Global Network Earth Networks E-Z-GO/Textron Golf


Florida Golf License

To maximize your tournament experience through your BlueGolf Players

Plate Program

Club ID we encourage you to download the SFPGA Tournament

French Lick Resort

Smartphone App available in the Apple and Android App stores. This app


will allow you to register for tournaments, check pairings, view tournament Global Golf Sales/Golf information, track OMEGA Player of the Year point accumulation, see


current course statistics and much more; all through the convenience of


your phone. The app can also be utilized as a directory to contact your

Honma Golf

fellow PGA members. To download this free App today go to your app


store and search “SFPGA Tournament”.

Lincoln Motor Company National Car Rental

GLOBAL GOLF SALES CUP AND PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM CONTINUES IN 2018 The highly successful Global Golf Sales Cup and summer long program, promoting participation in Section and Chapter events, will enter its seventh year in 2018. The top 104 players who accumulate the most points will gain eligibility into the season ending Global Golf Sales Cup. This event will feature a $40,000 anticipated purse in addition to a $10,000 hole-in-one contest. There will be eight (8) qualifying tournaments during the upcoming season with four (4) Beverage Oasis sites, each featuring a $1,000 hole-in-one contest of their own. In order to start accumulating participation points and to be eligible for the season ending Global Golf Sales Cup, you must first register for the 2018 Section Global Golf Sales Player’s Card. Click here to learn more or purchase your

Omega Pepsi PGA National Resort & Spa PGA Tour TechnoGym The Honda Classic Tire Kingdom Vertical Groove Golf Yamaha

Supporting Adidas Ahead Antigua


card today.

Argolf BRRH Boca Raton


Regional Hospital Please make note of the updated deadlines to our Section Professional

Birdie Box



Senior PGA Professional Championship, September 6th-7th. Deadline is Wednesday, August 29th at 11:59 PM. Entries open May 16th.

Assistant PGA Professional Championship, August 20th-21st. Deadline is Wednesday, August 15th at 11:59 PM. Entries open April 11th.

SFPGA Section/Professional Championship, September 25th-27th Deadline is Wednesday, September 19th at 11:59 PM. Entries open June 6th.

Callaway Apparel Celtic Golf Center State Bank Chase 54 Club Benchmarking DLL Don Law Golf Academy Florida Gulf Coast University GMU

FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN The South Florida PGA in conjunction with the Florida State Golf Association will once again be conducting the Florida Senior Open Championship. Eight qualifiers will be contested around the state all culminating at Mission Inn Resort and

Program Fort Lauderdale Country Club

Club for the 41st Florida Senior Open scheduled for August 10th – 12th,

Golf Advisor

2018. For a complete listing of qualifiers and more tournament information click

Golf Life


Navigators/Golf Life Research Golf ScoreCards, Inc. Great Greenz & TeeZ-

TOURNAMENT SERIES Two new tournament series events have been added to the 2018 section

Synthetic Turf

tournament schedule. These one-day stroke play events will occur June 25th and


September 24th which are the days before the South Florida Open and the Section

Heritage Creations

Championship respectively. The tournament series will provide two additional

Hole-in-One USA

events for players to earn Player of the Year points.

International Signs John Deere


Jupiter Medical Center

The South Florida PGA is excited to be administering the inaugural GolfPride Invitational. The event will feature a $10,000 purse and the field will consist of Steve Sponder’s top 50 GolfPride accounts as of July 1st. Venue and Date is still TBD.

Junior.Golf Levelwear Linksoul Mirasol Men’s Fun Group

RULES OF GOLF CHANGES As you have probably seen, the USGA approved changes to the Rules of Golf. The rules can be viewed by clicking here . As a reminder, these new rules will not go into effect until January 1, 2019. 3

Morell Studios Palm Beach County Sports Commission

Precise Yardage Books


Shorts Allowed in Assistant Championship – The board approved an extension for when shorts are accepted for Section/Chapter events last

Precision Pro Golf PXG Quail Valley Golf Club SACSN

year. That policy has been updated to include the Assistant Championship Signature Golf

as an event in which shorts are permitted attire.

Skimp Belts

Skins Game –The board approved a new policy that players are eligible


to win in the skins competition even if they do NOT card an 18 hole score. SuperSpeed Golf

Pro-Scratch Payout – At least 75% of the field must complete play in the Pro-Scratch for the event to be official. Those teams that are unable to complete play due to a weather delay(s) will receive a full entry refund. Those teams that "voluntarily withdraw" during a weather delay will not be afforded a refund.

Cut Number – The amount of players to be paid out will remain 40% of

TaylorMade The Golf Scoreboard Company, Inc. TurfHound Whistling

the field. However, that number is now limited to a maximum of 70

Straits/Blackwolf Run/A

players and ties.

Kohler Experience

Pro-Official – Starting this year, there will be a new policy that states

Winners Award Group

two PGA members can NOT play on the same team in the Pro-Official.

Transgender Policy – The board approved a new transgender policy moving forward. The policy is now included the tournament policies and procedures.

To view all tournament policies and procedures click here.

DO YOUR TOURNAMENT WINNINGS NEED TO BE PAID TO A CORPORATION? If your tournament winnings need to be paid to a corporation please contact Brett Graf at (561) 293-2838 or

WANT TO RECEIVE YOUR TOURNAMENT WINNINGS FASTER? All PGA Professionals and Apprentices participating in Section and Chapter activities will have the ability to have their winnings directly deposited into their checking or savings account. Click here to download the registration form for direct deposit.

Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:

South Florida PGA <> Tuesday, March 6, 2018 2:32 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA

Click here to view this message in a browser window.

PLAY GOLF AND SUPPORT THE SFPGA FOUNDATION! The Foundation will be hosting 2 events this spring to help raise funds to support the programs it administers. The first event is set to be held later this month on March 26th at Fort Lauderdale Country Club. Teams for this event must be comprised of one PGA Member/Associate and one amateur. Cost per team including lunch and a cocktail reception is $305. To register now click here. In addition to this event, on Monday, May 7th we will conduct our 9th Annual South Florida PGA Foundation Tire Kingdom Charity Pro-Am at Olde Florida Golf Club. Teams for the event must be comprised of one PGA Member/Associate and three amateurs. Cost per team is $1,200. For further details including registration click here. For more details about the Foundation click here.

DENNIS WALTERS GOLF SHOW FOR VETS Last Saturday, March 3rd, veterans from across south Florida were invited to attend a free event at Osprey Point Golf Course. The day included free lunch, a fun golf skills competition and the main event was hearing Dennis Walters share his story of turning dreams into a reality. The nationally recognized honorary PGA member, shared how he didn’t let his paralyzing accident prevent him from continuing to play the game he loved. Click here now for pictures and more details of the day’s events.

MARTINEZ AND TURNQUEST CAPTURE CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #2 This past weekend, The South Florida PGA Junior Tour held Championship Tour Event #2 at the Country Club of Coral Springs. Congrats to Alberto Martinez and Haylie Turnquest on their respective wins. Special thanks to Bill 1

Friesing, PGA, Corey Henry and the rest of the staff at the Country Club of Coral Springs for their hospitality. Click here for the full story.

EARN MSR CREDIT! The South Florida PGA Junior Tour is looking for volunteers to assist with upcoming junior events. Volunteers earn 1 MSR credit per hour worked. Volunteers will assist with starting, monitoring pace of play and giving rulings. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jake Weir at Upcoming Events

March 11th – Prep Tour Event #2 - Weston Hills Country Club – Weston, FL

March 17th-18th- Challenge Tour Event #2 – Sandridge Golf Club –Vero Beach, FL

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT We would like to thank one of our long time partners and dear friends The Honda Classic for all their support of the Section and our Junior Golf Tours. We congratulate them on a successful event this year and look forward to another great event in 2019! For more details about the event and how your friends, family and members can get involved in the future click here. Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)


topics newsletter volume 29 Number 2

chip shots New Apprentices

The South Florida PGA would like to welcome the following new apprentices to the section: Member Classification Facility William Coleman B-8 Jupiter Country Club Ryan Fountain B-8 The Bear’s Club Kali Fox B-8 Willoughby Golf Club Thomas Hannan B-8 Jonathan’s Landing Golf Club Dylan Jensen B-8 The Dye Preserve Tyler Manning B-8 John Prince Golf Learning Center Frank McGowan B-8 The Links at Pointe West Joseph Picotte B-8 Dick’s Sporting Goods Nathan Renouf B-8 Palmetto Golf Course Corey Weckerling B-8 Tiburon Golf Club Michael Welch B-8 Bonita National G & CC

New members

The South Florida PGA would like to welcome the following new members to the section: Member Classification Facility Mark Antle, PGA A-8 Quail West Golf & CC Ross Brown, PGA A-8 Diplomat Golf Club Zachary Brown, PGA A-8 The Polo Club of Boca Raton Chadd Call, PGA A-8 Everglades Club Brian Dooley, PGA A-8 St. Andrew’s South Golf Club Brett Graf, PGA A-11 South Florida Section Office Blake Kuempel, PGA A-8 Mariner Sands Country Club Jennifer Larocca, PGA A-8 Bear’s Paw Country Club Mark LaMeer, PGA A-8 The Twin Eagles Club Tucker Lecaroz, PGA A-8 Tails Park Golf Club Connor McMahon, PGA A-8 The Club at Renaissance Zachary Metrovich, PGA A-8 Pelican’s Nest Golf Club Austin Rentz, PGA A-8 Old Marsh Golf Club

Quarter Century

Congratulations to PGA Professionals Dan Cammarata, Joe Allinder, Edward Weber, Eric Booker, Gary Benoit, John Himelberger, Leslye Dyke, Michael Brooks, Robert Chambers and Sharon Hill Schultz who have been elected to the Quarter Century Club of the PGA of America, an elite group of members who have served the PGA with honor and pride for 25 years.

certified pga professionals

Congratulations to the following PGA Professional for completing their PGA Certified Professional Program: Nicholas Dwyer (Golf Operations) and Michael Valicenti (Teaching/Coaching).

South Florida PGA 186 Atlantis Blvd. Atlantis, FL 33462 561.729.0544 President Don Meadows, PGA Vice President Karl Bublitz, PGA Secretary Scott Kirkwood, PGA Immediate Past President Mark VanDyck, PGA Island Chapter President Tony Loyola, PGA Southeast Chapter President Paul Clivio, PGA Southern Chapter President Santos Caceres, PGA Southwest Chapter President Kevin Kuehl, PGA Southeast Chapter At-Large Bill Scott, PGA Southern Chapter At-Large Brian Schuler, PGA Southwest Chapter At-Large Dan Gawronski, PGA Executive Director Geoff Lofstead Advisory Board Paul Anderson Matt Lambert Ken Kennerly Donna Parlapiano Steve Sponder Joe Steranka


chip shots pros on the go Member Matthew Muller David Kent Jason Hrynkiw Nicholas Dwyer Brian Dooley James Muir James Kurtzeborn Michael Menery Mason Colling

Baby News

To A-1 – Jupiter Island Club A-1 – Lexington Country Club A-4 – Boca Woods Country Club A-1 – West Bay Club A-1 – Saint Andrews South Golf Club A-14 – Pointe West Country Club A-13 – Bonita National G&CC A-13 – Old Marsh Golf Club A-1 – Old Marsh Golf Club

From Met Section A-13 – The Club at Renaissance North Florida Section A-8 – West Bay Club A-8 –Saint Andrew South Golf Club A-1 – Pointe West Country Club A-13 – Sun n’ Lake Golf Club New England Section A-8 - Old Marsh Golf Club

We would like to congratulate PGA Professional’s Chas (cgolibart@pga. com) & Paige Golibart ( on the birth of their son! Charles “Charlie” Thomas Golibart was born on February 13th weighing 9 lbs 3 oz.

We would like to congratulate PGA Professional Patrick Rada ( and his wife Stacey on the birth of their daughter! Ruby Caroline Rada was born on December 1st weighing 6lbs 7oz.

Newly elected SouthEast chapter board

Congratulations to Paul Clivio, PGA Director of Golf at St. Andrews Country Club on being elected the Southeast Chapter President. We would also like to congratulate Jeff Waber, PGA on being elected Vice President and Ben Bauer, PGA who was elected as Secretary of the Southeast Chapter.

Paul clivio, pga


foundation news Writing the book on hope Self-taught in a post 9/11 era, this PGA Professional wrote the book on adaptive golf for veterans in a time where the demand for helping our heroes combat invisible wounds was more necessary than ever. Well not one book to be exact; but several stories detailing her journey to becoming the teaching instructor she is today, and the stories of her students she’s accumulated along the way. That and all teaching materials for the nationally recognized PGA HOPE (helping our patriots everywhere) program. For PGA Professionals, Judy Alvarez is a trailblazer for inclusion sharing her expertise and passion for changing lives and teaching them golf at the same time. Ever since 2007, Judy has served as the PGA’s national trainer for military golf programs. And today in 2018, she serves on a local and national level. Now as the National Trainer for PGA HOPE, Judy travels all over the United States instructing PGA Professionals on how to conduct safe, sensitive and effective programs for our military veterans. Yet before all of this, early in Judy’s career she was given the opportunity to take over a golf program for those with disabilities and admitted she didn’t know what to do with it. There were not any guidelines available to help. However, in response the American’s with Disabilities Act in 1990 a sort of “underground” movement for adaptive and accessible golf began, despite the first reaction by many professionals to change the architecture of their facility. Instead, Judy sat in on accessible golf forums hosted by renowned universities and became a board member of the Association of Disabled Golfers, created by Greg Jones. Facing post-polio disabilities, Jones saw the benefits the game had on his body and founded this association. “They were so far ahead of their time,” Alvarez emphatically stated. “They laid a lot of groundwork for the game to come.” Two decades later, in addition to her jet setting role as the National Trainer for PGA HOPE, Judy also serves as a HOPE instructor in West Palm Beach, Florida. Getting to see the program change and shape lives of veterans through exposing Professionals to a different way of teaching is one of her favorite things to do. Challenging Professionals that face opposition when furnishing a program, Judy challenges them to spend a day with a HOPE participant and see who they are investing in. “If they could meet some of these guys… they wouldn’t blink and realize the power behind it, it’s an extraordinary feeling” Alvarez said. For the most part the golf industry is dependent on statistics; but when it comes to the world of working with veterans, this program completely flips that idea on its head. “I see them as a human being,” said Alvarez. “And what they are suffering through that will be with them for the rest of their life, if we can give them something like a golf course and a program that help them with their dignity and confidence and their self-esteem, I don’t know that you can measure that.” Alvarez explained further, by empowering these qualities they will follow you wherever you go out of an eternal gratitude. “And they become your family. And that’s really cool. That’s really cool.”


foundation news To say Judy is passionate about PGA HOPE would be an understatement. Or even to say Judy is devoted to helping our patriots everywhere is her greatest desire, because she lead the way in creating these opportunities. She admits she was not the only PGA Professional to pursue accessible golf for all, and doesn’t plan to ever be alone in her endeavors. When asked why should PGA Professionals participate, Judy always asks in return, “Why shouldn’t they?” When you have the opportunity to provide a safe environment of outdoor therapy and teach a game you live and love to those that have sacrificed their well-being for you and me, how could you not give back? This is a chance to teach them the game and introduce them to a whole new world of golf. “The worst thing you can do is one and done,” Alvarez said. Instead Judy strives to meet the demands of the inspired HOPE participants to answer their questions of “what’s next?” If you would like to help Judy and other PGA HOPE instructors, as they inspire and empower our nation’s heroes, please click here now for more information concerning the PGA HOPE program. To read more of what Judy had to say concerning the growth of HOPE, conflicts and solutions of HOPE or to hear a few inspiring stories of past participants during her interview click here. We aspire to honor those who serve, and if you wish to help the South Florida PGA Foundation do just that, click here now.

*Pictured above- Judy alvarez, pga & HOPE participants


foundation news smiling fore life

The South Florida PGA Foundation is blooming into action with the seasons. Smiling Fore Life is reaching close to thirty young patients in local children’s health facilities across south Florida. Recently on the west coast, Golisano Children’s Hospital hosted their annual Spring Fling celebration. This event provided past and present patients an opportunity to enjoy sweet treats, DIY projects and fun activities like SNAG Golf. Robin Albright, PGA Assistant Professional at Cypress Lakes Country Club oversaw Smiling Fore Life’s participation in this event and considered it a true joy to be a part of the special night. To read the full story click here now.


PGA HOPE is in full swing across the Section. Two programs recently had graduation ceremonies featuring 18 veterans completing the six-week program in Cape Coral and Miami. At the end of April, the West Palm Beach chapter will kick-off at Country Club at Mirasol. Fort Myers chapter at Alico Family Golf started on April 9th with 23 veterans. Our Broward chapter at Plantation Preserve will see five veterans graduate before the end of April. To attend a HOPE graduation ceremony please contact Michelle Goda at for more information. Our third annual PGA HOPE Golf Event is set to occur Mary 10th at The Loxahatchee Club in Jupiter. All funds raised will go to support our PGA HOPE programs section wide. This event is open to anyone wishing to “play with a purpose”, and cost $500 per player. For more details including registration click here.

habitat for humanity

We will raise the walls on our seventh home in Indian River County for Habitat for Humanity on May 19th. This year's home will be built for a single mother and her 4 children. The home will be located at: 2100 Waterside Way SW Vero Beach, FL 32962. If you would like to be a part of our wall raising ceremony which will also be a build day please email


foundation news The South Florida PGA Foundation has experienced extreme growth over the past eight years, not only through the programs it administers but through the funds it is able to raise. Those funds come from many of our local golf facilities - we would like to thank the following facilities for their generous support of the South Florida PGA Foundation. We would not be able to do what we do without YOU and your MEMBERSHIP, so THANK YOU! Admiral’s Cove Foxfire Country Club Jonathan’s Landing Cares, Inc. Olde Florida Golf Club The Vineyards Country Club

thank you!

help us touch even more lives, click here to donate to the south florida foundation today and become a member! In addition to the facilities who assist with funding, there are countless facilities who support our programs by hosting events. If you have any interest in hosting an event, please contact Jake Weir at jweir@

Join us for the 9th annual sfpga foundation tire kingdom charity pro-am! when: monday, may 7th where: olde florida golf club click here to register now! teams must be comprised of one pga member/associate and 3 amateurs.


member spotlight Heather angell, pga Verandah golf club Heather Angell, PGA recently moved from the Carolinas Section and is now a Teaching Professional at the Verandah Golf Club. She is one of this year’s club pro qualifiers for the 2018 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship on June 26th-July 1st! We welcome Heather to the South Florida Section and wish her luck in June!

How I got involved with golf: My parents exposed me to a lot of different activities growing up and at the age of 12, I attended a golf camp. My Dad was learning the sport as well, and ever since then, we have been golf fanatics. I went on to be ranked 13th in the nation as a junior golfer, as well as played collegiately and professionally. When I decided to be a PGA member: I enjoy sharing my passion for the game with others. The PGA Certification complements my teaching abilities. It lends credibility and professionalism. Earning my PGA Certification in all four categories was something I aspired to do as I near the end of my playing career. My favorite playing memory: Led the victorious USA team vs. Canada at the US Junior World Cup in St. Andrews, Scotland. One thing about me that most people don't know: I played golf and earned my BA in Marketing/Advertising at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I earned my Master’s Degree in Sport Management from High Point University my first two years out on tour. I have played out on tour for several years and recently earned all four certifications in the PGA Certified Program. Biggest accomplishment so far (personal or professional): I qualified as one of the eight PGA/LPGA Class A Professionals to play in the 2018 KPMG PGA Women's Championship, a LPGA major, this June! I am looking forward to the challenge and representing the PGA of America at the tournament. Welcome to the South Florida Section, Heather!



all things msr The MSR cycle ends on June 15th! That’s less than two months to make sure you’ve earned all the required MSR credits. Here is a list of opportunities to help you get there in time!

- Online Principles of Scorecard Design - Online LPGA Teaching HER Online Course - Online Update Profile SECTION Meetings & Education - June 13th - Annual Meeting of the Membership and Education

Click here to sign up today!


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junior golf As summer gets closer, the Junior Golf Tour is starting to pick up! The South Florida PGA Junior Tour offers many great programs for junior golfers of all skill levels at your facilities. Getting your juniors involved in tournament golf is a great way to continue to build the love for the game and keep them engaged at your facility. Our wide range of programs from Team Golf to our Championship Tour ensures each junior golfer in South Florida has a place to play. For more information on the South Florida PGA Junior Tour, be sure to visit www. or contact Jake Weir at The Junior Golf department is always looking for PGA Members to volunteer at events. Volunteering at Junior Golf Tournaments is a great way to give back to the game we all love. Volunteers will earn 1 MSR credit per hour worked. If you are interested in volunteering at any of our Junior Golf Tournaments, please contact Jake Weir at Click here to view all the junior tour events for 2018

*Pictured above- Junior golf participants


PGA Jr. League brings family and friends together around fun, team golf experiences with expert coaching from PGA and LPGA Professionals. Boys and girls of all backgrounds and skill levels learn and play together in a two-person scramble format that encourages mentorship, builds confidence and promotes sportsmanship. Registration is now open for captains and participants. As a national program, PGA Jr. League has seen tremendous growth over the last three years and is growing right here in south Florida. If you are a PGA Professional looking to grow the junior golf program at your facility, PGA Jr. League is a great option. The deadline to register as a captain is April 1 and PGA Jr. League matches can be held from April 1 – July 31 with a post season during the month of August to determine the Section Champion. If you are interested in becoming a PGA Jr. League Captain or your son or daughter wants to participate in PGA Jr. League, you can register at For more information contact Lauren Court at


rules with brett With the South Florida PGA Section tournament schedule occurring primarily during the summer months, it seems we encounter some soggy conditions with regularity at our events. As a result, the following local rule is adopted by the SFPGA as it pertains to embedded balls “Through the green, a ball that is embedded may be lifted, cleaned, and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green.” There are two exceptions to this rule in Appendix I: 1) A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if the ball is embedded in sand in an area that is not closely-mown. 2) A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if interference by anything other than the condition covered by the Local Rule makes the stroke clearly impracticable.

Aside from seeing this rule come into effect during our section tournaments, you may remember the ruling came into play at the 2016 RBC Heritage at Harbour Town with Camilo Villegas. While Camilo Villegas’ ball was clearly plugged in an area of pine straw, it was determined by Rules Official Gary Young that the area in question had heavy sand underneath the pine straw. A second opinion confirmed that free relief was NOT available in this situation. In accordance with exception number one, this was the correct ruling. This little-known exception is certainly something to keep in mind when determining whether or not you are entitled to relief next time your ball is embedded.



Trusted Partner Trusted Coverage A MEMORABLE PRIZE MAKES AN UNFORGETTABLE EVENT With hole-in-one coverage from Hole-in-One U.S.A. you can add excitement to your tournament by giving your golfers a chance to play for amazing prizes. One shot from the tee could win your participant incredible vacation packages, cars, trucks, boats, club membership, golf carts, jewelry and more. We can cover any prize that has an associated cash value, so the real question is; what prize do you want your participants talking about after the round and for weeks to come? PREFERRED PRICING FOR OUR PARTNERS Hole-in-One U.S.A. has been a partner of the South Florida PGA Section since 2016. Mention that you are a SFPGA Member and you will receive a preferred pricing discount on all of your hole -in-one coverage, making it easier to include a contest at your event. SAMPLE PRICING NUMBER OF GOLFERS 80 Amateurs











BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE The cost of your coverage also includes bonus hole-in-one contests on the remaining par three holes in the form of gift certificates to be used in your golf shop ; giving your golfers more chances to win prizes. You also receive a tee-sign for each par three hole with room for a sponsor’s name and/or logo, allowing your events to maximize their sponsor’s exposure and adding value to their sponsorship dollars. WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED Our coverage is underwritten by Zurich North America; every prize value, every time. When you choose to work with Hole-in-One U.S.A. you will not have to worry if your winner is going to get paid. So relax, and enjoy your event.

HOLE-IN-ONE U.S.A. POPULAR HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE PACKAGES All vacation packages include round trip airfare for two and $1,000 spending cash A TRIP FOR TWO TO THE RITZ-CARLTON, KAPALUA - HAWAII ● 8 days / 7 nights accommodations at The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua ● 4 rounds of golf per person (2 rounds at Kapalua and 2 rounds at Ka’anapali)

$10,000 VALUE

$10,000 VALUE A TRIP FOR TWO TO PEBBLE BEACH RESORT - CALIFORNIA ● 4 days / 3 nights accommodations at The Lodge at Pebble Beach or The Inn at Spanish Bay ● 3 rounds of golf per person (1 round each at Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill and Spanish Bay)

A TRIP FOR TWO TO PINEHURST - NORTH CAROLINA ● 5 days / 4 nights accommodations at The Carolina Hotel ● 4 rounds of golf per person at Pinehurst (Includes 1 round at Pinehurst #2 with a caddie)

$10,000 VALUE

A TRIP FOR TWO TO ST ANDREWS - SCOTLAND ● 8 days / 7 nights accommodations at the St. Andrews Old Course Hotel ● 4 rounds of golf per person (1 round each at St. Andrews-Old and Jubilee, Kingsbarns and Carnoustie)

$15,000 VALUE

A TRIP FOR TWO TO THE SOUTHWEST OF IRELAND ● 8 days / 7 nights’ accommodations ● 5 rounds of golf per person (1 round each at Lahinch, Ballybunion, Tralee, Waterville and Old Head)

$15,000 VALUE

A TRIP FOR TWO TO THE MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT ● Build your own Major Championship Experience ● $20,000 to be used to customize your trip ● Your Choice of airfare, accommodations and tournament attendance ● Any leftover money will be yours to use as spending cash

$20,000 VALUE

HOLE-IN-ONE U.S.A. IS THE EXCLUSIVE HOLE-IN-ONE PARTNER OF For more information, contact Amy Grogan with Hole-in-One U.S.A. at 800.383.7273 or

Hole-in-One U.S.A. • 9500 Prototype Ct • Reno, NV 89521 • 800.383.7273 • F: 775.852.7274 • For informational purposes only. Insurance services provided by NFP Property & Casualty Services, Inc. (NFP P&C), a subsidiary of NFP Corp. (NFP) and related NFP subsidiary companies. In California, NFP P&C does business as NFP Property & Casualty Insurance Services, Inc. License #0F15715. Neither NFP nor its subsidiaries provide tax or legal advice.

a look ahead chapter eVeNts

Southeast Chapter May 14th Spring Meeting Scramble Heritage Palms Golf & CC

Don’t forget to follow all things SFPGA via social media!

May 24th-25th Stableford Event Windstar on Naples Bay

sectioN eVeNts April 23rd Nelson Cup Matches Boca Grove Golf & Tennis Club April 30th - May 1st Fort Lauderdale Open Parkland Golf & Country Club May 4th Senior Series Event #1 Country Club of Coral Springs

Southeast Chapter May 14th Par 3 Pro-Pro Event The Little Club

Southern Chapter May 14th Individual Stroke Play Event Indian Creek Country Club

May 21st Team Championship Event St. Andrews Country Club

May 21st Pro-Pro Scramble Event Oriole Golf Club

May 9th South Florida Senior Open Pro-Am Monarch Country Club

May 29th Vero Beach Shoot Out Quail Valley Golf Club

May 31st Senior Only Chapter Event Parkland Golf & Country Club

May 10th-11th South Florida Senior Open Monarch Country Club

May 7th Foundation Pro-Am Olde Florida Golf Club


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